recCenter lititz - Lititz Rec Center
recCenter lititz - Lititz Rec Center
FALL 2014 PROGRAM GUIDE SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 • LrC Enhancing Recreation, Enriching Lives Construction Starting (See pg. 8) • LrC Open House September 20 • Pretzel Twist • Youth Triathlon 70 Years Strong in 2014! lititz recCenter Lititz recCenter Fall Program Guide 2014 • 626-5096 • 2 • GENERAL INFORMATION Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • 2014 Fall Program Registration Information Fall Session 1 Starts the week of September 8 to October 25 lititz recCenter 301 West Maple St., Lititz, PA 17543 • 626-5096 Registration: Member August 20 Nonmember September 2 Fall Session 2 Starts the week of October 27 to December 20 Registration: Member October 13 Nonmember October 20 Please check specific programs for dates and times. ONLINE REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE! Programs are on a first come, first serve basis! We pledge that qualified staff will instruct all Lititz recCenter programs. FIND YOUR PROGRAM AMERICAN RED CROSS CLASSES���������������������������� pg. 8 & 18 70 Years Strong in 2014! AQUATICS Aquatic Fitness��������������������������������������������������������������������pg. 12 Preschool Swim Lessons���������������������������������������������������pg. 16 Youth Swim Lessons�����������������������������������������������������������pg. 17 Lititz recCenter Facility Gymnasium - Main Pool Splash Pool - Fitness Center & More! BUILDING Mon-Thurs Friday Sat Sun HOURS (EFFECTIVE AFTER LABOR DAY) 5am-10pm (pools open M-Thurs 5:30am-9pm) 5am -9pm (pools open 5:30am-8:45pm) 6am-8pm (pools open 6am-7:45pm) 8am-8pm (pools open noon -7:45pm) HOLIDAY HOURS Labor Day 7am-noon Thanksgiving 7am-Noon Christmas Eve 5am-2pm Christmas Day Closed New Year’s Eve 5am-6pm New Year’s Day 8am-6pm recZONE Fall Weekly Schedule (Starts September 2) For youth ages 8 and older Monday-Friday 3pm – 8pm, Saturday/Sunday 3-5:30pm Staffed and monitored everyday. Inclement Weather information can be found at, WGAL News 8 @, and CBS 21’s Stormwatch @ FITNESS Group, Aquatic & Spin Fitness Schedule��������������������������pg. 10 Personal Training�����������������������������������������������������������������pg. 14 Special Interest��������������������������������������������������������������������pg. 13 Wellness�������������������������������������������������������������������������������pg. 15 Fall Fitness Events��������������������������������������������������������������pg. 14 PROGRAMS FOR ALL AGES Adult Sports Leagues�����������������������������������������������������������pg. 9 Adult & Family Programs������������������������������������������������������pg. 9 Birthday Parties���������������������������������������������������������������������pg. 4 Preschool Programs�������������������������������������������������������������pg. 6 Youth Programs���������������������������������������������������������������������pg. 7 recKIDS CHILDCARE������������������������������������������������������������pg. 5 kidZONE Hours: Mon-Fri. 8am-12noon, Mon-Thurs. 4pm-8:30pm, Sat. 9am-12noon For parents participating in program activities, your children will be cared for in a safe and fun environment. Care limited to 75 minutes for ages 2-12 months and 90 minutes for 1yr to 10 years. Parents must stay in the building. Free for members $5 per child of nonmember Our Mission: The mission of the lititz recCenter, a non-profit organization, is to enrich the lives of the community by providing exceptional programs and facilities that promote the participation of individuals, families, businesses and groups from all backgrounds. Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • BE A MEMBER! • Free babysitting “kidZone” •Free recZone youth activities •Free unlimited group, aquatic, & spin fitness classes! •Free Starting Up Program! Fitness training for new members •Lap and rec swimming times Aquatic exercise incentives •Free Pick-up Men’s Basketball Mon. 7:30-9:00pm •Free Pickle Ball check schedule on pg. 9 •Early program registration with reduced fees FOR A COMPLETE LIST WWW.LITITZREC.COM HEALTH INSURANCE & WELLNESS PROGRAMS Check your health insurance plan about participation in wellness programs. Silver Sneakers and Silver & Fit insurance programs accepted at the LrC. THANK YOU VETS! The LRC participates in the ‘Thank a Vet’ program. In the military and home on leave? Present your leave orders and receive 30 Day Free Individual Membership. Members of the VFW or the American Legion check for LrC discounts. Member Specials! September 15 • Open Membership Meeting at 7pm September 20 • LrC Open House. The community is invited to enjoy the facility today for FREE! October 7 • Member Appreciation Day. Be sure to stop by today! October 31 • Members! Children and the ‘Young at Heart’ wear your Halloween costume to the rec and receive a treat. November • Members & Non-Members! Participate in Warwick Community Chest Food Drive. Donate a non-perishable food item for your neighbors in need. Everyone who donates is welcome to enter a drawing to win a 1 month membership! November 7 • LrC Seniors Silver Breakfast - Members only. Join us for breakfast and morning activities. Sponsored by Zounds of Lititz December 23 to 31 • Merry Christmas LrC Members! Members can bring one guest for free! MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION • 3 MEMBERSHIP RATES ONLINE MEMBERSHIPS! (Effective September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015) EZ PAY MONTHLY OPTION AVAILABLE ON ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP, PLUS $50 JOINER’S FEE. Family Individual Junior* Adult Student ** Senior (60+) ResidentNonresident $76$85 $48$54 $18$21 $34$40 $33$38 *Junior under 18 yrs ** Adult Student (independent full-time student with valid ID) Come visit for the day! All guests are asked to present picture ID. Day Pass $12 Adult $8 Junior/Adult Stu/Senior Flex Card: 10 visits Adults $100 Jr/Adult Stu/Senior $50 All membership is nonrefundable and nontransferable. For more information about membership options go to or visit a Member Services Representative. GIVE THE GIFT OF COMMUNITY… Lititz recCenter Partnership Campaign asks for your donations. Despite affordable programs at the LrC, there are families in our community who are not able to take advantage of programs the LrC has to offer without financial assistance. Donate online at or call 626-5096, extension 231 for more information. PARTNERSHIP - SCHOLARSHIP MEMBERSHIP Available for individuals and families with financial need. Complete an application available at customer service. Fall Membership Specials! September 20 -- LrC Membership Construction Special. LrC will waive the $50 joiner’s fee today on all new one year memberships. Join us for an Open House today. October 13 -- ‘Discover the rec’ on Columbus Day! Save $25 off the joiner’s fee on all new one year memberships taken today. November 11 -- Veterans Day Membership Special. All Veterans and Active Military show your ID and save $50 off the joiner’s fee on all new one year memberships today. November 21 -- Winter Break College Pass for students ages 18-22. Only $55 starts Nov. 21 and expires January 31, recCenters of Lancaster County Hempfield recCenter, Ephrata recCenter, and Lititz recCenter Member benefits at any facility. LrC honors member price for most programs and 50% off guest fee. THANK YOU MEMBERS! A GIFT FOR YOU - YOU ARE OUR BEST ADVERTISING! Members when you refer a new one year membership you will receive $20 in a member referral gift card. This can be used towards class registrations or membership renewal. VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! 2015 December 16 to 31 -- Purchase any new one year membership and pay in full to receive 13 months of membership for the cost of one year. …A Great Stocking Stuffer! Warwick Regional Recreation Commission Parks & Recreation 301 West Maple St., Lititz, PA 17543 Maria Tivoli WRRC/LrC Regional Recreation Coordinator (717) 626-5096 ext.237 • The Warwick Regional Recreation Commission is an intergovernmental agency committed to providing information, knowledge, and direction for the development and enhancement of parks and recreation opportunities for residents of the Warwick School District. 4 • LITITZ SPECIAL EVENTS & PARTY INFORMATION Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • Choose Your Birthday Party at the rec! Save the Date for LrC Special Events! • Bounce Party • Splash Party • Fun in One Party • Sports & Games recCenter RENTALS! LABOR DAY WEEK FREE CLASSES! Tues., Sept. 2 – Mon. Sept 8 – free group, spin, aquatic fitness classes and select Special Interest Classes (pg. 14) open to the community. September 12 Free - Preschool Open Gym & Swim 11:30am-1pm LRC OPEN HOUSE & CONSTRUCTION MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL We offer rental space for corporate functions, graduation parties, end of season parties, etc. Contact Amy for party and rental details, or 626-5096 x229 September 20, 2014 The community is invited to enjoy the facility today for FREE! Come take a tour of the facility then swim, workout, or play. (See pg. 3 for membership specials) 37TH PRETZEL TWIST 5 MILE RUN/ 5K WALK/KIDS FUN RUN Saturday, September 20, 2014 8:30am 8TH ANNUAL YOUTH TRIATHLON Friday, September 26, 2014 (Rain Date: October 10) Ages 7-15 Bring a swim suit, towel, running sneakers, bike and helmet. Check-in is 3:30pm ending at 4pm and start time is 4:30pm. Pre-Registration is required by Sept 13. This will guarantee a t-shirt and goodie bag. Limited to 110 participants. Register at the Lititz recCenter or 626-5096 or Fee: Pre-Registration $12 Post-Registration (9/14-9/26) $15 For more info contact Fitness Director or Call 626-5096 ext.239 What Are You Looking For in a DENTIST? ? Dr. Berg is experienced, friendly, iendly, caring – atients always and here for YOU! New patients welcome! Call us TODAY! 717.627.3113 LrC SENIOR SILVER BREAKFAST Sponsored by Members Only - Nov. 7 NEW! MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR SUMMER 2015 Richard M. Berg, DDS, PC I Family Dentistry I 717.627.3113 I Warwick Center, Lititz Sunday, August 9, 2015 MEMBER AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION I FELLOW OF ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY Visit us at S827435 Richard M. Berg, DDS S LITITZ recCENTER 1ST ADULT TRIATHLON 780 Eden Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 • Moore Business Park • 717.208.6901 Complete schedule & registration form to download at Register now for Fall Art Classes Daytime, After School, Evening and Weekend Options. Call to Schedule: Arty Parties for birthdays and events Private Art and Wine Parties Private Lessons Scouting/4H and Homeschool Classes “Art on the Go” Outreach Programs Field Trips S826896 S850233 Preschool Art Club and Young at Art for 3-6 year olds First Art for 4-7 year olds After School Art and Craft Club for 5-8, 9-12 and 12-teen Art Foundations and Fine Arts Studio for ages 5-8, 9-12 and teen/adult Adult Classes include NEW: Art and Coffee and Art Foundations, Watercolor, Mixed Media, and Fine Arts Workshops and our super popular Art and Wine Nights! Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • recKIDS • 5 LITITZ recKIDS CHILD CARE CELEBRATING 29 YEARS! Lititz ChildCare! Care! Lititz recKids Child We’re experienced and and we welove lovekids! kids! We’re fun, fun, we’re we’re active, we’re experienced For recKids have havebeen beenbuilding building For29 29 years years the the Lititz recKids tomorrow’s our state-certified, state-certified,quality quality tomorrow’s future future through our programs olds through throughsixth sixthgrade. grade. programs for for three three year olds We flexible child childcare careprograms programs Weboast boast one one of of the most flexible around, with options from two to five days per week, around, with options two to five days per week, part-time rec membership membershipisisrequired required part-time or or full-time. full-time. No rec for of aa recKids recKidsprogram. program. foryour your children children to be part of PRESCHOOL Curriculumbased based PRESCHOOL ACADEMY: ACADEMY: Curriculum morning years olds olds **Extended Extendedcare care morning program program for 3-5 years available on aa flexible flexiblebasis basis available daily daily until until 6pm on KINDERGARTEN Continueyour your KINDERGARTEN ENRICHMENT: ENRICHMENT: Continue kindergartner’s socializationexperience experience** kindergartner’s learning & socialization Enrollment by the the deadline deadlineguarantees guarantees Enrollment in in this this program by your the AM AM Kindergarten KindergartenSesSesyourchild’s child’s assignment assignment to the sion Warwick Elementary ElementarySchool School** sionat attheir their respective respective Warwick Includes 6-weeks Includes 6-weeks ofof swimminglessons lessonsinin swimming springand andfall fall**MidMidspring daybussing bussingand andcare care day until6pm 6pmavailable available until BEFORESCHOOL SCHOOL BEFORE CARE:ONLY ONLYonsite onsite CARE: provider Schoolsbefore before provider at at Warwick Warwick Elementary Elementary Schools school Includesschool schoolbreakfast breakfast school** Opens Opens at 6:40am * Includes AFTER ONLY onsite onsiteprovider provideratat AFTER SCHOOL SCHOOL CARE: CARE: ONLY Warwick Schools after after school school**Healthy Healthy Warwick Elementary Elementary Schools snacks/homework activities** snacks/homework time/games/themed time/games/themed activities Open until 6pm Open until 6pm SUMMER full-timeor orpart-time part-time SUMMER CAMP: CAMP: Flexible Flexible full-time care week ** Open OpentotoALL ALL careoptions options 22 to to 5 days per week School Districts * Outdoor fun/active games/ School Districts fun/active games/ swimming/science/art/special eventsand andfield fieldtrips trips swimming/science/art/special events SPECIAL Held at at the theLititz LititzrecCenter recCenter SPECIAL DAY DAY CAMP: Held th th for Grade **Available Availableduring during forKindergarten Kindergarten through 6 Grade Warwick in-service days, non-major holidays, weather Warwick in-service non-major holidays, weather inclement days * Open to ALL School SchoolDistricts Districts inclement days * ALL LititzrecKids recKids Lititz PreschoolAcademy Academy Preschool Runs Sept through May Runs Sept through May CurriculumBased Based Learning 5 Year Curriculum Learning forfor 3 to3 5toYear OldsOlds Open School Districts Open to to allall School Districts recCenter membership required NoNorecCenter membership required Mon/Wed/Fri 4& 5 year olds Mon/Wed/Fri forfor 4& 5 year olds 9-11:30AM. $140/month 9-11:30AM. $140/month Tues/Thurs 3& 4 year olds Tues/Thurs forfor 3& 4 year olds 9-11:30AM. $95/month 9-11:30AM. $95/month Extended Care! Care is available daily until Extended Care! Care is available daily up up until 6pm on a flexible basis for an additional fee. 6pm on a flexible basis for an additional fee. TheLititz Lititz RecKids Programs operated by the The RecKids Programs areare operated by the Children Services Department of the Lititz Children Services Department of the Lititz recCenter. Our mission is to provide quality recCenter. Our mission is to provide quality pro-programming for all children in a safe, active gramming for all children in a safe, active andand en-enrichingenvironment. environment. Call 717-626-5096 riching Call 717-626-5096 extext 234234 or or email program email forfor program andand registration information. registration information. Askabout about our discount multiple children Ask our discount forfor multiple children en- enrolledininrecKids recKids programs. those qualifying, rolled programs. ForFor those qualifying, subsidized rates available through CCIS subsidized rates areare available through CCIS andand the the LRCCommunity Community Partnership Program. staff LRC Partnership Program. AllAll staff have full backhave full background clearground clearances ances andand are are certified certified in in CPR/First CPR/First Aid.Aid. 6 • 2014 FALL PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS KIDS DANCE Session 1 Sept. 8 – Oct.25 Session 2 Oct. 27 - Dec. 20 Session 1 Sept. 8 – Oct.25 • Session 2 Oct. 27 - Dec. 20 PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS HALF PINTS BASKETBALL (AGES 4-6) Come learn how to play basketball – start the fundamentals early! Learn how to play