WHAT`S HAPPENING AT COVENANT! - Covenant United Methodist
WHAT`S HAPPENING AT COVENANT! - Covenant United Methodist
WHAT’S HAPPENING AT COVENANT! Sun., November 24 Mon., November 25 Tues. November 26 Wed., November 27 United Methodist Student Day/Christ the King 9:45 am Sunday School 9:45 am Choir Practice—Choir Room 10-10:45 am Kindermusik 4:30 pm Tops—FH 6:30 pm Handbell Practice—Choir Room 6-6:45 pm Kindermusik 6:30 pm Scout—FH 7:00 pm Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral Thurs., November 28 Office closed for Thanksgiving Holiday Fri., November 29 Office Closed Sat., November 30 No events scheduled Sun., December 1 Advent Begins 9:45 am Sunday School 9:45 am Choir Practice—Choir Room Sunday Traditional Service: 8:30 am Transistor Hearing Assist for worship--ask usher Fellowship Hour: After the service for refreshments in Fellowship Hall Rides: Free transportation to and from all Covenant Events. We wish no one to be left out… Covenant will give you a lift. So please call one day in advance to arrange a ride with Quality Cab 929-8888. Charge the ride to Covenant. FOR THE CHILDREN! We offer Sunday School September-May. Godsongs during the service. Thank you to the United Methodist Women for hosting Fellowship Hour today. Our Mission is making disciples of Jesus Christ for We ask for prayers for health, wisdom, encouragement and strength to beraised to God for the following in God’s name we pray….as well as for all our unspoken prayer concerns… Mason, Lydia, Cindy and Rob Paasch Maura Daniels (Daughter—Bob O’Hagan) Kris & Scott (children of Sandy Thern) Feonia Lynch (Donna Depies) Grandson (Dick Welch) Aaron Sampson (Grandson of Nancy Miller) Elisabeth (Granddaughter—Darci Moore) Patricia Berry (Sister—Gary Miller) Linda (Cousin—Nancy Miller) Leroy (Brother—Nancy Miller) Kathy Rabe (daughter—Donna Requesting a Pastoral Visit Handley) If you are seeking a pastoral visit, Dave Krueger Kris Shoemaker Shirley Seresse Dean Oulton Ethel Gustavus Earl Averbeck Delores (Family) or if you know someone in need of a pastoral visit, please contact the church office. Perhaps you are shutin or know someone who is hospitalized. A call is all it takes to make Michael aware of your needs. November 24, 2013 Sue Grahl Phyllis Weider Kevin Stillings Vida Kiersten Evelyn Smith Carol Martin Barb Abitz Jeff Gustavus Miriam Wicke Altine Lawrence Yolanda Mason Taisha Schmitz Gus Gustavus Red LaPlante Bev Beekman Sandy Petermann Donna Handley Miriam Olmsted Margaret Erickson PRAYERS FOR OUR TROOPS Doug Wolf Nicholas King Isaac Jewson Alex Schaefer Jeremy Kim Scott Beusch Christian Education : Grades Pre K-5 and Youth Education: Grades 6-12 Nursery is available during 8:30 am worship and education times for children 0-4 years old. It is located on the lower level of the education building. Nursery Staff: AnnaRose Austin and Karen Jewson IMMANUEL TRINITY CHURCH (20 Wisconsin American Dr.) is having an open house with tours of their new facility and a reception December 1 from at 1:30 pm until 4:00 pm. Ushers: Head Usher: Bill Kelley; Chuck & Sandy Kilmer and Linda Mielke Attendence: 122 2113 Budget—$303,124.00 Undesignated: $4,263.50 Designated: $6,615.50 Mission Pastor’s Goodwill: $220.78 Remember to return your food bag filled with nonperishable food items by November 24th or before. Groceries will be given to the Fond du Lac Food Pantry to help fill Thanksgiving baskets for the needy in our area. Welcome to our services! Please take a moment to sign the attendance pad at the end of the pew. We certainly hope you will find our worship service to be an uplifting and pleasurable experience and that you will worship with us again soon! Guests be sure to stop at the information desk in the Narthex and receive a coffee cup and a newsletter. You are invited for coffee after the service! STAFF—Pastor: Rev. Michael Morning Music Ministries, Helen Gilsdorf Choir Director, Jennifer Jensen Administrative Assistant : Linda Sperbeck; Custodian: Barb King Christ the King/United Methodist Student Sunday November 24, 2013 Ringing the Bell and Lighting the Candles Welcome and Announcements (Please sign the attendance pads.) • Hymn #2272 (in supplement): “Holy Ground” We are standing on holy ground, and I know that there are angels all around: let us praise Jesus now; we are standing in his presence on holy ground. • Call to Worship Luke 1:68-73 Eleanor King L: Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who has come to set the chosen people free. P: The Lord has raised up for us a mighty Savior from the house of David. L: Through the holy prophets, God promised of old to save us from our enemies; from the hands of all who hate us; P: to show mercy to our forebears and to remember the holy covenent. L: This was the oath God swore to our father Abraham: P: to set us free from the hands of our enemies, free to worship without fear, holy and righteous in the Lord’s sight, all the days of our lives. Hymn #694: “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come” Godsongs Shelli Dekker A Time for Prayer Hymn #347 “Spirit Song” verse 1 O let the Son of God enfold you with his Spirit and his love. Let him fill your heart and satisfy your soul. O let him have the things that hold you and His spirit like a dove will descend upon your life and make you whole. Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill your lambs. Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill your lambs. (CCLI#1592322) Anthem “Around the Table Gathering” C. Nygard Covenant Choir Hymn of Preparation #131: “We Gather Together” Scripture Lesson Jeremiah 23:1-6 Sermon Meditation “Sweet Jesus” (Selah) A Moment for Mission Jennifer Jensen Eleanor King The Offering (Today’s loose offering is for the ministry of United Methodist Student Sunday. A little goes a long way.) Offertory “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come” Elvey/Kingyon Handbell Choir • Doxology #95 • L: The Lord be with you. Eleanor King Shoeboxes are due today! Please keep the children who will be receiving your gifts and learning about God’s Son in your prayers. Thank you for helping spread “good news of great joy” (Luke 2:10) to children across the globe. P: And also with you. L: Lift up your hearts. P: We lift them up to the Lord. L: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. P: It is right to give thanks and praise. We give thanks to you, O God, and bless your holy name. We give thanks for food and shelter, and for leading us through difficult times and places. Now as we look forward to Thanksgiving Day, we renew our vows to be faithful disciples of your Son, Jesus Christ. These offerings we now dedicate, for they symbolize our loyalty to Christ, our King. And remembering how he taught his disciples to pray, we join in saying: St. Paul’s Cathedral November 27 7:00 pm The Lord’s Prayer Those attending are asked to bring a non-perishable food item. Recessional Hymn #102: “Now Thank We All Our God” Benediction Closing Hymn “A Closing Prayer” Gilsdorf The time has come, O Lord, for us to leave this place; guide us and protect us and lead us in thy grace. Wherever life may take us as we go our sep’rate ways, help us share with others the things we’ve shared today. May the peace of God the Father, and the love of Christ, His Son, guide us in the days ahead and strengthen us, each one. May the blessings of the spirit fill us from within; God bless us and return us to this fellowship once again. (Shawnee Press, Inc.©1978,onelicense.net#A-714020) Postlude “We Are So Blessed” Gaither Helen If you are… 1. BAKING COOKIES...BRING COOKIES TO THE CHURCH 9:00-1:00 pm Saturday, December 15th. This is when a large work bee will be held to identify each batch of cookies and arrange them on holiday plates. If theses hours are inconvenient, bring your cookies to the kitchen Friday, December 13th 8:00 am-Noon. Make sure your name is on your plate and the name of your cookie is clearly marked; ie; “Buttery Spirtz” or “Raspberry Thumbprints”. 2. DECORATING A TABLE...Friday, December 13th until 3:00 pm or Saturday, December 14th 9:00 am-1:00 pm. Your tables need to be completed by 1:00 pm when cookies will be placed on them. 3. BRINGING IN HOLIDAY cookie plates...Friday, December 13th 8:00 am-3:00 pm or Saturday, December 14th 9:00 am-1:00 pm. Make sure your name is on the plate. 4. SIGN UP TO HELP during the cookie walk. Check your times on the clipboard in the narthex. If there are cookies leftover after the cookie walk, a cookie swap will be held for all those who baked cookies or bars. Response from the U.M.W. Circles has been enthusiastic to do a mountain of holiday baking, so the Mission Committee (Sending Forth) will be combining again with the United Methodist Women to bring you our Seventh Sugarplum Cookie Walk. Our goal is to raise money for Gifts for Families which supplements the Angel Tree with groceries and gifts. This event will be held on Sunday, December 15th from 9:30 am-12:30 pm in Fellowship Hall where dozens of Christmas confections will be displayed on beautifully decorated candlelit tables, and sold to the public at a price per pound. We invite all ladies of the church to bake a batch or two of holiday cookies/ bars, or make candy for this special occasion. Men and children are also invited to join in and make this a family project. Sign-up sheets will be in the Narthex during the month of November, and for more information, call Carol Sadler at 926-9878. The Angel Tree is up and ready in the Fellowship Hall. Squash, gourds and pumpkins from the altar will be available today. See Carol Sadler after the service.
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