SPRING/SUMMER 2014 News VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 62-FOOT NORWOOD KEY TO OPERATION OF GERMAN LUXURY LOG HOME BUILDER Traditional Bavarian Log-Home Craftsmen Complete Project in the Himalayas SCALE LOGS LIKE A PRO WITH THE NEW “MUSTHAVE” MOBILE APP FOR SAWYERS “Norwood Sawmills Calculator” Quickly Crunches Critical Log & Lumber Numbers DID COLUMBUS SAIL PAST THE SYCAMORE MILLED BY A NORWOOD LUMBERPRO HD36? Well, he wasn’t in Missouri, but a Norwood Did Mill 600-Year-Old Sycamore Logs March 2014 Dear Friends, that we have posted on some of the exciting things you p kee and in, aga ne ryo eve h wit e It is good to touch bas ls. been up to here at Norwood Sawmil equipment-related, but is actually not is s new of bit t firs r Ou – p Ap e bil for iPhones “Norwood Sawmills Calculator” Mo ood Sawmill Calculator” mobile app orw “N new the ed nch lau t jus has ultaneously, the software-related! Norwood r logs with all three main log rules sim you of e um vol the ate cul cal ly ick and Androids. Qu ted weight of your logs. volume of your lumber and the estima at better were considered a bad thing, we n eve ngs thi ke ma to ve dri ual pet se compulsions Innovation – If curiosity and a per m. Fortunately, most people see tho gra pro step 12a in d olle enr be ly Norwood would probab as positive! m of full-time R&D specialists tea a h wit tion ova inn l mil saw le tab in por to mill Norwood continues to lead the way r functions and cut the time it takes rato ope te ina elim es, tim le cyc uce ns, bringing devoted to finding ways to red another dozen or so patent registratio ed add e hav we rs, yea two t sawmill pas the In logs into lumber. n the combined total of all the other tha re mo far far, … 50 r ove to s ent Norwood’s total number of pat ether. companies around the world, put tog recent efforts time “tweaking” our bandmills. Our of bit a te qui ng ndi spe n bee e hav On the sawmill front, we erMate LM29 models, the next mb Lu and 36 HD ro erP mb Lu new culminated in the 2013 launch of the respectively. generation of the MX34 and ML26 es. Given the size and capabilities of nam ill dm ban s od’ rwo No ak twe t left Norwood’s We took that opportunity to also was simplified to “LumberPro”. Tha ” Pro ate erM mb “Lu the l, mil od’s saw Norwood’s Pro-series has earned the right to carry Norwo ich wh 29 LM new the to ve mo to iconic “LumberMate” name free flagship moniker. n a brand100 countries, Norwood has long bee r ove in rk wo at d har ls mil saw th International Growth – Wi s, we have been busy establishing new ner ow od rwo No ve ser ter bet To r. name trusted by sawyers the globe ove s. A special shout-out to Norwood Sawmills’ African team headed ion y hard helping distribution centers in a number of reg , all of whom have been working ver nzu bee Ha nny Ke and ms llia our new Wi vor by Peter Uys, Tre hout Southern Africa. In addition to oug thr g nin run and up get ons rati new Norwood sawing ope e energetic new representatives in som hed blis esta ly ent rec has od rwo No distribution center in South Africa, xico. Me and countries such as Sri Lanka the role that Norwood sawmills play of ud pro y ver are We – ng ldi bui l pride Sawmills Key to Building, and Re s for their families. But we take specia live and es hom ter bet ld bui e ple peo helping hard-working to the lives of people whose worlds hav er ord e tor res p hel to n upo led cal m their whenever Norwood sawmills are of Norwood’s team took time away fro ers mb me e som y wh t’s Tha r. aste been ripped apart by dis pare a ver y special rush-order. At the pre to rk wo to in e cam and ys ida hol mberPro own families over the Christmas lifted a full plane-load of hydraulic Lu airy enc erg em od rwo No the s, tion Na request of the United hoon Haiyan rebuild their lives after Typ of ors viv sur p hel to es pin ilip Ph HD36 portable sawmills into the countr y. devastating storm that ravaged their News; producing this newspaper is an od rwo No of tion edi st late s thi in s od owners online We hope you enjoy the article also like to connect daily with Norwo We . you h wit ch tou in ing at stay to us important way for update you regularly on what is happen to us w allo th Bo ok. ebo Fac and ct through both Norwood Conne other great attribute of Norwood The . you h wit ly ect dir ue log dia to ty uni world. Norwood and also give us an opport r fellow Norwood owners all over the you h wit ly ect dir as ide ge han exc to ady done so, we Connect is that it allows you ilable to its owners; if you have not alre ok, simply “Like” ava ce our res t tha kes ma y pan com l od on Facebo No other sawmil rwood Connect soon. To follow Norwo No join to e tim e som e tak l wil you hope us at Norwood Portable Sawmills. ! or online. Until then, happy milling ne pho by , son per in er eith n soo We hope to chat with you Ashlynne Dale President NORWOOD, THE GLOBAL LEADER IN PORTABLE SAWMILL INNOVATION, KEEPS MOVING THE GOAL POSTS FORWARD Changes made to capacity and functionality of Norwood bandmills in 2013 to better meet the needs of commercial and personal sawmilling operations around the world. LUMBERMATE LM29 The LumberMate LM29 portable sawmill, based on Norwood’s successful LumberLite ML26, is the next evolutionary phase in personal bandmills. With beefed-up capacity, the new LM29 handles logs up to 29” (72.5cm) in diameter. Its throat opening has grown by 30%, giving the LM29 the power to mill boards and beams up to 22” (55cm) wide. A new adjustable blade guide system provides maximum blade support through both wide and narrow cuts. Finally, the range of engines available to power the LumberMate LM29 has broadened to include a 16hp V-Twin Briggs Vanguard electric-start engine, in addition to 13hp and 14hp recoil-start engines. Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 NorwoodSawmills.com With increased log capacity and drive-system changes, the new LumberPro HD36 was designed to meet the rigorous demands of commercial sawing and yet remain easy to use for first-time sawyers who want to cut larger logs. The LumberPro HD36 can be configured manually, hydraulically or using a combination of the two. In this sense, the HD36 epitomizes Norwood’s philosophy of maximizing versatility to keep sawyers’ options open. “First-time sawmill owners generally have no sawing experience, and can’t foresee in what direction or how quickly their sawmilling operation will grow,” explains Norwood product-development coordinator Brian Shellswell, “But, with a manual Norwood, they can start with a modest investment. Later on, as their profits multiply and as their sawing business evolves, they can add hydraulic and power attachments to help them mill more lumber in less time.” Norwood’s “grow-as-you-go” approach ensures sawyers will never outgrow their LumberPro HD36, but rather, can build it up to keep pace with their increasing sawmilling needs. Norwood invests heavily in research and development, focusing its efforts on technology that cuts the time it takes to mill a log into lumber. By eliminating operator functions, speeding up cycle times and increasing capacity, Norwood sawmills are dramatically more productive, and profitable, than any other. Norwood’s commitment to advancing the frontiers of portable sawmill innovation is evidenced by over 50 patents, more than the combined total of all the other sawmill companies around the world, put together. “We incorporated many of Norwood’s latest patented innovations into our latest bandmills,” explains Dale, “There is no question – Norwood owners are getting the most productive, the most reliable and the most versatile portable bandsaw mill on the market today.” Norwood Sawmills’ President, Ashlynne Dale points out, “With bigger capacity and greater functionality, the LM29’s additional utility answers a broader range of sawmilling needs. It gives Norwood’s global customers very affordable access to a versatile mobile bandsaw capable of milling substantial-sized softwood and hardwood logs, while remaining exceptionally easy to use and maintain.” Like its predecessor, the LumberMate LM29 has a very useful lineup of available optional add-on attachments, including log deck extensions to mill longer lumber, a trailer system to tow the sawmill to remote milling sites, toe boards to compensate for log taper, log loading winches and ramps to simplify log loading and rotating, and Norwood’s patented auto-lube system, among others. With so many attachments to add over time, the mill is capable of growing and evolving as customers’ sawmilling needs do. “Given the increased size and utility of the new LM29,” continues Dale, “it has earned the right to bear Norwood’s flagship sawmill name “LumberMate”, a name which has become synonymous with premium-quality, reliability and versatility to sawyers around the world.” 2 LUMBERPRO HD36 Another development that has made this name change possible is a second project that Norwood wrapped up in 2013 with the launch of the LumberPro HD36, the next-generation of the commercial-capacity Pro-series “LumberMate Pro MX34” sawmill. With a massive 36” (91cm) capacity, and able to transform to fully-hydraulic from manual, it was time to christen Norwood’s latest Pro-series sawmill, simply, the “LumberPro HD36”. This freed up the iconic “LumberMate” name, a torch that was passed to the LM29. NorwoodSawmills.com MAGNETS stick nets are great to High-power mag ols to your stationary to frequently used n’t source powerful ca u yo If . ill m saw autor own, go to an magnets on thei y a few of those magnetic bu d bolts; parts store and ding lost nuts an ” in diameter. fin r fo d ne sig pick-up tools de o powerful magnets about ¾ easure, level or wrench. tw inside each are ue, attach them to your tape m en place on the mill and use gl tho tle lit a magnet to a hidd The magnet is also good for With ion is to attach a it. Another applicat mill key when you’re not using read it and check off the pieces y w sil sa e ea th n you ca buried in the it to hold to the mill where magnet to find nuts and bolts t lis t cu a ng pi clip the you can still use as you go. And sawdust! Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 3 SPEED UP YOUR ONE-MAN OPERATION WITH THESE NEW PATENTED LOG CLAMPING OPTIONS Log handling, especially by yourself, is the biggest challenge for most sawyers. Norwood has unveiled a couple of new innovations for the Pro-series MX34 and HD36 sawmill models that take some of the grunt-work out of log clamping. LOG REST ACTUATORS AUTOMATIC DOGGING ASSIST EFFICIENCY & DIVERSITY ARE KEYS FOR PORTABLE SAWMILL SUCCESS By David Boyt Dave Boyt shares a few simple tips he’s learned over the years that can help you grow your custom-milling business and your profits. The global wood market has been a challenge in recent years; it is still difficult for big commercial sawing operations to keep their doors open, and most of those who do manage are running with a minimal crew until things improve. Why is it then that sales of portable band sawmills are on the rise? While many people purchase one for personal use, a large number of the mills are the center of successful businesses. In fact, many profitable sawmills start out as a personal investment for private use and progress on to become a full-time business. saved on labor, fuel and maintenance goes straight to the profit side of your business. Efficiency also applies to the logs you mill, and it makes sense to get the most possible lumber out of every log. Tests show that thin-kerf sawmills like the Norwood band saws get approximately 15% more yield out of each log than circle mills, and create half the sawdust to dispose of. Keep your equipment simple and easy to use, and crosstrain your employees for multiple jobs. If your sawyer doesn’t show up for work, can another employee take the controls of the sawmill and keep it running? A scheduled maintenance program and a stock of spare parts such as belts and bearings will keep production humming. Layout and Equipment Efficiencies: A well-thought-out layout of the mill yard lets you make the most of your investment. A log-deck the correct height and size avoids the time and expense of starting up a loader to place each log on the mill. In many sawmill businesses, the first job the sawmill has is to build the log deck and roller tables. Roller tables make it easy to move slabs to a scrap pile and sort boards; they also eliminate the need to lift heavy beams. A shed to keep the mill out of weather is a good investment. The payback comes with fewer maintenance issues and a better operating environment for the sawyer. This does not need to happen all at once before starting a business. The important thing is to constantly evaluate which equipment and modifications to the milling operation will help you meet your needs. Add a set of patented Log Rest Actuators to operate both log rests from the operator’s side of the HD36 and MX34 portable sawmills Patented AutoMatic Dogging Assist helps you clamp your logs quickly on the HD36 and MX34 portable sawmills Do away with reaching over the log to set the log rests. Easily access the log rests from the operator’s side of the mill using Norwood’s patented Log Rest Actuators. The rack and pinion-type Actuators allow for infinite adjustment, up or down. Simple to operate … flip the lever and turn the handle. Norwood is the only company that offers the patented, timesaving Log Rest Actuators. Two units per set. Most logs are not perfectly round or straight and