2014 3rd Quarter - Area 10 Agency on Aging


2014 3rd Quarter - Area 10 Agency on Aging
631 W. Edgewood Dr. Ellettsville, IN 47429 | P: 812-876-3383 | F: 812-876-9922 | www.area10agency.org
3rd Quarter Newsletter
Dear Friends of Area 10,
Welcome to the Nutrition
Edition of our newsletter!
Area 10 currently provides hot
meals, healthy groceries and
nutrition education classes to
hundreds of seniors every day.
Good nutrition is critical to
overall health— yet many older
adults are at risk of inadequate nutrition. Know the
causes and signs of nutrition problems in older adults, as
well as steps you can take to ensure a nutrient-rich diet
for an older loved one. Malnutrition in older adults can
lead to various health concerns, including a weakened
muscles and immune system, poor wound healing, and
reduced drug efficacy.
The signs of malnutrition in older adults can be tough to
spot, especially in people who don't seem at risk — but
uncovering problems at the earliest stage can help
prevent complications later. To detect malnutrition,
observe your loved one’s eating habits, watch for
changes in weight and be alert to red flags such as dental
issues, falls or memory loss.
On behalf of the staff and Board of Directors at Area 10
Agency on Aging, I wish you good health, good friends,
and good times.
Most Sincerely,
On June 1, changes were made in eligibility
for Medicaid and other income-based
assistance programs. Do you or a loved one
qualify for some help? The answer could be
“yes” if you live alone and make this
amount or less each month:
SSI (extra income): $741
Medicaid (health insurance): $993
(or more if you also need skilled help with
activities of daily living)
SNAP (groceries): $1,245
(or more if you’ve had medical expenses)
Lifeline (phone): $1,313
LIHEAP (heating/cooling): $1,437
Extra Help (prescriptions): $1,478
Medicare Savings Program: $1,820
Call Area 10 for more information and help
applying: (812) 876-3383 or
1 (800) 844-1010. 
Area 10 Board of Directors: Jason Carnes, Kerry Conway, Carle Crawford, Matthew Doering, Robert Epps,
Susie Graham, Doug Johnson, Marsha Keith, Nancy Lorenz, J.L. Siefers, Jr., Gary Sweatman, Robert Togasaki
More than 135 individuals gathered for breakfast and helped raise nearly $18,000 for the mission
of Area 10 Agency on Aging. The 2nd annual Benefit Breakfast, held on May 21, topped last year's
event in both attendance and donations raised. We received support from a wide spectrum of the
community including volunteers, caregivers, business leaders, senior care providers, and others
who understand the importance of maintaining a good quality of life as we age. Participants heard
from Yonda Snyder about the strategic goals of Indiana's Division of Aging and received an update
from Kerry Conway about Area 10's essential programs and services. We are sincerely grateful to
all who attended and contributed. We look forward to even greater participation in May 2015! 
Photos Courtesy of
Many thanks to Krista Detor and the talented performers who generously donated their talents to the 2014
Time Travels show on May 24! This year’s annual multigenerational/multicultural celebration served as the
first annual fundraiser for the Endwright Center. We also wish to thank the Creative Aging Festival, the City
of Bloomington’s Commission on Aging and our program sponsors: Bloom Magazine, Ivy Tech Community
College, Bell Trace, Icarus Photography, and People’s State Bank. A heartfelt thanks to all! Mark your
calendars now for May 16, 2015—you won’t want to miss next year’s celebration! 
Photos Courtesy of
Icarus Photography
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3rd Quarter Newsletter
3rd Quarter Newsletter
Summer 2014
The Area 10 Nutrition Program and Rural Transit
have a new location in Spencer. Previously located
at the Spencer Senior Center, these two programs
have recently moved to 500 E. Franklin St. in
Spencer, previously Melick’s Flower Shop. Building
owner Jack Noel has worked hard in updating the
building for us, and Area 10 updated the restroom
to be ADA compatible.
