February - North Fayette UMC
February - North Fayette UMC
Non-Profit Org. North Fayette United Methodist Church 847 New Hope Road Fayetteville GA 30214 U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 19 770.461-2409 www.nfumc.com I am the vine; you are the branches. John 15:5 Fayetteville, GA 30214 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED making connections. (NOTE: Toothpaste is purchased in bulk to be added to health kits to ensure that the product does not expire before they are sent.) Haiti Emergency Supporting emergency relief and development efforts Advance # : 418325 United Methodists have had a long-standing relationship with Haiti through the Methodist Church of Haiti. The strong ties between the Methodist Church of Haiti and The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) helped in facilitating the opening of the UMCOR Haiti field office in 2005. 100 percent of Advance gifts made will go to support relief and development efforts due to emergencies in Haiti. UMCOR’s two relief supply warehouses are asking United Methodists to provide health kits that can be LENTEN BIBLE STUDY WITH THE PASTOR Tuesdays at 7 PM Feb 16, 23 March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Will meet in members homes To Register: Contact church office by Feb. 9 Limited to the first 12 who register (Turn to Page 5 of this Grapevine for more information) Our Church Staff at North Fayette United Methodist North Fayette UMC Contact Information: Email: info@nfumc.com Phone: 770 461-2409 Address: 847 New Hope Road, Fayetteville, GA 30214 Web Site: www.nfumc.com Please inform us if your address changes. If you are receiving this publication in error or do not want to receive the Grapevine by mail, please contact us and we will remove you from our mailing list. Doug Burrell Bill Koetje Mike Daniell Becky Douville Walt Keiser Elizabeth Grindrod Lynne Keiser LuAnn Latzanich Danielle Raslan Anthony Blood Pastor Assistant Pastor Music Director Director of Hand Bells Lay Leader Administrative Assistant Treasurer Organist Nursery Building Manager sent to earthquake-devastated Haiti. “For people who are feeling powerless in being able to help those in Haiti, providing health kits is a tangible way they can make an immediate difference,” said Kathy Kraiza, director of UMCOR’s relief supplies. She estimates that hundreds of thousands of kits will be needed in the days and months ahead. The kits, valued at about $12 per kit, contain everything from towels and washcloths to sterile bandages and bar soap. They will be distributed to those who have been forced to leave their homes as a result of the recent disaster. For individuals or groups that want to contribute basic necessities, UMCOR requests that the following NEW items be placed in a sealed one-gallon plastic bag. * 1 hand towel (15” x 25” up to 17” x 27”). No kitchen towels. * 1 washcloth * 1 comb (large and sturdy, not pocket-sized) * 1 nail file or fingernail clippers (no emery boards or toenail clippers) * 1 bath-size bar of soap (3 oz. and up) * 1 toothbrush (single brushes only in original wrapper, no child-size brushes) * 6 adhesive plastic strip sterile bandages * $1.00 to purchase toothpaste Because the emergency kits are carefully planned to make them usable in the greatest number of situations and strict rules govern product entry into international countries, UMCOR requires that the kits contain only the requested items – nothing more. HEALTH KIT READY TO SHIP Below is a “Health Kit” recently prepared and brought to the church. We will receive these items at the church and join with other United Methodist in our District and the North Georgia Conference to get them to the Louisiana warehouse & processing center. February 2010 2 FROM THE PASTOR The Value of a Single Soul 200,0000 dead is beyond my comprehension when it comes to tragedies like that which has happened in Haiti. I’ve been to events with nearly 100,000 people and know that such a crowd is an overwhelming mass of enormous energy, movement and life. When such a sea of humanity is gathered it represents a gargantuan wealth of knowledge, experiences, relationships and more. In contrast, I’ve stood at the gravesides of individual church members, family members and friends, contemplating the enormous loss which each of those individuals represented to us who were left behind. Every single person who lives and dies represents a long history of sacrifices made, of gifts given, of time taken,of energy spent, and love invested. Only when I think of life and death in that way am I able to remain human. Those large numbers move me toward the inhuman world of statistics. Like you perhaps, I often weary of the reports of disasters taking place around the world and sometimes question the need for new reporters rushing in to get pictures or an exclusive