WC Spring 2007 (Read-Only) - Creighton University School of


WC Spring 2007 (Read-Only) - Creighton University School of
Volume X, Number 3
Spring 2007
Impending Doom
By Justin Birge
graduates will face the following payment schedules:
hen considering the question of loan debt
and its influence on specialty choice, for
• 10-year, 120 payments of $1501.80. $49,715.71
most students the short answer is usually
interest paid.
“no, with a but” and the long answer “yes,
• 30-year, 361 payments of $850.76. $175,776.40
with an if.” Confusing as that may seem, the reality facing
interest paid.
young professionals is very clear—we are piling up loan
Though resident salaries vary little from place to place
and credit card debt throughout our education that may
($38-44K), the cost of living is extremely variable
make some specialties financial suicide if a change is not
(www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0883960.html). Most
graduates defer loan payment while in residency, accruing
A lot is made of “loan debt,” but rarely do we get an
further interest while waiting for their eventual salary to
objective glimpse of the changes and realities surrounding
cover the monthly payment more comfortably. It is no
the cost of medical education.
secret that a higher salary decreases
Historically, medical education has
the impact of ballooning loan
not been a financial issue. In 2002
payments. It is also no secret that
dollars, the cost of tuition for the
primary care is at the low end of the
class of 1982 was roughly $3,000 per
pay scale and specialties such as
year, while their class of 2002
cardiology, radiology and orthopedic
colleagues paid over $20,000.
surgery are at the high end. While
Similarly, the average debt load (in
primary care practitioners are very
2002 dollars) for the class of 1982
much in demand, more and more
was $40,000, while the class of 2002
graduates are choosing to
borrowed $110,000 (ama-assn.org).
specialize—a trend that is likely
These increases exceed inflation and With tuition and interest rates on the steep rise, related to debt load.
have significantly altered the our children will be paying off our loans with
Third and fourth year Creighton
their social security checks.
financial profile of the average
students were asked whether or not
graduate. The prototype 2006
debt load was influencing their
graduate had $130,500 in debt, with 72% having at least
specialty choice, 59% of which said “no”. However, 24%
$100,000. Along with this mounting educational debt,
of those also stated that if family practice were their first
40.2% also had non-educational debt averaging $16,689.
choice, debt load would be more concerning. Many
This regurgitation of numbers is dizzying, but it boils
students commented that cost of living was also a major
down to this—assuming an average 2006 federal loan
consideration, and that rather than limiting their specialty
(Continued on page 2)
debt, consolidated at current interest rates (6.8%),
(Continued from page 1) Doom
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Michael Kavan, Ph.D.
Editors in Chief:
Andrew E. Kummer
Eric Peeples
This Issue’s Writers:
Dr. Michael Kavan, Ph.D.
Marcia Cusic
Linda Pappas
Yukari Kawamoto
Justin Birge
Andrew E. Kummer
Brian Nagao
Eric Peeples
Doron Scheffer
Ted Strobman
Casey Woster
Patrick Allison
Juliana Gazallo
Jim Ramig
choice, they would choose
not to live in high cost cities
like San Francisco, New
York or Chicago. Along
with in flu en ce over
specialty choice, two
additional effects of debt
have been observed in
resident physicians.
According to recent AMA
research, rising debt causes
residents to moonlight
(duh), and those with larger
debt totals are more likely
to commit errors and violate
ACGME work hour rules
while picking up extra
shifts. Similarly, as
personal debt increases, so
does the number of residents reporting cynicism and two or more symptoms of
This problem has not gone unrecognized and many options exist to help
relieve the pressure of debt. The DRA (2/2006) and pending reauthorization of
the HEA would (among other things) continue to give borrowers flexibility,
adjust interest rates annually, study the outcome of student load debt, and offer
forgiveness for highly-needed specialists or those entering residency programs
over 5 years. These efforts are helpful, but they are not a solution. The AMA has
recommended tuition
caps, tax deductions and
increases in scholarships.
Other solutions which
require post-residency
commitments include the
Armed Forces and
National Health Services
Corps scholarships. It has
also been suggested that
medical school could be
free, with graduates
completing a minimum
two-year National Health
Service requirement. The
Such a high-priced dinner will be something of
cost of this plan was
mythical legend for medical students by the year
estimated to be less than
0.1% of annual national
health care expenditures
(or 0.05% of the cost of the Iraq War) and subsequently lost momentum.
Debt load is a concern not only for current medical students, but for those
who will train 20 or 30 years from now. If tuition continues to rise at current
rates (165% in private schools and 312% in state schools over the last 20 years),
the cost of medical education will become prohibitive rather than simply
M2 Intramural Sports Update
By Casey Woster
deny the shots of smaller and less hairy opponents despite
ello everyone, and welcome to the spring M2
his team routinely having a lead of over 20 points. It
IM sports update. We’ve officially entered
remains to be seen if these intimidation tactics pay off in
basketball season, the best part of the sports
the playoffs.
year. Our teams from the M2 class have been
The Biehl’ded Clams also currently have a record of 2putting together some impressive regular seasons thus far
2, officially making them the 3rd best team in men’s A
and look to be hitting full-stride as the playoffs draw near.
First off, we’ll begin with the ladies. In particular the
(out of a staggering six teams total). The team’s physical
SWAT team, who has jumped out to a 3-1 record in
defense has been rooted by Sam “Body Slam” Taylon,
women’s A. This explosion out of the gates would not
while the offense has been lifted by Chris Eixenberger.
have been possible without Danielle “the Shot-Swatter”
Eixenberger is a new addition to the team who has
Potter and her patented in-your-face defense. On the
contributed nicely thanks to his jumpshot, which is as
offensive end of the court, the team relies on Lesley
smooth and soft as an embrace between Michael Jackson
Hawley and her Tim Hardaway-esque killer crossover
and a young Macaulay Culkin. Another important asset to
that has sent countless opponents to
the team has been Mike Smith, whose
the CUMC emergency room with
radioactive explosiveness toward the
broken ankles. When asked about the
hoop can only be measured with a
secret to the SWAT team’s success,
Geiger counter. In a possible strange
Shannon Pinkelman revealed that the
connection to Smith’s play,
team gets pumped up before each
opponents have been recently
game by playing NBA Jam for Super
overheard complaining of fatigue,
Nintendo. Boomshockalocka!
weight gain and cold intolerance.
Bowman’s Capsule is a team on
With all of these skilled players,
the rise in women’s B. While it is true
expect the Clams to finish no worse
that the girls occasionally lose their
than sixth in their league.
focus and allow an opponent to
The last team we’ll mention, Yap
ultrafiltrate her way to the basket,
Attack (1-3), is a team still struggling
they are beginning to put the clamps
to find its identity in men’s B. The
down defensively. Case in point: The game that taught an entire generation problem for this team has not been a
they held their last opponent to a the meaning of the phrases “He’s on fire” lack of talent but a lack of cohesive
mere 26 points. The team is also
playing styles. Some members of the
and “Boomshockalocka.”
showing vast signs of improvement
team, such as Colin Drolshagen,
on the offensive end. As a true testament to their growing
prefer to encourage good effort and fair play from
confidence, team captain Kara Watterson has promised to
members of the opposing team by helping them up after a
do the spider dribble for five minutes straight in front of
hard foul. Other members of the team, most notably Keith
the entire M2 class if her team does not win it all this
Hood(lum) and Joe Blas, prefer to commit the hard fouls
year. Way to go Kara!
that give Colin a chance to help the other players up. This
Now we move on to the gentlemen. We’ll start with
contrast in styles has led to difficulties on the court thus
the Football Team, which appears to have the best chance
far. However, if Yap Attack can discover the right
of any men’s team at winning a championship this year.
mixture of good sportsmanship and controlled rage, look
Although the boys have dropped two straight games to
for this team to make some noise during the playoffs.
leave themselves with a 2-2 record, there is no denying
Finally, let’s all show some school spirit and cheer
their physical superiority over the other teams in men’s C.
really hard for the Creighton men’s basketball team as
Power forward Matt Pieper summed it up best when he
March approaches. They are playing pretty well these
said, “We’re like that kid in the junior high locker room
days and could easily make the NCAA tournament.
who already has a mustache while everyone else is still
However, if they do not, make sure to hide any sharp
trying to grow peach fuzz.” There has been no better
objects in the presence of Chelsey Petz and Josh Jansen,
proof of the truth in Pieper’s comments than the play of
and be liberal in your use of SIG ME CAPS while talking
Brandon Newgard. Brandon continues to relentlessly
to them.
