To my Synergy Community, by Jennifer Minogue LP3 FOUR
To my Synergy Community, by Jennifer Minogue LP3 FOUR
In this issue >>> The Peace Quotient NOVEMBER BASIC is ALMOST HERE! Quotes SYNERGY LEGACY HAITI Testimonials Leadership Workshop Testimonial prop advice >> "The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want." - Ben Stein, submitted by Jacki Schoonmaker, LP4 Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. –George Eliot Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn. –Elizabeth Lawrence Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. We, the Synergy newsletter team are committed to creating connection, contribution & transformation. Creating a world where everyone knows they matter NOW! FOUR NOVEMBER 2012 The Forward A Synergy Leadership Program Publication To my Synergy Community, by Jennifer Minogue LP3 I wish there was a way to show you what was going though my bead on April 6th, 2011, the day before my Basic Workshop, and today, the day after becoming a Synergy Leadership Graduate of LP3. What Synergy means to me is gaining an awesome awareness to my own true self, how difficult or EASY I can choose to make my own life. My Basic experience was eye opening, and my Advanced course which followed supported me in letting go of the baggage that was weighing me down in life. Leadership was a challenge, no doubt about that, and it had me take a look at “having to” do things in life and “getting to” do things in life. I learned how it was not all about me or all the material things I had set out to “achieve”. I trusted the process of the 90 day workshop, and that is what it is really about, learning to trust, contributing to the world, not because we “have to”, but because we “get to”. I was able to cross the finish line in the MS Bike Race, to see my friend who suffers from the disease cheering on our team. I stood across from a person I enrolled into the basic as they opened their eyes to a whole new perspective on life, I donated blood on a whim, LINKS to CONTACT US: SYNERGY ON FACEBOOK SYNERGY WEBSITE NEWSLETTER FACEBOOK FANS! Issue I happened to see a sign and knew it was an opportunity for me to be in contribution. During Leadership you get the honor of supporting the Advanced course, and being the interruption in the lives of others, in the world. Before this experience I could not have imagined how phenomenal it feels to contribute to another human being, don‟t get me wrong, I reached all my personal goals of a new job, the 60% increase in income, weight loss, rekindled friendships, growing my savings account, selling my co-op and earning proceeds, finding the house of my dreams...BUT it does not compare to focusing OUT in the world, being the difference for someone else, what I „get to‟ give to someone else. Synergy taught me how to get out of my own way, get out of my head, and into my heart to focus on the world. I won‟t pretend that I know “why”, I just know that Synergy works if we do, I wouldn‟t trade this experience for the world! Have something to say? Contribute to our next Issue! We want to hear from you! Please send your articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, events, photos or anything you would like to share to Raina Mosca, Your submissions will be considered for our upcoming newsletters. Keep our community connected! Synergy & Leadership Events BE THE DIFFERENCE NOVEMBER 3-6, 8 BASIC WORKSHOP Who are you Being the Difference for? NOVEMBER 18-20 ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY Living abundantly and creating prosperity begins with a way of being– an attitude to operate from, if abundance is a choice, why wouldn’t I choose it all the time? Sarah Prario, LP5 is supporting The Black Feather Horse Rescue , a rescue that has already placed 50 horses into loving homes, and Cradles to Crayons who has a vision that “One day every child will have the basic things they need to be safe, ready to learn, and be valued.. Synergy could not have found a better partner than Wings Over Haiti, a school being built on love, urgency and passion, with a stand for an empowered, self-reliant Haiti. It was an integral piece of the experience to meet the founders and key participants, Jonathan, Melissa, Shad and 18 year old Carina, who ahs committed a year to living at the school Each of them completely embody the work we do, they have jumped in the middle of Haiti and take responsibility to have it work out. For those of you that have completed the Advanced course, these people have “voted for these 43 children and their families and have taken them into their lifeboat, they stand for a transformed Haiti; a Haiti that has had a huge history of oppression and dependence on foreign aid for sustenance, to a Haiti that takes responsibility for its future through education. Moving Haiti from what former US Ambassador, Raymond Joseph, calls a dialog of “I can‟t (Mwen pa ka pap), it‟s not my fault” to “I can, I am responsible”. They are creating from nothing, declaring that a permanent school will be built there three months from the weekend we were there. We arrived with resources, man power to dig the foundation and monies collected from our fundraiser, which allowed them to purchase equipment, clear land and dig a foundation. They trust that the $70,000 