story. Yet, the work of the journalist is to make sure that tragedies like the earthquake in Haiti are not simply written off as another set of statistics. I needed to see those orphans. I needed to see those bodies piled up. I needed to see the mothers wailing and the fathers furiously digging through the rubble. We all needed to hear loved ones begging for any information about those who have not been found and the injuries that cannot be treated when there is no one there to treat them and no medicine to apply to their wounds. One profound scene which played out before us on CNN was that of a beautiful 13 year old girl trapped for three or four days before she was discovered. She wore black rimmed glasses which kept falling off as workers sought to free her leg which was crushed beneath the concrete. She was frightened and her large eyes seemed to plead for help and relief. Finally, after hours of heroic work by her rescuers, she was pulled free. She was taken to find medical care she so desperately needed. I don’t remember being told her name. Maybe the reporters did not know. But I can never forget her face. The next day it was reported that she had died. Similar stories could be told about thousands of others who have crawled out of the rubble or have been pulled free. Many others died instantly. And every one of them is a precious soul, just like that beautiful young girl. Each one who has died is precious and valuable to God. Each one is loved by Jesus. It is impossible for us to feel the burden of each death and each loss. But it’s important that we be willing to enter in to the suffering with the people of Haiti enough to pray for them and to give something, if we expect to remain human. That is especially important if we are to be true followers of Him who entered into suffering for the sake of us all. In Christ, To Benefit HIV/AIDS Prevention! A Talent Show for Girls ages 5-17 (Created by the Juliettes of Girl Scout Troop 152 of Fayetteville, GA) Saturday March 6, 2010 3-5 pm North Fayette United Methodist Church 847 New Hope Road Fayetteville, GA 30214 Show Tickets are $5 for adults, $3 for children under 12 Prizes & Trophies will be awarded $50 Grand Prize $25 Second Prize and $ 10 Third Prize! SUN Girls: MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT ŸDo You Want to show off your talent? ŸHave you always wanted to do something for a worthy cause, but couldn’t find anything? Well, here’s your chance! Sign up to show off your talent today! Send a DVD or MP3 file of you performing your talent and a completed application by February 12, 2010 to: Girl Scout Troop 152 150 Chestlehurst Drive Fayetteville, Georgia 30215 (For Information Call (770) 460-8052) The Best 15 Performers will be selected & notified by Feb 19, 2010. *Remember: NO DANGEROUS AND/OR FLAMMABLE TALENTS! Only contestants ages 5-17 are eligible! Girls Scouts Encouraged to Try-out!! -------------------------------- Sunday Schedule 7 3 8 4 7 PM Pioneer Club 7 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous 9 10 14 5 6 12 13 7 PM -NFUMC Brass 11 UM Men’s Wing Sale 10:30 AM - Joy Circle March Grapevine Articles/Info Due Girls Talent Show Applications Due 7 PM Trustees 7:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous 6:30 PM Faith, Hope, & Charity Circle 7 PM Fayette Samaritans Bd. Mtg 7 PM Pioneer Club 7 PM Chancel Choir 7 PM -NFUMC Brass 7:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous 6:00 PM Prime Timers Event 15 16 17 19 18 20 Homeless Offering 9:45 & 12:00 United Methodist Women’s New Members Tea Mon-Fri: February 15-19 8 am-1 pm “Girl Scouts Mid-Winter Day Camp ” 6:30 PM 7 pm Pastor’s 7 PM Service of Ashes Finance Cmtt. Lenten Bible Study 7:30 PM Narcotics 7:30 PM - Narcotics Anonymous 7 PM - NFUMC Brass Location TBA Anonymous 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 The role of faith 7:30 PM - Narcotics Anonymous (If Applicable) Special dates • African-American History Month • Scout Sunday, February 7, 2010 • Transfiguration of the Lord, February 14, 2010 Ÿ Homeless Offering, February 14, 2010 • Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2010 • Presidents’ Day, February 15, 2010 • Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2010 • First Sunday in Lent, February 21, 2010 2 7:30 PM - Narcotics Anonymous A Talent Show for Girls, ages 5-17 Talent Application Name _____________________________________ Age ____________________________________ School ____________________________________ Grade _____________________________________ Describe Talent ______________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Contact Phone Number ________________________ Contact e-mail ______________________________ Girl Scout Troop Number ______________________ 1 8:45 AM Worship 9:45 AM S. School 6:30 PM United 11 AM Worship Methodist Men’s 5 PM