spring - Lititz Rec Center
spring - Lititz Rec Center
SPRING 2016 PROGRAM GUIDE NEW funZone MARCH - MAY 2016 • March 5 Open House recCenters of Lancaster County • Weekly Summer Camps Preview Best Rec U nde r O R ne NEW Functional Training Center Leading to Cardio Center NEW Fitness Studios oo f lititz recCenter A Premier Recreation Facility NEW Cardio Center www.lititzrec.com Lititz recCenter Spring Program Guide 2016 • 626-5096 8TH ANNUAL GARDEN SPOT VILLAGE MARATHON & 1/2 MARATHON SATURDAY APRIL9,2016 VISIT GARDENSPOTVILLAGEMARATHON.ORG TO SIGN UP AND FOR MORE INFORMATION AT GARDEN SPOT VILLAGE APRIL 8, 2016 S917517 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN KIDS MARATHON Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • www.lititzrec.com lititz recCenter 301 West Maple St., Lititz, PA 17543 • 626-5096 WHAT’S NEW? GYMNASIUM - BIGGER KIDZONE - FUNZONE - CARDIO CENTER STRENGTH CENTER - FUNCTIONAL TRAIN CENTER MASSAGE THERAPY - SPACIOUS FITNESS STUDIOS AND 2 MORE GYMNASIUMS – MAIN POOL - SPLASH POOL ZONE ROOMS - RECZONE 2016 Spring Program Registration Spring Session 1 Registration Member Feb. 10 Nonmember Feb. 22 Starts Feb. 29 through April 16 (seven weeks) Spring Session 2 Registration Member April 4 Nonmember April 11 Starts April 18 through June 4 (seven weeks) Weekly Summer Camps Registration with Discount March 16 to May 31 Summer Child Care Registration March 16, 2016 (page 5) Please check specific programs for dates and times. ONLINE REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE! Programs are on a first come, first serve basis! We pledge that qualified staff will instruct all Lititz recCenter programs. Lititz recCenter Facility MEMBERSHIP/GENERAL INFORMATION • 3 BE A MEMBER! • Free babysitting “kidZone” •Free recZone youth activities •Free unlimited group, aquatic, & spin fitness classes! •Free Starting Up Program! Fitness training for new members •Lap and rec swimming times, water walker program and aquatic exercise incentives •Free Pickleball •Early program registration with reduced fees FOR A COMPLETE LIST WWW.LITITZREC.COM MEMBERSHIP RATES ONLINE MEMBERSHIPS! (Effective September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016) PURCHASE A ONE YEAR MEMBERSHIP AND PAY MONTHLY (RATES BELOW). A $50 JOINER’S FEE AND PRORATE AMOUNT ARE DUE WHEN JOINING. Family Individual Junior* Adult Student ** Senior (60+) ResidentNonresident $80$93 $48$58 $19$23 $36$42 $35$40 *Junior under 18 yrs ** Adult Student (independent full-time student with valid ID) Other membership options are 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and annual. All membership is nonrefundable and nontransferable. For more information about membership go to www.lititzrec.com or speak with a Customer Service Representative. Come visit for the day! All guests are asked to present picture ID. Day Pass $12 Adult $8 Junior/Adult Stu/Senior HEALTH INSURANCE & WELLNESS PROGRAMS Gymnasiums - Main Pool - Splash Pool Cardio Center - Strength Center & More Check your health insurance plan about participation in wellness programs. SilverSneakers and Silver & Fit insurance programs accepted at the LrC. BUILDING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 5am-10pm (pools open M-Thurs 5:30am-9pm Friday 5am -9pm (pools open 5:30am-8:45pm) Sat. 6am-8pm (pools open 6am-7:45pm) Sun. 8am-8pm (pools open noon-7:45pm) HOLIDAY HOURS: Holiday Hours kidZone Easter Day Closed Closed Memorial Day Open 7am to Noon Closed VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! NOW BIGGER & BETTER!! kidZONE with Extended Hours! THANK YOU VETS! The LrC participates in the ‘Thank a Vet’ program. In the military and home on leave? Present your leave orders and receive 30 Day Free Individual Membership. Members of the VFW or the American Legion, please ask about LrC discounts. PARTNERSHIP - SCHOLARSHIP MEMBERSHIP Available for individuals and families with financial need. Complete an application available at customer service. Hours: Mon-Fri. 8am-1pm, Mon-Thurs. evening 4pm-8:30pm Friday evening 4pm-7:30pm Saturdays 8am-1pm When the weather outside is frightful….. For parents participating in program activities, your children will be cared for in a safe and fun environment. Care limited to 75 minutes for ages 2-12 months and a 2 hour limit for 1yr to 10 years. Parents must stay in the building. Free for members $5 per child of nonmember Inclement Weather information can be found on the LrC website @ www.lititzrec.com, WGAL News 8 @ www.WGAL.com, and CBS 21’s Stormwatch @ www.cbs21.com. Our Mission: The mission of the lititz recCenter, a non-profit organization, is to enrich the lives of the community by providing exceptional programs and facilities that promote the participation of individuals, families, businesses and groups from all backgrounds. 