additional needed to complete will arrive with the support of all of us! It had been hard to grasp and express the enormity of what we experienced in 3 1/2 short days, most comes to me in images ranging from the tent cities, to the palpable love of a grandmother who took in 10 children to feed and shelter, families bathing naked in open shallow pots greeting us “Bonjou”, to the baking heat as I entered a tent containing several musty blankets and a cooking pot. A parade of children who gathered to follow us, some crying to be picked up, others wanting to hold our hands, to the construction site, where in two days we cleared brush and dug a six foot deep foundation. Watching Dr. Reggie and Dr. Christine tend to cut lips, sore throats, infections and fungus both inside the school and out in the community, to the schoolyard with children clamoring over us with affection and curiosity. There were spontaneous celebrations over Justin Beiber music where adults and children danced together, we handed out lunch to 43 hungry children, feeling grateful and knowing that they may not get another meal that day. We watched parents discerningly select baby clothes and toothpaste for their family from all of the goods we brought, and we took bumpy rides in the van over flooded streets and past endless bustle, arriving home at night greeted by the armed security guard placed there for our protection. We experienced the hardship in Haiti, the strength and resilience of its people, the urgency of survival, the hope and commitment to its future the Wings of Haiti Project stands for. The work we have done at Synergy prepared us to jump in and contribute that which was wanted and needed in each moment, each of us making a unique and powerful contribution. Thank you for creating a vehicle that will allow graduates to take this work to other parts of the planet where it is most needed, and to experience, perhaps, a much bigger world than imagined. Thank you to the Haiti Legacy Committee: Reggie, Melissa, Fred, Christine, Fran & Joy who contributed to the vision and preparation for the trip. My husband and I will be sponsoring two children from the school and I will continue to collect needed supplies for the school and families. We are all enrolled for a long-term contribution to Wings over Haiti and the 43 children in the school. -Elizabeth Quincy The Peace Quotient By: Amy Hille LP5 Back in August, at the start of my LP5 journey, I learned of an incredible young man from my church who was severely wounded in Afghanistan, the captain of his high school football team and an outstanding student leader at West Point. He lost one foot and his other leg from the knee down. The very next day, I learned of the helicopter crash that killed 30 Americans, many of them, NAVY Seals. I was always a Patriot. After marrying a man in the military, my love of country and the men & women of our Armed Forces are a genuine passion. As a wife and a mother, I felt compelled to do something. As an American and as a Human Being, I want to take action and and started the Peace Quotient. CLICK HERE TO “LIKE” the PEACE QUOTIENT Nothing will change if we don't speak up. Lets create a conversation together about being catalysts for creating Peace in our world. Please “like” my facebook page and enroll 1 of your friends to do the same and we will meet our goal of at least 1,000 supporters in no time. Come make a difference with me. Thank you for joining Peace Quotient & joining the conversation. What do you have to say? Thank you for your support. I am grateful! Haiti Continued... After returning from our mission in Haiti, we knew there was much more to be done. We have all taken responsibility for supporting Wings Over Haiti organization. Susan Wisdom, Renne Asofsky and I have taken on the “buddy system”, a program where people can contribute to support one of the members of the school and their family in a small monthly donation. The student will receive their education and nourishment, the family will receive medical support and the program will ensure connection, worthiness and faith with our friend at Wings Over Haiti. Please contact Merav at or Susan at for further information on how you can support the children and families in Haiti. –Merav Shiloni My Experience in Haiti was humbling. The children and parents of Wings of Haiti have an appreciation of the support they are given from the school and all the volunteers, the clothing, the food; they are grateful for each item. My goal is to create a store which is filled with donations of clothing, shoes and toiletries for the parents to share with their families. I am a believer that when people feel empowered when they can provide for their families with the money they have earned from working in the school, gardening, teaching, cooking, transporting people, sewing, etc. We will be fostering self-sufficient, independent, empowered, responsible, Haitian people, with a strong sense of self. No matter how impoverished someone feels, one can grow emotionally. In the States, I will be providing the items needed for the families (with the help of others through clothing drives) and sending them to Wings Over Haiti. Please contact me at -Fran Peltz
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To my Synergy Community