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Lfl2UO.1q5 UnUqUOo J0 80.IflOS UeSq st o'ii euq. ;o e.1nq.ans e4q.XBd.1q. enbTUn ot SUOq'S5TU'S.1O -U.1GA0 ,O A[U0 -LOTTOd icoctuie VU'S 1S.18t0JVL ,O °T'5 qnq '5OU8IU q.OU sq.Ues8.1de.1 peptr[OUç 5U'S.1O U['5Ut -T .T ATTUSSeOOUS qSOUt UOTOUU.J pnoo ooqsri T'5TOOS .ieqso; oq. pesçi,qqse UoqJ'5sU'SaIo U'S q.'SLq UOTqTU 003I 8t[O Ueeq 5'5Li Uoq.cteoUT sqç uio.i, U0q'S5TU'S.1 .1flOq'Sq[ T'SUOT1'SU.131UI 8LJ4 ;o 8.I14'S3; onbçun SUQ [eq'SI'Sct8s peddns UT3cI asettn t-fr61 UT GOU8.I8.U0O 10q'S'I T'5UOTq'SU.13U 8Tfl Aci. p3qc1op "5TLIT8P'STTLIa ;o UOT'S.1'SI03ff UT pU'S UoT.nj.Tq.sUo Sorii st[q. oq.. equi'Se.xcI 3L. UT 8Ofl.SU T'ST00S O. 011 8L. 30 se qoeqo 3UJJ q3 q oo'Sed UT5'S1 pU'S P'581 P1UOA' LiOTLtI SUOTqTpUOO UT.18S0. 'C'SS.13ATUfl 3° qU8UI8A.8TLtO'S 8L{ -q'Sq53 S'SA& UOq'SsU'St 01. 8.flqT.1UOO 0! 6161 UT P°'IT1 .1noq'Srj esocLlna °LiI 1 -T pU'S UOT'S5TU'S.1O 8LIiL i1OIflVSI1\WDUO uriovri oivaii Ha 1 ['sUOTUISqJI U's S's SSISS pU'S 'sieq'sm T'sTOOS PU'S 1flOCU51 uo uOT'sq.uo1nnoop pu's zoTq.'saTqnd ;o soinos io['sux 's s-c o'ii suo'soqncI pU'S T4OI'seSaI oATSuexe 9U ex's UOT'sIedo-OO T'soTwIoeq PTI's pexoddns uTq4es pi'spu'sq 7 sT'sSdo-oo ueuxc1oTeAep T'sInI uoq'siqs suoTq's1,eJ iuoq'si tUOT'sO1LP9 S.IStORL -TuluIp's iuOq'si :suoTq.nqTq..su 'soOg ;o quouIdo[eAe([ - oq.e 'eInsTe1 'ex;eA& 'TOM ,O SfllOt[ i'seue pu's ;e;'ss UTPUTOUT '3jIO& 0 SUOflçpUOO tq'sot TfllO s.Iet.Io.M. eUxTT.I'sUx I'sT 'suoq'scIn000 o suoqpuo to :s;-c11 pu's - SeT.I.SnpuT ;O roa&ap uOq'sStI'sIO PU'S ueuIdoIe&Sp q.USUiS'sU'sUt -U'sUI T'sII Pu's T'sTSUPuT UTTW's1 uTUT's :SSOInOSe'a U'sUItLH 0 IaMOc1 'sU0Tq's00A ISUIcT0ISASIJ - SOTOUO's PTT'sT°( Ietqo ITATqO's O'II 2° PTT; .10c'sJAI tqA uOçq.'sIOq's[oo UT uoq;o pu's euuu's.xota q.uouIdoeAe suoTq's P3qTUfl OTq. tt-T uoq..'sOoSS's 8S010 UT 1-° PT'sO SI's S3Tq&qo's SSOU seutotc1 uo'siodo-oo I'sOTU -too. oq.. peoep ou e.x's oi q cucu's ssoinossx 5e'çzqunoo UTdOI3A3p 1-T's oq. uo'sxodo-oo 1's0Tut[O ;o eu's.T2O.xcI upu'Sdxe .&TTP's®qS 'S po'sue ueeq S'st 0111 etq. 'sep'soep oA&q. qs'sct aqq. io ç 3t10r 'sL[ [..I'sOj\] SuoTqua&uo 0111 UTT's.I &q, e)'stepuu SO'sq t[OTtM suoTq'sTiqO oti 10 oedsex suonu-p.uoo oinoos oq. peIo[oAep uesq S'sL[ 'eeqçurwOç) ooueie;uoo eT'sdIq. 'S pu's SdX ;o ee4TuuoO quep -uedepuT U's TtOCt UTPU1OUT 'uOTST&tOdflS ,0 pu's enbTun 'S 'etouLIet4Iu OPOQ .InOq'sr ot[q. S's UM.Otfl eq oq. euxoo S'st[ q..'sc[.A eqJ4qSuOO pu's SeTI4uuOo .iequieUi UT eOTqO'std Pu's UOTOr's[ST8[ L0T'stt tO,] SUT11WTrS 0111 etq. Rq peqIop's ueeq pu's iepow 's ePTAO.Id OTtJ p'sq Suoçq'spueuuuooe' -pci pu's SUOTqUOAUO ocT '0L61 1c-["se eqq 8PrLTOUT SM[B SCqUIOUI 'sxequiew q.ueuxu.xao pirs siequiow ieoitha io posothuoo O - ;o pus AoTIod ;o suoq..s.snb epToep i T 't"' UeutELIeAOD UT I53 'SAGU5- 5 seuxTq. eTfl sqU1 TI5ULOU °TQ L inocsq [UOTuLIeq.U] tn ;o RPOa UTUeAo ettd spxspUsS inoqs IsuoT UIOqUT sqdop ptrs 'suoq..senb .inoq PU TT°° seqs 30 UOTSSUOSTP OL[q IO Iec1UXeU1 wnio; PTZOM S SepTAoId i 'qepnc T t[OTt UTU.IeAoD eL[. SOeTO icq PSOUSUT.] 0 Sorii et[q scIops pLtS icpo9 iepuedepUT eq..oA pus eds isw uio& eOUa.IeUOQ e Co.M. euo pus e5eTeP eoTduIe euo 'se.sGTeP .ueutu.ieio OMq_ :Ri.umoo ieqwem qose wo.I; SeAT. T5TULIeT o toe 'eeep ueseicIex zno; ;o pesocltuoo T 'poq soii eLt 'eoueIepzo inoqsn ewe.idns eq 9 sq..ielxe 1eUsd PUS '50el4TWm00 T'STSUPUT 'Seeq4UIUtoo £xosçAps 0 I'U0Te 'Se0UOIBUO0 TSU0T3 es qons SeTpOq ieqo qno.Iqq. '(eoT;o nocr 1SuoTuIeUI 0515 UOqSSUSZ eq tseIOeS euSuLIed s pus (poa uTeAoD eqq) (eoueIe;uoo .Inoqsr suoTuIeq..UI qnoexe us eqq.) 1ToTmO0 eqq) eunf uç tose Piet 11SmIou 'eouexe;uoo 1sceue s S)tIO 0 pesodUxOO T U0TI.SSTUSIO inoqSn ISUOT UIouI eq STISQ UTSJ, eU. u5UIeSuSIU PUS 0 SU0TOrOUU US UOTq..TSOcLUIO senbTuqoe. uçuTsIq. 15U0T00A PSOUSAPS UT 55TrUfl00 uTdo-[e.ep Ill0.I. soqomiq..suç ;O UuSq. eqq. UO snoo; 15U0T00A pUS [SOU SWS2OJc1 osoqi 'UTIfl UT UTUTS Li0e PeOUPV XO eIUG 15Lt0T0r5U50rUI eq pus 'suieqod IflOqS[ O pnq.s OT;TUeTOS eqq. IO.J e.4UeO S 'SAeUe-D UT SGçpnq aflOcSq[ .10 eqnqTqsUI SUOqSUIeqUI eU peqsçqS5e Li °-I pI°T. eseqq. UT uoTqSuLxo;uT ;o esnoq UT.ISe1O sqsg PeqTufl et]q. pu Tuopuç) peçu stq. 'soçqncIsj 'ttJ? 'Ai.i 'TPUI 'eout1 Q UOTUfl 9TAOS 0 qSSU0O 'uULIG. 0 oT[qndo' tt1 'TTtO 'P'rO pu 'szodxe ;o ipoq quepuedepu ire ;o ST1TPUT; ;o quese.xd UTUa5LO.D eIO. Aq peq.eUSep 5J5 5S5t[j1 qLtTI UT ApO I1OPO1 0 S 4TUtUXOO SATI4STUTU1PV PU TTOUUTI st. .&q st[q .S.IT eOLtSqSUT 5T.fl. UT P5STOI5X9 ST S384'SU1 5TSTUTIPS 'TTOUUT 'it.spuc IOAO 6 eseqq. eq sc1uox TSnOTxsS esxiq. USUIeIreW pire sao pus IeAo[thu 'quetiiu.xeAof etfl. SXS SsqqTsuodSe.I AIOSTAI5dUS St{. S5.IUSUS ussJ4eq 0 SOUI UTU5AOf 5L. O pU Sss4TuI1JIOO 5U P° tL150u00 T'eTOI5URUOO ere[ UOTqTSOthIIOO 5TidTOr 8UJ SIeqweui Tv S.IOosrçp ;o poc sLq. ;o qeqq.. oq psxethuoo sq Aui sIox si.i °°T;;o .Inoq TUOTqU5qU5tIq. ;O qUeUIeIreUi UOT tSTUTUIPS SLf4 Sdee PU SOTqTAT.O oII I5AO oxquoo 550[O p°a uTuasAo.D eqq. 'E]11 I5O4'SL[O UT AOT5 psqIoSep SXS t[oTtt/ 'Seeq4TuIatoo SnoTJ.'A SqT flOIt[. UT31tOfiA 8 TOU5D-0135tTG tfl Sq.uTOdd q-i (su'etio UOt4TA q-T dOP JTTJWOISUO i.toTLpA) sousts;uoo etq. q peAoJcI&e sq oq. qspnq pu smureioid scq. spuemwooei pire sueioos.içn 5tfl psqTu1qns ssodo.xd q.epnq pire eu S etq.. sqq. s oic1 S.IOpTSUOO q-i 5OU5X5.U00 (e) (P) .ict pedop suoqpusuiiuooe pire Suoqua.uo .ieqweui q uoq'eod SUOTSUTOUOO IO ST'SOdOT.cI o Ssq sqq S5UTUtX5 q-I (o) T5Tfl '5T0Jd 'dii SAOrEO.] Pu SUTI.55W Tpsqus ocüuoo pits pue 'uoiqiup 'Sevp ert. ;o uoTqTe -I (q) 'peSSI SUOtV[OS5I etq. uo sq p[flOLtS UOTqO'e OT.TO5dS qt{A SSPTOOP pits eousis;uoo dri SAIP 5t[O. 0 UOTSSSS t[O5 0 pUe'S ui suoq.ourL Si.&pOa uçuIe.A.o. :SA&oiIo; s pssunzms eq () eOU5I5JUOJ etfl. UT duOi eTOId sqq.. .tcq SOc ee.Itq. Jt5A5 P5qO8T5 ei sasquxem aeto stq. t1eOitsq..IOthUT I'ST.SflPUT .JeTttO O Seqsq ueq. sUq. O S8ATU5S5Id5I 5t -fr uOiquTpIO-O Oe4TU1U1OO OATqISTUTU1PV OU O IOd3 LtT UO ITtfl I.uT0f sUOTqfl Pequfi et. ;o siod çoed eL[q. pirs SUOTf\ peqçu (seTouey pes l.Tufl uoiqoedsu et () oq. sedx ;o Oeq4UIU1O ;o suoppueuxuxooai or.q ;o 0tJ4 euTursx 0 SeOU5UTI et OOH p (1) epn pire eATtqsuTuIpv uo eecuauoo iost&py eiq ;o odei) sooue pesTTToed etq. pire uoçq..sen SUOTqJ\[ peq.çufi eiq 0U4 O 0 5u10[qoJcI 15TOUUT ptre 1cXq.epnq Peq.TUfl Gtfl. Jc U0140V u[e.I 5UOT upnq s t'enbpeq ou eu etq. no ssexoIa qepnq pire em snqpuedxe .0 sqtrnooa UTOUUT. SLIOr T0u00 S[sOdOt (q) epnc-iq.xe ;o sqepnq posodoxa 6961 aec[oq.OQ q.epnq. uçod&e imiothueq. pire sq..sod ;o uoçqnoo 0r11 eL O. e[c'e[A spun; c31ffi ;o uoq.enqg PttfliE 1-TO UT3tOfiA eL[q 6961 zeqoqoo ic Pu 1WdV oc 6961 JcrenLtef ic () i Pu 1T'V 1 '.&nu q..e 6961 (T) cotd etq. uç ao; pepçAoJd q.ou sqso[ -Bix (fl (;) (e) 0 uoçso () ;o snq.eq (0) (q) OrUflOOO suo-rqnqTquo 8961 io; sun000y peqTpnV saocIe sioq.çpn pnq uoq. sze;sutq. pire eouux.io;.ied -ueuie1dmT euur2o.id :8961 io; q..epnq pire errsJ2oIa () ILoL6I ec. io; ssodotd ;epnq pire e2o.id o. uoqpp u-c 'peIepTsuoo ç qtq. sqoecns ec[q. uoure eze e UT spue Sq..ç eA 1oTd upoo; etq. '6961 Ui uiox; pepn ea, im s.ieqqeux eAT tq.suuIpe PU'S 1T0UUT ietqo I5AO 1ouoo SqT ;o sseutno.iot. puCe queqxe et ;o A pus y Al 5UO.O5S UT .oeq peqçosep 5T enqpuexe iei ou ptrs eu r2oxd eqq. ;o q..ueq.uoo ecq uuçmIeq.ep UT 5TUfflIOD ;o e1oI ei.ueo eu po UTILIeAo PU GTOUO UTTOTq.'I peçu ot eww toxa uGudoTacE suoT 'SUOTSTUtO St3)jIO.& pire 1sIeO[duIe 'puxeouoo Ietq.O pu SOTTIOLtU TUOTq.0 TM UOTEOGTTOO OSO[O J2OtcI eoUq.sTsSe [OTUtOOq. STeqçUpUp q-i UT s spuq tton ;o uoT oTId eAToefl IflOc[ TUOT UIOWT 0 stp (p) qoinotd pu spptrq.s et Se dIo qi orII eiq ;o eoueq.ethuoo etq. (o) UTLflTA Se4BUX UTILI9OUOO UOTqULIOgUT seq.upneeeçp PU ee uetpr ;o sen sew pire ;oe.xecq. sqnee tq- ssTqnd 'toxeseI pu's SST.xTnbuT ee'sqiepun -i (q) UISFJS13 weu. iO UOTq.'sUeU1nOOp sspTAo.xd pu's SGOT,&IOS T'sTIO pu's eIZTqesUI pU's SOOueIeUOO I9t[O pu's eeeq4çuIuIoo sqç pu's p°a UTuZeO.D SLfl. 'eOUeIG,UOO inocusri I'suOTq'sUeqJII 8tfl S Ttt's10 eq 'sw suoçq.ou'n; :SMOTIO; S's pSSLI'stuuxriS seIq.tmoo ç;-Aq.rçqq SUtOS UT UOTSTU'sJQ UT PeS'scI c -i -i seoT;o i'suex tti R&eue. 5L. ('s) ;o 'sçi'sq..eioes ueu'suiiod et PP's' 'eoT;;Q aUOq'srj eç TueooerccI eTT 01 euOTqsenb suoisued snoT.'sA 's&euee UT SeTI'sT'sS oor.xsS T'sIsueD ;O UOU4Tfl.I0OJ pu's iT'sUOTq.'sU .&q eoq's pu's 1IOeq.'s0 T'sU0TSSe,J0 eqq UT J'sS 0 8InTPUOdXe I'sU0T1TPP's UTTT'sUS SU0T'sTfls' ,;'sq etq. oq. SUOçq -clooxe suoiq'sne ;;'sq. etq. oq. S.UeWpUOUI's pesooI1 9 (d) (0) (u) (ui) trçcmp Trdezd eUeO-tOOe1ITa ettq. 'pO9 trçUJeAOJ OT ssodoad q.e2pnq pu eiurtoid um.tItxeq qoe ioj eqSUocISeI ST I .&q ue&ç oq. q.oeqn SUOqoflJqSUT ptrs eotrpn et 1 po eA.nsuo oUoy-teqUI ei pu uotrçpIo-O uo eeq4pIUIO eA4Jq$UUtpV et[q. upnoU 'eTOUeS peSçOedS JO Speet e çqTLO8e et[q. jo SUqeew eLq pu SUOi41 peçtt ; uoT;sTuJO et sq.uese.ide Jet[q.o jo strp.eew q. opxiouoo et. pu roo pue qwesSy Izeueo e 'uospxio etq. sq.uesede &po[ eH et eouecIeJUOO .xaoqw] SUOT.STIWUOO pu 'SUoSTUIo ei.j pu 'ouno q.s 'suoçjI peqtIfl et jo 'pe.rpabet s ei osi UTU1IeAOD Lq peLsqse q.eJoes eT s Pu's G50u5J5Ju00 t1Oq'sr SeeTUmIOO 'seotzee;Uoo TI 'uoceIep q ao iiuosied IeTe et Jo i eueD-Lrse.IoeS s's sq.o's H i petLieouoo sT o1u etjq. LITT '-tT seiotds AoflocI Joç'sm 5t UT uOçq.o's I'stXOTUWT pu's i'suo'su io; q.iocIdns pu's uoTuTcIo oq. dTtSIeP's8I SeATs OII tOik q'st[q. emsue o. uip .io; T ç .IeAOeJO Jo eieqds sOfl OtT up.p sxeq.q.'sia uo uoçq.o's p115 uoq.'sIodxe JO SeUfl A8U uoq.'ssp152Jo ot jo sq.uenqp.suoo ei pus eoue.ie; -uo et 'Lpo9 upxieo4J etr o. q.sens o pus s çA'çq.os jo ewursoicT eATsutTeIdwoo s Lpo 2uTuJeAoD ei oq. esoclo.icl o urp O S'sJ q-i 'eoi;o .inoq's'I I'suoT'suteWI ST jO quemesusw ueToTJJe et 110J eqsuodseI T SLI pO9 2uTuJe,&OO eqq. Jo eL[q. Jo tOA et suOTon.xqSuT ei JSTLtO. eT uUJai.OJ et ST oq. oeqn uoq.ssu'stO et Jo 5,flO5C5 SOTJJO moq's'I Isu0T'suIewI e Aq pequodds T I eue-JOq.OeJ eL H jo Lpo I S UOT.O un,j pus eiou :sieue-JOqoetITa 9LIJ (I xTpuedclV) pepuecid's .moqs' 'su0q.'suIeI etq. JO oIo TS1OHVI tsLIo IsuoT'ssTus0 txy VNOIIVWd I HII II T eOTJJO T1 oe;;e otrç nd sei. eo;j STt[ e jo UOT TUtoeI Iow .moq.er uoTq.eT.L'e ieqmeo u 96 si iTAT.OV JO SewtrtoIJ Io] eqsuocise SeOT.Ies ei Ie[IoIq.cIwo St[ euo UIOt[ T'TouuT pu .ie.mse.iI jo eTq.T et o 'eue-oqoeJa q.u;sçssy eçj pue iieueo -stooeaia Lndea QM 'I e q ncTea IdTOUitcI euetoq.oe1I sç toi. sTt UT peq.sss uTIueeI .snm Leti; eue.o-JOoe.ITa e[ L1 Uosçu8IO et Liuo eIqTSUOde.I T[q. pu uoq.suto et oq. Tu1Ieq.xe tOt[fle JTI UIOIJ SU0 eTeoetI iO ees otLtqSU OU Lew sogj;o .et[ et 'eq.orIo UT TUOTUWT LTe..TsnTae eq o. ex ;;q.s eqq. pu' I eqq. jo txeuio eq oq. ei jj pu et jo seqmeui -TsuodseI et JO equttau ueq.aeo O1T.[ eoTjJO eT JO tO 81 JO 1couepçJJe o. pietI eup UTAetT 'peqoees eq oq. ez JO suos.ied qt 2UTLt q.oedSeI sTtfl. UT sueweJTnbex IU0T. -nçq.Stioo oçsq 8t(I IOTr4TUOD etrUç TqiOJ .eS SeTdTOUT1Id trçeo oq. .oeqns 'Apo trçuJe..o etq. Lq ut.op PTT SUOTTfletI etr JO toeurij eu uTp I eueo-iIo;oetITa eT Lq pe1.UTodd cItaoqer IUoTU.IeqUI et Jo jjq.s 3T 91 UOqSTtI8IO IUO txIeq.uT Ietfl.O T[i'L StXOqI8I IsTqSe oq. peleAothue os-j sç eue-,Ioq.oetrç et[ ueuoiduie pu erjTe.t& '.moq o suoçq.senb uTL. eep tOTt[. Seq. tIeqmeuI jo suemqxep tieutwte..o t[q.T q.OWOO .oerçp seL[ etj Lqeiei empeooid 'uoq.nq.sUo ei jo 5u0T5p.0JXI eqq. eoup.i000 UT 'peUSTIqse S.et[ eUeO-JOOerca et Q1 ST eoçJJ iteue8 tIOJ sq UOTSSUOSTp S se.tes L101t[A emetj IOTd0 110 ..ieL utpeoe1id et JO eSIflOo 0TF4 UT UOTOSTU'2IO et Lq pe1.tsTIdmOoo Jo t[O tO!. et 110 tOdeJ et oq. uosstuqns pU UO14 eUtIetlejuOD moq ITeM. S -rcIetd et .xoj eqsuodseJ OS IUOUJeqUI etjq. ptre Lpo T 811 UTu.IeAoD et 80U8.XeJtIOO in0qe'I oq. uossçtuqns .10J peqie [tn pu eto et[. 't[otIta UoçqsTUurpV aroqI et uoq.onp SUoçe 'qou tOçT t.louaa suogqnq.çq.suI 'eATIedo-oO et[q. pU' otxt9 moqw] ei SeSTIdmoo q.uemcLoeAea suoTq.nTq.suI icoos etii inoq 'q.T1euxrcte pti Ltsnpu eo-flstu e uoTq.oe Xt9 tIOq.SUIO pU TXTUTLI {tXOTOo et (a) pu uTtItrId IeAOthXH eu 'iou'ei oUJ9 q.uewdoeAeQ q.ueuie2'tre ei ';uewrectea seo.rrioseu UflH etci (q) ptt t[OtiJE Lprioe TT°°S txoq.'ednoao et [Se}J ptrs Lq.e;e ei 'tIotrea9 t[out to jo Suo-çqçpuo iteueo et sesçithuoo 'uewrSctea eyç' pu tOM JO suoçqçpuoj GT t[OTL () sesTJduIoa top ToUSta eçi :uTAoTToJ et equsqns et Ltjsa pu ioj 'sq.uewq.rScIe eT OII et jo semuitoid TUoTaedO LttUTId et Lei e ouqae. tow et wotn ei s Liecaeuoo squeuirecIep qxçe txemrsdep esei jo eeiq ;o seuauzotd trçsw 8T q q.no peçtIo ere suotq.aes o.uT xetm; pu setotxtq ou pepp.pqns uo uemq.xdep u-çeq (sq.ueu4.rcIep) spm iom et 'sçsq 1 peSu2io ST OTJJO et 'ueI sqq. o upi000y 'peU'eWeI S5t[ tXted açsq et t96I eotrçs poed ei trç q. teuios pe2urna et seq.ue eT2uTs t t[qçi4. SeOçAIOS sqoedss sç jo eujos 2noqy erci ptr suo-oun; efl pecTno etflqonS TUOTST° oTueio' -iq. Jo SeKp.Oeqo uoq1Iedo pu iuon. -riq.çsuoo TdTouTad et ' tno,it 'pus exnqon1iq.s ewmtoict STLtI: o'iI etq. 'eqssocT S i; s Cpeaeje,i qoppi ornq.oniq.s 1101 sTuzo u tsqse o. s Sq. JO euo 2LITPe1 sqoe;;e qu'eq.Iod q.SOUI 'sunsuoo uemeueui o iirç; 1IOTUeWT Aq peq.onptiOo Lpnq.s 6 110 pesq SA 1101 STU2IOe.I jo stxoq.puoo oq. uiie.x SeOq.oe.Id pu sen.i trç.ieq.sprçuip .Io; eqsuodse.I ST ueuiq.iTep etti seoid uoq.iedo-oo opxqoeq. io; peJç sqiede trçpnou ';;s jo sed .10; eoçjj et .iOj 8OTA.Ies euipaoe peSe.1q.ueo 8 SepçAo.1d j .txemqrsdea seop..1e eq.suurpv ptre TemIosea e.0 c Sepoq eUoILIeq.ui .1810 TqT LTq.UTO peiScIe.1cT sq.ueuua.1qsu esot se s 'sUoqpueuratooe pu suogue.uo o'n s qons 's.ueurn..1q.sut Iejo 2u;tp eqq. UT 5q5T55e osie I S&LI8S ITKP TUOU.18q.0 S Sfl1.S .1TeT prze j;s jo q.ueui4ocIiue oq. stxoçq.senb UTPnIouT 'suoqSaecIo oiI ;o q.onpuoo eqq. trçq.oe;; SU0Senb rei ii U0 eot&p S8PTAO.1d leSt.&PV 8t[ 0 8OJJQ eq j ieueo pue eotxu-r et 'q.Ueu4aciaa seo-çA.Ie ueu4.1ctea SeOT.JeS e..TtTtITurpv pu TetIUOS.1ed eqj Liesppy ie'i eq jo eoç;;o eq (o) (q) () eseqi Sepfl.Oe OII .10 S8OTAJ8S 01.JOddn$ eKçq.Iq.SUTuIp PU TeT Lxesseoeu eqI. epi..od sqtieuq.xcIep eetILE C3 Tt0d1fl$ S8OTA.1eS 0 Qoeq a UoToes) ut10TSTT.IWeO8au 8utpeeq 9t[ .1epUrI &Teredes P8.18A00 queu1q.1de T eqq0 peT.1xeo pTeT et[q. oeq T sU0oes u pu jo semuIto.1d eqq. ao; eqsuodse.1 SUetuqredep q pu sq.uemq.redep Iouqoeq. .10tU ee.11 eqq. Lq qno TATO jo semu.1o.1d eqq. ;o q.ueq.uoo eq UeuIqIctea U0q8ut.10;U oflqn PU tWP01TPa eq (e) tq.Ueuiq.icte 8OU8.1O;U0O PU SUOqe eq (p) ueuIq.acte uewq..rede sprpu'e pTeT etj iroqj TuoTu.1ewI etia ueuiqiciea UTtX(ITd pU ttOJ8S8II eq (o) (q) () :ej'e &pqO Jo seuIurJo.1cI .1OJ eTctTsUOcIse.1 sq.ueuiredep Ieq.o - 01 - Aoeq V lilA U0140eS pu seoUe.IeJUoo rç peqT.Iosep e.i seeçwtuoo L.1osp 'uoTTodwoo etb 6 uoTe.i ;° rcoTpoc.ied pu OrUeU0thU0O TuoT2e1 sq.ç ;o uoTuewetdwT eu tr eioa qtrIoduI u Lid oq peq.oedxe ex strp.eeuI uon ewW t0.Ij .tXeUU0[dUIj pu 'suq.eeuI ruore.I UT peq.wçq.çuT etepua piot pi.ioi s1on ei LflLt4. uoiq.ed0-0ü T .10 8U0 'eçpoq q.ue;edwoo .ieio UTe 'O'II et L[OTL[!'L U0O eq.oçptrç o. pu 'se.iq.unoo inpp.pu Lq pens.1ncI eq oq. es 'q trc uono otn o sseueAqoe;;e et[q. AeTAe.1 oq. CUoTe.1 etj jO suIeq0.1cI pire speeu ioos etj eq.ene.&e oq. er et et suTq.eew iuoçe eset jo sesodaiil ieue '(eqp oq. peq ueeq SL[ eoue.ie;uoo TuoTe.1 etto Luo '.1e4T et .ioj) edon ei "TsV 'SeOTJeuI e1 'Oi.I;V :suoie .1OW .1tLOJ jo tioe eeTwmoo Ltop.p ieU0Te UT SI.18q.UT .1Ifl2e.1 LTIITJ pu SeoUeejtioo IU0Te.1 BesTU.I0 e0çjjO eti 8 strcee TU0TeU sesocLmd pu U0qeSU.1O et JO et e.owoad o; eqasep eq Leui S SST0U8 TU0T2e.1 LiOUS tsTqse pus seoueejttoo TSu0T8e.1 qons euetxoo eToTre .18Ufl O!II eLi 'U0TflTSU0O sq. jo u0Saq.Ueoec 'SU0T3Jed0 SUOTISA oq. UTSSeO0.1d a qp OTUO3400Te JO t10çq. Sq.Ueu1eu'.1.re TU0TSTU.10 pu SeIflpeOo.1d et ptt 'spoqeut 8OTJJO jo Aep.e.I unuq.ttoo et TU.1eWT UTpflIOUT '39.I01 SUOTO1.SSTU.1O 8T.j JO sq.oeds'e IT0UUTJ -SoTTdd pu L.1epnq et.fl. Jo T UeUIq..1ede UTtItIeTd otjq. .1OJ eqSu0dSe.1 iieueo pue eoueu eTj 9 OUttOO pue seoç.&.ie se eojJij et. .1OJ SeqflOeJ 2uTdeeesnoLi TeJ4U80 ueq..1eo SepTAO.Id os-[e q.i JO (SUOTSUed UTpflT0UT) q.ueut&ode jo suLIeq. pixe eOçA.1eS ere seot;;o Tuoiei ei sçurL Liqtiaoo 'seso eutos Uç Cp 'ei' oq.trç pepp.Tpqns 'Sej4Tq.ue T'UOTeI ino; io; sepçAoId emqontqs piej OII .teu et[q. jo q.Ueurqpqse em.on1iq.s STt ei ;o uo.eidmoo eLq. ees TTP. TL-OL6T poT1led etp eL ejtrex io; oq. eAeUeo uIoIJ peieppuoo eq pinos 'oUeToTJ;e jo sso io qsoo UT eseIoUT .notq-p. pue 'senssT AOTIod IOW JO TOUOO T.Ueo UUOpUeq q.noLqpt PTeTJ eqq. UT UeqIepun eq pnoo qeLq. io.it fl wqqsit &oTIod wrpin eu 'UOTqesTtq.Ueoep jo sseooid eL[q. UI enbpet pu Uoei TIoe UT sq.UeuIee PIeT; uee4eq UOTotUrLu1wOo Jo euçs Ic; pU 'SeTTTqa peTJ O'II fl JO UOqUTptIO-oO IOJ pee et UOTeI pire LtWnoo Ltoe jo speeu qoe;ei o. eurureiotd Or1I Ioq. eL (q) ToTd et () ioJ peeU eL UeUTU1e-eIcI ete!. Up.00J et LtOTLT!4. UOUXe 'sezedmT reiees Jo T-fl eL[. U UOSTIq.UeOep oq. peoq. S &JOçJ1 8flOfl.XqS PTOTJ Or1I et[q. JO .UeuicIoeep ei oq. Ue& SUq.eduq AeU '96T WOZE. S 1E qs epp etfl. UT euo PU eOTtIemy UTr1 UT OA. 'TSV UT eUO 'eOTtIJ UT SeOTJJO peTJ O4 ee eietfl. S0961 ite e .&c[ 6t'61 UT TSV UT dfl qeS SA 'STeTOTJJO eUOquzeq.0 Lq pe;;s 'eIflU spq jo eoJJo PTeTJI 1.SITJ 0th .eOUI.STSS UTATeOeI SeTtUOO et PU Or1I 8tJ Untxq.Uoo pu esoio rio; UeUrfltSUT Tie UeeAeq UO JoctTToo epp.oxcI pirtO pU 'UOTeI UOTotedO-OO UT ToTUoeq. ii ioJ eqTsuodsei eq pno qo eoçj;o PieTJ jo ecIq eU e IOJ rcej peeu eTT '66T UT seuraioicI TUOTtedO jo UçLjoUn[ et[q. tfl.TM TUOTIedO OU peri seoçJJo 0S0T Seq19q esou pU Or1I et[. ueeeq 3[XTI e e eA.Iee oq. Seq. tlequieut UTcIeO UT pesTqse eIe4. eqUepUOdseLIoO TUoTq.0 ptie SeOTJJO thOU[q eOUeSTXe SOr1I eqq. JO s,reeL iree eq. UTIfla errortiq pe - 0E et etes ieu 'uepuodseiioo tIoTw. irç seTJ4IIrLoo e1 ei pu 'S9OTJ;o sTToTJ;o TuoTqtLIeqUT ere 'seaT jo s uoçqtx er OtXetIq jo ;js etjj UeseIcIeI Ltquri,00 ei pu ptI Tuocei jo ;js TUoTe;oId etj 'seojJo peç. jo e2.rtto UT eUe-.IoqOeIT ndea et eL[q. ;o JeTtla et pu saoqetIpI0-o q.ueuqrde q.i sua mo; jo pu pTeTJ et tode oq. Uoge tfl. UT S;TUrL eupJoqns ITeL[ pue eoTJ;o IuoTe et jo pesodutoo q.tiemqiecIep pe; e se pesueto T eTotj.1 e se enonxqs et j7 sdTt[s.toTTe; jo UToeEd et pixe s.oeoid uoq.eIecIo-oo eoTtIqoeq. io; sq.tedxe jo qtIeTfltIoeI et[ t[q.çA UO.Ot11IOO UT DLOTted UT 'seoptes cenie sçseq emT-rsct 5 aepuex s1.uepuocIseLIoo pus sezYç;jo eseu 110 exe SATJ uiot jo ' uepuodsesioo Teu0TeU ue.es prs SeOTJJO seç.iqufloo peseTIqSflpUT tjoueiq ewçu oxe eietq q.uese1icl qy peq.dope pIXe pe npe ueeq sq suepuocIseLxoo 'eUo4eU pixe seo;;o LOUeIq Jo 3IO8U IeTTte UT LIUTSUI s4sTsqns AOU 'einqoni;s peT; o'iI et T t[gJ EE eqUeSeIcIeI Liq.tmoo .ino; pus 'seTJ4trrLoo jo sdno 2txTIeAOo 'SeOtJJO eeie UeO;Uees ee eiet eUo2e eu jo et IepUfl petLIeoUOo U05I ettq UT Seq.AOe Onil .io; eqsuodseI T ott& '(seq.Aqov onil J0 .iOqoe.rç([ s 'edo.in pUS qse eppç eq. Jo eseü eTq. UT) (edoir e q pepeeti T eoT;.o tU0TI ttoe. et p115 qse eu eIppT jo q.Ue1udoeAep et eq. ioj) e&eueo pue (eTsy io;) 3otT5 io;) elUT'I 'CSOTJ;v io;) eqeqy TPPV UT peq.oT emonq.s peJ et jo qxed s pepreei ou sç 'to pe.ufl et qp eo;jo uosçe oiI ei ie trç stxo; -I: 'TetZeO-tIo.OeJTa et &q uojepsuoa iepua ete eo1ioj et Lq epeul suopueuItaooeI ei '.ueurnoop Wesed eqq. jo uoTe1rcIejd jo eurçq. eT.1; qy IeueD-Jo.oezTa et .&q peuodcIe eoio; q tpnqs Ieptm ueeq eAeI. TToecIs 'pe; eqq. pue eienbpet ueeeq uooim; uTJ;s ptr trçpnou 'enonI PIeT; 0111 ei txoq.senb Jo iequinu 'suuow queoe.x zI jo eou-jeq et oq. enqoniq.s plei; et noit owqoeq. sieqnbpeet trg peutx'ui ueeq rej Os srnt sq.urt pTeTJ jo Sej4i4o ei jo sqoedse 1OTUt[oeq. IoJ uewxcIea peç ei jo sqçtxn -peet ei Lq pepLreq eJ 'UTJocIeI pu uO tq.sump 'UTttLre{d uo' 'uri 'uoqupxo-oo erçnbei t[oçt& q.nq 'TeAeT uoei eL[q. O t[q.pI qep eq .otiuo peJ ei UT esr LoqI. svieqoIcT Auw et (strreeui 'uoq.rnuIoJtx-r ;o uoçq.Irçtuessp pue Uoq.3eoo 'uTes piepueqs) OII et jo sej4A;oe tIeLo o suoTqottrLJ I.uetoduIT e.iet sq.iurL peJ 'uoq.eiedo-oo eoctxtei. O io ol. UoiTppe U] U°TTet SUTeq.UrSUI 0111 eI LIOTt[b. trp sepoq .xeuo jo seo;;o ieooi eqq. pue 'sepoq TUoTeJ 'sUOq.eSUeIo 1sa&oidiue ptze £szetoA 'sq.ueurtzIeAo Tq.TA qOeUoO esoio uçinsue 1o; 'pue STLI oq. pue 'uoTe sT trt{q.p. sUOTeI8dO peJ TT JO trpAteS pire UOTsTAIedns Cueweu.j iteue et set[ SçUn TuoTeI et IOJ 0 9 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 ;o TTOe!J 9 0 0 S q.uepuod.s 8 LIoO IeUOTN 1 seATq.eq.ueseIcte :seoçj;j TJOUt9 LIq.uao :S8OTJJO eeiy 0 I eciolna I ew I I :seoTJ;c 1euOceu I S 5 O ew :S.M.ofloj se pesçieuIuTrLs eq Lew emorLiq.s peçj ueseid eL Uoqte10-00 ouqoeq uo U0TIITUI 8i7$ orn et[q '6961 UI 000'LoI' ;o qepnq 'q..Uoo o ted 1e qoq sjrfl etq. '° '000'T0T P"' UITX01dd q-T eInpuedxe ;o SULIO. UT U01q0B ;o sueeui 'i6T UI Or11 ;o q.uq..Iodurç qsoux et ewooq oq. ttor2 s'stI uogqtedo -00 10TUt[0O '6T UT OIS qSepOiu TIOI 0t aqq. o'ii et. ;o .xoui e eurooq 'pe[io oecIs 'U04tecI0-O0 ioutoeq. q-tqq..ou SM qq-T p senbai toçt Ua q-T S ;o SJISUItLI9A0 OIli UTPUd S& V1 0TWA et ct SUOTSSTUI SPOttU1 -0t.uOc[ eoçAp o SOTtq eATqTai 'eurci. q -isod etti çqUn soqq iscutetu eSotq pirs UoquLIoJu tOSTAp .ou ST q..00uçp pcI. PeUeute1ddnS '.IOAaM.ott POST1TJ4SUPUT pU sfl0Ue soui 'seqq 'oIeNL t[oTt]A& ;o JectUIeUX Sq.T U S3E0Jk 30 SU0TTpU00 UTI0NL PU UTAT1 ett 0 SUSOUI 1dT0UTTd ottq a0JdUtT 0q O'II Ottq Oq 1cU1T'AE U0q0 ueoq Pt[ U0TqULI0UT 0 u0TUTuIeSSTp PUS UOçq..08[[00 et pU Ufl49S PtPUIS ''A P1'°A PU00S ettr 3t0.e 6 TAT0flP0cI UT.0IdUIT UT U0TIed0 -00 q.Ue1e trSw-.xnoq'S[ ;o UT0w0Id eqq.. pU AIeAToe110o UTRrSc[ oj. tJ 0 qeOUOO epuloUT oq. peUepSoIc SSM U0TOT00SS .O IoPtJ o sePT et qUouu01IuIeIrn 0 u0TqUeAeIcI e.ieui 8TI. ULJ tt UeutA01thue OATq0UP 0 U0T0Tfl0.IcI OTq.. eureoeq oAqoeçc0 8tOr 'I.UeuI -od UB 1T -oTthue ,0 [e etq. UI UTct-11S pU T-TeI ;o U0T0III0.xcI eATqoe;;e pU8 t0 1'oTPeu eATsUeTeIduI0o 'eutOoUT oçsq S Aq.Tanoes 1T00S 0 TePT eAT ULITfl UTpTA0Id 0 SUU1 3J0W etfl 0q. P[0 pU 'SqJxepToo 'SSeU)j0S 0 SpXZt] Otfl.. qSUTS SI0k UTqoeq0td 30 qOOUOO IGTTXSO et[q uio.I; xo; £at& ururEtoIcI sqT ;o UOT P.Tt15 STBttduIa eTq peuedo pirs 'O'II ett 30 SAT10eLcI.0 eL. U0 !ITT &OU 'SU0Tq.. PeqTUfl etq UjTM U0TqJwgo0ss SOII et[q oq aprr[e.1d . i7i761 UT peop 'TTId1eP1Ttt 0 u0TxToea eT eeAqoeCqo PU SpUeq ieee U/c[Yaeoad ia 111 pI Ioqoerccr 'eouexe;Uoo 'u0TsS8 6961 qq. ;o q..ioIe 'eto q..ueurAoctug pto ULIflS9ut io; 1TqueSS ssoio.xc1 'AoueD uoct 1uo BuIewI et oq. iteuae T tt0TTtM U0qULI0;UT et[q. estre pu qoel[oo oq 'toxesoz pic. qno £i.xo oq dn qeS ueeq 8ASt t[0Tt[A. SUI3q ioai otq. UT 'uoqo Tefl posiwoicI 9ASLt IO 'UT dT0TId APtt e Tt Soçoue 'duixe io O iequmu iequ xeto ;o .iequmu 00 esoio SeAIOAUT p.I0j Vt1- St[ pu 8TO Uq UtOdUIT 0 2° Al pepueq.uç UTq T 1 1fl0TO1I y ioua O'II ç W8UL01dW sT '1O0UIOU0O anoq cI1tO UT etq o UOTSS ode 6961 et[q. oq etq UT pu iLoL6T io; Ioq.oeagc[ ot. oq.. uoçq.onpoxq.uj et. ;o t'S U0T0 suoTsTuIo uoçq.su o'n etq. ueoeq uoteIo Li nottt1 10 Lt0TLIJ.& .cI. qepnq pu eJ2oT1 SU°U' ti UT peqTI0sep Sp.IMoq. ss2oid eui oq ATl.03ict0 '.LL ,O qUIIX Seoç[0d U0TU.I9q.UT pU 1U0TU qTXt0 oq. puPs 'p[.IOM uçdo1eAop Ot(. UT AiXifl0 O1 oq. Ueuxo[eAep J0 Tqd 'qJzeIJL10thue 8Kçq0flp0.I UT SS.I0UT q..fl0Q UTIc oq SUITE t[OTLIM 'SuJ0Ia queutJ0cLuI P1i'A MOU ST SSTq.TAT0'S o'Ii etfl ;o qStLitt. UTSUI 9t .117 * * S t- * sooict UTUU1cI IeAodUtu pU 'qUeuIcI0oAep U88UU 'UTuztq. 1U0Tq00A oq poqoep t8M U0TtcI0-00 roTutt0 sqoeçoxcI ctons xo; spUia; eu. o q.x1 set et ; A'cj ;o t0cIthLs pu UT0TA.IGG eAT S.ISTUTU1P PU'S 'S0TW0G St[. 0. 90A8 e.ISM SO0tfl0S8.X 'Su'S.sqrLS sqoeotcI U0q.'StOd0 00 1'S0Tuttool U0 SexflqTpUec1xe q.oeçp eset[q. oq U0q..Tpp'S UI 0 S90.Ifl0S TI'S 1110JJ Peou'SUT. 'SeUlTPU8(1X9 T'S0 I-T eTtq ;o quoo tied 9j7 qxiOq'S I0 'PT3 9U. UT UOTITTTIX - 91 - 'toJeSet Tl.TAT0' S°T' UTpfl10UT - '4TAi40 o'ii et -ooe ;o setouiq OT;TOedS .xo; uoçq..o .;TSUeqUT pu uueS oq. iepxo uç 'tq. pepçoop Lpo ett 'U0TSSeS IPrtLI * * upioAo I '6961 Lt0XW 1-T OTWOU j7j7 * suoTeI Ieiq..0 UT S9TIUU00 poeee UT PS0Ufl[ eq iIOtS 11T' SqoeOiI .xeeuOTcI 0 SUOqpUeuunooe.I t- 0q UXeeq. ST[ 1TUITS 1UOTUIeUT TtqT1 qoe;;e aA.T oq 'Tct.UI010O O UeuflLISAO &q senSeux Ac pe&oo; eq oq. peqoedxe ST ereoicI UOT0 pus otio qUeILI1OTdUIe 1UOTU et]q -'TflULI0 aLEC eqq. UT J4Ufl00 O'St[q. 30 Uew1LIeAofJ eTt TWOT0O Pe.TSTA )U UT TSTA T'TiL 0 UOT q..STSS O ue1xx(IO1oAea uoTxeuiv-iequI et]. pu seq uoTIewv o uoq.szTU'eIQ etq ei. 'OHA 'oDsaN.fl 'ov1 'oanm 'avIol\m 'OEI eqq.. 'rtx UTpU10UT 'seToUee reiees Aq eqçe ep'eux sq.xedxe ;o UT PSttOW1 Ueeq pesoduioo UoTsSTuI 1e.eT- t[ ri.ueoe. ssit toçip 'pUp] ST o srç etq. 'qoeoicI IeeUoTd UT peqoe;eI OS1J'S T 0e0IcId5 oUe'e-aeqUç q.ioIctns fr T1TiI ji tqp peqnq. TU0Te1 etr. UO SSOCI UT1TT UT tetqo seIequT 1Tett Peq0TPUT e&tt (ova 'ociI.im) seçoUe -TqSUO0 T q-T UWA uqieo e[çt[M 'urseq -.IepUn SL ou'eq etq oq q..iedxe U SeTqTATq0 eu 'TV UI -doeAep et. UT 'eeTunnoo -o'd oq. Ue). toxt ;o q..Ueui TOTUttOe 'UTOSTSSS Aci t0 iree; O5TUS ei iq IetTe e toxd am et. UT pe iO stei1xe UTPTA eAV, t"a queuIdoeAe uoTey-IeqUI etq. pu seq UsoTxewv ;o U0çq. -ZTUtO ec[q. 'OONfl 'OVa 'V'IO euxuaio.xa q.Ueuuc0dUx "5OT.10U1V UTqW UT 'SflT P1ORL et[q. TIITRL U0STTT 0T10c1 ie&othreux io; eqsUoctse.x SqTIm 1U0TU ;o UeurqSç[qqSe etq UT STSS 0. pU 'seTUr)oo 1UPTATPUT UT SeT0T10 ueut&oithue UTUeweTdTJxT UT SeTqfl0T;;Tp U;qUOpT seqimoo uTdoeAep ;o Tnoci.a sT uOTqueq4' oq. uoçq.xiqçIquO0 q0erçp 'B eU 9Y'B1U U'BO qe;'Bs pu BU0q..TpUO0 UT3p0A 8UPUT UT LtV['Bett pu fl'BJ2OJd .xoç'Bw sTt IepUrL UTILIe0UO0 S9IflS'BGW eS0U,O UO S STS'BTtcIUIe qU'BIOthUT xetq..ou seIqrnioo UTdOTeAep UT paIflOA'B q9'Be[ St8)tJOM I'BaflI JcTUT'BUI - SI0& 0 Sdfl0 et ;o' suieqoid pu'B speeu etq.. pu'B eIoA ['BnU'BuI-UoU LtoTTA& T'BTnoTkt'BcI - pe.&oiduie BI'B suosied ;o seciwnu ei eiett& SOflTATqO'B UT B.Ie)t0& 0 SUIeqOId PU'B SpeBU TJq B'BtO 'BTfl0TI'Bd UT pequeçio MOU et'B e]Tr pU'B tOJ -uo ;o .xoCui etq ;o 9eqAq0'B BL1 e;'çq pU'B O BUOTq..Tp '917 EOfiJ ,0 BU0TqTpUO seATqOeCqo GI'BIOIdI UT.eTt[0'B 0 spotq.eiu UTOddflS TT'BflOfl1U eq oq. S'B 'BA 'B Ltoris UT PBUU'BT PU'B PeKçeoUoo 3I'B - t0I'BeSe.I 'suoq'BoqrLd 'sUçqeem 'spI'Bpu'Bqe 'BU0q'BU -xeqJrg ;o UOT'B0TI'B U'B qUeuldO[eAep eL1. 'UOTf'BIecIO -00 I'B0TUt[0e. - PeqUaUI8thUT e.I'B SetuIn'BJ2OIcI .IOC'BlU etr t[oTT tn0Itq. UOTqO'B 0 SU'BBUI etf 'e0TO etq .o sqUetuq.J'Bdep I'BoTTnoeI t0e'But eeItq. etfl oq pU0dSeLI00 t[OTWtL 'qJIeuIdOTeA8c[ SUOçqUqçq.Suj T'BTOOS PU'B seoIflOCe U'BUH 'e;çn U'B io ;o suo-pjpuo :Beu'BioiI E'BoTuLtoe. .xo'Bux eeiu iepn pei'Bo [eI'B AILOU ST 3tO. 'BoTutoeq 4QI 811 flO fr SBUULI'BI0.I I'B0TUtt0e .IOC'BW BTJ 'a 'iV.iuouooe etq. ;o aioqoes OT;Toeds o eq'B[eI toçt euiui.xo.xd o'ii OL[q ;o sqt'Bd esoqq. o Uoq'BqUeio U'B qUowdoeAep eu uç J'BId oq elo.I u'Bq.xodwT U'B sepoq I'BTTUITS pu qt pu Seeq4Tuiuio I'BTtlSflPUI OrII BAg 'SeIq..Snptrç T'BUPT&TPUT 0S['B p[nOttS uçuieoUoo Uop0'B Sfl et[q ;o SSeUeAç0e;;e etq ueques PTfl0TS UOTSTOBP StU1j seTTAToV 'BTI.SnpU] .10; eunU'B.1o.1a 'B 0UT p8q'B.1eq.Uç PU'B peuqwoo eq PTfl0TS - SUTqeOUI ei-eeTutuI0o 'BT.Iq..SnpU S'B ITOM S'S 'JcuIoUooe etfl ;o Soq.oes T'BUPTATPUT uTU.Ieouoo U0T'B.IecI0-oo 'S0TIrq0eq PU'S U0T'BULI0;UT 0 U0Tq'SUTUIeSSTP - T- .IoCew SOII oq ;o SSI[ ettq.. ST ttOTtA 'SooIr1oSeH UTJ1flH 9j7 ,0 SATqo8cO UTU 8T iojd IOC'SUI 0 OU seo.xnosoa urnanu qtocIsutq PItGTUT LIT S.Ie3IOA pII 'SIetS tONOO 'UemT[ST. 3.IOM 0 SUOTTpUOO St[Or S 0 e;ç[ pits tflçM peu..Ieouoo ST eu toid STiT S STUOQ JTTW :S)tO Tq-TW (P) p[O 'A4TPT1'SAUT pits euU&pSe.Ic[ St[O 0 i[q'SSp 'S 'SeTIniUT quetuo-rd:iue 'SSSTD[OTS oq erLp SuTUiSS ;o 5S0[ 'SXSO TOTPOIII TflT1. UTT9P S8.IT1SStU pitS SSTXIStIOS Oqflq..'BqS [[S Oqflo'SqSUOU pitS 4TIfl08S TTOOS :içrnoeg T'Too LqTA petueouoo T sm toact ST1 (o) UTPflT0UT) tqstt pits qaSs TUOTdfl00O ;o uoiowotd et[q. pus sossesçP pus sq..usp (SoTutouoIe TOOS I 10T1fl000 ]0 SUIUI5J2OIcT TtI 5Lfl :tseH PU LflTNL PES I5U0Tlfl00O uTSnOTI Pus etnSç8[ 'SOTTIT0 ®iLISOUOO (c1) StOIOM esa'A pus (sEo. UT.IOM 'sPOTIed q..soi '.&sd Lq.TM S5PTIOLt ')OM qLU pus IOM JJTLt5 'tOM J0 sJnoc[) io ;o SuOqpuoo '(SqT;sueq. eiIT.I; 'Se5M ;o uno pus USUXOM J0 SuOq.puOO ST{. 'S8Ti[5S pus SO5NL ;o etuqou.xq..s pus i-°i stq..) uoçq..souuuxe.i T.qTM peuieo IOTqOOq.OJ -two PUS T eixuxsr2oid STttd :to ;o SuoqTpUO TIUOD (s) UMoflO OI5 °.T'I PUs 3tIO .rO SuOTTpUOO 0 esoid IOç5UX ISUPTATPUT SLtL et dIn S5UX LtOTiM S8S2O Lt inoctsi PUS SUSLIO .&q pej.Seio spesu 9t[ q09U1 Ol- SetqunOO I5OT0I0Utt0 ISTOOS ;o uoq5dI5pS et epsoq oq. pus 'SeTux1.0o uTdIOIeAeP UT eeoM ;o sdIno PSOUSAPS UT SOIJISLIOS O. uoTqoeqoIdI 15T005 0 UOSUS..XO etq Oq PT5dI petxeouoo OSi eqq 00 PU suteq. I ST mAoIiue iuoTei :to: uoqeupiooo s.ie znbpe uTpnTouT coia U8U[A0[thU PI'°A tfl ]0 UOTqUTPt0 TIdT0UTI ST UTUUTd 3tt. tt1T. POUJOOUO0 eto.id STtt :uoSTuto PU UTWITcI te&othip pTeT; eqq. trç spotow trçt[o'eeq. ;o queiucIoe&p et pu UTUT4 IUOT0OA 0 UUU[d pirs (o) oopoteux 'uog SuIe[qo.xct t[T peu3.oExoo 4STUTUtP 'U0TSTUEO Suondn000 eoçAxeS PU tT0.IeuuhI00 °sI ST i 'I'oTeTo .I0, &rçTrç'BIq.. TU0Tfl00A pirs 'SUOqfl000 S9I0 pU -[IflI I0 UTUT4 U0q..So0A '4SfltUT UTUE. TU0TO00A 'UTUT'SIq. TU0T00A J0. COU Uç[ep SeUJrsL0tc1qflS Oq..UT PPTATP T !1T SUT0TLU.I09!1. UTPUT0UT 'SIaI0M O Sot0e0 TI Zt0 pUS SI0q0eS oflUOuooe TT U UTUT.Iq. ['SU0T00A I.tI..TNL 9ILI90U00 T 2oicI STt[ :uTuTz TU0T00A .STIqtm00 UTd0T9A9P oqq. 0 SU0Tq.pU00 pu speeu tq..TM otq. oq. SeUTJTUL09q q..0 suui ;o uo (q) qdp's etq.. 0 UOT SIc0 OO tTM pUB Sq;eio TPUtt pirs sexqsnpu eTosTTuIs tI-T peuieotzoo pirs U0T0flp0Id 05[B ST UOçqEq..STUTUrp oTqnd qdsoxo sIoqoes OTUIOUOOB TtB UT sqsod T'weuUI xo; Sq () :queutdoBAe U8U8UT :uTMor[o; eqq e sooinoSe irsurrqj ;o utozzd ioui OU dti B3tBUI Lt0Tt SeUU'J2Otd TUPTATPUI ett 6fr souxtu'toccI etjqo ;o iequmu 0 U0 oqxBd 9t[. SBATOAUT 051'S t[0t[M qnQ 5W'S I0'SUI oAoTtto'S oi Pe'1no1'So SOTTITq0'S o toeurei 11'SIOA0 xo; U'S soPTA0xc1 ttoTt[M 'SUfl'S0ic qu &o[ut pto o qTSU0dsax UT'SIU 9Tt! S'Sect q-I SUOSIBd pedd'SOTPU'Stt 0 1'SU0T1'S00A STtOr PU'S Utt00 PST1'ST T pBTLI8OU0O ST euun totd STttfl S uu'Bq. tqM 0 UOTq'SST1TqJL ioqeq PU'S q..UeUIdoOAep SI'S seATq..oSqo xBpU000s -i PD10.M. UTd0TeAeP SflpUT UT IaM.0cIU'SU1 ST 3L[q. UT qUSUIA0thuo eAT0l1p0IcI ,0 [5A5[ eqSS0d qSetfl 0 f4.U8U1GAefl0'S Otq. oq. - fltT14U00 01- ST SG'SO sieei Iuoriu P" £IqCnpUT 'es1d.Ie.que etq. p3 SUOTqT3I .Inoq[ AO98 pu pimoc U-çq..U'eIu PU'e ttSTTq'Se oq.. .iepio uç 'spoc.ew pu eToTTod suc UTAOIdUIT PU UTUT.eP UT SUOTU'eIO sta&oithiie pU pU' anoq UTqSTSS'e -t-T eq..UeurtLIeAO tIO& pue UOTTSTeT .rnOc[ 0 UOTOTTpOO pu UOTS&OI LIJIflOO UTdOTeAeP ;o esoqq. 'UOTdetc1 et. UT TTTodse ' UOXtAO UTTSS LT peiieouoo CT st1j :CIIoT[e .iuoqw ptre A[ rnoqr e.x SUOq..r4SUI TTOO UeuxdOTeAe OUq. dU CW LtOTIA sew suoçei qUe.IeJ;TP UT suo TPO PU () :Trp&or[o; t[q. J0 eu toid iow toicI IWPTATPUT eT_t T ei tnoqw ;o ssAs eq'eqnbe 0 qUOUIdOTSASP et[q. uo pU000S pu 'SUoT14C flQctT TUOTU clii pTnq Of. UOTO peT;TsUeqJrç Uo qSIT; peoTc uTeci. T sTscluIe 'eurarsi2o.x q.uew.&othix pioj TUTUIP I'TUeS5e i' eq itc UTueuexq..s ;o .iOi& u.iodurç et eTfl .]o ttoTt[ suoTnqTqSuT wo; qmcl's 'queuIcloeAe jo eunu totd ioui et sUOçqnçq.SU[ TTO0 quewdoeAe .xepufl o SuOTqnfl4suI TT°S Ioq.oes STtr4 UT OUO OOtO; .IUOQWI 9. ,O SUOT. TPUOO UTOM 0 qUe1ueAoIthuT OU 110 PU UTATI PU queuiodwe eJ.TqteuTLwe.I ;o Uoexo eL uo sts'stduxe eTaqsnpuT eIosTTstus pu sq..;co ITOedS seo'sid si-I TPUt 30 peT. etIq. UT CeTqT&T$O eqq. uTA peuzzeouoo P1X UewcloIeAea pu peqsp ei o' T ewr2o.xcl STt[ Iq.5flPUI seweqos UTUTIq. o q..ueuIo[clwe 'U0T ° UOTqUTp.IOOO :U0TqUTpI0O pu CIOTPUH (p) q..ueuiothue tqxLo [U0Tq. 'COOA 'eoU'spTrL [UOTqOOA t[q...M. pU 'SeToTTOcl IeMocl TICW pU q..uewoclwe io; too; s sezçies .IeModu'Cw TUOTqU J0 UOTOr.I8clO pU UOqCTU'CEO 8L TT& so'iI et seuuirEtoict ToTu1oeI ioCw SqT .xepun squeuiedutoo .io squeueddns osstj qo () PU fsoopxe eouoae;uoo pu suoTq.e (e) SE0Ic PTeT ;o qzemeirejj (p) papuq inoq uoTu.Ieq.uI (o) irçwrw pTI qo.iese itiueo (ci.) S.irçqeOj/ç £IOSTAPV oiii () :up&oo; eTvi. 0 9t[1. oIi toicI iouX ztotqO ST.[ O A'q.&qy 0 t0t IOttO .0 uoeq LGTq qoçtp o. seqacs TTO0S U0.'SU St[. oqrç Suoq[rLdocI OTPUI0U pu ['Sqpxq. 'snoueçpu ;o hOT .ISqJIT et[q. .18qS0] O. S eU £OId ST{I. ;o tLIeouoo ietqin; y uiotq. qoe.rçp oq iemzosied queIu -8U'SUI ;o uTT1T T.SUT OSe1. Gtr. pu's ShOT 0 110çq. -STUt0 aqq. UO po'scI ST STSttdUIa T'U UTdOIS.&OP t[qM pu SU0TI.flITI.SUT suOTqnqTq.SUT ITTuITS p1IS eAqtodo-oo uTouIo.Id t[TM 5ç etoJI ST'1 :suoTq.nqTsu peqwe pue Te.in 'OATqteIo-o (P) suoqsonb iwcoos pu oçuxotiooe i.c& ;o upu.s -iopun teqe.x2 t[qçM 'sepxqtmoo udooAep et[q. irç eso.xdot TtIOr puo SIe3toM &tiib TtToocIse 'GOAT StLt[q. pU 9eTqTAqo iuoçqonpo ITeLtf. cIoeAep o. uoçonpe 1S 31I0NL UT qXSd qUOT;TUTS 'S A'S[d ttOTtpA. St10T'SSTU'St0 Ietqo pU'S SUopm Op'Stq UTdTet[ ttl.TM. O1LIOOU0O T eIu1'Sr2o.xd STL :UoT'Sonp PTT. STtIq UT SOTUP io; SW'SA'IeS ITATO stiio ,]0 UTUT'SJ4 ,0 TflTA pU (o) SUIOq.S.&S U0TOeiISUT .IflOQ'ST UU0Tqo1m; eqq. TtqT' -TUTWP'S eTtq. 'SM'ST In0q'ST ;o UOTq'S.Iq.S SeTOU9'S OTTqnd 'SU0Tq'SU UUOU8.IqS UTqSTSS'S 'qq..çM UT1ST[q'Sq..Se UT SUOUrtI.19AO :U0T'S.1q..STUTU1pV .1noq'SrI pOU.IOOUOO T eUIux'S2o.Id STL .10 - (ci.) TqsUodsI et IOuI eqq.. ;o toe ;o TOTUIO " SPIPU'S -r 9 flOt4[ et O UOTOUTL A-u-rui eutoia ueuioiIiixa ]0 seATqooqo Ot[Or PT10Iv 8t 1L pu .&OTtOcI queuI SUt[ oTdute PU UOO. 8c[q.. 'eicIurxo iO SUOTTPUOO AIOS JOTTOcI S UTUU'eTd .I8MOcIUUI UT PTU qUeut&ocIuIe UçUIeoUOo UoqpUeU1wOoe PU UOqUeA UTATI PU'S UT31ION ieqoq spxMOq sseiotc1. 'xO oTSPra& NLOU oqq. enoeq Osi SrC[rLurçq..S SB EI UUrrIt OIOUI pU S pU'G quq 'oq 'O iecuieux itoAe UT TTOOS UO eOU8UT.UT oorçs TUO qOU qUaOthUT ex UOqeIO sqjj peq.Iope so 'pueuruxooe pu UOTqUAuo t'9 et IO tnocq TUOTUIeUI 8TOTOUt[O8 S3S['U St (o pu 1100 ip oTutOUooe [OrU9Efl0 ttIT peUeo toI3 UetuOTdT1xa pto et.q. xo; [ddrLS Gt[q. O. peq..UeTxo JTTAtt O qo'ecIurr OL[O PU POOUAP,e 0 eset PTT UT UOT UIO1JL t0M) I94T Uespip11q.S UTO0 pU UT SUOT0UU S0 SOTUIOU000 .]0 S1G 3t[. UT .ioddns t50TUt[0. ;o U0TSTA0Id etq o'iI 0 spieç II UT STAeS UOqeqUeumoop et[q. oq qseIeq.0 £Ixq U0 pU [dc1flS OU ssq..sq iSq.ureuI 0 SSGU eSet[q. 0. pUOdSe..I oq. UOT0 o'n 0 SpeSU T'T°°S oTuxoUooe UTU'St[0 etq. U0 qomesai OUStU0I TeATTI US UOLIr10 3PUTOUT 0 sUOTqoml,g TdT0UT etq 'MoTes T tt0Tt[i& WeISS TO.4Uoo pU UTUU'SId TTTqTSUOdSOI SqT sepçse UtO3d ioCiii STttOr Uoçqoes UT PSSSUOSTP tozd eqq xo t0XSSO T'qUeO UU'S[ u0gq..oes qUesoId UT peqIOSOp UU 'tT' 0 seiuioId .I0Ut TATq0 (UoTsTTq.USoe) [ ] SeuntO.Ia PTTI .0 tq UTUTflIOI O1 U0T..0GS UT O&OUS Tq.T.WL q.TeP USeq St1 AOeq y lilA U0T0GS GX SUTO9W I0STAP .I0W UOUISU - SU eçpoq [rnLIexe O UOTUTPIOOO etq. pu suçqeeui SflOTIW t[M SUOflB[eJ iow pu eopoq uT)uxoTtod o'iI ;o uop.ae to.xd ioCut rrt. ;o uoc1.ouu; uçur et exe e et a eotIte;uoo pu seoçAIo UOqdrLOOO puB qJzewocIi1Ie UT UOTqUTWTIOSTp ,O UOTOUTU1TIe eT ITM eoçAIes [BoTtIqOeq. pu M8çA [BuOq.onpe sepTA ozzcl etutoid uoTuTm-r.xos-rcI et upc1 uç uonqç uoTun epai pu xnoq'rj etq euTurxa oq. dnoID pn queoe.x etq e - eso xBTnoq..JEd eUTUIXe oq. dn qe iiTnbuT O JO SUOTSTWUIOO PUB dflOt (uoTToosy 30 uIopeoa LpUq.S TTO8dS seoçAIes 0S1'B q-i UO e1TUEUtOO ettq) sWTTduroo tions SOUTIUBXO ItOTtk eeq4çumloo I8s pO9 UTTLIeAO.D et[q. 0 UTOTA '4TATqO UB a8clfl UOTUfl 8ptq 110 sU0TOTIqSeJ uTuIeouOo SqJITm[dwoo ;o trçsseootd et trq.pt. OtLI3OUOO ATliT1u T et ttoid uo toossv ;o uiopeei et PU UOTq.BUTUIT.IOSP pTre uoççooss'e ]0 wopeea; o. uoçqw[e.x UT toJcI iom sçt 'spxpus go seTqJq-çsuodse.x s,sIt em UOTOTIddB OTI t0M Oq. U0TqTPp UT1LIe0U00 SUOTDrUOAUOO PeT;TvsI TITM OquT eo 1LIOA0 oid pu q UO3 ueeeq seso "I L TULI0UOO te50]O uoçqu u.iq o. sq.ueui ueeq p'st setnaBeux ttOT1I1 96I Pu -fr961 uuq. eIow ueoq pq etetq. 'seeq4mutoo oMq. UT Aq epBUI suoqBAxesqo ;o VEnse.x 's s oqou oq. eq [qUOOeI SBM eoueae.]u03 et. 'eoUeqsu-ç J0. eAI4oe;Je te eq oq. peAoIcI sBt teuflom sçt (suoTpueux mooe UB suoqueAuo ;OUOT OTTddVet. 110 eeq4TwtuoJ tr) ouexe;tzoo tnoqrj 1xoq.'su.Iequ etq. o oeq4iruroo q pexepTsuoo et szoIei SOTyM '(suoTqpuoux mooe UB SU0TUeAu0O 0 U0TqBOddy aqq 110 sqtedx o eeq-tutuxo et.) sqzodxe quepuedepu ;o eeq.qjmmoo UTpUqS 0 sqssuoo JteuTt[ouI TOIquoO ei sptpu! noqr T'sToecIs s eqq s ;o eu toicI toux erIi .o TqTsuodSeI U0çqueute[thuT rçet IBA0 i°w°° 'souiuitotd - j7 - 1o61 s.i'eA oq. e. trç ood'i PU -iamluioo UT 'UOT1TTUI urrox f10Q 0961 UT UOTTTTTII -fr$ T.{qT& U0 pottoeoi (sçq eqsanq o oeo.xd xetq.o pix sqxedxe eqooss' Irçpnou ij]. otq ;o squouocluioo pun twcoed pu qsnq pU tzo 'spUn un1oA xepim pu ooxd oI) spun; O0USTSSV 10TUTt0 1 o1ci 1rL1 3Tt J8PUfl SeIt4TPU8cI10 oeo.id 6961 UI seq.Aqo U0TIO0 STTT T sPUO o61 UI0 UT P -00 S01II 9U. ,O UoTsuc1xe PT-' t1I 9 uoçqtecLooo i'ta sbqAq.oy 3pntq..X pU U)qted0-0 1Tuto u-çsn 'spoc epçsqno q 8in00Us oq 8SUI T I0S I0W Se0JflOS8I UN0 rçet TT8UI 0 U0q0np0Jd ST ' pUS 'qtrL0s TJI'St0U'S T soOTAIes U0TUtI0.UT 1'SU0TU PU'S 1'SU0TeI 30 pU'S 'STPSUI SS'SUI et[q. 0 Uo'To'S.IecTo-0o 9t setsç[qnc1 pU'S 'STPSUI U0Tq.'SULX0LCT oqfld eUTz'S.'SuI e1 Ietqo pu'S suxi; '0Tp'SI ST..1q.. 'sseic1 eqq ;o esn SO'SuI ur'Sxotd OU'SZ0.Id PU'S S8Aq..0eC[0 qI0ddrLS p'So.Ic doaep oq iepio UT 'UM0U &ISPTM eI0UI S9TqA U0T'SULI03UI oTTqn 9t[ Q'S'I 1'Su0Tq'SUUI etq. UTJEUI -T0'S ST pUS U0q'SSU'StQ t0 TITqsuodse S'Stl ' tU'SI0Id I0'SUX wgtq. 30 qUeU0dW00 'S1 .ie'qqo ei 'ioid UOTq..'SULIO;UI oç[qn 9t[ 19 lilA U0T0SS UT peaj.IoSep o1ecl. OI'S °TO eTq cI P51155T SUOTq'SoTTqncI tTfl0 PU'S S1'STP0Wd SuOqSenb In0q'S1 pU'S I'STOOS U0 UOTq..'SULIOUT PU'S tOXSeSeI Ot[ US I0, Sfl0t[ UTXS8I0 GIOZ SQrfl Otfl. ,0 qttT1 iiotd sU0'So'c1.c[fl etrij 09 UT P9UTSOP T 'S UTULI0JUI 3-[qn ptI U0T0'S d:n&iio; Td0idft aqq. oq SSt[STA pUS eoçAp'S i0; z3oT;;0 et[q. ;o sqx'Sd iT8ttq. UTT18UU'St0 pu'S se u'SioicI pU'S seq..oeqo ç)rfl io; qiod -due tTet[q upees 'peu.ieoUOo sepoq et[q tnTM UoT'STT tedoicI e.xneue so'Sr2oIcI eset sewtoid eq'St'Sdee iepun PTPU'Stt t[T PU'S SSP0C[ 1'SU0T91 ax'S SuoTq'SSTU'Sto PU'S 1'SU0TOI'SILIe1UT tq.M 'SU0q.'SSTU'St0 TU'SI0 1aieoiduxe tjçM 'squeurtLIA0 I10 ttOrTNL 'SU0T..'SS L[q& SUOTq'S19'a 6 i.&crim ot ct pourçj .oeoicI etto pa;u .ioj euruizota stto-çj. uTut.Iq_ io emrtoI çpe& uo soe1otd 'tedxe o qtocIdri oco o9L8 Li 0099 I froi 91 O9t I t'17Lo i 091 1 9L6 01 9i799 jiç 0T1 o66 1i71 frT LL - T9L i ot6 I i7919 I PII Li7 1O 9 spuri1 snt Li7 oLi j7 01 o63i7 9 O99 b6c CVt79 oiLi 19 99 9 9806 O9I 6'363 Gc9c j7 OLL c 17961 iLLT I c96T 'O3T c 99i7 friL 6i7cc I6 96L 99 oici L6i 911 9c61 - - v/ctm frc6i ic-oc6T neg jo spusnoti) 1(6961-oc6T) NOLIV d000 nIV0ItH0 i iv 9 66I 6I 17'919 I - 1961 0961 9t1 ofr6 i fi 96I toti roi 1/adn'In L961 61cc I 9j70c I i69G 96T Lo9 I Oi79 - 6961 9961 961 I0i7 i7 0T s-i: 96L6 1 ofrc c (siiop SaV1IOO 9 ou sqsoo 1OTUtlO1 ç6L 91 oo 6L 9i7ffl7 -Ei7c i6o I 6i 9980 ;o ssoo tqpnou .UTOTAJO 196 I oc6c -r o ('BsttuT)r) ouo P S1IT PT UeUtOM et 'çsq qtnqurçe eT pepnou pu i eoo 6 0t799 I7 TEToed çoos tzTpn1ouI - I0 flIEdXE ec1oina O eIGtiS eTppT1f1 et[q. pTi qS 'oTxetv etq 'Tsv q peoo. '[qoq. eqq. S3I[ etj peKçeoex OT.I;V uoçei &c[ seInq..puedxe q.oeço.xcl 6961 ;o uMopeIc 96 I 6L L1 91 ] ° 98 -fr 61 oci 101 18 S8AT eiqij -t79 s U0TrIa8d000 orii 1'0l q.ueuIdoIeAOP TTOOS oçuxouooe 11'O.O pu queuicIo 1a.eP eT I 699 011 1 19 9 8t1 cT 19 suoTqriq.TqsuT TT°°$ 6 O SUOqpUO O9 I S9OLOS eto.i inea q.sni UUIYLH TAT1.OV jo p1eT acEIQIl e.IrLqPuex ;o spusnotii) d0OO 'IVOINFIO1 flIGNX NOl (S11OP fl 6961 NI o LIIALf1OV w aitaL ;t SIG2IVNV II tav pu's q.ue xecI 1eAToedse quoo ie 'q..ueo aod -fr to; peq.un000 seunu zotd ietjo pu queur doIeAect suocnicsui TTOo$ pu e.cr pu tO ;O SUOTq. unto.ic1 IO15uX eLfl.. e1TtM '(qtteo ed TPTtO0 0 ) i-oqet_ o e.rts qsex- et io; peqJm000B seo.inosej U'sUtrLH 0 iqurqo o sP[eT Act seanqpuedxe eIoId Iow ei oeo.xd 6961 ;o Txopeiq seç eq 9 o UTUT'S oiq oqiy W1- O'II U8Ut'SU'SW pu USUICIOI8ASP 'S PT°T3 ST1. UT soe T'SU0T'S0OA Lq4NL peuieouoo oe(oid ;o ;o soj, seoxuose.x o eumo eu. pu'S xequmu etq ;o auLxe irç SpIeT. .ino; su ;o qseI'S eT..fl. sç seo.inose U'SUIUH 0 eUU1'SI0td XOC'SUX 8Uj TAT0'S .0 PIeT; Aq euuu totd y/cj et .ieptm ee.inqjpuedxe 0111 aotts eAOq'S II 8['S UOTTTTIJI 6961 UT sqoe [fl oxd y/j t0] 0111 ttq uecTs SpUri cCt 1Tfloec1SeI 'queo qSThI T'Sq0q ST[. 