Real Fake News
By Doron Scheffer and Ted Strobman
Dr. Cichowski and Dr. Guck Flog Guest Lecturer in
Interactive Area For Underemphasizing the
Importance of the History and Physical “To Send a
Message”……...……………..……………………page 1
Patti Marsh Feigns Interest as Dr. Kavan Announces
That He Has Found the “Perfect” Far-Side Comic for
Presentation………………………………....……page 6
M2 Excited For Golden Apple Since She Hasn’t Said a
Word to Most of the Class Since the Last Golden
Apple…..……………………………..…………..page 19
M3 Not So Impressed With Surgery Resident After
Seeing Him in the KFC Men’s Locker
Room………………………………...…….……..page 31
Socially Conscientious M1, Despite Claiming Never to
Stereotype, Whole-Heartedly Believes That “All
Lawyers are Social Leaches”………...……..…page 234
M2 Chooses Longest Answer….…..page 5,992,110,014
Preseason Golden Apple Rankings
The Golden Apple banquet is just around the corner,
and the early favorites for each class’ Golden Apple
awards (also known as the CUSOM Best Person Award
presented by Bud Select) have just been released. While
there is plenty of time for changes, these are the people
who so far look to be in the running for being the best
Favorites: Who are we really kidding? By this time we
just want to match at our top choice so we can wear that
as a smug grin for all to see. Not too worried about
whether our peers think we are good people at this point
On the Bubble: My-Lihn Trinh, because name recognition
is everything.
Favorites: Andrew Stevens. Wait, this isn't an official
position you can run for to pad a CV? Never mind then...
Helen Fasanya/Marilee Simons/Jason Beste/Sandy
Swedean. Because CUSOM's goal is to make med school
as much like high school as possible, and the best looking
people always got voted homecoming king/queen in high
Dark Horse: Scott Atay. At least his acceptance speech
will be funnier than anyone else’s.
Favorites: Once again, a two-horse race
between Gabriel Harris and J.D.
Welander. Just yesterday I saw
Welander help an old lady across the
street. But then, moments later, I saw
Harris help two ladies across the street,
and he put each on a shoulder so he
could do lunges in the crosswalk as he
passed by.
Will Gabe
Harris two-peat On the outside looking in: Any of the
the Golden Cup 50 annoyingly nice, proper girls in this
of Morality? class that all seem to blend together.
Favorites: There really are no favorites for good people in
this class. Remember, this is the class that prompted a
review of Nipper. If it was the “Bruised Banana Award”
or “Semi-Moldy Orange Award,” this category would be
filled with names, but as is, it doesn’t look good.
Least Un-Favorite: Amanda Oertli. A Creighton girl who
has the “nerdy boy” vote locked up, just needs to work on
the “snobby girl” population to lock down an award.
Report: Mike Yap still straight ghetto, yo
The news team recently caught up with one of the
second years’ toughest cookies,
Mike Yap, at a recent
intramural basketball game, and
was assured that he is still
straight ghetto. Hailing from
Camarrilo, CA (which
apparently is like the Asian
Orange County), Yap has done
the seemingly unthinkable,
which is keep true to his roots
while attending medical school
in Nebraska.
The only question that
“Mike is a real inspiration to remains is “Al Pacino
everyone looking to bring a bit
gangster or Sascha
of his hometown flava to this
Baron Cohen
often drab town, where there
isn’t much to do besides study,”
stated his homie Ben Maertins, who has a tattoo.
(Continued on page 5)
(Continued from page 4) Real Fake News
When asked how he manages to stay so “tru 2 da
game,” Yap remarked that “it is tough at times. I watch a
lot of MTV2, especially that new show with Fez and
people making fun of each other, and I do my best to keep
in touch with the homies. But, in an emergency, if I really
need to keep it real and am not sure how, I just look at
what Brian Hollis is doing and do the opposite.”
Students Shocked as Marcia Releases String of
Expletives After Vending Machine Refuses Her
Crumpled Up Dollar for Second Time
Onlookers expressed nothing but shock after
witnessing Creighton University School of Medicine
Chaplain Marcia Cusic let a string of expletives come
flying out of her mouth after, as witnesses speculated, the
vending machine refused her dollar for a second straight
time. M1 Rick Carlson was hoping to pick up a snack
before heading to the library to study for the afternoon
when he walked into the vending machine area only to
find Marcia mercilessly pounding the Pepsi machine in
the far corner demanding that the machine, “Do its
f**king job!” Rick said what followed only got worse.
“She started riffling through her pockets looking for
another dollar, all the while saying words that I just don’t
feel comfortable repeating.” After finding another dollar
in her purse, cursing a few more times, Marcia
successfully obtained the Diet Pepsi she so badly wanted.
She then exited the vending machine area, smiled, and
wished everyone a pleasant afternoon.
The vending
machine, shortly
after the “dollar
incident.” There
are no suspects,
though the security
camera was found
covered in coffee
grinds and animal
Valentine’s Day Happenings
By Jim Ramig
Located in the Dundee area, at 50th and Underwood, is
nlike the majority of America, Valentine’s
Day for most medical students will be a
Travato’s, a family owned, fairly priced establishment
ménage a trois spent with Robbins and
with a wide variety of typical American cuisine. Located
Cotran. However, if you are one of the lucky
less than a block from Travato’s is Omaha’s other Ted
few to have a special someone in Omaha, here
and Wally’s location for an after dinner treat.
are a few suggestions for the occasion that
For those non-traditional V-Day adventure
won’t require another loan.
seekers, the Henry Doorly Zoo is featuring
Trini’s Mexican Cuisine in the Old Market
Sharks 3D at the IMAX Theater. In the arts
Passage Way offers a secluded dinner for two
community, the Joslyn Art Museum is
for under $30. The atmosphere has an
currently featuring a foray into American
underground feel, located across from an art
History with their exhibit Faces from the
gallery and a toy store to occupy your interest
Land: A Photographic Journey Through
until your table is ready. Within walking
Native America. For the rest of us who will be
distance, at 11 and Jackson, is Ted and
spending this Valentine’s Day alone, I would
recommend Cigarros at 131st and Birch Drive.
Wally’s Ice Cream Parlor, where you can top
off your evening with handmade cold
Aptly named after a Nicaraguan cigar
creations similar to the more widely-known
producer, Cigarros offers a wide variety of
Cold Stone Creamery. If contemporary Italian
tobacco from their walk-in humidor, in
in on your agenda for the night, Spaghetti Scare the pants off of addition to a full menu of aged scotch to
Works at 500 S. 11th offers a make-your-own your significant other compliment the smoke.
this V-Day.
All things considered, when weighing the
pasta option so you’ll be sure to get what you
options of expensive dinners and busy class
want out of the evening; good company, good
schedules, this medical student would give his highest
food, and again, a check under $30. A slightly more
recommendation to a potluck dinner among friends. After
expensive option is Lo Sole Mio Ristorante located at
all, good food and great company are more than anyone
3000 S. and 32nd Avenue. As a white table cloth
can hope for on such an occasion.
establishment, the house wine and authentic, traditional
Italian dishes are sure to win your hubby’s highest praise.