This isn’t the only change for the Spencer meal
program though! Long-time Area 10 employees,
Paul and May Anderson, retired at the end of May
2014, so we have some new staff! Spencer
resident Kathy Cravens is our meal delivery driver
and delivers more than 30 hot meals Mon./Wed./
Fri. in Spencer and Gosport. Terry Urban, another
Spencer native, is the new site manager and hosts
the congregate meal at the site on Mon./Wed./Fri.
In addition, Terry is planning activities such as biweekly euchre tournaments, arts and crafts and
other ongoing programming. Area 10 is excited to
be at this new location and looking forward to
continued service in Owen County! 
Every 4th Thursday, 1—2 p.m.
@ The Endwright Center
The Area 10 Nutrition Program and the
Endwright Center have collaborated to produce
a cooking class designed to help people
struggling with healthy cooking and eating for
small households. The classes are lively, with
participants sharing their own ideas and
strategies. Guest teachers offer other tips, like
how to pare down family recipes, spice up
foods you’re already eating to make them more
nutritious and interesting, and give ideas to help
motivate people to cook for themselves. 
Starting in June, Area 10 will assist Hoosier Hills Food Bank as they begin providing monthly boxes of staple
foods to up to 100 low-income senior citizens (60+) through the Commodity Supplemental Food Program.
Area 10 is helping to identify seniors that might be eligible. The food bank is accepting applications for
qualified seniors, with eligibility established at 130% of the federal poverty level. Applications may be
requested by calling (812) 334-8374 or emailing usda@hhfoodbank.org, and are accepted on a first-come,
first-served basis. Applicants will be scheduled for an interview and must provide income documentation.
Each month, participants will receive a box containing approximately 40 pounds of food, including canned
vegetables, fruit, meat, pasta, peanut butter, cereal, juice, cheese and shelf-stable milk. A regular monthly
distribution time will be established and participants, or an authorized proxy, will be required to pick up their
box at the food bank. The first distribution is expected to take place the third week of June. 
Beginning this summer, Area 10 Agency on Aging began hosting the first
Ellettsville Farmers Market every Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon, June 7—Sept.
27. Area 10 is thrilled to provide a place for local farmers and neighbors to
meet and connect in an easily accessible convenient location. Children will
learn more about where their food comes from and families can purchase
fresh, local produce and other farm produced goods. The market is located
at Area 10 Agency on Aging on Edgewood Drive in Ellettsville.
During market season, the Endwright Center’s hours will be extended to include Saturday morning market
hours. Patrons will have access to facilities, can come inside to cool off on a hot summer day, or participate
in scheduled classes and programs. Endwright Center members will have access to fitness equipment.
Everyone is invited to stop by the Area 10 information table to learn about the wonderful services the
agency provides to seniors, people with disabilities, their families and caregivers.
We encourage anyone interested in becoming a vendor, reserving an information table, serving as a
volunteer, sponsor or supporter of the Ellettsville Farmers Market to contact us soon.
More information: Laura Kray or Jaime Sweany at farmersmarket@area10agency.org 
Senior Farmers Market Vouchers are available now for use at local farmers’ markets. Vouchers come in
packets of four $5 checks and can be used to purchase fresh produce. Vouchers are available to those 60
and over who reside in Monroe or Owen counties and meet an income guideline. Participants are asked to
complete a short application and sign for their vouchers. No identification or income verification required.
Vouchers are distributed at Area 10, Mon.—Fri., 8:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m., and Saturdays at the Bloomington
and Ellettsville farmers markets. More information: Portia Egan or Laura Kray at (812) 876-3383 
Since 1997, the Area 10 Food Pantry has strived to provide nutritional
supplemental groceries to seniors who are homebound and enjoy
cooking. The Area 10 Food Pantry serves 237 individuals in Monroe
County and 51 individuals in Owen County with monthly grocery delivery.
Area 10 partners with Hoosier Hills Food Bank to provide seniors with
two grocery sacks per month filled with protein, grains, vegetables, and
fruit that meet the daily nutrition requirements of three meals a day for
three days. When available, the food pantry also includes extra items like
coffee or tea, protein drinks and snacks. Pet food is collected through a
partnership with Petco and other volunteer donations.
Volunteers are the essential ingredient for this successful program.