'S.I'Se 11100 Ufl '6961 UI T 'qUOUOdUIOO SOU'Sq.STSSV I'S0TU1[0 SU S9.IUT; sexnqTpuedxe IO uoTq'Saectooo ['S0T1Iq0O. I0 UG0 t)d 9 IO OJIfl000'S PU'S SI'SLTS .IOç'SUI uTpuodeeLIoo eT[ 0111 99 pU'S q..ueo tied 9 'S1UOI 0111 Gt[ PU'S Spufl utotd I9I ed LT 'queo IOd q0S0I] 0 SU0TAS.1d UT S'S 'peq..n;Tq..suoo 1'ST0ed 8t[.. et{q. TJ], 0 qUSUOCI O. 9q'ST'SA'S seoInoSeI q, peou'Sug; T - queo VIed 9 flOct'S U10.1 aIUQfl ert 0111 St &TqULIfl0 - SeTqTATq0B 1'SU0T.'S.Ie0 011 f[fl 9 tiL PSqTUII e1 JQ pecIop uIeq4'Sd et 0 uOq'S0T;TSS'So T'SuOTex Ot SUOT'S. SNL0T1O. 8TUfl00 001 98 j7 1'SU0TeuI 1 qs'S eTppT edotn 'STSV LI O't7 e'Squeo.ze i7 S'S0T3UIV 096 6 'SOTZZ,]V $sfl ;o SPU'SSU0TI 6961 NI arn1IaNaaXa N0Iff N0II00O 11V0INE0I III arIaviL 1U0Tea t SIS.X!IVNV eutumio.icI xw[ne.I et no.xt UarIIdoeAep peouuTJ uq. et uewIoa.ep 1n.x pu SUOTqr4TUT iwcoos 'e;fl pU )tO 0 suOçqçpUOo O qrthuoo O8COIcI O'II 3° UOTqIQcIO1cI exi pTAoIcI 3Aoq ;o P1T.T .&cl. STBI[UB U UTWE31 U0T11T111 6$ oq.. peq.unoui y UoTqedo 6961 UT uo enqçpuedxo '.opnq xni tq xepu 69 "° 1I° S9TOU8 c1. UOTI 1ITIIT ao; 6961 UT qIo3;e UTO O 3dJ STtfl peAoIdd O8OZtd 01 8KCOAUT orii eT. .&ct UOTqUeUIe1th1IT io; pao.xcIc1 sq.oeoxd 01 696l UT ITOUUOO q paoIcI s000id puns UTUOAOf3 8L[. UT POL3 SWL UOT aodooo oUexeqwç Ietqo Ac peSTUTWp' seToUe UO sTstduIe UTseaoUI pe UTOP ueeq S oeoid LI UT AoUe UT T°TI-' Ptt TTOTqI 'SeTOUe -T PU 'OT.I.V UT SOOI sqoeCoid pUfl1 rToed 9tfl UoqtedOoo teiO PeUTSOP ueeq pt e1PPTFI et]q. pU 'eTV 'SoT.Ieu1V IttO TtOTLtM X0] qs SOTOUO S -T '6961 UI UTIeqSTUTWp 0 UOTq..U3UIe1thUT 1 Uj UT SeTOUe O[O SUTUTU1 O'II tL 99 eqnqTIqUoo oq. peq.oedxe ete ;o UGO 1TTt1. (UTIXUIX8 Peq.'oOII ffffJ] ,O ITOUUOD UT U0T11Tw L? ;o Gq..U3UIELIOAO UeTcIToex tied [) UOTIITW St 'peUG1JIO1dT1IT U.xeAoD et[q. 'urns STtJ T0 UOTIITUI UTeq OeOId .IO UeUIeTcIdUS UTt5ULI 5t[j eeitiq. sulci ' OeOtd OS8tPr .JO 1SOO 1-OIqq..TM AOUe Uçq..noexe s peq.slixqUe s sq.oeCotd MSU oii '6961 o estnoo eqq. UI eseqq ;o 6 '6961 Ioquleoeff c eTq. .xepUn sqoeotcI 6T o; peq..ethoo ueeq pq sqoeoicI q..UeUocIiuoo pUn 1Toed Acj Up.noexe ss p8UTSeP OU9 6961 oq 661 UIOI orii POT.10d eoUeethaOo 0r11 SeSTAP 1UoTe eqq. UT 'sUpxes esduioo 1UOTex 1'eoTuttoe SZ 0 L9 SPIOT; jj[uj 0 qeuiusse 3t. pU's sinoq edOOS UT eseqq. UI 5T. 0 A4ITtId JepUfl SOeiOid O 14S o q..Uerxothuoo SOUSTSSV 1ttfl01 SteqSTUTU1P PTT 0 Oa1Otct o' et[or UT etq. 'urrLc[ea uio.1j (stecIxe eoos tM U8peM pu P3UTS qiocIxe eqTooss UeAeSJUeM O e) aotxq.s-rss iogmooq. ,o sedq (q.MnJ trç pu e) oeoad Tctt TPnS irç oeoxd UTuTBJ4 iuo oo& wjoods rio; epqtmoo udoeAep TnoT1d ct PetsTTc1e OTJCOedS IO3 SeTa4UflOO pedoeAep Ac pu spurL UOTO UOT SUI 0 .IeqUrrLU edooo TTUt[08 oiI UOTTU'IO 1OflS tIv pU SUOTTUZtO SI8STUTTUP TUeUOAOI31.UT IOtqO IO IUOTO oq. eOUq.STSSY (sqoeCoaI PIeT UT esu to; SPT'e oTutoeq U8uIcIOTeAeP etq. IrçpnTouT) soeçoid pe; .jo q.tOth1YLS UT UOTO .Ietqo pU a&eAIrLS IO S8TpY4S PTeT UOUtdOTAeP :O (p) ;o (o) SOIqUXLOO ;o SpeOU aqq. oq peqIp TIToecIs SpOIp8Ut MU qno upc.iq. .10 uqoe;.1ed UEOJTP I- oe1o..id SUOTSTT1X dflMocTo; .io Lb 3 POUIT UOUIT.1ectxe .10 (ci) rcte.icI 'Lboq.iocIx () :eouete;o.id eçoe sq000.iI ;o OtL4 9tq 'S3UTTePTU UTM0IT0. OST[1 .I9PUfI 1L seAcqoeCqo p8UTp TT" PU UOçqIUp q.iOttS AIGATqIt 8T 'etOzd XTY1O.I eq .1OTIL UOqqUouxedrnT xo; eqqTn TTno oeo.id T'rLPTATPUT UT]UI oT.1eqoxtto (0) .rcI SUOqSU.10 eAo[cIIuo StI0M peqTUSUOO 9At[ sqUeurtL1eAo SS9flT)8.I 0O0JcI IflPTATPUT UT TflULI0 UT Bt[. SUOq0pUI pU (ci) SU0TG.I U&Oq pU seuto.IcI T0TUTt081 ztoux UoaM4ec tqoq 'UoTtedooo 0 euir.r2o.i 0r11 [.tA0 OT UT eOUTE () oTmto :oq Ue&T Sqoeeo.1d ST U0T UqoeoS 'e.1ePTSUOo tToedS 'UT0UUTJ ttOUS .10 OPnc1. .1'S[ne.1 9U3 1fl0Zt. peoUUTJ eq oq. seflTATqo UI Uoq.1ec10oo T0TUI[03q PSSTA8.1 seUTTePTn PU 8961 .13qLa&A0 .ApO UT - UTU.1eAoe oL ScIT8OeZt S tOUS euxoowç SflOUTT3OSTT pu's 'SqU3UItLI3AO go qsenbezt et.q q -OIa UeWdOTAO 'suOTqsTutO o'ii etq Aq peq.tedo spim qsnq 'xurt p8TUfl etq q PPTAOJ.I soInoseI SUOT UeurLLIeAoteqJx pTI sqUOUttLXeAo uop -nqTIq.ttOO IO SUOTqUOp WOXJ peApxep SUtL OPflIOUT S0.IflO epui seoanoai ePTS!flO uioi; e]QW[çA stzn; o'ii ;o axr4Tpuedxo etrj. Aq poonpoTcI .oe;;e et[q. SOdTqIn1U seono tetqO ux0I; PePTA0JcI qioddns UT U0'c1T0Tqt'5d iT0UUT; Q'ii ;o t[I. ST SoT1TAT1-0S OSST[q. UAP 9L 8T (io) etquscj Uoçq UOTqSdfl00O 1U0T U.ioqUI et -ULIOUI Tt11H pu '(ovI) PU (vI) eTq £q.Tnoe icoo uo Oa4TUtaIOQ U0OUI-JeUI etq. UOTT0OGSV 4TIU0O 1T0OS UoT q.uewnoo pU ose UTUrSx1 TuoTq UTJn ettq) UTUTI1 -0OA U0Tt3WV-tOUI 1UOT00A PU 1'0TTIct0edI pG0U'GAp TP°-S Inoq,Srj etfl_ qepuq tne.x sq SOTqTATq0 UU 9t[ iiio; SOIO UT 1q.08tTP qflqTq.SUi 1uo aO,J UTJctA UT peoUUç 31 0W SG 0 SOTTJTf10 f UOTq.0GS Uç tqç -00 1'SOTULtOOq Or1I o U0T ,0 IcUrrLU 'S 0q1'Sd orii ei seTq.TAqoy O1 uIqUI et[q. exs opçsqno seotnoS epn-'Sqx ['SSp SI'S SqOeO.IcI UOq.'S.I8dO U'S.1.G PU'S I'SST'S.IddV 17L seuieqos UTUc'SJ4 'SUoq'SooA-oIcI Oflffi UT qI'SCI US'S SqUSOt'S XSTTTUTS ;o UOTSTLTOUOO OU OST'S S'STt 0r11 Qj IO, STJU11O0 ItO UT Pe1'SPrTUT ueeq SA'St SU0q0OU etq. p on J0U8V UOUXdoTeAea 1'SuoT'SUIe.UI ttSTPe 3trq. USaA&qeq P8PUTOUOO S'SA U0q'SIDdo-0b 000id PU'S 8OU'Sq UBW3aI'S U'S '6961 UI -STSS'S 10TUtt08q .UTO L UOTTTTUI 9[$ oq. POrjUUOUI'S 'S UI'SJ20td 1'SToe1S VU'S sqiedxe eq'S00SS'S U0 exnqpUectxe UTPU10UT '6961 UT SpUrL qsni nqTPUedXe peç; St[.. UT Se0TJ0 Or1I oq. II'S tepim P8I0'S4'S OIG UOA3S 696I UT S0TST.'S.S .Inoqw[ PU'S UOT'SJ4S Aq..'SIecIooo -TUTUIP'S In0qW[ 'UTUT'S.I. I'SIfl..I PU'S qUaUIcIOIeAep euIooUç SUOSU'sTTSOSTIU PU's 'SqU'sI soue v/acn 'suoqnqiuoo ep'sux ai'st t10L pus 1sioiolthue .ietO UT's110 PU's SUOT'sSTU's.0 1'seAes 'seTiq.Unoo j; .iao qotM oq 'pirn ueu1MopU ST UIOI, (eq.nqTsUI J0 euxootrç OTtL fl1T1-SUI OU SUtOOUT SOPUTOUT 051's edo eww's2oid peq 5T.tI c[ q-T sd SU.Ieq..UT U's soo oiq. sxsect oslj's oii eqq.. jo (z'se& OOO'O qUeseId q.'e) 'UOTPP's u] 1L-oL6T .Io; qePUc1. PU's torct orn UT I0 PePTAOTtd 8J's OrimOuI's eui'ss eqq. UT suoq.nq.IqUoo I'snmxv IPnct i'sq-oq s1eqnqqsU eqq. ;o q..Ueo ted c-fr q..noq's .xo '000'cLs oq peqUnouI's 6961 UT qepnq 's1ne o'n etq. enqsuI e'rt oq. PePT.od xoddns I'sTOU'sUT, otta 6L UOTq..dSOUT sç SOUTS Uoq..'soosSy ST.[q io; Tt.etoes se.xq.urnoo I5tO UT SU0T. S's OAI5S s's'q eqnqp.sU oi -'sTOOSS's T0flS 0 U0T'sULIO, etq. S8'sIflO0U8 ptl's ptOM etq ,0 .SOW UT sq.sT'sToeds 5UOT'sIeI 1'sT15flPUT ;o SU0T'sT00SS's 'sU0q'sU SUXTI qoTA 'U0T'sT0 -°SSV SU0Tq's[3' 1'sTqSUPUI 1'sU0T.'sUaeqUI U's UTtSTTq'sSe ooq. TSUI eTfl '9961 UI eL UT 8AT'sTTUT pOqUOJO U0T0's 8tOW ST Tt0Ttt1 't0I'seS3I UMO SSTJ4UflOO pesT'sTIqSnpUT Gt[q. S 0 3t[. Sq.UeIueIduxOo 'STS'sttthtle Qr UTATeoeI UTS's8I0UT UT SU54 T TITW/ 'a&qoeqO STTIL 1ILIOq-UO OUT to.I'seseI OAq'sI'sdW0O 0 UOTq'sOTIcId's pU's UOT's1flWI0. Ot[. 0TT0d rnoq's UO's[OI UT 4TTTq's dTttsP'se1 ;o queuxdOeAep ett_ pu's O (q) ('s) :surç's p'soiq OMq. P18T iuoq's EU's I'sTOOS 5t UT IO oxqUeo SflOWOUOq.11's U's S'S SO's.Ied0 '961 'SeTpflq Inoq'5r .t0 eqflqqSU S'st[ O0U'sA's .] UT '-tL ,]0 qi'sd .Xe'sOJ2 etj ,0 q.oedse.i UT VSI soop lIMO I-T LL eutooTrç 1-T S's 'SSOU'sUT Se'sU'sIII 'zeAaMot 'eaqUeo UT.1r1J et[q SqUnO00's Aq peIoqSTUTuup's 'sqepnq'siqxe ;o uLio; etq. UT O'II OtE suO'soqnd ;o 11'seue ex's seoinose.i tton e'sS eu moI; acENfl ;o Iol.4sTuTmpV euq Aq peuwou eq oq q.uqnuoo u u1eqxe uTouuT. q ueteptm eq pnot 'uoiecIo sqç ueut ;o .&pnqs uTpnTouT 'etqie eqq. o uoTnIAe u eto.x UTOUu.ç, pepToep SA qç 'TeAeI Sqq. uoççoep e eio;ea UOTTTTW $ o eueui uo ue s ;o q..epnq pu aoiie; oo't Te mTxotdd'e o ie.& qço'eo quese.xcl SqT ;o oqq. uq..uesaIdeI pu qoe esu opxouooe eqq oq UpuodsaI.xoo eIqtIeO et[q. to; qoa:tq. q.es eiqzeo eunumiotcI J0 PZtO 96I UI r1T.[1. SU0q.'SSU'8t0 TUeUtLtaeAoaeWT iaqqo Aq pire ScIct[SMor[e; acusm q '(eoire -uoo r-I ATI'TecISe) squeurtLIeAo pire t'equw[oA noit[q peoireirç s uxoz; suOrqxLqTJ4 eaquej etq. ;o qepnq TUU eqq. 'oL-6961 xe.& ouxepBo etq oq. d oe;;e IeTTdTTrnu tctt UTUTJ4 0 UL10 '8 'SU'8flSUO0 .O U1UT'8I 8U 0. U0 SOTJq.unoo p8STT'8I!4.StLpUT -u3q4'8 peS'8eI0irç UTAT T .I ;o seoq.otd pire saoetq. peoU8Ap'8 et oq.. perçI st SeTq..uxLoo udoeAep ;o SUoqpuoo etq. oq pe.i'8e txU'8Iq. seçIq.snpUT q..ueute'8u'8ux tetp sie;;o o8['e exquo ei .io SIqIrn0O OT;TO8dS UT soeueqoq oçeq'8Iq.S eAeTIOI O. 88 t'8a2OJXI ep'8IIto[feq. S8u'8I0 q.g 'eoTqou t0ttS q'8 SeIq.Irnoo pU'8 'At'8SSe08U eteirJk speeu et. oq.. pe1p oid toesex SI0q0UJ4SUT 0 ugo[eep etq ;o uTUT'8Iq. ;o ioopotqouI eU UO eurure.I peoeq ST )pOM. sqç ;o .oeda'8 STt q cm UTUT'8E. eqq. T U0T0UU. UT'8Ut s1o1qJie 8tJj PU'S ioos 'opuou seTzImoo esot. o euoçqçpuoo -008 eLq. oq. pe.ueao sç ç 'stq UT 8UbTUU T ToTTt& oumi2 -ozcl 's tnoitq. 'se-çxqirnoo TdoTe.ep UT 4snpuT .o speou oç;çoecls et[. q..oeur oq sqi,np ]0 UTU'SIq. ['SoTwoe et[q UTUT'SJ4 qU8UI8'8U'SUI PU'S UT eIo.i q.U'SpodurT U'S SA'STcm q-I I'SUOT'S0OA 'T'SOTttt[08I P80U'S.tP'S 30 PT8T. ettq UT PTIOM UT -cmo-[eAep ;o speeu erq qeeux scmiett '96I UT UTJUL UT 'SUOTq'S00 SUoq'SJecmo peOUOuIUIOO t(0TTM. 'UTUT'S1 'SU0T'SU8qU1 8t[fl -TUt08 P80U'SAPV J0 3I.U8 - PU'S I'SO 02 ours etq LtT csctr uTpTAOtd J0 esodxrul eLq xo; 'iL-oL6T io; 000'ooL ;o idths eu GcqJ1e etq. oq. qTxrour xocs ueiuoddns e rio; isooId ' q..opnc eouo.i;uoo xrtoq zo-çqixeqi]T etq. o oL6i q.ç q q..uIqns oq. 'eeq4çut Tq'eIqTIZT1tIPV PItS TTOUTIM et[q. o uoqpTzeImuooOI u9SGO oL6T toxe sqç q pepToep po rcueAoo iUO ;o zoq..'eIepTeuoo peq.ep Jq;y j q.epnq o'n eq wç utox; trçqspe sqpeIo eott'eqss ;o qttexe etq. oq. uTou'eTrc; cctaAorce; iect 000'oo eqq. 'ieq'aux 'iL6i aba; qoe;;e tqpA I'eoi pu PTc1J J0 LtG'O xed 000'ooL TqTIIOO 'qiocIdns TTOIIT ;o onii (p) 1L-oL6i iuoa; q.oe;;e tqpA '[rntuxe 000'oo'T ;o qtteqxe ecq. o. qJIe zaoAo.o u'Trqi ei pci. uTotIT .IequI tL-oL6i xeo oTuIep'eo tq- rc 000'oo -TxO[ oq. qtrnoure oq pe.aedxe 'sepoq aeuqo pu StCoçqS -Tu'eaO rTtoT uaeT .xeqqo woa; 1L61 TXT otrrnrç; dTt[s&oTIe oq. qrnoure Txo eqs Te IXOTITTIa Tq'it SqS00 TUT'II. tz-eqaea acre qJ-Lct 'eTxoTq'eaol['e q.soo peettaoo reuiou ec[q. pu sq..coo dqaA&oe; qoerçp uo qoiz TrçaeAoo 'ac'i q PepT.oId oq &o[e; ao; searaosea I'eTouuT; aeq'eoa eq oq. (ct) Tçq ;o oq peqaedxe eaa seoxrLosea eset[q. TXeTS (a) () :;o q..sçsuoo pnot[s trotzewç; ;o sseq etz etq. qetq. oL6T a liIcle UT p odoad S'cJ& qT 'q eultzaa&o.D IIeTqI etq pu'e soçpoq CTIOTq. aeT[q..o '{fl .O aOqeaqswçUrp ettq -eqOeu T&OO; puCe ';IesqT Apo uTTLxeAO.D eqq. ptce po TrcIzaeAO.D et[q. ptre ITOIZUT 0 zewaed tto eanqri; eT caustic oq.. iasseocu seeq..ua'eu reToruT; 'pxeoa eLq. irç Uoçssnosçp ;o seTaes 'e aeq;- OTt. eqq. ptt; oq. reT1Uesse 5'SM l-T qeTq. PU s-çseq 'uTuT'eaq. qtIeTiIe'eTreut TeuOq'eoOA 'oçuxoeq. peoua.pe ;o pe; eqq. UT piao trç doleAep oqq. ;o specu ecfl. uqeeur spaoq uouqçaquoo eubTirn pTIe eq'en.. irpeui s eaueo eqq. q..'etq. peuraT;uoo 'Tj PU 'eqTt[fturet[pu.&oTaa-t ' LctIOO eiq. 'qaoclea syq UI S eeq4unIto UOTSTLOSTP et. izo eot& odoi eqq. qe; iocthi000 o'ii eq.. ;o s eitmIJoa ttrii pu OMUtt. ttI UT oL6I ojxemiqe MGTAGZ tq.dopUT U J0 q'eqsTUT&pv rTotIUT Oiq. Act petrçiirxo UT eeq4fluuroo tecç.xosqus 1'1aPTATPtrc oq. ptt SIZoTTOOS tIO SI pU's Aq..eJS tGttOTqflOOO 0 P1ST. GU. 1U0TL1U 0 OTA.IS UOTUOUIaOOP S8PTAO.1d (io) ea4UeJ TxoquLIopxI UT Ri.9S 1UOT d!00O 1'UOT TLIGUI PUPt UT eowtes UTIo LtTM VI 9PTAO tt18H eurs eqq. q peuq. I& T[ xa&o SOO UT UTeUI T S0VI 0q Uoq.nqI4.tzoo eIi. eT[. O MeTA UT 11TUIeTq Otq. O X& TO UT eOIOUT os o'iI erl 1LTXtI' 6961 UT oG'$ .&q vi oq.. Uo-çq.xLqp4Uoo etq. TL-oL6i Io q.epnq pD8 ewaitoicI oo'L1$ PU 000'$ .O teqtu UoT TITS'BOIOUT IO ei CTIqUO0 TJ[O 0111 SpçAOId ep..oedez pe.&TeoeI etq. UO SeO.AIeS UO4q.Ueut TLOOP 0PTA0I pwe swçq..eeut ToTUttoeq PIOLt SUOT.T4TSUT 8SOT P1oA GTq. Toe TToO ;o pTeT sIGAeT 1UOT qUeUteldutoo (sovi) 'TOO UO 9t[. UT tOA. O11I 6961 UI R4TYLOee 1'TOO eeq4Tuauoo wo-pe.xeqUI et. pw (vsi) UOTTOOSV S.q.t1.oe 1'8T00S 1UOT U0q.UI etq J0 eTqTATq0 epaq pU e 1L-oL6I .xo etfl toid 'i tO 9 tq- UT pepçAOJ.d axe qrnoute etUS etq. UT SUoT1.qq..UOO 1fltEtIV 6961 UT UoTq.xtq.IqUoo 000'0$ UTUTe.Iq. 0111 OT..t CUOT1TtZT BUOTqeOOA TeUOTq.'eU t[q.pA. tzoTcedooo UT seinoa sesTUaO 'CXeUTTUO 'eeTtUYLO0 ueoçieuy .Io eCq. UT SeOTAIeS UoqqUeutaoop SPIOtt UTUTt. 1UOTOOA ;O PIaT; pue toxeeaea sepTAotd (aoaNIo) O.Iq_Ue0 UO q..Ueurn.00c pwe 1'eUOTOoA weoIeIayaeqUI et (vAItxoTqoea UT oeq TM qeep ST ernpeooxd q..epnq xeq.cteut eIddns ot) iueqt qepnq &SU 'S S'S epnq pUB etoid Ot. UO peAo.iIde eqq. o. pepp eq T 'eps 'ST[q .10J eoueIe;UoO Ot(q. Aq poqop Ap'SeI1'S SUOUtSSSSS'S toxeese UTUT'8I 'SOS eW- Ttf1TA eOU'Sp.IOoo'S UT 1L61 WGUtSSOSS'S 1'SUoTqTpp'S US UT se'Sq. xequiout Uo oeqrLS etq. eq p[noi& qepii.q trç SG.ItO .10 ItSr2OJ sqctop 'ITuT qT 6961 'T oithua pio qtz uI t[OTT& SIOTTLIOSeI [ULIO pequesecI çoo; peop,S s -sTp eoueie;izoo -oi ]1O odei 'e ;o uoTssno '0[clursxe .xo; 'euxuxai :Stzoqoeap i&eii eqoçpwç iui et tz-çop Os irç pws 'sqsq zequxeut oq uoouoo einqa; [e1 eize..xoqoe.rr eqq. to q.ueixrw ;o SeUSST izo A'sieue ' .&q sqiocIe.i [enmrs siepçsttoo qç 'prç eqq..rnix qoecns pouieouoo semoicI et. io; eotze.xe;e.x ;o toeursq epp.o toçip sppttq..s xrioq [suoTII -ieqirç sIops qç 'pt000 e toxd pu's JoTTod ;o sTtoTssno toid ITTtuTc1 -TP SPIOTt TQP ° 'IT pre 'qpnq ptrs IZSAS19.I eu etq. SdOp'S T 'I-T S.M. JflO UT '8OtIpTfl seppotd eotteIe;tzoo xrl.oq's'i lOT ott STIIIQ OL[q. IO I'SIOT.IO 6 o'IpTn erueioic1 epi.o.id qtq. streto eAqteq[ep xet.o pu TmoTTod etq. uo peq.tIesetcIex eas LtoTttA& 'suoçq. ssTusIo aieioithue pus 1s.xeio ;o pus seqs ieqweut ;o euq. trç eausstrç srç; t1SeT.tSTR pu.s speeu etq.. ;o seTpoq saoid oset[q. uzeq.uoo pure sa&q.oeqo eotteie;uo inoqsr q iterTJ loT u.xeq.0 peuITuLIeq.ep eis se euj -esclyts pus .&po ttose SOetO.Id Gtq. pure et. 4 LAOtdd .1OJ IJIrLTWIeTq etq. .&cl peqqçuixqns eis sq.epnq pus eue-.xoqoerç aOM iepsTt -OOtOU O toq..ti.qstioo o'I OU. UT peurçep ere Uoq.sSurSiQ O S[O IT'IT'I°° pus seso&rLcI OTSsq OtT Stt'ex o eou'epp' OU. pTXS ZOTqqSUO 011 et[ uTPTTrLa urç seoTAIeS ieuq.o pus Se0TAIe5 ;;eqs ttq.p Io sopTLor OSTs on etta 1L61 pus oL6T 'IT ieei 1snwxs eutes et[q. qs .P'IPt UT uToq sT 6961 000'oLT$ TeswTxos uOLC1.T.IquOO ttsso orli OttL IO uOTSSeS oL6T sw q..s .&po. urçuLxa&o etq. q paIepsttoo eq oq. pe1.petos - 9c - OT. 113L1M Tpoq oseiq. ii Aq petsTTcse se qç.Iozd pu eue.oqoeTG eti SSTOTTOd etn. .&q pPT2 ST I 6 1OSI 8tJ. UT flO peTLIo eq oq. seunur2oId etq o. pixeunuooeI eeut pu UT rp'eea Rpoa etq. oq. suoçq. uTteuIe SSeSS "tzoea seoUee;Uoo TUoT 6 o'n ST1SJ4 (zoTsse uo etq.. ct peAo.IcId 6961 I-T toee eoue.xe; seurwe.xo.xct esetq. tto pode.i sq. s que1udoeAep suot4TqS1IT 1TooS pu seomose.x Uurat[ ';TI pU tOA 0 SUOTTpt1O0 0 S1eT UT se itio.id o'iI ;o noiot. 5 o AOTAeI qUeqJI0O p11'S 9d005 'seAçqoeqO et.q. peçlxso s'St '6961 UT 01II5UOQ et.q. .&0 peq.op'e U0TU10S OOr esuocIsei UT P°a ptis i1t5t0J Io 5 eqq. .&q pet.sq'Sq..se 'etn.onIq 5'SexS eimit UPPo et 'A1I'S1rc1 UT1LIOAO oid OTJTOSCIS tTM O1LI80U00 et'S (UOTqUT1TI05T(I 110 eeq4çIu ttRoD IROO .X8LO UoTToossv ;o tuopeex, 110 eeqqçuuuO rçotq. PU PU'S eu) seeqçui S3014TtRt1t0 ttOrLS ;o e1us20Id Ot[. S.19pçSUOO p1I SeOq4TtmlT0D Sfl00'['SU'S pus 0 SUOTSYLTOUOO etj. sAeTAeI SG4T1tILII0O 1'5T4SflPUI epnq .i'Sraea eq. tnotq. PeOU'SIZTJ 110 eeq4çuIaro et[ eq oq. SeTfITATIOS 1'SU0T'Sed0 oq. 1ZT.'S1ei SOUT1ePTU Pe1t5T1q 1'STtqSTLPUI 'S.Se S'Stt PI seTTATqo'S Uoq'SIedooo I'SoTUtoe!1 sM.eTAex 5t0.I 1'SU0T'Sec1O 110 ee4TuRUoJ '-tL R4T&T0' orii ,o '!1T S'SOXS 0TT0(IS '110 e0U'SPTfl ePT&0I sseooid 8t. UT P 16 espp'S .&POE UTUJe..0f eT ,]0 Seeq4TUtUIOO STI.OT'SA LL61-L61 PaWed etq. UTI8.A.00 '11W[d UIIe.-1l0I q_,'StP q peoW[dez eq 11T' U0T.'SULI0UT .&t'S1zTTnT1e.IcI ttOTLS 'oL6i eqq. £q T oq. .ise,& 1rcMoI1o; eqq. UT UT petRqns eq oq. sI'Ssodotd qepnq p11's el 532o.IcI et. 110 U0T'1. t'S1ITmTIezd peIepçSUo0 OSI'S S'S1t T s.x'SOR q.xzeoex u] 'SW.IOJUT eeq4Tuxtaoo eAq'SIq.ST11Utp pUS I'ST0usUT Sq.T UT peSTUTq o 11flJeI'S0 e.x'S c[OTttM 'si'Ssodo.xcI q.epnq pus eusoid ''STt1OIdd'S SIePT5U00 !1T S'S Sq.d0p'S et 110 eousppa OTTOedS p11'S 'SOIITUIsXe e.iout 'pus tx-çnu-çqzoa sep-çAoId po 1zTUEeAo et o6 eutoJd - Lc - Sie1uwo0 A1I't3 I0, S1IOqUIO OL1 'qs'ed GUq. UT S UtGqJ -TUIO Iocl.TJ1ew IoqO eL[q. [ oq. 1ToTToed TTTM peqçu otq. ,o 1IOTS zoq epnc pu etotd OdOJ T UT 'nqu; UT UoTq.Tpp O S'eL ttOTLS eUeoqoetTç ettq. 'oiris'eui 10 -"L11- P°PT°P SY 96 UOTST"UflttOO 0cUtOtIooa ['1IOTO 0 seoT;;O Ot[q. S1IOTJ[ pelTUfl 0 ST . 3.t[qO 0Set(IeI TJ1 L1qT& eIT14omxq.s pi°c; Q' Odet[qUO .I0 SI0Tq.'SSTU2IO q..oeCoji.s SU pO['ç0ods eçoUe 'ST q.U8SO.IdS)j q.UepTSo 1oq'ewrpIooo qioddo j0 UBM13q. °T 3TZSAp'S 'SeTqTA So uo'oxodo spmei sy -T° pU' et[q0 t[qTRL S ax's e0T;; paxc1 5['ssodo.id o piio; qxul am .&etq.. axo;eq ToIdd'e s tto q1nsuoo ;o s Ioiir'xsdop snoT.xa. ett toid eqq. 'oeq peqxoso.p sç t1oTL& qsAs [O4i100 P1's 1TWZ1d a hA TX0q0Os ug TT'sq-°P toid 9pT1fl 6 -1's°P ax's UOq..'s1rçpIO 00 to iz'ax.x's eujj (LtxttT'si ;'s eurp-çxe Uo eeq4TumIo oowI/olhI wcor eu pa's p11's O0tteç0 'U0Tq's0TLp T'sX 1fl0TIy 110 Oeq4çuIu1O tOSTAPY o'ii/ooam/ov ste qUOf etq. UT TtT.t& e) spleT; OT;T00d5 UT 5OTTAT10's ;o 1Zoq.'s1Ip.Io io; posq'sq..se soTpOq 5YiOt'sA UT UOTT0Tq's s_T seop s's 'pus s-çq. oq. seqnqxqUoo (pi'soa eAT 'stfl5IZOO ouq pu's su'sto 'sTpTsq1as sç pu's uI0Tq..'strçp.xo-o -00 I0 OO4TUIUIoO 8..T.'s45T1ITUIPV ettq. -00 U0Tq's5TU's.I0-Ie ['ste1Ie .t0 -TI'sd O'II 0 501 oxrLsUe 5P1°T a0-çqJ'sd UT) OIITL1O'sW oq. lIT U0T'scIT0 P3-'sT°.' 'IT UTI0M su0Tq'ssTuI'sx0 Ietq..o .i2o.id OLq. ;o qrn000's see. euttu's32oI oq.. 011I SLq. q'sTq ep'sui ueeq SA'stt squewou'si"s ;o iecturrnx y t6 5110q'sSTU'stQ :tettqQ L1q-T uz0Tq.'s1ITpI0-oo 5LtTGO1U T'sOTUt[OOq. IoL10 pu's seequmxoo qcodxe snOTz'sA ;o eoçAp's etq .&c P°PT si'ssodoict q..opnq pu's eusio.ict Osi's ST °H s.M.'sip 0 U.'s[(I U1Ce-110[ eL STL[ p11's UOTOr'sSTIZOaIO 0Lt cm - eaxoia xow () eoxoseueiirr T1oTTuzto ptI rctreia - eio (a) SUOTSOTIQ12d to.idqia xetqo pu sq.xodet 'to.ieese.i - e 'UOT8I UeAT (q) '13 UT spueiq. q..tzeut&othue 'tzo ipns taeee.i e - uxeq. ('e) :eeTdurSxe UTMOU0 66 iu Setoeq.'eo eSoT..t pe13iaTe .io peznS'13eu1 W13 pe;Tq.Uep eq uo taçt[M Sq1rLSe.1pUe UTA'S SIzoqIedo ;o Sd'rLo.1 qseuIS et. uçeq esetj. 'SweqT io ;o sw.ieq. UT peuc;ep e.I13 Seq..Aqa'S OT;ToedS 'Ge e2oiIqtw Utq.TM etfl. xci. peq. wet eq STTTT uAeTqo'e ;o spoteuI Rx13q.Ueut8thUo0 q.Ueee.1de.1 t[OTLtM TX13 'SeATqaeco eu toad eAeTtto'13 o. izesoto U0qO'G ;o Su'Beiii oçeeq eqq. oq. puodeexoo II'e.IeUe tlaTt{M 'seuuao.1cLc[aS otii etq. OquT UMOp Ueo.Iq exe seu td.id tflpT.&TPTtI 0 S['SO 'euOq..nq..qsTx0o 0TSQ et. U oei;e SAOOq0 ua'eeixe; exoui pu's ep'soxq eA'sq taçtM 'eeu to.icL .1o'suI UTT.T pednor2 e'i's seAq-oeco peq.'sea uTA'su seuto ;o sqonpoidpue quesetdei toqA& 'SeATqoeqo A4TATqo's tt.XLq.1qUO0 seqAqos ]0 dtto.i '13 ST UOIJXtUOO eoui Xo euo O to.id cyfl ec[q. lIT ee.io.1cL to's exaq..amiqS eu 6 S.1's UTM0TTO. euq. UT peq.1osep SeUTE et. 110 peLsq'sq.se 'tieeq SsLI UIeGJG O.XqJIO0 P1t13 uTwzTcL eiiauso.1cL '13 'peAeTLtO13 GIYLSe.I etq. ;o q.ueuissesss .io; pure 'ee.1oId peAo.xcId's etq. ;o uoq'sq.Uemethu etq.. .xo; 'StsGodo.1d q.epnq pure eumI's.io.1d pure su'sid uiequo ;o U0TrI'sI'sde1d e't.n "TTTTr[ lIT 's.1eUe..1oq.oe.1 .10w 4TTTcucsUodGe.1 STtI etq. qST$S's o IO.11U0D p118 thITWreIa euuu's.1o.1 L6 T'sU.1eUI s1'eeocIo.1d et. seurçurexe q-T Apo ueu uTu.1eAo squeutatoo eset[q. euq. 13AT O - lIT.IepTSUoO ,0 urn4..1OddO ire 18.1O lIT 'e'sui oq. t[STM A'sui £etq. .s1cE'STxG etq Ac e1u.xSdop eqq. xo sepp.oid pu s sstos TTo q.s'S11 eiwsr2o.xd OL[ oq. xeo;o uoSTSc1 peiT1aTDea 1Ioq.8uLIo;1rç TO STLrJJ UT EITd osio.id etq ;o u15q..S.&S io1Ioo pu exsdep .io.&eurSt; etq. wç IoçIopStcoo to; s[sodoId o uodeid etq. xo; eIQTSIzodso.I ST ot 'IooTo uTm.tTcL sçsss ;;sq..s 'S sv 'iziuq u-c 'que TueuIlcLep eq.. ' irçixeouoo St84'S1U 110 ;SL t[0'S quernt'ScIep T.14. Rxsq..eioeg ouq. ttTSTAp'S io; 0TT0OdS e qq-p& s'eop OLt_ 0 qSuodsoi Sq P11'S ueurqmdep totd qo su e qç oio;oq pOo'Sd suoqsenL O peinss ..1ZOWSSOSS'S q..uopIzedSpuT U'S T Oe14TUttUOO et SOtS1U PU'S T'SSOdOI q.q.çUflflO 9T[ O srtt.q SuOq..'Sp11S11tUIO0O etq. ;o 4TITqTS'Se eqq. 5555555'S T eIe qstq. 'seiraioxcI aeto Lt.& 110 T'S0TTdUP 011 se.msue 'p011.1501100 oo.id euq 1ITpTn seoçod PU'S To.xd:d's ecq. R qexoe et[q. qsI'Su'e SU Eo.1d. Act oq. aqsuod:se.1 T ;;q..s STTJ PSUTUISXS 8.10 ieu so -cutinoo otq e.Ioeq peo'STd: exs Aeuq. oo;eq n.q 'peu.xeouoo suemixsd:op stq. q pexed:ezcl SeATq.oeCqo etq. oq. -['Ssodotd L[0'S5 ;o 550115 seT.e.1 ot 'ooqTuruxo ounuto.x,,j ei ;o q4Tuu10o 01 t0.Ia et[q UoTq.'S.IepT5Uoo .10 1-T eaoeq peo'Sl.:CI 501155T oiq. o q_U'SSTSSV p11'S ''S.10uo.10qo0.I (ci.) 0'S8 110 TeUee.1ol.0tT([ OLfl. S0S&p'S 00qqT10 80.Ia 8tfl .IoTUeS .1etqo oett s-['SsOdO.1d S'S00 .io o&q EU'S YLdff oiq. '1I'SULIT'Stto S'S sqo'S OtA ;o posodutoo qqTuUoo es.1&o.Ia to.1d Qr11 0. ;o T'S1L.10f11IT U'S ict pa&aTAe.1 8.1'S T'SST'S.1dd'S VU'S U0Tq..'SqJI0UI0thUT '1U0U1c1oI9A8P 8U UT1LIe011o0 zsr20.1cI iiv ('S) :S0.1flq'SO; 'Suoq'SsU'S.xo oTs'Sq UTA0TT0J otq. s'St iueq.sSs To.1qJIoo pus 1rçTxtIw[d eu'S.1o.1d 8U QQ[ suo-çqsenT .Ietqo STL0T.I'SA pU'S s-['Ssodo.1d .pOU.1001100 euxars.1o.xd .I0'SUI p11'0 e1uars.10.1d etq. ,0 SeAp.00co 0U. q51rç'S'S peq.seq. ST 8A0'S ('S) S'S t[OTLS SUIGq.T ][.1OM a'Sfl0Tq..a'SI 0 OOU'SAeIO.I 0U. oq. p0qo8cijriS 0.1'S SI'SSOcIO.1d tons ue P118 'ST'SSOdO.1d 8UflIZS.10.1d .0 U0T'S.1'Sd0.1d ;o eutq. 0T. q 'STSJT'SU'S 8t1flh1'S.10.1d eursi; eL U13Td ULI9OrtIOT eiq. trç q..eprLq. PU'S to.id -'e-çtitzeq 's ;o EO1& O tiwEcI 'e ;o tioiq.onpotd otq. oq. .&ep. 'S LflTM peoupolq.UT qiieoei suoq'a&owrç oei;ex et e'i'S oi& eSot[q. e.x'S oeq peqposep so.inpeooid et qoe;;e trç [io 'Szoqo'S;SAet.IettqOO pu'S eou'Su&Io;xed q.s'scl ;o 'AqQçS'Se; o-çurouooe pu'S T'SoTtIttoe Tiod ,o 'seq..'eq ;o StzoçqsenT) ;o 'sq..uutdoeAeP T'S0Tr1 teqmeux .Sq pesseidxe setsp& etq. ;o tie. T q.IZrL000'S 'uo'çei et[q. IO, GeqAq..o'S tzo-çq'aiedooo T'Socwo_ eotzsq.sçSS'e 'qons ito; qioctd'rts VU'S ;o q.s'Soaxo; ettri. ui tITOTAIOS S eXSTCbp'eeTt ,0 Sqtie ITube.I et[q.. oq. pirs 'uoçqtedo 00 'Soçti'qoeq. ;o ui.xo ot. wç eotrsqssS'S to; tzoTeI e'qq. noqxsd eAT UT eeq xeqjiietix ;o spoeti e'q oq. tzoqUeqq.'s Su0TeI SYLOTX'SA ot[q. t0,g iooOiTa e'qq. Ac UeAT erux'Sr2oid uo SIOd'Sd Uoçq.sod ei opied uTIm'sTd o'qq. seATqoe.rçp O'q ;o tZ i'oi o, Itetzee U0T'StITp.IOOO sutoIeq.0 ,o sqUe1neInbeI e'qq. ;o 'swsto eçq'Szeq[ep oi ;o 80U'SpTTL e'qq. ;o qJrn000'S StOd'Sd IxeuIqx'ScIep sIeqxe'rLTJp'Sett ptto enaq.omiqs T'SzoT ti0q.TSO I'StoIIOD 'qO'SO .&c[ SIecL'Sci U0fl.TSOci ;o Uo'St'SdeId e'qq. oq.oerç ;o eotrSflSST otq. 'qqp& strçeq uid po"çiod .I'Sa&XTS 'S UTIOA00 u-psip ;o sseooicI o'q STTI1 thi. ;o uoq'SnuLIo, e'qq. sç epnq US eoio.id 'tisid. ixeuo coi e'q. ,o uemdoIeAep etfl. .io; qtI0d UTt'SqS e'q ectq .&q, seu[epçrL e'q. ;o q.tieatc[oeAe peqOflptioo e.ss e'qq. 'trç'qqp& eurçq. oq. OUITq. mo OI'S sqoeCoid uTqsxo ;o Uoq..'Sq..UOTeIthU ot[q. wç sseoxd ;o ptt sq.oeotd .eu ;o aAeTAeI q..nq 'eSS Ot[q. epSqiaO peptt'Sq 8I'S seq..Ao'S uoq.'SaedooO T'SoTrnto ie'qq. va/acrim xep'tm peowswç; sq.oeoid ;o sedq. U'SqIe0 io; OS'SO eLq. 'uieqsAs To.Iwoo pU'S UTmi'STd eu stoid e'qq. ;o OSI'S T s'q poMoueI; e'q. UT pesseooid eq q.snw (seTqTATqo'S 'SUoq'Sxedo ttOU US 'euoq'Sxedo 'qqoq trcpnToUT) qepnq t'Sraet e'q. iep'trn peo'crs'trç; eq oq. seu er2oxd rio; Si'SS0doId liv OT ttoTtk ci ocIoid e e2od etq.. irç squeiutdep 0. 8I Aq peIocLIo01IT eq oq.. JX9JXO0 eu to..id piz COT poTItI Otq. TT'-0P CubS urç 1ITttTiI.fl0 'EO4O[ eoui'epçn euzoid. ttq 'eoqq.pItuo omJ2oIa eue-Ioq.oeJ q sxodd uoqsod Ot[q. puz seS['CTXC oseqq. ;o i&eAo.I eq.epnq ei-o. q.xeu eu xo; ceunxrci poçtod 'c COYLSST I et. te p.ieI -oztd pu SeAoeqO -1100 OCIB AOT 'pOTIed zop..sens OT;TOOCIS urçeq. J0 OEOttM Ot[Or Ot[ IT1ZtI'CI utxr.p uieouzoo ;o senssç xexe oq. pesseipp'e ox siodcd uoqsod rtnoTtvcv * * L01 * oq ;o poiecI ieqqxr.; io; pepuzoq..xe -a&ep I'CTOOS T qç eurçq. ouiS etq. TXB OTUt0U000 i&81I squeuxIoi q 0 puie epux sse3oad eL. o tOAO peAe.Aex T 1181d 1UIO-TI0I o-oq. tç oi. m3[cT xeeA-xis otq. ;o et squesaxdei togu 'poçted &c'eq..epnq xeu1 Qt. o irçiurçeq eu urç xceA .iotq..o eqq. eio;eq stquzom uieeqtTe eo'ei1 1I0q..CIOpC1Z00 ttTUZtOAoe eqq jo ;IOCT .&p09 uITuLIOAoD Otq. ptte .&po eeq4uaao eATqsTuzTutpy P11's IT0u1UT et[q 0. 1I0T.'BIOpTC1100 I0 peq4çuIqlaC UOtq.. T 'SII0TSTOOP srteue-to.oerccI Ot[ OT. 110 dtL W&tp 'q;'CIp pOSTAeI y STtt etj. Aq ixo-çsoep pu ee4TImuoo euox ecq Rq MOTAOJ sexeclead pure lIIcI uLIe-tIoT TI-eAo et[q ;o q;'e.ip sa toia ot. ;o t'eq.etoe metq. sosAieu'e ot& 'ooqgumio e et poq4puqns ore sied'T uo-çqsod liv 9o1 SpUOiq. pure spooux Liurnoo pure IuIoTea ]o urn000e eeq. oq.. poqoedxe ore tt0Tt 'squiouiqrcIop epeut ore caot'enbpett aqq. oq eq..ep .&iree ire q SU0TO.I OLfl. ut0t. Srect'ed 110TTC0d 0th S0TIeLt0 0Tut0tt000 pure tuT seq.eq iOquteixi q.SSSe oq rToo e[qerçsep qnoqe pO1ZTCOp ti0q..0e 0 ceuteto.xd 11Tp1I0dSO.It00 p11 S0Açqoeçqo o 1ILIeq-uol eqe[nuLI0; 'squzeiirqredep I0TtI0q ioeut Ot[ 1efl0Tted lIT pure 'sJIoTu)redep SIOqreTlTJpe8 - j7 - Gol O1OId eq TTT.'A Jt[. t[OTLtM UT IOI 8U. pU ['eIuIou sç UOqULIOU TeU Mell e[cçss0ct uo i[Uo s ooid q..epriq pu euutraxoad ;o io xdeid ;o eurçq et. q tnOTqT 'poçaed R.xq..epnq qo'ee Io pe.xIeicI sç seçqçATqO oset. ;o UOyçsOthaoo pu'e iei ei qoct et jo qs'oeio; eAoq1 eop UIWTd STL pec[.iosep OTO.&O et[q. o qd wo; qou tflOtfl[' '.IUUU1 XITUTS U raea ex8 seqAq..o * * PetW 6o1 * (&oTeq V Al tiooes UT S[OS3 sç q..epnq p115 eItUB.1 suosoep dop's et[q.. .xo; exapeoo.id eti.ij) esetior ]0 STSBq et[q. uo thL UMThI 8.1'S sI'ssocio.xd. q..epnq pire o.id ei ;o io T'SIUO .1ooroe.rg eqq. o. pus 'suoq.'SpueuItttooe.1 sq .io; eeq.qunno e.ioe euq. tqM .1etqeoq. eis.i2o.i eiq. o. 'STT'su'S enniraxo.icL s[OUe.IoqOO.rç( et hlettor ioTxwr pu's TiI s'so.I UOTSTOSP .10 UT1.S00 TDL; .10 llo.iorcliaOo oq. pus 'sTsI'su.s io; eeq4Ttatuoo q..uewq.xsd:ep e.ioe eiq. oq. s'ssoc1o.iI et eurtua.ioaa ecq. ;o s's pequic1ns ax's esotq. uoTq..'SpTIosuoo ptrs ..eçAe.I .xeq.;'s stssodo.1cL e1xmrS.IQ.Id. pe'Sq.ep sqç sexsd:ead: ueit. suouiq.a'sdep d:n TtP1'sU1 setotraiq etq. ;o to'S oi STLOT.1'SA si'ssodo.id qepuq pus eto.1d sp ;o orueoruoo eqq. uo xssseoeu etq. eotot[o SSTorT.1oT.1d oor [ euef.1ooe.1T uTP.1000's S['ssod:o.xcl q.'ao etq. seAT uTpToep UT os'S pus oq.. suesdep ior2 eu sao.xcI .io; trçxsiu 's sepiaoirç ' zeixedep ;o slno.i2 q.tte.1e;;Tp .io; ue.1e;;Tp T ta-çqM 'ptzooes et. eq'SçsA's ep's eq oq. seoanose sc1iert se.i'Sq. ;o esn etj UT euiurs.1o.1d o; es'se.xotrç oU seiurws'e qexs. peu'su'sm eq oq. 8.15 sorsonTJe.1 eo.xnose.1 S.1T; euj qoT1M IITL[orT& soret'sor e'sorueo.1ecI eAp'Su.1eq['S LIorTM aeqoo 'eirçq. eurss etq. or's sueuI.1'sdep oq. pe.'soirnuxoo exs si'ssod 0.1d eururs.1o.1d uT.I'ScIe.xct UT peoo; eq oq. soxapeoo.1d et uTM'stp .10; STS'sq 'S S's 8.15(18.1cm epnq pus euuLrs.1o.1cI eq t[OflS cm eqourçq. prc°p s sUt'sq.Uoo oss qoTT.M 'Ueurrtoop sTiq. UT peqTIoSep er zoqqJIeuIoTthtIT ei otd ;o e-ioo etq. u-c scIoqs urm eqq. * (II xTPUecIY) pepued&e ST oL6i xsei oiq. oq. uçqai :o idoo v [xe] UT UTT oS*Io peq..que xEna*ITo oil 115 rç xse too qno qes oxs XSTUOJTO soinp000IcT q..Ueurpueurs pus iu oTqU00 snoçxa& euij 59TTt0T1 tO SGO SIurLoITo UTU'Stt0 ;o tTT eu urç seutwsioid peAoIdd'S urçpueurs xo ureq.sAs uoçq. eqq. iepurn peuSTc[5qSe uoeq os's GA5t setnpeoo squoIueTcTurç eu sioid uo pe cload T q.xodax i'STLUUS TT0dS pus XSeA Tose UTXCLP PeA0T..5.I T 5itT UT SSOJ2OId UI8S.&S iOJ0r1100 PU'S UTq..UeIU UTUuw[d: eiirsi2oj peAo.1dd'S eu ;o epriq VU'S 811 55 'SqUSUt TS'S0. 8Lfl. 110 perLSsT SU0T.'S00iTS 8T. UT P08L eLq iepuxr 'xeAabAoH coicI ioM et[q. queuued:urç o. ipotq.flS rEri; ttITA' p8StLIU8 8I'S q..UetUqXGd:ep 0 s;eyrw o11 q.i'scIep rçeqq. ;o eu euuxst&oIc3 eqq. ;o U0TUeuxeTcL111I eeq4TutuIoQ eurtusJ2oIa ew1 .&q ptePTxoo 8i'S sqoeo.xd UqsTxo ;o Uo-rq'SUe1ethaT UT 8'SUt sseioid etq.. peutoo pu's sqoeçoid: &eu ;o q.UeuId:oeAep etq. 110 SZode 1100 seToue's TrcATpT's eqq. oq. peqçuiqns e.xs Aeuq.. axo;eq TeUeIoq.oexTr etq.. Jq ['SAOIcId'S pus 'sueuiqx'sc1ep sq..xsrib P'stt Ac1 A8TA8 'S.U8UItX..I8AO LtOI.PA SUOTSSYL0STP UTATOAUT peIeqSUUIp's soxnp000ic1 ;o qoeCcns euq. eI's o'ii ett eq oq soeoicI uoq'sIedOOo 's0Tttt08q. t8tO UT1LIe0UO0 s'ssooxa /c3ij eq oq.. sqoeCoxd epnq t'sinet s's SI8AO0 UOTq.'s..IepTSUOO STT.t S's sqoeo.iI POq.UGUIOTcIIIIT ei's soeoid eL Toçt[A urç .i'se.& 8tq. ;o UWITOq 8t. e.io;eq stq.uotu XTS ewoe '-'snmrs eoqqçuuuoQ eu sr2o.ia etq .&q uesq.ieptrn c 'ue ;o sTSA['sU's S I's8.I08 eqq. ;o pus so'sox{ 'sI'ssodotd oeCo.xd peç'sq.op ;o uoT'sIepTsuxoD Uoiii's soeoxd ;o uo:rLqçqsTp euq. spa'seI s's S8JUT; oAq'sopu TqT'A 'si'ssodo q.8piaq PUS en's2otd ST1.0çt'sA eq. et[q. UT PSPrLTOUT SSOTOIIThISASU - -17-fr - T 3-T ii's-8A0 ULIT. V exsdiiioo stienrrtoop eseiq :eoTZSULIo;I3cL Axsq.epnq ixo qtocLeI sç 'earçq. eutss acq. q poq4utqTLS J[[SuLIotI ST TOçt[M iwu'S ocLot zoqJxeuIocL1nT emto.icL tzo 'pTx000S ecçq. Tm si eseqq. ;o srg; et eiq. T4STUT&PV PTm T'BTOTmUT 11100 oiq. ptre ee4pu o; IOT'S.IOpTS1ZOO trçiLieAo po q poaeiI oa sodei eoTmoZCed ;o sedq.. eeitj i1 1t'SSSeOetZ .T 1ZOTO'S STW1 UT T TT q peiepTSTIoO o5['e OXG TU8T. eAp.oeZttOO pTmUttttOOeJ O!1. PtS coLpA 'eeq4umIo eurureIoIa et(q. eimIret Jo STSTTt s1cqocoe etq pTm SeçAet eSet oid et[q. ;o soeds OT;-çoecIs tto xee.& et wo1noItfl. Rfl'SO çA so TTec TpOTIed pecIetd ea's aA.eTe tSSOOeU eaet TTOTmUT eSeL 111 p ['ee..e.x swecto.icI JTm 110 uogoe eATqoeJIoo pueuxatooeI oq pese sç ee4TuIutoo eururT2oIa T UUTZT ia eT UW[d TTOTmt[TT tfl emT etfl. O 11oT.tepTs11oo eqq. 'e4TUrn100 UatSIO.I coctex sSeJ2OId I'STOTmLIT; s sexecIei1 -v xo; IO Tm eUtOOtIT o AeTAeI Tm eITLSBI1 T'5T0TmUT Tm eçpueCe peT'Sqep e seeteptrn tercoa4duxoo SeUtT tta IT tqezoe etq. Sq STsAT'STm eunxreioid o peq..00qns er ssodoid etze.DtooeITcI eqq. O. ee4TuuuOO iotdcI' STtt tO E[OTLS otc1t ux eso et[q s 'xo WT° eumrer2oz oqq. tuo1q 'eq tTew_ io; aeoq.cIiuo TToTmUT pire exn.seq et[q pTm eOq4TUI exoe eqq. oq. .cetçe pe4pItqns eq COI etq ;o Ioo qsniIr ssoctoicL eTmt1O exareioxci 'setto .10J p115 ST1UTI XSTTOP peAotcI W&O .]o S.pU °'T O sed. wçtoo .SU0Tq00TT eAoqS 'teAoMoH utqpA cIoe iet pepTAoId 110 SOTmLtO ttOflS .&TmUI GSUt 0- qiep ;o s;egt[J pits peptAo.BI SeogAIeS et[q. iouo q..tIeTJ1 eoxrtosei UT SOTtS1O ztoui o err4'sTx pits ie.oT etq lIT SOTmLIO 'soeoid ;o seATq.oeçqo io eloos eq. lIT setcetto 'suIeq.. toA peAoI1'G ;o sizoeep 'smeqg IOM NLeU ;o SlI0qTpp5 0 eseo et. UT peoo; eq o. sempeooid eTm10 eu .ioacI et[q. oq eqposep rc xTpueddy ;o stdxs - Gfr - SUOTSSTUt DOq08cISIZ qJXT0C 'seçoue qno peIzto ex StO UTA iojtedo-oo 0 GS0 8U UI iode.i TzOTqoedstzT ;o pnq..s [ri.;eo ieqj i[tio A[uLIoIz exe srnid q..oeotd TPOUI 0. sTzoçSoeç oeçoicI Uogqxedo POJ.eT.&e.I T 00 -[oTtUtoeq. IUPTATPUT ieptrn eio.id 'suoTesTut uons UTAIOAIZT Sqooid sqoeoid tOfl.'S.IedO-OO 10TUL[0Oq. uo xo 55.ITLO0 8L[q. U] seoT.;o uieqxe UT wpxes sTsToT;.o Aci io s'eet utoi; s1wçoç;;o q aetqe qno peTxxeo 'uoTSsTuI uoqoodsIz eqq. ST zoqsne pu ;o tuIo; xet[qou sT'szd L11 ioiqeiecIo UTtq S t[OtLS seTq.TA tIOqe00A sQ'II -Tq.0'G ;o GTeueq pus Sq..soo otq. uo qxo peTIxso tieeq a&st[ sepns .ietq oi4IzoMtoo .&oTloa ueu&oTduI aqq. oei;ei oq. u0s-çe[ T8Lt suteqoid et UT seq'sq xeqixxeui .&q pe.ieq.trnooue rio AaA xepun qJzeLIno T Apnqs ' 'eictuxo o'ii ;o streeux snocxs ;o sseueApoe;e euq. o eoTJQ etq. ;o SqIrn qoxsese..i snoxa& Rq uesqiepirn seTpn.s U0q0 .I0 rcoeds ;o srç epew eq zoçque/[ sJcsA& xetq..o U YL0 peTIxso os[S ezt uone pus IsT dd'e 'ieAaMo sepoq Pt5U1-10TT0I Qrfl .&q I0çq'SflA8 pTt I T'std euttoxc! ui ;o squeurnJ4su ITouTtd etq eq.rLqTqsuoo eAoqB peq.'soTptrç siodet eouswio;ted eiq. eurçq. quese UOg'CL[sA etq. PU q 911 ISTSIcLciV Ap0a e trçtueAo st. pus se1uu.ioaa [uoqted uo eeq4Tuiuio eqq. Sct uoTqIepsuoo io; ['rnZti'B pexsdeid T sptrn ;o seo.inos ut0t peousuT; S8TOrTATi.0 iioiedo-oo IoTrntoe uuieouoo eat io;ied uo qto1et '13 'OAoce et[q.. oq. U0TTPP'G UI [[ SUoT1tIeTIo exripa; eq'siTsep pus 8qSSoct 0 SU0q.'e0pU pus se-p[no-ç;;-çp PtZ slLxeouoo uextno 'eu totcI eqq. ;o squouteAeçt[o's q..s'eI pus £Ioq..s-rt[ etq. UT q..no 8up4e5 'euastotd OrII peoees ,0 M8TAO,I t[cLep-UT T13TO13d5 T 'ueutdoeAep ueoet 13 abut 'ioIet o ed&q. PITtI peAoIds et. UT q.rLo qes suwEcI - 9t - eu epnq pus esioid tTM eouso;ied nqas pttnj ;o seolnos teto uioa peotrEtIT; sqoeo.xd oq. peptzeq.xe wçeq e fjifl eri peq4TutcttLs aca\u1 empeooid o eAT Ttodea Xe1TUIT 611 'eoç;;o etq oq. Sdoo e tqTM uesecie qtzepse sess [ TuLIeq_ T q.todex tnoitq. peu.ieotzoo que1uuxeAo qus xo; oo-ç;;o et Wsffl eqq. Ac1 çxqetoe et[q. o. IZoTSSflltI .&q pereeid exe 'uopo'e aiuqr; .10; rçpwç; irpin eqq. eqopuT ToçtM suOTpIzeuuuOoe.1 euz ptz peu.ieouoo .Txeuaz.1eAo etq o. eoc;;o 'stode.i ['eTITULIe opiqoe et[q. Rct em-çq. o eurçq tuo.x; peq.qpxqu are s.xode.i e Io.idcl'e etq. o ptre eoç;;Q et. eATue9e.1deI qU pTee, --çuxee ptre 'eoT;;o eiq. o. soeoicI ..rçetiq. exeub Tuxcus s.1eette1n qoeo.1 uo eqxode.1 eao.xd eq[ue.1 ess ptre 'uo- 'eqtzewe[durç qoeo.id trç pe.1eq..Trnootte o. sq..IOde.1 ut çoeds eopti 'sTxoT'e.1edo ;o u'eid eqq seTqrLoT;;Tp nqoe exedioo ttT .1O. p8O 3[.1OM 3L. Uq..TRL sq.uelueAeqo sq..iode.1 eq oeo.1d /gcrji o; petsq'eqse uoeq eet e.1upeaoacI uoçqetr[eAe ptre uTtOde.1 T'eToed - Lt - zocIet pu uoqrçurexe io; eeq4çutatoo spq. oq. TT'Lt eu te;ai eoue.xepxoo eiq. qe p uesexde.i oçq'es etti ct pequIqr1s eoizexe;Tzoo znoqeq T'TIoT ileq.III 9T..fl u''o eqq. jo ieci.uiew eq.'e ttoee o eAq.ueseIcIeI th. qes queTIIeAo euo ;o wrqsçsuoa eeq4çuruxoo t i TT'ette 00 TxOçq'eTxaeqJzI 8t InOqen I3tZO "T00 q.epriq q- J0 c1 u.ç UOTSTTIIO eU. 0 etmutotc1 pu oçiod Tt1tOddO epTAocd '0 1O, 0T,fl ;o UOTSSfl0Tp T'e10U ç uou.ieqtzI ett S eoueie;iioo xnoqr TT'0Lt poq4uxqas ei Seq'0ut --q..se q..epnq, etq. ttoTLM q tio-çssee etq. q.'0 eoiieie;uoo 0t. oq. po ITI0ITO eq TTeTtS (Au ;T) seouai&oT qTxeuI cçet. uteq.tie pus 5ep'0'['0s 'seqnp 1-UO uTOeS pti'0 SOUISII et[q. STIZ'0O eT[ lOT po ,O ST'0T0T;.,O etq. STT '0quep;uoo v çAOTJS 0 (ci.) UTILI8AOf ec[q. Ic peAo3dd'0 S'0 S0q'0Ut -T° qepnq e'qq. eoue.Ie;uoo xnoq'srj euefIoqoergnJ O. ITUIqLS TT'0TtS eqq. () E etfl ;o uo-çsses STU'0JO e. go stectutew et. o. peodsep eq oq. squeurrtoop iq.oq eurçq lIT uoeaotq. qtodei s e de.id pus Seq'0tIrçqSe 0iIoietIO q.xeu ett. e.xO;eq ST..tqttOUt OM qepnc ott eupirexe po lOT i IIeAo.D etj 9 eOTq.I' pOTIed I'0TOU.'0UTJ tt0'08 o. utotq. io; eTWp. irç po q.epiaq ecq. mqflS Trette uTpeo sqç q paIepsuoo eq trctLI0Ao.D et. o. Seq'swqse aid xseA et. u.-ç uoçoses q.sr eue.zoqoez e e[oçqx s's p'saI LI0Tt[M 'SlIOT0'0Tfl0cI T'sT0''s'M et 0 9 ptz's o StoTSTAoIcI ec[q. soo. q.epnc pu's ei eq. jo uop..dop's eq.. xo, peoo; eni.peooid et q.epn eq. o uoçq.ctopy et qepn pu's ow aarsia au zoid o'n oi eIrpeooIa to.I eq. uo uoçq..ov q.iad oxaçpuectxe ;o TAI T'etz 9tq.. tto 'SrxoTq.SerLTJ eUU1IJ o sztoquioui oid p'eoiq uo OTA rçet. sseidxo eoq4uroo eqqS s Aq paMoto; T etq. xT 'uoTsSuoSTp sodotd etq. o soods's TT0U.'S1IT] tItOthIIT o. STt[ UoU3q4 txTr'ea TZ8 SO ttdUIO eumretoic1 UTUI etfl. T11T1f10 eIo08tTG ocq. .&q queqs iIoq..0flp0.Iq-UT ixs sosiu o& ' o zossiaoSçp epttq piro eto peuedo sç sisodo oM sea. o troqq. eaoui so nTo.i Riasn Lt0TT.M 'soq. sq.I irç t0TUU so 58.oA8p 80q4cu1 TW- O. rssseoett sptrçj rc s' io qmcoS eATsueuT q..sotu oq. eAg80ei et qOpT1.q piro oto eu. etq. eoqS sçiq.. sodo..id q.epnq pits eurarzotd oi et. 0 4TP1IOO et_ irçp.ioaoo e.i'o s pessnosçp 8TtL ozd ipo T IT; etq. trç ee4T1m1I0O i--tq- ict OoIqS11T ssiirçqse e ssoIotd wç1LIeAofJ eqq. ;o eeq4çuIuIo po eupiaxe 1T01T1M 8T. qOtfl. ' p1Z UT '8PT. uT1LIOAof 8Ltq. ;o siep.I OXSTj\j 0 O [T.t p110009 TzT.twTec1 Ot. pits cmi.Iqo1 1ITWLOA0.D et. .&q peIepTS uI.ioi1 st .&po 8t irt pei peq.dops eq o. uo-çsses et[a 1100 0X13 A0t[ Lt0TC[& iIpeoozd aa eqq.. ;o 85010 et. .&et. toçt irç xso.& oq petoq.dsep exs eAoq icpoa TXTUIOAOfJ et ;o stoqjiieut III uoçq..oes UT peqaosep LIOIITt{O'OUI zotd etj etq.. ;o sirseut Aq pedoe.ep s['ssocIo.Ict qepnq pus eu S'OO seqo eqq. jo JT1out q eo pxooai 'S 110 ues. eq iit q..epnq qtzesoicI soq.eep otq. Aq Ot. tfl4d0p'S 80U98,PX0O Ottq 0 UOTST00P eta 6 '1I0q0p'S .I0, 80tIeZO,1100 8t oq 1-T iq pOA0&S S'S SO'SUI eprLq OL. TDXc.flS 11'S'S eeq4uIut00 O1 ' TOrGO 'irçoem 8L[q q'S Otfl. ,0 sieq Sp çqq.oq. uese.tc1 e8q.4UITfl00 ;o uteTu ot[q Aq qs'So Seq..oA et U8tS eq TT'SItS eeq4.1tau00 eL[q. 0 SUOTSTOOp OT.t L se'STuTSe OL[. tZT'STde oq. I8p.Io UT eeq4unhI00 etq piI84'B oq. pOIqTqiIe eq 11'SLtS 'Ap0a 1ZTiLIeA0f Ot[q. ui0.I; i10Tq.'S8Tep 8t'Sd T- 'S Aq peTitsdut000'S 'T'SeUeJ00e3Tf 8t[fl 9 sonssç JoTTotI iornxi oq. q'S [['SULIOII OI'S 9'SS STt[ tequrrni trc &9 3eAOf Ot[. Aq O'SU1 SeUrpUer &t'SSSOOOU stepTo peq..TuIT OX'S .&pO UOO qç qus IZS q Peq4TUI U911rpIXUrS LOUS L{q.p& '° SOqqTIWXtOO S'S tço'sisodoicI eiq seAoidd's qg TI0TSSTLOSTp sTu 0 9SO10 et. q s-['Ssodo.Id OUf4. ItO uOTq.TsOd IT9t eq'SoTpiIT stequieui eto pit's ioo-thna eqq ;o itewseods pits sxequiew .ueur UtOOf LtOTTAk lIT S eUteq'SqS SI'SOLt cc'STuOqsrw q-I TT'Sf10P irç S's pepxooe.i azt'S ep'S'tu sqIzeta.snp'S etq. pit's SUoTSsnosTp O1. tOTtI& UT 'OOq4Tu1U1O Aq peq4perLs pu's eco eAT'ST4sTuTurpV PIZ'S eeqqçunuo I'ST0U'SuT1 01 toiIe.i et. ;o sgs'Sct eqq. ito si'ssod:oIcI q..op'riq otr. seUTliLrsxe .&po fri rcIt'IeAo.D et -['SAoxdd'S odo.id q.epnq oq.. pesiip'S S'S pit's o to.id euq. pueuuiiooex o. pet'ScIe1 ST OqqIwnoQ -tqpoq..'sedot T pu's peto'sei ST UOpfl[OS £iOqo'S;sçq.'SS sseootd ecq 'q.ou ;r icd000'S Aiin; pitT; qOU A'sut to A'sur Io; po oLq. uTu..Ta.o 'S 1-T T,tOTWA 'SqtI8UrStLp'S pesootd: 3Tq- SOSSYLOSTP II8Tq. 00q4gu1 .tocIcIns oq. eq'S eq ITTA OTOW/L 'S S'S eeq4T'UItJlOo IuOO OU si'SsodoId: qepaq pu's e stotct peSAeI ;o q.es eiq. ttoTu q'S SALLI'S oq sees pu's eeq4piuuo etq lIT sthi.oi2 eexqq. otq. uOUtB eo'STd U8'SE. OA'SLt A'siii S'S sUOp.'STqOsu IronS ;o qm000's sesq. ['SOIIOZtoqOOITç Oiiq SUOIIIST1'S io; ssodoid: esetq. sqzeuiqsnp'S 8T[ oq. sosodotd I,OTTJ UT1II'SIJ UI uq.'SopU ied:'sd 'S seq.'Sroto pits iIOTss'rLosTp ot[q oq. lIT qUOUIeq'SS 'S S8SUI UOL pit's 'poodotd SeqAqo'S SYLOT.I'SA 's t511I et]q. oq. to'Sq4'S AeI{ SOTT.IOT ;o seAt'SuesaIcIeI eu UT .&q ,,Io; UeSO[OdS Aq OL[ 'IIOTq'SUTUt'sXe OI OU T' ;o otd et OSOTO oq oq'sox LIOTI STLU Ot[. eoTduxa 'STflOTI'Sd etq. q i to.xd q.uouodiuoo Sq..T pits 0'SO SOIITUI'SXO GOq4IUUIO uTifl.p 'uOTSSYLOSTP T IIOTSS'rLOSTP T'SIoiIo pu's SXOPTSUOO Aflfl;OI'SO T'SIOU8D oqq. UT OUUSOId IO'SUt I0Tt[M. ezo SiIOT'SOTpiIT seuuirsx2o.idq'tas pus so Si'SSodo IITiLIOOUOO sq.IIo1atz.IeAO pu's sieqixeui IIOAT UTPUTOIIT 'eprnix Sq.ueutuxoo .xOq..oe.IcJ OL ITS GTOt[M. 'S S'S icq POMOITO uosq. si'ssod sioo's; xot[qO .Au'S ito pu's 'p.x'Sco; .