4 • PARTIES/EVENTS Membership Specials SAT., MARCH 5 - recCENTERS OF LANCASTER COUNTY OPEN HOUSE - Purchase a one year membership and the LrC will Waive the Joiner’s fee. A $50.00 $avings! The facility is open to the public.Come in and enjoy! Tours Available 10am to 3pm. UNIVERSITY OF SUMMER PASS For college students ages 18-22. Must present a current college ID. No joiner’s fee! Only $95.00 Valid from May 6 to August 31, 2016 WED. , MAY 11 - MEMBER APPRECIATION DAY All LrC members can bring a guest today Free! SPECIAL EVENTS SAVE THE DATE! Details on www.lititzrec.com/specialevents Lititz Walk for PA Wounded Warriors May 14, 2016 Lititz recCenter Golf Tournament June 1, 2016 Adult Triathlon August 7, 2016 Pretzel Twist, 5kRun/Walk September 25, 9am Youth Triathlon September 30 Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • www.lititzrec.com Choose Your Birthday Party at the rec! • Bounce Party • Splash Party • Fun in One Party • Sports & Games • NEW funZone recCenter RENTALS! We offer rental space for corporate functions, graduation parties, end of season parties, etc. For party and rental details, Party@lititzrec.com or 626-5096 x229 Lititz Public Library Nourishing the Mind Enriching the Community Connecting to the World GIVE THE GIFT OF COMMUNITY… The Lititz recCenter Rochelle “Skip” Clair Community Partnership Campaign asks for your donations. Despite affordable programs at the LrC, there are families in our community who are not able to take advantage of programs the LrC has to offer without financial assistance. Donate online at www.lititzrec.com or call 626-5096 ext. 231 for more information. THANK YOU MEMBERS! YOU ARE OUR BEST ADVERTISING! Members when you refer a new one year membership you will receive $20 in a member referral gift card. This can be used towards class registrations or membership renewal. www.lititzlibrary.org Lititz Public Library Nourishing the Mind Enriching the Community Connecting to the World recCenters of Lancaster County www.reccenterslanco.com Hempfield recCenter, Ephrata recCenter, and Lititz recCenter Member benefits at any facility. LrC honors member price for most programs and 50% off guest fee. Warwick Regional Recreation Commission www.lititzlibrary.org Lititz Public Library Nourishing the Mind Enriching the Community Connecting to the World Parks & Recreation warwickrecreation.org The Warwick Regional Recreation Commission is an intergovernmental agency committed to providing information, knowledge, and direction for the development and enhancement of parks and recreation opportunities for residents of the Warwick School District. www.lititzlibrary.org Lititz Public Library Nourishing the Mind Enriching the Community Connecting to the World S916795 301 West Maple St., Lititz, PA 17543 Maria Tivoli WRRC/LrC Regional Recreation Coordinator (717) 626-5096 ext.237 • mariativoli@lititzrec.com Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • www.lititzrec.com recKIDS • 5 LITITZ recKIDS CHILD CARE CELEBRATING 31 YEARS! Lititz recKids Child Care OPEN REGISTRATION for Summer & 2016/2017 School Year Programs We’re fun, we’re active, we’re experienced and we love kids! For 31 years the Lititz recKids have been building tomorrow’s future through our state-certified, quality programs for three year olds through sixth grade. We boast one of the most flexible child care programs around, with options from two to five days per week, part-time or full-time. No rec membership is required for your children to be part of a recKids program. March 16, 7:00am-6:00pm at the Lititz recCenter or after by appointment Program registration fees are reduced if the child is a member of the Lititz recCenter. Registration fees increase for Summer Camp after May 15 and for the School Year Programs after August 7. KINDERGARTEN ENRICHMENT: Continue your kindergartner’s learning & socialization experience *Includes 6-weeks of swimming lessons in spring and fall *Mid-day bussing and care until 6pm available BEFORE SCHOOL CARE: ONLY onsite provider at Warwick Elementary Schools before school *Opens at 6:40am *Includes school breakfast AFTER SCHOOL CARE: ONLY onsite provider at Warwick Elementary Schools after school *Healthy snacks/homework time/games/themed activities *Open until 6pm SUMMER CARE: Flexible full-time or part-time care options 2 to 5 days per week *Outdoor fun active games, swimming, science, art, special events and field trips * Ages 3 to completing 6th grade *Open to ALL School Districts SPECIAL DAY CAMP: Held at the Lititz recCenter for Kindergarten through 6th Grade *Available during Warwick in-service days, non-major holidays, weather inclement days *Open to ALL School Districts Summer recKids Active & Fun All in One! Come