spring/summer 2016 - Norwood Portable Sawmills
spring/summer 2016 - Norwood Portable Sawmills
News SPRING/SUMMER 2016 VOLUME 12, ISSUE 1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: ONE SAWYER TOOK A CHANCE ON A “NUISANCE” LOG … AND FOUND “BLACK GOLD” Sawmilling is an adventure… Take your sawmill for a walk on the wild side! ELEPHANTS KNOCK ‘EM DOWN – NORWOOD MILLS ‘EM UP African safari guide and outdoorsman, Ron Crous, cuts some of the hardest woods on earth LIVING THE DREAM – BUSINESS DOUBLES EACH YEAR WORKING WITH WOOD How a Norwood launched one couple’s business to the next level … and beyond Dear Fri ends, We had a n amazing 2015 and I want to March 2 It was ye thank yo t u all for h pleasure, another busy and elping to they get f u lfilling ye make tha from the a r helping t happen ir trees. A . r esourcefu few of th • Nor w l w o e o h d ighlights e ood included nthusiasts maxim 25 years published a new : ize the u o b se, and we learne f building sawmi ook, “ The Ultima lls, we ha t d thanks e G uide to ve up much t of that k o invaluable feed picked up a thin Portable Sawmi nowledg of sawmi back from lls”. O ver g or two e l thumbs u ling enthusiasts h in a single “Go-T you – Nor wood about sawmilling the last nearly ave order o o p”. ( ed their c ” source of sawm wners). We want much of which il e opy, and their revi l wisdom. Alread d to package • “ Team e y th w s have un No iversally ousands last few y r wood Nor way ” been “tw c e o remarkab ars. Together, we elebrated a miles tone – 10 ly beauti h a v e m a d ful count 0 r y of onl e Nor wood the u 0 bandmills deli y 5 millio v ndispute • We w d #1 in p ered in Nor way i n people elcomed n . ortable b on b enthusias andmills just the tic about oard fantastic ne in that w and mak e sawdus Nor wood sawmi partners in Aus lls t. tr hardest w oods on Specifically they , and take any an alia, Geoff and K the plane d relish pro e t! ving that ever y opportunit rr y. Both are extre On a phi y m a Nor wo lo od can in to fire up a Nor w ely that sawm sophical note, it d oo e ed mill s s ome of th d statemen illing is much m truck me, as I rea e o t d can be, in about who you a re than a job, or e through the art ic r v hidden tr its own way, an a e and the values y en a pastime. Saw les in this issue o dventure easures t o . Passion u hold. But it c ing your own tim f “ The Nor wood N hat they mill logs at an c i b wood ou nto lumber – tak an unlock with th e sawyers are alw also take on ano er is a way of life ews”, ing pride t of, for e a e t y –a her dime i s on the r mills. A xample, a friends a i n n lo s t n i o a o d k c n k o m li – u a n t n i n there sur d family – these walnut. Working g odd-shaped pie y become equall for remarkable lo t are what y e isn’t an c g i n e s– c s reative in or gettin y harm in call us. B the forest, cutt g h o e w v e t i r ng h u y having a We hope bit of fun t there is also an our own boards ounce of valuable ey u , y n s a o h long the m Nor wood u enjoy this lat way, is th istakable excitem aring milling wit e ’s s t h e o e re? ent in saw n d line foru ition of N Nor wood i m n o g r d . w e A d o o n i o d Nor wood wners from aro cated to sawyer d News. We inv u s i P n t a e o d n r y d t t o h a sa u ble Sawm e and stori ills. Fina world. We also in wmilling, where y to join Nor wood es! lly, please C o vite you t continue o follow u can exchange id onnect, u to send u e I’d like to s your N s on Facebook; si as with fellow t h a n k o m e r wood-in ach and e year. We spired ph ply “Like” v h otos, vide your con ave an amazing jo er y one of you, th tinued pa os e u N r n o e r y w a o he sawmillin ss o g advent ion, enthusiasm, ad and we are ex d team, and our p ures in 2 c and mos 016. t importa ited to bring you artners for makin ntly, all o g a Until we f your am long. A heartfelt 2015 a great chat agai t a hanks fo z ing dedic n, happy a t i o n . milling! Here’s to r new 016 A. Dale Presiden t 2 Volume 12, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2016 Seeing the Opportunity in Elephant-Damaged Trees – And Seizing it dead timber, I decided on a Norwood LumberMate LM29 band sawmill. My major concern was choosing a machine that would be up to the job – These African species are some of the hardest woods on the planet and, what is more, they are mostly long dead and very dry. Leadwood (Combretum imberbe), knobthorn (Acacia nigrescens) and mopane (Colophospermum mopane), to name a just few, are all in the vicinity of 70 – 77 lbs/cubic foot (1120 – 1230 kg/m3). —Ron Crous I took the plunge and placed the order for my Norwood at the same time that I accepted a commission to build a 10’ x 4’ (3m x 1.2m) live-edge leadwood table. Wow, I jumped in at the deep end! But, as long as Norwood could “cut it”, I was willing to try. My major concern was choosing a machine that would be up to the job – These African species are some of the hardest woods on the planet and, what is more, they are mostly long dead and very dry. I knew of a massive old log that had been cut down some years’ ago by Botswana Telecommunications – I had always envied who might manage to do something with that log; it was huge! Out I went with a seriously heavy-duty trailer that we used to use to remove and transport elephant carcasses. By means of chain-blocks, and some serious sweating, we managed to get the beast loaded! Getting it African big-game hunter, safari guide and outdoorsman, Ron Crous, salvages and transforms priceless African hardwoods with his Norwood sawmill. A single person, in a single moment, can change the course of your life. The course of my life’s journey was set when, on my ninth birthday, I listened to one man speak about African wildlife conservation – he was a senior conservation officer from the Cape Point Nature Reserve, on the southern tip of Africa. From that moment forward, I knew that outdoors was where I would spend my life. My working career started with wildlife management, anti-poaching and game capture and, over the past 30 some years, I have been fortunate to work and hunt in some of the most beautiful areas of Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa. For the past twelve of those years, I have focused primarily on guiding dangerous game hunt safaris. within each log. Harvesting one particular log took me three years – I had found a massive 20-foot (6m) log washed up on the beach where we have our holiday home on the Indian Ocean. Over the course of three consecutive vacations, I managed to mill the whole The course of my life’s journey was set when, on my ninth birthday, I listened to one man speak about African wildlife