&TTUPTA ou sç q- qrLoLqIv T uteqç qo'e ttoTt& UTtUP 'UOTSS12OSTP moqsno eqq.. eottrc1 etq. pwç peoidcI's q.epri.q pu eotd peqep Aq peoo; T sçu Sp[Ot[ Uetq. eeq4uIEuoo q.;tp Ot[O. 110 tt0TSSUOSTP T1LIeAof Ot[q. 0 stoctUtow IOIOj PIZ8 .xeioicIwa po etfl o u sooc1s q ep'SuI sueuteqS S.188t1 os eeq4TTll ot u.TtLIeAof eqq. ;o ;steq 110 ee4TIWUoO et. po uio et oq qepnq pU eioid qjtp euq. sJzeSetd Ot[ '(aoqiiIeUt qUauxtLIeAoe 'e SJV8MT'e) po o tZ8ULIT8TtD et[q. TXTILIOA0- Ltq oUeDoOeITI eq. .&c[ epuI sq.ueuxeq8qS .&ct peueclo SeTUOS9H t LI9AOf 0 oeq4TUtUI0 eoUtrç GTfl lIT Aq piz T q.enc p118 e ioicI jtp eqq.. LT o U0TSSUOSTp eU8q SI34'8flI OUIaE8IOICI 110 SM8TA ;o um.Iq..oe(Is ePTM '8 J0 et{q. ee4çutuIo eATs oq.. iepxo UT 't '9 T°TPV P8PT.Od SeAT 'eq.UeSeJ,(1e qJIeurtLIeAof) ;o eeq4TUtU100 lIT 13 ettq. 8OU'BUT q pexopTsuoo ST qepriq zoad TX8 ip eqq eioeq ttq4s xxet UT e toid etq. sS'iaoSTp oq. 8011018J1100 eti. ;o eoTo'8Id etq. izoeq stE T sI'8a& ueoot 11j pu ewetoid q;Ip etq. oq. uoçq..'8[e.I UT hOT sTtrBto et. 2otd hZ8 1OTI0d et. o UOTSSTWSTP t0 urrI0 8 ,O eOhzeIe;U0o .InOq'8rf '8U0'8TLI8U] eqq. 'ShOT treI T'STOII'8UTa j0 et XBd '9 e[oçq.x UT PePTA0t S 9T .&q petoq8dSOp ST q.iodet TT'aI011 eohzeteU0ç) 8l 8OUTS ttOJ'8JAI i STtIOr SUTeq trea T'8T0UUTI etfl. ;o [ 'Gitlif hIT ht8 'shoT [X8 Xsd '9 e[Op UT POTTO8S SUTTP'8OP 8L[. ;o jA5TA U etq. Jq epui Uewoq'8S Ot[q. ;o lI8 'poa UTTZI9A0D tpite eeq4Tu10 eAT'8.STUTtUPV pIZ I'8TOtUT 0ttq UT SUOTSSTLO TP IZAeTeI etq 0 pI0OO 31t1- ostteqxe UT SUT'8U0O odei STqq- ';TesqT qepnq pilE e UI U0Tr'8STtt8EO OttOr .O SIOCUIO zoxd q;ip etq. o. U0q.pp'e 8t[ o 'p' pilE eUtUI8I oid q..;'8Ip '8 J0 ULTO; et. UT 'peq'8OiZtU1aU0O 818 Jc8L t1OTttR 0 etq. 'peAoJdd'8 odoii '8 S'8cI9Id STI88UI .&q, eIE StES00Td qep'n.q pilE euiurtotd OUq.. ttOTh q. Rp0 UT ILIOAO'D eqq. ,o UOTSSGS et[q. UTM0TT0J 1I8q'8Tp0i oq..Irç qç eq. oq. sepoep o ç.xo'ouI Spç1.fl-o&q. ' £q 'eeq.qç1uxo çoeds .10 00 .I0UO eu '.&po Sq.. tode.1 0Lfl trç.1opTsUoo .xoq; 'SseTi,rn ct pe.dop 30UU e. ;o tzodn qzodoa -.Ioqoo.x ei tEoq.noSea eouonTosttoo TT0D1IT .Io Rq ['0.18U0 (ci.) SI.T wcU.IeAo.D otq. oq. T'0Z0UD q.oecp p0q4flUcT1.S oq. T .&po () tT..TM q.TP 0c. TttI q.T 'UOTSSOS tq- 1fl.IiTp u.iizedo oq. eao.ect t[q..IIoux Otto epui xo uoTsseS ocfl. :SMoTTo; S 1I13t[ .IOq.T P0AT000t T T'Sod:oJ.d eo1Ie.I0.Uoo oq.op ei eIoeq 1q.Uo S0I q.i 0110 3Ue.-.Ioq.00.1( 0vq. ;o SpIItt 0tq. UT p00OTd Oct 1STUU 1IOq.S1tOtQ OL ,0 S.1equxow Ol. pO0T1I opnct Otq. tr eput q.oU sç II0TSTA0.1d t0yqM -niuuioo S .Io; esotLrncl o 110 exrLq.TpIIedxo .io; Tsodo v euq.. jo irçuecIo et. .Io perç i L o1op..I :aMoTTO; s sp'oo.I ctoTttM S110TO.OIflOI O0U'Ug eTn. ;o L OT0TIV UT 0UX ST Sj.epTLc .&xoqUe1IIoIcInS 0 IIOTq.dOp'O OWl. IIOTSTA0.1d '6T Sq. OPUa £18 q.tIOutO Tci.d.US p0dop'8 T q.opnc pito euura2oxI Ot[q. 110çSSTtO -TP O1. ;o OS0[0 OWl1. q. ['8ttOO -T 110 O01IO.IO.U0O 0Wl- 0q..OA p.1000.1 '8 I o. .OpTLq ptco Oto.1d: q;'t3.Ip et. Sq.UOSO.tcI OttM 'OOq4TItUI0 SOAT. ;o lI'8ULIT'81tO 0Wl 4 pottod:o T I1OTSS1aOSTP Ot[ -'8U0SO.1cIO q.UO1IItI.1OA0 ,0 OOq4U11JI0 00tC8UT Ot J0 q..IOcIe.1 OtI. pixe T'8.10110O-.1o00.1T(E OL. .&q pOq4TUIqUS q..1ode.1 oqq. ;o STS'8Ct OU 110 UTq4TS LI'8UOT(I UT O01I0.1OU0Q Otfl. Act PO.1OPTS -1100 11Ot[I. 0.18 q.opnq 1I8 ouiato.iotcI q.;'O.Ip OU 9E[ 81'osodo.1d q.epnq ptto SpOT.1OcI T'8T0UUTJ O.1TLJ-L; outaIBJ2O.1d STTt 0 tt0T'8X8dO.1cI Ot[q. UT T'e.1OUO.D-.10l00.1Ta Ot[q. oq. '.epnct 8Lq. 110 eotc'8q..1ocIlxlT Oc'8.IOpTSU00 J0 018 SE.OTJ. L]0fl UTU.1OAof) oqq. tto poq.tIeSo.1cte.1 q.OU SMOTA .1TOWl. SSO.1dXO 0. icpo Sq.1IOUIt1.1OA0 .io; T1aq..10dd0 Ot[q OpçAOJIt SUT.00W ST 'poa ct pOAO.1dd'8 S'8 q.opnq pU'O OumI'8.10.Id q.;.xp 0Wl UT sotroto O8UI oq. SOAçq.'8q.t1OSO.1dO qUOUItZ.IOA0f ,0 OO4TtUUI0Q UT1LIOA0.D 0Wl ç q..opnq ptze .Io;;Tp ino; q 'qS mo; UT ue etoid OU. UO uOqOe qt[q. peOU Oct 11T -I 11 qopn eLtq. o UoflcLOpV etq, UT eçpOc peqoe&j s O1cLTOTZTt eTcLTI etj uogsses trpuootqEo; syç q eottetO;UOO TUIOAo.D Otq. .&ct pepUeUuhIoOeI S& etq. ct uoqdop ao; ipo o L eo-cq..Iy TIT uA.op PT1 pile ' ia-c [rea [çotceTrg et iieiddns ernp000.id et[q. u-pA eouepi000 irç qopnq ULIO OLfl irç pOçWqS eto.icI [uTpI000'e e& 'q..epnq pii 'TLGI uT eiq..e Otq. oq. ueima etj. Rq pe.xa&oo reoR pttooes sodoitI tE tCOTSTOOP io 000'ooL ;o spsqus t[SOO 0111 rctLIOAoD etq. t[qoq oq. pOq4TUIQaC io; eaueIe;uoo oqq. pure po eq pTjnote toçuk otto OSO .&ite urç se coq4euu euq. 'P0A10T SBM Aoçod CrLOTAOZd 1uoI enaq.xedep tout 0 e pure -sçp ipot[ eeot puoeq eq praoo hoT urrLsee ott q..epnq etq. lIT peurnoo suTA'09 Axeqepri.q ;o epein [eeq.. irço exrtqçpuecIxe uI0000.Io;Irn .io qepnq etq. UT eqeAe seoamosOI euq. pepeeoxe perçnbei q.tmoie otq. urnTwIeTq TL-oL6T et[q io; qepnq eqq. ;o tIoqcIope eqq. P98hZ ztoqje TT1tL eSçT0 qouz pp UTOIl0UT I'0T00d 8T '.(uT.xr) uTuTezq TUoTqoA Pure .103 OJ4UOQ -[euouLIeq.hzi °W- peourap 0 OIU1tOJ.d etq. jo sted) a&oqe ç UTOUUT ]] uoçqo9O ue&o eqq. poa hIT oq. petIe;eI os'eo eqqsç sTtn ;o uzoçoe 0L61 o eT,I/teTLIcte ecq. qe se& uIoSçAoad oTt_ oq. pet 0OM. ee.inoaet toçt& 110 UoTOOO qOtTJ 8tlj 01 eohzaxe;iloo enwie et. ;o uTued:o etq exo;eq etq. oq. tzTq'eeI pure (j et. o see oq uretr aeei qou UoTsTiretQ t[Ofl[II 'qopnq eqine t.uIeuI OLI. oq. pOtO.ITO eq 1T0TtS -ed&tS 811ITS '0 Irç 'esOcIoI(I o. 1c1000008U qç SIepTSUOO OOqIII TeSUITtt e'q LtOT1M qepnq Ou. UT OG'0aIOhIT 1Ze axecI UT oq. peOeI seq.'eurp.SO çse pure 'eoq'e eue-Ioqoaa eu ç; euq. Oq.'0tOdaoOuIT 1T'0tts J fpcehI et. OOUOIO,UOQ Ott'j. gqTXrL peuiinoçp eq TI'0tr oi.q. 'uoçssee q..Ue.LiflO etq. 1IOT0O sooid urçInp UOT'0IepTShIOO uoq.oeU noxtq.. pecoai q..uetuee9 -i J0 s-çsq eT. tZO tI83Bq LiiiX0 ST UOTq.O pizs 'sdrLOzt ee.n. eqq.. tzeoMeq Apo uTTLIeAoD ei. pUS ee4TutlnoO OL. ei. osT T [SrLqTuU PuS UO!4S.ISCIO-OO UT US2OId 0 UOT'SUTISqGp UT'SUt °Wl tET 3OTOA T511b5 US 'eOqO'SId UT sth'ioi sJeAoTthita '.uzeurtLIeAo.D -t- 'l4TUI TPP'S 'eq UT sç e.Ietj IdS 'S O a11-4Tpuzodxe .O TeT PUS 4eto pus ''°O OAT I'S4STUT1ItPV PU'S I'STOUSUT[ OT(q. U OOW[d osq. uiot. tto sodo.xd q..epnq pUS etuurs.x SUOTSTOOP I Ueuxspum; et[q. pus -oid etq. ;o uzoqsurçursxe peçsep soui etq. eourcs i: peuzThq.'S wp'ett urriionb s 'uesexd seqseep eqq.. ;o ueeq çiosni opnct etq. cto suosoep 'OotZO.IO,] -Uoj eqq. o sUTq4Ts £xsueicl etq. pUS seA'SquoSetde qixeuu eyri.boa -UIeAOe 0 8e4TUIU1OO eOUSuT P'T'S14'S uoeq etfl.. UT UTA'St[ umtonb 's '1zëseicI sioctuiem eqq. ;o TIo'Sut OIdUtTS s ertnTei SUOTSTOOP 'poa trçuLxeAo Ot[. lIT US OO4fl1tU1O Otq. UT IIe]Sq. ,OXS SO.OA 8I9t eot se'S.eep ueurtz.IeAof et ;o suq. o. uIe1'eATflTJe TUTmPV US I'STOUSuIT 's os T petrçqmoo seqseep .xotop pUS UTOA Pr SOdS p115 eqoA AsUI ttIOt J0 t[O'SO IOIO] OttO US ae.&oIthIIa OttO '.UOUI UT 'II'SUT 0 urp..sçsUoo 'JT°T eouoae IITqOA 011 OA'S1 seto pUS 'IeMocI soidui 'seq.eep qtzeTutzIeAO ;o IIOTttM ,e.idoj tGMod 'IqUPU8cIePUT 'oqsq. IOq1uem tO'eO WOJ -lLI9AOf OMOr - SO'SO[Op zrno; -UOQ OI et. ,go 'OoU3IO;Uo 1IeTxttLIeAoe 0 inoqsr I'SUOTO'SUI0qU 01t0r T° ee14TluuIoo eoUStrr Ot. UI 1IOS. S.IequteuI qUOTIItIaeAOf eqq.. ,]0 -moo stequxoiu 'sIoqurem xepo ToATsnToxe SqSTSUOO eJo a&e&q. p11's US eoidtu eoT1ma TOt s puq oq.. q..UelsATnbe T ettq. ,go IaM.ocT uTq.OA aqq. 'uIeUrtLIOAo.D .mo, UTUIOA0e etq. III UT0A eOJt{q. Ot[q. UOO4Oq. T sth'toi IOMOd uITq..OA 0 A4TI'SrLbO 'SIOqwOui OtO IIOq. pus ia&oidma U8 'qUeItLIeAOf OAIOMq.. ,0 S.SSUOO E[OTLtM 'eeq4unuO eAq. -'StqSTUTmp pts I'STOUSUT e1 tt (Moleq V lilA UOTOS sos) UoTqTSodluoo .UOJO3TP S'Stt sTpOq. osotq. 30 tiosa -Rq..Ua&q. ;o SSTSUOO ttoTt]M 'Apoa POtTOM ;o meq.5&S 's .&q pemsuzo 'S - i7 - 'em.xoJt tqO}] pt e 1'UoTI trç eoicI j j]] uoq.oes trç eAoc o .tç; etij seçAal uq.clep-trç petcoqtzoux sMeçAet enixt.oicI tleptrc et. onpUOO o. 'siod oxd .epnq ptz e to.id Iepsttoo o. uocln pejeo oct ezt tzoi& xeA oq. u-c 'po tTLI3AOf eqq. pu eeq.quUUo TTUTIPV UB zeuiettx eui oq. 'Oe4çuRUo ei. Io -UOOQ etn. P3UZt8OttOO Ptt 'oL61 ttT OpIU senbei 'B upoo 1TOU'IIT °°TO 8t[. J0J 11B S1I'BtO 3T. p8[QGUO 'BTt l-T "T1'B IeqUI BW-AOT10d 0111 zto,T qqoq eurp. ;o IT.'BS UT PT' B'Bt[ 900 epnqtiuoq ' o uop.dop'e et 'oto spq. oq. oo;o e-ç oq.. perçnbei oxe to-çip.& st1oT'B1ne1 8i..t. peqop qç IIOTSB8S 8IIIBS 9t[fj. qy ILoL6i PoWOd eWi W-T UTWZTct 'popic1 1'BTO1'BUT.] xBe-euo B ;o P'BO9UT 'xeei-o. .iO uoq. T1zetO et. ;o ttitotct 8U. q..dop' oq. 1zoTses (e961) piz sq..ç qoprLq ptrB eT. oq. sq.ueuxptzeurB 1'BT0U'B11T pepçoop eotzoie;uoo 9t[. 'kpoa uTuxoAOe Ot[. 0 t1oT.'BpUW 10O qepiac ['BTLlX(ZB TZB 110 pe'BIodo 0111 t1-uIooe et[. U() q '6961 pOaed 1'BT0U'BUT UTPTLI0ttT prm o. cm et eo.& qopn 110T.'BST1IE0 1StO c-t 9tfl BIa&o1cIuIe ;o pu BqtxeunLIeAo 0 toq U0T'BIOdO-00 8T. SOA10AU t[OTttM 'UOT1IGUI81cmUIT WB eAçoe;e sq.ç pw uO-çq'Buurae c['B.I3pTBU0O Bthl0I T1TO'B ,o settd ieq.e otq Beqq. qtocIctnS J0 BTS'Bq OOZZL[q. 11'B W0.I toxcm peçq..oeu ot[q epiaq p'tze e qO'B; GT.[ RpOa UT1LIGA0e 9t[. UT peq098 lZetfl. T SUSUS lIT'BCt0 0. 'AoC'B lIT G'rLlIes1z0o -1100 STTtq. pTI'B 'eeq4tUtaOa peq..'BOTPUT tzooq P'Be1'B S'Bt[ S'B '12OOS Ot 'oiOqUieut ITet. IZB ' 110 '12 12c1iao,I UT'BtflO0lZe Jq plz'B 'O8q4TUIUI0 uenqTquOo lIOT'BSTWBLO eq. eiq. U8eMOOq U0T$12fl0Tp fl0It[ zocmthis oicitoocm qep-çM et ttlTiA. emoT'eTp Oq 11'B taoi; epnq p-cte euiuztozcm eq. q'tt tzo pes'Bq eq P1°tt et[q. o AoTT0cm peqsoo eo SttlIOTU-lZI pl OIII lIT OX OA-t1JI esot. S StUOlU-ttIU plI seA-Tx13ur O SWI9 UT pesseixe exs SU9Ut -erçnbex Wç;;'eqS :pet[STTLuTsTp eq .&ein esoo j;q..s io; .o qepD.ci ;o ixeis o'n eet oed LT S1.Soo ;3 flO JEXO po.xecI teqq et. JOAO eT!.TATq.O o. pox-çnbe.i seo.inoezt etq.. o .soo eiq. uiozt 'seurgq.se etq. iq pexeAoo po-çaecl etq. .xa&o seeiorç soo poq.oedxe ;o trnooaB j.q. o pesnp' s 'poç.iecl oseq eqq. irç eOq.A -TO ttO £Lxo o. petTnbet eozaoe.i eo ptr ;q.s etq. o soo ei qoeqqn Aq peq1n.o[o exe eeIoUT eumtr2o.ia trpinp ST1ITO.SO eqq. .&q peJ.eAoa poIed eqq. eure eqq. eo.inoe.x qoo peoedxo et. utotj poped eseq UT qno LLio oq. PetTnTJex seoinosea .ieio pw eu. ;o q.soo Aq peq EttaT80 ex etti. (suoTq.oireztq. 1TO8TZT.r IO seiztto xeto ptt wpIzrL000' (et UIOI eeseiorç q.so A[UT'BUI rqoe ;o eurrtio UTULS8Z) ei. ;o tq&ozz inqo tITuese.Ide.I) eeseioirç eutarazoxci '(trçq.epnq irr o eIdTowrid ei ;o uoTot-[ctcI tj ttzo.ij tcTnseI) SOSe.IOTXT qoo ueeM4.eq e TnUTSTp qepn.q oti 9I eT0TU O. O[q .OU S'13t[ I OtZeD-tOf4.Oe.ITa OTq. qOTCM 'AIctlUeSSV [teUe SIOTE POITUfl Otq. Aq cze. suo-çs-çoep woi; q.ijise.i sese.ioirç .tons Ue!.S TZoUITIIoO etq. xeptm eOIITS 'eAoq ptz Lioeo S 0 SXeI'SS UT oçs'eq e'q. o UOTTtLOIO 9t[. lIT T elmI STLI o!. ep'ut et .&q peteAoO iq..TzeztIuo UOTcI8QX8 IUO Tt1 SeIUTf1. po.ied e.xue ei riou. spuei ;o uoToeco.id eT. lUOI3 L1.1.use.I itq. io tteesaio; TreeIo eq tzo sei.es prze seoTId UT sesetoep Io seseo.zotrç to; UOTTAOZtd eprqo'tzT peinoia ere Seq.Bm-p..Se ot ;o eoTotd et. souo; çjy ToTt[ xeptm 'Upepnq iu et. 'TThiOtiO III ci -[ax etteo et -9 - ofj. Seq1uTq.s o tIoTW[flOID qepn o po(q..Oj/ -snp T!oITP stzeui otzepuedep sooUMor['e oq. szo-çpaqIqTIoo CIII seçIW['eS oTsq) sqsoo j.sod IOAOO OU 'soqo zteqq.O pire 0 TZUZ 30 UOTTp -UOO 'TXTATI O q.soo 8. rç seixaqo tqç ietq.otte o poIecI -uçss' pu otto uioj £i etI4pazzooI eOid eLfl. 'eOTAIO o qo-çt.p& .io; suoTsTAoxcI OT q.soo piptzeqS et o poothiioo e.i iequrrnt 'sq.UeiueTe ofl &p et. q .10 .1floq eqq. S4 PT .10 'POATOAUI s.1equrnn TT1US TeAT'JBd1ItO0 8t. pxe eoçA.1Os O MeçA UT 'seoç;;o TTLIOO]C8 0 OIIOT..TUO0 O £qOTJA et UT Lioeo eaTA.Io [teUe.O eLrn. I_S O5. pesn qott ore S.1O0 q.eoo prepTXaS (0) ptt toOq.'O0 GOTA.1OS siodxe tzOq.1od:O-Oo (q) '(stedxe Tzoq.eaed:o-oo otrqoo. tretq. .ieto) [.I0UeJ oeniotrç ia ia sepz (ge) .io; pesu ore s.1oo'e; q..soo qsoo T110 tcIeS sseoo.id tiq.00 eqq. III preptt tmotue .IOAO emq..1eAO io pergnbe.i eq JUi q..s ptt pesoo p011.100.1 0o] -ttM 0 UOJpp 0Ttq W-T' o eq.1 prepUe -tteui 'TxOTST.&0.IcI tU0UI-W1It pU -eztcle.i SUOTSTAO.1d 1T0UeUT3 izsoo et. i[eçq..U0SS0 Uee 61 UTpUOdso.LIOo et oq-tote pw (sue1xIWTodIe 1]LIe-pexT; zto: Litto oTq1TeAe eUop.Sod eT) pepTAO.1d ore sfOcI Ott t0t& .10J eUOTrTSOd oq.. pwe (xee .xed reeA-uiu Otto stoti.be qeod Otto) ssod peteqeq..se oq. toq TXTpUOd'.ee.I.1O0 &-UUt qs ueeetde.i soxaT; tuo-trew ptt sooraose.1 et ptte 'A.ioeq.eo eocA.1es 'e.1eue. EOe0 IeTIOT000.]0.1a 0t. UT ore ewTq. ;ges sq.rLthz Ot. lIT ;;qs o; pue a&oqe P8q.'GULTS .103 TeZtedeS uMos seo.irtoeea TeTOU0UT3 qS.1T o ptzooes pue eltrp. eqs ;o STLthIT uTxap peZtTflbeZt suLIe!1. UT 'epnq eq. .&q pe.1oAoo poç.1ed et ;O SfXLdUT eq oq. peoedxe 090raose.1 et 'e e.1o.1d-cgLs pIle euttue.]20.1d 1 'elutIrezto.1d .1om qoe .10 'AOtS qop11q 0111 0t 3C ,]0 eiW[0p po.00dze pue .10AOIUflf. ;eq.s peoeöxe .1O OPt1I CT tt0ItqCUpe CO0 preplleq.0 J0 CTCOq 8t. 110 '0 1I'0 G.1oq.0'0 -L - tteWq.fl.10e.1 etfl_ U eoUeIe;yçp 'peimotrç qsoo eIOA'B 1T4O tçpuod.eaLIoo et. '.epnq eq. UT e-çtoeq.o eoTA.Ies tOUOfj e2eqtzeoxod eiq. pu uoeoi ec[. zto peen too; q..soo pipu.e ptt etq. 'peoflpoIqUT e& iii8.S.&S q.00 ppIZ o'n etq. eou-rs se et. ;o t[zYee .io; 'S8qeOpU eTq!1 et[f. o mouz ecetepçUoo tp& peIepeUoo s e.IaA.' se-rioeq.o e. xo; sq..soo oei;ei ttoTt& peoaA.ep eq tzo oq.ow; q..soo pxepus (peAloAlrg er ;;qe .&oe.xaoo TxTMocTo; etrj e) q.eiu exe UoTTpUoO UT'IOO o s.ioqurn.0 eaw[ eJettA'. 'etq 0111 et jo eoue-ç.xedxe eu tteeq svett qi T oo; soo pzpuq.s i fl rçsti sTIoqoeoIcI ITOtUTJ eeui oq. Jeq4UI eTthUTS T '91101 [11OTO 1ZTUtt1S1I0O T et[. -eurçq. pu peq'eoçidiuoo SeATOAtIT sqsoo 1TLIO8 uoTtq.s e.ieuj TLqrL; o 1zqurpSe et. 110 se:tnq,TpUecIze u-çqepnq se;thirç$ cTq.s q-T 'ptt0Oe -TtITUIP' qepnq pTx peAoAtI seo-p.ies js et. ;o ieei et. o peeI OU 0X8 LtOTttA seq xa& q peoq$cpTm 'soB32oxd-qns Txexe;;p ;o 9.$oo OAT xediuoo Otq. Uo qt101U pwe sextumxo -eurnu oq. U01ILIOp1 trL 1ZT1IetU eZEOW $epTAoJ.ILI i-T '.StT oq.tzAp'e 1zTtu oq. s'et iuesS.e qsoo pxBpweq.$ Ot t171 oq..e 'S ZeT1IO1q.fl118 ;e SOTXtO 'U0TS -TrIqtzeoep s i.ans suo-re-roep oTIod ,go ooje et. 'ewSt[o ;o docId'e tp& 'poç.ied SUOJ4 pooe&ce ioç ueusnp e esq eqq. t1TInp petxqo insei ienaE et1 .o 1IOfl.00 -o e e.r .e io; siooe; po-çied TTouuT; ttoAT epnq eJLç e-çsq etz 'e IIO sSoo ;;q.s toT sertto seotre et e-q.Iois .10; Seo1IMo1[' uieçp.1edptz sestzedxe ieome fsq.ueut&d T8UTUI.1e. M011B Ue11ItITSS pwe seoo'e 11Ot.W[[SUT '1IeEIqttod 11oTOflpe 110 etq. '.1OS1Itq. 'eAeO OTf1S'E0tt0S eoixxastrç ;;s .19to piz ;;-s eu O. Suofl.nq.1q.11oo 0111 - emoq ootr.ras1zI SPT UOTSlIed ptra xo; popp.ozccl ooUeqSScTLS ptt [o.A.'etq.. et. 0 q.sçiXoO esoq ToeTP oct treo ttOTtIM O'II Otfl. su-rq..eew eTtq. oq. peq.nqp4q- oq oTcteItO SSOO 0TctTTTrPT PZ o!tdOS SO1IIT-SO OttI Otfl.. UT SUTO8TII q..epnq QII IOAOO sqso tiiT UTO8ItI sqoo ;o irçpo8tj oqq aepirn oeurçqSe iq°q oqq. UT qepnq ;o iiito oii et. 'q.s o.i; UoqoTtpep etq. UT epm T uew 9tOA et[. O pUOdGeLxoo -q.enpB eiq. 'STTfl. pçoA2 01 teAotLxnq. 3S 8.IetlM eSOtj UTpnTottT UT .°TI DTP STOp pu PIrLOM 'Sem.IOXCI fl't3 oq. peqXLqtqSTp c1 UOTOUpeP OU 8tO& ItR q'Ot[. eq PtL1O. ae;;e 8t. $OATOO -uieiq.. OIOl.O.J SOO pXOD 9 et[. UT ep'11I O.IOM SUTA'OS t[Ofl UeU4TThIOeI UT SBTeP pt .IOAOUItI4 IO q.Uoutsn!p'e tZ1 J [nsOI '0 S'O OTLTOO'0 oq.. e,IOM GUTA'0 OU JT oq.soO o TXOdS eq PIUOM q'et. UC qoo p pUq-s U0 pO'0 imotre ii; et. $OIC.'0IUTSO q.Soo oqo'0 kot[s tT OT1 .iepun qOpe oj. 1I!OTJJTP 1U° sioq.o; o ieqmnu uo puedep sqsoo euioq '.iejuIq. 'qtzeuIqUocIcI od AUOfj 1peoedxeun pire 'ueqsnp .(uteqVs .trçq.epnq e.inqu q to-ç -.rIeset) e uoixdes pu .io eIt4TpU9cIXe o1 T1O eoueIeJJp q.e 1°P pe.oedxeun oq erup jo e8tretto UT AU9fJ UT S8TtS OUTAleS 118UD utxuLIeq.ep ioj: -opotew UT euet]o txeee.io;un o. eap ruTEt eoue.iej;p q.e 90 - iLc 9 i9 9 1Lot7 - 9 9 o6o - 9i76 000 9 - tro + c6o + ppUq$ pU 1OV 1UOV pXWpU$ pile E4°V ueeqect c96 q.so ii Li 6961 1 096 1 8961 i o&i i L961 So WpU. uee&qeq eoUe.iejyççf eOU8I&J.TI tOO 91 t' 9OTAJO$ IeUeD Lzo.ej 1UOTSeeJ0d O[ eoiuosezt et p semzt -oid o sxeq. irç peq.ueseid ueeq s'ect q.epnq e1q. 'L961 zo enqçpuecIe ;o soeqo ;o tiiie. q..epnq eq. tp uqre eeEd SI OPYLO. oIil 0tt '9961 poied ço 1IITUI p UT do '9t1 uuT; et. io e.puq etq. pIo1rc pu .uIett_ pe Trçqtteme1urç IeJ eue.D uoqeseJ ;o 1uto .ff (swçq..eeur ptze seotzeIe;Uoo eçp11edxo ZOd loeTP toc 'esTwsto sno. et. .&ct esn. io; poq.rnirçqse ot oq. sb xeime q.epiaq 'oii etq. o zoqxedO-Oo eqq. 'pecloleAep k0U st (voo) Io14Seia) A STPV 110 OO4TUI O. 11qOJTPU PW ' -uloD eAqm1ns1boQ et seito.id q.it[q. peqo11 eq ut i) peILIeOttoO pepAoId sçPeIO e ieptm '1rçop..xes 1OTtIt0eq_ 5p.IO.I S'13 4pU5 SOmJ2OId UTOTA epeul seo.inosei o esn et £q q.eut eie Otfl. .xo iss io eqst 'exsqns eq.çnb eq Aeul ses'so euios UT TOttI. 'ssoo eset strpeoiu trçpo1 ;o ssoo oO.ITpUT eTq tm000e OUT 'esinoo ]O 'q.oU op sgseq sçtq. Uo epeut seqeulTs 1rçqeeuI et soo et. io epeut ose oq. Trçq.W[ei sqzeiitrtoop I71 Uq..TXid ;o U0TSTA0icI 'strçeetu iei.o euros ptre seoueie;uoo 1'eUoTeI 'Apo9 uTU.I8A0e eqq. 'OOUOi0JU00 T et ao o'ii eqq. .&q oiz pte seçitmoo ietq ço 5U5Ut oTq.xed jo sestxedxe OoUe.STS -uia&o etq.. icq q.etu eie &qq. seoue.xe;uoo 1eUoTei pir eoueiepxo -qn.s SeTIddtLs ptie ueTudTube inoqerJ etioçq..euieq..ttj et io t'esseoeu .&tze ptre 'trpGeui LTeaod1IIO. 0 seTzteI'es e'qq. 'U0Te ;o eseqoivad io j.iodsue.iq. 8t. UTOTA185 -aiop Apo eiq. o eieqeioes 1etZ0T_e1Zieq_UT UTtLI3A0O Aue ;o p Otq. io, epeut T UOTSTAOid "eAouef ssoo oq0 'uTeeut et. 10 epçsq.no peq T Trçqoeul et. I uTxedeid UT pesu uoçq'eioqeToo euieq.xo ;o q.soo et. '0II otq. Aq peieoa eie eseqq. Oit[M q.1zedoped ;o seSUOdZe - 09 - io; seq x-çqse oqq. 'se sict- rç qno q0s ezrs eoq to.id iom .&q 'Trp&os (o) etij Seq.'SWTq..se 3XTPtIect s qepaq pt.re etotd etq. oq. U[aX seii teqqo tqçM u'eep 'eo';?tc1 £ioqeTxctZe U i4 ptt 'sqewexnTJei eoxri.osO.I iieixe Gt[q.. ;o pile seq.TztOTJd 01fl. 0 MOA fl-IeAo t ioqoerçcj e .&q paA&oUo il8 S8Kçq.00qO euuntotI UT'SEI iITT 'U0Tl0P014UT sc ilOçq.rr[osax UOT etj TIcIO1d (q) enqpiledXO pits eitiooirç pequrçqSe izTsTa'euwrrts 'iIoflXL[OS8I xoWçid. -oid.c1.s TX5 TqcM siZSq qix.earnoop q.epr.q pits eiiutoiI etrj ('e) iITMOITO eqq. er sptts.s oii ç Se q.apflc pits o O93O OqU. SOSTI8OeIi.tO IcITOUT3d 9t[ to.id o Uoçq. eqq.. Iid 5I -squesaid o SqiIeiuOAoIdUIT zto; sUoTqSeflS SB pits 'izoTq'BflAe pu uqepuq 'uTumIBIoId 'u ttwrjl tuoq..ss eq..othuoo s oq. Iesoo SOAOIU O'II eqq. se eraqn UT enirp.uoo oq.. peq..oedxo T sseooic1 s-çqq pits 'peqsnp's pits peAo.IthUç Apeeqs izeeq irçq.eprtq SBt L961 ttT P90flPO0rttT iloT queseicI MetI et eixo.xd .o sqtIo1ne.InTJeI ot. qeeut oq. peuçSep T q..epnq 0111 et[q. ;o to'eq.uese1d ;o uuo; qizesaid etij eJnqOThIq.S qeiq. fl o sçsc ot[q.. tto suoqeooe eornose.i qsnCpe pits otpxoo 'BTWST oq. 'qept1.q pits eu etoxd eqq. ;o AoIdcI teq.e 'pits eXrLqOTLIqS IBtZOTq. 'sTItso etq. oq.. poprçi se.inpeoo.id ;o SOWSS pOq.'BJ2OqJXT TXB tno.nq. s-'ssodotcI ewura-r2o.id q..soo qT ep'But SiIOq.AOtttZ T OTTt'A BS8tfl oq.. pits IoeAep oq. eqSSod eAoq's a iii UOqOO5 UT PT°P eiz-çqornu T°W°° pits ircwtsId e 'BTI.sUT eLq. oq P°I T 'ptzoos pits toxd eLtq. jo tIOq. e.IT4oThIqs seo-ç;Q etq. UT peq..oe;e.x eq tzOtq. p[UOO tOTtpa 'axnqomxqs eutoztd 'e ;o q.UeiutsflqBqse eiq. oq.. A& eqq. peiledo qç 'q..st sA q..itsq.xOthu "T irçq.epnq emurs.xoici O iIOi.OTLpOt-TZT OAXt1S ei et[q. peqq..ç[go i7961 9B UT °T;;o xiaoqwj 'eiIoqwzequI et 30 izoT sTiIto0Zt ei.q. Oq. pe ttOTt& OAJUS uxeqxe etq. ;o sq.useI ot o ouo sa& eitsto STT.fl LtT - 19 - seq TXoo ;o Gmeq..eq. iequieii ioi eup uonqJ4. ;o qsguoo ttoTt& 'epnq eurootrç septrotrç ueiiiroop .epnq pU emJ2o.1d et iotle.i et o. OflUOTXOO ITOItrLOD [çOO P etq. uoçqeTrçpzoo3 izo ee4çumro to T et. oq. trçpI000 Aq peq.dop8 zo.qoTssBTo exriçpuedze ;o wopeexq .TUTIUPV eoiaos ir ptz eq o. peq.00dxe ptrn ;o LrumrrLs e ---ça& eq iuo TxTOGut 0 enpeqa e e.1ngpuedxe ;o sq.oeqo q seurçse e'qq. ;o u&ope.Iq ' srçpte.x ptte sqsod .t&eu ;o t'eurara pe; et 'e u-c eeo.xnoe.i ;;s qse ;o stsRitt ;o teiiruirt 'e ue e uoce;o.Ia peut to.id .ioux Aq seo.xnose.I :e.1eM .epnq pu eto.1d iLoL6I sexeiiue uoq..euLIo;Irç ;o UT pepnotrç sexeutc eu eT.xes 'e .&q pe omeiddns ea' seqmfl.se e.inqpuedze et ii ept pcm tooqo q pite eumrco.iI £q qsod ton rcot 'sf.sod. pe1sqqse o e[TLpeqo B q peMoITo.J exe sequITqee peep pw uoqdT.1osop e to.id et[ e.1nq-cpuedxe et. 'seo.inose.i ;o sqoeqo oq..'trç uop tzeoq TTOUtT pt sootiaoea jjreq. o stu.xe. UT q.tzeUI e.1be.1.'s.-çtrn ewitto.id to; 'eoTpuT t1OTLIA seq. UT seqeuxq.e pe-çeq..ep et pw qxeq. £ioq.'eidxe UT ueAT ez suoTqd.Ioep em to.xd etpj e to.idqas pue eto.id ei.io.id .1oCuItto'e Io; Seq'B1IITSe pOflep pue STIoTciT.IOep emuito.xct Aq p000; ezt seqeutqe en1q-çpuedxe et se.iuqçpueclxe .10 seTTAToe jo sed. STLOT.I'eA et. o uTpuode.1.1oo smeç oqu PPTATP T I PTZLL[ ITO UPtt0A& et[q. OUT squeut& pwe 'ezr4Tpuedxe ueeseo;im .10 J0 e.1nqçpuedxe pu e.1'cTes oqtrç pep-çA-çp ex Arxe .10 eqq. 'uoq.'sttet JXUTp.10 etq. o; sq.recL eqawqe e.114-çpuedxe eu see.1oep to ee.1ou-ç emato.id pwe oo TtTM 'pOT.1ed ITOtIUT. TITPe0e.1I eqq. .10 SO.1Th1 TPuedXe Irn4O pTx 'po.1ed TTOTXeUT.] q.ue.Lxno eqq. .10 pu qepnq pt emzto.1d eqq. Ac peeoo poT.1ed et.. III ixoçqoes eo) xi ' IOTtIttOe poouBAp .io eqrze tuoTVI (j79 TTtTe TUOtVOOA pTX -WI °w .io; popp'e oq o. T 'r InOqer .10J eq..pui uourzo;ui o-çqn ptt tueqç MetE v UOLIer.UI i ttoT!IeI eoueie;ttoo pii ewurtoaa pTeT ;o pXepti. .rt-LOq'rj eoTA.Ie We1ndoToAeI 11 01 UG1U8tCeTA 6 zoTq.r4TquI TTOOS OT'I pire 3tOJ trçmii E 3O.iflOSej WUtLH g0 tZOçpTZOQ piie toee L 9 que T1TqeoW £IOSAp t IOcIftI UtOIa :1TATLOV ]0 U1UOTZBW I8XO.D c :f.uemeuJ i'eaetio ' Poa trpLIeAo. ioçu.Ieq.tZI eouexepzo inoqw .i tzç UPtUI0TT0a :oflO Ot. ç en-tqonis eto insozt eqq. ptt 'ste'tto oç; aepixa pednoi S1UOT Ot[. qOpTLc Ot[. J0 I q-a UT TTOd Lreqopnq OI etoid pwe so os to.i1 aow o. iTteUe puoseztoo so2oicI qopnq otq. o smec-ctns pu suIeT ot xow e xdes s peq.eq. osi ios-pp iornu pz oot e trçUIeAof eu 9T- PWB po ettq. 'aeAO&ot( s stt-çoem 'eoueIe;uoo inoqr to.id ioui .io; cotcI ptce sew to.id ioin o. Aiiteue 'RTeAToedsei so pUodsezoo oo-ç eqq ;o emqonxq.s I'stzoT sTtto ot[. [euoqsTueqTx UT sototztq ptz suemqxede 'setozcIqtis pu o.icl 'semttttoad .xow oq.iz poptAip som..z Ott. T 1OAT1.5 up&oo; podoleAep eaq.omx.s eutUIs32oId eu 6t1 UOTOTTS55TO etrIEf2OI - ezzT4puedze ;o sqooqo ;o esu et. euTrçquoo oq.. 'oz.tzoo pu tZq.trnOoOs TtLItZT 0 S I1TPUIOtIT OITTbOI 'stzos'ea.x snoçxa& .xo; 'Raesseoeu tteeq sett q-T 'sewursr2 qepnq et 1c uotqy qo p9ttzeottoo sçm et. o tOM xeto et[. tqp& PetOq.TXT T tOddTLS ttOTLS S 'SeUtUIJ2 -oJd IzoqtecIo-oo Iouttoeq. oq. P9PTAO1 toddns eçqzqs -ttt-ruipe et[q. -odd eset. 'sieuo eq treo ttop.eo-çptrç eq'sxeIes ott seurttrszt iepttri 'iorsd u AithI qoU op 'ztoa&ot o UeAT pesn are pti eqodd'e exe SuTP'eett eSOt. J0 911105 'sew toid (zoddns ptte eo-rtos) TOTIZttO4-UOU ,o eso oddias TOTITO Ptte pxe eflçA oq. tii esTuTuIpe pTZB eotzt[oeq. ieto (oeo.id pIT3 -T:I_O fq..IodthLs To-çutoeq. ptce ues-pztptzes opztoeq. o tzoq.etzTtuessTp tzTtttzId) ttoTmIedo-oo ftzouLxoprç pize uoçqoe[oo ttooqTLcI .Iet[q.o ptze sodex 'tto.zeese.I oxq.ixoo ptze uewdoeAep euzo.id ttoweirew q.tzem -qtdep :seq. p.zepwes u-pkoIo; etq. .xeptm pedno.x are seumraioad owoeq. ;o SeTTAToe tteuocIwoo xo tzoo'e ]0 stteeiu oiq. 'itot o-c-rss'e-Jo q.ue.xxtao et. .iepuf seATqoeqo seTq.-çA-j4o,e eiqe-çeA uopo ;o stzeew SD.oçXeA et. ;o ioee zo; popTAoIcI seornosei et. &ots oq. 'seqw ewiiraioxcI zTttTm xo -1459 pize sTzo14cI-rIasep euuireioztct 8t. UT 0511 io; POd:OIOAOP ueeq eAet] seware2oicI-qns zto; se--p. tepweq oT UO14BOT.TS5'eTO [UO14OUfl StZOTStAOtcl Lreqepn xetq :5UOTSTAoa S0OTA.Ie soo-çAte I'teUeD ptze TTOtUT eATq.e.]4sTuTtup pTxe Tewzosea sooTAIes Ieoq L1 0pU9 .E0t 91 t 171 seçgA14oy q.iodcIn pTxe 9oTAtOS - ji9 - 'eutoic1 1'8oTXqoOq. '81'rLOq.X8d '8 ;o 011100 Aq'8I'8AUT qsOurc'8 - oç[ et Io!AO1iI8.I, et]q. Trçtç.M. eoueIep1oo I'8O p1T8 oqxde.id 'siIinG1Io0 ;o sirgqeeiu 'sq.iedxe ,go Tu.o T0I11 - trçq.eem poTT'8Toed OJOW 'JA$&0H eeiotct E'ooTtrqooq. I'8laPTATPTXT .xeptm UIOTq. .M.oqs o. eq'8oqomId qou T vc q--tq- ° 'PIT ;o IequrrLTX trq.eeiu ions ,o '8p1I0'8 et. 'tt0qpP'8 TXI 8 u'8ds RTT'8nsn 9t[. I0 p0 tTLI0AOf3 Ot[q. 0 TZOTSSOS I'8trL0['8I etfl_ ;o sq..uoixierçnbea eq. o. sptie ot[. ,o eworçnboi I'8uOTax ['eçoects 'Jq0poZte4I '8 TO11 1i'8 SIO0'83 t0tfl.0 110 1I'8U. S'8t18'8 rret. j0 1Z0U00 oitiit2o.id 0t 110 se pesq TrluIou 0t'8 poTIecI tteAT '8 xo rsoPct Io.id 9t[. UT UTeour I0'8W 0T09dS O t10TTLI0TXT ptt'8 e 'strfloe1u t0'8UI ,0 UoTTUT,ep ipoa 8t. 110 UoTSToecr 80110,X0p1O '8 irçU,ieAo. et trç POPUTOtIT 0I8 ttoTttA& $trpeeuI I01O TI'8 1Z8 0 Se0q41UtUO0 LIOTAp'8 T'8TXOT0 IeAoO oq. 'trçq.eem t0$TAp'8 su0TSe 'seotzeie;tzoo T'8uoT .IO'8Tx1 xo pepçA0Id -c meq.ç 0q.'8I'8deS etqxnj '8 p1 epnq eq'8zt'8cTe Iepim $etmu'8toztd oç'81xr e'8.I'8de $'8 peqU0 seeq4TuttIIoo T'8TITLPUI 11 'rç aid 0I'8 Apo UflLI0AoD eiq. ,o $uTeeuI et. pTx eotIeIe;UoD 'a&oc['8 p0'80TpUT By xnoq'8' aT SUT0OW ,0 UoT'8UeBe1 (exrnTptIedxo ,0 soe(co '8 '0111 0t[. ]0 U0q.'BZte(I0-00 0t ItTto sç (voo) stI0TqSerL 0 t{TM 'tZTCI0I3Aep GAT'8I.STUTUTPV 110 eo4çuttuoQ 'eInq4ptzodce o 0AT'8trtSt10O oqq. q..'8tq. peqott oq tu .i) Bq.oeqo 0UT WA0 U00I Bç 0[Ot(M '8 98 q0p'rLq oq.. ttOTtlM lIT XBT%EZB U0T'8ULI0,pIT Otfl. UT q.no 1I'8 seq.'8Urçq.Be p9T'8q.ep 0q01. Uq4os 9o1q'8. eqq. trç toq xn000 sq.oeqo e9ot1 oxtaq. S999'8 TPUOdXO e'8t0Id-1I0U p118 S0TOTAT0'8 T'8U0Tq'8ed0 9uoTq1aqzq.uoo PW8 9JI'8I 0 U0TT9Tflb0'8 ST'8W0'8W 9e$TW0Id ptto SecIcIcIn$ S00TLI09 '8rLq.o'8q.U0o t010 99otz-ç9nq ieçoç;jo 110 T0A'8 J0 e0TI8U01IT'8tt1 1I8 ['8qU8I ;,]'89 :pesn 0I'8 s.oeqo pJ'8p1I'89 1ITJ&0II0 eT qtrçeqteo eqttoseex urxoprç et io oeCo.id iotq'sxedo-oo T'soTrn.oe qons rxea s's tzeeseio eq Soo eq. e-q's-[-'s..'s eq o. pooeIze seon'Lo5eI ooi;et seq'eq. eseqjj epnq-aipce pii £xsepnq 'soq. eqq. 'peu.ieotzoo etaois2o.icI xo'sut qose ioj 'Tx-pAoqs pe.tzeseid et's sei.qsq 'uocTpp's tZ] oeoad aqq. jo eutrtio& pits eznti eq.. go tzo'çq.so pe'sdTo-tTx JOiIO. 'S itBt[. exout wçsuoo 'esxrLoo ;o 'owtso sqxe. -TPttT esoq. oqdposep euiars2oxd eT.q. trç ueAT sç soeçod zoid qons tto uop.siu.ioprç eqssod S's s's rtq 'set TflOUT oTx ez's 'snpp.ptrç io sej.'suIj.se pesq..ep eqq. UT q.epnq xsrrezt eq. wsqq. teqq.o seomos uto; peottsirç; soeç -o'd uo-4'S.Xedo-oo iso oe. to sq.soo qoeoJ i: UTstOo t[TM tZMOU)t OU eXS e eottsAps UT toicT TSUPTATPUT teptm aoddiis pus uo-p.ies T'sowoeq UT peA[oAtrg p'soitOi& Oqq. pus seu to.id Aq sq.oeeocd ;o uopnqp4sçp T'sIZT.g eq. OOttTS 'uo suo-çf.oeoztI O.&Tq.sqUeq. q.uesetde.x esztnoo o sesodxri.d osoqq. o qoq .io epsin SuoçsAotd eq tZoTtsirç; o eanios o qtoddns ITOt[ xeAe'sq& 'sqoeCo.id uoç.siedo-oo isoT1tttoO. pu's uTwzw[c1 eqq. ao. q.epttq eq. qnoltq. eqs -IT'sA's ep'slxI seoinosex eq. Tb pepAoId OST'S ST ZO'sUUOI 5q.soo pe'Suipse rcet uo pits .epnq .i'sTneI eqq. ztepim pao pe-çLi'so eq o. soeotd uoçq'siecIo-oo isoTtzqoeq. eqq. tzo uOTfI'slILIO.PZT 'peiLxeouoo 59 StO.Id eq 0 qose iepim 'evc& -aid se'sui-rq.se pits suoq.d.Iosep eutrstotd eq uOT.'sIed.O-OO i'sOTTflOe 'ji s.oeo.Ia ;o uo'suese.xa SuoTSTAoIcI Lt'sq.epnq peq.se.I eqq. pits 'siz-gq.eew eq. ;o seq-p. eqq. 'poJLoAu-ç sewumi2 -od et[q. UTOq5 xemts uoif.1.'sUtio.fltt tt qnoaq e'i's sueeut pesTi's-coeds pus STXTq.00tU £ztostAp's iosui qqoq 'I9T,.OW5 O. poped isTousuT; etto uioi; SU0ST.I'sCIUIOO peiLIeotZoO o. pus 'eotzaie;e.x ;o ootzeTlzeAuoo to seinuxsioxd eq ieptm .xo; pep-çAo.Id exo;e.xeqq. ez's Req. pits -TTT0's - 99 - enbpot ;o uor2eq.uT U9&TO eoue.ie;Tp eqq. thi aiu o. e1qW[TA eput Aqo's stmourB oqq. epnq ou ' oeoid pun eqq. UT AyçIzep o. eput sç ot. flç TToodS ;o ssoo peOqIeAo eqq. sp.Iea SR Ueçoç;;ns uio; xs; sç iop& 'eAoq'R oq. pete;e.I sqsoo CI o UOTqqT...UO UTrLoexa PUILL I'TOed AOIIe diiin.i eqq. soo petpeAo ot. a&oq'R eqnbp'eet ;o q.00dse.x pwR JeAo iodc1ne pTx uToTAtes 'soejoicI ptrn UT peJtfloUT ex se.infpuedxe roTuoa io [çoed pUR eo 8;1: eps iuoi peATeoeI suoTooIT q..epnq axnq. Tpued.e ssoo tons uIeq tt s peonpep ST eqq.. wolj sqeoea oecIse.x UT am. woi; peAçeoaI uoTooTTR e. OddTLS pwR epnq aqq. OqUT PO tOUT em pO S exRnTJp'eet[ .Io UToTAxes OATISTUTUtP sq..UeUIeInTJea eoxnose.i IrB 'acrNfi ;o U3UOdUIOO eOtIRqSçSS LI IOTUOe 9WI. IPtffL POOURUT SOeO-d 1O seq.'eurçqse (qepnq o LI UIS..T '°P' otq. PePTAOI uOTqrLqT.J4UOO utrLsthtrnl s Aq oedsei UT S.SOO O PeIUemeId&Ls OXR soeCotd PUYL ['RçOOd sUemeURLx ptrn qeTLI peqxeAo IO,] SUOTqOOIT'R ac[tm) jffl ;o qUeUOthuOo UTL I'ToecI et[q. 1c1 PeOUBUTJ .xepirn pU SqOeOJd O q.Oedse.x UT SSOO tocIthis UR UTOTAIeS eATt..S TttTUIP PttR IOTUtOeq. saeqxenbp'eet io peAçeoo.x eq oq. spwrt et o seqmqse T'ectOTSTAO.Id OPTITOUT eoqe oq. peixe;e.I seqRuITse ei epnq'eJ4xe seonose.i 9T Zt0 SSO seeIoaa P LttAO 0 UOU9SOIc seTTAqYR Xetfl..O .103 etedo Io; UB I'RttOT eq oq. peqoedxe seoinosei eqq. ueeeq SeL]STUUTrI.STP 'SeUtttOIcI IOUt ict poueseiI T TOTWA 'xeutz eq oq seoxaos 118 WOt seu to.xd STTt peoecIxe spwj et. sesT.IuIurns t[OTLtM xet1t UOTUI.XOUT TX8 io; eqç UT ietqeo. tnoIq T seq'eq reUpTATPUT ettq. UT pOUTtZoO - L9 - qepnq eqq. .ieprm Texde u&ou er e. ;o sIaerI.-c eetq. (eoueIe;uoo eqq. ;o tzoçsSes 1TLtttZe et Io] eT1cIdns e) sqsoo ioç. jo eseto.xnd pu tzop.poua1i000 ;o iyq.ttet çgçep 1e10 pt eq.xecTes eAEoAtrc top& spet TPP e ia.o ;o sedq. irçq.xeo ;o q..oedsei UT e.i ainpeooid sçt[q. o. uopdeoxe UOT.]TUTS .&uo eu (seer2oxc9 p1ec o .xepmi. pepnoirç exe 'SeOT;0 c[OlaS O Ie1ueTzeN) i me qoo xeqq..o E1 eT1 'p1er. eqq.. trg seo;go o'ii isoo oid: 8T. P1P'II T qç ltOTt[M 11Ott em '1T"TS ed&q. ttoe etet& '(eoTAteS peToose g-ç exn.yçpiiedxe 1zteue.o pixe TTotI'ettTd) 91 pze (seoTAieS eAq14TTtTIItPV Iemzoztea) pII enqçpT_tedxe ;o q ed&q. XeTTUITS pe.ieq..sprçtrrp'e eInq.pttecIxe eqq. e.xet& e pTt ettoq'eq eiq.o pix q.sod 'eEtto i_to etiaq.ptiedxe 'eaiaçpuedze 'w° Snt xerenbpet i SUtOT ieprrn pepnotrç e q.T1Tqn poqmTq.e eq A1Te om zo.id et. iepm qepnq ei.t. OUt erçq.tze et. o. UT Zt03 pepAoId ere SUOT1OdO Q'II e1qoTdde ° ttOTWA. S1.SOO SeOTAIeS UOUItIIOO ett 6r tzo sqo pet[teAo 1eUee et. 3p0A& e1qT6ee; eq 1pxett pmo TIoçqBqUeeO.Ia UOTOTTT-U3PT 1_tons emiea2o.icl 1reeAo et.q. oqirç sq.oeo.id cijjfl. toIlIns pU ttTOTAIes OATq.'eJ45TIZTTI1p - 9- PW tO3 TeoTTXttoO suo-ç. perl.Tttfl ot(q tzee&qeq seouete;;Tp uteo uese.xcI 'j79 e.xeT..q. 'Tjopo.Stt JccuTrntI 'sios'ei SuoçXeA IO t[OUS thi Up&eIp S9[OS esotpa. 'Apoa ao. oqstzodsot sç eeq4imuoo LIOAOf etfl. Aq perqçwqTts seieos qjip seu.TuIxe eeq4mtuo sctt eSerAIeH q.ttemtLIeAOD ]o eej4TUItUOO 90TI1T OAT OTfl. jo uopixeuruxooe' etq. uo eotzetepxo0 xaoq'Br 1OT1OTOLIOtII et £q ported reToTzrc; toe xo; pettuLIe.ep sç ttoTttJ& Sq.iZellt ssess ;o e'eos e ueoied ' tqçM. eowpa000 trç eqed 91 exo seq..eq. ioquteIu ;o Suoq.nqqTzoO possess's ot j0 e'so pttooes et. ;o oqq. trx's o i'sei rspueiso et uzatnzeq etfl.. 30 XOOJ XOpUeI'OO uo eoTreIBq et.fl. oq. s's ptrs 'UftrçtttxeTq qsrç etq. ;o t'sntcsi tto i'so. eqq.. jo -'steizo o. s's ei'sd ptrs en.p sç poped 1'sTOWXT. tta&ç O,J UOT '13 1'sT°'T STTt131O eUq. 8t O1 :o qepnq possess's ot. 'suoTLej 's's"s '01 OIOWEV IOPttfl 91 eiuoottT tons ,o oedsex irç peinbei T zooapex ott ptt's 'tteursSeSS's ;;'ss moI; peATeOeI ST eUIOOttT Ott 'T's 'DrOU 13 UO peq.'sLo['so OI's epnq eqq. eOU s.SOO ;,'sS io; SO'siUTqSe 191 (*qepncl. etq 8pT5TI.O pelptt'stt tzodixioo pttrt1 113TO0S etfl. .xepim Peott'sTXT; soeoxd acritn oedse UT peATeoeI sio-çq'soo1'13 soo p'eett.IeAo) ;o queuodutoo eOU13STSSV 1's0TW0L Ot[ zteptm peo'tr'suT S.00 et Aq petnou eq oq. sq.soa SeOTAIeS ox1 uT tzsw o' ptt's eAq.'sI45U1Irp's et. ,o qoedsei UT pOTZtOd o 1'sTotttT; eqq. io pOA-ç000.I eq oq. q.tteut&'sd urn.sthirai pe'siI Tse etfl. Aq peorLpe sç se'surçq.se e.inq.pUedze i's-o etrq. o qimotixs et. 'epT.q possess's e. UTUTULIeep TZ 091 'pn pessessy etr. ,0 uoçq'suuLxeq.ec iaectn aHi fmIIOW1'IL - 69 - A ueeq pq top e uo pes'eq 1L61 pim oL6I '6961 nt&zo S31OS PM1O. eGq4TUIUIOO et. 'STIOTSTI.IOUOO 1UTJ O. eoçpnçeid 1aOiTM T8 'eSttd qSrç ettq UI qç 991 o eo setcI ot&q. UT uqpA ep eq pp-ioqs tzoq.x1.qiqUoo 0111 et. wçAoxcIurç ;o uieqoxI etq. qei. 'pecIeoo eouete; '96I Aijj 'trç pesoIoid -two ern oa zTUIaoe etq ee4Tuuuoo et. 'eq.'e xeqtueiu oii ei T.IouI etq. i o pesei&e eqp& oq. eUodseI UT eeq.1uuxoØ sUoTqoo11 etq Aq no pe-ç.Lxo se-çpn eqq.. ;o pUe 'Iooe; n.sei e tzeuTxed xeqo ptte dtsteqmeuI UT eoTzeIe;;p qmi.000e OUT 'OIcUceSocI se UOOS 58 e1o5 STIO!8j peq.Ufl Gt[. TT.A AUoixrxet oqu seeos .rçeq. U-çzq oq. sdes eieos suoçq.ej Pe1TUfl et. Wo.I; qoe.idde .xe;rgp 11Tq sUoq.r1.qzq.uoo ;o seleos esot& ptre suoe peqttfl et ;o esoqq. o!1. Ie1TDITS Ueuissess'e o spoteui .&cI'e tIOTt{M seToUee pesTIeToeds eqq..11 uoTqeptzeuuhI000.I 8 p8pflOUç ctoTttM '(ixx)o61 UOT. UT3 -osea ;o 9961 UT .&q IZOT.cIOpe OU 1eTxeo SUoçqej peTUfl etq. peq.TUfl et. tq.it UTMO1IO eieos '°T e.ee2 spe&o. qUeweAom eqq. UT UoTee1eOoe eq o. T aieqq. ;T pe..os eq O.STIUI ttoTt[M AOTIOd pUB qwoss eT1ToUTJd ;o suieqoid ;o iequai.0 e ;o sepnqs eATsueqze peçLreo S'8t eeq.4TuuuoØ sUOTOOITV GLfl 961 eouç TLo 91 UOT5TUBIO oq. etq. Uee.eq dTttS -lequleul UT SeOUeI$;3TP et. 0 UeB. uçeq q..tm000e '5UOej( peq.-çUfl Otfl. J0 q.etfl. qqM. 4TuIo;uoo Ieso10 OUT 11LPe2 ,T UTJcL ODE. 8t805 0111 ett oq. epem ueeq a&rn.t seusripe 'eTt0Wa pTxe spotjeiii S12OTIeA J0 UoTeoT1dcI'e et.fl. noxt que0 tied -froo s e1eos sUOTqfl peTufl eT.. UT eq.ei urrnuTIXTTJI ot(q. seexet 'enee11 eqq.. iuoi pepettrç eeos et. UT .Tttfl eUo J0 O[ urruxIlUTur aqq. j:o UeTeAT1abe e'eueoied aqq. se& ttoTt?A 'qepnq et ;o UOO iod io q peT szee iUBul se& eeos 0111 et. UT .Ueulssesse jo eex IxIrUxITUTUI ei. 'eiclurexe ao UTTxo Sq.T pe eeos SUO-çq..e eieos 0111 eqq.. eAeq seoUeJe;JTp eset. o rsow - OL - et ;o enee11 zteM-ezd eT.q. UT et. iuox; penseI e-eos 0111 eqq. p eleos 'otii ecq. ;o .iequteuI ieo Bn0TXGA o. upei ep rveI. xo; eqw[ç'eA Bp opuou000 emesse woo .iq peqioio eç peq.Tufl e. eo tt etet et.tq. £par o .ieqTue o qou q.ttrLOO pA ueoeI .eow etq. o'ii TTd t- '°n-i T iequtem MOU e sseS 'eleos 0111 WI. ttT eq.e.i UtUWtIflU eT. IZt. IMO[ T etfl. q q.es ST II ZtII pqgttfl et otet& seseo u-c qe. qIeoxe 'o'ii et. utoI Aet[. ttoTA. irt .rea& et[q. zo; qepnq siop-e POTTZII eoied rçet tqp peupe ezre etq. .xepi.m s ewssesse e seqeq xequieut Meu ;o suewssesse eeq.ueoxed et 91 seesse eiic eixxeoeq e1eos suoçq.e( er2o3 e[q4ç[ PeqTIxfl PesTAox et eio;eq spew eq pin.00 eU. .Io q1e eTO 0111 ° vc '1L61 teq;e PoT uo-coo UT peptha.i uoTmIoPTsuoo see.q.Turiuoo teq pir.o& to'çtM uoT iuioprç e. irç suoweie oTsq oq!. ;o euo s'e oreos sçtfl. eotrç oL61 o T'ett puooes eqq. trç pe-çu peSçAe.I to.& sq.ç o esetid puooes peq.ou sxequieiu IezteAe u-çreeq s uTAeI sxe4eui ;o uoTssnoSTp aq.ç penrçuoo peqscgLcI eq o. peoecIxe se.& e-cos e OTq tto q. trçqeeut q.se peq Apoa rçtLIeAo. sq.-g q o-çqe 'aeeA et. ;o esrnoo eqq. etq. ;o suoçsses u-çcux eeiq. etfl. i'e irre sqeew ee.nmuoo sTzoTooTTv et1 rçxrp o qoee L91 uoçqej( peq.ufl eqq. ;o xewttge eUq. ttq.TA'. 51805 0111 O etq.. uo pes'eq eq prtoqs i-çq.s seq eeq4umioo ou zo& e.iuq..n; sq.-ç teu et O SICTTOUTId etet eouete;ttoo xn.oqe epoep 1eUOTqeU q peIope e.'e 1L61 Pu oL6I '6961 .io pesod 'suo-çqncp4uoo 0 5'8OS 0111 tfl. tXTAOIthIIT ozT seeos eu o weqoztd eqq. o. uopaoS uieizoI e ;o pns sq.-ç enup. uoo oq. SRM eeq4TumIoo e'qq. 'osettd puooes eqq. u peq.-çtzfl ei tz- ptze 0111 Ot irç uewssesse ;o seei ITetfl. ueeMq.eq eoueIeTp eeq.ueo.ied epp& 1eATl.e.IedmOO 8 'seqe ieqwow uTeieo ;o eseo et. UT 'MOLIeU O. petXTSep oo ot. irç ses'axoTrç pe.oedxetm 3:0 qno aetq..ço tr'çsçx 3:o 'estzeIxe ueosoiopm aeAoo o. Lresseoou peIepsuoo sioçq T.IoT.tql1 1T0UT3: -°H 1L1 '0 ''eueD SesuecLxa UoeSe.Iopzfl 3:0 i76L 66 Oi7L LLIL 166 O96 6L 916 L1L zequiede o eIUte0E ic IZT0tIUT 9i7L i71t 899 Loc 1oL 6o o'9 OTZIa2 O OU 6961 p961 L961 9961 961 T0XSJ/ ic peqoeo SU0T1.nqTq.Uoo SZtJ qTxo.IxrL 30 emueo.ie eAT1TLUtfl.Q :e1qq. wp&o11o; etq lIT ueAT c 6961 o. 961 SX88.& et. o toee ;o qpq..uoo stoA eq.trn-Lb qoe ;o pue eTq. q. peq..oeoo suo q..ue.LIno 3:0 eeq.ueoted ei.q. irpotts eiueq.s v 'OLI wçq.oA S.Iequre eSetq. 3:0 etuos trç ei.q. pocoqse.i sq eoizee;uoo Gqq. seso fe[0fl15 Sçtq. 3:0 UoT0T1dCI'S eqq. Io3: peso S13t suoTqd1.cJoo tzeeq e.&q eiet puooq Suo-ç.Tpuoo o. onp ST A o tequrtrn ueiudttou ei. e.Iet{M S0 o Ioq.uoo et. peç3: o. exn.[çe; et. aectweJJ Gtq.. eseid tonS -T 3:T GoA oq. .Ieq1ue e[ep et[q. q .S'SO SOq..0A GTJ. ;o T.IouI SprçttqoA. Aq etq. eoueIe;tzoo et saeA 1111.3: OAP4 UTP90e pePTAocI ;o q..trnour8 eqq. speeoxe io ç TU0t3: eup stto-çqnq-p4uoo e 3:0 q.trnOure eTO. 3T 'JP°a UTtLIeAOO eqq. j0 Sinbe s.ieiz -TfV ST siequieiu ;o uopoee GTt UT io 'ee4TuIutoo Aw lIT 'p°a UT LIOAOf, 8T. lIT 'eoUexe3:UoØ et[q. UT OOA 011 OAtt 11ttS 1IOTS ett. UT TUtQ etr.q. O!I. 18T01IUT3 I-T 30 IIUc S8TA StSLI'S UT T tt0TTt& U0TSTUtO eT 30 1OCtflI9J/ ' 0.1d 2Z'SCT '[ eoqI et{. 3:0 -fr 691 :pOOtCBIrç; e.IeM. Aeqq. toçt sMottS e1q UT peLfloUT eq u-c teuuiu eqq. ptm 5U10q4 eSetq. stuec ueese.io;mi. eJnTpuedxO R.eLt ciirtutu 6961 tLI PtL 1TO UTtI0 eq o sueiu Lq peoutrç; eq o. '41.TpeIo o. esuzodxe etq. OXSt[O oq. iieuej uio Lreueuieidns1 tZTtLIeAof 8T. ieuie .&po -xooerfl[ eu Ses.xot[q..n 'sesuedxe ueeseiopm peAo.Idd'e .ieoo o. tzeToc.;nSttT eq oq. peoedxe ex uzouSu-ç ;o spoqq..ew eAoq' et jo uoq seoni.ose tepum esn ztoj eti ;I L1 (qepnq ptt erurzt rea) etntpuecIce ueese.xourn xo qçpe.xo -ozd euq. o Repnq et. oq.. sesuedxe eqq.. exeto of. 1eUee-JoOOITI et. seSçtotq.flB 11zzeue Apo uzTtLIeAoD et. 'sesuzedxe ueese.iopm peAorIcI'e e. q.eeut oq. ueToT.;nSuT eq o. peqoedxe exe surçs Lxepnq eqa&s I L1 siueç eawioid xeuo eioiu to euo ueuteuzocIqsod Ia uzogqe[ep et .&q rsseoeuz et. qoerçp Aui epnq xo; sextl.peoold aeswq. .&po WTLIAO eu petSIqq.se eu. no.xt. euop ST STtn. q.epnq pure etuiea2 -o.id et. 0 -d IePL emiao A131U S SUTAS qolas ;o esri. eq. q eiq-çssod s se pure eotreqsurç SIT; etfl. UT ureq. eoureu-t OI- T 1IeU9fIOOrOtTE[ eqq. qeq. 'sesuedxe qons eAoIdI8 -T T 'A;Toeds o Apo UTUIeAoD eqq. pumoj eq oq ezt's suTAE.e urcuueAoe eqq. lOTId IO £po pure eeuitttoa eATq..suzTnpv pure 1e-coureurc eq. o. 1eIeuze) 1UOSTLO eq. T q-I 1AOE -IoqoeITc eq. Aq pequtqns exe 'sweç euIweIoId MSU IO speeuz peoodxeura o q.iao 10 'sweç eI1IUII0Id pe.o.ithI ue.xe §upjJo aq wo.j. [MJP44M e j.o sueui q 'eqssod ou SM S[4 punj Lfl. eouq Ue WOJJ. UEW8J p[flOqS U e6pnq eq o II pue '(aJnI4puOdx3 uaesoJoj.ufl) etp o -°13tH 'a6pnq etp j.o iej u[q. 939 366 69 6ZL 8L L93 CC3 LZ s6ues icq e[q[ssod ua.xe Oq 000 OCL 6LL 3C1 OOL 90 1 - 1S3 81 000 LCZ 0. peouuj. eq oi. pas[Joqny 1q01 UL J4.S ILLO6 -e3 O3AJO [8J0U89 J.0 S9LJE[BS 6uLuLwJeI.ep J0J. icbo[op04.aw ffiOU pue so oos Ais es MOU J.o uo - ro [C - i0 IC OO (1co6o.s3 OC OOLAJOS LJ°°9 eq -°[Lv woJJ. 6utst - LZ - L3 eoi - eoue o .uauipueuie sesuedxo [euopp UOqBL3OSSE OOL L3 j.o wopoeJ. uo SU0U8AUO3 oq. j.o 0388.19 cq OOURAJ0S0 eLfl. jtnbu jo uoLsstwwo euuiexo o j.o 1.so3 J.0 )jJOM J.0 eeI.s 390 CI u L'i) suoq.s[nöe oq. j.o JC dop sesuedxe [OUOR4PPV oJJ. - 390 CL 00 oii oq j.o e)Jo.3eJLQ CL 09 buLu.eA09 8t J.0 uewJBq3 oq. o. oqsced OOUSMO[[S 011:1. 0. pUS eqq uoq.BuesaJdaJ j.o se.s ujoJ. 6utsts sesuedxe LSU01.lUPV - - seoLwWo3 J0 00 CL soqview pus icpo9 UUJOAO9 aLfl. j.o sequiew Joj. o3UsJnsu[ sseu)3[s pus .ueptoas 6uLpLAoJd j.o 1.903 - 000 [C 31 98 CZ (ew1) SBOLIOWV o1 000 LC L Leuo16e oii J0J 03LJ seswod MOU 4iM uoq.oeuuoo Ut oJnLpuedx3 Z8 - CZ [C - - 39 1S - C3 [C I saLloe.B3 000 ZC .J8LbL4 pUS 15U0iSJ0Jd 34 sjss MOU j.o uopdops .oJ. so[sos uioJ.J. 6utste sesuedxe [SU0q.Lpp 001 S904L1UW03 j.o sJoqwew pus icpo9 6U[u.10A09 eLp J.o seqwew .40J. O3USMOL[S 03U01. -ssqns j.o sqe iou j.o uo.dops woj. 6utsus sesuodxe [euoq.tpp 6C 33 C6L CO - 6C - C6L CO 33 - 000 - 00 I.U9 C uoq.sonp3 01. uLe[oJ uotsoop wo.AJ. ULSLJ5 sosuodxo [euot1.tppv u1edS UL U0 98 OLfl. I enpuodx3 1e.oI I icas.ueiuo1ddn o3 OJS43 8Jnpuodx3 I opn9 I o epn9 J.0 I II 1.5d I 3d POSIJOLfl.t1V 01. peUJsLl3 01. pab.1543 1.UflOUJV oJnpuedx eJnLpuodx3 uo[Ufl 08J pus Jnoqs- °111. U° dno9 P1.S .0 )IJOM J.0 ebsj.s i5UJ. J.0 S03 eutooirç .ietqo io SIofl..flflT4UoO ;o q.dTeoal pu t1YLc izçpued SUOTTOId I TdO Upto& T pirn oq () trcMouo; etq. io; petT1q :sesocLind 'qsa pirn; OOUUJ 1 eq OOE :aM.oTTo; se peI t[Oçt[M '1 ttd '[ O[oçqX UT uU-ç., et[q. UT IoJ pep-çAOxc1 ea O UTo pItrL1 1'T&O (eAoq'e oqBq. ee) etr 1TcL'O pErn 6961 O 8L1 S11PtTA UPtIOfiA ettq. tUOI TeITqUe UT P qneLxo SXeJc Ot[f1. .O JtXB UT OOO'O1 esUecIxe uioi SUOq1Ue 1,eTO eoaxo;irn eoUUT; t qI OU .&11fl..T 1&1 1'flIZtt . PeUTUTeUI 'G nq '89-96I 9961 eOUT Tt 1TPtO qepnq ptze oto.icI 1TeUTTo tcIeS 't3 UT UTUOO .T 3.IflqpUeXe aqq. (II qrcj) qiI UeeetO;trn io; UoTsTAoII ett 'a&ocu PeOTPUT GV LLI eqq '000'1$ -° Jpoa UTtLIe.A.O etq. ;o tIULIT'eLtO etq, 0 SOSO UT tO '.&pOa UTUIeAOD c[ .&oUexrL peIep-çuoo ueeq st 9XnqTpUecIXe eqq. OU Aq peAon1 pu Ueeqqs Pe1T'BqeP ' 1TqTI1 qoeqo pU'e errlq.eU OL. oq. 0 1UOTq.I eq oq. ST -T pOpUedZe eq 11'TtS UtrLS 1OflS O q.Xed OU 'pedc 0TqTM SGSOd.Ind 0 UOTOT.TOeS STOId °WlttOTttM TUftS 5 St[ q q..epnq 8U UT pOOA T GOUGISUOO 1 e[oçq.I 1TOUT eqq. jo .Aci 9LLI9AO T 0 SCU UOTSTAOJI STLt td °1°T-'V 961 pOTIOd etq saUTe eprLct Q'I eUq. UT PSPTLIOUT Ueeq GxnçpUedxe Ueos5IO;wl IO] UOTSTAOIcI OT;TO9d 9L1 1'TOU5UT. eIflq.TPUOcLX UeeSOIO1UU IO qTpOIo S'ST OL .eAoq'e y Al Uoq.oeS UT sesUedxe T.L'A i-1eP T sqepnc eeeexo;trn UTotzeUTJ ;o - qUoTUelcIdns qT1TqTSSOd eu o seux LT ct (oAoq'B eqq sos) 6961 UT S8SUOO uooso;trn tatoo oq. ep'sin 6'6L ;o retp .ueuxoszmqwe.I oq. .xo; zo-çs-p.o.I -qqpA 9T UOT1OI tIT BUIT1 O O1 IOJ peT1&s II UT io; pepçAoxd exrtpeooicI et T ('e)c p'BOJ GL[.. ApOa ,O -'T1 UTUIOAO- tt Uoçqa'5 t[OYLS e3Bq. 11'51T xooA qsrr; 8U. t'58i q'5t[q IITXfl SOq'5 lIT trcect ç 0 SUOTqBpUeuuuOoeI Ot[ ('55580011 UXOOp J'5UX q.T S'5 poTTecI I'5TDTIBUT; PT'5S Otq. ,0 t10çsseS SqC q'B OOUO.xe;ctOo 8tti; t0qmOiu 110 q118w55855'5 teUOTq_ 0eQjrLS et ep'Siu eq iitts p0TtOCI I'STO 8tq. J0 t'Sa& 1Z008S ettq. lIT S8T0U0I0Ut8 IO SOTO -TPP'5 U'S ,O -U'BUT. -uotrçqUoo 0. t10r15 80U'SIIT, q.lmouIB 8T[q q'ST SS800U eq 0. P8.'SUITSe OoUOxe;U0 t oq UGUtUI00OI T q.'5tq. 1'ST01'5IIT. 8U Rpoa UTU.X8A0O e1. oq.. esoIoid 1E'S1tS 18U8-t0qoetTGi: 8L. '810LPA 'S S'S popod I'5TOU'SUT; et[q. J0 ptze etq. e.Ioeq PUfl 1'SITd'SO lITt0JA 8t[. lIT S8OI'LOSI oq. P'S°I oq. 1°'tT1 eq UoçqSfl'S1x8 8tt eu,q. ;o IIOTIITd:0 8t[.. lIT 'P1fl0. S'S 30 ePT4TU'SUI t]0115 .j0 OSTXS seToUetouxo .10 SeoUeUTq1I0o 'POT.18d I'STOU'SUT. 'S ]0 t'S8J S.IT e'qq UT ooUo.Ie;U0O .1noq'Srj 'SlI0Tq'5UI8qlII et[q. 0 ttOTSSOS Otfl. UTxrLp .10 O.100q ';i (q) U.A'5IP1,trITM OS qtmoure 8t[q 0. qUe1'SAflb8 U5UISS8SS'S I'St(OTOrTPP'S U'S pOT.IecI I'5TO UO08S eiq. .Io, Se'5q -U'5IIT.T UTP8800flS eqq. ,o .1'SO. IequIeux 110 OSSOSS'S stIo-p.nqç.1Uoo eqq. oq. UTpp'S Jq, ptm oq pesiaquro eq ii'Sts SeTolIeteuto pws Se0UelZTqlI00 eeiu oq. POT.Ied: 1'STou'BlIT. .&TIB UT PurL 1'S1Td'SO uptoj OL tPTtTM SUrrL UX0.I, ('S) °1°TTk'V O :(eTo&o qepnq T'STIWGTcI. '5 .I8A0-elZGt[0 OlPr ;o qXOqUOO 8t[. lIT peAO.Icid'S) SUOq'Sn28j 1'ST0UUT et[q. O 'c e10T.1V lIT P°-°U.' T e.inpeoo.id qU8.LIfl0 8U 0U0 q.ac[ .1'SOR q.Xeli otiq. .Io; epnq PU'S eiiiaiao.id oqq. UT ITP0I0 Of'5T.1dO.ICId'5 U'S UTPTL10UT q ptrn1: 8Tq. oq. poS.xnqwe.1 8.1ORL SOSUOIXO UOOS8.1OpIrL .1O, 'O0Jc0 qePtiq I'SUIW'S U'S 110 peq'S.i8Cto OI eTq S1M.'S.1PL[T!L SITLtM 6L1 SeT0U8I0UX8 VU'S SOT0UeUTq.U00 qeeur oq.. SOOU'SA'5 OpA0.1d oq 'poa UTU.10A0O et[q oq. qooqns 1I'S 0 U0q'SST.I0t[q'LTh .1OT.1d SeOUBq.SUtrLO.ITO T'SU0TqcIO0XO lIT - 9L - (q) IOTSTAOIcI R OqJrç SqUeULi i'ri.0 em toi1uou PDIOk ec[q. eThpTtq xetq..o piie piin 1q-TIo J0] 'emTpUedxe UeOSeIOIrn .10] SUOTSTAOIcI SeutO ietno etq. irg ses'ee.xoep ptre sos'eeicwç o_ ueeq (q.trnoaoe oq.uT ue .1OpWL pepaIoTzT SexrL; eu q..oti a&eq 1L61 UT sq..uetusSeSs R.1tIeute1cTns .&ct pe.IeAoo eq oq. eprLq 9tt. O pe.1duIoo S5 sçsc 1m-nztre SU0T1-Tpp) 6961 peptraothuoo 'e tb peqflo[O t[0SO .10; sexrI8T; et[q. e.x TLoL6I uxrnçmxeTq ew ;o xea& UT o1e. e1ct T'- UT peqoe;e.1 ST 's.ioq..o's; .iet[qo ;o eotte'aT;IZT eq. tqçM tetqeoq. ei.e&ç; et[q. .1eAo eSet. ;o qUej.Xe '1L61 ofi. L961 POT.Ied SOSee.I0UT eumizo.icI pib q..Soo toq ;o [rtSe.x etq. Se eu Sxeei eqq. aeo ue5ç.1 S'eL qepnq etq. ;o IeAeI etfl ,c81 depu noqxed ;o SM9TJLe.1 eeuauz.o.id to.id etq. ;o uoq..'sque1xxethuT et. ;o .Acq pwe q.epTi.q ptre e 'sepoq eqxSdTq. eures eqq. Aq 'SAeTAe.I 1TLtW et. q pe.Ueut eAo&q. q.'e ttoTsTAe.1 pUs ex Aet 5T5A.IGWT eiciclns os iUqrLIos oq. q..oeqns stx1d iu.ie.uoT ;o .&poa UTU.IeAOf eqq. ptt eeq4TumIo eq.s.q.sçuTmpy P' 1T0IUT etq. oq. UOTSSTEII ajrts aqq o; petzeme1thaT trçeq AOU sqtzeme I.1XS eLq. Aq peUetqtze.xs UTec[ ;o Ss000.1d etq.. UT exs 'U0T uTuLxeep etq. UT JceAq.oe;;e eqecIoq..xcT oq. tzOTqSTu.1O et ;o Sq.UenTq.S eAoqs uoo etq. .xo; SeTq.Tmq..1oddo et[q. pire 'e.1np000.1d STt v Al Uoq.oes UT peqT.Iosep eeq sst peu-çut.ieq.ep T q.epnq pus euIars.1o.1d eqq. ;o ieei eqq. tEOTLtM q e.1flpeoo.1d etj 81 q.epn eqq. ;o IeAe'I a: 'pesTL ueeq is; os q.0U S'SL (q)c dxed UT .1O ptrn1 et[q moi; 51 'IGI ;o Sptm;e.i ptt '5q.oTep t[SB0 pep-çAo.1d e.inpeoo.1d et AstpuTITM Axeq.opriq eouzsurç; oq. pesn surn.S ;o ptm eqq. 'PU 1.TdO tZTtO UT pe.ITuthe.1 uzemssess ;o ]1] qi f1isd STtt oq pepp JisqUeme1cTth1.s et - LL - Uoq.'G.1Oq.Se.1 etfl. 0UT S1JIeutR meç u' SUTuoo qepnc. ettl. ;o qepnq pure emtIrea0.ICI etr et. 0 UT.1eAO0 1LoL6i io; eq 11T' 1L61 .&cl peouSUT; eq oq. epTAoJ :5M0110J S etq o ptz 1'-T0 UTtOj sxed '91 eLrn. ,]0 petLieAo SOdUIOO pu O 1.0hI SIT PTX 1'eTOITXT DTttM 'SUoqJBrLO c;81: trrLOiU' 1TcQ TI are ioj. 9t[ OidtIOu UT qtzeo ec1 es'eetoep q.ou 'e ST etet[q. SeSeeIOTZT eu toccI oq. q..ueo od 9j7 qnqpr4q pDe ses'eaxotrç q..soo oq. e T 1L61 L961 eureq.ç eioxd es'eaIouT 'eqoq. etq. o quoo xed xTsiq;ç S'ee.ioep qeu pu '(tieo 110U UT (WGO Ie1 1) siueq..ç 9't91 ;o 98'96'i7$ ;o seSetottT e xatotd '(qtxeo tied 6) ted i79'060'9$ o seseeaotrç q..soo ;o 1n oput eç oS'eetoWç en-ti '9'01 Rq pes'eaiotrç 11T.'A 1L61 Rq (qJ-zeo zed i) qepnc Stfl. J0 Ie.e1 3Tfl. '9961 LqM paxthuOo CV i781 iepun sugs Aq eqeeod s'e epnq pue e toid etq. jo I Jo xej s'e peotreTrç; eq oq. T unote GTt. 'seqeuxqee enqTpxedxe e uooep .Iepufl q ue jo eurçq et qe po uTtLIeAoO ei toeqeo eoiAIe5 iteueo etq. .xo; eotzoii rcur; pu ;o iL-oL6i u-c q.soo auq jo qd oq. lxTptxodse.LIoo seT[s ;o uoionpei esoiotrç eu stp e toid jo q.un000'e se wnçuueçq etq. IoJ eS'eetOuT eo.xd qeu Jo Ot(S I AU8+) lxi 000 L i 19 6 699 oo L 000 (80) (1o) (ro) (o) 3rt7 io i 9I) 6 ) 1(coi L ) (L6 (ri) - 3 98 96 o6 ci76 917 9? 9L9 97 o6o 8'17 7? ci7 6o 0817 189 000 Li (9 69 (L 901 j7 L 69 ii6 L - - - seuto .ieto i - OLc - iL6i i oL6i t7L1 92 i L1 1 oofr co i 6961 8961 L961 esa 9961 i7L iee $ $ q.epn 1 060 9 eeexoui eurutox seseioui soo sasixedxe ttaese.iopzn aouuj oq. 'stOq.TpLZOO tITtOO xeptrn 'pUOO5 pU 'STOT.]eP ttso tq.opT1.q eauwç] o. srç ptrn etq. uio.x epeui eq ut s-tpLqTk 'eAoq 0 ttop095 UT pOTITD T ttOTttM 'suoTrrLea xeI 'i eloflIy tepu LT iouerrc etq. ;o sesoctind ses io; peTnbeI sTideI uTq4as;o ie;e 'ssq qeu a tto eq o qsoo at apA. ii'ts sUoToTTQrLd go alas et iixot STOoaH -Iet[q..O epçaep &rnu aoUaIapzo aqq. se .ra; os UT qaoxe 'uOTsTUIo eTq. ;o q-çpeIa at. o. spiraq.s t[oTtM ptm T'°I. atq. ,]0 xad ei PT'e eq ii'tts 'qseteU ptre saoxri.os sfloetteTTeosTUI IeLq..o pxa 5tZOTO -qri.d ;o ei'es atq uioi; sq.deoe.I sa qorts 'sUe1mLIOAo Aq eq'aR'ed sZoflqifUoo UI3qq. ieqo sqdeoe l-T0 -[I eaçqxy :szoçq.'e12a lToTtaUT irç papçAotd se 'aueio,xd xaina 0111 eqq. jo ii: eoça at[q. ieptrn euiootrç snoeweeosçur saATaoeI osl ptm eq. ;o q..n3I puooes euj amioo iaq. toqM tzo xacI aq. oq.U-c p-çad axe (U0T sTtteto eq. ;o piza seqaq. pim aqq. eq xaqwaui o qpao aqq o. AeAqoadsat paTLreo) 0 SEI OMq. atq. UO a ixee q..ae.xeq.Ui '9l oTsTTxIo eqq.. ;o paIo eqq. oq.. paçcxeo eq euIq. oq.. aurçq. oi; pim eqq.. oq.trç PT' oq.. sesitao ooixaxa;izoo eqq. qoq sums eq OTL5 sutrLS aqq. .o qpeIo aqq. oq. pepxxeo aqq.. UTqUOUtTh .10 eq tt'-ts pim 'qTco uqnq..çqsuoo ;o eso&nd aq .xo; (e) q .r2axed .iaptrn ç uoa.IQ eqq.. ;o sIaquIa Aq pTd sums eq pTd aA'eLt Lo1pA siaqura eurrq. oq. eurp. mo.x; ç oq..irç pTed eq oq. aan'eo iu aotze.Ie;Uoo eqq. T..tOTWA sums .&tta (q) pu sUoflqç.IqUoo ;o eleos teq.eprtq tfl-pA aotrep.i000'e UT pessesse.tIaq .iaqwa qoaa ]0 axeqs eqq. ;o q.trnouze eqq.. 'Uoq.e5Ue.1 aqq.. seqwa eqq. Aq ptrn aqq. UT pao'eld seUoui (e) - .Aq parsuoo eq eqs pTxe aotzee; aq iio aqq.. .&q eurçq. oq. aurçq. uio.I; paqoA eq 1eux se TIpt.1O. aqj qons .To eq iietts ptm leq.Tde3 21 a[ogq.1 - 6L - irnouie UT 9110 eqq io q..epric cct pirn eq. petXfl.00O 'M'e1pttq.TA pçes Ot[. t{OTttM ouirçj ptzooes etq. UTpGOoOTL9 poçied etq. UT .T9tO eTodc u UTpTLTOUT o. pe nctIwceI eq [[t[S eouiect etq. time qons o q..tzeIttesin.c[weI itri eqq I9AoO oq.. WeTOTnSUT etq ;ç popxecI ['STOIISUT; exe peAgeoex OS wçpeeoons eqq. ;o xeo.A qsiç; OL. ;o iequxeoec i o &i. UOq8sTUtQ etq. .&ct peAeoe.I SUoqTLqT.r4Uoo ;o SxeeLr SUT8 et'eLtO SIT. ect TI'IS UIYLS qOTIS ;o ueIueeanqmaI etq. 'OT1q.TPUedXe £iq..opuq iio ti; potI ITOUUT qo eqq. IO 3UIOOUT R'Gq..O UTMO POTted ITOUUT PUct T-0q O1I 0 8SXn.oO eqq. UT P9SXLctUtTI eq q.omo eulootIT ett .iOqq0 IO etzOTqrLqIqUOo .O j.dTeOeJ UTP[Ied: OIflOrTPtI9dXO O qEOtS 9W1- oq £xeq.epnq eOurnIT; oq pUn TTO UpEO tpt.TM UtrLS &TI9 pOted: AU'G UT i eL[q. uio.x; eoUApe ize 30 UT9m eqq. UTI&OTTOJ UOTSS9S ttoe q UT 1LIeAo eq oq. peqaodec eq oee TTLtS S9OUA tto'rLS eI eUIOOU .ieqq0 IO SUOTqXLqT.Iq..UOo U1O.I4 eICtIT' SqdTeoet S 11009 S'S PUTtI OLtI O PeS1flC1UtT1 eq TT'SttS seoweILp'S ttOfl spu'eqS Ito TLtM UOT'STU'StQ eqq. O T'S1-T'SO UT0] 9t. TPe.IO 8t. oq. 0 iied: uxoi; 9'SDI eq R'Sut SeOTISAp'S 'SUoqL-LqTx4Uoo ;o q.d:Teoei T.IcIOIdcI'S .&xeqepiaq eott'SUT; oq. eq'eflTJep'SU ITxa0dtue eq StequIew oqq ct ixrc T'STc'So UTtoM. eqq. oq. p9qJLc[TIq.UO0 StunS et[. p[flOq (q) TxTpued SUOT eso&ncl STtt1 Io] eTq'STV'SA'e 8t'S euIooUT teqq..o .xo SUOTqYLqTI4UOO UXO 'eqq. ;o eSinoo Sq..deoeI UOO ported T'SToTxSUT eqq. UT PTt1k 9LO. oq. peSInqurçe.I eq iitte P11'S 9UIOOUT co SUoqnqp4Uoo o q..cIeoeI UTpUed p0TIed JU'S I0 epnq e0U'SUT SU0TT0tcId'S I'STOU'SUT oq. pUfl I'S-T'SD UTt0J eqq. uioa 11NL'StpqcTA eq AUI U0Tq'SSTUStO Gtfl. ]0 sieqiuejç eqq. q puns eqq. oq. UOT. flqTquoo ['Sq.Oq. eqq. t1TpOe0Xe O11 Stuns ('e) i: xeqq..o o e[oTc :(eioo qeprLq T'STTZIeTq 5 J0 UOTIOTLPO4UT °Wl- Tt1T& UOTqO9UIIOO UT 9'SUI SqtIetupUeuue Soe[;e.I tOtjM 'SUoTq.'SrIe e[OTtV iSq PetLIeAO 1zeSexd eqq) SAO[[O; S'S ePTA0J eq pU'S I sq'Si'Sd 0 ' I'STOU'SUT xeq. T SqToT;eP qso q.epnq eOtC5tIT3 Uoçqoee oq. epUI Sl'SA'SIpTtqTRL ;o UouleSIl-LqulTeI eq UT LtTM q.'Sep izeeq S'Sq SeSUecixe 11ee9eI0itfl. eOU'SUT. oq. i ep'SuI SI'SM'SIPLtTM UTsxrlqurçeJ .IO etapeooid eq Q - Os - A1To' q.ott eqM 'ttoTtM sIeq4euI A1.oe.xTp UTPYL1OUT pItrL 1q-TO pxo eu. peLtTuxexe ptte qepnq SXSeJ 9[ IequIeAoj UT q..eut i4.xa trpcoj etfl eqq. io IeAeI 8TIcI eLqiIJ ;O Te.e1 etq. oq. ttoTq.'eie.I UT 'soocI qT 11 -ocIe D TX 1-TO UIOj eq pno eoueeei ;o suite epoP '9961 o; epnc UIzTxLIeqep O W1TA PEU.L eqq. ;o Izoq.sod eqq. puqs oq esoiA Aqx TIST1c1se inolt. pepAoJ eq o. ptm OT[ t-TO UPtTOA& et[q. 30 -ietzaxS eLq. ;o eexep etq. ;o UOTSSUOSTP eAçqmr4sçuTurpy PI5 1TOUUT UtO * * -T oubep 'eeq4T1I UPAO11O '961 UI tt tZT o61 * equeqod oq. uoqIe.I UT pira etq. ;o Txori o XSPUT qseq eqq. Seqflyp.SUoO qtq. 'peU.xeottoo xee eqq. .xo; epnq eqq o ee1 ec[q. oq. sxeq eXr2T.] T°TI ec[q. tqpt. xetqeoq. 'pim et ;o eoxeq pe.xequrrtouelrn eqq. io frI UUUL1OO UT eiaç; eqq 'esanoo ;o 'T si-i '(si uurrLIoo) speeu queLxno pequrp..se .xa&oo oq. queToT;n.S eaoui ueeq s'eq e1Th4.TpTZedXe IeAo eutooirç ;o sseaxe et[q. TXBL o eoxeq pe.xequrrLoUelrn eT. eAoq'S uet SeTuTq. q pirn eL ec[q.. UBt[ oq. spun; peteqt1rnOUeIrn eqq. UR (-fri tZUtrLTOO) 1o.i;e.Iet. uA pttqTAt iO ptrn eqq. o. eup sums etq. pus TxpjIoA xo; speeu q..uetno oi qtrn000s oq.trg ptm etiq. To eouzejeq pe.iequrnoueum et 't[q.UoTJI to'sO ;o puze eAo .pt Tt- et. q s's 'sMoqs os's III TpueddV 1'sTOtUT1 etq ;o w&'sIpLtqTM sq..trnours eqq. rc 1-T OTIT eq'sJV'sd 5lJZLOutS Ii's sUoTq'srrLe q.'s 1o&eI etq. ST III I'ettTruOU eu. '-pUri 'petoqsei Aiin; ete Bi eoçqxy .xepurn A1Tsodwe pT'sd eIeM se's ieqmeuI q T pS p[flO xTpuedcIy ,]0 c pirn1 etq. CtOTt[M UurrL[OO UT UNiOt[5 Ieh.eI etq ;o ieei eL io; q.es Ueeq UTA'sLt poTIed TW1- UT.XtLP eiou 5 5's UOT's5TU'stO ett_ ,O Uoq'sTLqTs I'sTou'sUT; euq. ;o q..UeuicIoeAep et ;o eXr4OTcI t[qUOu1 qa'se ;o puie et. q.'e pun eqq. T'seUe 'S SOAT srLTtq -T OTTOScIS O 30 UOq.TsO eLtq.. OI'sJ oq. c96I .x'se UTMOCtS 'oL6I eqq. ;o esoio eu uioi; puma 'sqd'SQ upto esn eLfl. 110 uOTq'sULIO;UT UT'sq.tI00 III XTPIIOcT.dV - 1 - 1'STOIUT 3U 0 681 q.epnq eqq. n.o.xt.fl strnoure tettIa; ;o pirn otq otrç O1i1OOTX epTAOIcI o. euOqne nooueoeui etq. ouT q.ueiu&ecl eiq io; io O PIrnL TTd'O (p) ouL& oTreirç et. o (0) iIeurpueurv exriq.-çpueclxe Izee exo;tm uo-çe-p.oicI se x; s ;o qepnq otq. irç UOTSflIOttI (q) up.epflc u; ;o ttoponpoi4itI () ' :eIOA seans'eeux eseujj TZIGJ4S o. tze8q. sexneeur e trc PeTXTUXe Aq t;otd exoux eq o qJ-çt[0-çt[M 110q98r1b e s P9IePTSTI00 S-çCq. pee.i exeq. Te.eT eT..tq.. oq. s 3tq. tia rç 'I-S ed. PTflOt.t prxe ptrn icI'eo eq. o se tIq4os j:o iq peq CTZ0TUTdIO i tce etu oq.. T10q.pOcI etq PPT°P -a UPttOA& ttoTA q ;o q..oe;e eqq. ;o e0TxOTtedXO Txq.0TU00 T° OTx Sk qç tIOTI.S ' Tpo Ot[q.. 1o; tOqIIeUI qJIeIO;;Tp T- I 6T etaqnj oqq. trç tb CitQ etq. ;o uoq.sodI teToueTIT.] etq. pBn -e;ee oq. iep.io trç Axeeseoetz Tçqs eIaM. SIJZettteAotth1IT .ietm; 'aeAaM.oq 'pepnottoo 1trn IT&o pio eqq. ;o qtq. pwe tzopçsod S-çt[q. peAoIdurç 'oe;e uç 'p'eq uoçqs TTzeIo et. ;o uOqOd TT0UTXT; eqq. uTTxeTtTxeae oq.. .eTA 'e trM. xee.& sno-çAead et. irç Txeeq. seinseut pee.I.Ieqtb o eeTaes etq q12tq peeuooei ixei trpt.Io eti 161 se'eq..g teqmetu ;o stzo-4nq-p4Tzoo ;o queut&'ed lIT sep oq. uTM.o euxoorç qetarLo o eq pinoi.s exet. Rpo uTu.xaA.o eqq. pt [ eqq. ;o OxqTzOo etq.. ptzo&eq stzoeI io; c tteAe 'IeAeT pee.Iot[qu eu qi seuuu totcI to sqç uTuTeut oq. -utoo eq-c .eoixi oq.. eeAIeseI tso tze-ço-ç;;ne pti SqTIeIIflUI odIp q.T ptt 1101 sTti'et et exasue o. qtmoure 1112 tons jo eq ptrLOltS PTIL I-TO ttTPOA et. Ot[. P8PT1.T01ZO0 IV4I12 IIpttoJ e1.tI 110TSTUEO eqq. ;o tboTqsod TT0U'1IT; trçxeeq e pt eieeeu 'ptrn - etq. '-Ie.Ao eq:q. tEa o ia&ei et. oq. peiea Tt'°I ettq. 8U.flOrTO oL6i ;o Uurr4iTB eqq. UT -uooe pTflOTt ee4TWuIOO eAq..sUTuIpv ptZ T'TOTI'eT eurç. et eqq. q..q. u odo.icl -ç eqq UT oL6i o pue ecq. ieew ei. UT eoUeTIedXe ;o sp'eA.o. eiout eoo peMeAe eq prrotis pwa PePUT.IOO qj UB px T-TO eLt. OT.I e i.doiIc1 xe etq. ;o UOTL1TSOd OTSTUtO et. eqq. UT)1tOJ epnq 3t. O o ezTs etrq. tzeeMqeq o qJzetIqq'eq-se eqq. o UOfl3flb eqq. iio Uopueuru1ooe pee2e ue eeux oq. Uoqsod e irç qou -t- PeEGPTUOO SM8TA UT.I8TP 8Tt UPt'oA e. 'siecl.uxeuI sqT 1-T ci pTeTt 'UTV 1L61 TT1.rn UOq'eS -TuIo acirl. ;o q.epnq L[neI etq. tno.ILn. pepçAoad eq oq. .To eSiaBOecI. UO1IIi'Bd Lo Tnwt ;o seT.Iee Aq etxa uetque.q-s 3t[. pepçoep UT q-T 'wçq.eeut STtfl ;o IequIeAo[ UT q.ew Ptt8 L961 UT peçUooeZ S8M 6I T-TO UPP0JA et tEo Jt13 UTEOJ eti 96I PTt pe.xTnbex xeeR ptzrL1 L961 WL 8ttOr s.xe.& et[q. ;o q3ee .io; sqepnq et. tfloJt. £.fll3iattUCe 000'oi Aq peSeOIOTZT eq p'aoq pmL I-T1D et. ewçq. ieux eq. UT qetq. pwe 'q.UeioTeAep UT ieq.e -T''O et. pepla[oUoo q-i O UT].IO tTI etfl. oMq. peMep.eI eq pTJioqs eloLtM e S UOTS wO pIZG ptrr etq. 30 UOT.TSOd TTOtUTJ etq. s.i8e "TxoTTUtO eqq. - o T'eTOUUT 8ttOr u-çTLxeAo. -UUT -ooerç etq. oq. peoTIrnuuuoo eq itt sUoTrea TT° ec[q. xeo o. iepio uç o SUOTSTAOJcI ei. q..no etq. &q epeut sem.i qetq. sepTAoId ttoTt& 'Uoe[ne rind Rpo Tuxe.oD IeToTxetzT etq. ;o Lc e[açq.rQ o. q et ttq-PA -eqse eie Act peAoIdde e.IeM. pr '96T LIenUej c utot; qoe;e eue-oqoerr ei. q uxo uesead teqq. UT petsq SO1JT 8T3o Ot[ TeTDUeUTdI TeILIeq.UI qTprL L61 IeILIexe SUOTSTAO.IcI UO e3ut JceUI qç se sIIoqepueumIooeI qons pe &cl pedoleAep 51r4'eToUeluoU xeepnq pue TeToutIT eqq oei;ea paoM einq.n xeett et io; ueesexo; sqzeurpeur UOTSTttetO CrLOTXSA eT.q. J0 suoTq ISTOUSUTa eqq. ;o sUoT5T.&otcI et[q. ueeeq se TULIO.TTIrn ;o ernseow zeqeex. s et Aq peAoxddS pue (voo) suoTqsen eAT eq.suiupy UO eeqmuo eATq.Sq[nsUo eqq. Aq epeul SU0Tq.SpUeuuhI000.x O JT[ç eqq. UT OSTOId(IS eq Aeiu se suoTqS-[ne TBTOUSIZT ei o. squeurpueurS qons 'eouexe;uoo eqq oq. uoqSpueuItuooeI to 'poa ItLI5AOf eqq. oq. esodod UTUT'eq.4e oq. MSTA e uueq S o UOqJI3qU eqq. 5T q-I 961 0 UOTqanpOT4u eqq. 10; epAoIcI o. 96I UT eouee;uoo eqq q pedope esoq. ee sxee& q..ueoei eqq. oi- eoJo q.epnq UT 8SUI sq.ueurpuotae Sp..uSqsqns qsom eq 6961 UT eoueie; -uo et[q. Ac peq.clope esoqq. UTpn[oTtT pue o. cm sq..uempueute Ire sq.oe;ei uoqcpe oL6I eu pepueure euitq.. qStfl. OOUçC peITnbeI se IISoTpoTted ueeq e.ett eqj 9t61 UT eoUeIe;uoo xnocte'I IUoTuxequI eqq. icq pe4ope e.xeM. uio; quesexd Ieqq. UT UOTq.esTUStQ et[q. J0 suoTq..S[ne IeTO1ISUT eq 6T soeCc[L1s oT;Toeds UO seATq.oeITp TSToTxeUT; pus seint peeq..ep Rq peqJzewe[cIcI-rw axe eseq so[rL reTOUrnZTL[ reTLIe1ui eqq pue suo errea IeTOUSuT ett1. 0 Aequesse 5I.STSU0O qepnq 0111 etjq. ;o UoTq.eqJzeuIe[thu oqq. .xeAo PeUT.UUI sT I0]4UOO tt0TttNL IITqqTM io&eutex; seATqoe.IT[ puS sein Mf1E HIE O 'sUo oqeaei eq t61 etrea IeTOTUT HG HA0 1IOHdNOO V 1A peo qou nq 'oq.. thi. qepnq et as 5q.irnoIIrs etfl. 'ircpeeoxe uç peqoA ueeq s's Ruoui ToTtk xo esodxnd etq io 'seqse.I qepnq et. oçt& IflOtZT O1oq pOTIed 1'sTOUT. 8t[ TZTtTLP STJOttq.fl's ti's ençq.stioO etze.-.Ioq.OetT eqq.. oq.. uo ptic 11'stts SQUETIOD 5t[O ic4 0 UOTO's 13 1 1°TV :So1IO,J S's op-çAo.IcI suoTra 1'sT0tC'sT ;o t7-J: ett pi.rs ci SG[oi so.Iqixo seo-p.1os 1'sTotuT; eu. o tOM otq 1O GAq..'s.XStETUrPV a iai irç seIeUT t'septtq ptt's T'sTotZBtIT. ioc oq. ;o J1Ta'sUIT.Id ex's t]oçt[.& sq.oeqrts tzT.&;TPoo o sirsoux eq.'sx(I UO stzo-rSToep pU's 5Aj4O5J ZaLIUD sç zoTq'stepTstioo OO -oicId's Ol- U-T 'Tt seaç;;o -eeq. ptis sxeqe q stodax qseIcIuI A1ttOrUOtU pU's SUt13.I rçoqno tia S'sSTA 1'sTOU'sUT. 'S1'sTOTJ0 Ta's4UOO pesLtoqq.n's 'W1eq4'scI wçpoo etn.TpUedxe £rsepr1.q Ot[q. pUS sptzrL] ,0 tZOT'sOO11's et[q. 'SeOTO 'stzieqxe Rct squeur -'sd Trçq..omxq.strç ao sexnpeoo.icI S's sq.00c1jrLs qons o. peq.'s1 &et oe;e trç eIeM soeqrLs T'sTOU'sUT. tzo 5a'strLoITO ueq. 6961 IectuIeoecE ic q.v O uieqs.&s eqq. ,o etq ,To L TLxeAof eqq. iq peA0Idd's siio tqçM. ooUSpaooO's UT Spoa 11T eqq. £c[ pe.x'sd o sztoquxeut pits .&po t.tTILIeAo.D (aowsuT) seTe u pepnowç oct's perrsep ST tzoq'snoIo epp& ooT;;O t.toTrtM .xo; ste'sur 1'sTott'src; 110 S qotTff 661 I'sToTx'suT US e.xd ueoq a.'st[ seeq4çnxtaoo eqq. ;o s.ieqtueut ;o sesuedxe 1a's14 U0O S8ThX 'eIcIiu'sXe tO O ueuiic'scI eqq. 'U0'S5TU'stO ST. 0. TrçtLxSo [cL'sTT'sA's ep'siu seoxaose.x eqq. jo esu 1ooUooe pits iowoo 1'sToTt13UT3 q..oçaq..s ;o qse.xeqrç eqq. UT e'sTzdoIctd's s's peq'srnuotd exs 61 U0 SG P1T's-9P eTflX L961 A'sjii T tuo.i qoej;e t[q.TM Apo St. Aq. op'eui tITtLIeAOD eqq. iV4 pOA0IthI's Pits sq.tzewpueuxs seq.'sxodI0oU (L961 J0 'sttq.) SeTrj 1'sTOUSUT 1'sAOI's tO £po 1'sUWI eqq. ,0 UOTTpe Ue.LIUO OL SOe1qrLS 1'sTUBUT. 14TTTTT J0 UTaOIIT 9t[. J0J SeUbJ 8qTTIIT oq. p e otr 1SqeJeu. ST pOO[1B sptrn; uxoq e rToT;;o try (o) oq. sJeqxeuTDp'eeT 8c1ç'SJL8 epux sp'trn; pesq..n eq 3IU et[I. LOTt[A. O. q.OeOJtS SUOTTUITT ITS qSI ITSTlS iVeTI UITTt .&q pezieep TSTOTJ0 W2 JO t[OUSJa IO1tIOD PU etq.. ;o ;eç etq. Act eucs eq snui pire trç eprnu eq qsrnu sptrn; ;o SUoqOo[[ q..eprt (q) si ett LtOTLIM xo; emJoJd eqq. ;o speeu etq. Jo; eSTIT4U Jc.'SUI ett t[oTt[M sqçpeo q..epnq ;o eaçAJes e ;o peet ;o ed.&q pire qtmoie ei () etq. tuo;trç oq. eptix 015 spirn; ;o SUOTqSO oily ;o UoTo011v ;o exrLq. spTz Sptrn; pire esoc1.1n Qj 5UOTOOlTB 0)SUI ITSLtS t[01r5J9 lOJIU0O pU u.Mop pp[ ueeq eABt[ Aeur iuo epna et[q. ;o ;etj eqq 5 S seq4.1o.1d: q0Us ;o sçseq eLq. trO peUoT..1od:d5 015 etq. 'sqUeuIe.1nTJe.1 sqtrnoum qeetu o q.tteço -T;;USUT wçeq spttr; ;o .U9A0 0t. UT etq. exiasue rrtis pire 'sepoq epçsq.xLo Aq Uoq'5streJQ et[q oq. e[qfl'eA epem .10 'qepaq UoTsTTx.10 etq.. UT peOA sqtrnoiite eAT.oedse.1 eu. ;o peuaeotcoo seoTAJes erq. Iu.Io;tIT iits ttotze.Ia Io..Iquoo ptre qepu ec[q. ;o ;eçt[çJ et SpUrL ;o Uoçqeoo[[y .o; f4TlTqTSUod.se Q1 :Upo[[o; eqq. 015 S0lfl IeTOtreUT l'euIeq.UI eLq. 0 SUOTSTAOJd q.treAelo.1 etq. 'sUOTq'eo011'e ;o lo.1qUOo eqq. SXS0.1 Sy sqUeuL&d pTIe 5UoTq.iqo ;o IOJqUOO et pire SUOqeOoS 0 et O. 15aOTqXScI UT tzq..'ee.1 'swess ;o equrnu 'S ;o uoTq.'Saedo et[q. se1.oAtrç 5UOT5T..OJd eseqq. ttqTM eotrer[dU100 eq'e'eA'e qrnoure etq seurp.. ire q uleqç q0'Se Jepirn UTAoTtS peJZtfloUT seçqç[çq'e-ç[ O ptre UOT TJdOJdd'S LOflS O J000J 'e dee II'St[ pire 'q.epnq eqq. ;o weqç .1eclo.1d etq. oq. pe.'ST.1do.1dd'e eq oq. 'eprnu S'S 'squeut&'ed TIe esiao IreTt5 et 'eanq.Tpuedxe ;o sseoxe ons ir q..UeAe.1d oq. 'esodirtd ons o; q.epnq eq. UT pepTAOJ .IepJO UI qirnoure eq ;o 5500X0 UT esodxrt1 Atre JO pepuedxe eq oq. JceUoUI JU'S &OTT'S OU II'SttS 'SJeUe-Joq.oeJT et t71 8TOTJV -9 - eqOOrr'ez q i8t. seouwct pe o. petode ex srçAO peoedzo --çqorn1. -EeueDtOoaxTcr 1tE t[op.[M 'eeq4uIuxoo e 1tB.IoI oq pUeunu003J Gt[ 8T o eon p0Z0[d eqq. trpteoo8 oq.. .iepxo trç eurntoztd ipA eronb toe peop.e ,go uopçsod e ST e toxd qoe TTctoTfl. pw sIoqTTqO seotrwt'ocl. pa SUT'S 'SUOfl.'SOOIT'O 8T p8PTnTJTTIrn ' tzeweSInqSTp ptIUOUT sUOqTTqo 'SUOTq'00TT OOIflOSOI trp&otS OUtIItSI eq..xonTpet q qde ero spiooe i703 -oid qo'oe .xo a.oq13 fl uop.oes UT pecpoSep einpeooId etzto no.n. tjq.p& q[ep aIB 8UoTqOoTT'O UT Sett8ttO 'peorL eq Arnu iei ctoTTM .io. esodxrtd eqq. UTqOTpUT Auy çoiteUç; Ot[q ao; seu to1cI ITet[. UB Uoq.oenb UT POT' oq. peOoT 590JaloSe.I eqq. ;o SIO'STZSIU eitiitoid UTUt.IOPIT penOsT axe oeoçpe poTed I'STOUUT qo'ee ;o UWIT8q etq. UoTqoOfl'e 'semi eseqq. t[qçM AqçuLIo;UoO UI euatroto.ic1 et[q.. 'poTIed TTOTUT.] o pIIe eT. oq. OOTO ]0 Sq..0 TnbeI IBTO T& OOttBpi000B UT AxesseoeU t9TM. POSTA9.I -trOUT Otfl. 8pBuI OiOM SUop.BoOr['S et. OCL TTIS sUOT),.BOOIIV eT. IIIOWA O1- STBT0TJ30 8t[q. tq.çM UOTBTnSUOO UT TOiUOD ptZO qepn paM.eçAei 5pUrL eTq ;o q JITB0Tp0Tie T'W q r['tt sTzOqBoo'e ;o epui eon et O SUOTBOOTTV J0 Mep.e oTpOTiea oti7 pesenbei axe eoo&nd 8t[. eBOTpUT iits spur eqq t[OT1& IO UB 'UOTBogTsnc eqBnbOpB UTPtLIOUT '5xBTno UT epem Toa'ed IT"J TZTAT '1Ui0J pectTioseicl et[q sqsenTe eq its sptrn, ;o uoTBooTTe eqq.. io (a) qoietq.. peq.B.eTOp seç.iotqne etq. JTaGTOe.II eq.eq.s Iletto STBTOTO UOq'eoOB eqq. q iorio oq. epeul SUO4BOOfl aS suoTqe.TuxTI Oqq.. UTLtq.TM SqJXauL&Bd eeui oq. ptze etfl. epUTOUT 'STTfl. SUOTqe.TTqO IItOUT O eaTnbei seoteqourrLorço eqq.. U10iJ ç 3A'S TeTOTTO TIB oq. spixrL 'A'eixx oietenTp'eet 0 UOTBOO 118 liv seTqTq'eTi iUOUT oq pesTior.tvaB mnp SIBTO eeq. eq uetts sq.sonbei qons UO oqe 'Siapio UOTSSTUI i0 sUoq.BocId'e UOTOV T;;° Aq AIUo 'soanbei esetioxad 'SUOq.Snbei -011 et[q. ;o OIrLq.eU eqq. UO - eqs 'UoTeo UTpIIedOP 'UTPrLIOttT (p) wr .&utouooe eq'sei oq. se[nt eu irstts I Seq[Tc'ST[ UTLIflOIZT et[q. ;o esoioxo etq. en-isuo 1 -n eoqx sgt[q. wç o somi et oquoo qoç.xqs ;o eoxiesqo ttoIople ç[c[q.se oq.. Rr['eieue pOs'eeo S'S1 TI epur ST ueurcI ott q'siq. (o) fq..epnq eqq. wç ao; pepçAoxd q.otz SOTITITc['STI ott qtq. (c1) q-TITqTI etp t10T1M xo exS L0Tt S (p) pe.LIlaoIrt SIT0T;;O t[OYLS Jq q..cleoxe op'sw ott qtq. - e.inoos oq. sori eiu [1.SttS 0H E sq.uoutA'sd ao peianoirç exe seq.TTq'eT (js) 110 Ts pmt .xno q'sn Ietzo Tqui equj -Ad OUI pIZS seq-ç-çq'e irLOttT 1U OttR. SIT0TJO 8t Oq.'S11T5Op IIBt15 I eue-IooO.ITc[ 1Tif 1 Ot[q. 'o spun; eqq. ;o qrLo zo ';o ;ttoc tto squerii L 0IOTEV :sol1o; s's I'sTO1I'sttT ' pits L SeIOTiV tEl 'SiIO.'s[fl5 Otfl.. lIT x'secId's SUOTSTAO.1d ieim; I'siSA5S 'sqxteui -i'ed pu's SUOq'Bçqo ;o Io..uoo et spxsex s-u- 90 seuumto.icI sqTm000's pu's sTIoti'sd eqq.. ;o .o poxcT-Aq 's s's teq.nthoo otq ic peonpotcI oi's sexrT; OTS'sc. XsSseOOII e uteiq. uod pes'sq sttOTS -T.O.IcI Axsqepnq aeox Pu's setnT; q..soo pxspu'sqs ei ttq.TM pet'sdiiioo 5I's 'eq.'sp oq. J's5 110 SDTTPU9dXO 1'sqOq aeqq.eoq. 'esetq. pu's sq.soo pi'spu'sqs ei osui i3tq. S1Ze1U -010 et. ;o to'se ;o q.iteuIaA.oul etq uo Sp'sUI [IIT'ptOoO's axs suoTs-cAoJ,d xsq.epnq osoqq. irnIq.no qou stoetto iqiioj Seop ;;'sqs uo exrLq.Tpuodxe -'sno's q'st. ainsue oq. eto;eIet. cm T IOIqIZOO I'slLIeI.uT ;o ss'sq. stOdtuT qsout et. ;o ouj ;;'sq.s ;o scIno eeItq.. io; s.soo pt'spitsq.s p0q'siwçq.so 110 q.x'sd qsoui et .Io; pes'sq et's 'exnqpuedxo I'sqo J0 uoltocm -o.xcm et's 's seq'rqTqsuOo Lt0Tt[& ';sqS 110 eIrLiTPu0cmXe sTxoTsTAoIcm 'sqepnq eqq 'eAoq's poq..ou S'sM sy Uoq.Pe oL6T etfl. o -j7[ e[oçq...I eoin.d eUTnoI .iotrçur ieAoo o. S -thrLl ]0 eourLSST oTTO1.IeO urri.S (p) O. ;o pIooe.I 58 J0 l IOTtV 'SUO4l'rLea T'TOIZUT 9t. J0 ieq..sçe.i esoctind etq. io; 'e&xes irc peLIflOU UT pepIooea eq rtis etzoTq.Tlqo peAoiddV trçnsei eqq eeui oq.. elq'STT'SAS tott oattoj pte epna ers spirn oço peSxoqxLe w Aq pe;qIeo eq ;o 0.Inq..TPUecTxe et -T 'UeaTnTD8I a&oq TItUeUErIOOp etq I 11IOtZOOe ptmOs etq. tqp sutioUoo peU'eqU'5IU O eeldTotzT.Id eT_fl_ e izoq8OOTT eSS8 oS8 et. UT eeott8eq X8 TO5UITtt eAq.oedseI pits 'qopnq eqq. 'soimi pits Ioq'eneI iTOTtsttT. peAo.Idd Oq'8oTd:ds etq. o q.iTi etq. UT 84TfflflS Sqtzew -no op uqs[qo et[q. megAeI ITt OTXt9 oxq -two pits q..epTL et[q et. ;o isTOT;;0 paSpIoi.Tt'5 Uv (q) oiec (p) trsdqns UT pepAoJd s's q..deox eottsa'seio I'sToItsUT; Io; qotts.19 o1qUo pu's epn et[q. o eoua&p's UT peq4UtqTtS eq qsrw IZOq.'5STU'sZO ett. ;'steq UO PeInOUT eq oq. 's O T Uo-çq..'sTlqo TBTOU'sUT. t1oflM .&cL szeumoop ieqq.o Ia 's.ieplo es'st[oIncI 'sleplo UOTSSTUI ' ueUIq.Uodd's ' o'5T4UOO liv steqrsnbp'se q's SUofl..'sd[qO ('s) o TOJ4UOO UT peq'seep ueeq S'st[ suo'sçlqo ttons IOT.qXL's ['sULIO; 's iuot& oq. T'5ToTJo us Aq qcleoxe uoq'sswsIo et. jo ;'steq UO peow[d eq ii'stts InoUT oq. Iepxo OU Pu'S pepnioiioa eq [['5trS q0'534U00 Oj 5T'sTOTO .Kq £IUO peIltiOttI eq oq. sUoçq..'s[qo :5erij I'sTOU'sUT SiZOTSTAOId q..ttsAeeI etq.. UOUt5 el'S UTMOTIO. 01G i'sUIefIUI ectq. eq LQ ixqcIeoo's UT eoU'spia se'rtl esut pus 'sIepUe. deoo's pits ueclo A'sui zto eue-oqoeaT et 'ç ot.p ouutteq.ep Ii'stts s.iepueq. izeuxe.rçnbei sTit eAT'sk seIOqUç etfl. UT sepçoep et eei qdeoxe 'qUemosqIeAp's led'sdsMoU Aq .io pçq oq SUOTq'sq.TAUT A4 qtnos eq oq.. UOTq's5TU'sIO et. o ii'sts sleTiddus eeltq. q.s'5e q..'s woi slepUeq. 'Uei'sA -Tnbe et[q. 10 '$fl peeoxe oq. &leITl T seoTAles .xo spoo ;o es'sttolncl e[trçs 's le.&eUe - 69 - 0 TTLIeXG IO] SeIThI e IISUT LSSeJ PtIB t'SdeS eu O. P0ttP OT eeOTJO llOIUIOO IT0 peq.eduioo ueeq St TeAq tonS s.&'ep ITS T- lLtTe UTT.tqTM P 4TUIctIIS pes.xOtqu TI'eToT;;O ;o q.oedse "T surceio xeeA T'TOUIT Jo esoo eqq. ieq; epui tzTect suITIa flJxeAe.xd oq. PTOteXe eq iit oxeo eq'a& SItITTO [I et tt [floTqI ITS suOTTTqO IrLowç oq.. pe zot[q.ia'e sIeTaT;.o IO STJITWEO ;o (q) :o 'pOTIed tp 'uOeqIzesaIcI oiq. emstie ttO5e e (a) () S1TWT1I eutTi O9 suLIo; esetq. tto pettesexcI eq qsrnu I'eToeds eieq (a) peATeaeI ueeq eA q.ou st xo;e.xetq. euucI q.'st[q. pue qae.LIoo pxs rç; sç urçwo eqq. 1tq qieo 5U1TSIO 'qSXe SUITWEO .Io; surto ITts ittmiwco ot[q. 'peqçuicis urc'sIa qoe .io iitts ueiinecI ott 'seaizeoii petsq.se itrex (q) ee.&scI eqq. £c peurgwa sseim peqae;e eq pits se& 'setxsTs o q..izeittA'ed et. io; q.cIeox uo ep S1IT'TO ;o eq oq. sqizeuI&'s () 019 sxeq..renbp'eet[ q seoçAIes ITOIrSUT; pits izOtq..sTuTurp's q.izeq..ethuoa et.q. tq.p eaizeAps trç peq.upIo-oa eq irstis s.ieqirn-bpet iaoi; sTToT.;o .&q po.i.inatcg eq oq.. sizoqqo iow (q) se ina eseqq. ;o td .r2xecI ttq.T1IL eaitepi000 liT seoT;;o 'sizteqxe o; texrts'seq ettq Aq peqsq -se eq ui se serrix qo'rLS tqp& eopi000s liT iizo petnau eq ui suo ctons 'IeAe.M.ofl lIoTqooIT's eqq.. q pet[sqeqse suoqe.-guI-ç et lrçLTNt suoqe2T[qo XrLaliT .&iw peq.'sao exe Spitfl UIOTM oq. s.xeq.xettTp'eet UIOt, STTaTTO sIeqxsnbp'se Io.iqtto silo q-Tiqo uIoJ.] eqs-ça pits q..epn ei Toqtto exs spirn; ttaizeta ;o ['sçoç;;o pesplot[qxL's (es) o-fr tie &q uoqoT;çqIea eqq. qnOtM lIOqe5lleIQ etq. epsqno peseeei eq tiets qtteurnaop lIqeç[qo oj\ (a) - o6 - os op T'O etq. ;o qSeIeqIIT OU. UT CT -T ('e)Ooi e1fla o tOTqOTi&I eiq. teq tio '.ieoxqthuo -OoeITc[ et[q. ;o uOT ePToeP eq e.IeqM SGS'CO UT Gu 'i ITODUT pUC oq 8AT STIOIOrYtC OOT T1I CT peq.'COTPUT are aieog;o (eAoq'e peqonb) (q)o z-p;zeo o eUoçq.otm3 et ewj UT qUWTqAPC tedeA.ett Rct 'o pTq oq. CUOTj-CTAUT S4 q..qnos eq IrtC eTTdIUS eexqq. q.sCe[ q iroi o:l. aiepue. 'qUeCAflT3e owl. o oo'sn peO ATecI CT eooTtos ao spoo ;o e ttoxad etrçs e IeAeUetM 'OOT °1 UT PePTAOI SC c1OOXa UTSTOIOAPV P'I UTPPTa OATq..Tqe(IUIOØ ooi IrLSCaI esod.xnd: STT,tq. to Jo STt8C SC eqq. T1CoT.rcoedS iios.ied aeqqo .&tz Ac pOqCUSGp Ce) UTO'B U8TA UOT.CTUCEO Owl. WoixIdoI (p) ueseei (0) Se0T.flO TCTLIOPCe UT SICT0T0 peCçIot{q.n'e ACrtp (q) -eAGif SUOT.0 peq.TUfl eqq. ;o se UOTSTUSEO ot[q jo seocLiricI e. io T t[SC0 motp pooTxeAp oq. ;re etq. ;o siequteui :.&q epeur iee 'teoç;jQ sueuud: (Se) ci i SieT0 ei.;'e tI0UaI sirn000v UC O0U'BU -TJ.T° pesçxotq.ne Aq epeur eq rrtts sq.ueur.&ed iIv -otd: Sq.UeUII 'UTSxaqsTp etq.. 8uq. O ei oq. pOSTiottq.flV SIeT0TJO oL O UflTpU'C 'Seop.xeS .10 SpO0 ;o eotreeooe 'USeqornd: :Sttoq0trn UTA.0IIO. TSfl0eICq..1.fltaTS peUTSS'e Oct. IItS ieT0TO 011 'e[q'epçoAetrn T STTtq. e.iet& qd:eox Ocq. o o&q. 5111Tei0 -500011 Ue (q) 0 q.UOIIIACcI eq.eoT1thp PTOAC o. edes Lies O. I1tS 1.1ooT;;o UT.&;T.aeo oqq. UC SUoq.'eTqo itLOUT oq. peSç.1oqqne sreToT;;o sp.1enee C) 0L9 elqTssod .&Cep urn.DrçUçUI e. LtT.I'A pesseooad eq TIetIS ptce peei eq IITt qU8TJIACd q.thao.1cI .103 sq.trnoop 16 UTAi0AUT surçeI (p) seqAqo eopies queIueAochwc ptre &ep.ei snonwçq.uoo eUq. J0J eqsuOdseE ST q.ç 'S 8&otcIUIT OT.TOOdS eeçet uoq..ppe uj oied oq.. todrL peUeo eq Arn t° T LIOTL SIS. ITUtIO et[q. io; 1oIzeToT;e uTq. 'e.iedo To ieei eTctTssoct SeTTt[ etq. q.'e °°T;;o erq. trçtrçeq. eqq. qSTSS'B oq. qoiraa seop.xes tZT UT I oq. uTctTeTt o emotIw etq. ;o qUodseI ocq. sg -i 'oI IOqIOc[eOo I'etLIeXe IO; seoanose.i t[q..m. pepT,&oJd oST ç qI toeo eo-p..ze IeieIzee eeiqq. pu [zoçSseo.x tOUt eqq jo tuexs ei oL6I tnur I q SIT°TJT° eAç eulqxecleff seo-cA.xes -iatetIee pire eouu-p eqq. go ;eçto ecq. oq. sodex toIta SeoTAIe ueei eTq ;ectto e 6o 96I io; qepiaq euq. Ut pepn-rou-r eIaM. ttoueia seoçAte ueueu q.tteseid et. IO] SUOTSTAOtd q5.1T etuJ ttO poq.nsixoo UOTSOOO ueeq p'eq o Sqs'SçoectS Ue1aernreuI 'eu.ioqxe etq. .&q pepueui -uiooei se 'q.tm seoçAae eetirn [['etas o eurqsq -'eq.se et. UT eoT;;o moqr r 'a 'etioqti eqq. i7961 q..oeds Jo uoT STtztoet eqq. qtodurç I_tv o se0çA.xeg (spoctqew Pus UaTqBSTuto) q.ueweu's eooaicI UT oq. peIetp'S IqoIqs exB se[iii eseu pep.xooea eq iit uoTqoeex tone xo suosee.x etq. 'errt ;o SuoTsTAoId et. ieptrn peqooe.I T .iepueq. s peq.oeo.i eq ut sIepueq. eiq. ;o II to .&TZS 'e.xTnTJe os txo'ssTt,ao et[q. ;o sseIetzT ec[q. Uec[M. eaot 'IeAaM.ofl zte;o eqsqdeoo tzs xoj eoTId q.se.Mo uonb iepIdns etj. O!1. pepxa sq.omiquoo 'epw ueeq s'st SeoçI ssess u e etq. eq iiuxou [rsqs çq.eTuioo ;o q._tzeut io qnos tzeeq estt sIepueq.. ieeteip Sqo'sI4.Uoo O WçpXaM elqTssocl ieeuet& eqs soo-çxd eAqecTwoo o qUOwSSesSe us 'A-oqeT_tae-[e qnos eq .&sui sieptzeq. qoTw 'quee&pi.Te etq. o OO'$fi peeoe oq. .ietTi qou s-c sea-EAles la spoo .r° oset[oan(I eiuçs e 0i701 epeul eq - (q) tog eprnu tioeq sc[ uoTTAo1d ptz '[ çoç;o Ltoeo eo'pie euo pits TTOTThO TzoTseota etxo o SSTTtOO q.tzo IIO41J10O TT0UTL P' e.id I et. oq. sfpodezz -I 6961 ;o ;I'e.t piiooes eqq. UT eoc;;o eTv1 'T pescO SM UoqO9 -cpv uaetzI uv xei qTPTv T'TL101I 8TqAq.O UocitOdooO -[o-gtxtoeq.. to odt ooTI8pTTL .0 oTXGTOT.;e et. o sopnq ss000tdqp oTuoIqoeEe 30 seçpu suoq'eoTcI5 oToTTqn sqtzeurrLoop RT..qTZOI vu 30 UOTOTpOId pte uTSGeo03cI o spoteux ;o Apii pu'e eoç;3 (T) (tt) () pIZB ZOqSTIZTUIPV T1OTIA ;o STP14S OtrBIa ie tti J0 SeTTATO sueutqx1ep qtoddn uowxcIeci pTe etq. p uoietxe irç WB eoIO 's eutqxdep 1tLI8t.UI 8Atq.tçTZ11Ip' pue O. TI9I 8TT4 etoxd TSSeOO-'qp ouotooe etr. ;o A.OTAI I'teTze.D sqJleutrtoop Ioqonpoxd pu .se-çq.TAi4oe o uTIEcI eqq. t[qp peqoeutzoo '.xqu000p et{q. zo ttOT eçpnqg -got eçpnq Liqçe o'ii ott:i ;o oq. OTIZItUILII0O Ot (e) () o secttox 8t[. 0 ZOq'BIZIO GT... 0 pU suO-!tedo OOOI WttflO pU () JO AprLq (o) (ct) () :s.rea& .tteoet UT OUt9 8OçAIOg WOTtIII 1t ilO P9T'° izout p UTM.oflo et oid treq.xodm etoiu e eTqpcq.o'8 &eu pesodo.xd o. q.oee sq.oe TT rpç io; Uemet'tj: queot;o qsoiu ot[. tto OsAp oq. 0[q'8ET'a&'e oT sç qT prie saxnpeoo.xI pr spoTq.etII to& 'UoTSTU ,to ;o sweqot oq. SUofp1oS q..seiaTDox UO ;;q.s IoTU9 q.s-çs UTTdI'G PUe qno UTtIOM UT oq. eqçGA ST I sseipeeu ;o rzoqeUurçe etq. prz sornpeootd ptre Spoiq..eut 30 UOTOT.TId.TUTS OL[q_ 'pOfltOiA .0 STSJ[U eT[. tTLO.It. ttoçqoe quq ePTAOxd Pt -epçn 'todei Tpn eLq. po sç ;o eat xo;ied et.q. trç o; 9UTT eznpeaoid q.çprL qjtp e 'S8TdTOT1TId qPfl izeue LtPt1OM qTp 'et to.icI eqT o eurdoIe.ep aqq. 'sq.pn qçp'n.v Tu.Iof1TxI Ioçq..ottri; OL. O sqç o edoos eqq. 'uoTf4.oe -TPV et TITM tTT'5eP 'pedoleAep irçeq T rernxIAr qTpflv reTtIewI ttV pTeT; et 'IT sooç;o o'ii 14 peuiio;ied eq oq.. aoM eqq.. ttTt8.A.00 EOqçpYL I IIGqtIT xea& toee du w&'etp eq oq.. s-c euiuncoid pe'sqep V PtI sJTt ti percnbei s seTqçAj4oe peoeIS q.seAII pao £xo o Toeds ptre sxo sea-çq..omid .io sernpeooicI u-c serxsqo 'xesseoeu ;o sq.çpri'e eioq& 'pus sexn.seui eoezioo pueuttiiooei oq. -suzeiq. to sooToBId iedoxdurç Rue oq. uoeq fsxoqontsttç pct xoTTnez uioz; S'IoqAep ;o 10 o-cidd'e pu IoxqTxoo IewleqJrç etfl. 30 kO-çAeI aTpopOd GeAloAtrc sçtq (pP) suoçq.o tp oq. qtIep o (a) sseua&qoe;;e SPUPt IT To sessol uto.i; pepxene;es pure '.xo; peumoaoe exe sq.esse suoTq'esTweao etq t[ottM oq. qaeqxe euq. uTtoose o (q) peurçq..Txet et qetq. purR pure peq.sod Reqinooe exe squrn000 'peq..oeqo.id exe uoi ureio eqq. o sq.seleq.uzT q..seq etq. zo-çuretQ etq. ;o spurn; ert 'RItoTwouooe pesu e et qRtq. 'peoIIo; exe sexapeooid pure seimi 'Guoçq[ -rteI &qq. qei oeuo oq. pure srxoqRoTIdutT IRT0uIRUT; eA'5T (e) ;o 5uoçqoR ouzTuexe pure epei o tIOTt IIOT 5TUEO e :5.M.0fl0 exe IIOT.00 q.TPi1V ItLIeIuZi eqq. 0 eoueIe;e.I jo sur.xe. etr ci suoqtedo e tqsurçurpR pure ITaureuT; rçet. io; Rq.qsuzodsea ;o e.xns'eeut [e-puresqns ;o seo;;o t]ofl5 o. xe;sueiq. et. ;o MeçA 'IT PI5T eqq. 'IT seo;;o oil o. 5qT5TA 110 sçscIuie oqezepsuIoo seoeid uoq.00g e,. ;o euuuex -oxd et IL6I uuoi; se reToT;;o TRuoTsse;o.Ia ptzooes - v6 - ;o zosenT TotUTJ 0111 ttO UOT. eiii oq sxeA Bt[. .I3AO IOTp12'8 TxIeqxe UTPUTO.T ' -R&.xesqo oTq.OJ S1fleT o'ii e'qq. ;o eo otcI ei. uoec qo; UT SLt I eeq. uo uo UpzodeJ o1- uct TmTT q..ott op Aetq. '.IOTprL'e -['eUxepce et. Aq peteAoo eq TrTt rtoTt.Ak T'TOUIIT o-çJoeds u-çIeo q.rLo q.es SUOTTAOII eeetq. eTTttA 9T 9 se[oçqty UT ;o UoTssTDxc1jr ;o totztmui ttR POUTW00 e.i 'qxodea et[!. ,O q.OflpUOO li8 ec1oo et. .xwirLo eq..Ueq.Uoo euq. pwe TPrL uieqxe Uo sUoTCTAoId .iet[q..xa UTtLI8OtZOO 'q..Tpfl TtI UT q.iadep etq. o. RcI toq.çpn irte eToTp qUese.xcI pOeU 0 OSO UT .IOTPTL' eqq. ,]o pwe [ udep 'e Ot[. 3O'e{dOI ptt qTS oq. tOTptL 'XS$8OOU T 'ITLt .&POa uTuzzeAO.D eTfl Ueweq..$ peT;Tq...xeo [rLp B UTOdciB 7 0 UOTOflpO.Id UO &'EIq. ISOOU Tt[ pepim;ei eq flT.[S OSIZecIXe SB seoTreMOfle pUB 'elzTluleq.ep B11I Apoa UTlLxeAO.D ieto tons ptre eOU 1L01[B 00Ueq5pqns S Ooei IT'ttS ZtOTpflB etq. 'q.TPTI'S UB go esodtnt1 eqq. t0 UOTTUBEO eTq. ;o .ees etq. e eouese.id STt[ UT.UL pe q. s SUOSBSI tO.TItL Apoa TzTureAofJ eUq. q qdeoxe eqa&omea pepToep eq oq. eq qo ILeqe p 1cpo9 UTlLIeAof) eqq. poTed 5 IO peitTOcMB eq iietts .OqTpfl eq a Apo UTlLIe.OfJ eLt iSq peqUodde eq flBt[S 'ttOTBSTUBaO et[q. eoTAIos et[q UT .&BM 011 UT UOSIOd e eq oq '.IOUB t ic eio-v :SlZOTSTAoId SUTBq.UO0 dUO erre'a IeTO1reUT eqq. 0 UTJ1&OITO etq. 8TOTtV -TPV TUtOPa ' eq TTTM U0TqeeO eux eq TITM sUee.ITnbe O'A STTI UT WTLt oq. UeAT -00 pwe Lresseooiz exeq Sq 'Ttt TtTM lioTeq.rtSUo0 UT peqdqsqse eq TITM setws 'tO& J0 UOTqeoTIdnp pT0AB oq. iepxo UT 'toq.çpne eUIeqxe eqq. ;o UOTSTA.IethlS eqq. .ieptrn eq q.o -01d - piq iip 'q.epnq et ;o qi'ed eide e eeqrLq.qstzoo qTPeio q'ei eotrçs AxeuTp.Io eoutrç; oq. 'sernq.puedxe pze UOTSTAOIcT et. ixroi; 3XOEfl tO eir4TpUedXe U& o oq. ptm; ie;etwzq. oq. uo 'eqtzese.icl qepnq qexno eqq. eeux q.epnc einq..puedxe etq.. iepim e1cucsOth1IT 0 EqxecI eU. ue.eMq.eq SX]4 O peAIeSqo eq 11T OT[ 6I q-I () epnq eiaqpuecIce eqq. ;o sqxed eqq. ueeeq epur eq Aut sesu'exq o eoue.ieuoo et. oq. peqeoIrnuIuxoo eq 11'eIts stzoq.nosea eqq. ;o zoTnToeI Bçoeds Aq Ion ipo peq.oe;e eq iUX q..epnq exr4Tpttedxe eqq ;o qxcI eure oq. uieç euo woq sae;strezq et[q. UT etoi 1 91 1OTEV :SMoog e sp'ee.I toqA 'suo[nej 1TOWT1Td eqq. ;o 91 e1OTIV .&q peu.aeAo exe q.eprLq exrTpuedxe OT. utqpk sesirnt .e12 eoeieizoo anoqw uouxeq.Tz] etq. pze Jpoa TU0AoD et[q. Xq 1OtUOO suoçq.nej 1TOUUTI onli eqq. ;o $IZOTSTAOId qTprL'e 1'eILIexe eqq.. UT sueutpizeiire UTpuodse.Lxoo 'eoUeZe;tIoo OLt. O. UOTpUeUUUOOI eqq. oq. esooid o. Uoq.IzeTx s11Ieuef -ioqoGarj etq. ST !IT 'peAoId pU pOrL1ILIo; UOOq e.St TPT io; 'Apoa IrçILIeAo- TuIeoUoo suoTs-cAoId pxeptreqs uo sUoqepueuutIooe.I uoTq.oes UT sv LT ?Dvoo etp& 'eAoQe Bq1tSUOO Buieqxe o. xes seoeu se esinooei UTAI 'Seo-çA.Ies zetueeui 1'SILIelUT 'euteq.xe .&q quo petxo eq prtoqs SeçpTl4S wrns 'uoTuTdo UT sepnqs qUeuieu'euI tz-pieqteptrn PTOA P1flOTt eq 'UTTpTt et[. J0 q.UepUedepU T eq t[OT& UOT o. oqçpT 'qi. u-ç'euie.i eçA eqq to; peeu eqq tzeAT spizn; 'uieqxe q.tzese.xd eqq. '.IeAeAoH tLIeq..xe u ueq. St[ Ioq.pTtS osn ei oid [1jL, et se -j-e - 96 - s suo-çiedo.;o AoUeçoT;;e ernoo etq. eo&nd oures eqq. etos piuoi& tIOTtM 1.yTLTZUI eçi oq.. eqçA ote iemtosIecI paq 'pe1STIthuoOO'e im to1pA q eA-çqoeqo eurareioxcI peAotd ueeq oAat.t oq. s sieui ot 'esiuoo up.oeq. ;;eqs o!1. TctTT. q.Ou 9I3.A& iowzosed petyq'enb 'eiduzae .io; - Ltsseoeu peAoad ' ;o .& qttq. e.Ie& eAçooqo peAo.IdcI I TTt5TTthIIOOO ZteTP IZTsOOttO O 'peAOtdd tzeeq pq seiçqoeqo eotio s etq.. OAT ptrtotls epnq oq.. tçpuodseLIoo sotoid otrzq. io; parçnbo.x eq qotI pno.M TA .ioiu et[q. uTTM -d of-IoqooJTff oj. .tri. &poa wcuta&oe totn.xn; s zoquesetd eqq. ieptrn seumroa2 -o.icI iom o. pepuocIsetoo SUO e[ne oq. poeex siaeqç q.epnq eqq. GouTs 'po I'ToUT etq trç tLIOAo eTq. ,o AuTq.mxos etq. oq.. q.oeqns eq oq. enupuoo Tno - IoTutone io; peeti etq peseioirç pTxs xoqeio queut&oc1iiie .xo; poeu o uop.'enq.çs OTUIOtI000 etq petsTrçurçp pet[ 'sexe xe noçq.xcI ou. o ttoturIoTeAep et esnsoeq 'eidurexe .zo. - seATq.oeqo zo.xd pua setoid seAToeCqo a euiure.iozd tz-ç setti tTuTurXe eq pThoM. on eqq. ;o suto 2trpteiu UTAOJdd'5 Pu T UT q..epnq etq. UTa0PTstIOO UT -JoTTO ottq. q:e1irIo; ''z L961 to; sisodoicI epnq ptce euturex q. pOqoU s toid e uo petiesaid ouo-Ioqoarç ot[q. 'sçs'aq a sequrp..se epnq o'ii qsI; eqq. pessnosTp Aet[q. tIeqA'. sçpaxo -oid s1 Axsqepiaq o asia etq. lIT TITctTxeI; ;O uoq..senTJ eiot& qsprgurpv pTx eeq4çurruO a IIeAo.D eqq. pt 58M tIOTZepTs-tIOO pOM8UO ITOUUT1 Ot. .