Fate`s Notebook


Fate`s Notebook
Fate's Notebook
A MGLN/Sekirei/Deathnote Crossover story
By James Gonzales
Introduction: This was made on a complete and slightly clueless whim. Please no flaming on
how inaccurate parts might be. All this consist of is a Sekirei replacing a shinigami, Nanoha
and Fate playing like L and Light (in most DN yaoi, from what I heard), and some aspects of
all three in the MGLN setting. I have yet to watch all three because of technological lacking at
my current residence. Which is out in the middle of fucking nowhere!!!
This also consist of some yuri, violence, and mild language mainly from the adults. This may
be between MGLN and MGLN StrikerS time-wise. Also there is altering on Deathnote stuff.
Any improvements or suggestions of anime to crossover, contact my deviantArt user name or
email me: gonzotheanimefan@hotmail.com
Stats about this story:
Ages: around 16 (Tsukiumi's age is indeterminable, but appears 20)
Place: (wherever the hell MGLN takes place)
Theme Songs: “Heart-Shaped Sky” (Blackalicious/Nirvana mash-up), “Are You Dead Yet?”
(Children of Bodom), “Wicked Wedding” (Chris Isaak/Billy Idol/HIM mash-up)
Also available in RAR File: cover images, self made album art for mash-up, individual images
Inspiration: Lyrical Deathnote (MGLN's DN spoof), Deathnote (original)
Time start (typing): Thurs. Sept 3, 5:12PM
Time end (typing): (TBD after the story ends)
Styles: third person narrative, detective, psychological, magical shojo, supernatural, yuri
Main characters: Fate Testarossa-Harlaown, Nanoha Takamachi, Tsukiumi (Maybe L. Maybe...)
Planning: …..what plan?
Legal Stuff: All characters, places, pictures, and titles involved belong to their respective
studios, artists, whatever.
How To Use The Deathnote
1.The human whose name is written in this note shall die.
2. This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their
mind when writing his/her name Therefore, people sharing the same name will
not be affected. 1
“My parents must be torturing me,” whined Nanoha Takamachi to the blonde girl sitting near
her on the bench. “They're off on some resort without me!”
“How come?” asks the blonde.
“They think I'm not old enough to come, plus they don't have enough for me. How the hell
am I gonna last?!?!”
“Didn't they left you anything?”
“A note. 'Don't break anything.' That's it.”
“Maybe I can stay with you? My mother wouldn't mind if it's for a friend.”
“Really?” She squeals and hugs the blonde tightly. “Thanks a mill, Fate-chan!”
“I'll go to my house and ask. I'll call when I get an answer.”
“OK!” Both girls got off the park bench and went separate way to their homes. 2
The sun was setting fast as Fate Testarossa-Harlaown hurries home, gleaming with
excitement. To finally have Nanoha, the one and only for her, all to herself in a house alone.
Her heart is pounding with deep desires and bright visions. Then she heard a thump.
She heard it loud and clear and was able to pin the source from a notebook lying on the
ground. “A composition notebook?” she asks herself. “I wonder who owns it?”
A quick look on the black and white cover proved nothing. All it had on was the number 9
written in Arabic. She opened the pages, but not much was written in it- just a bunch of
words on the inside cover. Fate then decided to place the notebook in her backpack and head
home to look for it's owner tomorrow.
Opening her bedroom door, Fate was quickly glomped by a woman with canine ears and tail.
“Arf? You're hurting me!”
“Oops,” said the woman. “Sorry bout that. I was all alone since everyone else went to the
“I apologize, since I too can't stay.” Fate stood up and dusted herself off.
“How come?”
“Nanoha asked me to stay with her until her parents came back from a retreat. But I have to
ask for permission.”
“Sweet! You get to be with Nanoha? That 'precious person' you admire?” 3
“Yes. And only her. Oh, my dream has come true. Soon I can gather the strength to tell her
how I feel about her.”
“Well don't go too fast,” Arf reminded Fate. “She might flip out.”
Fate felt a little warm, and sweaty from the walk home. “I'm gonna go take a shower. OK,
“Fine by me. But can you make it quick? Vita forgot to feed me again...”
Fate readied the shower at just the right temperature. She stripped her clothes, entered and
began her bathing routine: body wash, shampooing, conditioner, and then an extra body
wash, just in case. 5 In the middle of conditioner phase, a shiver went down her spine. She
felt a presence of someone in the bathroom. And she knows it's not Arf.