By Eric Peeples
Omaha Driving
've learned that wherever I go, the world's worst
drivers have followed me there. That is until I came
to Omaha. No matter where I go now, they all stay
here, and are waiting patiently (with middle fingers
at the ready) for my return. Being a trained student of
scientific study, I know I shouldn't rely solely on
personal, empirical evidence, and I owe it to my readers
to do the in-depth, exhaustive research that you've come
to expect of me. In that spirit, I called my insurance agent
for some insurance industry statistical stuff.
Unfortunately, he was out removing his car from a snow
bank and never returned my call. I feel certain, however,
that had I heard from him, this is what he would have
#1- Resist temptation to take "the fast line" through right
turns. This isn't a NASCAR event, you aren't Ricky Rudd,
and a wide right turn is the second most popular traffic
stop excuse for DUI checks. Even if you haven't been
drinking, you could end up with more unwanted tickets
than the UNO basketball season ticket holders.
#2- Turn signals are there for a reason and, no, it’s not as
an invitation to joust. If you would like to change lanes,
just flip that little lever by your left hand (you know the
one that’s dusty from disuse). Conversely, if someone
signals that they would like to change lanes, they are not
trying to “take your lane away from you.”
#3- Turn lanes are not interchangeable. If you are in the
right turn lane, you are not allowed to turn left, no matter
how many times you did it in your tractor out on the farm.
#4- Yes, there is a middle lane on Dodge, and yes, middle
lanes are often used for left turns. So I can see where
people could get
confused, and try to turn
left on Dodge. It’s
amazing, though, that
they can actually fit
between the picket fence
of “no left turn” signs
placed every six inches.
Billy Bob probably didn’t
those people will
even notice the car that had
stop to turn in
stopped to turn left in front of
#3, whose excessively
large truck will quickly turn their car into a large, metal
floor mat.
#5- You live in Omaha. It snows here. In case you forgot
all of your elementary school science knowledge, snow is
made out of a chemical which is rather slippery and,
when frozen, can get even more slippery. That four wheel
drive on your H3 is nice, but four wheel drive is not the
same as four wheel stop. So the next time you’re sliding
backwards down the freeway at 45 miles per hour, you
can find solace in the fact that there are probably twenty
other Omaha residents performing the same maneuver at
that exact moment.
#6- Road signs can be confusing, though a few people in
Omaha have managed to resolve the subtle difference
between the stop sign and the yield sign (maybe because
those big words are written on them). Unfortunately, there
is a third sign that is often found in merging situations
that does not provide the same luxury of an explicit
Triangle means yield, octagon means stop, and diamond
means “for the love of all that is holy, keep driving!” Is it
really that hard?
definition written on the sign. On the other hand, it does
have a picture on it! It shows two separate lanes and two
corresponding arrows, which implies that two separate
cars could actually go at once. The next time I see
someone stop for one of those signs, I swear that I will
hunt them down, pull their driver’s license out of their
purse, and destroy it.
#7- For those of you who actually have a grasp of the
function of the various traffic signs, the next step is to
ascertain who has the right of way. Luckily for you, this
is quite easy to do in Nebraska: the right of way always
goes to the truck with the rifle rack and the "Guns don't
kill people - I do" bumper sticker.
#8- The other day, I passed an M1 driving down Dodge
who had her Host Defense notes clipped to her steering
wheel, and she was talking to her three friends in the car
while changing the radio station and trying to put on a
sweatshirt. It was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen.
I mean, honestly, how does she expect to retain any of
that vital immunology knowledge if she’s chatting with
(Continued on page 7)
(Continued from page 6)
her friends while trying to study?
#9- In many cities, honking is a way to get someone’s
attention, especially when they’re doing something
stupid. In Omaha, however, it is apparently the equivalent
of insulting someone’s wife (or cousin, since they are
often interchangeable). If someone passes out at a light in
his ridiculously large truck and you honk at him, you
suddenly become the idiot and they will make sure you
UNMC Date Auction
By Andrew E. Kummer
he Student Alliance for Global Health at
UNMC annually sends medical, nursing,
pharmacy, and allied health students to the Los
Chavalitos fetal/maternal medicine clinic,
affiliated with the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health, in
Managua, Nicaragua. This year, 19 UNMC students,
representing three colleges, will be traveling to Nicaragua
to participate in important immunization campaigns and
provide healthcare to hundreds of children and adults. As
part of the effort to raise funds for this year's trip, medical
students involved in the trip will be playing a concert at
Pauli's Sports Bar & Grill on 40th & Leavenworth, on
March 3rd, 2007. These students will be playing cover
music from various artists, and based on the success of
the event last year, this year's concert promises to be a
know it. To the best of my lip-reading abilities, the last
guy that I tried to revive at an intersection had apparently
mistaken me for Oedipus (although his phrasing was a bit
more pungent than the Greek version).
If you’re reading this article, congratulations! That means
that you’ve survived yet another day on the streets of
Omaha. And hopefully, if you follow these few hints, you
will continue to successfully traverse the Omaha traffic
hit. There will also be a date
auction with some very eligible
b a c h e l o r s
a n d
bachelorettes!! This is a great
way to meet other professional
students outside of your school!!
Doors will open at 7:00 pm and
the show should start at 8:00
pm. There is a $5 cover at the
door, and drink specials will be
announced in the days before
the event (it is a 21 and over
event). All proceeds go to help
fund this year's medical service Rumor has it, Scarlett
trip. Please come out, enjoy the Johansson is a UNMC
pharmacy student.
music, have a few tasty
beverages, and support a great
professional relationship between UNMC and the
Nicaraguan Ministry of Health.
Wellness Event: Ice Skating
By Juliana Gazallo
uring the afternoon of Sunday, January 28th,
Creighton medical students gathered to show
off their marvelous moves on the ice at Motto
McLean Ice Arena. This wellness event was a
much needed one during the frosty winter in Omaha and
stressful times in school. Ice skating was a nice way to
really get excited about the cold weather, and also unwind
on a pleasant Sunday afternoon.
While some students chose to ice skate smoothly and
gracefully (for the most part) along the ice, others chose
to skate at a more advanced level, performing stellar
moves and posing for pictures with only one foot on the
ice! Students Chris Neeley and Tom Kennedy were
creative in bringing along a hockey stick and puck to play
on the ice. Overall, this was a relaxing wellness event that
turned out to be a soothing break from the demands of
medical school.
Some of the skating participants trying to pretend that
they don’t have frostbite and broken tailbones.
MLB Preview:
American League
By Andrew E. Kummer
ooking around outside these days, one hardly
thinks of spring. In fact, as this article is being
written, the temperature is locked in at a frigid
four degrees, and there’s snow on every grassy
patch in town. The first robin sighting is likely a good
three to four weeks away, and most of the M2’s haven’t
even cracked their First Aid for Step One books yet.
College and professional basketball and hockey seasons
are in full swing, and many sports fans are looking
forward to the culmination of these seasons and their
respective playoffs. While you can include me in this first
category, there is another sport that holds a firm grip upon
my heart, one which is just over the horizon but closing
like a champion thoroughbred. Ah yes, baseball season is
fast approaching and, simply put, I could not be more
excited. With pitchers and catchers reporting to training
camps in Arizona and Florida next week, I thought it
would be appropriate to take a look at the upcoming
season and make some early predictions for what we may
see in October. As always, these picks are for recreational
use only and should not be used for any money wagers.
Besides, I’m a moron.
AL Central: I might as well start where I’m most
comfortable, the division in which my beloved Minnesota
Twins compete, and also the best division in baseball.
However, it’s not the team I will begin with, as it’s
always polite to start with the team who played in the
World Series. The Detroit Tigers are looking to follow
their remarkable 2006 with nothing short of a
championship. With
largely the same team than
won the AL pennant from
last year, plus the addition
of Gary Sheffield to give
the lineup a little extra pop,
they should be tough to
beat once again this year.
