February - Corinthian Yacht Club of Tacoma
February - Corinthian Yacht Club of Tacoma
CorinthianYachtClubofTacoma 5624MarineViewDrive,TacomaWA98422 Volume 10 Issue 2 February 2010 http://www.cyct.com 2010 Commodore’s Ball Edition 2010 CYCT Officers & Board Members FLAG OFFICERS Commodore: Dan Walker Vice Commodore: Steve Hucke Rear Commodore: Cheryl White Recording Secretary: Debbie McAdams Treasurer: Christine Nelson BOARD POSITIONS Membership Chair: Gary Ballentine Fleet Captain-Cruising: Sue Carter Fleet Captain - Racing: Steve Ryan Past Commodore: Tom O’Hara STANDING COMMITTEES Club Merchandise: Jen Ihlen Mainsheet Editor: Jim Muri Sunshine: Vaneva O’Hara Tyee Liaison: Jo Seward Web Site: Forrest German Social: Dave & Beverly Artis Education: Chuck Welter Historian: Terry Anderson Long Range Planning: Eric Nelson REPRESENTATIVES PHRF Handicapper: Pat Nelson PHRF Director: Billy Carter PIYA Representative: Billy Carter Juniors Program: Brian White MEETING SCHEDULES General Meetings: 7:00 pm - 2nd Monday of the month Sept. - January @ Johnny’s of Fife Restaurant January - Aug @ CYCT deck at Tyee Marina II Board Meeting: 7:00 pm - Last Monday of the month At Johnny’s of Fife Restaurant Editors Comments Ahoy, Mainsheet Readers! This edition of your Mainsheet is the annual Commodore’s Ball edition. It would be far less than it is were it not for the special efforts of many people, including Becky, who provided nearly all the photos covering the ball. We’ve added another feature or two to the Mainsheet. You’ll find the Historian’s report. Thanks, Terry. We’ve also added a ‘Toys and Tools’ section, where members can report neat new stuff they’ve found. There’s also a For Sale and Wanted section. Lastly, this is YOUR mainsheet. If you have an article itching to be published, a humorous or cautionary story about sailing you’d like to tell on yourself (lessons learned, etc.), send them along to us: outatime133@comcast.net. Jim Muri French Leave Commodore’s Comments Hi everyone, it’s now day 32 of your Commodore’s watch. So far we have added eight positions to our racing program and filled five of them. We need your help with the last three positions. Tomorrow morning look at yourself in the mirror and ask that person what you should do with your talent to bless your Club and boost your self esteem? The Director of our Junior’s program Brian White could also use an assistant. So if you are passionate about getting kids on the water this is your opportunity to help build confidence and put smiles on the faces of our young. Do your part and let’s keep them off the streets! Soooo we had one heck of a good time at the Commodore’s Ball. If you were there you know what I’m talking about. If you weren’t, I’m sorry. Our past Commodore Tom and his lovely wife Vaneva hosted a wonderful event with the help of many others. Thank you to all who helped to pull this off. Tom built me up with an elaborate introduction and words of gratitude. Thank you Tom, you’re the best. That said, God has always provided a way to keep me humble. So thank you Cheryl White for answering God’s call to keep me humbled so swiftly. For those of you who do not know how Cheryl was able to accomplish such a task, you will need to attend the next general meeting for the rest of the story. Keep the grass off your bottoms, Dan Walker R/R Inmates Hylebos Marina Performance Yacht Hull Service Moorage . Storage . Haulouts Fast comes standard. So does peace of mind. David Morey RON OLINE 1940 Marine View Dr. Tacoma, WA 98422 President (253) 272-6623 Home: 253-891-7109 Cell: 253-948-8360 Vice Commodore’s Comments Well it wasn’t quite the start of the new racing year that I had planned, but it still worked out. On January 23rd I got out on my boat and took part in the Quartermaster Shuffle – as the race committee boat. I was dying to try my new headfoil and stretch out a sail or two in a good winter wind but the circumstances and the weather did not cooperate. With Romeo Charlie down, we set out to run a race in light rain then light winds. Running a race does give you a real appreciation for all the pieces that have to fit together for a successful race. From registering with the Coast Guard to split second timing, recording results and staying in communication on multiple radio channels, the race committee certainly deserves our respect and gratitude, even when the weather or some other race feature does not cooperate completely. Billy Carter even noted that all ended well, quite literally, when we shot off the gun for the first place line honors for Gardyloo and Xiphius in their respective classes. Our