therefore often have a mind of their own when rotating and clamping them. Norwood’s patented AutoMatic Dog Assist tames those kinds of logs by automatically following the log’s contours when you rotate the log, and then holding the log firmly exactly where you want it. Streamlines the typical two-handed, twostep dogging process into one smooth and easy step. One unit per set. (Item No. 41289) ($149.00 + S,I& T) (Item No. 41291) ($397.00 + S,I&T) NEW HOME PAID FOR THANKS TO A NORWOOD SAWMILL “When I move into my house, it’s going to be paid for on account of this sawmill!” That’s how Lonnie Hunt describes the building of his new home. Lonnie bought his Norwood Pro MX34 portable band saw in 2011 with the intent of starting up a sawmill business in the small town of Piedmont, Alabama. While Lonnie does some custom cutting for profit, his main project these days is building a frame house on the edge of town, “I was going to start a side business, and wound up building the house.” Most of the house, including structural lumber, siding, flooring, beams, and even some of the furniture was cut on the mill. “Everything I cut is storm damaged trees,” he recounts, “I’ve never had to cut one down.” Inside the house, he shows off some of the furniture he 4 Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 has built with wood cut on his sawmill, including a coffee table made from a cedar log. His most recent project was a front door made of maple with walnut trim. be in the sawmill business “full blast” cutting for other people, “There’s a big demand for custom milling around here. Anything people bring for me to cut, I’ll do it.” Lonnie found his Norwood easy to learn. Now both he and his wife take turns running it and stacking the lumber, “She enjoys running the mill as much or more than I do.” The day we visited, they were cutting ¾” loblolly pine for siding. Lonnie had several logs decked up, and the mill was in top form, slicing perfectly straight boards one after another. Asked how long he thought it would take for the mill to pay for itself, he replied that that it already had, just in the lumber it has cut for the house in less than a year – “This is the best investment I’ve ever made.” A Successful Business Requires Teamwork: While you may be able to go it alone for a while, a full-time operation requires good help. The mill is only making money when it is cutting wood, and you will soon find a lot of your time is spent purchasing logs, talking to customers, maintaining equipment, sorting lumber, sharpening blades and doing the accounting. By the time morning comes and it is time to go to work, you will already be exhausted! Find reliable help, and pay them enough to stay with the business. One sawmill can easily support you and at least two good workers. Stay Open-Minded to New Opportunities: Think twice before telling a customer that you can’t do a job. Base your decision on your experience and equipment, but don’t be afraid to try something new. While you will almost certainly have to turn down some jobs that do not fit your business, adapting to do the job profitably may open the door to similar jobs. For example, it may be worthwhile to set up a dry kiln and planer to add value to your lumber. Since paneling is a common product, and the same equipment can be used to produce flooring and cabinet wood, it may be a good opportunity. “I’ve enjoyed this saw every minute I’ve run it,” he enthused, “I was going to start a little side business, and it wound up into building a house.” Once the house is finished, Lonnie says he will The Devil is in the Details: Efficiency is the best payback of any investment you can make. Money NorwoodSawmills.com Taking on jobs that other sawing operations cannot handle can be lucrative. This Belgian Norwood sawmill owner mills full-time for a living. Sharpening your own saw blades can be a real money and time saver, and can help avoid having the mill sit idle while waiting for more saw blades. It also encourages your sawyer to change the blade before it gets dull which, in turn, will improve the quality of your lumber. Could a set of rollers save the time and expense of moving boards with a fork truck? Would a hydraulic log turner save enough time to pay for itself? Would toe boards increase the yield from tapered logs? These and other questions will, no doubt, arise. But if you approach them with an open mind and keep a long-term perspective, you will have the basis for a profitable sawmill business. Norwood sawmills are adaptable; as your income grows, it is easy to expand the functionality of your sawmill, for example by adding hydraulic log handling on the Promodels. Or, expand your one-sawmill business to a twosawmill business. Some operations add a second sawmill to work in tandem with the first; for example, one mills flooring and the other cuts siding or blanks for millwork. To fill special orders for long beams, the tracks of the two sawmills can be bolted together to make one long track. If there is a large order for a certain product, both mills can be set to the task to meet the demand. Focus on Niche Markets: Avoid low value production jobs. Focus on niche markets that are too small or too specialized for the big mills. For example, a Norwood sawmill can, with optional extensions, mill logs of any length. If you have the only sawmill in the area that can cut 45’ beams, you can just about name your price. Although you may not cut long beams on a regular basis, these jobs help keep the business profitable, and it takes no time to switch over to mill shorter logs for flooring or structural lumber. This flexibility gives portable band sawmills like the Norwood a huge advantage over the larger mills that must specialize in one product. When Lonnie was looking to buy his own portable sawmill, Lonnie looked at a lot of brochures and videos. He chose a Norwood because of its build and strength, “I was more interested in performance than buying the cheapest one—and it has really paid off.” He enjoyed and values the assembly process, “The main thing about putting this sawmill together yourself is that you know every part of it, from top to bottom, and that has really helped.” Lonnie elected to get the trailer package and has found it to be a good investment, “I like the ability to take the sawmill about anywhere you want to go.” Dave Boyt working with his Norwood Pro portable saw mill. NorwoodSawmills.com The precision of the Norwood mills should be a key selling point for your services. New Mexico Norwood owner, Jose Ortiz, took this photo that would be compelling in a brochure or website. LOG SCALING FOR THE MODERN SAWYER – New “Norwood Sawmills Calculator” Mobile App New Norwood Sawmills mobile app gives you instant estimates