Twins’ pitcher Johan
As for my Twins, they
return the AL batting
champ (Joe Mauer), the AL MVP (Justin Morneau), and
the AL Cy Young Award winner (Johan Santana) from
their AL Central champion squad. However, the team
could easily fall off with the absence of pitcher Francisco
Liriano (Tommy John surgery). The Chicago White Sox
hope to rebound from their disappointing 2006 campaign
and reach the heights of their 2005 championship team,
but to do so they must replace the arms of Brandon
McCarthy and Freddy Garcia, as the team purged both
salaries in offseason trades. However, they got stronger in
the field with the signing of Jamestown, ND native Darin
Erstad. The Cleveland Indians also hope to improve from
last year’s 78-84 disappointment, but must rely on a
largely unproven pitching rotation, and without closer
Keith Foulke. Foulke was signed in the offseason to
solidify the bullpen, but retired last week due to nonhealing injuries. The Kansas City Royals have a young
team that has nowhere to go but up. Predictions: 1) Tigers
2) Twins 3) White Sox 4) Indians 5) Royals.
AL East: The division that is the darling of the
national media should be competitive once again this
year. The New York Yankees still have several question
marks and are always good for one or two big name
trades during the season. As it stands now, there are still
a couple of gaping holes in the starting rotation, but 100
wins are a possibility with a lineup that
boasts eight potential all-stars as well as
a few MVP candidates. Their little
brothers, the Boston Red Sox, have as
many question marks as anyone in the
league. First, can Curt Schilling still
pitch? He’s a guy who’s definitely in
decline mode, and it remains to be seen
if his body can hold up another season.
Next, how good is Daisuke Matsuzaka?
Pssst, Daisuke: They have to hope he’s as good as the
$103 million they paid to sign the
you need a
Japanese ace. Also, how will Jonathon
Papelbon adjust to life as a starting
pitcher after a dominating rookie season closing games
for the BoSox? And how long until we start hearing
Manny Ramirez trade rumors? The Toronto Blue Jays
lead the pack of the less sexy teams in this division, but
with pitchers Roy Halladay, A.J. Burnett, and newly
acquired closer B.J. Ryan, on top of a lineup featuring
Troy Glaus, Vernon Wells, and Frank Thomas, the Jays
are poised to compete with the big boys. The Baltimore
Orioles are still a couple of years away from making
noise, but should be interesting to watch with shortstop
Miguel Tejada, third baseman Brian Roberts, and young
starting pitcher Erik Bedard. Finally, the Tampa Bay
Devil Rays will remain bad, but have one of the best
young pitchers in the game in Scott Kazmir. Predictions:
1) Yankees 2) Blue Jays 3) Red Sox 4) Orioles 5) Devil
AL West: A traditionally competitive division, the AL
West race is one that could be over by the All-Star break.
The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim have assembled a
(Continued on page 18)
campus.” He was a leader who is given credit for making
Omaha aware of the presence of Creighton University. In
a way, it has not been forgotten.
Father Reinert was quoted as saying, “I came from a
family of salesmen and I enjoy it, but you have to believe
in the product. I really believe in this school and in this
town. I am a profoundly religious man who finds God in
the students and in the people of Omaha” (Omaha World
Herald, August 17, 1980).
By Marcia Cusic
His early death, in 1980, at the age of 67, made a
CUSOM Chaplain
profound impact not only on the Creighton campus but
also throughout Omaha. Participants in the summer
he Reinert/Alumni Library - a building most of
graduation ceremony at the University of Nebraska at
you have frequented in your search for a quiet
Omaha observed a moment of silence in their graduation
place to study. A most appropriate name, as the
ceremony, in memory of the Reverend Carl M. Reniert.
dream of building a new library came from the
On December 28, 1980, the Omaha World Herald
19th President of Creighton University, the Reverend Carl
named Father Reinert and Peter Kiewit (who had died in
M. Reinert, and the funds that allowed this dream to
September 1979) as the Midlands Men
become a reality came from Creighton
Of The Year. This honor was, and
alumni. When the library was completed in
continues to be, awarded to the
1962 it was simply called the Alumni
person(s) who have had the greatest
Library. It was later renamed to include a
impact upon the Midlands. Probably
tribute to Father Reinert.
the best compliment given to Father
So you ask… who was this President/
Reinert was that “he succeeded
Priest? And how has he affected my life,
primarily through being himself. And
other than having his name on a building?
that has been more than
A little background: Father Reinert was
enough” (Creighton Alumnus, October
born July 4, 1913 and died August 13,
The Reinert/Alumni Library, as it
1980. He was ordained in 1944, at age 31,
stands today.
As you enter the Reinert/Alumni
and assumed the Presidency of Creighton
Library, look to the left of the circulation desk (North)
University at age 37 in 1950, serving as President for 12
and you will see a Bust of the Reverend Carl M. Reinert.
Another person who has gone before us, living the Jesuit
He has been referred to as “the Builder” (and the more
philosophy of serving as an agent of change, seeking
I read about him the more I saw a similarity to our
excellence (magis), while being aware of his surrounding
current President, Father John Schlegel. See what you
world and connecting with a sense of something greater
think!) According to a New York Times article dated
than himself, for the Greater Glory of God.
August 15, 1980, “Father Reinert generated 200 million
Another thank you to Deb Sturges, reference librarian,
dollars in contributions and is responsible for 19 new or
for gathering the information for this feature.
expanded buildings on the 50 square block urban
Shh… We’re
Trying to Read
Claudine Bohn
What television doctor do
you resemble, and why?
What are your spring
break plans?
“KC for a few days, followed
by a Yeti hunting expedition.”
“Elliot Reed from
Scrubs because we’re
both hyper, blonde,
and ‘phobia-phobic’.”
It’s Nagao’s World
By Brian Nagao
jump routines of an Olympic figure skater, i.e. quad,
hoosing your schedule for the M3 clerkships is
triple, double. The primary care rotation itself went with
an important affair. Late in the M2 year, all
much less of a hitch, except for the “Whoa” incident
second year students meet in their classroom
during a pelvic exam, and it ended on a high note with me
and, in an order based on a lottery, chose one
opening up my preceptor’s Ferrari 355 spider on West
of six options, A through F. Each option divides the class
Center Road. Just as pleasing was listening to my
into six equal portions for each of the six clerkships:
classmate Bobby beg me to ask my preceptor if he could
internal medicine, OB-GYN, pediatrics, primary care,
be his pit flunky just for a chance to
psychiatry, and surgery. Students
sniff the Ferrari’s exhaust.
consider many factors when making
For inpatient internal medicine, I
their choice including the timing of
started at the VA Hospital. I like this
clerkships, order of the clerkships, and
facility. Though the patient base is not
perhaps most importantly, who else is
exceedingly diverse, the nice facilities
in the clerkships. Inevitably, when 120
and their computerized charting
bright, proud, and ambitious lunatics
system are wonderful. The on-call
see nothing but each other for two
rooms are immaculate, with the
straight years, there will grow rifts and
exception of a previous user’s
there will be tiffs. The ultimate fear is
misplaced boxer shorts. However, the
being teamed up with one of the class
“land mines,” so called because their For more information as to why we will on-call food is lackluster and consists
terrible brunt of schizotypal tendencies probably never own one of these, see mostly of the cafeteria’s expired
the loan debt article on page 1.
sandwiches and salads. Free time was
and/or noxious behaviors leaves
still plentiful and I golfed on a weekly
disgruntled, alienated students in their
basis. Later though, I was soured to find out that my
aftermath. Undoubtedly, some people breathed a sigh of
month of VA easy street coincided with CUMC’s JCAHO
relief when I did not end up in their group. But to them I
inspection. One could attribute this to chance but I chalk
implore, welcome me with open arms for it is my clinical
this one up to Creighton stashing its surly little secret. A
ineptitude that shows your attendings that it could have
month of silver team at Creighton followed and proved
been worse.