out and spend the summer with friends, old and new. You’ll enjoy swimming, funZone, organized group games, walking trips, science experiments, art, water play, literature and music. Scheduled field day trips* will be offered throughout the summer to Penn Cinema, Pa Renn Faire, Cherry Crest Farms, hiking and more! Summer recKids is for children ages 3 through entering 7th grade and operates at the Lititz Church of the Brethren and the Lititz recCenter. Starts the day after Warwick Schools end through August. Hours are 6:40am-6:00pm M-F. Two to five day schedules are available, part-time or full-time. *Additional fees apply The Lititz RecKids Programs are operated by the Children Services Department of the Lititz recCenter. Our mission is to provide quality programming for all children in a safe, active and enriching environment. Call 717-626-5096 ext 234 or email reckids@lititzrec.com for program and registration information. Ask about our discount for multiple children enrolled in recKids. For those qualifying, subsidized rates are available through CCIS and the LRC Community Partnership Program. All staff have full background clearances & certification in CPR/First Aid. Consider LAMS... Delivering A Quality Product That Meets A Customer Driven Commitment • Collision Repair • Auto Detailing • Alloy Wheel Repair • Paintless Dent Repair FREE Paint Touch-Up Kit WWW.BUMPERSETC.COM 1924G W. Main St. Ephrata • 717-738-0334 Conveniently located in the rear of Twin Pine Auto Complex! Information Session March 17th 7:00 pm Student Visitation Day April 20th 8:00-2:00 1050 E. Newport Rd, Lititz (717) 626-9551 www.lams.info S917572 Lifetime Guarantee On All Paint & Repair Services S917502 With Every Paint & Repair Service 6 • PRESCHOOL/DANCE Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • www.lititzrec.com 2016 LRC SPRING SESSION PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Spring Session 1 Feb. 29-April 16 • Spring Session 2 April 18-June 4 Half Pint Sport Programs will teach the fundamentals and playing the game. For more program details go to www.lititzrec.com HALF PINTS BASKETBALL (AGES 4-6) Mon. 12:15-1pm or Wed. 9:45-10:30am Fee: $22 Member $42 Nonmember HALF PINTS TBALL (AGES 4-6) Thurs. 9:15-10am or 5:30-6:15pm Fee: $22 Member $42 Nonmember HALF PINTS SOCCER (AGES 4-6 Mon. 1:15-2pm or Wed. 5:30-6:15pm Fee: $22 Member $42 Nonmember HALF PINTS SPORTS OF ALL SORTS (AGES 4-6) Mon. 5:30-6:15pm or Tues. 9:15-10am Fee: $22 Member $42 Nonmember TINY TUMBLERS (AGES 3-6) Basic fundamentals of tumbling. 30 min. Mon. 11am, 11:30 or Tues. 4:45pm Fee: $30 Member $50 Nonmember PRESCHOOL OPEN GYM (AGES 1-6) Kids will jump in the bounce castle, throw balls, tumble on the mats, run and have fun! Parents must be with their child at all times. Fri. 10:30am-12noon March 11, 25; April 8, 22; May 13, 27; June 10 Fee: Free Member $6 Nonmember per child or $12 per family KIDS BALLET 1 (AGES 3-5) Children will learn the Ballet basics, including classroom etiquette, dance vocabulary and technique. Sat.10:15-11am Fee: $45 Member $65 Nonmember KIDS BALLET 2 (AGES 5-7) This class is for students who had at least 1 year of dance or have graduated from Kids Ballet1. Children will learn choreography and be encouraged to create their own movement sequences. Sat. 11-11:45am Fee: $45 Member $65 Nonmember KIDS BALLET AND TAP COMBO (AGES 3-5) Serving clients. Supporting community. KIDS HIP HOP (AGES 5-12) Children will experiment with Hip Hop and Jazz dance basics. Each class will incorporate at least 5 minutes of freestyle dance and guided movement games. Sat. 11:45am-12:30pm Fee: $45 Member $65 Nonmember ZUMBA FOR KIDS (AGES 5-12) This is the ultimate dance fitness party for kids where they can play it loud & rock with friends! Wed. 5:30-6pm Fee: $32 Member $62 Nonmember Children will study pre-ballet and tap basics utilizing creative movement, sing-a-long lessons and movement games to learn classroom etiquette and technique with a fun twist. Wed. 9:30-10:30am Fee: $55 Member $75 Nonmember TIME TO DANCE (TTD) SHOWCASE S917362 T H E CO M PA N I E S O F R O H R E R ’S I N CO R P O R AT E D 70 Lititz Road | PO Box 365 | Lititz, PA 17543 | 717-626-9760 | Rohrers.com KIDS DANCE Spring Session 1 Feb. 29-April 16 • Spring Session 2 April 18-June 4 CRUSHED STONE | LIME PRODUCTS | READY-MIX CONCRETE | FLEET & AUTO SERVICE Check out the Time to Dance Showcase on May 7 at 2:30pm at the Lititz recCenter. Register your children for TTD in August for the start of the 2016/2017 dance season. “NOBODY BEATS OUR DEAL” 4 LOCATIONS Over 700 Vehicles Available from Hondru * See dealer for program details S916628 Free Lifetime PA Safety Inspections, Loaner Cars, Oil Change Club* Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • www.lititzrec.com