&q OEE oiq. oq. TITqTxoT; sTttq qoe[;eI aoq ]] tZOçq005 UT oq. pa ou a;ai soinpeoo.Id aIto eto.icI (axaqTpuedxa ;o sqoeqo ueeMq.eq pu.e otoid trçuio; seu toid Ueeeq xo'aut eures eiq. ]o qx eT) SUI0qT qepnq tZTUTNL so;stIJ4. Our oq. TtUD -IOqoeIT RTqTOTTthUT T tei&od £Z5UOTI.O1OSTff (0) (seuto.xd io'eui ueeMq.eq eT) sweiT q.epiaq ueeq..eq 5.Ie;StZB4 IOJ pe.ITTLTJaI ATf1ToTTdxe ST TAOJd - L6 - ApO tivaeo (q) 6 'd '9961 "eAeuef 'eubi4sen 1TottT .IeTvio Pze s1ocLo.Ia q..epn ptm eurtu32o.ic :Qrfl sqrn000y PO1TPTW etfl. 1fl eOtteIe.tZOO oiq. oq.. peq'eotirnixauoo s-c 'Apo tOAo.D et. Aq poAoe esotfl. euee-tooez-rcE eqq. q peotctd'e esoqq. toq rç.ieAoo I 'ste;straiq.. o ein.peqos eq.edutoo y xeeA irpoo; etq. irç ioçsses Srçg S cpo ttTtLIOAOfJ 8t[. Aq stestzezq. et. O. tIO.& tc1 'eAoq T 1AOJd5 1UT UeTtEl. (ILI O A IIOTOes ;o) sttTA'es Liepnq ;o qno 'eqssocI q.'teqxe etq. oq.. 'peoTxtz-ç; eq oq.. onq-çpTxedxe qons .1oj 110 qoçq eartqtpizedxe tqT1euIedcIns ;o SUOT 5WOtIf1fl'5 1eptm PetTUbet sxe;sDq. 11 'x1noTcI IT 'SepiY[OtZç q5T STUJ poçiecl eqq. ioj Sirn000e eq. 0 UTSOIO eqq. petsq B.SS T qoqM suteq.t qepnq tzeeeq stejstrax. ;o qsT eqq. o. I'Aotdd' I'SUOTSTAO.IcI eAT O. TOUXLS TIUItT'SttO 1TOTZUT3 -T oq. e!eIep o. 'po-ped teTou'eTtTJ qoe ;o esoo et[q. eztoeq '.&po uTTLIeAo.D eqq.. ;o eoToThI4I eu. 1.&po --Insuoo tITu.IeAof eqq.. T ri-i t[ ç uoTq. oq. ptrno; eq ou q.çut 'esod.incl q'eqq. aoj pexw.ree tzeeq q.otx peq .&eqq. ;ç uee 'eqe'ee eue oq. steqTjtStioo ttT11BO eY[çT teqw 'S 'pttq ieqq.o eqq. uj trçtLIeAo et[q tITk Apo e.IeM seoxrtosei tteq rxOTqTnstzOo io-çid q..sens PIU0M zeur2pa poo 'ep'eut iieeq ou uoTsTAOicI iSxsqepnq qoq .xo, ttqeeuI z'SxOth1IT U'S OtteA'tzoo o esore peeu et[q. ;c 'q'eqq. qe.] eq 'eq qui seoxnosex ;o TITq'SIT'S-'S eqq. teAeq'Sq eqq. oq. peLxe;e.x eq puoqs sIe4'SlIr p3qM. UTpToep h-c pes-ço.iexe eq oq. queuipu[ oq. ptm s.xe;stzsJ4 toqn'S 'Soçtzqoeq eqq. -tzee..eq eottexe;;-gp 'S eeui oq. s eIeq pI'Se.x sqq. rrc Ax'SsseoeU s eohzeppzoo po xteAo I'S!4nu1 q.'Btq PT'S eqq 'Aide ttl :5.M.oflo; S'S peqiode.i s'S& t[OflM uee'ss 's ep'sui I'seue.EIooe.ITcE eqq. 'oeqns sçqq. uo eeq4uauo OATq'STUTUtpy PU'S I'STott'Strc -UieAoj eqq. ;o euo Aq peST'sI UoTsenb 'S eq. ;o seqiuem q.tzeul rpoo uoq.trçpao-oO io; a q..idep o qrrçocl et. pzto 'We 1t I .UGflf.5tIOO sqç ItT tIOJ ntq. piz .G5 5e sOTTATO pw STTXIO uzTotq.uzoo eoueq..eduioo jo pe; sq.ç u-c qoe 'GIZoc et. o eoue.ecIutoo et. a uooe.i qçia&trç suopsflzto oi zeqq.o irn eqq. uoaa&eq qsttoçq.WG e1iee.x L qoe;e .Ioj eio-ct rrrui eiq. ioptecIo-oo pus zoq.'eTrçpxo-oo TTXto [UoTGI pus Tt0TIWT euI000ct OA5tt ttoTt& 'sUop quenbesqns zto u.ieqq et. ueei&q.eq ueuteet .iotto perz uoex sTttn eLfl. qes ssq pxeutroo2 teue eoei etq. suocvI zovsToI eprtouoo o. Aoue moect 9t61 lIT O'II etq. 'i76T IeqweAoj pewçoed 1-'T; e ooueaejtzoçj nocrj -iuo-p.su rç ttosses tt-L sq-ç ot[q. iq peops uo-çwiose s oq. puts 'suoçq. paqçufi et. ;o tstlfj eur ;o L eToTx oq. tsxrIa uo ç.i uoT'sIed.o-oO ttoqstt-çpzo-o 1ItGq5.& SU0.'5 peqUfl Gt J:eO ttqTI uo'sxedo-o o siequie ptES ttoq.'sTrçpt0-0 (eAoqs ci: II Gas) sqp.m peç; pT.ts TX5 reorr et uoçoes s.tersiabpett ueeeq io-çurçpiooo eiuxsdoa pIec et. ;o io&ewsz; eu. urç qs-pco squeuI ueureutsui ourtu2oid cto; Liuodei -eusz icoeds izteue t-çou. ;o q.rsI se sjeto quze sdep Aq peusçiq oT -se ers se oqq. ueaM.oq s s2o.xd: ioCsui et uzoTtzTpIo-oo to cT.a estu qoçt& seiozr.d suzemGusLI 'squeuI'sdep snoTI eu.q. Aq posutsut seto.i tout etq. ueoMqeq s's 1's[rwq.XscI UT -00 eiizt2otd epp&-eoç; sazznsue wea&s s-pa iii .tz o.d'srtü Gas) uiesis oiq..uoo puts po.'aio&oout ax's Goç;cj Gu ;o -00 'swcGqwc to; sq.tte11xeu'sLx's lITTXttsTd o sio.xd: GT{!1. t0M GIN. J0 lIOT!1-'sUTPI0 uIotq.slII .t UOTrI.'sUTpI0-0Q noL1vNIcraooo - 66 - (a&oqs 11A U,Ie.TXI 'V -p ceAeI nott ST U0TTtTP000 0 pOT.LI0 011k S0UO0 ipoq. 9L[. 011i tfl O pieç qqi.set T'sUocdn000 et. Txoe&q.eq pe3t 6 et{q. seTdcouTztd (e) u-c uot'sutpzooo pu uo-pzedooo uoçqonpo [nq.n.op2'S TueeIddns oosam oeox ov/oosa.tn °t uo o urrLpursto1nem s (p) uee.eq eineei pus ov 'o'ii seui pes[et pus U0çq. .eorLpO [suoq.sooA pus I'S0TTIt0O!1 ;o SJ8f4'5Ut UT OOSiQ1l pus o'n (o) i- UeeMqeq uoqLoqsr[oo uo ripustouioiu (setSnptrc ixrw puB seAtq'Stedo 00 'ueuIeTf14es PuBI O UQT1.T1I '0Efl0T Tx oti. pt oii aqq. ttoeqeq UTTTI- TBUoTq.00A) o upqsispum us (ct) ueIuoTcIcITL wuioo2 etq. oq. quomOq4OS ptts io U0TI.Th12TUt tO UTTLIeouOo 0VI e. PT o'II °t- uzeoMq.oq UpuBqa.TzepurL o tunptteIOTuGUI B ('e) :Aq poq..U8m8[ddTLS eB ost ovoi eqq. tnT.A& UTpuBsIepUn 10 1ItrLpTXSt0W8J '5 PU 'O0if1 'OVa S'5t 0111 - tqT.A squ 'acElQfl PUB VVI 'OOIAtE oeI'5 'OHPA çisUoq'5e.x pspW[oUoO tfl. 'smOq.siV.s SU0T.'5j\I POTUfl 91T UTttTfl 01(4OTd II'5Ieo Stfl. oq. 0U5'5 tt0'5S 0 )poa. °'P- Li T1LI -ntodo 115 ITOUXtOO T'5T00 pus 0TuIoUoO Ot[O. 8AT -T UT oq. JTU '-"5't0 e. UT ZtO, pePTA0T.d 5I'5 101& 'S5T0U8'5 Lt80 PUB 0111 SUOTSTOSP AoTTod zout ;o seS Act sq.iodo.i 1'snuccs et eATq'51uao; OUj. UT U0T'51XLI0UT pus suemnoop 0 9UBt0XO thuoid pus IlrL; s pus 'tIoT'5pUe1unI0oeI pus uoq.'5cLsU0o ;o s000.iI '5 o stzsoiu Aq uoT.'5UTpaooo eq..oiuo.id o. P8TXTSOP 8.I'5 SOT0UOB POSTI'5Toeds .iotqo 5t[. PUB SU0T'5jI peqflzfl SOTITAT0'5 ,0 U0T.'5UTpI000 OT.j. WI.T.A SOrUSUISSJ2B 0111 51-tJi teITn,T UT.010.Id T° TUTs etq. qq..p& pep1a[oU eas SU.531fl UT uoTsUeseIdaI sootoex ,io. SUOTSTAOJa - 001 - U01q.sJecIO-0O Pus se.nbpsot etq. £q pezteo se 1ILIO.tIT cuo et eqq. qnoqe uoçq. 'iop. uoçqu iq-p& p U[TLSTZOO '5u0çsspmuOO teT[ OTq. T[.p& o suto -&çoirçid eT.t. eiq. tnoxt pO.flZfl eT.fl. oq. seKçq. çxezoe suoTq peçtt WpJIOSSTp pTZ esezdei i sç T1TWTUI oq. uotht peio oS jTj t[p& uoSTTI xoç'ej poq.ufl o wçqeeui e.idex OPTLIPtZT SOTTITqT zod.sei sq[ ZOT. PTtZ11 pT O'II et. irçpxes tt '31IO StZO q PeT eIo' OTtZfl Ot{f. t.p& OOT3JO ZOT'T'I 0111 j:3rio.iThI o q.nq 'iecIoiI emomis pe; e. ,o suo-p.oixnj et. epTSqTl.O UTbr'TPt00O S 'OOTXq.J0dUI se.aqs zoquomeduI e. ptr I SOTTAT!I.0 O UTt0 eT.t. qqoq zOq.IecIo 0 lOT UTP.IOOO eATOO.e 0JTL9118 e LI-c ea $TTzrL PIT3 o'ii 'q.ocls eqq. uo iood p00 S50TIO T1TO p951wgoeds xeto eqq. o seA-cuese.Idea ttose.xdeK q..izepsej dfl[fl etq. ;o 'seA-ç PGTUfl OTq.. seo;o 'SUOTSSTUIUIOO o-çuiouoo IU0TO Sl0T 'STXeuItW8Ao ttqM UOST'STI TZ qoquoo tI5UO0 IT.UTrnU ptts seoT;;o p 'seqoizc IOTW09r. WO.I SI'T0T30 IflPTATPT J0 STZGTII t[oep peq.ue1uoddTLs uoux cIecI pIeT OT. Aq pezedo seo-ç;o uieqxe O'II W°° e o eso&ud STt. io; esn et[q. tnozt. T UOq'STXpI0O0 qri0 S'S 'iuoqsAs PI°T ITLIXSO O Sp0t].8TU qsq.iOthu qsoi etq. ;o etlo i seo-çj i,'sttzteqx eqq. PU'S ;o spoteut etqo saeoç;;o uos-ç'S ;o uTq..sOc1 o qttewpu000s ot. epwoirç Txoq.'aIeIooo TU0TTm Ieq.'SeI UT ei'uI UT.ITL0GS Ot[. peq'S.To'S; A'St q5 GrI.UT StO4'SW OA-gq'S.r4sprçiwp'S ietqo pu's IOTitIoSaOtI tIC ,]0 'SrLqrLI ;o IOflttS ixo 'o-p. UT ptze sTTt. Lt-TI soçpoq aixe'szequ.-ç SnoT'sA lIT suoT'ssTTx'sIo ietq..o tq.-ç. se'siedooo pUs 'uo'supio 00 OAT.'s14STUT1IrP'S eA-çoeJJe ,g0 quOdpUss eqq. wo.1; eq'arçsep S-i: 90TAIOS ITATO I'SlI0T'SLTeUT peç;prn OIUTS 's jo IzeludoeAep I'Sui11SA9 et. ses-çtIooeI (ess eqq. Lo1'o ItT) O'II eu UT SlI0T'SGTTIStO IOtfl.o Q I - 101 - peçu ot. e StTt xiurat[ o uoçouro.xd etq. tqp& pewzeo TO0TP -UOO pzSao 9t. O.At4 SOtJI UteqSA9 SIOT. POITTZfl irteue po-çiz000a -tI- T -I UT SUOTS 9 SItTI UUIflH o. pen.peqoS ST noçt tb zetttiedo UT ieurwns syqq. eod içBij pu eouoo 'UoTonpa I oosaim/o'n/ov -1b03 piyto (e..oq's i-wcor Uoçq..00S aes) seççA4O'S xGtq.O pU sq000ad I Z0. odo UT0 UT pesT.ei000 ueoq eAq pwe UoTttTp.Iooo .xo seotq.oztcI prxB stzeure taixe 1TIU0e IT°° T.ITM d1 UOTIOI SI ptb .10 UOTSTTbBZtO U0 ee4T1Iuuoo 'c çqSU.T esett Ibo OJQ tecIxa on./oiI uTor Steto'Se1 ;o (P) TIddV et[. UTtLIO0UO0 uoq.epUe1xuuooe ot. o tboTVS0 uo sqiedx o eeq4uauo oosa.N11/o'II q..tZTO (0) UTUT'SI JS 8IUTI.T1JAI 110 eoq4m1uoo OOlAtt/OrII qJIOf (ci.) pUS eoUeTos 'tboTqonp I11q.Ifl0V 110 88r4TlULUOD t0STApV o'ii/oosaim/ov UTO2 () STIq 0T[q. UTUTet Gtfl. UT se dTOTqXSd qSeaoqu UOUtUIO0 O Sp1O et. 'eidurxe ;o tITMOII0 'Sflt IU0TUIe1UT teTt1O J0 SOtt 00 oq. du q.es ueoq o5['S S'St SeTpOq Aq UT'SIO0 UT SU0TSTWStO OIli OUp.IO OUTt[0SUI UTO2 t ouqoeq. 0 UqSteJ sU0q.seT1.b Tb0T1ZTpI0-O0 Aoue-Ieq.0 U0 flffl 'seq.TAq..oS tb0q..BJedo-0o tq- STAP tj0t[& '(aovi) pao eA[nS R0tZOV-ZtOUI 8tj. 30 IG quioiii T O'II ettq. ,]0 I18UOD eeq4Tuuuoo Lt0XScIOta 1-T UTPUI0UT 'oov -.I00OtTif 8Uj .° SUBtO .LcXSpsqnS ett_ II IcIIUq.ITA UT seqsdo-çq.xSd -U0 09_ES 1I Uop'aIoq'S_E_Eoo o OLt. UT$TAIedns pti uoqup.xooo eqsis 9U0q'Sfl peT1Iil Ot[. UT qU0d oo; T ttoTt]M '(oov) uoTq.eUTpooo Io3 ee4T1flu0O 9ATq.SJ49 -TUTUIPV 9tJ UT .LcI0ATq0' S dTOT.J'Sd 0111 OU U0TUTpIO-0O I0 - oI - £aetzqo tIT0f euraq.0 q.TXeT4TSUO0 et. zoptm .10 .&C 1.T.t2T se.1np000.1cI ottq. u1zrrLt( 30 p10c; eiti. UT o. oopuo.1d piott.&t .&'[&I flT.S q.UtIeAoO q..Txeeztd ot. o uo q..uelJxedw etq .ioj UocTAo.IcI eT. :aoTTo i sepç&oad 1OAo ptz U2 SJ12 T.tOTt[.A& 'TTj Toçq.flO -tioo ;o pd uozoutolcturc tZ1Z9AOQ 1'U0Tq.L10qUI ttO ITATO PIZ T eott8.IothtIT 1T.tTp0 o '9 eT..q. UT t7i O0flt SOT0IIO8 POT1T0Od tfl. O ZOTr4T!UO0 8t 'TT8 .19WT 'SUOTSTAO.1d atEll. ITUIT Aw fl.WBUSAOO 9tq. .O zoTq.e.I&eq.uT LTXB j7 1dT0UTIII 1 LI tt8 91 UMOP 'txOTfp1orno seeq.trni2 etq. 'eoTpne.xd prn.o1. id PG.UTpIO 0[çLp& 'tt0T.ULStt00 PW 8T0T1.Z[ -00 j0 M'I Owl. PTA0I q'ettq. UT .10 -eTTeI 0. O. 8StttZt o. tyj 0T. ptto UOTT0OSV 0 mope0.I1 popTAo.1d ewriii e tE0U .io 'eoTprLo.1cI p1no& t[0-çt[M TzTu.1eoU0o O10T..1V UT ezneiu OAçq. O Uo-ç.00q.O.I fr6l 0 UoTq.TXOA oq. oeT.1a -tt0J iI0TOTtZtO zznoqn 1U0TTI.10rl.ttI -tq Tttl. UT ttTwl.o1I 0STZt0q.lTB I1'tt e[oç4x :t sepTAo.1d ttOflZTL epq. 'tTI IITt.ThD Ptt 1T00$ 'oTuIOUooa Wl.TM S1'0P TtOTtt! t[d't 110 .ttGtteA0O I IoTq.811.1eq.UI etq. ;o 9 o1oT..r ;o trcctd1.1eAo ptt T1.10&?.1 e1qiiOp -oxd 'e0W.SUT .10 '0TTtI00 .SUT'G'O PXU 0. prz U0TUTpa0-00 O. SttTX0AOD OtI11 's.tT WUtfl 1Tl.WEa1IL10. .'ttOUOA0O 110 OpTAO.1d UT U0O. S OX0 TTod o Aquioss wl uoop °wl UT 9961 lIT po.rnxTrcrto Lt61 UT G$.LtT ''H 110 U0TSTUUU0O OttOr Ct rzreq t10M. °.t- U'rtM 'sn1.ta Lc tI .1U0I o. UTq.O18.1 OT1Od IT° SppTX. iIeAnm 0 U0Tq.1Ie1li0thItT oTliioq.so etq. plI Uq4eo Owl. UT POAIOAUT A1OAT.O'0 ueoq 'sxooA i4TTJ .1OAO 'S0t( .t fIB1 UT "H 110 U0Tf1. 0Ttl P 'Srl.ttTH -O.T108c[ CS.1OATUII -'OST1IB.10 U0Tq.'OT1Z.1O .1TLOQ'OrJ peq.eTotmlIe tEOTtE.M. U0çq. OI tU0 awl- T I-T 1-wl- UT .1ew.Io] 0tq. pt .T1°l-T SU0TU o'ii eqq. ;o zeqwej os e.r to-çt& oçq.. peqgttfl etq. ;o seqiiio pequ et. q peAOOeI strcithaoo oi IrçtLIeottoo suoçq. .iepTm einpeoo.id uMop PTW[ OTq. oq.. zteet piro.. qg ttoTI uogscuraIoo uoc c1oUoo oII eiq. &q pe -gqeq.e q-i 'I etq. ;o seoTAtes et[q. 'szoçq'ej peq.Ufj pw e SIT uoçiIfl tzo 'qdeoo o. pepoep -I etq ;o epq. gpXeT12O;S ;o .& a&qoee soui e.oT1 o A[effl puo q.'iq. irtepsuoo 'ttogsçoep çoo pu outotIoOa etn rr.'uLIo; rcolmoo uoçsspu suoTveI peqçu ew. oq se& pesp.ue ueiDoeLI çtq. peAo.xdd ti o6i Ot[ iir- At'miq0 iuo eqq. ;o seoT.A.aes etj. wpjSut pOSGflS -tItOO ITIO pwe 'einpeooad sq.ç o sewci Itetze et_ 'tto-çssuuuoo eqq. ]o eoueee ;o SiiLteq. etq. peU.ep UOTTO0SSV ;o UIO99J Pt TpuTo ptz tht O ITOWLOD tSTOOS ptz 'eoç;; rnoqr Moflo eqq. o6I trnr UI ;o eq4'eui trç uo UO TZOTSST1IIUIOO UOTVTIT0U0O es o. pepoep ' zoçqj peTufl etfl. OTtuOuoOa 3Lfl. tITM SuOTqwp..o0U TXT ;o po tçTLIeAof zo eiLIequ e TIToet tfl.to.M. eq .&iii sçt u12IIrrn çpIo-oc o SOOUUT OMI Qj7 TletO eg SUOTq OtEfl eqq. ;o 0 UOTSTATI -tT3 TZBIH R.ct eoç;c etq. Aq peoe;e s-c p[9ç; ttw tru eqq. UT o'u ot. pu suotqej peçu et. tzeeMqeq uoTuTpIooo pu ot izoqJaqqsuoo etq. UTttTM. uTII q..00dset u-c seoue pesTTToeds turrt ;o sttoq.senb o se'epwsuI eqq. pwe (ecIotd suoj peqpzfl eqq) uo sçTzsCo TOTqTq -ciod 'axq.ueo eqq. ueeeq uTddTIeAo io I.0TUUO0 ao -ex ott T eioqq. todxruI etq. ptc -e&oo etq. ptx UT t8J-XB; OXB SqJIU trçpaoM. eiq uiet. ueeA4.eq OOtO TtZoTTLIOWT TToecTS ao TTU& 6 UT squeutee.i eoupx000 UT u.-cI4es io; seinpeooid .xeto oq. estnooe.i eqladsp se uç&Btj tuoa; qTxeTxeAoo qtzeseztl etq. oq. seçt pee içoeds et etq. ueAeJ.I ou -[-stts ptt seçotze 0 ptts SUoqj peivzn et ;o euoçue.Mzoo Gt ptZ ttOTTtttO &eu et. ;o uoTtedo et. e.rnpeootcI ptz -TuTnrp -e.id tçqiodo AXeSSeoOTX etq. IzTzt tttO PX ee4Ttuoo OOt etr. ttT& -T O zxi swewe -rq'q.se -quIessv T8IOtte.D etq. (xx)6o3 oTflIoSe pe pe'eoetOqiUi -I 4 zo eU toçt.Ak rrç9q S PI STA--9TA UOT -iaq..it et ]o eoixeeduioo i 1 IOflTi jo q..00dsai STU'tO fllOqtI çUoo et eqoid uoç.oTpTflL UpqIeo trtO qTxemdoeAoct TT-'P'I ioçq Ut trçiiu et.q. UT - eor '(onia) uo peq.Ufj eLt. Oq..IIT peqIeATzoo eq o. s& (ciJ) I'TtLPUI io; OITIOO q..OItrLep .i&oii ei. UtI UeuzdoTeAecE i7 UOTTT'p4eTLpUI et eUeoooercI otq. pw o uofl. peçUfl eqq. ,o iocIeI St pe.qIsw8q wurçto aT '6I Aii L ro prx penqçuoo inp s& eeq4çurEaoQ et Otp. o. '011 eqq po TTOLOO Ot. oq. uoeieqq. ttTT10A0O 0T_t_ PtI sse2otd pt se-çpnq..s ST Jo q.rsei et. todei o (q) Rq 'qT 0ou0pçAe ttIoTTDP tzqr. -T 3T 'PW LItmOO tzeAT 9tfl. UT UOTOTIdd pii SUOT t'10.1 ptt SJ& Aq 'qtIowqTtn.d TO UOTOIOOO .ITettf1 s8 pe.&othixe or peoIo ;o SOSJSe LtoTt( 30 qxeq. UTtZTUIXe ;o utoa&s '.inoq'I 5eATOeZtIoO1 .io o piioM et UT OOtISTX9 Ot icq pesizt iueqoid et ;o qsxeq.xe pu OirtU et. pnq.s o :eoue1teje.i W1TN. eoT; Inoqr o smtoq.. () up&oflo3 et. O TeUeE -.ioq.oerççj et. ptt suoTq.. peçu etfl. go IeUe-LT.OXOe et. Act IUTO peUTodd'e eq o. '1.TI'T t'BdUXT ptt OOU8. -edixtoo J:-ceTtf:I. Aq peT;TT'Gnb 'siequieui tZOpUOdepUT eAT Ztq eioui .oTI o inoqi peoio; IZO eeq..1muoo ooq pB ix ;o .UO1JI 8TAUT O tecIo-oo O1- DIII GT.[O. UT ITOLO0 et. W$-T 'pep-coop qrLUOO tOTId t8Jr '0111 8T[I. tqpJL SUO ITOttnOo T'BTOO TX o-çuIOUOoa OI - 0I - 'I6I toaj UI [j7 peI sxeq.. etq. 'pepx000I OqeIdxeqtzT 1I tflTI'A. pdnoo :sJAoTTo; s S'M t[0T11A& 1IT'U&10 SM Lfl.. Jc snoui pttooe '[Totrnoo TT0o ptre ou1oUoo etq. 39q4TUIU10 OUIpIIeUre -TIm poqdop SA ptt o qupçsot ttelfl. 'tnoono "T.xeTV ;o iopessciuw T2'xct oq queutpiieur i s poqeq. s& 'tq- Rq (xT)(e) 8L]03..I STL[ UL11L1O. tjç [flULI0 & TU1OIth11O0 zoeTp ' 9961 irç ZOTI.trLSUO0 e.&TGUUT qç JIctUI9SSV iI IT PTTt '1I0TSOS 1eUOq'eU LI1TM tO.2 GL. oq zoçqe[ep elT qUoE on euj T4 -jj Pr .&ct ao; pOpTAO LtT1ITPt000 tL' Ttose 'eq. q.e; os seiq. -TAo eao pops ioj pu oçurouoo ecq. o G[oI 9Tq4T(L oq.. peptteq. SUOT pt ITOImOD IToo omeuiu ç1rp3iq. ;o pToç; etq UT ATteTo -edse 'IIOTq'BOTTdTLp TflqS'A LIT qrLI TcTUT PIfl0 p' seqAqo ptt eoLIeq..eduloo ;o speT; pertsTTce sqç oil ec so.io'e q.n.o SUOTSTAO.1d Ltons qtq. UOTqTsod etq. .Moeq ICI UT :to; PePTA0ICI S' pesTT0e 1100 SGT0lIO OUI30 aqq. UjflN u0Tq.'exedO 00 tO 39U 8t[Or pUTUX UT UTXC[ 'IOSIOd q..tieweizut PW ttO P9TIPES UTPTLT0UT 'qJIeIuOeAep T'eTqUpU peqteeoo OGOT1 tO ITOtt 3q.S UT1zTmIq. 9L[. 0 tZTd0T8Aep eU. oq. 80USTSS UT S3TIq1mO0 :'rLoq.xd UT TUOTq.'1d0 UTPYLT0UT 'eTqTATq0 -a0 OU. GSO&YLd qç (XT) ('e) :Oqieptrn IittS 1IOTqTU 0 qUeUXJn3 -tq- Tti :a&otIo. 'ifl0Tk I1I UI i7 tcI pu (xT)() cd UT P9UTW00 9X out0.xd 0r11 9Tt. ;o seTq.TATo'e SU0TST&0.Id OSeLrJI etq. 110 UTt3q sUoTTAoId wç'eqieo peUTU0o UOTSS9S qs 'L Sq_T OOLt p I-' TUIV Tete11e eUq. icct U0Tqd0p' eqq. icc popUouuxt0oeI U0qYL0SGI - 901 - tp 3Lt Gq4TUUU00 i7 TTTN q..tZeuIdoIeAep ITJ4LPIZT 'OcEflifi .&q peqoflpUOO seoçAIe LIosTpy oanm ct pu opxIoUooe seç A-çoe TAqonpoid pixe zemeTxeuI itette u'eqceo 'SUoq-'eaedO SeTf1TA -t- eTTU. UT T°' TdTOUT.Id 8L. eJL'ett TIP& OII Tq0 UflZT'eI- tZOOOA .10J eqSttOcISet eq TITM orn etfl. apItoIueJ/] 8UJ 9-t7 POSTUOOeJ 0S['e S ueuIdoIeAep TTt5flPUT StZO'e peqçufi etfl. o Seq.ATq.OB ,O PT3T etq. UT [T1JI ttoTqS uTUTp0-0o UT oai.tm ;o eioi 'q.Uea etrj eWl- eeçpns peonpttoo eq ti ptz -t TTTa1SUPUT ;o pe-ç; etj. wç se-çiqimoo tt-cdoeAep et. oq. eoTAtes eAq.oe;;e eot UB qseq et. irpg UT peSeIeqJXT ezre sUoTeTUto toq eUop.nosea pile SuoSoep weeiei Lq q'etq. pesçTxOoax sç qç 1ZoT!STttXO ttelItdoTeAecE TT4S12PUI .ieto pize suoxtq.q.Suo 1rrnpweIoutew eqq. U] euop peTu ToT iuoq o xo.oeIca eA-çnoex eqq pR eogcj eqq. A8UeD eq. o oanm pire OTT UeeMq.eq tIoqIedOO to eqq. rxxeqri UT peu-cs s j7 seu-peppi O T11L1PTt0UIeIAIu '96T TTV 1XJ UOTSTtZetO oM. etq. izeeeq UO&1. peo2 TT'eTLqTtW sq.tzeurecxe iZTIOM j:o SçS'ec et UO PT8TJ STttI. iit iiom UT se-çq.TATo' e]eq..iopun oep emqrt; uTptIsteptm Ot. ttO 'UTUT'1q. TU0T00.& 0 t[q. tOM pleT; 3t. UT TLO UTJt0 UeSe ST -T ttOTtt et. enirçq.uoo TTTIA 'ciom ;o eioa UTUTp.IOOO TiiZe1IIdoTeAea -Ueo eqq. o ptex eT.p TqpA 'o'ii TTCl.SflPUI .10. UOT STWtO SUOT1 peTii etq. 0 4TTTqTSUOSe ett. eq TTT& Towiosiect ttOTLS 0 UTUT'tq. ,]0 sqoecls'e eAT4STTIT&PB pwe oçutoUooe 'ceoTut[oe UOTSTTIIO xnoqer 'etzotLIeq..tz e ;o eoueethttoo eqq. tzTttqTM. eq oq. enU-fluoo TTTM 'iotuxosxed q.izeweeUrntt Pile T'OTUttOe to SJe3tOA pep]S zetfl..et{M 'TewxoS xecI TT]4SUPUT J0 trgizTezq. ,]0 eq.oeds TeTOOS q..etq. ueeut oq.. pooq.Sioptm T (rc)(e) eo-p.re pepUeut 'eied UT ttO s &oeq pwe UOTeUTp.IOOO pwe izoçq.exoqe[oo ;o S8TdTOUT qes etq. ttTM .V4TULIOJUOO UT 'peiLIeOUOO SeToTxee pesTe-çoedS 8i ctqTM izoT.'aIecIooo UT 'q.tzewdoe.&ep TeTJ4SUPUT peq.mIeeooe rçet. io; pepeeu Towiosec1 ;o seçio oqeo eq.eçidozzcDIe zeTq.o ptte eotil[oeq ;o UTUTeIq ei. lIT seT.I.lrnoo tiTdoIeAep et. O eoueq.ssse (XT) - LOT - UOTTTXO UT ..ITLeW PTt T1/I DOTZ pw eosçv oTuIoUoo TLIAI TTttOO uouuuo Otq. 'DocSTWtUOQ OT3TO'a iiaog 81J. UTPUIOIIT 'UOçqeSçtEtO et oi ieqo'xto [uxo; ssei :o 10 'OSTUO1O OT. (III) ptz 4TUfl UOWJ O X0TSTUOXO eqq. (1) 'U0TT0 Txeo-çleuIy TO4UD topxour uq.or otq.. () 'uopIZo ep'8t eet -o Aq0flP01d ttwçsy etq. () 'uoTzTw ixecIorna xo; eOq4TUflhIoO RLeu OTUt0qV eonTue eAotIII etq- (c) [Buoçet xoo POUT .o siIoqw[e et TXT used ctrnumIoo oTm0uOoa uecIorn eqq. () 'uoTufl qax ;o eueri eTq. (e) 'quouI ee eiq. C;) 'eqo opixouoo ptr uotqtedoo o; UoT TUBtO et. (p) (q) ' oIn o[eAe 'qgTmiuuIo Teis prx 8B oo treedoxrta et OU. (ci) IZOOTZQW 0 Z0T (0) 'odo.xua ;o rcowloo TUtO et ('e) 1StI0TSTU.13tO [tIOç3I U3L OLIIOS S ;o SXd emoet TT trç do-EeAep oq. p t[ qg T'eIlIo; pepniouoo UoTqTT1Io T'uoTe 'e.io;e.xet 1IUJ p1I0M eq. cq..TM S3U11[ UOttUO14 TTePTTtta ;o 'IfloAOept1e -i i°cj: eTq. pile uoTj.r4qeuOo sç trç qqio; es Se11ToiITIcI et uo pesq spxept s ppoM. ;o pe; rnoctei eoo eiq. lOT UOiItO0ilA UT et SOtj04 1101 pile e0tleT1OUTUI ei. oq. 90ile.ZEO(ITIXT qseqer2 'eieAtrn STTX0to OIII 0ep09 SU0fl.'0J LtlTM il0q.'0IOci0-0 OL et pO.TUfl-U0 pile U0Tq'0TXpI0-0 uTiLIeAof) eqq. ;o uoçq. Aq seo eiirp. umptretouxo eu rcotmoo i:eToo pile oTutouooa etq. pue -ue'e et. o. qtnotq tteeq . hIM 11oTq'0toc'0hTo0 pile U0Tfted0-00 none oMq. eqq. ueeMqeq uoTqtoqTToo q.et. ped:ot[ sç q..-ç pue 'soTouo tle 1101 iec10-oo IOOO uTdoTeAeP UT O8fl[0O 1108Q S'eT[ sser2 ittIeTA pile 'eAeuaf) ueoMqec UT UIel.T'O 'eq.'ep -o.id 0TTUT 0. UTOOUL iT0 PIOLt tt TT U T/I L-9 110 BUUOTA 'e961 P8TJTS11OTXT III Ufj.00W c1. S.Vç; SJ.T PIOLt q.I SU0TSTilz0 oMq. otq. uoaeq sçeq iIflUqU00 '0 110 U0q..'0Zt0qeI0o p110 u0q'0iIpx0-0o UT'0 TTT°'0, ,0 esodiiad eq. .xo; pei[eflq'0qse ueeq set ict OcEnirl/Oril iZ0f '0 trLptle,t0WeW STitq. o e0flGtTLd "I UT3i.T0 L OcEI.I1 ;o 'eexe eATonloxe etq. eq TITM eeq..'eq..00 T'0T.t.SaPUT e[çqM '0111 ei. ;o 0OI'0 OATST.T0X8 eLq. OCi TTTM toçpUet[ ;o qUOUIcI0eAe qirço t0M TThI8UO UT TTTM SU0T'0STU'0t0 OMq. et. 'dTLtS eUetdeJ4Ue ;o uewd:0TeAep eqq. pue oe-ç14enpu e['0os-fleIIIO ;o p-reT; eLq. i1] soeoicI pun T'0TOedS 0111 UT.STXe UT1.TM eTTAT0'0 Lt0TL dOTeAeP '0W LtOTtIM - OT - itqopn Z0S&pV 1tq q..ueiuruoo etq. 'AiqtzooOI 110 O8q4UILiIO 9A pTX otq. u-c peirç110O qoui) zocIei qtq. wç peirçuoO StIoqpuG1UflIOOe.X OT. o qiuv [LOU9 zoçqj poq.çtlfl etq. o. uoT.11eweTthuT uo o q.zocIe pa ezd tXoTSSTUtctTW xo; po otifi. qtodei etq 'eTouev poTTwçoed peu ot TXB STX0q o GoOIZtIT, etfl. euTutz oq. ode puooe eqq. -çq.ep PTT OATq.q. III 'I'TOtI11T. etq. lIT U0TtITp100O TUT1ItP P' TI0TT11J0tOWT oq. Tx-p.TeI q.1ze1ndoIeAep 0 pewxopzT de ueec st 'OOq.q.TUIUIOO OATI'J4ST11TPV PZ O qteIx O GO411IuIOO OOH PV 31 lIT pe.xepuoo St1 q-T 'XTfl0Wt ii20t. 'po e ITOII11T trcuteAoD OIil eu O S8TOtI9V peTI'eT3Oct ett. o S9Ott11T 8t1. etzTurx oq.. S110j peq.fllfl et[q. sedxo O84TUflUO3 OOH pV 9t[. J0 q.tod.ej puooeg pu OT1_ :o s11oTpueutuIooea eTq.. o uocq..uetueTctutI .cE sq OI2II eOUT-[OS o iGq4UI e LttmTo.& ' 110 Tnos sç 110q.ttpI0-OO os1a'Gooq. 'qo;Iz0o p118 110TOTTth.p o'ii aqq. uioi 'ST 9IOLt 0 eIq4TI UT0d xi Aq 'teAOM0H eqt1woo WoI.fl.T oçui01X0o n- oq. T°°S 1c0tm00 to LIeTrfloW TXTuTp.I0-0O IBIq.TIeO os'o TetoeS-te.11T 'squotunoop 0q.O '5t10q.Bq.flh.Su0O 3t. TI o e'ixtoxe 'stz-ç.oeui lIT II0TTOT.XBd p1Z TI0TULIO.PXT 'eoueq..edwoo ;o uoqlIooex [m'Iq.nuI oç 'utesAs S110q. PeTIIfl OT UTtfl.TM SIIOT STUSt0 IU0T TLI9!11.TXT 0 SO 011 OSIfl0O sç aiottq. Su0T TtC8t0 ISu0i2ex eqfL irç paiodwe esoqq. se Spoqqew eurcs oqq. Aq q.tnoS axe sueutoçribax 'euo-çq..otm; uoTmxed0-0o pe uoTuTpIooo xetg.o pize uoçoi to epTAoJd oq. sçi tz'eq..xoo tt.-p& 'SuoTSTttt0 11oqe1LIGqIIT ue eAoteIIT tqp& suout 'lLIe48d iteue eI. ouo. -ee2e o 'eAoqe oq. pepu sq.uetuee.x ttTef1.S0 eAT uo'aioq'eoo p q 'SeAoeq0 p SOIdTO11T eset tzoq.ze10-oO OSOTO uouuuoo oq. oq. s-c Su ee2 eset. ;o eso&tul 9T - 601 - 6t .oe;e aqq.. o zoqAxeqo et tp 'oao et. oq. peqTUIqi2S eq o nonq. '[cOTIrLOO eiqoztcI epM-me.sAs ex UTA1o.&UT ao iotIOS eTlo Tlrnq. eioui trçtueo'tzoo q.xode () [ttoII irç epTAo.1d '(IIATIx)Lfl uoqaose.x s.T 'trç 1-cotmoo 1T°°S ptre OTUI0U ooa etq. q peopize 6961 .Dar UT p1ert SWpee qtZTo -çet. qi TloTUTpIo-oo TX8 emer2oi io ee4TutUIoo etq. .&q q peeI ' TleT1zereLre qUaxxrl.o ot oov et TX qtoi1e.i et. .10; or.oecIUi et[. ;o tzoqçtçp UeuIe1t.r8 ;o eutdo1eAep eqq. UT peqmxodo-oo St[ q.ç 'UOT1UTPZO-OO TO eO4TUIWOO OATq.'a4$ tio q..-pi, uop..oedsui flO.1W 'PUs 8961 &.1nU -TUTIUPV et. ptre trcipu q.wçof etfl. ;o tzesçqqse etq eOUTS meqsAs UOTO8cIUT SUOTjc[ OUfl 8T. UT' pedTOqXed s't TIOT çjrj ei q_Tttfi IIOTOOdUI WTO2 tocte per.TUfl etq. ;o 6961 .zo'qwefjdeg e.o'tzT$ eo'eid uei. a&ett 'qoçtM equeTwIoeAep et ;o q.tt1 UT peq.O1cITlIOO seo.rn.os tuo.xq uoeq hA.OU iwe &i xTpUeIV UT eeqpiauo eexqq. eset. iiio; 1Taequt 'eoTzeTUeAUoo .I0 LiosTApy et. o; pexsde.id s'a& sueIxxdoeAep .1eqe TO 8OU e ;o iirap '6961 ae ede u (1PPv/-fr1Lv) 8961 .1equeqde -ueppe e'qq. oq. ] xeuu' .io; pepAo.1d UoTuLIo;UT iettrl..In; t[TA ep oq. tht qt['ao.xc s& 1T.1O'e1x1 5TT.t (iIL/v) 8961 1TV 91 ]0 e'qq. ;o ..1Od8Z fl xOut UT esn .Io; 'Apo w'çU.1eAof et. UT epeur suoçqa&esqo etq. ;o irn000 TrpE. '1 eUe.O.IoI.oO.ITcE etq. .&q pGq4Tuiqfls s. suospTxeuratooe seeq4Tumzo oott p's etq. ;o oi e. Aci uop'eq.Uewe1thuT etfl_ UTU.Ieottoo TOTq..'sULIOJUI .1 etq. ,O qxto UTST.I's SJO4'sUI .18tO ;o equtn.0 's pT '(s.1e's'ux UoT'sUTp.10oo 1's.18U8 TO 'TO Tsss Tj7 1quIsy 'eeue' et oq. SToq.5e11 -T -'s suoq'spueuwx000 - 011 - todei euq. o tzossut eiovi ou 'jy o. eçdoo et. te;B stuoiu oq. Lq-pA 'peu.Ieotzoo sp'eeq a&cwoexe aetqo ei. oq. sr.ueuuuoo trq. o. os e.xe speeq eiçq.noexe eu xetq. -qrt 8961 Iequteqde UT o'ii et. Aq peATeoea - et.Ifl U 9. 4tIIWAII PeTIIn Uo qto.e eTTATq..Oy sUoq e.i eq 'uietq. UO UO1 TUfl UOTO 0111 tI PU :SMoIIo t0d8.t eTq stLIeoUoo sqiodet eeqq.. ;o etzoj 'tzoq.oecIsuI q.trçOf etq 1liOJ3 Jrfl 8L. UT PeATeoe.I ueeq eAaq sioc1et Ieuio; q.te 'eq..ep o teiI () 9 eoTApe ptre Uoq.eaepTUoo .xo; (eiiwtto.xa 1Uoq. e) ee4curaIoo tetq.o oq. peOTU ttO eeq4uaII0o ecfl. -nawtoo eq oGT'e Aeui .&et[q. '.xe4rntt q..oeqrLs eqq. UO IzTtLIeAOe et lixettq. Uo 1O OTAP pW Sq.II8UULIOO -oqoerçu eT.q. go et UT IzTPUecIeI TteUeD uteqq. setrçurexe ttoTttM 'eeq4çuI TJIOJ OATqe14STUTWPV PTXe ITOWeUTI etfl. Oq. pOq'eOTIrUtIUOO exe ç ct PtePTCUOO eq o. sode pO9 IrçILxeAO 9tLIOUOO Uoq.e13IutOo -T IO sUeuEI..xBdep SflOTXBA et[. O. t011 UTUTS se.&I0AUT STTI1. peATeoe.x iodei oqq. cto q..tcetuuIoo ;o UOT xedeid e'qq. ;o UOTUTpIOOO 1O eIQcsUoIse.I O[ ST UetU decr UTttEZSIa TUII Uoq.oedstzI UTor eqq. pu qoxeeSe etq. jo ;eTtto et oq. S.Ie4UI UOSTTT [ J0 que t'ecIe UTWI per. ptte toxeese eq. o .e-cttc) etq. oq. eep st IBaeueDIooeITcI et. '0111 ei.. Ut[qT I t7c; qtodei et. j0 UOTSSTUE qns ;o eurp. et[. uioi; .ieR OTX0 tITLT& 'OtmO etq. O. teTxuut eures et UT popxsMio eq °i exe pe'tLIeoUoo UOTq_ BsTuto io'ee o .&poq UTILIeAo etq.. o eqzeuauoo et toiIei eqq. jo uoSSçuIqns I8TITTJO eq. 30 SttIZOUI ee.IT[q. UTt[TM 'peuaeouoo UoTsTIreto t[oe ;o p'eet e&qtLOeXe (ci.) eqirieqIe 6961 xeto oq. TOU - OtI8O-IOq..O9ITcI et j0 6961 R81A1 UT 0111 Gt[. AC[ peAçeoe peq.oTtmtuuroo I ( lIT peqii 6 aa 1112 SUoq eoug 1oTUt[oeJ o SeTq.TATq.OV eqq. o s.oe.sy euxog 110 .IO a (p) UT 'oao oq. I 4T1USU1. xo; 'sxç;y -TV etq. oq peqeottrnuuuoo UOTIOPTSUOO RpOa 1zTUIeAO. ;o piooe 6961 IequIeoe .&oUO-ieq..Ui to (UoTq.'qrrw1zoo JOUee -JOUT ITh 6961 eqmeAo UT .&po .iequieqcleg UT PeSrL0STP ±etqtn; eq oq.) UT1AOIIO UpxeAo eq. q pe.iopçeizo 6961 t1zTurcIezcI q n°t UoTseTwsTp VOO miqO 6961 1 UT 0111 Ct POATGOOI -t1- -oo PT (/69/aI/nIf) poej/ 110 pt eo11rntLxo;ea UTflLeW q.epn semur2oia -BIq.X ,0 COJ peeteAJ etq. 110 tod.ej (0) 6961 teqiiieoe Tth1t0r tQ.1 'T'flV AOUOy UT 'OdD O -xeq.Ui io; etzeo-eIoe qwqsss c O piooe 6961 IequIoAoj ptc toxTj - eUq Sq PGIOPTU0O 6961 1TIdV UT OOV Ct PeST.oST(E - -TUTLTItUIOO Uoq[epsUoo Ap -LIrLIqe et. oq. peq.o UT Ap0 UTtLIeAOf) UTU.xeAo 8961 ieqtueo UT 0111 fl- .&Ct P8ATe0e Dn0) etq. 99 dI f112 1OA11 qe lIoTtecto-oO PU UQqGUTpI0-O 110 q..ioc1e - t7 wSiZtq io; 'sI;y 696I zeqmeoe UT 'oao oq. I AoUev-teq.0 1O IelIe-q.eoe$ qtcqsTss etfl_ 0. peoTtrnuuuoo UOTtOPTSU00 .&pO UTUIeAO.D O pt000 696I aequIa&o JJ UT Ap0a 11TUJOAOD acq. Act peJepTsUO (ci.) - 6961 ITV UT OOV 4 pesuosçj - oL6i TtO1W UT 'OaO O. [ 'Sfl tWSWeIri. IO otze-q..eJoe qTzTsy etq AoueV-.xeuI .xo pOq.OUflUItIIOO ttOTIOpTST1OO RPOa oq. 0. pIOO8 UTILteAOf oL61 TtOIBW -rrniIqe u Apo Aq poaepTToo ieqj.o oq. oL6I oxeii u.T seçoiie eue-zzoq.oarç et ;o Ioçq.AIGsqJ peqotmuzaIoo wta&o.e rc orii ot. 6961 etodttT PU 'T11W OO. TTA peATooe L7fiWAtOiOj UC () oL6i ttOIA1 UT '0d0 O 1Tt4 Teuee-eoe AoueV-Ieui io O. p8TflOU UOfl..O Apoa trcuteo O!. peuodq.sod UOTE8pTSUOO) oL6T tO1At '(oL6I -tnxqe trç po Iztao.o et exo;eq peo Pt oL6I oL61 TioxeJj\I UT VOD qeprL tmixqe piz 6961 xeqmeoe UT °TV 9Tt PTX OLO.0 UO ftd WptJO bVOO .&q pOSTLOSçff 6961 Jeqoq.00 UT 0th (L/69/aaI!nIr) peqçUfl et[. UT 6961 Ioqweoe oUe-zteU] UOTSTTX .Opfl9 ptm UT 'oao oq.. E UT etq. q pOATGO9j O £1TUId sTIocq( tO.i tzo coc[ej (:) Tuiiq. io; 'T]V o; i euee-RxoJoe$ q..iqsçss etfl. oq. p9OTW11ItUtOO uoqtepsuoo ApO9 uTILxeAof ;o piooe UT °a TuIeAof etq.. .&ct pe.xepTsUoo 6961 6961 RIflf UT 0th1 et[q. E4 P9ATeOOH (69/6t/mJftI) 6961 tZ(L2 - 9961 £T2 'OrTtEfl U01400d.SttI WTO2 Gt. ,O S9TTATOy et. tEO rjztod.e 6961 ztoq.uxeoe[ UT 'oao o OTIOV-.tOUI T Ut1. Io 'SITJ3V UqsTsv Ot(q. O. UTUIeAoD ;o pxooee p8OTIIflUItItOO tIoTqIepTuOo Apo 6961 IequIeAoj UT poa uTUIeAoO Ot_ Aq peIepTSUOO - (e) sç;y ouevxeq-TII .xo q.uSçSSV eqq. oq. pu eqq. oq. eueIooe.ITcjI et[q. izeuruxoo S o SUOTSSUOSTP si ;o ewooqiao eqq. (oL6T oxWR T1.zccl.e) eetu o Ap'sei s tIOq' TtI.tO .Iet[qO uq'Sotrn1Imroo eio;eq pepoep s'a& g p trçILIeAo Apoa ei. 'pesewç; ueq prn (/69/aaa/uI2) eodirç pTm T1'JAI eq. uo pi qiodei sgi. tto sq.uetmxtao float]q. SUOT. s1-eueioq..oex-çç otq. eurçq. et. icj ode uo oq. -TTA 'ssçttto eto TTM uo-çq.qnsuoo tno.ibt. pei-çnbai os1 1S.IT 9T-tI. ITXtt1 pewçBquao s1sacIOicI ST[. 30 PtI etq. o. u.-p&o 'uoçqrisiioo 1UIUT ;O PeTnbe (6/69/I/nIf) szaTqIeIo P1T to s'sepI peoe1s 110 (L/69/aaa/fllf) pn 30 J1TU1 to SUOTO( P81-T'I11 °-T1- UT stodex eLj. 'Uo-çq-çpp tti ptc 1tI '5U TxTAoIcIuII 1ITtOt inetq. ttT uoToTzrLuoo et. UT Rpns rn.;ezto perçnbex pus guç uoToedsuI ic ep'slu eso1q. oq. 1[tsI'cI ete LtoTtM ;o io'spueuuuooeI euq. o etuos 'q.iodej uoTssTuIuIoo uosxeea etq pu q seo-p.ies esecq. io; pee.Io s& peopxo& etp. 1etq.zm; I sq..cteutttloo scl.ns SeOTJLIeS eqq. ixo peo'ei udeicI io; eiIodse swi us.q.s peqoedxetrn tt q..'stq. as 'S 1ITtt.& '6961 ieqoq.o UT peATeoeI o seeM. 'suoiesq.o ire aio sqtod:ei eq e.inpeootI etq o UossuIsuexq.. .O UTUIT et[q. tIT1LIeAO eqq TqoçzqS aA.xesqO oq. eIqTssOd: ptmo; qott ss qç spod:ei eseqq jo esso eqq. trç iq peqou oct 1iT -I 6/69/a/uIr pus /69/iaa/nIr 'L/69/aaa/flIr ieureu 'sqxod:ei eeIqq. q.ss eqq o oetsex trç [uo eiq'eocIctcI'e axoje.xeqq.. o.xe. stiipeooxd: esoq 6961 12 UT qoojjo Qq.UT euieo oao pw oov .&ct o. peeIs seIl-Lpeoaxd eqq. axa;oq orii ct peTeoet '1etq.o qose '° 69/6i7/NI1JAr pre '/e9/aa/riIr ieui'eu 'sxocIe oL61 A'Si lIT Apo P1eT /69/axa/nIr '/69/dE:a/nIe 't/69/aa/nI2 UflLXO.O OAT.] sT; L etq. exo;eq p°°i1 oct o - 6961 aeqoo UT OII eqq. icci. POATeOOI (6/69/aa/nIr) SuoT'SIec1Q uTOIciuhI io; ssepj P°°°1° i711 110 qioc1O (q) zteiq.o T.1TnbG.1 oT1.Ge U0TTOP uo eouetepxoo eqq. oq. s..iode.1 ptt 'SeO4TUWtoO .1oclozd et[q. .ietqo ;o Txoq.sod1uoa pB cI1a-Wfl4O e. o. ircIe.I t'tioid eqq. .io; ptte2 oclozzd O31UI 's1rçq4ç piz errrç. ot[. orç; 'eoue.Iepxoo oqq. ;o elIIurto.1d otq. aett oe4Tunuoo st ' 'ee.qçumIoo ;o :eprnoTrç eot 4 t°' T TZT PeT'e ç eoue.1e;tzoo t1 O9 e. 'uoçe e[ oqumu I0TTLb e1IIq..Jut O. peq..oAep ioçso ' pi.oq eoTxe.1epzo eml ST 0. tZ0qpp UT 'GTxrçq. oq. eiu-çq. ttoçSeS atflj St; e1[q. tto StZedo UT eouo () :eeq4toØ uoqoeeg et s.eeux (eqaIep ezo £I'elrçp.10 pseuxpe u-c X39A ouo pix tA8 o.eIep cIIZtO et. ;o .1eAoIcIuIa euo 'soqoi.op q.ueuiuIeo. o.&) tt0T eiep .1TL0J ;o th. epiu eq; ..1oqmeut et.q. ;o q088 wozt; ST c[OTc[M. 'eoue.1e;uoo IUOT tLI9rI.'tII ett& SOTP0 6 uTJTI-AoTIoa I0TSTtCBt0 .1eq.0 t[J& SUT..00W q..TX0 '(rcs 1Ir.ieuo) S.IOS-A SGdTOT.1'd 0E orii 9UJ sq..iodxe ;o s.trpeeut ;o eqjirrnx u-ç'qieo S9ttGAUOO po urç .10 urç 'eeq4Tuuuoo LI0STAp' -tz.1eAo.D Otfl. a'Ra& TI0G 'U0TTppG lxi ruz0To.1 tzo ptx eoue.1epzoo TTtoTe.1 euzo 's.urçqeew edAq. -eO4çuIwoØ 1'T.1SUPUI J110 .10 ee.1tq. 'po lITU.1eA0f) etq ;o SUOTSSeS eexqq. 'oouezte;u0o .1nocr[ lx0TU.1eUI eqq. ;o 1Wt0T1 .1eJS IOOO .10J eIIB]2o.Id UOTSS3S OttO .10, SOPTAO.1d 3t pog ttTU.1OA0.D Ot .&q peAo.1dd'O .18I sç 'Strgq..eeut ;o sooid eu pu xTIouT 'etuura.2o.1cI peep 0oU0.1epzoQ et. A'q podop s qepnq puxo eimitto.id et[. urç tzi&op pçi T po.10d tepnq uoeo .10 srrçq..eetu SO0tZO.19lZ0O 0r11 ;o Ot0.Id I-.1eAo Ot SUTeeW pU SOOUO.13Z0 ;o eumrO.Io.Ia soIvoIr1na 'oiviavmooa 'savflD1W'I siaaaw cv aoiiaoo o aivao 111A .v oexe eAToAtrc ptrtoM oçA o Uofl.dope et. sUoqxLToset 'Tq-JP eTOIdd £q 'UTT2UTSTP IO ttLIOJ UT o .&q.np regoeds eqq. s8tt q-i ut pw eqa&çeoei exe SUQTTLTOS8Zt ttotls uietq. pUeute eoUe.Ie;TXoO eqq. ;o epue'e et[q. i9tOtM s.X8PTSUOO -i UT pepTl.[oTrc oiz sieq.q.'eiu oq UTq.wcet szop..W[oSeJ rre seirçiirexe e8q4u1w09 Sçt[1j :eeq4T1mItO sUopnlosea et (p) .peuzteottoo ee4TUIEII0O eLq. q eoUetepIo oq. peq4TuiquS T Uoq'eptzeuauooe Io UoTT1OAUO3 etj UT;tcE eotteie;ttoo eqq. pesodotcI TiB tzet& eoqqpnuo ;o qxed utto; sttoq.'epueuuttooe to CTX0TWOAU0O pesodo.xd o q.xeq.. ou. ssnosp oq. petsTqse seeq4çlnuloo uqoeq. soçJA eqq. .&q peUTodd'e seeq4TutuxOo UTtp eeq.uuuo uoqoeo et. ;o ttoq.U1IoU Ott. et xo seqeep IetTe eq 'st8STAp UO peqtrgodd OU peeiz op& 'suosied eeit q.seei q..'e jo ssTsUoo eeq4ul ttoTdope .xo; eoueto;uoo et. o. pO4TUI -aio ot -quo s.Ueuml4suT ttOtt9Zt% o sqxeq. eqq. jo SU0TS.IOA [i uto ueeeq UeuIeet ptt tzTrnstze .IO piz 'eottale;ttoo et[q Aq peq.dop SU0TSTOOP et[q. 5UO4. -'epttouxuIooe pw sttoTqUeAUo ;o uxo; otq. UT irçsoe.xdxo io eq-çsttodsei sç -c 'T'OtOUO UI -tto eqq.. o q.ttenrpUeui et. to e.iupeooid Ot. UTILIeO -two semi etq. pu'e exnpeooxcI ttopttouituoOej pt tzop.. -UOAUOO UTu.ztoottoo serrLI Otfl. WOI seeq4.utto oTTI1 O[OJ sUO-çqotzrL; :ee4TuttttoO UetI eoUeIOUo et ee4.gtLuuoQ Uoçqoe[o etq. 0 UOTOUTUIOU et[q. Uo peqIIodd'e '(ztequiout iepo otto pwe aeAoi.cIiu oqo-gSUOO 'szteoTAp -i Otto 'qtze1ntLxoAo (0) otto) stoquietu eetqq.. ;o oeteq. UTTe.I uop.oeçqo AU pize TeTtI pu's oeqoep ;o sçq..uepe.io eqq. sotz-puxe eeq.uuuo otJ :oe4.TuUUoO sTTUePexo et '(sieqwoux ieto pixe aoAotduia i 'ueurti.xe&oj i) oioqmeux g1 jo ssett-çsuq SqT ;o q.oiapttoo SqSSUoO eeq4çlmuoQ et - 911 - (q) (p) wç peoçpTrç enapeoo.xcl [tetIO eAoq o. t-p& eotrpiooa wç eoeiopz00 et. .&q pepoep 8I SI0PO 1Ttt UT w&op pTT exap000.xct uoçssuoçp eqrtop 11OTlTS0thII00 ptx oi qç 8Z o xeptrn eotzaiepxoo etfl. Aq metq oq. peLxo;e.I sttoq. -pueiuiooaj .xo Suofltt0AtIo peodo.Id ;o -Ioo seeqquwro eeq :soq..çuntto et.q.. .xopç (IoTwtoe) ceo () oAoqe (p) aT p.eqopiz einpeootd Tt0tI9 0t. tqç.M. eqq.. Aq pepçoep axe Oeq4TW Ta0T0 IZoTTSocIutoO TX ezç OtIJ -11100 eLfl. TTOdOIrI.0UI-U0U 0. tt0Tf4.T1eAu0o 0 UOT 0TIdd eiq. oq. eowp.x000' irç eoue.ie;uo tqTM uiotq. q txo3yq. sezrneeux et. pile 'iixeqq. peoT1rn1iItu0o U0TpU0UmIOOeJ pixe aO-puaMz03 UT1LI00 -1100 sqzodea pU ZoT11LI0ttT etq. 'SUOq0edS1IT jo 1zT1LIeo1z0o uiet. Aq pedcIn 1ZOq.8ULtOJUT 0t 01. PUB seçqIBd OXO Jce1. tI0Tt& 0 et. oq. qoe;e e-ç 0 SUOTU0AUOO ieqviom .Sct ue]Bq. oq.. eainem et. eiepçsuoo eeqçurtuo :sU0Tpue1Ittu0oeJ pile 0110 TlU0At10O ;o UoqBocLcty 0t.fl. 110 004TU00 tI eouo.ie;iIoo etq. q peuosezdex eqeq toqurour qo'ee eqoiep q..11ewtLI0Ao 0110 30 Sq.STOIIOO eoqqguiaio ifl0 eouetoçuo e .ct q- o paLxe;o.t BI04BUI .Ieto TUJJ () pile 'eu0Tx.c[Tquoo reuq. 0 TxeTuc etjq.. lIT SJB0LX0 UT S[BSOd 3XB ttoTttM SI8qUI01U 0 ST1I UTq.0A 0t[. eaoq.se.I -oid 'uoeiot[q. o odai s.xofj.Tpnv oi_t_ pUB on000e poqp'nB 0tjf. 'UOT 0TtletO 01. 0 epnq 0t. 30 TI0T0eTI0O pile U0qB00B 'iOtdd 0Tq St0PT0U00 00$4TU[ttt00 BTttI :seuesoid.ej qUelutzieAo. o 0O4T1uLuoo 0O1IBUT% eujj eextq. etq. Ac qç oq 0 SqSfl 0IOPTSU0O ttoTttli& 'e0q4flhIUI0 U0T00IOS 0t[. 0 iI0Tq.BptZeUtttt000t 81. 110 00Ue.I0U0O et[q.. Ac[ peqizodd'e 000q4TURUOO 'flP0OOId 0Tttq t0pUflPeI4TUtcITLO S8UU 000q4TuIt1I00 0 tZ0111qU0thIB 0Tfl. UTTIt00tI00 00U0Zte3U0 0tq. J0 S.Iep.IQ UTPTXB 0t[. UT UM.Op PTT eirtpeoo.id 0t[. 1TM OOiIBpZt000'e lIT PeUT1ttI00p 0IB 0G4TW -11100 01. 0 uOTq.ToodTuoo pile OZTO 01 TeT .&TXB UTqB0.I0 0U siIoTq.T1.IosaI UI0X iI0BTTq0 000tZeTLbeSiXOO (e) mesAs £q pearnsue s-c sthoi eeit. esexIe.i sxequretii e. ueeMeq s eqq. o toe uT pt eo1dwa c (sieqweut ezo trp..oA ;o T1'sD.TDa eeiz esotq. 'qeuttLIeAOf 9) sieqiuetu i o ssTsuoa -i trrq.o.& peqtç8& suw[cI otq. pti uoT polmtIooOB eqq. serçurxe -i tz-çq..eeut ztoj TtrIo et. i-rc"°o T P" eeq4luwooqns OOt[ pe ue T eepuuiooqT. 9Oq4TTIIIOO eAT '5OrSTUTTIIPV .&i.uo seAç tL b00 stoda.t -T ZETO1 o speeu !iOTq. Aq PTOd tt E'8TODUT Trcp1TTta 0 1 ST cItSJeqtIIeUI sqç ueseidet ueurtxzteoe o sq.sçstioo eeq4çuI oq. OCQS STtPr ttO Rpo UTWteAoO oii eiq.. ;o s.ieqiue ecq. uouze uoq..'eoo11'8 oq pt8 stopxLqp4uoo oq. wflW8I SUoTqSeT1.b SIepTSttOO eol4TuuuoO ST-ta :eeq4UttIIO Stto-cq'eoo11V ei 1ZqOA peq..1çeM. ;o uieq..sAs s (q.) penisu.e sg sdro.x eeit. et. ;o t[o'ee IIqIzese.IIez sectureiu et. ueeMqeq s .xeMod upoA o RT1'euTDa .(TiuLrptto OTOT;O ce s Rpo IITtZIOAOe t1- T° IU&IT8ttO ewi tqTM. zeqqeo. 'siequteiii o.o 1) siequieuI 01 eeq4urtao etq. TX '01 OU xee SUOTSOtth q0T15 ttO APO pDe ]O S!1.ST51100 tzTuJeAoD oq. sodei !T suo-çqsenb eATqJ4SUUtpe ieijq.O S ioted '1TOI1T3 pt S sOdOztcI q..epnc ptt eutoid STtt oto eqq. stepsuoo eeqçurtuo () :1eOq4TUIuIOJ eAqq.STtITutV PTZ. 1'TOt1IT et :trçM.OflO3 LI1 eaR .&po uTTxaeAoe eTq. o see4.çuIIuO et tOqtttGAojç pits (eotteae;uo0 et[q. o ttoTSSeS 'to -Axenaqe 'T et aeq ptt e.ioeq.) etmt[oRG eeur 'eoA o. qt$ça eqq. e&tt qou op qriq -T UT rt e8q. oq. pOfl.çqUe OaR OtM saeqmew 'snid (saeqtueai ae3zto q..ndep 1 'diaoa qo'Re ao t) saeq.nIeuI v ;o s1sTsttoo eoTJ;o aeoidw t anocw 1'tIoTuaewI ew o £poa uTUteAoD °'ti 19 StEOTSS11OSTP etj. ;o peq.tGM ;o moq.s ' scIiaot £q pe.ITWttG ueeM.qeq S'8 ta&od teqweur e queSOtc1eI tto'80 (toqmem .ieto ;o Ut8Aof 01) tequiem 9 rp..oA 'tzeut SuOi4'8TD.IO pir IOAo1d1fla 9 ,o STSUOO qi 1Jzoue&oteq.UT 1uoT TLIe.IZT .xeqq.o pu OZ Sttoq..Se!th tITILIeOTXOo lIeeJM.oq zo .'ezodo-oo o. .&po TXTUZtOAof 9Lfl. o. SIoT.'8ptZeWLIIOoOI se3Bm ee4flUItIOJ 3UJ :ae4T1ItItoD IOT'8STtO STLt oI ei. (e) tIT1OA peteM A4 pezrnsue s-c sthi.or2 o mesAs Tzesee sxeqmout eii ;o iiaTD een. eq. ;o to'8e uee.z&qeq S'8 .IeMod (sxequteui xoto trçq.oA eoiduta 9 01 sqsçsuoo eeq4ç1uuio et ;o t'° 1'8teTXe sq5/5 suocq.'8t pOqçTIfl etq. pwe o'n q ped oq oq. rsd et. ;o tZOqtI]ep etq. irç 1uet 'q.U9UULI9A0-D i) sieajuem o eqq. pus 'seAqoec[o .ITet[. 1T1. o. uxetq. eqsrxe oq. ernpeoo.id 'B ;o ue moo esetq. -'8IepTsuoo '&po c1cU.S 1'8Up'8 'see4TUI o seq.Ao'8 ;o emsiotc e. ;o ttoçq. oq. ttoSSWqlls rçet. o uzttLIeAof e 0 5T105tL10 OeSIUI tZOO B1. ]0 uor..'8.ZepTsUOo eprLl.ourc srioçq.ouri; 1'8Ta4SUPUI IoTtd S9&I4TUttU0O sTLOOt'8U'8 PTZ :9Oe4çmtUOç) 1'8p4PI uo e .Tuu1too etij (p) Rq pxnsue ttTOA peqtçOM. o mesA.s st sdnox eeitq. etq. o qose TeseIc1e.I siocuteui -moo suta (szeqmem eu. zeeq.eq S's zeMod wçq.oA ;o T1'8nb eto -pus teoithtta 'q-tzeuttLIeAof) 8) s.xeqmeiii 91 30 - sqGTSuoo q.] -fr St8q4'8m eSetq. Lw &po uTTLIeAo toctei Pu's 'sIepIO U tZBS O. ZT'810.I 5tt0p. -setCb SiepSuOO 'suoq'spuemulooea pus Suo4tIeALtoO o_ oq. q.oe,;o et. wpLisouoo SU0TSTAO.Id et[. .o tEtOA 8L. oq. u-ç'81eI sI84'8m Ii's TzeA-ç eeq4Trmuoo STt UOT'8o Ilcidy et setrçmsxo :Suop.'8puGUtUIOOeH Pu's SUO14USAUOO pu's s.iepzto TPTts T,to eequttito - 611 - et O (0) xecI seqcyts ;o xequrrnz i'enbe u pwe (th-i.oi2 uoim ) s.iequxem 6 ;o sq.ssTzoo -I 'Rpo ;o sq.ueul trç.i;irç o tZTTeJ Suo UflLI9AOf etjq. O. uoTpTxe1uooet O. 's.xepçeizoo eeq4tU woe STLfl :UoTqTOoSSy o wOpeex1 tto eeq..q.çuxuxo eu Trfl.OA peqtTeM ;o iiess e Act pexasue T sdno.i2 eeat. eqq. ;o ttme ueseade siequreiu eiq.. ueeMqeq s iei.Oc1 TzTqoA ;o (szeqtiteiit eto T1'STLTD pTX o ssçs ieAoicIwa 01 'qItelutLIeAofJ 91) siequietx tIQo eeq.qutuIo ei sezoTtedooo 1'eowoeq. epe uTtLxeouoo SttoTsToep eotIeIe;uoo uo tzeq. eq oq.. uop.oe eq.oeaqo e edpiq. qT 0111 eqq ;o sesoLxnd ptre SUIT'S Ott ;o qttTI etfl. irj peAeTo'S sinse.x et seq'ene tx seT.&e SeTTATo'S euuut ao; seoinose.x epnq o.icl UOTVSIOdOOO OWI ercurxe ptt 'S4xe J0 UOT'S0O1T'S 8t[j. O] eIqstIocIse.I SU'SEO 1'SqtZetII LIeAoIeq..trç tELO Act P81°P'S °T .'°T'' etq. UILOOO'S TZTl 'PU'S 'Ieq.o'Sxeqo OT Of1'tZT dT.Il 51-T w o'ii et o sesotnd pize surç e'qq. oq. ptei TA'eTt '0111 ei o epnq 'Strçpzto et. &q peou'etrç SeqAqO'S uTxT'Sq.IeI eso'qq. IITPYL1OIIT UoT1'Sxedooo 'SoT'rxqoeq O 'seTTxo-rzcI sq..sens sq..oeçotd ptte sexureio.xd O uo'Sn['SAe 'P11'S tzoqtzeutedm 'Uoç'S'STead et_ STU'StO 1saetoA. p11'S 0 UOWçO 055'S ei. s's ttons sttoTsenb IITPn1OUT 'UoqThIed:ooo 1'eoTix1,toeq ;o pe; eq. UT UT5TJ'B suteqotd: 1100 seuso.,icI zoq.'S.xed:ooo T'SOTUTtoeq. S12OW'SA etq. xeptrn euop to seq.'etrçp.Iooo sUoet ueeqeq lIT SUOT sIe.&olthUe pt's seiiiurs.ioxd 1'SoTwoe. 1o'SuI UOOMqeq toq eotrs'sq .iedoxd: 's UT'SWT'SUI oq. epxo trç 'uoq.'siecIooo -['Sofllqoeq. 0 e s.io.xI IT'SI8Ao 5YLOt0T. 'S J0 Uoqmxoq'Se eq. wç se'soq,..x'sT peotc'stt; eq Rrnu Aet. te.eot pu quo pexxso eq 'eta Aetq. 5p[e'ç; o T'SoTTxttoefl. .IOA'S1M UT 0111 Oqq. 30 SOTqTATq..O'S T'SUoTq.'Saedo etq. o sqoects's AeTAeI suouUTq.Uoo teptrn sdee eeq4çux uIo :seuruI'SJdoca T'SUoq.'SecL tto eeq4uttIto et - 01 - (teqwom ezto, 'Txeui ioo1duI tOsTApV ToçI8UIJ8-UI lxJeAoe 91) 0 q4tutuo3 pu eoId1]Ia 9 (szeqiiieut 1exoM. 9 pD 'qTxeLteAof) i) ee4ç1maoQ £J0STAPV UWçV etq. a&olthtia ot sequteiu 0ZtO 01 P (o) (ci.) '.ueuttLIeAoD o) eei4TuttrLoO £I0STAPV UeO.Iy et. ('s) :o'II etti Act peua&uoo t79 8X :9e4TflIllJoO LIOTApB TTZO9t Trp&O11O.T 8t uoçe tzedo.xna pett ueeq T.( ooutePXo ceA JT103 T0mTXOJ.Id8 euo AttIo eq.p o. 'zteAe&OH L11'U1t0iI T uoçoi 0uXS etq.. itTt3AO0 0OtI8I0UOO c'euoTe' tzflZ10AoD e. oq. uocSTUt Apo etrj o.tq. ueeeq 9U8.iq. to; peop eq o. ezra uofq.D.1oseI t]OTWA ito reoTwtoe- e0flt. .10 OM.q.. '1 eiteD.1oo.1Tcc 0UJ. 0. q..1odej ' oo ;o .Iep.10 etq. o oq. Txoqppe UT 'epnlotrc pite et T1'Btotte T pw seqoep jo .Iequrrnx 0t[ c- petieouoo sttoçe.i eT.q. wç se 10U0U.Ieq.0 e. q'e 8SO tnoi; (eotle.10pxoo .InoqerJ 0I. UT pesothuoo) .IOTItZBUI 81It uo-p.'eeep eççi etqeo eoue.Ie.]Uo0 o'ii ei. o aoctutew seqq trç.1q eoU0.1epXOO 0eq 1'UoTI ttecto.xua uoçIo1a ;o seoue.1epzo eouee;uo iuoçe reç ooUe.Ie;Tzoo i°Ti () (0) (ci.) () :orJI eqq. .