WILLIAM - Help Free The Earth


WILLIAM - Help Free The Earth
G r a c e
P o w e r s
amenstop productions
Powers Publishing
Powers Publishing
Vancouver, Canada
First published in Canada
© Grace Powers, 2009
All rights reserved
The right of the author of this work to be identified by
the pseudonym, Grace Powers, has been asserted in accordance
with the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988
All rights reserved. This book is sold to the purchaser subject to the condition that it shall not be lent, re-sold,
hired out, forwarded, copied for circulation in electronic format or any other format by the purchaser
The contents of this book do not reflect the thinking,
perspectives or policies of any branch of government.
They are personal to the author and are offered for
discussion purposes only
ISBN 978-0-9685537-2-5
• Chapter One
Children Of The Gods
• Chapter Two
• Chapter Three
Empire Of The City
• Chapter Four
Cult Of Amen
• Chapter Five
The Castaways
• Chapter Six
Asses Of Evil
• Chapter seven
Prince Of Darkness
• Chapter Eight
Masters Of Our Destiny
• Chapter Nine
• Bibliography
I peeked outside between the naked cherubs and the season’s greetings sign that decorated the bay
window of Angelo’s hair salon. A tow truck driver was checking his watch and counting down the
minutes to the 3PM ‘no parking’ deadline. I slipped Angelo a tip and ducked outside into the San
Francisco drizzle. The hydraulic jaws of the tow truck jockeyed for position as I ran the hundred yard
dash and slid into the driver’s seat of my airport rental car.
“Close call”, I sighed, turning the key in the ignition. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a
brown leather briefcase leaning against the parking meter. I craned my neck around looking for a
potential owner but there was none in sight. “Should I ignore it or jump out and rescue it? Ignore?
Rescue? Ignore? Rescue?” The cacophony of honking horns to my rear forced me to make a snap
decision. “Rescue.”
A joyless Santa Claus stood at the entrance to the Crowne Plaza Hotel jingling a string of silver
bells as I pulled up to the valet parking. I checked into my room and was greeted by a bottle of wine,
yellow roses and a gold embossed card that read; ‘Julie Cohen. The American Association of Clinical
Psychologists welcomes you.’
I ordered a light dinner in my room, then got down to the business of rehearsing my keynote
speech scheduled for the next morning at ten. With notes in hand, I stepped in front of the mirrored
closet. “Why do people keep telling me I look like Julia Roberts?”, I wondered, looking myself up
and down and turning from side to side. “It can’t be my nose or lips. Hmmm. The big hair maybe?”. I
cleared my throat. “My esteemed colleagues. Welcome to the tenth annual conference of…”. My
concentration quickly faded. Reflected in the mirror behind me was the rescued briefcase begging for
attention. A scary thought popped into my head. “What if there’s a time bomb ticking away inside?” I
picked up the briefcase and pressed it to my ear. Another scary thought. “Do time bombs make
ticking sounds these days or are they digital? How ironic. Here I am scaring myself to death and the
topic of my speech is ‘self-talk solutions’.”
The briefcase was an Italian leather Brunelleschi, probably worth five hundred dollars at the very
least. It had no name tag on it and the combination lock effectively killed any chance I had of finding
clues that might identify the owner. “Forget it”, I scolded. “Just drop the damn briefcase off at a
police station tomorrow. ‘My esteemed colleagues. Welcome to the tenth annual conference of the
clinical psychologists of…’” Again, I lost my concentration as I recalled a CNN news report about a
man who turned in an abandoned Louis Vuitton purse that he found on a park bench in Sausalito. It
belonged to a woman sightseer who had given it to her husband for safekeeping while she visited a
tourist attraction. The purse contained a Cartier watch, diamond and ruby rings and other cash and
jewelry valued at over a million dollars. The husband had absentmindedly left it on a park bench.
“Forget about sleeping”, I grumbled. “The nagging sleuth in me is going to keep me up all night
with the who, what, where, when and why.” Maybe I’ll try my luck at some lock combinations. Who
am I kidding? The odds of getting the numbers right are about as good as winning the Powerball
lottery. My best hope of finding the owner is to break the damn lock. All I have to do is pry it open,
but with what? The only screwdrivers on the room service menu are liquid.” My eyes zoomed in on
the knife and fork on my dinner tray. “You can’t do that. That would be destruction of private
property. Don’t even think about it.”
I re-stationed myself in front of the mirror. “Welcome to the…” Another idea flashed through my
brain. “What if I cut the stitching and open it along the leather side seam? It could always be restitched again without ruining it. Yes! That could work.”
I rifled through my suitcase and retrieved a pair of nail scissors from my manicure bag. With the
care of a skilled surgeon, I carefully snipped through nine inches of stitching along the briefcase side
seam, pushed my hand through the incision and blindly felt around inside. No jewels. No money. No
wires or time bomb. Not even a business card. All I could feel was a book, an envelope and a bound
report or something. I pulled out the envelope first and found twenty-four black and white
photographs inside. I shuffled through them. They were all shots of the Statue of Liberty from
different angles but with two exceptions. One was a photograph of a man standing in front of a
commemorative plaque. The other was a close-up of the plaque. ‘At this site on August 5, 1884, the
cornerstone of the pedestal of the statue of liberty enlightening the world was laid with ceremony by
William A. Brodie, Grand Master of Masons in the State Of New York. This plaque is dedicated by
the Masons of New York in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of that historic event.’
I took a close look at the photo of the man standing in front of the plaque. “Attractive. Mature.
Like a model for a men’s clothing magazine. A little overweight though. Maybe he’s the owner of the
briefcase?” I reached my hand back through the incision, retrieved the bound paper report and
fluttered through the pages. It was a ten chapter manuscript for a book. No phone number. No
address. Just the title and the author’s name on the cover page. “Antichrist 2015 by Zachary Fontana”.
I thumbed through the San Francisco phone book laying on the night table. Still no listing. If he’s
a known author with published works, he shouldn’t be too hard to find”. I tried googling him on my
laptop. More nothings. “What if the name Zachary Fontana isn’t his real name? What if it’s his pen
name or a pseudonym?” I slid my hand back inside the briefcase and pulled out a library book called
Everything You Know Is Wrong. It was a collection of articles about the lies peddled by government,
corporations, schools and the media. Zachary Fontana’s name wasn’t listed among the authors but the
clue I’d been looking for was boldly stamped on the inside cover. Everything You Know Is Wrong
was checked out of the Portola Branch of the San Francisco Public Library three days earlier.
“Hallelujah. All I have to do to track down Zachary Fontana is call the library tomorrow”.
My thoughts raced with endless analysis as I lay sleepless and wide-eyed in the darkness of my
hotel room. “What would cause someone to forget an expensive Italian Brunelleschi briefcase, a
library book, photos and a manuscript at a parking meter?” I remembered a research report that a
colleague of mine had written at Yale. The report concluded that the leading cause of forgetfulness is
a stressful situation that a person feels they have no control over. The stress then activates a protein
enzyme in the brain which impairs short-term memory. “I wonder what situation Mr. Fontana feels he
has no control over?” On came the light. Out came the manuscript and my reading glasses.
Stories have been surfacing for years about the evil that
lurks behind the walls of Buckingham Palace. The most persistent
rumor is that Queen Elizabeth II and her offspring are aliens.
There is no possession more prized to the British royal family than their genealogy charts. They
treasure them above all else. Their charts are their pedigree papers which trace their royal “blue”
bloodlines back to their “ungodly” roots. Over the millennia, the world’s royal families have preserved
the purity of their bloodline by interbreeding exclusively within royal power circles.
Why is hemophilia called “a royal disease?” Because it is caused by mixing the iron based
hemoglobin of humans with the copper based blood of royals. Since the two don’t mix, laws were
introduced to ban marriages between royals and commoners. Copper turns a blue-green color when it
oxidizes which is why the blood of royalty is rumored to be blue in color.
Stories have been surfacing for years about the evil that lurks behind the walls of Buckingham
Palace. The most persistent rumor is that Queen Elizabeth II and her offspring are aliens. Parallel to
this story is the belief that Type O Rh-negative blood is the bloodline of the alien Annunaki race who the
ancient Sumerian people wrote about. On Mar. 18, 1985, TIME magazine confirmed that Prince
Charles’ blood type is, indeed, type O Rh-negative.
Nearly 85% of all human beings have Rh-positive blood. The Rh refers to the Rhesus factor or Rh
factor. If you have Rh positive blood, that means you test “positive” for a gene that can be traced to
the Rhesus monkey. If by chance your blood type tests negative for the monkey gene, you are in a
small minority of only 15% of the world’s population. Within the human population, there are four
blood types; Type O. Type A. Type B and Type AB. These blood types are either Rhesus-positive or
O Rh-positive 37 percent
A Rh-positive 36 percent
B Rh-positive
9 percent
AB Rh-positive 3 percent
O Rh-negative
A Rh-negative
B Rh-negative
AB Rh-negative
7 percent
6 percent
1 percent
1 percent
Scientists confirm that humans and chimpanzees share 98.7% of the same genes. Humans are so
closely related to chimps that they can actually receive blood transfusions from them and vice-versa.
Chimps are known to have blood type A with minimal blood type O and never blood type B. Mountain
Gorillas have blood type B, minimal type O and never type A. Baboons have A and B blood types with
minimal type O.
What happens if you are an Rh-negative women and you try to mate with an Rh-positive partner?
Without medical intervention, your body will, in most cases, attack, reject and kill the fetus. What is
the cause of this strange breeding incompatibility within the human species? Are Rh-negative people
alien in some way?
Studies have been done to see if there is any difference between Rh-negative people and Rhpositive people. The results are shocking. Rh-negative people commonly have reddish hair, blue,
green, or hazel eyes, a higher than average IQ, sensitive vision, a lower body temperature, psychic
abilities, increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight, a feeling of not belonging to the human race and a
capacity to stop watches and disrupt electrical appliances. They can’t receive blood transfusions from
Rh-positive donors and they can’t be cloned. Rh-negative people report a feeling of not belonging to
the human race. Some even have an extra vertebrae, an extra rib or a caudal appendage, otherwise
known as a tail. The Rh factor appears to play a role in reports about alien abductions. Those who
are reportedly visited and abducted by aliens commonly have Rh-negative blood.
Fig. 1
Since Rh-negative blood hasn’t followed the usual evolutionary path, it must have come from some
outside source. Did ancient astronauts genetically engineer the human race? Two celebrated authors,
Erich Von Däniken and Zachariah Stichen have uncovered convincing evidence that the outside
source was an alien species of ancient astronauts who genetically engineered the human race.
According to Von Daniken, the proof lies in the breathtaking megaliths that were developed either by
extraterrestrial visitors or by humans who received the advanced knowledge to build them from
extraterrestrial visitors. Such artifacts include Stonehenge, the head statues of Easter Island and the
Egyptian pyramids and obelisks.
Why did so many separate ancient cultures with no way of communicating with each other worship
the “Gods” and illustrate them in their art work as astronauts with space vehicles? It’s easy to imagine
our own astronauts one day visiting other planets where they may encounter life forms that view them
as Gods.
On a clear summer’s night when you look up into the diamond studded heavens, you can’t help but
contemplate the big questions. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? The two most
popular theories about our human origins are evolutionism and creationism. The evolutionists believe
that early primates evolved into the ‘missing link’ which evolved into Cro-Magnon man which evolved
into us – the Homo sapiens. The only problem with the theory of evolution is that no remains have
been found so far for the “Missing Link”. No tools. No fossils. No artwork!
For more than 50 years, we were led to believe that “Piltdown Man” was an ancestor of modern
humans. Scientists took a closer look and found that Piltdown Man was a fraud, a composite of a
jawbone of an orangutan and the skull bone of a small child. The original discoverers had stained
these bone fragments to gain recognition and promote the falsehood of human evolution.
Found in Nebraska, the ancient tooth of Nebraska Man caused eager evolutionists to build a whole
imaginary society and lifestyle around this single tooth! When they found the rest of the skull two
years later, it was clear that the tooth belonged to a pig. For many years, evolutionists described
Nebraska Man as a missing link.
The prehistoric Java Man was found on the island of Java and was reported to be the missing link
between man and ape. After serious study, it was found that the two pieces of Java Man were from
two different skulls from two different areas of the island. Both were from the same species, probably
an Orangutan, but they were not the parts of humans.
Lucy is the latest find and has been almost universally accepted as humanity’s ancestor. Lucy is an
Australopithecus that is actually more like a monkey than a human. When the bones were studied by
spectrograph, they were found to match a chimpanzee rather than a human. Lucy, too, is a mosaic,
with bones assembled from different locations. The most human thing about Lucy is her name.
Dr. Austin Clark, a leading biologist at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington confirms that “No
matter how far back we go in the fossil record of previous animal life on Earth, we find no trace of any
animal forms which are intermediate between the major groups of phyla. Scientists have sometimes
come up with a few things they have elected as candidates, as transitions, but on a later closer
examination, these have been seen to be misinterpretations. There are no such things as missing
links. Missing links are misinterpretations.”
Creationists believe that the human race was created by “God” which means God genetically
engineered us. Most creationists would agree that “God” is a being or an energy not indigenous to our
planet or to this physical dimension. God must therefore be an “alien”.
Many ancient texts tell of Gods who came to earth from the heavens and created man in their own
image. In the Bible’s Book of Genesis, the Gods are described as giant beings called the Nephilim
which means “the fallen ones” in Hebrew.
The ancient astronaut theory explains anomalies in the human past. The theory postulates that
homo sapiens are a hybrid mix of primate terrestrial genes and extraterrestrial genes from a race of
Gods. The oral traditions of ancient civilizations describe human-like Gods coming down from the
heavens and creating mankind ‘in their own image’. Prior to the modern age of space travel and
genetics, the ancient astronaut theory would have been impossible to prove. And even now, in the
21st century, many people regard it as science fiction. However, in the light of the problems with the
orthodox theory of human evolution, the idea of genetic intervention by an intelligent human-like
species needs to be examined as a potential solution to the mystery of our human origins.
Endless accounts from ancient cultures describe a "serpent race" and serpent symbolism. The
Bible introduces the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Indian scriptures speak of a reptilian race. East
Asian writings mention a dragon race and a reptilian humanoid race. Middle Eastern religions refer to
reptilian-like demons and African Shamans speak of the Chitauri, which is also a reptilian race.
The best place to get answers about who these Gods were is from the oldest known civilization the Sumerians, whose culture dates back to 6,000 BC. The Sumerians documented the arrival of
“Gods’ from another world” who brought advanced knowledge with them. They called these Gods the
“Annunaki” which means “those who from heaven to earth came.”
In the 1800’s, Sumerian clay tablets were found in present day Iraq. The tablets clearly reveal the
name of the God who genetically engineered the human race. His name is Enki and he is the same
serpent God that the Greeks called Poseidon. Why on earth would the Sumerians and other ancient
civilizations who were geographically isolated from one another make up the same lies about our
human origins? The real question that needs asking is why the corporate religions of the world have
hidden the truth from us.
Zecharia Stichin who wrote The Earth Chronicles series and The End Days is one of the most
famous exponents of ancient astronaut intervention. “We look like them”, says Stitchen. They made
us through genetic engineering. They jumped the gun on evolution and made us look like them
physically, and to be like them emotionally.” Stitchen goes one step further by suggesting that the
Gods or ancient astronauts desired the human females they created and interbred with them. The
Bible’s Book of Genesis agrees. In Genesis 6:1-4, it says, “And it came to pass when humans began
to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them, the sons of God saw that the
daughters of humans were beautiful and they chose wives…and they had children with them.”
What planet, galaxy, universe or dimension did the Gods who seeded human life on earth come
from? The first and most obvious place to start looking is within our own solar system starting with our
closest neighbor – Venus. Venus is the brightest planet in the night sky and we can see it with our
own eyes for three hours before sunrise and three hours after sunset. Venus is called the “morning
star”. The fallen angel "Lucifer" is also called the “morning star”. Is there a connection between
Lucifer and the Planet Venus? When ancient astronomers mapped and recorded the movements of
the planet Venus in the night sky, they discovered that every eight years, the planet traced a perfect
pentagram shape around the zodiac. The pentagram has long been associated with Lucifer who is
also called Satan.
On the Inca Temple of the Sun in Lake Titicaca high in the Andes Mountains, ancient hieroglyphics
describe how a golden spaceship from Venus landed there in the dawn of time bringing what the
ancients called “Gods” from outer space. The Sumerians clearly documented the name of the planet
of the Gods. They called it NIBURU which means – “the planet of the crossing”. There is only one
planet that visibly crosses between the earth and the sun and that planet is Venus!
Despite the Magellan mission to Venus, the Luciferic planet remains shrouded in mystery. We call
it our sister planet because it is similar to Earth in size, mass, composition, and distance from the
Sun. That’s where the similarities end. A tour of Planet Venus is a descent into Satan’s oven. Thick,
rapidly spinning clouds cover the planet and trap surface heat which creates a scorching greenhouselike inferno with temperatures hot enough to melt steel and pressure strong enough to crush a
spaceship like a pop can. The landscape is pockmarked by faults, scars, giant magma bubbles and
over a thousand erupting volcanoes that send red hot rivers of molten lava snaking across the planet
surface for hundreds of kilometers. There is no water on Venus and yet it never stops raining. The
rain is sulfuric acid.
Scientists believe that Venus once had rolling hills, majestic mountains, sparkling oceans and
green valleys. It may well have been home to a technologically advanced civilization with an
atmosphere similar to Earth until a cataclysmic "greenhouse effect" boiled away the water.
As children, we learned in science class that the sun is a comfortable 93 million miles away from
Earth. Venus, on the other hand, swings by our planet at a distance of only 25 million miles. Earth
and Venus have not always followed the exact same orbital path nor have their paths always been
the exact same distance from the sun.
About 250 thousand years ago, the orbit of planet Venus came so close to Earth that the
electromagnetic fields of the two planets collided. Evidence for such a cataclysm is found today in the
observable “reverse retrograde” spin of Venus. Instead of spinning counterclockwise like Earth and
other planets in our solar system, Venus is spinning clockwise and rotating on its axis at such a slow
speed that a single day on Venus is equal to 243 days on Earth. The reverse spin of Venus cannot be
primordial and its phase lock with Earth is very telling evidence.
What impact could such a cataclysm have had on planet Earth? The impact would have triggered
an ice age and a pole reversal, both of which are known to have occurred. The Earth’s tropical
northern hemisphere where dinosaurs once roamed was transformed into an ice covered wasteland.
Like a spinning toy top that starts to wobble as it slows, the spin of the Earth on its axis shifted into a
wobble which scientists now call the ‘Chandler Wobble’. The Chandler Wobble, the ice age and the
pole reversal experienced by Planet Earth are evidence that a cataclysm did, indeed, occur. The slow
retrograde spin of planet Venus in phase lock with Earth provides convincing evidence that the
cataclysm was triggered by a collision of the electromagnetic fields.
There is a wealth of evidence that the impact from the collision of Venus and Earth’s
electromagnetic fields wiped out an advanced civilization and technology that once existed on Venus.
The identity of the survivors can be found in Plato’s ‘Critias’ and in Homer’s Illiad. The survivors were
twelve space bound astronauts called ‘The Titans’ whose crippled ship crash landed in the Atlantic
Ocean off of Gibraltar on neighboring Planet Earth. The ancient astronauts found themselves cast
back into the Stone Age with the daunting task of rebuilding their lost civilization on Earth and
reinventing science.
In six volumes of books, Robert Charroux (Robert Grugeau) a great French prehistorian, spent
decades studying ancient writings from around the world. He detailed the ancient Venusian
colonizations on Earth and their intervention in human evolution. His work is supported by carvings
and drawings of advanced technology and space travel. National libraries in Asia are home to
numerous ancient 4000 year old historical accounts which document in great detail the Venusian
spacecraft, the pilots and their missions on Earth. Some of these writings explain the method of
propulsion used by these alien craft. Recent scientific discoveries have proved this science to be
accurate. The 'Book of Dzyan', 'Vaimanika Sastra', 'Vymanika Shaastra’' and 'Maosola Purva' are
among these ancient writings.
A famous 1950s anthropologist/archaeologist, Dr. George Hunt Williamson, published research
describing his studies of ancient manuscripts hidden in a temple high in the Andes of South America.
The manuscripts detail Venusian landings, contacts, and the intermingling of ancient astronauts with
humans in ancient times. Charroux's book, 'One Hundred Thousand Years of Man's Unknown
History', also refers to the Andes evidence of Star Visitors high in the Andes Mountains where ruins of
one of the oldest cities was excavated - Tiahuaco. The monolithic ruins were so incredibly
constructed, that archeologists cannot explain how ancient humans could have constructed them.
The translated inscriptions that were found there state that in the dawn of civilization, a golden
spacecraft from Venus landed there, occupants emerged from the craft, and a beautiful Venusian
woman began teaching the primitive Indians the basic skills of civilization.
Like Leonardo Da Vinci, masterpiece artist Sandro Botticelli was a member of the secret Priory of
Zion brotherhood. Like Da Vinci, Botticelli coded and hid secret knowledge about our human origins
into his work. In his famous painting, “The Birth of Venus” (Fig. 2), he features the Goddess Venus
who symbolizes the Planet Venus. The half shell that Venus is standing in represents the shellshaped spacecraft that landed in the ocean and was pushed ashore by the winds which are illustrated
on the left of the painting as angelic beings. The painting might be more aptly named the “rebirth” of
Venus. Greek myth describes how Venus was conceived from the (spacecraft’s) foam in the sea and
taken ashore at Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Fig. 2
When the Venusian astronauts came ashore at Cyprus, they built a new Kingdom and named the
land “Atlantis”. Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean is the precise location of the sunken island of
Atlantis, says American researcher, Robert Sarmast. On a six-day voyage, Sarmast and his crew
scanned the seabed 80km south-east of Cyprus using sonar imaging technology. They found
massive man-made structures that match Plato’s description of Atlantis. Geologists who have studied
the Mediterranean’s layers of salt deposits confirm that the Mediterranean Sea dried up at least five
or six times since antiquity (Fig. 3).Today, all that remains of the sunken paradise of Atlantis is a
mountain top that we now call the island of Cyprus. Mount Olympus stands majestically today exactly
where it stood in the Mediterranean dry bed when it was home to the second generation of Gods from
Venus called “the Olympians”.
Fig. 3
The Garden of Eden was not a mythical paradise. It was the fertile plain of Atlantis located in the
Mediterranean dry bed. The word “Eden” comes from the Sumerian word meaning “plain”. Around
360BC, the Athenian philosopher Plato wrote about a magnificent seafaring civilization which had
attempted to take over the world, but had perished when its island sank into the sea – the result of an
unbearable cataclysm of earthquakes and floods. This civilization, said Plato, heralded from the
Atlantic Ocean, taking its name Atlantis from the God Atlas who presided over the depths of the sea.
Its main island had sunk some nine thousand years before the time of Solon - circa 9600 BC.
Plato described Atlantis as a flourishing civilization populated by humans, Gods and demi-Gods.
Beyond the city of Atlantis lay a fertile plain 330 miles (530 km) long surrounded by majestic
mountains dotted with villages, lakes, rivers and meadows. The people of this land possessed great
wealth thanks to the natural resources found throughout their island. The island was a center for trade
and commerce and the rulers held sway over the people and over the land that extended well into
Europe and Africa.
To facilitate travel and trade, a water canal was cut through the rings of Atlantean land. The water
ran south for 5.5 miles (9 km) to the sea. The city of Atlantis sat just outside the outer ring of water
and spread across the plain covering a circle of 11 miles (17 km). This was a densely populated area
where the majority of the population lived. Beyond the city lay a fertile plain 330 miles (530 km) long
and 110 miles (190 km) wide surrounded by another canal used to collect water from the rivers and
streams of the mountains. The climate was such that two harvests were possible each year - one in
the winter fed by the rains and one in the summer fed by irrigation from the canal. Surrounding the
plain to the north were mountains which soared to the skies. Villages, lakes, rivers, and meadows
dotted the mountains. Besides the harvests, the island provided a wealth of herbs, fruits, and nuts. An
abundance of animals, including elephants, roamed the island.
The idea that flesh-and-blood, walking talking ‘Gods’ lived side by side with ancient humans is hard
to fathom for most people. Why? Because for thousands of years, we have been deeply indoctrinated
with a religious belief in one invisible, all powerful God. For the Sumerians, co-habitation with humanlike Gods was an everyday reality.
Greek mythology is really the disguised history of the ancient astronauts of Atlantis. They are
described as heavy, muscular, eight foot tall giants. They traveled at wondrous speeds and
possessed immense weapons and supernatural powers including the power to change frequencies
and appear and disappear. They loved. They sinned. They fought battles and they had life spans of
hundreds of thousands of years.
Fig. 4
According to the Vedas of ancient India, the Gods were all members of one large, but not necessarily
peaceful family. Rivalries between family members split up the Gods into two warring factions –
namely the older generation of Titan Gods and the younger generation of Olympian Gods. After a
fierce ten year battle, the Olympians led by Zeus and Poseidon overthrew the Titans. According to the
historical records, the first ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC. They were
dedicated to the Olympian Gods and were staged on the ancient plains of Olympia. The games
continued for nearly 12 centuries, until Emperor Theodosius decreed in 393 A.D. that all such "pagan
cults" be banned.
The Olympian God Zeus seized the throne of power but his younger half brother Poseidon
challenged his authority. Homer describes the bitter rivalry between the brothers and Poseidon’s lust
for power in the Illiad. “The two were of one generation and a single father, but Zeus was the elder
born and knew more.” To end the conflict, Zeus and Poseidon decided to draw lots and divide Planet
Earth between them. Poseidon, the serpent God of the sea, would rule Atlantis and the Atlantic
region. Zeus, the thunder God of the sky, would rule Lemuria and the Pacific region.
The story of how the Gods created the human race is found in the Atrahasis Epic written in the
18th century BC. The epic was written on clay tablets and describes the toil of the lower Gods
digging canals and rebuilding a new civilization on Earth. The Tigris river bed and the Euphrates were
the lifelines of the new land. After 3,600 years of hard labor, the lower Gods threw down their tools
and rebelled. The council of higher Gods met and decided that a ‘slave race’ would be genetically
engineered to do the labor for them.
Enki (Poseidon) and Ninkharsag (Mammi) conducted genetic engineering experiments and
developed a hybrid breeding program. Clearly, the Gods of Sumer were familiar with the double helix
of DNA and used intertwining snakes and serpents as their medical symbol just as the modern
medical profession does to this day. The Sumerian tablets depict the Gods holding test tubes and
producing a hybrid being that they called LU.LU (one who has been mixed). The homo sapien hybrid
was engineered by mixing their own DNA with the most advanced species on earth at that time –
The first hybrid slaves can be dated to around 200,000 BC when Neanderthals first appeared on
Planet Earth. Neanderthals made their home in Gibraltar where five sites have been discovered with
Neanderthal remains. The experimental Neanderthals proved to be far too aggressive a species and
were driven to extinction 25,000 years ago. With further experimentation, the Gods genetically
engineered Cro Magnon man followed by a more docile and manageable race of divine apes – the
Homo Sapiens.
Fig. 5
The virgin birth myths that have been embraced by world religions originate from the immaculate
conception of humans by the alien Annunaki race in the absence of sexual contact. The Annunaki
God, Ninkharsag was also called “Mammi” which is the linguistic source of the words we use today
for mother – Mumma, Mamma, Ma and mother.
Proof of the genetic engineering of humans by an alien species is found in recent discoveries from
the Human Genome Project. For the past few decades, molecular biologists have examined and
mapped human DNA which has 25,000 genes with over three billion chemical bases. It turns out that
97% of human DNA is “junk DNA” with no known use or function!
Failing any other explanation for this shocking revelation, scientists are now considering the notion
that our genetic code was written by an extraterrestrial programmer who wrote two versions of our
genetic code - a “big code” and a “basic code”. Our so called ‘junk DNA’ is a hidden and dormant
upgrade of our basic code. It is a self-organizing, auto-executing, auto-developing and auto-correcting
software with a built-in connection to the ageless energy and wisdom of the Universe. In other words,
the DNA that scientists have been calling ‘junk DNA’ is really “divine DNA”. It seems that our
programmers purposely disabled the big code and left us to exist on only 3% of our DNA. Why? To
create a manageable slave race, perhaps? Like a broken radio dial, we are stuck on one station
instead of roaming across thousands of stations and frequencies. That station is ‘five sense reality’ in
which our sight, hearing and other senses are locked into a narrow range of programmed perception.
Genesis which means “origin” is the name of the first book of the Bible. The true origin of the
human race is coded right into the very word itself. Gen esis is ‘gene isis’ - the gene of Isis. Since Isis
and Venus are one and the same Goddess, the gene of Isis is actually the gene of Venus. The
genesis of the human race is the “gene” of the Gods of Venus.
Unlike apes, monkeys and other species that live in harmony with earth’s ecosystem, humans are
at odds and out of step with nature. Why? Because part of us is foreign to this planet and it is that
foreign part of us that has brought the entire planet and all of its creatures to near extinction.
The most startling discovery made by human genome researchers is the fact that 250 genes out of
our 25,000 genes are unique and are not found in any other terrestrial life form. Geneticists have not
been able to find any evolutionary basis or terrestrial source whatsoever for these genes. What does
that mean exactly? It confirms that our 250 unique genes must have come from “a higher species”
and an extraterrestrial source! In contemplating our human origins, our intuition as human beings tells
us that we are not ‘evolved apes’ that came down from the trees and just got smarter over time. If that
were true, then why are there still apes?
Considering the fact that 250 of our 25,000 human genes have no evolutionary basis whatsoever
and considering the fact that humans share 98.7% of the same DNA as chimps, it is no stretch of the
imagination to conclude that humans are alien-ape hybrids. Imagine how closely we would resemble
our primate relatives if we were left alone in a remote jungle for a year without clothes, soap,
perfume, toothpaste, razors, tweezers or scissors. Despite our best efforts to distance ourselves from
the animals and our primate relatives, it’s impossible to deny our animal connection during oralgenital and doggie style sex.
There is no reason whatsoever to doubt the truth of the ancient Sumerian records which describe
human-like Gods and demi-Gods living and walking side by side with humans, nor is there any
reason to doubt similar evidence from the ancient Mayans, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Aztecs, Aryans,
Assyrians, Hebrews, Greeks and the inhabitants of ancient India and Tibet.
Fig. 6
According to Plato, Poseidon was so pleased with his human creations (ape-God hybrids) that he
mated with a chosen female named Cleito (root of the word clitoris) and named her the Earth Queen.
He built a palace for her at the top of a hill near the center of the island of Atlantis. He surrounded it
with rings of water and land to protect her. Cleito gave birth to five sets of demi-God twin boys
(human-God hybrids). Eventually, Poseidon divided Atlantis into ten districts, each ruled by one of his
ten demi-God sons. The eldest, Atlas, became the first King of Atlantis.
For generations, the Atlantean humans lived among the Gods and “royal” demi-God rulers and
they multiplied in great numbers. They lived simple, virtuous lives as laborers but slowly they began
to change as greed, power and sexual immorality corrupted them.
Zeus held Poseidon responsible for violating divine law by breeding with humans and passed
judgment on him. He gathered the assembly of Gods together to determine a suitable punishment. In
the Sumerian account, the Gods decreed that a flood would sweep over the cult centers and destroy
the corrupt seed of humans and royal demi-Gods. Poseidon was sworn to secrecy about the plan.
When the Gods opened the flood gates of the Straits of Gibraltar and allowed the Atlantic waters to
come thundering through into the Mediterranean, Atlantis was a doomed paradise. 72,000 references
to the flood are found in ancient writings from all over the world.
Tablet three of the Atrahasis Epic describes what happened next. In violation of his oath of
secrecy, Poseidon warned Noah of the flood that would destroy humanity. He instructed him to
dismantle his house, build a boat with a roof on it and seal the upper and lower decks shut with
bitumen. Why did Poseidon break his oath of secrecy and warn Noah? According to the Bible’s Book
of Genesis, Noah was 600 years old at the time of the flood indicating that Noah was a royal “demiGod” and therefore the offspring of Poseidon.
After seven days, the flood waters subsided and Atlantis was forever lost beneath the sea. When
Zeus learned that Noah and his family had survived the flood, he decided to make a pact with him. In
return for Noah’s oath to worship and obey him, he promised to spare his life. Noah agreed but
secretly, his loyalty and the loyalty of his demi-God descendants from Abraham through to King David
and Queen Elizabeth II have always been to the serpent God Poseidon.
One doesn’t have to look far to find symbols of the divine worship and ancestry of Queen Elizabeth
II and her demi-God offspring. The British royal family’s gold carriage features the giant sized
ancestral serpent God Poseidon (Neptune) riding on the back of it adorned in gold and carrying a
“trident” (Fig. 7). It is no coincidence that the trident carried by the serpent God Poseidon is also
carried by the red devil known as Satan.
Fig. 7
The red devil is clearly displayed on Prince Charles’ coat of arms as a red serpent (Fig. 8).
Opposite the red serpent is Charles’ badge as the heir-apparent to the British throne. Three ostrich
feathers are surrounded by a crown with the motto Ich Dien. The meaning of Ich Dien is "I serve" in
German. The motto and ostrich feathers are associated with "the Black Prince" who was the son of
Edward III. Reading the motto and symbols on Charles’ coat of arms from left to right, the following
message is conveyed: “I, the Black Prince, serve the Red Dragon”.
Fig. 8
“So that’s why I like bananas so much. It’s the monkey in me.” I laughed out loud and tossed the
manuscript aside. “Conspiracy theories. I’m going to bed. I’ll set the alarm for 7AM and rehearse my
speech in the morning.”
I got ready for bed, crawled under the covers and started channel surfing in search of some light
hearted Jay Leno humor to lull me to sleep. A familiar face jumped out from the blur of scrolling
images. I flipped back through the channels and caught the tail end of San Francisco’s KRON 4 news.
The face on the screen was the spitting image of the man in one of photos that I had found inside the
briefcase. I leapt out of bed and picked up the photo of the man standing in front of the Statue of
Liberty and held it up next to the face on the TV screen.
“Earlier this evening”, reported the news announcer, “Retired political science professor from
Berkeley, Zach Goldberg, was found dead in his apartment in the Portola District of San Francisco
with a gunshot wound to the head. Police suspect it may have been suicide but foul play has not yet
been ruled out.”
“Zach Goldberg? Zach. Zachary. Could Zachary Goldberg be…Zachary Fontana?” A tidal wave of
questions swept over me. “Is it just a coincidence that their names are both Zachary? Didn’t they say
he was from the Portola District? That was the same district where the library book was checked out
of. Oh God. It must be the same man. I have to call the police.”
I reached for my cell phone and dialed 9-1-1…then quickly hung up. “Wait a minute. The police
haven’t ruled out foul play. If I tell them I have the dead man’s briefcase, they’re going to investigate
me. They’re going to march me down to police headquarters tonight and interrogate me! I won’t be in
any shape to deliver my speech in the morning.”
I paced the room, weighing my options, searching for the right course of action. “There’s really
nothing important inside the briefcase. Right? Right. So, what difference does it make if I report it
tonight or tomorrow? None whatsoever.” I took three deep breaths through my nostrils, then slowly
exhaled through my mouth to calm myself. “Go back to bed and report it tomorrow after the speech.
There’s no rush. Relax... Just relax.”
Jay Leno was performing his usual schtick. “Have you heard about the new DVD that teaches you
how to test your dog's IQ? Here's how it works: if you spend $12.99 on the DVD, your dog is smarter
than you.” I shut off Leno and the bedside lamp and tried to shut off my brain. “They haven’t ruled
out foul play which means he might have been murdered. What if there’s something in the
manuscript…like a clue to his murder?” On came the light. Out came the manuscript and my reading
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth;
And he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a
dragon…and he causes all, both small and great, rich
and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their
right hand or on their foreheads.”
- Book of Revelation
By thumbing through the pages of the Bible’s Book of Revelation, you will encounter bizarre,
violent and terrifying predictions of plagues, famines, wars, devils, wild beasts and rivers of blood. A
growing number of people believe that these apocalyptic visions predict nuclear war, terror, hunger
and unimaginable suffering for non-Christians. According to the Hebrew authors of the Bible, all hell is
going to break loose.
In 1995, Prince William, the future King of England, had an electronic chip planted in his right
hand. It was explained in the media as a homing device that would interact with a special satellite in
case the Prince is ever kidnapped or goes missing. This microchip is the same technology that could
enslave a future world in which no one would be able to buy or sell or even participate in society
unless they are 'marked' (chipped).
There are three guidebooks or texts which map out a plan for global control under one world
empire and one world ruler; Freemason Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma, the Illuminati’s Protocols of
Sion and the Holy Bible’s Book of Revelation. All three texts describe an apocalypse or third world
war which will give rise to one world empire and one world leader.
Throughout history, the world’s ruling royal families have practiced inbreeding between sisters and
brothers, uncles and nieces, mothers and sons to keep their power and wealth all in the family. This
incestuous practice of inbreeding has produced a clever but pathological breed of sociopathic crime
families who will stop at nothing to own every ounce of gold, every drop of water and every blade of
grass on planet earth. The United Nations which they founded and control has clearly stated its goals
of establishing a new world order, a UN standing army and a global taxation system. Queen Elizabeth
II’s husband, Prince Phillip, and Lord Evelyn Rothschild have already established an Interfaith
Declaration for the creation of one world religion.
Televangelist books and DVD’s that predict future events based on Bible prophecy are hot sellers.
Tim LaHaye's Christian series called, Left Behind, has already sold 63 million books, many of which
have been made into big budget movies. The movies are set in the 21st century with fighter jets and
TV correspondents standing in the middle of a third world war battleground called Armageddon. The
plots for these movies are torn from the pages of the Bible and warn of a seven year reign by a
demonic Antichrist. They claim that the war on terror, earthquakes, hunger, floods, plagues and
immorality are clear signs that Bible prophecies are unfolding right now and the countdown to
Armageddon has already begun.
The Bible’s ‘end time’ prophecies map out an event formula for a global takeover by ten rulers
(Kings) who will serve under one Satanic world ruler. Bible believers expect a fairytale ending to the
apocalyptic story found in the Book of Revelation. They welcome the arrival of an Antichrist Prince
who they believe must rule the world for seven years, only to be defeated by Jesus when he
descends from the heavens on a white horse. They are convinced that God is the producer and
director of the Bible’s final act in the history of the world.
The question that urgently needs asking is whether the wrathful hand of God is fulfilling Bible
prophecy or the greedy hands of the ruling families whose corporations have developed climate,
psychological, biological and nuclear weaponry to accomplish the task. The most insidious part of
their global takeover scheme is that they have conned millions into supporting and even welcoming it!
The 9/11 attack on America ignited the war of terror and signaled what many believe to be the
start of the pre-tribulation period described in the Bible’s Book of Revelation. The televised 9/11
attack looked so much like a formula Hollywood disaster movie that it had ‘made in the USA’ written
all over it. The only difference is - it used real props and real people. It had terrorist villains, American
firefighter heroes, fireball explosions, collapsing buildings, pedestrians chased by dust clouds and it
even had a “God Bless America” theme song sung by hand-holding politicians. Well positioned
cameras shot the action packed drama from every conceivable angle.
A skeleton of twisted steel stood among the trade center rubble like a ghostly art sculpture and
became CNN’s symbol of the chilling disaster movie. Nearby, George W. Bush posed for news
cameras with his arm draped paternally around the shoulder of a firefighter hero. Without a single
blooper, George Dubbya shouted into his ground zero megaphone, “None of us will ever forget this
day. The people who knocked these buildings down will hear all us soon”.
The timing, the title and the steel tower advertisement for Harvey Weinstein’s The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings movie were eerie and prophetic. Profits from the movie were small change
compared to the September 11th Two Towers production which holds the title as the world’s top
grossing production of all time. The only thing missing were the 9/11 producer, writer and director
credits…but it doesn’t take an Enron accountant to figure out who cashed in on the disaster. During
the first week, the 9/11 producers made a spectacular fortune just on the stock market alone. How?
By knowing in advance that the stocks in airline and insurance companies associated with the 9/11
crashes would drop in value. Using that inside information, they made negative bets on the stock
market called “put options”. Put options are bets that a certain stock will fall in value by a certain date.
It’s big risk gambling unless you’ve got inside information that can turn your bet into a sure thing - but
that’s illegal - if you get caught at it.
“Put option” bets on 9/11 related airline and insurance stocks skyrocketed by a whopping 600%
just before 9/11. That means somebody knew about the attacks before they happened. Who exactly
were those somebody’s? Merrill Lynch, HSBC, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, the Bank of America,
weapons manufacturer Raytheon, the Lehman Brothers, General Motors, Swiss Re, Munich Re and
Axa Re Insurance which owned 25% of American Airlines. These are the identified insiders who
bought “put options” through Deutsche Bank and profited from 9/11. Buzzy Krongard, the former
Executive Director of the CIA, just happened to be the manager of Deutsche Bank.
And so, the big profiteers from 9/11 were not Osama Bin Laden and his band of US trained Arabs.
They were blue chip Israeli, British and US businessmen. In the first week alone, the 9/11 producers
sucked up forty billion in box office receipts from US taxpayers who were hypnotized, terrorized and
traumatized by the infinite re-runs”.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) dared to televise a 9/11 documentary that
challenged viewers to take a conspiracy theory true or false test. The answers to the test have all
been confirmed as ‘true’. When George W. Bush started his first oil company, who helped fund it?
Osama Bin Laden’s brother and brother-in-law. (True ¥). After a terrorist bomb at a barracks in Saudi
Arabia killed nineteen Americans, who got the multimillion dollar contract to rebuild? The Bin Ladens.
(True ¥). On the morning of September 11, 2001, who was in at a meeting at the Ritz Carlton hotel in
Washington? George Bush Senior and Osama Bin Laden’s brother. (True ¥).
Power Hour Productions produced a hair raising DVD called “911 In Plane Sight” with actual news
film footage and a detailed analysis of the attacks on the Pentagon and the two World Trade Center
buildings. By slowing down the news feeds shown by CNN, FOX, the BBC and others, what is seen is
quite different from what most people saw in "real time" that day. Because of the smoke and
confusion at the Pentagon, most people missed the live footage that the “911 In Plane Sight” video
shows. Following a screening of the video, a retired vet remarked, "How did we miss it all this time?
I've seen media clips of the front of that building [the Pentagon] many times, but I wasn't really seeing
what was there. I feel sick." One particular interview that brought gasps from the audience was an
interview conducted - live at the time - by FOX News. This intense interview with Mark Burnback, an
employee of FOX News, contains the following paraphrased narrative: Mark Burnback was close to
the path of the second plane that hit the second tower. He had a good long look at the plane which
he described as “not a commercial airliner”. The plane that hit the second tower had no windows. He
was certain of that. It had some kind of blue logo on the front of it near the nose and it looked like a
cargo plane. He said "this plane wasn't from around here or anything you'd see take off from the
Other In Plane Sight footage includes several women who also had a very clear view of the
second plane hitting the second World Trade Center tower. These women are “live” on camera
watching the crash on 9/11 and yelling, "That wasn't American Airlines....It wasn't American Airlines
going into the building." These interviews were played only once on FOX News but were never
replayed again. The most damning segments of the DVD are the clear, slow motion camera shots
that show the second plane hitting the tower. There is a flash of light right before the nose of the
plane strikes the building and a pod can be seen attached to the bottom of the plane. This strange
flash is clearly recorded from four different angles from four different cameras. There is only one
known piece of film footage showing the first plane hitting the first tower. Just like the first plane,
viewers can clearly see the second plane, in slow motion, and a flash of light from the nose section
just before impact. What caused these flashes of light?
To date, only one piece of film has been released by the Department of Defense showing the
front of the Pentagon. Since the Pentagon is the nerve center of America's military and security
systems, where is all the other security film footage that was taken on 9/11? The Pentagon and its
entire perimeter are loaded with cameras but none of the footage has ever been released for public
The scientific evidence demonstrates that American Airlines Flight 77 (wingspan 124 feet, length
155 feet, height 18 feet) could not possibly have crashed into the Pentagon’s west block and left a
hole 26 feet high, 90 feet wide across the first floor and 13 feet wide across the second floor. (Fig. 9)
Why were there no wing marks on the building? Why were the wings never found? Why was there so
little debris? What happened to the confiscated security video-tapes of the crash? Could the plane
have been an unmanned remote controlled aircraft like the ones that global defense Northrop
Grumman Corporation have already developed?
Fig. 9
One viewer who saw the 911 In Plane Sight DVD asked, "If the planes weren't commercial
airliners, where are those flights? Where are the passengers? My, God what really happened that
day?" One upset man commented, "It's time to get this on PBS and every investigative news program
on TV. We need answers!"
Americans saw one thing that morning that was so shocking, so horrific and so massive that they
missed the details. Why were so many controversial 9/11 on-the-spot interviews never re-broadcast
including the interviews with the last man out, Alex Rodriguez, and with other firefighters who
witnessed the explosions inside the towers. These men admitted on camera that they thought there
were bombs set in the buildings.
Another documentary film, Loose Change 2nd Edition, delivers the most comprehensive analytic
overview of the events of September 11, 2001 which illustrate the direct connection between the
horrific events that day and the complicity of the United States government.
The most damning evidence of a 9/11 cover-up is the collapse of the World Trade Center’s
“Building 7” later on in the afternoon on September 11th even though it had never even been hit!
News agencies reported that the World Trade Center’s "Building 7" collapsed as a result of the
collapse of Tower One and Tower Two…but the actual 9/11 video footage of the collapse of Building
7 told a “controlled demolition” story and raised even more questions. Larry Silverstein, owner of
Building 7, finally admitted on record that building 7 had been “pulled” by controlled demolition on
9/11. How in the world could Building 7 have been pulled on 9/11 when it takes weeks to set up a
controlled demolition - not a single afternoon in the middle of mayhem? Photos and videos of Building
7 during its collapse clearly show the typical flashes from the “controlled demolition” explosives which
had to have been installed weeks before September 11th.
Many of the facts surrounding the events of 9/11 confirm the cover-up, like the fact that the Bush
administration ignored all of the advance warnings of the 9/11 attacks. Warnings from FBI agents like
Colleen Rawley and from the famous Phoenix memo were not only ignored, they were suppressed.
FBI Deputy Director, John P. O’Neil, quit his job when his investigation of Osama Bin Laden was
blocked. According to a September 24th Newsweek article, top Pentagon officials cancelled their
travel plans on 9/11 because of security concerns. While the American people were sitting ducks, all
of America’s political, military and corporate VIP’s were kept out of harms way.
Two Muslims accused of the 9/11 hijackings took their flight training at Rudy Deckkers Huffman
aviation school in Florida. Rudy Dekkers is linked to the CIA through Caribbe Air and Britannia
Aviation which shared the same small Venice airport with Dekkers. The news media reported that on
the night before the 9/11 attacks, accused ringleader, Mohammed Atta, and two other Muslim
hijackers got drunk, fondled naked dancers in a Florida strip club called Shukum’s, forgot their
business card and their Koran holy book at the bar, publicly bashed America and loudly boasted
about impending bloodshed the next day. Why would devoted and highly secretive Muslim hijackers
risk their planned mission by attracting so much negative attention? Why were they in Florida instead
of Boston the night before their suicide flights?
On the early morning of September 11th, nineteen Muslim men well know to intelligence and
security agencies supposedly waltzed past airport security checks, boarded four passenger planes
and turned them into deadly missiles without even a hitch. By 8:13AM, flight controllers temporarily
lost radar contact with American airlines flight 11 and reported a suspected hijacking. Even though
Andrews Air Force base is only ten minutes from Washington, emergency response fighter jets took
close to an hour instead of the typical fifteen minutes to scramble and begin searching for the
hijacked planes. By then, it was too late.
President George W. Bush already knew about the first American Airlines flight 11 hijacking (which
occurred at 8:46 AM) when he sat down to chat with school kids at Emma E. Booker elementary
school in Sarasota, Florida. It wasn’t until 9:05AM that he was notified that a second plane, United
Airlines flight 175 had also crashed into the World Trade Center and that America was under attack.
Instead of being whisked to safety in this national emergency, Bush nodded and continued chatting
with kids about a pet goat (Baphomet) while American citizens were burning alive and leaping to their
death from the towering infernos.
“You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to wonder what George W. Bush knew about the
attack and when he knew it”, said a reporter on CBC’s 9/11documentary. The documentary showed
George W. Bush three months after the 9/11 attack talking to a live audience about what he knew and
when he knew it. “I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in and I saw an airplane hit the
tower”, said Bush. “You know, the TV was obviously on. I used to fly myself and I said, now there’s
one terrible pilot…and, uh, I said, it must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off and I
didn’t have much time to think about it.” Here is televised proof of two giant sized lies. Lie number
one: George W. Bush was not whisked away. He hung around and chatted with the school kids for,
by most accounts, another ten minutes. Lie number two: George W. Bush was told about the second
plane while he was inside the classroom. He makes a publicly televised claim in front of a live studio
audience that he watched the first plane crash into the tower on television on September 11th. That
claim is irrefutably false. No one on the face of the Earth saw the first plane crash into the tower on
television on September 11th. Why? Because the video-tape of it didn’t even surface until the next
day! George W. Bush did not see what he said he saw. The question still remains, what did George
W. Bush know and when did he know it?
At 9:45AM, George W. Bush took off in Air Force One with no escort or protection from fighter jets
and circled around for the next hour. Why was the President’s plane unescorted for an entire hour
while hijacked planes were roaming the skies? While Bush was airborne, the (alleged) inexperienced
hijacker pilots who had taken only a simulated flying course reportedly flew the third hijacked plane,
flight 77, into a top gun 270 degree turn. They bypassed the offices of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
crashed into a conveniently unoccupied part of the Pentagon that was under renovation.
Emergency response air force fighter jets finally became airborne when a fourth hijacked plane,
flight 93, crashed into a field in Pennsylvania at 10:06AM. The media reported that passengers
overpowered the hijackers, but nearby residents saw US fighter jets overhead and gave eyewitness
reports of debris falling from the sky. That debris was found eight miles away suggesting that the
plane had been shot down. Strangely, no visible plane wreckage was found at the Pennsylvania
crash sight. There were no fires. There were no firefighter efforts and there were no bodies! No
bodies??? How could the bodies of all of the passengers on Flight 93 just disintegrate into thin air
while fragile pieces of paper, plastic, and fabric were said to have been found at the crash site?
Within hours of the 9/11 hijacking, a massive blame-the-Muslims campaign was launched by CNN
and the media. That campaign continues to this day. In less than 48 hours, the names and mug shots
of 19 accused Muslims were flashed across America’s TV screens. If government investigators knew
nothing, how did they manage to identify 19 Muslim men as the hijackers so fast from fake passports
and without any DNA evidence? How could accused ringleader Mohammed Atta’s passport survive
the fireball explosion that supposedly cremated him? How could it fly out of his pocket, fly out of the
incinerated plane, flutter to the ground into two feet of debris and end up in readable condition in the
hands of investigators - all within 48 hours? Why did 19 Muslim men even need passports on
domestic flights? How were passports found but not the plane’s voice recorders? Why did the
hijackers need passports they would never use again after their suicide flights? Why were the 19
accused Muslims not under surveillance on 9/11 if they were so easy to identify?
The suitcase of accused Muslim ringleader, Mohammed Atta, was never loaded onto the plane
and conveniently fell right into the hands of investigators. The suitcase was jam-packed with
incriminating evidence including a Koran, a how-to-fly-a-commercial-airplane video and a fuel
consumption indicator. Why would a hijacker about to die on a suicide mission pack a suitcase? It
seems Mohammad Atta was a very forgetful ringleader who carried around a lot of Koran Holy books.
He reportedly forgot one in a Florida strip club, another in a rental car and still another in his lost
suitcase at the airport. More incriminating evidence of flight manuals written in Arabic were found
within hours of the attack in parked rental cars. Why didn’t the terrorists take a taxi to the airport? Can
they be that smart and that stupid at the same time?
The conspicuous trail of planted evidence continued after the 9/11 attacks when anthrax letters
killed five people and were clearly worded to throw the blame on Muslims. “Death to America. Death
to Israel. Allah is great,” said the letters. It has since been proven that the anthrax came from a U.S.
army lab and was never mailed by Muslims. Were the 19 Muslims who were accused of the
hijackings set up and framed? If so, who set them up? Right after the attacks, CNN deceptively and
repeatedly showed an airport security video of Mohammed Atta. CNN neglected to inform viewers
that the security video (deceptively) showed Mohammed Atta boarding a plane at Portland Maine, not
the hijacked plane. There were no security video-tapes of any of the 19 accused Muslims boarding
any of the hijacked planes.
Right after the 9/11 attacks, CNN reported that they had a tape of Osama Bin Laden telling his
mother that “something big” was about to happen and that she wouldn’t be seeing him for awhile.
CNN later acknowledged that the report was false. Osama Bin Laden consistently denied being
involved in the 9/11 attacks and claimed the Israeli Zionists were behind the attacks.
According to Indian, Chinese and Japanese news reports, Osama Bin Laden was killed in
Afghanistan in the fall of 2001 and was buried in an unmarked grave by his own men. During an
interview on CNN, Command Sergeant Major Eric Haney said, “I believe he [Osama Bin Laden] is
dead. I’m 98% positive that we killed him in December of 2001… I’ve seen no proof of life since then
regardless of these tapes that are cobbled together.” On Halloween of 2004, just prior to the U.S.
Presidential election, CNN televised a video-tape of a man dressed up like Osama Bin Laden. The
man confessed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. This very timely Halloween video-tape effectively
“tricked” American voters into “treating” George W. Bush to another four years in the white house.
The Muslim world and millions of Europeans including Germany’s former minister of technology,
Andreas Von Buelow, believe that Zionist extremists staged the 9/11 attacks on America to ignite the
war on terrorism. That war has targeted Israel’s Muslim enemies and is being bought and paid for
with the blood, the lives and the tax dollars of terrorized American citizens.
What exactly is a Zionist? It is important to understand the difference between the terms ‘Jews’,
‘Hebrews’, ‘Israelis’ and ‘Zionists’. The term JEWS refers to the world’s Jewish population. They are
typically honest, caring, honorable people who embrace the religion of Judaism and share good and
loving moral values. The term HEBREWS refers to the Hebrew people who are the ethnic
descendants of the original twelve tribes of Israel. These twelve Hebrew tribes are called Manasseh,
Dan, Simeon, Judah, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Reuben, and Levi. The
term ISRAELIS refers to the citizens of Israel, most of whom are Jewish. The term ZIONISTS refers
to political extremists. Zionist extremists believe that the Hebrews are God’s chosen race of people
and that Hebrews have a God given right to the Biblical land of Israel.
Zionist extremists believe the true borders of Israel should include land now occupied by Muslim
Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Saudis, Egyptians and Jordanians. Why do Zionists believe they are
entitled to the land of their Muslim neighbors? Because according to the Holy Bible, God said so.
According to the Bible, the land of Israel was promised by God as an everlasting possession to the
descendants of the Hebrew patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They call it, “the Promised Land”.
The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) is the "Old Testament" of the Holy Bible and contains descriptions of
the borders of God’s “Promised land”. These descriptions encompass a region that extends from the
River of Egypt to the Euphrates. Areas known to be included are the modern State of Israel, the West
Bank (Judea and Samaria), the Gaza Strip, much of modern-day Syria and Lebanon, Egypt’s Sinai
Peninsula and much of Jordan. The precise southern and eastern borders of the land of Israel are
also the subject of debate. Only the Red Sea and Euphrates are mentioned in the Bible and can be
understood to mean Saudi Arabia and the whole Arabian Peninsula!
Zionist extremists represent a minority of Jews and Hebrews. Christians who support Israel’s theft
of Muslim land are called Christian Zionist extremists. Their goal is to help fulfill the prophecies of the
Bible story by turning the Bible’s “Promised land” over to the Israeli Zionist extremists.
Half the world believes that 9/11 was a conspiracy carried out by Jewish Zionists with financing
from Jewish charities. The other half believes it was a conspiracy carried out by Islamic Muslim
extremists with financing from Muslim charities. Is there any evidence to support a Jewish Zionist
conspiracy? Following 9/11, FBI director, Robert Mueller, BBC news and ABC confirmed that 7 of the
19 hijackers whose mug shots were flashed around the world did not die in the 9/11 crashes. They
are alive and well and are victims of identity theft. An eighth accused Muslim died before the 9/11
hijackings even occurred. Who stole their identities and why hasn’t the FBI been looking for them? If
the hijackers really were Muslims, why would they steal the identity of fellow Muslims and implicate
them? Wouldn’t they be more likely to steal Israeli passports and put the blame on Israeli’s? If the
hijackers were Israeli’s, wouldn’t they be likely to steal the identities of Muslims and put the blame on
CNN and the five western media monopolies have exclusively sold the American people on their
Muslim conspiracy theory. Unfortunately, the only eyewitnesses capable of positively identifying the
9/11 hijackers died on board the hijacked planes (if, indeed, they were planes). Before flight
attendant, Amy Sweeney was killed on hijacked flight 11, she allegedly picked up an air phone and
reported that four Middle Eastern looking men had hijacked the plane. Israeli men are Middle Eastern
men who just happen to be Middle Eastern looking.
The voice of one of the hijackers was heard from the hijacked plane’s voice recorder and was
played for the public on CNN. “Stay quiet and you’ll be okay”, shouted the hijacker. “We are returning
to the airport…nobody move. Everything will be okay.” Did anyone notice that the accent of the
hijacker precisely matches an Israeli Hebrew accent?
Immediately after 9/11, one thousand Middle Eastern looking Muslim men were swept into U.S.
custody, yet the media kept quiet about 60 Middle Eastern looking Israeli men who were also taken
into custody and held under great secrecy. On December 11th, Carl Cameron of FOX news ran the
first of a four part series about a group of Israeli men who were among the 9/11 suspects. These
detained Israeli’s failed polygraph tests about their surveillance activities against the U.S. and were
caught videotaping the 9/11 attacks from different angles. FOX also reported that the evidence linking
these Israeli men to 9/11 was classified but a leaked 61 page report from the U.S. government’s Drug
Enforcement Agency revealed that another 120 Israeli’s posing as artists were also rounded up right
after 9/11. Carrying counterfeit visas and green cards, the Israeli’s admitted that they served in the
Israeli army in explosives, electronic and military intelligence units. Did Middle Eastern looking Israeli
men who were detained as suspects after 9/11 steal the identities of the accused Muslims? The
leaked DEA report revealed that Israeli men with Israeli military backgrounds had posed as artists
and lived on Sheridan Street in Hollywood, Florida - just down the street from Mohammed Atta and
three other accused Muslims.
Many top engineering and demolition experts believe that the twin towers were rigged with
explosives which caused the buildings to implode vertically in a typical controlled demolition. “The
reason the buildings looked like a controlled demolition”, say experts, “is because they were a
controlled demolition”. Photos and video recordings confirm that explosions occurred at the base of
the two towers as well as in building seven before they fell.
On September 24th, firefighter Louie Cacchioli told People Weekly, “We think there were bombs
set in the building.” That claim was echoed by many witnesses and by firefighters who clearly heard
the explosions just before the World Trade Center’s North Tower One, South Tower Two and Building
Seven collapsed. The steel supported twin towers were designed and built to withstand the impact of
a passenger jetliner, yet the official explanation for their collapse was that the burning jet fuel heated
the steel support beams and caused them to buckle. Expert independent investigators insist that it’s
impossible for jet fuel burning in oxygen to melt steel and that most of the jet fuel burned up outside
the buildings in clearly visible fireballs. After the crashes, the white smoke turned black indicating
cooling temperatures, not rising temperatures as reported.
Why did a company called Controlled Demolition quickly haul away, melt down and dispose of
499,850 pieces of structural steel which could have proved the temperature the steel had reached
and the use of explosives? Why did South Tower Two that was hit last…fall first (53 minutes after
being struck), whereas North Tower One fell one hour and 28 minutes after being struck? An even
bigger mystery is why building Seven, owned by Larry Silverstein, was “pulled” much later on in the
afternoon, even though it had never even been hit! If these three World Trade Center buildings had
been rigged with explosives, when could the explosives have been installed and who controlled
access to the buildings?
The 30 year old World Trade Center had always been publicly owned and managed by the New
York-New Jersey Port authority…until a Jewish businessman named Louis Eisenberg became the
Chairman. Eisenberg is an active leader in Zionist organizations. He personally oversaw negotiations
that put the publicly owned World Trade Center into private hands. Those private hands belonged to
two other Jewish pro-Zionists millionaires named Frank Lowey and Larry Silverstein even though their
bid was lower than other bids. Frank Lowey had served as a Commando in the Israeli army and
Larry Silverstein just happened to be the former Chairman of the United Jewish-Israel Appeal. With
Eisenberg’s help, Silverstein and Lowey landed the 99 year lease worth $8 billion at the bargain
basement price of $3.5 billion!
Following this steal-of-a-deal, the moving, renovations and security changeovers made it possible
for explosives to have easily been installed in the World Trade Center buildings without detection.
George W’s brother, Marvin Bush, was not only the Director of the World Trade Center’s electronic
security company, he was also the Director of the World Trade Center’s casualty insurance company
called Houston Casualty (HCC Insurance). That company terminated their insurance coverage for the
world trade center just before 9/11. In another questionable coincidence, Marvin Bush’s company
provided security for 9/11’s United Airlines and 9/11’s Dulles Airport.
Another suspicious company occupied the 16th and 17th floors of North Tower One. That
company, called Zim-American Israeli Shipping Company Inc. suddenly broke their lease, paid a
$50,000 penalty and moved out of the World Trade Center only weeks before 9/11. Zim-American
Israeli Shipping is owned by Zim-Israel Navigation which just happens to be owned by the
government of Israel.
If the World Trade Center owners, Silverstein and Lowey, knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance,
why would they buy a 99 year lease to the doomed buildings? Because they could do the simple
math. Silverstein bought the $8 billion World Trade Center at less than half price ($3.5 billion) with
only a $15 million dollar down payment which amounts to .01% of the total. He took out maximum
terrorist insurance coverage only 6 weeks before the attacks, then sucked up giant payouts. He even
had the gall to demand a 200% payout by claiming insurance for two separate terrorist attacks on the
two separate towers instead of one.
The demolition of the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11 eliminated Silverstein’s cost for an
$800 million facelift to update the ageing 30 year old buildings. As soon as the spanking new World
Trade Center is finally built and expanded to over eleven million square feet of rental space, landlord
Silverstein stands to pocket billions of dollars per month. In the meantime, U.S. taxpayers covered
poor Larry’s so called ‘9/11 losses’. Is it just a coincidence that Silverstein’s insurance companies,
Swiss Re and Munich Re, were the exact same companies under investigation for profiting from 9/11
on the stock market and for advance knowledge of 9/11?
If Silverstein’s insurance companies, Swiss Re and Munich Re, knew in advance about the 9/11
attacks, why would they insure the doomed buildings? Were these giant insurance companies hand
picked to keep a lid on any insurance investigation findings and to ignore all of the evidence of a 9/11
Since 9/11, Silverstein has bought out Frank Lowey, paid off investors and loan groups, put
limits on victim compensation claims and turned the publicly owned World Trade Center into the
smelliest private real estate deal in American history! With the help of George W. Bush, permanent
road blocks were erected to halt an “independent” investigation of the 9/11 events. The 9/11 Senate
Committee report censored 27 pages that would have connected international banks to 9/11.
On October 30, 2003, a Canadian CBC television documentary investigated the cozy ten year
friendship between the Bush family, the Bin Laden family of Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Royal
Family. The Bush, Bin Laden and Saudi Royal friendships involved illegal Presidential campaign
contributions and partnerships in oil and weapons companies like the Carlyle group.
Historically, the Saudi Royal Family owes its power and survival to the British. When Britain
colonized Bahrain in 1820, an ambitious family called the House of Saud saw a power opportunity to
hold hands with the British who wanted to expand their colonization throughout the Muslim region. In
exchange for British money and weapons, the House of Saud signed a cozy “friendship” treaty with
Britain in 1866.
Using British masterminded terror and financing, it took Ibn Saud 30 years to create Saudi Arabia
(1902-32). Serving as a brutal puppet dictator for the British, Ibn Saud brazenly named the whole
country after his own family – calling it the Kingdom of “Saudi” Arabia. His sons (Saud, Faisal, Khalid,
Fahad) who assumed power after his death became brutal dictators like their father and continued to
rely on the British and U.S. enemies of the Muslim world for protection. Today, the Saudi Royal
Family is one of the most brutal, corrupt, undemocratic, and feudal ruling classes in the entire world.
Following the 9/11 attack, 2500 relatives of the victims filed trillion dollar law suits against seven
international banks, against the Saudi friends of the Bush family and against the U.S. government for
suppression of information. On 9/11, all U.S. flights were cancelled and desperate relatives of 9/11
victims were grounded. Forty-eight hours later, on September 15th, private flights were still prohibited
and required government approval at the highest level. Royal Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia visited
the White House on September 15th. Despite the aviation ban, private planes ranging from Lear jets
to 747’s, were cleared to depart from various U.S. cities. Almost all passengers on board were Bin
Laden family members or members of the Saudi Royal elite.
Since fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were accused of being Muslims from Saudi Arabia, why
wasn’t the fury of George W. Bush directed at Saudi Arabia instead of opium-rich Afghanistan and oilrich Iraq? Why has only one man, Zacarias Moussaoui, ever been caught and tried for the 9/11
attack? Where are all the others?
The American public is generally unaware that before the first plane ever even hit the first tower
on 9/11, a massive military buildup was organized near Afghanistan called “Operation Swiftsword”
and “Operation (Lucifer) Bright Star”. Twenty-three thousand British troops were sent to the Oman
Gulf near Afghanistan and 17,000 U.S. troops joined NATO troops in nearby Egypt. All were
positioned for attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq before 9/11.The Patriot Act which was designed to limit
the democratic rights and freedoms of American citizens was also written months before the first
plane ever even hit the first tower.
With no solid proof of who was responsible for the 9/11 attack, George Dubbya invaded the
poverty stricken, war ravaged country of Afghanistan only four weeks after 9/11. The U.S. and British
military dropped 12,000 bombs that pounded thousands of buildings, homes and people into dust and
rubble. Eight thousand Afghan people were killed and 20,000 Afghan men, women and children died
from war related cold, starvation, wounds, disease and first degree burns from the merciless
The US/British war on Afghanistan has starved and impoverished millions. Most of the Afghan
women are still veiled, homeless and penniless. After installing Unocal oilman, Hamid Karzai, as the
country’s new leader, the US/British war machine turned their weaponry on Afghanistan’s next door
neighbor – Iraq.
George W. Bush justified America’s illegal war and occupation of Iraq by selling three lies to the
American public. One: Iraq had weapons of mass destruction - which were never found. Two: The
regime of Saddam Hussein had links to Al Qaeda - which George W. Bush personally admitted has
never been proven. Three: Operation Iraqi Freedom would liberate the Iraqi people - which it has not.
The attack on Iraq was an unprovoked, unnecessary and unlawful invasion that has turned into a
colonial-style occupation and a moral and political catastrophe with costs spiraling out of control. The
war devastated Iraq’s physical and social infrastructure, killed and maimed over 100,000 Iraqi
civilians and plundered Iraq’s oil resources and historic treasures. If Iraq’s main industry was cotton or
carrots, would the war have ever been launched in the first place? How did George W. Bush get away
with his crimes against humanity? By playing the role of a comedic, well intentioned, born-again idiot.
Three World Trade Center buildings were destroyed in New York on 9/11 and less than 3000
people were killed. Since then, the number of 9/11 related American deaths from retaliatory wars has
skyrocketed with thousands of Americans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan in body bags.
Thousands more Americans are returning home with their legs and arms and faces blown off.
Hundreds more have committed suicide.
So who exactly are the producers of the 9/11 reality disaster movie that collected billions from
insider stock market trades, 500 billion and counting from terrorized U.S. tax payers and gazillions of
dollars from the conquest of Iraq’s oil fields and Afghanistan’s opium fields? They are a secret
network of ruling crime families who identify with no nation, no national flag and no established
religion. Like their ancestors, their mission is to disarm the world and set the stage for the crowning of
their Antichrist King.
At the Crawford ranch, I'm layin' low
Writin’ my memoirs and doin’ some blow
With pen in hand, I’m confessin’ the truth
And knockin’ back a coupla Vermouth
What’s the dubbya stand fer in George W. Bush?
It don’t stand fer whacko or weirdo or wuss
The dubbya stands fer wickedly wise
I’m a genius, folks, and that ain’t no lie
I’m smarter than Tesla or Einstein or Gates
My I.Q. soars way past one eighty eight
This bow legged cowboy’s got proof ya see
Cause I’m Skull ‘n Bones from Yale Univer-city
Got elected Governor in the State of Texas
Fried death row inmates, gave 'em George Bush hexes
Spent my summer vacations at Bohemian Grove
Drinkin’ blood, torchin’ babies and bangin’ the hoes
Got a D U I and dodged the draft
Call me stupid, folks. Go ahead and laugh
Got my MBA at Harvard Business school
Got 8 years in the white house, I aint no tool
Y’all voted fer me by the tens of millions
Not once but twice an’ I stole yer trillions
Pulled off 9/11. Swept it under the rug
It was easy as pie. Like squashin’ a bug
Stole the countries of Eye rack and Laff Ganistan
Stole their oil, opium, ancient treasures. Ya, man!
Started the war of terror with taxpayers money
Just blame my ‘stupidity’, you debt slavin’ dummy
I work fer the Zionist bankster crooks
We reel in nations like fish on a hook
We skin 'em alive with impossible debt
Corrupt the world's leaders. Ya wanna bet?
The New World Order, yo, that’s my mission
I gotta confess, I’m no mother fuckin’ Christian
I tortured the Muslims at Guantanamo Bay
I zapped their balls and laughed while they prayed
One world government! Hey! That’s our agenda
Resist…and prison’s where we’re gonna send ya
Get your microchip implant. Co-op-er-ate
Serve the Prince of Darkness 'cause that’s yer fate.
Have fun while ya can with yer ‘stupid-George’ jokes
Jay Leno, Letterman and you talk show hosts
You made stuttering bloopers my legacy
But believe me, folks, it’s my sssttt stragedy...strategy
Go ahead and laugh, fill your pants with pee
Laugh like hell, 'till there’s nowhere to flee
I’m the star of the apocalypse, a celebrity
I’m George Dubbya Bush. A genius. That’s me.
“Who is he trying to kid? Does he really expect readers to believe that Washington was involved in
incinerating thousands of its own citizens on 9/11? Where did he get his political science degree
from? The University of Tall Tales? Now I know why he was using a pen name. He didn’t want to
embarrass himself.”
I crawled out of bed and entered the key words ‘Berkeley political science professor Zachary
Goldberg’ on my laptop. The name Zachary Goldberg immediately sprung up on the website of a
Berkeley student newsletter. The article read; ‘Following a successful nine year career as Berkeley’s
political science department head, Zach Goldberg retired from teaching last week after being asked to
resign. Several students reported that, during a class lecture, Goldberg shredded an American history
book, tossed it in the air like confetti and was quoted as saying, “History books are revisionist
nonsense filled with lies, distortions and omissions. Tear them up! Tear them all up!”.’
I picked up a cork screw and popped open the complementary bottle of wine that came with my
room. After a couple of gulps, I tuned in to my analytical chatter. “Zachary’s public outburst was
probably a symptom of chronic depression…possibly a reactive psychosis. Judging from his writing,
he seems to be suffering from a paranoid personality disorder. There’s only one way to find out.” I
picked up the manuscript again and kept reading.
Empire Of The City
The world’s most powerful empire is not the U.S.A.
It is an empire that insiders call ‘Empire of the City’
Is Washington holding hands with the devil? The answer can be found within the boundaries of
three of the world’s most powerful cities. Those cities belong to no nation and pay no taxes. They are
Washington’s District of Columbia which is not part of Washington or the United States, the inner city
of London which is not part of London or England, and Vatican City which is not part of Rome or Italy.
These cities, called “city states”, have their own independent flag, their own separate laws and their
own separate identity.
Vatican City is, in fact, a state. It is the smallest principality in the world. It lies on the banks of the
Tiber River, completely surrounded by the city of Rome. It has its own newspaper, postal service,
radio and television station, its own flag and a population of about 1000. The Vatican also has its own
army of Swiss guards and it even has its own prison. Gracing the walls of Saint Peter’s Basilica is the
Vatican approved image of God - an angry bearded man in the sky painted by Michael Angelo.
Sinners who disobey God’s list of “thou shalt nots” risk incurring his wrath and damnation and burning
in Satan’s eternal hellfire.
Cruel and violent images of God’s tortured son suffering, bleeding and dying with nails pounded
through his feet and hands and thorns gouged through his skull are on display throughout the
Vatican. These images serve as reminders that God allowed his son to be tortured and killed to save
the souls of sinful human beings who were just born that way. The explanations for these scary
images are especially difficult for children to comprehend. Attempts at explaining away the confusion felt by children are illustrated in the popular animated television series, “South Park” (Fig. 10).
Figure 10
Sister Anne: Hello, children. I’m Sister Anne and I’ll be teaching you so that all of you can receive
your first communion.
Are we all going to go to hell?
Sister Anne: Well, hopefully not. That’s why you’re going to receive your first communion.
And as long as we get this communion thing, we’re saved?
What if we haven’t really done anything that horribly bad in our lives?
Ya. What if we hadn’t?
Sister Anne: It doesn’t matter because we are all born with original sin. Now let me explain how
communion works. The priest will give you this round cracker and he will say, “The body
of Christ” and then you eat it.
Jesus was made of crackers?
Sister Anne: No.
But crackers are his body?
Sister Anne: Yes. In the Book of Mark, Jesus said, “Eat this, for it is my body”.
So we won’t go to hell as long as we eat crackers?
Sister Anne: No. No. No.
Well, what are we eatin’, then?
Sister Anne: The body of Christ.
Oh, I get it. Jesus wanted us to eat him but he didn’t want us to be cannibals, so he
turned himself into crackers and then he told people to eat him.
I can’t whistle if I eat too many crackers.
Sister Anne: Look. All you have to know is that when the priest gives you the cracker, you eat it,
Sister Anne: And then you will drink a very small amount of wine, for that is the blood of Christ.
Ah, c’mon now. This is just getting silly.
Sister Anne: Eric, do you want to go to hell?
Sister Anne: Then stop questioning me.
So, now we can have communion and not go to hell, right?
Sister Anne: No. Because before you can have your first communion, you have to have your first
Sister Anne: You’ll be getting in the confession box with a priest and confessing all of your sins so
that God can forgive you. You kids will all have to go to your first confession this
Tuesday, so I want you all to go home tonight and think long and hard about all your
sins so that you can tell the priest everything.
(Kyle, who is Jewish, runs home and tells his parents what he learned in school)
Kyle’s mom: Oh, no. Us Jews don’t believe in hell.
We don’t? But what if we’re wrong?
Kyle’s mom: Well, Kyle. They could be wrong, too.
Ya. But if they’re wrong, no big deal. But if we’re wrong, we burn in hell.
Kyle’s dad:
Kyle. It’s all about being a good person now. You see Christians use hell as a way of
scaring people into believing what they believe. But to believe in something just
because you’re afraid of the consequences if you don’t believe in something is not a
reason to believe in something, understand?
The Vatican rules over approximately 2 billion of the world’s 6.5 billion people. The colossal wealth
of the Vatican includes enormous investments with the Rothschild banking families in Britain, France
and the USA and with giant weapons corporations like General Electric .The Vatican’s solid gold
bullion worth billions is stored with the Rothschild controlled bank of England and the U.S. Federal
Reserve Bank. The Catholic Church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property
owner in existence and possesses more material wealth than any bank, corporation, giant trust or
government anywhere on the globe.
The Pope, who is the visible ruler of colossal global wealth, is one of the richest men on Earth.
While two thirds of the world earns less than two dollars a day and one fifth of the world is underfed or
starving to death, the Vatican hoards the world’s wealth, profits from it on the stock market and at the
same time preaches about giving! How did the Pope and the Vatican accumulate all that wealth over
the millennium? One method was to put a price tag on sin. Many bishops and Popes actively
marketed guilt, sin and fear for profit by selling “indulgences”. Worshippers were encouraged to prepay for sins they hadn’t yet committed and get pardoned ahead of time. Those who didn’t pay up
risked eternal damnation in Satan’s oven. Pope Leo X built Saint Peter’s Basilica selling tickets out of
hell and tickets to heaven.
