NUNC nuovo - Misioneros Claretianos
NUNC nuovo - Misioneros Claretianos
NUNC NUNTII DE UNIVERSA NOSTRA CONGREGATIONE CLARETIAN INFORMATIONAL BULLETIN – NUNC 476. APRIL 2011 EASTER GREETING FROM FATHER GENERAL I t’stimetoseethelightofGlory, beyondcrisisandtemptation. It’stimetoexperienceChristas “theresurrectionandthelife.” It’stimetoestablish youroptions,atthecrossroads, thatmayleadyoueitherto deathortolifeinallitsfullness. (The Forge in Our Daily Life. Booklet 5, p. 3) INTERVIEW WITH THE PREFECT OF THE APOSTOLATE T heGospelaccountswhichtellusoftheapparitionsofthe risenJesusrepeatedlyhighlighttwothemes:Jesus’desire thatpeacerenewstheheartsofhisdisciplesandinsendingthem tosharethisgifttheyhavereceivedwithothers. Thisdesireforpeaceismademuchstrongerinourheartswhen we think about the suffering and death that violence and war provokeinvariouspartsofourworld. TocelebratetheEasteroftheLordistoconfessthatlifeismuch strongerthandeath,thatpeaceismorepowerfulthanwar,thatlove willneverbeconqueredbyhate.TocelebratetheEasteroftheLord istoconfessthisfaithandtocommitourselvestodirectourwhole lifefromit. MaythecelebrationoftheEasteroftheLordtransformourlives andhelpustobeadequateandcrediblewitnessesoftheNewLife whichismademanifestinHisResurrection.Iwishallofyouajoyful Eastercelebration. Josep Ma. Abella, CMF Father General PRAYER VIGIL FOR JAPAN THE CONGREGATION IS APPROVED AS AN NGO OF THE UNITED NATIONS DRAMATIC SITUATION IN THE IVORY COAST 15 YEARS SINCE THE EXHORTATION “VITA CONSECRATA” 40 YEARS OF THE MISSION IN THE NORTH OF POTOSÍ 75TH ANNIVERSRY OF THE MARTYRS The Congregation is a Great Fraternity of Evangelizers INTERVIEW WITH FR. MIGUEL ÁNGEL VELASCO CMF, GENERAL PREFECT OF THE APOSTOLATE 52yearsofage.Dedicated especiallytotheeducationof youth.PresidentoftheCatholic SchoolsofSpain,Provincialof Catalunya,and,sinceAugust 2010,designatedGeneralPrefect oftheApostolate.Wethank MiguelAngelVelascoforhis testimony. NUNC: It has been eight months since you have taken on the General Prefecture of the Apostolate. What are your impressions about this service? MAV: In October 2010 I was officially assigned to the Prefecture. There have been various things which have taken up my time: the Encounter of the Major Superiors in Colmenar Viejo, my visit to India and Sri Lanka, the Encounter of the Prefects of the Apostolate of Europe in Buckden (UK), the meetings of the General Government. I have been taking-on those things which were already planned for the sexennium, adding my own contributions as well. I am having the experience of one who is getting to know and learn new things for the journey, and the kindness that I am encountering along the way has helped me very much. NUNC: What priorities will the Prefecture be working on? MAV: After the General Chapter and the Encounter in Colmenar Viejo, the General Government approved the following: Biblical Ministry and Biblical Animation of the ministry; Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation, including the Procure and PROCLADE; Youth Vocational Ministry; Technologies of Information and Communication, especially the Internet. Furthermore, it is necessary to urge the formation of the laity, small Christian communities, a new structuring of youth and Young adult ministry with a catechumenal perspective, one with vocational implications, as well as programming at all levels in the long and short term which include guidelines specifically Claretian. It is also a suitable time for us to 22 God that speaks to us through life, in history, and humanity. reconsider the guidelines and priority assignments for the new evangelization. NUNC: With the latter, is it able “to update” the MCT? MAV: This updating is part of our missionary being; it would be worrisome if we were not able to do it. When the MCT was promulgated, the situation of the world and the Congregation was different from the present reality. To sum up, we need to set up common guidelines for all and responses distinguished by areas. The General Prefecture of the Apostolate will contribute to articulating a reflection on this theme. NUNC: What importance does the Word of God and the Biblical Animation of this ministry have for the Prefecture of the Apostolate? MAV: This is a point of reflection and work which has always been present in the Congregation, especially since the “Word-Mission” Project. To place the Scriptures as the center of our evangelizing activity is to put this door of experiential access in the center