of the board-feet in your logs according to Doyle, Scribner & International log rules. Bonus functions calculate the volume of sawn lumber and estimate the weight of your logs. Do you buy or sell logs and need to make quick estimates of board footage—or just want to check to see if a log buyer has his “thumbs on the scales” when he scales your lumber? Do you find yourself fumbling for a pencil and paper to figure out how much lumber there is in a stack of 2” x 10” boards while your customer waits? Do you need to estimate how much that 30” diameter by 12-foot long log weighs before you load it on your trailer? The new “Norwood Sawmills Calculator” mobile app for your Apple or Andoid phone or tablet solves all of these problems! Lumber Scale: To find the volume of a board, just plug the dimensions into the lumber scale function. For multiple boards, there is also a slider to input the quantity so you can quickly calculate the board-feet of a stack of sawn lumber. This is the quickest, most accurate way to tally up a job when you charge by the board foot, or to buy or sell boards. Log Weight Calculator: The log weight calculator estimates the weight of most common species of logs. Select the species of your log, swipe the sliders to input the length and diameter and instantly have your answer. For those who work in metric, the new mobile app also functions in cubic meters instead of board-feet. Norwood’s new mobile app replaces calculators and antiquated paper and plastic sleeve pocket sliders. It is faster, more capable and gives you professional results and a professional image. This intuitive application does all of this for just 99¢. For more information, visit Norwood Sawmills online at www.NorwoodSawmills.com . Log Rules: If you are buying or selling lumber, or estimating how much to bid on a custom-cutting job, the log scaling feature is quick, easy and accurate. Swipe the sliders to input the log dimensions and immediately get the answer according to all three main log rules - Doyle, Scribner, and International ¼”. Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 5 NORWOOD SAWMILLS AROUND THE WORLD Here is a small sampling of just a few of the many interesting photos sent in from Norwood owners around the world. Norwood Portable Sawmills Announces Winners of 2013 Photo and Video Challenge operation and application is unique, they all share one thing in common…building value. Whether building a business, building a home or building fine furniture, Norwood sawmill owners are incredibly industrious,” says Norwood President, Ashlynne Dale, “Norwood Sawmills’ Annual Photo and Video Challenge is our way of recognizing some of their great achievements. ” Every year, Norwood mobile saw mill owners are invited to submit photos and videos for entry into any or all of five categories: Furniture, Cabinets & Fine Woodworking Project Photos Homes, Cabins & Outbuildings – Exterior Photos Homes, Cabins & Outbuildings – Interior Photos Norwood Sawmills awards almost $5,000 in prizes to the winners of its 6th annual customer photo and video challenge. o rol Petland) o l Car itzer (Sw ian Canad ’s d o o e ous or w Near Nctory warehada) n a fa C , o ri (Onta Norwood Sawmill & Operation in Action - Photos Norwood Portable Sawmill & Operation in Action - Videos Every year, Norwood sawmill owners around the world are invited to submit photos and videos of their sawmilling operations and the unique wood projects they have built using lumber and timber milled with their portable sawmills. Since the inaugural annual contest in 2008, Norwood has awarded nearly thirty thousand dollars worth of prizes. “Every moment of every day, sawyers in over 100 countries depend on their Norwood sawmills to efficiently produce high volumes of valuable lumber. While each milling Three prizes are available in each category: $500, $300 and $100 in “Norwood Cash” for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners respectively. Winners can use their merchandise credit prizes towards new sawmill and forestry equipment orders directly from Norwood. “We are already looking forward to seeing next year’s photos and videos. What kinds of hardwoods will Norwood owners be milling in Africa? What cabins will Norwood owners by building next to tranquil lakes in Canada? How exceptional will the furniture be built by master cabinet-makers throughout the US?” continues Dale, “It is so much fun. And also so rewarding, knowing Norwood sawmills play such an important role in the lives of the people who own them.” 2013 Photo and Video Challenge Nor woo d sa crossin ills g thewZm from Zim bez babweam to ZaimRbiver ia fr om Zim ba bw et oZ NORWOOD SAWMILL & OPERATION IN ACTION Ma th ia (in and s Ull Jac m th o an eH ym b Jägn al aya er s) Kim of Heay Myung Kyo in Cons t (Korea) ruction Cory McKay am bia el s Maer acque ue) J n a e q J mbi (Moza tion truc ea) (Kor Tony Hargreaves ns in Co Heay Norwood Sawmills Africa Ramps-Up Service to Sub-Saharan African Norwood Owners African forest resources are under attack by Chinese and similar foreign interests. Large tracts of valuable African forests are being snapped up or claimed for a pittance, trees clear-cut and logs stuffed into containers, often in the round, for processing in Asia. No jobs are created in Africa, the land is left devastated and pocketbooks are left empty. sawmill accessories in large quantities in its new distribution center just outside of Johannesburg. Dedicated Norwood sawmilling specialists, both in Norwood’s distribution hub and satellite locations in other African countries, can immediately respond to customers’ needs. It is very gratifying to see the tide turning. Many new African Norwood sawmill owners are generating multiple jobs per sawmill brought into operation, and there is growing awareness that foreign interests must be stopped and that forests must be harvested responsibly to preserve their value for future generations. To turn the tables and give the people the power to profit from their own resources and do so in a more environmentally-responsible way, in 2013 Norwood Sawmills Africa dramatically ramped up its resources dedicated to servicing and supporting sub-Saharan African customers. To guarantee rapid-delivery throughout southern Africa, Norwood stocks sawmills and 6 Norwood Sawmills Africa team-members, Trevor, Gibson and Peter, enjoy a break with Norwood HQ team-member, Brian Shellswell, under the hot South African sun between sessions milling. Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 Steve Deutsch To contact Norwood Sawmills Africa, follow the links on Norwood’s dedicated African website at www.NorwoodSawmills.com/za . NorwoodSawmills.com NorwoodSawmills.com Greg Brown Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 7 2013 Photo and Video Challenge FURNITURE, CABINETRY & FINE WOODWORKING Greg Brown Wilfer Mobile Sawmill / Kris Williams 2013 Photo and Video Challenge HOMES CABINS & OUTBUILDINGS (EXTERIOR) Johnny Burleson Kevin Whittingham James Masters 2013 Photo and Video Challenge HOMES CABINS & OUTBUILDINGS (INTERIOR) Danny Smith Tony Lightfoot ENTER THE CHALLENGE in 2014! Full contest rules and submission details for Norwood owners interested in entering next year can be found at www.NorwoodSawmills.com/enter-challenge Jacob Bell Michel Belanger 8 Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 NorwoodSawmills.com NorwoodSawmills.com Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 9 KANSAS-BASED NORWOOD SAWMILL CUTS WOOD FOR HOME, FARM, PROFIT & TELEVISION Photos by J.R. Salzman / Independent Sawmill & Woodlot Magazine Management TEAM NORWOOD IMPRESSES CROWDS AT THE 2013 GREAT PORTABLE SAWMILL SHOOT-OUT Team Norwood a stand-out for exceptional production and performance results, and also for honesty and integrity at demonstration. Norwood sawmills gave an outstanding performance at the 2013 Great Portable Sawmill Shoot-Out at the Paul Bunyan show near Cambridge, Ohio. Norwood rolled out its new LumberMate LM29 in the manual category, and a fully hydraulic-configured LumberPro HD36 in the hydraulic mill category. Norwood product development coordinator, Brian Shellswell, knows the sawmills inside and out, so was the logical choice to be part of both milling teams. Brian took control of the LumberMate LM29 as sawyer, with Norwood’s U.S.A. warehouse manager, Mike Long, offbearing slabs and boards. Together, they kept the LM29 humming, slicing up 404 board-feet of yellow poplar lumber from the four logs in just 49 minutes, 34 seconds. As impressive as the production rate was, it was the quality of lumber that made Norwood’s LM29 shine. While other mills struggled with stress in the logs, Team Norwood took the time to turn the cants to keep them straight. The results were worth it – the 16% over the log scale was the greatest of any team. Unfortunately, yellow poplar was not the only thing Brian cut that day; he left a log stop up a little too high and hit it with the blade—an easy mistake for even a seasoned sawyer working under the pressure of the Shoot-Out and distraction of the audience. After a quick blade change, Pamona, KS farmer and Norwood ML26 bandmill owner, Brad Hubin, gets the most out of his mill, sawing lumber for his family home and farm, and to sell to woodworkers. “Kansas Ag a.m.” interviewed him to find out more. Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 Brad enjoys using his mill and found it easy to learn. “It took a little while to figure out how to load logs on it and what cuts to make, but after a while, you get the hang of it,” he said, “You learn when to change the blades out and how to do maintenance.” The Norwood ML26 has been a good fit for Brad. “I like the size of the mill,” he said, “I tend to work with smaller logs and this mill works great for that. It’s a great machine.” The ML26 was the predecessor of the LumberMate LM29 model which was launched mid2013 and has slightly bigger capacity; the LM29 can handle logs up to 29” (73cm) in diameter and mill boards up to 19” wide. Another interesting highlight in Brad’s sawmilling journey has been a television appearance; he and his Norwood were featured on the television show “Kansas Ag a.m.” He is also featured in a Norwood video posted on Norwood’s YouTube channel and online Video Vault. One of the main reasons people buy a portable sawmill is to build or improve their house. Brad Hubin is no exception. the LM29 was back in business. Team Norwood’s final production rate on the LumberMate LM29 was 489 board-feet per hour — proving that the mill is capable of far more than Norwood claims in its advertisements. Brad installed his Norwood ML26 sawmill just down the hill from his house and he did not take long to press his mill into service to craft the new trim and woodwork that he installed in his house within his first year of sawmill ownership. In that short time, Brad milled almost every species of wood that grows around his property near Pamona, Kansas, “I’ve been milling for over a year now – walnut, cedar, oak, cherry.” Brian was back the next day to demonstrate the LumberPro HD36 in the hydraulic mill class, this time as the tailman while his father, Fred Shellswell, took the controls. The Norwood HD36 looked small compared to the other hydraulic mills in the Shoot-Out arena, many of which had twice or triple the power as the 23hp V-twin Briggs Vangard (… and price tags to match!). The LumberPro HD36 stood out in the crowd, not only because of its affordable price tag, but also because it is the only mill that can be ordered manually-configured and then converted to hydraulic at a later time. Much of the wood from his bandmill goes towards projects around his farm – trailer decking, feeders, and fencing. The Norwood has also proven to be a good source of income for Brad, who sells his highest quality wood to woodworkers. A tour of the inside of his barn reveals neatly stacked piles of assorted hardwoods, all stickered for air drying. Brad said he has had good success selling wood online, often drawing customers from nearby Kansas City, “Some people buy one board, others buy a pickup truck load. It’s nice to meet the woodworkers who use the wood.” Fred is a seasoned sawyer and knows how to read a log, as well as how to handle a portable sawmill. He did not disappoint at the Shoot-Out, milling 455 board feet of lumber in just 53 minutes, 31 seconds. What is more, Team Norwood edged all of the lumber on the sawmill, while all of the other teams used edgers costing more than the HD36 itself! The final tally netted the HD36 a higher yield than the International 1/4” scale predicted, at a rate of 510 board-feet per hour. “I chose the Norwood because it was well-built. And shipping it in kit-form saved a lot on freight,” Brad said. He found that the mill was easy to put together and the process gave him a good understanding of how each component works. He added that he likes the idea of the manual feed on the Norwood, “I think pushing the mill by hand gives a better feel for the wood, and you Many other companies at the Shoot-Out rigged their set-ups to artificially boost production. For example, they used very expensive secondary equipment such as edgers, or employed techniques not commonly used by portable sawmill owners such as loading two logs on super-extended log decks. In doing so, the true capabilities of their standard sawmills were never put to an honest test. But Team Norwood demonstrated their machines exactly the way most of their customers