Download/Read West Kingdom History


Download/Read West Kingdom History
The History of the Kingdom of the West
Being a Description of Events and Courts
Volume One: The First 12½ Years
(AS I (1966) through AS XIII (1978))
Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel, M.L., M.P., O.L.M., Q.O.G.
©Copyright 1983 by William R. Keyes
(First Printing: March 15, AS XXX (1996))
(“Typeset”/edited by Master Hirsch von Henford, OL,OP, etc., aka Ken Mayer,
September, 1993 - March, 1996)
Special Thanks to Editors: Mistress Eilis O’Boirne, OL, OP and
Duchess Gabrielle of Greenwood
and to the Artist Dame Teleri Tawel, OL (Original History of the West Printing)
Disclaimer: This history may have errors in it, as much of the detail is “remembered” history, or as one of the cover
pages of the original type-written manuscript states “The material within is derived from the information printed in
The Crown Prints and in The Page, and from the memories of the participants.” The original document was typed on
onion-skin paper, with hand-written notes (often in the margins). All attempts have been made to reconcile the notes
with the original document. Even so, mistakes will have been made -- please contact Hirsch with corrections ...
The History of the Kingdom of the West
As Compiled by Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel, OL, OP
Table of Contents
The Origins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The West Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Year One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The First Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Second Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Third Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The First Twelfth Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The First Coronation and Crown Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The First Coronation Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Year Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Year Three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
First Event of the East Coast Chapter, Whitsuntide Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
First Crown and Coronation Tourney, Kingdom of the East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The Creation of the SCA, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
The Year Four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
First Crown Tourney, Kingdom of the Middle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Year Five . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
First Crown Tourney, Kingdom of Atenveldt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The Year Six . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The Year Seven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
The Year Eight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
The Year Nine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
The Year Ten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
The Year Eleven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
The Year Twelve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
The Year Thirteen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
The Principality of the Mists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
The Province of the Mists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
The Province of Ceantyre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
The Province of St. Andrew’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
The Province of the Southern Shores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
The Principality (Kingdom) of An Tir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
The Barony of Madrone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
The Barony of Three Mountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
The Barony of Adiantum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
The Barony of Lion’s Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
The Shire of Eskalya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
The Principality (Kingdom) of Caid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Royal Tourney of Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
First Coronet and Coronation Tourney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
The Barony of the Angels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
The Barony of Calafia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
The Barony of The Isles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
The Barony of Dreiburgen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Table of Contents
The Marches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Atenveldt (Kingdom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
The Barony of Allyshia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
The Barony (Province) of the Golden Rivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
The Province of Shasta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Rieslingshire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
The College of St. David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
The Shire of Montalinas/Perilous Visions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
The Shire of the Great Oak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Defunct Branches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Officer Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Society Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Herald’s Roster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Kingdom Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Royalty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Kings and Queens of the West Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Princes and Princesses of the Principality of An Tir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Princes and Princesses of the Principality of Caid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Princes and Princesses of the Principality of Atenveldt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
First King and Queen of the Kingdom of Atenveldt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
The Origins and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism
and the Kingdom of the West
Copyright 1980 by William R. Keyes (Wilhelm von Schlüssel)
The Origins
The origins of the SCA go back to the year 1965, when David Thewlis (now Duke Siegfried von Hoflichskeit) and Ken de Maiffe (now Duke
Fulk de Wyvern) were studying the medieval orders of chivalry and the art of sword and shield fighting. In February of 1966 they began
practicing sword and shield fighting in the backyard of Diana Paxson (now Countess Diana Listmaker), a medieval history major at the
University of California at Berkeley. David and Ken had made the swords out of wood and the shields out of plywood, and were trying
to teach themselves how to fight and thereby learning how it was really done. They based their actions on the old order of chivalry. Diana
was enthralled with the idea and remembered the fabled “Last Tournament”. This was an event which took place in Scotland in 1839. The
Earl of Eglanton, a high-minded young nobleman, complete with castle, serfs, and a head full of the novels of Sir Walter Scott, decided to
dramatize the values of the Middle Ages, which were Scott’s and his own answer to the problems of the Industrial Revolution, by having
a tournament. Costumes were prepared, banners were sewn, and the springs of the London hansom cabs broken by the weight of men in
armor being born to practice. In was the social event of the year. The Great Day arrived and the splendid procession processed and the
jousting commenced. And then it began to rain ... Do you know what happens to armor in the rain? And banners? And respectable English
noblemen without any shelter? That was the end of the Romantic Period in England. (This is taken from Diana Paxson’s fanzine, Patterns,
which gave an account of the first tournament of the SCA.
Diana, David and Ken came up with the idea of holding a new “Last Tournament.” They would invite all of their friends over to Diana’s
backyard at 2219 Oregon St., in Berkeley, California for a tournament. Everyone would come in costume and the men could all be knights
and fight with wooden swords and shields for the right to crown their lady Queen for the day. Diana was going to graduate in June and
this would be a last fling before the end of the quarter and finals. The event was set for May Day, M ay 1, 1966. It was intended to be a
single time event, just for fun. Nobody ever expected it to continue.
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The West Kingdom
The Year One
May 1, 1966 AS I The First Tournament
At twelve noon Diana and three others were standing around in costume, one of
Diana’s roommates was still sewing on hers, and Diana was wondering what to
do with four people in costume, other than admiring the outfits. Then it was
2:30pm and there were people in medieval costume all over her yard. (Thus the
precedent was set for Official Society Time: about two hours late.) Dr. Elizabeth
head of the Mills College English Department, was the Official Judge. The Queen of the West - Or, a crown dancetty of three
King of the West - Or, a crown dancetty of three
within a laurel wreath vert.
Second Judge and official archbishop was Jon Studebaker, under the name of Sir voided vert within a wreath of roses proper.
Jon de Cles. These two judges would determine the winners of each fight on a modified fencing basis, where
one counted a “killing” blow instead of a touch. They sat on red covered thrones in front of a purple hanging. Beside them, on a purple
cushion, rested the crown, to be awarded to the Champion’s lady (there were no kings at this time). A triumphal march was heard (the
Processional from the Play of Herod - 13th Century) and around the corner came a procession of knights and ladies. Two by two they came
forward, bowing to the judges and parting to circle round and join again. As they came up they were announced. There were Astrid
Anderson (Countess Astrid of Hawk Ridge) as Queen Lucy of Narnia, in a red dress with a bird on her arm, and her knight, David Bradley
as David the Herald (Sir Ardral Argo verKaeysc), Ken de Maiffe as Sir Kenneth (Duke Fulk de Wyvern) with his lady Mary (Duchess Mary
of Tamar) who was wearing a flowing leopard print, with high dressed hair and a monkey, and was something which Sir Kenneth had found
while on the Crusades. Diana’s roommate, Molly Titcomb (Mariana Silversea), wore turquoise satin, with Suzanne as a princess in blue
and Benjy, in a russet cloak, as a hobbit. Jerry Jacks (Israel ben Jacob) was Lord Mediocrates of Hellas, Richard Barnhart (Sir Aegineous,
aka Duke Richard the Short, later Richard of Mont Real) was Sir Aeginius, Frederick Hollander was Sir Frederick of Holland (Duke Frederick
of Holland), Steve Henderson (Count Steven MacEanruig) was Sir Henderson, Henrik Olsgaard (Duke Henrik of Havn) was Sir Henrik the
Dane, Paul Wolfgangel, a graduate from Cal in linguistics, from Germany, was Sir Deutsche Bursenschaft, Marion Breen (Mistress Elfrida
of Greenwalls) was Dona Ximena (wife of El Cid) while Walter Breen (Walter of Greenwalls) was a “hairy hermit wild,” or friar of the
Chaucerian sort, complete with wineskin. Also present were Nathan Retarius (who fought with net and trident), Edwin Bersark, Beverly
Hodghead and Ellen Hodghead with David Hodghead (David of Ilwheirlane) and Marynel Hodghead (Duchess Marynel of Darkhaven).
After all had been announced there was the long note of a horn, and David the Herald announced the blessings of the swords. At this the
archbishop, Jon de Cles, rose and let the sonorous Latin roll forth, “Ecce Eduardus ursus scalis nunc tump-tump-tump occipite gradus
pulsante, post Christophorum Robinum descendens ...”, and the assembly chorused “Amen.” The first combat was announced between
Sir Siegfried von Hoflichskeit and Sir Kenneth, with mace, and then Sir Aeginius versus Nathan the Retarius (with net and trident). There
was a pause as singers sang “Sumer is i-cumen in” and then two more combats followed by four dancers doing a pavanne. Then combat
resumed. As the other fighters were all styled as knights, and as David the Herald was fighting well, Sir Siegfried von Hoflichskeit, with
the consent of the rest of the fighters, called David forth to kneel and, in the manner of the medieval order of chivalry, dubbed him knight.
This was the first knighting in the Society, giving David (now Ardral Argo verKaeysc) the title of First Knight. The strength of the shields
that Siegfried and Fulk had made was proven when the father of one of the singers (Beverley Hodghead) left and returned with crossbow
and long bow. An arrow from the longbow merely chipped paint off the shield, leaving the broad arrowhead curled up from the impact .
The finalists were Sir Aeginius and Sir Deutsche Bursenschaft. Sir Aeginius was fighting with spear and shield. Sir Deutsche Bursenschaft
was wearing a fencer’s outfit with fencing mask and using a wooden lathe sword in the fencing manner. Sir Aeginius dealt a blow which
broke the sword and mashed the hand holding it, causing Sir Deutsche to fight with one hand behind his back and a mace in the other. Sir
Aeginius thrust with his spear and Sir Deutsche Bursenschaft dodged, they circled, Sir Deutsche caught Sir Aeginius between the neck
and shoulder, thereby “killing” him and winning the first lists. He placed the crown on the head of his lady,
a “simple peasant maid.” Marynel of Darkhaven filmed the tourney with her
movie camera. Subsequently Sir Deutsche Bursenschaft returned to Germany and
was never heard from again. The participants so enjoyed themselves that they
decided to do it again at Midsummer’s Day. After the tourney twenty-four of the
participants formed into another procession and processed all the way up
Telegraph Avenue to the campus and back again, protesting the Twentieth
Century. About a dozen people stayed, procured some food, built a fire, and sat
around eating roast chicken and singing and dancing in the firelight. And thus
the first revel occurred, with the revelers staying past midnight reliving the bright
moments, singing, drinking wine, and enjoying the fire.
Aeginius (Richard the Short, Richard of
Some time later, When Marynel’s films were developed, it was discovered that Sir Marynel of Darkhaven- Purpure, a dragon salient Or,
Mont Real) - Sable, in saltire a double-bitted axe and a Celtic
cross Or.
its neck embowed about an edelweiss proper.
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Aeginius, now Sir Richard the Short, had struck a killing blow that the judges had missed. Richard was declared the true winner and
Marynel of Darkhaven was deemed his lady and Queen of the day.
The enthusiastic turnout for the first tournament had proved that a roomier site was needed for the proposed second tournament. It was
proposed to hold the tourney in the Joaquin Miller Park to the east of Berkeley. However, in order to reserve a site in Tilden the band of
medievalists had to apply to the Park Service as an organization, for which a name was needed. Marion and Walter Breen (Elfrida and Walter
of Greenwalls) came up with the name of the Society for Creation Anachronism, because the group was trying to recreate the ways of the
middle ages as it could have been, which would certainly be considered an anachronism in twentieth century Berkeley, and the goal was
creativity. This name was accepted and so the Society for Creative Anachronism was formed. The Breens were autocrats for the second
June 25, 1966 AS I
The Second Tournament
The second tourney was held in Joaquin Miller Park, Oakland, California, on June
25, 1966. Once again lists were held. Fulk de Wyvern defeated Edwin Bersark in
the finals, winning the right to crown his lady, Mary of Tamar, Queen of Love and
Beauty. It was decided to keep on having tournaments. At this event it was
found that aluminum pipes made flat were not good swords as they bent. That
summer, at a “1066 Party”, Siegfried von Hoflichskeit and Marynel of Darkhaven
were married in the first Society wedding, with all in medievals. (At the second
tourney Alfonso de Castile showed up with the Consortium Antiguum to
Fulk de Wyvern - Azure, a fess Or between three wiverns
September 25, AS I 1966
Mary of Tamar - Or, two levriers rampant addorsed, tails
couped, sable.
The Third Tournament
The third tournament was held in Cragmont Park in Berkeley on September 25, 1966. Henrik the Dane (Henrik of Havn) defeated Fulk de
Wyvern in a very close fight and crowned his lady, Wendryn (Wendryn of Townsend), Queen. (Henrik had not yet chosen his lady and
was about to enter the final round. He saw Wendryn with some friends and went over and asked her to be his queen. She and her friends
had come from the local high school to visit and she was surprised but agreed. Then Henrik won and she was crowned and given a
commemorative scroll, which she carried around with her the next day at school.) (Richard’s title of Count and Wendryn’s title of Countess
were later dated to this date.) Edwin Bersark received a scroll for excellence in archery. Harold Breakstone began heralding.
January 6, AS I 1967
The First Twelfth Night
As the Berkeley weather forbid any further tournaments outdoors until the spring, and as the Society events were basically scheduled to
fit around the UC Berkeley quarter system, the next event was held indoors on January 6, 1967 at the Mills College Student Union in
Oakland, California. This was the first Twelfth Night Revels. The idea of having Kings had been discussed, and it was decided that the
winners of the lists would be the Kings. Henrik, the winner of the last tourney, was informally referred to as “the king” ... Alfonso de Castile
and his Consortium Antiguum performed. Medieval dances were taught and performed. Siegfried von Hoflichskeit gave the Muckin’ Great
Clubbe to Fulk de Wyvern as a Christmas present.
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
March 25, AS I 1967
The First Coronation and Crown Tournament
March 25, 1967 saw the first Coronation and Crown Tourney, held at the
Amphitheater Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley, California. Fulk de Wyvern, who
had won the June tourney, called forth Henrik of Havn, who had won the
September tourney, and bid him kneel. Then, as Siegfried von Hoflichskeit had
done in the first tourney, he knighted Henrik in the name of the ancient order of
chivalry, and then crowned him as King. At this time there was only one
kingdom. Wendryn was not there so she was crowned in absentia. King Henrik
presided over the tourney. Crown lists were held to determine the next king.
Richard the Short defeated Fulk de Wyvern in the finals. Ann of San Anselmo
was Richard’s lady. They became Crown Prince and Crown Princess. (Fulk de
Henrik of Havn - Vert, on a pellet a horse’s head
couped Or Count rank and Mary of Tamar’s Countess rank date from this event.) Wndryn of Townsend - Azure, a sun in glory Or.
above a coronet showing three Latin crosses Or.
Subsequently the first issue of Tournaments Illuminated came out. Jon de Cles
was Editor and Chronicler. Siegfried von Hoflichskeit was Registrar and Chancellor of the Exchequer. At this time the kingdom and the
society began to get organized. Diana Listmaker was the first Mistress of the Lists. Jon de Cles was the first Seneschal. Edwin Bersark was
the first Earl Marshal. T.I. was to be a magazine with articles of interest. A supplement to TI, numbered 1.1, 2.1, etc. came out between issues
to announce events. Single sheet announcements were handed out at events giving details of the next event.
April 30, 1967 AS I
The First Coronation Tournament
April 30, 1967 saw the First Coronation Tournament, held in Cragmont Park,
Berkeley. Richard and Anne were crowned King and Queen by Henrik and
Wendryn. King Richard declared that the day would be a celebration of his
coronation and of the May and that his successor would be chosen at the
next tournament. The winner of the day’s lists would earn the right to crown
his lady Queen of May. Fulk de Wyvern defeated Sir Henrik of Havn and
Steven of the Ashenlands (Sir Steven MacEanruig) and crowned his lady,
Mary of Tamar, Queen of May. Fulk instituted the Muckin’ Great Clubbe
(MGC) Award for Ferocity on the field (not skill or intelligence, just ferocity)
by presenting it to Sir Henrik of Havn and charging him to present it in turn
Richard the Short (Richard of Mont
to the fiercest fighter at the next tournament. (Henrik’s Count title and Anne of San Anselmo
Real) - Sable, in saltire a double-bitted axe and a Celtic cross Or.
Wendryn’s Countess title date from this day.) This was the end of the first
year of the society. May 1 became the first day of the years Anno Societatis. (At this event Edward Bersark
received a scroll for excellence in Poetry.)
The Year Two
June 24, 1967 AS II
Summer Crown Tourney
Held in the Hockey field at Mills College, Oakland, California. Edwin Bersark was the autocrat. Richard reigned as King. Anne was not
present so Diana Listmaker sat in her place as Queen. Crown lists were held. Sir Henrik of Havn defeated Caradoc ap Cador. Sir Henrik’s
lady was Leanne of Maywood. Sir Henrik gave the MGC to Kerry the Rock. There was a revel afterwards.
[Little known fact: Anne of San Anselmo had come down with a bad case of Mononucleosis, and after she had recovered went back to
the seminary and finished her education. This is why she was not present during the reign as Queen. She later showed up for some events
in the West, but dropped out awhile after that. She was found in Calontir in time for an event there, on the weekend of October 8, AS XXIX
(1994), and has been at least moderately active there.]
July 4, 1967 AS II
Westercon XX Tourney
Held as part of the Westercon in Los Angeles, California. Elfrida of Greenwalls, in her professional capacity as Marion Zimmer Bradley,
was the guest of honor. Many society members wore their medieval costumes into the costume ball. Dorothea of Paravel (Dorothea of
Caer-Myrddin) won Most Beautiful Costume for her modified medieval white dress with blue velvet cloak, blue and green feather wig, blue
feather eye lashes, and all-white make up. First prize for the best group went to Elfrida, her lord Walter, and her brother Edwin Bersark (Paul
Zimmer). They went as characters from Poul Anderson’s (Bela of Eastmarch) The Broken Sword. On the last day LASFS, which had
sponsored the convention, sponsored a tournament. Owen Hannifen (Karl vom Acht) was the autocrat. Harlan Ellison tried out as a fighter
and did rather well. There was a fascinating fight between Siegfried von Hoflichskeit and Fritz Leiber, who fought broadsword to
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
broadsword with no shields and did very well indeed. The four finalists were Bela of Eastmarch, Edwin Bersark, Richard the Short (Richard
of Mont Real), and Sir Henrik the Dane (Henrik of Havn). The final match was between Edwin Bersark and Sir Henrik. The winner was Sir
Henrik the Dane (Henrik of Havn), who received a two quart, hand-painted beer stein from the Con committee as a prize.
September 30, 1967 AS II
Fall Coronation and Crown Tourney
Held at Newman Center, Palo Alto, California. Mediocrates of Hellas (Israel
ben Jacob) was the autocrat. Henrik and Leannse were crowned by Richard
and Diana. Crown lists were held. William the Silent won, defeating Caradoc
ap Cador. Sheryl of Thespis was William’s lady. King Henrik knighted
William on the spot. Kerry the Rock gave the MGC to Edwin Bersark. A revel
followed at the home of Joe and Felice of Mayhavn House (Felice of
Mayhavn House).
Henrik of Havn - Vert, on a pellet a horse’s head couped Or
above a coronet showing three Latin crosses Or.
January 6, 1968 AS II
Leanne of Maywood - Azure, a Unicorn countertrippant argent,
armed, crined and pizzled and cullioned Or.
Twelfth Night Coronation and Revels
Held in the Mills College Student Union, Oakland, California. Jon de Cles and
M ediocrates of Hellas (Israel ben Jacob) were the autocrats. With the money from
the Pleasure Faire materials were purchased to make two crowns. Karina of the
Far West donated some fine jewels, fur and cloth. Jon de Cles designed the
crowns and Beverly Hodghead made them. King Henrik and Queen Leanne
presided over the Grand March and crowned William and Sheryl as King and
Queen with the new Royal Crowns of State. (Previously the crowns used had
been personal ones, belonging to the individual monarchs.) King William created
the title of Duke for those who had twice been King. For the first members of this
rank, since there were no kings in the first year, this was amended to read those
had twice won a tourney. Richard of Mont Real was made a Duke dated Sheryl of Thespis - Azure, a swan naiant argent crowned
William the Silent - Or, a natural panther passant
September 30, when he stepped off the throne, and Fulk de Wyvern and Henrik Or.
of Havn were made Dukes as of that day. The Order of the Rose was created for those who had been Queen, or who had been the lady to
a fighter who had won one of the first tourneys, when there were no queens. Thus Marynel of Darkhaven, Mary of Tamar, Ann of San
Anselmo, Diana Listmaker, Wendryn of Townsend, and Leanne of Maywood became members of the Order. King William created the rank
of Master of Arms for those who are worthy of knighthood but for personal reasons may not swear fealty to the Crown. Richard of Mont
Real and Edwin Bersark were made the first Masters of Arms. King William established the Order of Knighthood on a firm basis by
knighting Bela of Eastmarch, Fulk de Wyvern, Jamie of the Oakenshield, Karl vom Acht, Kerry the Rock, Siegfried von Hoflichskeit, and
Steven MacEanruig. Sir Ardral Argo verKaeysc, Duke Henrik of Havn, and King William himself were already knights. Thus there were
now a dozen belted fighters. The sign of a knight was a white belt and a metal chain around the neck. The sign of a Master of Arms was
a white baldric. King William created the Order of the Laurel for outstanding artistic achievement, and admitted Beverly Hodghead and
Alfonso de Castile as founding members. They were to be addressed as Master and known as Masters of the Laurel. Knights, Masters
of Arms, and Masters of the Laurel were to have equal precedence, with Dukes being higher in precedence and Ladies of the Rose being
somewhat lower in precedence. Then King William and Queen Sheryl stepped down in favor of the Lord of Misrule. The evening festivities
were begun in a grand manner with the medieval wedding of Stefan de Lorraine and Luise of the Phoenix. Revelry followed, with the
Consortium Antiguum performing, and Njali jarla Styrbjornsoni playing the pipes. (Steven MacEanruig and Fulk de Wyvern were not
present and were knighted in absentia.)
March 23, 1968 AS II
Spring Crown Tourney
Held in San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, California. Duke Richard of Mont Real was the autocrat. William and Sheryl
reigned. Crown lists were held. Sir Siegfried von Hoflichskeit won, defeating Master Edwin Bersark. Marynel of Darkhaven was Siegfried’s
lady. King William knighted Stefan de Lorraine. Master Edwin Bersark gave the MGC to Sir Stefan de Lorraine. Revels followed on the
campus of the Seminary.
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
April, 1968 AS II
The First “Rules of the Lists” Printed
The May issue (#6) of TI printed the first Rules of the Lists. Also in that issue were the decrees that henceforth the Herald shall keep a
College of Arms and that all members of the nobility should register arms with the College. The Grand March was restricted to the nobility.
The Year Three
May 5, 1968 AS III
May Coronation and Crown Tourney
Held at the Airplane Field, Tilden Park, Berkeley, California. Jon de Cles was the
autocrat. Siegfried and Marynel were crowned by William and Sheryl. King
Siegfried knighted Caradoc ap Cador. Crown lists were held. Duke Richard of
Mont Real defeated Sir Stefan de Lorraine. Duke Richard’s lady was La Rana. Sir
Stefan de Lorraine gave the MGC to Sir Caradoc ap Cador. There was a Maypole,
a javelin throwing contest, and a revel that evening at the site. (William’s Count
and Sheryl’s Countess date from here.)
Siegfried von Hoflichskeit - Sable, on a bend argent a
mullet of four points elongated to base gyronny Or and sable.
June 2, 1968 AS III
Marynel of Darkhaven - Purpure, a dragon salient Or,
its neck embowed about an edelweiss proper.
First Event of the East Coast Chapter, Whitsuntide Sunday
Held at the Cloisters, New York City, New York. A tourney was planned but it was rained out. Elfrida and Walter of Greenwalls were the
seneschals and the autocrats. Koppel funem Lachfalk was the Herald. Elfrida appointed Maragon the Artificer to sit as King and Adrienne
of Toldedo to sit as Queen, to preside over the first tourney and the first crown lists, whereupon the first true king would be chosen by
combat. When the tourney was rained out the group wandered through the Cloisters looking at the Unicorn Tapestries and freaking out
the museum guards. Present were Elfrida and Walter of Greenwalls, Adrienne of Toledo, Maragon the Artificer, Alfgar the Sententious,
El of the Two Knives, Rakurai of Kamakura, Eleolf Erickson, Robert the Puppeteer, and Cynthia Ornam.
Summer Coronation and Crown Tourney
June 23, 1968 AS III
Held in Mills College, Oakland, California. Richard and La Rana were crowned by
Siegfried and Marynel. King Richard admitted Diana Listmaker to the Order of the
Laurel. Crown Lists were held. Duke Henrik of Havn defeated Sir Caradoc ap
Cador. Leanne of Maywood was Duke Henrik’s lady. Sir Caradoc ap Cador gave
the MGC to Sir Siegfried von Hoflichskeit (and thus it returned to its maker).
La Rana - Vert, on a cushion Or a frog sejant affronty ver
crowned Or.
Richard of Mont Real - Sable, in saltire a double-bitted
axe and a Celtic cross Or.
July 21, 1968 AS III
First Crown and Coronation Tourney, Kingdom of the East
Held in Cloves Lake Park, Staten Island, New York. Maragon the Artificer and Adrienne of Toledo sat as King and Queen to preside over
the first tourney of the East Coast Chapter of the SCA. The first Crown Lists were held and Bruce of Cloves was the winner. Sir Ardral Argo
verKaeysc, with his squire Sylvanus Andere, was present as emissary from King Richard the Short (Richard of Mont Real). Sir Ardral
knighted Bruce of Cloves and Sir Bruce was crowned as the first King of the East. The West Coast became the Kingdom of the West. El
of the Two Knives was the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the East and Rakkurai of Kamakura was Earl Marshal of the East. Florence of
Cloves was crowned Queen.
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
July, 1968 AS III
The Creation of the SCA, Inc.
It was at this time that the Society for Creative Anachronism became a non-profit corporation. Jon de Cles, Diana Listmaker, and Harold
Breakstone were the first members of the Board of Directors. Jon de Cles was the Steward, Chronicler, and Editor of TI. Diana Listmaker
was Mistress of the Arts. Siegfried von Hoflichskeit was the first Chancellor of the Exchequer, but turned the office over to Jon de Cles
in August. Harold Breakstone was Laurel King of Arms and head of the national College of Heralds. Siegfried von Hoflichskeit was the
Registrar. David of Ilwherlane (mundanely an attorney) was the Society’s legal counsel and saw to the incorporation of the Society, but
then resigned to become Chancellor for the Kingdom of the West. At this time the offices of the Kingdom of the West were separated from
those of the Society. Jon De Cles was Seneschal for the Kingdom of the West. Robert of Dunharrow was Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Edwin Bersark was Earl Marshal. Randall of Hightower was Clarion Principal Herald for the Kingdom. Karina of the Far West was Banner
Pursuivant. Alfonso de Castile was Master of Music. Diana Listmaker was Mistress of the Lists. Johanna von Griffenhurst was Artist to
the College of Heralds.
September 2, 1968 AS III
BayCon Tourney
Held in the Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, California. The Worldcon committee sponsored a tournament. Earl of Morris won. King Richard
knighted him on the spot. At Baycon the first Handbook of the Current Ages was distributed. A medieval fashion show had occurred three
days previous. Revels followed indoors.
September 22, 1968 AS III
Autumn Coronation and Crown Tourney
Held in the Airplane Field, Tilden Park, Berkeley, California. Richard and La
Rana held court. Following the Grand March Henrik and Leanne were
crowned King and Queen. King Henrik knighted Frederic of the West Tower
and admitted Lin the Baker to the Order of the Laurel. Crown lists were held.
Sir Caradoc ap Cador defeated Sir Earl of Morris. Amie of Exeter was Sir
Caradoc’s lady. Sir Siegfried von Hoflichskeit gave the MGC to Houri the
Savage. Amie of Exeter hosted a revel. Master Edwin Bersark received the
Orders of the Sapphire and the Emerald from the King and the Ladies
Henrik of Havn - Vert, on a pellet a horse’s head couped Or
above a coronet showing three Latin crosses Or.
January 4, 1969 AS III
Leanne of Maywood - Azure, a Unicorn countertrippant argent,
armed, crined and pizzled and cullioned Or.
Twelfth Night Coronation and Revels
Held in Mills College Student Union, Oakland, California. Geraldine of Toad Hall
was the autocrat. Henrik and Leanne held court. Following the Grand March
Caradoc and Amie were crowned King and Queen. King Caradoc admitted Edwin
Bersark and Jon De Cles to the Order of the Laurel. He created Grants of Arms,
Awards of Arms, and Court Barons. King Caradoc gave the first Grants of Arms
to Harold Breakstone, Karina of the Far West, and Randall of Hightower. He gave
the first Awards of Arms to Geraldine of Toad Hall, Luise of the Phoenix, Njali
jarla Styrbjornsoni, Robert of Dunharrow, and Sylvanus Andere. King Caradoc
made Sylvanus Andere the first Court Baron. Grants of Arms were to follow the
Ladies of the Rose, followed in turn by Awards of Arms, in the Order of
Caradoc ap Cador - Ermine, on a pale azure Precedence.
a crux ansata
Court Barons would not accrue any precedence for the rank, which Amie of Exeter - Argent, a pair of dexter hands clasped
between three wiverns Or.
couped azure above a dragon involved gules.
was in addition to any other rank, and was not an armigerous award. All other
awards carried an award, grant, or patent of arms and thus made the recipient an armiger. King Caradoc established the current system of
three crown tourneys and three coronations, with a crown tourney at the spring equinox, the coronation at M ayday, the next crown at
midsummer, the coronation in August, the next crown at the fall equinox, and the coronation at Twelfth Night. The populace then adjourned
to a sumptuous three course banquet, followed by general revelry, song, dance, drama, minstrelsy, and the Lord of Misrule.
March 21, 1969 AS III
Queen’s Court of Courtesy
Held at Queen Amy of Exeter’s home, Berkeley, California. All ladies were invited.
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
March 23, 1969 AS III
Spring Crown Tourney
Held at the Douglas St. Playground, San Francisco, California. Harold Breakstone was the autocrat. Caradoc and Amie held court. King
Caradoc gave a Grant of Arms to David of Ilwheirlane and an Award of Arms to Ann Parkhurst of Gatehouse. The Crown Lists were held
and Sir Siegfried von Hoflichskeit won, defeating Master Edwin Bersark. Ardis an Dearg (Sumer Redmaene) was Sir Siegfried’s lady. King
Caradoc admitted Marynel of Darkhaven to the Order of the Laurel. About this time the Tribute, the newsletter for the Kingdom, appeared,
with Diana Listmaker as Editress. (The Pennoncel, the newsletter for the East, also appeared at this time, with Elfrida of Greenwalls as
Editress.) King Caradoc gave the Order of the Ruby to Master Edwin Bersark.
Curia Regis
April 16, 1969 AS III
King Caradoc appoint ed Marynel of Darkhaven to be the Royal Pavilioner. She was to be in charge of arranging the pavilions around the
field when they were set up. She also was in charge of the making of the Royal Pavilion for their Majesties. (Sometime previous, Ardis an
Dearg had been appointed Royal Chatelaine.)
April 19, 1969 AS III
Benefit Tourney and Revel for T.I.
Held in Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. Sponsored by Toad Hall. Tickets were sold. A feas t was provided. There were contests
in shortsword and buckler, axe and shield, maul, archery, and javelin throwing. There was dancing and games for the children. Revelry
extended into the night.
April 27, 1969 AS III
May Day Celebration
Held at the Airplane Field, Tilden Park, Berkeley, California. The first attempts at tilting at quintains occurred.
The Year Four
May 13, 1969 AS IV
Queen’s Court of Courtesy
Held at the home of Queen Amie. All ladies were invited.
May 17-18, 1969 AS IV
First Overnight Coronation Festival
Held at Almond Knoll Ranch, Oakdale, California, home of Chang, Slayer of
Beasts (Count Hagen the Strong). Caradoc and Amie held court. Siegfried and
Ardis were crowned. King Siegfried knighted Robert of Dunharrow and admitted
Janet Breakstone to the Order of the Laurel. Queen Ardis presided over Saturday
night’s festivities.
Siegfried von Hoflichskeit - Sable, on a bend argent a
mullet of four points elongated to base gyronny Or and sable.
June 22, 1969 AS IV
Ardis an Dearg (Sumer Redmaen) - Purpure,
on a plate a rose gules seeded Or.
Summer Crown Tourney
Held at El Camino Park, Palo Alto, California. Joe and Felice of Mayhavn House were the autocrats. Siegfried and Ardis held court. King
Siegfried knighted Thumas na Leabar O’Conaire. Crown lists were held. Duke Henrik of Havn won, defeating Sir Thumas na Leabar
O’Conaire. Leanne of Maywood was Duke Henrik’s lady. Houri the Savage gave the MGC to Sir Thumas. King Siegfried introduced the
custom of ransoming a new knight’s arms by ransoming the helm and shield of Sir Robert of Dunharrow. Hugh ap Llewelyn made his first
appearance as Greencloak Pursuivant. At this time Kerry the Rock became the editor of TI, replacing Jon De Cles, who remained Chronicler.
July 4-6, 1969 AS IV
First Crown Tourney, Kingdom of the Middle
Held at Wilmot Mountain, Wisconsin. King Bruce of Cloves sent Adrienne of Toledo as his representative, who presided as Queen over
the lists. Present were Michael Bradley of Bradley, Franz von Blikenlichten, Cariadoc of the Bow, Diana Alene, and others. Cariadoc of the
Bow won, using a two-handed sword. (The Middle was at this time part of the East and known as the Principality Under the Mountain.)
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
July 19, 1969 AS IV
Midsummer Picnic Benefit for the Artist
Held at the Hockey Field at Mills College, Oakland, California. Toad Hall was the sponsor. A feast was provided. Contests were held in
archery, javelin throwing, wrestling, axe and shield, long sword, and three man teams.
August 5, 1969 AS IV
Royal Proclamation
King Siegfried issued a Royal Proclamation which consolidated all past proclamations and laws. He established the post of Tourneymaster
and appointed Sir Bela of Eastmarch and Karina of the Far West to hold it jointly.
August 16-17, 1969 AS IV
August Purgatorio Coronation Festival
Held in the Girl’s Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. Sir Bela
of Eastmarch and Karina of the Far West were Tourneymasters. Siegfried
and Ardis held court. King Siegfried gave Awards of Arms to Alison of
Hightower, Melissa Wordsmith, Astrid of Hawk Ridge, Dorothea of Paravel
(Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin), and Hugh ap Llewellyn. Then Henrik and
Leanne were crowned. King Henrik named Siegfried Duke. King Henrik
abolished the office of Tourneymaster and reinstituted the office of Supreme
Autocrat by appointing Sir Stefan de Lorraine for October.
Henrik of Havn - Vert, on a pellet a horse’s head couped Or
above a coronet showing three Latin crosses Or.
September 7, 1969 AS IV
Leanne of Maywood - Azure, a Unicorn countertrippant argent,
armed, crined and pizzled and cullioned Or.
WorldCon Coronation, Kingdom of the Middle
Held in St. Louis, Missouri. During the four day convention a coronation was held. King MacGregor of Goetz-Carlsberg was present and
presided. Astrid of Hawk Ridge sat as his Queen, since the true Queen of the East was not present. King MacGregor knighted Cariadoc
of the Bow and then crowned him the first King of the Middle. King Cariadoc then crowned his lady Diana Alene as the first Queen of the
Middle. This marked the creation of the Kingdom of the Middle. Subsequently, The Pale, the newsletter of the Middle Kingdom, appeared,
with Thorvald the Grim as editor. Lady Mandi Tamborello was the Seneschal. King Cariadoc was also Earl Marshal. Bran of Cornwall later
became Dragon Principal Herald.
October 4, 1969 AS IV
Autumn Crown Tourney
Held at Lafayette Reservoir, Lafayette, California. Sir Stefan de Lorraine was the autocrat. Henrik and Leanne reigned. Crown lists were held.
Sir Stefan de Lorraine defeated Houri the Savage. Luise of the Phoenix was Sir Stefan’s lady, Queen Leanne invited all ladies for
conversation and cookies. A javelin contest was held, and children’s footraces took place. At final court King Henrik knighted Houri the
Savage and Robert de Recoing, and admitted Geraldine of Toad Hall to the Order of the Laurel.
November 15, 1969 AS IV
Court of Chivalry
Knights and Masters at Arms were summoned to SCA Headquarters by Harold Breakstone, Laurel King of Arms, to discuss the Rules of
the Lists.
November 15, 1969 AS IV
Court of Courtesy
Held at the home of Master Beverly Hodghead, Berkeley, California. Queen Leanne summoned the ladies to discuss favors and their use.
Geraldine of Toad Hall reported on the Associated Guilds. Jon the Lean (Jon FitzRolf) was in charge of the Armourers Guild, Claudia of
the Snowflake was in charge of the Sticherers Guild, the Clothiers Guild was run by Luise of the Phoenix, The Spinners Guild by Dorothea
of Paravel (Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin), the Jewelers Guild by Michel Le Mohle, The Brotherhood of Breadbakers by Master Lin, the
Witchcraft and Herblore Guild by Davlin le Mohle, and Geraldine was Guild Mistress. There was also a Guild of Household Heralds and
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
January 3, 1970 AS IV
Twelfth Night Coronation and Revel
Held at the Mills College Student Union, Oakland, California. Mistress Geraldine
of Toad Hall was the autocrat and prepared the feast. Henrik and Leanne held
court. King Henrik gave Awards of Arms to Johanna Griffenhurst, Michael of
Moria, Richard Ironsteed, William of the Shire, Lenore of the Darklands, and
Sheridan of Greenholm. Then Stefan and Luise were crowned by Henrik and
Leanne. King Stefan gave Awards of Arms to Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice
Carmigniani) and John ap Griffin. A feast followed, followed by revelry.