in a fun environment. Tuesdays 9:30-10:15am or Mondays 12:15-1:00pm Fee:$22 Member $42 Nonmember HALF-PINTS SOCCER (AGES 4-6) This class will teach the basic skills needed to play soccer. Play games and learn drills in a fun environment. Mondays 1:15-2pm or Thursdays 10:30-11:15am or Wednesdays 5:30-6:15pm Fee:$22 Member $42 Nonmember HALF PINTS SPORTS OF ALL SORTS (AGES 4-6) Children will participate in a new sport each week. Learn the skills and rules of each game. Wednesday 10:30-11:15am or Monday 5:45-6:30pm Fee:$22 Member $42 Nonmember HALF PINTS TBALL (AGES 4-6) Come learn how to play Tball - start the fundamentals early! Learn the skills and how to play in a fun environment. Thursdays 9:30-10:15am or Thursdays 5:30-6:15pm Fee:$22 Member $42 Nonmember LITTLE TENNIS (AGES 4-6) This is a structured class of lessons and play designed to move children through the stages of graduated equipment to full-court tennis. Tuesdays 4:30-5:15pm or Thursdays 4:30-5:15pm Fee:$22 Member $42 Nonmember PRESCHOOL FUN-NIGHT (AGES 3-6) For preschoolers, the night will include child care in kidZone with crafts, gym games, bounce castle and snacks. Mandatory registration is the Thursday before the event. Preschool Night lines up with the Lovin’ Lititz every 2nd Friday in downtown Lititz. Parents can go out as the LrC staff will entertain the kids. (Preschool FUN-Night is the same night as the Youth FUN-Night.) Dates: Sept. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Dec. 12; Times: 6:30-9:15pm Fee: $14 Member first child $10 Mem. each add’l child $18 Nonmember first child $12 Nonmem. each add’l child PRESCHOOL OPEN GYM Kids have fun in our spacious gym - bounce with the balls, tumble on the mats, roll, jump, just have fun! Parents must be with their child at all times. Every second and fourth Friday of the month 10:15am – 12noon Dates: Sept. 12 & 26, Oct. 10 & 24, Nov. 7 & 21, Dec. 12 & 26 Fee: Free Members $6 Non-member (per child) or $12 Nonmember Family Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am-5pm; Sundays Noon till 4pm. (Spring thru Fall) 69 East Main St., Lititz, PA 17543 • 717-626-9949 S850230 Featuring: Creative Chocolates, Fudge, Novelty & Retro Candies LABOR DAY WEEK, SEPT. 2-8 FREE TRY IT KIDS DANCE CLASSES • Wednesday 5:30-6:00pm Zumba for Kids (ages 5-12) • Thursday 4:15pm-5pm Kids Hip Hop (ages 6-12) • Saturday 10:15-11am Kids Ballet (ages 3-9) KIDS BALLET 1 (AGES 3-5) Children will learn the Ballet basics, including classroom etiquette, dance vocabulary and technique. Students will use creative movement to tell stories and go on dance adventures. Thursday 5:00-5:45pm Saturday 10:15-11:00am Fee: $45 Member $65 Nonmember KIDS BALLET 2 (AGES 5-7) This class is geared towards students who had at least 1 year of dance or have graduated from Kids Ballet 1. Students will expand Ballet vocabulary by focusing on technique in center floor and traveling across the room. Children will learn choreography and be encouraged to create their own combination of movements. Saturday 11:00-11:45am Fee: $45 Member $65 Nonmember NEW! KIDS DANCE PARTY Children will experiment with Hip Hop and Jazz dance as well a few break dance basics. This class will focus on body isolations, syncopated rhythms and choreography. We will end each class with a 5 minute “free style” dance party. Saturday 11:4512:30pm Fee: $45 Member $65 Nonmember KIDS HIP HOP (AGES 6-12) This class is designed to learn the basics of Hip-Hop. Learn how to move to the music, along with learn different forms of the urban Hip-Hop style. You will be learning different routines along with learning how to Pop-Lock-and Drop. A performance will be given at the end of each session Thursday 4:20-5:00pm Fee: $32 Member $62 Nonmember NEW! PRIVATE DANCE LESSONS Have you always wanted to learn how to dance? Lessons available in Ballet, Lyrical and Hip Hop. Fee: Hourly $55 Member $60 Nonmember 1/2 Hour$30 Member $35 Nonmember For appt. contact Fitness Director ZUMBA FOR KIDS (AGES 5-12) This is the ultimate dance fitness party for kids where they can play it loud and rock with friends! With appropriate music and moves, the young Zumba fans will have fun. Wednesday 5:30-6:00pm Fee: $32 Member $62 Nonmember Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • FALL YOUTH PROGRAMS • 7 YOUTH PROGRAMS Session 1 Sept. 8 – Oct.25 • Session 2 Oct. 27 - Dec. 20 Session 1 only! Perfect for anyone who wants to play better this basketball season. Learn the needed skills for travel tryouts or for the recLeague season. Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm Fee: $28 Member $50 Nonmember K-1-2 BASKETBALL (GRADES K-2) Session 2 only! Have fun while developing the skills needed for basketball at the next level. Learn the rules and concepts of basketball while having fun! Ages: Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade Mondays K: 5:30-6:15pm // 1st 6:307:15pm // 2nd 7:30-8:15pm Fee: $28 Member $50 Nonmember YOUTH RECLEAGUE BASKETBALL For all boys and girls in grades 3-6 to register for recLeagues basketball! Developing skills, learning fundamentals, and teamwork are emphasized while having fun. Skills session on Saturday Nov. 22. ALL MUST ATTEND. Register by November 10. No late entries accepted. Dec. 6 & 13 are team practices 9am1pm with 1 hour per team. Dec. 20 will be scrimmages from 9am1pm. Games will begin on Saturdays starting Jan. 3 and will last through Feb. 28. Practices in Jan-Feb will be scheduled on a weeknight. Each team will practice once a week. Fee: 3rd & 4th graders $58 Member $78 Nonmember 5th & 6th graders $78 Member* $98 Nonmember* (*5th & 6th games will have PIAA referees) NEW! MIDDLE SCHOOL RECLEAGUES BASKETBALL (GRADES 7&8) Continue to develop skills and fundamentals while emphasizing teamwork and fun on a recreational team. Practice once a week with weekly game in Jan. & Feb. Teams will be divided based on number of participants. Skills sessions & practices on Dec. 13 & 20. Fee: $78 Member $98 Nonmember FAMILY GOSHI SHUN KARATE (AGES 7-ADULT) Free! Wednesday, Sept. 3 Only 7:30-8:30pm Kids, teens, and parents are welcome to exercise the “spirit” of a champion. This program aims to bring out the “best” in students. Participants will learn martial arts stances, structure, form, blocks, blows, and kicks. Mon and Wed 7:30-8:30pm Monthly fees: $47 Members $57 Nonmember Family rates available. SPORTS OF ALL SORTS (AGES 7-11) Children will participate in a new sport each week. Learn the skills and rules of each game. Mondays 6:45-7:30pm Fee:$22 Members $42 Nonmember PRIVATE TENNIS LESSONS YOUTH TENNIS (AGES 7-9) Session 1 only! This class is focused on all aspects of the game. Motor skills and racquet skills are introduced and refined using games and drills. Your child will learn the flight of the tennis ball and become familiar with the basic elements of tennis, and having fun doing so. Tuesday 5:306:15pm or Thursday 5:30-6:15pm Fee: $32 Member $47 Nonmember Session 1 only! Would you like one on one instruction to improve your tennis skills? A teaching professional will be guiding you through each lesson. Call 626-5096 ext. 229 for an appointment. Fee: $45 Member $60 Nonmember YOUTH TENNIS 2 (AGES 10-12) Session 1 only! TEEN TENNIS (AGES 13 & UP) Session 1 only! Do you like to play tennis but want to learn more? Improve your tennis skills with our tennis instructor. Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm Fee: $37 Member $52 Nonmember This class focuses on playing skills, coordination, strokes, and a wide variety of shots. Using fun games and fast paced drills, and upbeat atmosphere will ensure your child enjoys learning and playing the game. Wednesday 5:15-6:15pm Fee: $32 Member $47 Nonmember YOUTH CARDIO & STRENGTH (AGES 8-12) For youth who want to improve cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, speed, agility and flexibility Monday & Wednesday 3:45-4:30pm Fee: $45 Member $72 Nonmember SPEED, AGILITY & STRENGTH FOR YOUNG ATHLETES (AGES 12-18) A conditioning program to improve power, strength, endurance, explosiveness, balance and flexibility to prevent injuries. Tuesday & Friday 3:45-4:45pm Fee: $50 Member $70 Nonmember CNAs • PCAs CNA and PCA shifts available in Dauphin and Lancaster County. CNA & PCA 3-11 & 11-7 Shifts Morning & Evening Short Shifts Weekend availability a necessity. PA Licensed Home Care Agency 1910 Fruitville Pike, Lancaster (717) 569-0451 • 1-877-254-4763 S839723 BASKETBALL WARM-UPS! (GRADES 3-6) 8 • YOUTH SPECIAL PROGRAMS & AMERICAN RED CROSS Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • YOUTH SPECIAL PROGRAMS AMERICAN RED CROSS CPR/AED AND FIRST AID CLASSES YOUTH FUN-NIGHT (AGES 7-12) & PRESCHOOL FUN-NIGHT (AGES 3-6) For the youth, the night will include lots of fun with swimming, snacks, gym games, bounce castle, or a movie. For preschoolers, the night will include child care in kidZone with crafts, gym games, bounce castle and snacks. Mandatory registration is the Thursday before the event. The Youth & Preschool Night lines up with the 2nd Friday in downtown Lititz. Parents can go out as the LrC staff will entertain the kids. Dates: Sept. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Dec. 12 Times: 6:30-9:15pm Fee: $14 Member first child $10 Mem. each add’l child $18 Nonmember first child $12 Nonmem. each add’l child NERF ZONE & DODGEBALL FUN NIGHT (AGES 8 & UP) Bring your own NERF equipment and play in our gym’s obstacle course. Also, join in the fun with dodgeball and gym games following the NERF zone. Dates: Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, Dec. 6 Time: 6:30-8:00pm Fee:$6 Member $11 Nonmember NEW! MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCES (GRADES 7 & 8) Join your friends at the Lititz recCenter for an evening of dancing fun with DJ Dave. All dances are supervised by LrC staff and volunteers. Dates: Friday, Nov. 7 7:30-9:00 pm Admission is $5 Middle School ID Required (See page 18 for ARC Lifeguarding Classes) AMERICAN RED CROSS CPR/AED/FPR Full course certification in CPR and AED Sept 27 9-3pm & Nov 2 9-3pm Fee:$75 Members $99 Nonmembers AMERICAN RED CROSS CPR/AED/FPR & FIRST AID TRAINING Nov 22 10-6pm Fee:$100 Members $125 Nonmembers AMERICAN RED CROSS CPR/AED/FPR REVIEW For anyone who needs to renew their CPR. Certificate must be current or have expired less than one year ago. Oct 19 9-1pm Dec 13 9-1pm Fee: $40 Members $60 Nonmembers AMERICAN RED CROSS FIRST AID TRAINING Must have current Adult CPR certificate. Nov 4 6-9pm Fee:$40 Members $60 Nonmembers Lititz recCenter 3 Phase expansion Phase I Expanding the Parking Lot to add 100 Spaces using Pervious Asphalt New Main Entrance Driveway New Cardio Training Center Renovation of Existing Cardio Center into a New Functional Training Center Two New Group Fitness Studios New Yoga/Pilates Studio New Massage Room Looking Ahead - Phase 2 - New Gym Phase 3 - Outdoor Pool Expansion More Details to Come LrC Members: Construction updates will be emailed to you! 301 West Maple Street, Lititz PA 17543 717-626-5096 Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • ADULT PROGRAMS BINGO Any Senior or any adult of any age who is a kid at heart, join us the First Friday of the month in the recZone for some BINGO! Dates: Sept. 5, Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec. 5 (Holiday Bingo) Fees: Free Member $5 Nonmember NEW! BOCCE BALL LEAGUE (AGES 18 & UP) Play bocce ball with a team of 2 players at Warwick Twp. Municipal Park on Mondays starting at 6pm. Sept. 8 - Oct. 6 Fees: $15 Member per person $20 Nonmember per person BUS TRIPS WATERCOLOR BASICS Learn the basic techniques and skills as you work step by step to complete three paintings in four weeks. For all skill levels. Ask for a list of materials from the teacher. Thursdays 10am-1pm October 9, 16, 23 and 30 Fee: $52 Member $62 Nonmember ADVANCED WATERCOLOR ~ DO YOUR OWN THING Paint from your own photos or a pattern supplied by the teacher. Thursdays 10am-1pm November 13 and 20 Fee: $27 Member $32 Nonmember New York City Bus Trip – Sat. Dec. 13. Spend a day in New York City on your own. Depart LrC at 7am. Drop off & pick up in Times Square with bus pickup at 7pm. Approximate return arrival at LrC is 10:30pm. Fees: $50 Member $60 Nonmembers FAMILY GOSHI SHUN KARATE (AGES 7-ADULT) Free! Wednesday, Sept. 3 Only 7:30-8:30pm Kids, teens, and parents are welcome to exercise the “spirit” of a champion. This program aims to bring out the “best” in students. Participants will learn martial arts stances, structure, form, blocks, blows, and kicks. Mon and Wed 7:30-8:30pm Monthly fees:$47 Members $57 Nonmember Family rates available. Lititz Public Library Nourishing the Mind Enriching the Community Connecting to the World ADULT PROGRAMS • 9 ADULT LEAGUES AND PICK-UP SPORTS MEN’S BASKETBALL LEAGUE Wednesdays, Sept.-December at the Lititz recCenter Starts Sept. 17 Registration forms on leagues and due by Sept. 10 For more info call Chris 725-7155 Fee: $500 per team WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL 6’S // POWER AND GENERAL DIVISIONS Tuesdays, Nov.-Feb. at Bonfield Elementary School 6:30-9:30pm Registration forms on www. and due by Oct.19 For more info, call Amy 626-5096 x229 Fee: $250 per team + $10 per match for officials MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL PICKUP BASKETBALL Get your friends and play some basketball! Mondays & Thursdays 3:30-5:30pm Fee: Free Members $8 Nonmembers each visit Services t$5TDBOT t&$)0 t&,( t)PMUFSNPOJUPSJOH t-BCUFTUJOH t.BNNPHSBQIZ t0QFOIJHImFME.3* OVER 18 MEN’S PICKUP BASKETBALL Mondays 7:30pm – 9pm Fee:Free Members $12 Nonmembers or buy a Flex card PICKLEBALL Put a two-some together and come play pickle ball against other teams from around the area. Our gym has 3 pickle ball courts – the LrC will provide the rackets, balls, and space to play. Just put your team together and compete! You may come alone and find a partner as well! Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 8:30am-12pm Tuesdays & Thursdays 7-9pm Sundays 8:30am-12noon Saturdays 8:30am-12noon (Saturdays end Nov.15.) Fee:Free Member $12 Nonmembers or buy a Flex card BEGINNER PICKLEBALL Would you like one-on-one instruction to work on your skills or just learn how to play? Private lessons are available on Thursday evenings Fee: Free Member $12 Nonmembers per visit For more info call Amy 626-5096 ext 229 t0TUFPQPSPTJTUFTUJOH t1IZTJDBMUIFSBQZ t4MFFQMBC t4QFFDIUIFSBQZ t6MUSBTPVOET t9SBZT Lititz Public Library Practices Nourishing the Mind Enriching the Community Connecting to the World t-()FBMUI1IZTJDJBOT(FSJBUSJD4QFDJBMJTUT t-()FBMUI1IZTJDJBOT3PTFWJMMF1FEJBUSJDT Convenient evening and weekend hours S827135 51 Peters Road | Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 627-2400 10 • GROUP FITNESS SCHEDULE Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • Group, *Aquatic & Spin Fitness Classes Session 1: Sept 8- Oct 26 • Session 2: Oct 27- Dec 21 Monday 5:30am 8:15amBOSU Circuit 8:15am*High Intensity 9:15am*Deeper Power 9:15am 9:30am SS Classic 10:30amSpin & Stretch 10:15am 1:00pm*Joints in Motion 5:15pm*Deeper Power 5:15pmJust Spin 6:00pmSpin & Abs 6:00pmTriple Challenge 6:05pm 6:15pm*Aqua Boot Camp Blast 7:00pm Tuesday 9:00am 9:00am 9:15am *Aqua Boot Camp Blast 9:30amCardio Kickboxing 10:00am 10:45am*Arthritis Foundation Endorsed by Silver&Fit. 11:15amSS Yoga 6:00pmYoga for Fitness 6:00pmSpin & Strength 6:00pm* Endorsed by Silver&Fit. 6:00pmCardio Move 6:30pm*Aquacize 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm*Deeper Power Wednesday 6:00am Just Spin 8:00am Senior Class 8:15amBOSU Circuit 8:15am*High Intensity 9:00am Spin & Abs 9:15am 9:15am*Deeper Power 10:15am 10:15am* Endorsed by Silver&Fit. 10:45am*Senior Water Exercise 11:15amSS Circuit 5:15pm*Deeper Power 6:00pmSpin & Abs 6:05pm 7:00pm Thursday 5:30am 9:00am 9:00am 9:15am *Aqua Boot Camp Blast 9:30amCardio Kickboxing 10:00am 10:45am*Arthritis Foundation Endorsed by Silver&Fit. 11:15amSS Classic 5:30pmNew! Express 6:00pmJust Spin 6:05pm 6:00pm* Endorsed by Silver&Fit. 6:10pmBOSU Jam! 6:30pm*Aquacize 7:00pm FREE to MEMBERS! 7:00pm *Deeper Power Friday 5:30am 8:00amSenior Exercise 8:15am*High Intensity 8:15amBOSU Circuit 8:45am Senior Spin 9:15am*Deeper Power 9:30amTriple Challenge 9:30am 11:15amSS Circuit 12:15pmFriday Spin 1:00pm * Wet Workout Saturday 8:00am Spin & Core 9:00am Spin & Core 9:00am 9:30am *Deeper Power (Only session 2) 10:00am Sunday 1:00pm Labor Day Week Tuesday, Sept. 2 – Monday. Sept 8 – FREE group, spin, and aquatic fitness classes open to the community. Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • GROUP, AQUATIC & SPIN FITNESS CLASSES • 11 GROUP, *AQUATIC AND SPIN FITNESS CLASSES FREE to MEMBERS! GROUP FITNESS CLASS DESCRIPTIONS Members FREE and UNLIMITED! Nonmember Fee: $71 Choice of up to two same classes per week per session. STRENGTH CLASSES LES MILLS BODYPUMP BOSU JAM A hot fitness interval training class delivering a full cardio workout while burning fat, toning and sculpting your lower body CARDIO KICKBOXING A total body 60 minute workout that is high-energy combining kicks, jabs, and punches in cardio intervals to achieve maximum results. TRIPLE CHALLENGE 35 minutes of cardio drills and 20 minutes of functional exercises BODY & MIND CLASSES Weight training using barbells and plates to strengthen and create a fit body. A 60 minute full body workout for all fitness levels. BODYPUMP is the original barbell class that strengthen and tones your entire body. The 30-minute EXPRESS workout focuses on the largest muscle groups and functional exercises to give you the biggest burn and results in a short amount of time. BOSU CIRCUIT Using the BOSU, a fat-burning class designed to challenge your balance, muscular strength and improve your cardiovascular endurance. LES MILLS BODY FLOW This class is the Yoga, Tai-Chi, Pilates workout that builds flexibility, strength, leaves you feeling centered and calm. This high-energy cardio workout incorporates an effective combination of dance and strength moves, choreographed to the latest hits. For all fitness levels, 60 minutes of yoga, postures to improve overall health, flexibility and range of motion throughout the body. HARTZ Physical Therapy • Independently owned & operated by Warwick graduate Brian Hartz • Our #1 priority is quality care in a paent centered atmosphere •No physician referral necessary Lititz Lancaster Ephrata S839737 Caring for your family, as if you were a part of ours OLDER ADULT CLASSES SILVER SNEAKER CLASSIC OLDER ADULT CLASSES Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement, and activity for daily living, hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and Silver Sneaker ball are offered for resistance. A chair is used for standing support, stretching and relaxation exercises SENIOR EXERCISE CLASS SILVER SNEAKER YOGA An exercise program that reaches a simple goal… for you to want to work out, to love working out & have fun working put! A 45 minute class to improve balance, agility and strength with body weight exercises, medicine balls, stability balls, and weights for active older adults. SILVER SNEAKER CIRCUIT Combine fun with fitness to increase your cardiovascular and muscular endurance power with a standing circuit workout. Upper-body strength work with hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a Silver Sneakers ball is alternated with low-impact aerobic choreography. A chair is used for standing support, stretching and relaxation exercises. YOGA FOR FITNESS Experience the Difference CARDIO MOVES ZUMBA LES MILLS BODYPUMP EXPRESS 100 Drive,Lititz Lititz 625-2228 100 Highlands Highlands Drive, 625- DANCE CLASSES This class will move your whole body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support is offered to safely perform a variety of seated and standing postures designed to increase flexibility balance and range of movement. Restorative breathing exercises and final relaxation will promote stress reduction and mental clarity. Improve Your Child’s Grades! With One-On-One Tutoring In Your Home! • All Subjects • PreK - Adult • LD/ADD • Foreign Languages • SAT/ACT Prep • Study Skills • Reading First Sessio Our Average n Free! • Math Improves 2 Let Student ter Grades • Science In 90 Da • Vocabulary *Based on ys!* Jump Start Prothe Club Z! • Writing Skills gram results • Diagnostic Test Available • Affordable Rates • Certified Teachers 717-626-3083 S826892 CARDIO CLASSES 12 • SPIN & AQUATIC CLASSES Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • GROUP, *AQUATIC AND SPIN FITNESS CLASSES FREE to MEMBERS! SPIN CLASS DESCRIPTIONS AQUATIC* FITNESS CLASS DESCRIPTIONS Members FREE and UNLIMITED! Nonmember Fee: $86 Unlimited Spin Classes per session Special Note: Reserve a bike card available 30 minutes before class. Session 1: Sept 8- Oct 26 • Session 2: Oct 27- Dec 21 Members FREE and UNLIMITED! Nonmember $71 Choice of up to two same classes per week per session. Session 1: Sept 8- Oct 26 • Session 2: Oct 27- Dec 21 FRIDAY SPIN ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION CLASS SPIN & ABS No impact exercises work the muscles and cardio system and ease the joint pain. You go at your pace! Tues. and Thurs. 10:45am Gain strength, endurance, and confidence as you pedal your way to peak cardio conditioning. 40 minutes of an endurance workout followed by medicine ball core exercises JUST SPIN 40 minutes of cardio spinning followed by 20 minutes of strengthening ab, back and core. SPIN & CORE In 45 minutes experience fast club rides, challenging hill climbs, time trials, exciting stages all from your stationary spin bike. SENIOR SPIN A 45 minute bike ride with a longer warm up leading into a workout in which you choose the desired tension and speed during the ride. A great class to learn spin basics. SPIN & STRENGTH 35 minutes of spinning cardio intervals followed by 20 minutes of high intensity strength training, abs and stretching NEW! SPIN & STRETCH AQUA ZUMBA DEEPER POWER PA7777 Circa 1957 C ELEBRATING 75 Y EARS ! Sales and 24-Hour Service 1148 Old Line Road, Manheim Phone: 665-6910 S825779 PLUMBING ~ HEATING ~ COOLING WATER CONDITIONING This class is a combination of cardio, strength, and stability. Cardio is 15 minutes then adding exercises to strengthen the upper and lower body muscles. Tuesdays 6:30pm Thursdays 6:30pm Take your Zumba to the water for an intense workout. Tuesday 6pm Wednesday 10:15am Thursday 6pm 40 min of high energy circuit training followed by lower & upper body flexibility exercises HALDEMAN MECHANICAL INC. 1939 - 2014 AQUACIZE Deep water workouts develop power in those core muscles and help the rest as well! Mondays 9:15am & 5:15pm Wednesday 9:15am & 5:15pm Tuesday 7:00pm Thursday 7:00pm Friday 9:15am Saturday 9:30am (Only session 2) AQUA BOOT CAMP BLAST - Melt away calories and sculpt your muscles with an explosive circuit program that combines the best of cardio and strength. Mondays 6:15pm Tuesdays 9:15am Thursdays 9:15am HIGH INTENSITY! Join us Fridays for our highest level workout – a great way to start the weekend! Mondays 8:15am Wednesdays 8:15am Fridays 8:15am JOINTS IN MOTION Designed to stretch and work all the joints of the body, and increase flexibility. Mondays 1-1:45pm SENIOR WATER EXERCISE Water exercise for men and women ages 60 and older. Cosponsored by Office of Aging/ Primetime Health Program and the Lititz recCenter. No charge. Wednesdays 10:45am WET WORKOUT Shallow water workout and fun activities develop endurance and muscle strength! Fridays 1-1:45pm Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • FITNESS SPECIAL INTEREST PROGRAMS • 13 FITNESS SPECIAL INTEREST CLASS DESCRIPTIONS Session 1: Sept 8- Oct 26 • Session 2: Oct 27- Dec 21 NEW! BELLY DANCE An ancient art cardio dance focusing on movements of the torso and hips isolating the ab muscles. No matter your shape, size, age or fitness level, belly dance helps you lose weight and enhances flexibility. Monday 7-8pm Fees: $42 Member $62 Nonmember GOLF CONDITIONING (Sessio 2 only) Improve your flexibility, strength, core, balance, plus hit the ball further. With added power you will have increased control over your shots right through the final hole. November 1- Dec 20 Saturday 9-10am Fees: $40 Member $65 Nonmember FOAM ROLLING 60 minute class will teach you Self Myofascial Release (SMR) techniques from head to toe. Learn how to improve yourself by correcting muscle imbalances, improve range of motion and increase functional flexibility. Thursday 7-8pm or Sunday 12-1pm Fees for each class: $42 Member $62 Nonmember Fees for both classes: $62 Member $82 Nonmember KETTELBELL CIRCUIT Train with Kettelbells and various fitness tools to challenge movements and core bringing results in 30 