99 S. Second St - Downtown Memphis Commission


99 S. Second St - Downtown Memphis Commission
Center City Development Corporation
Board Meeting
Center City Development Corporation (CCDC)
DMC Staff
February 11, 2015
Storefront Improvement Grant Applications –
Quench Wine & Spirits and Second Street Shoppers, 99 S. Second Street
The enclosed Storefront Improvement Grant has been submitted for consideration at the
February 18, 2015, CCDC Board of Directors Meeting.
Quench Wine & Spirits
Ms. Hamida Mandani
99 S. Second Street, Suite A
Memphis, TN 38103
Second Street Shoppers
Mr. Amin Lakhani
99 S. Second Street, Suite B
Memphis, TN 38103
Applicant’s Request:
Storefront Improvement Grant in the amount of:
 $23,945 for Quench Wine & Spirits
 $15,779 for Second Street Shoppers
Project Description:
This subject property is a 2-story commercial building facing
South Second Street, in the block between Union Avenue
and Gayoso Avenue. The ground-floor contains two separate
retail bays. The Talbot Heirs Guest House, with suites
available for rental to overnight guests, is located on the
second floor above.
Second Street Shoppers, a local convenience store, currently
occupies one of the ground-floor commercial bays. Quench
Wine & Spirits, a new business venture from the owners of
City Market, has signed a lease to occupy the other groundfloor commercial bay. In the interest of enhancing the overall
appearance of the building and proposing exterior
improvements that are compatible and well-coordinated,
these two businesses are co-applicants for a Storefront
Improvement Grant.
Scope of Work:
The entire ground-floor commercial storefront will be
reconstructed using new glass, new doors, and mahogany
wood trim. A new metal canopy with built-in lighting will
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extend across both storefronts and project 3 feet out from the
building. Each business will add new exterior signage.
Quench Wine & Spirits will feature a primary projecting
sign with internal-illumination at the front of the building,
above the canopy. A second projecting sign is planned for
the alley side of the building. Simple window graphics to
identify the business will be placed on the storefront
Second Street Shoppers will remove their existing awning
sign and add a new projecting sign with internal-illumination
to the front of the building, above the canopy. Window
graphics with simple stenciling will be added to the
storefront window to replace existing window signage. A
traditional sandwich board sign will also be used.
The following are potentially eligible expenses under the
Quench Wine & Spirits
Metal canopy
Exterior signage
Design and permitting fees
Canopy lighting
Exterior demolition and clean-up
Commercial storefront replacement
Marble entrance/threshold repair
Requested match from CCDC
Second Street Shoppers
Metal canopy
Exterior signage
Design and permitting fees
Canopy lighting
Exterior demolition and clean-up
Commercial storefront replacement
Marble entrance/threshold repair
Requested match from CCDC
The CCDC’s Storefront Improvement Grant can only be
used for exterior work. Storefront Improvement Grants
require leverage of at least 1 to 1.
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Design Review:
All exterior work and signage will require the review and
approval of both the Design Review Board (DRB) and the
Memphis Landmarks Commission (MLC).
EBO Program:
Any project that is awarded financial incentives from the
Downtown Memphis Commission shall include a best faith
effort to reach no less than 20% participation by women
and/or minority owned businesses (W/MBE) in the project's
development cost (design and construction hard costs) and
shall be compliant with the Downtown Memphis
Commission Equal Business Opportunity (EBO) Program.
20% W/MBE inclusion in this project would be
approximately $9,578 for Quench Wine & Spirits and
$6,312 for Second Street Shoppers. Documentation of
compliance with the EBO Program is a closing
requirement. If the requirements of the EBO Program
are not met, the CCDC will cancel the incentive.
This matching grant program was designed to create more
attractive, inviting Downtown storefronts and building
elevations in order to improve the public realm and
pedestrian experience Downtown. A primary goal of the
Grant is to strategically target improvements in areas of
Downtown with high pedestrian traffic. For a project to be
eligible, the scope of work should be high-impact and
constitute a significant improvement to the overall public
environment. In staff’s opinion, this project meets the
program intent and eligibility requirements. The proposed
scope of work will significantly improve the appearance of
the building and enhance a well-traveled section of Second
Street near the Peabody Hotel.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends approval of a Storefront
Improvement Grant for Quench Wine & Spirits in an
amount up to $23,945, based on approved receipts and
subject to all standard closing requirements.
Staff recommends approval of a Storefront
Improvement Grant for Second Street Shoppers in an
amount up to $15,779, based on approved receipts and
subject to all standard closing requirements.
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Storefront Improvement Grant Application:
Second Street Shoppers & Quench Wine & Spirits for 99 South Second Street
Executive Summary
Contact Info:
Quench Wine & Spirits*
*new business
Hamida Mandani
Seven Oceans, Inc.
99 S. Second Street, Suite A
Memphis, TN 38103
Phone: 901.347.4680
Email: citymarketmemphis@gmail.com
Square Footage: 2,000
Products: Upscale wines, liquors, cheeses, flowers.