of our evangelization. We need to seriously prepare ourselves to interpret Scripture, to pray with it, to read it in community, to study its significance and introduce ourselves into the current of interpretation proper to the Church. But for us, Claretians, it is also an urgent priority to seek the Word of NUNC: What glimpses for the Vocational Youth Ministry as one axis of our missionary work do you have? MAV: For a long time we have been speaking about ministry with children, youth, and young adults; here is where we are toying with future vocations in the Church. This Ministry needs to include catechesis, or catechumenal processes, which are the keys; prayer, community, celebration, commitment, and belonging to the Church. Regrettably, we have poorly understood the “rudimentary art of teaching” and we have been preparing children, adolescents, and young adults for many years for the explicit proclamation of the Gospel, and then, when we decided to do it, we left them almost without hearing a word about Jesus. Vocational Youth Ministry has to go hand-in-hand with the proclamation of Jesus as the hopeful news which calls for commitment. It needs to be witnessed by those Claretian Missionaries and laity who value their own vocation and promote it as a way of life in the Church, like a discovered treasure; knowing that the decision is not up to he who promotes, but for those who are called. We have an excellent agent of Vocational Ministry. His work is bearing fruit. After a period of doubt, vocation promotion is going to be more and more inseparable from our Claretian identity. NUNC: Would you like to highlight other things that you think are important? MAV: I cannot fail to mention other priorities for these years: the commitment to the poor and excluded, which is stated in the JPIC, Procure, and PROCLADE. Secondly, work with the family, as a basis for the most fruitful announcement of the Gospel. Finally, regarding evangelization, to learn and to undertake anything and everything, because our Congregation is not a federation of independent provinces, but a great fraternity of evangelizers. nunc. april 2011 Bangalore, India. PRAYER VIGIL FOR THE PEOPLE OF JAPAN I course of action for thoseaffected n the evening of the 17th of March some 300 people by the tsunami. The “Sumanahalli participated in an interreligious Society” will coordinate prayer service for the people of these efforts. Japan, organized by the A condolence message was Archdiocese of Bangalore and the signed by everyone present and “Sumanahalli Society” (Society of handed over to the two advisors cooperation between the from the Japanese Consulate Government and Church in Valia Bangalore. volunteers for lepers, AIDS The Archbishop announced a patients, the handicapped, and donation of 1 million rupees for indigents). the people affected by the Archbishop Bernard Moras Tsunami and asked everyone to of Bangalore led the prayer work for this cause. and leaders of the Hindu, Muslim, and Jain communities participated as well. Candles were lit by everyone to invoke God’s presence. In a meeting following the prayer, a core committee was constituted to plan and Fr.GeorgeKannanthanamCMF,DirectoroftheSumanahalliSociety, coordinate a duringhisparticipationattheVigil Bogotà, Colombia. 50 YEARS OF “COLEGIO CLARETIANO” AND 30 YEARS OF THE “ESCUELA POPULAR CLARETIANA” T he Province of Colombia East-Ecuador celebrated the 50 years of the “Colegio Claretiano” in Bogota and 30 years of the “Esculea Popular Claretiana” in Neiva. The celebration of the Colegio Claretiano was marked by the theme “50 years through the roads of life”, as a sign of the missionary commitment as educators at the service of life. The “San Antonio María Claret” Auditorium was built for this occasion with a capacity of 1,080 seats. The school has some 5,000 students. The celebration of the Escuela Popular of Neiva this past November 3rd to 5th was an occasion to open the doors of the School to new people who would be able to see in this project a popular experience of innovative education with murals that recount the history of the area and the school. The chosen theme was “An idea that moves along.” Yaoundé, Cameroon CLARETIAN ASSEMBLY IN CAMEROON O n April 5 the Claretians from the Delegation of Central Africa celebrated their Assembly in Yaoundé/Nkolbisson, Cameroon. Presiding at the Assembly was the Major Superior Fr. Medard Kwango, CMF together with members of his Council. At this