During the dark ages, the Catholic Church not only hoarded the wealth they collected from the
poor, but hoarded knowledge. They kept the masses ignorant and in the dark by denying them a
basic education. More than 60,000 armed Christians invaded Jerusalem to reclaim the land from the
so called ‘infidels”. Between 1095 and 1291 AD, the Pope launched seven bloodbaths called the
Christian Crusades, torturing, burning, beheading and mass murdering hundreds of thousands of
Muslims and Jews in the name of God. The Pope’s brutal soldiers were called the Knight’s Templar
or Knight’s of the Temple of King Solomon. They evolved into today’s secretive brotherhood called
the Freemasons. Between 1450 and 1700AD, the Catholic Church followed up their holy terror with
the Inquisition. Based on rumors of practicing witchcraft, the Catholic Church hunted down, tortured
and burned alive millions of innocent women at the stake. During World War II, the Vatican was
criticized for supporting Hitler and his Nazi regime. To this day, the Vatican is still under investigation
for plundering Nazi gold from the Swiss bank accounts of Jewish holocaust victims.
Over the past five decades, more than 1500 priests and bishops have been identified in the sexual
assault of tens of thousands of boys and girls placed in their trusting congregations and orphanages.
Why is this filthy rich institution preaching spiritual values of poverty and chastity while cardinals,
bishops and priests cover up their crimes of sexual abuse? Why has the church fought and resisted
the compensation claims of their sexually, emotionally and spiritually traumatized victims?
Like Vatican City, London’s inner city is also a privately owned corporation or “city state” located
right smack in the heart of Greater London. It became a sovereign state in 1694 when King William III
of Orange privatized and turned the Bank of England over to the “banksters”. By 1812, Nathan
Rothschild crashed the English stock market and scammed control of the Bank of England.
Today, the city state of London is the world’s financial power center and the wealthiest square mile
on the face of the Earth. It houses the Rothschild controlled Bank of England, Lloyd’s of London, the
London Stock exchange, all British banks, the branch offices of 385 foreign banks and 70 US banks.
It has its own courts, its own laws, its own flag and its own police force. It’s not part of Greater London
or England or the British Commonwealth and pays no taxes. The city state of London houses Fleet
Street’s newspaper and publishing monopolies. It is also the headquarters for worldwide English
freemasonry and the headquarters for the worldwide money cartel known as the Crown.
Contrary to popular belief, the Crown is not the British Royal family or the British Monarch. The
Crown is the private corporate city state of London. It has a council of 12 members who rule the
corporation under a mayor called the Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor and his 12 member council serve
as proxies or representatives who sit in for 13 of the world’s wealthiest, most powerful banking
families. This ring of 13 ruling families includes the Rothschild family, the Warburg family, the
Oppenheimer family and the Schiff family. These families and their descendants run the Crown
Corporation of London. The Crown Corporation holds true title to worldwide Crown land in Crown
colonies like Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The British Parliament and the British Prime
Minister serve as a public front for the hidden power of these shadow ruling families.
Like the city states of London and the Vatican, a third city state was officially created in 1982.
That city state is called the District of Columbia and is located on ten square miles of land in the heart
of Washington. The District of Columbia flies its own flag, and has its own independent constitution.
Although geographically separate, the city state of London, the Vatican and the District of Columbia
are one interlocking empire called “Empire of the City”. The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia
has three red stars. One star for each city state in the three city empire. This corporate empire of
three city states controls the world economically through London’s inner city, militarily through the
District of Columbia and spiritually through the Vatican.
The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under a tyrannical Roman law known as Lex
Fori which bears no resemblance to the constitution of the United States. When Congress passed the
Act of 1871, it created a separate corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous
act allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the
United States and outside of the best interests of American citizens. A sobering study of the legal
wording of the signed treaties and charters between Britain and the United States exposes a
shocking truth. The United States has always been and still is a British Crown colony.
The trouble with history is that we weren't there to witness it. It can be altered to fit the beliefs of its
authors or taught in schools to favor a political agenda that withholds important facts. The history
lessons that are being taught in public schools is revisionist history smattered with lies, distortions
and omissions. Many of America’s academic history texts are published by Oxford University Press
and Random House UK which is a publishing division of Bertelsmann - the German media monopoly
conglomerate. These history texts claim that America won the War of Independence and defeated the
British. They neglect to expose and analyze the signed treaties between the United States and Great
Britain which tell a different story.
King James I of England was famous not just for rewriting the Bible into the King James version,
but for signing the First Charter of Virginia in 1606. That charter granted America's British forefathers
a “license” to settle and colonize America. The Charter also guaranteed that the future Kings and
Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all of the citizens and the colonized land in
America stolen from American Native Indians. The new colonists that settled in America were
subjects as well as citizens of Great Britain. As British citizens, they enjoyed rights and franchises
and, as subjects, they were bound to obey the laws of Great Britain. When the King of England sent
his British subjects to America and used his money and resources to do so, he was embarking on a
commercial venture. The King had a lawful right to gain and prosper from his commercial venture of
slaughtering the native population and claiming their pristine land.
In the First Charter of Virginia, the King declared his sovereignty over the land of America and
over his subjects. In paragraph nine of the Charter, the King spelled out the amount of gold, silver and
copper he was to receive if any gold and silver was found by his British subjects. (Jure Coronae, "In
right of the crown," Black's forth Ed.) Also in paragraph 9 of the Charter, the King declared that all of
his royal heirs and successors would inherit and be entitled to his gold, silver and copper claims. Any
gold that remained within his American colonies also belonged to the King and would further the use
of his capital and benefit his subjects. Also within the signed Charter, the King declared his right and
his power to exercise and regulate every aspect of commerce in his new American colony.
The main complaint of the new British colonists in America against their King was taxation with no
representation. Because the King refused to hear their grievances and grant them relief, the British
colonists rallied for their freedom from England and for their right to self determination. The revolt of
the British colonists as subjects of the King of England was a revolt over the loss of protection and
benefits that the King had promised them. The colonists declared their independence in 1776.
The battle of the American colonists for their independence from Great Britain ended when British
General Cornwallis surrendered to General George Washington at Yorktown. Although the British
General surrendered the battle, he did not surrender the war. The Article of Capitulation signed by
British General Cornwallis at Yorktown confirms this fact.
History text books teach that the colonists defeated the British and won their freedom and
independence from Great Britain with the signing of the (Paris) Treaty of 1783. Although much of the
King's declared property was ceded to America in the Treaty of 1783, history books omit the fact that
the King kept his right to continue receiving payment for his business venture of colonizing America.
Benjamin Franklin was the main negotiator for the terms of the Treaty of 1783 and spent most of
his time during the Revolutionary War traveling back and forth between England and France. It was
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Jay who were the signatories to the Treaty of 1873. All
three of these men held the British title of “Esquire” which is a title of nobility granted by the King. All
three swore allegiance, subjugation and loyalty to the British Monarch.
Americans generally believe that Benjamin Franklin Esquire was a great and heroic patriot and
standard bearer of American freedom. His sworn loyalty was not to America but to the King of
England. "Esquires by virtue of their offices; as justices of the peace, and others who bear any office
of trust under the crown....he shall be called master, and shall be taken for a gentleman." (Blackstone
Commentaries p. 561-562)
By December, 1781, it was moved in the British House of Commons that a resolution should be
adopted declaring "That all farther attempts to reduce the Americans to obedience by force would be
ineffectual, and injurious to the true interests of Great Britain." What were the true interests of the
King? Gold, silver and copper. With the cooperation of his loyal “Esquires”, namely Benjamin
Franklin, John Adams and John Jay, the King negotiated and signed the terms of the (Paris) Treaty of
1783 from which his future heirs would benefit. The Founding Fathers and King George worked handin-hand to install a Central Government over the American colonists and to bind them to a permanent
debt that could never be paid.
In the first paragraph of the Treaty of 1783, King George III is recognized as “King of Great Britain,
France, and Ireland” and “arch- treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire and of the
United States of America.” In the first article of the same Treaty, the King makes a claim to continue
receiving gold, silver and copper as gain for his business venture. In article 4, the United States
agrees to pay all bona fide debts to the British King. In Article 6, the King sets his terms for his
continued collection of debts and damages. In Article 12, the King dictates the terms of where and
with whom the United States can trade. In Article 18, the United States agrees to a wide variety of
material that would be subject to confiscation if Britain found said material shipped to its enemies’
Clearly, the United States did not negotiate the peace Treaty of 1783 from a position of strength
and victory. If America had really won the War of Independence, she would never have agreed to pay
debts and reparations to the King of England or allow the King of England to dictate the terms of the
peace agreement and grant rights to America. When the United States defeated Japan, did General
McArthur allow Japan to dictate the terms of surrender? Not a chance.
The King’s real purpose in negotiating the Peace Treaty of 1783 was to remove his American
colonies as a liability and an obligation. The King no longer wanted to ship material and money to
support his British colonists, but he did want to retain their financial subjugation through permanent
debt. Since the signing of the Treaty of 1783, the King and his heirs and successors have continued
collecting interest on that same debt. Today, that debt is being paid at a rate of millions of dollars per
day, thanks to “Esquires” Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and John Adams who negotiated and signed
the Treaty of 1783. The Treaty granted each of these men status and privilege and insured that
America's blood soaked War of Dependence against the British would bankrupt America and turn its
citizens into permanent debt slaves to the King.
Today, the King’s heir, Queen Elizabeth II, is collecting taxes from “those that receive a benefit
from the King, on property which is purchased with the money the King supplied, at almost the same
percentage”. This fact is confirmed by the Title 26 USC Sec. 1491 Imposition of tax. If American
citizens took the time to read this imposition of tax title, they would discover that “U.S./U.K. Tax
Treaty Claims” are true and factual. “IMF” refers to each American taxpayer’s Individual Master File
and “BMF” (Business Master File) 390-399 reveals that each American taxpayer’s 1040 tax form is
payment of a foreign tax to the King/Queen of England. That tax has been in effect since the signing
of the Treaty of 1783.
Queen Elizabeth II controls and has amended U.S. Social Security at the Court at Buckingham
Palace on the 22nd day of July 1997. “Now, therefore Her Majesty in pursuance of section 179 (1) (a)
and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that
behalf, is pleased, by and with advise of Her privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as
follows: This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and
shall come into force on 1st September 1997.” The order goes on to redefine words in the Social
Security Act and makes some changes in United States Law. Does this give new meaning to Federal
Judge William Wayne Justice’s statement in court when he said that he takes his orders from
Jonathan Williams (1750-1815), a dedicated American patriot, wrote in his book, “Legions of
Satan” (1781), that British General Cornwallis said to George Washington, "a holy war will now begin
on America, and when it is ended, America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions
will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown." Lord Lothian, the British Ambassador to
Washington, once called George Washington the founder of the modern British Empire.
The King was initially satisfied with the interest he was earning from the Treaty of 1783 but he
needed to take military action to regain control over the wayward American government and shape
both government and public policy. In the War of 1812, the British burned down the White House and
the early constitutional and ratification records. As a result of the war, the U.S. Senate ratified the
Treaty of Ghent in 1815. The British successfully increased America’s national debt and coerced
Congress into reestablishing the Bank Charter in 1816.
When Congress passed the 13th amendment to the U.S. constitution, the U.S. President was
made subservient to the King of England. The 13th amendment is called the “Title of Nobility”
amendment and forbids U.S. Presidents and their officials from using royal titles like King or Prince or
Baron. For some mysterious reason, the 13th amendment which was ratified in 1810 no longer
appears on current copies of the U.S. constitution.
One century later, a corrupt U.S. Congress committed the biggest theft in world history. They
passed Paul Warburg's Federal Reserve Act in 1913 handing over America's gold and silver reserves
and total control of America's economy to the Rothschild “banksters”. Most Americans still believe
that the FED or Federal Reserve is the government of the United States. It is NOT the government.
The FED is a privately owned banking system whose majority class A shareholders are the
Rothschilds, Warburgs, Kuhn and Loeb, J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, Israel Seif, Goldman Sachs,
Lazard Brothers and the Lehman brothers. This private banking cartel “is” the FED and is never
audited and never pays taxes. They print and design America's money which displays their symbols
of an Egyptian pyramid, the “all seeing eye” of the Egyptian god “Horus” and the words "In God We
trust" on the one dollar bill. Who exactly is the god they trust? They also collect American tax payers
money through the IRS, then they loan the taxpayers tax money back again with interest to pay for
roads, bridges and other public works.
Most U.S. citizens believe that the United States is a country and that the President is the most
powerful man on Earth. The United States is not a country. It is a corporation created by the
corporate Charters of the King of England. (Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43. and 28 U.S.C. 3002
(15). The President of the United States is President of the corporation of the United States. He and
his elected officials work for the corporation, not for the American people. All U.S. Presidents are
hand picked and financed into power by private banking cartels and special interest groups.
The U.S. Constitution is, in fact, a treaty between the states of the United States. The constitution
uses capital "S" for the word “State” which refers to the “Corporate State” which has sovereignty over
the small "s" state. The states, upon ratifying their individual state constitutions, became subcorporations and subordinate to the corporation of the United States. Counties and municipalities
were also made into sub-corporations under the State Charters created by the King of England. The
“exchequer” of the U.S. Constitution is the British branch of the Federal Reserve.
Further evidence of the corporate status of the United States can be found in the Judiciary Act of
1789 which defines all district courts as Admiralty Courts. Admiralty Courts are the King's courts of
commerce, in which he is the plaintiff, recovering damages done against him, or recovering what
belongs to him. Who owns the corporation of the United States? Like Canada and Australia whose
leaders are Prime Ministers of the British Queen and whose land is called “crown land”, the United
States is just another British Crown colony.
On March 3, 1934, Congressman William Lemke declared "....This nation is bankrupt; every State
in this Union is bankrupt; the people of the United States, as a whole, are bankrupt. The public and
private debts of this Nation, which are evidenced by bonds, mortgages, notes, or other written
instruments are about $250,000,000,000, and it is estimated that there is about $50,000,000,000 of
which there is no record, making in all about $300,000,000,000 of public and private debts…How are
we going to pay $300 billion with only $70 billion?” (Congressional Record, March 3, 1934)
In 1933, President Roosevelt declared by Executive Orders that the United States was bankrupt.
"Since March 9th, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency..."
(Senate Resolution 9, 93d. Congress, 1st. Session, Foreword, 1973) "When Congress declares an
emergency, there is no Constitution..." (Congressman Beck, Congressional Record, Farm Bill, 1933)
"A majority of people of the United States have lived all of their lives under emergency rule. For 40
years, freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have in varying
degrees been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency..." (Senate Report
93-549 (Introduction) 1973) "The President may seize property, organize commodities, assign military
forces abroad, institute Martial Law, seize and control transportation and communication, regulate
operation of private enterprise, restrict travel, and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of
all American citizens” - (Senate Report 93-549; Senate Resolution 9, 93d Congress, 1st. Session (III)
1973) The United States is currently, in a permanent state of national emergency. (22
U.S.C.A. 286d.1977; See: Executive Order 12919 signed by President Bill Clinton).
The national debt of America’s 306 million people is now an eye popping $12,000,000,000,000
(trillion). The government only reports about 5,000,000,000,000, and omits the corporate debt, which
America is also a guarantor for. Add to that the personal debt of credit cards and home loans and the
debt approaches $20,000,000,000,000 (trillion). Mix that debt together with a depressed stock market
and a huge trade deficit.
With the long choke chain of zeros attached to America’s national debt, why are the international
banker-debtsters tolerating it? In 1934, the banksters could have legally seized the entire country.
The reason they are tolerating America’s debt load is because they need the United States INC. to
loan money to third world countries, to police their foreign interests and to collect their spoils of war.
Their goal is to colonize and enslave the nations of the world with impossible debt. Eventually, the
entire world will be forced to pay personal income tax to their one world bank.
Crown colonies are controlled by the empire of three city states. At the center of each city state is
a towering phallic shaped stone monument called an “obelisk” that points skyward. In D.C.'s city
state, the obelisk is known as the Washington monument and was dedicated to freemason, George
Washington by the Freemason Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia. The secretive brotherhood of
Freemasons laid the obelisk’s cornerstone in 1848 and contributed 22 Masonic memorial stones .Two
hundred and fifty Masonic lodges financed the Washington monument obelisk including the Knights
Templar Masonic Order.
At the heart of the city state of London is a 187 ton, 69 foot tall Egyptian obelisk called Cleopatra's
needle. It was transported from Egypt and erected on the banks of the River Thames. In Vatican City
State, another Egyptian obelisk towers high above St. Peter's square (Fig. 11). What exactly is an
obelisk? Obelisks are monuments honoring the pagan sun god of ancient Egypt called “Amen Ra”.
The spirit of this pagan god is said to reside within the obelisk. Obelisks symbolize the phallus (penis)
and fertility. At the base of the obelisk is a sun wheel circle symbolizing the vagina. Together, they
depict male and female sexual union. Why in the world would the Vatican, a fortress of puritan
Christian values, erect an obelisk monument symbolizing the pagan god, Amen, and sexual
intercourse right in its own front yard?
Figure 11
Worshippers of Amen believe Amen is the supreme god and creator of all things. Like a
chameleon, he can transform himself into other gods including Osiris, the god of the underworld or
Seth, the god of evil and chaos. Since vowels were interchangeable in the Biblical Hebrew language,
Amen can be spelled A-M-E-N, A-M-O-N or A-M-U-N. Today, Amen is one of the world’s most
commonly used words in all major languages by Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews.
Without realizing it, people around the world are praising the pagan god, Amen, at the end of
prayer! “Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on
Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine
is the kingdom, the power and the glory. For ever and ever. Amen”
The Old Testament of the Bible is the Holy book of both Christians and Jews. “Amen” is
repeated over and over again throughout the Bible and is hidden within the word, test-amen-t. The
word “Amen” literally means “the hidden one”. Many are fooled into believing that “Amen” means “so
be it” or “truly” but in Kings I verse 36 of the Bible’s Old Testament, Amen is identified as “the Lord
God of my Lord”.
“Yes. Paranoid personality disorder. No doubt about it. Why else would Zachary think the Queen, the
Pope and the U.S. President are conspiring to take over the world? One thing is certain. He had one
hell of an imagination which is probably what cost him his job…and his life.”
Cult Of Amen
The dominant religion of today’s
power elite is the cult of Amen.
Dan Brown’s explosive best selling novel and blockbuster movie, “The Da Vinci Code”, claims
that Jesus Christ fathered a child with Mary Magdalene and that his divine bloodline was passed
down through European royalty. The suggestion is that the descendants of Jesus and Mary are alive
today and living among European royalty.
According to Bible prophecy and whoever is fulfilling it, the Prince of Darkness will rule the world
as the Antichrist for seven years. To win public acceptance, this deceptive and charming Prince
must prove to the world that he is a descendant of Jesus Christ. Since Jesus is identified in scripture
as a descendant of King David of the Hebrew tribe of Judah, the Antichrist must also prove himself
to be a descendant of the same Hebrew tribe.
The Bible story of the Hebrews begins with Abram who was born north of Canaan in the town of
Ur around 2055 BC. Abram married his beautiful sister, Sarai. At God’s command, the couple
changed their Hebrew names to the Egyptian names of Abraham and Sarah and migrated to Egypt.
While in Egypt, Abraham turned his sister-wife Sarah over to the Pharaoh as his harem sex slave
and was rewarded with gold and silver.
God gave Abraham promises or covenants. He promised to make his name great and to make a
great nation for him. That ‘great’ nation became ‘Great’ Britain. The word ‘Britain’ literally means ‘land
of the covenant’. God also made a circumcision covenant with Abraham commanding him to mark the
flesh of his people and his slaves by cutting off the protective foreskin of their penises. Historically,
circumcision was a painful and barbaric custom that was introduced into Egypt at this same time. The
unnecessary mutilation has survived the ages as a mark of ownership and has nothing whatsoever to
do with hygiene. It implies that God made a mistake in design.
In the continuing Bible story, Abraham married an Egyptian woman named Hagar because his
sister-wife Sarah couldn’t conceive…but at the age of ninety, Sarah finally gave birth to a son
named Isaac. God ordered Abraham to prove his love for him by murdering his beloved young son.
Abraham obediently hog tied Isaac and picked up a knife to kill him (Fig.12). He didn’t stop to ask
the questions, “What kind of a sick and twisted mind would ask a man to kill his only son as proof of
love? Is God so insecure that he needs proof? Does this nut job have any idea what love even
means?” Just as Abraham was about to plunge the knife into his terrified son, Abraham learned that
God was only kidding.
Fig. 12
Who was the ruling Pharaoh that the Bible fails to mention when Abraham and Sarah reached
Egypt? Historically, his name was Pharaoh Amenenhet I and he ruled Egypt from 1991BC to
1962BC. The name ‘Amenenhet’ means ‘Amen is the head’. The Biblical Abraham and the historical
Pharaoh Amenehet lived in the same place at the same time. Were they the same person? Since
their remains have never been found, were their common remains stored inside the famous Ark of
the Covenant?
The Hollywood movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" starring Harrison Ford is an action adventure
story about the search for the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant. It is a commonly held belief that the Ten
Commandments given to Moses by God were stored inside the Ark but Egyptian artifacts tell an
entirely different story. The Ark of the Covenant looks like an Egyptian canopic chest. Canopic
chests were used by Egyptians to store the dried organs of their deceased Kings and Pharaohs.
There is reason to believe that the Ark of the Covenant contained the dried organs of Abraham aka
Amenenhet I - not the ten commandments!
Why did the Hebrews call their royal canopic chest the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ and why did they
carry it into battle? The name ‘Ark of the Covenant’ signifies the covenants or promises that God
made to Abraham. The Hebrews carried the Ark into battle because it likely contained the remains of
their ancestral leader who continued to lead them spiritually in their battles. If the Ark contained
commandments like "thou shalt not kill or steal”, would it make sense for the Hebrews to carry it into
battle to kill and steal from their enemies?
The name of the Egyptian God ‘Amen’ is repeated over and over again in Biblical scripture. In fact,
it is the very last word written in the Bible. Is the God of the Holy Bible the same God that the ancient
Egyptians worshipped? Why have the city-states of Washington, London and the Vatican erected
towering obelisk monuments which honor the pagan Egyptian God Amen-Ra? Why does the
American one dollar bill carry the words, “in God we trust” along with the image of an Egyptian
pyramid and the eye of the Egyptian God Horus?
Michelangelo's Vatican painting of God depicts God as an angry, bearded white man. God's
words, actions and deeds in the Bible's Old Testament demonstrate his favoritism for the Hebrews
generally and for Hebrew males in particular. By today's standards, that behavior is considered both
racist and sexist. The God of the Bible admits to being a jealous God. He approves of ritual human
and animal sacrifice as proof that he is obeyed and worshipped above all other Gods. He terrorizes,
punishes and kills the enemies of the Hebrews by using his Godly power to spread plagues,
famines, pestilence and darkness. He magically turns staffs into venomous snakes and turns the
Nile River into blood. Like the Biblical God, the God Amen-Ra also turns the Nile River into blood in
the Egyptian myth of Hathor. God's opinion of humanity is that human beings are children and they
are born in sin. His racist and sexist attitudes, genocidal anger, jealousy and insecure need for
approval are symptomatic of a pathological personality disorder.
In the continuing Bible story, Abraham's son Issac who Abraham almost stabbed to death grows
up to father twin boys named Jacob and Esau. A murderous rivalry develops between the twins and
Jacob flees to a place known today as Bethel in Israel. He stops to rest and lays his head down on a
large smooth stone and dreams of a stairway reaching to heaven like a ladder. The stairway in
Jacob's dream describes the step pyramids built by Egyptian Pharaohs like ladders reaching to
The symbolic stone where Jacob laid his head thousands of years ago mysteriously found its
way to Great Britain. By royal custom, this symbolic stone called the Stone of Jacob, the Stone of
Destiny and the Stone of Scone is placed under the British throne chair. The chair and stone are
positioned on top of a symbolic Egyptian step pyramid during coronations of Kings and Queens
including the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. It will also be placed beneath the throne chair
when Prince William is crowned King in the very near future.
God makes a promise to Jacob that “Kings will spring from him”. Jacob marries two of his girl
cousins, fathers twelve sons and takes his Hebrew clan from Canaan into Egypt. This Hebrew
migration into Egypt closely parallels Egyptian history which describes a foreign class of Semitic
Hyksos migrants overthrowing the ruling Egyptian Pharaohs and seizing the throne of Egypt. The
Egyptians called these Semitic foreigners “Habirus” meaning “Hebrews”. Jacob-el (also named
Jacob-baal, Yaqub-'al, Yaqu-baal, Yakubber, Yaqub-har, Yaqub-hor) was one of their leaders
and became King of Egypt and formed Egypt’s Fifteenth dynasty. The name of this King means
‘Jacob’ in Aramaic. Some experts interpret it as factual evidence that the biblical Jacob and Egyptian
King Yaqub’al were one and the same.
During the one hundred year reign of the Semitic Hyksos Kings (Hebrews), the Egyptian people
were struck with devastating plagues and famine. The Egyptians rebelled against these foreign
rulers and drove the Hebrew Kings and their people into northern Egypt. By 1500 BC, a peace
agreement was reached and the new Egyptian Pharaoh Amoses allowed the Semitic ‘Habirus’ to
leave Egypt peaceably. In a grand exodus, many Hebrews migrated to Greece under their leader
Danaus. They became known as ‘Danaans’ and later as the MaceDANAANS or Macedonians.
Other expelled Hebrews invaded and conquered the neighboring land of Canaan. This historic
migration closely matches the Bible story of the Hebrew exodus from Egypt into Canaan in 1447BC.
No archeological evidence whatsoever has been found to support the Bible story of Hebrew
Jews living as slaves in Egypt or of a bearded man with a staff named Moses. There is not one
shred of archeological evidence for the existence of Moses or of any of the main cast of Hebrew
characters found in the pages of the Bible or in Hollywood movies. No Abraham. No Jacob. No
Joseph or King David or King Solomon. There is, however, plenty of historical evidence for the
existence of Egyptian Pharaohs who these fictionalized Biblical characters are based on.
Jacob's favorite son, Joseph, stayed behind in Egypt and hid his Hebrew identity by marrying an
Egyptian wife. He changed his name to the Egyptian name, Zaphenath-Paneah which means "he
who can reveal secrets". According to the Bible, Joseph ruled Egypt as the Pharaoh's chief advisor.
During a famine, Joseph purchased all of the private land in Egypt from the starving people and taxed
them out of one fifth of their income.
The Hebrew connection to the Egyptian Pharaohs is further revealed in the biblical story of Moses.
The Egyptian Pharaoh ordered the deaths of all Hebrew baby boys. The Hebrew mother of baby
Moses tried to save him by hiding him in the bull rushes on the Nile River. When baby Moses was
found by the princess daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh, the princess decided to raise him as her
own son. Moses had two mothers – a royal Egyptian princess mother who adopted him and a nonroyal Hebrew mother who hid her identity, got a job as a servant at the palace and helped the
Egyptian princess raise Moses.
Why did the Bible omit the historical name of the Pharaoh and his princess daughter who adopted
Moses? Their historical identities are revealed by comparing the dates and events of the Bible story
with factual Egyptian history. Bible researchers have calculated the birth of Moses at around 1520BC.
The ruling Pharaoh of Egypt at that time was Thutmoses I and his princess daughter was Hatshepsut.
Egyptian history verifies the fact that Princess Hatshepsut married her brother, Pharaoh Thumoses II.
When she failed to produce a male heir for him, he chose a non-royal mistress named “Isis” to
produce a male heir and named the boy, Thutmoses III. The bible story of Moses closely matches the
factual story of Thutmoses III. Even the name ‘Moses’ forms part of the name Thut-moses.
Hatshepsut raised Thutmoses III as her own son even though she wasn’t his real birth mother.
Moses grew up to be the richest, most powerful ruler in the ancient world. When he found out the
truth about his birth and his Hebrew identity, he voluntarily gave up everything to become a lowly,
poverty stricken Hebrew laborer. Wouldn’t becoming ruler of Egypt and Canaan have been a more
intelligent choice for Moses so he could help out his fellow Hebrews? The historical facts show that
Thutmoses III did exactly that. History reveals that Thutmoses III became Pharaoh of Egypt,
organized military campaigns and defeated the enemies of the Hebrew Hyksos people in Canaan.
After his famous battle of Megiddo in Canaan in 1479BC, Thutmoses III installed district governors in
garrison cities throughout Canaan - namely the 12 sons of Yaqub-'al (Jacob) who formed the twelve
Hebrew tribes of Israel.
Today, Thutmoses III is immortalized in stone on the banks of the Thames River in the corporate
city state of London right next to his Egyptian obelisk honoring the pagan Egyptian sun God Amen
When Thutmoses III and the Hebrews conquered the land of Canaan, they re-named it Israel in
honor of their Gods. The name ‘IS-RA-EL’ represents the Goddess Isis = IS, the sun God Ra = RA
and Elohim = EL. The Hebrew King David from the tribe of Judah ruled Israel for fifty years. Not
coincidentally, the Egyptian Pharaoh Psusennes also ruled Canaan for fifty years at exactly the same
time. Both battled the same enemies and both had sons with the same names - Solomen and Siamun
who also reigned at exactly the same time and fought the same enemies. The Biblical King David
matches up with the historical Pharaoh Psusennes. Their sons, the Biblical King Solomon and the
historical Pharaoh Siamun also match up.
The world famous Temple of King Solomon (Sol-amen) means ‘temple of the sun God Amen’. (In
the original Hebrew language, vowels were interchangeable). According to the Talmud, King Solamen used the dark power of his magic ring to conjure up demons to help him build his temple. The
temple became the center for sexual orgies, the worship of golden idols and the site of animal and
human sacrifices including the sacrifice of infants and children. Today, all that remains of the temple
is the Wailing Wall where the Jews of Israel still gather to worship in Jerusalem.
The Hebrew authors of the Bible covered up the fact that the Hebrews and the Egyptians shared
the same bloodline. When the Hebrew Hyksos Kings were pushed out of Egypt, the only way they
could continue ruling Egypt was to hide their Hebrew identity from the Egyptian people. By hiding
their Hebrew identity, they continued to rule Egypt secretly as Egyptian royalty. They worshipped
Egyptian Gods and kept their royal Hebrew-Egyptian identity and their worship of “Amen” hidden
within royal power circles and secret societies just as they have done to this day.
Queen Elizabeth II and the Windsor royal family are NOT descendants of the Hebrew Tribe of
Judah. They are descendants of the serpent Tribe of Dan and of the Ptolemy Pharaohs of Egypt. By
connecting twenty-two dots, their Hebrew Egyptian identity comes into focus.
Fig. 13
1. Until recently, the “Stone of Jacob” was stored beneath the Queen’s throne chair and was
included in her 1953 coronation ceremony. Jacob is the Hebrew patriarch whose name was changed
to “Israel” (IS-RA-EL).
2. Queen Elizabeth II was crowned at her coronation ceremony on top of a platform with descending
steps on all sides that duplicate an Egyptian step pyramid. (Fig. 13)
3. The British Monarch’s crown has 12 colored stones at the base, each representing the 12 Hebrew
tribes of Israel. These stones are identical to the twelve colored stones worn on the breastplate of
Hebrew high priests in ancient Israel.
4. The Union “Jack” flag represents the re-union of the twelve Hebrew tribes of “Jacob” (Jack) in the
British Isles after they were forced to disperse from Israel. The Union Jack is red, white and blue - the
same colors as the three Crowns of Egypt.
5. The symbols within the British Coat of Arms reveal Britain’s Hebrew origin. According to the Bible,
the harp symbolizes the Hebrew King David. The Biblical lion and unicorn holding up the shield
symbolize the nation of Israel. The motto “dieu et mon droit” means “God and my right” indicating the
divine “right” of the British Monarch to an eternal throne.
6. The “royal scepter” originates in ancient Egypt. It was carried by the Egyptian God Amen and by
Egyptian Pharaohs who called themselves the son of God (Amen). The royal scepter is carried by
Queen Elizabeth II and contains the world’s largest cut diamond called the Star of Africa (Egypt).
7. The symbol of the bee can be found within the Monarch’s royal wardrobe. In ancient Egypt, bees
were a symbol of royalty and the symbol of Egypt.
8. Dressed in royal attire, the Queen carries a tassled flail or whip which is partially hidden under her
arm. The punishing flail or whip also originates with the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
9. During the Queen’s coronation ceremony in 1953, she turned to face the four corners of the globe north, south, east and west. The orb carried by the Queen represents the globe over which the
Monarch rules.
10. The headdress presently worn by judges and the Queen’s high ranking officials originate in
ancient Egypt.
11. The hymn, “Zadoc the Priest”, written by Handel was performed at the Queen’s coronation
ceremony in 1953. Zadoc the Priest was the Biblical priest who anointed the Hebrew King Solomon
while the people cried “God save King Solomon. May the King live forever.” Today, the rendition is
“God Save Queen Elizabeth, May the Queen live forever”.
12. The Queen’s coronation gifts of a rod, bracelets and a ring are a re-enactment of the Bible story
of the Hebrew ancestors of Jesus Christ named Judah and Tamar whom she is a descendant of.
13. Incest was practiced by ancient Egyptian royalty. Mothers married sons. Brothers married sisters
to keep the power and money all in the family. Like their Egyptian royal ancestors, the British
monarchy also practiced incestuous inbreeding.
14. The Pope’s headdress is strikingly similar to the headdress of the Egyptian God Amen. His bent
cross resembles the scepter of Amen.
15. Royal jubilees originate in ancient Egypt. Egyptian Pharaohs celebrated their jubilees after 30
years of rule. In the same tradition, Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her silver and golden jubilees.
16. Like the Egyptian Pharaohs, British monarchs wear signet rings which, over the millennia, have
been passed down from their Hebrew ancestors
17. Pleated kilts with aprons like those worn by Prince Charles originate with the Egyptian Pharaohs.
18. The structure of government in ancient Egypt was a step pyramid model with the grand vizier and
priesthood one step below the Pharaoh. Today’s Monarch reigns with a grand vizier. His name is
19. The corpses of deceased Pharaohs were preserved and entombed beneath their pyramid
temples. The corpses of 19 deceased British Monarchs are also preserved in marble tomb slabs
beneath the modern day temple called Westminster Abbey.
20. The ancient Pharaohs of Egypt advertised their power with their images on coins, in temples and
on stone monuments. The power of Queen Elizabeth II is advertised worldwide with her image printed
on more coins and stamps than any other Head of State in history.
21. In 2003, the British mint printed legal tender gold coins called “The One True Ring” and “The Ring
of Power”. Queen Elizabeth II appears on one side of the coin. On the flip side of the coin is the ring
from “Lord of the Rings”. These legal tender coins printed by the British mint raise the question, “Who
is the real Lord of the Rings?” The inscription on the ring reads, “One ring to rule them all, one ring to
find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness (of their ignorance) - bind them.”
22. The covenant that the biblical God gave to Abraham was a promise to make his name “great” and
to make for him a “great” nation. Today, Great Britain is the only nation named “Great”. In Hebrew,
the word Brit-ain literally means “land of the covenant” and Brit-ish means “man of the covenant” (of
“The Queen of England? A descendant of Hebrew-Egyptian Pharaohs? What a load of garbage!”
Just for fun, I logged onto my laptop and keyed in the words, ‘Hebrew Pharaohs’. Up popped a list
of books written by Ahmed Osman. One was called Christianity: An Ancient Egyptian Religion and
another was called Moses: Pharoah of Egypt. The books were published by the prestigious Random
House in the UK which meant that somebody was taking this stuff seriously.
I felt an irresistible urge to disprove Zachary’s ‘twisted facts’ beginning with his ridiculous
assertion that America lost the War of Independence. I pulled up a reliable website and viewed a
copy of the original Paris Treaty of 1783 between the United States and Great Britain. It displayed
the Treaty just as it appeared in Jackson's Oxford Journal of England back on October 4, 1783. The
very first paragraph of the Treaty identified the King of England as the ‘Arch-Treasurer, and Prince
Elector of the Holy Roman Empire &c. and of the United States Of America’.
“What?”, I sputtered. “The King of England? Prince of the United States and the Holy Roman
Empire? Arch-Treasurer? What’s this all about?” I continued reading through the historic document
and stopped at Article four. ‘It is agreed that the creditors on either side shall meet with no lawful
impediment to the recovery of the full value in Sterling Money of all bona fide debts heretofore
contracted’. I took a big gulp of wine directly from the bottle this time and swallowed hard. “Bona
fide debts to the King? This can’t be right. Why would we agree to pay debts to the King?”
I flipped back through the pages of Zachary’s manuscript to the part where he claims the United
States is bankrupt and under emergency rule. “That’s definitely wrong. America is the most
prosperous nation on earth!” I accessed an online copy of the War and Emergency Powers Acts and
the 1973 Senate Report 93-549 of the 93rd Congress, 1st Session and read it carefully. ‘Since
March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. In fact, there
are now in effect four Presidentially-proclaimed states of national emergency…the President may:
seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military
forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate
the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the
lives of all American citizens.’
“This has got to be an online prank. Some sick mind has taken the time to doctor the official
government documents and post them online. If we were bankrupt and in a state of national
emergency, I’d certainly know about it...wouldn’t I?”
The Castaways
Jesus had a double identity. His birth
name was Ptolemy XV Caesarian.
Cleopatra VII was crowned Ptolemaic Queen of Egypt in 51 BC at the ripe young age of nineteen.
She wore exotic make-up, fragrant perfumes and a blue wig over her bronze colored hair which gave
her a spellbinding, Goddess-like aura. Like her Macedanian Greek ancestors, Cleopatra inherited a
lust for power and she was willing to seduce, marry or kill for the throne. Her obsession with power
had no limits. Ultimately, her dream was to become world empress. To fulfill that dream, she seduced
and bewitched two of the most powerful men alive - Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony.
Modern history books describe Cleopatra as the last of the Pharaohs of Egypt but Ralph Ellis,
author of “Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs” alleges that “Jesus” was the last Pharaoh of Egypt. Jesus? A
Pharaoh? The historical records show that the last Pharaoh of Egypt was Caesarian who was the son
of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. How could Jesus, the son of a carpenter and a virgin, be the son of
Cleopatra and Julius Caesar? At first glance, the claim appears to be outrageous fiction. At second
glance, it deserves more than serious consideration.
Nicknamed Caesarian or Little Caesar, Ptolemy XV Caesarian was the son of two of the most
famous and powerful parents in world history. When his mother, Cleopatra, proclaimed herself to be
the reincarnation of the virgin Goddess Isis, Caesarian became recognized as the son of a virgin
Goddess. When his father, Julius Caesar, was officially elevated to the status of God by the Roman
senate, Caesarian was recognized as the son of God and heir to God’s kingdom, the Roman Empire.