Second Street Shoppers
Amin Lakhani dba Golden Jubilee, LLC
99 S. Second Street, Suite B
Memphis, TN 38103
Products: Snacks, warm food, staples, soda, beer, cigarettes, souvenirs
Property Owner:
Gabrion Hotels, LLC
99 S. Second Street, 2nd Floor
Memphis, TN 38103
We aim to create a more warm and inviting atmosphere at 99 S. Second Street via significantly
improved design elements, lighting and signage. The improvements for 99 South Second Street
will include:
Stain grade mahogany wood around the storefront windows with 1” window glass (for
sound insulation and improved safety)
Mahogany stained doors
Metal canopy with an illuminated front & with recessed lighting underneath. Copper
elements will help tie in with the existing Talbot Heirs canopy
Metal store signs above the canopy with LED illumination
Removal of any existing signage and replacing with new stenciled writing on windows
Replacing existing sandwich board sign with a sign to match new design & also to
comply with
Repairing/cleaning marble thresholds at entrances of businesses
Additional improvements not covered in this application but to aid with the overall escalation of
this property include new planters and plants at the front and rear of the building, painting the
side and rear windows and doorways, new exterior lighting for the side and rear and removing
any unused/excess cables on the exterior of the building. In the storefronts will be 2” wood
blinds to match the stained wood exterior as well as new high-end light fixtures.
II. Drawings and Exhibits:
See attached drawings.
III. Estimated costs & timing.
See attached bids.
IV. Timeline:
Construction Commencement: February 23, 2015
Construction Completion: March 20, 2015
Lease Execution Date (Quench): October 27, 2014
Lease Execution Date (Second Street Shoppers): Original 2007, renewed 2012
Anticipated Opening Date (Quench): March 30, 2015
VI. References:
See attached
Attachment A Second Street Shoppers
Storefront Improvement Grant Sources and Uses Statement Sources Amount Storefront Improvement Grant Bank Loan/financing Other (please specify) Total Sources Uses (Storefront Improvements) Awning(s) (see also lighting) Exterior signage (Approx. $6,000 for sign, $2,500 for stencil, $750 sandwich board) Graphic design fee for signage Architectural design, building permit ($342), and planning fees ($475 rendering) (design: $650, $1,750)-­‐ all split 50% with Quench= $3,217/2 Cost $4,000 $9,250 Included in signage & next line $1,608.5 Restoration/rehabilitation Exterior lighting (lighting is inside of canopy) Exterior cleaning, prep, and painting (Demo-­‐ $478.83& Clean Up-­‐ $146.65) Window and door repairs/replacement (Mahogany stain grade wood windows, new glass, new door) $4,400 $625.48 $11274.74 Streetscape improvements and landscaping Sidewalk repair/replacement (marble entrance repair) Outdoor patio railings $399.96 0 Approved outdoor planters and public seating (outdoor planters & plants) Other (please list): Total Uses Final Total Sources/Uses $31,558.68 Attachment A Quench Wine & Spirits
Storefront Improvement Grant Sources and Uses Statement Sources Amount Storefront Improvement Grant Bank Loan/financing Other (please specify) Total Sources Uses (Storefront Improvements) Awning(s) (see also lighting) Exterior signage (Approx. $10,000 for 2 signs-­‐ front & rears, $2,500 for stencil) Graphic design fee for signage Architectural design, building permit ($342), and planning fees ($475 rendering) (design: $650, $1,750)-­‐ all split 50% with Second Street Shoppers= $3,217/2 Cost $6,000 $12,500 Included in signage & next line $1,608.5 Restoration/rehabilitation Exterior lighting (lighting is inside of canopy) Exterior cleaning, prep, and painting (Demo-­‐ $972.17& Clean Up-­‐ $146.65) Window and door repairs/replacement (Mahogany stain grade wood windows, new glass, new door) $6,600 $1,118.82 $19,661.69 Streetscape improvements and landscaping Sidewalk repair/replacement (marble entrance repair) Outdoor patio railings $399.96 0 Approved outdoor planters and public seating (outdoor planters & plants) Other (please list): Total Uses Final Total Sources/Uses $47,888.97 V. Women or Minority Business Enterprise (W/MBE) Participation.
Please specify if your company is W/MBE certified and provide a description of your
qualification. A description of the W/MBE program requirements is attached (Attachment B).
All projects that are aw/arded an incentive from the CCDC shall include best-faith efforts to reach
no less than 20% participation by women and /or minority-owned businesses (MBE) in the
project's development cost. Submit the attached form to verify compliance. (Attachment C)
VI. References.
Provide three credit references for you personally, and three for your business.
References must be business professionals (not from relatives).
VII. Legal Disclosure.
Disclose whether any applicant, guarantor, or any other person involved with the project is
currently engaged in any civil or criminal proceeding. Also disclose whether any individual
involved with the project has ever been charged or convicted of any felony or currently is under
Please indicate if you have ever filed for bankruptcy. Supply detailed information.
VIII. Applicant Signature
The following statement must be included with the dated signature of the applicant or an
applicant's representative:
This application is made in order to induce the CCDC to grant financial incentives to the
applicant. The applicant hereby represents that all statements contained herein are true and
correct. All information materially significant to the CCDC in its consideration of the application
is included. The applicant acknowledges that it has reviewed the descriptions of the CCDC
financial program for which it is applying and agrees to comply with those policies. The
applicant shall also be required to show best faith efforts with regard to the employment of
minority contractors. The applicant specifically agrees to pay all reasonable costs, fees and
expenses incurred by the CCDC whether or not the incentive is granted or project completed.
Applicant Signature: