THOSE TO SERVE SUNDAY MORNING GREETERS – JULY 6, 2014 Front Door – David and Charlotte Grooms West Door – Shane and Denise Hughes East Door – Vickie Crouch and Rudie Jeane Hood AUDITORIUM CLASS PRAYER..............................................T.J. Hughes MORNING WORSHIP – JULY 6 OPENING PRAYER….....................................................J. Fred Johnston PRESIDE AT TABLE.....................................Charlie Holt and Biff Helton SERVE AT TABLE Chris Sockwell...............................................................Cam Mashburn Brad Nielsen............................................................................Joe Cook Larry Pope......................................................................Jonathan King USHERS Coy Green, Caleb Shadrick Danny Tice, Steve Leeper, Gene Staggs June 18 and June 22 Wednesday Bible Study….....................................215 Sunday Morning Bible Study.……….......................261 Sunday Morning Worship.………............................355 Sunday Evening Worship.…….....…........................161 Contribution (Budget $8,300)…..................$8,716.38 (Average through May)...............................$9,401.11 Pulaski Street Church of Christ 247 Pulaski Street Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE PAID LAWRENCEBURG, TN PERMIT NO. 112 If you cannot serve on Sunday morning, please call Reggie Holt at 629-8920. SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE – JULY 6 Ushers..................................Kenneth Kidd and Billy Helton III Front Door Greeters.............................Bob and Linda Markus Scripture Reading, Matthew 26:1-5..………….………..…Eric Nutt Lead Prayer..........................................................Brad Nielsen Closing Prayer………………………………………………….Olen Springer Communion & Contribution................................Jim Donnelly If you cannot serve on Sunday evening, please call Eric Nutt at 242-3566. WEDNESDAY EVENING – JULY 9 Scripture Reading, Isaiah 9:8-13…………..........................Brent Thomas Lead Prayer……………........................................................James Weeks Closing Prayer……...............................................................Mark Evans If you cannot serve on Wednesday, please call Reggie Holt at 629-8920. VAN DRIVERS FOR July 6 and 9 Call the driver listed below if you won’t be riding the van. SUNDAY MORNING Tim Miller: 244-6113. SUNDAY EVENING Jackie Keaton: 762-0017. WEDNESDAY EVENING Tim Hammond: 852-4832. If you cannot drive the van, please contact Scott Harris at 629-5994. PROJECTOR OPERATORS FOR July 6 and 9 Sunday Morning………...........................Jacob Cothren Sunday Evening Service..................................Darrin McKamey Wednesday Evening………..................Scott Harris SERVING THROUGHOUT JULY Nursery Attendant….............................................................Jan Clifton Baptismal Clothes...................................Jerri Harris and Penny Helton Auditorium Class Song Leader…………....................................Sam Boyd Sunday Morning Song Leader………………………............…………..Eric Nutt Sunday Evening Song Leader…………………...........………….Jeremy Gargis Wednesday Evening Song Leader…........................................Joe Cook Prepare Communion..................Cathy Thompson and Midge Turman Pick up Cups......................................................Bob and Linda Markus Pulaski Street Church of Christ 247 Pulaski Street, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 Phone: (931) 762-5161 Fax: (931) 762-5269 pulstch@pulaskistreet.com www.pulaskistreet.org VOLUME 25, NUMBER 25 June 26, 2014 The Bible Can Be Understood Sometimes people say to me, “I can’t understand the Bible.” They feel that the Bible was not written in order to be understood. The reality is that nothing could be further from the truth. The Bible claims to be accessible to the simple (Ps. 19:7, Ps. 119:130) and able to be understood by all (Dt. 30:11-14). I want to think about a couple of reasons for accepting that the Bible can be understood and then note what I believe is the reason some people feel this way. The Bible can be understood because God is the author. We are reminded that “God is not the author of confusion” (1 Cor. 14:33). If we accept by faith the claims of inspiration, then we understand that the Bible is the word of God (2 Tim. 3:16, 2 Pet. 1:20-21). We also accept that God has a message that He desires to reveal to man, and He used the medium of words (1 Cor. 2:13). Simply stated, God desires to communicate with mankind (Heb. 1:1-2). Since God wrote something for us, wouldn’t He write it in a way it could be understood? CLOSING PRAYER…………...............................................Tony Allen The elders ask that our Bible readings come from the King James or the New King James versions. PULASKI STREET BULLETIN SCHEDULE of SERVICES Sunday Bible Classes…………..........………….9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship……………………10:25 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship…………….….……6:00 p.m.