that true awkwardness was no longer measured with
I chose option C which proceeds in the following
Nagao’s dance moves. By now, an average med student
order: primary care, internal medicine, surgery,
would have some aptitude with physical
psychiatry, OB-Gyn, and pediatrics. This
exam skills, diagnoses, and making plans.
order seemed to build my clinical
However, I still managed to sculpt SOAP
experience in the most logical and
notes that sounded something like: Lungs
foundation-laying manner. Doing primary
clear…heart RRR…no JVD…
care during the warm summer months was
Assessment: 84 yo female with ischemic
an added bonus because it maximized my
colitis, status post hemicolectomy day 4…
golf time. I had just returned from Hawaii
Plan: Continue current medications.
for my post-Step 1 break, and my golf
Transfer from ICU to telemetry. In
game hadn’t been better in years.
contrast, the attending’s note read…
Unfortunately for me, I happen to play
golf with Adam Barker and Andy Andy Kummer and Adam Barker Bilateral inspiratory crackles…prominent
comparing whose was “the
PULSATING JVD…Assessment: 84 yo
Kummer, and within a few weeks of
female status post hemicolectomy now
returning to Omaha, their tree-hunting,
with CHF…Plan: Start Lasix. D-oh!!! Thus stands why
property-damaging, life-endangering boobery added ten
my notes are about as clinically relevant as Monopoly
strokes to my game. After a while, I had them keep their
(Continued on page 13)
own scores because their scorecard looked more like the
Aberrant Auscultation
By Patrick Allison
ow for the best memorable maxims, quaint quips, and eccentric excerpts from the past
few months, from the best faculty on the planet. Please enjoy in good intentions, good
fun, and with the citations directing you to the Podcasts for your listening bliss.
“I will, uh, I’m an old man so I will not run up and down the lecture hall and give her, uh, give the lecture the way she
did. (Pause) Damn I’m funny today! … If you Pod people are not laughing by now, get out of bed. I think we should
have a movie: The Podpeople.”
Dr. Barone, both making excuses for not channeling Dr. Rentmeester while reviewing her lecture, and also
teasing the ‘live’ Podcast audience. December 8, Ethics: Question and Answer Session 9:42.
“Well yes, I do feel like I’m worthless, okay. I’ve always felt that way ever since I was a
little girl.”
Dr. Guck with an award-deserving performance as a patient responding to the
‘G’ in SIG-ME-CAPS. January 23, IPE: L20 30:43.
“Thinking helps. Unbelievable.”
Dr. Haynatzki, summing his revelation after engaging the class to work through
a stats problem. January 19, EBM: L9 29:15.
“Just before orgasm, in the thirty seconds or so before orgasm, the labia minora turn a
very bright red. So if any of you is right in the middle of something and are interested,
you can whip out a mirror… dang!”
Dr. Logan, earning ‘the most blushing females with one comment’ award for my If only I would have come to
entire life. January 31, HD MED: L11 20:04.
the conclusion that “thinking
helps,” imagine what I could
“So it’s not quite as simple as William James put it, uh,
have accomplished.
with that kind of ahem bass ackwards way of looking at
Dr. Coleman, gracefully sidestepping the urge to curse while elucidating the development
of James’ idea ‘We grieve because we cry.’ February 2, HD MED: L12 31:36.
This last one is not from our faculty, but…
“And I wanna spend some time on somethin’ no one else has talked about, which is
genetic engineering. It’s gonna be a big part of our future, and it’s basically gonna make
our job irrelevant in the future, uh, like nano-bots and neu-bots, which are nucleic acid
robots, which are proposed to go in and fix all types of genetic diseases, which will lead
to, um… the survival of the human race, and uh… basically in the future, we’re all going
to be cyborgs and live forever.”
The future Dr. Davies, concluding his group’s genetics case presentation on
A Davies-engineered nano- Retinoblastoma in a single breath. January 25, MCB: L23 31:29.
bot attacking “bad cells,”
making pretty much everyone Last issue’s “Dr. Barone’s retirement plan” took home the honors. Please submit your
vote for best Aberrant Auscultation to Patrick Allison at mdpadawaan@yahoo.com. The
in the health industry
winners from each issue will compete for best A.A. of the year, and the professor will get
a nifty prize. Find other auscultations that didn’t make this list on the M1 web page. ■
understand how something works. Your Blumenfeld book
offers an Anatomical and Clinical Review at the
beginning of each chapter. If you can’t get through the
whole chapter before the lecture, be sure to read through
the review.
Identify an anchor point and build your knowledge
By Linda Pappas
it. The orange boxes in Blumenfeld give you the
Academic Success Counselor
Key Clinical Concept. The knowledge of the normal
process first will help you to understand how a lesion
euroscience—your first systems course. How
could affect function.
exciting, but how will you study? I know that
each of you studies well, but system studying
Try drawing pathways from memory to see how well
you know them. After you have done that memorization,
can be an adjustment. I have a book titled
review cumulatively. Blumenfeld provides a Brief
“How to Excel in Medical School” by Saks and Saks, and
Anatomical Study Guide at the end of each chapter.
I checked out what Saks and Saks had to say about
studying Neuroscience and Neuroanatomy. I thought that
Become familiar with the types of examination questions
you will be asked. Blumenfeld again
I would share some of their advice and add
provides learning assistance by giving you
some of my own for you to try. Saks and
Review Exercises in green boxes in each
Saks’ ideas are the italized ones.
chapter; use those to practice for quizzes.
Use words and pictures together, and
even consider annotating the pictures with
Saks and Saks state that Neuroantomy
the information from the text. Learn
questions require that you know the
terminology in a meaningful way. The
location and function of a brain structure
words will often direct you (e.g. ascending
or pathway, that you understand the
and descending). Pay attention to the
sequence and significance of embryonic
events, and that you understand the blood
relative locations of structures, and how
Once you pass neuro, the
supply of the brain and neurological
each structure fits with surrounding
world is yours!
structures. Think of the pathway, direction
deficits corresponding to various vascular
occlusions. They go on to state that Neuroscience
and function of each. Put them in a chart, in a concept
map, in a narrative, draw them out on the board, buy a
requires knowledge of the function anatomy of the brain
Neuro coloring book, or talk them out with someone else.
stem and spinal cord, and that you understand the
Combine methods of understanding them. Take whatever
etiology and clinical features of important brain, cranial
method works best for you and add one other method.
nerve and spinal cord lesions. It may require that you
It is again time to start reflecting on what strategies
interpret brain MRI/CT scans, including morphologic
you used that worked so well in those tough
changes in disease states.
Remember that we will be having the SI for
undergraduate classes. Use illustrations, charts and
Neuroscience over the lunch hour on Tuesdays and
diagrams to consolidate and organize information, and to
Thursdays. It is an excellent opportunity to review in an
aid in developing conceptualization of the material. We
organized way. Enjoy Neuroscience.
are looking for concise summaries that will help us to
Kady Milow
If you could have any super
power, what would it be and
“To be able to fly so I
could get places faster.”
What television
doctor do you
resemble, and why?
“Julianne Marguilles on ER
because she got to date
George Clooney, a.k.a.
2006 sexiest man alive.”
(Continued from page 10) Nagao’s World
money is valuable.
My surgery clerkship included cardiothoracic,
orthopedics, and orange team general. CT went well and I
managed to mask my ignorance from Dr. Sugimoto for
the whole two weeks only to tip my hand later one
morning during my general month when Dr. Sugimoto
asked me what surgeries I was doing that day and I told
him about the scheduled “carotidectomy.”
