SRP Brochure_final_052912
SRP Brochure_final_052912
EVERY BUSINESS HAS A BILLBOARD. WHAT DOES YOUR BILLBOARD SAY ABOUT YOU? Your storefront is the primary tool for advertising your business. Did you know that 53 Alla Famiglia restaurant on Warrington Avenue in Allentown percent of shoppers base their first impression of your store on the appearance of your façade? You have only 8 seconds to make an impression on a pedestrian and only 1 second to grab the attention of a motorist. Make sure it’s the Front cover: Peppi’s restaurant on Western Avenue used the Storefront Renovation Program to install new awnings, signage and masonry repairs to their façade. right impression! The perceived quality of a purchase is in direct proportion to the look of a store, right down to the cleanliness of the windows. MAYOR LUKE RAVENSTAHL’S STOREFRONT RENOVATION PROGRAM The Mayor’s Storefront Renovation program helps the business and the neighborhood. The new storefront has improved my visibility and draws people in, increasing my business. This program has allowed me to do a much larger renovation than I ever could have imagined.” Jeffrey Trebac Owner PEPPI’S OLD TYME SANDWICH SHOP 412.255.6550 MAYOR LUKE RAVENSTAHL’S STOREFRONT RENOVATION PROGRAM Mayor Luke Ravenstahl’s Storefront Renovation Program is designed to help business owners make improvements to their storefronts and improve the appearance of our neighborhood commercial corridors. Commercial establishments located within the City of Pittsburgh are eligible for a reimbursable grant up to $5,000 to make exterior improvements such as storefront signage, lighting, windows, painting and more. • • Eligible businesses can receive up to 50% or $5,000 maximum grant toward exterior façade improvements. Business owners who have made improvements to their façade saw an average increase in their sales by 12-22 percent. The URA will provide a consultation with a design professional if the applicant needs assistance. • A non-refundable application fee of $250 is required upon submittal. • Projects with total costs above $25,000 may be required to meet State prevailing wage rates. • Banks, savings and loan associations, gas and service stations, used car lots, home based businesses and adult entertainment establishments are not eligible for this program. A new storefront, cornice, signage and paint freshen up Copper Kettle Brewing New storefronts, windows, lighting and paint brought new life to 5427-29 Penn Avenue in Garfield What Message Are You Sending Potential Customers? Program Details To find out how we can help you, contact Quianna Wasler at 412.255.6550 or The URA has invested in over 1,200 façade renovations in the past 25 years in every business district within the City of Pittsburgh. Above: 70 S. 12th Street, South Side, Before Right: 70 S. 12th Street, After