Caesarian was also recognized as the son of God in Egypt when his mother named him co-ruling
Historians place Caesarian’s birth at between 47BC and 44BC. Since Jesus was born at the
beginning of today’s Gregorian Christian calendar, then simple math proves that Caesarian couldn’t
possibly have shared a common identity with Jesus. He was at least forty-five years older than
Jesus…wasn’t he?
There is no existing historical or Biblical record of the actual day, month or year of Jesus’ birth.
The Gregorian Christian calendar which is used today by virtually all nations as a common world
standard was founded on an error. That error resulted from a miscalculation of Jesus’ date of birth.
How did it happen? The Julian calendar which was introduced by Julius Caesar preceded the
Christian calendar. Caesar and Cleopatra marked the beginning of the Julian calendar with the date
of birth of their first born son, Caesarian in 45BC. It remained the official calendar until 1582AD when
Pope Gregory XIII revised it by papal decree. The Pope arbitrarily decided to start our present day
‘Gregorian Christian calendar’ with the fictitious date of Jesus’ birth instead of Caesarian’s birth. To
accomplish this monumental conversion, the Pope hired a monk by the name of Dionysius Exiguus.
Dionysius was a mathematical magician who juggled dates and numbers and created a forty-five year
age gap between Caesarian and Jesus. It was decided that the birthday of Jesus would be December
25th, a date that coincided exactly with the date of birth of the Egyptian God Horus.
To fudge the numbers, Dionysius knowingly used the unreliable Roman system of dating and
“wrongly fixed Jesus’ birth at 25 December 753”. He then started the year 1 AD one week after his
fictitious date of Jesus’ birth. He then called all of the years prior to 1 AD “Before Christ” (BC). The
year 1 AD followed immediately after 1 BC. Since he didn’t put a ‘year zero’ in between 1BC and
1AD, that meant that a person born in 10 BC who died in 10 AD would die at the age of 19 instead of
20. With a nod from the Pope, the defective and doctored Gregorian Christian calendar was approved
and the truth about Jesus real date of birth was wiped from the calendar.
Pope Gregory’s calendar conversion buried any suspicions about the double identity of Jesus and
Caesarian. The knowledge that Jesus was human, royal and the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra
posed a cataclysmic threat to the very existence of the church. The secret had to be buried and the
best hiding place was to wedge a substantial age gap between Jesus and Caesarian. Evidence for a
church cover-up can be found in the four synoptic gospels, all of which clearly confirm that Jesus was
born before the death of King Herod who died in 4 BC. The Bible’s gospel of Mathew places Jesus
birth during the reign of King Herod which was between 40BC and 4 BC. Dionysius Exiguus falsely
calculated Jesus birth at 1AD - four years after the death of Herod which proves beyond a shadow of
a doubt that his calculations were dead wrong!
The historical record places the date of birth of Caesarian at the beginning of Herod’s reign. Like
Caesarian, twelve year old Jesus was alive and well during the reign of King Herod and Roman ruler
‘Octavian’ (Caesar Augustus). The most popular way of calculating Jesus age is from a Bible quote
which states that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in “the fifteenth year of the reign of
Tiberius”. (Luke 3:1). This doctored Bible quote substitutes the name of Emperor Octavian’s son,
Tiberius, in place of Octavian’s name. Jesus was baptized in “the fifteenth year of the reign of
Octavian”, not Tiberius. Since Octavian’s reign as Emperor of Rome officially began in 27BC, the
fifteenth year of his reign was 12BC. It was in 12BC that Caesarian (Jesus) was baptized by John the
Baptist at the age of 33.
(Luke 2:1)
The church knowingly fixed the date of birth of Jesus Christ in error. By doing so, they erased the
trail of proof of Jesus and Caesarian’s shared identity. With the help of the gospel forgers,
overwriters, sanitizers and spin doctors, Biblical history was allowed to slip against secular history.
The face of history changed when Caesarian’s father, Julius Caesar, was stabbed to death by his
inner circle of trusted men. Although Caesarian was Caesar’s legitimate son and heir, Caesar’s
eighteen year old adopted son, Octavian, seized control of Rome’s western empire. Cleopatra fought
back with the most powerful weapon in her arsenal – her seductive charm. She cast her spell on Mark
Antony who was the commander and leader of the Rome’s eastern empire. Together, they parented a
twin boy and girl named Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene II. The couple later had a second
boy named Ptolemy Philadephos. (Fig. 14)
Fig. 14
Cleopatra’s dream of becoming world empress was put to the test in 31 BC. She and Mark Antony
combined their Roman and Egyptian naval fleets and battled against Octavian for control of the
Roman Empire. Octavian’s superior forces overpowered, torched and burned Mark Antony’s fleets
while Cleopatra’s ships took flight. Octavian’s victory established him as the undisputed master of
Since Caesarion was Julius Caesar’s biological son and the true and rightful heir to the Roman
Empire, he posed a serious threat to Octavian’s legitimacy as the new Roman ruler. Fearing Octavian
would invade Egypt and kill her son, Cleopatra made arrangements to send him to India. Before his
departure, she and Mark Antony officially declared Caesarian to be the King of Kings during the
Donations of Alexandria ceremony in 34BC.
Who did Cleopatra entrust the guardianship of her son Caesarian to? Who could she trust to
guarantee safe passage of her first born “King of Kings” to India? The one man she could trust was
Joseph of Arimathea. By reputation, he was one of the wealthiest men in the world and held a
prominent position in the Roman administration as 'Nobilis Decurio' - minister of mines. He owned the
largest merchant shipping fleet afloat and traversed the world's sea lanes, transporting precious
metals, stones and spices. Cleopatra was one of Joseph’s royal customers. She purchased large
quantities of “spikenard” and exotic spices from him for her perfume and cosmetics factory at En
Boquet by the Dead Sea. Who better than this powerful, influential man with his fleet of merchant
ships to safely transport her son Caesarian to India?
After another humiliating military defeat against Roman ruler Octavian on Egyptian soil, Mark
Antony committed suicide by falling on his own sword. The devastated Cleopatra locked herself in her
Mausoleum with her royal treasures and bargained with Octavian to spare the lives of her children.
She then committed suicide with a self inflicted poisonous snake bite.
While Caesarian fled to India, Cleopatra’s other three children fathered by Mark Antony (Selene,
Helios and Philadelphos) were captured by Octavian and paraded like war trophies through the
streets of Rome in chains. He then sent them to live with his sister, Octavia.
Caesarian had received the best scholastic tutoring and education the ancient world had to offer.
Alexandria’s Royal library known as “the wonder of the ancient world” had been at the boy’s disposal.
The library boasted 700,000 books in a world where books were hand-copied and rare. He learned to
speak fluent Hebrew and Aramaic and by the age of twelve, he could carry on a debate with Hebrew
philosophers and teachers.
In the Bible story, Joseph and his wife Mary took twelve year old Jesus to the annual Feast of the
Passover in Jerusalem. The young Jesus entered the temple courts and began skillfully debating with
philosophers and teachers. “Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his
answers”. (Luke 2:39-52) Was it because Jesus was the son of God or because he had received the
best scholastic tutoring and education the ancient world had to offer?
At the age of twelve, Caesarian crossed overland through Egypt and sailed on to India by
merchant ship with his parent guardians, Joseph of Arimathea and Mary of Bithynia. Traveling under
cover, Caesarian concealed his identity by changing his name to ‘Isa’ which means ‘son of Isis’. In
the Bible, there is a parallel story of thirteen year old Jesus fleeing through Egypt with Mary and
Joseph under the cover of night (Mathew 2:13-14). The Biblical Prophet Hosea wrote down God’s
words, “Out of Egypt I called my son”. (Hosea 11:1)
“Unknown Jesus” is an A&E home video documentary that examines the claims of a highly
controversial book published in 1887. The book called The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ was written
by a respected journalist named Nikolas Notovitch who traveled to the village of Hemis in Northern
India. He stopped over at an isolated Buddhist monastery hidden high in the Asian mountain tops and
gained the confidence of an elderly monk. The monk showed him ancient scrolls that tell the story of
a scholar and prophet named “Isa”. Notovitch persuaded the monk to allow his interpreter to translate
the Tibetan scrolls.
The translated scrolls describe Isa (Caesarian) as a foreigner from a Mediterranean land. The
stranger arrived in India as a teenage boy to study the teachings of the Buddha. According to the
scrolls, he lived there five hundred years after the prophet Buddha died - a time that coincides with
the seventeen missing years in which the Bible is silent about Jesus whereabouts from age thirteen to
thirty. Nikolas Notovitch was convinced that Isa was Jesus and that he later carried back to his
homeland the wisdom, principles and teachings of Buddhism.
Nearly half a century after Notovitch visited Hemis, a Hindu priest took refuge in the same Hemis
monastery in 1902. The priest also translated the scrolls and published a work which verifies the work
of Notovitch. German theologian Kersten Holger, author of “Jesus Lived in India”, claims that ancient
writings do exist from both Persia and India which verify that Jesus did, in fact, travel to India. The
proof, says Holger, lies in Jesus’ teachings which precisely mimic sacred Buddhist writings.
The Arabic word for Jesus is “Isa”. The Egyptian word is “Isu”. The Greek and Latin word for
Jesus is “Iesous”. The authenticated ancient scrolls found at the Hemis monastery near Lai in Kasmir,
document the life of Isa who arrived in India at the age of fourteen and traveled through Tibet and the
holy cities where he learned Sanskrit and Pali. The scrolls state that the priests of Brahma “taught
him to read and understand the Vedas, to cure by aid of prayer, to teach, to explain the Holy
Scriptures to the people and to drive out evil spirits from the bodies of men and restore their sanity.”
Isa (Jesus/Caesarian) began teaching, performing miracles and explaining the holy scriptures in
monasteries and market bazaars. His reputation in India as a teacher and a healer earned him the
title of ‘Issa Masih’ which means Jesus the Messiah.
Why are the pages of the Bible silent about where Jesus was and what he did for seventeen years
from the age of thirteen to thirty? The documentary called, Unknown Jesus, recounts a journey that
would have taken Jesus thousands of miles across two seas to England, a land whose history
became intertwined with Christian mythology. Beneath the lush rolling hillsides of southern England,
the earth was laced with tin.
To this day in Cornwall and other villages in southern England, villagers claim that Jesus once
walked there. As the story is told, two thousand years ago the gospel character, Joseph of Arimathea,
came to England to trade for precious tin and brought the young Jesus with him. At that time, England
was inhabited by the Celts whose religious leaders, the Druids, believed they were the descendants
of a divine being. The people of the valley claimed that the Druids turned to Christianity because they
had seen Jesus.
At the age of twenty-nine, Caesarian (Isa) left India and Tibet and returned to his Mediterranean
homeland with his new teachings. He reunited with his half sister, Cleopatra Selene and his two half
brothers fathered by Mark Antony - Ptolemy Philadelphos and Alexander Helios. They had been
captured by Roman Emperor Octavian and raised by Octavian’s sister (Octavia). Despite false
rumors of their early deaths, Caesarean’s two half brothers mysteriously vanished from the historical
record. Did they really vanish or did they just reappear in the Biblical record?
According to the Bible’s New Testament, two of Jesus’ disciples were named James and Thomas.
The Bible identifies James and Thomas as full brothers. Jesus (Caesarian), on the other hand, is
identified as their older half brother. The holy scriptures create a bewildering riddle by identifying
Thomas not only as Jesus younger half brother, but as his twin brother. The solution to the ‘twin
brother riddle’ lies in the historical records. Cleopatra had three children fathered by Mark Antony.
Two of them were a twin boy and girl. Jesus (Caesarian) clearly had a younger half brother who was
also a twin!
Mary Magd-Elene is a woman without a past. The gospels are strangely silent about where she
came from, who her family was, how she was educated or what she did to support Jesus and the
disciples ‘out of her own means’. The information blackout provoked speculation that the womanwithout-a-past had something to hide. Did the early church suppress the truth about Mary Magdelene
as Dan Brown suggests in The Da Vinci Code?
Like Leonardo Da Vinci, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was a world renowned artist and member of a
secretive brotherhood. Like Da Vinci, he coded secret knowledge about Mary Magdelene into his
work. For more than a century, the unsuspecting public failed to notice or even question the oddly
shaped body of Bartholdi’s Statue of Liberty masterpiece. Draped in a classical Greek robe, her body
balloons out at the mid-section like a woman in her sixth month of pregnancy. (Figures 15 & 16). Her
bloated belly cannot be explained away as the bulky folds of her robe or a plump, plus-size body.
Judging from her powerful face, neck and muscular arms, she is trim and fit and her robe should hang
down in a straight line, not arc out at the midriff.
Did Bartholdi intentionally build his statue to appear pregnant beneath the folds of her robe? Was
he delivering the same subliminal message that Da Vinci, Giampiettrino (Figure 17), Jose Antolinez
(Figure 18), and other famed artists passed down through their masterpieces – the message that
Mary Magdelene conceived a child fathered by Jesus?
Is Bartholdi’s Statue of Liberty an accurate portrayal of Mary Magdelene’s true image? When the
sculptor enshrined the pregnant Mary Magdelene in his Statue of Liberty, he knew the hidden truth
about her intimate relationship with Jesus. He also knew another hidden truth about her. He knew
that her name ‘Mary Magdelene’ was an assumed name that she adopted to hide her real name, her
true identity and her privileged past as the princess daughter of Cleopatra.
Figure 15
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
What proof is there that Caesarian’s half-sister, Cleopatra S-Elene, was the Biblical Mary MagdElene? Jewish women in Biblical times were typically submissive, veiled, illiterate, married and
named after their father, husband or town. Their education was limited, their mobility restricted and
their responsibilities included cooking, weaving and child rearing. Education and the ability to write
was a privilege reserved only for women of nobility in the ancient world. For Mary Magd-elene to be
articulate, confident, educated, literate, wealthy, unveiled and the respected companion of twelve
men, she was unquestionably of noble birth.
The expensive royal anointing perfume called spikenard (nard) that Mary Magdelene carried with
her in an alabaster jar is “physical evidence” of the double identity of Mary Magdelene and Cleopatra
Selene. Spikenard is the same royal perfume that Selene’s mother, Cleopatra, imported from India for
her perfume and cosmetics factory at En Boquet by the Dead Sea. Cleopatra wrote a treatise about
the exotic perfume in her book, Cleopatra Gynaeciarum Libri.
In the gnostic Gospel of Philip (Philadelphos), Mary Magdelene is named as Jesus’ sister and
companion. The Gospel of Mark confirms that Jesus did, indeed, have a sister. In 1945, the Gnostic
poem Thunder, Perfect Mind was unearthed in Nag Hammadi, Egypt. It is believed to have been
written by Mary Magdelene. Evidence of Mary Magdelene’s double identity as the historical Cleopatra
Selene is imbedded in the verses. She describes herself as an honored Greek-Egyptian princess who
is celebrated in many festivals.
I am the one who is disgraced and the great one...
Give heed to my poverty and my wealth…
You will find me in the kingdoms…
For I am the wisdom of the Greeks…
I am the one whose image is great in Egypt
And I am she whose festivals are many
Before Dan Brown wrote The Da Vinci Code, no one suspected that the disciple sitting next to
Jesus in The Last Supper painting was Mary Magdalene (Figure 19). Completed in 1498, the coded
mural substitutes Mary Magdelene’s image in place of the Apostle John.
Fig. 19
The early church fathers forbid the inclusion of any scriptures written by women in the Bible’s
New Testament. In order to include the Book of Mary in the New Testament, they invented the
apostle ‘John’ and renamed the ‘Book of Mary’ - the ‘Book of John’. The fictitious apostle named
John was substituted in place of Mary Magdelene and credited with the leadership of the early
Christian church. In the doctored gospels, the apostle John is called the ‘brother’ of James Adelphos
(Phil-adelphos). In reality, John (Mary Magdelene) was the sister of James Adelphos (Philadelphos).
(Matthew 4:21; 10:2; Mark 1:19; Luke 5:10)
Many Biblical scholars agree that the Bible’s Fourth Gospel, the Gospel of John, was not authored
by John but by an anonymous follower of Jesus called the ‘Beloved Disciple’. (John 13:23-25) In the
Gospel of Philip, the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of John, Mary Magdelene is revealed as the
‘Beloved Disciple’ most loved by Jesus.
Mary Magd-elene and Cleopatra S-elene shared the same name- ‘Elene’. They both lived in the
same place at the same time under the same rulers - Roman Emperor Octavian (Caesar Augustus),
Tiberius and King Herod. In John 19:25, a mystery woman stands at the cross where Jesus is being
crucified. Her name is “Mary of Cleopas”. The name ‘Cleopa’ is short for ‘Cleopatra’. The ‘Mary’ who
is standing at the cross is none other than the daughter of Cleopatra.
The most compelling evidence of the double identity of Magdelene and Selene is a comparison of
an authentic portrait bust of Cleopatra Selene with the Statue of Liberty. The full lips and mouth, the
brow, chin, sharp jaw, prominent Roman nose, thick neck, protruding ears, Greco-Roman features
and solemn expression are too close a match to be coincidental. Ancient Mauretanian coins of
Selene also illustrate that her hair tie ribbons are an identical match to the hair tie ribbons found on
the Statue of Liberty. (Fig. 20)
Fig. 20
By studying the ancient busts and minted coins of Cleopatra Selene, it becomes abundantly clear
that she was, indeed, the model and subject of Bartholdi’s Statue of Liberty. A comparison of the
profile of the Statue of Liberty and Cleopatra Selene offers further confirmation. The sculptor
intentionally designed the statue to appear pregnant beneath the folds of her robe. Like Da Vinci, he
coded the hidden message into his work that Mary Magdalene bore a child fathered by Jesus.
Symbolic clues that identify Cleopatra Selene with the Statue of Liberty are found in the
‘torchlight’ held in Liberty’s right hand. The name, ‘Elene’ actually means ‘torch’ or ‘light’ (torchlight) in
Greek. It forms part of both the name ‘S-elene’ and the name ‘Magd-elene’. The identical names
provide a significant linguistic clue to the double identity of Cleopatra S-elene and Mary ‘Magd-elene’.
Selene’s racial identity is revealed in the Statue of Liberty’s Roman numeral tablet, in her
Egyptian hair tie ribbons and in the classical Greek robe typically worn by the ancient Greeks.
Selene’s mother, Cleopatra VII, was of Greek Macedonian origin. Her father, Mark Antony, was
Roman. The woman that Bartholdi sculpted for his Statue of Liberty embraces Egyptian, Greek
and Roman imagery. Her crown implies that she is a woman of royal blood. Selene matches the
physical description perfectly.
If Selene really was Mary Magdelene, why did she change her name from Selene to Magdelene?
After Selene was captured by Emperor Octavian in 30BC at the age of 10, she was raised in the
Emperor’s royal household with her two orphaned brothers and with Emperor Octavian’s son,
Tiberius. Since Emperor Octavian had become Selene’s official guardian, he had the authority to
choose the man she would marry. He chose 26 year old, Juba II, the King of Numidia. As a wedding
gift, Octavian granted Selene the royal title of Queen of the North African country of Mauretania. To
insure her allegiance and cooperation, Octavian kept Selene’s twin brother, Helios, and her younger
brother, Philadelphos, in Rome on a tight leash as de facto hostages.
In her role as the new reigning Queen of Mauretania, Selene wore the crown of the virgin
Egyptian Goddess Isis just as her mother had done. She incorporated Isis imagery into her minted
coins and dreamt of greatness. Her dreams and ambitions were no less grandiose than her mother’s
and the idea of living out the rest of her days as a subservient client queen to Rome was unbearable.
On a bright spring morning in 12BC, the opportunity to fulfill her dreams came knocking. A man
that Selene did not recognize peered in at her through the lattice of her palace window and startled
her. Her husband, Juba, was away in the eastern Mediterranean with their young son, Ptolemy, on a
research expedition for a book he was writing. Instead of calling for help from the servants’ quarters,
Selene stepped closer to the window to confront the man. ‘His face was like fine gold, his locks bushy
and black as a raven. He looked like an Olympic God with eyes like the eyes of doves by the rivers
edge, washed with milk, and fitly set. His cheeks were like a bed of spices and fragrant flowers, his
lips like lilies dropping sweet smelling myrrh. He was altogether lovely’.
In an instant, Selene raced outside and locked herself in the embrace of her long lost older brother
who she had been endlessly searching for. Without a word, Caesarian lifted her off her feet and
swung her around and around in dizzying turns. She smothered his face with kisses and showered
him with her tears. Then, he set her down and held her away from him at arms length, devouring her
with his eyes, afraid to blink for fear she would disappear and not be real. Then he pulled her back
into his arms with a crushing squeeze and buried his face in her hair.
After seventeen years in exile, Caesarian returned to claim his half sister, Selene. They had been
betrothed to one another as children. Marriages between brothers and sisters was a Ptolemy family
tradition to keep the power and wealth all in the family. Caesarian and Selene immortalized their
reunion in a poem that found its way into the Bible’s Old Testament. The poem is called ‘Song of
Songs’ but was deceptively renamed Song of Solomon.
“Behold! The voice of my beloved! He comes leaping upon the mountains, skipping
upon the hills.” (2:8)
“Who is she that looks like the new morning, fair as the moon (selene)? (6:10) We have
a little sister and she has no breasts. (8:8) She is the only daughter of her mother. (6:9)
To me, my darling, you are like my mare among the chariots of the Pharaoh”. (1:9)
“You were my brother that sucked the breasts of my mother! When we were alone, I
would kiss you…I would lead you and bring you into my mother's house…I would
cause you to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate. (8:1-2) “I am a wall
and my breasts like towers now.” (8:10)
“You have ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse. How fair is your love. How much
better is your love than wine and the smell of your ointments than all spices! (4:9-10)
Until day break and the shadows flee away, I will go to your mountain of myrrh, and to
your hill of frankincense (4:5-6) Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my
undefiled, for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night. I
have taken off my coat; how shall I put it on again?” ( 5:1-3)
“My beloved put his hand by the hole of my door and my bowels moved for him. I rose
up to open to my beloved and my hands dripped with myrrh, and my fingers with
sweet smelling myrrh upon the handles of his lock. I opened to my beloved; but my
beloved had withdrawn himself. (5: 4-6) I found my soul mate: I held him, and would
not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of
her that conceived me. (3: 1-4) My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feeds among
the lilies (2:16-17) While my king sits at his table, my spikenard sends forth its odor
(1:12) He will lie all night between my breasts.” (1:13)
In the aftermath of their erotic reunion, Caesarion spoke to Selene of distant lands where he
learned the art of healing and the words, the wisdoms and the ways of Buddha, Krishna (Christ-na)
and the eastern mystics. He confided in her about his “Divine” plan to defeat Octavian, recapture his
father’s Kingdom and reclaim his inheritance as the true and rightful heir to the Roman Empire. He
would recapture it not with weapons and armies but by championing a new religion. He would
transform the Roman Empire into the Holy Roman Empire and raise a spiritual army that even a
hundred Roman armies couldn’t suppress.
Caesarion asked Selene to come away with him, to join his spiritual revolution and help him build
a new religion. She would need a new name and a new identity. Without a word, without a goodbye,
without a trace, Selene left her husband, her son and her life of royal luxury. She chose a new name
for herself - ‘Elene’. It was part of her real name S-Elene which means ‘moon’ or ‘torch’. She
attached the word ‘Magda’ to it which means ‘tower’ or ‘high place’ in Hebrew. Caesarian often called
her ‘Mary’ or ‘Mery’ which was an Egyptian term of endearment meaning ‘beloved’. From henceforth
her new name would be Mery Magda Elene.
Caesarian and Selene’s two brothers had escaped their bondage in Rome and had already joined
their brother’s flock. As fugitives from Rome, they also needed to change their names. Selene’s twin
brother, Helios, changed his name to Judas Thomas Didymus. ‘Thomas’ means ‘twin’ in Hebrew and
‘Didymus’ mean ‘twin’ in Greek. (John 11.16). Phil-adelphos chose the name James Adelphos
because James meant ‘supplanter’ and Adelphos meant ‘brother’. He chose the new name to remind
himself of his mission to supplant the Roman thieves who had stolen his childhood, his parents and
his Egyptian homeland. Seventeen years after Cleopatra’s suicide, her four disinherited children were
re-united. Together, they made a pact to fulfill their mother’s dream of empires.
The Bible features a wedding party at Cana in which Jesus uses his Godly powers to magically
turn water into wine for the party guests. Did Jesus (Caesarian) marry his half sister Mary MagdaElene (Selene) at Cana and conceive a child with her? The wedding was important enough to be
included in the Bible’s New Testament but the names of the bride and groom were omitted. Was it to
conceal their true identities?
King Herod the Great of Judea died just prior to the Jewish Feast of the Passover in 4BC. Some
said he was poisoned. Others said he was consumed by intestinal worms. With the death of King
Herod came disorder, robberies, assassinations and a general uprising. In the midst of the political
turmoil, Caesarian’s brother Helios (Judas Thomas) emerged as a powerful anti-Roman rebel leader.
He set up a heavily guarded rebel stronghold in the remote, mountainous village of Gamala. In two
years, his fledgling rebel movement evolved into a formidable terrorist organization of cut-throat
revolutionaries and assassins known as the “zealots”.
Helios (Judas Thomas) recruited anti-Roman freedom fighters from Judean towns and villages
where resentments ran high against the wealthy Jewish Sadducee priests who served the Romans.
The freedom fighters organized public riots, tax protests and assassinations. (Luke 6:15-16) Their
weapon of choice was the curved Roman dagger called a sicari which they used to slit the throats of
Roman soldiers and Jews who cooperated with the Romans. Israel was fractured into four main
sects: the Zealots, the Sadducees, the Pharisees and the Essenes.
The mood across the land was ripe for rebellion. Under his new name, Judas Thomas, Helios
founded and led the zealot movement in Gamala where he became known as Judas of Galilee. (Acts
5:37) He earned the nickname Judas ‘Iscariot’ meaning "dagger-man. Joseph of Arimathea’s sons
(Simon, Joses and Matthew) were active members and leaders of both the rebel movement led by
Judas (Helios) and the Messianic movement led by Jesus (Caesarian).
The Bible is clear about Jesus’ advance knowledge of a betrayal that would occur by one of his
own disciples. Since he knew in advance about his own arrest and crucifixion, was his crucifixion premeditated and planned? Were the stories of his resurrection part of a well conceived scheme to
convert the masses to Christianity and convert the Roman Empire to the Holy Roman Empire?
Jesus (Caesarion) revealed to his disciples that Judas (Helios) would be his traitor “so that
scripture might be fulfilled” as part of “God’s grand plan”. (John 13:18) He made a pre-meditated
choice to appoint Judas, his trusted half brother, to go to the chief priests and turn him in. (Mark
14:10). The authorities accepted Judas’ offer and agreed to pay him thirty pieces of silver for his
betrayal. According to plan, Judas identified Jesus to the authorities with his infamous “kiss”.
Since Jesus/Caesarian learned the art of meditation and healing in India AND since he was
provided with a foot support to stand on while strapped to the cross AND since he was taken down
from the cross after only a few hours AND since he was treated with expensive royal healing oils, did
he survive the wounds of his crucifixion?
Death by crucifixion typically takes four to five days, yet the gospels reveal that Jesus died within
hours of his crucifixion and was taken down from the cross, interred and wrapped in a shroud.
Kersten Holger, author of Jesus Lived in India, claims that the shroud which was permeated with
healing myrrh and aloe, allowed Jesus to “sweat out” the fever caused by the crucifixion wounds. The
“body sweat”, says Kersten, explains why a detailed impression of his body was left on the linen
shroud, now called the Shroud of Turin. Kersten describes the scientific and medical proof that the
Shroud of Turin is authentic, that Jesus survived the crucifixion and that he was restored to health
after three days of total rest in the sepulcher. The shroud retained blood marks from the wounds on
Jesus pierced hands and feet, from his head wounds from the crown of thorns and the lance wound
in his side. The blood marks are physical proof that Jesus was still alive and breathing after the
crucifixion. It is an established medical fact that blood cannot flow from a corpse.
Only close family members of Jesus (Caesarian) were aware of the cruci-fiction and resurrection
scheme. They included his adoptive parents Mary and Joseph, his wife and half sister Mary MagdElene (Selene) and his younger half-brothers James (Philadelphos) and Judas Thomas Didymus
(Helios). The post cruci-fiction role of these disciples was to persuade non-believers that Jesus
(Caesarian) had, indeed, “risen” from the dead.
In the Acts of Judas Thomas, the disciples gathered in Jerusalem to decide how to carry out Jesus
command to evangelize (colonize) all nations. The family of disciples divided up the world by lot and
decided which part each one should evangelize. James Adelphos (Philadelphos) drew Spain. Judas
(Helios) drew India. Magda-Elene (Selene) drew France (Gaul). Mary and Joseph drew Britain.
Following the staged crucifixion, Mary Magdalene and the other disciples spread eyewitness news
of the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection. The news spread to Jerusalem and threatened to convert the
masses to Christianity. To stop the spread of the new religion, Jewish authorities hunted and
persecuted Christians. In the tumultuous aftermath of the staged resurrection, the pregnant Mary
Magd-Elene (S-Elene) and Jesus (Caesarian) sought refuge in the place of their birth – Alexandria,
Egypt was easily reached from Judea and became the traditional place of asylum for Jews whose
safety was threatened in Israel. It was in Alexandria, Egypt, that Selene and Caesarian raised their
daughter Sara. Nine years later, Selene and Caesarian took Sara with them to Jerusalem. Traveling
under cover, they reunited with Joseph of Arimathea, Mary of Bithynia, Mary’s sister Martha and
Mary’s brother, Lazarus. To escape persecution by Jewish authorities, the group shoved off in a small
rudderless boat and battled winds and storms at sea before drifting ashore at Saintes-Maries-de-laMer in southern France (Gaul) on the Mediterranean Coast of Gaul. Included on the boat’s passenger
list was a mysterious and previously unknown disciple named Maximinus.
Is there any proof that Jesus and Magda-Elene parented a daughter named Sara? The Golden
Legend identifies a girl in the boat called ‘Sara the Egyptian’. The name “Sara” means "Princess" in
Hebrew. According to oral tradition, Sara was between the age of nine and twelve when the small
boat landed in southern France (Gaul). Since Sara was said to be from Upper Egypt, artists from a
later era mistakenly portrayed her with dark skin.
Why was an Egyptian girl named Sara important enough to be included on the passenger list of
close family members? The Golden Legend names one other person who was also important enough
to be included on the small boat’s passenger list - Maximinus. He is identified as a disciple (never
previously mentioned) and he shows up right after the crucifiction. Once again Caesarian (Jesus)
needed a new name and a new identity. Maximinus was the post-crucifiction name that he chose for
himself which means the ‘greatest’.
The castaways embraced an ambitious mission to spread the Christian religion to the four corners
of the earth. Their goal was to colonize the Roman Empire with Christians by teaching them to accept
the departed Jesus (Caesarian) as the spiritual leader of the “Holy” Roman Empire.
To accomplish their mission, the group split up and journeyed to different regions. Joseph of
Arimathea, his wife Mary of Bithynia and Lazarus journeyed to England to christianize (colonize) the
British Isles. In Glastonbury, British King Arvigarus offered them a one hundred and sixty acre parcel
of land - tax free. This gift of tax free land is documented by William of Malmesbury’s De Antiquitate
Glastoniensis Ecclesiae (1126) and by John Harding’s Chronicle (1464) and by The Domesday Book
(1086). Why did the pagan King Arvigarus grant such a large area of land, tax free? Here lies the
hidden clue which confirms that Jesus (Caesarian) must have traveled there during the ‘missing
years’ with Joseph of Arimathea. According to oral tradition, Glastonbury, England is where Christ is
said to have spent much of his youth among the Druid priests. Only a King who knew them well would
give tax free land to the Christian followers of Jesus.
A section of ruins called Joseph’s Chapel, Mary’s Chapel and Home of God can be found on the
abbey grounds at Glastonbury. It is here that Mary and her uncle-husband, Joseph of Arimathea,
were eventually buried inside a wattle and daub building. Jesus (Caesarian) is rumored to have
helped build the structure for his (adoptive) mother and father. It later became a shrine and was built
over as Glastonbury Abbey. Joseph and Mary established the first known Christian Church outside of
the Holy Land.
While Joseph and Mary christianized the British Isles, Magda-Elene (S-Elene) and the mysterious
new disciple called “Maximinus” (Caesarian) christianized France. They traveled north together to the
region of Ste. Baume and south east to the region of Aix. Their daughter Sara stayed behind with
Mary’s sister Martha in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer where the group had originally landed. French
Merovingian royalty claim that Sara married into the royal Merovingian dynasty in France.
According to the Golden legend, Maximinus, ‘the new disciple’, was one of the passengers who
came ashore at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer with Mary Magd-Elene, daughter Sara, Joseph, Mary and
Mary’s brother and sister. The Gnostic gospels confirm that Mary Magdalene was given into the care
of Maximin, a man honored for the miracles he wrought. Together they brought the Gospel to Gaul
Maximin made his headquarters at Aix and became known as Bishop Maximus - the first bishop
of Gaul (France). Documents written in Latin (c 5th to 6th century) claim that Mary Magdalene
traveled to Aix-le-Provence with Maximin and lived there for many years before she died. Saint
Maximin is said to have given communion to Saint Mary Magdalene when she was miraculously
transported to him from her cave at Sainte-Baume. After delivering the last rites, Maximus
(Caesarian) anointed her body with precious ointments and embalmed her. He then placed her body
in an oratory that he “carpentered” himself at Villa Lata which was later renamed St. Maximin. Saint
Maximin, the miracle worker, commanded that his body be buried next to Mary Magdalene (Selene)
after his death. In art, Maximinus is generally depicted as a bishop administering the last sacraments
to Saint Mary Magdalene. Today, he is venerated at Saint Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, Provence.
Mary Magdelene’s resting place became a centre of pilgrimage until the 11th century when her
remains suddenly disappeared. In 1279, the Count of Provence, Charles d’Anjou, allegedly
discovered her remains in a sarcophagus beneath the simple church at St. Maximin. With the
blessing of the Pope, Charles d’Anjou began building an enormous Basilica on the site of the crypt.
Today, visitors and pilgrims flock to the Basilica to participate in the procession day on July 22nd
when Mary Magdelene’s relics are carried through the French town.
Visitors marvel at the small crypt of the Basilica in St. Maximin which holds four marble
sarcophagi. Two of these sarcophagi are believed to contain the remains of Mary Magdalene
(Selene) and Maximin (Jesus/Caesarian). A golden statue and the presumed cranium skull of Mary
Magdalene covered by a golden mask is kept in the rear of the crypt. (Fig. 21) The face is stern and
androgynous – like the Statue of liberty.
Fig. 21
Today, in the French town of Les Stes-Marie-de-la-Mer, May 24th marks the feast day when a
statue of ‘Sara the Egyptian’ is carried down to the sea shore to celebrate and reenact her arrival in
France. She is called Sara la Kali, the "Black Queen." The assumption is that the child, being
"Egyptian," was dark-skinned, but her "blackness" symbolized either her hidden state or her
association with the cult of Amen. It was further assumed that she must have been the servant of the
family from Bethany (Bythinia), since no other reasonable explanation could account for her presence
in the boat.
The Catholic Church de-canonized Sara, claiming that there was a lack of evidence for her
historicity. Authors Dan Brown and Michael Baigent have suggested that proof of the existence of
Jesus and Magdalene’s offspring was suppressed by the Roman Church because it threatened the
church’s doctrine of Apostolic Succession. Sara was the unknown, unacknowledged queen. They had
to deny her bloodline and deny the historical identities of Jesus and Mary in order to maintain their
own doctrines of the divinity and celibacy of Jesus.
Jesus Christ’s name bore the same initials “J.C.” as his father, Julius Caesar. As the rightful heir to
his father’s kingdom, he reclaimed his true inheritance and fulfilled his mother’s dream of empires.
Like his father who was elevated to the status of God in Rome, he was elevated to the status of God
not only in Rome but throughout the entire world.
The Hebrew-Christian Bible stood at the center of the disinformation of the Dark Ages. The Dark
Ages of Unholy Terror continued from approximately 500 AD to 1300 AD. All scientific thought that
contradicted the Bible was suppressed. The most famous example of that suppression is the ancient
knowledge that the Earth revolves around the sun. The Hebrew-Christian Bible teaches that the sun
revolves around the earth. For centuries, the knowledge that the sun is the center of the universe was
deliberately suppressed by the church. Those who dared to express this belief and spoke of nonChristian beliefs were savagely persecuted.
The early Christian terrorists propagated their religion amongst the White tribes of Europe with a
vicious fanaticism unseen in those lands. Genocidal evangelism spread like wild fire throughout
Europe. Charlemagne in Germany and the Teutonic Knights in the Baltic States justified their terrorist
violence and savagery by quoting the Biblical God and selected Old Testament scriptures.
During this Age of Theocracy, the head of the Catholic Church, the Pope, became the single most
important political figure in Europe. In a clever power trick, the Pope arranged for his own election by
a small band of bishops who, in turn, were appointed by him. With iron fisted authority, the Pope
confiscated and “gave the lands of the pagans” to the Teutonic Knights whose job it was to
Christianize and exploit them. A backlash and full fledged people’s revolt against the cruelty and
political power of the Pope caused a division within the church itself.
In 1321, Pope Gregory IX and the Christian Church established the Inquisition. Sadistic forms of
torture were used for a wide range of charges from heresy, to witchcraft to bigamy to usury. In1252,
Pope Innocent IV, officially sanctioned the use of instruments of torture such as the rack, thumb
screws, burning irons and literally dozens of other fiendish tools. People were routinely tortured and
imprisoned for belonging to a religion other than Christianity or for disputing the Church’s
interpretation of the Christian Bible.
For nearly two millennia, the Christian Church oppressed and brutalized millions says author
Helen Ellerbe who documented these practices in her book “The Dark Side of Christian History”. She
graphically describes the persecution of heretics, the burning of books and libraries, the blood baths
of the Christian Crusades, the torturous Inquisitions and the Christian witch-hunts. The dark side of
Christianity has left a belief legacy that has fostered sexism, racism, elitism, the intolerance of
difference and the destruction of the natural environment, says Ellerbe.
What kind of a God would force a religion on the world using cruelty, terror, torture, burning and
mass murder? What kind of a God inspired Popes and Roman Catholic officials to commit unGodly
atrocities against humanity? What kind of a God inspired these unholy men to withhold knowledge
and knowingly keep the masses in a dark state of perpetual ignorance? What kind of a God allowed
the Roman Catholic Church to plunder, enslave, extract and hoard enough wealth to eradicate world
poverty? Considering the monstrous practices of the Roman Catholic Church, the calendar tampering
and the Bible revisions by British King James I, how much faith can be put in the truth and accuracy
of the Biblical record?