&q. poitettoo eZt eoUea0.tIo0 1tIoT itp&o11o. et BTZT0eW £.10STAPV .10ET niI '(zzeqwem .10tO pits .1elcoTdUIa rmuLITtto etfl. 'tieurtzxa&o L) 'UoTthto0o ptt .ueiu&oIthUe U1 UOTUTWT.10STP J0 pIec OI itT O'II 8T. J0 UoT0' et. tcTo.1opze.1 0 .&M uogoT;;e O1U 01. 8UT11IX0 sequtem LI ;o sTUoo 1-I ee.q.TiiitUO STUJ1 :Uo4.rnITUrc.1OSTcI tt0 8e4TIIIUI03 et (it) :MoTIo; se 'gAq.oe ;o set[ottq xnod o_ tZOO Of. sixieqoxd tep-çe J8 seeq4çurtuoa xet[q.o uq.te OTXAttOO e.xecuieiu eio ptm 'IeItrnIeAof o qs-çuoo to-peeep 'e pttes oq. wxoiz ç peq.oee eç.iq..tmoo etq ;o ttae L&poa eqq. pepoep o su-çqeeiu eq.q.xeILxq. ooq p'e trç peqenbei tLIe&o oq. PeTAUT eq O çtqnpu eeç.xqtrnoo etfl. pW o dqsequxeuI et aq. oo exedç.q. ea p e.x Seeq4fluatO setotraiq xet[.o A-çqo eurp. o. eurçq. ixxot; peueuoo tog 99 strçq.eeui eçcd cqsnpiIi ei suOTweTa ° 3'°fiA (L) seeqpmuo seqxe (T) seto TuoTe.oIa pTxe seeIoTcLuIa peTrs (q) urn.eTozr4.ecI () ep'eq Tew (;) pw uoxI .iocLsweq PttW[UI setIcw Too sto ocua se-pIqsupTx P' ToTuIerto TrpeeuTua 'uTpTTn (e) (p) (0) (q) () eoutq trcMoITo. et. .io; see4TwaIoo upus e.re po etei ietq. tto peowd trcuaeAoe et. Aq 'epue PT ;o toxeiq oç;çoee 'e tLieouoo toçt[M stzoqenb ett-çurexe oq. peueuoo ei seeq.qçuuao tP4SflPUI ;o tITTLIeAoe et. pcce eotteIeuoo mocr ruoTuIeqtIi eqq. trç euoToeIe ct uesoqo ea eeqq-çuxinoo ei. ;o siequieiii ietq.o eTt. sxeqwetu oçoç;;o xe er perLleo Apo tzoo uo-çei et tzoo Iette uoçei iuo.x o 'eptie exeq1xxeI .&po et tto eeçAp TrçiLIeAo. acre iet eour ;o soecIe reuoTe.I etj. pu stzteqoid eeoTxeIe; eureqoict uoTe uo petxxeoIIoo p°a IzTwteAofJ euq. es-çAp seeq-pIIuoo et.tl tzoTex etq. xo; seotte.ie;uoo I'etzoTea eATss000ias OA4 TZeaMeq ec{q. trçxap eatto eq..eeui seeq4uuuoo OSOtfl.. ;o tt0 - P9ttSTNSO ei seoueeuoo oLttoeq. oxIeid pueq..q 00uaIo;tzoo G. ;o oq. P.TAUT Gd. S0TtTfl1.00 O SS 1OTIIqOe eioeq eoxozte;ixoo 81UTq.TI txo-rssos em-p-çrTu oqztde ize&uoo oq. uioqSno Ot. ST vc ' et. o 5U0TPU0UItt100eI IO SUOTq..UeJ.tZoO ]O UOTdOp 't- oq ttT& eoueIe,pzo .ItLoq'r U] outeTzI pq4UI qus et Ret. eIoeq siioq.soiab IoTmoe. etrçutxe oq. eurç. o. eixr. tuo peua&uoo ex Seoue.uoo osT.t L9 .M.8TA ' £ztotcLeta SeoUeIe;Tzoo qSIT3 thLor2 -T P1OTt 11TNL q-I eqq. pt lIoq[n.slIoo zeq.j T1 ;o sçsq ett I UO9flI lIT oL61 -P°E sxequieui 8T lxnLzeAoD ett O qrc ouef-.Iooe.rccr et. Aq peq4Tutq.nS TUIeAO.D eiq. £4 peq.trçodcT po tzo 'szteqwetu iGtO '9961 UT .&PO 91 piz qUeUIt.LIeAo 9E ;o SSTStZoO UTUAO 0T_t £4 pSTlqGe 'eeq4flUUIoo oIqr1. etfl. TX0 89q4-çIuuxOo uTor e :eote ST.q penqq.StzooeI rçeq T xe1IxIoa eeqqg1utuoØ s'p :(eof4TurtIIoO RIieuLIo) q.UGIttciOGA8ff I'G1rLH TXO ee4TuuItoo £JOSTAPV poa ou -e £q UOTSTOOP 13 9IZ9AUOO pu -Glep 'pO9 UTMO11O T tIOTSSTItUXIOO eT.tJ iew&odTt '2S ttq (o) (ct) TUIe.oD eue.-1Oqoo.Ic otq ct SJedtttIGW £4fldOP TXB '(eouoe;Uoo ot tetz&odTt ot. £4 tesoqo £4 i pi 'stoqwein GSBqq. o) lIoTsSeS emçq.çrnu TToed trp.oeux GOUOIe.UOO Gt. £c[ pGq.eUSGp SIOUIGUt o et. 30 ioquiew 81OJ OttO ieAocdiixa UTtLI8.&O OttO ;o SSTSUOO 'po 'UOTSSTUtUIOO STttE ttpLIeAO. e petsflqoo £4 :TZoTSSTttattOO 0T1-TW q.TOf tr () uLie.j hITssTla oTc['ty = V =a s' ST pesn STociurS eqq. ;o XoTWSIdX8 etti ttsTudg = :1eq. s.uoeux .xoCem pu .&po s so uwi s OTIq. IZT POSTIIUUInS sç T.PAOTTOJ trcU.IeAoe eqq. 'eoUeJO;Uo ett o eon que.x.ino et TOTXSI eu. ;o speeu et. oq pxoei trçt uesoto e.ro oonuw up[toA. ipo tz-cuxeAo.o eqq. q eqq. 'sz-çeoiu zeqo .xo pepoop exo se'onuw trptoM oi. 'seeq4unitoo tOSTAP I'StIOTO ptre OUet8UOO ItZOT9I IO see4Tuuuoo trçr.xeo UT pu's sço reueid irç oq's.i otrç pu's UIOJ, -TroT 'eaueie;uo 9t[. 's OAO± °w- UT pu's eoue.Ie;uoo eqq. .'s se'sn 9&OUT OS[ UO AT W5çSSTL T GI3T eoetj oqirç pu's uio.i TzO'seIequ T O18U pus u'swxej lIT .i'secId's o9['s Apo uTuoJLof) 01fl. sueurrwop u-ç'sqteo ptrs eoueio;uoo etq. io; peq..wç.xd: sq.ocIex et enire zptio. TT1.; 's °T xscIc eATTotqTs ATtsnbe ox's (suoTq.'spuewtuooe 'Suo4 -ue.&uo 'T10TT4TSTI0O ei) sq.xe. -['eTOT;;O jo Su0TSIeA OU. ''T t(OUOI pus TS[TZ ttOtZeI et pTx's xo 0111 ;o so's'au'sI T'sTOT;.]O et Se'sTU'sIE teqtueut xoto tO0TcIuta 8110 'queuaz.IeAof) 0110 qxtrL0o tO'B8 ,o u0q'sOOp OTfl 0 pesodixioo poa 8110 pus TT'sfln 1rçTLI8A0 T OUq. Act piett 'eoUotepzo3 oe4T1ttutoo ttzeid TIT [UO p3pTAOtd lOT UOTST11ItUOD TPUi 01 eequttitoj tos 6 -TAPV stzeiiiri.00p a a uT.Joo io; a) a tO$TAPV IZTV a a £I0STAPV TxoTx;v a a S a a a sa [[ see4ctuuIoo ia Sa UT4T 8TTX1 q.TI0f (eeq4Turtuoo a °wi Lt UT a trgqteo zto s) a uIoI; .v OZdIeWT otcx ia f Ta a 6T tXT zocea uedoxrL q.rç ee..qTIuuxo 9 GO4TUIt1IOD L ooueiepio tzGedo.Ina 9 o'ii eqq. ;o sxectutew °-S Uo-çzteur To eoueIe;tloo (q..ueurrtoop a .xo; a) a a (aptz IzoTa TZTSV eoeepzoo t TtoTa tOçt tZT s weurao op sa saea peq.oeIe) 1sa±av TlOqetcLIeqtl :xo pe RpoauTwIeAOe eouGieUOçj iiaoc TlOtLIOqUI squournOOc[ enttwj O 1 pess1aiSTp °1- T txoçqseub ei t[oTtM q eotteIopIO et.q. go tzogsses eiq. ;o uTuedo etq. eio;eq sqq..tzout i tei. sse .ou iixetq. ttoeei o. se os sq..ueuaLIeiLo et_ ofj. eo;3j tq- Aci peOpmiitWoO eq iis seTTde x-çeqq io; suosei trçqsenbe.1 ettooq..seub ueIut.LIa&o oi a&ç oq eiztzoçqsenb 'e TqpA teqq.eoq. eqq. pize qio1ei et sep4tmoo qe.xe;p 'TIOTULIO.UT UL9STL zteI[qO Au nO rçqes todei [ eq. erq. TIT eOTO'etd pte xeupuTTe.IcT e eqssocI se zoos s exec1etd ooç;;Q Inoqerf i topeuaeI etq.. 'einpeooxcT ttoTssnosTp eqnop eqq. .&q petIeo sç izoçqseii.b 'e ueuj i eInpeoo.xa Iossnosç e[qno jo seq LioxcLe.xa 6 :sIzoq..'epueuruIooe uoçqdop'e et. ao; empeootd 'isn et ptce sIIoqTxeAuo3 ;o T TtoTwA 'ainpeooid io&eureq et. trç peq4çqYLs eq oq. sode otq. Ioqenorço jo eurçq. pu exrneu eqq. se-ç-çoeds ecq. .o 6 eioçqx' 'suieç eoue.xe;Ixoo et[q. ;o sIepz epue etq. uo suieq.ç leo eset[q o. piei ctTA ToTrnto 1tzo-çssnosTp eiqnop1 eqq. ;o -ptqoeq.. sTtoTxSA etq. tb sqtodei pu SUOT ptZeUtiIIoOe pII Stbofl. -ua1uoj o uoT ogIde etq. uo saodet 'stzop.seiab TotzeuTT tp eqq. Ietq..o t-p 2trciep os pue qepnq ptte etod ode eq. eie ecq. ;o uTtbTeuoo todex eouete.TIboo ei.q. oq. peq.uIqns sq..ueurrtoop trçeur etrj lL axe stueq.ç puoe Tssn.a pwe tZSULie- u peq.tzId os etze-oqoerç eiq. go ode ToTrntoe tto szode.x pxe et seenuei oexcfl. eset trç peTIII exe oouetepbo eqq. Txo u-çxeedce suo-çq.senb uo sq...iodax ire eu ;o 'epize 'uosp.o.xcI spq. tqp eou'ept000e TxI 1tisTuc pw toue.i1 'i 'qsiTi tr xeedd'e iretts sqzeuraoop ttOTl.S 11 PI euq. .ro sptzeq et u-c eq [eqs sq.ixearnoop -rço pus uo-çistreq. siepi tzptrsq et. o Ta1e.Ioes o uoTTho qeiq. sepTAoId eoueo;Izoo eqq. ;o execI 'j eo-çq.ty oL eotxaie;ttoo tfloq'er uoTsueuraoocI 1teUee peonpei o emJ2 °-°°TG etq oq. ttTM Uo-çqe.IoTP IeLq. tzt eq E1ttS q-T UO ee.i o.xd TU.xeAof etq. emwz2oxcI pe1.c.ep eoid& oq.. .ipo .io; e oçq..ozzd qç .xepsixoo oU op po trpLIeAoD eqq. ;o tooç;o eti 3T Rpoa trçTLxeAO eTt. £ct s &ioq.trç peonpal ;o ezod peAo.xdde eq O 8 'eod sç tzOTsnOsTP I-T eU. ttot[M eoue.tepzo e. jo uo-çs8e etq. o rrçuedo aqq. eio;eq etr. UT pepWEOUT ueeci t.uoux i tttq. sei 'ptze eo1 eeq. o. s-c uoTssnosTp t[ TxoTq.$enb etq. ;i Ot. J0 eotte.iepxo .et. o ttoT i.ST; et. t[OTttM trçuecIo et. ezzo;eq StUOIU gi irtq 5501 ou eouezte uo e'qq. ;o pue'e et trç pepttotrc tzeeq stto- tIoT58flb 0t. tOi& trç soso irç [Uo 1dd'8 1It -t 'ç -excI lIT oq. pe ee.x slIemeweI et 9zoçssos zteq.[ o. Lpo UoT5O!1b 8t. 0pTLOU plI0 O etrj. UT IITTLIoAOf et. tI0TW.i4SU0O ' TXct '91 eoçqxe ttTJ eoup e. .1000'S trç Txo-cs.ses u-çMofloJ eqq.. ;o spu0'S etq. (q) .10 o 111 PePUTOTIT eq iisits izo-gqsenb otq. q. epoep ('s) :.IetT0 AIXI pTxe q.ç] sees (I0p'S 1TT q-T sU0T'SPuetutuooe'd: .10 suoq.tteAttoo ;o q.oeqns aiq. wto. o. oq'sqns s-c .14'SW S'S SUOTSTLTOUOO T0US eiq.. qi sepoep eoueaeuoo eqq. .rc PI 'eeq4fltUIIoO UT eoTxe.1epzo) eqq. Aq UOTSSnO r[rL UT çp sTITq4T5 oq. pe.uiqne eq iit .10 'ji sq..iodeI eset pessnosp eq oq. c uoqsonb otq. toçtp& eq. ,o lIo-çsses otq ;o TrçU0cIO eqq. eo;eq STU011I mo; ssei oU uIetfl tO'Se.1 [['St[S ftod:e.1 et e.inoos oq. 0'StIt eq ii-t to;;e R.1OAO pu's eq55ocI s's ttOOS s's squeuItLIa&o attI. o. eoç;;j otq. Aq peq'sou q.'s eouo.ieuo eoue.ie;tZo etq. Aq UOT. nunuoo eq ii'stts qmQcIe.I s-çtj wp'so 0I.fl_ 'StepTsuoo ea:-rrbe.i tjo-gt sUosenb 1'ScITOUT de.1 eq.. ;o 55'Sq ei,q. 110 eqq. uro.x; so --cPU-c SU01IttZ.I0AO qxode.i .1e1itn; 's ei'sd:e.id: fl'Sts eo;;o ot 's.senbei os poueouoo euitieo eu. .rc sqquout OAT; oq. pepizoq..xe eq 11cT.[s seTTde.1 ;o uo'sce.1d Ot[q. .Io pe.&o11'S StqUoUi xrto; ,0 pOT,Iod: ecq on- I'SUOTq.'Stt eqq. oq.trç se.1-ç'euuo-çsenb eq szsiq. oq. .&.rssseoeu T q.T eetp set.1q.tmoo pu's seqtmoo 'sepe; ;o es'so ettq. UI pessiaosp eq oq. sç Uoq.senb aqq. toçtp q.'e eouoe;tto etq. ;o uo-çsses et ;o uTUedo eqq. eo;eq S14iIOTJI q..qe u'stq. ssei q.ott pu's eqssod S's uoos S's eoT;;o eqq. CtO'SO.1 pInOtts sq..'rzemtI.IeAo 0t. - L1 - 0 SoTTde.1 0UJ et ioçSAot eqq. trç petrç.id eX 'pec1op'e UOtA 'pWS szeurnoop peqocInp se pett.ieoUoo seeq4ur pIooe oq. peq.nc[p45Tp axe seeq4umtoo o sqxodezt qjtp ur.io; peq.8Od11p UT peqnqçxq..STp ea top& 'senirgw UIOO 8LtOr et RxeluilrrLS ;o q.oecijiaS et[. are see4Tuahtoa ;o SU0TSSUOSTP pooej TuoTSTAOIa eouaxe;oo eqq. Tx-c 'usixedg prxe Ot[ t]oUe.I TiTUouI 'tSfltI UT 'ULIO PSOrUTJd UT uoçeses tZTLP WI- sTrp4Ts OeO SI& 8OUOOUOQ eqq. oqq.. UT SUocSSflOSTp oq. ;o piooe.I eTtL 'OTZSt9 U0TTSTte.1j PI TTI0qTP S ax's Usqnd pu's izo'ssu'sq. orp. pou.Ieo -two sqçwa 'eouqoeq. et. .&q pe.i'sd:e.icl ax's stode.x 'sOTUt[05 eTxef-.1oqoe.rç eq. tp& ST'sA ;o e to.id 's uo ee.I's o. Uofl.eloSTp 1-T 8t0.1d pSIT'eq.ep 's eAo.1cld's O rçetfl. 1fl eq Tt'sttS UTtLIeA0D et. .xo; eq'soq..o's.1d vc vcuoo oU Apo -.ieqU-c peonpe po op UTII.I3A0O Ot 0 S.18OTQ tV1 T ipo -U.1eJo.D oqq. Aq pOAoIcId's eq ii'stis SI'sA.I8UT peolape.x go eunrtaxo.id: 'e 'Sqquom u'sttf. ssei T eoue.Ie;tzoo ett ;o SU0S8S 04 etfl. U88A9 poted tti eoUI;U0 1 eqq.. jo uoçsses q.XSU otq. ;o uTUedo eq.. pus eo'sTjI ooq. etq. t[OTttM q's eouaxe;tzoo OITj. 0 UOTS TI 0 PoTt5 '5 Sq.Te e.1eTq tOçtM UT SOS'5O UT i[tZO .&[d's TT'sTt L pTt UOTSStLOSTp qS.1T -see et. ;o tzTsoIo etq uoeeq STUO UT o. peJ.1e;e.1sqUeieus.1.1's et 9 pese'aoep eq oq. T UoTSOflb etq. t[o'qM q.'s ooue.Ie;uoo eqq. ;o UOTSSS e'qq. j0 u-çued:o et. e.io;eq StUOUI eext. izs. sse s's os squeuItZtOAo eq ii'stts q.iode.x q.ou iiieqq. qo'se.1 o. etq. oq. eo-çflQ etq.. .&q peq.'soTmuItuoo Lxseeeoeu Au's tqpA. sUoT1.'5pUetw1xooea .10 SUOTUOAUO3 0 qxe. e'qq. UU'5q. -UO0 a0de.1 T'8UT. '5 LL &'5.IP IT'sT.tS OOT3O OI. SU8Ut -tLI9A0 et mo; se-çcIe.1 e. .T° STS'5q etq. UO L eew oq. SU8tttLtt0O xo sens o. eq.Ueurptteuxe itt's eet £eu. .1etjq..etI& St[Tx0DI eexqq. UTITM e'srS 0 -woo et. 30 uoçsees eq. 0& Tx'sT. .1O'5T UIOt UTS'5 'eoTxe.1e, UTSoTo OLfl. tU0.1, Stq.U011I 0U TLI8t[. ttO'sS.1 0. S's OS SqTXOUItI.1eA0 o etq. o. uietq. eq.soflmuttUoo pus SUo'spUeUtOOO .10 SU0T. -UeAUoç e.1o'uI .10 OttO exede.icl £'sui eo;;o Ot. 'O0UO.1O 0 STS'sOL otq. wo pus 's.1's.1'sd UT 0. pe.1.1eO.1 e.1T'stzaofl.senTD et. o. SUO1U -WteAo e'qq 1It0.1 SeTTdO.1 eTt. jo SS'5c, ot[q UO '9 -woo eiq. .&q UOTSS12OSTP !1S.1T; eqq. 0 TI0AOD Otq. ;o siequreux eqq. o petI.qp4STp axe SeoçA.Ie eouexepZO3 et[q. Aq peredeicI oTXSJ 'senTrfl ei 051'S 'ttsTTxedS ptze iottej 'tci"a UT safpatXT pa ç'eq.ep (ct) UT icpo Sip e; pTXe 'UoçSSOS OT.fl. pGq..TI4TIq..STp pt torzei soo.p_IOs eoatettoo 0t[q. .&q WeTSS1T1 pTX qSTTxecIs 'tOtZeI (e) ;o 'ttsrcua wç pexedeJ.d sttocecoea ;o pxooe o SUOTSSUOSTp etj txeAo.e ei et. axe Apo 'oiex TUO etq. o seo-uztes eoueze;UoQ otq. Aq poa TIIOr peqnqT4STp prx eioos s-i axe 'q sqiocIei au oeqne Ac1 pexedeztcl 'SOe4TIItLUoO et. ;o i-çet. trç pepulotrc sq.oeqias etq. .IO eqOdOJ sçim at ;o xectuteuI .o aSSUoo -cqe.ioeS tTIeAoD etr. eztoeq TaVTPOUII1IT ZTettq.. JTSqT po ;o seeq4phruIoo eti i7L qeeut po uTtzteAoD TstrIi .io eiqçe iet uTnsST tw PUO out ee4TIuIOO sao-p.1e eotie.Iapzo eu WtLIAOD at. .10; SUOUtrLOOP ;o UOTdO.I(i pu Apo T1'eUTP.1OOO .Io; eqSUoSe.I T t[Ott.1 GT..t. -uocIsei s-c ETT T'TOTJO et TrçeoUoo qen'uI T..toTtt UOT esoi.q. .Io ptt W.10.IZT q.Ueoe.1 q50UI etfl. 'U0TUL1O.]UT .iO; 1tU0 stzeut o; eptu eq Rrnu stioq.deox -noop teio o; see ee.nq. s eIzpeep erq. pe.1OprSUoO trçq.eeui etq. e.io;eq see& XTS pepaq eq TTTM. Aeqq tto-ct q -gq..sp eq q..stuu SUoSçoep ireq..iodurç zto; ircireo sq.ueurrioop poqwqns sUeurr1.00p oT1.oI Te1eue tsTuecIS pwe ttoUe.I 'ttSTIU uT pepiq Seeq41IIUI0o etq. .10 squatu UTuxeAo.D et. P4TP axe .&pOa tceTssn pe TI1Iraef oq'tzT peTsTir4. axe sq..tteuzrwop TIOOc[ eluos TtsTTtts pwe TOU8I 'ttsTTUa UT '(qas;;o 'q.Uenbe.I; exam pe eioui '.io peoe'tzo.i) mto; peOT[cITlp lIT peq.TLC[T.ISTP axe £po u-çtI.1eAof et o. pe4uiqus sq.tIaurrLoo £po suTpeeoo.1cI ;o pooe peq.qUe eutrlloA dUTlLIeA0 UT XOPUT PUB UOTt.OUp -o.1uT UB ttT& peq.lIese.1d pixe .1eueaq. q.tno.1q 'p85'gAe.1 .1eB[ axe uoTsSoS qoBe .O .1OOO T'SUOTSTAO.1cI etq. 0 SOTLSST - 6T - ee4raIOoqns eq. ;o izossnoçp oi trouet 'ts-ç I'8Tt1LPUI s-çwd pw irç pe qiçp pwe pa deid axe tz egunuo te[d ei T° SflUTW oe ejo q peonpo.icIei axe uoçq.seiab ToTw.toel o. uo siodex pixe UT14TS O apodea eeu 'pauiaouoo Ltqsnpu et. tt-ç qizeuicToe.ep q.ueoei tp pwe suoTsse eUoTsnIoUoa eqq. uo iloçqoe th'LMoIIo; snoT&etd todei IeIeU9 0 UOTSSTLOSçp IO] sepTAoIc1 ett TT'etILIoU seecuttuoo T'eTaq_STI.pTzI o 6L TtLIa&of ei oq. peçurcns axe Apoa Tt1T.tA UTI'eOP ' sirçpeeooid eqq. uo sqiocIe.i ei .uLIo; peq'eotidnp UT peneeç axe pTXe sonTx UTtON aTdoId&e eqq UT pa Iaxd axe eeeTuuxroo JtaTAp'e ['etzoTai zto ode ptOOOj tettOTTAOta [[ti; 8tq. Io peerL so iawet :to 'euwet e-qq. u-c perpd tot sç suTpaeooca o piooe v çqooui eaq4-ruxtuoo pa doicl axe seqxLtrçul o ptooa OSe OI8 5qtOdOJ eoq4tllmxoo '°. PBOTTthLP UT paq.TLqq5p 'pIooaE TeuoTsTAo.Ia Axeumrn.s ' OZ '° TD'SUT4TS itU8Id '°W1T° 0 qooCqns TeUOTOTAOZta Ot. UT peonpOtda .iodazt xetq.o ot Se11UT OMq. UT pauTztc1 TTU1.IOU T I eUaf.Ioqoa.IT eLjfJ. ]O ioda 9UJ epue'e ai .O 111a1T IOTUIOO. qoa 110 todei e PU I eua-oooaITI etfl. ;o qtode o Sq.ssUOo seoueae; 1100 T'eU0teI 0. POTIUS UOP'e1.UeUIt00P ottl LL OttI ULIO paq..'eo-rthip UT peO1apOIcI axe s1zTaaw £IOSTAPV xoLeW (sTTottes /i i Aie'eurcxo'dde o. spuOdsaLIoo aI qoso qo'ea) seed os;o 6Lc' pauesaidoi sa sos ti -T flOOD poa TLUWE i Apoa 0 aTItflIOA 1It1LIeAoO atfl_ °UOTSSOS IToueq I6' UT (oL6i 1toxewxemIqo1) UoTs UT1LIoAoe Ot. 0. PaI4TlucUns UoTqUOUt pOj.ou eq iW 9L seopuecI se paonpoei axe oq. pOq4çwqns 5U81UflOOp pue sodai eiq. 'eq.oq. Gt[. tOTZta t10TISueI P' Aotti PWe UT&OITO eoqp at[q. atrn. £q petsqnd U8t{. axe pOAoId axe pue uio; q.j:tp - OI - (AqtoT1qTq exezT eqotI uoTtILIoprc ' ptr ieq.u-g ,go stzoq.senb zmoci uo seoçt 1'ocrnoe.i &1ttwout eI oi) ope xaocr I ooç; () OU :SMooj s er zeiino s oçpopied ej eqq. Aq penss t°TP°Ta sIIOoTTqnc1 ,MTX ioç s1socIo.Ict 110 Ieueztoqoercc et. sep.p po izopo TTqrL y sIooqnd .xeqq..o oçpoç.ied ;o ioq1itrnz TX ens-r eoto etq. '.&poa irçtLIeAo. etq. o sen1rcw 1zeurnoop 1coT;;o ei. ;o eoueiepxoo eqq. ;o o.i.trr 11IoI.j oTuieq.ttt 1- P oqq. ew&oicITne ptr o IoiqoicT tpt. TX1[3p zO0qTLd 'eq'aisep rctfl. Aui po u-cTxzta&o.D et. SOU1IW[ Lton wc 'ens-ç iu .icpo PtzR TpO4 oq. T eo-c;;o ett. u-ctLxeAoo eiq. .&J4STIPUT ;o SOAfl..09.ITP lOT on iqTq1ZOa Otfl. oq. .oeqns qt 'T1 tetr 'SepTAoId '01 OIOT.JV UoçqOg[qfl O r po wçu..xeAo. ;o to& eu e'qq. o. ztocIe.i pedeI e.c o q.aec[n.s et. ST uqeetII tioeo sepau-çw oj wç pepaqq.sp tw seux1 odo exe II-j4eetU eset. oq. uixo peqoIup e1q. u-c pordaid zoçssuiqyts io; sodo uToeI,I ietQ prx .xectxa ;o sthrçqoe 'seo4TuIuxoo 1'eTSTLPUI 110 OeTuwtoJ G1.tq. tflOtt[. ipOa TXT ILIOA0.D et[ O. peq4TuIcjrI.S T tOqM 'STxTPeeoOza eTJ. 110 OO1( wç popxooai T ee4TumIoo et[q. jo uo-çsses qoe ;o po et eo4-puuuoo e1.q. o. q.iodei 'e ;o pu 'iSTud trç semTqeuIOs p1I 'ttouet1 P1E tIsflu UT seqnu-pu R1T'P ots ;o qoeecns OT. O SUQPrSSUb TOTUt[0O GUTUIXG 0. 'AOO uT8IeO 'e.z toq.oeato peT1.eToed AIt[Tt ureç O. ptte 'ttoueIL UT I.UOOX9 eTctePTsuOo STD o LtTIU UT petqnd TTILIOU ax eset L iodei aooTz[[eoçJ () srnTmIu ptce zOTmOqxL ;o soed'e .moq' uo OO pu eTPnq BIOttOUI '8tpflq eATxcIutoQ () (e) aooq ircu.xeeI P sauui q..ueittdoe..ep ueetz o;'s oq. sepn p eoçqo'eid ;o sepoo tiett p () (o) .sijiatcut ixoqeonpa to (q) (seTte MFj 'tocLej PU S0TPTLq ooqput piz ooq eotze.ieez UT PenseT ITuLIoU) oce'ect pU sAeAiIas T.xeue 'seçpnq..s eAxeduIo () eiq. ;o eeumio espthuoo 8°TflO 0T[q Aq penst SUO or[qrId 'eOpoT.Ied-UoU ot :ed. TflTt1AI TX epiaq. seotzta UOTqBonpa to pze uo-çq. TIqa eiq. ic II'eOTPOT.IOd p9rLS-ç ITIeVB1U GT 'uLIo;ttI -U0U ;o pu 'Ue1uqcte eo.xnose UelunH et. Aq tOUeZE1 etoi t[Oflt.& '(Ri.xoqxnb) ttSTTU UT petSTqfld pu (&ItIq.UOw-Tq) sqo'8Iq.sqy trIo sToTpoTIecI PtZ XO Uoq..dJosqns eiq. eeeTxcIf pu OT8t ZM.ID TT.Iq'U1 O o eptu eq osi UT MeTAe Aeui UoTqUe IflOq'er ç °Wl- UIO.X; S0çpoq OPTSYLO .&q TST et. .IOT q.SçZe sqUe-uI -eut.iv sueui.xedop [eoUqoeq. ei .]0 UOtc)q'eoo eqq. UT ttOtteIa UOTqIGUt PTI IT'°l-TPa eiq. q pU OUOI 'T.tSTTUa UT TTUGO petqnd e.I irçoeto; etj (sed oo) oçqs-çq'eq.g iaoqr ;o ooa (oqe 'o'ii etq. -'epueunnooa.i ;o xeq. OU oTTod tet.q.o pWB (e) peqdop'B SUOT. eUoTflIoSe.I 'sUeurrtIq.stz teqnb ed oo) (i-Txn.oes I'8TOOS .&iquow--çq etp pW UT9ITYL ITLoq UO TToTTho et (p) UOTTT8T o1 o) seT.xe eçerj ot (Iieqztnb seed 9[) oqsqeq .inoqrj ;o UfleflJ2 etj (o) (q) p8OTtOM OTOflp0tt trgos et piz [ttt UO OT.fl. stteuraoop jo eunv[o.& atq. zta&o O 8iI. IOAO epçA To.4TXoO o.icl strçeow .ieqq..o ptie seouexo;ixoo io; sqiodex ;o eTs euq.. I'TTJT ;o TAOtd ei. UTATOAflT mess 8TpflO TxoTWI etq. xrLOcrI IO ptte ztotre er4TsuI ouTz'21x o suo oqnd ot UoTULIO.]tIT oqnd eqq. 'Apo upLIeAo.D eqq. ;o eq..TLti powc.Id o.1d O[ o-oo irç SDtd Pt ttOtt?ZtE 10 tuzoJ.00 eqq. io oeid eqq. queuraoop trçeeui ponpettos o .Iod io; Po.Tnbe eoinoezt xo uoo TtoT etq.o) pensç iodax peqOTId1IP et. tcaiq. eqq. (q) pti 'seoueie ptre eorxeia;uo eqq. o t181fffl.Oop peqJ1td ao perçnbex seozznoex iot tq.8oq. 'TOt1t 1OTIStItI ('s) t[qp& ot et[q.. Tr.Zt8O OPTA (ipo et eOTAIO pu ioqTpe PU TTIoqTPa eiq. Act poueur ox sirnui pttB sepnqs p irgxd qout ;o ptt OAOc peOT?IZT uoToTT[rLd i'oTPoTed ierxe pot;ooid 'IOW[trq. 'uoid et. ;o irçtrpx ptz etd TW0I.TP° GU. pETTLb9I JO eiutot3 GOInOSeI Gt[ otq. siepo r2otd tio-çq.eonp (npx pt oeirecI er.q o loT Tttto Ac[ peozrç ueeq OAt 'TPTrcH 'eoirçt 'oTq'eIv) sonxeT sT'rn-ww uotq.onpe sIepoM etq. o SUOTTpa UOTTSI1t!j. OTtqTM xo tTM 8Jo 'eILIequT - q POUT çoç;;o 30 emqTntoe.x o. pxai tpA oq.no uTseooIcI 'qp ouoIq.oee T tiieqo.id etij icrinowt UT eoUeçiedxe ttTM eT1Toed UeuIdoeAep quemeizeui nq.oe JTfl1O9S 1TooS 'Sq.STIWçoOcIS tZTtWcI ieiocI pwe se UTq.XeO o. pet UTIt 'SqSTutoUooe trçpnoirç ' TreToe ;o zowq-çTh:toeI 1Tqs ei'e eei.t e1ctOId T..tTM 16 .OcW[çA SeTOUOA et. ;o uoo xed oo p9O1thUOO e'e& 'peiç; erct eromo UIqTThIOeI eq.oeCo.xcI P1°T; .Io. setrn-LTDpett 6961 TtT e1q1T'e etq. ;o queo ted 06 izrnq. oio eutq.n.xoe.I speeU . qq..-p& edoo o -' eqe Ueecl. st o'ii eqq. 1'eIeue qç o6 quour TTIO .çJTJ1 q peottetr sqoeoxd oq. peuçss ea& q.souI '6961 UT sqoeoI P1eT tzo pa&oiduxe sToT;o -frt6 eiq. Ttm P1T UT Lioeq.eo ecrçAzeg 1IUD W- UT .T0 S peAothue 6961 ;o si'eTaT;;o 6 eUtT eti qv PIO ttl OTO q'e peq.socl °'M [fl erct P1°T..T UT '661 UT 8AOUef OpTSTLo pa&OTTWO Ot9M 1T°TT° tO 8O ['eUOTS8;OZa Ot '° 1UO 'PTeT; UT SeOTO pe 0 UT UMOTt ;;q 0TbP0tt OPUL A peqo eq in eAT; 661 UT 6961 UT .&[IOU S'M oeotd P1ST; oq. peuss'e s.iedxe o ioqurrnz etq. 'P01c[rLoP eoUI1PoTIecI CTTI Xeflbp8tt UTIflP PO.&OIthU8 ;e eq. tnottiv 661 ;o P119 9WI. '6961 ;o pUe ert 000' qeoe p3tloea paio-dme ;;8qS [OrO. 8t[ A XTPUOcIdV UT OIq ooi'i °'° UT 9t. UT U!&OtS S'9 'seumitotcI UOTI8dO-OO 1'OTUTtOOq ;o UOTStzedxe etjq. oqq. UT O'II et 1UTeut peire.i e'et exeeR ueq. q-i ;o ;;'eq.s eqq. ;o tq&ozt eq 6 [t3U9f ;;qg ;o 1MO.I. et 0L0 noavri ain ao avi - 171 - Hd .v x1 ;;'e pw xeA eAç; ii. a.ioui io; ;euo 'sxe 01 ttt!i eiow io; prçtetzo UTq. OIotu 'SXee ç x; sv et. wet. eioux io; on et. .&q peoicIute tteeq pt zeqxiaTeuo uqq. oztd oi et trçpoq ;;q.s eT) ;; aioui '6961 ;o ptte eiq. noqqp so'zr4.11oo ho (eiwçq. ;o gurc1 izeuwxecI1 eqq. eiotu pie; eqq. u-c eoT;;o u-c ia tetabpet xe euzo 10; peAoTduIe ;;q £toeqo eo-pxe -[ztetzeD et ;o qzeo iecl 9 puze s toeo 1uzo e;oIa aqq. ttour- weo 1100 xodT P ie ed IL StJ urn Peolth1e eleM Lioeo eo-cAJes 8t[1. pu itoeq0 uoçeoi uT Si'T00 0 '6961 ;o pue et. .'rVr qse qç trc.iei tx-c seoT;;0 pw 'spoç.ied eict ueecl. trg sçoç;;o eurçq. ;o çuup n0ttq.TM11 sô'e1q. 8t[. O e 11e0Ied Tt etii 1100 110 peRoTth1e T ;;q ofl petLIeouoo eZt pie-c; et. v .i; eT..fl. oqubp'eeq uo'[ Ia; ;;'qs pooueledxe iT'ietze st o'ii erzi '6 tIo11ee eiout io xeeA etzo ;o suemurçodd o; ee.& eseuq. erLbpet[ q.B squeiiiq.trçod .io; ° 00 tt Trç p118 P1° peuIIT;txoo pw Op8111 ee.A& sIe;;o ooL'I eiou 6961 tITIflc eAoEqq 1txeTo-c;;ntzT e.i pexe;;o uzoT11.Tpuzoo etq. enoeq io seouxeeio perrnTea eq. tITIq0 UT &'1eP 1101 £iUIIouq ;o eneoeq .xetTe AI1teue 'peoeex rcurc; exe seçotto'a& qoeod piec; Ia; eqpcputo oq. epui q.uetu ptc ptt uTodd'e ;o sie;;o ;o ieqiirrixz exe1 .&1rc'e; v eq.q.g peqçuz [1 et. o. i ronxI ecicId scq! eriri.tmoo eot. urç peIe;;o ueutho-rdine ;o suoçq..puoo ieqeq etq. ;o eA quooei trç peoueç.iedxe txeeq eArn[ eTqTJrLo c;;cp quxeux.-çmioex pes8e.Iotrç seçIqumoo pe iwc.xsnpurc et. s UeuIq-çnIoei Trc pezn000 eAt] q-tq- sep et. ;o eTuos UI uzeq..xe trpq.Ieo e oq. SuzTeidzo top& 'peAoidute ;;q. et. ;a eT1.TiUoTuz et[. .&;-çsie-çp a. epui ueeq eAt{ azo;;e 1'eToed ';;s etq. euztttre.ioict pie-c; b; 10 ttot ie tabpet e Ieqqe peuzesecIex £q.ue-ço;;nu-ç seiuzoçqeu - ci - queiii&ocIiiie o SttOTqTp ttouiuioo etq. TXeaAqeq uoi4TpT1oo weqs two soi Txe O. UMOU 3I S8TOtdO.IOTP SLOTIeS Oii sueweex toia oq. 'tseoeu 'qoe;o oqaq eAg oq. suopw[1ae ;;'q Gt[ oq. squeiirpuoiir peAotd tt .&POa IZTILIeAOD et GeToIze2 eqs ttOUIFflOO OI. .ieto eq. 1TM petoei S penoABeptie trn euree MO[iO. AidcI's oq. BflStZOO loT STIZSto qteui&othue pecIo-çqxecI stt -I SeTPTh1.S puB Stzo ieqtzT irç ;o stxo-ç-çpuoo o. e-çq.o uçq e.x txieq.sRe uouuixoo suoB peq.çuj] et[q ;o q..uomcIoeAep SAT eztoxd eqq. peteqso; srn o'ii etq. 'oii eqq.. p peq..ufl et. TzeeMqeq q..utuee.iy oqq.. ;o (sq.uew iotwos.xea) Ii eioTiv '-ti-T Tdeot UI t6 iueq.s uouraio et SuO-çqB exxv TX9IIUITSSB 0A&q. ueeMqeq IO ZtI2TSSB P1ST Iet[q. U.Iflp SBIITtUGS PesTiBToecis PuB 0TS0S IITIITBI4 uTpueqB .&ct estiecIxe [BoTutoeq rçetq. eq.epdn o ;;eq.s oeoid pie; etuos uq'eue o. iILOTA B LtTM pazep-çsuoo ueq M.o'tI 8IB SeIfl5BeW (.ueo 1ecI 01 UBTfl Sei) TIBWS [9ATB[eI sç sxseR a-ç; uBqq.. e.xoiu .xo; peoduie ;;sqs oeoxd pie; ;o uoT iodoid etq. 'IeAeoH B 1UOiq. Aoidutset oq tzetutI-çss T 0II [1- s's qoeoztd pi-c; uo peoithue srsToT;;O TuT'sfieI oq M.STA 's ttTM eP's uTeci. qoe ;o pus et. eiqssocI s x; ;o seo-çA.ies eq. sto;;a c6 eicI'soueq..s pus S51LBq..eTOOS IT)1'sedSttST1Uf 1T'sToecIse 'sUo.fl.tptloo 1BOo-EUou PTm P0qTThIOe.I SIBTOT;;o toeq.'so UOU!s tçt T IeAouirI OOTAJ8 rsteue si'seA oMq. uBtfl. OIOUI IO PO.&OIthUe T prgt[q.euo Oq.BwTxotcLI's 'peu.ieouoo T sieqi'snbp'set suoqpuoo iuieqpox-ç; ieptrn peAodtue - 9c-E - w&otz) PTXT eIc1'eITA A[tO eTq. uTuTOcP' esT&tto oq ixeseoett euieoeq 8J9M Uçq.STXO TS .'JpO;Uo0 ss 10 ;o dieit et.fl. GT..I (6i 'T6L'699 eTfl1U3 UTLLP P8PttX pietpO -i Iri; OOT0 sqq qv oq. UT Tc[9' 'OtZt TSUT ILUt iz [10 U0Tq.p0UraIOoo qsod otq. UTpTA0Id ;o ;o t[ T1TxTnbo 56 6T uio.x;) squeui SSTMS 000'OOt' eTJ[. woq uo eeI;eIe.UT ;o oo 6-96T po-çiod 'I' TXTPIfL1.c1. eu ixoi eq. eIequ uo .ied ç etq. ;o oioq& otfl. q.es;o tfl Oq. 0 O'II OUQ STM OOO'OO SUUt 3UI AeUe ,]0 eqqS et[q. 'U0T tfl. oq.. U0q.pp UI TSUT IL1W UT eiccIeZ '0Ut ST(& OOO'O' Pe011UT; ;o AOUO ;o OqS ettq. moi; uo[ ;o seeux uo pexeto ITL1TA L[0Tt[ s I6I poç.xed wp..tmout 'qoo eq '6L'$ et. irçinp pepueqxe q.'T; s oq. UTpITflc1. oti UT UOT ener eqq. ;o U0Tq.n0ssTp Otfl. 110 '9i761 UdTq1LIeq1II 9tfl. 0. pee;stceiq. ST11tO .flaoqerj s& S8TOUOPUed9P UTBqI90 TX8 Upnq UTU[ etq PTm PtII SeSTUteId ;;'q.s et. U3T& '96I SXEGR aj jo poTIed i s ttocIweq et[q. uxoi; M. [sno-çAe AeUeD UT p8TcIYL000 OtIOr 30 dTLtStGTXM.O P8OThIT2UUT L6 UTpTrLq Ot[ UT oneq etq. o q.opnq eU wox; pGrnquIoZt pU U0q0ThIq.U0O SXrL00 0 pU 8TS eT[. 0 .V4T.Ifl0O 0 UT esTu1e3cI t[ 91fl. 110 PeST8I UOI G Jcq P0UEUT SM t0A. u0omxqsUOo GU ç6I lIT U0IP9U0a ST& etj Aq sU0q ;o oneri qq Lfl. J0 )SYL OU0p tCW[ 110 80TJO .Ifl0C 0 et PeUqTS io; qIflq sa 'AOUOfJ 'e11IEfl'erJ ep eni 'UTPITnc[ S iiTDPLI UT'SIJI OII tt 96E -[rnt eUef eAeueD 'se NoI1VcE0VJAl0O0V - L1 - .X rI.bpeeH 0111 V Ot'Oi7'1fl .10 cc'ILo'9 oq. peq.tmoni (pImoL ei. ixo po uTPn1oxo) xeuu et. ;o qsoo zoçon.1q.stIoo Sqoq °ta OWM SOTIt T'Ag oq. peIze.1 R.1x0thueq. xTeq seoç;;o i'°pcpp eqq. o eiuos '6961 pte G961 sxeeA et. ;o to'se UT SaoT;;o eeiqq.-.&qxTS ;o. o tzoçq.çppS eqq. Act pepueq.xe .xieA S1aOTAS.1d 'uoTsTxecIuroo eotce.xnstrç ;o et ;o pue etq. q e .1eq. SBIA xetw et diett eqq. ctq.M. 'L961 UT 10 upTTnq UT51U OT. oq esoo IeATq.1utoo SeoçJo peq.ue.i Sq.TErL 11UIS UTqteo .10 ped'n.o.1 eq oq.. !.deOXO 'eoi trçp-çnq UT'Slxx eiq. 11Io.1, eq 0. p'Si ttOT1A SilTTm 1T POIct'SUO PI UTTte.1 tC8iq. 11'STOtI'SttT 8 110 seSTute.1cI S'SA uTpTnq .&x8.IOthueil. e U0TilOL1.1ilSU0O etrq. ;o GUO Tth.000 liT .1ete0q. R'SM'S peq..epoumi000'S 'ST'S I'STO.1elItttIOO Sfloe'Sq..u'SAp'S 9.1ODI q.Soo uoçqomxqsuoo et 0 qtIeutes.1nqInTezt OTfl. UT UeUtA'Sd 1'SilU31 t[TI0.1t[. peq..'S TOTq.I'ScI TOTT& '0111 ,0 STtrn icq eErçq. .10] P3Td -n000 S'S xetctrs eqq. ;o q.1'Sa oL61 unv lIT pT'Se.1 ixeeq S'St[ UrnS UT1 8t qjrn OTLUTWOO 11T ttOT1M s eui&cI req.ue ;o ut.io eiq. wç pes.Inqurçe.1 UT8 ST "SAeUe.D ;o eq'SqS etq. q s'S& to-çt 13 'uoqon.1suoo et. jo qsoo 8tfl o. eatos 'xetoo'Ss--cea eTS I0 xewu13 1113 S'S 8511 a0 peqoThIS11oo 5'Sll Upnq Jc.1'S.1od:uleil. 'S 'hOTS U0qx8 .1e1.flI1a,] eqSSod: tZT1UOOhIoO 50çplaq.s ]0 uo-ç.etctuxoo uTpued: '-17961 'II UMoil UT 8U8.1 e.13A. Seoço ton se.1q.euIo1T 'S 'S 13 et. upnq u-çux ei.q. epçsqno seo-g;;o I'Stloflçpp'S eTuIeq['S ees oil. Rxesseoeu eulooeq P'S9.118 P'Stt -.i'Sd UT UeAT S8.1UO il-T 961 Aa (oTeq ooc t]CT13t ser 8tq. 0q UTil'STO.1 uenbesqns ;o ps es'Sqo.1nd: et. o SIT'Sil.ea) 8.1'S .1V4.18(I0.1(I SqUotudoIeAep 'pes'ShIo.1lad: S'SM. i4aOd:O.1cI et. c961 01I S'SM T tI13 eurçq. .0 POT.1ecI eIq'S.1epTSUoo 1TilW ][00O SUOT'ST .1'STI.1q0 -oeu A.I'Ssseoeu et. '.1a&eMo PU IOTSS 6T lET Sil-T il'S eoue.1;Uoo Gt iq peu'S.i 5'SA. odo.id sTqq ]O Uop.SflbO'S o'qq.. eqp.oeiz oil. q..T.1o1fl.nv 5p8011 ertaqn.] Se0o evq. qeeut Oil. IIOTSIIO!pCe 1'STilttSilSOJlS .1e1.fltfl; 'S UTpTTTLq Oil M8TA 'S LTM (q.xecIo.1cI j4S8.1flO Serb .10 p.1'Sdd'Sè eqq. SM ttOTT& 'ptza tnoitj peoUBUg .&-&eu otq. tb UTPTTU9 0111 9t. uOq8pO1muOoOy PUB '6o'99$ o qsoo 'e R eoid pein15o8 uppaq pesoiq;eatI peqoeIe s sçs'sq ee;-quei 8 Uo T 0q eq'e'e epur 's[çA Oi.q pu 's paq.g xrioqer io; equqpsu TUoTqeU s II9STXB p8t[ q..UeIIIe.IUTJO..I 8 teqUj eU .10 UOTBpOflhIOOO'B quemecIdns e Aq pu'e ptrn TTdeO em-p.. sTiq Ar '.TPeo UpIo eq moI; 6I'9c o I'etP1TM emqurge.I-ctoU eur8s n- ui [[' q PODIZBUT; ;o qsoo eqoq etta Rq perçnboe ete (qiecIoIcI se.ino ser eqq. o. wçpnq o'n UTBUX eqq. ;o spimo.x .011 ettq) p&ttou et. TITUT0LP'B mtqe W[TTA ottq. pUB PUBI ;o qoc1 aqq. UT '0q'8 66 serI ;o se-rpn et et[q. tfl I irç peB0TpUT SV £qcecIot xnoqBr ao; eq.nçqstzi oq. qII0WtZTSBV pUB U0qsuboy suTpITrLct eTqTod et.fl. ;o qlrn000B otx ooq sesTuted: e sqxto tzei oq. UBt. .IOtftBt 0YLIqBU00 oq. UOTBTO3P Ot[q. .Xo; çSq et peULIo t1:oTt( TBT011T2 eu etq. ;o 8n[BA TBTLPTSe xTpITflc[ 8t].. UT peU'Bqtb00 A&OU seoç;;o Qffl7 0 eUBA etq. oq. A'stu urns ieeq e ;o es et[q. 0 I-fl° L t1TpU0dBe.LI00 'peBTIBeI eq oq. peq.q.11e eq IITM pUB eee xo.xdd?B ;o -i-s 3W1- oq P0BxflOLUIT0I 5T 0'T q peoqsep Upnq eTq. ;o eTflBA in; ei eouo sesTmeIcI et ;o .ietzo-oo eq TTTM O0 UOT0YLISU00 ettq ;o q.zeo .ied L PUB o eeeq qire oq. q.tmouxs m eUTBA IPT ax eqq. 'S ooTzsq.surno exetesIe UoqomIq.s11ooeI xo; Jc'at&B -xo etq. oq. uTpI000v 0H UeBq.. PUB peqtiBuap eq .&etq. qsqq. qsenbax ITTM qT xetet .10 (sw.o T t0Tt[A.y -T Uese.1d .1çetq. 110 s1zpnq et.fl. BABOT oq oe.x'B ITTM. AeUe) ;o eqBq..s et. .1e1tqetM 110 qt1eq.e 8 oq. pueclep '.1eAeMoT 'IrPA peSTIBe.1 eq TIPA tEOTt[M q..trnoul8 et U-çp-j-çUq axe.1BnbpBe1 eu et[q. ;o UoTq..ed WoO 110 O'II eiq.. .&q pe.1Tnbe.1 .1GU0T 011 015 Aeiq. U81.M TIIBA t8LPTS0.1 eWOS U-çBqe.1 hIM sUprçnq xetlttB eq - 6c1 - TtePuIL 1cTx zoçtIeqxe M.3çA lIT 'quesSe SW1. q. ;o epflq.U1II et[q. 'q..ueToT;euT PU o;eq. qeTO. toq oc pno.A& eox iz qons eowçs "tIoqoo etoux u-c ixed eqtedo pn.ots setnbp'eet opT oq 000'e o. eqsod qou SA q-T eq. iTqSOO ouo tqq. yj qrnq UTPIqSIP1rn et[q_ uo soçqpIotflxLe sTA& etq. T.[qçNL SuoqpOeU euaind -'Itq. i eueetootTa eqq. pesoTqre 'wçpI000 .OnII '.&poa TILIeAof t1 GpuI oq plrLoo pt queo' TeuoTTpp' SRL L[OTIM POTAt ' -T 'S9i4TIOttf4.fl SSTR T1.IedO.IcI eqq. lITuTOp'S peULIO;Irç oq. eIc[TTA'B n- uo eIq- LV1TA SIZOTSSflOSTP eITL]flL TIoTtt.M. fe.rnpa; u&xeq-uo etq. IeAo cIoTeAep oq. peqoedxe ueqq. .&q e.xe. icecq. 'SeTTATq..o ST O tflkOt Ot[. O q.t[TI tt1 IT 'CS °TO etq ;o speeu ttoTpourtu000'S GLfl. qeoui o. .ueToT;pw sesçwe.xd uoTq.pp ;o uopomiq..suoo eqq. io; eq'enbope eq q.ou pno.M. (e.xeno iiecIotd et uTpnIottT) uoiqTut ett .&q peuMo puw etq. ;o exe et 'etIoT'exepTsuoo uwTd-u.oq. 0 !1ttTT uTPITfla 'IT 'q'tt! PUJOTtS steq.Inbpe 'e STPfllS i7961 onqsuo oq.. IloTeToecI speett uI.xeq.-Txo seqflqTqSu O. SeSTUtaId tq O lIOTqOThIClIOO et[q. eoieuT; oq. uo] eqssod uTiLieouoo se çxotn ettq. t[qM. eSJflOO trç 3I suoTssnosTcr SeCT1IIOId -peec{ IitGU oq ejsTietq. eOflQ et[. tIOt[Jitt OTS STt[. TIT& e0'4q5h1 etq qeT.q pewtid T speeu uo-çq..epoiux000'e etq. xo; sspA xsnb uTeUIO.I qç 'ste.xenbpet 0111 eoid 14setno1 serj et. O ;o tIeeq. eq uso e'eq..ueAp'e q'etq. pesp.ue IOIIo[ Ott T -T '..oTeq PelzT-[dxe s,zos'ee.x etq rio; 'noiq peteAooeI UTPITTLc1. ettq. T TT1ttL1 j7961 XSSi -oq- eqq.. qepnq seqT4q.su et. oq.. peistto eq oq '000'ot ;o nio Tuei oqu o qsoo nwI us ;o plrnL uoçq..spouuu000y pu queuL& oq q..oeçajris 'eqT14qSu peoed s& ose upnq pequs.x 000'i iIpiTfl etq ;o tsocIsTp etq. et[q. q..s 5.5 tsqizeutecIdns o qtrnours its Rq esod.xncl eqq. .io pes'SaIoTIT sTtt - 0t71 - T.peio ;o ;o poçaed iecI A.3T1 STA'L soxetrç xeq oq. ptz eqq.. o dax oq o. uoi eqq. 'trçpnq 0 ttOçq0fl1!4.SUO0 3t[. IO o'I tI1. oq.. S0Ut ;o TIT1.UJ2 eqq. (a) UOTTITUX 06 oq. th- ;o uo[ ia&o eq pt tzoçqptrno tiTpirLct oii UTqSTXe et. ;o 'atZ1; et. oq.. ;o q.ueut&BcI TG U0TIITUI qsTzT '1e;suq. eq. (q) tecIoztd UOIITIOW P' Otfl. io; '1aod: serj tdoxT etq. trçpn[oze Utt0X8 ot[q. (.) 0 "eette.o rr oi etq. Aq perxo pI[ :io; uTpTAo1d (ette+j ;o eqs et.q. pti uoçqtepe;uo SSTM A4 PTc1 uoçqptrn0; .&'GI eqAT1 ') IU0TtZI 10 ueeeq peus s z0çqptrno oqoa ' lOdOla oTq. P' O'II 8t 9Q L961 TT.Iclv 9 IZQ 'PepTAOad oci PtaoTts Tt0TTtM UOTpOUt -uI000B ;o qIrnoutB ot ;o I0TdurrLss eAqtz1eq eTc.vr uo PeSc1. TtTPTTLci Ot]O. ;o zoçan1quoo et[f1. 10 TZW[cI TTG-la&o Tm oeTt[o1 I.UT0dd 0. p118 PGU101Z00 seq1 dn .M1p TtlTM SZ0Tq'8Tq0eU Oa1Ud oq -0LJT8 UM0tfl '.&q.lect ei.q. pOSN0tftrL p112 '41I0TIT10W pT1E1f11 -01d STL[ 110 Aerxf lIT upçnq SI xarthpott &n -°" ' ;o U0q0UJ4StI00 eqq. ;o OIdTOIZtIct et[q. pA0d '96I 181j1IOA0 uprIq M811 s ;o u0qonaqS -two etq. eaimtrç; oq. Tm0 8 qt18t oq. Tm 'S1Z0q8Stt10 Ieqq..o ;o stt-çpnq eqq Tm stzoq8 peçii UT 'p0 uTuteAo.D OU ecq. ;o eoT;;o IlB8dOITLa GT. oq.. esolo peqBooI '(SeIflo IedoId 1rp.Sxe eqq. ;o ezçs Otq. seurçq. 'I "TPflT° eoxqq. q.noc) SeIq.eux elm-Lbs L'9oI ;o 8eX8 118 ;o eq..S e ep-çAold o pele;;o seçq-ç1otqJ-Le ssp et eq pnoo 'esore ie -Io00'8 O112Ofl uei UoTfeooI quese1d ecq. qe q.etu TZ8 ;ç '5q.Uewe1flbe1 U0Tp0UI 'Sq.TIUTT 9TQSUOS'eel UTtfl.TM. 'q.'etfl. SeoTmlflSs8 £Ioqye;sqes trç'sqqo o. 'peAToAlIT quemq.seAu et. peq.oAep .1ool.; 1ITST.100 '5.1001 3OTO IIe. u xo.id1 UT se.IqeuI LI 'tflOS oq tq.IO1I e 1ZO'['5 peqIX.ST.1O 'e.1qJZO DtF '5 'e'pM saiqeiii c per PGST'5.1 uoi S54OUI 061 'e .io; epp.o.id siiwd UTp1Tfl 1ZO'S3XO9.I oq. 'gQ et[. J0 IOTdT.1osecE M5 U'5 1rçMo.1.I'5Tt T1TPTTUq wçrnu oeq4q0.I'5 -XBo prno e1'5os eq uoq.aodoacl 110 eo'5ds setq.Tço'5; q.tieiuqseI;o.I .Ieto p115 seq..ATq.o'S 511105 ZTIIWI.1 GIITI .ieptrn ptz'5 .IU'Sq.SO.1 5 'STUIe.1d E'5flGM ;;'5qs epTtIOtZT Oq.. T Ptt'5 trçprLq ettfl. '.&II'SUT (seToT1.1'5 A'Se'q 0 e.Ioq.s 'q.deoe.1 ecq. pu'S 'eousueqtrg'eux uTpTTnq 'sqxteurrwop ioqBdsep ,0 UOq.flqp4Sp pDS UOqO'flpO.1dO.I etq. 'rc'suI pus UOT'S.t T°' 'qTeoe.1 OUq. S'S S.1eq4'5UI t{OUS L[TM U['Sep tqtzeo °n- pus AxtqT et[q. ao, esoqq. 'e T) 550 TAIeS 5O5TUICI 3U uop.spouau000s sidurs 3.10111 eprr[otrç oq osis bp'Sett qs peoTthue ;;sqs ,o .1equrrnz etq. tzat. 9961 UT s 3.10111 q1130 aed: Q 10 'SI'STOT.JO L1' 3STtOtt oq. 30'Sd:S siia .1eLflo pus eoi;;o qJZOTOT;;rls pus (suoTq'SI sep iet eq oq. e'nuq1z0o oq. 3.1's ttoTtt& 'eoUe.Ie.]1100 XrLoq'Sr 511015535 U'51Tq. .13q.o) 5uqeeu1 .10 'ST1Txa'5 pu's uo-çq.'spoumi000'S pOAo.1d:urç .1O 5epAo.1d: M3U etq. .10 sqtzemo.1nbe.1 ;o eiiiuraio.id et -.Ieq.0 UT)t0M e'iq. UT 'Su0Tq'5u euq. .1OT SqUewe.ITflbe u0q..'s.Iepe;u0 SSTNL etq. Rq uop.'sptmo PoosId 3.1'S 11501 eqq. eousu'ç; oq. sptrri -T qeeut oq. UTPIT12 M3 ;o 311ItU5.10.1 'trcpTnq Lc etq. 3U ;o 1s50dTp e1q. q.s Ot[ spoou 8.1T4fl 'o'ii etq. Aq u0TqTsnbo's eqTssod .I0 eqw[sA'S UTUT0P'S 13d:0.Id e'qq. q.sqq. exasue oq. q...Io;,]e .&.13A3 33UI PIUOM u0q.'SpTm0 ecq. st pus pSUT'Sute.1 TIOIIT.IOW pUS.1f, eqq. urotq. eq.'So's oq &p'Se.1 S'sM qç çqrm SpIrnO.]2 PUS 11TPITTLC1. 5.13t'Sflbp's3t[ T1q..sxe Sqç ;0 queuiAou3 O3.1J pus irr q..o'S.Iq.UOo ett 3A'sLI p[rLOqS 0111 3W q'stq popTAo.Id :eqq. UTJOTTO JE OLq. UT UMOttS COUIXB pU esetd etq. ;o ptr (eo8c1s ex eu aqq. ;o s'ex eoxns equ 011 oTcIT'A six'uiej IO q.Io;30 LI9Ae OUI TIPA tzoçqpirno RqtodOx3 etq UTpnToxo) coxd& oijj ct IZO14TSTUbO UpTTTLq. UTPIT. jr oqissod Uq. oxn.sue oq. edoict s-rtfl. TUEO tUOT Ut0qtti io; epTAOIcI e.Ts etq ;o xe;sttetq. lOT TUIOUOO qO.IqtlOO BU. ;o SUIIe. etfl. 'oAOc p9UOT. edoicI uTwcop etq. ouT o-inos otj. oq. -ueui se-çuzaid stzTqeem otjq. XGIl eqq. pu pizeqxe pTjaoM piz eqq. ttqj q..ttocI 3W1- '-tl-T r' plaoA qç 'e.inqn; et Axseooiz euiooeq 18A8 Io4omqsIIoo iUop- ;o iitio pttooes lIT ourçq. £t -TPP etq eie. oq X3 Ot[. pw p9tLIOOUOO PIflOtt eqcs eT.[q. IO ul Td-U.hoq rooi otq avcrn iA.oii -Trte et. oq. pu PeUZTT oq PTTtOM T-t°T't' 'xpnq uir.urçxut pttocIGex.Ioo [UM ezçs T'zeue esoio 'suoqnea icq..es o;;q. q.LtTq urrnwcxui SUOT. qç 'T' etq. IepTrn peq4ULIec1 'rçpTnq ett T.q- ;o eq 6o e.xqeut o O tUO[ I'1rO1. ei SesTuIeIcI exos pirs seçqç[p.ia io; 'S&optITA ttvc. PePTAo -TXOTdd ST 10A81 ptrno.i q..'s UPTTrLq elrn. pue u.iettotz 'sia&oi .xeuo timi osetq. teizoa SeTITIT0'J e[eM. pu UWOO pu's strn SOTA -teS [Th4UGO P11's 0 PU UTtqfl05 OTfl UTPITTLC1. 9ttq -etd eAoq's 'stq.fl ptxs sirp.eew oiq esnoq SISAST eset UIeIqX9 eqq. S.IOO]; etq. u'stq. 'sect's I9-pA 'S aa&oo o. T'sxaes sespiclmoo 1UO UP'SO TtOT1& SISASI Upflq etfl. UttO4'sTd etq. oiea wç'sqieo to pu's sq.onp p sesocLxnd 'sOUiO0q iotqo sodd ,o e'sssmI etq. xoj osis uTJ'seq.-p'soI 'S Rci poq..iod1'as i'sd pus (ae IT'S "sSI's .TqTtxe IO tIOqCIeOe.I s oq oq. T TtOT1tM uLIo4'sId 'sIoajitsttO uO14'SIqUeA 'STT) sosTu1ecI seTqTTTqn o. t'sd oq u .uosojd se §u p 6u 1ALes snodtuoo j.o .ewoJ. aq U asn oqi j.o [flSOJ uBLfl. §up[nq iou oq Ut soesooq oq. ioj. ponbo eq LL1M e3sds sse-i 016 6C 000 16 006 009 000 S '08 SLUOOJ4SI 'suJooJeoI3 SAeMJLS pU 000 4i 1 OOL L 099 81 'sos viod [8 1oJoaitlloo 'so ie 0L 09 001 000 - 04L 01 uo . (3.o 'SLnpUo0 's1.J.eqs '5uO8[8.SU[ bUUO[pUO3J8 'UO8[[U8A '5UO.8 [U [ [83 J.3O [0) 58 R1 I flfl '6u L3ee 'ouoqdo L8 UUL.88J08 009 0Z 09L 0L 000 (SOLJ.U8d 1 U2 80O Su843t [[Jo (SOJO.S pooj. pus SU810.L)I buLpn3uL) S8qLLLOBJ bU[JO.B3 Jelfl.0 pus .usnqso S8JO pUB ScJOqs)IJOM 83UBUe.ULBN bULpLttlO SLILIOJ4S[d bu[peo[Ufl pus bu[pso-1 1 UOJ.S pus oöeos Joq.ij swoo 009 090 °J1°M 6IS pU [[885 OU[pflL3U[) S8OJV UOn4qI9XJ pUB UO[ OLL sLfl saqqoj 'sAopJJo0 q qxe S8UflO [ 's SeuLqOsuI 'enunj. 'se[Lddns o3j.jo J841.o PUB 001 OUO.8 SU8Wfl0Op pUS suo.soqn 00 (esJos O[LJ. bUtpfl[OXO) ebBJoS oi t (°°1H0 50d PU psoqqoos 'suetun3op U5 suofl.B3qnd o uo[.nq[JSp 'suevinoop j.o uo.onp odeJ 'ebeos ot.j CS83LAJOS [LBVJ) S8OtMOS 14U3 090 S>j0BS>lOO8 I 9L6 I 00 09 009 Se3LJ..}o 00 001 009 81 000 OC oo 'sen6o1eso 'wooJ 6uipse 1 pUB I 061 0 019 1 001 U)JO0 (O3SdS UoisU8fl3op ue3scpo ñUIpfl[3u[) S80j.J1J pspus wooa ssod pus woa 6uL1.uo 's6u.00w j.o s1.EJs0J0OS pus S.iOOJ.J.O 1OJ. S001J.J.0 (UJQOJ uot3ofod ULpfl[0UL) S800J bUL.O8W JO30S SbUI.0OLlJ 0 s8x8uUv pus öULpIIflg U8S0Jd 01 6Uip[Lfl9 S8SLW8Jd pepeeu esTwexd et. eiaoes io q..omxsuoo oq. i1.çqe szoçqj p8TUfl etr. uo puedep OS[ esTuxetd UTItS ;o AociocI ut pwç; oq. Re OtI S tZOTpOT1I seqo irç toçqxed 'soeTmaIci ;o -ut000 eqeçns e.iei quese.xd s çqeuIos ux sioos; u-çxets et[q. o. eLiOqOp eAoqe oqq. 'sosueid e xsdes u'sqq. etqi uouxuxoo trç er oq ,O uO qJIeT1Ie[cThI OL peoecIxa eq Tt5TTLTOU £51U eqJrsAp IoToId ;o eottwq et e[çt id acts eeqxeetz loT STTistO ' O spesu 5TJj tsUPTATPTIT O Xo[9.I lIT ses-çuiezd ttoimuoo oqssoI ;o qsoo puPs onTep's 'eotte-çueizoo ;o sioqo; e sesTUteIcI o -TlrçuIp's et[q Se elq q TOeId.I'5 OSts -I seeq.ua&p'e OAçtq.5 ertc 8urç zoq.nqoo qex O. TWl- s esui uo sesTuIcaci ;o u-cats ettq. qeqq.. ses-çsea ptrs eurç eqsaodaoo e ;o Io q.iiesead aqq. ;o uIesAs 5UOTI peqUfl et 8U[ tsOTOT00Sd p115 Oq4OcI et. 'rLo-çq..a'sd u-c 55 Toeadd'e o!ii ei os wcop irç esq. sç eaetq. aeAeuetpA. pao eiq notnozt. peq.çu et jo sUoq T1r5Io aetto '-tT' ATTura; szo-çq sesTuIeId: exGtts oq. oTIod uLxT.: so'II ic ST 1-I -ua&ps ;o eours'sq .SeTq.-E[TaS; tIOUIlIIOO 5815t[5 qç t]0çt[M t[q.p& '003J0 wçpnq eures etq urç pesnoq sç eo-ç,;o etq. (uT'scIs-;o-toa) eSSO etia lIT pus seoç;,o sIOSj pq.ufi 1T.TM IEITJ1 etq S's ses-çuieacl uouxuioo exrtoes oq. eqssoo: ueeq s'su rvc (qnaTea pt saecTv) SesSo OM lI[ 5ttOq.p1IOO .&4T0 qBI. lIT uTTT'sJ.e eqq. ;o I-'tTI eqq urç ourous.xa's oTutouooe pu's q..ueo;e .soui eqq eq o. ptrnoj ueeq wpet srq 'uoTS5TlZBto eq. Aq pewo sesçuiea[ etq. ea's "surT'I urç po.'sooi 's'so-caeuw eiq. ao; eoT,;O tsuocea etq. ;o es'so etq. IT Tuo sesTutetd: pequoa UT pesiaot exs 'ae.eMout 'seoço etq. o Jc.Zo'suI qSeI eu peuaoouoo .&aq.tmoo etq. pesçp-çsqrts .io eea,-quoa 's RTh000 seoT;,go o qtteuttIzteAo tb etq. Aq sçs'sq 5T'sTEtsA's epSux sesçuxead 'suaeqxe orii ses'so subs ui iic etq. urç seoç;;Q a S qouoq. esoto wç eq oq. speeti TX ç wot& Tqp& sepoq £SJO3tOM steRoicIuie pw sueuiqrdep .tzettrtLIeAo etg. tqçM o- -ttoo Rse u wieiu of eoT;;o orii eqq. to; 1noç;flp qT e]ut ptnOM 5101 STUtO xeLflo zto; peOO[ qTfls SeSTmet zonis et. qq. pirno; eq tu qç s'sen3 ewos trç '.IeAoetoI - 9i71 - aoo 'ooatn uxr; urçeq T uiesRs ovt PTt uOTq.oIrnCtIOo u-c peIoIoAep SIT1JLEO Gq.OTUGX 1UO t1 pe 110TT1L0,P1I ocfl4IIeToS p et. 110 seoue ;ei q.uzeutrioOp ;o xec10 (isi) woq.s eq11 e1. .O pure ezoq (o) (uq.uout qo'ee sqtodai quçP eAT;-A.Io; aeo) SOTST'eS pure uoTquLxopzT iemxosiecI 'ToWoo .IeMothreJ Ste1IUI 1SUbt IT5WIPGP'tI peedeJ axe 'eTcuerc'a' TTTqS seo.xnosex pIr P0I4T1IflT100 JaI[ SOOtflOSSI uITALtOt[S 'sqtrnooae (q) oeeoid ieqq..o pixe uoq.mIedo-oo i'eomoeq. io; eq.uew uzoçqeuIao;uT queuieuieui cloq. io -eqqs oq.ep-oq-d ee-çxeuuJrns pure ses['eure uT'eq..Ioo pure 'seouec1 ITIq TWIu101tI 1ZTPtLTO11T 'SJrn0O0 0 snq:eqe et[q. TT 1ITAk0US qtocIei ;o uzq..uIIct iaei Ot. pue 'oq.e 'SJ1req 0 U0Tdtd 'aeçt[so et[q. I0 5u10q0Th]4SuIT quzeut& TT'P eL[ aBTJ1 SOpYL0uI sq..urn000'e PIrI1 STLfl UTPUT01ZT 'Sqrn0oo'e TeuI OCU 11ç SuI0T0TTdde tITeUI OT. eXe SThI Ptt epriq et ('e) :eurçq. quzeeeicI et[ qe 1ITM0IT0. 