around the world run them – with standard equipment, no expensive edgers … no smoke and mirrors. SOL AR TRICKL C H A RG E ER If you h a of a dea ve ever known d conside battery, or if the frustration yo r charger. an inexpensiv u’d rather not e , T h refriger e 1.5 Watts solar battery ator, bu won’t ru t it will battery n your ke t and ext opped off and ep your e r well. Th nd the life of y eady to go, our bat ey are a tery as $15.00. vailable A on the dd a pair of all for around en ig to clam ds to make th ator clips p onto the bat em easier tery. Many Norwood owners visited with the team to say hello, learn new techniques and get advice on running their mills. But even more people, who had initially come to watch other sawmills, were so impressed with the performance of Team Norwood and the Norwood sawmills, that they too visited the Norwood booth to learn more about the LumberMate LM29 and the LumberPro HD36. To Fred, Brian, Mike—and the rest of the Norwood team, congratulations, and well done! 10 immediately know when the blade needs sharpening.” NorwoodSawmills.com NorwoodSawmills.com Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 11 WILL YOU BE THERE? NORWOOD SAWMILLS USA OPEN HOUSE & COOK-OUT Save this Date: Saturday, May 31 , 2014 st Norwood’s US Open-House and Cook-Out has become a bit of an annual tradition, and a favorite on our calendar. No one walks away hungry! Burgers and hot dogs start sizzling by 11 in the morning. Of course, the sawmills are even quicker off the mark, making sawdust, and lumber, when the doors open at 10. The sense of community among Norwood owners is always the highlight. Where most people have photos of their children, Norwood sawyers have photos of their sawmills or various projects built with lumber that they have milled. Everyone has experience to share, and many from Team Norwood are there to do demos, answer questions and offer advice on mill maintenance and operation. Here are a few fun things we have learned at previous Open Houses … The Norwood tent will actually walk away if the wind conditions are just right. It is hard to hold a conversation with three mills running at the same time. If you ask five sawyers the same question, you will get eight different opinions. Sawdust in coffee is better than creamer. People love their Norwood sawmills! Norwood sawmills are way ahead when it comes to quality and innovation. Everyone has a story about operating their mill. There are two kinds of sawyers—those who have sawn into a clamp and those who will. Norwood sawyers are always willing to help each other out. Norwood Sawmills USA team-leader, Mike Long, jumps in as tailer at Norwood’s 2013 Open House, offloading boards as a future Norwood owner tries his hand at milling before taking a brand-new Norwood home with him. We hope that you can join us this year. Saturday, May 31st, 2014 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Location: Norwood Sawmills U.S.A. Inc. 252 Sonwil Drive, Buffalo, NY 14225 R.S.V.P. – It sure would help us plan how much food we need if you let us know if you can attend and how many people you are bringing. If you can make it, could you please call Norwood Sawmills U.S.A. warehouse at 716-6811648 or email at usa@norwoodsawmills.com? Thanks! Norwood Pro-Series Features Now Available for ML26 and LM29-Models With the first Pro-series sawmill, the MX34, came several new patented features including DuraGuide ceramic blade guides and the auto-lube system. Now ML26 and LM29 owners can also equip their mills with these patented innovations by adding available optional upgrade kits. Dura-Guide™ Ceramic Blade Guides Norwood’s Dura-Guide system delivers full 3-sided support to maximize stability in the cut. The ceramics are more durable than rollers & bearings, they run cooler and virtually silent, and are less affected by sawdust build-up and freezing. And, because they eliminate blade deflection and downpressure, they help extend blade life. Kit includes a pair of precision-machined patented ceramic blade guide blocks and shafts, a complete set of ceramic inserts, a template and all hardware. Kit will also retrofit onto LumberMate 2000 model. (Item No. MILL-BGCRK) ($299.00 + S,I&T) THE CURE FOR SAWYERS’ “LOG-ENVY”? - MILL 600-YEAR-OLD SYCAMORE —Dave Boyt Sycamore logs from the time of Columbus preserved through the centuries in a sand bar along the Missouri River cure Dave’s case of “logenvy”. And the performance of his Norwood HD36 proves that “sawmillenvy” is one affliction that he does not suffer from. I have to admit that sometimes I suffer from “log envy” … for example, when I watch “Axe Men” or “Swamp Loggers”. Not that swimming with alligators appeals to me, but those guys do pull some amazing logs out of the water! Some of it is century-old “sinker” logs that went to the bottom of the river, lake, or swamp while being floated to the old circle mills. But I’m in Missouri – Nothing like that for a thousand miles—or so I thought. When I got a call from a fellow in central Missouri about milling some “really big” sycamore logs, I needed a little more information before I would commit to the 300 mile round-trip. After all, “big” is in the eye of the beholder, and many potential customers have an over-inflated idea of the size of their logs. “Some of the logs are over five feet in diameter,” he continued. “You mean five feet around?” “No,” he insisted, “Five feet across—and some are sixty feet to the first branch!” At that point, he had my full attention. Then he told me the story about how they had been found under a sand bar along the Missouri River. Apparently, they had fallen into the river when it changed course, and been buried under the sand. Completely sealed off from oxygen, they remained there, perfectly preserved. Carbon dating on one log indicated that the tree had been under the sand bar between 400 and 650 years—possibly having last seen the light of day around the time Columbus made his first voyage to the New World! Right then and there, I broke two of my cardinal custom-milling rules: 1. Never take a job more than 60 miles away, and 2. Never cut on shares. There was no way I was coming home without some of that sycamore! Patented Norwood Dura-Guide band sawmill ceramic blade guides. Auto-Lube Kit When I arrived, he had several logs winched up onto a flat area where we could work. The logs still had the root balls attached, and reminded me of sun-bleached whale skeletons, laying there on the sand. Even with a four-foot bar on my Husqvarna 2100, it was quite a job to work the trees down to ten-foot logs. We decided to mill just the smaller logs, and set everything over 36” diameter aside for another time. Although sycamore is one of the softer hardwoods, these logs were a real