conservation … From that moment forward, I knew that outdoors was where I would spend my life. But throughout, the trees have been what defined true wilderness beauty in my mind. Always in awe of how old, large, tall or majestic they were, I planted trees wherever I could (and sometimes where I could not!). Inquisitive by nature, and about nature, I wanted to watch them grow – to see their development year after year has always given me great satisfaction. I started cutting fallen trees into planks to see what they looked like; I was amazed by the beauty locked thing into planks … using just my chainsaw! It was quite a saga … but I got them back home. With the recent closure of trophy hunting in Botswana, I was forced to look for alternative means of providing for my family and this “silly” idea of cutting planks for resale kept popping up. Although there used to be 2 or 3 sawmills around thirty years ago, there is currently no sawmill industry in Botswana. The lack of a sawmilling industry is mainly due to two reasons: the government prohibiting tree harvesting and elephant damage (Botswana is teeming with an over-population of elephants which, in large numbers, wreak havoc on the forest). This, essentially, only leaves fallen timber and crooked timber, both of which are unsuitable for large-scale sawing operations. onto the mill was also fraught with hassles as the log, being any and every shape except round, tended to do pretty much as it pleased. So, as when out on safari, I called on my trusty Land Cruiser to add a little gentle persuasion. And, voila! … On she rolled. My lovely new Norwood did the job smartly and soon I was into actually making the table. I have got to thank the Dale family and the entire Norwood team for getting a sawmill of this quality out there for the likes of people like myself who want to play – although, it is not simply a toy, but a tool capable of cutting even the hardest wood on earth! [The Norwood] is not simply a toy, but a tool capable of cutting even the hardest wood on earth! African “Leadwood” is one of the densest hardwoods in the world. Ron moved this back to his sawmill using the same equipment he employs to move elephant carcasses. But, what a large sawmilling corporation would overlook, I see as real potential. While they may be stunted and crooked, the timber is highly valuable African hardwood, prized for its rich colors and grains. After considerable research on how best to maximize the potential of the local fallen and 800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com A client commissioned Ron to make this live-edge leadwood table. 3 WILL YOU BE THERE? NORWOOD SAWMILLS USA OPEN HOUSE & COOK-OUT Save this Date: NORWOOD’S US OPEN-HOUSE AND BBQ IS AN ANNUAL TRADITION, AND A FAVORITE ON OUR CALENDAR. TH 016 5 SATURDAY, JUNE 2 2 No one walks away hungry! New York’s own Michael Valenti and Pig Iron BBQ will be returning to serve up their delicious pulled pork sandwiches with all the fixin’s. Of course, we’ll start feeding the sawmills bright and early when doors open at 10 am, making sawdust, and lumber. Can’t make it in the morning? – Not to worry… The mills have a voracious appetite and will be fed a steady of diet of wood throughout the day. The sense of community among Norwood owners is always the highlight. Where most people have photos of their children, Norwood sawyers have photos of their sawmills or various projects built with lumber that they have milled. Everyone has experience to share, and many from Team Norwood are there to do demos, answer questions and offer advice on mill maintenance and operation. Of course, our supplies and parts shop will be open should your machine need fresh blades or new attachments. We hope that you can join us this year. Saturday, June 25th, 2016 Here are a few fun things we have learned at previous Open Houses … The Norwood tent will actually walk away if the wind conditions are just right. Hats, you can never have enough complimentary hats, especially a Norwood hat If you ask five sawyers the same question, you will get eight different opinions. Sawdust in coffee is better than creamer. People love their Norwood sawmills! Norwood sawmills are way ahead when it comes to quality and innovation. Everyone has a story about operating their mill. There are two kinds of sawyers—those who have sawn into a clamp and those who will. Norwood sawyers are always willing to help each other out. Every year there’s always one lucky door prize winner. Maybe it will be you this year?? 10:00am to 4:00pm Location: Norwood Sawmills U.S.A. Inc. 252 Sonwil Drive, Buffalo, NY 14225 R.S.V.P. – It sure would help us plan how much food we need if you let us know if you can attend and how many people you are bringing. If you can make it, could you please call Norwood Sawmills U.S.A. warehouse at 716-681-1648 or email at usa@NorwoodSawmills.com? Thanks! S SERIES SAWMILLING TIPS & TRICK Tip #1: Build a Log Deck If your mill is stationary, even part of the time, you may want to consider building a deck for loading logs. Benefits: Log decks reduce the nce of damage being inflicted to your saw hits from a loader or by logs beincha mill bed by g dro ppe loading the next log is simply a matter d. Decks also speed things up considerably, since this once), putting the bridge between of putting up the log stops (you’ll only forget to do the deck and the mill, and rolling the log in place. Bonus Tips: A slight incline helps. Wh ile you are mil ling , the deck ma a great place to set the slabs that will go back for edging. After a while, you’ll devkes works for you. For example, loadon elop a pattern that logs on the deck, then set the loader place to accept slabs. Every six logsix move the slabs to the slab pile, load upin a convenient and you’re good to go. If you builds,you six more logs, the rails to accept different lengths of r deck out of steel pipe, it is easy to pick up and move logs. 4 Volume 12, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2016 “More Than Wood” Leads to “More Work Than You Can Handle” —Dave Boyt A used Norwood, and a leap of faith, got the ball rolling for one couple. They thought they would starve to death. Far from it! – Their sawmill has been the catalyst for their business booming, diversifying and giving them more work than they can handle. When Mark Sharp hired a local sawyer to mill some logs for him. He was so intrigued by the process that the sawyer, who was getting ready to retire, offered to sell him the Norwood LumberMate 2000. Mark brought the mill home with him, unsure exactly how it would fit into his home remodeling business. “We thought we’d starve