35 volunteers pack the groceries and 49 volunteers deliver them to
homebound seniors and people with disabilities.
More information: Rebecca Ball at (812) 876-3383, Ext. 526 
Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann honored three local
RSVP volunteers on May 30 with a Golden Hoosier
Award. The award was established to acknowledge
and recognize outstanding seniors for a lifetime of
service to their communities and is the highest honor
bestowed on a senior in Indiana. A total of 19 Golden
Hoosiers were honored from across the state.
From Left to Right: 2014 Golden Hoosier Award Winners
Earlene Johnson, Jim Rusie & Eileen Schellhammer
Local Golden Hoosier award winners were: Earlene Johnson from Ellettsville (for her work with Area
10 Agency on Aging and Lambda Chi Omega), Jim Rusie from Bloomington (for his work with
Volunteers in Medicine Clinic, First Presbyterian Church, Area 10 Agency on Aging Food Pantry,
and Habitat for Humanity), and Eileen Schellhammer from Bloomington (for her work with
Volunteers in Medicine Clinic). All three are members of RSVP 55+ Volunteer Program, a national
service corps that recruits, places, recognizes, and celebrates volunteers ages 55 and better in
Monroe and Owen counties (a program of Area 10 Agency on Aging).
Rebecca Nunley, Director of the RSVP 55+ Volunteer Program at Area 10, said, “This is so
impressive to me, that, across the entire state, three local volunteers are being honored for a
lifetime of service. We all know that this community carries a special spirit of volunteerism, and this
proves it! Such impressive people and impressive work! Congratulations to the three of them, and
our gratitude for their service.” The three will be honored during a local celebration of volunteerism
this fall as part of the Monroe County Fall Festival Senior Salute on Friday, Sept 19, 2014. 
The weather was perfect, the food was delicious, the conversation
was delightful and welcoming, the people were incredible, and the
splash pad was cool and refreshing. Let’s do it again next year! A
huge thanks goes out to everyone who volunteered as part of RSVP,
and for turning in hours. Find more photos from the 2014 Cookout
on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/area10agency 
RSVP’s annual grant reports will soon be due. Help us out by submitting all past RSVP volunteer service
hours through June 30 to Mela Hatchett via email at mhatchett@area10agency.org or with a call to
(812) 876-3383 Ext. 554. Information that is needed: Name, Organization for whom you provided service
(i.e. Area 10 or American Red Cross), What job you did there (i.e. visited the homebound or helped with
disaster relief), Month, and Hours for the month. Please submit volunteer service hours for as many different
organizations as you served! Thank you for helping us get a clear picture of the total impact that older
volunteers are making in Monroe and Owen counties 
Summer 2014
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Leave a legacy. Get involved. Call or email today to find your perfect volunteer match!
Some of the most pressing volunteer needs:
Got An Hour? Give it Back So many volunteer opportunities take so
little time, yet mean so much to the recipient. You could help an elderly
neighbor by visiting, picking up some groceries, running the sweeper,
organizing the mail, reconciling the bank statement, or advocating with
creditors. Giving back takes only an hour. Let us know if you have an
hour to give back by emailing rsvp@area10agency.org or calling
(812) 876-3383 Ext. 523. It would mean the world to someone in need.
Ellettsville Farmers Market volunteers needed!
(Saturday mornings during the summer in the Endwright Center parking lot)
 Volunteers needed once a month (3 hours) to help with any of the following: set-up, welcome table,
directing traffic, recycling, and answering questions. Come help make this community event successful!
 Do you have a talent in music, the arts, or entertainment? Bring your singing skills, accordion-playing,
square dancing, or unicycle-riding talent and show us! The Farmer’s Market is searching for entertainment
for their guests – once or multiple times throughout the summer months.
The REPAIRS Team is looking for a team leader and a ramp/steps specialist. Help seniors and those
with disabilities live safely at home by building ramps or steps at clients’ homes with a team of volunteers.
Must be friendly, dependable, and organized. This position requires a vehicle that allows for trailer hookup
and basic tools.