YOUTH & TEENS PROGRAMS • 7 YOUTH AND TEEN PROGRAMS YOUTH FITNESS PROGRAMS Spring Session 1 Feb. 29-April 16 • Spring Session 2 April 18-June 4 Spring Session 1 Feb. 29-April 17 • Spring Session 2 April 18-June 4 AMERICAN RED CROSS BABYSITTER’S TRAINING COURSE (AGES 11-15) For boys and girls who are interested in learning basic care skills as well as choking and rescue breathing. Bring a lunch and wear comfortable clothes. April 9, 8am-3pm Fee: $80 Member $98 Nonmember NEW! ADVANCED BASKETBALL CLASS Advanced basketball is designed for the player that seeks development and wants to be challenged. Classes will be led by current or former varsity coaches and be fast paced and challenging. Skill development is the focus of these advanced sessions. Wed. Grades 6-8 - 6:30-7:15pm Grades 9-12 - 7:30-8:15pm Fee: $30 Member $50 Nonmember FAMILY GOSHI SHUN KARATE (AGES 7-ADULT) For more info see Adult/Family pg. 8 NEW! FIELD HOCKEY CLINIC (AGES 7-11 & 12-14) Learn the fundamentals of field hockey and sharpen your skills led by Warwick field hockey coaches. Sat., March 19 Ages 7-11 - 12:30-2:30pm Ages 12-14 - 3-5pm Fee: $25 Member $45 Nonmember NEW! RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS (AGES 6-8 & 9-12) Offering essential training in Gymnastics with a special focus on Rhythmic. Students will enter level 1 of the National Gymnastics curriculum plus an introduction to Ballet for Rhythmic Gymnastics and Apparatus Handling including ball, hoop, ribbon and rope. Taught by USA Gymnastics Certified Coaches. Mon. Ages 6-8 - 6-6:45pm Ages 9-12 - 7-7:45pm Thurs. Ages 6-8 - 6-6:45pm Ages 9-12 - 7-7:45pm Fee: $40 Member $60 Nonmember MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL OPEN GYM Mon.-Fri. 3:30-5:30pm Fee: Free Member $8 Nonmember NEW! RECWARRIOR KIDS (AGES 7-12) Meet in the funZone for challenges for kids similar to the Ninja Warrior program. A trainer will work with kids leading an age appropriate workout. Mon. 5:45-6:30PM Fee: $28 Member $48 Nonmember NEW! SPECIAL NEEDS TUMBLING (AGES 5-12) The basics of tumbling will be introduced in a fun, caring environment. Tues. 5:30-6PM Fee: $25 Member $45 Nonmember YOUTH TENNIS PROGRAMS Session 2 Only April 20-June 1 LITTLE TENNIS (AGES 5-6) Learn to play tennis in a structured class of lessons and play designed to move children through the stages of graduated equipment to full-court tennis. Wed. 4:45-5:30pm Fee: $22 Member $42 Nonmember YOUTH TENNIS (AGES 7-9) Come learn to play tennis through classes of lessons and play. Wed. 5:35-6:20pm Fee: $32 Member $47 Nonmember YOUTH TENNIS (AGES 10-13) Join us for active fun and games using mini-courts in the gym. Practice skills as a group for 30 minutes then play a team rally ball format. Wed. 6:25-7:10pm Fee: $32 Member $47 Nonmember ACTIONLAB (AGES 6-12) Kickboxing, balance and rhythm all in a 45 min. class. Tues. 4:15-5pm Fee: $32 Member $62 Nonmember YOUTH CARDIO STRENGTH (AGES 8-12) 20 min. of cardio using cardio equipment followed by strength, speed, agility and flexibility exercises. Mon. & Wed. 4:30-5:15pm Fee: $50 Member $70 Nonmember NEW! EXPRESS SYNERGY (AGES 13-18) 45 min. of strength and cardio combo by using the Synergy, BOSU, and more. Tues. & Thurs. 4:15-5pm Fee: $40 Member $60 Nonmember SPEED, AGILITY & STRENGTH FOR YOUNG ATHLETES (AGES 13-18) Young athletes will improve power, strength, endurance, explosiveness, balance & flexibility. Tues. & Thurs. 7-8pm Fee: $50 Member $70 Nonmember FAMILY YOGA (AGES 5-ADULT) Family Yoga is a playful and meditative practice that teaches postures, partner and group poses. Tues. 5:30-6pm Fee: $42 Family Member $62 Family Nonmember JUMPSTARTER (AGES 7-12) An array of fun and simple physical activities. Kids will love the fitness games, stretches, jumps and kicks plus yoga. Mon. 5:15-6pm Fee: $35 Member $65 Nonmember YOUTH SPECIAL PROGRAMS MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE (GRADES 7&8) Join your friends at the Lititz recCenter for an evening of dancing fun with a DJ. All dances are supervised by LrC staff. Fri., April 29, 7:30-9pm Admission: $5 Middle School ID Required NEW! funZONE See Lititzrec.com for more details RECZONE See Lititzrec.com for more details YOUTH & PRESCHOOL FUN NIGHT! (AGES 3 (TOILET TRAINED) – 12) For the youth, the night will include swimming, snacks, gym games, bounce castle or a movie. For the preschoolers, providing child care in the kidZone with crafts, gym games, bounce castle and snacks. The Fun Night lines up Lititz 2nd Fri., 6:30pm to 9pm March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10 Fee:$14 first child Member $10 each additional child Member $18 first child NM $12 each additional child NM COMPASSION. EXCELLENCE. INTEGRITY. HERE FOR YOU. ALWAYS! Put your family’s dental care