minutes. Tuesday 6:15-6:45pm Fees: $32 Member $62 Nonmember BOXING FITNESS An excellent workout for cardio, strength & stamina while creating a stronger core. Varied fitness equipment used for every class. Fridays 6-7pm Fees: $51 Member $71 Nonmember FUNCTIONAL CARDIO BLAST A blast of combined cardio and strength movements to generate the result of a higher metabolism. You will receive fitness homework and continuing support in between classes. Wednesday 5:45-6:45pm and Saturday 8:00-9:00am Fees: $66 Member $86 Nonmember LITITZ recCENTER RUNNING & TRIATHLON CLUB HATHA YOGA Monthly Fees: $32 Member $62 Nonmember Fees: $42 Member $62 Nonmember Joggers, runners and triathletes will integrate customized workouts weekly focusing on speed, endurance and flexibility to prepare for upcoming races including nutrition tips. Trainings on Mondays 7-8pm Call Simon for more info 6265096 ext.239. TRX CIRCUIT A 45 min class with timed interval sets using the TRX and adding cardio drills and body weight exercises. Tuesday 10:00-10:45am Fees: $32 Member $62 Nonmember WOMEN’S CARDIO STRENGTH Great body sculpting classics like lunges squats, and pushups are combined with cardio and core conditioning for 60 minutes. Tuesday & Thursday 7-8pm Fees: $62 Member $82 Nonmember A slow paced yoga structured to learn the principles of the postures and the breathing techniques unique to the art of yoga. Tuesdays or Thursdays 9:30-10:30am Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30-10:30am Fees: $52 Member $72 Nonmember YOGA Series of postures that will flow continually from one position to the next with emphasis on the breath. The benefits from this class are to build strength, flexibility, and stamina moving from mind/body awareness to meditation in motion. Thursday 7-8pm. Fees: $42 Member $62 Nonmember Free Special Interest Classes during Labor Day week! (See pg. 14) Fitness Special Interest Classes Schedule Special Interest • Body & Mind Session 1: Sept 8- Oct 26 • Session 2: Oct 27- Dec 21 Monday 7:00pmNew! Belly Dance 7:00pmRunning & Triathlon Club Tuesday 9:30am Hatha Yoga 10:00am TRX Circuit 6:15pmNew! Kettelbell Circuit 7:00pmWomen’s Cardio Strength Wednesday 5:45pmFunctional Cardio Blast Thursday Friday 6:00pmBoxing Fitness 9:30am Hatha Yoga Saturday 7:00pmYoga 8:00amFunctional Cardio Blast 7:00pmFoam Rolling 9:00amGolf Conditioning 7:00pmWomen’s Sunday Cardio Strength 12:00noon Foam Rolling 14 • FITNESS EVENTS & PERSONAL TRAINING FALL FITNESS EVENTS FREE TO MEMBERS ZUMBA PARTY NIGHT OUT! OCT 10 & NOV 14 Second Friday starts with a Zumba Dance Class enjoying the feeling of “fit, fun and fabulous” from 6-7pm GROUP FITNESS CLASSES INCENTIVE PROGRAM Bi-monthly fitness class challenge. Attend classes and win t-shirts or gift certificates! See fitness staff for more questions. FALL FITNESS CENTER INCENTIVE PROGRAMS • Buddy Fit Challenge Oct 6-Nov 16. Prizes include free t-shirts and a free buddy personal training session. Grab a workout partner and challenge each other to 6 weeks of exercise fun! The top 3 teams with the most workouts will win prizes. Ask staff for more details (ext.246) • Holiday Survivor Challenge Nov 17-Jan 3. Endure through the Holiday temptations between Thanksgiving and the New Year. Contact Simon 626-5096 ext.239 for more information. • Expresso Bike Challenge Monthly Expresso Bike challenges create fun and friendly competition to bring out the best in you and your competitors! For details, ask fitness staff (ext.246). FREE TO THE COMMUNITY • National Women’s Health & Fitness Month celebrating on September 24. Free Group Fitness & Spin Classes to women only! Free Body Composition and at 9:30am join us outdoors to walk or jog coached by a personal trainer. Participate and enter a drawing to win a 30 minute personal training session. • Les Mills Launch Party on Oct. 4 Body Flow 9-10am and Body Pump 10-11am. Win door prizes and have refreshments! Enter a drawing to win a 30 minute personal training session. • Workshop “How To Stay Young for the First 100 Years”. Challen Rozanski, Practice Representative from Chiropractor 1st will cover a variety of information about health, nutrition and the nervous system as related to taking care of your back as well as provide tips on how to increase life span naturally. Chiropractic care has been proven to increase range of motion, improve flexibility and help prevent injury. Monday, October 20 6-7pm • Hartz Physical Therapy Workshop/ Female Specific Injury Prevention Monday, November 17, 2014 6:30-7:30pm Presented by Hartz Physical Therapist, Megan Sabol, DPT, OCS, COMT For coaches, teens, athletes, recreational athletes and parents! Learn about ACL injury prevention for female athletes with a focus on the PEP program, which is a dynamic warm up designed by the Santa Monica Sports Medicine Foundation that uses specific stretches and strengthening exercises to improve the mechanics of the knee and therefore decrease risk of injury. Open to the community. • November is American Diabetes Month Monday, Nov. 10 7-8pm Training with Triathlon & Running Club Sunday, Nov. 23 12-1pm Foam Rolling Monday, Nov. 24 6-7pm Triple Challenge Friday, Nov. 28 8:15-9:15am BOSU Circuit class Free Try It Special Interest Classes Labor Day Week, Sept. 2-8 Monday 6-7pm Body Combat Tuesday 9:30-10:30am Hatha Yoga 6:15-6:45pm Kettelbell 7-8pm Belly Dance Wednesday 5:30-6:00pm Zumba for Kids (ages 5-12) 5:45-6:45pm Functional Body Blast 7:30-8:30pm Family Goshi Shun Karate Thursday 4:15pm-5pm 7-8pm 7-8pm Kids Hip Hop (ages 6-12) Yoga Foam Rolling Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • PERSONAL TRAINING LRC SPORT CONDITIONING A program designed for athletes who want to increase muscle strength, power, and speed, for a sport/fitness goal or a season plan. There will be three phases of design building up to your biggest game or competition. For more details, call Simon 6265096 ext.239 Fee: $42 Member $68 Nonmember INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL TRAINING A certified personal trainer will design a quality program teaching you how to perform the exercises and safely take on challenges. A session is 60 minutes. Fee: One session: $42 Members $68 Nonmembers Three sessions: $117 Members $189 Nonmembers Five sessions: $185 Members $290 Nonmembers Eight sessions: $280 Member $424 Nonmember INDIVIDUAL QUICK WORKOUT Got a busy schedule? What is best when there is little time? Schedule a 30 minute custom workout with a certified personal trainer to buzz you through and get what you need without thinking about it. Fee: One Session $27 Member $48 Nonmember Five Sessions $110 Member $190 Nonmember GROUP PERSONAL TRAINING Small group training makes fitness affordable and fun. Watch how your group provides each other accountability, encouragement, and social support with your trainer’s coaching and exercise expertise. All sessions are 60 minutes for up to 3 individuals. Fee: $47 Member $68 Nonmember TRIPLE PACKED PERSONAL TRAINING Break up your workout monotony! In three sessions you will improve your level of fitness. In the first 60 minute session the personal trainer will update your current fitness program. The last two 30 minute sessions will review or add more challenges to your new program. Fee: $72 Member $120 Nonmembers TRIGGER POINT THERAPY Are you tired of being stiff, sore and compensating for over-used muscles? Are you injured and want to increase flexibility to move with more efficiency? Try Trigger Point Therapy for the affected areas of your body. Call Simon for appt., 626-5096 ext. 239 Fee per hour: $42 Member $68 Nonmember Fee per ½ Hour: $27 Member $48 Nonmember Friday 9:30-10:30am Body Combat 6-7pm Fitness Boxing Saturday 10:15-11am Sunday 12-1pm Kids Ballet (Ages 3-9) Foam Rolling MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Lititz recCenter 1st Adult Triathlon (Swim-Bike-Run) Sunday, August 9, 2015 Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • NUTRITION & WELLNESS • 15 FITNESS CERTIFICATIONS WELLNESS TRIGGER POINT CERTIFICATION The Lititz recCenter is hosting a Triggerpoint Performance Certification Level 2 “Myofascial Compression Techniques”. Saturday, October 11, 2014 (9:00am-5:00pm) Take your knowledge beyond foam rolling! This level 