challenge. First, milling any maximum-size log requires it to be positioned perfectly on the mill—a delicate task with a 3,000 pound log. Fortunately, we had a loader with an extendable boom that was ideal for loading and positioning the logs. Second, these logs had plenty of sand on the surface. Sometimes, we could only get a few cuts between blade changes. We wanted the widest boards possible, but we also wanted to get some quarter-sawn logs, so I tried to optimize for both. To do this, I removed the ceramic blade guides to get an extra three inches in width. You can get by with that IF you take your cuts real slow and don’t push too hard. The other challenge was dealing with the weight of these logs. There was no way to turn them with a cant hook, so we wrapped a strap around them, tied the other end to the loader, and carefully lifted. This turned the log against the stop with tremendous force. Most portable sawmills would have simply folded under the stress, but my Norwood LumberPro HD36 came through with no hint of a problem. I knew it is a solidly-built mill, buy my opinion of it went up a couple more notches that day! It was unfortunate that the sycamore had a lot of ring shake. Less than half of the lumber I milled was usable, but that half was more than worth the effort! The wood had taken on mineral colors from the centuries under the sand, ranging from walnut brown to purple to light brown—all in the same board! The ray flecks in the quarter sawn pieces are absolutely stunning. After two days of milling, we had just over 2,700 board feet of lumber that we had milled from six logs. My share is carefully stacked and stickered for air drying. Hopefully, the boards will hold together through the drying and I will be able to sell some and build with some. A local woodworker has already spoken for some of it. Right now, I’m planning my next trip up there to mill some more. This time, I will be prepared to quarter the bigger logs with a chain saw (great way to get quarter-sawn lumber), and I will be sure that we have a pressure washer to knock the sand off the logs! All this is a small price to pay for the opportunity to work with, and own, a piece of history. I still get log envy from time to time, but after that experience, it takes a lot more to impress me than it used to! One thing for sure, I never suffer from sawmill envy! When you can push a machine that hard and still be able to cut to precise dimensions without any adjustments, you can leave sawmill envy to the folks who didn’t buy a Norwood! Automate the blade lubrication system on your ML26 or LM29. Water automatically flows when you activate the throttle and stops when you release. Saves two operator functions for each board you cut. Some drilling may be required to install. (Item No. MILL-WLKIT) ($99.00 + S,I& T) BUILD A SPEED BUMP Patented auto-lube system for band sawmills. Even if the mill is level, sometimes a gust of wind can move the carriage just as you are turning or clamping a log. Adding a washer or two under the first bolt on the track is all it takes to hold the carriage in place against most breezes without making it difficult to start a cut. The washer raises the head of the bolt to the point where the roller just bumps into it and the carriage has to lift about 1/16” to go over it. It takes a little extra push to make that happen, so the carriage won’t roll past that bolt on its own or from a gust of wind. 12 Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 NorwoodSawmills.com NorwoodSawmills.com Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 13 NORWOOD “GARAGE 62-FT LONG NORWOOD SAWMILL & BAVARIAN CRAFTSMEN BUILD LUXURY LOG HOME IN THE HIMALAYAN MOUNTAINS Traditional custom German loghome construction company, Artifex, completes project in the Himalayas with the help of their extended-length Norwood Pro Band sawmill. Visitors to Artifex at their headquarters in Iffedorf, Germany will find a team of dedicated craftsmen who take great pride in their traditional art. Artifex has focused on building premium log homes since 2004 and now completes approximately eight projects per year, primarily in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. A traditional German log home is exactly what a successful Indian businessman wanted built in Uttarakhand, at the foot if the Himalayas. To get the job done, he commissioned Artifex, a premium log-home construction company based in Bavaria, Germany, and founded by Mathias Ullmann and Jacob Jäger. At the heart of Artifex’ operation is an extended-length Norwood LumberPro band sawmill that measures 62 feet (19 meters) long. The fir logs are squared and shaped on the sawmill and then, with the help of a crane, the cants are placed one on top of another and window and door openings cut out, and longitudinal joints are insulated with impregnated wool fleece. “Unfortunately, Indian tree species are not suitable for making a log cabin made of planed round trunks,” says Artifex boss Mathias Ullmann. And so the project began with felling about 50 uniformly grown silver firs in the Bavarian Alps and loading them into three containers for the start of their long journey. From Munich they traveled by train to Hamburg, loaded onto a ship which sailed down past Africa to Mumbai, and then transferred onto a train bound for Delhi. Their arrival at their final destination by trucks and smaller vans was slowed by the onset of monsoon season. The load of well-travelled logs was greeted at the build-site by the German Artifex crew who had flown in, and within only three weeks, the shell of the log home was up. Construction and assembly is all carried out at Artifex. As soon as the home is built, each log is cleaned and numbered, all cable channels are drilled through the log centers for later installation of electrical service, and then the entire building is dismantled and prepared for transport to the client’s build-site which, in the case of the Himalayan project, was over 3500 miles (6500 km) away as the crow flies. “Our Indian customer, a wealthy businessman from Delhi, wanted a handmade holiday home in round timber construction from Germany. Prestige was certainly part of it; a log house in India is something very special,” Mathias Ullmann explained about this Norwood’s annual “Garage Sale” has become a favorite for many customers. Here is this year’s list of great deals on surplus, discontinued and demonstration equipment. Available on a first-come, first-served basis and only while supplies last. Avoid disappointment – order today! EQUIPMENT Now $9.50 (50% OFF) Gas Tank (marine 3 gallon) NEW $48.00 Now $24.00 (50% OFF) 8hp Engine – Briggs & Stratton NEW $486.00 Now $243.00 (50% OFF) 20hp V-Twin Engine – Honda NEW $1935.00 Now $967.50 (50% OFF) Muffler for 20hp V-Twin Honda engine NEW $347.00 Now $173.50 (50% OFF) Cold-air kit for 20hp V-Twin Honda NEW $175.00 Now $17.50 (90% OFF) (Air & fuel filters, precleaner & spark plug) (Item No. ENGP-KIT8BS) NEW $27.00 Now $13.50 (50% OFF) 4-ft Extension for LM2K DEMO $467.00 Now $233.50 (50% OFF) SkidLite Log Skidding Winch for ATVs DEMO $487.00 Now $243.50 (50% OFF) Trailer Package for EdgeMate edger NEW $795.00 Now $397.50 (50% OFF) Saw Carriage Cover for LL24 NEW $185.00 Now $92.50 (50% OFF) Leveling Feet for LM2K (Set of 8) NEW $180.00 Now $90.00 (50% OFF) NEW $249.00 Now $74.70 (70% OFF) NEW $19.00 NEW $1390.00 Now $834.00 (40% OFF) NEW $795.00 Now $397.50 (50% OFF) Support Legs for LM2K (Set of 6) NEW $435.00 Now $217.50 (50% OFF) Support Legs for LM2K (Set of 6) DEMO $435.00 Now $87.00 (Item No. ENGE-8HPBS) (muffler not included) (Item No. ENGE-20HPH) (mounting hardware not included)(Item No. ENGA-20MUF) (Item No. ENGA-20CAK) Engine - Spare parts kit (Briggs 8hp) (Item No. 41130) (Item No. 41250-LITE) (Item No LL24 CC) (Item No. 41170) Counterbalance Spring Set for LM2K (Spring, shaft, brackets, collars, drums) (Item No LM2K-00019) Fenders for LM2K & MK4 & EdgeMate (plastic) (Each) (Item No. MILL-00034) Trailer Package for LM2K (Item No 41150) Log Loader Package for LM2K (Winch, boom & receiver, and ramps) (Item No 41400) (Item No 41360) (Trailer package 41150 required) (Item No 41360) (Trailer package 41150 required) Roller Toe Boards for LM2K (Set of 2) (Item No 41285) LumberLite ML26 Sawmill with 13hp Honda (Item No ML26-0013G) PortaMill DEMO (80% OFF) $585.00 Now $292.50 (50% OFF) $4467.00 Now $2903.55(35% OFF) Multi-Mate Log-Skidding Plate NEW $488.00 Now $146.40 (70% OFF) 4-ft Extension for LL24 NEW $179.00 Now $71.60 Industrial Sharpener NEW $1295.00 Now $647.50 (50% OFF) (Item No LL24EXT) (Item No 41181) NorwoodSawmills.com (Light-duty ratchet-style manual system for small to mid-sized logs) (Set of 2)(Item No ML26-41285) NEW $437.00Now $131.10(70% OFF) (60% OFF) $997.00 Now $498.50 (50% OFF) (Item No M-SP) NorwoodSawmills.com NEW Now $7.60 DEMO (Item No PM01) Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 Toe Boards for ML26 and LM29 $19.00 (Item No. LM2K-00034) Mathias also has some other plans for his crew, “I would like to build log homes in Argentina. That way we can better bridge the bad weather period in winter.” He does not shy away from the risks and hurdles, “The India project was a challenge and I loved it!” PRICE/EACH* NEW (Item No. SKMT-SM014) contract. The new owner is very happy with his new vacation getaway and is already planning another project with Artifex and their Norwood. CONDITION Probe (for choker chain) (chain not included) (Item No. 41160) 14 SALE” (60% OFF) GUIDE TO SAWMILL CODES SAWMILL NAME LumberMate MK3 & MK4 CODE PRODUCTION DATES MK3/MK4 1993 – 2000 LumberMate 2000 LM2K 2000 – 2010 LumberLite LL24 LL24 2004 – 2010 LumberMate Pro MX34 MX34 2010 – 2013 LumberLite ML26 ML26 2010 – 2013 LumberPro HD36 HD36 2013 – Present LumberMate LM29 LM29 2013 – Present * Taxes, shipping and freight insurance extra. Items purchased from the garage sale are non-refundable, non-returnable and are not covered under warranty. Prices are valid for a limited time only, and items offered only while supplies last. Allow extra time for delivery depending on the location of the item that you order. Assembly required for most items, including demo models. Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 15 P P A E L I B O M THE NEW S R E Y W A S S U O I R E FOR S SAVE THIS DATE! Saturday, May 31, 2014 Norwood’s Annual Open House & Cook-Out at Norwood’s USA Factory Warehouse in Buffalo, NY DOYLE, DOYLE, SCRIBNER, SCRIBNER, AND AND INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL LOG LOG SCALES SCALES TO TO ESTIMATE ESTIMATE BOARD BOARD FEET FEET AND AND CUBIC CUBIC METER METER CONTENT CONTENT OF OF LOGS LOGS LUMBER LUMBER BOARD BOARD FEET FEET AND AND CUBIC CUBIC METER METER CALCULATORS CALCULATORS LOG LOG WEIGHT WEIGHT ESTIMATES ESTIMATES BY BY TREE TREE SPECIES SPECIES INPUT/OUTPUT INPUT/OUTPUT IN IN IMPERIAL IMPERIAL AND AND METRIC METRIC CALCULATOR TODAY! LS IL M W SA D OO RW NO E GET TH ANDROID APPLE iOS NorwoodSawmills.com Call us TOLL-FREE at 1.800.567.0404 From anywhere in the U.S.A. or Canada Monday to Friday between 8:30a.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST. Feel free to visit our website any time at www.NorwoodSawmills.com Or e-mail us at info@NorwoodSawmills.com Keeping up with Your Norwood Neighbors Join the Norwood Community Online Since the 2002 launch of our Norwood Connect online sawmilling community, membership has grown to about 5000 members. Not surprisingly, the most popular forum category is “Norwood Sawmills & Equipment”. Here are some topics that members have been discussing in the Norwood Connect forums: Quarter-sawing oak Well, I did it! Milling frozen logs What options are important when buying a sawmill? Don’t miss out on the interaction. Join Norwood Connect for insightful exchanges and support from other members. Membership in Norwood Connect is free and, as a Norwood Connect member, your identity is never disclosed to other Connect members. Simply log into NorwoodSawmills.com and select the “Norwood Connect” tab for details on how to join. U.S.A. Factory Warehouse Norwood Sawmills U.S.A. Inc. 252 Sonwil Drive Buffalo, NY 14225 800.567.0404 Canada Factory Warehouse Norwood Industries Inc. 1660 Highway 11 North Kilworthy, ON P0E 1G0 800.567.0404 Africa Distribution Facility Norwood Sawmills Africa Inc. c/o Austro 1125 Leader Avenue, Stormill EXT 4, Roodepoort, Gauteng P.O. Box 1914, Florida, 1710 South Africa info@norwoodsawmills.co.za The trade-names Norwood®, LumberPro®, LumberMate®, LumberLite®, PortaMill® and MultiMate® are registered trade-marks owned by Norwood Industries Inc. Industrial designs and critical elements of Norwood sawmills and multi-purpose load-bearing apparatus for ATVs are protected by registered patents and pending patents in multiple jurisdictions. Disclaimer: Specifications, designs, descriptions, illustrative material and prices in our literature, website and price list are as accurate as known at the time of publication, but are subject to change without notice. Illustrations may include optional equipment and accessories and may not include all standard equipment. Our literature, website and price list have been compiled for worldwide circulation; while general information, pictures and descriptions are provided, some illustrations and text may include product features, options and accessories not available in all regions. 16 Volume 10, Issue 1 - Spring/Summer 2014 NorwoodSawmills.com
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