Luise of the Phoenix - Argent, on a flaming fleur-de-lys
gules a phoenix displayed Or.
Stefan de Lorraine - Argent, a fleur-de-lys gules.
January 18, 1970 AS IV
King Stefan’s Royal Proclamation
King Stefan proclaimed that henceforth all belted fighters who did not show up with their own helm, shield and weapon, duly inspected
and approved, could not fight in the Crown Lists, as it is their duty to set a good example of preparedness to those other fighters who aspire
to that rank. King Stefan also created a Council of Arms, to advise him concerning the suitability and safety of weapons. The Earl Marshal
and the Dukes were made Advisory Members, as were five fighters: Sir Robert of Dunharrow, Sir Jamie of Oakenshield, Sir Earl of Morris,
Jon the Lean (Jon FitzRolf), and Arnulf Silkhair. King Stefan re-instituted the Office of the Golden Key under Ruthven and Rima of
Rockridge, to provide costumes and information to newcomers. King Stefan also created a Royal Guard of Archers, under the Royal Archer,
Sheridan of Greenhold.
February 28, 1970 AS IV
Nottingham Faire
Held by the First Unitarian Church of Berkeley, California. The SCA participated.
March 7, 1970 AS IV
Curia Regis
King Stefan called a session at his home, Chaos Manor, Oakland, California.
March 21, 1970 AS IV
Spring Crown Tourney
Held in the Airplane Field, Tilden Park, Berkeley, California. Stefan and Luise reigned. Crown lists were held. Stephen Blackeagle won,
defeating Arnulf Silkhair. Astrid of Hawk Ridge was Stephen’s lady. After crowning him with the laurel wreath, King Stefan knighted
Stephen Blackeagle. He also knighted Jean de la Grand ‘Anse and Robert Roundpounder and made Arnulf Silkhair a Master of Arms.
(Robert had been made a Master of Arms by Duke Richard at the Atenveldt Coronet because Richard, a Master himself, could not make
him a knight. Only a knight can dub another knight.) King Stefan gave Awards of Arms to Felice of Mayhem House and Ruthven of
Rockridge. Sir Thumas na Leabar O’Conaire gave the MGC to Master Arnulf Silkhair.
April 1970 AS IV
College of Heralds Appointments
Karina of the Far West was promoted to Banner Herald. Johanna von Griffenhurst was appointed Artist to the College of Heralds and
Keeper of the Great Book of Arms. Dorothea of Paravel (Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin) was appointed Historian and Keeper of the Book of
History. Alison of Hightower was appointed College Treasurer.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
April 25, 1970 AS IV
Coronation Festival
Held in the Girls Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. Stefan
and Luise held court. King Stefan gave an Award of Arms to Richard the
Mild. Then Stephen and Astrid were crowned by Stefan and Luise. King
Stephen gave a Grant of Arms to Hugh ap Llewellyn. Then the heavens
opened and the second day was postponed until May.
Astrid of Hawk Ridge: Sable, a lion’s head cabossed
Or within fourteen suns in annulo gules fimbriated Or.
Stephen Blackeagle - Or, an eagle displayed sable resting on the
horns of a steel Norse helmet proper horned gules.
The Year Five
May 24, 1970 AS V
Second Part of Coronation Tourney
Held in the Airplane Field, Tilden Park, Berkeley, California. Stephen and Astrid reigned. King Stephen gave an Award of Arms to Questifor
of Hightower.
June 20, 1970 AS V
Midsummer Crown Tourney
Held in the San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, California. Stephen and Astrid reigned. King Stephen gave an Award of
Arms to Rachel of Bon Repos. Crown Lists were held. Duke Henrik of Havn won, defeating Sir Earl of Morris. Leanne of Maywood was
his lady. Master Arnolf Silkhair gave the MGC to Charles of Mercury.
Westercon Tourney
July 5, 1970 AS V
As part of Westercon XXIII, held in the Francisco Tores, Goleta, California, a tourney was held. The arms competition was won by Sir Jon
the Lean (Jon FitzRolf). The music competition was won by Richard the Strange, from Atenveldt.
August Purgatorio Coronation Festival
August 1-2, 1970 AS V
Held in Big Trees Camping Area, Chabot Park, Oakland, California. Henrik
and Leanne were crowned by Stephen and Astrid. Competitions for WarLord and King’s Champion were held. Sir Jean de la Grand ‘Anse won them
both. On the second day King Henrik gave Awards of Arms to Alisande de
Rohan and Meridith, who was his Royal Consort.
Henrik of Havn: Vert, on a pellet a horse’s head couped Or
above a coronet showing three Latin crosses Or.
October 10, 1970 AS V
Leanne of Maywood - Azure, a Unicorn countertrippant argent,
armed, crined and pizzled and cullioned Or.
Autumn Crown Tourney
Held at the Airplane Field, Tilden Park, Berkeley, California. Henrik reigned (Leanne wasn’t there). King Henrik knighted Charles of Mercury.
Crown Lists were held. Sir Jean de la Grand ‘Anse won, defeating Sir Charles of Mercury. Ellen of the Gleaming Star was his lady. Sir Charles
of Mercury gave the MGC to William of York.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
January 8, 1971 AS V
Twelfth Night Coronation and Revels
Held at the First Unitarian Church, Kensington, California. Henrik held court
(Leanne wasn’t there). King Henrik gave Awards of Arms to Christian of Orange,
Raymond the Mild, Rhiannen pen Tyrhon, Sheen of Ire, and Suzanne of
Ravenhill. He founded the College of Scribes. Then he crowned Jean and Ellen.
King Jean admitted Harold Breakstone, Johanna von Griffenhurst, and Randall of
Hightower to the Order of the Laurel. He made Louis de la Grand ‘Anse (his
father) and Robert of Dunharrow Crown Barons.
Jean de la Grand’ Anse - Azure, a natural dolphin
embowed argent above a sun Or.
January 16, 1971 AS V
Ellen of the Gleaming Star - Per fess rayonny and
per pale purpure and Or, in dexter chief a star of David arg
First Crown Tourney, Kingdom of Atenveldt
Held in McCormick Park, Scottsdale, Arizona. At this tourney the Principality of Atenveldt became the Kingdom of Atenveldt. [This event
is covered in more detail in the Atenveldt section of this document ...]
March 20, 1971 AS V
Spring Crown Tourney
Held in the San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, California. Jean and Ellen reigned. King Jean admitted David of Ilwheirlane
to the Order of the Laurel. Boncueur and Jacapo van der Jacs were given Awards of Arms. Crown Lists were held. Before the final round,
Hagen the Strong was knighted. The winner was Sir Hagen, defeating Sir Houri the Savage. Ruth was his lady. William of York gave the
MGC to Jerald of Galloway. Frederick of Holland was given the Bone of Fafnir to aid in the healing of a broken bone in his hand.
The Year Six
May 1-2, 1971 AS VI
Beltane Coronation Festival
Held in Briones Park, Homestead Valley, California. Jean and Ellen held
court. King Jean gave Grants of Arms to Pwyll pen Tyhron and
Talanque. Then King Jean created the Order of the Leaf of Merit, and
admitted Ellen Cross Quills as the founding member. He gave Awards
of Arms to Ellen Cross Quills, Rima of Rockridge, Sårkhånyl Gerö,
Samuel de Basset, and William the Lucky. Then Hagen and Ruth were
crowned by Jean and Ellen. King Hagen knighted James Greyhelm.
Hagan the Strong
May 29, 1971 AS VI
Queen’s Tea
Held in Ruth’s honor in Redwood Bowl, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. The Order of the Wooden Spoon was created, and
the first competition, for Medieval Confections, was won by Rima of Rockridge.
June 19, 1971 AS VI
Midsummer Crown Tourney
Held in Coyote Creek Park, San Jose, California. Hagen and Ruth reigned. King Hagen gave Awards of Arms to André de Sevastopol and
Elizabeth Belleclerke. Crown Lists were held. Before the final round Frederick of Holland was made a M aster, and Kevin Peregrynne and
Paul of Bellatrix were knighted. Sir James Greyhelm won, defeating Sir Paul of Bellatrix. Verena of Laurelin was his lady. Jerald of Galloway
gave the MGC to Sir Paul of Bellatrix. The Order of the Wooden Spoon Competition, for Salads, was won by Sharon the Meek.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
July 31-Aug 1, 1971 AS VI
August Purgatorio Coronation Festival
Held at Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. Hagen and
Ruth held court. King Hagen gave Awards of Arms to Nicorlynn of Caer Wydyr
and Tarysa of Rivendell. Queen Ruth created the Queen’s Order of Grace, and
admitted Crystal and Shima as founding members. Then James and Verena were
crowned by Hagen and Ruth. King James gave a Grant of Arms to Rima of
Rockridge. He then created the Office of the Protector of the Royal Wards (later
called the Wardlord by Lady Rima). A fighting competition was held to fill the
position, and Sir Charles of Mercury won. As he stayed ladyless for only a few
hours, another competition was held the next day, which was won by Lysander
of Sparta. Dorothea of Paravel (Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin) won the Order of the
Spoon competition for cherry pie.
James Greyhelm - Per bend sinister, argent aWooden
Verena of Laurelin - Azure, in canton a crux ansata Or.
dragon’s wing erased azure, and azure a pair of spears bendwise
sinister argent.
October 16, 1971 AS VI
Autumn Crown Tourney
Held at Coyote Creek Park, San Jose, California. James and Verena reigned. King James knighted Thomas of the Pines. He made Sir Earl
of Morris a Crown Baron. Queen Verena admitted Lyndyre of Valrenor to the Queen’s Order of Grace. Crown Lists were held. Sir Paul of
Bellatrix won, defeating Sir Kevin Peregrynne. Carol of Bellatrix was his lady. A competition for Wardlord was held. Andrew of Riga won.
The Order of the Wooden Spoon contest, for pickled anything, was won by Demoiselle Alania. Sir Paul of Bellatrix gave the MGC to Sir
Thomas of the Pines.
January 8, 1972 AS VI
Twelfth Night Coronation and Revels
Held in the First Unitarian Church, Kensington, California. James and Verena held
court. King James admitted Master Frederick of Holland and Nicorlynn of Caer
Wydyr to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. He gave Awards of Arms to Christina
of the Runes, Gormflait ne Cuallachta, Gwydion Pendderwen, Reyna de San
Diego, and Sara of the Rushes. Then Paul and Carol were crowned by James and
Verena. King Paul admitted Luise of the Phoenix to the Order of the Laurel. He
admitted Boncueur de Myrobolan to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. He made Sir
Stefan de Lorraine a Crown Baron. He also gave Awards of Arms to Allen von
Ore, Charles Edward Alexander of Everman, Dorcas Dorcadas, Friedrich Erik
Helmuth von Rheinhausen, and Meggan mong Ruad (?). Verena of Laurelin won
Paul of Bellatrix - Sable, on a bend Or three the
Order of the Wooden Spoon contest for a Soltotay.
palewise gules.
March 26, 1972 AS VI
Carol of Bellatrix - Per bend argent and vert, six
octofoils in bend three and three counterchanged, all pierc
Spring Crown Tourney
Held in Coyote Creek Park, San Jose, California. Paul and Carol reigned. King Paul knighted Bruno von der Eiche and admitted Karina of
the Far West to the Order of the Laurel. He made Grants of Arms available to Minor Lords of State and to the Chief Deputies of the Great
Lords of State. He admitted Dorthea the Unsure and Richard the Mild to the Order of the Leaf of Merit, and gave Awards of Arms to
Dorthea the Unsure, Eliazar ben-David, Giesele-Hildegaard, Jerome Robert of McKenna, and Rowen-Lynn (then called Bonnie Bluebells).
Queen Carol admitted Margaret to the Queen’s Order of Grace. Crown Lists were held. Sir James Greyhelm won, defeating Sir Kevin
Peregrynne. Verena of Laurelin was his lady. Sir Thomas of the Pines gave the MGC to Andrew of Riga. Johanna von Griffenhurst and
Giesele-Hildegaard tied in the Order of the Wooden Spoon competition for cold meat pie. Each got half of the spoon.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Year Seven
May 6-7, 1972 AS VII
Beltane Coronation Festival
Held in Briones Regional Park, Homestead Valley, California. Paul and Carol held
court. Queen Carol admitted Crown Princess Verena of Laurelin to the Queen’s
Order of Grace. Then James and Verena were crowned by Paul and Carol. King
James established the title of Count for those who had been King once, Countess
for those who had been Queen once, and Duchess for those who had been
Queen twice. Paul and Carol were acknowledged as Count and Countess, and all
p ast Counts, Countesses, and Duchesses were so acknowledged, dated the day
they stepped down after crowning their successors. King James made Geraldine
of Toad Hall the first Crown Baroness. Queen Verena admitted Ann Parkhurst of
Gatehouse to the Queen’s Order of Grace. Paul of Blackchurch won the Wardlord
Janice of Ilwheirlane was abducted and rescued by the hordes. Joan Verena of Laurelin - Azure, in canton a crux ansata Or.
James Greyhelm - Per bend sinister, argent acompetition.
dragon’s wing erased azure, and azure a pair of spears bendwise
won the Order of the Wooden Spoon for soup and bread. Gerald
sinister argent.
Whitebeard won the Kite Flying contest. A live chess game happened on the second day and first night.
Midsummer Crown Tourney
June 17, 1972 AS VII
Held in Coyote Creek Park, San Jose, California. James and Verena reigned. Crown Lists were held. Count Paul of Bellatrix won, defeating
Sir Steven MacEanruig. Countess Carol of Bellatrix was his lady. Andrew of Riga gave the MGC to Sir Steven MacEanruig. Sterling Beast
Tamer won the Order of the Wooden Spoon for Haggis.
Purgatorio Coronation Festival
July 29-30, 1972 AS VII
James and Verena held court. King James gave Awards of Arms to Gerald
Whitebeard and Hal Ravn, and admitted Dorothea of Paravel (Dorothea of CaerMyrddin), Hal Ravn, and William the Lucky to the Order of the Leaf of Merit.
King James admitted Allen van Ore to the Order of the Laurel. Then Paul and
Carol were crowned by James and Verena. King Paul then gave Awards of Arms
to Janay di Aquitaine, Kathea von Linz, Leodamas of Thebes, and William of
Hoghton. On the next day a contest for the Queen’s Favor was held, and Duke
Henrik of Havn was the winner. Dorthea the Unsure won the Order of the
Wooden Spoon for an economy dish.
Paul of Bellatrix - Sable, on a bend Or three compass-stars
palewise gules.
October 22, 1972 AS VII
Carol of Bellatrix - Per bend argent and vert, six
octofoils in bend three and three counterchanged, all pierc
Autumn Crown Tourney
Held in Coyote Creek Park, San Jose, California. Paul and Carol reigned. King Paul gave Awards of Arms to Bergen von Rausch, Cija of
the Roses, Elriin of Hrassvelg, Gernot of Gallimaufry, Glynys of Arran, Gonwynnlynn of Hrassvelg, Grane the Golden, Jacynth of the Lion’s
Gate, Myles of the Shamrock, and Ranulf of the North Country. Queen Carol admitted Gwen, Johanna von Griffenhurst, John of Woodwose
Hall, Robert the Lutemaker, and Susan of Woodwose Hall to the Queen’s Order of Grace. King Paul of Bellatrix knighted William of
Hoghton, and authorized Sir Frederic of the West Tower to Knight Jerald of Galloway at the upcoming Madrone tourney. The Board of
Directors of the Society, under the name of the Imperial Electors, created the Imperial Order of the Pelican, and admitted Boncueur de
Myrobolan as the founding member. Crown Lists were held. Duke James Greyhelm won, defeating Duke Siegfried von Hoflichskeit. Duchess
Verena of Laurelin was his lady. Sir Steven MacEanruig gave the MGC to Ranulf of the North Country. Dorothea of Paravel (Dorothea of
Caer-Myrddin) won the Order of the Wooden Spoon contest for Sausages.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
January 6, 1973 AS VII
Twelfth Night Coronation and Revels
Held in the First Unitarian Church, Kensington, California. Paul and Carol held
court. King Paul gave Awards of Arms to Rachel Col-de-Cygne, Sieglinde von
Krause, and William of York, and admitted Rachel Col-de-Cygne to the Order of
the Leaf of Merit. Then James and Verena were crowned by Paul and Carol. King
James gave an Award of Arms to Esther, and admitted Stefan de Lorraine to the
Order of the Laurel.
Verena of Laurelin - Azure, in canton a crux ansata Or.
James Greyhelm - Per bend sinister, argent a sinister
dragon’s wing erased azure, and azure a pair of spears bendwise
sinister argent.
Spring Crown Tourney
March 24, 1873 AS VII
Held in Kennedy Grove Park, El Sobrante, California. James and Verena reigned. King James gave Awards of Arms to Eilonwy de Lyur, Jean
of Crawfordsmuir, and Paul McDaniel. Queen Verena admitted Andrew of Riga to the Queen’s Order of Grace. King James made Pwyll pen
Tyrhon a Crown Baron, and admitted Christina of the Runes to the Order of the Laurel. Crown Lists were held. Duke Paul of Bellatrix won,
defeating Sir Thomas of the Pines and Andrew of Riga. Duchess Carol of Bellatrix was his lady. Ranulf of the North Country gave the MGC
to Garryl Harper Flaming Sword. Aaron of Toad Hall won the Order of the Wooden Spoon contest for Haggis.
The Year Eight
Beltane Coronation Festival
May 5-6, 1973 AS VIII
Held in Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. James and
Verena held court. King James gave Awards of Arms to Annette of Faire Monte,
Bevin Fraser of Sterling, and Debreceni Ilona. Then he knighted Andrew of Riga.
Then Paul and Carol were crowned by James and Verena. On the next day a live
chess game was held, and then a competition for Wardlord, which was won by
Ulfgarth von Bergen. The Order of the Wooden Spoon Contest, for a Brawn, was
won by an anonymous entrant, as was third place.
Paul of Bellatrix - Sable, on a bend Or three compass-stars
palewise gules.
June 23, 1973 AS VIII
Carol of Bellatrix - Per bend argent and vert, six
octofoils in bend three and three counterchanged, all pierc
Midsummer Crown Tourney
Held in Kennedy Grove Park, El Sobrante, California. Paul and Carol reigned. King Andrew of Seldom Rest and Queen Anne of Seldom Rest
of the Middle were present. King Paul gave an Award of Arms to Lawrence of Canterbury, and admitted Jeanne of Portland to the Order
of the Leaf of Merit. He then gave Grants of Arms to André de Sevastopol, Dorcas Dorcadas, Edgar the Unready, Jerome Robert of
McKenna, Leon de Asturias, Sheen of Ire, and William the Lucky. Crown Lists were held. Duke Henrik of Havn won, defeating Sir Andrew
of Riga. Seitse was his lady. Garryl Harper Flaming Sword gave the MGC to Elriin of Hrassvelg. The winner of the Order of the Wooden
Spoon contest for parsnip something was Dorcas Dorcadas.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
July 28-29, 1973 AS VIII
Purgatorio Coronation Festival
Held in Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. Paul and
Carol held court. King Paul gave Awards of Arms to Anne of the White Tower,
Barbara of Galloway, Gino de Palrescenico, Malene of Gamaliel, Paul the
Barbarian, Roger the Goliard, and Suzanne of Woodwose Hall. Queen Carol
admitted Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood), Faith, and Robin
(Davina Serpentsheart) to the Queen’s Order of Grace. King Paul gave charters
to the various baronies. Then Henrik and Seitse were crowned by Paul and Carol.
King Henrik named Jasmine and Sabrina de la Bere as his Royal Consorts, and
gave them Awards of Arms. The next day a competition for the Queen’s Favor
was held, and won by Duke Paul of Bellatrix. At closing court King Henrik gave
of Arms to Krzysztof z Lublina, Martin of the Fallen Star, Meg Shelford, Seitse - Vert, mullety pierced argent.
Henrik of Havn - Vert, on a pellet a horse’s head
couped Or
above a coronet showing three Latin crosses Or.
Michael the Dane, Michaela de Neuville, Morrigan Cailte, and Steven of the
Lance. Then he admitted Dorcas Dorcadas, Elriin of Hrassvelg, Gonwynnlynn of Hrassvelg, and Gormflait ni Cuallachta to the Order of the
Leaf of Merit. He knighted William the Lucky, and admitted André de Sevastopol, Sir Bela of Eastmarch, Dorothea of Paravel (Dorothea
of Caer-Myrddin), Rima of Rockridge, and Ruthven of Rockridge to the Order of the Laurel. The Order of the Wooden Spoon competition
was for Cheese.
September 30, 1973 AS VIII
Autumn Crown Tourney
Held in Coyote Creek Park, San Jose, California. Henrik and Seitse reigned. At morning court, Carlo di Perelli-Minetti, who is a real Italian
Count, was presented to King Henrik. Crown Lists were held. Sir Andrew of Riga won, defeating Sir Kevin Peregrynne. Salomé de las
Palomas was his lady. Elriin of Hrassvelg gave the MGC to Sir Kevin Peregrynne. The Imperial Electors admitted Douglas of Hvitamyrr and
Robert of Westmarch to the Imperial Order of the Pelican. King Henrik gave Awards of Arms to Alys von Markheim (Alison von Markheim),
Ann Dudley, Barbara Fitzhugh, David of Castlwhyte, Douglas of Hvitamyrr, Eadmond du Battlemont, Israel ben Jacob, Maire Aislinge na
Sleig Nor, Micna, Renfield of the Inland March, Sheryl of Castlwhyte, Tyra Stuart of Moray, Virginia Bright Angel, Waldt von Markheim,
Wilhelm von Schlüssel, and Ximena Aubel de Cambria. Queen Seitse admitted Amy of the Barque, Sir Jon the Lean (Jon FitzRolf), Sir
William the Lucky to the Queen’s Order of Grace. King Henrik admitted Annette of Faire Monte, Renfield of the Inland March, and Tyra
Stuart of Moray to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. He gave Grants of Arms to Gormflait ni Cuallachta and Morrigan Caillte. Then Geoffrey
of Speraunce and Rachel Col-del-Cyngne were admitted to the Order of the Laurel. Order of the Wooden Spoon Competition was for Stuffed
January 5, 1974 AS VIII
Twelfth Night Coronation and Revels
Held in the First Unitarian Church, Kensington, California. Henrik and Seitse held
court. King Henrik gave Awards of Arms to Aurelia de la Licorne, Conrad von
Regensburg, Erzebet Tycodi, Irene of the Marsh, Jehan de la Pelegrine, John of
Ravenwolf, Karen, Katherine of Northall, Linda-Muriall von Katzenbrasse,
Matriona du Cameliard, Patrice di Coeur Fidel, Richard of Thistleshire, Sharon the
Meek, Siolaughe Siobhean na Lia Fail, Sten av Norden, and William of Woodland.
Then he admitted Ardis an Dearg, Sir Christian of Orange, Giesele-Hildegaard,
Patrice du Couer Fidel, Piers Howells de Cambria, and Ximena Aubel de Cambria
to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King Henrik gave a Grant of Arms to Ranulf of
the North Country. Then he admitted Boncueur de Myrobolan and Gormflait ni
Andrew of Riga - Sable, a wivern volant azure
to the Order of the Laurel. The scroll for Boncueur was signed by the Salomé de las Palomas - Azure, upon a lozenge argent a
rose gules barbed and seeded proper, a bordure of rose vin
Kings and Queens of all four Kingdoms, as his work as Society Registrar argent.
benefitted them all equally. Then King Henrik created an order among knights, the Order of the Silver Molet,
the symbol of which is the wearing of roweled spurs. The Order admitted those among belted fighters who are noted for honour, chivalry,
courtesy, gentleness, and service. King Henrik admitted Sir Bela of Eastmarch and Sir Robert of Dunharrow as founding members. Then
Queen Seitse admitted Countess Ardis an Dearg and Huldah von Jäl, Principal Herald in Atenveldt, to the Queen’s Order of Grace. Then
Andrew and Salomé were crowned by Henrik and Seitse. King Andrew gave Awards of Arms to Anne Marie Vaarë of Helsingor, Catriona
nicChlurain, Däwyd Äspärä Suomainen, Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood), Edward of Stonehaven, Gwendolyn of the Thistle,
John of Woodwose Hall, Lysander of Sparta, Miranda of Silvandel, Neil of Gyr, and Robert of Westmarch. He admitted Adrienne de Toledo,
Bevin Fraser of Sterling, Eilonwy de Lyur, Jana d’Aquitaine, and Sir Steven MacEanruig to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King Andrew
then admitted Dorcas Dorcadas, Sir Robert Dunharrow, and Sir William the Lucky to the Order of the Laurel. King Andrew knighted Edgar
the Unready. Queen Salomé admitted Duchess Carol of Bellatrix, Countess Luise of the Phoenix, Duke Paul of Bellatrix, and Count Stefan
de Lorraine to the Queen’s Order of Grace (Duchess Carol was already a member, but Queen Salomé insisted). Then King Andrew made
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Sir Kevin Peregrynne a Crown Baron. Sir Steven MacEanruig instituted a new award, the Order of the Battered Helm, for those fighters who
die the best at crown tourneys. He gave it to Count Stefan de Lorraine as the initial holder. Then revels commenced with Lady Adrienne
de Toledo being chosen as Queen of Misrule. Duke Paul of Bellatrix won the ducal kissing contest.
March 10, 1974 AS VIII
Feast of Three Tastes
Held in the First Unitarian Church, Kensington, California. Lady Adrienne of Toledo hosted this benefit for The Page. King Andrew
March 30, 1974 AS VIII
Spring Crown Tourney
Held in Neptune/Seawind Area, Alameda State Beach, Alameda, California. Andrew and Salomé reigned. King Andrew gave Awards of
Arms to Allyson of Dunrobin, D’Vanya de Tourbullion, Douglas Longshanks, Gilmirron of the Blue Flame, Guillaume de Vinvert, Johann
Heinrich Michael Siemon von Werniergerod, Maelen of Kynge’s Lea, Marisela of Muninsgaard, Michael the Black, Nathan de Bläser,
Patricia of Roscommon, Sholom ben Avram of York, and Sumingo of Amaranth. He admitted Robert of Winchester to the Order of the Leaf
of Merit. King Andrew knighted Elriin of Hrassvelg and Sean Macarailt of Sandyhume. He admitted Adrienne of Toledo, Annette of Faire
Monte, Ardis an Dearg, Elriin of Hrassvelg, Gonwynnlynn of Hrassvelg, Jon the Lean (Jon FitzRolf), M argaret of Ashford, and Robert of
Winchester to the Order of the Laurel. Elriin was thus the first ever to join the Orders of Knighthood and the Laurel at the same time.
Mistress Geraldine of Toad Hall petitioned King Andrew to take back her Laurel, and to ask the Board of Directors to release the Order of
the Pelican to the four kingdoms, and then give her one, for she felt that the Order of the Laurel was being improperly given for service.
King Andrew took the matter under consideration, but declared he would not be the King to take back her Laurel. Crown Lists were held.
Sir William of Hoghton won, defeating Duke Paul of Bellatrix. Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood) was his lady. Sir Kevin
Peregrynne gave the MGC to Elric de Cassell. Count Stefan de Lorraine gave the OBH to Brian Dritar an Con. Master Raymond the Mild
won the Order of the Wooden Spoon competition for Strudel.
The Year Nine
May 4-5, 1974 AS IX
Beltane Coronation Festival
Held in Alexander Ranch, Briones Regional Park, Homestead Valley, California.
Andrew and Salomé held court. King Andrew gave Awards of Arms to Bern
Bellower, Fiona di Varanus, Philip Dyemoke, and Robert Prospero de RuyterNorthkirk. He admitted Bergen von Rauch, Meg Shelford, and William of York to
the Order of the Leaf of Merit. He gave Grants of Arms to Bevin Fraser of Sterling
and Brian Dritar an Con. He made Morrigan Cailte and Trude Lacklandia Crown
Baronesses. He admitted Dierdre Muldomhnaigh, Grane the Golden, and Suzanne
of Woodwose Hall to the Order of the Laurel. At the recommendation of Sir Bela
of Eastmarch and Sir Robert Dunharrow, King Andrew admitted Sir Kevin
Peregrynne and Count Stefan de Lorraine to the Order of the Silver Molet. King
William of Hoghton - Per bend sinister sable and
Or, in
knighted Douglas Longshanks and Robert of Westmarch. (Before Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of
bend two towers palewise counterchanged.
- Or, a bend sinister wavy vert, between two
stepping down, in a moving speech, King Andrew persuaded Mistress Geraldine Willowwood)
weeping willows proper.
to retain her Laurel.) Then William and Donna were crowned by Andrew and Salomé. (Since William the Silent
had previously reigned, this made Sir William of Hoghton King William II.) King William II created the Queen’s Guard, to consist of the
best unbelted fighters, and admitted Bern Bellower, Brian Dritar an Con, Eliazar ben-Dovid, Loren Sur la Roche, Orric the Woody, Philip
Dyemoke, and William Allen as founding members. On the next day, Sir Steven MacEanruig won the Queen’s Favor, while Master Raymond
the Mild became Wardlord. Master Raymond won the College of Sciences Armormaking Contest. Mistress Annette of Faire Monte won
the Order of the Wooden Spoon competition for crepes made on the spot. At final court King William II gave Awards of Arms to Celeste,
Crystal of Hightower, and to Pierre Lyon Goules. He made Sir Bela of Eastmarch and Master Beverly Hodghead Crown Barons, and Ellen
Cross Quills and Mistress Karina of the Far West Crown Baronesses.
June 22, 1974 AS IX
Midsummer Crown Tourney
Held in Kennedy Grove Park, El Sobrante, California. William II and Donna reigned. King William II gave Awards of Arms to Alice of
Briarbrook, Alys of the Midnight Rose, Audun Ulfsson, Celeste Lamuray de Provence, Clarissa of Red Crab Manor on the James, Daniel
the Bard, Kreimhilde of Stonecroft, Edward Ziffran D’Gendy, Elaine of Gad, Elisabeth de la Capucine, Elrond of Gornath, Fionna O’Morain,
Francesca the Bemused, Geoffrey of Ramsgate, Gerald Bright Angel, Jeann of Oakenshield, Jeffery Brokenblade, Kathë Feghut von
Munchausen, Kelson de la Croix, Rand of Dunbar, Richard of Havn, Rodrigo de Cerdaña, Rosemary of Talmont, Steingrim Wulfharesson
(Steingrim Stallari), Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft, Theodulf of Borogrove, William of Gad, and Yolanda de Campo de Cerdaña. He
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
admitted Catriona nicChlurain, Gilmirron of the Blue Flame, Jon the Lean (Jon FitzRolf), Carol of Bellatrix, Martin of the Fallen Star, Michaela
de Neuville, Morrigan Cailte, Paul of Bellatrix, Ranulf of the North Country, Roi de Cascades, Sheen of Ire, Siegfried von Hoflichskeit,
Sumingo of Amaranth, and Talanque to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. Then Crown Lists were held. Sir Douglas Longshanks won, defeating
Count Andrew of Riga. Lorna of Leeds was his lady. Elric de Cassel gave the MGC to Bern Bellower. Brian Dritar an Con gave the OBH
to Christopher of Hoghton. Mistress Geraldine of Toad Hall won the Order of the Wooden Spoon competition for rose recipies. Visiting
were, from the East, Duchess Diana Alene of Tregirtsee, Lady Liossliath of Donelly, King Asbjørn Gustavsson, Duke Cariadoc of the Bow,
and Sir Patri du Chat Gris, and, from Atenveldt Sir Ton the Traveler. At final court King William II made Countess Luise of the Phoenix and
Patrice du Couer Fidel Crown Baronesses. He gave Grants of Arms to Alys von Markheim (Alison von Markheim), Jessica Lyrindi of
Northmarch, Piers Howells de Cambria, Rowen-Lynn, Waldt von Markheim, and Ximena Aubel de Cambria. Suzanne of Ravenhill was
admitted to the Order of the Laurel in a new, and elaborate ceremony. Then King William II admitted Craig of the Chambers, Gilles of Lennox,
Hal Ravn, Mark von dem Falkensfenn, Rand of Dunbar, Ranulf of the North Country, Waldt von Markheim, and Warren the Strange to the
Queen’s Guard. Then Queen Donna admitted Jean Teresa Violante and Duchess Marynel of Darkhaven to the Queen’s Order of Grace.
August 3-4, AS IX
Purgatorio Coronation Festival
Held in Big Trees Camp, Oakland, California. William and Donna held court. King
William instituted the Kingdom Order of the Pelican, and named Sir Stefan de
Lorraine as the Principal of the Order. He then admitted Geraldine of Toad Hall,
Karina of the Far West, Bevin Fraser of Sterling, Hal Ravn, and Robert of
Dunharrow to the Order. Sir Robert turned in his Laurel in return for his Pelican,
and his Pelican was backdated to the time of his Laurel. Sir St even MacEanruig,
Harold of Breakstone, and Jon de Cles were made Barons and Ann Parkhurst of
Gatehouse, Janet Breakstone, and Diana Listmaker were made Baronesses. King
William gave Awards of Arms to Warren the Strange, Geoffrey Pendragon, Mark
von dem Falkensfenn, Aldrick the Woody, Loren Sur la Roche, Craig of the
Joy of the Mountain Wilderness, Jeanne Teresa Violante of Heather Lorna of Leeds - Or, an escarbuncle of six flory azure.
Douglas Longshanks - Sable, a pentaskelion ofChambers,
legs argent.
and Arn, Orric of the Spur, and William Allen. King William admitted Wilhelm von
Schlüssel to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. Queen Donna admitted Diana Listmaker to the Queen’s Order of Grace. Then Douglas and Lorna
were crowned by William and Donna. King Douglas named William Count and Queen Lorna named Donna Countess. Then a competition
for Her Majesty’s Favor was held on the field, and the First Annual Arts Pentathlon was held off the field.
On the second day a live chess game was held, which white won. At the completion of the game the remaining pieces fought it out.
Mark von dem Falkensfenn almost turned the battle by singlehandedly defeating all but one of the white pieces, including Duke Paul of
Bellatrix. Sir Kevin Peregrynne was the white piece which finally defeated this black holdout. At closing court King Douglas reinstituted
the old awards of rosemary wreaths for valour, which he gave to Mark, and for courtesy, which he gave to Master Raymond the Mild. Sir
Steven MacEanruig was awarded the Queen’s Favor. The winner of the Sciences competition for the best eating utensil was won by
Suzanne of Ravenhill, for a beautiful salt cellar carved from a whale’s tooth. King Douglas admitted Josquin du Bois Vert and Jean Paul
Monraith to the Order of the Leaf of Merit, and gave them Awards of Arms. Queen Lorna admitted Amanda of Cawdor to the Queen’s Order
of Grace.
The grand winner of the Arts Pentathlon was Geraldine of Toad Hall, with Trude Lacklandia taking second place. They were the only
ones to enter all of the categories. The individual winners were: Cooking - Marisela of Muninsgaard for spiced prunes; Brewing - Master
Beverly Hodghead; Instrumental Music - Julia des Grenades; Dramatic Reading - Julia des Grenades; Singing - Julia des Grenades; Musical
Composition - Julia des Grenades; Metal- and Wood-craft - Johan Heinrich Michael Siemon von Wernigerod; Stitchery - Diana Listmaker;
Costuming - Janet Breakstone; Dancing (tie) - Fiona and Marisula of Muninsgaard; Calligraphy - Geraldine of Toad Hall; Poetry - Rima of
September 21, 1974 AS IX
Autumn Crown Tourney
Held in Kennedy Grove Park, El Sobrante, California. King Douglas and Queen Lorna reigned. King Douglas admitted Master Raymond
the Mild and Michael the Black to the Order of the Laurel. Crown Lists were held. Duke Paul of Bellatrix defeated Count William of Hoghton
for the crown. Duchess Carol of Bellatrix was his lady. At final court they were made Crown Prince and Princess. King Douglas knighted
Bern Bellower, who was also admitted to the Order of the Battered Helm. The Order of the Wooden Spoon contest was a tie between Duke
James Greyhelm and his lady, Duchess Verena of Laurelin. A bakeoff at Twelfth Night was declared. Sir Bern Bellower presented the MGC
to Martin the Temperate. Count Stefan de Lorraine won the Queen’s Hand Kissing contest, and received the Queen’s Garter.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
January 4, 1975 AS IX
Twelfth Night Coronation
Held at the First Unitarian Church, Berekely, California. King Douglas and Queen
Lorna held court. Prince Hugh and Princess Rosemary of Caid attended. Queen
Lorna established the Queen’s Cypher, a nonarmigerous award, distinguished by
the initials of the presenting queen, and given to whoever the Queen finds
worthy. Then she gave her Queen’s Cypher to Duke Paul of Bellatrix and
Duchess Carol of Bellatrix, Mark von dem Falkensfenn, Duke Siegfried von
Hoflichskeit, and Trude Lacklandia. King Douglas gave Awards of Arms to
Amanda of Cawdor, Edward of Southhaven, Iain of Cawdor, Galina de Keri,
Josette de Chanticleer, Julian the Purple, Kerry Ranaurora, Meggan of
Thistledown, Marie of Glendower, Arthur of Glendower, Robin Devilmark and
Paul of Bellatrix - Sable, on a bend Or three Amynta
compass-stars the Innocent. Then he admitted Alice of Briarbrook, Arthur
of Carol of Bellatrix - Per bend argent and vert, six
palewise gules.
octofoils in bend three and three counterchanged, all pierc
Glendower, Edward of Stonehaven, Marie of Glendower, Persephone of
Woodland, and Steven of the Lance to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King Douglas then admitted Anne Dudley, Barbara Fitzhugh, Dorcas
Dorcadas and Dorothea of Paravel (Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin) to the Order of the Pelican, and Janay d’Aquitaine to the Order of the Laurel.
The Grand March was then formed, and Douglas and Lorna crowned Paul and Carol. King Paul gave Awards of Arms to Cadhla Morag
nicChlurain, Eyana bat-David nicChlurain, Jessica Firestar, Maihe MacFergie, and Martin the Temperate. Then he admitted Jessica Firestar
to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. Sir Bela of Eastmarch, for the College of Bards, presented the Order of Calypso (for poetry) to Rima of
Rockridge, and then turned the office of President over to Sir Steven MacEanruig. Sir William the Lucky named André de Sevastopol as
Acting Kingdom Seneschal, and Sir Jon FitzRolf similarly made Brian Dritar an Con Acting Master of Sciences. The Order of the Silver
Molet inducted Sir Henrik of Havn and Sir Siegfried von Hoflichskeit. Dorothea of Paravel (Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin) passed on the
Muckin’ Great Clubbe to Gormflait ni Cuallactha. Mistress of Arts Christina of the Runes presented the Arts Pentathlon Medallion to
Geraldine of Toad Hall, who in turn presented the Wooden Spoon to Duchess Verena of Laurelin, winner over her lord in the bakeoff. Court
adjourned and all proceeded to dine and revel. Count Douglas Longshanks got the bean in the cake and became Lord of Misrule.
March 22, 1975 AS IX
Spring Crown Tourney
Held in Coyote Creek Park, San Jose, California. King Paul and Queen Carol reigned. In between torrential downpours the crown lists were
held. Count Andrew of Riga was the victor, defeating Count Douglas Longshanks. Patrice d’Cilla was his lady. At closing court they were
crowned Prince and Princess of the Mists (this title started to be used for the Crown Prince and Crown Princess at this time). King Paul
gave Awards of Arms to Alyson of Hoghton and to Robin of Hoghton. Upon the request of the knights of the West, King Paul knighted
Mark von dem Falkensfenn. The Principality of Caid then announced the first Southern Rebellion. Martin the Temperate gave the MGC
to Einar Aus Envelt.
The Year Ten
May 3-4, 1975 AS X
Beltane Coronation Festival
This was originally scheduled for Mill’s College, but was changed to a new site,
Coyote Hills Park, when it was discovered in April. The Park Rangers went on
strike and four days before the tourney the site again was moved, to Joaquin
M iller Park. The morning of the tourney saw the field beset with pea soup fog,
constant drizzle, and forecasts of rain. So the outdoor part of the first day’s
events were postponed and the tourney was moved to the Church of the Good
Shepherd in Berkeley.
King Paul and Queen Carol held court. King Paul admitted Däwyd
Suomalainen von Markheim to the Order of the Laurel. Everyone adjourned to the
crowded chapel, where Andrew and Patrice were crowned by Paul and Carol.
Andrew of Riga - Sable, a wivern volant azure
the sun came out. King Andrew and Queen Patrice held court in the main Patrice d’Cilla - Sable, in base a horse passant argent, in
room. Gifts were presented to their majesties and humorous songs were sung. canton a dove descendant gules, fimbriated argent.
Several members of the Royal Jousting Society from England were present and paid their respects. King Andrew made John of M orris, their
spokesman, an honorary knight of the West. A potluck dinner was held and revels commenced.
The following day’s events were held in Tilden Park in Berkeley, under clear sunny skies. Master of Archery Neil of Gyr turned the
office over to Aurelia de la Licorne. Lists for the Queen’s Favor were held. Duke Paul of Bellatrix defeated Sir William the Lucky to win the
favor. Lists for the title of Champion of the King’s Wards (Wardlord) were held. Einar aus Envelt was the winner, and had to hold the
Maypole while all the wards danced around it, and, when he was suitably tied down by the streamers, they came and kissed him one by
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
one. A body-looting contest was held by the College of Sciences. The winners were Duchess Carol of Bellatrix and Eilonwy de Lyur, who
used Carol’s fur cloak to drag the loot back. Neil of Gyr won the archery contest. Einar aus Envelt was presented with the Old Battered
Helm. There was no award for the Order of the Wooden Spoon contest for cassoulet, but Ruthven of Rockridge recieved an honorable
mention. The Arts held seminars throughout the day on various subjects of interest.
June 21, 1975 AS X
Midsummer Crown Tourney
Held at Briones Park, Alameda County, Calif. Andrew and Patrice reigned. At opening court King Andrew gave Aw ards of Arms to Dorothy
of Mossy Dell Fief, Katrina Ravn, Kerinda of Kymry, Maelgwyn de Lyonesse, Merewyn de Lyonesse, and Samuel of Mossy Dell Fief. He
then admitted Amanda of Cawdor, Aurelia de la Licorne, Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani), Daniel the Bard, Elayne of Gad,
Gwendolyn of the Thistle, Iain of Cawdor, Johann Heinrich Michael Siemon von Wernigerod, John ap Griffin, and William of Gad to the
Order of the Leaf of Merit. Queen Patrice admitted Morven of Carrick and Sarah of Southdowns to the Queen’s Order of Grace. Crown Lists
were held. Count Douglas Longshanks won, defeating Count William of Hoghton. Countess Lorna of Leeds was his lady. At closing court
Douglas and Lorna were invested as Prince and Princess of the Mists. The winner of the Order of the Wooden Spoon competition for
dolmas was Sumer Redmaene, Duchess von Hoflichskeit. The Muckin’ Great Clubbe was presented to Sir William the Lucky. King Andrew
admitted Sir William Gordon of York to the Order of the Laurel, and Duke Paul of Bellatrix and Duke Siegfried von Hoflichskeit to the Order
of the Pelican. King Andrew knighted Edward Zifran of Gendy and Iain of Cawdor.
August 2-3, 1975 AS X
Purgatorio Coronation Festival
Held in Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Alameda County, California.
King Andrew and Queen Patrice held court in the shade, owing to the excessive
heat of the day. Karina of the Far West announced her new position as Lady
Laurel, King-at-Arms, for the Society. She then turned over the office of Vesp er
Principal Herald to Wilhelm von Schlüssel. Leon de Asturias was made Green
Cloak Herald, and Sir William the Lucky was made Banner Herald. Sir Jon Fitz-Rolf
turned over the office of Master of Sciences to Brian Dritar an Con. The
engagement of Hugh ap Llewellyn and Eilis ni Roihard O’Boirne was announced,
as was the birth of a daughter, Kelly Christine, to Sir Kevin Perygrynne and Lady
Patrice di Cour Fidele. The resignations of Founding Baron David of Castlewhyte
Founding Baroness Sheryl of Castlewhyte as Baron and Baroness of of Lorna of Leeds - Or, an escarbuncle of six flory azure.
Douglas Longshanks - Sable, a pentaskelion ofand
legs argent.
Golden Rivers were read. King Andrew appointed Sir Kevin Peregrynne and Lady
Patrice di Cour Fidele Baron and Baroness of Golden Rivers. King Andrew gave Awards of Arms to Grey Colin of the Axe and Valency
Quicksilver and admitted Matriona du Cameliard to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. Then he gave a Grant of Arms to Wilhelm von Schlüssel.
King Andrew admitted Alice of Briarbrook to the Order of the Pelican, and Bevin Fraser of Sterling, Tyra Stuart of M oray, Johann Heinrich
Michael Siemon von Wernigerod, Jean-Paul Menraith, Josquin du Bois Vert, Piers Howells de Cambria, and Ximena Aubel de Cambria to
the Order of the Laurel. To the cheers of all present he then knighted Terrence of Halliday. Queen Patrice presented her Queen’s Cypher
to Bern Bellower, Carol of Bellatrix, Martin the Temperate, and Orric of the Spur. King Andrew appointed Baroness Geraldine of Toad Hall
to be Ambassadress at Large during her forthcoming travels through the country and over to Great Britain. Then in his last official act as
King, King Andrew presented Awards of Arms to Aaron and Sterling of Toad Hall.
Following a break for lunch, King Andrew and Queen Patrice crowned Douglas Longshanks and Lorna of Leeds King and Queen of
the West. Queen Lorna reformed the Queen’s Guard, appointing Rand of Dunbar Captain, and admitting Olaf the Maedi-Ogre, Ladbrag
Houndstooth, Craig of the Chambers, Richard of Havn, Trude Lacklandia, Christopher of Hoghton, Martin the Temperate, and Lorin Sur
la Roche. Following court, the Arts Pentathlon and Queen’s Favor competition were run. The next day saw the fighters fighting a Viking
Holmgang. A square is set up, and a fighter wins if he kills his opponent, or drives him outside of the square. Final court began with a
performance of belly dancing by the dancers in House Dragon’s Faun, and the passing of Ye Royal Pygge. The winner of the Order of the
Wooden Spoon contest for chilled fruit soup was an anonymous entry with gaspacho. Second place went to Steven of Northfield. The
winner of the Order of the Crock contest for brewed anything was Master Beverly Hodghead for ginger beer. Second place was Orric of
the Spur for root beer. The winner of the Queen’s Favor was Duke Paul of Bellatrix. King Douglas presented Duke Paul with the rosemary
wreath for Most Valourous. Queen Lorna presented Duke James Greyhelm with the rosemary wreath for Most Chivalrous and Courteous.
The Archery contest was won by Neil of Gyr. The Old Battered Helm was passed on to Morven of Carrick. The Grand Winner of the Arts
Pentathlon was Baroness Trude Lacklandia, the only one who entered all fifteen categories, followed by Lady Adrienne of Toledo, who
entered all but one. The individual winners were: Gurning - Ronal Negra-Kohn; Costuming - Linda-Mureal von Katzenbrasse; Stichery Amanda of Cawdor; Metalworking - Henrik of Havn; Brewing - Rima of Rockridge; Singing - Rima of Rockridge; Dancing - Janet Breakstone;
Musical Performance - Philip the Fierce; Calligraphy - Trude Lacklandia; Illumination - Amanda of Cawdor; Poetry - Amanda of Cawdor;
Musical Composition - Kathea ver Kaeysc; Woodworking - Adrienne of Toledo.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
September 27-28, 1975 AS X
Fall Crown Tourney
Held at Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Alameda County, California. Douglas and Lorna reigned. This was the first overnight
crown tourney. At opening court, following the Grand March, the Prince and Princess of An Tir, Edward Zifran, Bastard of Gendy and Fiona
di Varanus, leading a delegation from the Principality of An Tir, swore fealty to their majesties Douglas and Lorna. King Douglas gave
Awards of Arms to April of the Dales, Donn an Bronach, Katherine of Sheppy, M aurice Negri-Kahn, and Rondal Negri-Kahn. He then
admitted Arabella Rohnesse de Lyonesse, Duke James Greyhelm, and Duchess Verena of Laurelin to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. Scrolls
were handed out and Baroness Trude Lacklandia presented King Douglas with two last cans of Beck Beer. The formation of the Veterans
of the Pennsic Wars was announced, whereupon one member asked if it would be raining at the meeting. Lady Adrienne of Toledo
announced her intention to travel to the East and offered to carry his Majesty’s greetings. The Order of the Wooden Spoon contest was
held and the Crown Lists were run. In a hard fought final Count William of Hoghton defeated Duke James Greyhelm to stake his claim on
his second crown. Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood) was his lady. At second court, upon the request of the Knights of the
West, King Douglas knighted Rand of Dunbar. Count William of Hoghton and Countess Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood)
were invested as Crown Prince and Crown Princess. Sir William the Lucky passed the Muckin’ Great Clubbe on to Christopher of Hoghton.
Court then adjourned for the Royal Potluck Dinner, which was followed by general revelry and a bardic circle.
The following day saw the completion of the Queen’s handkissing contest and the archery contest, along with numerous challenge
matches, melees, and a Viking Holmgang. At final court Queen Lorna admitted Fiona MacGregor (Natalya de Foix) to the Queen’s Order
of Grace. The winner of the Order of the Wooden Spoon contest for Meal-in-a-Loaf was Annette of Faire Monte. The winner of the Archery
Contest was Dell of Dragonsforge, followed by Ann Dudley de Brandhard. The winner of the Queen’s Handkissing Contest was Martin
the Temperate, who received the Queen’s Garter as his prize. King Douglas gave Awards of Arms to Frances of Dragon’s Forge and
Hallgerd Egilsdotter. Hallgerd has made a needlepoint tapestry of King Andrew’s first reign in a manner similar to that of the famed Bayeaux
tapestry. Her tapestry was displayed to the astonishment of the populace. King Douglas then admitted Duke Henrik of Havn to the Order
of the Leaf of Merit. The knights of the West then petitioned the Crown to knight Morven of Carrick, which King Douglas did. He then
admitted Trude Lacklandia to the Order of the Laurel, and, in a first, admitted Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) and Linda-Muireall
von Katzenbrasse at the same time to both the Order of the Laurel and the Order of the Pelican. The populace was then dismissed to clean
up and depart.
January 10, 1976 AS X
Twelfth Night Coronation and Revel
Held in the First Unitarian Church, Berkeley, CA. The day began with a
Coronation Mass in honor of Crown Prince William of Hoghton and Crown
Princess Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood). Then King Douglas
and Queen Lorna held court. In an impressive ceremony they welcomed first
Denis of the Titans and Samantha of the Shire, King and Queen of Atenveldt and
their Royal Consorts Megan St. George and Sir William of the Shire, followed by
a delegation of Atenveldt armigers. Then they welcomed Michael of Boarshaven
and Zarina Daeth, King and Queen of the Middle and their subjects. Then came
Aonghais Dubh Mac Tarbh, King of the East. Finally King Douglas and Queen
Lorna welcomed Gregory of York and Vivian Aurora de la Mer, Prince and
William of Hoghton - Per bend sinister sable and
Or, in
of Caid. This was the first time in the history of the West that such a Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of
bend two towers palewise counterchanged.
- Or, a bend sinister wavy vert, between two
gathering of royalty had assembled in one place, including all of the reigning Willowwood)
weeping willows proper.
Kings of the Society. The stage just barely fit the necessary nine thrones. Next came numerous presentations
from the populace to their various Majesties. Duke Paul and Duchess Carol of Bellatrix presented King Douglas with a bowl of magic tablets
from the mighty wizard Al Kaseltzer to ease the aches and pains of the crown. King Douglas then handed out a number of scrolls from past
reigns. He gave Awards of Arms to Fionna MacGregor, Guinever Elspeth Malyn, Lodbrog of Houndstooth, Luise Chaille, Mary Colleen
of Eglemont, and Nathan de Sänger. He admitted Avram of Mercia and Donn an Branach to the Order of the Leaf of Merit, giving Avram
also an Award of Arms, as he was previously non-armigerous. King Douglas then admitted Carol of Bellatrix, Robin Devilmark, Sumer
Redmaene, and Sumingo of Amaranth to the Order of the Pelican and Anne of Caerdydd, Aurelia de la Licorne, Michaëla de Neuville,
Krystoff z Lublina, and Theodulf of Borogrove to the Order of the Laurel. Douglas Brownbeard then came forward and announced that
Robin Devilmark and Linda-Muireall von Katzenbrasse had been admitted to the Society Order of the Pelican by the Board of Directors.
Queen Lorna bestowed her Cypher on Matriona du Cameliard, Rand of Dunbar, and Baroness Jessica Lyrindi of Northmarch. She admitted
Christopher of Hoghton to the Queen’s Order of Grace. King Douglas gave a Grant of Arms to Conrad von Regensburg. Conrad was not
there and the announcement was saved for Southern Twelfth Night. The Grand March culminated in the coronation of William of Hoghton
and Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood) as King and Queen of the West by King Douglas and Queen Lorna. The assembled
royalty then greeted their new M ajesties. The Queen’s Guard was reinstated with Benjamin von Armentrodt, Bergen von Rauch, Brian Dritar
an Con, Christopher of Hoghton, Craig of the Chambers, Jeffrey Brokenblade, Loren Sur la Roche, Lodbrog Houndstooth, Olaf the MaediOgre, Richard of Havn, Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft, Theodulf of Borogrove, and Trude Lacklandia being admitted. Queen Donna
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
named Lorin Sur la Roche Captain of the Queen’s Guard. Numerous presentations to their various Majesties followed, led off by the
Province of St. Andrew, which presented their Majesties with beautiful six-foot long Royal banners on twelve foot banner poles, and a
marvelous soltetay: a cake with a sugar castle surrounded by knights with the arms of the kings and notable knights hand painted on their
shields. Hans von Bremen and Kathea of the Citadel, from Atenveldt, presented their Majesties with a three story revolving carousel with
hand painted miniatures of several knights and ladies of the West. Duke Paul and Duchess Carol of Bellatrix presented a bowl of aspirin
to King William, who remarked that he did not get headaches, he only gave them to others. King William gave an Award of Arms to Jennet
of Two Minds and admitted Geofffrey Pendragon to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King William established the University of Ithra, based
in Madrone. Several changes were made in the Kingdom Laws. The Order of the Royal Shaft, created by King Denis of Atenveldt, was
recognized in the West and Dorcas Dorcadas, Linda-Muireall von Katzenbrasse, Raymond the Mild, and Father Ruthven of Rockridge were
admitted. Baroness Trude Lacklandia had been admitted by King Denis previously. Several scrolls from their previous reign were given
out. Agincourt played and sang anthems for King William and Queen Donna. Court was finally ended, to everyone’s relief, and the
populace proceeded to the potluck feast and then to the revel, which was highlighted by a masque, which ended with Their Majesties
leading the Great Lords in a pavanne.
March 20, 1976 AS X
Spring Crown Tourney
Held in Coyote Creek Park, San Jose, California. The day began at ten in the morning with challenge matches, followed by three melees.
At noon King William and Queen Donna held court. The Queen’s Guard presented Their Majesties with the Kingdom War Banner. King
William named Michael of Dragonwood and Alyanora of Vinca to be Baron and Baroness of the Barony of Adiantum. King William gave
Awards of Arms to Eilis ni Roibeard O’Boirne, Joanna de Paquerette, Kaththea verKaeysc, Mary Taran of Glastonbury, Melanie of the Coll,
and Stephen von Behrend. Baron Mahie McFergy presented Their Majesties with a pair of straight trumpets for fanfares. Following court
the Crown Lists were held, as was the Wooden Spoon competition for yeast breads. Duke Paul of Bellatrix defeated Sir Terrence of Halliday
in the Crown Lists. At afternoon court, Duke Paul and his lady, Duchess Carol of Bellatrix, were crowned with laurel wreaths and proclaimed
Crown Prince and Crown Princess of the West. Master Beverly Hodghead presented His Majesty with the Order of the Crock award for
the Twelfth Night mead competition, in which King William had placed first, second, and third. Guy de Montfort was awarded the Muckin’
Great Clubbe. Gray of Ravenshold was the winner of the Order of the Wooden Spoon contest. King William admitted Amanda of Cawdor
to the Order of the Laurel. Queen Donna admitted Sven MacChlurain to the Queen’s Order of Grace. Duchess Marynel of Darkhaven created
her own personal Duchess’ Order of Grace, and admitted Daphne of Dubray, Diana av Fjell Tusenfryden, Erinn of Lemati, Michael of
Dragonswood, Kera, Prescilla, and Phillip of the House of Cruzan. That evening a revel sponsored by the College of Equestrian Arts was
held at the National Guard Armory in Sunnyvale.
The Year Eleven
May 1-2, 1976 AS XI
Beltane Coronation Festival and Decennial Celebration
Held in Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. King
William and Queen Donna held morning court. Court was begun in a most
impressive manner with Their Majesties riding in on horseback along with their
retinue. A flight of pigeons was released at the end of the procession. Lady Luise
of Woodshome, Ambassadress from Atenveldt, presented her credentials.
Numerous beautiful scrolls were handed out. King William gave Awards of Arms
to Benjamin von Armentrodt, Brian the Reticent, Colleen Elizabeth de Cassis, Su
of the Silver Horn, James Cameron, Karl of Clan Colin, Mary of Uffington,
Morimoto Koryü, Nicole du Havre des Chouettes, Roderick dhu MacRae, Sean
a’Claidheamn, Serena, Suzanne Justine of King’s Harbour, and Wilowen of
Paul of Bellatrix - Sable, on a bend Or three Stuarts.
compass-starsKing William then admitted Cristòbal degli Glicine che Mangia Uome, Carol of Bellatrix - Per bend argent and vert, six
palewise gules.
octofoils in bend three and three counterchanged, all pierc
Alison von Markheim, Douglas Longshanks, Jessica Llyrindi of Northmarch,
Leon de Asturias, Liam of the Barque, and Lorna of Leeds and Serena to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King William gave a Grant of Arms
to Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) and admitted Ellen Cross Quills to the Order of the Pelican. Mistress Ellen had made a beautiful
maypole for use that afternoon, an example of the reasons for which she was admitted to the Order. Queen Donna admitted Beverly
Hodghead, Adrienne de Toledo, Ellen Cross Quills, and Olaf the Maedi-Ogre to the Queen’s Order of Grace and gave her Queen’s Cypher
to Duchess Verena of Laurelin. Duke Aonghais Dubh MacTarbh, newly arrived from the East, swore allegiance to King William, announcing
his residency in the West. Among the numerous presentations to their Majesties was a corduroy gage (glove) thrown at Their Majesties’
feet by Lady Beagle de la Souris Folle as a challenge to the Kingdom to match the $100 contribution inside to the Land Fund.
Following court were challenge matches, equestrian competitions, a Wardlord individual melee, and the first part of the Great Deccenial
Quest. The winner of the Wardlord melee was Mary of Uffington. These were followed by the Coronation. Prince Paul and Princess Carol
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
rode up on horseback. Just as the procession came to a halt Duke Henrik stepped forward and begged leave to present Their Majesties
a gift to end the first ten years of the Kingdom and begin the next. He then unveiled two beautifully crafted cast silver crowns, the Queen’s
ornamented with roses, the King’s with oak leaves, each containing a piece of the Ancient Crowns as part of the metal. The Ancient Crowns
were given to the Royal Archives as a historical treasure of the kingdom. Then, using the new Royal Crowns, William and Donna crowned
Paul and Carol King and Queen of the West. Numerous presentations were made to Their Majesties. King Paul gave an Award of Arms
to Ealasaid NicChlurain. Then Count William of Hoghton and Countess Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood) came forward and
King Paul and Queen Carol named them Duke and Duchess of the West. Queen Carol reinstated the Queen’s Guard, appointing Bergen
von Rauch, Brian Dritar an Con, Christopher of Hoghton, Craig of the Chambers, Karl of Clan Colin, Lodbrog Houndstooth, Lorin Sur la
Roche, Mary of Uffington, Olaf the Maedi-Ogre, Richard of Havn, Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft, Theodulf of Borogrove, Trude
Lacklandia, and William Allen. Following court was the Royal Potluck, served in reverse order of precedence, the May wine competition
for the Arts Pentathalon, the Order of the Wooden Spoon competition for seafood dishes, the second half of the Great Deccenial Quest,
and a bardic circle. The ladies of the Kingdom assembled after court to choose the Philanderer of the Year. At morning court the next day
it was announced that Duke William of Hoghton had won, beating out Duke Aonghais, who was told by Queen Carol to try harder for next
time. Their Majesties accepted the presentations from the populace and announced the activities for the day. A live chess game was held,
won by white. The wards of the kingdom danced around the maypole, held by Mary of Uffington, the new Wardlord. Archery and
equestrian competitions were held. The gurning and dancing competitions of the arts pentathlon were held. Challenge matches were fought.
At final court Queen Carol named Heinrich Palantine Queen’s Champion for his performance in the chess game. Morven of Carrick awarded
the Old Battered Helm to Bergen von Rauch for his performance in the chess game. Gray of Ravenshold announced the winners of the Order
of the Wooden Spoon competition to be Baron Sir Kevin Peregrynne and Baroness Patrice du Couer Fidel. Neil of Gyr won the standard,
timed, and high point contests in the Archery competitions. Mark von dem Falkensfenn won the wand contest and Henrik of Havn won
the tilting and jousting contests. Countess Patrice d’Cilla and Duke Andrew of Riga won the Squire Rescue Race. Susanne of Ravenhill
and Irene of the Marsh won the the Damsel in Distress contest. Duke Andrew was the high point winner. Jeanette La Rue Du Cheval won
the costume contest. Queen Carol created the positions of Queen’s Advisor for the Arts and for the Sciences, and named Cristina Giuliana
dell’Onda to the Science post and Theodosia Arcadiana to the Arts position. Sir Kevin Peregrynne announced that Sir Ian of Cawdor would
be his successor as Earl Marshall after a training period. Duke James Greyhelm announced that the populace had more than met Lady
Beagle’s challenge, contributing $150. Amanda of Cawdor was presented with her Award of Arms scroll and a laurel medallion made by
Master Beverly Hodghead. Master Beverly also presented the kingdom with a laurel medallion to be used in future ceremonies. At last,
to the cheers of the populace, Their Majesties gave the populace leave to depart and go home to rest after a very busy tourney.
The winners of the Quest were Bevin Fraser of Sterling, Morven of Carrick, and Gwydion. Queen Carol’s ladies in waiting were Suzanne
Justine of King’s Harbour, Gabrielle NicChlucain, Fiona MacGregor (Natalya de Foix), and Virginia of Enso.
June 19-20, 1976 AS XI
Midsummer Crown Tourney
Held in Big Trees Park, Redwood Regional Parks, Oakland, California. King Paul and Queen Carol reigned. At morning court Queen Carol
admitted Astrid of the Two Towers to the Queen’s Order of Grace. King Paul gave Awards of Arms to Astrid of Two Towers and Yaeger
Broken Nose. Astrid, the mother of Sir Bela of Eastmarch, celebrated her 80th birthday complete with angelfood cake decorated with her
name and a large gold candle. Following court the Crown Lists were held in a double-elimination format. The finals pitted Kevin Peregrynne
versus Rogar Greywolf (an alias of Duke William of Hoghton). After each had one of the two-out-of-three contest there was a spectacular
double-kill. The winner at last was Sir Kevin Peregrynne, who was carried off the field on the shoulders of several fighters. Sir Kevin and
his lady, Patrice du Couer Fidel, were crowned as Crown Prince and Princess of the West by King Paul and Queen Carol. Mistress Rima
of Rockridge read the winning and losing fighter poems. (She had been waiting three years to read Kevin’s victory poem.) The Order of
the Wooden Spoon contest for fruit pie was won by Katiana Amaralnaya for her blueberry pie. Trude Lacklandia and Olaf the Maedi-Ogre
resigned from the Queen’s Guard due to outside commitments and Heinrich Palantine was admitted. That evening there was a bardic circle.
At opening court on Sunday King Paul knighted Lorin sur la Roche. Daniel the Bard read a poem for the Invocation of the Lists. That
afternoon saw the First Annual Earl Marshall’s Pandybat Contest, which was won by the Squire’s Guild for their five man human battering
ram team. Earl Marshall Kevin Peregrynne awarded them their prize, the Pandy Bat (a toy panda bear with bat wings). Then the Ducal Pie
Throwing Auction was held for the benefits of the College of Sciences, sponsored by Lord Brian Dritar an Con. Targets for the auction
were their Graces: Duke Aonghais Dubh MacTarbh, Duke Andrew of Riga, Duke Siegfried von Hoflichskeit, Duke Douglas Longshanks,
Duke William of Hoghton, Duke Henrik of Havn, and Duke James Greyhelm. As a surprise addition Lord Brian’s assistants put Lord Brian
himself up for auction. Altogether over $400 was raised.
At final court, Sir William the Lucky presented the Muckin’ Great Clubbe to Mary of Uffington, as Guy de Montfort was not present.
Queen Carol presented her Queen’s Cypher to Duchess Lorna of Leeds and Olaf the Maedi-Ogre. Amanda of Cawdor, Mistress of the Arts,
announced the winners of the various Art Pentathlon events held that weekend. Musical performance was won by Heinrich Palantine,
Calligraphy by Merewyn de Lyonesse, and Dramatic Recitation by Johann Heinrich Michael Siemon von Wernigerode. The winner overall
in the Archery Contest was Geoffrey Brokenblade, who also won the Warfare contest. The crossbow contest was won by Christopher of
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
July 31-Aug 1, 1976 AS XI
Purgatorio Coronation
Held at Big Trees Park, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. King Paul
and Queen Carol held court. Prince Morven of Carrick, Prince of Caid, was
present. Baron Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland and Baroness Amanda Kendal
of Westmore land were presented with the Baronial Charter for the Barony of
Lion’s Guard. King Paul gave Awards of Arms to Geoffrey of Northhaven, James
Drakeslayer, Kahina Dhahabiya al Lailat, Lucinda Cottonwoods, and Markus the
Blue. King Paul admitted April of the Dales, Edward of Southhaven and James
Drakeslayer to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King Paul then admitted Allysen of
Dunrobin to the Order of the Laurel. Queen Carol expressed her thanks to the
members of the Queen’s Guard and to her Ladies-In-Waiting. Then Queen Carol
Kevin Peregrynne - Sable, on a bend sinister gave
argent, her
Queen’s Cypher to Ealasaid NicChlurain, Su of the Silver Horn, Virginia Patrice du Couer Fidel - Argent, upon a heart gules
peregrine falcon descending talons extended and wings addorsed
another Or, within a bordure engrailed azure.
of Enso, and finally to King Paul of Bellatrix. Queen Carol then admitted Fiona
Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix), Gabrielle NicChlurain, Matriona du Cameliard, and Susanne Justine of King’s
Harbour to the Queen’s Order of Grace. She called up her Queen’s Advisors to thank them for their research papers. Prince Kevin
Peregrynne turned the office of Earl Marshall to Sir Iain of Cawdor, naming him Acting Earl Marshall. Irene of the Marsh turned the post
of Royal Archer over to Sir Jon Fitz-Rolf. Sir Robert of Westmarch turned the office of Constable over to Olaf the Maedi-Ogre.
The coronation began with a Grand March. At the end of the march came the members of the Barony of Golden Rivers, all dressed in
blue and white, who formed an aisle for the coronation party. Preceded by the Knights of the Silver Molet in their white cloaks, Prince Kevin
Peregrynne and Princess Patrice du Couer Fidel came forward to the thrones. After swearing an oath of fealty and protection to the
populace of the West they were crowned King and Queen by Paul and Carol. After the Knights and the Great Lords of State had sworn
fealty, the other Peers of the Realm (The Orders of the Rose, the Laurel, and the Pelican) were invited to swear fealty. Many did. King Kevin
and Queen Patrice then accepted presentations from the populace, including a replacement pandybat for the Princess Kelly. King Kevin
gave Awards of Arms to Holly of Charlesboro and Virginia of Enso. The Martial Arts Pentathlon, the Wooden Spoon Competition, and
several categories in the Arts Pentathlon occupied the rest of the day.
The next day saw the conclusion of these events, an archery competition, and the abduction of Baroness Amanda Kendal of
Westmoreland by a group of fighters led by Baron Waldt von Markheim. The ensuing rescue attempt failed and the Baroness was rescued
only by the fact that the abductors then fought over her and killed themselves to the last man. At closing court Baron Gerhard Kendal of
Westmoreland declared that a state of war existed between the Barony of Lion’s Gate and the Barony of Dreiburgen. Baron Waldt von
Markheim returned the declaration of war. About the time that they were discussing a fight in the neutral no man’s land in-between to
determine who got the unclaimed territory in-between them, King Kevin stood up, called for the Great Sword of State to lean on, and
declared: “You fellahs are gonna get youah party crashed.” Order was attained, with Baron Gerhard saying that he was only trying to be
in period, and his research had indicated that barons were always stirring up trouble so ...
King Kevin then gave an Award of Arms to Christopher of Hoghton and a Grant of Arms to Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft. King
Kevin made Clarissa of Red Crab Manor on the James, Kaththea verKaeysc, and Matriona du Cameliard Court Baronesses. Adrienne of
Toledo was the winner in the Wooden Spoon contest for “Snowbound.” Jeffrey Brokenblade won the Archery contest. Bergen von Rauch
presented the Old Battered Helm to Martin the Temperate. In the Arts Pentathlon, the Music Composition category was postponed,
Duchess Verena of Laurelin won the Cooking and Costume categories, Singing was won by Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix), and Poetry
was won by Rima of Rockridge. The winner of the Martial Arts Pentathlon was Duke Paul of Bellatrix, followed by Duke James Greyhelm
and Sir Martin the Temperate. Neal Gyrfalcon had the highest score for a noncombattant.
Sept 18-19, 1976 AS XI
Autumn Crown Tourney
Held in Big Trees Park, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. King Kevin and Queen Patrice held court. Michaela de Neuville and
Karina of the Far West were the winners in the Order of Arachne’s Web contest for lace. In order to do penance for the treasonous crime
of having eaten the King’s Chocolate Chip Cookies, Duke Andrew of Riga (all the while protesting that he had been framed) came forward
with a plate of said cookies which he had baked by the ladies of Brian Dritar an Con’s household. Duke Andrew was forced to stand
through court, guarding the cookies and not eating any. Sir Steven MacEanruig, Sir William the Lucky, and Tamsin of the Raven Tresses
presented a song that was inspired by the deeds performed at the Shasta War. King Kevin instituted the Order of the Bridesmaids for those
intrepid fighters “Who Didn’t Win The Crown.” It was a red ribbon that said Second Place, and had a laurel wreath encircling a torch. It
was presented to Sir William the Lucky and Sir Steven MacEanruig. Andréi de Sevastopol turned the office of Seneschal over to
Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft. King Kevin gave Awards of Arms to Beagle de la Souris Folle, Elliott of Ruxton Hall, Quiauhxochitl and
Strider the Persistent. Then King Kevin admitted Joan of Crawfordsmuir, Mark von dem Falkensfenn, and Strider the Persistent to the Order
of the Leaf of Merit. The Board of Directors admitted Duchess La Rana to the Society Order of the Pelican. Duke Richard of Mont Real,
in his turn, refused the honor, saying that the honor of being the first Duke and the first Master of Arms was sufficient.
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Following court, the Crown Lists were held in a double elimination format. In the finals Duke Andrew of Riga defeated Sir Iain of
Cawdor for the Crown. Countess Patrice d’Cilla was his lady. A contest for the best challenge was held during the day. The winner was
Mary of Uffington, for challenging Duke Richard of Mont Real “because she had been told to pick on someone her own size.” Second place
went to Brian Dritar an Con, for persistence. That evening there was a bardic circle.
At closing court the next day Heinrich Palantine and Sir Martin the Temperate sold his Majesty his own squires, in a hilarious “UsedSquire Sale.” The ladies-in-waiting bought the squires for the round sum of ten dollars which was matched by Sir Martin, Heinrich, and
the squires. The monies were donated to Ye Royal Pigge. Queen Patrice admitted Karen, Duchess de Wyvern, to the Queen’s Order of
Grace. King Kevin admitted Sir Iain of Cawdor to the Order of the Bridesmaids. King Kevin admitted John ap Griffin to the Order of the
Pelican and Duke Henrik of Havn to the Order of the Laurel. Sir William the Lucky turned down admission to the Order of the Pelican saying
that his membership in the Order of the Laurel was sufficient for his past deeds, and that he had yet to earn membership in the Order of
the Pelican. Duke Henrik said the same thing and also rejected membership in the Order of the Laurel. Lora du Griffin and Tonda were given
scrolls done by Mistress Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) and signed by Queen Patrice for their ‘yeoman work at the Crown
tourney by helping clean the camp area’. Sir William Gordon of York was announced as the Grand Winner of the Arts Pentathlon, and
received the champion’s medallion.
January 8, 1977 AS XI
Twelfth Night Coronation and Revel
Held in the Richmond Civic Auditorium, Richmond, California. King Kevin and
Queen Patrice processed in to start first court, followed by Prince Theodulf of
Borogrove and Princess Anne of Caerdydd of An Tir, Prince Martin the
Temperate and Princess Arabella Lyon de Rohese of Caid, and Crown Princess
Caellyn Fitzhugh from the Middle Kingdom. Master Hal Ravn and his lady,
Mistress Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin, presented their Majesties with a pair of
beautiful handcarved and painted wooden thrones, decorated with the arms of
the King and Queen, and with the personal arms of all the past kings and queens.
Several beautiful scrolls were presented. King Kevin gave Awards of Arms to
Alexandra of Armageddon, Christiana Guiliana dell Onda, David du Lac, Hilary
Andrew of Riga - Sable, a wivern volant azure
Serendip, Leila of Anatum, Raymond of Anatum, Robert Kinslayer, Trelon of Patrice d’Cilla - Sable, in base a horse passant argent, in
the Woods, and Treya N’Iurge a Glanabred. Then King Kevin admitted Christiana canton a dove descendant gules, fimbriated argent.
Guiliana dell Onda, Kriemhild of Stonecroft, and M erewyn de Lyonesse to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King Kevin gave a Grant of Arms
to Olaf the Maedi-Ogre. Then André de Sevastopol transferred the office of Kingdom Seneschal to Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft.
Amanda of Cawdor was appointed Kingdom Mistress of Arts. King Kevin confirmed Iain of Cawdor as his successor as Earl Marshall. Then
the knights of the West were called up and King Kevin knighted Strider of Duramen, the Persistent, and Bergen von Rauch, who took the
name of Sir Baidaan. The Knights of the Silver Molet then came forward and King Kevin admitted to their Order Sir Elriin of Hrassvelg.
Queen Patrice admitted Rima of Rockridge to the Queen’s Order of Grace and bestowed her Queen’s Cypher on Aehlwyth of Coventry,
Matriona du Cameliard, and Ursula Bhouglesbayne.
Following a short break the Grand March was held, culminating in the coronation of Andrew of Riga and Patrice d’Cilla as King and
Queen of the West. Oaths of Fealty were exchanged between his Majesty and the Knights, Great Lords of State, Peers of the Realm, Princes
and Princesses of An Tir and Caid, and the Barons and Baronesses of the various Baronies. Sir Kevin Peregrynne and Patrice du Couer
Fidel came forward and were proclaimed Earl and Countess of the West. Then Prince Martin and Princess Arabella, along with most of the
officers and nobility of Caid came forward to present King Andrew and Queen Patrice with petitions requesting kingdom status for Caid.
King Andrew expressed his approval of the petitions and pledged his support to Caid’s request to the Board of Directors for kingdom
status. Christopher of Hoghton and Paul of Hamildone were presented with the baldrics of office as Co-Champions of the Royal Wards.
Phillip the Fierce was appointed Royal Fudge Maker, and quickly produced a tray of same for his Majesty. King Andrew admitted Edgar
the Unready and Dorothea the Unsure to the Order of the Pelican. Then King Andrew admitted Wilhelm von Schlüssel to the Order of the
Laurel. The various members of the Order of the Leaf of Merit were called up and presented with their medallions of office, a silver laurel
leaf on a grey ribbon. King Andrew also admitted Earl Kevin Peregrynne to the Order of the Pelican. King Andrew raised Douglas of
Hvitamyrr to the rank of Court Baron. The members of the Barony of Angels performed a new variation of the traditional gold, frankincense
and myrrh ceremony. A song written for the occasion was sung to a traditional Jewish Sabbath tune, and six members came up holding
candles and ribbons so as to form a star of David. King Andrew gave an Award of Arms to Christina Northlander.
Then there was a break as the hall was cleared, followed by the banquet. Following the banquet the revelry began with a revel court,
in which King Andrew and Queen Patrice received further presentations from the populace and the traditional Twelfth Night Cake was
passed. Cameron of Caldoon received the piece with the nut. Against the passionate pleas of Prince Martin and the rest of the Caid
delegation, King Andrew crowned Cameron and his lady Lord and Lady of Misrule for the evening and departed the throne. Revelry
commenced. A masqued-ball was held. The winner was Princess Anne of Caerdydd. A contest for pickled anyt hing was won by Duchess
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Verena of Laurelin for pickled quince. (At King Kevin’s last court he presented Baron Sir Stephen Compte de Lorraine, O.L., O.P., with a
merit badge sash for SCA Troop 001, compete with a merit badge for each honor which Stephen had attained.)
March 19, 1977 AS XI
Spring Crown Tourney
Held at Sigmund Stern Grove Park, San Francisco, California. Thomas for the Interim and Debreceni Ilona were the autocrats. King Andrew
and Queen Patrice held opening court at noon. After the presentations from the populace King Andrew gave an Award of Arms to SerhanaGrey of Ravenshold and admitted Alewaulfe the Red, Eyana Bat-David, and Megan of Thistledown to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King
Andrew then conferred upon John ap Griffin the title of Baron. Scrolls were handed out. Then court ended and fighting began. There was
a Shastan M elee where the captains and strategists were two ladies, Lady Alyson of Hoghton and HRM Patrice (Alyson’s side won). In
the second melee Duke Paul of Bellatrix successfully held off five attackers. Then Crown Lists were held. In the finals Sir Terrence of
Halliday defeated Sir William the Lucky, two fights to one. During the day Queen Patrice held her birthday party (Viscount Morven of
Carrick had presented her with four cheese cakes). There was an abduction of Tamsin of the Raven Tresses. While the abductors were
fighting the rescuers, Tamsin, who is a qualified fighter in her own right, snuck off and armed herself in Sir William the Lucky’s armor and
stormed back to rescue herself, only to find that the last abductor had died. Not wanting to waste all that effort of arming, she attacked the
rescuers instead. At final court King Andrew and Queen Patrice called Sir Terrence of Halliday and his lady, Jennet of Twominds, forward
and crowned them Prince and Princess of the Mists and Crown Prince and Princess of the Kingdom. Tamsin of the Raven Tresses was
awarded the Muckin’ Great Clubbe for her actions in her abduction. At the close of Court everyone scrambled to pack up their gear and
depart as night fell very quickly.
April 23-24, 1977 AS XI
Coronation Festival
Held at Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. The court
of King Andrew and Queen Patrice began at noon. King Deaton Claymore and
Queen Care Cheri from Atenveldt were visiting, as were Prince Martin and
Princess Arabella from Caid. Scrolls were handed out. King Andrew gave Awards
of Arms to Guy of the Silver Horses and Kathleen of Kittens and admitted Duryn
the Red, Randolph the Devious, Rodrigo de Cerdaña and Yolanda del Campo de
Cerdaña to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. Then he made Bjo of Griffin (Flavia
Beatrice Carmigniani) and Ximena Aubel de Cambria Court Baronesses and Piers
Howells de Cambria a Court Baron. The Order of the Pelican was called forward
and Beverly Hodghead and Gabrielle Deveraux NicChlurain were admitted. Then
Terrence of Halliday - Per bend sinister azurethe
and Order of the Laurel was called up and Morrigan Cailte Fitz-Rolf was admitted. Jennet of Twominds - Per pale argent and sable, a sun in
counter-ermine, a sword bendwise sinister argent, overall a helmet
his splendour throughout of the field, rayed and featured c
facing dexter argent, plumed, a bordure Or. Then the knights of the West were called up and Gregory of York was knighted. changed.
Queen Patrice admitted Baroness Rowen-Lynn of Woodvine to the Queen’s
Order of Grace and gave her Queen’s Cypher to Cristiana Gulliana dell Onda, Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix), and Suzanne Justine.
Then Their Majesties accepted presentations from the populace, including a pair of goblets with their personal arms painted on. Lady Mary
Taran of Glastonbury brought the greetings of the King of the East and his invitation for the West to join with the East to crush the Middle
in the Pennsic War. The assembled fighters expressed their approval. Earl Merowald of Sylveaston, from the Middle, countered with a
request for fighters to aid the Middle and an offer of hospitality at the war site. Earl Merolwald, by way of Duke Aonghais, presented their
Majesties with two copies of his map of the Knowne World. King Andrew commented on the expanded size of the Middle and the
diminished size of the West. Sir Strider of Duramen, the Persistent, presented Earl Kevin Peregrynne and Countess Patrice du Couer Fidel
with a gorgeous cut glass window with their arms, their household badge, and the arms of their Barony etched onto the glass. The Order
of Arachne’s Web admitted Beryl of the Valley of the Moon as the winner of their latest lace contest. Gormflait ni Cuallachta transferred
the office of Seneschal of the Province of the Mists to Michaela de Neuville.
There was a break and then the Grand March, followed by the coronation of King Terrence and Queen Jennet. King Terrence and
Queen Jennet named Patrice d’Cilla Duchess of the West. Queen Jennet reinstated the Queen’s Guard and admitted Christopher of
Hoghton, Mary of Uffington, Karl of Clan Colin, Lodbrog Houhdstooth, William Allen, Heinrich Palantine, Brian Dritar an Con, Marshall
of Eaglesbane, Edward of South-Haven, Richard of Havn, Sven MacChlurain, David Westerville, Sten Halvorssen, and Benjamin von
Ermantrodt. Queen Jennet named Dritar an Con as Captain of the Queen’s Guard.
King Terrence gave Awards of Arms to Allyn Samildanach, Allissandra Olympia Martiessa de Constantine, and Nicholas Worthington.
T hen King Terrence admitted Baron Sylvanus Andere, Sir Sean Macarailt, and Duke Andrew of Riga to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King
Terrence called forward Duke Siegfriend von Hoflichskeit and prepared for him a proper gin and tonic. (Some years before Duke Siegfried
had observed His M ajesty mixing a gin and tonic with inferior materials and had insulted the drink enough so his Majesty challenged him.
The challenge, however, was never fought, so His Majesty decided to thus resolve it.) Their Majesties accepted the presentations from
the populace, including a supply of gin and tonic, thirteen other alcoholic beverages plus a six pack of beer and a Mead cake, along with
four goblets, three plates, mixed tea, herbes, a boar’s head, and a salt cellar with salt. Sir Loren Sur La Roche presented his current Majesty
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
with a “Currant King”, a box of currants with attached head, arms, and legs of paper. Duchess Lorna of Leeds, having noticed His
Majesty’s interest in navels, presented him with a navel orange. After court the arts pentathlon held five contests. The Equestrian
Tournament was cancelled except for the Equestrian Archery. There was a bardic circle in the evening.
The following day saw the Order of the Wooden Spoon contest for breakfasts, the archery tournament, lists for Wardlord and Queen’s
Champion, dancing, and a Maypole. The ladies of the kingdom gathered to vote for the Philanderer of the Year. Formal closing court was
held early in the afternoon, for the benefit of those from the farther reaches of the kingdom who had a long way to travel.
King Terrence and Queen Jennet held court. Duchess Verena of Laurelin announced that there was a tie for the title of Philanderer of
the Year between Robear du Bois and Earl Kevin Peregrynne, who was co-winner the previous year. The Olde Battered Helm was presented
to Karl of Clan Colin. King Terrence gave Awards of Arms to Allyson Silvermeadow, Arcadia de Bella Fortuna, Catarenya Adkoshka,
Cliveden d’Cheiux, Duncan Greencastle, Elaine of Wogen Cavern, Deborah Dreamspinner, Sten Halvorssen, Sven MacChlurain, and
Tamsin of the Raven Tresses. David Westerville was invested as the new Wardlord and Sir Steven MacEanruig was proclaimed the Queen’s
Champion. The winners of the Order of the Wooden Spoon contest were April of the Dales and Tadhg, who tied. Aarond the Grey won
the Equestrian Archery contest, receiving a handmade quiver as the prize. The winner of the Order of Arachne’s Web floral motif lace
contest was Yolanda del Campo de Cerdaña. Countess Patrice du Couer Fidel presented the actual cyphers which she had given in name
during her reign last year. Court was closed and people began packing, with the archery tourney still in progress. With the sky threatening
rain a short court was held to announce that Rodrigo de Cerdaña was the winner, with Orison of the Golden Sword taking second place.
Then all fled the scene to avoid the threatened rain.
The Year Twelve
June 18-19, 1977 AS XII
Crown Tourney
Held at Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. The Tourney began under a cold cloudy sky, a condition that was
to persist throughout the event. After some challenges and melees the first court of King Terrence and Queen Jennet began at noon. Prince
Balin and Princess Lorrisa of Caid sat with them. Mistress Johanna von Griffenhurst, O.L., and Lord Allyn O’Dubhda the Macemaker were
introduced as emissaries from the “New World”, the Protectorate of Thairis (Europe). Mistress Johanna is their Mistress of Arts and Allyn
is the Aurochs Pursuivant. Both were long time residents of the West before moving to the Protectorate. King Terrence read his law on
the jurisdiction of the Rules of the Lists and his proclamation on the disposal of monies from principality events. (The Rules of the Lists
apply only to events inside the Eric, and all moneys from the principality events, after expenses, go to the Principality.) Duke Siegfried von
Hoflichskeit presented their Majesties with a handsome matched pair of Jaegar daggers from Atenveldt. King Terrence gave Awards of
Arms to Alejandrina Rosa Amanda y Selena de la Islas Nacimentes, Colin de Wyndmere, Eudaimon of Alexandros, Knud Kaukinen, Lewis
the Landless, Megan of Starforge, Paul of Hameldone, Sharilyn de la Zaiyeets, and Siegfried von Rion. Then King Terrence admitted
Guinevere Elspeth Malyn, Joselyn Elspeth Fitzharry of Gillyflower, and Josette du Chanticleer to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. Most of
these were accepted by representatives, as many were not present. The tradition of posting announcements behind the Royal Pavilion was
begun. Court ended after a little more than half an hour, record time in recent years. Crown lists were begun, with fifty-two fighters entering
the double eliminations. After over one hundred combats, plus several melees and challenges in between, Duke Paul of Bellatrix defeated
Sir Strider of Duramen, the Persistent. At second court shortly afterwards, Duke Paul and his lady, Duchess Carol of Bellatrix, were invested
as Crown Prince and Princess of the Mists and crowned with the wreaths of laurel and roses. King Terrence then called up Sir Strider and
presented him with his red second-place ribbon, admitting him to the Order of the Bridesmaids. Tamsin of the Raven Tresses presented
Sir Strider with the Muckin’ Great Clubbe for his ferocity on the field. The winner of the Wooden Spoon contest, for her bread, was an
anonymous lady from Shasta. The College of Bards read the winning and losing poems for Duke Paul and Sir Strider. The Office of Games
and Jollities announced the winner of the Children’s Poetry Contest to be the lady Leprechaun. Tristen de Montesporre presented Princess
Lorissa with a scroll and Maras presented their Highnesses with jewelry. Jeosigh MacCrimmon gave a bottle of champagne to King
Terrence and the Shire of Allyshia presented the king with his tithe from their loot from the recent war with Shasta: one-fifth of the one coin.
Then court ended and the populace adjourned to eat and revel for the night.
The following day saw the archery competitions, several events in the Arts Pentathlon, and various challenge matches and melees.
At final court it was announced that the winner of the archery contests prize of a pair of matched goblets was Aaron the Grey, closely
followed by Rodrigo de Cerdaña. The Shire of Tarnmist petitioned the King for protection and recognition as part of the central kingdom,
which was granted. Mistress Amanda of Cawdor, Mistress of Arts, announced that the winners of the Arts Pentathlon contests would
be announced at the Purgatorio coronation. Court ended with the population then adjourning to pack up and get in a few last challenge
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
July 30-31, 1977 AS XII
Purgatorio Coronation Festival
Held at Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. The day
dawned clear and warm, and rapidly became hot, which was the condition for the
rest of the event. King Terrence and Queen Jennet called their final court. The
Shire of Allyshia petitioned his Majesty to approve their petition to become a
barony with Maelgwyn and Merewyn de Lyonesse as Baron and Baroness. King
T errence said that he approved and would so tell the Board of Directors. After
the presentations King Terrence passed out scrolls for past awards and then
gave Awards of Arms to David Westerville, Deporodh of Rannoch, Elspeth
Swanwing, Esmirelda Dancingstar of the Emerald Isle, Brianne of Silvergrove, and
Phillip the Fierce. Then King Terrence admitted Elspeth Swanwing, Galina de Keri,
Paul of Bellatrix - Sable, on a bend Or three Genevra
compass-starsof Astolat, Catherine Winifred of Tor Bitterroot, and Styrbjørn Hrolfsson Carol of Bellatrix - Per bend argent and vert, six
palewise gules.
octofoils in bend three and three counterchanged, all pierc
to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. Amelung von Kriegsheldenburg was
pronounced Baroness of Three Mountains, and Frederick and Lyndia of Woodlyn were made Vicar and Vicaress of the Barony of the
Angels. Queen Jennet gave her Queen’s Cypher to Duchess Verena of Laurelin and Mistress Annette of Faire Mont e. Prince Balin and
Princess Lorissa of Caid sat with Their Majesties and Princess Lorissa presented Her Majesty with a bottle of bath salts she had made
herself. There was a break followed by the Coronation Grand March.
At the end of the Grand March, the members of Helmsgaard snuck up wrapped in cloaks and were announced as Clan Destine (King
Terrence, during his reign, fought under the alias of Leroy of Clan Destine). Then Duke Paul of Bellatrix and Duchess Carol of Bellatrix came
forward, and for the sixth time were crowned King and Queen. After the various oaths of fealty Queen Carol reinstated the Queen’s Guard
with Brian Dritar an Con as Captain and consisting of Christopher of Hoghton, Mary of Uffington, Karl of Clan Colin, Lodbrog
Houndstooth, William Allen, Heinrich Palantine, Marshal of Eaglesbane, Edward of Southhaven, Richard of Havn, Sven MacChlurain,
David Westerville, Sten Halvorssen, and Benjamin von Armentrout. Terrence of Halliday and Jennet of Twominds were proclaimed Earl
and Countess of the West. There were numerous presentations both to and from their Majesties, including free riding lessons, a scurrilous
song for his Majesty, a large silver drinking thimble, a chessboard, a statuette, and several bottles.
King Paul gave Awards of Arms to Antonia de Castile, Aarond the Grey, and Gordon of Conulupus and then admitted Mary Taran
of Glastonbury to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King Paul admitted Michael the Black to the Order of the Pelican and gave to him an
augmentation of arms: an inescutcheon sable, thereon a lamp within a laurel wreath Or, representing the University of Ithra, which Michael
During the rest of the day there were competitions in the Arts Pentathlon, and archery. The oppressive heat delayed fighting until late
afternoon. Then the Queen’s Favor Lists were held. Duke Douglas Longshanks was the winner. There was an Order of the Wooden Spoon
contest. At evening court, King Paul knighted Maelgwyn de Lyonesse and Christopher of Hoghton. In the evening there was a Ninja War
contest, with ninjas with boffers trying to assassinate a well guarded daimyo (Olaf the Maedi-Ogre).
The next morning Paul and Carol held court. Queen Carol admitted John ap Griffin to the Queen’s Order of Grace. Yolanda del Campo
de Cerdaña was presented with the Wooden Spoon (for Strawberry Soup). Prince Balin, with the approval of King Paul, gave Awards of
Arms to Duchess Lorna of Leeds, Duchess Patrice d’Cilla, and Queen Carol, for their contributions to the Kingdom when not on the throne.
Prince Balin also claimed Paradise, California (home of Countess Patrice d’Cilla) and Black Fen (home of Master Michael the Black) as Caid
Protectorates. Eilonwy de Lyur presented the members of Rieslingshire with a beautiful banner of the shire’s arms. Richard of Havn
announced that Joseph of Novgorod was the grand winner of the Ninja War, with Bodo the Brutal getting honorable mention. The winners
in the children’s division were Sean of Hrassvelg, Stephen of Bellatrix, and Trelon of the Woods, who walked up to Olaf saying they weren’t
playing, and then assassinated him. A confrontation was staged between a border lord and the highland peasants, leading to a chess game
to settle the affair. White won, as always.
At afternoon court Queen Carol gave her Queen’s Cyphers to Gerhard and Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland. Duke Douglas
Longshanks received the Queen’s Favor and was proclaimed Queen’s Champion. The Principality of the Mists was proclaimed the winner
of the Tri-Principality Archery contest, with the members from Golden Rivers taking most of the credit. Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland,
Baron of Lion’s Gate, announced that he had defeated Waldt von Markheim of Dreiburgen in personal combat, ending their war with Lion’s
Gate victorious. Domina Trude Lacklandia, first female knight of the SCA, swore fealty to King Paul, except when her fealty to Atenveldt
took precedence. The Old Battered Helm was presented to Countess Patrice du Couer Fidel for her death scene at the chess game, when
Earl Kevin Peregrynne was her Queen’s champion and was defeated. Cormac of the Bow won the general archery contest. Sir Jon the Lean
(Jon FitzRolf) gave new shields to the new knights, Sir Christopher of Hoghton and Sir Maelgwyn de Lyonesse. Amanda of Cawdor,
Mistress of Arts, pas sed out the scrolls for the Arts Pentathlon. The Grand Winner was Renfield of the Inland March (Edmund Renfield
Wanderscribe), who had not won any events but had entered thirteen of the fifteen events and took second in most. Rima of Rockridge
was second, and Yolanda del Campo de Cerdaña was third. Rima of Rockridge won in the categories of Jesting, Dancing, Poetry and
Cooking. Yolanda del Campo de Cerdaña won in Dramatic Reading. Louise of Woodsholme won in Brewing and Costume, Simon de
Spalding won in Musical Performance, Christina Northlander won in Music Competition, Merewynn de Lyonesse won in Calligraphy, Allyn
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Samildanach won in illumination, Eriad of Eire won in stitchery, Mark von dem Falkensfenn won in metalwork, and Hal Ravn won in
woodwork. A motet was performed for their Majesties. With that court ended and everyone fell to packing and left the field to escape the
heat. A potluck revel was held at the new Helmsgaard.
During the afternoon and following the chess game, the Equestrian Arts held the second annual Pie Throwing Auctions. Such notables
as Duke Andrew of Riga, Viscount Morven of Corrick, Baron Waldt von Markheim, Duke Henrik of Havn, and Duke Douglas Longshanks
volunteered. After White won the chess game, the remaining pieces fought a free-for-all melee, with Jason Griffiths of Shadowhurst
emerging as the sole survivor. The defeated Black side promised never again to play their bagpipes under the White king’s bedroom
September 24-25, 1977 AS XII
Autumn Crown Tourney
Held at Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. The first day began cool and foggy, becoming pleasant and clear
in the afternoon. The second day was somewhat hotter. King Paul and Queen Carol held first court in the morning. FfellyanDrac the Blind
(Harvey the Blind) presented a petition from the Creatures of the Forest asking royal protection and gave a report on the Royal Hunt held
in Allyshia. His Majesty promised protection. The Order of Arachne’s Web admitted Gormflait ni Cuallactha, who won the contest for Cut
and Drawn lace. King Paul created the office of Royal Chamberlain, and appointed Sean a Claidheamn to the post. King Paul gave Awards
of Arms to Juliana du Corwyn, Merin Trefon Sazirr Aela Aerione, and Miranda of Underwood. Then he admitted Geoffrey of Northhaven
and Stephen von Behrond to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. The belted fighters were called forward and Heinrich Palantine was Knighted.
Immediately after court a box lunch auction for the benefit of The Page was held, with the ladies providing the lunches and their
company and the men bidding for them. Her Majesty’s lunch sold for $20. Then the double-elimination Crown Lists began, with some fifty
fighters entered. In the finals Earl Terrence of Halliday defeated Sir Steven MacEanruig, two out of three, to win the crown. Alejandra
Olympia Martiessa de Constantine (Allissandra Olympia Martiessa de Constantine) was his lady. At evening court they were crowned with
the laurel and rose wreaths and invested as Crown Prince and Princess of the Mists. The College of Bards read the winning and losing
poems for the finalists. King Paul admitted Viscount Morven of Carrick to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. The office of Games and Jollities
announced that Sean had won the Dart Throw, with Prince Steven taking second place. Court ended and the populace moved over to the
fire circle to see the lantern-lit wedding of Sir Heinrich Palantine and Nancy O’Morain. Revelry followed long into the night.
The next morning Their Majesties held morning court. King Paul invested Maelgwyn and Merewyn de Lyonesse as Baron and
Baroness of the new Barony of Allyshia, and oaths of fealty were exchanged. The Veterans of Pennsic War VI reported on the war. King
Paul announced the formation of the Royal Army and predicted imminent war with Atenveldt (as soon as a good pretext and site could
be found). The winner of the Wooden Spoon’s salad contest was Darian de Loo. King Paul commended the Constables, and granted them
a patch on their baldrics in recognition of their service. The belted fighters were called up and Mary of Uffington and David Westerville
were knighted. Mary chose to be addressed as Lady Mary of Uffington, rather than Sir M ary. There was a Curia Regis after court at which
King Paul proclaimed a number of laws, among them the creation of ruling Barons, extending the Principality of the Mists, starting Coronet
Lists in the Mists, and altering the chain of command in the civil service. The College of Science held the Sciences Pentathlon. A Royal
Stag Hunt was held, with the Queen “shooting” the stag (who was played by FfellyanDrac the Blind (Harvey the Blind)). There was a Royal
Round and an Archery Duel.
At final court Queen Carol admitted Allyn Samildanach and Nicholas Worthingt on to the depleted Queen’s Guard. Countess Patrice
du Couer Fidel, holder of the Olde Battered Helm, said that Duke James Greyhelm died best at this event. Sir Strider the Persistent presented
the Muckin’ Great Clubbe to Marshal of Eaglesbane. Sir Iain of Cawdor transferred the office of Earl Marshal to Duke William of Hoghton.
Cormac of the Bow won the Archery Duel, with Earl Kevin Peregrynne second. In the General Class Trelon of the Woods won, with Master
Wilhelm von Schlüssel second. In the Sciences Pentathlon Duke Henrik of Havn was the overall winner, winning in Metalwork and Military
Science. Hal Ravn won in Furniture, Däwyd Suomalainen von Markheim won in Astrology, and Michäela de Neuville won in Medieval Hunt
and Feudalism. Then all broke camp and left. A potluck revel was held at the home of Duke James Greyhelm.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
January 7, 1978 AS XII
Twelfth Night Coronation and Revel
Held at the Richmond Auditorium, Richmond, California. The hall opened at
2:00 PM and the court of King Paul and Queen Carol began at 3:00 PM with
Their Majesties and their attendants processing in, escorted by Clan Colin.
King Paul announced the February war with Atenveldt, and invited all to
attend. The Order of the Silver Molet was given a formal charter. The Order
of Arachne’s Web announced the winner of the latest lace contest to be
Deporodh of Rannoch, who was admitted into the order. Beryl of the Valley
of the Moon was authorized to found a branch of the Order in the Middle
Kingdom. Sir Jon Fitz-Rolf, Royal Archer, announced the winners of the
Royal Round Archery Competition, which had gone on all year. Cormac of
Terrence of Halliday - Per bend sinister azurethe
and Bow was first, followed by Aarond the Grey and by Rodrigo de Cerdaña.
Allissandra Olympia Martiessa de Constantine counter-ermine, a sword bendwise sinister argent, overall a helmet
Argent, a dragon involved in annulo Or fimbriated sable, surround
facing dexter argent, plumed, a bordure Or. Then various scrolls for past awards were handed out.
double rose gules seeded Or.
Queen Carol called forward the members of the Queen’s Guard and
presented each of them with a red leather baldric to wear as a sign of their membership in the Queen’s
Guard. Queen Carol then admitted Kriemhilde of Stonecroft to the Queen’s Order of Grace. King Paul called forward Colin of
Duntamknackan and, to the cheers of Clan Colin, made him a Court Baron. King Paul then gave Awards of Arms to Alfric Favnesbane and
Eowyn Amberdrake. Following this, King Paul admitted Cedric the Dark, Elwyn Greystar (Aelfwynn Gyrthesdottir), and Jason Griffiths of
Shadowhyrst to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King Paul called forward Sean a’Claidheamh and his lady, Marilyn a Leisiere, and gave them
the titles of Court Baron and Court Baroness. Lady Kriemhilde of Stonecroft was called forward and sworn in as the new Mistress of Arts
of the Kingdom, succeeding Amanda of Cawdor. Queen Carol then bestowed her Queen’s Cypher upon Lady Kriemhilde.
The members of the Order of the Pelican were called up and King Paul admitted Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) to the Order. The
members of the Laurel were called forward and King Paul admitted Genevra of Estolat and Hal Ravn to the Order. King Paul then decreed
that he was investing Baron Theodulf of Borogrove and Baron Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland with the titles of Viceroy of Madrone and
Lion’s Gate, respectively. The belted fighters were called forward and King Paul knighted Balin of Tor. King Paul proclaimed Frederick and
Lyndia of Woodlyn to be the Vicar and Vicaress of the Barony of the Angels, and gave a scroll of appreciation to Don Jose Martinez, who
has supplied much of the kingdom with rattan.
King Paul then called forward Prince Martin the Temperate and announced that the Board of Directors had agreed to upgrade Caid
to the status of a Kingdom, and announced that the upcoming coronet tourney would be the first Crown tourney for Caid, and that the
June Investiture Tourney would be the first Coronation Tourney for Caid, at which point, with the crowning of its first King, Caid would
officially become a kingdom. King Paul displayed the scroll with this proclamation and announced that it would be presented at Southern
Twelfth Night. Maythen of Elfhaven (Maythen Gervaise) presented King Paul with a scroll thanking him for activating the Principality of
the Mists and making her the Seneschal. She announced the first Coronet Tourney in May. Alewulfe the Red presented King Paul and
Queen Carol with a pair of napkins which had their personal arms embroidered on them. King Paul thanked Clan Colin for their service as
Royal Escort during his reign and paid them their wages. Then the Grand March was held. Following that the members of the Order of the
Laurel were called forward and Sir Mark von dem Falkensfenn was admitted to the Order.
Then Terrence of Halliday and Allissandra Olympia Martiessa de Constantine were crowned King and Queen of the West. Oaths of
fealty were exchanged between King Terrence and the officers and peers of the realm. Queen Allissandra called forward the members of
the Queen’s Guard and gave them her favor and named Brian Dritar an Con as Captain. Simon de Spalding then presented their Majesties
with a performance of a motet written for them.
King Terrence then gave Awards of Arms to Cerf Agile, Chloë de la Solidaze von Shoenwald, Elisabeth dei Geminiani, Gerhard von
Nordflammen, Jana Seasgair, Leon von Schrecken, Owain Apeceon, and Paul yn Darragh y Ellen Vannin. King Terrence gave a Grant of
Arms to Hilary of Serendip, and then called forth the members of the Order of the Pelican, and admitted Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft
to the Order. Master Stone announced that Earl Kevin Peregrynne was his Chief Deputy Seneschal. The schedule for the revel was
announced and then King Terrence adjourned to the Entertainment Room for Presentation Court. This was then moved back to the Main
Hall. The House of the Anonymous Bosh presented Their Majesties with four cheesecakes. Benjamin von Armentrodt presented a check
for the Land Fund from the sales of the Land Fund Calendar. Randolph the Devious and Jane Ann presented their Majesties with
stationary. Mistress Louise of Woodsholme made a final presentation to Queen Allissandra and the court was adjourned so the hall could
be cleared for the revel.
The revel featured an Exhibit Room, with displays of Society Arts and Crafts, which was very popular, a film room, where the Pennsic
War film by Duke Henrik was shown to popular acclaim and where James Drakeslayer performed his Magic Act. The Entertainment Room
featured a number of performers, and the Main Hall had several forms of dancing, to the music of a hardy band of players. The Oak, Ash
and Thorn singers were in charge of the entertainment for the evening, and performed several times. A Lady of Misrule was chosen by
means of the Twelfth Night Cake with the misrule bean enclosed within. Food and drink and informational material was sold in the lobby.
The revel lasted until midnight, when the happy revelers finally left the hall, after a most enjoyable Twelfth Night.
~ 30 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
March 18, 1978 AS XII
Spring Crown Tourney
Held at Coyote Creek Park, San Jose, California. It was an unusually hit and humid day, with overcast most of the time. Following setup
and signups for the Crown Lists there were some challenge matches and then court began shortly after noon. King Terrance welcomed
Prince Manfred from An Tir and Prince Martin and Princess Neptha from Caid. A new and beautiful eric was on the field and the herald
announced its makers to be Alfric Favnesbane and Gwendwyn the Silent, to the appreciative cheers of the populace. Master Cadwalladyr
Stone of Stonecroft announced the appointment of a new deputy seneschal, Baroness Matriona du Cameliard. Duke William of Hoghton,
Commander of the Royal Army of the West at the recent Atenveldt War, called forward Sir William the Lucky, the kingdom Banner Bearer,
and presented him with a battle ribbon to place upon the banner commemorating the West’s victory over Atenveldt. (Sir William had not
only born the Western banner, but had also captured the Atenveldt banner.) Duke William also gave a unit citation to the Southern Shores
Shield Wall Corps. Duchess Verena of Laurelin thanked those members who had worked at security at Space Con III and thereby earned
$1,000 for the Land Fund. The Order of Arachne’s Web announced the winner of the Lace Contest at Twelfth Night to be Mistress Louise
of Woodsholme. Wilowen of Stuarts sang a song commemorating the Western Victory over Atenveldt, following which the Atenveldt
Ambassador, Gandharva Gehe Chandra, called for all Atenveldt citizens to meet with him. A number of beautiful scrolls were handed out.
King Terrence then gave Awards of Arms to Daniel Shadygrove, FfellyanDrac the Blind (Harvey the Blind), Gabrielle Cynara d’Angers,
Genevieve de la Mer Bleu, Kate the Curious, Katwen du Griffin, and Ragnar of the Icy Wastes. He then admitted Anna M cAyre of Gorabh,
Gwydioan an y’Gorlwyn, Lewis the Landless, Raoul the Urbane, Roger the Goliard, Thelen von Kallenbach, and Yolanda of Thymbra to
the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King Terrence then bestowed the title of Baroness on Mistress Annette of Faire Monte for her many years
as Chancellor of the College of Scribes. Queen Allissandra created the Queen’s Archers, a part of the Queen’s Guard, to consist of the best
archers in the kingdom. Aaron the Grey was made the captain and Kriemhilde of Stonecroft, Llerret de Grenada, Neil Gyrfalcon, Paul of
Normandy, and Rodrigo de Cerdaña were admitted as founding members. Queen Allissandra then admitted Wilowen of Stuarts to the
Queen’s Guard. Francesca the Bemused transferred the office of Royal Chatelaine to Leonessa des Belles Fleures. Court ended and the
fighters gathered to choose matches for the Crown Lists.
There were fifty-four fighters entered in the Crown Lists, and two preliminary rounds were held to bring the number down to thirty-two.
Then single eliminations were run, inter-spaced with some challenges and a melee, until in the semifinals Sir Steven M acEanruig defeated
Duke James Greyhelm and Viscount Gregory of York defeated Sir David Westerville. In the finals Viscount Gregory defeated Sir Steven
two straight to win the Crown Lists. Viscountess Bevin Fraser of Sterling was his lady. The other fighters carried them over to the thrones,
where they were crowned with the laurel and rose wreaths and mantels and invested as Crown Prince and Princess and Prince and Princess
of the Principality of the Mists, until there is a winner of the Principality Coronet Lists. Final Court began.
Sir Maelgwyn de Lyonesse then announced that the August Purgatorio Coronation was being kidnaped to Allyshia, where he
promised the temperature would not exceed 100 degrees. Prince Gregory winced and remarked that his mundane job lies one mile north of
the Mexican border. Then Prince Manfred rose and requested of King Terrence equal rights for An Tir, asking that a kingdom tournament
be held in An Tir. Prince Gregory groaned and King Terrence said he would consider the proposal. King Terrence called forward Allyn
Samildanach and admitted him to the Order of the Leaf of Merit.
King Terrence informed Prince Gregory that he could not now compete in the first Crown Lists of Caid to become the first King of Caid,
and Prince Gregory replied that he was satisfied to be the King who crowned the first King of Caid. Then King Terrence called forward
members of the Order of the Pelican and admitted Alison von Markheim and Matriona du Cameliard to the Order, to the cheers of the
populace. The winner of the Order of the Wooden Spoon competition for puddings was Lady Ellen Cross Quills. The Muckin’ Great Clubbe
was awarded to Morgan ap Rhys. King Terrence gave an Award of Arms to Ursaline de Grennan-Barret. The House of the Anonymous
Bosh, winners of the Cookie Bake-off at Twelfth Night, challenged the rest of the Kingdom of the West to a cookie bakeoff at the April
Coronation, to be judged by the children of the Society and friends. (At which many were heard to remark how they were friends of
children.) Wilhelm von Schlüssel announced the contest to design permanent medallions for the Orders of the Laurel and the Pelican, to
be judged at the June Crown. Court adjourned and the populace gathered up their gear and adjourned to the Campus Christian Center in
San Jose for a revel. Master Hal Ravn showed his slow-motion films of society fighting and the first parts of a film on the Atenveldt war.
There was dancing, singing, general revelry, and a great kilt putting-on display for the entertainment of the Queen and the ladies.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
April 29-30, 1978 AS XII
Beltane Coronation
Held at Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. Earl Kevin
Peregrynne and Baroness Matriana du Cameliard were the autocrats. First court
started at 11:30 am, with the herald reading off the many announcements. Then
followed presentations to King Terrence and Queen Allisandra. Duke James
Greyhelm announced a wagering contest to be held that day. Maythen of
Elfhaven (Maythen Gervaise) told a story of how she had come across a
marvelous sword guarded by a Black Knight (Duke Paul of Bellatrix), a Monk
(Father Ruthven of Rockridge), and a Fair Lady (Duchess Carol of Bellatrix), who
told her that it was time for a knight to win the sword by defeating the Black
Knight in a contest of arms, and defeating the Monk in a contest of wits, and
winning the heart of the Fair Lady by virtue of his chivalry. Maythen then Bevin Fraser of Sterling - Vert, three fraises Or,
Gregory of York - Argent, a falcon striking, wings
pierced vert, on a chief Or a rose gules barbed and seeded
displayed proper, on a chief azure three roses argent, each charged
Aonghais dubh MacTarbh as the chosen knight. (Duke
with a rose Or, fimbriated sable, all barbed and
seeded proper.Duke
Aonghais had commissioned Sean a’Claideamh to make the sword and they thought it would be fun to make
him earn it.)
Lady Cliveden d’Chieux brought forth the newest member of the kingdom, her daughter Ealasaid, to be blessed by the King. The
College of St. David gave each of Their Majesties an etched crystal wine goblet. Ealisaid NicChlurain gave a buckle to the King with his
mundane name on it, and a pretty wooden box to the Queen. Llerrett de Granada and Dierdrianna of the Misty Isles gave a photograph of
His Majesty to King Terrence, and a pen made from an arrow to the Queen. Kate the Curious and Lord Robert of the Isles gave a bottle
of wine, followed by Duke James Greyhelm who gave His Majesty a spear head. Duchess Verena of Laurelin gave a rose to Her Majesty
and a strawberry plant to His Majesty, in token of their soon to be status as Countess and Duke. The Shire of Westermark brought forth
a petition for Shire status, which was granted. Master Alewäulfe the Red gave Their Majesties the napkins embroidered with their arms,
which he had promised at Twelfth Night. Darachshire presented a pair of goblets. Mistress Louise of Woodsholme gave Her Majesty a
pendant. Mistress Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) gave Her Majesty some garnet buttons. And Baroness Matriana du Cameliard
gave each of Their Majesties a packet of Pop Rocks. Scrolls were then handed out.
King Terrence gave Awards of Arms to Aster of Caer-Myrddin, Caitlin de Wyndmere, Ellen Winterbourne, Lawrence of Warenné, and
Leonna del Belle Fleures. The Order of the Pelican was called forward, and Duke James Greyhelm and Duchess Verena of Laurelin were
admitted. Then the Order of the Laurel was called up and Lady Joan of Crawfordsmuir was admitted. King Terrence then called forward
all belted fighters and knighted Edward of Southhaven. Queen Allissandra admitted Duke James Greyhelm and Karl of Clan Colin to the
Queen’s Order of Grace, and presented her Queen’s Cypher to Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix), Lady Josette du Chanticleer, Lady
Ursaline de Grinan-Barrett, and then to King Terrence, saying “I couldn’t have done it without you!” Queen Allissandra called up the
Queen’s Guard and the Queen’s Archers and thanked them for their service, and released them from their oaths of fealty.
Then there was a break followed by the Grand March announced by Baron John ap Griffin, followed by the coronation of Gregory of
York and Bevin Fraser of Sterling as King and Queen of the West, the first and last Caidans to be so crowned. The various oaths of fealty
were exchanged and King Gregory and Queen Bevin began their first court.
Duke Terrence of Halliday and Countess Allissandra Olympia Martiessa de Constantine came forward to be invested with their titles.
Then Queen Bevin reinstated the Queen’s Guard and the Queen’s Archers, admitted Jason Griffith of Shadowhyrst, Lasarian of Twrynyswr,
and Lorenzo di Sant’Angelo as new members to the Guard and Robear du Bois and Sine Singing Hands as new members to the Archers.
Sweyn MacChlurain was made Captain of the Queen’s Guard until the Caid Coronation on June 3, when he and the new members from Caid
would form the Queen’s Guard and Queen’s Archers for Caid. Then King Gregory gave Awards of Arms to Ann Elizabeth of Westmarch,
Herman de Medici, and Tristan de Montespore. He admitted Duke Aonghais dubh MacTarbh and Eowyn Amberdrake to the Order of the
Leaf of Merit. The Order of the Pelican was called up and Duke Henrik of Havn was admitted. Clan Colin was called up and Queen Bevin
paid them the piper’s fee. Duke William of Houghton was called up and presented by his family with a pair of knight’s spurs. Then the
presentations from the populace began.
Maythen of Elfhaven (Maythen Gervaise) brought a gift from the Shire of Seagirt. The Canton of Windy Meads presented Their
Majesties with their arms done in marzipan. Lord Gwydioan am y’Gorlwyn and Lady Anna McAyre of Gorabh brought a bottle of wine and
a bottle of pinch. Llerrett de Grenada and Dierdrianna of the Misty Isles gave a scotch cake to His Majesty and an arrow pen to Her
Majesty. Lorenzo di Sant’Angelo, squire to King Gregory, presented the King with a book on armor, and the Queen with a book on cooking.
Kate the Curious gave Her Majesty a pair of gloves. James the Fisher presented Their Majesties with a freshly caught uncooked four pound
fish. The Barony of Angels presented the traditional gold, frankincense and myrrh. Lyrel-Philippa of Essex gave a loaf of pumpkin bread.
Jared Blaydeaux gave His Majesty an empty platter to be filled that evening with as many crepes as His Majesty could eat. Lady Eyana
bat-David gave His Majesty a chocolate liquor cake with rum icing. House von Regensburg presented some pretty fabric. Jehansuh gave
some jewelry. Giraldus Dragonsclaw presented a bottle of wine to His Majesty and a box to her Majesty. Lady Giesele-Hildegaard of the
Mystic Dragon presented roses to Her Majesty. Other presentations came from Darachshire, Herman de Medici, Griffin Freehold, and
Lasarian of Twrynyswr. A letter from Paul of Hameldone, Western Ambassador to the East was read, wherein he pledged his fealty. Lord
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Samuel de Basset sponsored a contest for a poem in honor of Queen Bevin, to be judged by Queen Bevin, with the prize a helm. The Order
of Arachne’s Web gave a silver spider to Deporodh of Rannoch and announced that Mistress Louise of Woodsholme was founding a
branch in Caid. Master Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft announced his resignation in June of the office of Seneschal and designated
Baroness Matriana du Cameliard as his replacement. Then court ended and the Queen’s Favor Lists and the Art’s Championship got
Arts contests were held all day Saturday and on Sunday as well. The winners were to be announced at June Crown. The winner of
the Queen’s Favor Lists was Duke Paul of Bellatrix. There was a Wooden Spoon Contest for Onion Anything. King Gregory and Queen
Bevin had a stack of questionnaires on the Principality of the Mists placed at the Lists table, and over a hundred were filled out. A Court
of Chivalry was held after dinner at the Bardic Circle, considering whether one’s activities in one’s mundane life outside the SCA should
effect one’s standing in the SCA. The consensus was that it shouldn’t. Then the bards took over the bardic circle.
The next morning King Gregory and Queen Bevin held morning court. Tristan de Montesporre and Lorriana du Bonne Ventura
presented Their Majesties with wine and two Caid sweatshirts, bearing the arms of Caid. Mistress Rima of Rockridge read a parable, and
Gwendwyn the Silent was invested as Mistress of the Lists. Stephen of the Yews was the winner of the wagering contest. King Gregory
gave Awards of Arms to Æthelred the Jute and Jehansuh. Then he knighted Marshall of Eaglesbane. Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst got
the Tacky Hanky from Countess Patrice du Couer Fidel for the best death that day, and the Old Battered Helm went to Duke James
Greyhelm. Wilowen of Stuarts received the Old Moldy Fossil, a deer’s skull, for the best action after death by a body. Shirin of the Moors
won the Wooden Spoon contest. Alfric Favnesbane was admitted to the Queen’s Guard, and Queen Bevin gave her favor to Duke Paul
of Bellatrix. Lord Rodrigo de Cerdaña announced the winner of his game board contest to be Charles Smokeeater, for his beautiful chess
board set, which Yolanda del Campo de Cerdaña had bought for Rodrigo and then presented to him. Rodrigo presented the second place
entry from Baron Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland to King Gregory as Baron Gerhard’s gift. King Gregory decreed that puns at court were
forbidden and carried a 25¢ fine, to be levied by the Constables. The edict was promptly violated repeatedly. Lady Debreczeni Ilona
announced the beginning of a Principality of the Mists Newsletter. Duke Aonghais dubh MacTarbh announced his upcoming wedding
to Lady Mary Taran of Glastonbury at the Pentacost Feast in Caid.
Then court broke and the archers began to shoot. A melee was held to determine the new Protector of the Royal Wards, and Markus
of Shasta won to become the new Wardlord. Duke Aonghais dubh MacTarbh succeeded in his three tasks and received his new sword.
It began to rain and the tourney closed up early. A revel was held that evening in the home of Duke Siegfried von Hoflichskeit.
The Year Thirteen
June 24-25, 1978 AS XIII
Crown Tourney
Held at Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland, California. First court began at 11:00 am in the sunny clear morning. The Grand
March was held, followed by various announcements. The Royal Brownie Maker presented Their Majesties with brownies (Phillip the
F ierce). Maythen of Elfhaven (Maythen Gervaise) presented the prizes for two of the contests from the Mists’ Warlord Tourney in M ay - Nicholas Worthington won for Musical Armor (a helm) and April of the Dales won for Athelbrose. The Shastan Mercenaries presented
a “Mary-Go-Round”, consisting of Lady Mary of Uffington holding a parasol and turning around while the other mercenaries went around
in the other direction bobbing like a merry-go-round’s wooden horses. The Barony of the Western Seas sent a contingent who presented
Their Majesties with a scroll. Queen Bevin in turn presented them each with a ribbon of her colors. Mistress Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya
de Foix) presented Their Majesties with an “old map” sent by Master John ap Griffin and Mistress Bjo ap Griffin from their recent travels
to the Western Seas, and putting in Caid’s claim to the islands (Hawaii). Manfred Eiffenblau, Champion of An Tir, then presented Prince
Steingrim’s claim to the islands. (This feud over the possession of the islands was to rage all through the event.) His Majesty took both
petitions for consideration.
Random House presented a silver tray with a box filled with quarters, chocolate chip cookies (in quarters) and quarter sections of fruit.
Yulseth of Darkwood gave His Majesty a Nine Man Morris set consisting of painted miniatures. Earl Kevin Peregrynne presented Their
Majesties with copies of his newly printed Fighter’s Handbook. Lord Brian Dritar an Con presented His Majesty with a medium scale
painted fighter figure of His Majesty. Diana of the Isles presented short bread. Then some scrolls were passed out, to the oohs and ahhs
of the populace. King Gregory gave Awards of Arms to Alan Silverbear, Linda of Collinswood, Simon de Spaldyng, and William of
Welcnmer. Then he admitted Taylor of Lochaber to the Order of the Leaf of Merit and gave Grants of Arms to Lewis the Landless and
Varavara the Fair. Queen Bevin admitted Alison of Hoghton and Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst to the Queen’s Order of Grace. King
Gregory formally recognized the Lists Pages as a group under the College of Heralds. Markus of Shasta was called up and invested as
Protector of the Royal Wards (Wardlord). Then court broke for the various activities of the day.
After a Grand Melee the double elimination Crown Lists were held, with Sir William the Lucky and Duke James Greyhelm reaching the
finals. Duke James was the victor, fighting for his lady, Duchess Verena of Laurelin. During this time, the last of the Arts Championship
contests were taking place and the ladies of the kingdom gathered to vote on the Philanderer of the Year. At afternoon court Duke James
and Duchess Verena were crowned as Crown Prince and Princess of the West and Prince and Princess of the Mists. The winning and losing
fighter poems were read, and Duke William of Hoghton, Earl Marshall, thanked the Caid Marshalls for their assistance, and in particular
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Duke Aonghais dubh MacTarbh for acting as chief marshall. Master Douglas Brownbeard, Sir William Gordon of York, and Lord Simon
de Spaldyng sang a song to the three Warlords of the Mists, entitled “We Be Warlords Three”. Queen Bevin announced the Philanderer
of the Year to be Prince James Greyhelm, proclaiming him the best neck-nuzzler in the kingdom. She admitted Radnor of Guildemar to the
Queen’s Guard. Lady Galina de Keri presented the prize for the recent Order of Arachne’s Web lace contest to Deporodh of Rannoch, and
transferred the office of head of the Order to Deporodh, as Galina is moving to the East. Deporodh then produced a scroll signed by the
rest of the members of the Order conferring upon Galina the Silver Spider Award. Meriweather of the Four Winds medieval music trio
presented a piece she had written. The members of the Order of the Laurel were called up and Douglas Brownbeard of Hvitamyrr and Brian
Dritar an Con were admitted. The Warlords of the Mists announced the Crusade to rescue Their Majesties from the evil clutches of Caid
(sic) would take place at the Cambria site. Then court broke for the night. The arts contests resumed and a bardic circle was held.
Morning court began with presentations. Mistress Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) called up Dukes Andrew of Riga and Henrik
of Havn and presented them with T-shirts bearing the inscription in diffraction grating letters: “DISCO DUKE.” House Footloose presented
Her Majesty with the Order of the Wayward Penguin, for her travels, the symbol being a stuffed penguin doll with a pilgrim’s staff. Manfred
Eiffenblau remembered some more reasons for Prince Steingrim’s claim to Hawaii. Grün der Spitzenklöppler (Juana Isabella de Montoya
de Rodriguez) presented baklava. Jared Blaydeaux presented to Burger King iron-on transfers. The Barony of the Western Seas replied
to An Tir and Caid. The Order of the Wooden Spoon contest for meat pies was won by April of the Dales. Queen Bevin admitted Duke
Henrik of Havn to the Queen’s Order of Grace. The members of the Order of the Pelican were called up and Rodrigo de Cerdaña was
admitted. Then the belted fighters came forward and Seamus Peacemaker was knighted. Court broke for the afternoon.
A King’s Champion Lists was held, along with the last of the Arts contests and an archery contest. Sir William the Lucky won the lists,
fighting as McAdenoid of Clan Kidney, a new clan formed at the tourney. At closing court King Gregory proclaimed him his champion.
Ragnar of the Icy Wastes was awarded the Muckin’ Great Clubbe, which Aarond the Grey had left at home. Dierdrianna of the Misty Isles
and Llerret de Grenada called forth Aarond to retrieve his “son” Kermit the Grey (a green frog doll) whom Dierdrianna had found “naked
and abandoned” at the recent Allyshia event and had clothed in an “Aarond the Grey suit.” Aarond accused her of kidnaping and grabbed
back his son. Mistress Rima of Rockridge sang a song composed on the spot in honor of Sir William the Lucky’s chivalry in dropping his
shield the previous day when Duke James had lost his sword arm, thereby losing the crown when James won. The Royal Archer, Sir Jon
Fitz-Rolf, announced the winner of the Bowman’s Class in the Archery Contest to be Earl Kevin Peregrynne, followed by Master Rodrigo
de Cerdaña and Orisin. The winners of the contest at the May coronation were Orisin, Rodrigo, and Kevin. The winers of the Archer’s Class
for this tourney were Christopher of Hoghton followed by Core. Lady Kriemhild of Stonecroft, Mistress of Arts, announced the winners
of the Arts Championship: Music Composition - Merriweather of Four Winds, Poetry - Morrigan Starcloak, Sculpture - Jay Witcher,
Calligraphy - Merewyn de Lyonesse and Jocelyn FitzHugh of Gillyflower, Illumination - Jocelyn FitzHugh of Gillyflower, Costuming - Louise
of Woodsholme, Fine Needlework - Merewyn de Lyonesse, Brewing - Gisele-Hildegaard of the M y stic Dragon and Louise of Woodsholme,
Cooking - Giesele-Hildegaard of the Mystic Dragon, Woodworking - Jay Witcher, Metalworking - Morgana, Dancing - Merewyn de
Lyonesse, Musical Performance - Simon de Spaldyng, Jesting - Giesele-Hildegaard of the Mystic Dragon, Singing - Douglas Brownbeard
of Hvitamyrr and Aarond the Grey, and Dramatic Performance - Victor. The Fine Arts Champion was Deporodh of Rannoch. The Technical
Arts Champion was Giesele-Hildegaard of the Mystic Dragon. The Performing Arts Champion was Renfield Wanderscribe (Edmund Renfield
Wanderscribe). The Grand Arts Champion was Baroness Merewyn de Lyonesse. Their Highnesses, Prince James and Princess Verena,
called up the members of House Lichtern, who had earlier performed a marvelous little play, and called for a Royal Command Performance
a their coronation. Court ended. Challenges ensued, complete with the twin brother of King Gregory, and dancing recommenced. A revel
followed at the home of Shirin of the Moors, in Berkeley.
August 19-20, 1978 AS XIII
Purgatorio Coronation Tournament
Held at the Freshwater Valley Stables, Outside Eureka, California. Baroness
Merewynn de Lyonesse was the autocrat for the first kingdom tournament to be
held in the Barony of Allyshia. Saturday was clear and warm, but a cooling breeze
made for quite comfortable weather. The final court of King Gregory and Queen
Bevin started late in the morning with Their Majesties riding in on horseback.
Various announcements were made, including the availability of rakes and
shovels for “improving” one’s pavilion site. (The site for the tourney was a
pasture where a number of horses had recently done their thing.) Children were
warned away from the electrified fence. Master Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft
transferred the Kingdom Seneschal’s job to Lord Llerret de Grenada. Master
James Greyhelm - Per bend sinister, argent aStone
sinister returned to the College of Heralds to become a Pursuivant at Large in the Verena of Laurelin - Azure, in canton a crux ansata Or.
dragon’s wing erased azure, and azure a pair of spears bendwise
of the Golden Rivers.
sinister argent.
Then presentations were called for. Lady Hilary of Serendip presented Their Majesties with a pair of boffer
swords, and informed the populace that she had a large number of boffer weapons to sell. Master Rodrigo de Cerdaña gave Queen Bevin
a beautiful handmade gameboard (for the game of “The Queen’s Guard”). Lord Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst gave Queen Bevin a
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sandlewood fan and gave King Gregory a toy sheep (actually a lamb) bidding him to guard it carefully. Lady Dierdrianna of the Misty Isles
presented some tasty amaretto cakes. Boverk & Co. presented Prince Steingrim with various articles that he had left at the last Pennsic War,
including his purse, a sword loop, a favor, a necklace, and last but not least, his white knight’s belt. Countess Patrice du Couer Fidel
brought a gift from the King and Queen of the Middle Kingdom, and a message that the Eastern Ambassador would be late. Lord Jerad
Alexander Blaydeaux presented Their Majesties and Their Royal Highnesses James and Verena with small plastic flying crowns from a
hamburger outlet (they had a balloon and a launcher). Tatiana de la Montange presented His Majesty with a gross of sweet cookies on
account of his grossly sweet personality. (She was exempted from the two-bit fine for puns.) Lord Llerret de Granada presented Baron
Maelgwyn with a sheep hand puppet. (Suggestions that it strike up an acquaintance with His Majesty’s new pet were taken under
advisement.) As Baron Maelgwyn walked away, His Majesty’s lamb was seen to wave bye-bye. Sharra ni Perran gave His Majesty a leather
covered mapcase and gave Her Majesty a leather Byzantine chessboard. The Barony of Lion’s Gate called for Earl Kevin Peregrynne, Baron
of Golden Rivers, and presented him with a copy of their newsletter, The North Wind, which chronicled their victory over his barony in
the recent armed confrontation. The cover showed the various members of the Barony and in the dust the warbanner of Golden Rivers.
Then Lady Maelen of Catcott stepped out from the Lion’s Gate party and presented Earl Kevin with a framed photograph of himself as King
leaning on the Great Sword of State and, upon hearing of the plans of Baron Gerhard Kendal of Lion’s Gate and Baron Waldt von Markheim
of Dreiburgen to have a war to divide the unclaimed region in between, stated his famous line, “You boys are gonna get youah party
crashed!” The Riding of Wolfscairn, a new subbranch of the Province of Ceantyre, presented Their Majesties with tea, handwoven belts,
and painted eggs with stands. Master Ruthven of Rockridge and Random House presented Her Majesty with a painting of a scene from
one of her Deryni books. Then it was Their Majesties’ turn.
King Gregory called forth his Champion, Sir William the Lucky, and presented him with a tourney’s supply of his favorite beverage,
apple cider. His Majesty presented the Order of Chivalry with a bottle of Glen Fiddich scotch for them to share, in thanks for their friendship
and support during his reign. King Gregory gave Duke Andrew of Riga a pin with a Star of David in celtic interlace. The members of the
Royal Household were called up by Her Majesty. Queen Bevin gave to Lorenzo di Sant’ Angelo, who is Gregory’s squire, a fighting
surcoat. The surcoat had His Majesty’s badge upon it. Lady Alison of Hoghton, Baroness Merewyn de Lyonesse, and Lady Susanne of
King’s Harbour received two yards of tartan each. Mistress Joan of Crawfordsmuir recieved trim, and Lord Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst
received a small cutout of a shirt, as a promissary for the real thing. Mistress Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) received a Jaeger minidagger.
Then it was time for awards. Mistress Kriemhilde of Stonecroft, Mistress of Arts, called forth the winners from the recent Arts
Championship and gave them their scrolls of recognition. Queen Bevin thanked her Champion, Duke Paul of Bellatrix, for his service. Queen
Bevin announced the winner of the Queen’s Poetry Contest to be Baron Theodulf of Borogrove, who recieved the prize of a helm. Queen
Bevin then admitted Allissandra Olympia Martiessa de Constantine, Janeltis Karaine Starfollower, Lorenzo di Sant’ Angelo, Merewyn de
Lyonesse, and Patrice d’Cilla to the Queen’s Order of Grace. Queen Bevin bestowed her Queen’s Cypher upon Andrew of Riga, Fiona
Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix), Joan of Crawfordsmuir, Suzanne Justine of King’s Harbour, Sweyn MacChlurain, and finally upon King
Gregory, for making it possible.
King Gregory gave an Award of Arms to Maythen of Elfhaven (Maythen Gervaise) and admitted Hallgerd Egilsdottir to the Order of
the Leaf of M erit. Princess Janeltis Karaine Starfollower was called forward and made a Court Baroness. Queen Bevin explained that the
members of the Principality of An Tir had petitioned for her to be named Dowager Princess of An Tir, but that not being possible, the title
of Baroness was chosen instead. Prince Steingrim and the heirs to the coronet of An Tir, Ulfred and Valkyrie Drommefjell, led the cheers
of the An Tir populace present. Then the members of the Order of the Laurel were called forward and Yolanda del Campo de Cerdaña was
admitted to the Order. (The announcement caused her to miss a stitch in her embroidery, one of the skills that caused her to be admitted.)
Then Allyn Samildanach was admitted for his calligraphy, illumination, and metal and leatherworking skills. The members of the Order of
the Pelican were called forward, and April of the Dales, Mistress of the Golden Key, was admitted. Their M ajesties thanked the populace
for an enjoyable reign, and announced that they would swear joint fealty to their Western successors and to the throne of Caid. Master
Wilhelm von Schlüssel, Vesper Principal Herald, on behalf of the College of Heralds thanked Their Majesties for an “interesting” reign and
wished them all further happiness and success in further reigns ... in Caid. (“Made it hard on you, didn’t I?” replied the King.) Then the
populace adjourned for lunch break.
After the lunch break the populace was called to form the Grand March, with the musicians playing recorder music during the formation
of the March. M aster Däwyd von Markheim, Golden Gate Pursuivant, announced the Grand March. Crown Prince James Greyhelm and
Crown Princess Verena rode up dressed in silk Russian tunics. Duke William of Hoghton, Earl Marshall, announced their intent to succeed
to the thrones, and King Gregory called them to come forward and swear the oath of fealty and protection to the kingdom. Then James and
Verena were crowned King and Queen, and the knights Great Lords of State, Peers of the Realm, Prince Steingrim and Princess Janeltis,
and the Barons and Baronesses present swore fealty. Gregory was invested as Earl Gregory, and Bevin became Countess Bevin Fraser of
Sterling. Queen Verena called forth the members of the Queen’s Guard and the Queen’s Archers, and added Manfred Eifenblau and Ulfred
Drommefjeld to the Queen’s Guard. They all swore to come to her aid, and she, in turn, presented them with proper implements for their
most common task, screwdrivers for assembling the Royal Pavilion. Sweyn MacChlurain, Alfric Favnesbane, and Jason Griffiths of
Shadowhyrst, now citizens of Caid, were made honorary members of the Queen’s Guard (they had previously been members). Allyn
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Samildanach was made Captain of the Queen’s Guard. Thus, the membership of the Queen’s Guard was Allyn Samildanach (Captain),
Benjamin Armentrout, Brian Dritar an Con, Karl of Clan Colin, Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst, Ib Harleson, Nicholas Worthington, Alfric
Favnesbane, Radnor of Guildemar, and Sweyn MacChlurain. The membership of the Queen’s Archers was Aarond the Grey (Captain),
Kriemhild of Stonecroft, Neil Gyrfalcon, Paul of Normandy, Rodrigo de Cerdaña, and Llerrett de Granada. Their Majesties called forward
Countess Allissandra Olympia Martiessa de Constantine, Lady Reginleif the Unruly, Lady Dierdrianna of the Misty Isles, Duke Andrew
of Riga, and Mistress Michäela de Neuville, and thanked them for their efforts and assistance in preparation for the coronation. Then it
was time for presentations.
Manfred, Champion of An Tir, called for His Majesty to send armed might to An Tir to combat an “insidious dark blight” that had been
terrorizing An Tir. His Majesty offered two squires. Manfred protested that that was not enough. His Majesty tossed in his dog Con.
Master Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft presented King James with the “Scones of Stone”. King James revoked the ban on puns instituted
by King Gregory, so Stone escaped a fine. Lord Raoul the Urbane and his recorder group presented a musical piece on their recorders and
gave Their Majesties a copy of their music book. Lady Dierdrianna of the Misty Isles gave Their Majesties a gift of trim sent by Master
John and Mistress Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani). Lady Dierdrianna also presented from herself a set of pretty napkins.
Countess Patrice du Couer Fidel and Earl Kevin Peregrynne presented a message from the Eastern Ambassador. The Canton of Windy
Meads presented their Majesties with representations of their personal arms in marzipan. Lord Jared Alexander Blaydeaux gave his Majesty
a silver Mjölnir pendant (Thor’s hammer). Tashi presented a purse of pearls and four rings, booty from past battles. Sharra ni Perran
presented leather napkin rings and a leather chessboard. Lord Ulfhedin hinn Vegfarandi and Lady Reginleif the Unruly presented Their
Majesties with a promissary for lamps for their Great Hall. Lady Deporodh of Rannoch presented Their Majesties with handmade lace collar
and cuff sets (she is the head of Arachne’s Web). Helyne Browneberry and Thomas Buttesthorn presented two ceramic goblets. Baron
Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland gave Their Majesties a handmade game board. The Can Cath of Clan Colin, Baron Sean a’Claidheam,
announced the undying loyalty of Clan Colin to Gregory and Bevin, now that they were off the throne, and pledged the loyalty of the Clan
Colin group in Caid to Their Majesties so long as they remain in the Mists. King James offered to supply them with an Irish Commissary
Sergeant. House Myramovich presented His Majesty with a bottle of Purple Death. Duke Terrence of Halliday presented King James with
a bottle of Black Label scotch. Joseph of Darkwood brought greetings from Atenveldt. Mistress Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) and
Lord Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst presented Their Majesties with an illuminated letter. The schedule for the day was announced and
court adjourned.
During the day the Order of the Wooden Spoon held its beverage contest and there were two fighting competitions, for two and three
man teams, and an archery quest. At evening court it was announced that there were two winners for the beverage contest: Deporodh of
Rannoch won for nonalcholic beverage and Grün der Spitzenklöppler (Juana Isabella de Montoya de Rodriguez) for alcoholic beverage.
Earl Gregory of York and Duke Paul of Bellatrix was the winning two-man team, and the victorious three man team was Sir William the Lucky,
Sir Edward of Southhaven, and William Briardust. The archery quest had been divided into A and B teams, except that the top two B archers
beat out all of the A archers. The overall winner was therefore Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel, who received a pair of wooden plates and
goblets and a bottle of wine, followed by Duchess Patrice d’Cilla, who received a bottle of wine. The winner of the A team was Lord Llerret
de Granada, who received a pair of goblets and a bottle of wine. King James invested Thorgeirr the Thirsty as Seneschal of Nepotism.
That evening there was a bardic revel and general partying on one-half of the field. (The other half of the field had been designated
a quiet zone.) The full moon was so bright that everyone could see to walk about without flashlights. A ninja war was held with no apparent
victor, but they had a lot of fun.
Sunday made up for Saturday, being cool and overcast the whole day. Things got started about 11:00 am with the children’s archery
contest, the Arts and Crafts Faire, a Unicorn Hunt, a Stag Hunt, and Lists for Queen’s Champion. At closing court Sir David Westerville
was proclaimed the Queen’s Champion, having emerged victorious in the final melee. (The melee was held to close the lists quickly, as it
was already after three and people had to leave.) The lists were double elimination, with each fighter having to use a different weapon each
time he fought, until he had used four different weapons. King James presented the Old Battered Helm to Manfred Eiffenblau for his
glorious writhing death after a gut blow. Stephen of Bellatrix won the Children’s Archery contest, with Sean of Shasta taking second place.
The Queen presented them all with goodies. Mistress Annette of Fair Monte transferred the office of Chancellor of the College of Scribes
to Baroness Merewyn of Lyonesse and Mistress Gonwynlynn of Hrassvelg. King James thanked her for her great service over many years.
The winner of the Leatherworking contest was Keridwen (Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, formerly Keridwen ferch Morgan Glasfryn,
formerly Keridwen o'er Mynyrdd Gwyrdd), from the Canton of Windy Meads. Queen Verena presented a wreath of rosemary to Sir Edward
of Southhaven for most chivalrous person that weekend, and the wreath for valor went to Harvey the Stag, for his valorous efforts in the
stag hunt. The wreath was accepted by Fellyandrac the Blind on behalf of Harvey (Fellyandrac plays the part of Harvey). Lord Algenon
Hartesmond, Ambassador from the East, having finally arrived, presented their Majesties with a letter of congratulations from their Eastern
Majesties, which also recommended Lord Algenon as their ambassador. King James then admitted Alfric Favnesbane, Gwendwyn the
Silent, Reginleif the Unruly, and Ulfhedinn hinn Vegfarandi to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. Baron Maelgwyn and Baroness Merewyn
de Lyonesse were called forward and thanked for their efforts in running the tournament as tourneymasters. The court and tourney was
closed and everyone began to pack up for the long trip home. The Allyshians, having been good all weekend, then ended the tourney in
~ 36 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
proper Allyshian style with dogfights, gorilla fights, and birthday paddlings (it was Baron Maelgwyn’s birthday). A number of others joined
into the Allyshian spirit and entered the melee fun.
Thus Ends the History of the West as Chronicled by Wilhelm von Schlüssel
What Follows are Finer Details of Various Branches of the West
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists
The Principality of the Mists
In the beginning of the Society there was only one kingdom, based in the San
Francisco Bay Area in California. It was referred to alternately as the Kingdom of
the Mists, or the Kingdom of the West. When the Kingdom of the East was
founded in 1968 the use of Mists was dropped and the West Coast was known
as the Kingdom of the West. The San Francisco Bay Area, the capital area and
the place of origin, continued to be referred to as the Mists. This area came to be
the Principality of the M ists, although it was never a working entity, but more like
a name for an area. When Caradoc set up the present tournament system in the
West in 1969 he decreed that the Kingdom Tournaments - the Crown Tourneys
and Coronations - should occur within the Principality of the Mists, which is the
Prince of the Mists - Argent, a crown withinfirst
a laurelofficial use of the title. The Principality of the Mists includes those counties Princess of the Mists - Argent, a crown within a rose
wreath vert, all within a bordure engrailed azure.
leaf wreath vert, all within a bordure engrailed azure, sem
of California which border on the San Francisco Bay, namely the Counties of argent.
Sonoma, Marin, Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara, San Mateo, and San Francisco. There was no separate
Prince of the Mists. In January 1972 the Board of Directors granted this title to the King. Later it became traditional to confer the title of
Prince and Princess of the Mists upon the Crown Prince and Princess upon the completion of the Crown Lists. From time to time there have
been Principality officers appointed by the Kingdom officers to coordinate matters in the Principality, but never on a consistent basis. Many
of the offices were handled by the chief kingdom officer, who was usually resident in the Mists.
There are four Provinces that make up the Principality of the Mists. They are the Province of the Mists (the counties of Alameda and
Contra Costa), the Province of Southern Shores (Santa Clara County), the Province of St. Andrew’s (the counties of San Mateo and San
Francisco), and the Province of Ceantyre (Marin and Sonoma Counties). The Province of the Mists is the capital province of the Principality
and the Kingdom. Most of the Kingdom and Society officers have resided there and the Society headquarters is located there. The Province
of the Mists is also the birthplace of the Society.
During the early years the principality offices and the provincial offices were handled by the kingdom officer. In 1971 the Provinces
began to organize as independent entities with officers of their own. Samuel de Basset became Seneschal of St. Andrew’s in January, and
in the fall Andrei de Sevastopol became Seneschal of the Province of the Mists and Paul of Bellatrix became Seneschal of the Province of
Southern Shores. Gregory of Drakesland had been Seneschal since May of 1970, but nothing much had happened. Henrik of Havn was
the first Seneschal for Ceantyre, which didn’t really organize until the fall of 1974, although Henrik had been holding his annual island wars
since 1967. In March of 1972 Sir Steven MacEanruig took over as Seneschal for the Province of St. Andrew’s, which then took its name
and became properly organized. The first Principality officer was Caradoc, who was appointed Knight Marshal by Edwin Bersark, then Earl
Marshal, in February, 1970.
On September 24, 1977, AS XII, King Paul decreed that the Principality of the Mists was to include all of Northern California above
Caid, plus Hawaii. Thus the Kingdom was divided into three principalities. King Paul decreed that the Principality of the Mists would
become fully functional, with officers and a Prince and Princess. Maythen of Elfhaven (Maythen Gervaise) was designated Principality
Seneschal. Leon de Asturias, Greencloak Herald, became the Principality Herald. Roderick dubh MacRae became the Principality Master
of Sciences.
~ 38 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of the Mists
The Province of the Mists
(Alameda and Contra Costa Counties)
This is the capital province of the Kingdom of the West and the birthplace of the Society for Creative
Anachronism. The first tournament was held on May 1, 1966 in the backyard of Diana Listmaker in Berkeley,
California. It was not until the Westercon XX Demonstration on July 1, 1967 that an SCA activity was held
outside the province. Activities in the province were handled by the Kingdom officers until 1971, when the
Province acquired its own officers.
The Province of the Mists - Azure, on a fess nebuly
argent a laurel wreath vert.
February 28, 1970 AS IV
First Nottingham Faire
Held at the First Unitarian Church, Berkeley. The SCA put on a demonstration. About this time Edwin Bersark, Earl Marshal, appointed
Caradoc Knight Marshal for the Principality of the Mists.
October 24, 1970 AS V
Anniversary and Wedding Celebration
Held at Camp Padre, Tilden Park, Berkeley. Siegfried Vulgas Incunabulis and Elizabeth Ann were married by Father Ruthven of Rockridge,
using the 1549 prayer book. Sir Robert of Dunharrow and Lady Geraldine of Toad Hall celebrated their first anniversary.
November, 1970 AS V
The College of St. Bridget Founded
At UC Berkeley, and taken under the protection of the Crown. (It later died out and years later was recreated as the College of St. Katherine.)
At this time the Company of Musicians began meeting Monday nights at Willard Junior High School in Berkeley.
November 28-29, 1970 AS V
Christmas Sale
Held at Toad Hall, Oakland.
December 4, 1970 AS V
Curia Regis
King Henrik called the session in Echeverry Hall at UC Berkeley to discuss the duties and responsibilities of officers.
January, 1971 AS V
First Province Officer
Sara von Ander was appointed General Clerk of the Province.
February 13, 1971 AS V
The Second Nottingham Faire
Held at the First Unitarian Church in Berkeley. There was a fighting demonstration and a medieval dance class.
March 13, 1971 AS V
Queen’s Court of Courtesy (Queen’s Tea/“Fat Sunday”)
Queen Ellen invited the ladies to Toad Hall in Berkeley. Armigerous ladies were to bring the “fattest” dessert.
October 16, 1971 AS VI
Held at the home of Sir Jean de la Grand’Anse, in Oakland, following the Crown Tournament. By this time Andrei de Sevastopol was
appointed the first Provincial Seneschal. Vickabeth of House Holland and Annette of Faire Monte were Pursuivants Extraordinary.
(Previously all heralding had been done by the Kingdom Heralds - Clarion, Banner, and Greencloak.)
May 20, 1972 AS VII
First Provincial Festival
Held in Meadow Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. King James and Queen Verena attended. Lists were held for the Champion of Arms, who
got to crown his lady Queen of the May. There was also a competition for the Champion of Arts. By this time Tarysa of Rivendell was
Provincial Mistress of Arts, Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood) was Chatelaine, and William of Hoghton and Cormac na
Conacht were Deputy Seneschals.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of the Mists
August 12, 1972 AS VII
Second Provincial Festival
Held in the Meadow Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. King Paul and Queen Carol attended. Duke James Greyhelm was the Champion of Arms
and crowned Duchess Verena of Laurelin Queen of Love and Beauty. Dorcas Dorcadas was the Champion of Arts. Master Frederick of
Holland was presented with a blue cloak with appliqued unicorns and embroidered infinity symbols (the elements of his arms) as a going
away present from the ladies of the kingdom, many of whom worked on it. Master Frederick was moving to the M iddle Kingdom. Somewhat
later Master Beverly Hodghead was appointed Provincial Master of Sciences.
February 10, 1973 AS VII
Bardic Revel
Held at Almarin in Oakland. This was the first of many bardic revels.
February 17, 1973 AS VII
St. Valentine’s Day Revel
Held at the All Soul’s Episcopal Church, Berkeley. The revel was jointly held with the Province of St. Andrew’s. At this time the Province
of the Mists officially acquired its name. There was a court of love, potluck refreshments, and the First Annual Poetry Contest, won by
Karina of the Far West.
March 11, 1973 AS VII
Archery Tourney, College of St. Hildegard
Held at Mills College, Oakland. There were archery contests, and a pudding eating contest. Michaëla de Neuville was the autocrat and the
first Seneschal for the new College of St. Hildegard, which had been created at Twelfth Night (January 6, 1973) when King Paul granted
their petition.
March 17, 1973 AS VII
Bardic Revel
Held at Greyhaven, Berkeley.
March 31, 1973 AS VII
International House Revel
Held at International House, Berkeley. James and Verena presided. There was dancing and fighting demonstrations. Sabrina de la Bere was
the autocrat.
April 21, 1973 AS VII
Bardic Revel
Held at AOA House, Berkeley. Marisela of Muninsgaard was the autocrat.
April 28, 1973 AS VII
Beowulf Reading
Held at Rivengard, Berkeley. About this time Squire Dale became a deputy Master of Arts for the province.
May 22-24, 1973 AS VIII
Chabot College Medieval Faire
Held at Chabot College, Hayward. The province participated.
June 2, 1973 AS VIII
Spring Festival
Held at Chabot College, Hayward. As part of the Medieval Faire the spring festival was held. King Paul and Queen Carol attended. Count
Stefan de Lorraine was the Champion of Arms and crowned Countess Luise of the Phoenix Queen of Love and Beauty. A competition for
Champion of Arts was held.
August 11, 1973 AS VIII
Summer Festival
Held in Redwood Bowl, Joaquin Miller Park, Oakland. King Henrik and Queen Seitse attended. A quest was featured. Duke Paul of Bellatrix
was the Champion of Arms. Duchess Carol of Bellatrix was proclaimed Queen of Love and Beauty. King Henrik admitted Trude Lacklandia
to the Order of the Leaf of Merit and gave her an Award of Arms. A competition was held for the Champion of Arts.
September 21, 1973 AS VIII
Baggins Birthday Eve Bardic Revel
Held at House Greyhaven, Berkeley.
October 20, 1973 AS VIIII
First Annual Sciences Sandcastle Contest
Held at Alameda Memorial State Beach, Alameda.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of the Mists
October 27, 1973 AS VIII
Queen’s Dessert Potluck
Held at the home of Andrei de Sevastopol, Oakland. All armigers were invited by Queen Seitse to bring desserts to share.
November 3, 1973 AS VIII
All Hallows Eve Revel
Held at the Good Shepherd Parish Hall, Berkeley. Participants came in costume. There were potluck refreshments, apple bobbing, pin-thetail-on-the-orc, and a contest for Harvest or All Hallows poetry.
November 10, 1973 AS VIII
Duke’s Dinner Page Benefit
Held at the Hillside Club, Berkeley. Adrienne of Toledo, Karina of the Far West, and Dorothea of Paravel (Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin) put
on a sumptuous feast for the benefit of the Page.
November 18, 1973 AS VIII
Queen’s Tea
Held at Mill’s College Student Union, Oakland, in honor of Queen Seitse.
December 1, 1973 AS VIII
International House Revel
Held at International House, Berkeley. Sabrina de la Bere was the autocrat. There was dancing, music, bellydancing, a bardic circle, and
a poetry contest in honor of Queen Seitse.
December 6, 1973 AS VIII
Newcomer’s Ladies’ Tea
Held at the home of Rima of Rockridge, Oakland. Sponsored by the Office of the Golden Key. Alice of Briarbrook was the autocrat.
December 21, 1973 AS VIII
Grand Council Meeting
Held at the home of Andrei de Sevastopol, Oakland.
December 23, 1973 AS VIII
Christmas Carol Sing
Rima of Rockridge was the autocrat.
January 17, 1974 AS VIII
SCA Demonstration
Held at UC Berkeley. Rima of Rockridge and Sir William the Lucky autocratted an SCA demonstration for the Agricultural Women’s Club.
January 26, 1974 AS VIII
Bardic Revel, College of St. Hildegarde
Held at the Student Union at Mills College, Oakland. Maelen of Kynge’s Lea was the autocrat.
February 3, 1974 AS VIII
“Sunday in the Middle Ages”
Held at the First Unitarian Church, Berkeley. Francesca the Bemused and Adrienne of Toledo organized a special performance of
Christopher Fry’s “The Lady’s Not for Burning”, directed by Michael Kurland, with costumes by Adrienne of Toledo. There was a winetasting with strolling musicians afterwards.
February 16, 1974 AS VIII
Celebration and Revel
Held at House Greenwalls, Berkeley, as a housewarming for Walter and Elfrida of Greenwalls.
March 10, 1974 AS VIII
The Feast of Three Tastes
Held at the First Unitarian Church, Berkeley. Adrienne of Toledo was the hostess for this Page benefit, which combined Japanese, Chinese,
and Persian cooking. King Andrew attended. The Page made a profit of $23.59 out of it.
March 16, 1974 AS VIII
Chaos Tourney
Held at Meadow Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley, as a warmup for the Crown Tourney. Count Stefan de Lorraine and Duke Paul of Bellatrix
were the autocrats. There were lists for the right to crown one’s lady Queen of Love and Beauty.
March 16, 1974 AS VIII
St. Patrick’s Day Revel
Held in the Parish Hall of Good Shepherd Church, Berkeley. Andrei de Sevastopol and Gormflait ni Cuallachta were the autocrats. There
was a court of love and the Second Annual Poetry Contest.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of the Mists
April 13, 1974 AS VIII
First Annual College of Sciences Quest
Held at Redwood Bowl, Joaquin Miller Park, Oakland. Teams of a maiden, an archer, a magician, and an astrologer competed for the prize
of a bottle of wine, a bag of jewels, and a rotating trophy: an oaken helm made by Master Beverly Hodghead. Brian Dritar an Con was the
June 7, 1974 AS IX
Theatre Party
Members of the Province went to see the Royal Shakespeare Company, with Sir Michael Redgrave, perform “The Hollow Crown” at
Zellerbach Hall, UC Berkeley. Sabrina de la Bere was the autocrat.
June 15, 1974 AS IX
Welcoming Tourney
Held at the Meadow Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. Held in honor of King Ashjørn Gustavsson, Duke Cariadoc of the Bow, and Sir Patri
du Chat Gris, who were visiting from the East Kingdom.
June 16, 1974 AS IX
Queen’s Tea
Held at Greyhaven, Berkeley. Queen Donna invited the ladies to tea.
June 23, 1974 AS IX
Curia Regis
King William called the Curia Regis in two parts. The belted fighters were first to discuss fighting conduct, and then the populace were
invited to discuss proposed revisions of the selection of kings. Held in the Kensington Youth Hut.
July 13, 1974 AS IX
Tempura Feast Fund Raiser
Held at the home of Geraldine of Toad Hall, Lafayette. This was a fund raising event for the Decennial Celebration committee. Tempura,
rice and tea were served to the guests.
September 28, 1974 AS IX
Dinner Party
Held at La Buillabaisse, Alameda. Duchess Carol of Bellatrix and Duke Siegfried von Hoflichskeit were the autocrats.
October 26, 1974 AS IX
Fall Festival and Halloween Revel
Held at Mills College, Oakland. Duke Richard of Mont Real was the Champion of Arms, crowning his lady La Rana, Duchess of Mont Real,
Queen of Love and Beauty. Nathan der Sänger and Louise Lhaillet tied for Champion of the Arts. Boncueur announced his resignation
as Society Registrar and turned the office over to Elspeth ni Roibeard O’Byrne (Eilis ni Roibeard O’Boirne). At the revel in the Student
Union the costume contest was won by Suzanne of Ravenhill, as a nonstandard fairy godmother.
November 2-3, 1974 AS IX
First Semester, University of San Leandro
Held at the home of Master of Sciences Sir Jon the Lean (Jon FitzRolf). The University was founded by the College of Sciences to serve
as the teaching branch of the College of Sciences in the Principality of the Mists. Some thirteen courses were taught over the weekend.
November 10, 1974 AS IX
Second Annual Duke’s Dinner
Held at the International House, Berkeley. Adrienne of Toledo was the autocrat and chief cook for this benefit for the Page.
December 6, 1974 AS IX
St. Nicholas’ Day Bardic Revel
Held at the Kennsington Youth Hut, Kennsington. The College of Bards was the sponsor. Sir Steven MacEanruig was the autocrat.
January 19, 1975 AS IX
St. Hildegarde Bardic Revel
Held at Mills College, Oakland. Michaela de Neuville and Kerrinda of Kymry were the autocrats.
February 15, 1975 AS IX
St. Valentine’s Day Revel
Held at the Mill’s College Student Union, Oakland. Andrei de Sevastapool and Gormflait ni Cuallachta were the autocrats. The Third Annual
Poetry Contest for poetry in the medieval manner on the subject “To the Beloved” took place.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of the Mists
March 1, 1975 AS IX
The “Kick Off The Season” Tourney
Held at the Meadows Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. Andrei de Sevastopool was the autocrat. Johann Heinrich Michael Siemon von
Werneigerode became the new Province Master of Arts.
March 15, 1975 AS IX
Greenwalls Housewarming and Bardic Revel
Held at Greenwalls West, Berkeley. Walter and Elfrida of Greenwalls hosted.
March 15, 1975 AS IX
Film Night
Held at the Good Shepherd Church, Berkeley. Films of the first years of the SCA were shown. Duke James Greyhelm was the autocrat.
April 5, 1975 AS IX
Archery and Games Tourney
Held at Mill’s College. Aurelia de la Licorne, Royal Archer, autocratted. There were contest in archery, javelins, foot races, axe-throwing,
and slings.
April 12, 1975 AS IX
Royal Tourney and International House Revel
Held at Redwood Bowl, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland. Sir Jon Fitz-Rolf was the autocrat. Clan na Con sponsored a picnic and tourney
in honor of Prince Andrew and Princess Patrice. A revel was held at International House, Berkeley. Sabrina de la Bere was the autocrat.
May 31, 1975 AS X
Provincial Festival and Children’s Tourney
Held at the Meadows Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. Michaëla de Neuville, Andrei de Sevastopol, and Gormflait ni Cuallachta were the
autocrats. Lists for Champion of Arms were held. There was a Champion of Arts competition. There were contests for children 12 and under:
Boffer lists, a cooking contest, a poetry contest, and a clothing contest. There were dancing lessons. At this time Kerrinda of Kymry was
Seneschal of St. Hildegard, and Sir Steven MacEanruig was Provincial Knight Marshal.
June 14, 1975 AS X
Land Fund Feast
Held at the home of Duke Siegfried von Hoflichskeit, Orinda. Duke Siegfried, Countess Sumer Redmaene, Duke James Greyhelm, Duchess
Verena of Laurelin and Lady Eilis ni Roibeard O’Boirne put on the feast, which made $60.
July 19-20, 1975 AS X
Equestrian Arts Tourney
Held at Briones Park, Oakland. Suzanne of Ravenhill, Mistress of Equestrian Arts, and Queen Patrice were the autocrats. There were fighting
lists held, along with equestrian competitions, under a very hot sun. There was a messenger race, tilting at quintains, a rescue race, an
obstacle race, and a general competition in the Equestrian area.
July 26, 1975 AS X
Archery Prize Tourney
Held at Mills College, Oakland. There was a boar hunt, timed and standard target contests. Aurelia de la Licorne was the autocrat.
July 26, 1975 AS X
Arabian Nights Feast
H eld at the Commons of the General Theological Seminary in the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley. Adrienne of Toledo put on this
benefit for the Page.
August 17, 1975 AS X
Crepe Feast
Held at the home of Duke Siegfried von Hoflichskeit, Orinda. This was a benefit for the Land Fund. Duchess Marynel of Darkhaven and
Countess Sumer Redmaene cooked the crepes for the guests. Douglas Brownbeard of Hvitamyrr became the Nebuly Pursuivant at this time.
October 18, 1975 AS X
Boffer-Archery War
Held at Mills College, Oakland. Aurelia de la Licorne was the autocrat.
November 1, 1975 AS X
Provincial Festival and Halloween Revel
Held at Meadows Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. Sir Steven MacEanruig was the Champion of Arms, crowning his lady Margaret
Threadbare Queen of Love and Beauty. A revel followed at the Mills College Student Union, at which the Champion of Arts was Zrzystof
z Lublina. Gormflait ni Cuallachta was the autocrat. Douglas admitted Francesca the Bemused to the Order of the Leaf of Merit.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of the Mists
January 4, 1975 AS X
Sunday Potluck Dinner Series Begun
The first of a regular weekly Sunday Dinner potluck series was held at Helmsgaard. Duchess Verena of Laurelin was the organizer. The
locations alternated among various members of the province. Previously, for some years Ruthven of Rockridge and Rima of Rockridge had
hosted a potluck dinner and prayer session each Sunday at their home.
February 14, 1976 AS X
St. Valentine’s Day Revel
Held at the Mills College Student Union, Oakland. Gormflait ni Cuallachta was the autocrat. Some fifty members attended, including King
William and Queen Donna. Duchess Sumer Redmaene won the Poetry Contest on the subject “The Beloved”. A bardic revel followed.
February 15, 1976 AS X
Land Fund Theatre Benefit
Held at the First Unitarian Church, Kennsington. Squirrel Hill put on The Lion In Winter. Members attended the show and a wine and bread
tasting to benefit the Land Fund. Duke James Greyhelm, Duchess Verena of Laurelin and Mistress Adrienne of Toledo were the autocrats.
March 13, 1976 AS X
Bashing Party
Held at the Meadows Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. Gormflait ni Cuallachta and Micaëla de Neuville were the autocrats. A potluck revel
followed at the home of Francesca the Bemused.
April 18, 1976 AS X
14th Annual Easter Barbeque
Held by Rivengaard at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley.
April 24, 1976 AS X
First College of St. Katherine Revel
Held on the UC Berkeley campus. Countess Patrice d’Cilla and Cristina Giuliana dell ‘Onda autocratted this first event of the new College.
June 5, 1976 AS XI
Spring Tourney
Held at the Meadows Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. Sir William Gordon of York was the Champion of Arms and crowned his lady, Micaëla
de Neuville, Queen of Love and Beauty. Mistress Geraldine of Toad Hall was the Champion of Arts. Gormflait nic Cuallachta was the
autocrat. A revel followed.
June 12, 1976 AS XI
First Session, University of Ithra at Mists
Held on the UC Berkeley Campus. Eight-seven students attended some sixteen courses. A revel followed a symposium in the evening, at
which a Master of Arts degree was awarded.
October 30, 1976 AS XI
Fall Festival and Halloween Revel
Held at the Meadows Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. Duke James Greyhelm was the Champion of Arms, crowning his lady Duchess Verena
of Laurelin, Queen of Love and Beauty. A Halloween revel was held at the home of Duke William of Hoghton. There was a Costume
Contest, won jointly by Duke James Greyhelm, in a blue bat hrobe as Master Edwin Bersark, and Micaëla de Neuville, as an angel. Gormflait
ni Cuallactha, Micaëla de Neuville, and Countess Patrice d’Cilla were the autocrats.
March 12, 1977 AS XI
Helmsgaard Informal Tourney
Held at the Meadows Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. Some twenty-one members, including eight fighters, showed up. Two parallel lists
were run. In each case Duke James Greyhelm faced Sir Terrence of Halliday in the finals. Duke James won one lists, and Sir Terrence won
the other. In the third and deciding match Sir Terrance won, and crowned his lady, Jennet of Twominds, Queen of Love and Beauty. Sir
Terrence of Halliday was the autocrat.
March 18, 1977 AS XI
Queen’s Tea
Held at the home of Queen Patrice, El Cerrito.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of the Mists
May 14, 1977 AS XII
College of St. Hildegard Revel
Held in the Mills College Student Union, Oakland. A “wake” was held for the seneschal, Kerrinda of Kyry, who was graduating from Mills
College. Andrea Clear Mount was her successor as seneschal. She sponsored a contest for the best eulogy in memory of lady Kerrinda.
Kerrinda of Kymry was the autocrat.
June 4, 1977 AS XII
Provincial Festival
Held at the Meadows Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. Sir Steven MacEanruig was the Champion of Arms, crowning his lady, Margaret
Threadbare, Queen of Love and Beauty. There was no arts competition. Micaëla de Neuville was the autocrat.
August 20, 1977 AS XII
Summer Festival
Held at the Meadows Playfield, Tilden Park, Berkeley. Micaëla de Neuville was the autocrat. Contests were held for Champions of Arms
and Arts.
October 30, 1977 AS XII
Provincial Archery Tourney and Halloween Revel
Held on Alderwood Field, Mills College, Oakland. The revel followed in the Student Union. There were competitions in archery and for
Champion of Arms and Champion of Arts. Micaëla de Neuville was the autocrat.
November 5, 1977 AS XII
Third Duke’s Dinner
Held at the St. Marks Episcopal Church, Berkeley. Adrienne of Toledo put on this benefit for the Page.
February 11, 1978 AS XII
Valentine’s Day Revel
Held at the Mills College Student Union, Oakland. Micaëla de Neuville was the autocrat. It was a successful evening as some forty members
arrived to share valentine cakes and cookies. Master Hal Ravn showed slow motion films of SCA combat. A swooning contest was held
and won by Mistress Janet Breakstone. There was a poetry contest, in honor of the beloved, won by Mistress Rima of Rockridge. A contest
was held for Prettiest Pomander. Many joined in medieval dancing.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of Ceantyre
The Province of Ceantyre
(The Counties of Marin and Sonoma)
(This is now the Province of Caldarium)
The Province of Caldarium (The
Province of Ceantyre): Or, on a wooden tub,
between two peacock feathers crossed in base proper a laurel wreath
July 29, 1967 AS II
First Small War
Held on an island in the Nicasio Reservoir, Marin County, California. Sir Henrik of Havn was the autocrat. Several fighters and various
bystanders showed up. After an initial sally at a large rock, it was decided to divide the twenty odd people into teams, and kidnap a
beautiful maiden. The beautiful maiden was Lady Dorothea of Paravel (Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin), and she was kidnapped by Sir Henrik
the Dane (Henrik of Havn) and his men. There were several small battles, culminating in a magnificent stand atop a huge shale rock, where
Dwayanu (Siegfried von Hoflichskeit) and the lady Dorothea made a lover’s pact and Richard the Short (Richard of M ont Real) was foully
cheated of his just deserts.
October 14, 1967 AS II
First KPFA Renaissance Pleasure Faire, Live Chess Game
Held at the first KPFA Renaissance Pleasure Faire, Marin County, California. Siegfried von Hoflichskeit was the autocrat. A live chess game
was put on to raise money for the Society. Fighters were used in place of pieces on a large outdoor playing board marked on the ground.
A piece captured by defeating the other piece in armed combat. Sometimes a capture did not succeed, making for an interesting game. The
Society made a fair amount of money off it. Sometime afterwards Kerry the Rock became Assistant Editor of T.I. The arms of the Society
were chosen: Or, a laurel wreath proper.
July 21, 1968 AS III
San Francisco Examiner Tourney and Revel
Held at Lake Lagunitas, Marin County, California. The tourney and revel were sponsored by Frank Herbert and the San Francisco Examiner
so they could get pictures. A surprise shower was held for Lady Diana Listmaker, she being with child.
August 3, 1968 AS III
Second Island War
Held on the island in Nicasio Reservoir, Marin County, California.
July 26 1969 AS IV
Third Island War
Held on the Island in Nicasio Reservoir, Marin County, California. Duke Henrik of Havn was the autocrat.
July 25 (?), 1970 AS V
Fourth Island War
Held on the island in Nicasio Reservoir, Marin. Duke Henrik of Havn was the autocrat.
July 24 (?), 1971 AS VI
Fifth Island War
Held on the island in Nicasio Reservoir, Marin. Duke Henrik of Havn was the autocrat.
July 22 (?), 1972 AS VII
Sixth Island War
Held on the island in Nicasio Reservoir, Marin. Duke Henrik of Havn was the autocrat.
July 21, 1973 AS VIII
Seventh Island War
Held on the island in Nicasio Reservoir, Marin. Duke Henrik of Havn was the autocrat.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of Ceantyre
July 28, 1974 AS IX
Eighth Island War
Held on the island in Nicasio Reservoir, Marin. Duke Henrik of Havn was the autocrat.
Fall, 1974 AS IX
Province Organizes
The province began to formally organize. Duke Henrik of Havn was the Seneschal and Grey Colin of the Axe was the Pursuivant.
February 3, 1975, AS IX
First Monthly Provincial Meeting
Held at the home of Duke Henrik of Havn, San Rafael.
April 27, 1975 AS IX
Kite Flying Contest
Held on the island in Nicasio Reservoir, Marin. The Provincial College of Sciences sponsored a kite flying contest. Prizes were given for
the highest flight, the longest flight and the heaviest payload.
April 27, 1975 AS IX
First Annual Revel
Held at Mill Valley Scout Hall, Mill Valley. The revel was held in honor of the visiting British Jousting Society. King Paul and Queen Carol
attended. The revel followed the kite flying contest. Duke Henrik of Havn was the autocrat.
July 27, 1975 AS X
Ninth Island War
Held on the island in Nicasio Reservoir, Marin. Duke Henrik of Havn was the autocrat. (At this point the province had switched from the
Province of Marin and Sonomoa to the Province of Daneslaw. The name was put forward by the editor of the Page, and had nothing to
do with the Province.)
October 5, 1975 AS X
Second Annual Sciences Quest
Held at the Rock Springs Picnic Area, Mt. Tamalpais Park, Stinson Beach. Brian Dritar an Con, Kingdom Master of Sciences was the
November 3, 1975 AS X
Provincial Name Chosen
The name of Ceantyre was chosen at the Provincial Meeting.
December 1, 1975 AS X
Provincial Arms Chosen
July 24, 1976 AS XI
Tenth Island War
Held on the island in Nicasio Reservoir, Marin. Duke Henrik of Havn was the autocrat. Archery contests were held. By this time the name
of Ceantyre had been adopted by the province.
January, 1977 AS XI
Colin of Duntamknacken (previously Grey Colin of the Axe) was warranted as White Unicorn Pursuivant.
October 22-23, 1977 AS XII
Held at the Sheraton Tropicana, Santa Rosa. A recruiting drive was held, with SCA demonstrations. Däwyd von Markheim was the autocrat.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of St. Andrew’s
The Province of St. Andrew’s
(The Counties of San Francisco and San Mateo)
(This group is now known as The Shire of Cloondara)
The Shire of Cloondara - Or, three chevronels braced
vert between two towers issuant from the chevronels and a
wreath gules.
The Province of St. Andrews: Azure, a saltire
fracted per pale, in chief a laurel wreath Or.
January 1971, AS VI
First Formation of Province
Samual de Basset was Seneschal.
March, 1972 AS VI
Re-Creation of Province
Sir Steven MacEanruig was Seneschal.
April, 1972, AS VI
Name Chosen
Gene Sanders was the Master of Arts.
May 1972, AS VII
New Seneschal
Israel Ben-Jacob took over as Seneschal.
June 10, 1972 AS VII
Medieval Films and Artwork Night
Held at the Rose and Thistle Inn, San Francisco. The films included “Alexander Nevsky.” Israel Ben-Jacob was the autocrat.
July 15, 1972 AS VII
First Bardic Revel
Held at the Rose and Thistle Inn, San Francisco. Gino di Paloscenico became the Provincial Master of Arts.
December 1, 1972 AS VII
Winter Revel
Held at the California State University Gymnasium, San Francisco. Dondra Brandybuck was the autocrat.
December 18, 1972 AS VII
Theatre Party
Several members of the province went to see the American Conservatory Theatre mystery cycle at ACT, San Francisco.
February 17, 1973 AS VII
Joint Revel with the Province of the Mists
Held at the All Soul’s Episcopal Church, Berkeley. Sir Steven MacEanruig, Andrei de Sevastopol, and Gormflait ni Cuallachta were the
autocrats. Roderick Dhu Macrae of Kintail became the Provincial Master of Sciences. A court of love was held. There were potluck
refreshments. Karina of the Far West won the first poetry contest.
November 30, 1974 AS IX
Potluck Dinner and Provincial Meeting
Held at the home of the new Acting Seneschals, Stephen von Behrend and Debreceni Ilona. Israel Ben-Jacob was also acting Seneschal.
The province reorganized after a twenty one month lapse.
January 18, 1975 AS IX
Provincial Meeting and Potluck Dinner
Held at the home of Debreceni Ilona and Stephen von Behrend. This was the start of monthly Council meetings. Monthly costume guild
meetings were begun, to be held on the fourth Saturday of each month.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of St. Andrew’s
August 16, 1975 AS X
Golden Hind Outing and Carving Board Dinner
The members of the Province visited the Golden Hind replica, then went on to the Carving Board for dinner. Nicole de Havre du Chouettes
was the autocrat.
October 25, 1975 AS X
First Annual Tourney
Held at Junipero Serra Park, San Bruno, California. There was fighting, a dessert contest, dancing, a ladies pillow fighting contest, a cooking
contest, a dying contest won by Mychalene de Topo, a bardic circle, and a kite flying contest, also a gurning contest. Geoffrey of
Northhaven was the Pursuivant. Debreceni Ilona and Stephen von Behrend were the autocrats.
March, 1976 AS X
Stephen de Behrend and Debreceni Ilona are warranted as Co-Seneschals for the Province of St. Andrew’s.
July 17, 1976 AS XI
Summer Tourney
Held at Frontierland Park, Pacifica. Beagle de la Souris Folle, Debreceni Ilona and Stephen von Behrend were the autocrats. There was a
Crafsman’s Fair to sell items to raise money for the Land Fund. Lists were held. There was a sweet dessert contest. A revel followed at the
home of Barbara FitzHugh de Brandhart.
October 16, 1976 AS XI
Third Anniversary Tourney
Held in Stern Grove Park, San Francisco. There were lists, dancing, a bardic circle, and a Lord’s Leching Contest. Debreceni Ilona and
Valency Quicksilver were the autocrats. There was a Round Robin Holmgang, a Long Sword competition, a belly dancing contest, a cooking
contest, a Great Sword competition, a Ladies Leching Contest, and a Lady’s Defensive Armor contest.
October 23-25, 1976 AS XI
Second Session, University of Ithra at Mists
Held at the College of San Mateo, San Mateo. Duchess Carol of Bellatrix was in charge. A symposium and potluck revel was held on
Saturday night and another potluck revel was held Sunday night. Some fifty courses were offered to the many students.
April 17, 1977 AS XI
Spring Revel
Held at Stern Grove Lodge, San Francisco. Debreceni Ilona and Stephen von Behrend were the autocrats. There were contests in picnic
lunches on a “Virginal Spring” theme, headdresses made of flowers, original spring dances, best original “April Fool” costume, best spring
poem, best group sing, embroidery, woodcarving, leathercraft, longest daisy chain, and courtly leching by both lords and ladies.
June 11, 1977 AS XII
Midsummer Madness
Held at Frontierland Park, Pacifica. This was a celebration of the Seven Deadly Sins. There were booths set up dedicated to the seven sins
and prizes given out to the best sinners in each category. There were contests in Best Poem on a Deadly Sin, Most Seductive Food: a)
seductive eating; b) seductive feeding, and a Punning contest.
September 17, 1977 AS XII
First Westermark Tourney
Held at Coyote Point Park, Knoll’s Picnic Area, San Mateo. Owain Apaceon was the autocrat. There was Lists for the Hero of the
Westermark, a Pillaging the Dead Bodies Contest (for Ladies), Dragon Chasing, a Riddle Contest, Dancing, games and a performance by
the Lichtehren Mummer’s Troupe. There was a revel in the evening.
October 1, 1977 AS XII
St. Andrew’s Anniversary Tourney
Held at Sigmund Stern Grove, San Francisco. There was a fencing list, Best Costume of the Day contest, and a cooking contest.
December 17, 1977 AS XII
Yule Revel
Held at Sigmund Stern Grove Park Club House, San Francisco. Stephen von Behrond, Juliana du Corwyn, and Leonessa de Belles Fleures
were the autocrats. The day began at 1:00 pm with an Elf Hunt, the winner being crowned King Yule. His Lady became the Snow Queen.
Everyone brought an ornament for the Christmas Tree, which was later given to a local hospital. Prizes were given out for Best Yule Carols
or Skalds, Best Gingerbread People, and Best Yule Logs. There were also darts, dancing, good food, and hot mulled wine.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of the Southern Shores
The Province of the Southern Shores
(Santa Clara County)
The Province of Southern Shores - Per bend
azure and Or, a seagull rising argent and a laurel wreath vert.
May 1970, AS V
First Seneschal
Gregory of Drakesland.
July 12, 1970 AS V
Fighting Practice
Held at the home of Gregory of the Drakesland, Saratoga.
October 22, 1970 AS V
Provincial Meeting
Held at the home of Gregory of the Drakesland, Saratoga. The topic was “How to Speak Forsoothly.” This was the first of a series of
meetings held every other Thursday.
November 22, 1970 AS V
Dance classes began, taught every Sunday.
January, 1971 AS V
Francis of Valandyrl became the Provincial Master of Arts.
June 19, 1971 AS VI
First Revel
Held at the home of Sir Paul of Bellatrix, San Jose. At this time Sir Paul took over as Provincial Seneschal.
November 1971 AS VI
Boncueur became Pursuivant for the Province.
February, 1972 AS VI
Jay of the Woods took over as Seneschal, as Sir Paul of Bellatrix was now King. Andrew of Riga was Deputy Seneschal.
April, 1972 AS VI
Suzanne of Woodwose Hall Hall became Provincial Mistress of Arts.
June 23, 1972 AS VII
First Bardic Revel
Held at Woodwose Hall, Palo Alto. Suzanne of Woodwose Hall autocratted.
July 22, 1972 AS VII
Fighting Demonstration
Held at Stanford University, Stanford.
October 28, 1972 AS VII
Held at the home of Neil of Gyr, Cupertino. Neil of Gyr became the Provincial Falconer.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of the Southern Shores
March 10, 1973 AS VII
Provincial Meeting and Revel
Held at the home of Paul the Barbarian, San Jose.
May 19, 1973 AS VIII
First Provincial Tourney
Held at Linda Vista Park, Cupertino. Duke Paul of Bellatrix and Duchess Carol of Bellatrix were autocrats. Neil of Gyr held an archery contest.
There was dancing, and a salad contest. Miranda of Sylvandale gave Tarot readings to benefit the College of Sciences. Revels followed
at the home of Neil of Gyr.
October 21, 1973 AS VIII
Prize Tourney
Held at the Junipero Serra Park, San Bruno. Duke Paul of Bellatrix, Sten av Norden, and Geraldine of Toad Hall were the autocrats. There
was “The Duke’s Purse” for general excellence in fighting, “The Philanderer’s Presentation” (a bottle of rare perfume) for the lady most
skilled with boffers, “The Purse of the Baroness of Bufo” ($5) for the fighter most skilled with a variety of weapons, “The Baron’s Bounty”
($5) for the winner among those under sixteen years of age.
December 1, 1973 AS VIII
Provincial Meeting
Held at the home of Paul the Barbarian, San Jose.
December 8, 1973 AS VIII
Royal Revel
Held at the home of Elizabeth of Dittany. Sponsored by House Bellatrix in honor of Prince Andrew and Princess Salomé. Miranda of
Sylvandel became the Provincial Seneschal.
February 9, 1974 AS VIII
Held where? About this time Paul the Barbarian became Silvergull Pursuivant.
March 2, 1974 AS VIII
Theatre Party
The Province went to see Foothill College’s performance of “A Man for All Seasons”, directed by John Ford. Karyn the Indefinite and
Elspeth O’Boirne autocratted.
April 6, 1974 AS VIII
Spring Prize Tourney and Revel
Held in Sylvandale Picnic Area, Coyote Creek Park, San Jose. There were prize contests in Most Beautiful Kite, Best Flight, Unorthodox
melees, team fighting, and contests with varied weapons. A prize revel followed, with contests such as Musical Beds, Lowest Decollatage,
and Punning. There was also a potluck feast. Duke Paul of Bellatrix was the autocrat for the tourney and Karyn the Indefinite and Elspeth
O’Byrne were the autocrats for the revel.
October ?, 1974 AS IX
Archery and Boffer War and Picnic
Held were? Aurelia de la Licorne and Gwendolyn of the Thistle were the autocrats.
February 21, 1975 AS IX
Provincial Meeting and Potluck Dinner
Held at the home of Boncueur, Sunnyvale.
March 8, 1975 AS IX
Held were? Lady Li Ming-Shuo presented the seven course banquet, sponsored by the province.
May 17-18, 1975 AS X
“King Arthur’s Court”
Held at a San Jose Shopping Center. Members of the Province participated. Duchess Carol of Bellatrix was the SCA autocrat.
August 10, 1975 AS X
First Annual Ducal Prize Tourney
Held in Coyote Creek Park, San Jose. This was a Land Fund Benefit. Duke Paul of Bellatrix and Duke James Greyhelm were the autocrats.
The sixteen contests were: Dragon Banners (won by Amanda of Cawdor), Two-handed weapons (Sir William Gordon of York), Poetry
(Megan St. John), Short Sword and Buckler (Duke Paul of Bellatrix), Broadsword and Shield (Sir Iain of Cawdor), Opposite handed lists
(Duke Paul of Bellatrix), Dancing (Celeste), Scroll Design (Sir William Gordon of York), Ribald Song Singing (Geraldine of Toad Hall and
Daniel de Leon tied), Calligraphy (Duchess Sumer Redmaene), Spear and Shield (Duke Paul of Bellatrix), Sonnets (Francesca the Bemused),
Ecclesastical Needlework (Marynel of Darkhaven), Child’s Court Costume (Morrigan Cailte Fitz-Rolf and Clarissa of Red Crab Manor tied),
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of the Mists – The Province of the Southern Shores
Embroidery at the Tourney (Amanda of Cawdor), and King Douglas abducted by several ladies and ransomed (against his will -- ransomed
that is) for $10.43 and four grapes. Altogether $365.86 was made for the land fund.
October 4, 1975 AS X
Theatre Party
The Province went to see Gilbert and Sullivan’s Iolanthe at the Montgomery Theatre, San Jose. A revel followed at House Bellatrix.
January 31, 1976 AS X
Theatre Party
The Province went to see Gilbert and Sullivan’s Prince Ida at the Montgomery Theatre, San Jose. A revel followed at House Bellatrix.
Duchess Carol of Bellatrix was the autocrat. About this time Paul the Barbarian resigned as Silvergull Pursuivant to move to Madrone.
February 28, 1976 AS X
Held at the Elizabethan Inn, San Jose. Duchess Carol of Bellatrix was the autocrat.
May 9, 1976 AS XI
Tourney and Festival
Held at the Palm Drive Oval, Stanford University, Stanford. There were challenges, dancing, a maypole, and a tug of war, with mead for the
winners. Lists were held and Benjamin von Ermantrodt and Sir Mark von dem Falkensfenn were jointly accorded victory by the ladies. At
the close of the day, as Benjamin had gone home, Sir Mark crowned Joanna de Paquerette Queen of the May. Duke Henrik of Havn’s team
defeated Duke William of Hoghton’s team in two melees. There was an abduction and a successful rescue. A potluck feast and revel
followed with madrigal singers and dancing. Evadaimos and Knud Kaukinsson were the autocrats.
June 19-20, 1976 AS XI
Equestrian Tourney
Held at Levin Park, Milpitas. There was a trail ride, various competitions, and a procession. There was a competition in Medieval
H orsemanship, tilting at rings and the quintain, an Equestrian Costume competition, and a contest for best Traveler’s Costume. William
of Troy and Kathryn of Tryon autocratted.
November 13, 1976 AS XI
Fall Tourney
Held on the Palm Drive Oval, Stanford University, Stanford. Eudaimon of Alexandros was the autocrat. There was music, dancing, a galliard
race with prizes for singles and couples, speed, and style, a tug-of-war with mead for the victors, and prize lists, with awards for chivalry,
versatility of weapon style, best novice, and overall winner. A revel followed, with potluck feast.
April 30, 1977 AS XI
New Year’s Eve Feast
Held in the Covenant Presbyterian Church, Palo Alto. A three course feast was served. The lord and lady of the May were chosen to
preside over the tourney the following day. Eudaimon of Alexandros was the autocrat. There was a competition for original Renaissance
dance choreography.
May 1, 1977 AS XII
May Day Tourney and Tenth Anniversary Celebration
Held at Palm Drive Oval, Stanford University, Stanford. There was a maypole, dancing, games and lists. Eudaimon of Elexandros was the
May 20-21, 1977 AS XII
Renaissance Faire
Held at West Valley College, San Jose. The College contributed $70 to the Land Fund in return for SCA members providing atmosphere.
Giraldus Dragonsclaw was the autocrat.
June 25, 1977 AS XII
Potluck Revel, House Mithlond
Held at Me & Ed’s Pizza Parlor, Santa Clara. Gwydion was the autocrat.
November 6, 1977 AS XII
Fall Tourney
Held at the Palm Drive Oval, Stanford. There was a live checkers game between Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel and Duke Paul of Bellatrix.
Master Wilhelm won. There was a three way tie in the tug-of-war. Lists were held, with Duke Paul of Bellatrix emerging victorious. A revel
and potluck dinner followed. Knud Kaukinene and Eudaimon of Alexandros were the autocrats.
December 3, 1977 AS XII
Winter Revel
Held somewhere in Palo Alto.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir
The Principality (Kingdom) of An Tir
The Principality of An Tir now comprises the states of Oregon and Washington
in the U.S., and British Columbia in Canada. An Tir includes the four Baronies of
Lion’s Gate (in Vancouver), Madrone (in Seattle), Three Mountains (in Portland),
and Adiantum (in Eugene).
Queen of An Tir: Checky Or and argent, a lion rampant,
tail forked and nowed sable, crowned gules, grasping in de
forepaw a wreath of hearts points to center, alternating wit
gules, barbed and seeded proper.
King of An Tir: Checky Or and argent, a lion rampant tail
forked and nowed sable, crowned gules, grasping in dexter
forepaw a laurel wreath bendwise vert.
May 27, 1973 AS VIII
Royal Tourney of Union
Held in Wallingford Playfield, Seattle, WA. Liam of the Barque and Gernot of Gallimaufry autocratted. King Paul presided. At this
tournament the Baronies of Madrone and Three Mountains united to form a principality, the name of which had not yet been chosen. King
Paul, Baron Frederic of the WestTower (Three Mountains) and Baron Raymond the Mild (Madrone) signed a charter of union, in the place
of the formal charter which had yet to be signed by the Board of Directors. King Paul gave Awards of Arms to Dierdre Muldomhnaigh,
Geoffrey of Speraunce, Gwili, Liam of the Barque, and Nineva. He admitted David of Bagulay to the Order of the Laurel and made Baron
Raymond the Mild a Master of Arms.
August 25, 1973 AS VIII
First Coronet Tourney
Held in Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theatre, Fallshire, WA. This was held as part of
the Fallshire Renaissance Faire. King Henrik and Queen Seitse presided. The
name of An Tir, gaelic for “The Land”, was chosen. Coronet lists were held and
Baron Sir Frederic of the West Tower emerged victorious. Anne of the White
Tower was his lady. King Henrik crowned them the first Prince and Princess of
An Tir, and vows of fealty and protection were exchanged. Gernot of Gallimaufry
became the Principality Seneschal, Sir Jerald of Galloway became Principality
Herald, Margaret of Ashford became Mistress of Arts, and Richard of Ravenwolf
became Master of Sciences. King Henrik gave a Grant of Arms to Gernot of
Gallimaufry and Awards of Arms to Margaret of Ashford, Richard of Ravenwolf,
Frederic of the West Tower - Argent, a tower
and Robert of Winchester.
Anne of the White Tower - Sable, a tower argent.
sable, on its base a cross patonce voided argent.
January 5, 1974 AS VIII
First Principality Twelfth Night Revels
Held at the Meadowdale Community Club, North of Seattle, WA. Edward of Stonehaven and Caitlin na Darac autocratted. Prince Frederick
and Princess Anne presided. The Ordure of Motley performed “The Prince of Twelfth Night.” After a potluck banquet Donn an Branoch
(then Durance the Vile) and Rosalynd became King and Queen of Misrule. Contests were held for plum pudding and spiced wine.
~ 53 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir
March 2, 1974 AS VIII
Spring Coronet Tourney
Held in a horse barn outside Vancouver, Oregon. Grance the Golden autocratted.
A storm raged during most of the day. Prince Frederick and Princess Anne held
opening court. Coronet lists were held and won by Richard of Ravenwolf. Lenore
of Lynxhaven was his lady. Prince Frederick, having been delegated the power
by King Andrew, who was ill and could not attend, knighted Richard of
Ravenwolf on the spot. They were then crowned Prince and Princess of An Tir.
Geoffrey of Speraunce was awarded a “small” shilleleagh in commemoration of
his improvement and fierceness on the field. Elrond of Gornoth was awarded the
Purple Turtle for Valour above the call of stupidity (or vice versa). Steingrim
Wulfharreson (Steingrim Stallari) won the jewelry contest. Dierdre Muldomhnaigh
Richard of Ravenwolf - Sable, a wolf’s headwon
erased Or,
the costume contest. D’Vanya de Tourbillion recieved the first Three
armed argent, orbed sable.
Mountains Arts Award, the Order of the Amber Leaf. The Ordure of Motley
performed and a revel followed.
June 15, 1974 AS IX
Lenore of Lynxhaven - Or, a lynx’s head cabossed
sable, orbed Or.
Summer Coronet Tourney
Held at Reed College, Portland, OR. Gerard of the Roses autocrated. King William
attended. Prince Richard and Princess Lenore presided. Coronet lists were held
and won by Sir Jerald of Galloway, who defeated Audin Ulfsson (Audin the Red).
Sir Jerald’s lady was Barbara of Galloway. They were crowned Prince and
Princess. Edward of Stonehaven and Caitlin na Darac won the wenching race.
Contests were held in brewing, poetry, races, archery, a meat and barley dish, and
games. A revel followed.
Jerald of Galloway - Or, a battle-axe gules, hafted sable,
within a double-tressure sable.
September 7-8, 1974 AS IX
Barbara of Galloway - Per pale Or and gules, a bend
Whalemass Coronet Tourney
Held at Snoqualmie Falls Campground, Fall City, WA. Gernot of Gallimaufry was
the autocrat. King Douglas and Queen Lorna attended. Prince Jerald and Princess
Barbara presided. King Douglas decreed that during his reign the Prince of An
Tir would have the right to give Awards of Arms to subjects of An Tir. Prince
Jerald then gave Awards of Arms to Anne of Caerdydd, Duncam of Chisholm,
Gilréann de Regen, Stevana of Hoghton, and Trudana of the Belfry. King Douglas
then decreed that henceforth those who had once been prince or princess of a
principality would have the title of Viscount or Viscountess. Prince Jerald and
Princess Barbara then named Sir Frederic of the West Tower and Anne of the
White Tower Viscount and Viscountess. Coronet lists were held and won by
Frederic of the West Tower - Argent, a tower
Viscount Frederic of the West Tow er. Anne of the White Tower was his lady. At Anne of the White Tower - Sable, a tower argent.
sable, on its base a cross patonce voided argent.
final court Prince Jerald and Princess Barbara named Richard of Ravenwolf and
Lenore of Lynxhaven Viscount and Viscountess. Then Frederick and Anne were crowned as Prince and Princess and in turn named Jerald
of Galloway and Barbara of Galloway Viscount and Viscountess. King Douglas knighted Audin Ulfsson, who took the name of Sir Audun
the Red. The Purple Turtle was given to Elrond of Gornoth, for his actions on the field, and to Duncan of Chisholm, Gwendolyn of Caer
Cerddinen, Donn an Bronach (then Durance the Vile), and Sean Gealt, for their association with the Fallshire Faire. Edward the Indolent
recieved the Special Motley Award of The Purple Privy for past services towards the comfort of all.
January 5, 1975 AS IX
Principality Twelfth Night Revels
Held at the Lakeside Refectory at Lakeside School, Seattle, WA. Theodulf of Borogrove and Anne of Caerdydd autocratted. Prince
Frederick and Princess Anne presided. After the feast Prince Frederick held court. He gave Awards of Arms to Gwendolynn of Caer
Cerddinen, Sean Gealt and to Susan the Specific. Revelry followed.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir
March 8, 1975 AS IX
Spring Coronet Tourney
Held in Millersylvania State Park, Maytown, WA. (Shire of Silver Maggot) Gernot
of Gallimaufry autocrated. The site was a large barn surrounded by cabins.
Following the Grand March the herald, Robert of Winchester, was awarded the
Plastic Turkey for outstanding and creative errors. Viscount Jerald of Galloway
repeated his claim to the shire of Silver Maggot, as he had held the field the
previous year. As none challenged him to dispute his claim he retained the
“honor” of holding Silver Maggot. Coronet Lists were held, Sir Audun the Red
emerging victorious, having defeated Viscount Jerald of Galloway. Gwendolyn
of Caer Cerddinen was Sir Audin’s lady. As she was not present, Margaret of
Ashford stood in her stead as Prince Frederick crowned them Prince and Princess
Audun the Red - Gules, a bear’s head erased of
Tir. Chancellor Michael the Black, on behalf of the Regents of the Gwendolyn of Caer Cerddinen - Argent, a
and langued Or, orbed sable.
rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia) eradicated and fructed prop
University of Madrone, announced the appointments of Fiona di Varanus and a bordure embattled vert.
Dennis an Seodoir as Deans of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, respectively. Anne of Caerdydd won the
leathermaking contest and Caitlin na Darac won the meat pie competition. Baron Frederic of the West Tower appointed Viscount Jerald
of Galloway as Castellan of Three Mountains.
June 28-29, 1975 AS X
Summer Coronet Tourney
Held in a wheat field outside Beaverton, OR. Grane the Golden autocratted. Prince
Audin and Princess Gwendolyn presided. Michael the Black sponsored a hurlbut
contest. There were contests for a meat main dish and for jewelry. Coronet lists
were held and Edward Zifran, Bastard of Gendy won. Fiona di Varanus was his
lady. They were crowned Prince and Princess of An Tir.
Edward Zifran of Gendy - Lozengy sable and ermine,
a baton sinister gules.
October 18-19, 1975 AS X
Fiona di Varanus - Gules, a pale cotised Or, overall a
komodo dragon embowed in pale vert.
Fall Coronet Tourney
Held at Snoqualmie River Campground, Fall City, WA. Prince Edward and Princess Fiona held court. Prince Edward gave Awards of Arms
to Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland, Judith bat Avraham of York, Maria Mindalova, Michael of Dragonswood, Rebekah of the Sable Court,
Susan the Opaque, and Ulfhedinn hinn Vegfarandi. King Douglas and Queen Lorna attended. King Douglas made Gerhard Kendal of
Westmoreland a Court Baron. Prince Edward made Viscount Jerald of Galloway Master Trainer of An Tir and gave him a medallion. Princess
Fiona held a leg contest for men, with ladies judging. Duncan of Chishold was the winner. Coronet lists were held. Sir Elrond Blacksabre
(formerly Elrond of Gornoth) won. Gilréan of Regen was his lady.
January 3, 1976 AS X
An Tir Twelfth Night Coronation and Revels
Held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Seattle, WA. Caitlin na Darac and Edward
of Stonehaven were the autocrats. Abra the Trader, the new Master of Arts,
designed the coronation ceremony. Prince Edward and Princess Fiona held court.
King William attended. Edward of Stonehaven announced that he had again won
the wine contest, and then turned over the job of Master of Sciences to
Ulfheddin hinn Vegfarandi. Then Elrond Blacksabre and Gilréan of Regen were
crowned Prince and Princess, and exchanged vows of fealty and protection with
King William. Duke Paul of Bellatrix read the new Charter of the University of
Ithra (formerly of Madrone). Chancellor Michael the Black announced the
appoint ments of Duchess Carol of Bellatrix and Baroness Amanda Kendal of
Elrond Blacksabre - Sable, four patriarchial crosses
as Regents of the University. Maelyn of Kynge’s Lea turned over Gilraén of Regen - Vert, a candle and candlestick flamant
cross argent, a chief ermine.
the office of Principality Seneschal to Viscount Edward Zifran, Bastard of Gendy.
Robert of Winchester had previously resigned as Black Lion Herald and the new Black Lion Herald was Wilhelm von Messer. Princess
Gilréan presented the Golem Award for Gallantry to Gerard of the Roses and Sean Gealt. She named William von de Huge, William of
Portsmouth, Donn an Bronach, and Michael of Dragonswood to be the Princess’ Escort. Prince Elrond gave an Award of Arms to Edward
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir
of Stockwood. Edward the Indolent, alias “Corwen of Strathclyde”, was publicly excoriated for his treasonous composition “Edward, That
Bastard”, circulated at Samhein, and was stripped of the office of acting Marshal and banished from the court of Prince Elrond. A banquet
and revelry followed.
March 27, 1976 AS X
Spring Coronet Tourney
Held at the Mount Hood Stables, Portland, OR. Abra the Trader autocrated. Prince Elrond and Princess Gilréan presided. king William
attended. After a short morning court Coronet Lists were held. Steingrim Wulfharesson (Steingrim Stallari) defeated Eric Blackhand in the
finals. Hrefna Aebsynth Neilsdatter was his lady. The sweetmeats contest was won by Gilmirron of the Blue Flame. At final court King
William knighted Steingrim, who took the name of Sir Steingrim Stallari. Baron Michael of Dragonswood swore fealty to King William and
received in return a Baron’s circlet. King William gave Grants of Arms to Baron Michael and to Baroness Alyanora of Vinca. King William
admitted Sholom ben Avram of York to the Order of the Leaf of Merit and gave Awards of Arms to Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland, Bjorn
of Havok, Bolverk of Momchilovich, Michel le Voyageur, and Reginleif the Unruly. King William then admitted Gilmirron of the Blue Flame
to the Order of the Laurel. Michael of Dragonswood gave Bjorn of Havok the Mucking Tall Maul for “improvement in fighting and/or
disregard of bodily harm.” Prince Elrond and Princess Gilréan invited the populace to their wedding on April 24. King William made Amanda
Kendal of Westmoreland a Court Baroness.
May 1, 1976 AS XI
St. Edwin’s Day Coronetting Tourney
Held in Ravenna Park, Seattle, WA. Prince Elrond and Princess Gilréan held
court. Sir Steingrim Stallari and Hrefna Aebsynth Neilsdattar came forward
and were crowned Prince and Princess of An Tir. Prince Steingrim named
Elrond Blacksabre and Gilréan of Regin Viscount and Viscountess.
Challenges and a list were fought. Baron Liam of the Barque held a Baronial
Court, at which he announced that the Order of the Red Branch was
presenting the Green Leaf Award to Roger the Galiard, Hal of Gloucester,
Linda of London, Genevra de Estolat, Elspeth Schnee-Flame, Fritha of Caer
Bannot, Trixie LaTush, Eugen von Ostmarch, and Serena. The Baron Liam
admitted into the Order of the Red Branch Sean Gealt, Caitlin na Darach,
Steingrim Stallari - Paly of six Or and sable, Shalom
a fess
ben Avram of York, Donn an Bronach, and Serena. At final court it Hrefna Aebsynth Neilsdattar
was announced that Serena had won the pottery contest and that Sigurd
von der Nordenkraase had won the rabbit-joke contest.Sean Gealt was awarded the Incomparably Nefarious Award of the Plastic Turkey
for wearing his pith helmet at the tourney.
May 15, 1976 AS XI
An Tir NonCoronet
Held in Duval, WA. Notice having not made it in the Page the event was declared unofficial and therefore not a Coronet Tourney. The day
was hot and fair. Many went and lent color to the Duval Bicentennial Parade. A group of Monboggians attacked the parade but were beaten
off. Then everyone returned to the UnTourney site. Edward Zifran won the lists, naming his lady Almatea Queen of Love and Beauty, and
Sweetheart of Duval. The Mucking Great Maul was awarded to one Zeke. All retired to an unravel at Wakefield Castle.
July 10, 1976 AS XI
An Tir Surprise Coronet Tourney
Held in Duval, WA. Genevra of Estolat was designated Mistress of the Lists for a day, after Duncan of Chisholm finally showed up with
waivers. The procession to Prince Steingrim and Princess Hrefna started at 1:30pm. Master Theodulf of Borogrove, who was the herald
on duty, was threatened into incredible accuracy by a sledge-hammer wielding member of Viscount Elrond’s household, Peitrov the Russ
(a close cousin of Viscount Elrond). The Coronet Lists were held, with Theodulf of Borogrove defeating Nhille von Hakenkreuz. Anne of
Caerdydd was his lady. During the lists Sir Elrond Blacksabre was called away to fireman’s duty for awhile, which caused havok in the lists
scheduling. The breaks thus caused were filled by an oriental sword technique demonstration by Gilvaethe, dancing, bellydnacing, and
twilsey whopping. At final court, Nhille von Hakenkreuz was presented with the Order of the Silver Rose, for coming in second, and was
also given the Mucking Tall Maul. Prince Steingrim called a Privy Council meeting that evening. An unravel was held at Wakefield Castle.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir
September 11, 1976 AS XI
Madrone Harvest Faire and An Tir Coronation
Held in Ravenna Park, Seattle, WA. Prince Steingrim held court. As Princess
Hrefna was ill Viscountess Fiona di Varanus sat in her place. Theodulf of
Borogrove and Anne of Caerdydd were crowned Prince and Princess of An Tir.
They named Steingrim and Hrefna Viscount and Viscountess. Princess Anne
decreed that henceforth all Viscountesses would be known as Ladies of Valorous
Estate. Prince Theodulf presented the Honor of the Belated Rose to Edward of
Stonehaven and gave Awards of Arms to Bombor of Bombardia, Diana av Fjell
T usenfryden, Eric Blackhand, Dietrich von Kriegsheldenburg, Fritha of Caer
Bannog, Genevra of Estolat, Gerek the Far-Seeing, Harolde of Gloster, Koressa of
Highwood Keep, Linda of London, Morgan of Aberystwyth, and then rewarded
Theodulf of Borogrove - Argent, an amphysian
the autocrats, Edward of Stonehaven, Caitlin na Darach, Katharine of Northhall, Anne of Caerdydd - Or, a fess sable, overall a butterfly
cockatrice gules within a bordure nebuly sable.
and Duncan of Chisholm. Baroness Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland and her
son Andre Lessard were proclaimed the Most Courteous Lady and Gentleman, respectively. An unravel ensued at Wakefield Castle and
revelry commenced.
October 2-3, 1976 AS XI
Aurora Coronet Tourney
Held at Warner Lost Park, Burnaby, British Columbia, CAN. The autocrats were Gerek the Far-Seeing, Duncan Bog Cameron, and Bombor
of Bombardia. Once again it was raining hard. Coronet lists were held, in which Viscount Edward Zifran of Gendy emerged victorious.
Almatea (Alma Tea av de Telemark) was his lady. The populace then adjounred to the home of Domric the Sober for court. King Kevin and
Q ueen Patrice attended. King Kevin knighted Theodulf of Borogrove. Prince Theodulf gave Awards of Arms to Asvald Evaldsen
Styraeman of Lolland, Elspeth Schnee-Flame, Janeltis Karaine Stargazer, O’Guin Silverwolf, and Yolanda of Thymbra. Sir Elrond Blacksabre
won the insult contest and there was a tie in the hand-kissing contest, between Baron Gerhard Kendal for best lead-up, and Viscount
Steingrim for best follow-through. King Kevin gave Grants of Arms to Baron Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland and Baroness Amanda
Kendal of Westmoreland and admitted Maelyn of Kynge’s Lea to the Order of the Laurel. The second day was moved, as Warner Loat park
was flooded. There were challenges, contests, and fighting instruction by the King.
January 22, 1977 AS XI
An Tir Twelfth Night Revels and Coronation
Held in the Pioneer Building, Lan County Fairgrounds, Eugene, OR.
Úlfhédinn inn Vegfarandi was the autocrat. The evening started with two
hours of socializing, and when events commenced a rather talented mime
mocked the heralds by announcing into a dead microphone. Food was then
paraded forth, including a kosher Boar’s Head (sculpted and presented by
Gwendolyn Caer Cerddinen), and a quantity of crottled greeps were
presented to the head table. Then David of Bagulay rendered a version of
“Edward, the Bloody Bastard.” At final court Prince Theodulf named
Morgan of Aberystwyth to be the new Black Lion Herald, replacing Wilhelm
von Messer, who had been transferred away by the U.S. Navy. Gerhard
Edward Zifran of Gendy - Lozengy sable andKendal
ermine, of Westmoreland was appointed Principality Games Master. Duncan
Almatea (Alma Tea av de Telemark) - Lozengy sable and ermin
a baton sinister gules.
of Chisholm was awarded a token for his patience, forbearance, and work. flower gules.
Numerous scrolls were handed out. Dierdre Muldomhnaigh recieved an appropriate INAPT pinned to her
cleavage. Prince Thodulf gave Awards of Arms to Carline of Waldsdorf, Gilvaethe, Micheil MacGhillie Brath, and Valkyrie. King Andrew
gave an Award of Arms to Janet of Arden and admitted her to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King Andrew then admitted Maria Mindalova
and Serena Cleindori of Bagulay to the Order of the Laurel, and Caitlin na Darach to the Order of the Pelican. Then Edward and Almatea
were crowned Prince and Princess. They were given personal coronets by Ed Bromley and his lady. Theodulf of Borogrove and Anne of
Caerdydd were named Viscount and Viscountess. Interspaced among gluttony, reveling, and flirtation were a Walking Talking Zifran Doll
who staggered from the hall, flailing away; Friar William spoke of the manifest destiny for An Tir, while mentioning poison oak; Duke
William of Hoghton was Foolishly anklebitten; and a papier-maché lion, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Prince Edward, was brought
forth, cookie-filled and attired in green sneakers. Donn an Bronach won the photography contest, Gangenrath Woodwender and Alice won
the costume contest, and Allysen of Dunrobin won the banner contest.
March 12, 1977 AS XI
Spring Coronet Tourney
Held in the Conelly Centre, Seattle University, Seattle, WA. Baron Liam of the Barque was the autocrat. Prince Edward and Princess Almatea
held court after the Grand March. Prince Edward gave Awards of Arms to Seamus MacChluraid of Glenerochaidh and Sigelgaita the
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir
Silvertongued. Donn an Bronach presented the Monboggian Horde with a war banner: Argent, semé of vegies proper. Bolverk of
Momchilovich gave Nhille von Haukenkrantz a ring, symbol of the Order of the Silver Rose, for having placed second in the last Coronet
Lists. Coronet Lists were held, with Sir Steingrim Stallari defeating Sir Elrond Blacksabre. Lady Fiona di Varanus was Steingrim’s lady.
Morgan of Aberystwyth won the Dying contest, Alyson Verena of Or won the quiche contest, and David of Bagulay won the Bardic
contest. The Barques flying coconut pull-toy was abducted by a group from Lion’s Gate. Crier staffers were presented with CRIER Staph
Staves (Butterfly nets on poles). A box lunch auction for the Crier was held, with Genevra of Estolat’s going highest.
April 16, 1977 AS XI
Spring Investiture
Held at the Tacoma Community College in Building 15, Tacoma, WA. The House
of the Black Rose autocratted the event. Prince Edward and Princess Almatea
held their final court. Prince Edward gave Awards of Arms to Athelas of the Knife
and Benedicite Draconia Traepishka. The Law of An Tir was read. Baron Gerhard
Kendal of Westmoreland and André Lesard presented their Hignesses with
boffers and boffer-helms. After the Grand M arch Viscount Steingrim Stallari and
Viscountess Fiona di Varanus came forward to be crowned Prince and Princess
of An Tir. Oaths of fealty were exchanged, and Almatea was made a Viscountess
and Lady of Valorous Estate. Princess Fiona named Manfred der Blutfalfe, Domric
the Sober, Ludwig von Lemminghaus, and Morgan of Aberystwyth to be her
Steingrim Stallari - Paly of six Or and sable, Princess’
a fess
Guard. Alisoun Varena was made First Mistress of the Pied Piper’s Fiona di Varanus - Gules, a pale cotised Or, overall a
komodo dragon embowed in pale vert.
Place, a cooperative child-care corner at tourneys. Viscountess Anne of
Caerdydd presented Their Highnesses with a pair of pillows, with their arms. Manfred der Blutfalfe presented the Great War Sword of State
to Prince Steingrim, which was white, with a red tip, and bore a strong resemblance to a blind man’s cane. There followed after the
presentations a live chess game, which white won. A revel was held at Canterbury Inn in Seattle.
June 11, 1977 AS XII
Summer Coronet Tourney
Held in a private park near Forest Grove, OR. After the Grand March Prince Steingrim and Princess Fiona held court. King Terrence and
Queen Jennet attended. The Barons and Baronesses were called forward to swear fealty to the King. Guillaume de Vinvert was named Senior
Deputy Marshall for the Principality. Michael the Black and Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland ranted at length concerning the war between
Lion’s Gate and Madrone. Dennis an Seodoir was named envoy to Lion’s Gate and Duncan Bog Cameron was named envoy to Madrone.
Coronet Lists were held, with Viscount Edward Zifran, Bastard of Gendy defeating Viscount Theodulf of Borogrove in the finals.
Viscountess Almatea was Edward’s lady. A number of contests were held. Jewelry was won by Michael of Dragonswood and Steingrim
Stallari; Weapons by James of Northkeep; Armour, by Blackhand; Pavilion, Blackhand and Ludwig von Lemminghaus; Footwear,
Blackhand; Best Decorated Object, Edwin of Svart Elder. The winners for Best Pages and Ladies-in-Waiting were Kiega of Valfriborg,
Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland and Andre Lessard. At final court Edward Zifran was proclaimed the winner, and Amanda Kendal of
Westmoreland accepted for the absent, plague-ridden Almatea. Viscount Theodulf of Borogrove and Viscountess Anne of Caerdydd were
admitted to the Order of the Silver Rose. Manfred der Blutfalfe won the Shattered Shield for best dying. Presentations were made to the
new Baron and Baroness of Three Mountains, Dietrich and Amelia von Kriegsheldenburg, by members of the Barony. Ludwig von
Lemminghuas was awarded the Mucking Tall Maul. The Three Mountains newsletter, The Bend Sinister, ceased publication. A feast was
then held, followed by general revelry. In the morning there was a live chess game between King Terrence and Prince Steingrim, which His
Majesty won. Then there was fighting and recorder music until the end.
August 13, 1977 AS XII
Summer Coronation Tourney
Held at a site near Maple Falls, past Bellingham, WA. Maelen of Kynge’s
Lea, Edward Zifran and Almatea were the autocrats. The day began and
remained hot, with flights of bees, wasps, and mosquitos. The final court of
Prince Steingrim and Princess Fiona was held in a relatively shady spot.
Prince Steingrim gave an Award of Arms to ?. Then Viscount Edward Zifran,
Bastard of Gendy and Viscountess Almatea av den Telemarken were
crowned Prince and Princess. After many presentations and announcements
their Highnesses dismissed their grateful subjects to go find some more
shade. Alisoun Varena and Genevra of Estolat tied in the sweet dish contest,
and Seamus Peacemaker won the Men’s Costume Under $10 contest.
Edward Zifran of Gendy - Lozengy sable andTheodulf
of Borogrove won the next day’s fighting and Phillippe pres de
a baton sinister gules.
’Eau won the archery competition. Alisoun Varena became first Principality
~ 58 ~
Almatea (Alma Tea av de Telemark) - Lozengy sable and ermin
flower gules.
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir
Mistress of the Pied Piper’s Place, in charge of supervising young children at events. At his last court Prince Steingrim gave Awards of
Arms to Alison Varena, Almatea av den Telemarken, Catherine of Häga, Glanwyn tí Mellionen, James the Nameless, John of the Angular
Dove, Ludwig von Lemminghaus, Reynaud of Burgundy, Sonya of Samarovsk, Susan of Kathculneen, and Yulseth of Darkwood. Allysen
of Dunrobin became Acting Mistress of Equestrian Arts.
September 3-5, 1977 AS XII
Fall Coronet Tourney
Held in Warner Lost Park, Vancouver, British Columbia. Morgan of Aberystwyth was the autocrat. Prince Edward and Princess Almatea
held court. Then the Coronet Lists were held. Manfred Eifenblau (Manfred Kriegstreiber) emerged victorious. Koressa (Koressa
Thokubjalla) was his Lady. There was an archery competition, a knife-throwing contest, and a boffer chess game.
January 14, 1978 AS XII
Twelfth Night Coronation and Revel
Held at the University Unitarian Church, Seattle, WA. Baron Theodulf of
Borograve and the Culinary Guild of Madrone were the autocrats. Opening court
began only five minutes late, to the consternation of those who had run on
Society time. Owing to the growing spirit of rebellion against the central kingdom
many people had come from all over An Tir to watch the fireworks. Viscount
Elrond Blacksabre read a Declaration of Independence. Bishop William made an
impassioned plea that Prince Edward declare himself King of An Tir, which Prince
Edward declined to do. Prince Edward was made Steward of An Tir, and entrusted
with the crowns for the King and Queen of An Tir, for the time when they would
be needed. The crowd was divided between rebels, who wore grey armbands, and
Manfred Eifenblau (Manfred
Thokubjalla - Argent, upon a pall endorsed
loyalists. After various presentations, Manfred and Koressa were crowned Prince Koressa
azure a sewing needle palewise, point to base, argent.
Kriegstreiber) - Per saltire sable and argent, a falcon
and argent,
displayed counterchanged, in chief a ducal coronet
all withinof
a An Tir, and there followed a rather politically sensitive and
bordure gules, charged in chief with a rose argent.
complex fealty ceremony. In a lighter vein, Frederic of the West Tower petitioned Princess Koressa to be made
Official Fondler. The request was taken under advisement, and court adjourned for the dinner break.
At the banquet, guests were entertained by Serena, David of Bagulay, Baron Theodulf, Catherine Winifred of Tor Bitterroot, Rosemary
of the Eastern Wood, Glanwyn de Speraunce, Genevra de Estolat, Yulseth, Susan of Kothculneen, Donn an Branoch, and Roger the Goliard,
who variously sang, played recorders, or danced. After the tables were cleared a sublety was brought forth, and Aislin and Andy Shepherd
were chosen King and Queen of Misrule. Their court included Thorgeir Eikinskaldi as Fool of Fools, Koressa as Keeper of the Royal
Chamber Pot, Bolverk as the Veritable Vanishing Virgin, Randell Raye as King’s Mistress, and Gerhard Kendal as Serf for a Night. Baron
Frederic of the West Tower was Cosmic Karmic Confessor, James the Vintner was the Naively Naughty Knave, and Daniel Shadygrove
was Court Herald. Spectators made a concerted effort to steal the dignitaries’ badges of office and Gerhard was subjected to much fondling.
Other sights of the evening included a child advertising “Rats on a Stick”, the heralds portraying the Plantagenet lions, Amorette the
Knowing and her troupe performed Irish dances and many joined in general dancing as well. Before the coronation of Manfred, Prince
Edward gave an Award of Arms to the University of Ithra. Numerous contests were held. Alysen of Dunrobin and Dierdre Muldomhnaigh
won the hairdressing contest - ladies division, and Seamus Peacemaker won the men’s division. Maria Mindalova was victorious in the
weaving contest, Catherine of Häga had the best Crier Alphabet, Gerhard Kendal had the best fighter’s needlepoint, and Donn an Bronach
had the best embroidery. Janet of Arden won the girdle contest. Finally the hour grew late and all departed into the night. Allysen of
Dunrobin resigned as Mistress of Equestrian Arts.
March 25, 1978 AS XII
March Coronet Tourney
Held at Bellfountain Park, Benton, OR. Ludwig von Lemminghaus was the autocrat. (Who won?)
May 13, 1978 AS XIII
Held at the First Congregational Church, Portland, OR. A Curia Regis was held. King Gregory and Queen Bevin attended.
(This ends the History of the Principality of An Tir as Chronicled by Master Wilhelm)
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Madrone
The Barony of Madrone
(Seattle, WA)
The founding Baron was Raymond the Mild, who was also the first seneschal. The founding Baroness was
Sheen of Ire.
The Barony of Madrone - Sable, on a pile argent a
modrone tree paroper, in base a laurel wreath Or.
January 31, 1970 AS IV
Sewing Fest and Practice Session, Barony of Madrone
Held at the home of Maid Laurellan of Evergreen, Mercer Island, Washington. This was the first event of the new barony. Raymond the
Mild and Sheen of Ire were the founding Baron and Baroness. Baron Raymond the Mild was also the first Seneschal.
February, 1970 AS IV
Edwin Bersark, Earl Marshall, appointed Sir Frederic of the West Tower to be Knight Marshal for Madrone and Three Mountains.
May 3, 1970 AS V
First Tournament
Held on the ranch belonging to the father of Baron Raymond the Mild, in Olympia, WA. There was fighting and revelry.
June 20, 1970 AS V
Combined Tourney, Madrone and Three Mountains
Held on Clyde Schumann’s Ranch (Baron Raymond’s father), Olympia, WA.
August 2, 1970 AS V
Summer Tourney and Revel
Held at Clyde Schumann’s Ranch, Olympia, WA. There were competitions in javelin, hammer throw, sling, weaving demonstrations,
dancing, fighting, and a cooking contest.
September 13, 1970 AS V
Autumn Tourney
Held at Clyde Schumann’s Ranch, Olympia, WA. There were various competitions, including lists for the Champion of the Barony. Feasting
followed. (Did it happen this day, or did rain postpone it a week?)
October 31, 1970 AS V
Harvest Revels
Held at the home of Baron Raymond the Mild, Olympia, WA. A Harvest King was made of cornstalks and a scavenger hunt was held.
April 17, 1971 AS V
Spring Tourney
Held on Foster Island, in the Arboretum, Seattle, WA. Gwynned of Ogg and Crispus Alexander replaced Barony Raymond as autocrats.
150 people attended, including a dozen fighters. After the tourney a revel was held at the home of Baron Raymond the Mild.
May 22, 1971 AS VI
Mayfest Revel
Held at Clyde Schumann’s Ranch, Olympia, WA. There was feasting and competitions in slings and hammer-throw. Colleen of Gallimaufry
was chosen as May Queen. All of the ladies had each put a flower into a suspended golden egg. The first lady to rend the egg asunder
with a blow from a broad sword (while blindfolded) in a certain period of time was the winner. Colleen hit it first. Gilmirron of the Blue Flame
and his lady performed an except from “The Taming of the Shrew.”
May 29, 1972 AS VI
Held on Foster Island, in the Arboretum, Seattle, WA. When it began to rain the tourney was moved to House Gallimaufry, where it became
a revel.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Madrone
June ?, 1971 AS VI
Held at Edeaed the Curious’ home, Seattle, WA.
July 31, 1971 AS VI
Midsummer Tourney
Held on Foster Island, in the Arboretum, Seattle, WA. Roger the Goliard sponsored a Game Tent. About this time Crispus Alexander took
over as Seneschal.
August 28, 1971 AS VI
Masque Revel
Held at House Gallimaufry, Seattle, WA. There was a potluck feast, a puppet show by Lady Glynys of Arran, singing, dancing, and belly
dancing by Theodora.
September 18, 1971 AS VI
Frodo’s Birthday
Held at the Lang Estage, Bellvue, WA. Lady Pat was the autocrat. About ninety people attended, but only a few fighters. There was a
mushroom pushing contest (nose only) won by Crispus Alexander, a stilt race, won by Richard the Chicken-Hearted, and some fighting.
October 30, 1971 AS VI
Harvest Revel
Held in Seattle, WA. The autocrats were Ladies Jaicinth and Pat. At this potluck revel the Fool had a terrible time getting anyone to cast
the straw man into the flames, thereby achieving fertility for a year. Therefore the Fool reversed the prognosis and declared it would grant
sterility for a year, whereupon she was swamped by eager prospective strawman-casters. There was belly-dancing by Theodora and Glynys
of Arran followed by “The Temptation of St. Anthony” by Dierdre Muldomhnaigh and Liam of the Barque. Inspired by two different styles
of belly dancing, the revelers took to the streets with the musicians and danced around a blue and white fire chariot with a red lamp on top
and a dubious-looking gentleman inside.
January 8, 1972 AS VI
First Twelfth Night Revels
February 19, 1972 AS VI
Valentine’s Day Revel
Held at the Newman Center, Seattle, WA. Jaicinth of the Lion’s Gate was autocrat. Gerard and Marie of Wedgewood were the King and
Queen of Hearts. The Singing Turtle, composed of Roger the Goliard, David of Bagulay, and Maleen of Gamliel, made its debut and sang.
In contrast the Ordure of Motley, formed by Jaicinth of Lion’s Gate (known as Sparrowhawk), Liam of the Barque, and Dierdre
Muldomhnaigh previously, made its debut, to the groans of the populace, by performing skits. There was belly dancing by Theodora,
Salome, and Glynys of Arran.
April 29, 1972 AS VI
Spring Tourney
Held in Ravenna Park, Seattle, WA. Edward the Curious and Duncan of Chisholm were the autocrats.
May 21, 1972 AS VII
Viking Festival
Held in Poulsbo, WA. Roger the Goliard and Bernot of Gallimaufry and Glynys of Arran were the autocrats. There was a Viking raid staged
and SCA demonstrations put on.
May 27, 1972 AS VII
Held in the Lang Estate Park, Bellvue, WA. There was dancing, a Maypole, pillow fighting, cooking contest, a May Queen, a wenching
race, and lawn bowling. Gernot of Gallimaufry and Glynys of Arran were the autocrats. There was also a stilts race, and the cooking contest
was for meat pies. The May Queen was chosen by having blindfolded ladies swing a sword at a bull suspended from a tree.
June 23, 1972 AS VII
Where? Sometime this summer Baron Raymond the Mild moved to the Mists and appointed Liam of the Barque to be his Castellan until
he returned.
August 5, 1972 AS VII
Lammastide Tourney
Held on Mercer Island, Seattle, WA. Catherine the Fortunate was the autocrat. There was a bread baking contest. In July Jaicynth of the
Lion’s Gate replaced Glynys of Arran as Mistress of the Arts.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Madrone
August 19-20, 1972 AS VII
Renaissance Faire
A tourney was held at the faire at Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theatre and Family Park, King County, WA.
September 24,1972 AS VII
Autumnal Equinoctial Tourney
Held in Ravenna Park, Seattle, WA. Liam of the Barque was the autocrat. There was a cooking contest for a dish containing mushrooms.
On September 1, Jay of the Woods was appointed Procurator for the Registry in the Baronies of Madrone and Three Mountains.
October 29, 1972 AS VII
October Fete
Held in Bothell, WA. There was a demonstration of equestrian skills. The Lord Protector of the Barony was invested. Castellan Liam of
the Barque created the Order of the Red Branch and admitted Nyneve as the founding member. Sir Frederic of the West Tower, under the
authority delegated to him by the King, knighted Jerald of Galloway.
December 17, 1972 AS VII
Midwinter Tourney
Held in the Astrogyme, Seattle University, Seattle, WA. Liam of the Barque and Dierdre Muldomhnaigh were the autocrats. There was a
cooking contest of yuletide fruid cakes, and a contest of legerdemain. Gwili was admitted to the Order of the Reach Branch.
April 21, 1973 AS VII
St. George’s Day Tourney
Held in Ravenna Park Picnic Area, Seattle, WA. Ediard of Stonehaven and Katherine of Northhall were the autocrats. Castellan Liam of the
Barque held opening court. Geoffrey of Speraunce was admitted to the Order of the Red Branch. There followed combat, wench racing,
twilsey-whopping, dancing, mumming, music, and a quiche-baking contest, won by Margaret of Ashford.
June 17, 1973 AS VIII
Held at Wakefield Castle, home of Reb Sholumn ben Avram and Judith, Seattle, WA. There was music, dancing and drama.
July 29, 1973 AS VIII
Midelsumer Fest
Held at the Marymoor Park on Bellevue-Redmond Rd., east of Seattle, WA. Michael the Black and Robert of Winchester autocrated. There
was a grand march, a baronial court, music, belly-dancing, cookery, a Queen of Love and Beauty, and the Ordure of Motley performed.
September 1-3, 1973 AS VIII
Rennaissance Faire
Held at the Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theatre, King County, WA. The barony put on a demonstration.
September 22, 1973 AS VIII
Wedding Revel
Following the marriage of Caitlin na Darac and Edward of Stonehaven there was a revel at Keegsgaard, Edmunds, WA.
October 27, 1973 AS VIII
First Samhain Revel
Held at the Meadowdale Community Club, North of Seattle, WA. People came in masque and costume. Liam of the Barque autocratted.
The guests brought candles to light the hall. At the baronial court Amy of the Barque received her Queen’s Order of Grace pendant, which
had been brought up from the south. There were prizes for storytelling and costumes. A potluck feast followed court.
November 17, 1973 AS VIII
St. Bunstable’s Day Revel
Held in Lechbury Abbey, home of Friar William and Geoffrey of Speraunce.
December 1, 1973 AS VIII
Bardic Revel, Canton of Entice
Held in Eimonds, WA. Lady Allison autocratted.
December 15, 1973 AS VIII
Seattle Art Museum Christmas Party
Margaret of Ashford autocratted an SCA demonstration at the Museum.
January 5, 1974 AS VIII
Twelfth Night Revel
Held at the Meadowdale Community Club, North of Seattle, WA. Edward of Stonehaven and Caitlin na Darac were the autocrats. There
were contests for plum pudding and spiced wine.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Madrone
January 19, 1974 AS VIII
Midwinter Tourney and Revel, Canton of Xerophil
Held in Cheney, WA, at Gendy Castle, home of Edward Zifran of Gendy. This was the first event for the Canton of Xerophil (which means
Loving Drayness). Prince Frederick presided. Guillaume de Vinvert won the fighting prize.