“Carotidectomy!” he exclaimed, “Don’t you mean
parotidectomy?” “Uh…yeah,” I said. Being that a
carotidectomy would lead to complete infarction of half
of your cerebral cortex and not be compatible with life,
it’s safe to say that I probably misread “parotidectomy”
on the chart as “carotidectomy.” It’s further safe to
assume that you won’t find Nagao’s carotidectomy in any
general surgery texts, but rather in books on autopsy
procedures and blatant medical malpractice. Fortunately,
Dr. Sugimoto had already submitted my evaluation for
CT so this priceless Nagao gem cannot harm my
academic record but can and will only be used to mock
me cruelly behind my back.
The Peeples Supplementary Guide to Medical Literacy
aving run out of themes, and being towards
the end of my list of common errors, here is a
collection of a few more random tokens of
grammatical minutia.
A vs. an – Most people have grasped by now that “an”
should be used whenever the word that follows it begins
with a vowel. A common oversight, however, is that it
should also be used (rather than “a”) anytime that the
word following it is pronounced as a vowel, such as “an
x-ray” or “an F.”
i.e. vs. e.g. – I don’t know that I would be able to count
the number of times that “i.e.” has been used to mean “for
example.” This is incorrect, as “i.e.” is an abbreviation for
the Latin phrase id est, which is closer to the English
phrase “that is” or “in other words.” The abbreviation that
these people are actually looking for is “e.g.,” which
stands for the Latin exempli gratia, or “for example.” You
could always just stick with the English, but if you insist
on using the abbreviation, perhaps “example given” will
remind you to use “e.g.,” while “in effect” suggests “i.e.”
Adsorption vs. absorption – These words are often used
interchangeably in our lectures and noteservices, though
“absorption” is pretty much always the word that should
be used. Adsorption is the process by which molecules of
a substance, such as a gas or a liquid, collect on the
surface of another substance, such as a solid. So, since
you may never use that in your life, just forget that that
word exists, and always use “absorption.”
Forego vs. forgo – Fellow M2’s may recall this being
overemphasized in an HD-Med lecture last year, but
here’s a quick recap. The FORE in “forego” tells you it
has to do with going beFORE, and “forgo” means to
abstain from or do without.
Vain vs. vein vs. vane – Vain is an adjective meaning
idle, unprofitable, or "to no effect," as in the phrase “it’s
all in vain.” On the other hand, a vein is a slender thread
of something, like blood in a body (which you may be
familiar with) or gold in a mine. It can also be a thread of
thought, as in “…in the same vein.” Lastly, a vane is a
blade designed to move or be moved by gases or liquid,
like a weathervane.
Yea vs. yeah vs. yay – “Yea” is an old-fashioned formal
way of saying “yes,” used mainly in voting (the opposite
of “nay”). When you want to write the common
vernacular of “yes,” the correct spelling is “yeah” and, of
course “yay” is an expression of happiness, much like
“yahoo” (though not quite as influential on the stock
Lie vs. lay and rise vs. raise – Yeah, I have no clue.
About all I can tell you is that the first two in each couplet
are intransitive verbs (something that you do), and the
other two are transitive (something that you do to
something). I looked it up, but the explanations on-line
are about as short and concise as Robbins, so you’re on
your own. If you have a better explanation, feel free to
submit your “Joe/Jane(t) Doe’s Guide to Why Mr.
Peeples is Illiterate” for the next edition of the Wellness
Hopefully at least a few of these tips have ingrained
themselves in your memory, and we can work together to
usher in a new era of medical professionals that can write
like grown-ups. Tune in next time for the exciting
conclusion of this four-part “Peeples Supplementary
Guide,” for a brief foray into medical pronunciation. ■
By Dr. Michael G. Kavan, Ph.D.,
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
s you may or may not know, each month the
Omaha World-Herald publishes a list of those
• Have you ever felt you ought to Cut down on your
health care professionals who have had
disciplinary action taken against them. Time
• Have people “Annoyed you by criticizing your
and time again, it amazes me the number of violations
that are related to alcohol or other substances. So, in an
• Have you ever felt bad or Guilty about your drinking?
attempt to shed some light on this issue, and possibly
• Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to
assist you in preventing problems down the road (e.g.,
steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover (Eye
having to explain a DWI every time you apply for state
licensure or hospital privileges, having to have ongoing
Two or more positive responses may indicate a problem
substance abuse assessments, etc.), I thought I would
with alcohol that requires further assessment or
spend a little time discussing assessment and intervention
Another method entails answering these questions
Alcohol Use in the United States
by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
A recent National Center for Health Statistics study
(NIAAA). You may answer “yes” or “no” to
found that 69% of men and 56% of women consider
themselves to be current drinkers. 30% of
• Do you drink alone when you feel angry or
men and 12% of women have had a least five
drinks in one day during the past year. Seven
• Does your drinking ever make you late for
percent of people aged 12 or older reported
heavy alcohol use, which is defined as
drinking five or more drinks per day on at
• Does your drinking worry your family?
least five different days in the past month. It
• Do you ever drink after telling yourself you
should be noted that the National Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has
• Do you ever forget what you did while you
guidelines for abusive drinking that include
were drinking?
the following: Men – drinking 5 or more
• Do you get headaches or have a hang-over
standard drinks in a day or more than 14
you have been drinking?
drinks in a given week; women – drinking 4
answered "yes" to any of these
or more standard drinks in a day or more than
you may have a drinking problem
7 drinks in a given week. People in these
further assessment or treatment.
abusive categories certainly put themselves at
What Can I do if I Need Help?
increased risk for alcohol-related medical, psychological,
recommends the following steps:
and social problems. Specific problems associated with
reasons for cutting down or stopping.
heavy drinking include hypertension, gastrointestinal
to drink less? There are many reasons
bleeding, sleep disorders, major depression, among
to cut down or stop drinking. You
others. In fact, alcohol use is now the third-leading
your health, sleep better, or get
preventable cause of death in the U.S.
or friends. Make a list of the
Assessment of Alcohol Use
reasons you want to drink less.
There are a variety of ways to better assess whether
2. Set a drinking goal.
you may have an alcohol problems. One method entails
Choose a limit for how much you will drink. You may
using several questions that most of you are familiar with
choose to cut down, or not to drink at all. If you are
- the CAGE Questionnaire. As you may know, this
(Continued on page 15)
technique was developed by John Ewing (1984) and
drink with alcohol. Do not drink on
A drink is:
an empty stomach! Eat food when
cutting down, keep below these limits:
a 12-ounce bottle of beer;
you are drinking.
Women: No more than one drink a day
a 5-ounce glass of wine; or
a 1 1/2-ounce shot of liquor.
Men: No more than two drinks a day
Take a break from alcohol.
Pick a day or two each week when
These limits may be too high for some
you will not drink at all. Then, try to stop drinking for 1
people who have certain medical problems, or who are
week. Think about how you feel physically and
older. Talk with your doctor about the limit that is right
emotionally on these days. When you succeed and feel
for you.
better, you may find it easier to cut down for good.
Now—write your drinking goal on a piece of paper. Put it
where you can see it, such as on your refrigerator or
Get support.
Cutting down on your drinking may be difficult at times.
bathroom mirror. Your paper might look like this:
Ask your family and friends for support to help you reach
My drinking goal
your goal. Talk to your doctor if you are having trouble
cutting down. Get the help you need to reach your goal.
(Continued from page 14)
I will start on this day ____________.
I will not drink more than ______ drinks in 1 day.
I will not drink more than ______ drinks in 1 week.
I will stop drinking alcohol.
3. Keep a "diary" of your drinking.
To help you reach your goal, keep a "diary" of your
drinking. For example, write down every time you have a
drink for 1 week. Try to keep your diary for 3 or 4 weeks.
This will show you how much you drink and when. You
may be surprised. How different is your goal from the
amount you drink now? Use the "drinking diary" below to
write down when you drink.
Day of Week
# of drinks
type of
place consumed
Now you know why you want to drink less and you have
a goal. There are many ways you can help yourself to
cut down. Try these tips:
Watch it at home.
Keep a small amount or no alcohol at home. Don't keep
temptations around.