RSVP’s Special Events Team—Looking for new members! When a local nonprofit has a one-day event and
needs additional hands to make things run smoothly, we turn to our Special Events Team. We send an email
or call to see who is interested and available. Events for which we commonly get involved include food
drives, book swaps at elementary schools, the quilt show, home tour, Reality Store at area middle schools,
disaster preparedness drills, 50+ Expo, veterans recognition, Children’s Expo, and more! Flexibility to
participate as you are able.
Help drive veterans to medical appointments! Veterans in Owen County need help getting to and
from medical appointments at the VA Clinic in Bloomington and/or the VA Hospital in Indianapolis. Van and
gas provided—WE JUST NEED YOU!
Gardeners who love kids needed! Help tend gardens at a local preschool while the young kids help
and watch. Great chance to interact with young kids who are curious, eager to help, and fun to be with!
Gardeners to help maintain labyrinth—Help needed tending flowers and keeping weeds at bay at the
labyrinth at First United Church (open to the public). Work with a neighborhood team or by yourself to keep
the labyrinth beautiful. The labyrinth is a single path to the center and back. It’s a metaphor of life’s journey
and reflects the winding passage each of us takes along the way.
Opportunity House—Do you enjoy making a difference in the community and working with others?
Got a few hours? Volunteer at Opportunity House Thrift Shop doing any number of things, such as donation
intakes, sorting and organizing, repair work, backroom, pricing, identifying unusual/valuable items, displaying
items, floor help, checkout, and more! Make friends, chat while you work, and have fun while supporting
emergency assistance and childcare programs for working families. Join the Opportunity House family! 
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3rd Quarter Newsletter
39 new RSVP volunteers, already making a difference in our community! Won’t you join us?
Brad Arnett
Marcia Brammer
Irv Burns
Linda Campbell
Alice Cruz
Bill Cuttill
Danny Dalton
Phil Eckhart
Josie Edmonds
Sue Faultless
Brenda Fisher
Karen Fulk
Debra Garrison
Bob Golden
Bill Grandi
Joyce Gray
Terri Griffin
Linda Heerdink
Venita Helfenbien
Juanita Hood
Jack Jackelini
Katy Jackson
Elizabeth Lee
Richard Lorenz
Patricia Newforth
Elsie Reynolds
Mark Rogers
Steve Schechter
Esta Smith
Valerie Sommer
Deb Speer
Noriko Stanfield
Wayne Stanfield
Devonia Stein
Carlton Turner
Kathy Weller
Darrell White
John Williams
Barb Winders
All members of the RSVP 55+ Volunteer Program automatically receive the following benefits. Over the
years, some new ones have been added while some have changed. Please note this does not guarantee
future benefits, but is a reflection of what is offered today.
Free supplemental insurance while you are volunteering: Excess accident medical coverage,
including accidental death/dismemberment, excess volunteer liability insurance, and excess auto liability
insurance. Please note that coverage from home to your volunteer locations is no longer covered.
Social events and volunteer recognition: Potlucks and many other social activities through the
Endwright Center, annual Recognition Cookout, annual Senior Salute Awards program, the chance to
nominate, or be nominated for local, state, and national awards, and gifts and goodies from local
organizations that love what you do! (free tickets, meals, discounts, etc.)
New volunteer opportunities ready whenever you are. Newsletters chock full of great information.
Access to the Volunteer Benefits Room: free household items donated weekly from Bed Bath & Beyond.
Connection to a growing community of service-minded members.
Please email RSVP@area10agency.org or call (812) 876-3383 Ext. 523 for details. 
The 2014 annual Senior Salute, as part of the Monroe County Fall Festival, will be held on Friday,
September 19, at Area 10 Agency on Aging’s Endwright Center. Selected Monroe and Owen County
individuals, 55+ years of age, will be honored for their outstanding community contributions. The Senior
Salute Committee needs your help in finding the 2014 Senior Honorees to be recognized.
Senior Honorees are individuals 55+ years of age who have positively impacted
Monroe and/or Owen counties through volunteer service, civic engagement, and
overall contribution.