2 course utilizes the trigger point performance line of products designed to increase mobility and improve performance with an overall improvement on one’s biomechanics. Course includes. • Hands-on Coaching Experience • Cueing Application with the Trigger Point Tools • Client Assessment, Regression & Application Methods Fee: $250 (Participant must bring a Grid Foam Roller and TP Kit to class or purchase at the time of registration for $100.) • An 8 hour course and approved CECs Course Info: or contact: monica@tptherapy. com LES MILLS BODY COMBAT INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION Lititz recCenter is hosting Les Mills Body Combat Instructor Certification on November 1-2, 2014. Registration deadline is October 16. New Les Mills instructors must create an account on Current instructors should log into existing profile on the Les Mills Portal. Come On! We need Body Combat instructors. For more details contact Fitness Director SimonAbabou@ NUTRITION FAMILY NUTRITION COUNSELING Want to improve the overall nutrition of your entire family, but find it challenging to meet each individual’s needs? Meet the dietician for a one hour initial consultation to discuss your family’s goals and needs. By appt. ext. 239. Fees: $62 Member Family $84 Nonmember INDIVIDUAL NUTRITION COUNSELING This is a healthy eating plan with an initial consultation and weekly coaching sessions. This program is designed to help you gradually incorporate healthy lifestyle habits in nutrition. By appt., ext. 239. Fees: 1 hour ½ hour NEW! LRC WELLNESS COACHING A confidential partnership to assist in making lifestyle changes. Ten one hour sessions of fitness & nutrition support. Fees:$340 Member $380 Nonmember For more details, contact Simon ext.239 SimonAbabou@lititzrec. com SLIM & WIN! Free membership, special classes, t-shirts and more… Winner Cash Prize! Kick off Day is Saturday, October 4, 9-10am This is a version of the Biggest Loser Program. This challenging and motivating 10 week program will improve your fitness & quality of life. You will participate individually and by team. • Two weekly trainings with a personal trainer for an exercise program and nutrition counseling. • Body measuring using multiple fitness tools. • Health-related workshops • Individual and team prizes based on participation and results. • Trainings are Mon. & Wed. or Tue. & Thurs. 6-7pm • All participants will have access to the fitness center, swimming pool and gym. NEW! PROJECT FALLING POUNDS A 10 week weight management program meeting one hour weekly geared towards helping you make proper lifestyle choices in order to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. Participants will review proper diet, exercise and behavior modification strategies as well as learn about various tools and resources to aid them in their management goals. October 8- December 10, Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm Fees:$125 Member $145 Nonmember NEW! 10 WEEKS TOWARDS A STRESS-LESS LIFE A 10 week stress management program meeting one hour weekly taking you on a path of discovery – first uncovering the different types and sources of stress in our lives and secondly providing you with proven, useful skills and resources to help change your response to stress and ultimately its impact on our health and wellness. October 8- December 10, Wednesday 7:30-8:30pm Fees:$125 Member $145 Nonmember • Fees: $215 Member $270 Nonmember $52 Member $64 Nonmembers $26 Member $32 Nonmembers For more details, contact Simon 626-5096 ext.239 Grace Pediatrics Serving clients. Supporting community. Helping you raise happy, healthy kids! Dr. Vinitha Moopen • Dr. Anitha Weaver Call now for camp, school, & sports physicals! CRUSHED STONE | LIME PRODUCTS | READY-MIX CONCRETE | FLEET & AUTO SERVICE 100 Highlands Drive, Suite 204, Lititz (717) 626-KIDS S845398 70 Lititz Road | PO Box 365 | Lititz, PA 17543 | 717-626-9760 | S826899 T H E CO M PA N I E S O F R O H R E R ’S I N CO R P O R AT E D 16 • SWIM LESSONS Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • AQUATIC PROGRAMS FALL 2014 SWIM LESSON DESCRIPTIONS Preschool classes: 30 minutes• youth classes: 40 minutes. Parent and Child Ages 6 months to 2 years An adult must accompany the child in the water. Swim diapers are required. This 30 minute class will help your child become comfortable in the water as swimming readiness is started by emphasizing fun through games and songs. Parents and children participate in several guided activities that help children learn elementary skills, including water entry, bubble blowing, front kicking, back floating, underwater exploration and more. Preschool Ages 3-6 30 minute classes Starfish (Level 1) There are no prerequisites for Level 1. The objective of Level 1 is to help children feel comfortable in the water and to enjoy the water safely. Learn to put head in water, float and begin to swim on front and back with support then independently. Guppy (Level 2) Children entering this course must have a Starfish certificate or be able to demonstrate all of the completion requirements from Level 1. The objectives of Level 2 are to give children success with fundamental skills, such as swimming and floating on face and back and an introduction to deep water. Penguin (Level 3) Children entering this course must have a Guppy certificate or must be able to demonstrate all the completion requirements from Level 2 The objective of Level 3 includes learning to breathing, backstroke, work on swimming to the rope, and deep water swimming. Sea Squirt (Level 4) Children entering this course must have a Penguin certificate or must be able to demonstrate all the completion requirements from Level 3 The objective of Level 4 is practice on freestyle and backstroke and introducing butterfly skills and breaststroke, and diving. Youth Ages 6-12 40 minute classes Jellyfish (Level 1) There are no prerequisites for Level 1. The objectives of Level 1 are to learn basic personal water safety information and skills, to help participants feel comfortable in the water and to enjoy the water safely. Learn to put head in water, float and begin to swim on front and back with support then independently. Seahorse (Level 2) Children entering this course must have a Level 1 certificate or must be able to demonstrate all the completion requirements of Level 1. The objective of Level 2 is to develop swimming and floating on face and back and an introduction to deep water. Otter (Level 3) Children entering this course must have a Level 2 certificate or must be able to demonstrate all the completion requirements in Level 2 The objectives of Level 3 are for participants to learn the elementary backstroke and to coordinate the front crawl and backstroke. They are introduced to the scissors kick and the dolphin kick. Participants also begin to learn to enter the water headfirst from the side of the pool. Seal (Level 4) Children entering this course must have a Level 3 certificate or must be able to demonstrate all the completion requirements in Level 3 The objectives of Level 4 are to develop confidence in the strokes learned thus far and to improve other aquatic skills. Participants improve their skills and increase their endurance by swimming familiar strokes (front crawl, elementary backstroke) for greater distances. Students also add the arms for sidestroke and butterfly. The breaststroke is introduced in Level 4, as well as the basics of turning at a wall. Dolphin (Level 5) Children entering this course must have a Level 4 certificate or must be able to demonstrate all the course requirements in Level 4. Participants refine their performance of all the strokes (front crawl, back crawl, butterfly, breaststroke, elementary backstroke and sidestroke) and increase their distances. Flip turns on the front and back are also introduced. Fall Session 1: Sept 8– Oct 26 (7 weeks) Fall Session 2: Oct 27 – Dec 20 (7 weeks) **No Classes on Monday, October 27(Halloween Parade) - Make-Ups for Oct. 27 will be on November 24 ***No classes the week of Thanksgiving with the exception of the make-up class. PRESCHOOL SWIMMIMG LESSONS PARENT AND CHILD SWIM LESSONS AGES 6 MONTHS TO 2 YEARS Fee: $36 Member $58 Nonmember Monday 9:30-10:00am, 