She quietly stiffens still to hear anything. Despite her trained ears isolating the shower's spray
of water, she doesn't detect even the slightest creak of human joints from outside the
shower's curtain. With her weapon sadly in her bedroom, she stealthily grabbed a backscrubber and eases her hand on the curtain. She braces for the inevitable and pulled the
A woman was standing in the middle of the bathroom. Small amounts of blood on her
clothes, several rips and specks of dirt are peppered all over this woman. She appeared to be
an adult, blonde wearing a black and white dress. The dress appeared to show every contour
of the woman, even her large breasts which bellowed out like pumpkins at Halloween.6
Fate, startled, grabbed the nearest towel to cover herself, while proclaiming, “Whatever you
want, I don't have it.”
The woman replied, “I believe you do.”
“Tell me then,” demanded Harlaown.
“The Deathnote. You have it.”
“What's a Deathnote?”
“You saw it and touched it. Otherwise I wouldn't be here!”
“Well then, who the hell are you, then?”
“Number 9.” replied the woman.
It all came together. The notebook with the number 9 she found came clear in her mind. “So
it must be hers,” she thought. “Fine. You can have it back. You managed to made my job
“Actually, I can't accept it back.”
“And just why can't you?” barked Fate.
“It accepted you.” The statement threw Fate's mind off. “What do you mean?” she inquired.
“A regular person just can't pick up the Deathnote. It wouldn't work. But it seems it's taking a
liking to you. Probably since you're pulsing with magic.”
“OK, but why you? Why are you here since that book is mine?”
“I'm also your's, too.” The woman kneels down. “I'm the 9th shinigami of this plane, now
humbly your personal reaper of souls. The name is Tsukiumi the Siren.7 She Who's Beauty Is
To Die For.” She then looked up to Fate's eyes and concluded, “Looking forward to a better
acquaintance with the new holder.”
Author's footnotes for Part 1:
1. Used John Handy LET available for Open Office Writer. I lost Microsoft's Office Suite since I
had no clue on why it didn't accept the fucking codes before the trial ended. And the regular
word processor sucks. Hope you can read it. Googled DN's how-to-use page for it.
2. Damn, I wasn't descriptive enough. Probably because I made two videos and tried to find
pictures to correspond to the characters. And clean a filthy kitchen counter since NO ONE
3. The precious person bit came from the NanoFate doujinshi "Velvet." And Arf is Fate's
familiar. I got some ideas about how the couple acts from the NanoFate Megapack I have
downloaded once. (and still have)
4. Vita is this woman:
Looks upset.....in the clip where I made the still, she was breaking down about a Kaede being
injured or something of that nature....
5. I have no idea how this woman showers, so I went with what I normally do when I take a
bath. Hopefully I won't lose my life over something this trivial.
6. ...just like 99 percent of the women in Sekirei!! (The small one was flat as a pancake cause
she looks 11 for odd reasons.)
7. The DN shinigami had simpler names like Ryuk, but seeing as this is fiction I added my
own twist. I also tossed out that shinigami are neutral by nature, since I know well enough
she isn't the type to be neutral.
3. If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it
will happen.
4. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart
5. After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the
next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
6. The note shall become the property of the human world, once it touches the
ground of (arrives in) the human world.
Fate's Notebook
A MGLN/Sekirei/Deathnote Crossover story
(Part 2)
By James Gonzales
“Acquaintance?” asked Fate, hands gripping both back-scrubber and towel.
“Of course,” answered the woman. “I have grown bored of doing the deeds myself. Now I
want to see a committed mortal write off a person's life, so to speak.”
The pun wasn't funny to Fate. But then again, neither is this woman. “How come someone
like you be a shinigami? Look at those....things.” She points the scrubber to the woman's
massive breasts.
The woman eyes the direction of the scrubber and wrapped her arms around her chest.
Sadly, her arms weren't thick enough to block the large cleavage. “So?” she said in a slight
hesitant tone. “I had to take the shape of any life form who handles the Deathnote. But-”
“That's your true form?” Fate changed from a serious mood to a jealous glare. “I wished I
have that size.”
“I'm a shinigami, not a fucking genie. I can only grant those the privilege of using the
Deathnote. Just be glad I'm not some ugly-ass monster.”1
“So how can I use it?”
7. The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner,
i.e. a god of death.