meeting one of the recommendations of the General Assembly of 2008 was put into practice: the need to have more frequent regional assemblies. It was also an echo of the recommendations of the XXIV General Chapter and of the meeting of Major Superiors which took place in Colmenar Viejo in 2010. The Assembly took on the process of congregational renewal using “The Forge in Daily Life” project and dealt with various nunc. april 2011 PhotooftheparticipantsattheAssembly aspects of the reorganization of the Provinces and Delegations of the Congregation as well as the economic situation of the Delegation. The Major Superior took advantage of the occasion to highlight various themes suggested during canonical visits made to the communities. 23 New York, U.S.A. CLARETIAN MISSIONARIES APPROVED AS AN NGO IN THE UN-DPI T hanks to the leadership of the General Government by means of the Commission of Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC), and the efforts of our confreres and associates of the US Province, especially Fr. Eddie de Leon, CMF, Fr. Tom Joyce, CMF, and Ms. Coni Schneider, the Claretian Missionaries have just been approved as an associated Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) of the United Nations (UN), in the Dept. of Public Information (DPI-NGO). This means that as an accredited NGO, we Claretians now have a basic access to the UN as an international forum for our mission, participating more closely in forums where discussions and decisions are made that affect the lives of millions of people around the world, especially those most in need. A team shall be composed soon to plan and carry out our initial work at the United Nations headquarters in New York. We all can expect to be updated regularly of the progress of this work as well as ways by which we can be involved. For more information about UN DPI and its relationship with the Associated NGO’s, you may visit this link: dpingorelations Abidjan, Ivory Coast VIOLENCE IN THE IVORY COAST AFFECTS THE CLARETIAN MISSION ver since the elections on the E 28th of November 2010 a wave of violence has descended upon this country to the point of a new civil war. The opposition candidate, Alassane Ouattara, and until now, the Governor, Laurent Gbagbo, have been declared the winners, mutually rejecting one another. The electoral authorities of the Ivory Coast and the UN recognized Alassane Ouattara as the winner, but Gbagbo, supported by the Army, resisted the change. The opposition, the majority of which are Muslims, has relied on the support of the traditional rebels who have controlled the North since the end of in 2007. The conflict seemed to come to an end with the capture of the ex-President Gbagbo this past April Shillong, India 11th, but a series of violence seem difficult to overcome. The fear of retaliation is motivated by a thirst for revenge. Due to the insecurity and violence, Father General has had to cancel his visit to this zone which was scheduled for the month of February. During this time our missions of Bouafle y Soubré have been transformed into a refuge for some 800 people fearing for their lives, and the missionaries have had to confront various setbacks such as the theft of their vehicle. “DARK MONEY”, A DOCUMENTARY FILM PRODUCED BY THE CLARETIANS OF INDIA T he Claretians from the Delegation of Northeast India have made into a reality a documentary film titled: “Dark Money”. The objective of the documentary was to denounce the inhuman conditions of the workers in the coal mines of Meghalaya in the Northeast of India, a region under the pastoral care of the Claretians. 24 The film was centered at the mine known as “the Rat Smoker” detailing the struggles of the miners as well as the health and ecological risks which affect the population in that area. The documentary debuted with Archbishop Dominic Jala, Archbishop of Shillong and Fr. Joseph Anchupankil, Superior of the Delegation of Northeast India in attendance. Various newspapers in India have published this news and are promoting the documentary. nunc. april 2011 Barcelona, Catalunya CO-PRODUCTION OF EDITORIAL CLARET AND TV 3 Madrid, Spain TESTIMONIAL ABOUT OUR MISSIONARIES IN RUSSIA he prestigious Spanish Blog “Periodista digital” has T published a column by Alejandro TheillustratorPilarínBayés atherworktable E ditorial Claret of Barcelona, jointly with the producer Imira Entertainment of Television Catalunya, has prepared a series of animations for children between 