To my Synergy Community
To my Synergy Community
In this issue >>> The Marc Slugh Fund Our Training Center Launch Event Quotes and Poems Feedback Synergy Youth Empowerment Testimonials Book Review leaf is a flower. -Albert Camus Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn. –Elizabeth Lawrence Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. –Ralph Waldo Emerson We, the Synergy newsletter team are committed to creating connection, contribution & transformation. Creating a world where everyone knows they matter NOW! OCTOBER 2011 A Synergy Leadership Program Publication To my Synergy Community Synergy & Leadership Events BE THE DIFFERENCE Thank you to the incredible Synergy Community for your ongoing support and stand for my husband Marc who is going through treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma. Marc was diagnosed with this form of blood cancer after completing his workshops and then staffing and coaching advanced and leadership sessions in 2011. I know it is because of this work that his mind is so strong and healthy, results are the only option. So many folks have reached out and continue to give unconditional love, friendship, and now many have participated in the Marc Slugh Fund. This fund was set up my Marc’s aunt Linda who wanted to make sure our family was covered with health insurance no matt er what Marc needed, in order to regain his health. We are humbled and grateful for Lisa and Peter, who have created a win/win along with all of this community, to stand for someone in the Basic Workshop and beyond. From the bottom of my heart, our family thanks the entire Synergy Community for their love, support and standing together to BE the DIFFERENCE. Love, Danielle Russo Slugh NOVEMBER 3-6, 8 BASIC WORKSHOP Who are you Being the Difference for? NOVEMBER 18-20 ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY Living abundantly and creating prosperity begins with a way of being– an attitude to operate from, if abundance is a choice, why wouldn’t I choose it all the time? Leadership Program 6 Begins October 24th If you have the ability to support this amazing and generous man, you can send a check in any amount made out to: APPRECIATION EVENT and TRAINING CENTER LAUNCH! The Marc Slugh Fund All Basic Grads welcome! OCTOBER 20, 2011 7:15pm RSVP ASAP 256 West 36th Street, 2nd Floor, NY NY 10018 By Mail: MSF, 11 Heathrow Lane, Old Bridge, NJ 08857 By Credit Card: Call Linda at 732-547-8803 Marc volunteering yet again! (in the red tshirt) LINKS to CONTACT US: SYNERGY ON FACEBOOK SYNERGY WEBSITE NEWSLETTER FACEBOOK FANS! THREE The Forward prop advice >> Autumn is a second spring when every Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. –George Eliot Issue Have something to say? Contribute to our next Issue! We want to hear from you! Please send your articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, events, photos or anything you would like to share to Raina Mosca, Your submissions will be considered for our upcoming newsletters. Keep our community connected! Making Strides against Breast Cancer at Jones Beach October 16, 2011 Team IMAGEine Life Without Breast Cancer Contact Donna Halperin, LP5 MAKE A DONATION Sarah Prario, LP5 is supporting The Black Feather Horse Rescue , a rescue that has already placed 50 horses into loving homes, and Cradles to Crayons who has a vision that “One day every child will have the basic things they need to be safe, ready to learn, and be valued.. Our first Teen Empowerment workshop in August was a success! We would like to thank all of the support staff, without you this incredible weekend would not have been possible. The continued support from all of the leadership programs has enabled Synergy Youth Empowerment to continue to grow. Thank you LP3 and LP4 for your outstanding contribution of over $7,500! As always, the stand you have taken for young people everywhere is appreciated. A special thank you to Paris Art Label, and SVP Ronnie Tarantino for sponsoring two young people through the program. Everyone gets to go because of the generous hearts of our Synergy Community! Synergy Youth Empowerment is a non-profit organization and depends on generous sponsors from outside associations. If you or your company is interested in sponsoring a young person through the program, please contact us. Dear Mom, Thank you so much for inviting me to this workshop. So far, what I learned about myself is that even though I am a teen I can be so powerful. I’ve learned that I can do anything I set my mind to. The considerations I have in my life, I can conquer. I’ve also learned that there are many ways to do something, I can accomplish so many tasks in different ways. What I have learned about others, is that they all have considerations in their lives about something and we are alike in that way. We are all worried or scared about something that holds us back in life. I’ve also learned that everyone can be funny, caring and powerful. I see this as I make new friends with people and get to know them. Lastly, I am grateful for having the opportunity to participate in the workshop and to experience all these things I know I can. -Synergy Youth Empowerment Graduate Blooming Where I am Planted By: Michelle Ogunti, LP4 On my 16th birthday, my aunt and mentor sent me a card that only had one sentence inside of it, “Never forget to bloom where you are planted.” Since then, that sentence has been my favorite quote, and my Synergy experience has affirmed the importance of it in my life. Before my life was touched by the Synergy work, I was successful in many respects, but there was something missing. I was defining my success by others’ terms, putting my dreams on layaway, and afraid of using my authentic voice. In Advanced, I realized that my discontent stemmed from my inability to ACT on my dreams, because I was waiting for the perfect alignments of time, circumstances and people to come into my life. During those five days, I connected with a power wit hin that I never knew existed. At some point in Leadership, I decided that I was going to work more to become like the flower from my favorite quote. A flower doesn’t say “even though I was planted in New York, I’m not blooming until I get planted in Miami!” A flower does not ask for protection, permission or approval before It explodes in beauty for all the world to see. As part of the commitments I made in Leadership, I volunteered on September 9-11 providing free acupuncture to men, women, children and animals affected by the September 11th terrorist attacks. I was inspired by those who, in the face of immense trauma, chose to rise above their circumstances and reclaim their lives. I was reminded that life is short, and life is NOW. Even at my relatively young age of 27, I don’t know how much time I am promised. By holding back, waiting for others’ validation and the right time to speak and act, I risk never having my true light shine and never having my dreams come to fruition. My incredible Synergy experience has given me the power to give an unconditional “yes” to myself and my vision. I am blooming wherever I am planted, knowing that I have the courage and vulnerability to unfold fully into whatever space I find myself, trusting that I am exactly where I need to be. My experience in the Synergy Leadership Program was absolutely amazing, “You cannot anticipate what comes next.” This work is truly transformational and eye opening. Leaders are born and come alive through Synergy, and I have grown in ways I never imagined. My inner being has come through in such a way that it is noticed in the universe and has allowed real life miracles to occur, results! I learned to listen to feedback, and trust the process, and most of all to let go of limiting philosophies I may have about myself. If we choose to get out of our own way we can have it all! I am a stand for transformation in the world and for the results of this program! -Nancy Davidson, LP4 The Art of Mindful Living is a must read! Written by Thich Nhat Hahn, a lifelong Buddhist Monk, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King Jr. The simple message offers a practice of mindful living, and has supported me in quieting the “mind chatter”, starting a practice of meditation and living in the NOW. -Submitted by Bill Newgent, LP2 “People are often unreasonable and self-centered, forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives, be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you, be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous, be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow, do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough, give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. -Mother Teresa, Submitted by Jennifer Minogue LP4
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To my Synergy Community, by Jennifer Minogue LP3 FOUR
head, and into my heart to focus on the world. I won‟t pretend
that I know “why”, I just know that Synergy works if we do, I
wouldn‟t trade this experience for the world!