Drink slowly.
When you drink, sip your drink slowly. Take a break of 1
hour between drinks. Drink soda, water, or juice after a
Learn how to say NO.
You do not have to drink when other people
drink. You do not have to take a drink that is
given to you. Practice ways to say no
politely. For example, you can tell people
you feel better when you drink less. Stay
away from people who give you a hard time
about not drinking.
Stay active.
What would you like to do instead of
drinking? Use the time and money spent on
drinking to do something fun with your
family or friends. Go out to eat, see a movie,
or play sports or a game.
Watch out for temptations.
Watch out for people, places, or times that make you
drink, even if you do not want to. Stay away from people
who drink a lot or bars where you used to go. Plan ahead
of time what you will do to avoid drinking when you are
Do not drink when you are angry or upset or have a bad
day. These are habits you need to break if you want to
drink less.
Most people do not cut down or give up
drinking all at once. Just like a diet, it is
not easy to change. That is okay. If you
do not reach your goal the first time, try
again. Remember, get support from
people who care about you and want to
help. Do not give up!
Additional resources:
National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism:
National Institute on Drug Abuse:
By Yukari Kawamoto
y excuse for why this article was not in the
last issue as intended: Having been away
on a paradise rotation, this article is one
issue late. I'll make sure to mention this
rotation tip in the final issue, so you too can enjoy
paradise during your M4 year.
What I learned as an M2
Pathology – know it, live it, love it.
Actually, this was something that Dr. Kumar wrote for
me in my autographed copy of Robbins. Yes, I am such a
nerd… I love pathology and I love Robbins. I have fallen
asleep on my couch with Robbins many a night. In my
personal opinion, Robbins trumps Harrison’s or Cecil for
the first two years (and for Step 1). As I’m sure you have
heard from Dr. Hunter, if you know Robbins, you’ll ace
the boards. The great thing about pathology is that there’s
so little memorizing – if you memorize a few key things,
everything else can be figured out logically.
Don’t panic about Step 1.
Some people started studying at spring break, others
winter break, and a few even started first semester. If
you’re like me and don’t plan on studying until well after
all your classes are done,
don’t panic when you start
seeing everyone else with
their First Aid for Step 1
books (Or you may not see
them because class
attendance starts to
dwindle). I’m a bit too laid
back, maybe, because as I If you started studying for
slack off, I always think, boards on your MCAT
“Well, no need to stress day, maybe it’s time for a
out and study like mad. If I
short break.
fail this test, I’ll just take it
again.” But really, don’t lose your health over the
licensing tests—if you study for the class exams, you
should do fine on boards with moderate studying.
Be a good buddy, whether you’re an M1, M2, M3, or M4
Pass down tips, wisdom, goodies, and books to your
younger buddy. My M2 buddy, Nicole Pearsall (Class of
2006) was so fantastic that even now, I ask her for advice
as I run into her in the hospital. It’s always a nice to find a
bunch of homemade cookies in your mailbox from your
M2 buddy (or M1/M2/M3 buddy). Or to find out the
“tricks” on how to pass Dr. Jeffries’s renal exam. And
don’t think that it’s a one-way road… the junior buddy
can leave goodies for the senior buddy, too—it’s more
than appreciated! If you haven’t really gotten to know
your buddy yet, it’s never too late. Send them an e-mail
Watch TV. Lots of it.
Seriously, TV helped me get through my M2 year,
specifically the medical shows. You know, things on the
Discovery Health channel
and TLC (Yes, I told you I
was a nerd earlier). Even if
you don’t have cable,
that’s okay. Watch those
medical dramas. I watched
“Medical Investigators”
every week during M2
year (it’s no longer airing)
and it definitely helped me
on my ID exam. In an
episode Thursday night,
the doctor found out that
the patient had flatworm
and said “Nurse, get me
some praziquantel.” So, Not all medical shows will
along came the Friday help you through school, so
morning MDQ, and one of
be a little selective.
the questions asked for the
treatment of flatworm. Thanks to the handsome doctor on
the show, I got the answer right. These days, may I
suggest to you “House” as the best medical show to learn
things from? I know, our esteemed newsletter editor
wasn’t impressed by it. Granted, the three residents
somehow run labs, imaging studies, home sweeps, and
even neurosurgery themselves, which is absolutely
ridiculous, but the medical info that the show uses is
surprisingly very accurate. I have never watched that
watchamacallit show with Dr. McDreamy and Dr.
(Continued on page 19)
By Yukari Kawamoto
hat I learned as an M3
Gain weight before hitting surgery
Well, you know the whole hoopla
about models and their weights these
days. You, as medical students,
need to be concerned about your
weight, too. Surgery is grueling.
You wake up so early you’re not
hungry, you’re so busy during the
day that you skip lunch, and you
come home so tired that you go to
sleep without eating dinner. My
friends and I lost weight during
surgery, and our stomachs shrank
with long-term food deprivation (2
months), so it took a while to gain
it back. So, just like a bear The Twinkie: a third
stocking up on the fat before year’s best friend.
hitting the long winter, eat a few
extra chicken wings, indulge in some chocolate, and pack
on some extra pounds the month before you start your
surgery clerkship.
Keep it clean
Wash your hands all the time. But actually, when I say
keep it clean, I’m talking about your white coat. Unless
you wear turtlenecks all the time, the back collar of your
coat will turn a nasty disgusting shade of yellow-brown,
possibly green for all we know. It is the grossest thing!
Would you want to be seen by a doctor who had some
yet-undiscovered organism growing on his/her collar? I
don’t think so. I’ve learned two tricks to prevent this
serious fashion and health faux pas. The first is Clorox
bleach pen – whoever came up with this should be
awarded the Nobel Prize for Cleanliness. The second trick
is Tegaderm – yes, you read correctly, Tegaderm. You
know, the stuff you use in surgery over the incision sites?
Who’s going to turn down Tegaderm? It’s clear, it sticks,
and comes off easily – it’s fantastic! So find an opened
(but unused, of course) pack, and stick a piece of
Tegaderm over the collar line of your coat. If you do this,
you probably don’t have to wash your white coat for the
entire year! (But I seriously hope you do wash it every
week or two…)
Trade books
One of the really sad things about becoming an M3 is
that you no longer see all of your classmates everyday.
The perk to that, though, is that most of your classmates
are on a different rotation than you, meaning you aren’t
all using the same book at the same time. The Book
Room is great, but an even better way to save money is to
get a group of 6 friends together (one each from Groups
A-F), and each of you buy books only for one of the
clerkships. Then, trade books every 2 months. And if
you’re really nice, highlight the important stuff for the
next person. If you’re evil, highlight the inconsequential
stuff only.
Take IM and Ob/Gyn (and now Peds) during the winter
The Big O really is a fantastic city, with the worldrenowned zoo and the College World Series. But once it
hits winter-time, what can you do outside other than
freeze your butt off on the long trek between your car
(parked for free on the road, of course) and the hospital?
ingenious solution
to your winter woes
– San Francisco and
Phoenix. How great
is it that you get to
spend time in 70degree mild weather
classmates are stuck
wearing thermal Not a horrible place to spend two
underwear while months of your winter. Clear skies
delivering babies?
and 70’s: sounds like heaven.
Or that you get to
run outside along the Golden Gate Bridge as your
classmates are stuck on a treadmill at the gym with 20
other sweaty people? If you like the snow, great. But if
you’re the type who has the heater turned up to 85
degrees (yes, I do have the thermo at 85 as I type this and
don’t care how much my utility bill will be), the Big P
and Big SF would be a better bet than The O.
(Continued on page 19)
(Continued from page 8)
dominant starting rotation over the past couple of years,
headlined by veterans John Lackey and Bartolo Colόn,
followed by youngsters Ervin Santana and Jered Weaver.