Nomination Deadline: September 6, 2014
To make a nomination or to register for the FREE luncheon, please visit our
website: www.area10agency.org/seniorsalute, or call: (812) 876-3383, Ext. 554 
Summer 2014
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Area 10 is grateful for the generous support we received during the 2nd quarter of 2014. Gifts include cash
donations, in-kind gifts, grants and Matchstick contributions received from January through March. Thank you
for investing in our mission of serving seniors and people with disabilities in Monroe and Owen counties.
Malcolm Abrams, Gates & Patricia Agnew, Robert Agranoff
& Susan Klein, Thomas Albright, Robert Anderson,
Anonymous (8 gifts), Gene Arnholt & Sophia Hauserman,
Steve Arnold & Veda Stanfield, Barbara & Alan Backler,
Harmon Baldwin, Shirley Barrow, Phil Bastin. Janice Bizzari, Darrell & Kathleen Boggess, Patrick Brantlinger, Ivan
Brewer, George Brooke, Ruthann Bucksot, Donyel Byrd,
Jean Capler, Chris Cockerham, Norvin and Kerry Conway,
Lauren & Peter Cowan, Deanna Cummins, Debby Deckard,
Frank DiSilvestro, Matthew Doering, Sally & Michael Dunn,
Jewel Echelbarger, Ann Edmonds, Robert & Richie Epps,
Richard & Edeltraud Evans, Steven Fortune, E. Paige
Freitag, Chris Gaal, Karen Garrett, Nikki Gastineau, Susie &
Andy Graham, Don Griffin, Kelsey Hanlon, Kathleen Ristow
Harriman, Patricia Harris, William & Constance Hegarty,
Lesa Huber, Doug Johnson, James & Earlene Johnson,
Helene Jones, Marsha Keith, James Kelly, Ann Kerr,
Marianne Kielian-Gilbert, Iris Kiesling, Cindy Kinnarney,
Ann Kreilkamp, James & Evelyn LaFollette, David & Natalie
LeBeau, Vivian & Robert LeBeau, Veronica Lenard, Lura
Lewis, Tryna Loos, Nancy & Richard Lorenz, Andrew Lowry,
Brandt & Dian Ludlow, P.A. Mack, Joe Maddox, Stephanie
Collier Maggos, Patricia Martin, Wain Martin, Kristi McCann,
Alan & Donna McElroy, John McKay, Tony & Trina Mescher,
Roger Milholland, Dean Newell, Skip & Alice Oestreich,
William & Kathleen Oliver, Linda Ostby, Sheila & Michelle
Pain, Nate Peterman, Susan Phipps, John & Karen Portle,
Carlene Quinn, Ruth Richardson, Robert & Susan Rimstidt,
Warren & Mary Robertson, Mark & Pennie Rogers, Albert &
Kathleen Ruesink, William & Georgia Schaich, George &
Virginia Schermer, Joel Schneider, Steve Sharp, Philip &
Linda Stafford, Ned Steele, Tony Stonger, Paul & Susan
Sullivan, Gary & Connie Sweatman, Dayna Thompson,
Robert Togasaki, Bill Uber, Gracia Valliant, James Van Der
Mark, Becky Wann, Cathleen Weber, Gordon & Diane
Wells, Mike Weston, Darrell White, Bill & Janice Wiggins,
Kenny Williams, Nicki Williamson, Jack Woodruff, Phil Zook
Businesses and Organizations
Alpha Chapter - Kappa Kappa Kappa, American Legion,
Post 18, Autumn Hills Alzheimer’s Special Care Center,
Babbs Supermarket, BBP Water Corp, Bell Trace,
Bloomington Lions Club, Bloomington Moose Lodge #1081,
Bosma Enterprises, Bring Hanna Home, Bynum Fanyo
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Remember a friend or loved one. Honor an
anniversary, event, occasion or kind deed.