Youth Meeting 5 PM Agape Ringers 4 PM Grace Circle 7 pm Pastor’s Lenten Bible Study Location TBA 7 PM Pioneer Cllub 7 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous 7 PM -NFUMC Brass “Fear imprisons, faith liberates; fear paralyzes, faith empowers; fear disheartens, faith encourages; fear sickens, faith heals; fear makes useless, faith makes serviceable — and, most of all, fear puts hopelessness at the heart of life, while faith rejoices in its God.” - Harry Emerson Fosdick 28 847 New Hope Road Fayetteville, Georgia 30214 7 PM Church Council (770) 4612409 info@nfumc.com www.nfumc.com February 2010 6 In Service this month: 1 2 3 4 Elizabeth Parrott Daryl Mackey Bob Carroll Pam Nation Elliot Hansen Jim Marks 6 Jason Stevens Rudy Herren 9 Revella Adams Alice Whitmire 10 Adriana Vazquez 11 George McKelvy Kelly Evans Rachel Stewart 12 Michael Foster Sr. 13 Barbara Nelms 14 Gerald McDonald 1st Sun. G. McKelvy, E. Grindrod (8:45) Volunteer Needed, S. Stone (11) 2nd Sun. Henry & Alice Whitmire (8:45) Yul Fogler, Julie Ulmer (11:00) 3rd Sun. Pam & John Davis (8:45) Debbi Carroll, Kathy Kirby (11) 4th Sun Bud & Serenah Tyson (8:45) Carol McGahee, Jim Trimble (11) Ushers 1st Sun. Volunteers Needed (8:45) R. Coleman, Henry Griffin (11) Rudy Herren, K. Holewinski (11) 2nd Sun. Jess & Peggy Mitchell (8:45) Sammy Andrews, Ray. Conn (11) Lewis Gregg, D. Latzanich (11) 3rd Sun. Frank & Susan Sorci (8:45) Larry Boak, M. Shackelford (11) John Sugg, Rick Warr (11:00) 4th Sun. Bill & Lavon Eldred (8:45) Eddie & Annette Poindexter (11) Ian Rish, Lonnie Roberts (11) February Anniversaries 11 13 14 19 Liturgists 1st Sun. Randy Longino (8:45) Bill Bryan / Jim Schultz (11) 2nd Sun. T. McDonald / Jim Lancaster (8:45) Pam Ashman / M. Shackelford (11) 3rd Sun. Serenah Tyson / G. McKelvy (8:45) Steve Justice /Karen Andross (11) 4th Sun. Frank Sorci / Jess Mitchell (8:45) Nancy Daniell / L. Jones (11) Steve and Betty Fuller Richard and Laura Moore Bill and Pat Hawthorne J. B. and Elizabeth Chandler 20 Glenn & Shirley Blackston, Sr 26 Richard and Patsy Coleman 26 Peggy and Buddy Baker Children! SPECIAL PROGRAM OF MUSIC ON PALM SUNDAY On March 28 (Palm Sunday ) the Chancel Choir, LuAnn Latzanich and instruments will present a program “From Palms to Passion.” The music for that day will begin with the palm procession of Christ’s Triumphal Entry and end with poignant adoration of Christ on the cross. Come and worship with us as we prepare our hearts for Holy Week. JOIN A MUSIC GROUP IN FEBRUARY Perhaps the month of February would be a good time to join the Chancel Choir or the NFUMC Community Brass The Chancel Choir The Chancel Choir meets on Wednesday night at 7:00. The rehearsal usually goes no later than 8:30. Our Chancel Choir is made of great people with great hearts and they would love to welcome you to the group. Music reading is not a requirement. The Chancel Choir is in the exciting time when we prepare music for Lent and Easter. Please make your plans join us. The NFUMC Community Brass Acolytes Children’s Church Leaders 2/07 Grace Holewinski & Adrianna Vazquez 2/14 Jordan Framm & Sara Ehlers 2/21 Grace Holewinski & Adrianna Vazquez 2/28 Jordan Framm & Sara Ehlers 2/07 2/14 2/21 2/28 Toddler Nursery Helpers Donut Sunday: 2/07 Amanda Stone 2/14 Theresa McDonald 2/21 Ken Holewinski 2/28 Rachael Stewart 2/14 Sally Rice 2/07 Carol & Luther McGahee 2/14 Eddie & Annette Poindexter 2/21 Karen & Reggie Smith 2/28 Mike & Debbie Wright Charles Benton 15 Bob Gallacher 16 Sandra Herren 17 Travis Green Clint Davenport Robert Keener 19 Joe Marks Pat Hawthorne 20 Yul Fogler 23 Alexandria Alvarez Doug Anderson 24 Todd Nation 25 Susan Read 26 Jessica Davenport 27 Caroline Teubl 28 Margaret Hall The NFUMC Community Brass meets at 7:00pm on Thursday evenings. The group consists of adults and youth, church members/attendees, members of other churches, and students from various high schools and middle schools. It would be a great group for you if you play a brass, or percussion instrument, and would like the opportunity to make new friends. Come and join us !!! Lynne Keiser Rick Warr Laura Rish Susan Sorci Teller Teams 2/07 Lin Johns 2/14 Alvarez, Rice 2/21 Coleman 2/28 Schultz, Wiley The Agape Ringers Welcome New Members Youth Snack Supper 2/07 2/14 2/21 2/28 Alvarez Winter break Latzanich Marks Tracking Our Stewardship in 2010 2010 Annual Operating Budget Budget Needs to Date (Jan. 1 – Jan 19) Budget Gifts to Date (Jan.1 – Jan 19) Net Variance - (Current Budget Deficit) $401,235 $ 23,148 $ 16,177 ( -$6,971) The Agape Ringers will provide music for our 8:45 and 11:00 worship services on February 21. This group is looking to expand in the near future.. The Agape Ringers meet on Sunday afternoons at 5:00 pm. If you have music reading skills and are interested in the art of hand bell ringing contact Becky Douville. Christian Symbols: The Yoke Financial Report We welcome our newest members: Rachael Stewart(L) and Donna Caterson (R), shown here with Donna’s granddaughter, Miyah. 