7I tI pure sqoeoxc1 uoqIedo-oo 1oTxt[oeq. lIT II Steq.XeflTJp'eet q'e toq uuIeq. quzeweureiu lIT pure STSJI1re opuouooe UT teqrithttoo etrq ;o sen urçSeI0uXT TTP'eel.S IrptU peq4uIa et[q 11 SU0TTuret0 S1I0T 1TTUI T q-T pure uITdoTeAep AT'StL1ITq IGqq..O uTM U0TT00SS'S IIT iiierj.SRe ST1T STJ4aI pure e'e.xoqe UOT UtI0UT 0 -1100 ST PU pee -tGXLthJI00 J0 OCtI OATSUeXe S1I0T8d0 uIT tUI q.T t -trri000e pure eATqtq..STUTUrp -uioo S uo ot STTO q.e'ecl e .0 au -i .xo; eienthuoo urçen uzeeq °PT' exea TP11't 0. O'fl 0LtJ iIsaooaa vlvr oIoor to an ic 1X 00001 sxefl OpçTIcJ 1i70 oottU8qtrçJft] eutota suoToT1ddV J0WlO UOTOT1&IV PXPIS tnocr 1otIexI 96 11oxa 01i71 oTWOO1 91 SIOTOTTddV uoctteurnooa QQ[ SUOq.8'O1dIV 1oTmosecI strn000v :6961 tt-ç uo'Bor[dcIB srLoTA U0TSTATp otq. se .xqsTr ei. izeeq ourçq. eqnthiioo o rp&oo °ta eçqgço; oiI eiq. ;o oti TXPTW (v ptt 'i eexq. ewp. oa 'aI) eT1eo "T ° ese.xoirç oq. peoedxe sç osetq. o aectuln.0 et q.uese.id etq. ptt ' xoTsTTxto JetO ioj euop axe sqo 11'euis 'zoçoçppe TXI seic. evn.ct ptte eunuexo.iI ;o uoç9çAe.I ptte zocIo etq. io; esg eTJ4ttrLOO OIOTp uTdoToAep eoos aqq. To seTpn.q Ttedo 'serpn .xnoqer ;o SosxrLOo swoq..a&s O SW8tI.SJS .io; SZOT eoo W1108S nduioo 1TxeT14OV eouxeI e tno.xt. pu (c) xo; oqix u.-ç pesu seur tçtrç sseirceua (sq.xocIe.x uea;tp AqueMq. IoAo) Tiode.x spxepwg uoqer o'ii etq. to; surço pirn (i1) eoTmsu[ tieii ire ;o Ircse000Ia (tt) () (;) soeoid IOTJt9d0OO reoTwoe tb seo-r;;o rewteixe 'sieqxenbpeet q..e coT;o Io 'stieq OOr StbOTq..OThIStIT tbeuIJc tbTPUiOtIT '1io.'eI (e) eunretota ftbe&oTjIuI PD'°k et{. .103 UTPYLTOTIT 'slepout o-çq.euxotzoo OCOtIOr - 71 - (p) SUIT!1. 101. 0T1 OTt& Suieiciotd SUOTXSA eT.t TTfl51100 'SIt1ISt .'eULI0.UT Pet0.S tITSSflOSTp ptlR '110 -oid Td0TeAeP TX ouo.iq.oOTj eurp. oq. UT.IO PU Teo0 TS°- tO. 'LOUt et ;o ;;'eq..s et. .&q se --a se Th3( C0fl.].A& e5Ofl .&II'eToecIsO) sqçlrn .xesn lIMO JTtI. sno-çxa& et Rq aendwoo eqq. oq. sseoo'e qcIuto.id ptze Asee setTnbet c'n- orii eqq. Aq aeqndutoo ei jo esL etq. esutq.do pU cIOleAep o. peetz aqq. PT'I T sTsth1xa siesn oi seq eqq. o 1xoTsTAoId etj. oq. ueAc :5Ue1J1eIe "°° O'II Otfl. oq. eoTxes elctTssocI o TNLOITO UTUIeA0 sg q.T.IoTI Ott. 110 pesq AOTIOd tE (q) () T LI eq iixx se ie.xwr ;o duo dfl.5UT qons oq. uo pepeo[;o eq o. q.iiese.r.cI otfl. lIT S'S entrp.uoo PIUOM etltttornu 0r11 Ot[Or 110 e[q'Sç'SA'S toiueut io peeds .xeq.'ee eaTnbeI t[oTt[M SuoT'SOTTdcIS peqçufi IexST 'S 110 tO IeqoUe lIT IO 5UOO'Sj PTt1l etq.. lIT SlZ0Tq.'SIl'S.SlIT '.&T.X'STTUIT 'icoue T 1I'St ilI'S UOTI'STT'S1SlIT S1IOTq.'S To'Sd'So exed:s eq TIPA eaeqq. epout sTt ,o sf.1TtuTT eq. seqo'Se.x p'Sop.IoA xeq.nc1 -WOO 0111 eqq tzeq& euITq. eqq. q.qq. peurnsse T .i 0i7/o9c pileqxe o. e ;o Rq-rocI'eo irr etq. puoAeq UOq.81'SqSUT eq UT'Sq.IeO ,O lZT1P11'Stt poluIelci 'IeAeMott 'j.otz T q-i epo lIeToT;.e eIoui q.TuLIe 051'S IITM STtTJ IeAeI ofr/o9 eqq. o. dTL q4 UTxq oq lIOTq'S11'Sqsu et[q. ;o &To'Sd'eO UTSSeO I'STTUITS 110 aeqTe 'SAGIIO.D lIT otd TC1'STT'S1'S eqq. eseiowç oq. epui lIeq AIlzTpI0oO'S et'S oL6i ;o plze eqq. eo;eq iie (sqTqs 11r.J sueuelzeLxy tq.Txeo lITsseooxcI 1eaT41Ieo oc/o9 wai qUeSe eqq. ;o Aq.o'Sd'So eq ;o SiTUXT1 UT3I0M 1'SOqO'Std eq. qo'SeI Of:1. pooedxe sç q- pU 'oL6I t'Snlrer lIT S.Ifl0 Lt i'Se oq.. lzesTJ J1Tp'Seq.5 .iepirn WO p'q -T 6961 UT Ri'Se CflEIOW OO 91 uTs'SeIouT T qq.uout iecI pesu sxn.oq o xequrntz eq eexqq lIp[a0M) IT1ZL1 To'o trçeseaoiI .xetçt[ speed pt erçnbei toçi& )toAA. trçpnawç '(o-fr/o9c wai U i.-ro'd'eo eqq.. o-ç) i aedeo tton ;o sq-çuI eqq. trçtflçM. pe-putt eq .otttreo uo Aei tiiA. q..-r suoc-IrBizT epç$flo tOk Io q'etq.. ieq.nthuoo etfl. o pwe ;qs u eoo ipe8.I OAELt seootd-'eqp etq. t-çM q..ouoo eoio UTTXTW pewteouoo sçm-i etq. q-tq- iTTxeSe sç q-r ttOTWA ;o eso eqq. u.-ç sxetj.o tpA teteo. 'uepuedep eiq.. jo uoiedo ue.i.ino eqq. TeTwe euxooeq eAst jrj- jo uTes000.xd pe ttoTT tioqrçtrn p qdmo.xd et. tto zooT1dd'e eSot. eptreq o. eq'enTepe ieei noquT .&o'ed'eo xequthuoo -T cIoo TTTM. o1iI e (steTflLxeA qotrnd qs e poeut pw j7 tp& ieqq.eo. 'seuioxd 9 pus ssAsim seqss ';'ss j7 IITpflTOUT uosse;ot i ;o ss'çsuoo &ou toTx.i uTSSeoo.Id 5ç ouo.iq..oe et) IexLthuoo et. o eqq. uT peKloAtzT et OtM eOtQ etq. nonon. S4trn I8tfl..O rç ;;sqs pu iouta irçSSeOo.i -ci ecu ouoqoe eqq. ;o ;;q..s etq. tq.oq trpa&oo 'flO peç.xxso are seq..çAçq..oe uwçexq. pure queq.cqric 'suoq'eIedo ;'eq.c wçmrp.uoo upawçq.uoo tzeToT;.]e pus iootus ;o as 's epp.oicI oq. iap.xo u] ieAo ci (eut-q ieqeiu oq. eurçq. o'axedo ueo tecI ç (a) ;o oTt) AoueToT;e uq tedo euposur eqq. eurçq. eeJ2 oqq. e[qTssocl q.ueseid et q .io; tIT&OTI5 eTTttM 'UTTflPtt0S UrrLIUTX5TJI uTTPUtt uoTiOcIo -MOT ttTIIT'.IITW O. tT1- tTM earn.IoA noatctI coo 5tO45 ST eoqtodut (p) (peq.oecIxe eq pnoo si'acei etj. .io; eAtsuedxe ooq. c peq.oeçe.x ttoeq eAsq suoToTIcI'e pesodo ;o ztequrnu s) eç& iq.ioM eq s TTTM uocteq..TtthtIoo Ot[q. eqsoçpwç 'e TdOId 'cecRierxs q.;eueq-coo u-çpn-[otz-ç 'cepns cmeqcRs TrtOJOtt. e.Iet[M tzo pedoeAep axe suoToTIM5 Me - OT - (0) q 'rxodn wip eq qtphx (trcwxid qoe ecrj. .io; -o.icl ti-c scoqeU o esia eqq. xo; uieq.ss oogam se qons) sple; 1LOTd UT 5UOT'5 TUtO tetflo &q pectoleAep ueeq eq qotq& smeqsiS qeqq. peqsens s'eq pw suo T'°' TTOUUT; pesçxeq.ncIwoo io; swess sq.ç pti eq -rce eeiu o. pexe;;o 5'eTt 0111 eqq. 'AI.I1TUtTS O ;o speeti oqq. 8trp.eet ç ecu oq. pet[sp q'eq. saçoue ;o eq'Sd'SO uIeq.a&s 1oUe'S-teq.UT U'S OUT pOcIOTeAep eq pi.1a00 iueq.ss 1'SAeTI4.ea VU'S e'Sioq.s UOT 111J0;UT sTtt!1 'q.TO -'S&SO UT55eoOII Q'II 8t[. UT eS'SaIOUT I'SUT'SUI 13 PU'S eJ'S 1eAT'S1eI 'S qfl UtIOJUI OTTUT0S peeq.UI 5!-T ;o -;oc trç qUOUIqseAtZT T'SUOTITPP'S (sisI) Ieis tIOT seTqTo'S; Oq. '(9 S'St cepouI .&puq..g lTO13'S0 et. UT pecodo.xcl uieqsRs-qus Uoçq'SuLxo;wç o;qUeçOs pU'S 'SoTUqOeq ' [OJ,) eqq. ;o q.Ueuxd:oeAep eq. ao; 'jffl o pete;;o 5'ST e[q'STT'SA'S elSlU oq. STU'StO eqo qq.TM DIeT; 5TtPr UT Uoq'SIed:o-oo 30 AOTIOd: -T ;o td 'S sv 6Iç uxeq. peett ttOTtt& 0111 etfl. 'SUOT stiOTqgtietO sUoçq. peqç .xeqo oq. seTq.To'S; 'SITUIT5 e;;o oq. eq's eq oq. pe 'se-po'S; &i.-o'Sq escpeT oq.. sseoo'S e'Sq o. epo UT "SAeUe.D UT PeTI'SSUT eq O. IO eq'e'SA'S MOU soTsTIeqo'SxSo XSIT1JITS ;o 5U0çq.'SI['Sq.SUT etfl. .ieqq.o pU'S (o-fr/o9c W91 U) UO'SII'Sq.SUT oa 'qucIUT ;o qM sue.ss UTvexedo ctz exeqA.ese 11N tZTAeTTtO'S O] OOU'SCOthtIT setoq'S osts PU'S 'SAGUOf) 'S Jc[TUrS] ctiOTq'S poq.çU eq. UT 5UOT'SSTU'etO que.Ie;;p eqq. Rq q'Seu'SqoIeu pesu eq Aiii eseq. qqq. os 'esties q..sep'SoIq eqq UT e.I'Skqjos ;o pus sess ;o qTTTqTq.'Sd ttAeqo'S o. 'ptrsq teqo eqq UO 'pue sUeureiTube.i I'eTLxefIuT UU'SqO pU'S suoieutru eqq. oq. eATstzodsex pu'S tzeço --c;;e 'eqxe; U-çoq UO-çq'S.IectO teq.uthuoo wo sT oq. 'pUst eUo eq. tto 'eou'StothtIT q.'SeI seo'Sq4'S 0111 eq uIoqsis 5UOçq.'SJ poufl -utoo eqq. u-c suoTq'Ssusto xeqqo xo; ueqxeptm T tOM 'e[q'S.[ç'SA'S ST eurçq. OU-çqoew eds qqq. ueqxe eqq. o () Act P ° PIPTIt TTT° tCT9q ST çsseooicI sieq..nduxoo eSOtlM OSOt(. PU UT pesT[SToed OSott. t[qOq UTPT1.IOtZT 'peILIeo -UOO ST'STOT;;O et tteeMq.eq sqoqtzoo noxt. exoui 'pu's sdriozt pzo Pt O9q4UI 4sies aeq..nthtto et ;o LIeuqo'sm 'sur.xo; eqq. -uio tflOI1q. iq..oq 'cIoTeAep SttOTSSTLOSTp TI5 SZOT'sIfl9ttOO AOUO's p-o-p 'Tqxodu o. 'y touT s's pizs sequthuoo o esia xerLj eeui oq. uxee u1eq&s etq. irç tOT'sTU'stO SUOTXSA O1. S'S e.10[000'B hIM. sse.ioict STt. O eO'Sd aqq. q'st[q. quepçpzoo T o'ii et. pu's 'uoT!1.oexTp s-çc. u-c ep'stxi ueeq p'sezt's s'si ssor2o.ia 's s's çurs; suoçq.'s pett et[q.. uTtTM Io'ssT!pa tzemcIoaep £ioqo'sj TV5 Ptt's T'sOTUXOUOOO 'pçd'st ;o oesoxcT q.seq etq. ste;;o 'suotq..'s.xedo TTUJ 5UOT'sj\[ PeTUÜ ;o sqoeds's izexemp T5W1. pU's 5Tq.To's; OpaduiOo ;o IZTIOAOO suieqsAs 30 q.TZeUrctO[eAGp etq TI-c 5Uoq.2sUEtO UeIeflTP .&cL UOT's5TT'sToeds UTP12TOUT 'eAoq's PeUTUO SOUTh etq. uoT's q..ueu1doeAep q.'sqq. SGA9çeq QII Ot I Apnq JTO'sd'sO UT pesodo.id wosAs-qias OAq..'sJ4Su-rnIp's pU'S ['sUO'çq.'sIe(TO Ot[. 0 uO'SqtZ3UteTthIIT -0 I0 .4 uJ _o06 J LLJIX I-ZLU_.J Zui 00 0. UU 0 .Jc/) 0 - z 1-cjj1Z0 << I- 0z u, U WZ0, uJz0- U) C 4 U- U U-c .3 CU OC CO 0. a) ZU)WO i3 E a) v, >.. 1 0 WW UU) aE 04I-> 0 4C U Wa- U) .2 0 a) 0 0(1) W c 2 E WC c IX a) U) 0)0) a) C a) 00 U) z a, U) C 0 (5 -r a) 0. r I h/) 0u- a L 1 I I c 0: 00- r 0) C " -aI g 0) U) °° C 0 U a) U) 00 0 a) 0 0) 0 0 U) C U) U) a) U) a) U) CC C U U U). C 2'13 0:.c5 WI-- U) U, oöO a) z ii 0 -U W I-uJ C a) a Eo 0 Za) U 02 4 0 C .2 U) U C U C .-a) - co 0 0) 0 a) ZO a) 0) 00 0 a U) 1 I I U) C 0 0) cco a) U a, I -c a) (I) >0 00 o2 ui; &U0 EC E.2 a).. CC .2 WOW U) a)U) C 0:: %tc <u-I- 0 U) IC - C Eu oa) 00 0U) a) g 0.0 a° -< ô5 -U . 1 C 0 U) 0) C _ja '-1-i<I-uno0_LI1LIJ C -r c,,I-0 -r U) U) U) z. a) U 0 0 a. 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I -a, E 00 00 C0 00 U) .0 0 4W U) 0 0-a) o.t U) C C0) g)U) U w " _j< I,0_ ZF-UJ uJ CC Lv) 0) C a) z 00, 0 U 0 0) C a, 0 5 -r r -r -r _WUJW <w' (U' a) . 00 0) U I/) 0) aU) LU<UJ 4- 0 U 0 U. 4)a) U) APPENDIX II ILO CIRCULAR Series: 3 - PROGRAMME No.: Distribution: D Date: 2(Rev.1) This circular supersedes ILO Circular No. 3/2 of 23.4.69 PROGRAMME PLANNING IN 1970 Table of Contents Paragraph General Preparation of Draft Programme and Budget Proposals for 1972-73 Proposals for Regular Budget Field Projects Performance Reviews Financial Progress Reporting Special Progress Reviews Programme Change Procedures Programme Changes (ILO Form 847) Detailed Programme Planning and Control Timetable for 1970 Summary Timetable 10 70 90 120 140 150 Annex A Annex B Annex C GENERAL The instructions given in this circular should be Tead in conjunction 10. with Director-General's Instruction No. 341(Programine Planning and Control Dtjring preparation of the 1970-71 programme proposa1 as well as Procedures). in connection with other planning steps, a number of valuable suggestions on All these suggestions have improvement of the planning procedures were received. been seriously considered and, wherever possible, reflected in the new instructions, e.g. the provision for additional time in the preparation of programme proposals to Moreover it is hoped that permit inter-departmental consultation to take place. the new timetable will allow adequate time for the fullest possible exchange of thoughts with the field structure during the preparation of programme proposals. Besides the implementation of the 1970 programme, the major activities to be unertaken in 1970 under the ILO's Programme Planning and Control System will 20. be: / completion of the Long-Term Plan for the period 1972-77; preparation of the 1972-73 programme and budget proposals; programming of technical co-operation projects to be carried out in 1971 under the regular programme; preparation of the report to the Governing Body on the implementation of the approved programme and budget for 1969; internal review of performance in 1969; programming of technical and administrative work in support of technical cooperation activities to be carried out in 1971 and the allocation of extrabudgetary resources in connection therewith; periodic financial progress reviews; special progress reviews. The action required by departments to implement this plan of work is set out step by step in the timetable attached to this circular. 30. Action to be taken under some of the major steps depends on conditions that are not yet fully kno'n at this stage. The major relevant steps includes for example: the respective roles of headquarters and the field structure in the preparation of programme proposals and their subsequent analysis (steps 30 and 34) in the light of decentralisation, in particular with regard to technical and administrative officials to be outposted. to the field structure; the possible distribution of a supplement to the Programme Guidance Letter in the light of the Governing Body's review of the Long-Term Plan (step 27). Other matters of concern to the Programme Committee are likely to be added to the timetable (Annex B) as the need arises. A graphic summary presentation of the timetable showing the timing of individual major steps, and the work to be performed in any given month, is attached for ease of reference (Annex C). 40. Papers for the Governing Body or its committees (e.g. International Organisations Committee, Committee on Discrimination, Committee on Industrial Committees, Committee on Operational Programmes, etc.) in which it is proposed for the Office to undertake work, should be cleared with the Secretary. The Secretary should also be consulted on proposed working agreements with the TiN or other specialised agencies, if such agreements have significant programme implications such as the joint organisation of conferences and meetings, unless such implications are already covered by existing programme decisions. 50. For the purposes of this instruction it is relevant to recall the recent decision of the Director-General, "to confer departmental status on each regional structure in the sense that the head of each regional structure will be a programme manager with the same duties and responsibilities assigned to Chiefs of Department under the ILO programme planning and control system". (PC/69/S.M./l dated 2.9.69). 60. Programme change procedures are set out in the final part of this circular. They provide basically for the same flexibility as last year. Some of these provisions may require modification upon promulgation of a policy of full decentralisation so as to permit a greater delegation of responsibility to the field. Preparation of the Draft Programme and Budget Proposals for 1972-73 70. Several changes are foreseen in the preparation of the 1972-73 programme and budget proposals. The decisions, pending on the scope and scale of decentralisation, will likely require some alteration in the allocation of responsibilities between the field structure and headquarters departments for the preparation, co-ordination and analysis of programme proposals. Methods of programming regular budget field projects may also be changed. Detailed guidance on these changes will be provided in conjunction with the issuance of the Programme Guidance Letter, but the major changes in addition to those brought about by decentralisation are the following: programme proposals should be prepared within the framework of the LongTerm Plan, and should provide clear reference to the relevant chapters and objectives in the latter document, a 4raft of which will be reviewed by the Governing Body at its May 1970 Session. If necssary, the Director-General will issue a supplementary Programme Guidance Letter for the 1972-73 biennium reflecting the Governing Body discussion; it is planned to apply electronic data processing techniques to the preparation of the budgetary data. Corresponding system proposals are being tested with a number of programme managers; if the tests re conclusive and if the preparatory work can be completed in time a description of the new procedures will be issued at the beginning of April. Staff of PCS and CONTROL will be available to familiarise departmental staff with the new system which should provide more up-to-date information and save some work for all concerned. 3 A the classification of work according to means of action is being revised. list of the revised standard sub-programmes for technical departments, especially concerning the planning and servicing of technical co-operation, with definitions, will be attached to the guidelines to be issued together with the RPD will examine with the support departments Programme Guidance Letter. the present classification of their sub-prograimnes to determine if these might be modified to provide a more precise identification of the work; non-technical departments will indicate estimates of the percentage of each work item or sub-programme to be devoted to the direct support of technical co-operation activities; Ce) new forms are being designed to replace the previous Work Statement A new form to cover proposals for research projects is being (Form No. 2). Samples of all new forms and guidance for their completested at present. tion will be annexed to the Programme Guidance Letter. Proposals for Regular Budget Field Projects Subject to any further guidance, proposals for regular budget technical 80. co-operation projects to be carried out in 1971 will be prepared in accordance with the guidelines contained in the Record of Decisions taken by the Director-General following the Ninth Meeting, 1969, of the Programme Committee (see paragraph 20 of At the same time Regional Directors will be requested to provide a PC/69/M.9/3). forecast of the volume and type of field projects they anticipate to be implemented in 1972-73 in their regions. Performance Reviews Guidelines for the preparation of reports on performance in 1969 were 90. issued separately for technical departments (due date 19.12.69) and for Regional The reports are Directors and service and support departments (due date 31.1.70). the basis for the preparation of Part II of the Director-Generalt s Report to the International Labour Conference and for the Report to the Governing Body (May 1970 The Session) on the implementation of the approved programme and budget for 1969. reports will also serve to identify major internal issues of concern upon which studies will be prepared and reviewed by the Programme Committee throughout the It is expected that reports on performance in 1970 will serve the same year. purposes and will follo the same reporting schedule as in 1969. S 100. However, as 1970 constitutes the first year of a biennial programme and budget it is envisaged that the report to the Governing Body on the implementation of the first half of the biennial programme and budget will be less comprehensive and will take more the form of an interim progress report to the May 1971 Session In addition, this report to the Governing Body in 1971 of the Governing Body. should attempt to relate accomplishments to the objectives identified in the LongThe internal review of 1969 (and 1970) performance by the Programme Term Plan. Committee will differ in form from that carried out with regard to 1968 performance. Experience has shoqn that most of the issues identified in these reviews are complex and require thorough analysis and study if lasting improvements are to be Future reviews by PLPD will therefore be restricted, in the first achieved. instance, to an identification of the issues and problem areas, in a report to the Programme Committee, which will then make recommendations on the priorities to be Minor assigned and the resources to be devoted to a thorough study of each issue. problems identified in these reviews for which solutions can be found relatively easily, will be dealt with in the Programme Guidance Letter. The first in-depth review of a full ILO programme was made in 1969, and a 110. report on that review will be before the Governing Body at its February/March 1970 A similar in-depth review of another ILO programme will probably be Session. conducted in 1971 (when no programme and budget proposals need to be prepared). The Secretary will prepare specific guidelines on this subject reflecting the Governing Body's reaction to the first review of this kind. 4 Financial Progress Reporting 120. Subject to such modifications in methods as may be called for by the biennial system, the procedures followed in 1969 will apply also in 1970. The nature of the information required on operational activities is being redefined in accordance with the decisions of the Director-General set out in PC/70/M.1/3. 130. Financial progress reports and updated financial plans will normally be prepared by the Treasurer every three months for review by the Programme Committee and should reach the Secretary not later than ten days after the end of a quarter. Special Progress Reviews 140. The Secretary of the Programme Committee will submit suggestions to the Director-General for the subject areas to be covered by special progress reviews. Among the topics which might be considered for inclusion under this heading will be a review of proposed new Special Fund projects, a report on the Joint IJ1WP/ILO Review, and a review of certain aspects of the World Employment Programme. Separate instructions will be issued on each of these reviews. PROGRAMME CHANGES 150. The delegation of authority for programme changes to Chiefs of Department and the procedures for the approval of programme changes are the same as those followed in 1969. Programme changes may involve the addition of new work items, the deletion of approved work items, changes in the scope or objectives of a given project, or changes in the level and nature of services provided, as well as major changes, including transfers, in the resources required to carry out a given work item. 160. In order to leave Chiefs of Department the greatest freedom in carrying out their major programmes, only the following types of programme changes need be referred to the Programme Committee: changes involving major policy issues (even if they do not involve a change in the utilisation of resources) or changes which involve questions that are politically or otherwise sensitive; major departures from the approved resource levels of programmes (even if they do not imply a major change in policy or in the approved work programme). 170. Applying these principles to concrete situations in programme implementation, it follows, inter alia that the changes listed below should be referred to the Programme Committee: transfers between major programmes; transfers to or from allocations for: activities financed by extra-budgetary funds; direct cost of meetings; operational activities; Cc) transfers headquarters of resources allocated for use in the field (including credits for decentralised staff); (d) transfers to staff resources (i.e. Professional and General Service staff costs, external collaboration and overtime) from other objects of expenditure and vice versa; Ce) transfers from any object of expenditure to resources for mission travel by ILO staff. However, change proposals falling under subparagraphs (b) to Ce) above may be approved by the Secretary of the Programme Committee, in agreement with the Treasurer, if the total amount involved is less than 5,000. Transfers between 5 major programmes involving less than $10,000 (subparagraph (a) above) may also be dealt with in the same way if they are agreed by both chiefs of department concerned. 180. On the other hand, chiefs of department have full authority for making all otaer programme changes, including the following, but subject to the restrictions cited in paragraph 170: transfers of resources (including, established posts) from one unit to another within the same department; shifts of resources from one sub-programme to another within each programme, except to or from field projects; Cc) shifts of resources between objects of expenditure within each of the two major categories: Ci) (ii) staff resources (Professional and General Service staff at standard costs, other staff costs, overtime, external collaboration), and non-staff resources (supplies, equipment, contractual services etc., but excluding transfers mission credits). Processing of Programme Changes 190. (a) Proposals for programme changes requiring transfers in resources and/or submission to the Programme Committee are prepared by Chiefs of Department and are forwarded to CONTROL on Form ILO 847 (see .&inex A) in six copies. In the case of transfers between departments, the department receiving resources will initiate the change and obtain the clearance of the department giving up the resources. Programme changes (b) the authority of Department by issue of a corresponding copy of the Form ILO 847 to action has been taken. involving transfers in resources that can be made on Chiefs are dealt with by CONTROL as quickly as possible allocation change. CONTROL forwards an information the Secretary of the Programme Committee as soon as Cc) Proposals for programme changes requiring submission to the Programme Committee are forwarded by CONTROL to the Secretary of the Programme Committee, together with any comments of a financial nature that the case my call for. Cd) Programme changes involving modifications in research projects and reports will be .notified. to RPD to permit the continuous updating of the register of research projects. Ce) Changes involving staff resources must be made in whole months, not in fractions of months. Transfers from Professional to General Service staff resources must be made on a one for one basis expressed in man-months and not on a dollar for dollar basis. This is to ensure that adequate savings are made to cover the budgetary lapse factor. (f) In cases where funds are required in excess of the allocated amount no programme change form need be prepared if the excess is less than $200 for the allocation concerned. This authorisation does not however, apply to allocations for representation and hospitality. Flexibility of Resource Management 200. Chiefs of Department should, as a matter of course, exhaust all possibilities for adjustment of programme and resources within their major programmes through elimination or reduction of lower priority work items before requesting the Programme Committee to consider possible ways of providing supplementary allocations for new or expanded work items. 6' 210. Department Chiefs who req.uire resources for new work items, or to meet changes in approved work items, will list those approved work items of a lower priority that would have to be cancel1ed deferred or reduced in their scope if it were not possible to provide additional resources. These programme change proposals will also state the coilsequences if the proposed new or changed work items could not be carried out, or would have to be deferred to the beginning of the next The future savings that might accrue from the additional investment in a biennium. new or a changed work item should be identified., where relevant. The detail to be provided in a proposal for programme change will 220. normally be of the type required for an initial programme and budget proposal. Except for the most urgent cases programme change proposals involving, 230. as one alternative, requests for additional resources will be collected by the Secretary and submitted together to the Programme Committee when it considers financial progress reports nd updated financial plans. David A. Morse, Director-General. S (6 copies - 2 for return) MThTEXA / No. PROGRAMME PLANNING AND CONTROL SYSTEM PROGRAMME CHANGE I To be inserted by Budget and Control PROGRAMME CHANGES REQUIRING PRIOR APPROVAL BY TEE DIRECTOR-GENERAL ARE SET OUT IN TEE RELEVANT AENUAL ILO CIRCULAR ON PROGRAMME PLANNING CONTROL To: (Programme no. and abbreviation) Prom: The reallocation below has become necessary for the implementation of approved work items for the following reasons (if postponement or abandonment of other work items is involved, give details): (attach additional sheet if necessary) Man-months Account Code* Programme Code** Description Amount Grade Transfer from: Number $ - Transfer to: I have authorised these transfers in accordance with the programme change procedures established by the Director-General. Date: Transfer authorised by: (Chief of department) Date: (Chief, CONTROL) Details of the account code to be used can be found on the computerised monthly ILO status of project reports; further advice may be obtained from CONTROL. Transfer recorded by: The programme code (i.e. the number of the programme, sub-programm& and work item) is given in the Final Programme Decision Minutes and may also be obtained from PROGRAMME. 847 E. 5.69 -P H -P F-, o FC) ..1d.ad ad .f' C).P 10 C) a) a -P pap ad .14 0 ' '4' aD .0 C) p C) ID a)a) +'a P.P a 1100) allala)) -'-I ,0 a) F-i 0 ( P1 a ..C) , 0) 'ad-i' 0 q-i o 04-I ' o C) a) 4-1 0 'ad P a) .0 a) U) C) ad -P 4-I a) a) 0 0) 1.CI C) -P H a 0 C) 0 a)ad F--P .ad a-ada -PH H -.-,- adC) C.) 'PC) ' alP -P P a) a) CI) O'ad P 0 F-I P a) a) a) CO Cl) 01.0 COO U) ad ad -PC) 04-i F-iC) P O.rI - B ad ad -I' a) 0) -p ' ad-i' C) -P .0 0 0 P I C)) 0 0 ID C.) 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(0 (0 0) 3) CD ) C) NC) N- C'J APPENDIX IV IMPLEMENTATION IN THE ILO OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE A]) HOC COMMITTEE OF EXPERTS TO EXAMINE THE FINMTCES OF THE UNITED NATIONS A1W THE SPEC IALISED AGENC IES Note: The numbering of the recommendations in this Appendix is that followed in the Report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to ti.e 23rd Session of the General Assembly (documents A/7124 and A/7124/Add.l). A. BUDGET PREPARATION Recommendation 1 Documents containing preliminary information on the broad outline of the programme on which the Director-Generals programme and budget proposals for the next financial period but one were to be based were submitted for consideration to the Financial and Administrative Committee of the Governing Body and the Governing Body itself at its May-June Sessions These sessions took place about nine in 1967 and 1968. months before the programme and budget proposals for the financial periods in question were due to be examined by these bodies, and slightly more than a year before they were due to be adopted by the International Labour Conference. The documents in question were concamed with activities to be proposed under a limited number Of important headings; financial factors were also included. In 1969, such arrangements were not required, as expenditure estimates for the next year but one were already incorporated in the biennial programme and budget for 1970-71. Preliminary information on future programmes will henceforth be contained in the long-term plans submitted for consideration to the Financial and Administrative Committee and the Governing Body. (See also comments on recommendation 29.) Recommendation 2 The documents containing the Director-General's programme and budget proposals are despatched to the members of the ILO Governing Body twelve months before the beginning of 2 the financial period to which the proposals relate, or some six weeks before the proposals are to be considered by the Financial and Administrative Committee of the Governing Body at its February-March Session. Recommendation 3 A report and recommendations by the Financial and Adininistrative Committee on the programme and budget proposals, containing a summary of the comments of all speakers, is transmitted to the ILO Governing Body. A record of the Governing Body's discussion of and decision on the proposals is then included, together with the comments made in the Financial and Administrative Committee, in a report to the International Under the ILO Financial Regulations this Labour Conference. report must be despatched to all Members of the Organisation at least two months before the regular session of the ConIt is discussed at the Conference by a Finance ference. Committee of Government Representatives, whose comments are included in a further report for consideration at the plenary sitting during which the programme and budget are finally adopted. The individual membership of the bodies mentioned above is a matter for decision by the member States concerned and by the employers? and workers' groups in the IIO, all of whom have been apprised of the recommendations of the ad hoc Committee on this matter. It is the practice of the bodies referred to above to devote as much time as they deem necessary to considering budget estimates. B. STAND.AFDISATION OP BUDGET DOCUMENTS Uniform Budget Layout Recommendation 4 The ILO is actively co-operating in study a1 the interorganisation level of the xeport commissioned by the Advisory Copies of the Committee pursuant to this recommendation. study have also been placed at the disposal of the members of the Financial and Administrative Committee and the members of the Governing Body, who have in addition been regularly To date no informed of developments relating to it. comments have been made in either of these bodies. Recommendation 5 A breakdown of the expenditure estimates according to the standard classification adopted by ACO is appended to the 110 programm and budget. Common Principles of Budgetary Presentation Recommendation 6 The 110 programme and budget have been presented according to main fields of activity from the budget year 1967; an inforiiiation annex is provided in which the expenditure estimates are broken down according to objects of expenditure. The 1110 is co-operating in the development at the interorganisation level of a standard classification of objects of expenditure. It would appear that the question of "a breakdown of expenditures into adnin.istrative costs, operational costs and general research and study costs" (all of which would be extremely difficult to define and to estimate) will need further consideration in the framework of the proposals on budget presentation contained in the study commissioned by the Advisory Committee and in the Joint Inspection Unit Report on Programming and Budgets in the United Nations Family of Organisations. As regards the other annexes recommended, it may be noted that: As the 110 programme and budget is organised in terms of programnies, brief descriptions of activities are given During the Financial and with the detailed estimates. Administrative Committee's discussions (in November 1966 and February-March 1968) relating to the ad hoc Committee's second report there was opposition to transferring the descriptions to an annex, since this would necessitate constant cross-reference. A meaningful geographical annex would be difficult to provide, even in respect of projects limited to particular countries, or groups of countries, for the financial period to which the 110 budget relates, since at the time of preparation of the estimates many governments are not in a position to formulate specific requests for projects or to indicate the priorities Even, when requests have been made attached to each. and priorities are known, there may be changes in 4 plans and in dates of implementation. An effort is made in the programme descriptions to indicate the location of projects already under way or shortly to be implemented, but a list grouping these indications would be misleading because the proportion of continuing as compared with possible new projects varies between different fields of activity and different countries. Information on the geographical distribution of projects carried out, under way or already approved for subsequent years, together with information on requests for technical assistance, the implementation of which has not yet been provided for, is, however, supplied each year to the Committee on Operational Programmes of the Governing Body, which considers the appropriate magnitude and balance for the programme of such activities to be provided for in the Director-General's next programme and budget proposals. A very large proportion of the programmes of activity of the ILO consists, of course, of activities which are not directed or limited to particular countries, but are of concern to all or most of the member States. They could therefore not be fitted in any meaningful manner into a "geographical annex" of the kind suggested by the ad hoc Committee. (c) S A olar picture of the distribution of staff among the different units of the International Labour Office is given in the schedu.le of established posts and the summary of staff resources set out in the programme and budget document. The summary indicates staff resources by main sectors of activity, distinguishing between Professional and General Service staff and between established posts and additional staff resources (i.e. in effect, between the credits provided for permanent and temporary staff). Pigures are given for the previous financial period as well. ILO practice concerning the drafting of the budget foreword and comments corresponds in general to the recommendation, made under this heading. The Director-General will of course continue his efforts to improve the presentation of the docu.ment and to make it more informative and more convenient to use. Cost Increases for Present Establishment Recommendation 7 Breakdowns of proposed increases, showing the part resu.lting from the expansion of progranunes and that caused by increases in prices, have been included in the ILO programme In addition, the ILO and. budget since the budget year 1968. is co-operating in study at the inter-organisation level of common techniques of full budgeting, through which effect would be given to the second sentence of this recommendation. C. BUDGET PRACTICES JUW PERBOEMAN0E Reporting on Budget Performance Recommendation 8 Reports on budgetary performance, covering the elements mentioned, have been submitted regularly to the Governing Body through its Financial and Administrative Committee since 1967. These reports are despatched to all members of the Governing Body as soon as expenditure figures are available for the period under consideration and a list of the necessary transThe reports on budgetary perforuiance fers can be established. are complemented by reports on progranmie implementation. Transfers Recommendation 9 ILO practice with regard to transfers within appropriation lines has been arid continues to be as outlined in this recomTransfers made by the, Director-General within mendation. appropriation lines are reported in the Audited Accounts and are also reflected. in the comparative expenditure figures provided in later budgets. Recommendation 10 The Financial and Administrative Committee of the IIiO Governing Body has examined this matter and has not so far taken the view that any appropriation line in the ILO budget is disproportionately large in the sense of leaving the Director-General undue latitude to make transfers. Recommendation 11 Under the ILO Financial Regulations transfers between appropriation lines are subject to special resolutions of the Governing Body, and such resolutions must be communicated to 6 the International Labour Conference at the beginning of its annual session. In practice, provisional approval of necessary transfers is sought by correspondence from. the Chairman of the Governing Body, after he has been specially authorised by the Governing Body for this purpose. Approval is confirmed by the Governing Body at the following session. Recommendation 12 A draft schedule of transfers, with explanations, is appended to the budgetary performance reports mentioned in the comments on recommendation 8 above. Transfers are reported in the Audited Accounts. Supplementary Estimates Recommendation l The 110 Financial Regulations provide that the adoption of a budget constitutes an authorisation to the Director-General to incur expenditure during the budget period, for the purpose for which money has been voted, up tot, but not exceeding the amounts so voted. The expenditure estimates are designed to provide adequate amounts for the purposes envisaged, taking account of cost increases that can be foreseen with reasonable certainty; and the Internal Financial Ri.les adopted by the Governing Body contain a number of provisions to ensure the exercise of effective control over expenditure. In no case are disbursements under the budget as a whole allowed to exceed the total authorised without the prior approval of the Governing Body. Recommendation 14 In the great majority of cases, unavoidable increases in expenditure are financed in the 110 b,y programme adjustmnts or by transfers between programmes, i.e. through savings. Even where it does not appear that sufficient savings will be available to cover the entire amount of the additional expenditure expected to be incurred, it is the custom for the Governing Body to specify, in authorising the use of the budgetary provision for uiforeseen expenditure or (in the last resort) a drawing on the Working Capital Fund, that the expenditure in question is to be financed in the fi.rst iistance and to the greatest extent possible by means of savings. 