With the blur of confusing Marys’, Judas’, Thomas’, Josephs’ and James’ found in the Bible, many
researchers have been challenged by the Bible’s name game and its “who’s who” mysteries. One
way of de-coding the Bible is to profile the main cast of characters and create a royal genealogy
chart. The connection between the lives of the Bible characters and the lives of real historical figures
line up perfectly like answers in a crossword puzzle.
Far from being poor and uneducated, Jesus’ inner circle of family and disciples were the well
educated, well off descendants of royalty. The disciple called Nicodemus of Bethany was, in reality,
descended from King Nicomedes IV of Bythinia. Joseph of Ari Mathea was an extremely wealthy
shipping merchant and the adoptive father of Ptolemy XV Caesarian (Jesus - Figure 22). The Virgin
Mary of Bethany was, in reality, Mary of Bythinia and the wife of her rich uncle, Joseph of Arimathea.
Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Thomas and James were the royal offspring of Greek-Egyptian Queen
Cleopatra VII. Josephus, the “zealot-historian” who misguided the world with his revisionist version of
history is also a member of this royal “in crowd”. He is Joseph ben Matthias, the grandson of Joseph
ben Ari-Matthias (Joseph of Armathea).
Why on Earth did Israel’s first century Hebrew judicial council threaten to punish by death anyone
who dared to copy, sculpt or draw the face of Jesus and his “graven image”? What were they afraid
of? Were they afraid he might be recognized for who he really was?
Fig. 22
After the cruci-fiction, Jewish rebellion against Roman rule escalated. By 69AD, the roman soldiers
destroyed Solomon’s Temple, burned Jerusalem to the ground and renamed the land of Israel “Palestine”. The Hebrew tribes fled and dispersed from the land. The tribe of Dan had already settled
in Greece and became a ferocious force of brutal seafaring pirates called the “Vikings”. They named
themselves after six of their great ancestors – the Hebrew Hyksos Kings who had ruled Egypt as the
15th Dynasty. The “VI” in the name ‘VIKINGS is the Roman numeral for the number “6”.
Vikings = VI Kings = 6 Kings
The Tribe of Dan was the largest tribe of ancient Israel and the first to replace the God of Judaism
with pagan fertility Gods. The tribe of Dan adopted the symbols of a dragon and a snake and
emblazoned them on their red and white flag together with the crest of an eagle as their standard.
The carvings of snakes and dragons on their ships, the red and white stripes on their sails and
archeological relics reveal that the tribe of Dan became none other than the dreaded Vikings. They
pirated their way along the Mediterranean and sailed up the coast of Europe leaving sign posts of
their migration root along the way. They incorporated the name of “Dan” into the names of mountains,
towns and rivers - like the mighty river Danube and the Jordan River. The country of Denmark literally
means, “the mark of Dan”. Since the original Hebrew language had interchangeable vowels, the
name of Dan can also be spelled Din, Den, Dun or Don as in ScanDINavia, LonDON, and DENmark.
Like rabid beasts, the Vikings plundered, robbed and slaughtered everything in their path
including monks and nuns. The tribe of Dan invaded Denmark (Danes) while the Hebrew tribe of
Naphtali moved in large numbers into Norway (Norwegians) from east Scythia. The two tribes joined
forces and continued their reign of terror throughout the British Isles accumulating massive amounts
of wealth.
By 1017 AD, the unthinkable happened. The King of the Vikings, King Canute, was crowned King
of England, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. King Canute was known as Knud in Denmark and Knut
in Norway. Irish annals and history describe this “Tribe of Dan” as the “Tuatha de Danaans. Ireland
has a harp on its Coat of Arms associated with King David of Judah and Israel. England and Wales
have a dragon on their flag. The United States, where 40-50 million people claim Irish ancestry, is
symbolized by an eagle and has 13 red and white stripes of the Viking sail on its flag. (Fig. 23)
Fig. 23
Settlers from the tribes of Gad (Goths), Judah (Jutes) and the remaining Hebrew tribes reunited in
Great Britain which was the “appointed place” of Bible prophecy. They joined the tribes of Dan
(Danes) and Napthali (Norwegians). The tribe of Judah is symbolized by the lion which is the emblem
of today’s British heraldry. More than a thousand years after the Romans chased the Hebrew tribes
out of Canaan (which they had renamed ‘Israel’), they reunited in a new land under a new flag - ‘the
Union Jack’. The Union Jack symbolizes the Hebrew patriarch Jack (Jacob, Jakhuber) and the
reunion of the tribes of Israel. Their reunited Kingdom is none other than today’s United Kingdom and
their monarch and Pharaoh is Queen Elizabeth II.
“This poor guy had no faith in anything. Not in God, the Pope, the Queen, the leaders of the free
world, the past, the future. He had every reason in the world to kill himself. I wonder why
investigators are considering foul play. Who would want to murder a retired political science
professor? On the other hand, I can see how the manuscript might upset a lot of people, especially
Christians and Jews…but would it upset anyone enough to kill him? If only dead men could talk.”
I glanced over at my laptop. It had fallen into sleep mode which is the mode I needed to be in.
Before logging off, I saw the ‘happy face’ icon from Yahoo Messenger smiling up at me. I frowned
back at it. “What are you smiling about, you little imp?” An idea suddenly struck me. “Maybe dead
men can talk.”
I accessed Yahoo Messenger. As usual, my ex-husband was online. I felt my gut twist into an ugly
knot as I flashed back on our failed marriage and tortured myself with the same question that had
been nagging me since our divorce. “Why didn’t he tell me his only offline activities were eating and
bowel movements before he married me?” I stuffed down my rage and danced my fingers over the
Julie: “Hi Alex. Burning the midnight oil again?”
Alex: “Hey Julia. What’s up?”
Julie: “It’s Julie not Julia. I don’t look like her at all”.
Alex: “I meant Julia Child, not Julia Roberts.”
Julie: “I need a favor.”
Alex: “For you, gorgeous? Anything.”
Julie: “Remember in Yale sophomore year how you
managed to access the student records and…”
Alex: “You mean hacked?”
Julie: “I’d never ask under normal circumstances, but
since the person is already deceased…”
Alex: “You don’t have to explain”
I looked down at the front page of the dead man’s manuscript laying in front of me. His e-mail
address was printed just below his pen name.
“Need a password?”
“Consider it done.”
“Thanks. You’re an angel.”
“Not really.”
The wealthy 1% of the population who write the
rules have taught the other 99% to obey them
and to feel powerless to change things
The media has misled the public into believing that Queen Elizabeth II is a harmless symbolic
figurehead who passes her time sipping tea at Buckingham palace. Nothing could be further from the
truth. As British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is the wealthiest, most powerful person on Earth. She
embodies the Crown and has inherited supreme world power.
Presidents of the United States are forbidden any title of nobility and are subservient to the British
Monarch. The U.S. President is Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces based at Camp David,
known to insiders as Camp “King David”. King David was the Biblical Hebrew King of Israel.
As a reminder of the Queen’s authority, money and stamps carry the Queen’s image worldwide.
She is the hereditary, lifetime head of state of Great Britain and her colonies and is unelected and
unaccountable. It is against the law to advocate the abolition of the Monarchy.
All nations whose leaders are called Prime Ministers are the ‘prime” Ministers of the Queen. They
are her subservient representatives. Citizens do not realize that the Prime Ministers of their nations
do not possess the power, they exercise the power of the Monarch.They rule but they do not reign.
The Monarch, on the other hand, reigns but does not rule. She possesses the power but does not
exercise it.
By delegating her powers, the Queen is kept safely out of harms way. She is above the conflicts
and divisions of the political process and is protected from becoming a target of political hostilities.
Meanwhile, the general public is kept in the dark about the true powers that the queen actually
possesses - powers which she delegates but which she has not yet chosen to exercise.
What are the powers that the queen actually possesses but has not yet chosen to exercise? In
commonwealth nations like Canada, the Queen’s powers include:
x The right to choose Prime Ministers and dismiss the Prime Ministers through her Governor
x The power to dismiss Ministers and the government
x The power to dissolve Parliament and call new elections
x The power to refuse legislation passed by Parliament
x The power to command the armed forces and raise a personal militia
x The power to read confidential government documents and intelligence reports
x The power to declare a state of emergency and issue proclamations
x The power to call elections and enact laws in her Majesty’s name. Few people realize that not
a single law is passed without the queen’s consent
x The power to exercise Crown prerogatives. The Queen can declare war through her Prime
Minister without even the agreement of Parliament.
x The power to grant and bestow titles and honors like “Sir” and “Knight”.
x The power to pardon convicted criminals
Why has the queen been allowed to legally possess all of these supreme powers? For the sake of
tradition??? What exactly is the meaning of the word “Crown”? The Crown is defined as “executive
powers exercised in the name of the monarch”. The actual crown itself that is worn by the monarch is
a symbol of the Queen’s executive powers.
The parliamentary Oaths Act of 1866 requires all leaders of 54 Commonwealth nations to swear
an oath of loyalty to the Queen, not to the people who elected them. “I swear by almighty God that I
will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors
according to law, so help me God”. Those who do not swear allegiance to the queen are deemed
unfit for office including the prime minister, military, police, judges, legislators, lawyers, public
servants and others. New citizens to the queen’s commonwealth nations must also swear allegiance
to her Majesty the Queen.
Public land in the Queen’s colonies like Canada is called “crown land” and includes aboriginal
land. Government corporations are called “crown corporations”. The Central Bank of Canada and the
Canadian mint are Crown corporations independent of most government controls. The Queen is the
“Head of State” of countries like Canada and Australia. Government forms, stationary and printing are
printed by the “Queen’s Printer”. Canadian warships are called HMCS – Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship
and in Australia, they’re called HMAS, Her Majesty’s Australian ship. Canada’s national police force is
called the “Royal” Canadian Mounted Police. All government contracts are made between a company
or an individual and her Majesty and are issued in the name of her Majesty. Court summons are also
issued in the name of the Queen and all public inquiries are called “Royal Commissions”.
What is the cost to British taxpayers to support Queen Elizabeth II and her blue blood entourage?
The public accounts committee and national audit office are forbidden to examine Queen Elizabeth
Windsor's family finances...but the civil list payments are reviewed every 10 years. During the last
review, running expenses of the Windsor household were 7.9 million pounds, family spending 35.3
million pounds, security 30 million pounds, hand-outs to the Queen’s husband 1 million pounds,
transportation 5 million pounds, palace maintenance 6 million pounds.
How much is the Queen worth? The Queen's wealth is divided into three categories. Her wealth as
the Monarch, her visible personal wealth and her invisible personal wealth. The Queen's wealth as
the Monarch includes 54 commonwealth nations worldwide, millions of acres of crown land and
resources, thousands of crown corporations and the corporate city state of London which just
happens to be the capitol of world finance.
The queen's visible personal wealth was accumulated tax free until 1992 and includes royal
yachts, Rolls Royce’s, race horses, 5 castles, the world's largest collection of jewels, 20,000 old
masterpieces including priceless Leonardo Da Vinci masterpieces, millions of “class A” shares in
blue chip stocks and bonds which have been invested and reinvested over and over again tax free.
Much of the Queen’s family fortune was inherited from her ancestor’s illegal opium trade with
China and the black slave trade. As the British Monarch, the Queen has access to state secrets and
to the world’s top financiers. She is immune to accusations of “insider trading” or “conflicts of interest”.
Her financial portfolio includes Rio Tinto, General Electric, Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum,
Archer Daniel Midlands, trans-national banking, oil and gas, precious metals and minerals resources
and the list goes on. In 1977, the Bank of England Nominees, BOEN, was established to hide the
Queen’s personal portfolio of wealth.
The Queen's visible billions are but a tiny fraction of her invisible wealth which has been
accumulated through the black nobility. What is the black nobility? The black nobility is a wealthy
aristocracy of elite ruling families who solidified their power during the 12th century by intermarrying
with the wealthy Godfather families of Venice, Italy. During the bloodbaths of the Pope’s Christian
Crusades, this brutal Italian oligarchy captured the trading monopolies. Over the centuries, the black
nobility have used their power and wealth to rape, plunder and exploit every corner of the globe
Who are the ruling black nobility families? They include the House of Hanover in Germany, the
House of Hapsburg in Austria, the House of Orange in the Netherlands, the House of Lichtenstein in
Lichtenstein and most importantly the House of Guelph in Britain. Members of all of these family
houses can be found on Queen Elizabeth’s family tree.
The black nobility are the founders of the Committee of 300, also known as the “illuminati” or
illuminated ones. Queen Elizabeth II is head of the committee of these 300 ruling families. The
Committee of 300 was formed to achieve one objective - one world government called the New World
Order (NWO) through the United Nations. The reverse of the letters N W O is the devil’s mirror image.
It spells O W N. Dr. John Coleman's book, "The Committee of 300", describes the history of
assassinations, kidnappings, robbery, rape, blackmail, coercion and terror committed by these inbred
families on a grand scale. Today, they enrich themselves from the illegal drug and arms trade using
well distanced intermediaries. An estimated 280 billion in flight capitol and drug money flows into their
secret Swiss accounts.
How many people would play a game of monopoly with “real” money if the banker was making up
the rules, stealing the money, cheating the players and grabbing up all the properties. The answer is
– almost everybody. The truth is that only one percent of the world's population of over six billion
people is controlling the other ninety-nine percent. That one percent now owns most of the world's
wealth, land and resources.
Like the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt who built their empire with the help of a grand vizier, Queen
Elizabeth II also has a grand vizier who serves as her most trusted advisor. His name is Lord Evelyn
Rothschild and he is the second wealthiest and most powerful person on Earth. He is also Lord of the
world's financial capitol - the city state of London. Lord Rothschild and his disciples hide their
identities behind thirteen city council members who sit in as their representatives.
On November 30th, 2000, Lord Rothschild, now in his 70's, got married in London to a wealthy
Zionist businesswoman named Lynn Forrester. The couple jetted to Washington and spent their
wedding night in the Abraham Lincoln room of the White House. Just months before 9/11, they
moved to New York and settled into their 18th floor luxury palace at River House where two private
terraces offered them front row seats for the scheduled 9/11 reality show.
Just how rich and powerful is Lord Evelyn Rothschild? Historically, the Rothschild family wealth
was hidden in underground vaults. Their secret accounting books were never audited and never
accounted for. Their family commissioned biographies give the illusion that their family fortune has
dwindled over the centuries but researchers estimate their wealth at close to five hundred trillion
dollars - more than half the wealth of the entire world. Besides their many castles, palace mansions,
wineries, racehorses and exotic resorts, the Rothschilds bought Reuters in the 1800's which bought
the Associated Press which selects and delivers the same news stories to the entire world day after
day. They have controlling interest in three major television networks and easily avoid publicity since
they own them. Until recently, they owned and operated England's royal mint and continue to be the
gold agent for the Bank of England which they also direct. They control the LBMA, London Bullion
Marketing Association, where 30 to 42 million ounces of gold worth over 11 billion dollars are traded
daily. The Rothschilds earn millions daily just on transaction fees alone. They also fix the world price
of gold on a daily basis and profit from the ups and downs.
Over the centuries, the Rothschilds have amassed trillions of dollars worth of gold bullion in their
subterranean vaults and have cornered the world's gold supply. They own controlling interest in the
world’s largest oil company, Royal Dutch Shell. They operate phony charities and offshore banking
services where the wealth of the black nobility and the Vatican is hidden in secret accounts at
Rothschild Swiss banks, trusts and holding companies.
Although Evelyn “goldfinger” Rothschild looks like a harmless, grey haired old man, make no
mistake about it, Rothschild and his family bloodline have hand picked United States Presidents,
crashed stock markets, bankrupted nations, orchestrated wars and sponsored the mass murder and
impoverishment of millions. The wealth hoarded by this one family alone could feed, clothe and
shelter every human being on earth.
How did Lord Evelyn Rothschild become the filthy rich grand vizier to Queen Elizabeth II and
Godfather of the black nobility? By birth. Evelyn Rothschild is the great, great, great grandson of
Mayer Rothschild and has recently passed the Godfathership down to David de Rothschild.
Their story begins in 18th century Frankfurt Germany on a cobblestone street called Frankfurt-onthe-Main. Mayer Amschel Bauer was a goldsmith and a loan shark. He hung a red hexagon shield
over his doorway and changed his name from Bauer to Rothschild which means “red shield” in
German. The red hexagram shield is the symbol for the world revolutionary movement.
Family biographers deceptively describe Mayer Rothschild as a poor man who lived with his family
above a goldsmith shop and sold rare coins to royal customers. Mayer stashed a big supply of gold,
precious coins and jewels in special hiding places inside his Frankfurt house and shop. One special
hiding place was beneath the back courtyard where he accessed his strongbox through an
underground passageway. Mayer taught his five sons the tricks of the trade. To them, he wasn’t just
their father. He was their lord and master. To them, he was Lord Mayer.
In 1773, Mayer Rothschild invited 12 revolutionary minded men to his goldsmith shop. Together
they formulated an ambitious plan to seize control of the world’s wealth. They made a pact to
secretly pool their money and influence in order to bankrupt the nations of the world and create a new
world order.
Mayer teamed up with royal Prince William (Wilhelm IX) who became ruler of Germany’s HesseCassell district. William had a reputation as a cold blooded loan shark who trained and rented out his
Hessian soldiers as mercenary troops. It was a profitable blood-for-money business that made
Prince William one of Europe’s richest men. Working as Prince William’s agent, Mayer Rothschild,
collected fees for each dead Hessian soldier killed on the battlefield. Collecting blood money from
renter nations required arm twisting persuasion, so Mayer hired his sons as debt collectors.
Since wars were good for the rent-a-troop business, Prince William used his royal connections in
Denmark and England to provoke new wars. Mayer Rothschild and Prince William struck it rich on a
grand scale when King George III of England rented their mercenary Hessian troops to sail to
American shores and fight the American colonists. The forked tongue colonists had already shot
down millions of North American Indians whose spears and arrows were helpless against their deadly
gunfire. Now the colonists were up against British and Hessian troops in a deadly battle of canon fire
and hand to hand combat. When the battle ended and the peace Treaty of 1783 was signed, the
colonists believed they had won their independence from Britain. What they had really won was a
permanent and crippling debt to the King of England and to all of his successors. The big winner was
Mayer Rothschild who collected rivers of blood money for the heads of each and every Hessian
soldier killed on American soil.
Meanwhile, back in Europe, Napoleon with his mighty French army became master of Europe.
When Napoleon and his troops stormed into Frankfurt Germany, Prince William feared for his life and
his vast fortune. He left 3 million dollars in the hands of Mayer Rothschild (reportedly to pay the
Hessian soldiers), then he escaped to Denmark to stay with his royal relatives, all of whom were
descendants of the Hebrew tribe of Dan. Using his influential connections, Mayer Rothschild received
a stock market tip from his world revolutionary network. Instead of paying his Hessian soldiers with
the 3 million dollars that was left to him by William, he bet the money on his insider stock market tip.
With his fortune in blood money, Mayer Rothschild set up five family banks, each to be run by his
five sons in London, Paris, Naples, Frankfurt and Vienna. On September 19th, 1912, Mayer
Rothschild died at the age of 68. He left instructions that the amount of the inheritance must never be
made public, that secrecy and ruthlessness must be used in all business practices and that family
members must marry with their own blood relatives to keep the family fortune all in the family. All five
brothers dedicated themselves to their father’s world revolutionary dream. That dream was to control
the entire world under one world ruler by disarming the nations of the world. They knew the dream
could not be accomplished in a single lifetime. It would take generation after generation of family
Mayer Rothschild’s most successful sons were Nathan who ran the London bank and James who
ran the Paris bank. Together, they changed the face of history and became known throughout Europe
as the “demon brothers”. Their father had given them a detailed New World Order plan for global
control. Adam Weishaupt wrote and completed the plan on May 1st, 1776 with Rothschild financing.
Adam Weishaupt’s plan was a futuristic plan that would put New World Order members over the
next centuries into political power positions. It was a plan to divide and conquer the nations of the
world by provoking wars, then profiting from war loans and from the sale of weapons to both sides.
Exhausted by war, terror and chaos, humanity would eventually bow down to one world army (NATO)
as a solution. It was a plan to control public opinion by purchasing shares in TV networks,
newspapers, publishing houses and film studios. Sports, games and alcohol would be used to distract
the masses while laws are changed. Banks would be monopolized and people and nations would be
made into obedient debt slaves.
With Rothschild financing, Adam Weishaupt formed a secret world revolutionary group called the
‘Illuminati”. He recruited thousands of influential members by convincing them that only men of
superior ability have the right to rule over the ignorant masses. French police exposed the plan when
they found documents on an illuminati courier who was struck by lightening while traveling from
Germany to France. The illuminati were forced underground. They took refuge in the lodges of a
secret brotherhood called the “Freemasons” who practiced death and rebirth rituals and whose
history dates back to the construction of Solomon’s temple.
Nathan and James Rothschild came up with a diabolical scheme that would put the Illuminati plan
for world control into action. It would also make them filthy rich. The brothers helped finance both
sides of the infamous Battle of Waterloo between Napoleon’s French army and the Duke of
Wellington’s British army. The British brought Napoleon to his knees in a blood soaked battle that
wiped out the French army. Nathan Rothschild’s speedy, private courier service informed him of the
British victory over the French. Instead of reporting the British victory, Nathan Rothschild and his
consorts spread lies that the British had lost the Battle of Waterloo against the French. Why?
Because Nathan knew that his “lie” would trigger a British stock market crash. While panicked
English investors sold off their life savings, Nathan Rothschild moved in for the kill. He bought up their
market shares for just pennies on the dollar. When the official news was announced that the British
had won, not lost the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon, the British stock markRothschild family
wealth. In one foul swoop, the demon brothers had double crossed the English masses and taken
control of the Bank of England.
Flaunting their stupendous wealth, the brothers went on a lavish spending spree. They bought
mansions, fashionable clothes and hosted extravagant parties. By 1818, they picked the pockets of
French investors in another scam that crashed the French government bond market and wiped out
French investors. According to plan, the brothers formed the world’s first international bank and
named it N.M. Rothschild & Sons.
The Pope became N.M. Rothschild & Sons most famous customer. The Catholic Church which
had financed the wholesale slaughter, torture and looting of hundreds of thousands of Muslims during
the Christian Crusades, were now doing business with the demon brothers. By 1823, the Rothschilds
were guardians of the entire Papal treasure and took over financial operations of the Catholic Church.
Enraged citizens accused the Rothschilds of conspiring to control the world’s money markets.
Fearing for their lives, the Rothschilds retreated into the shadows and cast their eyes on the youthful
United States of America. To avoid publicity, they made themselves invisible by creating and hiding
behind two front companies - J.P Morgan and Kuhn and Loeb.
More and more power became concentrated into fewer and fewer hands. By 1906, J.P. Morgan’s
bank controlled one third of America’s railways and almost 70% of the steel industry. He eventually
had a stake in the major companies of the 20th century. Among them were AT&T, ITT, General
Electric, General Motors and Dupont. The success of Morgan’s industrials was quickly reflected in the
Dow Jones industrial average. At one point, Morgan made the off handed comment, “America is good
enough for me”. The newspaper of William Jennings Bryan retorted, “Whenever you’re tired of it, you
can give it back. That was the image of J.P. Morgan, the owner of the United States.
The United States flag was designed after the British East India company flag with 13 red and
white stripes. Both flags copy the red and white striped sails of the Viking ships which were the
standard for the Hebrew tribe of Dan.
The Rothschild’s bought controlling interest in the British East India Shipping company and the
illegal opium trade with China. They offered junior partnerships to New England’s leading American
families.The Russell, Coolidge, Delano, Forbes and Perkins families became fabulously rich
smuggling opium aboard their speedy clipper ships into China. In 1820, Samuel Russell bought out
the Perkins syndicate and ran the opium smuggling operation with his partner, Warren Delano Jr.,
who was the grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Franklin D. Roosevelt).
Finally Britain found a commodity that China would take – Opium imported from India. They
imported a few chests at first followed by thousands of chests. When the Chinese authorities tried to
stop the opium trade, the British sent in their gun boats. After nearly twenty years of turmoil, the
Treaty of Tientsin was signed in 1858 which not only allowed opium to be imported into China but
handed over China’s ports and all of her international trade to western control.
The British stole Hong Kong from China in 1842 with an opium drug deal called the Treaty of
Nanking. The Russell family who controlled the U.S. arm of the Rothschild drug smuggling
operations, set up the Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale University. America’s drug money families
formed the fraternity’s inner power circle. Taft, Russell, Schiff, Harriman, Bush, Warburg,
Guggenheim, Rockefeller, Stimson, Wayhauser, Vanderbilt, Goodyear and Pillsbury were all
members. These families intermarried over the generations to form America’s big money aristocracy.
Leopold Rothschild and Nathaniel Rothschild became the next generation of Godfathers to take
charge of the family fortune. The brothers played ‘Monopoly’ like they invented it. They were the world
champions because they had the secret to winning. The secret to winning was cheating and the best
way to cheat was to become the banker and re-write the rules…so that’s exactly what they did.
Since the U.S. Congress was already in charge of the rules and the Federal Reserve Bank,
winning the U.S. version of Monopoly meant that the Rothschilds would have to outsmart Congress.
Their strategy was to send Jacob Schiff, their trusted life long friend and neighbor from Frankfurt,
Germany, to New York City. They put Jacob Schiff in charge of their front company called Kuhn &
Loeb. Next, they ganged up with other big players by investing in Rockefeller oil, Harriman Railroads,
Carnegie Steel and Brown Brothers investment banking. By 1901, the Monopoly champions had
amassed $22.2 billion in U.S. assets. The Mayor of New York, John Hyland called them “the invisible
government” while Congressman, Louis McFadden called them, “a dark crew of financial pirates who
would slit a man’s throat to get a dollar”.
When Woodrow Wilson became President of the United States in 1912, he sold out America.
Wilson was backed by Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg who were both working in the United States as
German immigrant agents for the Rothschild family. In 1913, Paul Warburg re-wrote the U.S.
monopoly rules with the help of Senator Nelson Aldrich. They called the new rules the Federal
Reserve Act.
With President Woodrow Wilson’s blessing, the U.S. Federal Reserve bank became a privately
owned central bank – free of government control. The pirates divvied up the private stock in
America’s money supply and made Rothschild agent, Paul Warburg, head of the U.S. Federal
Reserve. To collect their bounty, they also created the Income tax Act and the hated IRS. With the
stroke of President Wilson’s treasonous pen, the banker gangsters became the FED in 1913 and
have owned a virtual monopoly over the U.S. economy and the tax payers money ever since. They
can print money out of thin air, control treasury loans and profit from interest rates. Since their biggest
windfalls come from loan profits and weapons sales, wars and death are not only profitable, they are
desirable and necessary. Today, American citizens owe these “merchants of death” over $70,000 per
Adolf Hitler wasn’t the only madman to rule Germany. Kaiser Wilhelm II led Germany to its
destruction in World War I. He was the grandson of Queen Victoria and a great uncle of Queen
Elizabeth II. It was no accident that Kaiser Wilhelm chose Paul Warburg’s brother, Max Warburg, as
head of Germany’s secret service. The Rothschild and Warburg crime families played on the same
team. They controlled Germany’s central bank called the ‘Reichsbank’, which was founded by Mayer
Rothschild. While Max and Felix Warburg helped finance Germany in World War I, brother Paul
Warburg helped finance the American side of the war by selling war bonds through the U.S. Federal
Reserve bank. The Rothschild and Warburg printing presses worked tirelessly on both sides of the
Atlantic rolling out debt money.
Germany won World War I by 1916 without a single shot being fired on German soil. With British
Prime Minister Lloyd George up against a wall, Lord Lionel Rothschild and the Zionists offered the
British a deal they couldn’t refuse. “We’ll bring the United States into the war as your ally and win the
war for you if you’ll promise us Palestine (Israel)”, they said.
In April of 1917, President Wilson got the green light and declared war on Germany. Because of
the overwhelming opposition to the war, Wilson invoked the draft and passed The Espionage Act
forcing Americans to fight or be thrown in jail. Billions of U.S. tax payers money was delivered to the
British war machine - money that was never repaid. In return, the British government wrote the
famous Balfour Declaration (Figure 24) and addressed it to Lord Lionel Rothschild. The declaration
promised Palestine (Israel) to the Zionists. Zionists believe they are entitled to the land of Israel.
Why? Because, according to the Bible, the land of Israel was promised to the Hebrew Jews by
God…and according to the Bible, the Hebrew Jews are God’s chosen race of people, a race favored
by God above all others.
Fig. 24
In 1917, the British conquered the land of Palestine (Israel). Despite the fact that Palestine was
already the homeland of the Palestinian Muslims, the British Earl of Balfour gave the Palestinian land
to the Jews as their new national homeland. This promise was endorsed by Woodrow Wilson and by
the League of Nations.
The Versailles Treaty negotiations after World War I were held behind closed doors at the luxurious
private mansion of yet another Rothschild family member named Edmond Rothschild. Treaty
negotiators included Rothschild agent, Paul Warburg as the United States delegate and Paul’s
brother Max Warburg as a German delegate. President Wilson of the United States, Prime Minister
Lloyd George of Great Britain and Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau of France pulled up arm
chairs and cut up Asia like they were slicing a pizza.
World War II was launched with the help of U.S. corporations that supplied money, gas, vehicles
and weaponry to Hitler. In his book, “Wall Street and Rise of Hitler”, Professor Anthony B. Sutton
reveals documented evidence of that fact. Prescott Bush, father of President George Bush senior and
grandfather of President George W. Bush, supplied raw materials and funneled vast sums of money
and credit to Hitler’s Third Reich. Prescott Bush had an illustrious banking career, became a
Republican Senator and played golf with President Eisenhower until his past finally caught up with
him. Prescott Bush, the patriarch of the Bush family, was an investment banker for Brown BrothersHarriman in the 1940’s. He was also the secret banker for Adolph Hitler and the Thiessen family.
Under Trading with the Enemies Act, the U.S. government seized businesses operated by
Prescott Bush and Skull & Bonesman Averell Harriman including New York’s Union Banking
Corporation. These seizures were based on evidence that Bush and Harriman had been operating
front companies for Hitler’s Third Reich. Their German partner was the notorious Nazi industrialist
named Fritz Thiessen who wrote a book of confessions called “I Paid Hitler”. One of Prescott Bush’s
companies operated mines in Poland using the inmates of Nazi concentration camps as forced labor.
Professor Sutton lists Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Henry Ford’s Ford Motor Company, J.P. Morgan’s
General Electric, ITT and Dupont as strategic suppliers for Germany’s World War II rearmament
It is a well known fact that Adolph Hitler went to great lengths to cover up his family history…even
arranging for the assassination of Austrian Chancellor Dolphus who investigated his family of origin.
The Dolfuss file, now in the hands of the British Secret Service, reveals that Adolph Hitler’s
grandmother named Maria Anna Schickelgruber worked in Vienna as a live-in housemaid at Solomon
Rothschild’s manor next to his hotel. The information was traced through her compulsory registration
card. Solomon Rothschild was one of Mayer Rothschild’s five banker sons with a reputation as a
lecherous womanizer. One of the women he womanized was his live-in housemaid, Maria Anna
Schickelgruber, who got pregnant and was immediately dismissed. Adolph Hitler covered up the fact
that he was the illegitimate grandson of Jewish banker Solomon Rothschild and his live-in housemaid.
Adolph Hitler earned a reputation as the most evil man the world has ever known…but more evil
than Hitler were the men who created and financed him. Hitler’s revolutionary activities in Germany
landed him in prison for five years. The prison was called Landsberg Castle – a comfortable,
privileged pastoral setting where Hitler was groomed for the job of Fuhrer. Rudolph Hess and Herman
Goring were Hitler’s coaches at the luxurious prison retreat. They helped him write the infamous
book, Mein Kampf. Upon Hitler’s release, the book was widely circulated. He traveled throughout
Germany delivering prepared speeches with Rothschild-Warburg financing via the secret Thule and
Vril Societies. “The Jews were to blame”, shouted Hitler, “for the humiliation of the Versailles Treaty
and for Germany’s financial ruin”.
What possible explanation could there be for Jewish businessmen to support an anti-Semitic
madman like Adolph Hitler and the extermination of millions of Jews? One of the world’s filthiest
secrets is that the exterminated Jews in Nazi Germany were not considered “real” Jews. They were
the Eastern European descendants of Khazar Russians whose ancestors converted to Judaism in
740 AD under their King named King Bulan. The bloodline of these converted Khazars dates back to
the Turkish tribes and to the powerful empire of Khazaria that once controlled all of Russia.
Arthur Koestler, author of “The Thirteenth Tribe”, claims that over 90% of today’s Jews are racially
non-Jewish and have no genetic relationship to any of the original 12 Hebrew tribes of Israel. “The
majority of today’s Jews”, says Koestler, “are more related to Attila the Hun than King Solomon of
Israel”. Koestler calls the majority of today’s Jews – ‘the 13th tribe’ because they are racially not
In ancient times, the Roman, Philistine, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian and Roman conquerors
evicted the 12 Hebrew tribes from Israel. The largest tribes called Dan and Napthali migrated to
Denmark and Norway. Their Viking King called King Canute was crowned King of England, Norway,
Denmark and Sweden.
It was no coincidence that Denmark maintained a truce with Germany’s Nazi occupying forces for
nearly three years. When Hitler’s SS troops moved to arrest the Jews of Denmark, the Danish
government ferried them to safety in Sweden and Britain. This raises the question - why were the
Jews of Denmark, Norway and Sweden spared while Jews from Russia and Eastern Europe were
captured, interrogated and thrown into slave camps and death camps? Is it because the Jews of
Denmark, Norway and Sweden were ‘ethnic Jews’ and the true descendants of the 12 Hebrew tribes
of Israel? The Jews from Russia and Eastern Europe, on the other hand, were non-ethnic Jews
whose Khazarian ancestors had converted to Judaism.
Each and every Jew that was captured and thrown into Nazi concentration camps was
interrogated and questioned about their ancestral names. Why? To separate the Hebrew ethnic Jews
from the non-ethnic Jews. The extermination of non-ethnic Jews was an “ethnic cleansing” of what
Koestler calls, “the 13th tribe”.
While the world looked on, the human extermination of millions of non-Hebrew Jews was carried
out with the help of U.S. corporations. These corporations made fortunes from the war industry and
from the free slave labor of captive Jews.
Masonic U.S. President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the grandson of opium smuggler, Warren
Delano Junior. Franklin was too busy bombing the Japanese and developing weapons of mass
destruction to take notice of the Jewish Holocaust.
Roosevelt chose Skull & Bonesman, Henry Stimson, as his Secretary of War. Roosevelt and
Stimson ordered massive fire bombing raids on Japan’s six largest cities - killing and burning alive
one quarter of a million Japanese men, women and children. In the United States, innocent
Japanese-American families were thrown into internment prison camps. Japanese assets were
frozen. Japan’s oil lifeline was cut off and crippling trade sanctions were imposed. This Godless
campaign of terror and merciless overkill demanded nothing less than total surrender and the removal
of Japan’s emperor.
When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, it was the suicidal act of a desperate nation. Like the 9/11
attack on the World Trade Center, U.S. intelligence had well documented advance warnings of the
planned attack on Pearl Harbor. Yet, like Bush and Rumsfeld….Roosevelt and Stimson did nothing to
stop it! The big question is WHY? Historians like Robert Stinnett and John Tolland believed that
because U.S. citizens wouldn’t participate in another world war, a direct attack on U.S. soil would
change their minds. The attack could also be used to justify the testing of Roosevelt’s new atomic
weapons of mass destruction on a human population.
Einstein introduced Roosevelt to the atomic bomb in 1939. Harry Truman, a relatively unknown
uneducated business school dropout and son of a mule trader replaced Roosevelt as U.S. President
in 1945. Truman owed his political career to Tom Pendergast, a gun running, bootlegging, prostitution
and narcotics ring crook who sponsored Harry Truman’s election into the U.S. senate.
On the advice of James Burns and Harry Stimson, dirty Harry dropped the first radioactive atomic
bomb on the human population of Hiroshima at 8:15AM on August 6th, 1945 without even a warning.
Heat from the center of the explosion reached 3000 degrees Fahrenheit, melting buildings and setting
bridges on fire. Rivers and streams throughout the city boiled over. People evaporated where they
stood leaving shadows of their bodies scorched onto the sidewalks and pavement. Within seconds,
four square miles of Hiroshima became an atomic wasteland. Within minutes, a black rain fell on the
city – sticky, pebble sized drops of radioactive ash. 80,000 people died from the atomic explosion.
Japanese survivors were still reeling from the radioactive fallout three days later when the United
States dropped a second atomic bomb nicknamed “Fat Man” and tested it on the human population of
In retaliation for 2,400 American military deaths at Pearl Harbor (that could have been prevented
because of advance warnings), two U.S. atomic bomb evaporated 130,000 Japanese civilians and
their families and another 90,000 in the horrendous aftermath. To this day, Japanese survivors and
their offspring suffer related genetic deformities, cancers, nightmares and permanent environmental
destruction. In May, 1952, dirty Harry Truman was awarded an honorary plaque and a village in Israel
was named in his honor.
World War II took the lives of 35 million trusting, patriotic, flag waving people willing to die for their
country or die for freedom or die a hero…but what they really died for was the lies and the
propaganda. The international banksters who had sponsored the genocide, torture and suffering of
non-Hebrew Jews, stole their wealth from Swiss bank accounts. The Vatican was also accused of
plundering Nazi gold which had been stolen from the Jews. It is a well documented fact that Pope
Pius XII lent his support to the anti-Semitic Hitler and his Nazi regime.
With the fall of Nazi Germany, the Rothschild Zionists wasted no time waving their Balfour
Declaration letter at the British government and reminding them of their written promise to give them
Palestine (Israel)…but how could the British promise the Muslim land of Palestine to the Zionist
Jews? In 1917, with the help of Lord Allenby, the British parachuted free opium and hashish to the
Turkish troops and conquered Palestine (Israel).
The Rothschilds, who owned Reuters and the Associated Press, used their media empire to
bombard the world with images of homeless Jewish Holocaust refugees crowded together in ships off
the coast of Palestine. This media blitz aroused public sympathy and support for the planned
takeover. With the installation of a British and U.S. backed Zionist military presence, the British pulled
out of Palestine and gave the land of the Muslim Palestinians to the Zionists.
On October 24th, 1945, the Zionist bankster pirates developed their most powerful weapon of
global control – the United Nations. Through the U.N., the Zionists successfully changed the name of
the Muslim nation of Palestine to the Jewish nation of “Israel”.
To deal with the millions of Palestinian residents living in Israel (the new name for Palestine), the
Israeli Jews massacred and drove them from their villages and homes. With U.S. support and
financing, the Zionist military herded the Palestinians into two separated regions called the West
Bank and the Gaza Strip.
The Rothschilds financed Jewish holocaust refugees to build illegal Jewish settlements on what
remained of the conquered Palestinian land. These illegal Jewish settlements set the stage for
Israel’s reign of terror against Palestinians who dared to defend what was left of their stolen
homeland. Using hundreds of tanks and American supplied gunships and war planes, the Israeli’s
launched an unrelenting campaign of bombing, murdering, bulldozing, starving and terrorizing the
Palestinians off their land. In violation of international law, Israel also secretly developed over 100
nuclear weapons of mass destruction capable of vaporizing the entire Middle East.
Defenseless against Israel’s U.S. backed military and media campaigns, the Palestinian Muslims
fought back with sticks and stones and suicide as their only means of defense against the wholesale theft
of their ancient homeland. The Rothschilds whose front companies had helped finance Hitler and the
slave labor camps turned Jewish Holocaust victims into victimizers.
According to Jewish Historian and best-selling author, Simon Schama, the Rothschilds own 80% of
the land of Israel. Even the flag of Israel flies the same hexagram symbol from the Rothschild family’s
red shield. The name Rothschild literally means “red shield”. The central hexagram on the flag has “6”
points, “6” triangles and “6” sides. The numbers “666” are associated with the Biblical prophecies that
predict an apocalyptic third world war. In his book, "Two Rothschilds and the Land of Israel", Schama
states that; a) the Rothschilds paid the expenses of the early Jewish settlers in Israel who were
pawns in the game and b) manipulated into being the 1917 Balfour Declaration which recognized
Israel as a Jewish homeland and c) funded the Nazis and d) created the Mossad which is Israel’s CIA
and terrorist underground in Palestine. Israel was founded by, and has always been controlled by,
the Rothschilds and the rest of the Zionist Elite. Key participants in this Rothschild network became
leaders and prime ministers of the new State of Israel; David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin, Yitzhak
Rabin, and Yitzhak Shamir who was head of the Mossad assassination squad at the time of John F.
Kennedy's murder.
In their national best selling book called “Secret War Against the Jews”, authors John Loftus and
Mark Aarons reveal indisputable evidence that Hitler’s top Nazi general, Reinhard Gehlen, transferred
his entire network of Nazi spies and double agents to Fort Hunt, Virginia, to join America’s newly
formed CIA. This highly secretive operation was code named “Operation Paperclip” and included
Jewish holocaust mastermind, Colonel Otto Skorzeny. Skorzeny was Hitler’s personal friend and
favorite SS Colonel. Since its illegitimate birth at the end of World War II, the CIA has always
represented the interests of the international banksters, not the American people.
Nelson Rockefeller who became U.S. Vice-President and Allen Dulles who became CIA Director
erased the Nazi pasts of hundreds of Nazi spies and scientists and smuggled them into the United
States. Other Nazis were smuggled into Canada and South America along Rockefellers “Rat Line”
using Vatican passports and money. Rockefeller was also guilty of supplying South American oil to
South American submarines that sunk American ships and killed American service men.
The Jewish Zionists spied on Rockefellers’ treasonous activities and blackmailed him. Rockefeller
agreed to arrange for enough votes from Latin American nations to guarantee Israel’s membership
into the United Nations. “The sad truth”, say authors Loftus and Aarons, “is that the Jewish Zionists
bought those extra votes with the blood of millions of Jewish holocaust victims”.
Christopher Simpson’s book called “Blowback”, exposes recently declassified information on
America’s recruitment of Nazi war criminals into the CIA. Nazi rocket scientist Wernher von Braun
who built German rockets and dropped them on London, was also put on the new CIA payroll.
The international banksters and the men who served them had won the American, Russian and
British versions of monopoly by seizing control of the Bank of England and the U.S. Federal Reserve
and by wiping out the Russian Czars. But the ultimate goal of the banksters was to win the world
game. They had successfully divided the world into two warring power blocks - the Western Capitalist
block led by the United States and the Eastern Communist block led by Russia. Their next move was
to transfer their atomic weapons secrets to their Russian communist block through Victor Rothschild,
the ringleader in Britain’s biggest communist spy scandal. With the help of Robert Oppenheimer, the
Manhattan Project’s leading atomic scientist, the mission was accomplished.
In September, 1949, the Soviet Union exploded its first Atomic test bomb. Thanks to Victor
Rothschild’s transfer of Atomic weapons secrets, America’s monopoly on Atomic weapons ended
after only four years. Now both superpowers had the means to destroy the world. The next step was
to stage a phony arms race and cold war between their first world “capitalist block” and second world
“communist block”. Like sports teams, the U.S. and Russian superpowers needed recruits for their
war games…so they forced new third world members of the United Nations to choose sides.
American Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, warned third world countries, “You’re either with us
or against us”. This was the same warning parroted by George W. Bush to the nations of the world
after 9/11.
The United States is the only nation whose government has exploded atomic weapons of mass
destruction on the innocent populations of two large Japanese cities, chemical weapons of mass
destruction on innocent civilians in Vietnam and depleted radioactive uranium weapons of mass
destruction on the people of Iraq. Why is the United States of America disarming the world? Why isn't
the world disarming the United States?
An e-mail message alert on my laptop caught my attention. I figured it must be Alex with the
password to Zachary’s e-mail account but I was dead wrong. It was an e-mail from an unknown
sender called ‘Sundance’. The subject said, ‘YOU’RE DEAD, LADY!’. I felt my heart leap into my
throat. “It can’t be SPAM. I’ve got SPAM block. Calm down. Calm down. It’s a mistake. Somebody
with the wrong e-mail address. That’s all”. I flashed back to something my father had said to me as a
child while we were vacationing at our summer cottage. It was right after I jammed a stick into the
hole of a wasp’s nest and got stung fifty times. He said, ‘Curiosity killed the cat’.
My heart was pounding in my chest like a jack hammer as I pointed the cursor at ‘YOU’RE
DEAD, LADY!’ and clicked it on. It was a message reminding me to renew my film festival
membership. ‘YOU’RE DEAD, LADY!’ was the title of the new comedy film that had just won the
Sundance award. Despite my sense of relief, I couldn’t shake the intense feeling that I was being
“My head hurts. I think it’s short circuiting…or maybe it’s the bottle of wine I just polished off.”
Clutching the neck of the wine bottle, I lifted it up and gazed at the fancy label through a drunken
haze. “Mouton Rothschild. Rothschild? .... No siree. Uh uh. I’m not even going to look it up.”
A message from Alex popped up on Yahoo Messenger. I squinted at it but couldn’t focus. I
staggered into the bathroom, splashed my face with cold water a couple of times and toweled it dry.
“You look awful”, I said, glancing at myself in the mirror. I left the bathroom and returned to my
Alex: The password is “ptolemy15”.
Julie: Thanks, Alex. If there’s anything I can do for you…
Alex: Actually, there is. I need my head examined.
Julie: The only thing you need is a good night sleep.
Alex: Look who’s talking. Sweet dreams.
I logged onto Zachary’s hotmail account using the “ptolemy15” password and entered his private
world. I felt like a burglar committing a B & E. The very last e-mail he received was Wednesday,
July 16th, at 1PM. The same day he died.
Artist’s Agency
Wed, 7/16/08
Our system was temporarily down yesterday and unfortunately, we lost several client files. Yours
was one of them. Please forward another copy of your manuscript. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
Carol Bradley
Editor-In Chief
The previous entry in Zachary’s Inbox was a message from someone named Roy Baxter.
Roy Baxter
Mon, 7/14/08
Hi Zach,
Congratulations on landing an agent for your new book. I read the first four chapters you
sent me and, to be perfectly honest, it overwhelmed me. You know I’ve never been much of a
crusader. I’m the kind of guy who closes the curtains when I don’t like the view. Remember
the movie, Brokeback Mountain? That’s the kind of view of the world I want to focus on - you
and me and a cabin in the mountains. I’m an incurable romantic, but hey, that’s what gets
me through the day. My Yoga teacher asked me a question once. She asked me, “Which dog
is heavier, the black dog or the white dog?” The answer should have been obvious to me it’s the one you feed the most. I’m happy feeding the white dog. Maybe that’s what gives
balance to our relationship. Sorry I can’t be more supportive. By the way, something strange
happened the other day. Right after I finished reading the first four chapters of your
manuscript, the file disappeared from my computer. Must be a virus or something. See you in
two weeks. Arriving on British Airways Flight 11, July 30th. 9:05PM. I’m counting the days.
Love you madly. Roy.
I picked up Zachary’s manuscript and clutched it to my chest. “Oh, God. This must be the last
remaining copy! Even if every word in it is the God aweful truth, what am I supposed to do with it?
Why me? Why did it have to end up in my lap? Duh. Because I haven’t learned to mind my own
business. That’s why.” I decided to check Zachary’s “SENT” messages to see if he had sent any
replies back. His last ‘sent’ message was also on the same day he died.
Sent Items
Sent To
Wed, 7/16/08
Hi Roy,
I’m e-mailing you from the library because my apartment was broken into yesterday. Whoever
broke in stole my computer, my research files and my memory stick. I’m really concerned. In your
last e-mail, you said the manuscript file I sent you disappeared from your computer. I only have one
hard copy left. Fortunately my agent has a copy, too.
I can’t say for sure but I think someone’s tailing me. I noticed an SUV in my rear view mirror right
after I pulled away from my apartment building this morning. It’s the same SUV I saw yesterday.
Sorry I have to run now. I’m meeting my agent in forty minutes. If you get a chance, call me around
10 tonight (my time).I’m also counting the days, hours, minutes ‘til I see you. Zach.
I tried piecing everything together. “Zachary doesn’t fit the profile of a man contemplating suicide.
He had a male lover who he was obviously looking forward to seeing. He e-mailed Roy at 1:20PM on
the day he died which meant he hadn’t yet received the email from his agent about losing his
manuscript, too. The lost files. The robbery. Are they just a coincidence? Was he really being
I rifled through my toiletry bag on the washroom counter. “Where did I put the damn Paxil?” I found
the prescription bottle, popped a pill in my mouth and gulped it down. “Zachary saw his agent the same
day he died. That means he must’ve learned the last remaining copy of his manuscript was the one in
his briefcase. Why in the world would he forget his last remaining copy at a damn parking meter? It
doesn’t make any sense!” I returned to my laptop and searched for the website of Zachary’s literary
agency. “The Artists Agency is at the corner of Castro and Jersey Street...only one block from the salon
where I got my hair done yesterday. Okay. Think this through. The first time you saw the briefcase was
at the parking meter at 3PM which means Zachary must have left his literary agent’s office before 3PM.
Since he already knew he had the only remaining copy and since he knew he was being followed…he
probably figured that putting the briefcase in his car wasn’t a good idea. Maybe his killer was hiding in
his car waiting for him. There’s got to be something in the manuscript. Something that was important
enough to kill him for.”
Prince Of Darkness
Two thousand years ago, the Bible’s Book of
Revelation predicted that Satan would one day rise
up from his unGodly abyss and take possession
of an earthly Prince. That day has arrived.
The royal marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana Spencer (Stuart) on July 29, 1981 had
nothing whatsoever to do with love. It was an arranged marriage for the purpose of joining the
Germanic Windsor bloodline with the Scottish Stuart bloodline. After six months of marriage, Diana was
already three months pregnant with William. That same year, the controversial best seller Holy Blood
Holy Grail hit the bookstands and shocked the world by releasing documented evidence that Jesus did
not die on the cross. The authors, Michael Beignet, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln claimed that Jesus
lived to marry and father a child whose Messianic bloodline continues to this day. The book tracked the
genealogical record of Israel’s Royal Davidic Bloodline which had been passed down through Christ
and on through his descendants who became the Frankish Merovingian Kings. The book was published
by Dell Publishing located at 666 Fifth Avenue, New York.
Sir Laurence Gardner climbed aboard the tidal wave of holy controversy by authoring two more
international best sellers 'Bloodline of the Holy Grail' in1996 and 'Genesis of the Grail Kings' in1999.
Gardner arrived at the same conclusion as the Holy Blood, Holy Grail authors after researching the
genealogical records of the Messianic dynasty of Jesus as well as Jesus’ ancestors and
descendants. His conclusion is that the crucifixion of Jesus was pure fiction.
According to Gardner, Crusader King Baldwin became Governor of Jerusalem in the early 1100’s
after capturing the city from the Muslims. A Christian military Order called the Knights Templar got
permission from Baldwin to excavate beneath the site of King Solomon’s Temple in search of
treasures that were buried there when the Romans sacked Jerusalem a thousand years earlier. Their
find was incredible! The Templars unearthed enough gold and buried treasure to make them the
world’s richest men. In addition to the spectacular treasures, they also found a wealth of manuscripts
and ancient documents which completely debunked their earlier belief in Roman Christianity. These
original manuscripts from the Gospel era made it crystal clear that the story of Christ's physical
resurrection from the dead was a deceitful “hoax”.
The Templars learned that the resurrection hoax had been perpetrated by 4th-century bishops
who doctored the four Gospels and collated them into the Bible’s New Testament. The original
manuscripts substantiated Jesus' trial (also found in the Roman imperial annals) but there was no
mention whatsoever of what happened at the crucifixion site.
The Templars (Knights of the Temple of King Solomon) took their excavated evidence and accused
the Vatican of fraudulently inserting false and detailed entries about Christ’s crucifixion and
resurrection into the Gospel record. The Church depended on the falsified gospel records to justify
their mediation role between the resurrected Christ and his worshippers. To silence the Templars, the
Pope bribed them with special dispensation and granted them the right to charge interest on loans.
The Templars used the Pope’s dispensation to develop a loan shark banking system which made
them one of the richest, most powerful and feared groups in Europe. They bought enormous land
holdings, created their own courts and controlled monarchs, aristocrats, businesses and even
countries. The secret knowledge, power and wealth held by the Knights posed a threat not only to
Pope Clement V and the Church but to King Philip IV of France who fell deeply in debt to them.
The Pope and the French King launched a cooperative campaign to round up the Knight’s Templar
and try them as heretics. On Friday, October the 13th, 1307, King Philip IV’s men seized all of the
Templars’ property and their French holdings and arrested the members in hopes of finding their
hidden treasures. It was rumored that the Templar relics included the Holy Grail chalice (cup) used by
Jesus at the Last Supper. It was believed to be the same cup in which Joseph of Arimathea collected
the blood of the wounded Christ on the cross.The Templars were also thought to possess a piece of
the cross as well as the Ark of the Covenant.
With the complicity of the Pope, the French King tortured the knights to force them to reveal the
whereabouts of their hidden treasures. He justified his actions by charging the Templars with
ritualistic crimes such as urinating on the cross, the ritual murder of children, homosexual practices
and acts of sodomy and bestiality. The most damning evidence against them was their worship of a
Satanic idol called Baphomet. The Templars prophesied that this strange, androgynous occult beast
with a goat’s beard and cloven hooves would one day take human form and be adored as world King.
The tortured Knights and Grand Masters refused to reveal their secrets and were put to death
along with their leader, Jacques de Molay who was burned at the stake on March 18th, 1314. A few
Knights managed to escape from France into Scotland where they took their vast wealth, power,
knowledge, lineage, science and secrets. They hid underground and dedicated themselves as
protectors of the Holy Grail.
The surviving Templars created the Jacobite (James) movement. Their mission then and now is to
return the Holy Grail bloodline of Christ to power. The Templar-Jacobites kept their secret knowledge
hidden from the rest of the world through an elaborate underground network of secret societies that
serve a one world government agenda. They include the Order of the Garter, the Jesuit Order, the
Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Knights of Malta), Opus Dei, the Priory of Sion, the Illuminati,
Freemasonry, the Order of Druids and Guardians of the Grail. Today’s elitist members of these
groups view themselves as rightful heirs to God’s Earthly Kingdom, otherwise known as the New
World Order. The words ‘New World Order’ are inscribed in Latin on the back of each US Dollar bill:
NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM. The ultimate goal is for all of the “Orders” and secret societies to unite
under one Order – the New World Order.
A fraudulent document called the 'Donation of Constantine' has controlled all monarchy and
government practices in Western Europe for over 1200 years. The 'Donation of Constantine' was
issued by the Vatican in the year 751. In it, the Pope is proclaimed to be the world's highest ranking
official and thereby grants to the Church seniority over all kings, queens and governments. It was this
very document that gave the Church its self-appointed right to murder people by the thousands
between the 12th and 16th centuries during its brutal Inquisition. The murderous holy terror was an
attempt by the Catholic Church to kill off the entire bloodline of Christ as well as the Templar
guardians of the Grail. The Inquisition was an effort by the Church fathers to eradicate the hereditary
succession of Christ and Mary Magdalene and to assert their own apostolic succession.
According to Kitty Kelly's book, “The Royals”, the late Princess Diana was a member of the Stuart
Merovingian bloodline, fifth removed from Charles II which claims a greater pedigree than the
reigning House of Windsor. Princess Diana’s forebears were the Stuart kings called James I and II
and Charles I and II. When Queen Elizabeth I died without an heir, James (Stuart) Stewart VI of
Scotland became King James of England. He was the same King who revised the Holy Bible and
named it the King James Bible.
The Merovingian bloodline is said to be the bloodline of Christ. Since the ruling Windsor family hail
from the Germanic House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, they needed to legitimize their royal power and
authority by bringing the Merovingian bloodline back to the English crown. To do so, they sought out
the young Celtic virgin, Diana Spencer (Stuart) for her connective link to the Arthurian-Christ lineage.
Diana’s genealogy passes directly through King Arthur and the Celtic lineages of ancient Briton,
through the Merovingian Kings of France and into Scotland where it became the House of Stuart.
Only three months after their infamous arranged marriage, the bloodline of Christ was seeded into
the firstborn child of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. To the Occult mind, Diana represents the
Holy Grail and the receptor of Christ's Blood. She is the embodiment of the Divine Feminine and her
womb brought forth William - rightful heir to the throne of David and the final recipient of the powers of
the Grail.
The bloodline of Christ has survived the ages towards a ‘final One’ who will rule in the name of
Christ. Although this "truth" has been suppressed and hidden from the world by the Catholic Church,
the Templars kept it alive by passing it on through an underground stream of secret societies.
Throughout the ages, the Templars and their connected brotherhoods have operated as unseen
hands protecting the Grail bloodline through the vanquishing of ancient civilizations, through the rise
and fall of empires, through violent crusades and inquisitions. They have delivered the Grail bloodline
right into the modern age and to its intended recipient – Prince William.
The secret of the bloodline of Christ is "the secret of all ancient secret societies" and its existence
is purposefully being made public now to lay the foundation for more "secrets" to come. An avalanche
of Holy Grail themed books and movies have primed the general public for the emergence of a Christlike figure. In 2006, Dan Brown’s book, The Da Vinci Code, hit the bookstands and was made into a
blockbuster movie. The book’s message rang out loud and clear that Jesus had survived the Roman
cruci-fiction and lived to father a daughter. According to the Golden Legend (Legenda Aurea)
compiled by Jacopo da Varagine in the year 1260, the first born child of the Christ/Magdalene union
was a daughter named Sara who married into the Merovingian family Dynasty.
To this day, the Templars are devoted to returning a descendant of Christ’s lineage to the throne
of Europe and Jerusalem. The lost treasures that the first generation of Templars discovered beneath
the ruins of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem await his arrival. Among those treasures is the Holy Grail
chalice or cup which symbolizes the womb of Mary Magdalene and the enduring Messianic sangreal
(royal blood).
At precisely 9:03pm, on June 21st, 1982, Grail Princess Diana of Wales gave birth to PRINCE
WILLIAM ARTHUR PHILIP LOUIS WINDSOR and England was given its future King. He was born
during a Solar Eclipse. On the eve of his birth, Druids, Witches, and Satanists from all over the world
celebrated at pagan sites throughout Scotland, England, and Wales. The intense celebration carried
on far into the night with sexual orgies, sacrifices, black masses, and Satanic worship on this longest
day of the year - the summer solstice.
The ancient Druids had already prophesied that some time in the future on June 21st, their Sun
King would be born of a Princess. William’s birth was not only accompanied by a Solar Eclipse but by
an even rarer Lunar Eclipse and by strange alignments of the stars and planets. As foretold by the
eclipses, the name ‘Diana’ was given to the ancient Moon Goddess who gave birth to the Sun
Coinciding with William’s birth was the release of the 1982 Hollywood film "The Omen III: The Final
Conflict," with its countless connections to England and the Antichrist. In that same year, "Holy Blood
Holy Grail" became a best seller and detailed the Grail bloodline and its connection to today’s
Monarchy. It is no coincidence that the Illuminati-owned publishing houses and movie studios are
releasing timely and influential propaganda to advance their one world government agenda. The fact
that information about the bloodline of Christ is being made public now foreshadows the approaching
time for the Antichrist to reveal himself.
There are three texts that map out a plan for global control. Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma, the
Illuminati’s Protocols of Zion and The Holy Bible’s Book of Revelation. All three texts describe an
apocalypse or third world war which will give rise to one world empire and one world leader. In
Biblical scripture, the last Evil King and Beast will deceive the nations of the world and Israel into a
covenant made not with peace and security, but with death and hell.
For thousands of years, the royal families have practiced inbreeding between sisters and brothers,
uncles and nieces, mothers and sons to keep the power and wealth all in the family. This incestuous
practice of inbreeding has insured the survival of a clever but pathological breed of sociopathic royal
criminals. In concert with international banking families, they operate as a shadow government and
will stop at nothing to own every ounce of gold, every drop of water and every blade of grass on
planet Earth. The United Nations which they control has clearly stated its goals of establishing a New
World Order, a UN standing army and a global taxation system. Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Prince
Phillip, and bankster Evelyn Rothschild, have already established an Interfaith Declaration for the
creation of one world religion. Anyone who doubts the identity of the one world government
conspirators and their agenda need only unscramble the logo for the Olympic Games of XXX
Olympiad to be held in London in 2012. (Fig. 25)
Fig. 25
What would life be like living under one world empire with one world religion, one world army, one
world economy, one world court, one world education system, one world media, one world
government and one world dictator? What the public doesn't realize is that Karl Marx's "Communist
Manifesto" and the Russian Constitution have been built into the United Nations charter and that the
New World Order will be a communist world order.
Within the UN Charter’s seductive hype about equality, rights and freedoms, Article 29 states that
"these rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of
the United Nations." In Article 19, paragraph 3, it states that the exercise of these rights carries
certain “restrictions” (special duties and responsibilities) necessary for respect of the rights or
reputations of others and for the protection of national security or of public order or of public health or
morals. What articles 19 and 29 mean is that all human rights and freedoms granted by the UN
Charter can be arbitrarily suspended for a variety of concocted reasons.
Yes. There will be peace on earth but it will be a forced peace in which citizens will gradually be
divested of all rights. No right to bear children without approval, no right to travel without
authorization, no right to own private property, no right to privacy, no right to bear arms, no right to
protest, no right to receive an inheritance, no right to choose an education or a job or even a place of
residence and worst of all - no right to live. The right to live will be based on an individual's rating of
usefulness to the royal elite.
In this planned world without borders or nations, citizens will be disarmed of all weapons including
handguns and will have no means to protest, fight, resist or challenge this one world authority which
will control them spiritually, economically and militarily. Like herded cattle, every human being on
Earth will be electronically tagged and helplessly dependent on this one world authority for all of their
most basic needs.
The masses will eventually be taught to bow down and worship their one world dictator. He will be
their “King of Kings” and will rule his world empire from his eternal throne in Jerusalem, Israel. Who is
this charismatic leader that will be all things to all people? Who would Muslims, Christians, Buddhists,
Jews and the rest of the world be willing to accept and worship as their one ruler?
What proof would the people of the world need to convince them that William is the legitimate
descendant of Jesus Christ and Mary Magd-Elene? They would need to be convinced that William’s
DNA matches the DNA of Mary Magdalene and/or Jesus. Although Mary Magdelene’s remains are
said to be preserved in a marble sarcophagi at the Basilica in St.-Maximin-la-Ste.-Baume in France,
they are undoubtedly being held at an undisclosed location along with the Templar treasures. One of
her teeth is said to be encased in a reliquary at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Once
the genetic match is made and authenticated for the public record, William will be embraced by the
entire Christian world. Many will view him as the returned savior and Messiah.
As a descendant of Jesus Christ and a proponent of world religion, William will also be accepted
by Buddhists, Hindus and the eastern world where Jesus Christ (Issa) reportedly lived, studied and
preached eastern philosophy. According to ancient Jewish prophecy, the world’s future Messiah must
herald from the Hebrew Tribe of Judah. William’s alleged pedigree as a descendant of the Davidic
tribe of Judah will win his acceptance among Hebrews and Jews worldwide. By marrying a Muslim
woman, the Muslim world will honor and adore him. He will also be accepted by worldwide
freemasonry and secret societies which he is a member of. This handsome and charismatic future
world leader is already loved, trusted, worshipped and adored by the masses as the son of Diana,
“Queen of Hearts”. When his mother reportedly died in a Paris car crash in the company of her Muslim
lover, the hearts of the entire world went out to him.
The blockbuster movie and best selling novel, “The DaVinci Code”, set the stage for public
acceptance of a Messianic world leader. The story presents a convincing case that Mary Magdalene
was pregnant with a 'holy child' at the time of Christ's crucifixion and that the bloodline of Jesus has
survived to this day. Who else but the handsome, charming and charitable son of the beloved
Princess Diana could fill the shoes of a modern day Messiah?
In his book "Antichrist and a Cup of Tea", author Tim Cohen details the British Monarchy's
centuries-long conspiracy to create a New World Order through the world’s most powerful
organization - the Order of the Garter. Founded in 1348, the Order’s membership is limited to the
Prince of Wales (Charles), the Sovereign (the Queen) and no more than twenty-four Knighted
Companion members at any one time. The Order is the absolute core leadership of the Priory of Sion,
the Knights Templar, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians and the powerful Committee of
300. It is the parent organization over worldwide Freemasonry. When a Mason receives his 33rd
Degree, he swears allegiance to the Order of the Garter. This medieval British Order with its
ceremonial magic and occult symbolism is a precursor to the coming establishment of the New World
Order “Round Table”.
On April 23rd, 2008, Prince William whose second name is ‘Arthur’, became its 1,000th member of
the Order of the Garter (Fig. 26). As in Arthurian legend, the Knights of the Order of the Garter fully
expect to serve as the Knights of the 'Circle of the Round Table' when William-Arthur is established
as Divine King and world ruler. Princess Diana was quoted as saying, “I believe Wills (William) can
rebuild Camelot and I will be his Merlin. Together we will return to the chivalry, pageantry, and the
glory that was King Arthur's Court. William will remake the Monarchy by showing love, leadership and
Fig. 26
London's Daily Mirror reports that a majority of Britons want Prince William as their next British
monarch instead of Prince Charles. According to opinion polls, 81 per cent feel that Queen Elizabeth
II should consider stepping down soon. The BBC and the Guardian (UK) report that Princess Diana
told her lawyers in October 1995 that the Queen, now 82, would abdicate. Maggie Rae, Diana's
former divorce lawyer said that Diana predicted the succession to the throne would skip a generation
and that her son, Prince William, would be made King. She confided in Rae "several times" that she
had reason to believe William would be picked over Charles. Former BBC royal correspondent Jennie
Bond commented that Prince Charles has a real image problem caused by the breakdown of his
marriage to Diana. The divorce made it impossible for Charles to take the religious vows necessary to
be King and head of the Church. The throne must therefore pass directly to his eldest son, Prince
William, who will ascend to the respective thrones of the United Kingdom and to 15 other realms of
the British Commonwealth.
Prince William has been preparing for his future role as King by training in all branches of the
British military. He received his secondary education at the exclusive Eton College and graduated in
2000. He attended the University of St. Andrews in Scotland where he received his Master of Arts
degree in 2005. He then joined his brother at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst in 2006 to
train as an Army Officer before entering the Blues and Royals regiment as a troop leader. The Queen
appointed him to two patronages of the Royal Navy - the Commodore-in-Chief for Scotland and
Commodore-in-Chief for submarines.
In 2008, William trained with the Royal Air Force as a pilot and joined the Royal Navy. By 2010,
according to reports from Buckingham Palace, William will join the Foreign Ministry office. Since the
presumed death of his mother in 1997 and his great grandmother in 2002, he is now considered the
most beloved figure in the United Kingdom and the most popular royal family member. His good looks
that strongly resemble his mother, together with the Spencer [Stuart] gene pool add to his
mesmerizing appeal.
The press makes no exceptions when it comes to bad publicity for public figures - except one.
Prince William appears to be immune to bad publicity. The Rothschild controlled Associated Press
have protected their “demi-God” from all criticism, scandal and tabloid attacks on his character by
enforcing a "hands off" policy and by tightening the choke chain on journalists. To keep their jobs,
journalists must portray William as the responsible, handsome, self-effacing heir to the throne and the
look-alike "perfect" son of Goddess Diana. By contrast, William's carrot-topped, pot-smoking, boozing
brother Harry is portrayed as the bad Prince who parties too hard and has been caught wearing a
Nazi uniform.
When the Antichrist ascends to power at the age of 33 (the age that Jesus allegedly ascended to
Heaven), he will literally be seen as everything to everyone. William will exhibit the strongest traits of
his father - uniting global faiths and lending support towards natural energy, conservation and
environmentalism worldwide. Like his Celtic mother, he will reach out to the lost and hurting of global
society. As a counterfeit humanitarian, he will bring about peace by disarming the world of its most
devastating weapons of war. In so doing, he will create for himself a world where he alone holds all
The identity of the Antichrist is revealed in coded Bible prophecy. Revelation 17:8 says, “And they
that dwell on the earth shall marvel…when they behold the Beast… he is the Eighth of the Seven.”
The number seven in this Biblical quote refers to the seven Merovingian Kings. William will be the
eighth. “And the King shall do according to his will, and he shall exalt himself above every God…and
his power will be mighty…and he will destroy supernaturally and will prosper…and through Peace he
will destroy many.”
Passages from the Book of Daniel (9:26-27) refer to the Antichrist as a "Prince" and in the Book of
Revelation (17:8), he is called a "King". These passages reveal that the coming Antichrist is not just
metaphorically called ‘a King’ but that he will move through the normal procession of monarchial
tradition, being first ‘a Prince’ and then a King.
The Scriptures explicitly describe the spirit of the Antichrist as a Red Dragon, rising up from its
otherworldly abyss, and immediately without reservation seemingly foreknowing its intended target,
possesses 'the Prince who shall become' the Antichrist. He is thereby referred to in some versions of
the Bible as the "Willfull King;" Daniel 11:36). Princess Diana’s pet name for William was “Wills”.
The Book of Revelation clearly states, “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the
number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The Antichrist or “beast” is identified as the number 666. When Prince William is crowned King, his
name will be KING WILLIAM V. Hidden within his name are the words, "I am" along with the number
666 in Roman numerals. The Roman numeral “I” appears three times within his name and the Roman
numeral “V” also appears 3 times within his name. The letter “W” is formed by placing two “V’s” side
by side.The number 666 in Roman numerals is VI, VI, VI. It appears in the name, King William V
and so do the words, “I am”. The hidden message built into the name is “I am 666”. “I am the Antichrist”.
In 1995, Prince Charles had William "marked" in his right hand with an electronic chip which was
reported in the media as being merely a homing device that would interact with a special satellite in
the event Prince William were ever kidnapped or went missing. This same microchip is thought by
many to be the same technology that will enslave a future world in which no one will be able to buy or
sell, or even participate in society unless they are 'marked.'
Fig. 27
In scripture, it says, “I saw another Beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a
lamb yet he spoke like a Dragon. He deceived everyone with his miracles and he has the power to
give life to the Image of the Beast so that the Image of the Beast can speak and kill those who don’t
worship his Image. He makes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and not free, to receive a
Mark in their right hand or in their foreheads”.
Today, the Mark of the Beast is in the early stages of development and will be deceptively
introduced to the world as a helpful necessity for the protection of people’s personal security. Applied
Digital Solutions are the creators of the VeriChip, a microchip about the size of a grain of rice that is
implanted under the skin and stores 128 characters of information. It can store your medical history,
financial assets, personal details, banking information, biometric data, etc. A prototype of a more
complex device is being developed to receive signals from global positioning system (GPS) satellites
and transmit a person's location from anywhere in the world. In advance of this new technology,
Applied Digital Solutions has changed the name of its patented VeriChip to the Xmark which is
already being touted as the next generation of implantable chips. This version of the satellite-linked
computer chip which will be the future Mark of the Beast is already being used and has been
implanted beneath the skin of Prince William’s right hand. The implantable chip is capable of
enslaving the world so that no one will be able to buy or sell or even participate in society without
being marked by it.
Biblical scriptures reveal that the Antichrist King will arise from the Sea. The nation of Great Britain
is an island in the sea from which William will arise. The nation is also identified as formerly included
in the ancient Roman Empire - Britain. The Antichrist Beast is said to speak with great authority, “as a
roaring Lion”. The Lion is the main symbol of the nation that the Antichrist King arises from – Britain.
According to scripture, the Antichrist King is not native to the nation of Israel but after his initial
visit to Israel, where he will do ”great and remarkable exploits”, the Antichrist King "returns to his own
land." Since he is said to travel some distance both south and east to get to Israel, "his land" is
positioned northwest of Israel. By tracing a broad northwestern line from Israel and following this
northern and western line to its furthest extent, the nation of Great Britain, an island nation, fits the
Scriptures perfectly. The Antichrist is as a King whose Kingdom rises from the sea (the British Isles).
Revelation 13:1-2; 17:8, 11; Daniel 11:33-36; Daniel 8:23-25; Daniel 7:24, 8:9, 11:21, 11:28) .
Today the European Union has grouped together the ancient nations of Rome to form the last and
final world empire from which the Antichrist is predicted to arise. It began with Belgium, Luxembourg,
and the Netherlands joining in economic alliance. France, Italy, and West Germany joined in 1957
under the auspices of the newly drafted Treaty of Rome. By 1972, three additional members signed
on - Denmark, England, and Ireland. Then, in 1981, Greece became the ratified tenth member.
Here lies another important clue about the identity of the Antichrist. The Book of Daniel which clearly
states that out of an original ten-nation grouping of nations, there would arise a Little Horn (or "young
Prince") who would become the Beast [of Revelation].
"And the ten horns out of this kingdom [are] ten kings [that] shall arise: and another (little horn)
shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first…” Daniel 7:24
This [eleventh] horn having 'the eyes of a man,' is not referring to an 11th country of the reviving
Roman Empire. The Scriptures are clearly announcing that a 'little' man would suddenly appear after
the ten. Prince William was born in 1982 only months after Greece became number ten in the
European Community of Nations. By 1990, a newly reunified Germany joined, and in 1993, the
European Union was officially born. Today the European Union has very successfully grouped
together the ancient nations of Rome to form what will become the last world empire from which the
Antichrist will arise. The European Union's push towards a European Army means that the world is
edging ever closer to the final global empire.
Behold a great Red Dragon rising, called the Devil and Satan… and his power shall be
mighty, but not by his own power… And the Dragon gave him his Power, and his Seat, and
great authority. And they all worshipped the [Red] Dragon which gave power unto the Beast.
(Revelation 13:2, 4) (Daniel 8:24) (Revelation 12:3, 9)
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion also speak of a New King of "the Holy Seed of David"
who will preside over the "Masonic Kingdom."
The end game of the American and British shadow government and their intelligence agencies is
the creation of a British-led Empire uniting the world in 'peace' while bringing forth an Arthurian
Antichrist figure immediately following great global destruction. The timing for his appearance is when
the world is weakened enough and in need of such a leader. This King Arthur Antichrist will draw
around him the bravest and noblest Knights (Order of the Garter) in his realm. They will form the
'Circle of the Round Table' and their young and charismatic King will be seen as King Arthur returned.
King Arthur was the British leader of the legendary Knights of the Round Table. Prince William’s
second name is ‘Arthur’.
King Arthur died from a mortal head wound having his skull crushed and broken at the Battle of
Camlann between 516 and 550AD.The Book of Revelation predicts that the Antichrist King will rise up
from a mortal head wound. In Revelation 13:3, it says, “And I saw one of his heads as it were
wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled after the Beast.”
In Bible prophecy, the Antichrist is symbolically depicted as a Bear with the mouth of a lion who
rises from the sea like a leopard. (Revelation 13:2; Daniel 7:5, 24) The name ‘Arthur’ literally means
‘Bear’. In the Book of Revelation, the Beast is a Bear, a Leopard, and a Lion and he is also a Red
Dragon. There is a mystery to solve in these united Lion/Leopard/Bear/Dragon beasts which
symbolize the future post-apocalyptic Beast King.
The Lion symbolizes the country (England) that the Antichrist King will arise from. The Beast
speaks with great authority like a ‘roaring Lion’ and a King. The Leopard symbolizes his heritage and
reveals his connection to the young Alexander the Great who was also represented by the Leopard.
The Dragon represents his Satanic power and is the national symbol of Wales. The Bear reveals his
name, Arthur. (Revelation 13:11,14-16)
Fig. 28
On the left-hand side of William’s coat of arms (Fig. 28), the beast that is holding up the shield has
the head and the mouth of a lion, the body of a leopard, and the feet of a bear. Traditionally in
heraldry, the lion represents England. In the Bible’s Book of Revelation, chapter 13, it says “and the
beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as
the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Note the white collar around the lion's neck. This image is called the "eldest-son label" and it has
three parallel horns turned upside down. “I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among
them another little horn”. (Daniel 7:8 KJV). Over and above the large central crown is another lion
wearing the eldest-son collar around its neck and a crown on its head. This dominating lion
represents the one world ruler who rules over and above all other crowns and kings.
A unicorn is holding up the shield on the right-hand side of the coat of arms. "In heraldry, this
unicorn represents not only Scotland, but also a counterfeit Christ", says Tim Cohen in his book, The
Antichrist and a Cup of Tea. Symbolically, the unicorn in the past represented Alexander the Great. In
heraldry, the unicorn's eyes are round and black with no visible eye-whites but in William’s coat of
arms, the eyes are human-like with noticeable eye-whites. “And, behold, in this horn were eyes like
the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. (Daniel 7:8). Note the chain leading from the
unicorn’s crown and connecting it to the earth. In heraldry this chain is a "restrainer" (2 Thess 2:6-7).