8. The human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.
9. If the time of death is written within 40 seconds after writing the cause of death
as a heart attack, the time of death can be manipulated, and the time can go into
effect within 40 seconds after writing the name.
“The inside cover shows the rules and guidelines on how to use it properly. Otherwise write
the name and the person you hate is gone.” 2
“Just like that?”
“Yes, in a way.”
Fate gave it a thought. Then she remembered the only time Nanoha Takamachi had to rescue
her and had to almost taint her own innocent soul with the blood of another. 3 Then there was
the time Nanoha was almost killed by enemy fire.4 Those, to Fate, would've been the right
times to end those that tried to erase the one she cares the most: Nanoha.
“I have no choice...” Fate whispered to herself.
“Eh? You said something, miss?” the woman responded to the whisper.
Fate lowered the scrubber. She looked at the shinigami and spoke, boldly, “Miss Siren, I am
Fate Testarossa-Harlaown, of the Lost Property Riot Force, and your new friend. I shall take
the Deathnote into my possession as you stated and to use it as it allows me to. “
The woman crossed her arms with an irritated look on her face. “You could've said 'I accept.'
“I wanted to make it official. But I'm not so sure about you hanging around me. Others might
“Wrong!” barked the stunning shinigami. “If I want to be seen, either I assume this physical
form you see now, or have someone else touch the Deathnote. Otherwise, I am heard but
not seen.”
“So only I can see you?”
“Those who touch the Deathnote, have ESP, uses magic like you, or if I want them to see
me.” 5
Fate doubted the “if I want them to see me” part. She has the body that can cause great
amounts of violence. But then again, she is a god of death. She probably wants things like
that to happen, and for one man to die would probably bring joy to someone who deals with
Death as part of everyday life.
Loud bangs pierced the still silence. “Fate, Nanoha called. She is asking for you to hurry up
and come over to stay. And mother says to bring extra clothes over there as well.”
It was from a familiar male voice....
“Whatever, CHRONO!!! Lemme finish my bath, or are you gonna stand there and gawk
through the keyhole?”
“I just came back and heard you speaking to yourself. What, you think you can talk to ghosts
or something?” 6
“Go away!”
As soon as footsteps were no longer heard, Tsukiumi than asked, “Who's Nanoha? Is she the
first target?”
“NO!!” screeched Fate. “How could you say that?”
“Well tell me then!” demanded the shinigami.
“She's....special to me....” Fate started to tear up. “Can you leave me alone for a sec so I can
finish and get a change of clothes?”
Upset, but also understanding, the woman dissipates into sheer nothingness, leaving Fate
with tears in her eyes and conditioner waiting to be rinsed off...
Author's notes on Part 2:
1. It wasn't aimed toward Ryuk. He's my homie! ^-^ And one of my friend's fav. DN
characters, next to Matt.
2. It's also written in spots in the story. I googled it. I also know someone who has an
authentic copy of the DN. I hope she can be of good reference. Just as a precaution.
3. This never did happened. A Youtube user has explained to me that Nanoha is only upset at
best. She gets into an occasional argument but that's about it. The memory came from the
NanoFate fanfic "White Devil" when someone explicitly detailed out a rescue when the bad
guy was almost killed by the white mage, after lying about touching Fate inappropriately. It,
too, took place between MGLN and MGLN StrikerS.
4. Never happened, either. I made it up. Although I would be dumbstruck if it really did
happened in the anime.
5. Rule 7 on How To Use The Deathnote was violated here for a reason. This is in Fate's and
Nanoha's world, so spirits might be sense from all the mind chats and whatnot. Sakura of
Cardcaptor Sakura was able to see ghosts since she had magic. So was Jennifer Love-Hewitt's
character on Ghost Whisperer.
6. I'm not sure if he acts like a bully toward sister Fate. He was a little mean in the "Scars"
fanfic. I'm also not sure that he is even aware of Tsukiumi in the bathroom with Fate. I am
pretty sure that there may be someone out there who thinks the previous statement is
pornographically 'wrong.' It's not...(sick bastard...)
Fate's Notebook
A MGLN/Sekirei/Deathnote Crossover story
(Part 3)
By James Gonzales
“I'm sorry about the freak-out,” Fate spoke in remorse as they head toward the Takamachi
“You don't have to say you're sorry,” Tsukiumi the shinigami responded. “I can tell in that
tone of voice that she means something to you.”