Commodore insisted on giving everyone the full salute and we were all relieved the gun did not blow up in the process! What I learned is that any day out on the Isabella is a good day and sure beats the alternative of a day stuck on land. There are many people in our club who enjoy the thrill of racing and I felt rewarded by the many thanks as boats managed to cross the finish line successfully. And even better, there are many people working together behind the scenes to beef up our race schedule, get Romeo Charlie back in order and insure the future of CYCT racing. I know that racing is only one part of our club and I am happy to say that I see the same sparkle in the eyes of others interested in cruising and junior sailing too. I think Soo Carter has brought some great enthusiasm to the cruising table and I’m already impressed with our Rear Commodore’s artistic CYCT bulletin board remodel (check it out, she put her predecessor to shame in less than a month!). Kinda makes me wonder how far this club can go this year if we get everyone to step up a little and give of their talents. Anyway, we have Rod Koon coming to speak to us about the Port of Tacoma at the next meeting in February. He’s a great speaker with a great sense of humor and a knack for history and trivia. He’s also a famous voice and face that you might recognize from some of the televised maritime events around Tacoma over the past few years. Come listen to Rod and bring a friend or two. Prospective members might be interested in hooking up with our membership committee because I hear the Ballentine’s might be cooking up something special besides great raffle prizes. See you at the February meeting and out on the water as often as possible. Your new Vice Commodore, Steve Hucke Rear Commodore’s Comments Greetings from your new Rear Commodore! I’d like to introduce myself for those of you who don’t know me. I’m Cheryl White, my husband’s name is Brian, and we own Grace E. We have two lovely children, Adam (10) and Ruthie (8), who frequent CYCT meetings and events with us. I am a full-time Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and am starting my 20th year in practice, taking care of fragile premature infants. My hobby (aside from sailing) is running marathons. I coach women locally who are interested in distance running. We’ve been involved with CYCT for about 6 years now, ever since we purchased our boat. We have met so many great friends and sailors through the yacht club, we feel very fortunate. We have known Dan and Karen Walker for several years, as ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ was one of our considerations when we were boat shopping. Dan and I share a passion for youth sailing, and this summer, Adam was able to participate in our first Junior Sailing Class that CYCT provided. This was an incredible experience for him, as well as for our family, as we spent countless hours dreaming about and planning the junior program. I’m sure this is why Dan chose me to follow him as a flag officer for the club. I hope to help build a sustainable youth program that attracts young families to our yacht club and teaches children the joy of sailing. Not many kids have that opportunity. And I fear that our tough economy may deter families from choosing sailing as a hobby. We need youth in our yacht club so that it can continue to flourish and grow. CYCT is a great organization, I can see that already. There are so many different talents that are amongst the members. My wish is for CYCT to NOT turn into an organization where 20% of the membership does 80% of the work. But, rather, one where most of the members are involved, if even in a small way, to help create an organization that is efficient and fun to be involved with. So, who are YOU? What talents do YOU have to share? Come along for the ride! The winds are fair! Cheryl White Rear Commodore Historian’s Report (aka The Ancient Mariner Report) First thing I want to do is explain my game plan for this year as your club historian. Our Web Master, Forrest, will be adding a page to our Web Site so CYCT can display the results we (yes WE as in all of you, especially you other •gAncient Mariners•h) find by searching, digging, scratching our brains, and whatever other means we can to rediscover many of the past accomplishments of our club and of our individual members. The web site will have 3 parts. First and foremost we want to honor our present and past Commodores for all they have done for CYCT with their dates of service and hopefully pictures of as many as can be obtained. The second part of the web site will