Stay Tuned... - Galcom International


Stay Tuned... - Galcom International
Stay Tuned...
Quarterly Newsletter - June 2015 - Volume 7 Issue 3
“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is
unjust also in much.” Luke 16:10 KJV
ImpaX in Haiti
With thousands of radios
distributed throughout Haiti its
no wonder our partners would anyone listening?
The following is an article written
by Storly & Kate Michel, OMS
missionaries serving in Haiti.
“Sometimes we wonder who is
listening to Radio 4VEH, and
what kind of impact the radio
programs are having. After all,
our goal is that people’s lives will
be transformed as they listen
and respond to what they hear.
In January, Storly met a listener
in Phaeton, an old factory town
of a few thousand people living
with no electricity, on the coast
of north east Haiti.
Storly said: I was walking
around the village, checking on
our evangelism and solar radio
distribution teams. As I passed
a one-roomed home, I noticed
an old man sitting alone inside.
He was listening to 4VEH on a
solar radio. One of our teams
must have given him this radio
already. We started talking. I
said “I see you have a radio.
It’s great that you’re listening to
He told me his name is Ethius.
He said, “I’m so very grateful for
this new radio because my eyes
are bad, I can’t read anymore.
But I can listen to the Bible
now.” He showed me his wellworn Bible. He’s a believer in
Jesus, and used to be a deacon
at church. But now his eyesight
is fading and he can’t read
anymore. Limited in what he can
do, he knows the radio will be a
constant companion.
Ethius’ response? He started
He said “Thank you God, I’m
While we were talking, one of
the guys from the local church
came in and asked him, “Do you
know who you’re talking to?”
He said “No, …we were just
so happy. I never knew I would
meet Storly Michel in my life.
And now here he is, I’m talking
with him. Thank you God! God
sent you to me today!”
The guy from the church told
(Used with permission; edited for print.)
homelessness and poverty are
prevalent. “Papa” Willie was
given a radio during an outreach
in a local park in in 2010. He can
now hear the message of hope in
Christ everyday through his solar
radio. This has spawned a whole
‘homeless initiative’ by Sound of
Life Broadcasting in Albany, NY.
Missions at its simplest means
sharing the Gospel message of
the love of Jesus.
Sometimes it’s across the world,
sometimes it’s across the street.
We have several partners who
distribute radios in local jails.
Providing inmates with an
opportunity to grow closer to
Jesus by listening to Christian
radio programs, right in their
cells multiplying the impact of
the prison chaplain.
There are also partners who
serve in communities where
him, “That’s Storly.” And Ethius
said: “Storly Michel??!?”
[Storly’s voice is well-known in
Haiti, as he’s the voice of Bib la,
the daily Bible reading in Haitian
Creole; of Atravè Labib, the Thru
The Bible study from Genesis to
Revelation radio programme; the
director of Radio 4VEH.]
Papa Willie was given a radio
broadcasting the Good News of Jesus!
Please pray for “Papa” Willie
and others who have been
marginalized, that they will
accept Jesus as Saviour. Pray
for the ministries following up
that they can meet the material
needs of those who now have
access to the Gospel.
MegaVoice in Haiti
Mark your
We praise the Lord for how
He moves YOU to give to the
ministry! Below is just one story
of the impact you are having!
‘This man lives in a mud hut in
the north of Haiti near a village
called Cerca Cavajal. He has
spent the last 10 years of his
life without sight. Day in and
day out he sits waiting for the
street children to bring him
scraps of food.
Mondays with George
We are in the process of recording
and posting short (approx 1-2 min)
weekly videos, taking you into our
production department! You will
meet volunteer George and others!
Alone and long forgotten by
family and freinds he waits for
his eventual death. When the
Mega voice was given to him he
started to tremble, he had heard
of this device the village calls the
Bible radio.
The device was explained to him
and as he brought it to his lips
and kissed it and said “now a
dead man lives and a blind man
can see Thank you Jesus for
answering my prayers.”
What you have given this
man is more than I can truly
I live for moments like this
and you made it all possible
thank you for your determination
to get us the Mega voice in time.
God bless!’ Gerald Brinston
(Edited for publication)
A Radio EVERY Month!
We have continual requests for radios (GoTell) and radios with an audio Bible/player
For $20 a month you can send 1 Go-Tell
Radio to the mission field...that’s 12 in a year!
Often a whole family, or tribe in a remote area
will gather to listen to 1 RADIO! That means
at times 20+ people could be hearing the
WORD of God!
Imagine if 1,000 friends gave just 1 radio a
month for a year...that’s 12,000 radios!
We need your help! Tell your family, friends,
Pastors how Galcom is impacting the world
with the Gospel!
Radio of the Month Club
New Members!
Golf Tournament
This year our tournament will
be held on Monday August
17th at Copetown woods. If you
are a business owner or have
connections, we welcome donations
for our prize table!
Annual Galcom Banquet
This year we will be celebrating on
Friday October 9th at the Ancaster
location of Marquis Gardens.
We will be participating in the
Road2Hope Marathon this year
raising funds to send ImpaX to
You can participate in a 1k, 5k or
10k walk or run, half Marathon
or full Marathon. Each year they
include a family run. This year it
will be on October 31st and will be
a family fun costume event! You
can also support by sponsoring
a member of the Galcom
‘Christmas Around the World’
Craft Bazaar & Bake Sale
Held at Faith Gospel Church,
Hamilton, ON. Saturday November
7th. Registration for Vendors
know someone who would be
interested? Let them know!
If you would like to be kept up to
date with ANY of these events
please email
Galcom International’s Newsletter is published quarterly.
115 Nebo Road, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8W 2E1 Telephone: 905-574-4626 or Toll Free: 1-877-242-5266 Website:
E-mail: *In USA...Telephone: 813-933-8111 E-mail:
“Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the organization. Each restricted contribution designated toward such an approved program or project
will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the
organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most. Gifts are acknowledged and receipted with an official receipt for income tax purposes.”

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