in the hands of a team you can trust! New patients welcome! Call us TODAY: 717.627.3113 FAMILY DENTISTRY Richard M. Berg, DDS Always Independently-Owned Richard M. Berg, DDS, PC I Warwick Center, Lititz I www.drberg.net MEMBER AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION I FELLOW OF ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY S916797 8 • ADULT/FAMILY/SUMMER CAMPS Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • www.lititzrec.com ADULT SPORT PROGRAMS ADULT AND FAMILY SPECIAL INTEREST PROGRAMS OVER 18 ADULT PICK-UP BASKETBALL BINGO Join us for adult Bingo in the recZone on Fri. 9-10am: March 4, April 1 & May 6 Fee: Free Member $5 Nonmember Mon. 7:30-9pm & Sun. 1-3pm Fee: Free Member $12 Nonmember ADULT SUMMER BASKETBALL LEAGUES Leagues will start the end of May-Aug. Women’s Basketball Mon. 6:30-9:30pm at the Lititz recCenter Men’s Basketball Wed. 6:30-9:30pm at the Lititz recCenter New gymnasium! Registration forms and league payments are due by May 17. Contact Ron Stief at ronstief@lititzrec.com or 626-5096 ext 229.Registration forms located on www.lititzrec.com/ programs/sportleagues. Team fee is $525 including officials. PICKLEBALL Come play Pickleball! It is a growing, fun activity for anyone! Pickleball is a combination of badminton, tennis and ping pong. New! Four pickleball courts! Paddles and balls are provided. Mon. -Fri. 5:30am-12noon Thurs. & Fri. 7-9pm Sat. & Sun. 8:30-11:30am & 5-7:45pm Beginner Practice Time Mon., Wed. & Fri. 12noon-2pm. Fee: Free Member $12 Nonmember BUS TRIPS Philadelphia Flower Show March 11. Includes show ticket & bus transportation **Non-refundable Fee: $55 YOUTH PICKLEBALL (AGES 11 & UP) Afterschool Mon., Wed., Fri. 3:15-4:30pm Fee: Free Member $12 Nonmember BEGINNER PICKLEBALL ONE-ON-ONE Learn how to play or improve your skills with one-on-one instruction. For an appt. contact Maria 626-5096 ext. 237 WASHINGTON DC A DAY ON YOUR OWN Sat., June 11 Leave the recCenter at 6:30am and depart Washington DC at 6pm A day on your own to sight see the D.C. area. Drop off and pick up at the Mall area in D.C. **Non-refundable Fee: $55 ADULT SUMMER VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES Women’s Volleyball-Power & General Divisions will start mid-May through Aug., Tues. 6:30-9:30pm. Registration forms and league payments are due by May 17. Contact Maria, 626-5096 ext. 237 for more information. Registration forms located on www.lititzrec.com/ programs/sportleagues. Fee: $270 per team HARTZ Physicaltherapistsare musculoskeletalexperts whocanfindandtreatthe sourceofyourpain. 100 Highlands Drive, Lititz Locallyowned www.hartzpt.com andoperatedby Experience the Difference aWarwickgrad! Lititz Lancaster Ephrata ADVANCED WATERCOLOR: DO YOUR OWN THING For advanced watercolor artists painting from your own photos or still life.Thurs. 10am-1pm March 10, 17 Fee: $35 Member $45 Nonmember 2016 WEEKLY SUMMER CAMP PREVIEW! • Sibling Discount! • More Specialty Camps – American Girl Camp, Just for Boys Camp, LEGO Camp, Art Camps, NERF Zone, Princess Camp, and more! PRESCHOOL CAMPS (AGES 3-5) S916799 Learn the basic techniques and tricks to painting in watercolor. For all skill levels. Thurs. 10am-1pm May 5, 12, 19, 26 Fee: $50 Member $65 Nonmember See details on Lititzrec.com NEW! FOR THE 2016 SUMMER CAMP SEASON Don’tletthoseachesandpains preventyoufromenjoyinglife! Calltoday!625.2228 Your pain freelifeawaits… BASIC WATERCOLOR CPR, FIRST AID, & LIFEGUARDING **All camps and times are tentative and subject to change** Preschool and School Age Camps will run weekly Mon.-Fri. and evening mini-sessions. Nophysician’sreferralis necessary! Kids, teens, and parents are welcome to exercise the “spirit” of a champion. Participants will learn martial arts stances, structure, form, blocks, blows, and kicks. Mon. and Wed. 7:30-8:30pm Monthly Fee: $47 Member $57 Nonmember Family rates available. AMERICAN RED CROSS COURSES Summer Camp early registration is March 16, 2016. Camp schedule information will be available March 9 at www.lititzrec.com/summercamps $8.00 off each camp when you register by May 31! Physical Therapy FAMILY GOSHI SHUN KARATE (AGES 7-ADULT) Arts & Crafts Camp Basketball Soccer Sports of All Sorts Summer Fun & Games T-ball Themed Preschool Camps 3 days a week (Tues., Wed., Thurs.) YOUTH (AGES 6-8) Art Basketball Dance Field Hockey Flag Football Lacrosse Soccer Sports of All Sorts Summer Fun & Games Tennis YOUTH (AGES 9-12) Art Basketball Field Hockey Flag Football Lacrosse Learn to Draw Soccer Summer Fun & Games Camp *(NERF Zone included) Tennis Volleyball Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • www.lititzrec.com Group, *Aquatic & Spin Fitness Classes Feb. 29-June 5 FREE to MEMBERS MONDAY 5:30am Body Pump 5:45am Spin 8:15am BOSU