The Red Dragon appears only once in the Book of Revelation to denote Satan. In William’s coat of
arms, a red dragon occupies the top right quadrant of the shield. Its identity is hidden by a white horn.
King Arthur carried this ancient red dragon symbol on his banners. The red dragon is also the
national symbol of Wales and has been made the official ensign of the British Royal Family in
London. The Antichrist receives his throne, power, and authority directly from the Red Dragon, which
is to say - directly from Satan.
The Beast will reign over the reborn Kingdom or Atlantis which was Satan’s (Enki/Poseidon)
original Kingdom. In Revelation 17, the Antichrist (King William V) is to be the eighth Merovingian
King and the last King of this World Empire that will be patterned after the very first - Atlantis.
Princess Diana, a virgin Merovingian Maiden, gave birth to this Last World Emperor. Diana’s royal
coat of arms displays the symbol of the white sea-shell (escallop) denoting her virgin status within the
Atlantean Bloodline which has its origins in the sea. Prince William's Coat of Arms clearly displays a
bright red sea-shell signifying his descent from the Atlantean Bloodline.
The inauguration of Barack Obama looked more like a coronation ceremony fit for a Messiah than
an inauguration ceremony (Fig. 29). Over a million euphoric worshippers swelled Washington's
National Mall to watch the swearing in of their Christ-like President elect. Towering above the revelers
stood the Masonic Washington Monument "obelisk" honoring the pagan Egyptian sun God, Amen Ra.
As Reverend Joseph Lowery addressed the crowd, he faced the Masonic obelisk and punctuated his
speech with the words, "Amen, Amen, Amen," repeated three times. "Amen" is the God of
Washington insiders. The word literally means "the hidden one".
The inauguration line-up included Aretha Franklin thrilling jubilant onlookers with her rendition of
"God Save The Queen" (renamed "My Country 'Tis of Thee"). No one understood why the music of
Britain's "God Save The Queen" was scheduled for the inauguration of an American President except for Washington "insiders" like the Clintons, the Gores, the Bushes and the Quayles whose VIP
seats were furnished with a dark blue fleece blanket.
Fig. 29
Another inauguration highlight was the arrival of Barack Obama's limousine which has been
officially named "The Beast". Anyone who is familiar with Biblical prophecy knows that the “Beast" is
the Biblical term for the Antichrist and so is the number 666. The Antichrist is also called ‘Satan’ and
the 'Prince of Darkness' or the 'Dark (black) Prince'. The number 666 appeared in Barack Obama's
Presidential campaign commercials. He used the numbers (62262) for his campaign’s mobile text
messaging which adds up to 666 when the "2's" are added together.
Many youtube videos and websites are selling the belief that Barack Obama is the Antichrist or
"Prince of Darkness" found in Bible prophecy. The corporate media spin doctors have been busily
dropping all of the 'not so subtle' 666 hints including ‘The Beast' limo hint and youtubers have been
buying it. Why are they selling Obama as the Antichrist? Because when the real Antichrist (Prince
William) steps onto the world stage in 2015, the crime families want the public to accept William as
the true Messiah. According to Bible prophecy, the Christ Messiah cannot return until the Antichrist
rules for seven years.
End Time propaganda is big business. Tim LaHaye's Christian fiction series called Left Behind
has sold 63 million books which have been made into big budget movies. According to the Hebrew
authors of the Bible, all hell is going to break loose… but is it the angry hand of God that will fulfill
Bible prophecies or the greedy hands of the ruling crime families who have developed climate,
nuclear, biological and psychological weaponry to accomplish the task?
The Book of Revelation describes an apocalypse or third world war which will give rise to one
World Empire and ten rulers (Kings) under the command of a satanic global ruler called the Antichrist.
He is described as handsome, charming, charismatic, a great speaker and a false man of peace.
According to Biblical prophecy, he will bring 3 1/2 years of peace beginning with a 'false Peace
Treaty' in Israel. The second 3 1/2 years of his reign will be marked by unspeakable horrors called the
'Great Tribulation'.
The most insidious part of the global takeover scheme by the ruling bankster families is conning
millions of trusting citizens into supporting and even welcoming an apocalypse that will exhaust and
de-populate the masses through deadly viruses, global terror, economic disasters, and nuclear war.
Using their media monopolies and church affiliates (World Council of Churches), they have taught
Bible believers to passively expect a magical ending to the global hijacking story described in the
Bible. Instead of taking action to prevent it, Bible believers welcome the prophetic disasters as signs
that Jesus is coming to rescue them in the “Rapture”.
Why was Hillary Clinton appointed to the top job as Secretary of State for Obama’s White House
scheme team? To fulfill the next prophecy in the Book of Revelation which is the signing of a false
peace treaty in Israel. Hillary Clinton’s brokered peace treaty in Israel is the fulfillment of 'the false
peace treaty' described in Bible prophecy. This false peace treaty will be interpreted by many as
marking the beginning of the Antichrist's seven year reign.
The shadow government of ruling crime families and their media monopolies are dropping hints to
fool the public into believing that Obama is the Antichrist (which he is NOT). During the Obama
Presidency, they are fulfilling Bible prophecy beginning with Hillary's settlement of a peace treaty in
Israel followed by 3 1/2 years of 'false' world peace. Consistent with prophecy, Obama (like the
Antichrist) will receive a near fatal head wound and survive to rule for another 3 ½ years with his
re-election in 2012 for a second term. This sophisticated fool-the-public game is designed to advance
the one world government and one world ruler agenda.
According to the Barna Research Group, 84% of Americans consider themselves to be Christians
and 42% read the Bible on a weekly basis. Based on interpretations of Bible prophecy, here is a
summary of how the future of humanity is predicted to unfold:
1. There will be an increase in earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, killer famines, incurable diseases,
plagues, draughts, global flashpoints, wars and rumors of war, murders, genocide and terrorism.
2. A false peace treaty between the Israeli’s and Palestinians will be brokered.
3. By 2012, Prince William will be crowned King of England and the United Kingdom.
4. By 2012, Barack Obama will survive an assassination attempt and recover miraculously from a
near fatal head wound. Many will view him “in error” as the Prince of Darkness and the Antichrist.
5. Just five weeks before the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London, King William will turn thirty
years of age. The Games of the XXIX Olympiad will thrust the British Royals into the global
spotlight with billions of viewers watching worldwide. This international Olympic event will promote
King William and celebrate his mother Diana in music and video to remind the world about why
they love her look-alike young son so much.
6. Obama will be re-elected in 2012 for a second term as US President.
7. The false peace treaty in Israel will break down and an Arab-African confederacy of Russia, Iran
and their allies will launch a nuclear attack on Israel.
8. Islam’s treasured shrine in Jerusalem called Dome of The Rock will fall in ruins.
9. War and the complete collapse of the financial markets will rock the world with panic, chaos and
the rule of the jungle. According to the Mayan calendar, December 21st, 2012 marks the end of
the world as we know it.
10. Out of global chaos, the handsome, charming and charismatic King William V, will step onto the
world stage in 2015 with a peace plan and a message of hope for the devastated and desperate
war weary world.
11. It will be proven that William is a descendant of Jesus Christ through DNA testing which matches
his DNA with that of Mary Magdalene. One of her teeth is believed to be encased in a reliquary at
Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The primary sites that claim to preserve her
remains are the basilicas at Vezelay and St.-Maximin-la-Ste.-Baume in France.
12. At a United Nations round table, William will head up a revived Roman Empire comprised of the
leaders of 10 European nations (once part of the Roman Empire). Together with his false
Prophet, William will win popular support for his peace plan which disarms the world of nuclear
weapons, unites global faiths and creates one world government. In Daniel 11:39, the Beast’s
global Kingdom has ten Kings who divide up the land into ten districts which are ultimately ruled
by the Antichrist King. This division parallels the ten districts of Atlantis which were ruled by ten
Kings under the banner of the ultimate King named Atlas. Atlas was the demi-God son of
Poseidon (Enki).
13. An assassin will mortally wound William with a blow to the head. He will return from the dead
in what appears to be a Divine miracle.
14. As a counterfeit humanitarian, William will deceive the world by resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict.
He will enforce (confirm) the peace treaty between the Israeli’s and Palestinians and other Arab
states in the region.
15. During the first 3½ years of William’s reign, he will bring about world peace by disarming the
world of the most devastating weapons of war under a United World Peace banner. America,
Russia, China, Israel and the rest of the world will all be disarmed of their nuclear and defense
capabilities. Using his world army, King William will defeat non-compliant nations and steadily
advance towards a complete global takeover. In so doing, he will create a world where he alone
holds all power.
16. William’s first 3½ years of rule will be dedicated to global reconstruction and the creation of a
New World Order from the ashes of the old. He will be worshipped as a man of peace.
17. William will build the third Jewish Temple of King Solomon over the ruins of Islam’s cherished
shrine in Jerusalem called Dome of the Rock. The Jewish people will hail him as their long
awaited Messianic King while the rest of the world embraces him as their savior.
18. The Great Tribulation will occur 3½ years into William’s reign when he will 'annul' Israel’s Peace
Treaty and address the world from the new Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. This address will trigger
3½ years of terror during which William will send his forces against Israel and conquer the City of
Jerusalem for himself. He will claim the rebuilt Temple of King Solomon as his throne.
19. William will be crowned King of the New World Order and "magnify himself above all" by calling
himself God (2Thessalonians Chapter 2). Teaming up with his false prophet, he will destroy all
who reject him as world ruler. Survivors in his Kingdom will experience a frightening reality of
murders, human sacrifices, sorcery, fornication with demons and depravity which the Bible refers
to as the Abomination of Desolations.
20. To buy, sell and survive in the Kingdom of the Antichrist Beast, people will be forced to accept
the “666” microchip mark of the Beast on their right hand or forehead. Those who refuse the
mark and refuse to worship the Beast will be persecuted and killed.
21. The Bible prophecies of one world government and one world ruler will be fulfilled. With the
human population and nations of the world firmly under their control, the members of today’s
invisible shadow government will emerge. The Antichrist and the Knights of the Order of the
Garter will celebrate the accomplishment of their ancestral dream.
The happy ending to the story found in the Book of Revelation pacifies, lures and traps the
masses into accepting a global take-over by the shadow government. The ending is a children’s
fairytale about a heroic King (Christ) descending from the sky and throwing the villainous King
(Antichrist) into a Lake of Fire and a bottomless pit for a thousand years. After a thousand years, the
villainous King (Antichrist) is temporarily resurrected but God destroys both the Antichrist and Satan
for all time. God then turns the Earth into an eternal heaven and adorns the city of Jerusalem with
precious stones, gates of pearls and streets of solid gold…and everybody lives happily ever after.
The Bible’s End Time prophecies map out an event formula for a global takeover by ten rulers
(Kings) under the command of one global ruler. Since Bible believers expect a magical ending to this
global hijacking story, they passively welcome every prophetic disaster as a divinely inspired 'next
step' towards the second coming of Jesus on a white horse. Christians both dead and alive fully
expect to rise up in the air and join Jesus in the sky in what they refer to as “the Rapture”.
The question that every sane human being must urgently ask themselves is whether the wrathful
hand of God is fulfilling Bible prophecy or the deceptive hands of today’s wealthy ruling crime families
whose corporations have developed climate, biological and nuclear weaponry to accomplish the task.
The most insidious part of this global takeover scheme is that these ruling crime families and their
church affiliates have conned millions into supporting and even welcoming a horrendous apocalypse
that will exhaust and de-populate the masses through deadly viruses, global terror, economic
disasters, and nuclear war.
Fig. 30
Fig. 31
The Rothschild controlled Associated Press have protected their Prince of Darkness from
criticism, scandal and tabloid attacks on his character. On May 31st, 2004, an Associated Press
photograph of Prince William taken by Alistair Grant was circulated to the major newspapers. (Fig.
30). The photo shows Prince William posing with a lamb like Christ who the Bible calls “the lamb of
God”. (Fig.31). What is the significance of this photograph? To the unaware observer, the photograph
is perfectly innocent, but to those familiar with the symbolism of the ruling elite, William is identified in
the photograph as the Antichrist.
In the photograph, Prince William is holding up the cloven hind hoof of a lamb for no apparent
reason. The symbol of the cloven hoof is tightly linked with evil. It has been adopted by modern
Judeo-Islamic-Christian doctrines as a sign of Satan. The three theologies share similar concepts of
Satan and the devil. Satan is the antithesis of the good and benevolent God that is a central theme of
all three theologies. The association of a goat with evil started with the mythological God Ba’al who
Christians later adopted as the Satanic Beelzebub (Baal-zebub). Baal, Beelzebub, Satan, Pan and
the devil are illustrated with cloven hind hooves.
In art and literature, the Antichrist is described as handsome and charming and a master of lies
and deception. Freemasons call him the “Baphomet” or “Goat of Mendes”. He is also called the
Beast, Satan, Lucifer and Pan. The word ‘Lucifer’ is the Latin word for “morning star” and is
symbolized by a five pointed pentagram. The shape of a pentagram is the pattern of movements of
the Planet Venus in the night sky and is also associated with Satanic witchcraft.
On the very last page of every Christian Bible, Jesus identifies himself as the ‘morning star’ in
Revelation 22:16. Jesus declares, “I, Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in
the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” Who is the
‘morning star’? In Isaiah 14:12 of the Christian Bible, ‘the morning star’ is identified as ‘Lucifer’! “How
art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!”
‘Amen’ is the very last word on the very last page of the Christian Bible. Amen, also spelled
Amun, is the Sumerian God Enki, the Egyptian God Osiris, the Red Dragon, the pitchfork-wielding
Poseidon and Satan and the Red Dragon. ‘Amen’ means “the hidden one”. Questions about the
existence of God or Satan have been fiercely debated since time immemorial. Some people believe
that God and Satan are inventions of the ruling class to control the masses and enforce their will
which they pretend is the will of God. Their message is that God rewards obedient, tax paying, law
abiding, God-fearing citizens with eternal life in heaven. Satan tortures, burns and condemns the
disobedient in hell.
There are two competing instincts within all human beings: the civilized instinct to act peacefully
and morally and the savage instinct to gratify one’s immediate desires, act violently and immorally
and enforce one’s will. The instinct to be civilized is associated with good and the instinct to be
savage is associated with evil. Evil has triumphed because of its devious ability to disguise itself as its
The Kings, Pharaohs and royal families of Europe believe themselves to be the demi-God
descendants of the Sumerian Gods or ancient astronauts. They have attempted to preserve the
integrity and purity of their divine blood by interbreeding amongst themselves. As descendants of the
Earth’s conquering Gods, they feel an entitlement to own and rule Planet Earth. Number thirty-three is
Freemasonry’s sacred ascended number. In the year 2015 at the age of thirty-three, King William V
will be crowned world dictator.
The United Nations is located on eighteen acres of prime Manhattan land donated by illuminati
Godfather, David Rockefeller. Tim Cohen, author of The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea, describes the
occult symbolism in the meditation room within the United Nations building. The small windowless
room contains only ten chairs that face a six and a half ton black iron ore altar. These chairs await the
ten chosen Kings described in the Book of Revelation. The chosen Kings will serve one world ruler the Antichrist. The publishing company for the United Nations is called Lucis Trust, formerly called
Lucifer Publishing Company. This fact is confirmed by Constance Cumbey in her book, 'Planned
“Prince William, the Antichrist? So that’s it!” I felt the tiny hairs stand up on the back of my neck
and a shiver race up my spine. I stepped over to my hotel window and cautiously peered out from
behind the curtains to see if I was being watched. “What if someone saw me pick up the briefcase at
the parking meter?” Perched on a neighboring rooftop, a giant Christmas tree blinked its lights on and
off above the city. It was crowned with a glowing five pointed star. Above it, I could see the morning
star winking down at me from the dawning sky.
Unless you understand how reality is manifested,
your destiny and the destiny of the planet will be in the
hands of the ruling families who do understand it.
Living in the third dimension is a blissful experience when you have power, health, youth,
comforts and freedom. That’s what the ruling families have manifested for themselves while the rest
of the world struggles with poverty, disease, drug dependency, debt and servitude. We tick tock
through life with alarm clocks, car clocks, work clocks, the TV clock, the cell phone clock, wrist
watches, wall clocks and calendars. It’s “breakfast time”, “lunch hour”, “break time”, “traffic hour”,
“news hour”, “happy hour”, “week end”, “dinner time”, “bed time”, “tax time”. We sit in traffic, stand in
line-ups, watch mind numbing TV trivia interrupted by endless commercials. We settle for a 14 day
holiday out of the 365 days it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun. We trade our labor for digits at the
bank. We celebrate birthdays, New Years, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day and countless other
repetitive cycles of commercialized nonsense. From cradle to grave, we serve the ruling families but
despite our servitude, they have convinced us that we are free. “None are so hopelessly enslaved
as those who falsely believe they are free.” - Goethe
The ultimate goal of the ruling families is not only one world government. It is complete mastery
over the 3rd dimension of time and space. Notice how successful they have been at manifesting a
Utopia for themselves – money, yachts, private jets, castles, resorts, racehorses, corporations, gold,
gems, servants and everything they desire. You are part of their manifestation. How did they do it?
With their use and abuse of ten sacred truths. By learning these sacred truths, you can manifest the
destiny you want instead of living the destiny that the ruling families have chosen for you.
There is no physical world out there
Once upon a time, there was an argument among the Gods over where to hide the secret of life
so that humans could never find it. One God said, “Bury it under a mountain. They’ll never look there.”
The other Gods objected. “No”, they said. “One day humans will find ways to dig up mountains and
uncover it.” Another God suggested, “Sink it in the depths of the ocean. It’ll be safe there.” Again, the
Gods objected. “No, humans will one day find a way to plumb the ocean's depths and find it easily.”
Finally, the wisest of the Gods said, “Put it inside them. They’ll never think of looking for it there.”
When you go camping and cook over a camp fire, you feel the warmth from the fire, hear the
crackling of the wood and smell the aroma of the food. These experiences tell you that you are in
direct contact with the world "out there". As impossible as it seems, there really isn’t a physical world
out there. It’s an illusion of your five senses. So why does everything look, sound, feel, taste and
smell so “real”?
British physicist Sir Arthur Eddington claims that "matter is mostly ghostly empty space. To be
more precise, it is 99.9999999 percent empty space”. Your body is made of “matterless” recycled
atoms which are only a billionth of an inch across. So, why does your body look solid? Because light
reflects from the different combinations of atoms (molecules) that your body is made of. The reason
an x-ray can pass through your body is because your body is empty space.
If everything is just empty space, then why does the world look, sound, feel and seem solid? When
you look at a friend, for example, light is reflected from your friend’s molecules and it forms an
“upside-down” image of them on the retina of your eye. Your photo-sensitive cells then discharge
electrons which trigger electro-chemical impulses that travel along your optic nerve to the visual
cortex of your brain. Your brain then goes to work processing the data into shapes, patterns, colors
and movement. It interprets the external world of “matterless” energy based on all of the information it
receives. Finally, an image of your friend appears in your consciousness “right side-up”.
Similarly, a vibrating guitar string creates pressure waves in the air. The waves stimulate tiny hairs
in your inner ear which send electrical impulses on to your brain. The raw data is then analyzed and
integrated resulting in your experience of hearing music. Remember the last time you stubbed your
big toe? It felt like the pain was coming from your toe but it was really created in your brain.
To get in touch with the world of energy, close your eyes and touch an object that is near you.
What you are experiencing is a collision between the vibrating, densely packed atoms of your body
and the vibrating, densely packed atoms of the object. What holds these vibrating atoms together?
Their electromagnetic attraction to each other.
We see the world with our brain, not with our eyes. There are as many different ways of seeing the
world as there are species of life in the universe. The “reality” that other creatures perceive is very
different from our human experience. Dogs can detect much higher frequencies of sound waves and
their noses are a million times more sensitive. If you could put yourself in a dog's world, you would
detect the scent of a person hours after they passed by and distinguish it from hundreds of other
scents. If you were a dolphin, you would have sonar abilities much like the ultrasound scans that
monitor a fetus during pregnancy. As a dolphin, you would sense the shapes and movements of
another person’s internal organs, the beating of their heart, the churning of their stomach and the
state of their muscles.
What we believe to be reality is just the unique way that our human brain interprets energy.
Humans see only a tiny fraction of what’s actually there. Everything in our Universe vibrates. If the
rate of vibration falls below or rises above a certain intensity, it becomes invisible to the human
senses. Human eyes are sensitive to light in the very narrow frequency range between 430,000 to
750,000 gigahertz. At lower frequencies, there is infrared radiation, microwaves and radio waves. At
higher frequencies, there are ultraviolet rays, x-rays and gamma-rays. Human eyes simply can’t
detect any of these other frequencies.
There are two realities
At this very moment, you can see different objects all around you. You hear sounds and you feel
sensations in your body. Even though you understand scientifically that it’s all happening in your
brain, you feel convinced that you are looking out at a solid physical world. Let’s look at some of the
cracks in that belief.
Take a look at the cube drawing in figure 32. Your brain will automatically misinterpret the sensory
data that it is receiving from your eyes. Are you seeing the cube from above or are you seeing it from
below? Like most people, you will probably answer, "from above." That’s because you are used to
seeing rectangular shaped things like tables, boxes, TV sets and computers from above. To view the
cube from a different perspective, focus your attention completely on the “back square”. Now, pull the
“back square” forward to the front of the cube with your mind’s eye so that it becomes the “front
Alternately, you can focus your attention on the “front square” and move it backwards to the back
of the cube with your mind’s eye. Although the cube can be viewed in two different ways, your brain
only interpreted one way of seeing it. Your brain also misled you in another way. It registered a three
dimensional image. The truth is - you are looking at twelve lines on a flat page. The depth of the cube
looks real to you, but it is your brain’s misinterpretation.
Fig. 32
There are two realities. There is the reality of “Source energy” which is really out there and there is
“manifested reality” which is your human brain’s interpretation of “Source energy”. If you want to
develop the power to choose your own destiny, you need to grasp the fact that the physical world out
there is just an illusion of your senses.
Sit down at your computer and move your mouse. You are moving the cursor around on the
screen, right? Wrong. Your mouse is actually sending a stream of data to your computer’s central
processor which calculates a new position for the cursor and then updates the image on the screen.
Your eyes don’t detect the fact that there is a tiny delay between moving your mouse and the
movement of the cursor on the screen. As far as you are concerned, you are moving the cursor
across the screen.
Like the undetectable delay on your computer screen, there is an undetectable delay in what you
experience in your everyday life. When you kiss someone, your brain communicates a message to
your lips to move your lips to meet the lips of someone else…but you don’t directly experience
contact with the other person’s lips. The contact information must first be sent back to your brain
through your sense of touch. Your brain then updates your image of reality appropriately. Like the
computer, there is a tiny delay between the events in your life and your experience of those events. It
takes your brain about a fifth of a second to process the sensory information and construct the
corresponding “picture” of reality for you. You never notice the lag because your brain cleverly
compensates for the delay and leaves you with the impression that you are interacting directly with
the physical world of illusion.
Although you see the world with your brain and not with your two eyes… did you know that you
have a third eye? It’s called “the pineal gland” and it looks inward instead of outward. Your pineal
gland is a flat, cone-shaped organ about the size of a pea nestled in the center of your midbrain in a
tiny cave behind the root of your nose. It is light sensitive and it actually has a lens, cornea and retina.
During childhood, your pineal gland reaches its largest mass but starts to calcify and atrophy from
lack of use.
Philosopher Rene Descartes called the pineal gland "the seat of the soul" where mind and body
meet. Many believe this endocrine gland is the gateway to higher realms and the link between the
physical and the spiritual realm. It is associated with the sixth chakra called the “third eye” chakra.
Once this dormant organ is awakened through meditation and other techniques, you realize beyond a
shadow of a doubt that the world is in you, and not you in the world. You realize that the ocean is in
every drop and the universe is in every atom. This enlightenment only occurs when you awaken from
the illusion that you are directly perceiving a physical world.
You are made up of billions and billions of beliefs about what’s real and what’s not, about what you
should or shouldn’t be, wear or say. You have downloaded beliefs about how attractive you are,
about your body, about your intelligence, about God, sin, life after death, morality and class. All of
these beliefs came from somewhere and they are your perceived reality. You accept them as your
truth and you wear your beliefs like clothes. They affect what you are and they show up in your life as
failure or success, happiness or unhappiness.
If you stop and look closely at your beliefs, you will discover that instead of serving you, they hold
you back. Do you know which ones are energizing and empowering you and which ones are
depleting your energy and disempowering you? Although you may feel you are immune to religious
and political propaganda, your immunity is overpowered by the repetition of messages that burrow
into your subconscious just below your conscious radar. You cannot detect these messages because
they are just outside the scope of your conscious sight and hearing range. They are, however, within
the scope of your subconscious range of perception. It is a mistake to underestimate the hypnotic
power of television as a weapon of mass deception. It puts you in a relaxed and suggestible alpha
and theta state which are the same states that hypnotherapists induce in their patients to access their
Reality is a 3D software program
If the reality you are perceiving is an illusion, then why does everyone perceive reality in the same
general way? Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft was quoted as saying, "DNA is like a software program,
only much more complex than anything we've ever devised."
Unless you spent your entire life in a cave, you are familiar with the name, Bill Gates. He is one of
the modern world’s most famous computer software developers. You are, however, not as familiar
with the name of the ancient world’s most famous software developer. His name, according to the
Sumerian records, is EN.KI which means “Lord of the Earth”. The software that he developed is
human DNA. The Sumerian records reveal that Enki created humans through genetic
experimentation by mixing the Life Essence of animals (apes) with the Life Essence of the Gods
Discoveries from the Human Genome Project provide proof that humans were genetically
engineered by a higher species. For the past few decades, molecular biologists have examined and
mapped human DNA which has 25,000 to 27,000 genes with over three billion chemical bases. They
learned that 250 of our human genes are unique and are not found in any other lower species or
terrestrial life form. What does that mean exactly? It means that these 250 unique genes must have
been donated by a “higher species” of extraterrestrial origin. Common sense tells us that we are not
‘evolved apes’ and we did not come down from the trees and just get smarter over time. If that were
true, then why are there still apes?
Considering the fact that 250 of our 25,000 human genes have no evolutionary basis whatsoever
and considering the fact that humans share close to 99% of the same DNA as chimps, it is no stretch
of the imagination to conclude that the remaining 1% came from a higher species. It is also no stretch
of the imagination to conclude that humans are alien-ape hybrids. There is no reason whatsoever to
doubt the truth of the ancient Sumerian records which describe and illustrate human-like Gods
genetically engineering the human race and living side by side with them. The emblem of Enki, our
genetic engineer, is “two entwined serpents”. This emblem represents the double helix of human DNA
and it is the same symbol used by today’s American Medical Association.
Another startling observation from the Human Genome Project is that 97% of our human DNA is
“junk DNA” with no known use or function. Geneticists are finally beginning to explore the idea that
our human genetic code was written by an extraterrestrial programmer who wrote two versions of our
genetic code - a “big code” and a “basic code”. Our so called ‘junk DNA’ appears to be a hidden and
dormant upgrade of our basic code. It is a self-organizing, auto-executing, auto-developing and autocorrecting software with a built-in connection to the ageless energy and wisdom of the Universe. In
other words, the DNA that scientists have been calling ‘junk DNA’ is really “divine DNA”.
It appears that EN.KI, our extraterrestrial programmer, purposely disabled the big code and left us
to exist as a slave race on only 3% of our DNA. Like a broken radio dial which is stuck on one station
instead of roaming across thousands of stations and frequencies, humans are stuck on one
frequency range called ‘five sense reality’.
If reality is just an illusion, then what’s the difference between reality and virtual reality? Reality is
created by a DNA software program which codes and interprets energy that it receives from our five
senses. What we experience is what our mind sees - not what really happens. The big difference
between “reality” and “virtual reality” is the sophistication of the software. Our reality software was
developed by an alien super intelligence. It is a spectacular, high definition, holographic 3D software
which allows us to interpret and interact with the illusory 3D physical world that we call “reality”.
Virtual reality software was developed by human intelligence. So far, it cannot be downloaded onto
our brain’s hard drive. Like Reality software, Virtual Reality software lets us interact with a 3D world
but that world is generated by an external computer instead of our internal brain computer.
Fig. 33
To enter the computer generated world of Virtual Reality, you are fitted with a data suit, gloves
with sensors, optical fibers and a helmet that is equipped with small TV screens and earphones
designed to overpower and dominate your senses. (Fig. 33). This 3D world of “pretend” is
convincingly “real” and you react to it in the same way you would react in your familiar “real world” of
experience. You can race in the Indy 500, jump from a plane, ski down a mountain, perform surgery
or track a dinosaur. Computer generated 3D worlds are as vast as the “real” universe or as
microscopically small as atoms and molecules. The simulations in these fantasy worlds can trick you
with their realism so that you will interact and react to them just as you do in the “real” world.
Virtual Reality is rapidly developing new technologies that will directly stimulate your brain using
a “brainchip” linked to a computer system. By 2020, Virtual Reality technology is expected to reach a
level of sophistication that will blur the line between the “real” world and “simulated” worlds. Popular
science fiction movies like “The Matrix” portray characters lost and confused in a world of simulation.
When they try to escape, they struggle to figure out which world is real.
Imagine having the option of entering a virtual world where you could have everything you wanted
in a completely realistic setting. Imagine that your Utopian experience would be generated by
plugging your brain into “an experience generator” so that your “virtual” life would be indistinguishable
from the “real thing”. Would you go for it? Before you say “no”, think about the difference between a
'real' experience and a ‘simulated’ experience. If you only have one life to live and death is final and
irreversible, does your life have any significance beyond your brain’s perceptions and experience of
it? Are your so called 'real' experiences somehow more valuable, even though they are often
unpleasant? If you want to consciously participate in creating the reality you want to experience, you
must first redefine the word “real”.
On November 28, 1972, Albert Einstein was quoted by the N.Y. Post as saying, "A human being
is a part of the whole…a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and
feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This
delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few
persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of
compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Universal Laws are the tools of creation
The key to manifesting what you want in life is harmonizing your thoughts, words, intentions and
actions with five timeless Universal Laws. These Laws operate in a very specific and predictable way
100% of the time. By learning how these laws work and aligning yourself with them, you can start
experiencing exactly what you want in life.
The Law of Correspondence: Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Your
experiences and everything that flows through your life moves from the inside to the outside. If you
are happy or miserable, you will attract experiences and people that mirror your happiness or misery.
The Law of Cause and Effect: Nothing happens by chance. Every cause has an effect and every
effect has a cause. We “reap what we have sown”. Your thoughts are seeds that you plant with your
intentions. With proper nurturing (actions), the seeds will grow. Thoughts that generate doubt, fear
and anxiety contradict your intention. They are the weeds that must be uprooted before the Law of
Cause and Effect can produce the results you want.
The Law of Relativity: Nothing is good or bad, big or small until you relate it or compare it to something else. Light only exists because you compare it to dark. Good can only exist because you compare
it to bad. Hot can only exist because you compare it to cold. Everything in your life is comprised of
relationships. If you feel that your income of $50,000 a year isn’t enough, it’s because you are relating
it to someone who is earning more. In India, the average income is $500 per year. In India, you are a
rich person. How you use the Law of Relativity can either raise or lower your vibration. If you feel rich
or poor, the Universal Law responds by attracting more of the same.
The Law of Vibration: Everything is in a constant state of vibration and motion. Even the tables,
chairs and objects in your home vibrate. They vibrate at such a low frequency that they appear solid to
the human eye. Each and every thought is energy and it has its own vibrational frequency. You are
transmitting vibrational “thought” signals into the universe every second of the day. Negative emotions
like fear, anger and anxiety are by-products of negative thoughts and they vibrate at a lower frequency.
If you don’t like what you are attracting into your life, raise the frequency of your vibration. To raise your
vibration frequency, catch and release negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions as they come into your
awareness and turn them into positive opposites. Joy and happiness, gratitude and forgiveness raise
your vibration. Visualize the achievement of your goals as if they are already manifested. The Law of
Attraction gives you what you want if you are passionate, purposeful, dedicated and persevere in the
face of setbacks.
The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful and fundamental laws of the Universe. It states
that “like attracts like”. You may ask, “If like attracts like, then why are so many happily married couples
polar opposites? Why do magnets attract the negatives to the positives? The Law of Attraction refers
to “vibrational energy”. Since YOU and everything in the Universe has a vibrational energy, you will
attract anything that is vibrating in harmony with you whether it is negative or positive. When you are
on a path of negative thinking, your vibration is lowered and you attract others on the same path. As
you focus on your problems, they intensify and the number and size of your problems increase proportionately. The Law of Attraction brings you more problems because that is where your attention is
Fearing and focusing on what you don’t want delivers more of what you don’t want. The best way to
protect yourself from what you don’t want is to replace thoughts about what you don’t want with
thoughts about what you desire. If you have a rigid belief system, it will limit your ability to move beyond
your present reality. Your mind has been pre-programmed with self-limiting beliefs through your genetic
DNA and through your childhood training. Creating a different reality means changing your belief
system. Up to this point in your life, you have been running on automatic-pilot. It is natural for you to
believe only what you can see and to “disbelieve” anything that steps outside of your realm of possibility. Even though you can’t see it, you don’t question the fact that gravity exists. All you need to know is
that when you walk down the street, gravity keeps your feet on the ground. The Law of Attraction, like
gravity, applies to everyone. These laws are at work in your life whether you believe in them or not.
You have been taught to believe that you are moving towards events and that the future is ahead of
you. Events are actually moving towards you. Every thought carries energy. Look around you. Every
house, every piece of furniture, electronic device, car, road and bridge began with a thought. Your very
existence began with the thoughts of your parents on the day you were conceived. Your thoughts are
powerful “atom” magnets. They pull towards you whatever you believe, think about,expect, imagine,
fear, love, focus on and affirm as true.
The Universal Laws of Nature are impartial. They throw you garbage or roses depending on the
energy you put in and take out.
The world’s ruling families know that the physical world of illusion which you believe to be real is
manifested through thought energy. They use their media empires and organized religion to convince
billions of Christians that an apocalypse and an Antichrist are coming soon. Their game is all about
generating collective opinions, perceptions, beliefs, fears and expectations that will attract and
manifest their vision of reality - not yours. Their ultimate goal is not just one world government and
The media monopolies that are owned by the families bombard the collective consciousness with
“energy depleting” messages that create fear, doubt, distrust and submission. They have taught the
citizens of the world to accumulate endless debt to them, to obediently work endless hours and years
to pay it off, to take only 14 days holidays out of 365 days a year, to turn over a huge percentage of
income to them in taxes, to go to war for them and rob, steal, maim and kill people in foreign lands
even when the war is a lie. They have tricked people into voting for their puppet politicians.
The families provide funding not only to puppet politicians but to the World Council of Churches to
spread messages that keep the public passive and tranquilized. Religious propaganda is the “opiate
of the masses”. Like a drug, it robs people of their personal power by teaching them to worship
someone or something outside of themselves. Worshippers are taught passive, dependent, childlike
attitudes like, “let God rescue me”. By praying to an outside force, worshippers are expressing
energy away from themselves. They are affirming that they are not in control, that something beyond
them or above them will fix their problems.
Think about the role of all the priests, ministers, gurus, channelers and the religious leaders of the
world. They are middle men. They teach people that they need a translator, an interpreter and a
representative to communicate with an outside God or an outside force. As people awaken from their
hypnosis of separateness and give up their dependency and need for middlemen, they see that the
world of energy is everywhere and that “God is energy”. They discover that the ‘God energy’ is not
outside of them and it’s not an authority over them. It is an energy that is within and around everyone.
Worshipping a high and mighty power outside of ourselves separates us from “God energy”.
The mantra of the ruling families is “divide and conquer”. They have used religious wars to carve
up the Planet like puzzle pieces and to corral human populations inside borders which are patrolled
by armed guards and which no one can cross without permission. Winning control over our lives and
destiny means deleting thoughts and beliefs that divide us from others and from ourselves and
replacing those thoughts with unifying, energizing and empowering thoughts. It means directly
embracing the wisdom and God energy within and eliminating the middle men.
Destiny is created through the power of projection
When you go to the movies, you get involved with the characters and the action on the screen.
You may laugh or cry, feel happy or sad as the story unfolds. The projector is projecting images onto
the screen at 24 frames per second, but it is only light projected through film. This tricks your mind
and your eyes into seeing a make-believe world on the screen which is entirely an illusion of motion
and time. It isn’t real and yet it is there. Like the make-believe world of film that is projected onto a
movie screen, reality is also a projection…but the screen is in your head.
Fig. 34
Think of the movie projector’s light as “Souce energy”. (Fig. 34) Think of your brain as “the
projector”. Think of the film that the light shines through as the energy waves of every “thought”
you’ve ever had, every thing you’ve ever been told or read or saw or experienced. Your mind is “the
projectionist” and it selects what to focus on while your brain (the projector) processes and projects
your reality onto your mental movie screen.
Most of the time, your mind is in “default” mode. It regurgitates everything that has been
downloaded into your consciousness since your birth – all of the messages you got from government,
church, school, media, family members and others. What your mind focuses on, perceives, believes
and expects is rarely by choice but by default.
The path to controlling your own destiny is learning how to switch your consciousness from default
mode to manual mode. With practice, you will achieve extraordinary results in creating the reality you
want instead of the one that has been imposed on you. At this very moment, you may believe you are
in control of the projector and what it is being projected. Ask yourself how your life would be different
if you had unlimited funds and a genie-in-a-bottle to grant you every wish. “Reality Creation” is owning
the power of projection. Without the power of projection, you cannot change the reality that has been
programmed into your consciousness since birth and shows up on your mental screen.
Humans possess suppressed psychic powers
People who have had out-of- body and near-death-experiences describe an other-dimensional
world held together by unconditional love where time is suspended, communication is all-knowing and
sights and sounds are supernaturally vivid. Some claim to have experienced a “life review” and
remembered everything from their past while others saw their future in a “flash forward”. According to
many reports, all beings are interconnected and part of the same stream of consciousness and the
same soul experience.
What exactly is a soul? Atheists claim to have two souls. One on each shoe. Non-atheists, on the
other hand, believe that the soul or “spirit” is the “I” that inhabits the body and acts through it. Without
the soul, the body is like a light bulb without electricity, a computer without the software, a space suit
without the astronaut. In truth, not just human beings but every created thing possesses a “spark of
consciousness” which can be defined as “soul”. Everything in existence from a poodle to a lady bug
to a majestic mountain has a degree of “soul” consciousness and connectedness with everything
According to experiments conducted by Cleve Backster, author of Primary Perception:
Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods and Human Cells, plants have consciousness. All plants
including the living vegetables that you dice up and eat for dinner react dramatically to loving or
threatening thoughts. Your thoughts are also known to influence and change subatomic particles
through observation and can influence the cell activity and health of your own body.