“It's true, so can you keep it secret if by any chance Nanoha sees you?”
“I'm gonna see her in person anyway, so I guess.”
“No.” Fate suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, face tighten in anger. “I want your word, Miss
“Call me Tsukiumi.”
“-Whatever! I want your word that you don't tell her until I'm ready to reveal my feelings.”
Tsukiumi stood in silence over the determined and pressuring tone of Harlaown. Seeing no
victory for this, she said, “You have my word...”
Nanoha sat on the couch, depressed and restless. “I wonder if her mother told her no,” she
told herself. “or maybe she's staring into space for no reason at all again.”1
The doorbell's ring brought a smile to Nanoha's face. She rushed to the front door like a
sprint runner, yelling “Come in!” The door opens to a friendly yet scared Fate as Nanoha
jumps, floated in air as if using her magic, and pounced on the poor blonde. The impact sent
them spiraling down the front steps and onto a sidewalk. Appearing next the mangled heap
of flesh and clothes, Tsukiumi whispered to herself, “This is her?!”
10. The human who touches the Death Note can recognize the image and voice of its
original owner, a god of death, even if the human is not the owner of the note.
11. The person in possession of the Death Note is possessed by a god of death, its
original owner, until they die.
12. If a human uses the note, a god of death usually appears in front of him/her
within 39 days after he/she uses the note.
13. Gods of death, the original owners of the Death Note, do not do, in principle,
anything which will help or prevent the deaths in the note.2
Slightly dizzy from the spill, Nanoha said, “I think I have a concussion since I'm hearing
Tsukimi feared that she was found out. She dissipated from the scene, leaving the two
entangled in each other. Soon after, Fate came to her senses, realized that Nanoha is
extremely close, and died a little inside from a cocktail of hormones and mixed feelings.
Nanoha rushed to kitchen on a promise of popcorn, drinks, and a movie while Fate waited on
the living room couch. She blushed a little from the incident at the front door, gripping the
hand that touched Nanoha's small, yet warm chest during the mess. “Oh, I could die there a
happy woman,” she thought to herself. She then felt the familiar presence of a 94 centimeter
breast no more than 2 inches from her head.3 “No,” she spoke in a small yet stern tone to the
shinigami. Tsukiumi whispered back “Damn...”
“I know you're in this house!” yelled Nanoha in the kitchen. “Quit hiding from me! You won't
scare me!!”
“Just get it over with,” pleaded Fate. Tsukiumi obeyed, aware that she can't hide from this
mage any longer.
Nanoha was still pouring soda when Tsukiumi appeared in physical form and made herself
known. The mage turned around and screamed, scared witless from the sudden kick to the
nearby dinner table from the shinigami, now in front of her eyes. Panicked, she looked
around to find anything to calm her down. Then, she noticed the woman's chest. “I want
mine to be that big!” she whined.
Tsukiumi's face turned red again and her arms tried to cover the massive breasts.
“Goddammit, not this one, too!” the shinigami complained as Fate made her way to the
kitchen. “Why is everyone so damn insecure that they want big boobs?”
Fate seized the opportunity, since the shinigami is now in her solid form, to smack her in the
head and shouted, “I'M NOT INSECURE ABOUT ANY-DAMN-THING!!” 4
Holding her head in agony, she screamed back, “THAT FUCKING HURT, YOU LITTLE BRAT!!”
Silence then filled the air as Nanoha and Fate then looked at each other and then blushed.
Recovering from the blow, Tsukiumi notices this, but can't think much since her head still
hurts. 5
Author's notes on part 3:
1. The idea came from the fan-comic LOVELOVELOVE. Does she do this in the anime? I don't
know, I'll have to wait for a BILLION YEARS!!!
2. Sekirei/Tsukiumi fans might back me up on this: Tsukiumi doesn't follow any rules! She
basically breaks this rule by appearing to men and have them fight to the death over her (if
you was able to remember part 2 of this crossover). She also would do anything to have
what's-his-dopey-ass-name as her Ashikabi, or owner/master/soulmate in the Sekirei anime.
(She should watch her back. A blogger wrote that she was almost owned by the landlady,
also a Sekirei!)
3. I swear Tsukiumi's look bigger, because Kotonoha Katsura of School Days has a bust size of
102 but she's around middle school age. Maybe it's the clothes Tsukuimi wears.....here's the
pics. You make the call...