3 Ministry With Children & Youth February Birthdays Greeters Crib Nursery Helpers February 2010 The yoke is a burden of hardship and toil, as well as of subservience. But Jesus said the “yoke” of serving him is “easy” and that he provides rest for the weary (Matthew 11:28-30). The yoke also symbolizes human allegiance, as in marriage (2 Corinthians 6:14, NIV). Pioneer Club: Wednesday Evenings, 7:00 - 8:30 PM Sunday School for Kids: Sunday Mornings at 9:45 AM Children’s Worship: During 11:00 AM Sunday Worship Girl’s Talent Show, Sat, March 6 (see page 2 off the Grapevine) Youth Stuff ! The North Fayette Youth recently had a “Lock-In” at the church during the MLK holiday weekend. Our activities included a movie outing, bowling, trips to the Waffle House and IHOP, a morning Bible Study/Discussion and lots of time spent cleaning and re-organizing the Youth Room and Youth Office. Special thanks to the Rick and Ardy Warr and to Aramis and Alicia Alvarez for chaperoning and leading in our activities. We welcome all youth from 6th - 12th grade to get involved in any of our youth activities and outings. We meet each Sunday afternoon from 5-7 PM at the church in building B. For more information contact Rick Warr or the church office. Bed Babies & Toddlers Caring for the children is one of the most important things we do in the church. Thank you to all of you who are serving in the Bed Babies Nursery and the Toddlers Nursery each week. We appreciate each of you! FOOD FOR THOUGHT “Faith doesn’t get us out of trouble; faith gets us through it.” —Anonymous “One of the sanest, surest & most generous joys of life comes from being happy over the good fortune of others.” —Archibald Rutledge February 2010 4 Koetje’s Korner The Riddle of Life Mark’s Gospel gives us a riddle of the cross as well as a riddle of life. Jesus said, “For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel will save it.” Jesus has just given the disciples a pop quiz, “Who do men say that I am?” Peter passed it with flying colors, “You are the Messiah.” But immediately Jesus began to teach that this Messiah would suffer and die. A suffering Messiah didn’t compute in the disciples’ minds. The coming of the Messiah was supposed to bring the end of suffering. It was supposed to mean victory over Rome; everything would be OK. So Peter responded, rebuking Jesus, telling him the Messiah is not supposed to suffer! Jesus responded, “Get behind me Satan! For you are setting your mind not on God’s side, but the side of men.” One moment Peter is the messenger of God; the next, he is Satan's model. Jesus was saying what the Apostle Paul would say later on (the cross may be scandal to the Jews and folly to the Greeks, but it is still the wisdom of God). Jesus then moves the question closer to home. The cross is not only the Messiah’s way, but also the way of those who would follow him, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves, take up their cross and follow me.” But we do not need to shrink back in fear. The Son of man will also rise from the dead, and those who take up the cross will find themselves alive as never before. In one of Jesus’ unforgettable aphorisms, we are given the riddle of the Christian life; “You who would save your life will lose it, and you who lose it (for the gospel's sake) will save it.” It is a truth all disciples will discover as they follow Jesus, but it is also a truth for the whole world. Some scientists are now hypothesizing an “altruistic gene” in the human person, which has throughout our history as a species, equipped us to care and to survive. Our Biblical faith supports this theory. God created us in his image, to love and be loved. So, we live better as we give ourselves to others. Harvard psychologist, David McClelland, has collected data that suggest that the feeling of love brings us health. Regularly spending an hour with someone we love, reminiscing about people we have loved and who have loved us, elevates our immune system and helps us fight things such as the common cold. Also, people viewing a film about Mother Teresa experience a rise in immunological capacity to fight upper-respiratory infections. A Harvard graduate student, James McKay, has found that people who have fantasies of selfless love report fewer infections and their T-cells show greater resistance to viruses. Jesus was hardly recommending discipleship as a cure for the common cold, but he knew the secret of life - finding comes in losing, losing helps you find. We were created to love, and when we give of ourselves to others, we discover real life. The trouble is, nobody believes this. We fight to serve and protect self. We seem incurably tuned in to ourselves. We continually put “self” first. But Jesus offers us a new way of salvation that frees us from bondage to ourselves, so that we might live for others. The world’s slogan is ‘self-realization through self-acceptance.’ Christ’s way is ‘self-acceptance through self-giving’. February 2010 5 The United Methodist Women Will Host a “Relay for Life” Benefit God at Work in the People of North Fayette Spaghetti Luncheon On Sunday, March 21st at Noon The United Methodist Women are once again sponsoring a team for "Relay for Life" to be held April 30, 7:00 pm at the Kiwanis Fair Complex in Fayetteville. We are walking and fundraising in honor of all our members who have battled cancer. We need your help in raising funds to meet the team goal of $3,000. We will be holding various fund raisers through April. Donations can be made with cash or a check made payable to the American Cancer Society. Our first fund raiser is our annual spaghetti luncheon on Sunday, March 21 at 12:00. Lunch includes spaghetti, salad, bread, dessert, and a drink. Cost is $7.00 for adults. Children under 12 eat free! Reservation forms will appear in the bulletin in late February. Reservations must be made by March 14. We must have your reservation in advance to make sure we prepare enough food. Mark your calendar and plan to attend. Open Door Christmas Party 2009 Walt Keiser, Lay Leader cleans up the church bus in preparation for its sale. The Trustees, Finance Committee & Church Council recently decided to sell it. A letter of “Thank You” received from Murphy Harpst (Home for Abused & Neglected Children) 740 Fletcher Street Cedartown, GA 30125-3249 December 31, 2009 Dear Friends in Christ, Thank you so much for your Christmas gifts for 30 residents. We deeply appreciate your support of these children and your desire to provide them with a Christmas they will remember. I’ve said this before but it bears repeating at this time each year: the children we serve have been so badly treated and so deprived that it is hard for them to get even the faintest idea of the true meaning of Christmas. Their feelings of unworthiness make the belief in a God who loves them almost impossible. Human beings have not loved them, so how could they be lovable in any way to any one? But little by little, as they experience the consistent love and nurturing they receive here and as they see how you and others like you reach out to them - unconditionally - they begin to see the possibility. The seeds for faith are planted and nurtured in conditions such as these. So as you can see, your gifts begin working in the lives of our children immediately to restore their faith in adults and in God. But your gifts also work together to build a foundation upon which they - the children and teens - can begin to build a life around the essential knowledge that they are loved. Your gift is not just a Christmas gift, it is an investment in the quality of a life. Again, thank you so much!! Part of the January Donations to the Fayette Samaritans Food Pantry. Thank You All! Greeters Eddie and Annette Poindexter greet and welcome worshipers to the 11 o’clock worship service. The 25th Anniversary Tribute Tree remains as a testament to God’s Grace. Remembrance Gifts continue to be received to fill the tree & pay off our mortgage. LENTEN BIBLE STUDY FOR 2010 Tuesdays Feb 16 - Mar 30 at 7 pm Group led by our Pastor and will meet in homes of participants who want to host the group 12 Person Maximum - Contact church office to register by Feb 9 - Cost of book is $11 The book, described below will be our study guide: Neglected Voices (Biblical Spirituality in the Margins) By John Indermark The Bible features many voices of faith, including those whose lives are well chronicled and those who are mere footnotes in biblical history. In Neglected Voices, Indermark explores the lives of lesser known biblical figures who have much to teach us today about the importance of faithfulness in all places and times. By seeing how God's grace is present in the lives of biblical "unknowns," we become open to the possibilities in our own lives and the lives of those around us. Indermark addresses readers who live "life in the margins," including those whose voices are seldom heard in churches or communities TABLE OF CONTENTS Week Four: Courage (Mar 9-15) Shiphrah and Puah, Nathan, The Man Born Blind Week One: Beginnings (Feb 16-22) Rahab, Simeon, Barnabas Wishing you happiness and many blessings for the coming year, Week Two: Renunciation (Feb 23 - Mar 1) Dinah, Haman, Simon Magus Joanne Simmons President and CEO Week Three: Trust (Mar 2-8) Hannah, The Centurion, Stephen Week Five: Servanthood (Mar 16-22) Baruch, The Woman Who Anoints, Phoebe Week Six: Promises (Mar 23-29) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Dismas, Unnamed Faithful