Feb 2012 - GalcomUSA
Feb 2012 - GalcomUSA
Galcom International, USA, Inc. PO Box 270956, Tampa, FL 33688-0956 Ph. #813-933-8111 Galcomusa@galcom.org www.galcom.org Breaking News: Galcom co-founder Ken Crowell passed away Jan. 25 in Israel after a long, difficult battle with myelofibrosis. His reward in heaven is great. Next month we plan to feature more on Ken’s life and legacy. Dear Friends of Galcom: February 2012 Real Hope For Haiti’s Future We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.…. (Hebrews 6:19a NIV) Who can forget the awful images from Haiti just over two years ago as hundreds of thousands died in the earthquake of January 12, 2010? An already weak, hurting nation was plunged even deeper into trauma and suffering (see February, March and June 2010 previous newsletters). The global community reacted by swiftly donating critical supplies, manpower, expertise, prayer and billions in aid money. Now, with $2.38 billion in public funds expended, the situation for many poor Haitians has hardly improved. In Port-au-Prince, at least 550,000 people still live in tents and most collapsed structures have not yet been cleared. Rubble blocks many streets, slowing the distribution of food, water and medicine. The corrupt political system has paralyzed the government. Public workers reportedly sleep at their desks, awaiting orders that never come. Thankfully, private faith-based charities continue to shine as examples of compassion and efficiency- perhaps the only thing preventing a downward spiral into utter chaos. Spiritually, the nation continues to drift in great need of Christ. Voodoo, once discredited as unable to prevent the earthquake, seems to be making a comeback and the hoped-for deep repentance did not materialize. Some villages reported infants and even 10 year-olds being kidnapped and sacrificed in dark end-of-year occult rituals. There is hope for Haiti, however, in renouncing Satan and wholehearted obedience to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Consider this condensed report from Grison Garde by Dr. Ron Harris: Grison Garde (a village of several thousand) is about 40 minutes outside Cap Haitien. We traveled to this area in early December, with a team consisting of Kate Michel and Bryan McDonald of One Mission Society (OMS), Hollie Taylor of Shine FM in Edmonton, Alberta, Tim Whitehead of Galcom Canada, and myself, representing National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). Our mission was to give out solar powered radios in various areas to support the work of Radio 4VEH. Many church members recounted the depth of darkness that existed in that place. One woman said she had birthed 12 children. The first seven died. She told us, “They weren’t sick, they just died.” Soon, through the witness of Christians, she committed her life to Christ. “After having Jesus in my heart, I have had five children, and they are all healthy.” What made the difference in this rural community? A solar-powered radio fixed on Radio 4VEH. A handful of people gathered to listen on the little radio to the stories of God’s love. Of Jesus’ sacrifice for their sins. Of One who is the Light of the world, whose Light drives out Satan’s darkness. And they believed. In 2004 Pastor Job found this small group meeting and listening to Radio 4VEH. Soon a church was started. Soon the power of God was overtaking the darkness of sin and Satan. And a culture began to change… There are still problems. There is still a spiritual battle going on. But soul-by-soul, home-byhome, the Spirit of Christ is replacing the spirit of darkness that has gripped this area in Haiti for hundreds of years. Operation World prayer guide says that Christian radio is the most effective tool for evangelizing the people of Haiti. We have seen it first hand, and we know that is true. God is using Christian broadcasting to impact lives, turning Satan’s darkness into the glorious light of Jesus. Imagine this scene being repeated in every unevangelized and underevangelized village in Haiti. Galcom is committed, along with OMS and others, to make this dream possible. We have jointly agreed to place 160,000 new audio Bible-capable Galcom ImpaX solar-powered radios in Haiti over the next 5 years. Your continued prayerful participation is important in order to see this ambitious goal become a reality in Haiti. For the unreached, Tom Blackstone Executive Director Galcom February 2012 Newsletter- Haiti On January 12, 2010, a devastating earthquake struck near Port au Prince, killing almost 300,000 Despite over 2.35 billion dollars being spent on aid, more than 550,000 people are still living in tents Most collapsed dwellings are not yet cleared and millions of tons of rubble continues to line streets This radio team, led by Galcom’s Tim Whitehead & NRB’s Dr. Ron Harris, visited Haiti last November According to Operation World, radio is now THE most effective way to reach Haiti for Jesus Christ Even one Go-Ye radio tuned to 4VEH can have a deep & lasting impact in villages like Grison Garde
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