Jay Bucksot—In honor of Ruthann Bucksot
Elder Care Connections—
In memory of Velma Shertzer
Berry and Gloria Grant—
In Honor of Deborah Bandy
Nancy and Richard Lorenz—
In memory of Fumiko Togasaki
Nancy and Richard Lorenz—
In appreciation of Kerry Conway
Janet Rowland—In memory of Norma Roper
Janet Rowland—In memory of Laura Walls
Cheri Taylor—In memory of Laura Walls
Utilities, Caregiver Homes, CFC Properties, Chef For Hire,
City Of Bloomington, Comfort Keepers, Community
Foundation Of Bloomington & Monroe County, Cool Gold
247.com, Dan Rarey Real Estate, Day Funeral Home, E2
Taxi, Elder Care Connections, The Ellettsville Journal,
Fraternal Order Of Eagles, GE United Way Campaign,
Gosport Manufacturing Co., Hearthstone Health Campus,
Hilliard Lyons, Home Instead Senior Care, Hoosier
Energy, IU Credit Union Investment Services, Legacy
Healthcare Services, Like Law Group, Meadowood Senior
Living, Monroe Place, Owen County State Bank, Owen
Valley Health Campus, Personal Financial Services,
Premier Healthcare, Proes Inc., Putnam County Board Of
Commissioners, Putnam County Comprehensive Services,
Safe At Home/Alpha Home Physical Therapy, Shredding
and Storage Unlimited, St. Paul Catholic Center, Sterling
House, The Peoples State Bank, United Way Of
Bartholomew County, United Way Of Central Indiana,
United Way Of Monroe County, VFW Post 604, West &
Parrish & Pedigo Funeral Home, Williams Bros. Health
Care Pharmacy, Woodhaven Christian Church CWF
Area 10 Agency on
Aging is a United
Way agency.
3rd Quarter Newsletter
You are invited to invest in the mission of Area 10 Agency on Aging by contributing to the Matchstick
Endowment Campaign. An endowment is a permanent fund that generates annual income so that we
can continue serving older adults in Monroe and Owen counties.
Every $2 you donate will be matched with $1 from the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe
County. We need your help to reach our goal by the deadline of September 30. Please make your gift today!
Matchstick Endowment Initiative Contribution Form
101 W Kirkwood Ave, Suite 321
Bloomington IN 47404-6135
(812) 333-9016
This is an anonymous gift
Contact me about making a gift of stock
Other _______
I’d like to learn more about making a bequest
or planned gift to Area 10 Agency on Aging
Please apply my gift to the following agency endowment:
The agency will be notified of your gift unless you prefer to remain anonymous.
Please make checks payable to Community Foundation, with Area 10 Agency on Aging on
memo line, and mail to the address above. You may contribute online by credit card at cfbmc.org.
On June 14, members of the Bloomington
Fraternal Order of Eagles presented Area
10 with a check for $10,401.83. We are
grateful for this generous charitable
support which will provide much needed
services for the aging and disabled
populations in Monroe and Owen
Your exceptional level of support allows us to provide
programs, events and activities throughout the year.
Premier Level Community Partners:
Comfort Keepers, Elder Care Connections, Fraternal Order of
Eagles, Hearthstone Health Campus, Home Instead Senior
Care, Monroe Place, Owen Valley Health Campus
Major Level Community Partner: Meadowood Senior Living
Supporting Level Community Partners:
BBP Water Corp, Guardian Medical Monitoring, Hylant
Visit www.area10agency.org to learn how your business
or organization can support our mission while enjoying
the benefits of being an Area 10 Community Partner.
Summer 2014
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Resources. Solutions. Connections.
631 W. Edgewood Dr.
Ellettsville, IN 47429
P: 812-876-3383
F: 812-876-9922
September 3 - 15, 2014!
The 2014 Senior Games are just around the corner!
Anyone from anywhere (over 50) is invited to
participate in friendly competition with 40 games
such as golf, track and field events, volley/ballyball,
3 on 3 basketball, bowling, swimming, putt-putt golf,
badminton, softball and more. Approximately 600
gold, silver and bronze medals are waiting to be
awarded! Registration booklets can be picked up at
many area locations, including the Endwright
Center. Pre-registration required. For more info, call
the Endwright Center at (812) 876-3383, Ext. 515).
Many thanks to our
2014 Senior Games Sponsors:
American Legion Post 18, Bosma Enterprises,
Bynum Fanyo, Hilliard Lyons, Hoosier Energy, IU
Credit Union Investment Services, Meadowood
Senior Living, and Premier Healthcare.