Circuit 8:15am Body Combat 8:15am *High Intensity 9:15am *Deeper Power 9:15am Body Pump 9:15am Body Flow 9:30am SS Classic 10:30am Spin 11:00am *Water Walking 12:00noon *Aqua Barre 1:00pm *Joints in Motion 5:15pm *Deeper Power 6:00pm Spin 6:00pm Triple Challenge 6:00pm Body Flow 7:00pm Zumba 7:00pm Body Pump TUESDAY 5:30am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 9:00am 9:00am 9:15am 9:30am 9:30am 10:00am 10:45am 11:15am 11:30am 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Insanity Spin *H2O Burn & Build New! Body Vive Body Pump Zumba *Aqua Boot Camp Cardio Kickboxing Spin Express Body Flow *Arthritis & Fibromyalgia Class SS Yoga *Walkercise Cardio Move Spin Yoga for Fitness *Aquacize Body Pump *Deeper Power Zumba WEDNESDAY 5:45am Spin 8:00am Senior Exercise 8:15am Body Combat 8:15am *High Intensity 9:00am Spin 9:15am Body Pump 9:15am *Deeper Power 10:15am *Aqua Dance 10:45am *Senior Water Exercise 11:15am SS Circuit 12:00noon Spin Express 5:15pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm *Deeper Power New! Body Vive *Aqua Stride & HIIT Insanity Spin Body Flow Zumba Body Pump THURSDAY 5:30am Body Pump 8:15am *H2O Burn&Build 8:15am Body Combat 9:00am Body Pump 9:00am Spin 9:00am Zumba 9:15am *Aqua Boot Camp 9:15am New! Body Vive 10:00am Body Flow 10:45am *Arthritis & Fibromyalgia 11:15am SS Classic 11:30am *Walkercise 6:00pm Body Flow 6:00pm Spin 6:15pm *Aquacize 7:00pm Body Combat 7:00pm Body Pump 7:00pm *Deeper Power FRIDAY 5:30am Body Flow 5:30am Insanity 5:45am Spin 7:00am *Aqua Dance-Rock’n Rita (3/18, 4/15, 5/20) 8:00am Senior Exercise 8:15am *High Intensity 8:15am BOSU Circuit 8:45am Senior Spin 9:15am Body Pump 9:15am *Deeper Power 9:30am Triple Challenge 10:30am Body Combat 11:00am *Water Walking 11:15am SS Yoga 12:00noon *Aqua Barre 12:15pm Spin Express 1:00pm *Wet Workout 5:15pm Insanity SATURDAY 8:00am 8:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:15am 10:00am Spin Body Combat Spin Zumba Body Pump *Deeper Power Body Flow SUNDAY 1:00pm 2:00pm Body Pump Body Flow Details online at Lititzrec.com for fitness or aquatic fitness FITNESS, AQUATIC, SPIN SCHEDULE/SPECIAL INTEREST • 9 FITNESS SPECIAL INTEREST DESCRIPTION Session1 Feb. 29-April 17 • Session 2 April 18-June 5 NEW! ADULT DANCEFIT Enjoy dancing with a combination of Contemporary, Ballet, Pilates and Yoga based movements. Mon. 7:30-8:30pm Fee: $45 Member $65 Nonmember NEW! BOXING FITNESS Mon. 7-8pm & Wed. 6-7pm Fee: $40 Member $70 Nonmember GOLF CONDITIONING Improve your flexibility, strength, core, balance, plus hit the ball further. Sat. 8:30-9:30am Session 1 Only Fee: $42 Member $62 Nonmember NEW! KETTELBELL A 45 min. class to give fast results for strength, endurance and muscle toning. Wed. 6-7pm Fee: $30 Member $60 Nonmember PWR! MOVES (PARKINSONS WELLNESS RECOVERY) Certified PWR! Moves Instructor Sue Ludwig Starts with cardio interval training followed with repetitive training of four foundational skills that underlie everyday function and becomes impaired in PD. Participants will use exercise to target symptoms that interfere with everyday movement. Tues. & Thurs. 6-7am Fee: $100 Member $120 Nonmember Mon. & Fri. 1-2pm Fee: $100 Member $120 Nonmember LITITZ RECCENTER RUNNING & TRIATHLON CLUB Joggers, runners and triathletes will integrate customized workouts weekly focusing on speed, endurance and flexibility to prepare for upcoming races. Mon. 7-8pm For more info call Simon 626-5096 ext.239 Monthly Fee: $32 Member $62 Nonmember WOMEN’S CARDIO STRENGTH Great body sculpting classics like lunges, squats, and pushups are combined with cardio and core conditioning for 60 min. Tues. & Thurs. 6-7pm Fee: $62 Member $82 Nonmember START TRAINING FOR YOUR FIRST TRIATHLON! Lititz recCenter 2nd Annual Triathlon Sun., Aug. 7, 2016 @ 8am Swim 300 Meters, Bike 15.8 Miles, Run 3.01 Miles. Swim in the outdoor pool, ride and run in the beautiful farmlands surrounding Lititz! Register by March 31 - Individual $60 Teams $80 For more registration details, www.lititzrec.com/specialevents FUNCTIONAL TRAINING CLASSES Session 1 Feb. 29-April 17 • Session 2 April 18-June 5 Session Fee: $32 Member $62 Nonmember See details online at Lititzrec.com FUNCTIONAL 50+ Certified Personal Trainer Sue Ludwig Tues. 9-9:45am TRX CIRCUIT Certified Personal Trainer Deb Smith Tues. 10-10:45am THE FURNACE Certified Personal Trainer Dan Hogan Thursday 9:45-10:30am SPECIAL INTEREST BODY & MIND Session 1 Feb. 29-April 17 • Session 2 April 18- June 5 HATHA YOGA A slow paced yoga structured to learn the principles of the postures and the breathing techniques unique to the art of yoga. Tues. or Thurs. 9:30-10:30am Fee: $42 Member $62 Nonmember Tues. & Thurs. 