3 and 6 years of age titled “L’illa del far” consisting of 13 productions of 6 minutes each. This projection relies on the drawings of Pilarín Bayés, with 50 years of professional experience, for everything pertaining to illustrations. The principal script writer for the series is Marga Sala, daughter of Pilarín. The series respects the style of Pilarín Bayés while adapting the audiovisual media to the ambience of these international stories. The objective of the series is to create a micro-climate which transmits specific values to children of the whole world such as friendship, respect for nature and animals. On the other hand it is fitting to highlight that the City Council of Vic awarded the Medal of Gold of the City to Pilarín Bayés this past April 8th. The illustrator has worked with the Claretians on various publications. nunc. april 2011 Córdoba who, echoing the film “Of Gods and Men”, uses this allegory to refer to our missionaries in Russia. The journalist relates his stay and living experience with the Claretians in St. Petersburg and in Murmansk, pointing out the deep impact that José Vegas, Mariano Sedano, Alex Carbajo y Juan Sarmiento had on him. Among the four they carry out tireless evangelizing work teaching classes at the Seminary of St. Petersburg as well as the pastoral work at the Parish in Mursmank at a distance of some 1,400 km. In addition to their various work as chaplains, catechists, and humanitarian aid with Caritas, they give personal attention to situations of family crisis, etc. Says the journalist: “With these four I shared at their table, altar, vespers, Eucharists, projects, problems, successes…! A privilege and a magnificent week of Lent!” (…) “In St. Petersburg it continued to snow and Spring resisted its coming. Close to my return to Spain I remembered the poem in which Machado waits for the miracle which Spring performs over a dry elm tree. For me the miracle of this Lent/Spring has been fulfilled, to live the final days together with these missionaries who have blessed me with their evangelizing work.” (...) One is able to access this testimonial at: http://blogs. -y-responsables.php/2011/04/01/ p291081#more291081 Fr.JuanSarmientoCMFwithagroupof faithfulfromthecommunityofApatiti,about 190km.fromMurmansk.Totherightisa journalist,AlejandroCordoba. Bayamón, Puerto Rico VOCATION MINISTRY WORKSHOPS IN THE CARIBBEAN D uring the past month of March, Fr. Juan Carlos Martos, CMF, Director of the General Secretariate of Vocation Ministry, conducted two workshops for religious men and women: one in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and the other in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, helped by two Claretians from the Delegation of the Antilles. The workshops, which lasted three days, were an invitation to reflect around the model of vocation ministry which the Church today proposes for the Western world. The proposal was centered on the creation of local teams of vocation ministry introduced into the ordinary spaces of life and apostolic work. Such teams, composed of religious and laity, would be centered on “creating a vocational culture” and in making possible that the ministry of all vocations is the driving force of the life and mission of Christian communities. The proposal demands great efforts in by the vocation ministry, which theoretically is acknowledged as urgent, but is frequently relegated to the sidelines The Workshops were evaluated positively, opening the possibility of having other sessions building on this workshop with the theme of the “Accompaniment and discernment of vocations specific to the consecrated life.” Fr.JuanCarlosMartos, duringhistalk 25 Rosario, Argentina YOUTH MINISTRY LEADERSHIP CAMP IN ARGENTINA F rom the 9th to the 11th of March a formative camp was held for youth leaders of the “Colegio Padre Claret” from Rosario, Argentina. It was three full days of joy, entertainment, and times of formation for those who carry forward this work of animation in the groups of the School. Among the activities developed was a deepening of mutual understanding among the members of this team, as well as with the children and young people whom they interact in this ministry. An important part of the reflection and living experience of the group revolved around the Word of God. Assisted by lay leaders, Diego Lambertuchi, coordinator of Youth Ministry of the Province of Argentina and Marisela Riera, coordinator of the College Ministry, Segovia, Spain FUNDRAISING CONCERT AT COLEGIO CLARET YoungadultanimatorsoftheYouthMinistryduringamomentofrecreation. the youth participants discovered new possibilities to become closer to the Word and share it in groups. After these days at Camp, the youth returned to the mission, with the intention to put life into the theme which accompanied them: “What are you hoping for? Your time has come; there are no more excuses if tomorrow is today!” Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. HOUSE OF FORMATION INAGURATED O n the occasion of its 35th anniversary, the popular music O group “Ronda Segoviano” has organized twelve fundraising concerts titled: “Twelve Serenades of Love”. The second of these “rondas” was celebrated this past 12th of February, organized by the PROCLADE Foundation (Promoción Claretiana para el Desarrollo) and Colegio Claret in Segovia to an overflowing audience at the church of the Claretian. In addition to the “Ronda”, the “Pulso y Púa” Orchestra performed “Cuerda para rato”, “Tutto Voce” y “Llanos y Fernando”. The funds raised will contribute to a project of in Honduras and the other in Ecuador, to build warehouses and water projects. 26 n the 18th of March the new Claretian house of formation in Vietnam was blessed and inaugurated. The blessing was carried out by Archbishop J.B. Cardinal Phan Minh Man during the first vespers of the Solemnity of St. Joseph. The new seminary and house of vocational discernment is part of the Philippine Province and currently has 70 students in English and Philosophy. GeneralviewofthenewSeminary Photoofthegroupofaspirantsfortheacademic year2010-2011 CardinalPhanMinhMan,cuttingtheinaugural ribbon.Athisleft,Fr.LeoDalmao,CMF, ProvincialofthePhilippines,andathisright, Fr.SantiagoGonzález,CMF. nunc. april 2011 Talagante, Chile EIGHTH BIBLICAL SUMMER SCHOOL IN TALAGANTE Inthemiddle,Fr,EduardoHuerta,CMF T hree days of intense work were carried out at the “Centro Padre Claret” in Talagante where the Biblical Summer School of 2011 took place. The work began on Friday the 28th and lasted until Sunday the 30th of January, organized by the Claretian Biblical Team of South Latin America (CEBICLAR) Some 80 attendees from the Claretian communities of North, Central, and the South of Chile, as well as from non-Claretian basic ecclesial communities participated in the Encounter in an environment of friendship, joy, and solidarity to reflect upon the Word of God. The presence of laity and Claretian religious, representing Argentina, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, and Chile generated this environment of fraternity as Peoples of Latin America in search of a life more dignified for the poor, the light of the Word. Professor Adriana Mora, Academic Vice-Rector of FUCLA (Claretian University Foundation of Colombia) developed a central theme around “The Synoptic Gospels”. Also important was the work done in groups organized for the occasion which reflected on various themes, among them: education, social inequities, international relations, and the native peoples in Chile and the Continent. Rome, Italy 15 YEARS SINCE THE EXHORTATION “VITA CONSECRATA” R oma. On Friday March 25th in the great hall “Benedict XVI” of the Lateran University a commemorative ceremony took place celebrating 15 years of the publication of the Apostolic Exhortation “Vita Consecrata”. This act was organized by the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CIVCSVA). Moderating the session was Fr. Josu Mirena Alday, CMF, President of the Institute of Consecrated Life “Claretianum” in Rome. Following the welcome and presentation by the Rector University, Bishop Enrico dal Covolo, the new Archbishop Prefect of the CIVCSVA, Archbishop João Braz de Aviz, was introduced in his first public appearance since his appointment this past January. In addition, the Secretary Archbishop, Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R, and the subsecretaries of the Congregation, Sr. Enrica Rosanna, FMA and Fr. Sebastiano Paciolla, OCSO took part as chairpersons. Among the religious participants were Fr. Josep Abella, CMF, members of the General Government, and other Claretians from the communities in Rome. Standing,BishopJoãoBrazdeAviz,PrefectoftheCIVCSVA. nunc. april 2011 In the North of Potosí, Bolivia 40 YEARS OF THE CLARETIAN MISSION IN THE NORTH OF POTOSÍ I n December 1970, in the North of Potosí, specifically in Sacaca and San Pedro, the first Claretians were