be a timeline identifying the many accomplishments CYCT has performed over the past 35 years. Examples being, hosting the Area •gH•h eliminations for the Adams Cup in 1975, or our 2 recent volunteer efforts with the Tacoma Tall Ships. Over the years CYCT has stepped up and offered much to the community, the boating public and the sailboat racers. CYCT members should be proud of those efforts and we need to record them. The third part of the web site will be another timeline, but this one will be to identify the many accomplishments and fun facts that our members have performed while sailing under the CYCT burgee. A few examples here would be the many CYCT boats that have done the races to Hawaii, or the huge number that have been cruising Mexico and points south, circumnavigations of Vancouver Island and many other fun facts. We have always had a very active group of members and it will be fun to show via the timeline our many adventures. So to recap, I will need help from all of you because, although I have been a CYCT member a long time and I can remember many things, I am an Ancient Mariner and have forgot many of the details. So the way we will do this research is each month I will write a report in the Mainsheet in which I will give a few clues or questions about a subject or two and then will ask the CYCT membership to fill in the missing pieces. If I get a lot of feedback perhaps we can keep score and offer a gift certificate at the end of the year. Historian’s Report (Cont.) To start things off, in the January General Meeting (see, another reason to attend our General Meetings) I asked “How many members knew that a CYCT boat had sailed around the world flying the CYCT Burgee”? Well shiver me timbers maties or bugger me with a barnacle, I your Ancient Mariner, thought there was only one boat that accomplished that amazing feat, but after talking to a couple members during our break I find out there may have been more (This is going to be great). The two members I talked to now have a head start on their research and are looking into that possibility. So let the games begin ——CYCT boat(s) that have sailed around the world. 1a. Name of the CYCT boat(s) that sailed around the world? 2a. What were the names of the husband, wife, crew, captain? (Points for each name) 3a. What make of boat? 4a. What were the years of their journey? 5a. If they had carried a barrel of “liquor” in their ship’s hold (the area below the orlop deck) as they traveled around the world, for proper aging, - what’s the correct brand/name of that “grog”? (Let’s go for 3 points here.) http:// www.naturesworldlc.com/ Historian’s Report (Cont.) CYCT twice sponsored Dawn Riley to speak in Tacoma about the Women’s America’s Cup entry. 1b. What years were the seminars? 2b. Where were the seminars held? 3b. Where did we go for a few beers after the seminar (it was close and unique)? (This has to be worth at least 10 points plus 1 point for each name of who was there, the bar not the seminar. (Think about it!!!)) 4b. What years did Dawn Riley’s sail in the Americas Cup? 5b. On which boats? E-mail me your answers and/or additional information regarding these two and all future topics. Copies of any anecdotes or first person recollections I receive will be printed and stored with the CYCT history file. All correct answers will tally points for you and the first person with each correct answer will get double points. terandsue@comcast.net http:// www.naturesworldlc.com/ Cruise Report SWITCH-A-ROO! The Mardi Gras Cruise has been switched to DOCKTON. I received information that the Longbranch Marina is full for February 20th. So we are off to Dockton. No Narrows currents to worry about. We will close in the covered area in the park to keep out inclement weather; add heaters and a bonfire. There is no electricity but we have generators to hook up lights. You do not need to dress in costume because… we will be making our own. Hopefully the glue will dry before we need to put them on for the fun and games. If you already planned on your own costume or just want to relax and watch the show please feel free to do so. Land yacht accessible also. The agenda for the Mardi Gras Festivities is as follows: Saturday Feb. 20th: 11am Potluck appetizers, lunch, and libations Tables will be set up for decorating T-Shirts & Masks Dinner will be between 6 and 7pm with Cajun food and Hurricane drinks. Games will follow and of course we will crown a King and Queen. Sunday morning coffee will be ready at 7am for those early risers. Hot cereal, breakfast deviled eggs, fruit, and pastries around 8 or 9am Discovery