With the addition of Gary Matthews Jr. to a lineup that
boasts one of the best players in the game in Vladimir
Guerrero, the Angels will be dangerous come October.
The biggest headline for the Oakland Athletics in the
offseason was the loss of starting pitcher Barry Zito, who
zipped across the bay to the San Francisco Giants. While
the rotation remains good with the likes of Rich Harden
and Esteban Loaiza, the A’s will definitely feel the hurt
that goes along with losing a pitcher of Zito’s caliber. The
Texas Rangers made a splash this offseason with the
signing of controversial slugger Sammy Sosa. After
sitting out the entire season in 2006, it remains to be seen
if the 38-year-old Sosa can compete in the post-steroids
era. Another question mark will be closer Eric Gagne,
who also joined the team in the offseason. Gagne has
struggled to get healthy after Tommy John surgery,
before which he set an MLB record with 84 consecutive
saves from 2002-2004. Finally, the Seattle Mariners will
be interesting to watch this year, and may be competitive
if pitcher Jeff Weaver, who signed with the club last
month, regains his form from his days with the Detroit
Tigers. However, they also need pitchers Jarrod
Washburn and Felix Hernandez to improve from their
mediocre 2006 seasons. Predictions: 1) Angels 2)
Athletics 3) Mariners 4) Rangers.
Playoff predictions: Angels over Blue Jays (wild card),
Tigers over Yankees, Tigers over Angels in ALCS.
Next issue: a look at the National League.
M1 Intramural Sports Update
By Tred Litely
his semester’s intramural sports had a slow
start, with only two M1 teams playing
intramural co-ed basketball. The team “F+
Factor” has a record of 2-3, losing one of their
games by slaughter rule (a thirty point differential) to the
other M1 team, “MSM”, who has a record of 4-1.
The triple entente of Cory The Animal Paterson, Dan
The Man Hadland, and Adam Linck of team MSM has a
tough week ahead of them, going into the playoffs. If they
manage to beat back the 5-0 Sausage and Eggs team this
Sunday (2/18) in the B+ playoff bracket, they will then
have to face another 4-1 team the following week in the
Meanwhile, in the B bracket, F+ Factor will be facing
their old rivals, the R&R Crew, who they previously lost
to in a real nail-biter by eighteen points. When asked to
comment on their strategy if they make it to the
semifinals, team roughneck Jim Ramig stated that “it’s
not how hard you can hit, but how hard you can get hit
and keep moving forward.” Jim’s status as team enforcer
was challenged in last week’s game by teammate Nick
Glass, when he almost fouled out shortly after the start of
the second half. Adding insult to injury, Nick’s retort
after the foul of “how do you like them apples” has since
changed his reputation from “the nice guy” to “the Dr.
Jekyll until he gets stressed out before an MCB final
exam and turns into Mr. Hyde guy.” Nick’s new
nickname is still up for review.
Looking ahead, the M1 class is training hard for the
upcoming wiffleball, volleyball, soccer, and Ultimate
Frisbee season, as they are expected to have at least one
team representing their class in each sport.
Mike Smith
What television
doctor do you
resemble, and why?
If you could have any super
power, what would it be and
“Dr. Seaver as played by
Alan Thicke, the dad in
Growing Pains, for obvious
“It’s not really a power, but
I’ve always wanted to be a
freemason because they control
the world. Or something that
would make it so I never had to
do laundry again.”
Diamond Rings and
Michael Bonebrake (M4) and Laura
Anderson (M4) became engaged on
December 27th, 2006 in Kansas City, MO.
Mandy Kreis (M1) was engaged to Ben
Buskevicius on December 31, 2006. They
are planning to get married in Omaha on
September 6, 2008.
David Garcia (M1) and Kim Collette
got engaged over Christmas break on
Dec. 29th. The wedding is set for Dec.
29, 2007 in Kansas City, MO.
(Continued from page 16)
(Continued from page 17)
McSteamy, so I can’t comment on if that’ll help you on
your exams (I told you, I am very nerdy). Watch House!
Watch TV!
Favorite memory from M3 year: Trying to sleep in the
call rooms at CUMC. But being kept up by a loud
resident talking to someone on the phone several rooms
over. Learning new super-juicy gossip about some
attendings and residents that this loud resident was
relaying to the listener (Too bad I didn’t use this gossip to
my advantage, I should have. It was definitely
blackmailing material, darn it!). Well, the lesson here is
don’t talk much in the call room area—let others sleep
and keep the gossip to yourself.
Favorite memory from M2 year: Don’t live smack dab
in front of the community pool. Elderly lady in a red-red
bathing suit, beach hat, martini in hand, radio blasting as
she sings and dances to Ricky Martin. Everyday. As I
studied for Step 1. Before there was even water in the
pool. Looking back, it’s pretty comical, but at the time,
the noise was driving me nuts! Living la vida loca!
Spring Events Calendar
Holy ADHD, Batman, there’s way too much to do the next two months!! Especially if you are a fan of classic rock & roll
music. With Bob Seger, Eric Clapton, Rod Stewart, and Billy Joel coming to town, there will be enough guitar and piano
solos to set the city on fire. There’s also hockey galore for you fans of fistfights on ice, as well as the upcoming MVC
Basketball Tournament for those of you in the mood for a road trip. Get out, skip classes, and enjoy!
February 22-25…….2007 Omaha Boat, Sports, and Travel Show
February 23-24…….Rock ‘n’ Rodeo: PRCA Championship Rodel
February 23……….. Christina Aguilera
February 24……...... Creighton vs. Wichita State
Goo Goo Dolls
February 26……….. Bluejay Battle of the Bands (Brought to you by the Class of 2009)
February 28………...Nickelback
Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Hamilton
March 1-4………….Missouri Valley Conference Men’s Basketball Tournament
March 1-April 7…... Menopause: The Musical
March 2…………… Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Houston
Omaha Lancers vs. Cedar Rapids
March 6…………… Bob Seger
March 7…………… Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Iowa
March 8…………… Justin Timberlake
Lamb of God
March 9…………… Take Action Tour: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Grand Rapids
March 10………….. Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Grand Rapids
March 16………….. Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Chicago
Omaha Lancers vs. Cedar Rapids
March 17………….. Omaha Lancers vs. Des Moines
Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Peoria
Freestyle Motor Cross
March 21………….. Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Milwaukee
March 22-25……….2007 Omaha Home and Builder’s Show
March 22………….. Evanescence
March 23-24……….Professional Bull Riding
March 23………….. Omaha Lancers vs. Sioux Falls
March 30………….. Omaha Lancers vs. Des Moines
March 31………….. Eric Clapton
Tilly and the Wall
Omaha Lancers vs. Green Bay
Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Manitoba
April 3…………….. Omaha Lancers vs. Tri-City
Rod Stewart
April 4…………….. Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Manitoba
April 6…………….. Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. San Antonio
April 7…………….. Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Houston
April 10…………… Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. San Antonio
April 13…………… Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Knights vs. Peoria
Omaha Lancers vs. Sioux City
April 13-15………...Spring Festival - An Arts and Crafts Affair
April 14…………… Omaha Lancers vs. Lincoln
April 22…………… Say Anything
April 28…………… Billy Joel
Qwest Center
Mid America Center
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Qwest Center
Orpheum Theatre
The Rock
Qwest Center
Civic Auditorium
St. Louis, Missouri
Orpheum Theatre
Civic Auditorium
Mid America Center
Qwest Center
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Qwest Center
Sokol Auditorium
Sokol Auditorium
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Civic Auditorium
Mid America Center
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Civic Auditorium
Qwest Center
Mid America Center
Qwest Center
Mid America Center
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Mid America Center
Mid America Center
Qwest Center
Sokol Auditorium
Mid America Center
Civic Auditorium
Mid America Center
Qwest Center
Civic Auditorium
Civic Auditorium
Civic Auditorium
Civic Auditorium
Civic Auditorium
Mid America Center
Qwest Center
Mid America Center
Sokol Auditorium
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