* Wednesday night………………........…………...7:00 p.m. th th (*Each 4 and 5 Sunday evening service is at 1 p.m.) SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES ♦ On WDXE AM 1370 ♦ at 12:45 p.m. ♦ ♦ Monday through Friday ♦ The upcoming week of June 30-July 4 will be hosted by the CREWSTOWN Church of Christ. PANTRY LIST Rice - 1 lb. bag Pinto or white beans - 1 lb. bag (dried) Oats - 18 or 42 oz. box or individual packets Salmon - 15 oz. can Jelly - 18/32 oz. jar Chicken noodle soup - 10.5 oz. can Canned vegetables - 15 oz. cans (corn, green beans, peas, baked beans) Canned fruit - 15 oz. cans Fruit or vegetable juice - 46 oz. can or bottle MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS ARE ALSO WELCOME! Thank you! The Bible can be understood because reading it and believing it is what is required for one to be saved (Acts 11:14). God has one basic desire for mankind. He “…desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:4). He has given only one means by which we might know His revealed truth (John 17:17) and come to faith (Rom. 10:17). It is His plan that we hear and learn (John 6:45). It is His plan that we “know” the truth and be freed from the condemnation of sin (John 8:32). I am not suggesting that there is no subject, verse, or even book of the Bible (e.g. Zechariah or Revelation) that poses some difficulties in understanding. In fact, Peter clearly stated that some of the Scripture is “hard to understand” (2 Pet. 3:16). However, notice he said “hard to understand,” not impossible. In the same verse, he said that “untaught” men use the Scriptures improperly. Certainly, being properly taught is a key to understanding (Acts 8:30-31, Neh. 8:8, 2 Tim. 2:2). So, why is it that some feel that the Bible cannot be understood? I believe the biggest reason is because of a lack of diligent study (2 Tim. 2:15, Acts 17:11). Many people find plenty of time for TV or hobbies, but no time to read, much less study, their Bibles. God wrote the Bible. It is the most fascinating book ever known to mankind, yet it is often neglected for the trivial, leading to the feeling that it just can’t be understood. “…by revelation He made known to me the mystery (as I have briefly written already, by which, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ).” -Eph. 3:3-4 Joe Williams ELDERS: Tim Hammond, 852-4832 J. Fred Johnston, 762-4485 Bob Markus, 762-9779 Eric Nutt, 242-3566 Please speak with the elder chairman regarding anything you'd like for the elders to discuss or to arrange a time to meet with them. The elder chairman for July and August is Tim Hammond. DEACONS: Shayne Adams Joe Cook Jacob Cothren Jim Donnelly Scott Harris Biff Helton Billy Helton III Reggie Holt Shane Hughes Kenneth Kidd Mark Miller Brad Nielsen Olen Springer MINISTERS: Joe Williams, 279-0253 Jeremy Gargis, 231-9557 AGAPE COUNSELING OFFICE, 762-8502 YOUTH NEWS June 25th-July 1st – Mission Trip! Please keep us in your prayers as we go to Walterboro, SC! July 13th – Songs of Summer! We will leave after the invitation song to go to the 8:30 p.m. session.. Bring money for your supper. July 14th – Mondays for Moms! Bring your kids to the Fellowship Building from 9:30-11:30 a.m. We will teach a lesson, have activities, games, arts and crafts, and a snack! Teens, be at the fellowship building by 9:00 a.m.! July 14th-16th – Make Me a Servant! If any of our Golden Agers have things around the yard that need to be done or cleaned up, let me or Josh Ross know. July 16th – Widows and Widowers Dinner! Please come to a dinner at 5:30 p.m. to show honor and love to our widows and widowers! July 17th-18th – Make Me a Servant Reward Trip! Tell Josh ASAP if you plan to go on the trip with us! July 21st – Mondays for Moms! Bring your kids to the Fellowship Building from 9:30-11:30 a.m. We will teach a lesson, have activities, games, arts and crafts, and a snack! Teens, be at the fellowship building by 9:00 a.m.! July 23rd - Songs Class! Join us at 6:15 p.m. for a time of learning, worship, and edification! nd July 24th – White Water Rafting! Let me know by June 22 . July 27th – Songs of Summer Finale! We will meet in the parking lot at 5:15 p.m. to go to Florence. Bring money for your supper. July 28th-30th – Tweens Day Camp! THANK YOU Dear Pulaski Street Church, Thank you for the food, cards, calls, and flowers sent over the years Phil fought cancer. Your care and concern were appreciated. The Wilson family Pulaski Street Church of Christ, Thank you for the outpouring of affection during our time of mourning. The food and the visits were a blessing to our family. Sincerely, The Eledge family Dear Pulaski Street family, Thank you all for the calls, cards, thoughts, and prayers for our family at the time of our loss. The Gambrell family Thank you for the flowers and cards. Thank you, too, for the prayers and kind words offered during the passing of Roger Gunnell. Beatrice Gunnell and Donna Wells you all. Thank you for your prayers, calls, visit, and cards. We love Bob and Martha Belew To the elders and people of Pulaski Street Church of Christ, I am so