Where is your soul or spirit located? Is it hidden deep inside your body? Is it separate from your
body? Is it trapped in this material world? Since the soul is invisible, how do you even know it exists?
Like the wind or feelings of love, you can’t see the soul, but you know it’s there because you
experience it. Since it can’t be cloned, it must exist separately from your body. Cloning can duplicate
your body but it can’t duplicate YOU.
How was the stone tonnage of Egypt’s Great Pyramids cut, carved, moved long distances,
erected and positioned within fractions of an inch? Some of the stones weighed as much as 50 tons!
Do you believe the corporate media stories about how these Herculean stones were moved without
drills, explosives, lasers, forklifts, cranes or steel cables?
Telekinesis is not only the power to move objects with the power of your thoughts. It’s the power
to heal yourself, heal the Earth and physically manifest what you want in life. It all starts with the belief
that you “can” do it and then taking steps to do it. You were born with that power. All you have to do is
awaken your pineal gland or “third eye”. Like an atrophied muscle, this unused part of your brain can
be strengthened through meditation exercises and by eliminating fluoride from your toothpaste and
water supply.
The term ‘psychic powers’ conjures up negative images of black magic, gypsies, witchcraft,
exorcists, faith healing hoaxes and sorcery. That’s the reputation the media monopolies have given it.
Why? To discourage your interest in developing your personal power. Like any skill, your psychic
powers develop with regular use and they atrophy from lack of use.
In their book, China’s Super Psychics, Paul Dong and Thomas Raffill describe the amazing
psychic abilities of gifted children. The American magazine Omni got involved when the children were
being tested to make sure there was no cheating. They quickly became convinced that the children’s
abilities were entirely real. In one case, a child took a sealed pill bottle off a shelf at random and
placed it on a table. After a few moments the pills passed through the glass bottle and settled on the
table. The child then placed a coin on the table and it passed back through the glass into the sealed
bottle. In another case, a thousand people sitting in an auditorium were each given a rose bud to
hold. A six year old girl came on stage and with a silent wave of her hand, the thousand rosebuds
slowly opened into full bloom before the eyes of the astonished audience. In a third case, a book was
randomly taken from a pile and a page was torn out, crumpled up and placed in the armpit of one of
the children. With the page still screwed up and out of sight, the child could read every word.
Learning telekinesis is learning to influence matter, time, space and energy with the power of your
thoughts. Imagine the peaceful applications of this ability! Most people never develop or even
recognize that they have extrasensory powers and abilities. The ruling families and churchianity have
marketed doubt, fear and misinformation to keep the public in a state of powerless obedience. With
practice, everyone can learn telekinesis. The key is concentration. Without concentration, the
manipulation of the energy required to cause an object to move cannot be sustained. Like an unused
muscle, you have to exercise it. The best results come from practicing concentration exercises 10 to
15 minutes a day.
The ruling families have developed an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction from nuclear to
psychological to biological to climate weaponry. The power of that weaponry is insignificant compared
to the “power” that can be generated by humanity’s “collective consciousness”. By practicing
concentration and telekinesis exercises, you are learning the mechanics of manifestation. Once you
can move an object with the power of your thoughts, you will have proven to yourself that you can
influence matter at a molecular level. You have the power to influence everything in the physical
world with just the power of your thoughts. The world was created through thought energy, and it can
be recreated through the thought energy of humanity’s “collective consciousness”. You are a drop in
the ocean of consciousness and the ocean is in every drop.
The ruling families have a world peace plan in mind for humanity. That peace plan is described in
“The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” and in the Bible’s Book of Revelation. Their peace plan
is to brutally enforce world peace through a global (Satanic) communist dictatorship. This is not the
kind of ‘world peace’ you want to manifest or attract with your thought energy.
I waited for the applause to subside as I adjusted the podium microphone and smiled warmly at the
sea of academic faces looking up at me expectantly. Even though I hadn’t slept a wink, I felt wide
awake and energized. “Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this year’s Psychologists of America
Conference. As you know, Self Talk Solutions was the topic that I had originally scheduled for my
address this morning but after careful consideration, I chose a topic that challenges each and every
one of us…a topic which, I believe, defines our profession. As mental health experts, our common
goal is to help our patients cope effectively with reality. The question is, what and whose reality are
we helping them cope with? That is the topic I have chosen for my address…What is reality?
Reality is defined as the state of being actual or true, that which is factual, not imagination, fiction,
or pretense. As newborns, we entered this world with a sensory input system. Reality was
downloaded onto our innocent and impressionable new hard drives by the media, schools and
government and by our parents who repeated to us what they had been taught. Does the reality that
was programmed into our brain fulfill Webster’s dictionary definition of reality? Is it actual, true and
factual or is it imagination, fiction and pretense? Let’s test some of our most basic assumptions about
realty with a True or False Reality Quiz.
America lost the War of Independence. True or false? Before you answer “false”, let’s look at the
terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 signed by the United States and Great Britain. Upon reading the
Treaty, you will find in articles 4, 6 and 12 that America won the War Of Dependence, not the War of
Independence. By signing the Treaty, America signed on to a permanent debt to the King of England
and to his successors including today’s British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. Today, that debt is being
paid for by American taxpayers at a rate of millions of dollars per day. If America had really won the
War Of Independence, she would never have agreed to pay debts and reparations to the King of
England or allow the King to dictate the terms of the peace agreement.
The United States is bankrupt. True or false? Before answering “false”, let’s consider Executive
Order 12919 signed by President Bill Clinton which confirms that the United States is currently in a
permanent state of national emergency. Our country has been in a state of declared national
emergency since 1933 when President Roosevelt declared by Executive Order that the United States
is bankrupt. When Congress declares a state of national emergency, there is no Constitution.
True or false - the FED is the United States government. Before answering “true”, let’s look at the
history of the U.S. Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is, in fact, privately owned. Who owns the
FED? A cartel of international banking families that include the Rothschild and the Rockefeller
families. This federation of families are never audited and never pay taxes. They print and design
America’s money including the one dollar bill which displays the symbols of an Egyptian pyramid
and the freemasonry “all seeing eye” of the Egyptian God “Horus”. These same families own a
virtual monopoly not just over the world’s central banks but over the world’s biggest corporations and
media conglomerates”.
I ignored a loud hissing sound from an audience member in the front row and continued my
speech. Others began coughing and shifting uncomfortably in their chairs. “The last and most
important question in our quiz is this. The United Nations Charter promotes freedom and democracy True or false? Before answering “true”, let’s check for trans fats in the cake. A heckler at the back of
the ballroom shouted, “Get off the stage!”. I responded with, “Please bear with me. I have an
important point to make”. The room fell silent. “At first glance, the United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) lays out an appetizing menu of rights, similar to the U.S. Bill
of Rights. Articles 18 and 19 uphold "the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion....and
to freedom of opinion and expression..." Sounds great until Article 29 negates all of those rights. It
states that "these rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and
principles of the United Nations." In other words, human rights and freedoms don't apply to those
who take issue with U.N. policies or to any of the future amendment changes that this global
government decides to make. What value has freedom of speech without the right to openly discuss
and critique the government? According to U.N. ideology, that won't be tolerated.
The point I am making with this quiz is that what we believe to be reality is only as true as the
motives of our programmers. Once we’ve unmasked the fiction of our reality software, only then can
we begin de-programming ourselves from it. Only then, can we help others, not by teaching them to
adapt to a program of disempowerment and separateness, but to free themselves from it. Thank you
for listening.”
I left the stage. Two or three appreciative audience members clapped, then three or four more
joined in. The buzz of whispers followed me as I exited from the ballroom, feeling no regrets.
There is a temple within each of us. All of the
great masters speak of this temple. It is the Temple
of the Heart where we can choose our own destiny.
Sacred geometry is the tool of creation
Your desire to understand creation is a path that takes you to higher vibrations and frequencies.
From building a bird house to planting a garden to baking a cake, geometry is the basic tool you use
every day to manifest all that you create in your 3D world of experience. Without it, you can’t create.
When you draw a shape, it is just plain geometry, but when you open your heart to geometry, you
create Sacred Geometry. Sacred Geometry transforms geometry from a physical building tool to a
metaphysical building tool for creating everything in existence.
As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry, you begin to see the wonderfully patterned geometric
beauty of Creation - the cornea of your eye, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals,
star fish, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the planet you spin around on, the star studded
heavens, the air you breathe, the molecules of your DNA and all life forms emerge out of timeless
geometric codes. If you take the time to look and think about these codes, you will be rewarded by
gazing directly at the inner workings of the Cosmic Mind which you are a part of. The ancients
believed that the experience of Sacred Geometry was the path to educating the soul. They knew that
patterns and codes were symbolic of each person’s inner realm.
Fig. 35
You can see sacred geometry in every day life from the design of a cathedral to the face of a
sunflower. (Fig. 35). It is literally the architecture of the Universe and it is the first and purest
language. The Golden ratio (1.61803399) or “divine proportion” is a general pattern that all of creation
naturally follows. YOU are sacred geometry.
The sphere is a sacred geometric shape that represents the unity from which all physical forms
are manifested. The almond shape occurs when the spheres overlap. It is the shape of cell division,
when one becomes two, when the human embryo divides into two cells. (Fig. 36)
This duality creates the wave form out of which all things, including you, become manifest.
Fig. 36
Regardless of what you learned in school, modern physics teaches that the essence of creation
is NOT matter. According to Biblical scripture, the universe was created from sound. It was created
from a Word uttered by God. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God”. Since God is energy, not a person, the ‘Word” is energy. Like a song that is created
in the mind of a composer before it is performed, the physical realm was created in the mind of
Source energy before it became manifest. Pythagoreans call the vibration of the Word – “the music of
the spheres”. Pythagoras understood creation to be based on sound and music and he used
geometry as a language to express it.
Sacred Geometry is a pathway to understanding who you are, where you are from and where you
are going. It is the flexible geometric energy grid behind our third dimension, otherwise known as “the
matrix of space-time”. That grid is the interface between what you see and don’t see, between the
manifested and the un-manifested, between the finite and the infinite.
There is a net behind creation
In ancient times, the Matrix of Creation was called the NET. It was shown as a squared grid just
as it is shown today in modern physics books. In ancient Egypt, it was commonly illustrated as a
physical net that caught birds or fish or humans inside of it. In cultures all over the world, spiritual
knowledge of the NET was one of the highest levels of Temple Science and Spiritual Initiations. In
India, it was called the "Jeweled Net of Indra". Student Initiates were taught how to activate the power
potential or “spirit” within all geometric forms.
In Egypt, Initiates were called “The Masters of the Net”. The hieroglyphic texts explain that, after
death, the uninitiated are destined to get "caught in the Net" of a higher spiritual realm where they are
incapable of free movement. The Initiate, on the other hand, is able to move freely in the higher
spiritual realms because he understands every part of the NET. In chapter 153 of the Egyptian Book
of the Dead (also known as the Book of Coming Forth into the Light), there is a long description of
every part of the NET. Once Initiates mastered the NET, they merged in eternal resonance with
Osiris, the God of the underworld.
Egyptian spiritual knowledge eventually shifted to the Jewish culture in Israel where the NET of
creation became known as the "231 Gates". A book called the "Book of Creation" was written
anonymously between the 3rd and 6th century A.D. and contained meditations based on the 22
letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The Jewish Kabbalah’s 'Tree of Life' is the esoteric tradition behind
the Bible and is clearly an astrological map of the solar system. (Fig. 37).
The Kabbalah’s 22 paths represent the 10 planets and the 12 signs of the zodiac. Satan, the
Devil, is easily recognized as Saturn and is always portrayed with horns and the cloven hooves of
Capricorn - the goat. Notice the symbol of the cross and snake in figure 37. Neptune is the Roman
name for the Greek serpent God “Poseidon”. He is the Sumerian God EN.KI (Lord of the Earth) and
the God of the Illuminati brotherhood of Freemasons, the royals and the bankster crime families.
Notice the symbol of the trident “crown of horns” of the serpent God in figure 37. The Kabbalah has
recently been promoted as a multi-million dollar, celebrity-endorsed phenomenon which has induced
more and more people to wear the red string bracelets associated with it. It is a new fad and it is
understood by few.
Fig. 37
References to the NET are found in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Christ tells his
disciples to cast their “nets” into the ocean for a miraculous catch of fish. This is the same image
found on wall illustrations in Egyptian temples. Initiates are seen casting their nets into the water to
catch the "fish" of human souls in the geometric space-time energy matrix (the 'Net'). In the Appendix
of the Gospel of John, reference is made to precisely 153 fish caught in the Net. This is a direct
reference to specific Sacred Geometric numbers taught in the Greek mystery schools.
According to Galileo, “The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and
become familiar with the characters (letters) in which it was written. It was written in mathematical
language and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometric figures, without which it is humanly
impossible to comprehend a single word”.
As soon as you out-grew your diapers and were old enough to walk and talk, you were dropped
off in a regimented school room where you were taught how to count and spell…but your teacher
never taught you the meaning of those numbers and letters that you were forced to memorize. Your
school didn’t teach you that those memorized letters have a symbolic significance which corresponds
to their shape and sound.
Words are the basic tool that the ruling family’s use to manipulate reality. By controlling the
meaning of words, they control the people who must use them. The Hebrews and the Greeks
embraced a system that gave every letter of the alphabet a specific number. The Greeks called this
system 'Gematria'. The high priests used sacred numbers as a symbolic system for understanding
the universe and for communicating with their Gods. They gave the name of their God a powerful
vibration number which was emitted from the vibrated sound of the God’s name.
When the name of the Egyptian God “Amen” is spoken, it generates a powerful resonance and
connection with him. “Amen” (also spelled Amun) is one of the most commonly used words in the
entire world. Without realizing it, millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews repeat this word at the end
of every prayer. By doing so, the vibrational energy of the God “Amen” is conjured up and overpowers
the energy of the God that the worshipper intended to worship.
Letters in the English alphabet have a pictorial significance that can be traced back to the pagan
‘sun God’ religions of ancient Egypt. (Figure 38)
Fig. 38
The capital letter “A” is a pyramid with a capstone. The capstone on the pyramid letter
“A” is the “all seeing eye” of the sun God (son of God). It is found on the American one
dollar bill. The “all seeing eye” is also prominently displayed on the AOL pyramid logo and
the CBS logo.
The letter “C” symbolizes the moon Goddess Isis who wore the solar disc headdress in
honor of her husband - the sun God Osiris.
The letter “O” is the sun or solar disc and symbolizes the sun God Osiris. His rays are
seen everywhere on illuminati corporate logos including the Shell, BP and NBC logos.
The rays of Osiris are even found above the British Prime Minister’s residence at 10
Downing Street and on the CIA logo.
The letter “S” is the snake or Satan. It is the symbol for money $, the symbol for the Nazi
SS secret service and the symbol for the Tribe of Dan.
The letter “T” predates Christianity and symbolizes the Sumerian sun God Tammuz
The letter “U” is the horns of the bull (Baal) and symbolizes the Satanic Canaanite sun
God Baal who is equivalent to the Egyptian God Osiris and Amen Ra.
The letter “X” is the “double cross” and is the 24th letter in the alphabet. 2+4 = 6. The
Olympic Games to be held in London in 2012 are the thirtieth Olympiad which is XXX
(666). The “X” is also found on the EXXon logo and Yale University’s Skull & Bones logo.
Presidents Bush Junior and Bush Senior were both Skull & Bones members. Both double
crossed the citizens of the United States.
It is important to understand and be aware of the logos and symbolism designed by the ruling
families so you can deflect its power. Symbols vibrate the energy of whatever they symbolize. How?
By acting as ‘physical’ representations of thought forms and influencing the energy field around them.
Symbols also speak to the subconscious mind of the observer. They operate on many levels and
have different interpretations – one for the initiated “insiders” and another for the uninitiated masses
or “outsiders”.
Your “being” is surrounded by an energetic grid. Within that energy grid are the precise positions
and functions for all of your spiritual energy centers including the chakras. The ruling families are
manipulating your energy through the geometrical-mathematical Matrix. They know that all things are
linked back to creational Source energy through a myriad of grid energies. They also know that
everything follows the same blueprint or geometric patterns which repeat over and over in an endless
dance of sound, light and color.
Corporate advertisers know the effect that their logos and symbols have on your subconscious
mind. You are influenced by the mathematical proportions, ratios and background of these designs.
Once you awaken to their meaning, you start to see common geometric designs, symbols and icons
all around you from corporate logos to children’s TV programs to national flags, council logos, school
emblems, sports logos, pub signs…and the list is endless. Many of these symbols have links to
Masonic and royal symbolism with repeating themes. They are the same images, icons and themes
that have been manipulating the human race for thousands of years. All are repackaged and handed
back as ‘new and improved’.
The manipulation of the Matrix energy grid by the ruling families is on a much larger scale than
anyone can imagine. Street plans of entire cities and regions have been designed with occult
symbolism and precise mathematical grids. Among the many examples is the street plan around
Capitol Hill in Washington which portrays the Congress building in the belly of an owl (symbol for the
Satanic God Moloch and child sacrifice) sitting at the capstone of a pyramid. Twelve street corners
connect into the Sun circle at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
Like a musician in a symphony orchestra, you have been reading illuminati sheet music, playing
illuminati notes and taking your cues from illuminati conductors. The vibrations of the letters and
words that you write and speak including your own name keep you trapped in the Matrix. Now that
you are aware of the MaTRICKS, you can disable the disempowering symbols and create new ones.
(Figure 39)
Fig. 39
The interNET is part of the geometric matrix that you are caught in. It is like a giant brain and you
are one of the billions of interconnected neurons. The NET not only stores human knowledge and
provides instant access to that knowledge, it can pinpoint each of its neurons, including YOU. Like an
industrial vacuum cleaner, it sucks up all of the private information you place in its path. If you think
you can log onto the NET anonymously and visit websites around the world without being tracked,
think again. If you think you can join discussion groups with a made-up name and chat about
personal issues like infidelity without anyone knowing your true identity, think again. Like the trail of
bread crumbs in the Hansel and Gretel children’s story, you have left behind a trail of bits. Watch out!
How easy is it to trace you? When you connect to a website, there is a record of your IP address.
It is that unique number that indicates which computer you are using. If you use an interNET service
provider (ISP) like “Demon”, you have a fixed address and that's enough to pinpoint your account.
With a dynamic address, the modem line you are connected to can be pinpointed. To find you, all that
needs to be done is match the time that you logged in with the records from the computers that
handle your login. No matter who your server is, there is usually a way of finding you even if it means
trawling through pages of log files.
Being offline doesn’t guarantee your safety either. Anyone with access to your PC can track your
movements because your web browser records all of the sites that you've visited in its history file.
Some pages will be cached but it's really not that hard to turn the history and cache files back into a
list of sites or pages.
With Email, everything from the sender of each message you receive to the destination of each
message you send is recorded in a log. Email and just about any other connection-based service on
the NET can be logged with a record of the time and source of each connection. Access to your ISP
makes it theoretically possible to monitor each packet of data and examine its source, destination and
contents. If you think your password is hack-proof, think again. There is plenty of password hacking
software out there and plenty of online hacker’s for hire that can retrieve your password within
Yes. Big Brother can track, profile and read your mind. He knows what you’re thinking and he
knows what makes you tick. Your personal email, birth records, ancestral records, medical records,
financial records, school records, employment records, psychiatric records, travel records, police
records, shopping records, TV viewing habits and interests, census records and much more are all
retrievable from cyberspace. With your trusting help, your profile may also include a record of
webcam images and uploaded photos and videos of you, your family and your surroundings on
youtube, myspace, facebook and twitter. When you are away from your computer, your activities are
recorded by security cameras that watch and record you as you enter and exit from banks, apartment
buildings, office buildings, downtown streets, bars, shopping malls, public transit, airports, hotels,
grocery stores and just about everywhere you go.
There is an inter-dimensional doorway
Most people are “comfortably” blinded by the world of illusion. They are firmly convinced that the
stuff of the world is made of “matter stuff” instead of “mind stuff”. Taking the leap out of this old
paradigm into the new paradigm is like waking up from a dream. You suddenly see how everything
you know from space to time to matter, manifests from consciousness and that you are intimately
connected with everything - every person, animal, plant, star, planet and species throughout all of
creation and on all planes of existence.
The subconscious is the largest unexplored area of the Universe. Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung,
believed that the subconscious mind is directly connected to God. If you compare your mind to an
iceberg, your conscious mind is only the tip of the iceberg. The rest is your submerged subconscious.
According to researchers, we use only a small fraction of our brain power.
Have you ever experimented with out-of-body experiences and altered states of mind? If your
answer is “no”, then you have forgotten something. You have forgotten that every time you fall
asleep or dream, you are entering an altered state of mind and you are having an out-of-body
experience. In your dreams, you fly, float on air, walk on water and break all of the laws of physics. If
you live to be 90, you will have spent 30 years of your life in an unconscious or altered state of mind
which you have almost no memory of.
There are three familiar states of mind that everyone experiences every day – the wide awake
state, the dreaming state and the deep sleep state. In the wide awake state, you experience the world
through your five senses. In the dreaming state, you transcend the physical plane and you experience
worlds populated with strange and often familiar sights, sounds, people and events. It is like starring
in your own sci-fi movie. In deep sleep, you register no memory whatsoever of the outer world or
inner world.
The fourth state of mind is the alpha-theta state. The electrical vibrations of the brain during your
normal wide awake state or “beta” state are from 13 to 30 cycles per second. In the alpha state, your
brainwaves slow down to between 8 to 12 cycles per second. If you go even deeper, you enter the
theta state of 4 to 7 cycles per second. The delta state is deep sleep at 0.5 - 3.5 cycles per second.
With meditative practice and self-hypnosis, you can develop your ability to remain conscious while
getting progressively into deeper and deeper states. Most people will fall asleep after entering into the
theta state but meditative training teaches you how to become deeply relaxed and remain conscious.
When you learn to stay conscious in deeper states of mind, you gain access to your subconscious
The borderline between Beta and Alpha states is the doorway to your subconscious mind which
you can open through self hypnosis and meditation. The borderline between Alpha and Theta states
is the doorway to your “superconscious mind” where you gain access to your "supernatural abilities",
which most people experience as intuitive “bursts of insight”. The more time you spend in this state,
the more these "abilities" develop and become part of you. The time-lag between what you think and
its manifestation in your outer world becomes shorter and shorter.
When you cross the borderline between Theta and Delta states, you are saying "good-bye" to
your physical experience of the world and entering the experience of non-physical being. Here your
body is only a thought in your mind. If you are able to maintain your consciousness at this level, you
can effect instant changes in the outer world. In this state, you can transcend the "laws of the physical
time-space world" because you are not bound by them any more. Few people ever achieve Delta
state “pure consciousness”. It is being “wider awake” than in the awake state but without thoughts
and images. It is consciousness without content where you cease to be an individual person and you
find your true identity within the essence of all creation.
Western thinking is shaped by the limitations of logic and language. It teaches you that “thinking”
is the highest state of consciousness and it defines you as a physical, finite and mortal being. Eastern
philosophy teaches that the highest state of consciousness transcends thinking, language and the
logical mind. It is a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’. In thoughtless awareness, you enter the sacred
silence which is found in the gap between your thoughts. When you are “in the gap”, you are aware of
your surroundings without ‘coloring’ them with judgment. Entering this fourth state of transcendence
allows your individual consciousness to join with Source energy. It is a blissful state of pure existence,
pure awareness, pure attention and pure being.
Your subconscious mind is your best friend and companion if you treat it that way. It is an
inexhaustible source of wisdom and creativity and it works non-stop, day and night, to keep your
heart pumping, monitor your blood circulation, perform body healing, digestion and much more. It
records the memory of every experience you’ve ever had, good or bad, including all of your sight,
sound, taste, odor and tactile experiences. It hears what you say and knows everything you feel and
believe. During sleep, it becomes even more powerful. The expression “let’s sleep on it” refers to the
problem-solving abilities of your subconscious mind while you are sleeping. From the lifetime of data
that you feed into your subconscious, it delivers answers to your conscious mind in “flashes of
Since your subconscious mind is not governed by the third dimension of time and space, it can’t
tell the difference between what is true and what is imagined. It relies entirely on your conscious mind
for its understanding of how your world works and it takes everything you tell it - literally. If you ask it
a question like, “Can you tell me your name?”, it will answer, “Yes”. Unlike your conscious mind, it has
no opinion, makes no judgments and cannot discriminate between good and bad. It responds only to
what you believe and imagine is true. To illustrate, look at the juicy lemon wedge in Fig. 40. Now
close your eyes, breathe deeply and imagine yourself picking up that freshly cut, juicy lemon wedge,
putting it into your mouth and squeezing it. Imagine the lemon juice squirting and splattering onto your
tongue and throughout your mouth. You will soon start to experience a sour taste in your mouth.
Fig. 40
Your subconscious mind is like a genie working tirelessly to grant your wishes. Its receptive mode
is always turned on. Since it makes no judgments, it responds to your requests when they are made
repeatedly and consistently. The best time to make your suggestions and requests is during the
alpha/theta state which you experience every day at the moment before you fall asleep and the
moment when you wake up.
The 3rd dimension that we call “reality” is the physical 'plane of manifestation'. It is manifested
through the Golden Mean Spiral. What is the Golden Mean Spiral? It is an inter-dimensional doorway
where the manifested physical dimension and Source energy intersect. The high priests and ruling
families have kept this knowledge hidden over the millennia and used it to manifest their own self
serving reality which you are now a part of.
Although the Golden Mean Spiral is a mathematical construct, you can access it without any
special understanding of complicated mathematical principles. Access to the spiral occurs when you
are in the meditative fourth state of consciousness. “Trying” to enter the spiral is futile. Why? Because
“trying” requires thought. Concentration and the least bit of “trying” promote mental activity instead of
lessening it. All you need to do is turn your attention 180 degrees inward where you will be
spontaneously drawn to deeper levels. Allow your thinking mind to fall completely silent and go
beyond thought. Only then can you begin experiencing fulfillment and ride the spiral beyond this false
To enter the fourth state of being, meditate in one place regularly. Find a peaceful sanctuary – a
place where you can withdraw from the noise around you and have peace and quiet every day.
Breathe in the power of infinite energy until you feel yourself connected to creation and all things.
Once you begin practicing meditation daily in one special place, you will actually change the energy in
that place with your spiritual intent. When you walk by your special place, you will feel that the energy
really has changed.
Through deep meditation, you enter a “great silence” and “thoughtless awareness”. Your
elevated frequency creates a vortex or "spinning energy". This personal vortex is the Golden Mean
spiral which is the doorway into ‘no time and space’. When you access that doorway, you have
access to the Great Silence and to mastery over what becomes manifest for you in the third
dimension. By becoming centered and sustaining an elevated frequency in your sacred space, you
can create and extend it out into the dense world of Creation. You can actually compel your atomic
particles to act through your heart center. This is the alchemical act of precipitation. The laws of
Alchemy are clear. "Become the accomplished desire. Feel it. Be it. Sustain it without doubt.” When
you create something at this level, you simply expect it to show up. Expecting what you create to
show up is energy brought into manifestation.
Ascension occurs in sacred space
Living in the third dimension can be a joyful experience when you have power, health, wealth,
comforts and freedom. That’s what the ruling families have manifested for themselves while the rest
of the world struggles with poverty, disease, drug dependency, divorce, debt and servitude. The
ultimate goal of the ruling families is not only one world government, it is complete mastery over the
3rd dimension of time and space. Since time and space are an illusion, the rulers apply the Laws of
Logic and Physics to deceive you into believing that time and space are real.
Time and space are nothing more than mathematical calculations. There is no such thing as a
cosmic time clock ticking away the hours of the universe. Calendars are the inventions of Popes,
Emperors and Kings. They have named the days of the week and the planets after their Gods
(ancestors) - SUNday and MOONday and SATURNday. The month of MARch was named after the
planet Mars which was named after the Roman God of war. What does “one year” really mean? One
year is a number. It is the number of days it takes for the Earth to circle the sun. It is no more
significant than 365 bowel movements. One hour is the number 60. One day is the number 24. There
really is no such thing as hours or minutes, months or years. Time is a concept invented by the ruling
families to enslave the masses in a hurried, regimented and scheduled routine of servitude.
Pay attention to your vocabulary. Listen to the linear time controls that are built into your everyday
language. It’s “breakfast time”, “lunch hour”, “break time”, “traffic hour”, “news hour”, “happy hour”,
“week end”, “dinner time”, “bed time”, “tax time”, birth day, golden years. You are animated by your
alarm clock, car clock, work clock, TV clock, cell phone clock, your wrist watch and your calendar.
You rise unquestioningly with the numbers on your clock and calendar. You sit in traffic, wait patiently
in line-ups, watch mind numbing TV trivia programs that are annoyingly interrupted by endless
commercials. You settle for a 14 day holiday out of the 365 days it takes for the Earth to circle around
the sun. You trade your labor for digits at the bank. You celebrate meaningless numbers as cues to
celebrate birthdays, New Years day, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day and countless other repetitive
cycles of commercialized nonsense. From cradle to grave, you obediently tick-tock through life like an
automaton, believing you are free. According to Goethe, “none are so hopelessly enslaved as those
who falsely believe they are free.”
Notice how successful the ruling families have been at manifesting a Utopian reality for
themselves – money, yachts, private jets, castles, resorts, racehorses, corporations, gold, gems,
servants and everything they desire. You are part of that manifestation. You and rest of the world are
at their feet as servants and debt slaves. How did they do it? With their knowledge of the Matrix and
Universal Laws. By acquiring that knowledge, you can step out of their manifested reality and
manifest your own reality. (Fig. 41)
There are nine steps that you need to take to manifest the reality you want. Reality Creation is not
wishful thinking. It is visualizing the reality you want to manifest, breathing life into your vision and
bringing it into existence. Just for now, suspend your disbelief about what is and what isn’t possible.
Fig. 41
If you don’t know what you want, get rid of the things you definitely don’t want – debilitating
relationships and situations. What you want will soon become clear. Once you know your goal,
believe in it, focus on it and expect it with 100% certainty. Uncertainty and doubt expresses itself back
to you through the Universal Law of Attraction. Step outside the boundaries of your “reality
programming”. Dispel all doubt, fear, worry, guilt and every thought that is holding you back from
accomplishing your desire.
Create a color photograph in your mind of what you passionately and consistently desire to
experience without judgment or limitations. Your desire may be to own your own public television
station and elevate human consciousness. The moment you can project a clear picture of your
deepest desire in your mind’s eye, eliminate time. Time does not exist at the source of your
projection. Once you have created a mental photograph and suspended your limiting beliefs about
"time", you have planted a cosmic seed. Your intension is to experience it in this 3rd dimension and in
this lifetime. How? By drawing it forward. You gently attract it into the here and the now. If you feel
doubt creeping in, start over.
Request what you want using visualizations and imagery. Make only one request at a time. Avoid
words like “want” or “need” because the Law of Attraction will attract more “wanting” and “needing”.
Use the phrase, “I choose to manifest……..” and fill in the blank with your deepest desire.
Watch the photograph of your deepest desire come to life in your mind’s eye. See where your
public television station is located. See the land, the roads, the trees, the building. See outside, inside
and all around it. This is as far as most visualization techniques and creative meditations will take
you. But don’t stop there. Go further - much further. Include in your deepest desire - live action,
special effects and activities. There are no rules in Source energy where reality is created. You are at
the beginning of actually creating your deepest desire. Imagine that you have superpowers. Zoom
around the property, do a complete 360 degrees as you fly, levitate and circle around your public
television station. Rise above it, float and fly over it, look down on it, take in the features including the
design of the building, the towering Earth Public Television sign, the parking lot, the rooftop balcony,
the patio and lounge chairs, the cityscape. Feel that it is actually in the here and now.
After you have flown around and circled the perimeter of the building for as long as you like, drop
down onto the semicircle driveway at the building entrance and experience your vision using all of
your senses. Walk up to the entrance. Reach out and touch the cool metal frame around the revolving
glass door and feel the coolness against your hand as you push through into the foyer. Look around
the foyer and take in the features. See the rock wall identifying your television station in large bold
letters - Earth Public Television.
A waterfall tumbles down over the wall and over the letters into a pond of colorful tropical fish.
Hear the water splashing, smell the sandalwood incense burning from two giant terracotta urns
standing on both sides of the waterfall. At first you'll only imagine the sound of the water and the smell
of the incense, then you'll actually hear the water and smell the sandalwood. Sense it. Don't imagine
sensing it. Walk through the foyer to the glass elevator, enter the elevator and look at the panel of
floors to choose from. Ascend to the twentieth floor. While you are ascending in the glass elevator,
look out at the cityscape and the sparkling seascape beyond the city. The elevator doors open at the
20th floor where the Television studio is located. Your partner (boyfriend, girlfriend, father, mother,
business partner, pet or whatever makes you happy and whoever you want to be there) welcomes
you. Say hello, give them a hug and notice how you feel. You feel good, complete, excited, peaceful
and content. Ask that person to join you on your exploration of the studio.
Continue exploring every room of your public television station. Visit the props room, the sound
studio, production studio, stage set, the kitchen and every nook and cranny. Touch, taste, see, hear,
smell it into existence. Step into the comfortable viewing theater and watch one of your “free energy”
productions on the big screen. Earth Public Television is elevating the vibration frequency of your
viewers and inspiring a Golden Age. It excites and resonates with every molecule of your body. You
feel good knowing that your shows are reaching around the globe and touching the hearts and minds
of everyone. Everyone is happy and everything is perfect, just as you desire.
Whenever possible, notice how you feel. Do whatever you want, go wherever you wish, see
whatever you like but keep in touch with how you feel. Make your desire as real as your everyday
reality. The only reason your desire is not yet manifested is because of your limiting beliefs about
what is possible and not possible. The key to success is to feel it, touch it, smell it, hear it, speak it
and taste it as much as you can. Move around. Live in it just as you would in this life. This is your
creation and you are breathing life into your deepest desire. In the absence of any doubt, Source
energy will automatically begin pulling your living image closer and closer into the physical plane.
Imagine manipulating energy with your hand and with a request. Imagine your creation springing
forth out of Source energy and into physical form. See the quantum waves forming matter in the
shape of a studio, cameras, a desk, a building, people. Imagine projecting and materializing things
right in front of your eyes. See the two worlds of “Source energy” and “Manifest energy” intersecting.
See the Source energy field arranging and rearranging in the form that you most desire and
responding to your request. There are no obstacles except the ones you believe are there. If you
engage with Source energy and repeatedly and consistently request a projection of what you want,
you will quicken its arrival.
Expressing deep gratitude for receiving what you want will re-program your subconscious mind
and raise your vibration. The subconscious is not subject to time constraints and acknowledges
gratitude for something even though it has not yet manifested in the time-space dimension.
Experience your excitement and happiness over the manifestation of your desire as though you
already have it.
Don’t force your desires to manifest or worry about how or when they will manifest. Your ego
thinks it needs to be in control and to make things happen. By letting go, you are letting go of
resistance. You are demonstrating faith in the Law of Attraction and allowing it to do its job. Once you
plant your cosmic seed, there will be a response delay. Waiting and wanting creates more waiting
and wanting. Hold onto “knowing” and “certainty” and “stay in the now.” Choose your focus wisely so
that you are happy, peaceful, confident and secure in this moment.
Once you establish your desire and express your intention, synchronicities or “coincidences” start
to unfold. Acknowledge and appreciate them instead of brushing them off as meaningless "luck". A
simple example of synchronicity is when you suddenly think about someone you haven't seen for a
long time and right after you have the thought, that person calls you or shows up.
By paying attention and exploring the deeper meaning of synchronicity, more will start to appear.
It means you are “in the zone”. You may intuitively get an urge to go somewhere, meet someone, talk
with a stranger or answer a specific ad which could lead to an idea, a solution or a business contact.
Follow the synchronicities and enjoy the journey!
Once you have mastered the nine steps of manifestation, you can consciously choose to manifest
anything you desire. "There are no accidents." Whatever you experience is what you and the
“collective consciousness” of humanity have attracted into the physical world. It is a manifestation of
everything you have been programmed to think, feel, believe, expect and attract. If you have the
expectation of a global economic collapse, nuclear war, an apocalypse, end times, chaos, revolution,
Armageddon and the rule of an Antichrist, that is what you are attracting. These low density belief
systems disconnect you from Source energy and generate fear. Fear is the densest of all mental and
emotional states and is, therefore, the most toxic. It attracts more fear and causes you to “freeze”
vibrationally. Fear and low density belief systems are marketed to the masses because they
disempower the masses and empower the agenda of the ruling families.
When you stop being afraid, you disarm your slave masters of their power over you. Peace is
made from the inside out. As the ‘inner you’ transforms and becomes peaceful, so the ‘outer you’
must follow because one is a reflection of the other
Think about a person standing alone on a busy street corner looking up at the sky. Most people
will pass by and go about their business. When one more person stops and looks up, it causes others
to stop and look up, too. The number increases until it eventually reaches a "critical mass" or tipping
point. When you look at how reality is created and manifested, you cause others to look, too. A critical
mass is eventually reached and people start choosing their own destiny instead of a destiny that is
chosen for them.
Fig. 42
The library in San Francisco’s Portola District was a short detour on my way to the airport. I
dropped Everything You Know Is Wrong down the book return chute, then made one last stop along
the way. The post office. I put Zachary’s manuscript inside an overnight package, jotted down his
lover’s London address and sent it on its way.
Outside the post office, I looked up at an American flag with its thirteen red and white Viking
stripes flapping in the breeze atop a flag pole. I saw it with new eyes. As I pulled away from the curb,
I adjusted my rear view mirror and caught a glimpse of Zachary’s briefcase leaning against the
parking meter.
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The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life
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Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s
wedding had nothing to do with love.
Diana was chosen for her Merovingian bloodline secretly known as the bloodline of Christ.
Throughout the ages, the Knights Templar
protected the Holy bloodline until it reached
its final recipient - Prince William. Even
before his birth, Diana knew her first born
son was destined to be King, Messiah and
leader of the New World Order.
William 2015 reveals ten sacred truths that
shape human destiny. Seekers of the truth
are empowered to choose their own destiny
instead of living a destiny that has been
chosen for them.
Amenstop Productions
Connecting the dots...
A MAFIA brotherhood of international bankers
have turned the world’s nations and citizens into
their debt slaves. Their goal is one world empire
and one world ruler. Who is he?
4 DVD Set