to death when we first bought it,” he recalled. But when word got out, he soon had requests to mill lumber for neighbors and area businesses. “We’ve been busy, and I see no slowdown. You can turn it into as big a business as you want it to be. It’s been amazing!” Mark and his wife Marci soon started the business “More Than Wood”. Although it began as a sawmill, the demand for furniture from his wood led to the building of a woodworking shop... then a kiln... then more equipment, including a loader, a one-ton truck and log trailer. “We’ve been busy, and I see no slowdown,” Mark says, “You can turn it into as big a business as you want it to be. It’s been amazing!” He noted that the loader was a particularly important piece of equipment. “We put a winch on it and use it to skid logs out of the woods and load the trailer. Around the mill, we use it to load logs and move beams and slabs. “More than Wood” is a place where people can bring a log and, in a couple of months, pick up a finished piece of furniture. A lot of the wood he mills has sentimental value to his customers. Several years ago, Mark milled and made furniture out of trees that had blown down during a tornado. “People wanted something of their homes to remember. It was great to be a part of that”, he recalls. Mark says he had never run a sawmill until he bought the Norwood. He took to it right away and, although he is mechanically inclined, he credits the simplicity of the machine with his quick success in sawing quality lumber. Within a week, he had taught himself to cut perfect boards. With Michael as a teacher, Marci learned even more quickly. “After thirty minutes of showing my wife how to work it, she was cutting hackberry. She had such a good time, I didn’t think I was going to get the mill back,” he laughs. The economics of the mill was what initially attracted Michael to the Norwood. He had considered a bigger mill, but decided to “test the waters” with a smaller investment in the LumberMate. “Now I realize I don’t need a $40,000 machine. This one will do everything I need it to do,” he said. He also noted that the machine is reliable and inexpensive to operate. “We’ve probably run the mill at least 25 hours a week for the last four years, and never used up a tank of gas in a day.” Other than gas, oil, blades and belts, he says his only expense in all that time has been replacing a track roller. Mark quickly taught himself to mill perfect lumber on his Norwood. Mark says he is amazed at the size of log that the mill can handle. He has cut white oak logs as big as 40” diameter on the big end. “It’s crazy that this machine can handle that big a log,” he says. “You put a log on it that dwarfs the machine, and it will saw right through it. It’s been a neat machine to have.” The ability to cut 24” wide boards on the mill has given him the ability to tap into the market for fireplace mantles, bar tops and other custom wood that other sawmills find too challenging or too time consuming to produce. animal bedding. Short pieces are set aside and sold to wood turners. Michael says he would welcome a little competition. In fact, he says he has more customers than he can handle. “There’s plenty of work out there for everybody,” he exclaimed. “I’ve helped neighbors five miles away that have a sawmill. If they need cedar, I’ll get them some cedar logs, and if they have some oak I need, I can get it from them.” “Business seems to double every year,” he continued, “and I don’t see it slowing down any time soon.” “Business seems to double every year, and I don’t see it slowing down any time soon.” On the other end of the size scale, Mark has found the mill’s ability to cut thin, straight boards makes it ideal for cutting cedar lap siding and paneling. Many of his customers use his “rough” lumber right off the mill, but even when he surfaces the wood, he just skims 1/16” off each side with the planer. The versatility of the mill and Mark’s sawing skill give his business a diversity that makes it possible to cut whatever a customer wants. His best customer may be his wife, Marci. When she isn’t helping around the sawmill, she is running the well-equipped furniture shop with two part-time employees. “She got a pattern for Adirondack chairs on the internet, built a few, and now she builds and sells them.” Other products include chests, cupboards, cabinets, tables, and entertainment centers. “She loves running flooring through the four head molder,” he added. “That’s her baby.” To the Sharps, there is no such thing as waste. The farmer may brag about using “every part of the pig except the squeal”, but Mike and Marci use every part of the log, including the bark. Large slabs go for rustic furniture or firewood. They chip edgings for mulch, and bag up planer shavings for Mike and Marci tackle even the biggest logs and make use of every part of their logs. 800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com “It’s crazy that this machine can handle that big a log. You put a log on it that dwarfs the machine, and it will saw right through it.” Starting with one sawmill, their business grew to also include woodworking and furniture shops. When asked what he likes best about the sawmill business, Mark says that he likes the independence the business provides. He and Marci set their own hours and rely on their work ethic, business sense, and willingness to try new markets to create a rewarding, profitable business. “I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend that anyone who wants to start a sawmill business and has enough land to store a few logs to go ahead and do it. The only thing is, you may find yourself with more work than you can handle.” Editor’s Note: Norwood built the LumberMate 2000 sawmill model from 2000 to 2010. It has given (and continues to give) thousands of sawyers around the world steadfastly reliable service. 