received, coming from the Province of Euskal Herria. Riding in some old trucks and during the rainy season, they came to these villages, permanently establishing themselves there by 1971. Ever since then a history full of service, of a closeness, and commitment to these people began to be written; not without sacrifices and also of things hard to understand. On November 27, 2010 the Government of Potosí recognized this service in a plaque, handing over to the people of Sacaca a School constructed with funds raised through the efforts of the Claretians. Also, on this occasion, Fr. Francisco Miguel Fuentes received an award for his presence at the mission for over 38 years. For many years of this fascinating history the Province of Euskal Herria has maintained in this Mission a platform to involve alumni and ex-alumni of their schools both philanthropically and apostolically, most especially by means of “work camps”. The summer of 2010-2011 was no exception. AerialviewoftheParishofCaripuyoin theMissionoftheNorthofPotosí,Bolivia 27 CLARETIAN FAMILY Vizcaya, Spain WORKS OF THE LAY CLARETIANS IN EUSKAL HERRIA. I n Novemebr of 2010 a meeting of the Secular Claretians from the North Region of Spain took place at the Colegio Askartza-Claret de Vizcaya in Euskal Herria. The formative theme was: “Increasing in Spirituality in Daily Life”, following the lines marked-out by the last General Assembly in which they wished to present the experience of The Forge to the Lay Claretians. They were helped by the gracious assistance of Fr. Xabier Larrañaga, CMF who presented the theme: “The fire, the mission, and life”, to be aware that these three elements are fundamental in every person who wishes to pass through the experience of The Forge. On this occasion, besides the learning experience, the incorporation of 15 new members to the Movement was joyfully celebrated, showing that it is alive and continues being attractive for the youth. Additionally, the magazine” Claret Gaur de los Misioneros Claretianos de Euskal Herria” (ed. 81, Mar 2011), highlighted the service of the Lay Claretian, Miren Elejalde, who since 2000, has been involved in the missionary animation of the Congregation and in PROCLADE Yanapay. Her work and support has been both immense and excellent. She has initiated many different activities such as the development campaign for sensitivity and education, missionary volunteerism, the “Makila” animation leaflets, and animation of solidarity with the Rural Homes in the Mission of North Potosí. Seville, Spain THE PROVINCE OF BETICA REMEMBERS ITS MARTYRS WITH VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS I n August 2011 the 75th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of more than 260 Claretians during the Spanish Civil War (1936) will be celebrated. Barbastro, Cervera, Fernán Caballero, are names that echo in the congregational landscape. Some of these martyrs have now been officially recognized as such by ecclesiastical authorities and the cause of others is in process. From this large group, 46 of the martyrs were members of the Province of Betica. To honor them, the Province has recently published some materials on the theme: “Mártires por la fe, maestros en fidelidad” (“Martyrs by Faith, Teachers in Fidelity”). It is ORDINATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD Fr. Ogalla Carrera, Manuel Jesús. 19-Mar-2011 (Bética). PERPETUAL PROFESSIONS Castro Moreira, Rodrigo. 19-Feb-2011 (Brazil). Kutasi, Adriano Dídimo. 19-Feb-2011 (Portugal). Lima Silva, Alcimar. 26-Feb-2011 (Brazil). part of the new edition of the historical review of the Province, as well as a guide for community retreats, including holy cards, prayers, and posters which show two images, works of the famous Spanish painter, Juan Palomo Reina. Called to the House of the Father March 2011 03 Fr. Joseph Peplansky. 78 years, in Chicago (USA). 28 Fr. José Weber Caldeira. 89 years, in Batatais (Brazil). April 2011 04 Fr. Tomás Lamillar Iglesias. 90 years, in León, (Santiago). NUNC. (Nuntii de Universa Nostra Congregatione), Bulletin of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians). Address: Via Sacro Cuore di Maria, 5 – 00197 Rome, Italy. (Tel. +39 06 809 100 11). Accountable to the Civil Tribunal, Director: Francesco Incampo, CMF. Editors: Marcos Garnica, CMF and Antonio Santillan, CMF. English Translation: James Overend, CMF. Printer: Poker Print Color srl, Via Cosimo Tornabuoni, 5 – 00166 Roma. Printed in April 2011.