7 Recommendation 15 Since the budget year 1965 the 110 budget has included a separate part containing a limited provision for unforeseen The use of this credit is subject to the prior expenditure. The size of the credit authorisation of the Governing Body. is currently $130,000 per annum. Recommendation 16 Under the ILO Financial Regulations no drawings may be made on the Working Capital Fund to finance supplementary expenses without the prio approval of the Governing Body. Recommendation 17 No such drawings are made in the 110 (see comment on recommendation 16 above). Recommendation 18 No such drawings are made in the 110 (see comment on recommendation 16 above). Recommendation 19 Final statements of supplementary expenditures authorised and incurred during the financial period are includ.ed in the These statements give full Audited Accounts of the ILO. details of the nature of the supplementary expenditure authorisations and the mauner in which the related expenses were met: (a) by utilisation of the budgetary credit for unforeseen (b) by drawings on the Working Capital Fund. expenditure; The difference between supplementary expenses actually incurred and drawings under the related authorisations represents the extent to which t1.e expenses were covered by budgetary savings. Working Capital Funds Recommendation 20 Article 19, paragraph 1, of the 110 Financial Regulations provides as follows: The Working Capital Fund is a fund established for the following purposes: "1. 8 To finance budgetary appropriations pending and receipt of contributions or other income; In exceptional circumstances and subject to prior authorization of the Governing Body, to provide advances to meet contingencies and emergencies." The position in the ILO thus conforms with the recommendation of the ad hoc Committee in this respect. Recommendation 21 Until 1965 all miscellaneous ILO income was estimated in advance and the estimated amount ded.ucted from the gross The present practice of crediting to the expenditure budget. Working Capital Fund miscellaneous income other than receipts from the WDP/TA Special Account was introduced by decision of the International Labour Conference, on. the recommendation of the Governing Body, with effect from 1 January 1965, as one of a series of interrelated measures designed to strengthen the financial position of the Working Capital Fund and of the Organisation as a whole, following the acute financial difficulties faced by the Organisation in the last quarter of 1963 as a result of the late receipt' of contributions and the The principal sources of insufficient level of the Fund. such miscellaneous income are sales of ILO publications (less the cost of reprints for sales), interest on the short-term investment of such temporary supluses o± income received from contributions over actual expenditure as occur during the year, and the net balance of profits and losses on exchange (which is sometimes a net loss and therefore deducted from the total The total amounts of such miscellaneous miscellaneous income). income are small in relation to the size of the budget (1965: $204,323; 1966: $236,458; 1967: $322,343; 1968: $257,486; Nevertheless, the payment of miscellaneous $277,671). 1969: income into the Working Capital Fund since 1965 has proved an important contributory factor in the modest improvement in the financial position of the Organisation that has taken place This practice, combined with the other measures since 1964. taken to strengthen the financial position of the Organisation, has enabled the Working Capital Fup.d to meet the calls made on its resources in the past five years. In the light of the recommendation of the ad hoc Committee, the Working Party on the Working Capital Fund at its meeting in November 1967 gave very careful consideration to this question as part of its comprehensive examination of the functioning and development of the Working Capital Fund in the preceding two years and in its consideration of the action to be taken in The relation to the Working Capital Fund in the future. Working Party came to a number of conclusions, again interrelated, fo future action, and made a number of recommend.ations 9 designed to ensure the continuing ability of the Working Capital Fund. to withstand the calls estimated likely to be The Wor1cng Party conmade on it in the next few years. cluded in particular that miscellaneous income should continue to be paid into the Working Capital Fund. Recommendation 22 The practice of the 110 conforms fully with this recoInmendation. Each time proposals to increase the level of the Working Capital Fund have been submitted to the Financial and Administrative Committee of the Governing Body or, since November 1965, to the ad hoc Working Party on the Working Capital Fund established in that year by the Financial and Administrative Committee, they have been supported by extensive documentation concerning the inflow and outflow of funds, and monthly figures showing the fluctuations in the level of the Working Capital Fund s a result of the calls made on it and of payments credited to it. The documentation submitted to the Working Party on the Working Capital Fund has been particularly complete in this regard. Recommendation 23 This recommendation is a matter primarily for the attention of member governments. The Director-General and the legislative bodies of the 110 have, liowever, made several appeals for prompt payment of the contributions of member States in recent years. Serious coiicern has repeatedly been expressed in the Governing Body at the continued failure of a number of governments to pay their annual contributions promptly. The International labour Conference at its 48th Session (June 1964) made a special appeal fQr prompt payment, which the Director-General communicated to the governments of all member States. This appeal contained a number of suggestions for possible action to be taken by governments whose fiscal year does not coincide with the calendar year. Since then, a number of governments in this position have taken special parliamentary or administrative action that has enabled them to pay all or part of their coiitributions more promptly than in earlier years. In response to recjuests by the Financial and Administrative Committee, two special reports on the measures taken by the Director-General to secure prompt payment of members' contributions have been submitted to that Committee, the first in November 1966 and the second in May 1967. In addition to the regular dispatch of reminder letters to governments which are late in the payment of their contributions, advantage has been taken, particularly in the case of large contributors, of missions to the countries concerned by high-ranking officials of the Office to press for the payment of outstanding contributions. In addition, the directors of field units, national - 10 - correspondents and UNDP Resident Representatives are asked, where necessary, to intervene directly with the govermnents of the countries in which they are located. Finally, contact is made where necessary by the financial serviced of the Office with the pe±manent delegations in Geneva of a number of member States with a view to securing prompt payment of those States annual contributions. In its comprehensive examination of all aspects of the functioning and development of the Working Capital Fund, the Working Party on the Working Capital Fund agreed that the factor having the greatest bearing on the appropriate level for the Fund was the timing of the receipt of member States' contributions. At its meeting in November 1967 the Working Party made a recommendation to the effect that the DirectorGeneral should be requested to continue his efforts to secure prompt payment of contributions. The appeals made in the pas and the continuing efforts of the Director-General to secure prompt payment have brought about a modest, but encouraging, measure of improvement in the timing of the receipt of contributions since 1963, as may be seen from the following table showing the percentages of assessed contributions in respect of the year concerned that had been recovered at the end of each quarter: Percentage of Current Year's Contributions Collected Yr ea By By By 31 March 30 June 50 September 1965 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 21.23 22.13 26.20 20.89 27.01 26.68 27.46 41.47 41.87 48.25 52.54 53.07 48.14 52.26 68.30 71.35 71.78 78.93 71.77 74.20 72.94 By 51 December 88.50 91.99 91.65 92.60 92.91 92.95 85.85 It will be noted, however, that the receipt of contributions fell off substantially in the ladt quarter of 1969, the percentage of current year's contributions collected by 31 December of that year being more than 7 per cent below the corresponding figure for 1968. This shortfall was the result of a completely unexpected failure to pay on the part of a number of member States, including one of the major contributors. The DirectorGeneral is submitting a proposal to the Financial and Administrative Committee of the Governing Body at its May 1970 meeting that the Working Party on the Working Capital Fnd be reconstituted for the purpose of reviewing the Working Capital Fund in all its aspects during the autumn of 1970. As one of the factors having an important bearing on the situation of the Working Capital Fund is the timing of the receipt of assessed contributions, the attention Of the Working Party will be drawn to this aspect. D. STANDARDISATION OF FINANCIAL REGULATIONS Recommendation 24 The ILO is co-operating in work at the inter-organisation level on the deve1opmeiit of common provisions for financial regulations. E. TEE BUDGET CYCTIE Recommendation 25 On the recon'unendation of the Governing Body, the Inter- national Labour Conference decided at its 52nd Session (June 1968) to adopt the programme and budget of the International abour Organisation for a two-year instead of a one-year At its finsncial period, beginning with the period 1979-71. 53rd Session (June 1969) it adopted the first biennial programme and budget of the ILO, for the biennium 1970-71. F. STANDARDISATIO1 OF Recommendation 26 The 110 is co-operating actively in the development at the inter-organisation level of standard budgetary and financial nomenclature (a first series of standard definitions of budgetary and financial terms was approved by ACC at its 47th Session, in April 1969). - 12 - G. AUDIT, INSPECTION External Auditors Recommendation 27 The ILO Financial Regulations, while they set out certain specific financial matters which shall be covered by the external auditor, do not limit him to reporting only on these items. It has in fact been the practice of the ILO external auditor over the years to make general observations on ILO financial practices, including questions of efficiency of operations as well as the appropriate use of funds. However, the present external auditor has taken the view that, given the need for an external auditor to remain fully independent of the organisation which he is auditing, he should avoid undertaking management studies; in his opinion, such studies should be carried out by internal management services, having recourse as necessary to external consultants. The report called for was submitted to the General Assembly at its 22nd Session, and the views of the Panel of External Auditors on the ciuestion of rotation were summarised The General in paragraphs 22-27 of document A/C.5/I.9O2. Assembly took note of this report in Resolution 2360(XXII). No further action would appear to be called for on recommendabion 27(b). Establishment of an Inspection Unit Recommendation 28 The ILO has participated in the United Nations inspection system from its establishment, on 1 January 1968. H. PROGRLMME PLANNING AND EVALUATION Long-Term Planning Recommendation 29 At its May 1970 Session, the Governing Body will have before it the first ILO long-term plan, covering programmes The long-term plan is focused during the period 1972-1977. on long-range objectives of the 110 and the means of action to be emphasised to achieve these objectives. - 13 The long-term plan concentrates, in the first instance, on the identification of major objectives for the three major technical programmes of the 110; from these are derived subobjectives for all those activities contributing directly to As far as possible, the achievement of the major objectives. the objectives of the major technical programmes are described so as to permit an evaluation of progress in achieving them in terms of observable changes resulting within member States. The plan is based on a two-dimensional analysis of longThe first dimension is provided by the analysis term needs. by 110 Regional Directors of the needs of member States, as The second far as possible on a country-by-country basis. dimension is provided by position papers of the 110 technical departments, identifying long-term needs with the emphasis on 110 'functional programmes. Objectives for the major service and support programmes are set in terms of increased effectiveness and efficiency of the services provided. The priorities of proposals for action under all ILO programmes, including activities financed from extra-budgetary sources, are determined on the basis of their relevance to the objectives identified in the plan. In February-March 1971 the Director--eneral intends to present to the Governing Body his programme and budget proposals for 1972-73, placed in the context of the long-term plan for the entire period 1972-77,, adjusted to take account of the Governing body's discussion of it at its May 1970 Session. This pattern would be repeated thereafter in years in which proIn the alternate grainme and budget proposals were considered. years the Director-General would present a review of the longterm plan to determine progress achieved in meeting objectives. As a result of this review and of any new developments affecting the programmes of the 110, the tentative programme At the same time the proposals would be revised accordingly. plan would be extended in order to maintain a six-year planning At less freq,uent intervals basic objectives would be period. reviewed to test their appropriateness to conditions in member it is intended, however, that these basic objectives States. will remain fairly stable at least over a six to ten year period. As regards the synchronisation of planning and budget cycles, the 110 is participating in consideration of possibilitiës at the inter-organisation level, in the framework of COAQ examination of the study on budget presentation commissioned by the Advisory Committee and the Joint Inspection Unit report on programming and budgets in the United Nations family of Organisations. - 14 - Evaluation Recommendation 30 The 110's internal programme planning and control system The provides for regular progress reviews of all programmes. activities of smaller organisational units are reviewed periodically at the departmental level, and those of the departments are reviewed periodically by the internal Programme Committee. At the level of policy-making organs, annual reports on programme implementation in the preceding year have been considered by the Financial and Administrative Committee and the In 1970, these bodies also underGoverning Body since 1968. took an in-depth review of an individual 110 programme. Each year the International labour Conference reviews major programme developments during the preceding year in the framework of its discuasion of the Director-Generhi's report on the activities of the 110. The plans for future performance reviews by the Governing Body provide for the following: A general review in 1970 of the over-all ILO programme carried out during 1968 and 1969, as the first consideration of performance bver a two-year programme period. An in-depth review of another individual programme in 1972. A general review of the over-all programme carried out in the biennium 1970-71, also in 1972. In alternat? years (1971, 1973) relatively brief progress reviews concerning programme implementation in the preceding year. To an increasing extent, the results of performance reviews, conducted internally and in policy-making organs, are being utilised in the process of programme formulation. As regards the evaluation of field projects, methods and techniciues have been developed within the 110, involving the participation of the Governing Body Committee on Operational Programmes. The Director-General has subscribed to UNDP proposals for new arrangements in final reporting on UNDP/SP projects, designed to produce time1y action-oriented reports needed by recipient governments for effective followup, as well as by agency and UNDP management. The reports will also deal with investment climate, development potential, budgetary and personnel needs and market prospects. 15 Recommendation 31 This recommendation is addressed primarily to the The Director-General has, Economic and Social Council. however, co-operated fully in the work on evaluation undertaken through the machinery of ACO, including the development wherever practicable of common methods and standards. I. 00-ORDINATION Recommendation 32 In the course of the discussion held in the Financial and Administrative Committee durfng the February-March 1968 Session of the 110 Governing Body on implementation of the recommendations of the ad hoc Committee, ciuestions were raised Two possible as to the intention of this recommendation. (a) that the 110 should, when interpretations were suggested: establishing its draft programme and budget, take account of the recommendations of the United Nations General Assembly conor (b) that the Advisory Committee cerning earlier budgets; and the General Assembly should examine the Director-General's programme and budget proposals before they are submitted to the Governing Body. In the first case the 110 would have no difficulty in following the recommendation and in fact has always followed such a practice. In the second case the recommendation would raise difficulties of two kinds for the 110 - the first of a practical character concerned with timing, and the second of a more fundamental nature arising out of the tripartite structure of the Organisation. The problem of timing is essentially that programme and budget proposals would have to be formulated considerably earlier than at present to allow time for review by the United Nations bodies, and that the problems of formulating an appropriate programme and of providing reliable expenditure estimates for the financial period concerned would become correspondingly more difficult, since the longer time interval between the preparation of the .programme proposals and the estimates and the end of the financial period which they covered would allow unforeseeable factors (needs for programme changes or new work items, cost increases, etc.) to interve.ne to a greater extent. - 16 - more fundamental difficulty would arise out of the fact that prior review by the General Assembly would be a review by a body composed solely of representatives of governThe ILO is a tripartite organisation in which reprements. sentatives of employers and workers, as well as representatives of governments, participate in all decisions, including the framing of the programme and budget by the Governing Body and This tripartite its final adoption by the Conference. character corresponds to the practical requirements for successful action in the field for which the 110 is responif progress is to be made in dealing with the probsible: lems of industry and labour, the support of employers and workers is essential. This support is most likely to be forthcoming when representatives of all three groups participate freely in all decisions concerning programmes of activity and policy recommendations. The proOess of tripartite negotiation through which decisions are taken on the programme and budget of the II0 is thus a vital part of the continuing collaboration among the three groups which is an essential condition of successful operation in the 110 field. It is a process which has usually resulted in a budget having the agreement and support of all three groups. If there were prior reviews by another intergovernmental body (the United Nations General Assembly) it is to be assumed that government representatives' therein would feel called upon to take the same position during discussions of the budget in the 110 as they had taken in the Assembly. There would thus be limited freedom of action in discussions in the 110 between government representatives and those of employers and workers, and little if aiy scope for development of the kind of consensus that is essential to maximum effectiveness in the work of the 110. Recommendation 33 This recommendation is closely linked with the preceding one, and the comments on the latter indicate the particular problems that both might raise for the 110. General observations on the efforts to co-ordinate meeting and conference schedules with those of the other organisations are made in the comments on recommendation 42 below. Recommendation 34 T.his recommendation is addressed to the Advisory Committee and to the Economic and Social Council. Recommendation 35 This recommendation is addressed to the Advisory Committee. I - 17 - Recommendation 36 This recommendation is addressed to ACC. Recommendation 37 The Director-General keeps the secretariat of TJTNDP informed of action planned by the ILO and will continue to co-operate in efforts to improve the procedures for coordination. Recommendation 38 This recommendation is addressed to the Economic and Social Counc±l. Recommendation 39 This recommendation is addressed primarily to the bodies mentioned. J. CONFERENCES, NEETINGS AND DOCUIVIENTATION Recommendation 40 All proposals for 110 meetings, including their proposed agenda, composition and duration, are the subject of review and decision by the Governing Body as a part of the process of framing the draft programme and budget fo.r adoption The Governing Body by the International Labour Conference. has consistently shown its preoccupation with keeping total meeting time to the minimum consistent with programme needs and the efficient use of resources. For many years the Governing Body followed the rule that the number of "major meetings" held by the 110 should be limited to four per year; however, in view of the opposition of a number of members to contInued application of t-his rule, the matter was re-examined in the Governing Body Committee on Indusiirial Committees. The following extracts from the 110 programme and budget as approved by the International Labour Conference, indicate the action taken following this re-examination: for 1970-71, - 18 - The Governing Body at its 174th Session ('ebruaryMarch 1969) approved, to take effect as from 1971, the proposals submitted by the Committee on Industrial Committees concerning a revision of the annual pattern of major meetings which it had established at its 140th In addition to regional conSession (November 1958). ferences (in general not more than one in any one year), the proposals call for annual provision in the budget of the Organisation for the average cost of four Industrial Committee-type meetings, the programmes for which would be three meetings of the Industrial Committee type (normally standing committees), plus, alternating each year, either: a further full Industrial Committee-type meeting; or a number of other meetings on a smaller scale at equivalent cost. Accordingly, the Director-General has provided in 1970 for four major meetings as defined by the Governing Body in 1958, name]4y three Industrial Committees and a regional conference. For 1971 he has provided for the average cost of four Industrial Committee-type meetings in accordance with the decision of the Governing Body at its 174th Session (February-March 1969), plus a regional conference. In. addition, provision has been made in both 1970 and 1971 for a regional advisory committee. Although the Governing Body deemec. it desirable to approve this expansion of the ILO proganime of meetings in view of its place in the 110 programme as a whole, it will be noted that the decision exemplifies: the close and careful control which the Governing Body continues to exercise over the number of meetings held in the 110. Recommendation 41 The International Labour Conference must, under the existing provisions of the Constitution of the 110, be held "at least once in every year". The question of holding the Conference on a biennial basis was examined by the Governing Body's Working Party on the Programme and Structure of the ILO in November 1966 and February 1967. During these meetings the Working Party carefully considered the recommendation quoted above and noted that the possibility of a biennial conference had in - 19 - fact been under continuous consideration in the ILO for the last fifteen years but that it had. always been rejected. The Working Party also noted that the primary reason for the ad hoc Cthnmittee's recommendation was "a continuing increase in the number of conferenOes and committees", but that over a period of forty-eight years there had been no increase in the periodicity of the sessions of the International Labour Conference and no substantial increase in their duration. The report of the Working Party stated: The Working Party has nevertheless considered the proposal on its merits and it is on its merits that it The International Labour Conference is rejects it. the one world forum in which, in the language of the Constitution "the representatives of employers and workers, enjoying eclual status with those of governments, join with them" in "continuous and concerted international effort" to pursue "the war against want". The ILO is not merely an executing agency for technical projects but the authentic voice and instrument of international co-operation among governments, employees and workers in matters of social justice which have a vital bearing on world policy; an annual conference representative of the whoJçe membership of the Organisation is an essential element in its continuous responsiveness to the ever-growing challenge of economic and In this connection the social growth and policy. Working Party noted that the General Assembly of the United Nations continues to meet each year for a period of some three months and that the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations continues to hold thriceyearly meetings. It also noted that it is the practice of a number of other specialised agencies and special United Nations bodies dealing with questions of economic and social policy and. development to meet regularly each year and that it is increasingly becoming the practice of major regional organisations to hold each year meetings representative of their whole membership. In these circumstances it is the general sense of the Working Party that the abandomient of annual sessions of the International Labour Conference would not be justified and that, whatever the purpose of the proposal, its practical effect would be to lessen considerably the impact of the ILO on world affairs at a time when it is more crucial than ever before that the objectives of the ILO should be consistently pursued by national and internatioiial effort. The Working Party also gave consideration to possible means of lightening the burden imposed by annual sessions of the Conference, and commented as follows on this subject: - 20 - The Working Party recognises that the workload of the Conference has increased, and is continuing to increase, and that there is a widespread desire to afford some relief to govermnents and delegates without prejudicing, and if possible in such a manner as to improve, the efficiency of the Conference and its work, and without impaitring or reducing the effectiveness of its impact on international and national action in pursuit of the objectives of the 110. There continues to be a divergence of views in the Working Party on the question whether in these circumstances it is desirable to experiment with the proposal that the Conference might hold "light" and "heavy" sessions in alternate years or adopt some other device for the purpose of lightening its agenda either regularly or in alternate years. The Working Party therefore makes no proposal on this matter. The conclusions of the Working Party were approved by the Governing Body at its February-March 1967 Session, subject to the comments and reservations'made in the course of the discussion. The report of the Working Party was placed before the International Labour Conference at its 1967 Session, and the questions dealt with in the report were given further consideration by a Conference Committee on Programme and Structure at the 1969 Session. This Committee made no recommendation as regards a possible chang in the periodicity or workload of the meetings of the Conference. Recommendation 42 A list of 110 meetings to be held each year is drawn up in advance and is conununicated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. 110 meetings other than the International Labour Conference (and regional conferences and advisory committees, for which premises are generally provided by host governments) are normally held in the 110 headquarters building. They are serviced to a large extent by regular 110 staff, with a minimum use of temporary assistance, and it has been found in practice that this system permits conflicts involving the physical and serviciiag requirements of the meetings of other organisa-bions to be largely avoided. - 21- The main case-in which co-ordination withother organisations is indispensable is that of the International Labour Conference, which is generally held in the Palais des Nations. The Conference begins each year on the first Wednesday in This regularity, June and lasts for 21 to 23 working days. which is well known to the Secretary-General, makes the task of co-ordination relatively easy. Recommendation 43 The ILO programme and budget, in the presentation introduced with the estimates for the budget year 1967, contains a The special appropriation line for major advisory meetings. technical meetings convened as a part of activities in the various programme sectors are provided for in the framework of the programmes concerned, the Governing Body having found it convenient to consider them in conjunction with the other programme components in the same technical area in order to have a clear view of all the activities proposed in that area Moreover, these meetings are and their relative costs. lited together with the major advisory meetings in a schedule which forms one of the information annexes to the programme This schedule indicates the direct cost and budget document. of each meeting proposed for tl'ie financial period concerned and gives comparative figures covering each meeting in the two years preceding that financial period. The International Labour Conference and the 110 Governing Body are provided for in separate budgetary appropriation They could also be included in the list of meetings lines. As in the given in the information annex referred to above. case of other meetings, an estimate of their indirect cost would presumably have to take account of the salaries and allowances during the period of their meetings of the regular staff assigned to servicing them. In response to the second part of tliis recommendation, CCAQ established in the Spring of 1969, with the co-operation of the 110, a form for a standard budget annex on direct and indirect costs of conferences and meetings. Recommendation 44 This recommendation is addressed to the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations. Recommendation 45 This recommendation is a matter for consideration by the States Members of the various organisations. - 22 - Recommendation 46 This recommendation is a matter for consideration by the States Members of the various organisations. Recommendation 47 As indicated in the comments on recommendation 40 above, all proposals for ILO meetings are the subject of review and decision by the Governing Body as a part of the process of framing the draft programme and budget for adoption by the International Labour Conference. Accordingly, it is not possible for the number or length of the meetings of an ILO body to be increased without the approval of the Governing Body. Recommendation 48 The plans for the new 110 headcjuarters building do not provide for the construction of facilities for the sessions of the International Labour .Conference. It has been assumed that the full facilities of the Palais des Nations, including the Conference Hall and related committee rooms and offices, will continue to be available to the ILO for the sessions of the Conference in accordance with the long-standing agreement. Plans for the new 110 building are therefore based on the assumption that it will only be necessary to provide for the sessions of the Governing Body and for the smaller meetings which can most economically and efficiently be held in the headquarters building of the Organisation, without the displacement of large numbers of staff, movement of supplies, etc., which would be reqtiired if they were held elsewhere. Recommendation 49 The staff resources made available to the services primarily responsible for servicing 110 meetings (including those of policy-making organs) have undergone little variation in recent years. Recommendation 50 Priorities regarding the areas and programmes of 110 meetings are established within the framework of the planning procedures followed for the elaboration of the 110 'programme as a whole; they are subsecjuently approved by the Governing Body. - 23 - The availability of staff and physical resources for conferences and meetings and the proportion of expected financial resources that should be devoted to them are determined when the programme of the financial period in question is worked out through the internal programme planning suggested financial allocations for this promachinery; gramme are included in the programme and budget proposals, which member States have the opportunity to consider. In the case of certain large ILO meetings, including regional conferences and regional advisory committees, i-b has long been customary to have an interval of at least two or These arrangements three years between successive sessions. have been m&intained in spite of the view expressed by some members of the Governing Body that the time interval between such meetings has become too long. Comments are made under recommendation 42 above with regard to the co-ordination of meeting schedules. Technical meetings on subjects of mutual interest are convened jointly by the ILO and the other organisations conIn cases where partiqular aspects of the subject cerned. to be dealt with by an ILO meeting are of interest to another organisation, that organisation is usually invited to submit a contribution to the report prepared by the ILO, and its representatives are invited to participate in the discussions. LOCATION OF SERVICES OF TBE UNITED NATIONS Recommendation 51 This recommendation is addressed to the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations. ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS OF EXTRA-BUDGETARY PRO GBAMWIES Recommendation 52 This recommendation is addressed to the Advisory Committee, which was consulted when the present rates of reimbursement of overhead costs incurred for projects of However, as an executing agency UNDP were established. - 24 - for such project$ the ILO.is highly interested in the level Its experience has shown that of overhead cost allocations. these allocations, even at their present level, fall far short of the costs actually incurred for necessary technical and administrative servicing and support of UNDP projects, even though every effort is made to keep such costs to a minimum; and the Governing Body has on several occasions requested the Director-General to press for increased allocations in order to reduce the proportion of overhead costs which must be borne by the ILO budget. APPENDIX V 0 () H H H O EI c-lw 0 4 r4 a) . 04 N IA H LA LA C\l ff H H N 0 \ .. H '1- H N '0 IA 0'. LC 0 N- N IA 0'. N rfl a) 0 H H 03 ().. CO , CO NN- .' 0 rfl CO r N- (0 03 N- 0 0 00. 0'. H Ei o CO O r4 o E4 0. 03 ww ,. H a) ( 0 0 IA '.0 '0 N- 0 0 0'. a) 0 IA 00. IA H H N H N- 0. O '0 C'. 0. 03 0'. 0) H H IA i-I rfl H rfl H H r'0. H '. N- CO IA '. '0 N- a'. 0'. LA 04 IA 0'. '.0 H H H 0 H m H N NN- w r tr'. 0. CO 03 U'. It'. '.0 H c-I 0. 0. p4 H 0 N- 43 H o re'. CJ CO H CJ cfl - '.0 N- U\ N- If'. N- 0'. 0'. a) a) 43 o w -c-I m N N'.0 ri N- 0 H ar-i a). CO c--I H m IA IA '* CO IA 'C) LA LA IA N' i- '0':j- N'.0 CO '. H H '.0 0'. N- N C') CO - N- CO i-I i'fl '.0 '.0 '.0 N H p4 H 0 rl p4 o -rI 0 H H CO N ('4 .-fl 't Ni- CO Al 04 H N- 0'. H 0) t If'. 9.$rj p4 c-I '0 0'. 43 0 i-I E-t li-I p4 Ha) (I 0 0 F-I > a) a) a) -c-I 0-P 43 0'. H U'. r 0 0 H IA H H H 04 '.0 IC'. NCO IA N. \C) 0'. '.0 rfl H 0 '.0 N 0. 0 c--I N '.C) 0'. H H H ('4 U'. 0'. N 0'. N- C) H H H 0'. U) 0 c-I 0 0'. . 'dOO W O rIO ,.0 0-ri q-i q1 , 0 a) . H c1 0'. N- '0 H U'. .0) 03 '.0 H N '.0 N- '.0 LA '.0 '. a'. '.0 a'. H H ('1 ('4 N CO LA IA LA IA 0'. w. IA Io LA U) rn 0) I- '0 o'. o'. '0 N- P4 0'. H N '.0 '.0 '.0 ri. H c-I c-I a'. C') cd 0 U'. c--I 0 H a'. C') H 0 H o'. ('.1 i-I 0 i-I re HS c-I tv'. H H0 H a'. H0 c-I rfl a'. C') H H 9) '.0 '.0 c-i H H ('.3 CJ C') c-I H a'. H5 H5 rfl c--I S H r 0'. HS N c-I H r OIT/OTA/Jordanie/R.1 1 BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DU TRAVAIL Programme rgu1ier d'assistance technique RAPPORT au GOUVER1NEMENT DU ROYAUME HACHEMITE BE LA JORDANIE sur L'ORGAMSATION D'UN REGIME D'ASSURANCES SOCIALES (BIT 1919-969 69B09/27 Cop. 3 GEN EVE 1969
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