and Tatoosh will be arriving Friday evening the 19th. Dockton is close so come early and join us if you can. Patrick T. Nelson, CIC, LUTCF Insurance and Financial Services Agent Cosmetic & Family Dentistry 21400 International Blvd., Ste 202 Seattle, WA 98198 Business (206) 878-7800 Fax (206) 870-6446 Registered Representative Farmers Financial Solutions, LLC 2423 Galena Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93065 Phone (805) 306-3400 Southcenter Professional Plaza 411 Strander Blvd., Suite 205 Seattle, WA 98188 206.575.1173 www.bencadds.com Cruise Report (Cont.) March 27th the Pirate Cruise is scheduled with hosts Roger & Judy Anderson. Longbranch Marina is the confirmed destination. April 16th-18th is Daffodil Weekend with hosts Denny and Becky Flannigan at TYC April 24th is our annual Crab Feed. Hosts are needed for this event. Tentative destination is Eagle Harbor Winslow. May 1st, Opening Day at SYC. Hosts again are needed. The theme this year is “Out of this World” July 3rd & 4th is the Fourth of July at Quartermaster Harbor. Hosted my Pat and Christine Nelson and Forrest and Chris German. September 4th-5th is the Labor Day Cruise hosted by Billy and Soo Carter. Tentative destination is Penrose Point State Park. October 23rd is the Salmon Bake at QuarterMaster Yacht Club. Hosts are needed. November 13th is the Clam Bake scheduled for Arabella’s in Gig Harbor. Hosts are Joy and Gary Ballentine and Bev and Lew Channing. Dec 31st is New Years Eve the “Un-Cruise” at Tyee II hosted by Billy and Soo Carter. As you can see we still have a few cruises the need hosts. Please don’t be shy, these cruises are really a lot of fun and I am at your disposal to help in any way. Soo Carter, S/V Discovery Cruise Chair Treasurer’s Report It is that time of year again, Membership Dues Invoices are in the mail to the membership and are due by January 31. Active members have the option of paying in three installments within 90 days, first installment were due by January 31. I am in the process of closing our financial year; the estimated net income ( difference between income and expenses plus the $2,000. allocated from reserves for the Junior Opti Program) is $1,809.55. We are pleased that in these economic times and with a new Junior program we were able to operate on the plus side. The projected net income for the year had been $1,180. Thanks to all the committee chairs for their efforts to stay below their budgets. The 2010 Budget was prepared by last year’s board and approved on October 27, 2009. Each new officer should review the current approved budget and can recommend any changes to the board of Trustees at the February meeting. Best Regards Corinthian Yacht Club of Tacoma Christine Nelson Treasurer L E I F H A G E N Over 30 years experience YACHT SYSTEMS & RIGGING Leif Hagen Standing Rigging & Lifelines Architectural Cable Railings Furling Systems Rigging Surveys Marine Electrical Systems Owner 206.272.0565 yachtsystems@centurytel.net 8244 SW Hawthorne LN, Vashon, WA 98070 General Meeting Minutes, January 2010 The meeting was called to order on January 11, 2010 at 19:05 by our Commodore, Dan Walker. Dan thanked everyone for coming. VICE COMMODORE: Steve Hucke introduced our speaker for the evening. Angus Brackett is from North Sails. He will tell us about North’s 3DL sail and the latest 3Di. GUESTS: Paul from Fort Hood, Texas was introduced. REAR COMMODORE: Cheryl White reported she just received her information box. If you have anything you’d like on the clubhouse bulletin board, let her know. TREASURER: Christine Nelson reported that everyone should have received their membership invoices. Copies of the 2010 budget are on the membership table. SECRETARY: Connie Merritt, taking the minutes for Debbie McAdams. RACING: Steve Ryan reported the December 12th race didn’t take place as the harbor was frozen solid. On December 19th twelve boats had great wind and minimum rain. The 2010 race schedule and book are on the website. One change to be noted there will be fewer races from 52 to 30 races. We will have two classes: PHRF and Windseeker. A different fee will be charged for non-members vs. CYCT members. Steve needs a couple people to help/co-chair on race committee and publicity. January 23rd is the Quartermaster Harbor Race. Steve Hucke and Tom O’Hara are running this race. Ron Holbrook has agreed to chair the race socials and race trophies. CRUISING: Soo Carter reported she has so many exciting ideas for this year. The first is the Mardi Gras cruise to Longbranch on February 20th. Billy and Soo Carter will be there the evening of the 19th. You don’t need to wear a costume if you don’t want because we will be making costumes and masks. The club is providing dinner, but the afternoon lunch and appetizers are potluck. Your crew members can drive and be a part of this event. There are flyers on the table with more information, and a blank sheet for questions. March 20-21 Pirate Cruise hosted by Roger & Judy Anderson April 16-18 Daffodil Festival hosted by Denny & Becky Flannigan AKA “Benny & Decky” April 24-25 Crab/Steak Feed at Winslow hosts TBA May 1-2 July 3-4 Seattle Opening Day –Theme: “Out of this World” hosts TBA 4th of July at Quartermaster hosted by Pat & Christine Nelson and Forrest & Chris German Sept. 5-6 Labor Day Cruise (Penrose?) hosted by Billy & Soo Carter Oct. 22-24 Salmon Bake to Quartermaster hosts TBA General Meeting Minutes (Cont.) Nov. 13-14 Clam Back to Arabella’s hosted by Gary & Joy Ballentine and Lou & Bev Dec. 4, or 11, or 18 Dec. 31 Christmas Boat Parade New Year’s Eve @TYEE II hosted by Billy & Soo Carter SOCIAL: Dave and Beverly Artis will have a report next month. EDUCATION: Chuck Welter just connected with Fred, his predecessor, and will report next month. SUNSHINE: Vaneva O’Hara reported a card was sent to Jack Hovey who had hip surgery today. MAINSHEET: Jim Muri finished the January Mainsheet and it is up on the website. He thanked Becky Flannigan for her help. You must have your submissions to Jim by the 4th Wednesday of each month. MEMBERSHIP: Gary & Joy Ballentine reported they brought the $300 in profits from last year’s raffle profits for donation to youth sailing. They need your thoughts and ideas on where you would like this year’s raffle profits to be donated. They are also looking for ideas to increase membership. Gary says to think of this as a business, and as such needs to be ever changing. Bring friends on cruises and introduce them to the club. Let us know why they did/did not join the club. He has sent off a letter to 48° North to let them know we are accepting applications. We have a lot to offer. Maybe we should offer the magazine a burgee? When members are having a good time, they want to share with their friends. Be involved in the club. CLUB MERCHANDISE: Jen Ihlen has new ideas for this year. She will talk to Forrest about getting our merchandise on the website. She is open to suggestions. She’s looking for fun, new ideas. Someone suggested the Elmer Fudd hat for those cold, rainy days. Jen plan is to make money for the club. PHRF: Billy Carter reported the next PHRF meeting is the 24th. He will have a report ready for the next general meeting. PYRA: Billy Carter has new forms and will bring them to the next meeting. HISTORIAN: Terry Anderson will get with Forrest to create a link so we can keep updating information to one place. Gary Ahlstrand did a great amount of work on researching the past history. Terry would like to create a list of past commodores and a timeline with events such as the Tall Ships, when we sponsored Dawn Riley, and our boats that have gone to Mexico. Did you know we have two authors who have published books? One of our boats sailed around the world under our burgee. Do you know his name? That will be the question for the next meeting. LONG RANGE PLANNING: Eric Nelson reported this is a critical time to keep a club going. We need new ways to get people involved. He is putting together a questionnaire for feedback. He hopes to have it in the February Mainsheet, but feel free to email him at any time. JUNIORS: Brian White not present. Ron Holbrook reported that Tom O’Hara took the initiative and we now have approval to work our junior’s program from the Seaport. This is a better location with more exposure. A work party was organized last month, and a lot of people participated. French Kiss became the ice breaker. The floats have already been moved to the new location. PHRF HANDICAPPING: Pat Nelson reports that their annual meeting is January 24th at TYC. Included in the agenda is the J109’s. Remember you must have your handicap reviewed if you have changed the sails or the rudder on your boat. You will need to fill out a change form. The changes must be recorded. This is all part of fair sailing. The meeting is open to all PHRF members. Christine reminded us it’s time to pay your dues to PHRF. RACE COMMITTEE AND CHASE BOAT: Chuck Mahlum will manage the repairs on the chase and committee boats. PAST COMMODORE: Tom O’Hara reminded us of the huge party coming up on January 30th to welcome our new commodore, Dan Walker. Be sure to send in your RSVP to the Commodore’s Ball. OLD BUSINESS: none NEW BUSINESS: none RAFFLE: 1. Beacon light won by Ruthie White 2. Gill Sailing Gloves won by Vaneva O’Hara 3. Basket filled with NW Delights (compliments of Dan & Karen Walker) won by Ed & Susan Pinkham 4. Bottle of rum won by Jim Muri 5. Insulated coffee mug won by Forrest German 6. Captain Jack’s Tides & Currents won by Mickie Hucke Program speaker was Angus Brackett from North Sails. Meeting adjourned at 21:00 Respectfully submitted, Connie Merritt for Debbie McAdams, Recording Secretary Membership Good News Fellow Sailors Do you have sailboat friends that were waiting for the right time to join a sailing club? Do you have sailboat friends who like to race? Do you have sailboat friends who like to cruise? We have the Answer!! CYCT is having a Membership Drive from now until the Crab Feed Cruise in April. CYCT will be offering new members an incentive to join by reducing the initiation fee to $50.00. Tell all your friends how much fun you are having racing, cruising and going to meetings with sailing friends. Invite them to the next meeting February 8th or the Mardi gras Cruise February 20&21 to Dockton. Have them go to the CYCT website or contact us… Gary and Joy Ballentine. jballentine@wamail.net or 253-927-1667. Greg Fuller General Foreman gcfuller@qwest.net Residential Commercial Industrial Lic. # FULLEEI027BK 37107 12th Ave. S. Federal Way, WA 98003 www.fullerelec.com Fax: (253) 661-6956 Office: (253) 661-7181 Cellular: (206) 423-8393 Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Commodore’s Ball Toys & Tools Welcome to a new feature of the Mainsheet - New Tools & Toys. If you stumble across something of interest, send it to us and we’ll put it up here. 1. Christine Nelson sent us a link to a story about an iPhone app ($0.99) that actually measures wind speed. Yes, I was skeptical. But I viewed the link, and am not so skeptical now. The app reportedly works with ANY 2G, 3G, and 3GS iPhone. See it at http://www.windapp.com Now those of you who already navigate with your iPhones can get wind speed too. 2. Need boat heat, but are appalled by the prices of those ‘marine’ heaters? Settling for something less expensive but less comfortable? If so, maybe you’re ready for an Empire catalytic propane heater. They come in several output ranges, and have thermostats. Best of all, no wiring! Just hook up to propane, and you’re warm. French Leave has one installed, and at 10,000 BTU output we’re grateful that it shuts itself off from time to time. It’s an SR 10T model. There are also 18,000 BTU versions, and 30,000 BTU versions. Downsides? Yes. Propane creates water vapor, so you’ll need to keep the boat ventilated a little, and move the air around with a small fan. Also, the 10,000 BTU version requires 24 inches vertical clearance from any ceiling or overhead. Larger units need more. But if you have an otherwise vacant bulkhead, and are getting tired of those 3,000 BTU Colemans, this might be for you. AND - it mounts and dismounts easily, so you can remove it for the warmer seasons and re-install it in less than two minutes in the cooler ones. Google Empire SR 10T. Prices from $260 for this version, depending on vendor. For Sale Inflatable Dinghy for Sale 2005 AB 10'6" $2300 Model 10 AL 10' 6" aluminum inflatable dinghy Rated for 5 people and 25 hp Weights 117 lbs. Great condition. To big for our current boat. Price new $4300 at the Seattle Boat Show Comes with two paddles and a foot pump. This is a great buy! For more information please call 253-797-4108 Sunshine We wish Scott Little a speedy recovery after his alarming experience in an attempted carjacking last weekend. Heal fast Scott! Congratulations to Craig Perry and Dock Street Marina being named National Marina of the Year by Marina Dockage MagazineJ And a heartfelt Thank You! to Kristan Overby for the generous contribution of $100 towards the General Health of CYCT. Don’t forget – you are my eyes and ears! Sincerely, Vaneva O’Hara SV Sound Spirit vohara@cruisespecialists.com Capt. Richard J. Myers (253) 973-0370 http://www.banditocharters.com/bandito/ www.banditocharters.com February 2010 Sunday 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 Toliva Shoal Race SSSS 7 pm General Meeting 14 Saturday 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mardi Gras Cruise 21 22 7 pm Board Meeting 28 23 24 25 26 27 March 2010 Sunday 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 Race Management Clinic 7 pm General Meeting 14 Saturday 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mardi Gras Cruise Islands Race 21 28 22 7 pm Board Meeting 23 24 25 26 27
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