5 Hardwoods, Hollow Trees and Elves A member of team Norwood shares his sawmilling story and a few funny tales. —Dave Boyt Norwood team-member, Dave Boyt, wears many hats: He writes sawmill-related articles, edits the industry magazine ISWM, coordinates the biennial Sawmill Shoot-Out and manages his family’s tree farm. But one of his favorite hats to wear is that of sawyer – Milling up valuable hardwoods on his own Norwood portable sawmill. I’ve written a few articles for the Norwood newsletters over the past years. But I’ve got my own “Norwood Success” story. On the Norwood Connect forum, I go by the name “Post Oakie”. I live in southwest Missouri about 10 miles east of the Oklahoma border, so I’m not actually an Oakie, but I just like the name, and I do mill a lot of post oak! of hydraulics and purchased an old derelict machine that had been sitting uncovered out in a pasture. While I was able to get it working again, years of neglect took their toll and it seemed there was always something going wrong with it. The final straw was on a mobile custom cutting job when the power feed solenoid went out and I finished the job pushing the heavy mill through the wood by hand – not an easy task on such a dinosaur! I was exhausted and ready for a new mill! As it turned out, Norwood had just introduced the MX34 mill, predecessor to the LumberPro HD36. For the size, power and construction, it was a great investment. I was sure it would more than meet my needs, but even I had no idea how well it would work out! My Norwood worked great on the oak logs that make up 85% of my cutting jobs. I’m a one-man operation with low overhead, so milling 1,000 board feet in a day is plenty to make decent income. But the mill has the flexibility that allowed me to tackle jobs that I would have turned down in the past. This has opened up new markets to me, cutting Another ugly log, left in the woods to rot by a logger My Norwood worked great on the oak logs that make up 85% of my cutting jobs. I’m a one-man operation with low overhead, so milling 1,000 board feet in a day is plenty to make decent income. The name of our tree farm is “Pottershop Hollow Tree Farm”, and people do occasionally ask why we would want to grow hollow trees. I just tell them it’s a place for the elves to live. My Norwood hat is one of several that I wear. I also manage our family tree farm. The first thing people think of, of course, is Christmas trees and every year I have to explain that we grow oak, walnut, and other hardwood species. No one seems to find a walnut tree particularly festive, which is fine with me. I’d just as soon give the seedlings another hundred years or so to grow. The name of our tree farm is “Pottershop Hollow Tree Farm”, and people do occasionally ask why we would want The log turned out to be nicely figured cherry. While no conventional mill would tackle it, the slabs brought more than enough money to be plenty worthwhile. specialty lumber for woodworkers. I have pushed the limits with 38” diameter honeylocust, cut 3’ long walnut crotches, and milled crooked hedge posts into bench seats and tool handles. The flexible clamping system simplifies the task of milling challenging logs, The best part? Making the opening cut and being the first to see the treasure that is hidden inside each log — then watching the color and grain change as I pull off one board at a time. I never get tired of that. though a little ingenuity always goes a long way when making some specialty cuts. Salvaging a sweetgum log after the 2011 Joplin, MO tornado. to grow hollow trees. I just tell them it’s a place for the elves to live. Back in 2001, there were not as many sawmills to choose from as there are now. I settled on a small manual mill and went to work. I mostly salvaged dead and dying trees from the tree farm and milled railroad ties and flooring. After a few years, I yielded to the lure Milling a salvaged sweetgum log pushed both the sawmill and me to the limit. 6 Although the tree farm provides a good source of logs, I am also looking more toward urban logs. This provides some unique challenges and opportunities. The challenges — difficult access, poor form for lumber and embedded metal, mean that few loggers would haul off the logs even if they were free. The opportunities, on the other hand, include a tremendous supply of low cost (or even free!) logs, ornamental species not readily available from local forests, and a niche market for recycled lumber — often from the owner of the tree who would like something made from it for sentimental purposes. The Norwood sawmill is well adapted for this type of milling as well. The inexpensive blades are quick and easy to replace when I strike metal. Along with the usual nails and wire, I have hit steel fence posts, and even sawn through more than a dozen bullets lodged in trees that came from a residential area in Joplin, MO. The worst, so far, was a beautiful walnut log that showed no signs that it had once been hollow and filled with concrete … Scratch one blade! Over the years, my mode has changed from portable to stationary, though the mill goes out on the road now and then. If the customer can bring me the log, I can usually mill it while he is here so that he can take the lumber home in the same trip. People are often surprised when I tell them that the most dangerous part of running a portable sawmill is when it is on the road. Passing Nice wood came out of that ugly ol’ log. within 2 feet of oncoming cars and trucks at a 120 mph closing speed (many of whom are texting or otherwise judgement-impaired) makes me a heck of a lot more nervous than running my mill! Running the sawmill is a good business, and dovetails well into other aspects of my life. It gives me flexibility to set my own hours with good income. Its low cost (about 1/4 the cost of a new pickup truck) means that I can afford to let it sit during unsuitable weather, and it is always there waiting for me to load on a log, turn the key and make sawdust. The best part? Making the opening cut and being the first to see the treasure that is hidden inside each log — then watching the color and grain change as I pull off one board at a time. I never get tired of that. Table from the same log in a gallery. Volume 12, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2016 Norwood Owners Won 15 20 in es iz Pr in 0 50 $4 tos and pho Talented Norwood sawmill owners submitted ge. videos to Norwood’s 8th Annual Photo & Video Challen E very year, Norwood owners from around the world submit photos and videos of their sawmilling operations and the unique projects they build using boards and beams cut with their portable sawmills. Since the contest’s inception in 2008, Norwood has awarded tens of thousands of dollars in prizes to Norwood sawmill owners. “The family of Norwood sawmill owners are spread out across 100 countries worldwide. Aside from owning a Norwood, they share core qualities – resourcefulness, creativity and passion,” says Norwood President, Ashlynne Dale. “We launched Norwood’s Annual Photo & Video Challenge to pay respect to the remarkable men and women who choose to invest in their own futures and the future of their families when they choose to invest in a Norwood.” Submissions are sorted into five categories, where prizes of $500, $300 and $100 in “Norwood Cash” are awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each category: Furniture, Cabinets & Fine Woodworking Project Photos Homes, Cabins & Outbuildings (Exterior) Photos Homes, Cabins & Outbuildings (Interior) Photos Norwood Sawmill & Operation in Action (Photos) Norwood Sawmill & Operation in Action (Videos) THE CHALLENGE WILL BE BACK ON IN 2016! We hope you enter!! Keep your camera and phone close at hand whenever running your sawmill or building projects with your milled lumber. Submit your photo and video entries via email to info@NorwoodSawmills.com (Subject line: 2016 Norwood Photo & Video Challenge). Full contest rules and submission details can be found at http://www.NorwoodSawmills.com/enter-challenge. David Key Danna Baxley 2015 Photo Challenge NORWOOD SAWMILL IN ACTION 800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com Tim Cameron 7 2015 Photo Challenge HOMES CABINS OUTBUILDINGS (INTERIOR) Larry Wozney James Masters Denny Fox 2015 Photo Cha HOMES CABINS OUTBUILDINGS (EXTERIOR) llenge Larry Wozney Mike Foley Danielle Grubenhoff 8 Volume 12, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2016 Charles Stephens Emmett Moore 2015 Photo Challenge Mikael Nordanlid FURNITURE E N I F & S T E N I B CA WOODWORKING Gareth Dirlam Andre McBean nette r Richard Bu SERIES S K IC R T & S IP T G SAWMILLIN ndy Tip #2: Keep a Level Ha 2015 Photo Challenge NORWOOD SAWMILL & OPERATION IN ACTION (VIDEO) 800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com A level is around tha great tool Assuming e sawmill. is level, the mill useful foitr is also a sure that t making the cant is he flat of the bed square to make thawt hen you slabbing c second ut. 9 Norway is Norwood Country Wood is an integral part of Scandinavian culture. And when it is time to invest in a bandmill in Scandinavia, odds are, it will be a Norwood. 2015 marked a milestone for Norwood in Norway – 100 0 Norwood bandmills delivered to Norwegian sawyers in just 8 years. W orking in the forest … Working with wood … Two passions so deeply held by Scandinavians that they are virtually a proud part of their DNA. Made up of three countries, Sweden, Norway and Denmark, Scandinavia boasts some of the world’s most beautiful boreal forests. The plentiful supply of workable, straight wood has, over the centuries and the generations, molded Scandinavian culture, construction methods and identity. In 2007, Norwood began working in close cooperation with a new partner in Norway – Arve Stenstad and his incredibly energetic crew. Since then, Norwood has become the choice of Norwegian farmers, landowners and woodworkers. While Norway has a population of only 5 million (roughly the same number of people as the state of South Carolina alone), Norwegians took delivery of over 1000 Norwood bandmills by just 2015. To celebrate the milestone, Norwood’s entire Norway crew, and their spouses, flew in and spent a week touring North America and visiting Norwood’s HQ. We capped off the visit with a party including BBQ pig roast and fireworks. Norwegians take tremendous pride in their forests and in their mastery of working with wood. Given how seriously they take both, it is a particularly great honor that Norwood is Norwegians’ first choice of bandmill. NORWOOD AROUND THE GLOBE Norwood Sawmills mill valuable boards and beams in over 100 countries around the world. Every sawmill operation is unique. Every sawyer’s projects are interesting and worthy stories to tell. Here is a peek into the sawmilling worlds of just a few of the many remarkable people who own a Norwood. Tran sylv Wal ania Isra l Israe el es, U , cky tu Ken K USA ly ita Uganda Aust rali a lia tra Aus 10 Volume 12, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2016 Garage Sale 2016 Engines, Engine Accessories & Sharpeners Norwood’s annual “Garage Sale” is a favorite among Norwood owners. Here is this year’s list of great deals on surplus, discontinued and demonstration equipment. Available on a first-come, first-served basis and only while supplies last. Avoid disappointment – Order today! Call 1.800.567.0404. ND AT ES CODE Engine - 8hp Briggs & Stratton ENGE-15HPK Engine - 15hp Kohler engine (Includes muffler) ENGA-20CAK Cold-air kit (for 20hp Honda) 41180 Norwood Blade Sharpener (Standard) (90% OFF) (25% OFF) $157.00 $249.00 $795.00 $65.00 $85.00 $141.30 (10% OFF) $62.25 (75% OFF) $516.75 (35% OFF) $32.50 (50% OFF) $42.50 (50% OFF) New 41400 Log Loader/Log Repositioning/Ramp Package New LM2K-00079 Vertical spreader (Standard zinced) New LM2K-079CR Vertical spreader (Chromed) New LumberPro HD36 & LumberMate Pro MX34 LM34-41170 Leveling Stands (Set of 10) (Extra 2 req’d for each 4’ ext) Demo $385.00 $231.00 (40% OFF) LM34-41170-14 Leveling Stands (Set of 2) Demo $77.00 $46.20 (40% OFF) RDS-BOX-12 Rapid Dogging & Rolling System - 1/2 Set (1 Unit) Demo $283.50 Demo $567.00 New $248.00 $170.40 $340.20 $124.00 (40% OFF) (40% OFF) $179.00 $185.00 $53.70 $92.50 (70% OFF) (50% OFF) $233.50 $116.75 (50% OFF) NEW $148.00 $88.80 (40% OFF) Demo $147.00 New $488.00 $117.60 $122.00 (20% OFF) (75% OFF) Demo $997.00 Demo $89.00 $797.60 $71.20 (20% OFF) (20% OFF) LumberMate 2000 LM2K 2000 – 2010 LumberLite LL24 LL24 2004 – 2010 LumberMate Pro MX34 MX34 2010 – 2013 LumberLite ML26 ML26 2010 – 2013 LumberPro HD36 HD36 2013 – Present LumberMate LM29 LM29 2013 – Present LumberMan MN26 MN26 2014 – Present TIO $17.50 $596.25 Counter-balance spring - Complete assembly LumberLite LL24 UC (50% OFF) LM2K-00019 1993 – 2000 PR $748.50 New MK3/ MK4 ILL (50% OFF) Cam Dogs (LM2K) (Set of 2) LumberMate MK3 & MK4 SA WM $243.00 CD01 41295 Rapid Dogging & Rolling System (Set of 2) LM34-SJ2 (Light) Support jacks (Light-duty) (Silver color) (Set of 2) * Taxes, shipping and freight insurance extra. Items purchased from the garage sale are non-refundable, non-returnable and are not covered under warranty. Prices are valid for a limited time only, and items offered only while supplies last. Allow extra time for delivery depending on the location of the item that you order. Assembly required for most items, including demo models. $486.00 New $1,497.00 New $175.00 Demo $795.00 New LumberMate 2000 OD NA ME GUIDE TO SAWMILL CODES ENGE-8HPBS LL24EXT LL24CC 4-ft Bed Extension (LL24) Saw Carriage Cover (LL24) New New (50% OFF) LumberLite ML26, LumberMate LM29 & LumberMan MN26 ML26-41285-1-2 Toe Board (Light-duty manual ratchet-style) (Single Unit) New LumberMate MK3/4 or 2000, LumberLite LL24 or ML26, LumberMate LM29 & LumberMan MN26 41201 Blueline Blades (144” x 7/8”) (Box of 5) Log Handling & Log Skidding LC054 M-SP Log carrier MultiMate Log-Skidding Plate for ATVs (Winch & Choker Chain sold separately) PortaMill PM14 PM01 PM02 800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com PortaMill PM14 - Chainsaw Sawmill PortaMill Auxiliary Chain & Bar Oiler Kit 11 TAKE YOUR SAWING OPERATION TO THE NEXT LEVEL ER LOG MOULD Shape and plane beams and oversized boards right on your sawmill with Norwood’s new Log Moulder LX26 LX26 T he sawmilling journeys travelled by Norwood owners are as unique and varied as snowflakes. Different countries. Different trees. Some people mill as a business. Others mill to fill their own lumber needs. Norwood’s latest machine, the all-new Log Moulder LX26, will add a whole new dimension to many sawing operations. With it, a sawmill operator can plane, finish and shape cants and oversized boards right on their mill. Equipped with a vertically-adjustable, horizontally-configured cutterhead, the LX26 mates to the sawmill’s log deck, rolling along the length of the bed exactly like the sawmill carriage. Both the saw carriage and the Log Moulder remain on the log deck, one at each end. In that way, they can be conveniently used in turn – first the log is squared to the correct dimension and then the Log Moulder finishes the surface to the sawyer’s specifications. The operator adjusts the height of the LX26’s cutter head and then guides the Log Moulder along the track and over the stationary beam. The Log Moulder is equipped with the 14hp Briggs engine, which supplies more than ample power to the cutter-head via a centrifugal clutch. Plane beams and oversize boards up to 27” wide with Norwood’s new Log Moulder LX26. The LX26 comes equipped standard with an 8” cutterhead outfitted with a pair of 8” corrugated HSS planing knives. A second optional 8” cutterhead can be added. Additionally, the entire cutterhead housing can slide laterally by up to 11 inches, making it possible to plane beams up to 27” wide. Select optional shaped knife packages to mould different log profiles. Finish and shape beams as long as you want. The LX26 adapts to many sawmill models – its adjustable carriage wheels accommodate rails from 31” to 33½”, 36¼” apart and from 40½” to 43” apart. Plane and mould beams as long as you want. Because the Log Moulder works with your sawmill and runs on your existing log deck, length isn’t an issue; extend your track by adding bed extensions. Norwood’s Log Moulder LX26 delivers a world of wood-finishing possibilities – Plane over-length lumber and full-size beams. Precision-mould and joint for log-home construction. Add customized flair to porch and terrace columns, balcony and staircase posts, and other beams and pillars in and around your home. Craft unique furniture out of heavy, large dimension woods. The Log Moulder LX26 is scheduled to start shipping after September 2016. $4786.00 + shipping and taxes. SAWMILLING TIPS & TRICKS SERIES Tip #3: Share Wisdom with Fellow Sawyers Second-hand gold is as valuable as new. And so it goes with sawmilling wisdom. What you have not yet tried, no doubt one of your fellow Norwood owners has. And likely he would be just as interested to know what you’ve learned. in particular. d owners h with fellow sawyers in general, and Norwoo touc in stay to s way t llen exce e som has d Norwoo on everything from how amount of information and opinionstree ive ress imp an has m foru ing mill saw roots, salvaging urban t” The “Norwood Connec more unusual topics have been milling the of e Som . logs rsize ove ing mill to rd boa thick to saw a black powder. lumber and even splitting giant logs with ussions about all ’t have your Norwood mill yet) for lively disc don you if n (eve us Join . free ly lute abso Norwood Connect is things sawmilling. om, regularly features nuggets of sawmilling wisd but d, arte t-he ligh e mor and l nica tech Norwood’s Facebook page is less ouncements of upcoming Norwood events. inspiring stories and photos, and ann d’s home page of www. t and Norwood’s Facebook page via Norwoo nec Con d woo Nor both ss acce can You . Log on to both NorwoodSawmills.com. See you online! 12 Volume 12, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2016 Portable Sawmill In-Roads on an International Scale N orwood portable sawmills are already milling valuable boards and beams in over 100 countries around the world. Norwood is poised to make significantly deeper inroads into international markets. Norwood exhibited at Ligna in Hannover, Germany in May 2015 as yet another initiative in its campaign to expand Norwood’s network of global dealerpartners. Ligna is one of the world’s foremost tradeshows specializing in the wood processing and forestry industries. Market leaders from around the globe converge in Hannover every two years to meet, see latest technology, and establish and strengthen business relationships. Norwood Sawmills, the global leader in portable sawmill innovation, was front and center at Ligna with a large display in the outdoor demonstration area. The magnitude of the investment involved in attending a show of that size underlines the emphasis Norwood places on being the sawmill company of choice around the world. The make-up of the team manning the Norwood stand was yet further testament to the size of Norwood’s international footprint and the importance it places on being a worldwide market-leader. Norwood flew in a number of its portable sawmill experts from three continents: North America, Africa and Europe. Plus, both Norwood’s president, Ashlynne Dale, and Norwood’s head of operations, Brian Shellswell, attended for all five days to meet with existing and prospective dealer-partners. Norwood portable sawmills are the machines of choice for a broad spectrum of sawyers ranging from private woodlot owners to custom commercial operators. Norwood attributes the international success of its sawmills to many strengths, including: Innovation – With over 50 patents, more than all the sawmill companies around the world put together, Norwood is the global leader in portable sawmill innovation. 800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com Productive – Norwood focuses its R & D on technology to reduce the time it takes to mill a log into lumber. By eliminating operator functions and increasing capacity, Norwood sawmills are dramatically more productive and profitable than any other. Reliable – Norwood sawmills are quality-built in the USA and Canada and require the absolute minimum of maintenance. They are easy-to-use and easy to look after. Versatile – Unique to Norwood is the concept of customizability – empowering owners to customize their mills with added capacity or various manual and hydraulic functions. “This extreme versatility gives sawyers with vastly different sawmilling needs from vastly different geographic areas spread out over six continents the flexibility to tailor their sawmills to their individual operations and so maximize their productivity,” explains Dale. Secondarily, often new sawmill owners have never sawn lumber before, or start with a limited budget. With a Norwood sawmill, they can start for very little money and then, as their sawmilling operation grows, they can grow their sawmill to match. “When we evaluate potential international dealer-partners, we look for enthusiastic, positive-minded, professional, energetic, customer-oriented companies,” continues Dale. “In a nutshell, we look for ‘quality’ people – people that we will be proud to work with and proud to represent the Norwood name. In fact, we generally find we like the people we pick so much that they become more than just colleagues – they become good friends.” If your organization is interested in becoming a Norwood dealer, email Norwood Sawmills directly at info@NorwoodSawmills.com. Norwood’s website, www.NorwoodSawmills.com, is available in seven languages. 13 Another Sawmilling Milestone … Of the Paper Kind How you can turn yo pr ur portable sawmill into ofi a table business. It’s follow these THREE ste surprisingly easy when you ps proven business mod . PLUS you’ll also get THREE els for getting starte d. This is how you can make yo ur portable sawmill quickly pay for itself! Fun insider tips and wo ideas for building yo ur rld Norwood recently published “The Ultimate Guide to Portable Sawmills”, a new book destined to be the definitive guide to sawmilling. “I’ve read the book about three times already and find something new each time,” one reader wrote. What could you find in its pages? Norwood just made another “first” in the world of portable sawmills – We published the new book – “The Ultimate Guide to Portable Sawmills” It is 144 pages packed with comprehensive information, color photos and illustrations, even 3D plans for some very cool projects. The content in this book will probably answer questions you have had for quite some time about portable sawmills—and even answer some you didn’t know you had! Norwood’s portable sawmill credentials are second to none: yy to The e l b a t r Po mills Saw ur Yo st Biggeilling Sawem tions Qu sswered! An ccess illing Su For Sawm Secrets anging ill wm Game Ch ey ght Sa For Mon g The Ri Milling Choosin ials for ading 7 Essent Gr – – Dr ying World! Cutting ild Your ANS – Bu Plus PL Norwood has been building premium portable sawmills for a quarter century … Norwood sawmills are in service in more than 100 countries, working reliably in some of the roughest conditions… Norwood sawmills are durable and tough, built from the ground up in the USA and Canada… Norwood sawmills lead the pack in productivity thanks to our commitment to groundbreaking research and development. (In fact, Norwood has more than 50 patents for our state-of-the-art innovations. That’s more than ALL other portable sawmill manufacturers in the world … combined.) In a nutshell, Norwood knows portable sawmills and Norwood knows wood. We understand what it takes to mill anything you want, so you can build everything from a thriving business, to a dream home, yy from the ground up . From trestle tab cabins, whether you’r e a beginner or a seas les to oned pro, this chapter will ignite your creativity and help you get started with a project for your ho me. The Seven Essential s you MUST know to choose the right portable sa wmill for YOU. Don’t an expensive mistak make e! Follow these impo rtant guidelines and get it right the first time. Exactly what you ne ed to know to prep are that first log. Follow these expert strategie for s and you’ll soon be celeb rating milling your fir st log on your portable sawm ill. HINT: “Begin with the end in mind.” These crucia l preparations will m ake this easy as can be—and can make all the diff erence between that “uh oh ” feeling and happy milling! Plus so much MORE including: a wealth of information about dr ying your wood, sawi ng patterns, and an intro duction to lumber grad ing! to a lasting legacy. It was high time we wrapped up a lot of that wisdom in a single package. So, this year, that is exactly what we did. The result was “The Ultimate Guide to Portable Sawmills”. Thousands of people have already got the book. Here’s what a couple of them have to say: yy “Got mine. Read it cover to cover.” ~ Larry Criddle yy “I’ve read the book about three times already and find something new each time. Well worth the cost (of shipping). Awesome book. Very detailed. Love the chapter on sawing pattern potential and the tips and tricks.” ~ Billy Reeder If you are like these folks, you want to know exactly what to look for in a portable sawmill before you take the leap. And you also want to know how to get the most out of your investment. That’s just being smart. That’s why we are offering this amazing book as a GIFT for a limited time. It will broaden your sawmilling horizons, as well as answer many of your most pressing questions. We’ve included everything from specifics about what to look for in a portable sawmill, to the awesome ways you can make money with your sawmill, to wood drying and lumber grading techniques. You’ll also find a wealth of helpful milling tips, profit maximizing strategies, creative project plans, and full color illustrations that will open your eyes to the vast array of possibilities and promise waiting for you with portable sawmill ownership. For now, “The Ultimate Guide to Portable Sawmills” is free. Just cover the very minimal cost of shipping and we’ll send it directly to your door. To get your copy, order online at http://www. norwoodsawmills.com/ultimate-guideportable-sawmills-book Power Sawhead (Up/Down) Module for HD36 and MX36 Mills A combined power feed/power sawhead (up/down) package has been available for the LumberPro HD36 and LumberMate Pro MX34 for a few years. Norwood now has available a power sawhead (up/down) ONLY package (i.e. without the power feed). It is perfect for operators who want to raise and lower their sawhead at the touch of a button but who still want to feed the carriage manually through the cut. Power sawhead system suitable for the HD36 and MX34 models only. Package comes with motor, specialty shaft, rocker switch and cables. $949.00 + S&H (Item No. LM34PSH-5030) NOTE: Combined Power Feed/Power Sawhead kit for HD36 and MX36 available for $2995.00 + S&H (Item No. LM34-PSH-5000) 14 Volume 12, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2016 Ugly Duckling on the Outside. ide. “Black Gold” on the lIns for a walk on the wild side! Sawmilling adventurism … take your sawmil —Dave Boyt Making careful cuts to maximize the yield of the valuable walnut. Running the log through the car wash (my truck needed a bath anyway) got rid of the dirt and most of the rocks, but it still took a fair amount of digging to get the rest of the rocks free. Not every sawyer asks himself, “On a scale of 1 to 10, where would I rate my sense of sawmilling adventurism?” Rooting out (pardon the pun) gem-quality logs is where it starts. The next adrenaline rush is making the cut, particularly the unorthodox one! Seeing your vision on display in an art gallery is just the icing on the cake. It didn’t look like much, laying by the side of a pond. The landowner said that it was a walnut log, though the decayed wood sloughing away gave little hint as to its identity. “It has been there for at least six years, and I’m tired of mowing around it,” he told me. The log, or what was left of it, was a good 16” in diameter and 9’ long, plus the root, which was still attached. A quick cut with the chain saw confirmed that it was indeed “black gold”. Just under the rotted wood, the chocolatecolored chips came flying as the chain hit solid wood. I gladly relieved the owner of his burden. The log itself was pretty straightforward to mill. With age, it had assumed almost an ebony appearance, with no noticeable degrade to the heartwood. But the root interested me. Walnut root often has amazing grain, but first I’d have to clean it up. Running it through the car wash (my truck needed a bath anyway) got rid of the dirt and most of the rocks, but it still took a fair amount of digging to get the rest of the rocks free. Transformation into art in the hands of master craftsmen. Even with the Norwood HD36’s flexible log clamping system, it took a fair amount of trimming and improvising to mount the root securely. Even at that, I held my breath as I took the first few cuts. Just as I was starting to get confident, the blade struck a stone that was completely embedded in the wood. This happened two more times, but at least I had the good sense to use old blades near the end of their useful life (after the first stone... I’m not that smart). Unsure of how to use “Black Gold” … in disguise. Non-sawyers will appreciate the art. True sawyers and woodworkers also appreciate the journey. the wood, I cut it into 2” and 3” thick slabs, and set them aside to dry. I sold several of the slabs to a woodworking customer who builds custom furniture, and commissioned a wood turner to make a bowl out of a 3” slab. Who would have thought that that ugly duckling would wind up on display in an art gallery? NEW Leveling Stands for Stationary Sawing Operations Now available for the LumberMate LM29, LumberMan MN26 and LumberLite ML26 If you own an LM29, MN26 or LM26, and you operate it in a stationary set-up, you can now support your sawmill with custom-designed leveling stands specifically made to support your log deck. Ten units per set. $185.00 per set + S&H (Item No. LM29-41170) If you have extended your log deck, add a pair of leveling stands to support each 4-foot (1.2m) bed extension. Two units (one pair) per set. $37.00 per pair + S&H (Item No. LM29-41170-14) 800-567-0404 | NorwoodSawmills.com 15 Call us TOLL-FREE at 1-800-567-0404 From anywhere in the U.S.A. or Canada Monday to Friday between 8:30a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ET U.S.A. Factory Warehouse Norwood Sawmills U.S.A. Inc. 800.567.0404 252 Sonwil Drive Buffalo, NY 14225 Visit Norwood online www.NorwoodSawmills.com CANADA Factory Warehouse Or e-mail us at info@NorwoodSawmills.com Norwood Industries Inc. 800.567.0404 1660 Highway 11 North Kilworthy, ON P0E 1G0 SOUTH AFRICA Distribution Warehouse Norwood Sawmills Africa Inc. c/o Austro +27 (0) 83 284 4455 1125 Leader Avenue, Stormill EXT 4 info@NorwoodSawmills.co.za Roodepoort, Gauteng P.O. Box 1914, Florida, 1710 South Africa AUSTRALIA Official Norwood Sawmills Dealer Norwood Sawmills Australia c/o Geoff’s Tools Pty. Ltd. 51 Leighton Place, Unit 51 Hornsby, NSW 2077 The color orange as it relates to sawmills, edgers, skidders & related equipment is a registered trademark owned by Norwood Industries Inc. (“Norwood”) in multiple jurisdictions. The tradenames Norwood®, LumberPro®, LumberMate®, LumberMan®, LumberLite®, PortaMill®, SkidMate®, BladeMate®, Sabretooth® & MultiMate® are registered trademarks owned by Norwood in multiple jurisdictions. Functional & design elements of Norwood sawmills and log handling equipment are protected by registered patents & pending patents in multiple jurisdictions. 1300 406 984 NorwoodAustralia@NorwoodSawmills.com Disclaimer: Specifications, designs, descriptions, illustrative material and prices in our literature, website and price list are as accurate as known at the time of publication, but are subject to change without notice. Illustrations may include optional equipment and accessories and may not include all standard equipment. Our literature, website and price list have been compiled for worldwide circulation; while general information, pictures and descriptions are provided, some illustrations and text may include product features, options and accessories not available in all regions. TEAM NORWOOD ON TOUR IN 2016 Team Norwood is hitting the road again in 2016 . We started early with visits already to California, New Brunswick, North Carolina and Texas. Here are some more of the places we plan to visit. Hopefully we’ll see you along the way! We’ll add more stops … Keep an eye on our trade show schedule posted on Norwood’s website. If you’re looking at getting your own Norwood but we can also arrange for you to meet a Norwood first want to see one hands-on, owner near you. Just call us toll-free at 800-567-0404. May 6 & 7 May 13 & 14 June 10, 11 & 12 June 25 July 1 & 2 July 9 & 10 Aug 19, 20 & 21 Sept 13, 14 & 15 Sept 23, 24 & 25 Oct 7, 8 & 9 Oct 18, 19 & 20 Oct 22 & 23 16 Northeastern Logging Expo Expo Richmond Saw-Tech Log Expo Buffalo Open House Horse Progress Days Mother Earth News Fair Woodsmen Field Days Outdoor Farm Show Mother Earth News Fair Paul Bunyan Show Sunbelt Ag Expo Mother Earth News Fair Expo Centre Richmond Raceway Complex N. Hastings Community Centre 252 Sonwil Drive Michiana Event Center Washington County Fair Park Boonville Oneida County Fairgrounds Canada’s Outdoor Park Seven Springs Mountain Resort Guernsey County Fairgrounds Spence Field Kansas Expo Center Essex Junction Sandston Bancroft Buffalo Howe West Bend Boonville Woodstock Seven Springs Cambridge Moultrie Topeka VT VA ON NY IN WI NY ON PA OH GA KS Volume 12, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2016
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