9:30-10:30am Fee: $52 Member $72 Nonmember NEW! TAI-CHI There are several styles of Tai Chi. This class is the Wu style, the most widely practiced in the Orient for its superior health and meditative qualities. It is a Short Form, taking less than 5 min. to do and is relatively easy to learn. This class will include special Tai Chi, Chi Gung exercises. Mon. 6-7pm Fee: $40 Member $60 Nonmember 10 • WELLNESS/MASSAGE/SWIM LESSONS Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • www.lititzrec.com MASSAGE THERAPY & FACIALS For appointments: 626-5096 ext.318 or Massage_facialservices@lititzrec.com The LrC massage therapists are nationally certified and licensed. Swedish Massage, Acupressure, Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Therapy, Sports Massage and Connective Tissue. GO WITH THE FLOW FACIAL SOULFUL HEALING FACIAL COMBAT THE GRIME FACIAL PUMP IT UP FACIAL MASSAGE & FACIAL SPRING GIFT Gift Card Sale! Buy a gift card for a 60 or 90 min. treatment and receive one gift card for a 30 min. treatment. Offering March 21 through May 1, 2016. Details on Lititzrec.com SPRING FITNESS FREEBIES Feb. 22-27 PAIN MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP Feb. 22, 6:30-7:30pm ATHLETES’ PERFORMANCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP March 14, 6:30-7:30pm LES MILLS LAUNCH PARTY April 9, 8am-12noon SPIN LAUNCH PARTY April 16, 8-11am MAY IS NATIONAL PHYSICAL FITNESS MONTH MOTHERS’ DAY PLANK COMPETITION May 9 BALANCE & MOBILITY WORKSHOP May 25, 6:30-7:30pm CELEBRATE THE 23RD ANNUAL NATIONAL SENIOR HEALTH & FITNESS DAY May 25 PERSONAL TRAINING $42 Member $68 Nonmember NEW! BOXING ONE ON ONE Personal training with boxing professional. INDIVIDUAL QUICK WORKOUT What workout is best when all you have is a little time? Schedule a 30 min. workout. Fee: One Session $27 Member $48 Nonmember SMALL GROUP PERSONAL TRAINING If you like “the buddy system” and have one or three friends that share the same training goals as you do, then this is the perfect training for you. All sessions are 60 min. for up to 4 individuals. Fee: $47 Member $60 Nonmember This is a healthy eating plan with an initial consultation and weekly coaching sessions. This program is designed to help you gradually incorporate healthy lifestyle habits in nutrition. For an appt. call 626-5096 ext. 239. Fee: 1 hour $52 M $64 NM 30 min. $26 M $32 NM LRC WELLNESS COACHING FITNESS & WELLNESS EVENTS FREE TO THE COMMUNITY Fee: 60 min. Meet the dietician for a one hour initial consultation to discuss your family’s goals and needs. For an appt. call 626-5096 ext. 239. Fee: $62 Member family $84 Nonmember family INDIVIDUAL NUTRITION COUNSELING WELLNESS BLISSFUL HANDS FACIAL INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL TRAINING NUTRITION FAMILY NUTRITION COUNSELING TRIPLE PACKED PERSONAL TRAINING In three sessions change the monotony and improve your fitness. The first 60 min. session the personal trainer will update your current fitness program. The last two 30 min. sessions will be a review or will add more challenges to your new program. Fee: $72 Member $120 Nonmember TRIGGER POINT THERAPY Are you tired of being stiff, sore and compensating for over-used muscles? Are you injured and want to increase flexibility to move with more efficiency? Try Trigger Point Therapy for the affected areas of your body. Call Simon for an appt., 626-5096 ext. 239 Fee:Hour $42 Member $68 Nonmember ½ Hour $27 Member $48 Nonmember GET YOUR FITNESS STARTED! 15% OFF PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS Single or series of 5 or 8 hour sessions. New Client Members Only Nonmember Discount $50 off of 8 or 12 Personal Training Sessions Offer good March 10-April 15. Must present coupon. Expires: April 15, 2016 A confidential partnership with a Wellness Coach to assist in making lifestyle changes. 10 one hour sessions of fitness & nutrition support. For more details, contact Simon ext.239 or SimonAbabou@lititzrec.com Fee: $340 Member $380 Nonmember NEW! A WHOLE NEW VIEW ON YOU A weight management program of eight weeks of 1 hour sessions with a whole person approach geared towards helping you make proper lifestyle choices in order to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. March 7- April 25 Mon. 6:30-7:30pm Fee: $150 Member $175 Nonmember SLIM & WIN A version of the Biggest Loser program. Kick-off day is Sat., March 26, 9-10am Special classes, prizes and more! This challenging, motivating 10 week program will improve your fitness & quality of life. You will participate individually and by team. • Trainings are Mon. & Wed. or Tues. & Thurs. 