5:50-6:20pm Saturday 8:30-9am NO PARENT SWIM LESSONS AGES 3-6 Fee: $42 Member $72 Nonmember STARFISH (LEVEL 1) PENGUIN (LEVEL 3) Mondays 10:05-10:35am Mondays 4:40-5:10pm Mondays 6:25-6:55pm Tuesday 10:05-10:35am Tuesdays 6:25-6:55pm Wednesday 9:30-10am Wednesday 5:15-5:45pm Thursdays 10:05-10:35am Thursdays 5:50-6:20pm Friday 10:40-11:10am Saturdays 9:05-9:35am Tuesday 10:40-11:10am Tuesdays 1:35-2:05pm Tuesday 5:50-6:20pm Wednesday 10:40-11:10am Wednesday 6:25-6:55pm Thursday 9:30-10am Thursdays 1-1:30 pm Thursdays 5:15-5:45pm Friday 10:05-10:35am Saturdays 10:15-10:45am GUPPY (LEVEL 2) Monday 11:15-11:45am Tuesdays 1-1:30pm Tuesdays 5:15-5:45pm Thursdays 2:10-2:40pm Thursdays 7-7:30pm Friday 9:30-10am Saturdays 10:50-11:20am Mondays 10:40-11:10am Mondays 5:15-5:45pm Tuesday 9:30-10am Tuesdays 2:10-2:40pm Tuesdays 7:00-7:30pm Wednesday 10:05-10:35am Wednesdays 4:40-5:10pm Wednesdays 5:50-6:20pm Thursdays 10:40-11:10am Thursdays 1:35-2:05pm Thursdays 6:25-6:55pm Saturdays 9:40-10:10am SEA SQUIRT (LEVEL 4) HOMESCHOOL AGES 3-12 All levels as above • Thursday 11:15-11:45 CREATE A CLASS FOR AGES 3-12 Do you have 3 or 4 children of similar ability who want to come together? Choose your own instructor and time. Contact Megan to create your own class. 7 week session Fee:$55 Member $85 Nonmember Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • AQUATIC PROGRAMS & INFORMATION • 17 AQUATIC PROGRAMS FALL 2014 YOUTH SWIMMING PROGRAMS AGES 6-12 Fee: $42 Members $72 Nonmembers JELLYFISH (LEVEL 1) Mondays 6:45-7:25pm Wednesdays 4:30-5:10pm Saturdays 8:30-9:10am SEAHORSE (LEVEL 2) Mondays 4:30-5:10pm Tuesdays 6-6:40pm Saturdays 9:15-9:55pm SEAL (LEVEL 4) Mondays 5:15-5:55pm Wednesdays 6:00-6:40pm Thursdays 5:15-5:55pm Saturdays 10:45-11:25am DOLPHIN (LEVEL 5) Tuesdays 5:15-5:55pm Wednesdays 6:45-7:25pm Thursdays 4:30-5:10pm Saturdays 11:30-12:10pm OTTER (LEVEL 3) Mondays 6-6:40pm Tuesdays 4:30-5:10pm Wednesdays 5:15-5:55pm Thursdays 6-6:40pm Saturdays 10:00-10:40am AQUATICS SPECIAL INTEREST GIRL SCOUT AND BOY SCOUT BADGE WORK Troop leaders bring your group to earn their badge. Inquire about boating, water safety and more. Fee varies upon group instruction required. Call Megan at 626-5096 Ext 227 for details and to set a date! HOMESCHOOL OPEN SWIM TIME Bring the family, play on the rafts, have a good time! Homeschool Families only. Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 1-3pm Fee:$4 Children $6 Adults $16 Families PRIVATE SWIMMING LESSONS PRE-COMPETITIVE (HEADSTART) CLASSES **These classes are for children ages 6-14 who already completed the Youth Seal class, or already on swim team and have basic knowledge of the strokes. PreCompetitive will get your child ready for the swim team season! NEW! $5 PRE-COMPETITIVE TRY IT All Ages 6:00pm-6:45pm Sept 2 Butterfly/Breaststroke Sept 3 Freestyle/Backstroke Sept 4 Starts/Turns Registration is required. Fee: $5 per class. PRE-COMPETITIVE HIGH SCHOOL Get a headstart on your high school swim season! October 14 - November 13 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 7-8pm Fee:$65 Member $110 Nonmember PRE-COMPETITIVE CLASSES Get a head start on the summer swim team season! Develop strokes, starts and turns with our experienced staff. September 8 - October 9 8 and Under & 10 and Under: Mon. and Wed. 7-8pm 12 and Under & 14 and Under: Tues. and Thurs. 7-8pm Fee:$65 Member $110 Nonmember October 13 - November 13 8 and Under & 10 and Under: Tues. and Thurs. 7-8pm 12 and Under and 14 and Under: Mon. and Wed, 7-8pm Fee:$65 Member $110 Nonmember ADULT SWIMMING PROGRAMS AGES 18 AND OLDER ADULT SWIMMING LESSONS Swimming is important for safety and for exercise. Have a group of friends who want to learn how to swim? Ages 12 and up. If you are interested, contact Megan at 626-5096 Ext 227 MASTER’S SWIM CLINIC Involved in competitive swimming, looking for extra help with strokes, technique, and endurance? This clinic is just right for you. Sundays 11-12noon and Wednesdays 7-8pm Fee: $45 Member per month $65 Nonmember per month Individualized lessons from our superb staff. Pick your time, and go at your pace. Contact Megan at 626-5096 Ext 227 to schedule. Fee: 30 minute session Fee:$25 Member $40 Nonmember KAYAK TIME! Learn how to kayak and kayak safety and technique instruction. Please contact Megan at ext. 227 to set up days and times for kayaking. BUBBLEMAKER The PADI Bubblemaker program introduces SCUBA diving as an activity that allows children 8 and older to experience the underwater world in a fun filled one time session of about 1 hour. Under close supervision of a PADI instructor, children swim in SCUBA gear just their size in water no more than 6 feet deep. All you need is a swim suit and a towel; we provide the rest. Contact Lancaster SCUBA Center at 717-397-2822 to register your child. 18 • AQUATIC MEMBER BENEFITS/ARC LIFEGUARDING Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • AQUATIC MEMBER BENEFITS Lap Swim Only Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 5:307:30am and Sat 6-7:30am recSwimmers Chart your miles daily. Check your monthly distances and yearly totals to see your progression. Call Megan at ext. 227 for more details. Water Walkers Every day, the pool will be set up for water walkers. Set you own pace and your own step. Members Only! AMERICAN RED CROSS LIFEGUARD CLASSES 4th Annual Masters Swim Meet Sunday, November 9 Meet starts at 10am. Warm-ups at 9am For ages 18 and up. Fee $2/person per entry $3/person per entry Registration due by October 27. For more info call 626-5096 ext.227 (See page 8 for ARC CPR Classes) LIFEGUARDING One call. Handles it all. American Red Cross Lifeguarding course with CPR/AED/FPR and First Aid. Must be 15 by end of class and attend all classes. SEPT 25-28: Thurs. and Fri. 5-9pm, Sat. and Sun. 8-5pm OCT 9-12: Thurs. and Fri. 5-9pm, Sat. and Sun. 8-5pm NOV 13-16: Thurs. and Fri. 5-9pm, Sat. and Sun. 8-5pm DEC 28, 29, 30: 8:00am-5:00pm Fee: $235 Member $275 Nonmember HEATING COOLING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING WATER CONDITIONING HOME AUTOMATION SEPT 7: 8:00am-8pm 625.1500 I For lifeguards with current certificates that need to renew. Attendance at all sessions is required. DEC 21: 8:00am-8pm Fee: $110 Member $155 Nonmember PA Contractor PA1867 S827448 LIFEGUARDING REVIEW Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • 19 Educating the whole child. Going beyond just academics. For earlybirds, night owls and weekend warriors. Our hours are convenient because getting sick isn’t. At Rothsville Family Practice, we provide evening and weekend hours that are convenient to your family. Walk-in appointments available Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-11 a.m. for established patients with acute conditions. In addition to everyday colds, flu, strep and the like, our staff provides occupational medicine, minor skin surgery, well child checks and chronic health problem management. For more information on Rothsville Family Practice, or to schedule an appointment, please call our office at 717-721-4800. Rothsville Family Practice Rothsville Medical Center • 2320 Rothsville Road, Suite 200 • Lititz 717-721-4800 • S850687 S850223 1050 E. Newport Road, Lititz (717) 626-9551 “NOBODY BEATS OUR DEAL” 4 LOCATIONS Over 700 Vehicles Available from Hondru * See dealer for program details S826309 Free Lifetime PA Safety Inspections, Loaner Cars, Oil Change Club* Rethink Retirement. Reconnect with Community. Residential living choices at Moravian Manor include townhomes, cottages, and apartments…with plans to meet your preferences for an active lifestyle! Experiencing Lititz in autumn is something special! The crisp air, colorful farm fields at harvest time, downtown events such as the Annual Artisans’ Porchwalk and Second Fridays, and sidewalk dining at quaint eateries. Add in maintenance-free living at Moravian Manor…just steps away from all the happenings, and you can rethink how you spend your days and reconnect with what matters most to you. Call 717-626-0214 to schedule a personal tour … rethink and reconnect in your retirement! 300 W. Lemon Street | Lititz, PA | S826885 Residential Living | Personal Care | Health Care
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