touched by your thoughts and prayers on my behalf. With your prayers and the help of Jesus Christ, I feel I’m well on the road to recovery. Your brother in Christ, Steve Williamson PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED (Addresses are listed when possible in case you'd like to send a card.) THERESA BROWN is undergoing physical therapy at NHC Lawrenceburg, Rm. 106B, after recent knee replacement surgery. NHC: 374 Brink St. Home: 1883 Fall River Road, L’burg, TN 38464. JACK BUTLER is home and recovering well after having heart stent placement surgery last week. 1000 Pine Circle, L’burg, TN 38464. CALEB EVANS had outpatient surgery on Monday, June 23, for fractures of both bones in his lower leg. He will have a cast on his leg for about a month. 41 Planters Circle, Leoma, TN 38468. NATALIE HAISLIP was scheduled to return home Tuesday, June 24, after a stay at NHC Scott for physical therapy following knee replacement. 702 9th Street, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464. WAYNE SNIDER has not been feeling well, possibly due to medication he is taking. 703 Lloyd Street, L’burg, TN 38464. RICKEY CROUCH, husband of Vickie Crouch, is being treated with medication for ongoing back problems. 1619 Hilltop Drive, L’burg. ANN HUGHES, daughter of Mary Williams and sister-in-law of Joyce Clark, may be able to return home this Thursday or Friday from th Cleveland, OH after her recent open heart surgery. 1000 5 Avenue, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464. MILDRED JACKSON, sister of James Weeks, is not doing very well. She has diabetes and other health problems. 1946 Summertown Hwy., Hohenwald, TN 38462. VILLARD KING, uncle of Diane Springer and brother-in-law of Wayne Snider, had leg amputation surgery on Friday, June 20, at Maury Regional Hospital. 417 7th Street, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464. PEGGY MCCURRY, grandmother of Lisa Wells, was airlifted to St. Thomas West this past weekend and is in CCU. 523 S. Main St., Waynesboro, TN 38485. GRAYSON PURSCH, a friend of Christopher and Emily Miller, is undergoing treatment for breast cancer and still has surgery and radiation ahead of her. Cards of encouragement for Grayson and her husband David would be much appreciated. 1105 Snyder Ridge Ln., Knoxville, TN 37932. WILLODENE VAUGHAN, mother of Pam Purcell, is struggling with dementia. Plans are for her to be transferred from Keestone to NHC Brink soon. Prayers are requested, and cards may be sent to Pam and her family at this address: 9 Ashley Court, L’burg, TN 38464. JEFF WADE, son of Bobby Wade who preaches at Minor Hill, was placed in ICU in Afghanistan this past Friday after a seizure. He was to be flown to Germany for additional tests and possible treatment. SYMPATHY We extend our Christian love and sympathy to Steve and Vickie Niedergeses on the death of Steve’s father, EDWARD NIEDERGESES. This is also the grandfather of Jeremy, Jonathan, and Daniel Niedergeses. The funeral was held Monday, May 23, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. IN MEMORY Thanks to each and every one of you for being so kind to call and send cards. I want to especially thank Bob Markus and Joe for coming to visit and have prayer with me; also Eric Nutt. I appreciate all of your prayers and kind words. It has really got me through Mary Ann’s surgery. She is doing so much better and will be th th home Thursday or Friday, the 26 or 27 , and I thank God every day. I love all of you. Mary B. Williams Donations have been given to the Pulaski Street Church of Christ Building Fund in memory of PHIL WILSON by the following: Van Vickle Insurance; Heritage Automotive; Ted and Alice Bryant; Elizabeth Barner; W. David and Merrily Jones; Sandra Egly; Linda Smith; Sue Lanning; and Kenneth and Alean Blanton. Thank you so much for the cards, prayers, and visits while we were in the hospital. It meant so much to us. This note includes when Wayne was in the hospital, too. May God bless all of you. Linda and Wayne Snider THIS Sunday, JUNE 29: After our morning worship, we will have our 5th Sunday Fellowship Meal followed by a 1 p.m. service. Please remember to bring plenty of food for your family and any guests we might have, and join in the fellowship. AREA OPPORTUNITIES: June 29 – July 2: Gospel Meeting, Five Points Church of Christ. Sunday a.m. speaker Jim Martin. Noon meal. Sunday 7:30 p.m. M-W 7 p.m. speaker Rodney Livingston. June 29 – July 2: Vacation Bible School at Sandy Hook Church of Christ. GREAT ESCAPES. Sunday at 7:15 p.m.; M-W at 7 p.m. June 29: Lawrence County Churches of Christ Singing, 2 p.m. at Flatwoods. Lawrence County WALK 4 WATER — Saturday, September 13 Registration 8:00 a.m. — Rotary Park Join us in our first ever Walk4Water to provide clean water wells and purification systems in Kenya where women and children are walking an average of FOUR MILES every day for drinking and cooking water. Matthew 25:44-45 All online registrants at: http://www.hhi.org/walk4water/lawrenceburg-tn-2014 will receive a FREE t-shirt the day of the event. See you there!