6-7pm with a personal trainer • All participants will have access to the fitness center, swimming pool and gym during the 10 weeks. For more details, contact Simon 626-5096 ext.239 SimonAbabou@ lititzrec.com Fee: $220 Member $270 Nonmember AQUATIC PROGRAMS SWIMMIMG LESSONS Spring Session 1 - Feb. 29-April 8 (6 weeks) Snow Makeups April 11-16 Spring Session 2 - April 18-June 3 (7 weeks) *no classes May 30, make-up June 6 All lessons in Splash Pool Swim Lesson Levels and Descriptions on www.lititzrec.com/aquatic/swimlessons PRESCHOOL SWIMMING LESSONS PARENT/CHILD • AGES 6 MONTHS-24 MONTHS Mon. 9:30-10am, 5:50-6:20pm; Sat. 8:30-9am Fee: 6 Weeks $33 Member $53 Nonmember 7 Weeks $38 Member $60 Nonmember PRESCHOOL SWIMMING LESSONS NO PARENT • AGES 3-6 Fee: 6 weeks $38 Member $68 Nonmember 7 weeks $44 Member $74 Nonmember STARFISH (LEVEL 1) PENGUIN (LEVEL 3) Mon. 10:05-10:35am, 4:40-5:10pm, 6:25-6:55pm Tues. 10:05-10:35am, 6:25-6:55pm Wed. 9:30-10am, 5:15-5:45pm Thurs. 10:05-10:35am, 5:50-6:20pm Fri.10:40-11:10am Sat.9:05-9:35am Tues. 10:40-11:10am, 1:35-2:05pm, 5:50-6:20pm Wed. 10:40-11:10am, 6:25-6:55pm Thurs. 9:30-10am, 1-1:30pm, 5:155:45pm Fri.10:05-10:35am Sat.10:15-10:45am GUPPY (LEVEL 2) SEA SQUIRT (LEVEL 4) Mon. 10:40-11:10am, 5:15-5:45pm Tues. 9:30-10am, 2:10-2:40pm, 7-7:30pm Wed. 10:05-10:35am, 4:40-5:10pm, 5:50-6:20pm Thurs. 10:40-11:10am, 1:35-2:05pm, 6:25-6:55pm Sat. 9:40-10:10am Mon.11:15-11:45am Tues. 1-1:30pm, 5:15-5:45pm Thurs. 2:10-2:40pm, 7-7:30pm Fri.9:30-10am Sat.10:50-11:20am Lititz recCenter • 626-5096 • www.lititzrec.com AQUATIC PROGRAMS cont. HOMESCHOOL SWIM LESSONS AGES 3-12 All levels as previous page • Thurs. 11:15-11:45 YOUTH SWIMMING PROGRAMS AGES 6-12 Fee: 6 weeks $38 Member $68 Nonmember 7 weeks $44 Member $74 Nonmember JELLYFISH (LEVEL 1) Mon.6:45-7:25pm Wed.4:30-5:10pm Sat.8:30-9:10am SEAHORSE (LEVEL 2) DOLPHIN (LEVEL 5) Tues.5:15-5:55pm Wed.6:45-7:25pm Thurs.4:30-5:10pm Sat.11:30-12:10pm Mon.4:30-5:10pm Tues.6-6:40pm Sat.9:15-9:55pm SWIM LESSONS/AQUATIC PROGRAMS • 11 ADULT SWIMMING PROGRAMS AGES 12 AND OLDER ADULT SWIMMING LESSONS PRIVATE SWIMMING LESSONS MASTERS SWIM CLINIC GIRL SCOUT AND BOY SCOUT BADGE WORK HOMESCHOOL OPEN SWIM TIME Contact Kris at 626-5096 ext. 245 to schedule AQUATIC FITNESS CLASSES SEE PAGE 9 ARC LIFEGUARDING CLASSES ON LITITZREC.COM OTTER (LEVEL 3) Mon.6-6:40pm Tues.4:30-5:10pm Wed.5:15-5:55pm Thurs.6-6:40pm Sat.10:00-10:40am SEAL (LEVEL 4) LOOKING FOR WORK? Mon.5:15-5:55pm Wed.6:00-6:40pm Thurs.5:15-5:55pm Sat.10:45-11:25am • Light Industrial • Professional Skilled Trades • Clerical CREATE A CLASS AGES 3-12 Do you have 3 or 4 children of similar ability who want to come together for swim lessons? Choose your own instructor and time for a 7 week session. Contact Kris to create your own class, 626-5096 ext. 245. •Hospitality (Training classes available, call our Hospitality Specialists today for more details) • Temporar y • Temp To Hire • Direct Hire • Permanent Placement Ephrata 348 N. Reading Road Lancaster 444 Running Pump Road 717-336-5959 www.gagepersonnel.com 717-945-6601 S917148 Find Swim Lesson Descriptions on Lititzrec.com Fees: $58 Member $88 Nonmember PRE-COMPETITIVE CLASSES **These classes are for children ages 6-14 who already completed the Youth Seal class, or already on swim team and have basic knowledge of the strokes. Pre-Competitive will get your child ready for the swim team season! $5 PRECOMP TRY IT (ALL AGES) Register for a total of 4 Try It classes and get the 5th free. Registration is required. (Freestyle and Backstroke are taught in Pre-Competitive Clinic) 7-7:45pm Butterfly Feb. 22 Breaststroke Feb. 23 Freestyle Feb. 24 Backstroke Feb. 25 Starts/Turns 7:45-8:30pm Feb. 23 PRE-COMPETITIVE BUTTERFLY ONLY! Work on just your Fly for 6 sessions! Mon. & Wed. 7-8pm Feb. 29, March 2, 7, 9, 14, 16 Fee: $37 Member $63 Nonmember PRE-COMPETITIVE BREASTSTROKE ONLY! Work on just your Breaststroke for 6 sessions! Tues. & Thurs. 7-8pm March 1, 3, 8, 10, 15,17 Fee: $37 Member $63 Nonmember PRE-COMPETITIVE STARTS AND TURNS ONLY! 6 sessions working on Starts and Turns can make you a winner! Mon. & Wed. 7-8pm March 21, 23, 28, 30 April 4, 6 Fee: $37 Member $63 Nonmember PRE-COMPETITIVE (AGES 5-6) 6 sessions working on all Strokes, Starts, and Turns! Tues. & Thurs. 7-7:45pm March 22, 24, 29, 31 April 5, 7 Fee: $35 Member $60 Nonmember PRE-COMPETITIVE Get a head start on the summer swim team season! Develop strokes, starts and turns with our experienced staff. 8 & Under and 10 & Under Mon. & Wed. 7-8pm OR Tues. & Thurs. 7-8pm 12 & Under and 14 & Under Mon. & Wed. 8-9pm April 11-May 19 (6 weeks) Fee: $68 Member $113 Nonmember Specializing in Dentistry for Children and Adolescents 717•626•8282 100 Highlands Drive, STE 304 Lititz, PA 17543 www.sunshinedentalpc.com Jeanette D. Pikarski, DMD Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Accepting New Patients ages 1 through 15. Sunshine Dental… Where Smiles Get Brighter S917495 S916798
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