February 16, 1974 AS VIII
Valentine’s Day Revel, Shire of Silver Magnae
Held in the Villa Capri Apartments, Olympia, WA. Francesca and Osmundia were the autocrats. First event for the Shire of Silvae Magnae.
Allyson of Dunrobin and Michael the Black were admitted to the Order of the Red Branch. The hall was candle-lit. There was potluck
feasting and revelry. Edward of Stonehaven won the Love-Poetry contest.
March 16, 1974 AS VIII
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Held in Seattle, WA. Some 27 Madronites marched in the city’s parade as “5000 Years of Irish History”.
March 23, 1974 AS VIII
Medieval Night
Held in the Britannia Club, Seattle, WA. Forty Madronites attended and entertained in costume. A battle was held, with Sir Kevin
Peregrynne surviving.
April 13, 1974 AS VIII
St. Leo’s Day Tourney
Held in Ravenna Park Picnic Area, Seattle, WA. Sean Gealt was the autocrat. There were contests in brewing and confectionery.
April 20-21, 1974 AS VIII
Centralia College Faire
Held at Centralia College, Seattle, WA. Robert of Winchester autocratted an SCA demonstration.
April 20-21, 1974 AS VIII
Green Shadows Tourney, Canton of Silver Magnae
Held on a former cow pasture outside Olympia, WA. This was the first overnight tourney in the Barony. Rain and wind prevailed. On the
second day lists were held, won by Steingrim Wulfharreson.
May 11-12, 1974 AS IX
“A County Fair in a City Park” and Madrone Anniversary Revel
Held in Seattle, WA. The fair was sponsored by the Junior League of Seattle. Duncan of Chisholm autocratted an SCA demonstration. On
Saturday a Maypole was erected (which the wind later blew down). Sunday was Mother’s Day. Sean Gealt, carrying a Ravenwolf battle-axe,
found himself being used to threaten recalcitrant children by the local mothers. On Saturday evening Katrina Pietrova and Gwendolyn of
Caer Cerddinen held a Madrone Anniversary Revel at Lechbury Abbey. Festivities featured the poisoning of Durance the Vile, his Motleysponsored wake (complete with keening and a parady of “Finnegan’s Wake”), and his resurrection as a new persona, Donn an Bronach,
who would hopefully find greater favor with the College of Heralds. The reading of the “Chronicles of Madrone” (mythic variety) and
“Bunstable, Martyr, Patron of Madrone” preceded a storytelling contest, won by David of Bagulay for his version of the History of the
May 18, 1974 AS IX
Third Anniversary Tourney
Held in Volunteer Park, Seattle, WA. Theodulf of Borogrove and Anne of Caerdydd were the autocrats. Castellan Liam of the Barque held
baronial court. Edward of Southhaven, Gernot of Gallimaufry, Margaret of Ashford, and Robert of Winchester were admitted to the Order
of the Red Branch. The Green Leaf Award for service was given to Anne of Caerdydd, Fiona di Varnaus, Susan the Ambiguous, Theodulf
of Borogrove, and Truedanna of the Belfry. Steingrim Wulfharreson (Steingrim Stallari) won the lists, and he and his lady Elayne were
crowned King and Queen of the May. Motley erected a Maypole.
June 1, 1974 AS IX
Pioneer Square Fire Festival
An SCA demonstration was put on at the festival in Pioneer Square, Seattle, WA.
July 19-20, 1974 AS IX
Lake Fair, Shire of Silver Magnae
Held at the State Capitol Building, Olympia, WA. There was a tourney held both days. Sir Jerald of Galloway held the field the first day.
Edward Zifran of Gendy held it the second day. There was a revel on Saturday at the local Shakey’s Pizza Parlor.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Madrone
July 28, 1974 AS IX
Revel With Fighting
Held at Lakeside School, Seattle, WA. Michael the Black and Stevanna of Hoghton were the autocrats. There was a costume contest.
Edward of Stonehaven and Caitlin na Darac won the wenching race. There was a costume contest. In the lists Elrond Blacksabre defeated
William of Portsmouth. Castellan Liam of the Barque held baronial court and admitted Anne of Caerdydd and Theodulf of Borogrove to
the Order of the Red Branch and gave the Green Leaf Award to Catherine Winifred of Tor Bitt erroot, Donn an Bronach, Gwendolyn of Caer
Cerddinen, Sean Gealt, Sigurd von der Nordenkrasse, and Stevanna of Hoghton. Castellan Liam and his lady Dierdre Muldumhnaigh, were
handed paper sacks and told to pass out what was inside to the people whose names appeared on the back of the items. The items turned
out to be secredly made Red Branch medallions with their own names on them, made by the rest of the Order, and so they were admitted
to the Order of the Red Branch. Michael the Black gave out scrolls of apprecaition for their dancing, food, or costumes to Anne of
Caerdydd, Caitlin na Darac, Beverly, Consuelo, John of the Angular Dove, Jane Grey, Margaret of Ashford, Tajara, Duncan of Chisholm,
Robert of Winchester, and Fiona di Varanus.
September 15, 1974 AS IX
Renaissance Faire
Held at the Children’s Orthopedic Hospital and Medical Center. The Barony put on an SCA demonstration.
October 26, 1974 AS IX
Samhain Revel
Held at the Meadowdale Community Club, North of Seattle, WA. There was a prize for best costume (everyone was supposed to come in
a costume), and contests for storytelling, Athol Brose, and poetry on the spot.
November 16, 1974 AS IX
St. Bunstable’s Day Revel
Held at Lechbury Abbey, Seattle, WA.
December 24, 1974 AS IX
Baronial Dance Troupe Demonstration
Amynta the Innocent and Amorette the Knowing led the Baronial Dance Troupe to a demonstration at the Northgate Mall, Seattle, WA.
February 22, 1975 AS IX
SCA Demonstration
The Barony demonstrated fighting and dancing at the University of Washingt on campus for the Medieval Association of the Pacific.
Elrond of Gornoth coordinated the fighters and Amorette the Knowing and Amynta the Innocent led the dancers.
March 19, 1975 AS IX
Opening Night of “The Four Musketeers”
Held at the United Artsts 150 Theatre, Seattle, WA. Elrond of Gornoth and Guillaume de Vinvert staged a live-stell(?) fighting demonstration
complete with blood. The crowd loved it (Guillaume’s wound was similar to that suffered by D’Artagnan in the film). A troupe of dancers
also performed for the crowds, led by Amynta and Amorette.
March 22, 1975 AS IX
Baron’s Dinner
Held at the Medieval Inn, Seattle, WA. Forty Madronites gathered for a medieval banquet of enormous proportions. After the well-served
banquet, the guests showed proper gratitude to the wenches and knaves. Music and Motely followed.
July 4-6, 1975 AS X
First Session, University of Madrone
Held at Lakeside School, Seattle, WA. Some fifty students attended. On Saturday night a symposium of some twenty people gathered to
share knowledge and present papers on various aspects of medieval culture; they dined on Kentucky Fried Chicken, the day being hot
and the participants busy at non-culinary tasks. Sunday night the first session was closed with a banquet for which Shalom ben Avram
of York and the other members of the Sable Court cooked and served medieval-style food to some 45 guests; the assemblage also quenched
its thirst with wine., Edward of Southhaven’s Stout, and port. Prince Edward gave Awards of Arms to Catherine Winifred of Tor-Bitterrot,
James the Dancer, Strybjørn Hrolfsson, Thorgeirr Eikinskjaldi and Alyanora of Vinca.
August 23, 1975 AS X
Prince’s Feast
A feast was held (where?) in honor of Prince Edward. Edward of Stonehaven was the autocrat.
August 30-31, 1975 AS X
100 Years War Memorial Tourney
Held at Matthews Beach, Seattle, WA. Sir Elrond Blacksabre and Sean Gealt autocratted. A war was fought between two sides with dead
fighters being resurrected at the count of five.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Madrone
November 1, 1975 AS X
Samhain Revel
Held at House Barque, Seattle, WA. Liam of the Barque was the autocrat. There were contests in storytelling, cookery (a horsemeat dish),
mulled wine, and costumes: come as your persona’s ancestor or as an ancient god. Some 275 folk attended, from all parts of An Tir. In
addition to celebrating Samhain, the Barque was also celebrating the wedding that morning of Susan the Specific and Edward of Stockwood.
Susan and Edward were required to leap over a broom and toast each other in mead from an ancient Irish method. Susan had a cake broken
over her head and was presented with a Kinsale cape, a traditional Irish wedding present, which is expected to last the bride the rest of her
lifetime. Hild Kettlesbane astonished the happy couple with a unique subtlety representing a Neolithic passage-grave filled with skeletons
in various compromising positions. Such was the lineup at the table that the horsemeat was devoured before the judges could get to it.
Sean Gealt studied the pseudo entrails of a pseudo rabbit to predict the events of the coming year in true Motley fasion. Abra the Trader
was named Pursuivant Extraordinary in Three Mountains and Michael of Dragonswood was named Pursuivant in Adiantum. Duncan of
Chisholm was challeneged to a leg contest by Elrond Blacksabre. Duncan still holds the title.
November 15, 1975 AS X
St. Bunstable’s Day Revel
Was it held?
January 2-4, 1976 AS X
Second Session, University of Madrone
Held at Lakeside School, Seattle, WA. Over 100 students attended. Friday Night, January 2, was crowned by a potluck dinner and
symposium in the Refectory, at which Michael the Black recounted some fascinating lore about the medieval fair at Champagne, Edward
of Stonehaven presented a paper on brewing, and Duke Paul of Bellatrix discussed the duties of nobility. Saturday the instructors and
students returned to their classes and that evening everyone adjourned to the Twelfth Night Coronation and Revel. Sunday morning they
again returned for more classes.
January 31, 1976 AS X
Tournament of Games, Canton of En Tice
Held at the Vista Trailer Park Cabana, outside Lynnwood, WA. There were competitions in Nine Man Merles, King of Sweden,
Backgammon, and chess. Prizes were given to the winners of each of these, and to the overall winner. A potluck dinner and revel followed.
The autocrats were Viscount Edward Zifran of Gendy and Trixie LaTush. There was also a Dungeons and Dragons game. Viscount Edward
Zifran won the Nine Man Merles game, the King of Sweden was a draw, and the Bad Guys won the D&D game.
March 13, 1976 AS X
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Sean Gealt led a party of Madronites in Seattle’s annual parade. The party included Geoffrey de Speraunce, Genevra de Estolat, Swanhild,
Glanwym ty Merllionen, David of Bagulay, Serena, Trudy the Trollop, Sonja of Samarousk, and The MacGillivray.
March 20, 1976 AS X
University of Ithra Dance Workshop
Held at the Lakeside School Refectory, Seattle, WA. Fiona di Varanus was the instructor. David of Bagulay led the musicians.
April 24, 1976 AS X
Royal Wedding
Held at the Blessed Sacrament Church, Seattle, WA. Prince Elrond Blacksabre, and Princess Gilraén of Regen were married. A reception
was held at the Parish Hall, followed by an after-reception at Wakefield Castle.
June 19, 1976 AS XI
Second Annual Bergen am Bier Bread Riot and Prize Tourney
Held at Illahoe State Park, Bremerton, WA. Only three fighters showed up, and late at that. The champion twilsey-whopper was one David;
Grand Loser was Catherine. The Bread Riot was won by Catherine, of the incipient Shire of Golden Blossoms, which was putting on the
event. She demonstrated her mastery of furtive thievery and sharp business practices by stealing the most loaves of bread from her
unsuspecting co-attendees. The Ladies Test of Grace (tying on a pair of shoes gracefully and modestly) was won by Genevre of Estolat.
There were no entries in the sweetbreads or metal crafts contest, but the Song Parody Contest was won by Aduel and Sheah, with “Orgy
June 26, 1976 AS XI
LaTush Informal Tourney, Canton of En Tice
Held at the Cascade Vista Mobile Home Park, outside Lynnwood, WA. Trixie LaTush was the autocrat. There was no court and only one
fighter brought his gear. It turned into a farewell party for Trixie, who was soon to leave the canton. Practices were held in archery and
dancing. Towards the end of the tourney several awards were presented. One went to Duncan of Chisholm and Gilvaethe, who arrived at
the informal tourney site on time and spent two hours waiting for anyone else to show up.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Madrone
July 3-5, 1976 AS XI
Third Session, University of Ithra at Madrone
Held at the home of Chancellor Michael the Black and his lady, Stevanna of Hoghton, near Lake Cassidy, WA. Some fifty persons attended
to take or give classes. Rain descended the first day but cleared up for the second and third days. Saturday evening a symposium was held,
along with a potluck banquet. King Paul and Queen Carol attended. King Paul gave Awards of Arms to Dennis an Seodoir and Seaghdha
of Green Mountain and admitted Dennis an Seodoir to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. A Regents Meeting followed, at which Chancellor
Michael the Black stunned everyone by announcing his retirement. The second day began with more classes. In the evening a sumptuous
banquet was held. King Paul admitted Allysen of Dunrobin to the Order of the Pelican. Bachelors and Masters Degrees were handed out
to many students and instructors. The following day saw the completion of classes under a sweltering sun. Caitlin na Darag was awarded
the first Ithra Doctorate of Philosphy in Culinary Arts (her thesis had been the banquet the night before). Chancellor Michael the Black
temporarily rescinded his resignation on the condition that local support for the University increase. All of the work had been born by
himself and the members of his household, and few Madronites had come to the session.
July 17, 1976 AS XI
Annexation of the Shire of Faire Haven
On this date the Baron of Lion’s Gate, Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland, annexed the Shire of Faire Haven to the Barony of Lion’s Gate.
Baron Gerhard quieted the fears of the citizens of Bellingham, WA by a proclamation which limited his action to the Knowne World. He
named Maelen of Kynge’s Lea to be his Castellan. Madrone was busy preparing for the Shasta campaign.
July 18, 1976 AS XI
Informal Gathering, Shire of the Golden Blossoms
Held in the yard of Laird of the MacGillivrays, Tacoma, WA. Seven members showed up to a repast of that Italian dish, spaghetti.
July 31, 1976 AS XI
Crier Benefit Tourney
Held in Ravenna Park Picnic Area, Seattle, WA. Sean Gealt and Gwili were the autocrats. Baroness Dierdre presided over a baronial court.
A rummage sale was held. Serena did a provocative belly dance and was showered with coins. Lists were held. Duncan of Chisholm
provided Athole Brose in return for contributions. The rummage sale went on apace, and the populace was encouraged to Give Until It
Hurts by a specially hideous pipe-band-by-committee (everyone played different parts of the instrument, at length), Motley skits (the
populace was encouraged to give to make them stop; money flowed), and a song based on the song “That Old Time Religion”, sung by
Motley. The winner of the Lists was Eugen von Ostmark, who chose Fritha of Cair Bannog to be his Queen of Love and Beauty. At final
court it was announced that the Crier had cleared $88. An unravel followed at Wakefield Castle.
August 14, 1976 AS XI
Second Annual Medieval Spaghetti Feed, Canton of Golden Blossoms
Held at the MacGillivray’s Castle, Tacoma, WA.
August 21-22, 1976 AS XI
Wedding and First Annual Burgundy Prize Tourney
Held at Snoqualmie River Campground, Seattle, WA. In a Norse ceremony Gilmirron of the Blue Flame and a justice of the peace married
Reynaud of Burgundy to his lady Allysen. Shalom ben-Avram of York and his lady Judith bat-Avram of York acted as “seconds”. Then
the tourney commenced. Viscount Edward Zifran won the lists. Genevra of Estolat won the poetry contest; Pippin was judged the cook
of the best Turkey (aka Glanwyn ty Meillionen); and a potluck feast was held, which was enormous owing to the five turkeys that were
entered in the turkey contest. Revelry and a rowdy and bawdy shivaree for the newly weds followed that evening. The next morning Baron
Liam held a morning court and all departed.
October 30, 1976 AS XI
Samhain Revel
Held at the Meadowdale Country Club, Edmonds, WA. People came dressed as their ancestors, figures from mythology, or private jokes.
Festivities opened with a processional to Cernunnos and his lady. The processional followed no order, as there is no rank after the grave.
Revellers were welcomed to the celebration of the Celtic New Year, when the dead walk, fairy mounds are opened, and the Lady gives
custody of the year to the Horned God. Sumptuous potluck feasting followed, in a hall lit soley by candle and fire light. Julian of the Purple
Mist won the wine contest; Daniel of Shadygrove won the Storytelling contest; Alysson won the meatpie contest; and a costume judging
was held. The decisions were: Best Male Costume - Chronos; Best Female - the Hag (Maire ni Monivea); Most Celtic Male - Bran the
Blessed (Julian of the Purple Mist); Most Celtic Female - a water kelpie (Gwendolyn Caer Cerddinen); Most Outrageous - Sister
Appassionata (Serena); Special Award: Celtic Border Figures (Edward of Stonehaven and Caitlin na Darac); Best Group - King Arthur and
horse, Monty Python style - (Edward Zifran of Gendy and Alysson); and Most Archaic - The Egyptian Goddess of Life (Fiona di Varanus).
(Typesetter’s note: The rest of the History of Madrone is handwritten - there may easily be errors ...)
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Madrone
February 12, 1977 AS XI
Lupercalia Festival
Held Where? Sir Edward Zifran of Gendy was the autocrat. Prizes for contests: Most Beautifully Illuminated Valentine, Most Lecherous
Gentleman, Best Despcription of a Tassie Massie, Aphrodesiac Recipe, Story of the Most Difficult Conquest of Your Heart’s Desire, Most
Beautiful Poetry in Representation of Valentine’s Day, Best Skit pertaining to Lupercalia, Most Ornately Pleasing Welsh Spoon. Children’s
contests: Best Valentine Poem, Best Costume Design by a child, Most unusual beastie, and tale thereof, Best Illuminated Valentine. Potluck
Feast, Music, Storytelling.
February 19-20, 1977 AS XI
Crier Benefit Feast
Held at the Hall of Häga, Seattle, WA. 12 persons sat to dinnner at $10/person. The right to be Lord and Lady for the feast was sold.
Katherine of Northhall and Catherine of Häga were the autocrats. Serena Cleindori of Bagulay sculpted a subtlety.
March 17, 1977 AS XI
Informal St. Patrick’s Day Observance
(See P. 13 May 77 Crier)
April 2 & 3, 1977 XI
Abu Asan Memorial Day Tourney
April 17, 1977 AS XI
Bridal Shower for Viscountess Alma Tea
Alisoun Vozens hosted it. The ladies sipped tea, and opened gifts, munched on cakes & flummery, and viewed three educational films
dealing with certain viking practices.
Apr 30-May 1, 1977 AS XII
Wedding Tourney and New Year Celebration
Held one mile outside of Maple Falls, WA. Saturday was the wedding of Viscount Sir Edward Zifran of Gendy and Viscountess Alma Tea
av Den Telemarken. Saturday night was the New Year’s Eve party. Sunday was May Day Celebration. Contests in Archery, Athelbrose,
Saturday had a Prize Tourney and Potluck Dinner. Sunday had a war melee. Edward was the autocrat. (See P. 15, June ‘77 Crier)
May 14, 1977 XII
Viking Ship Launching
(Seep P. 14, July Crier)
May 21, 1977 AS XII
St. Edwin’s Day Tourney
Held at Ravenna Park, Seattle, WA. Sean Gealt was the autocrat. Contests for best rabbit dish, best rabbit joke, a death throes contest, and
best quiche. (See P. 14 July Crier)
June 4, 1977 AS XII
Second Annual Memorial Floating War Tourney
Matthews Beach Park, Seattle, WA.
July 9-10, 1977 AS XII
First Annual Highland Celtic Games and Foligue, Blatha an Oir
Snoqualmie River Campground, Fall City, WA. Duncan Chisholm was the autocrat. Prize tourney Saturday followed by a Celtic Melee (the
Celts against the world). Caber and Stone tossing, piping, foot races, tug of war, battled ore and shuttlecock, darts, nine-man morris.
Contest for best Broonies, wine. Best Children’s drawings of “Nessie”, Best period Ballad. Best Ghoulie tale, best decorated sporran.
Roasted lamb and athelbrose potluck (something obscured by three-ring hole in page).
July 16, 1977 AS XII
Sergeant of Arms Tourney
Held at Black Fens, WA. Baron Theodulf and Baroness Anne selected the first Seargeants of Arms of Madrone. There was a grand melee
between the applicants and the belted fighters. There was dancing, arts contests, and a potluck diner.
July 31, 1977 AS XII
People in the Parks Faire
Held in Everett, WA.
August 6, 1977 AS XII
Michael’s Feast Unravel
Held in Lake Forest and Park, Seattle, WA. Michael Tryggvason was the autocrat. (Chonicle P. 16, September Crier)
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The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Madrone
August 20, 1977 AS XII
Wedding and Nuptial Tourney
Held at Marymoor Park, Seattle, WA. Morimoto Koryu and Glanwyn Tí Meillionen were wed. (See P. 12, July Crier)
August 27, 1977 AS XII
Minstrel’s Faire
House Mandgragora sponsored the Faire, held at Discovery Park, Seattle, WA. (See Page 11, August Crier) Sigelgaita the Silver-tongued
of Starhaven became first Baronial Mistress of the Pied Pipers Place. (See p. 10 Sept. Crier)
September 17, 1977, AS XII
Bunen Medieval Feste and Faire
(See P. 10 November Crier)
Sept 24-25, 1977 AS XII
Second Annual Burgundy Prize Tourney
Held at Snoqualmie River Campground, Fall City, WA. (See P 5, October Crier)
October 29, 1977 AS XII
Held in the Meadowdale Community Centre, Seattle, WA. Liam and Diredre were autocrats. (See P. 6, October Crier, p. 7; November Crier;
p. 13, January 78 Crier)
November 5, 1977 AS XII
Eastside Benefit Medieval Faire
November 12, 1977 AS XII
November 25, 1977 AS XII
Shadygrove House Cooling Party
December 3, 1977 AS XII
Founding Feast, East Farthing
Pullman, WA.
February 1978 AS XII
Lupercalia Revel
(See Page 15, April Crier)
March 11, 1977 AS XII
St. Padraig’s Day Parade
Seattle, WA. Baronial members marched in the City’s annual parade. (Page 13, May Crier)
April 1, 1978 AS XII
All Fool’s Tourney and Revel
(See Page 10, April Crier; Chronicle P. 15, July Crier)
April 22, 1978 AS XII
Banquet and Games Tournament
(See Page 7, May Crier; Chronicle P. 14, June Crier)
April 29, 1978 AS XII
Dragon Quest to Raise Monies
April 30, 1978 AS XII
Lady’s Day and May Eve Revel
(Chronicle P. 15, July Crier) Held at Gas Works Park, Seattle. Sponsored by House Ampersand ‘Or. (Page 13, April Crier, centerfold May
May 6, 1978 AS XIII
Renaissance Faire
Held at Shoreline Community College, Seattle, WA.
June 10-11, 1978 AS XIII
St. Bunstable’s Prize Tourney
Held at Snoqualmie River Campground, Fall City, WA. (See P. 8, July Crier)
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Three Mountains
The Barony of Three Mountains
(Portland, OR)
The Barony of Three Mountains was formed in late 1969 in Portland, Oregon. The founding baron is Baron
Frederic of the WestTowers, who was also the first seneschal. There was no founding baroness.
The Barony of Three Mountains - Argent, a
laurel wreath vert and a chief dancetty of three azure.
December 31, 1969 AS IV
New Years Eve Revel
Held in Baron Frederick’s home in Portland, OR. The first event of the Barony.
February, 1970 AS IV
Edwin Bersark, Earl Marshall, appointed Sir Frederic of the WestTower Knight Marshall for Madrone and Three Mountains.
May 29, 1970 AS V
Norwestercon Tourney
Held in the Portland Heathman Hotel, Portland, OR. The Barony sponsored an unofficial demonstration tourney at the con. About this time
Nicorlynn of Caer Wydder became seneschal. This was the first tourney for the Barony.
June 20, 1970 AS V
Combined Tourney, Madrone and Three Mountains
Held at Clyde Schumann’s Ranch, Olympia, WA.
July 18, 1970 AS V
Summer Tourney and Revel
Held off Pleasant Valley Road, Kinton, OR. Sir Frederick was the autocrat.
August 15-16, 1970 AS V
First Overnight Tourney
Held off Johnson Road, near Cornelius Pass, OR. Edwin Bersark was victorious in the Saturday lists and was master of the revels at the
evening revel. Lady Nicorlynn of Caer Wydder res igned as seneschal to go south to the Mists with her lord, Frederick of Holland. Grane
the Golden (Anthony Ward) succeeded her.
January, 1971
Sir Frederick appointed Jerald of Galloway temporary Acting Knight Marshall.
April 18, 1971 AS V
Spring Tourney
Held in Washington Park, Portland, OR. Grane the Golden was the autocrat. The winner of the lists received a sword from the Hippogriff
May 2, 1971 AS VI
May Tourney and Revel
Held where? There was a maypole and dancing, a poetry contest, pillow fighting, feasting and a revel in the evening.
June 5, 1971 AS VI
Anniversary Tourney
Held at the Hoyt Arboretum, Washington Park, Portland, OR. Baron Frederic of the West Tower was the autocrat. The fighting
championship was won by Erol of Lithostone.
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The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Three Mountains
June 26, 1971 AS VI
Demonstration Tourney
Held at Pleasure Faire, Oregon City, OR.
August 14-15, 1971 AS VI
Overnight Tourney
December 19, 1971 AS VI
Winter Solstice Revel
Held at Rose Castle, Portland, OR. Gerard of the Roses was autocrat. The revel featured the wedding of Gilmirron of the Blue Flame to
Sumingo of the House of New Midgard.
April 8, 1972 AS VI
Royal Tourney
Held in East Delta Park Archery Area, Portland, OR. Grane the Golden was the autocrat. The tourney was held in honor of King Paul and
Queen Carol. King Paul gave Awards of Arms to Jeanne of Portland, Jerald of Galloway and Roi de Cascades. Miles of the Shamrock won
the fighting lists.
May 13, 1972 AS VII
May Tourney, Canton of the Flaming Hall
Held on the Oregon City High School Practice Field, Oregon City, OR. Roi de Cascades was the autocrat. The first event of the canton saw
the members put out a fire at the school, from whence came the name of the canton.
June 22-23, 1972 AS VII
Birthday Tourney
The tourney was rained out and a consolation revel was held at the House of the Dragon Masters.
July 22-23, 1972 AS VII
Birthday and Midsummer Tourney
Held at Melver State Park, Clackamas County, OR.
September 16, 1972 AS VII
War Games Tourney
Held in the Washington Park Archery Range, Clackamas County, OR.
September, 1972 AS VII
Richard of Ravenwolf was appointed Master of Sciences.
October 22, 1972 AS VII
Consolation Crown Tourney Revel
Where? About this time Jerald of Galloway became Mountain Pursuivant.
January 12, 1973 AS VII
Twelfth Night Yule Feast
Held at the Beaver Building, Portland, OR. Sumingo of Aramanth was the autocrat. Erliss of Greylizard and Lorisse of Eaglesloffte were wed.
March 30, 1973 AS VII
All Fool’s Day Revels
Held in the Beaver Building, Portland, OR. John of Ravenwolf was autocrat.
May 12, 1973 AS VIII
Clan Gathering
Held at the Washington Park Archery Range, Portland, OR. Baron Frederic of the WestTower was the autocrat. There were games, arts,
combat, craftsmen and their wares, a bardic circle, a bard contest, a bread baking contest, and a contest held among Armsen for the title
of Warrior. A fighter obtained the title of Armsman by being qualified and showing up with their own helm, shield (painted with their
device), and at least one tourney weapon approved by the marshall.
June 9, 1973 AS VIII
Anniversary Tourney
Held in Washington Park Archery Range, Beaverton, OR. Gerard of the Roses was the autocrat. Revels followed at Beaver Hall. There were
challenges, melees, arts competitions, a meat pie contest, a costume contest, and a jeweler’s contest.
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The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Three Mountains
July 8, 1973 AS VIII
High Summer Tourney
Held at the Washington Park Archery Range, Beaverton, OR. Grane the Golden and Karl Silverhorn were the autocrats. There was a meat
stew contest, combat, games, and a bardic circle.
February 16, 1974 AS VIII
Where? Grane the Golden and Baron Frederic of the WestTower autocratted. Held in celebration of the betrothal of Natasha of the Flame
to Grane the Golden.
May 4, 1974 AS IX
Held at the Gatlan Gables Scholl, Portland, OR. Baron Frederic of the WestTower, Prince Richard of Ravenwolf, Odin Olson, and Edward
Zifran participated.
May 4-5, 1974 AS IX
Renaissance Faire
Held at Reed College, Portland, OR. Roy de Cascades and a group from the Canton of Flaming Hall put on demonstrations.
July 26-27, 1974 AS IX
Robin Hood Days
Held in Sherwood, OR. Edward Zifran of Gendy autocratted an SCA demonstration.
August 10-11, 1974 AS IX
Sun Tourney
Held at Washington Park Archery Range, Portland, OR. Edward Zifran autocratted.
October 5, 1974 AS IX
Fall Tourney
Held at the University of Portland Campus, Portland, OR. The unravel was held at the home of Edward Zifran of Gendy.
March 15, 1975 AS IX
Pete de Mars
Held in the Commons, Reed College, Portland, OR. Aerlyss Grelizard and Alcazia Nadira autocratted. There were magicians, a potluck feast,
musicians, mimes, mummers, dancers, and contest in dinner bread, jewelry, and for the Head of the Culinary Guild, a complete medieval main
dish platter.
December 7, 1975 AS X
Midwinter Revel
Held in the Portland Art Museum, Portland, OR. Numerous crafts were on display. There were fighting demonstrations and dancing.
Normand of Araby was given a silver Chalice by the House of Deitrich (Seneschal of Three Mountains) for Best Man’s Costume and Serena
was given a brooch. The third award was Scatterbrain, that infamous blade created by Jamie Oakenshield, foisted by Valkyrie on some
unsuspecting and here-in unnamed stalwart.
January 24, 1976 AS X
House Oakenshield Alliance Feast
Held at the Student Union Building, Reed College, Portland, OR. Nearly 100 persons attended. The food was served buffet-style after the
households had been instructed. Entertainment was provided by Raymond the Muskrat, a piper, Michael, a juggler and fool, the Madrigal
Singers, and Erin, a bellydancer. The poetry and song contest on the subject of House Oakenshield and allies was won by Janet of Arden.
The Most Courtly Gentleman was deemed to be Baron Michael of Dragonswood. Briere of the Deep Woods won the pastry competition
with her Conventry Cakes. There was Nordic wrestling, dancing, singing, and other revelry.
July 24-25, 1976 AS XI
Sherwood Forest Days
Held in Sherwood, OR. This is an international event, with the towns of Sherwood and Nottingham, England, competing simultaneously
in an archery competition. The final scores at Sherwood are sent to Nottingham and vice versa, and the town with the highest scores is
judged the winner. So far, in several years of competition, the town of Sherwood has consistently won over the town of Nottingham. The
members of the Barony attend and put on demonstrations to add to the color and pomp. This year a prize tourney was held at the site,
presided over by Prince Steingrim and Princess Hrefna. Sir Jerald of Galloway was the autocrat. An 8/4 blow competition was held, with
each fighter getting only eight blows, and with the Princess having the option to award an extra four blows to fighters who pleased her.
Prince Steingrim was the winner. The second event was two-man teams, won by Prince Steingrim and Manfred der Blutfalfe. The final
contest was one-on-one fighting, won by Eric Blackhand. Gairlock of Stormbringer was the Mistress of the Lists. Prince Steingrim abducted
Maid Marian. A champion (Blackhand) was appointed to rescue her. Prince Steingrim appointed Sir Frederic of the WestTower as his
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champion, but Blackhand won, thus freeing Maid Marian. Not to be outdone the ladies abducted the Sheriff and his men and locked them
up in their jail, releasing them at the price of buying each of the ladies an Orange Crush.
August 14, 1976 AS XI
Three Mountains Tourney and Oakenshield Pig Roast
(From here on, the History of Three Mountains is hand-written - so mistakes are quite possible)
December 18, 1976 AS XI
Yule Feast
Held at Colombia Park Field House, Portland, OR. (See p. 12 June Crier)
March 27, 1977 AS XI
Reception for Janeltis Karaine, Stargazer
Held at the home of Sir Jamie of the Oakenshield and his lady Teamne, in honor of Mistress Janeltis, newly admitted to the Order of the
Laurel by Prince Edward with the permission of King Andrew.
Apr 30-May 1, 1977 AS XII
Reed College Renaissance Fair
(See p. 16 Sept. Crier)
July 2-5 1977 AS XII
Baron Sir Frederick Memorial Tourney & Adiantum Reclamation Project
Held at Mile McIver State Park, OR. Baron Frederick took a one year leave of absence from the post of Baron. Dietrich von
Knessheldenburg was named Vicar. Valkyrie was the autocrat. Three Mountains attempted to reclaim Adiantum.
July 16, 1977 AS XII
Wedding Revel
Viscountess Gwendolyn of Ger Cerdonnent, Sir Audun the Red. Held at Columbia Park, Portland, OR. Contests for best challenges, puns,
favors, love tokens and a poem or song in honor of the occasion. There was a potluck feast.
July 23, 1977 AS XII
Sherwood Days
(See Chronicle, page 8, October Crier)
August 21, 1977 AS XII
Prize Tourney and Box Lunch Social
Washington Park Amphitheatre. (Sept. 9 Nov. Crier)
October 8, 1977 AS XII
Valribors Revel
Held at Laurelhurst Park Field House, Portland, OR. Hosted by Valfribors Freehold. There was fighting practice in the afternoon. Koressa
Thokuballa was the autocrat. A potluck banquet was held. Contests: head piece, SCA persona origin story, personal banners, suit of
peasant armor.
October 14-16, 1977 AS XII
Wedding Celebration
Held at Marzare & McKenna Campground, outside Portland, OR. Celebrating the marriage of Robert and Stacia of Olympia.
October 15, 1977 AS XII
Communications Revel
Held somewhere in Portland, OR. Representatives of all branches gathered with Prince Edward and Princess Almatea to discuss problems
throughout An Tir. (See p. 6, Dec. Crier)
October 28, 1977 AS XII
November 5, 1977 AS XII
Tanists’ Tea
Lord and Lady Dikty welcomed the Tanists Manfred & Koressa at Rhamphorhynichus Manor, West Linn, Or.
December 4, 1977 AS XII
Annual Park Blocks Revel
Held in the YMCA Building, Portland, OR. SCA demos put on. (Chronicle p. 9, March 78 Crier)
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The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Three Mountains
December 10, 1977 AS XII
Princess’ Tea
Held at the home of Koressa Thokubjalla, in honor of Princess Almatea.
December 17, 1977 AS XII
Yule Feast
(See p. 9, March 78 Crier)
February 4, 1978 AS XII
(See p. 14, April 78 Crier)
April 15, 1978 AS XII
Warrior’s Gathering
The Seneschal, Valkyrie, resigned, effective May 13. Pathfinder became the herald. Lady Briere resigned as Chatelaine, and was succeeded
by Cale. Mistress Sumingo resigned as Exchequeor, and was succeeded by Baroness Amelynne.
April 29, 1978 AS XII
Reed College Renaissance Fair
Sir David of Westerville sponsored a prize tourney.
May 20, 1978 AS XIII
(See p. 8, June Crier)
June 17, 1978 AS XIII
2nd Annual Baron Sir Frederick’s War
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Adiantum
The Barony of Adiantum
(Eugene, OR)
The first event was a revel sometime in the first part of 1974.
The Barony of Adiantum - Sable, a double-headed
bear erect affronty, forelegs upraised, heads displayed Or, armed
argent, langued and orbed gules, within a laurel wreath argent.
April 6, 1974 AS VIII
Second Revel
Autocratted by Alyanora of Vinca. Prince Richard and Princess Lenore attended.
June 29, 1974 AS IX
Revel with Fighting
Held in Hendricks Park, Eugene, OR. There was a wine making contest, a bread baking contest, a costume contest, and a potluck dinner.
Alyanora of Vinca autocratted.
July 27, 1974 AS IX
Second Revel with Fighting
Held in Hendricks Park, Eugeone, OR. Autocratted by Alyanora of Vinca. The Page had given this date instead of June 29, so both were
April 19, 1975 AS IX
Spring Revel
Held at St. Mary’s Episcopal Parish Church, Eugene, OR. Michael of Dragonswood autocratted. There was court and belly dancing, ballad
singing, a potluck feast, and contests for home made wine, meat pies, and costumes.
May 24-26, 1975 AS X
Egils Prize Tourney
Held on a farm outside Eugene, OR. Thorgir the Thirsty autocratted. Contests for prizes were held in story-telling, wine, fighting, wrestling,
archery, games, twilsey-whopping, a Bards contest, and overall score for the tourney, for which the prize was a decorated drinking horn.
October 4, 1975 AS X
New World Revel
Held in Hendricks Park, Eugene, OR. People came as New World persona, or as Old World persona with a story of how they came to be
present. A game of Norse stickball was won by Duke James Greyhelm and Duchess Verena of Laurelin. Following a New World Feast, Sir
Elrond Blacksabre and Dublin tied in the story-telling contest, as each related the reasons for their presence. One local Viking was dubbed
Thuringer, with an appropriate weapon (a sausage), and the populace broke in to a rendition of “Hark, the herald Michael sings, Glory to
the new Viking.”
January 17, 1976 AS X
Midwinter Feast and Revel
Held in the Lane County Fairgrounds, Pioneer Building, Eugene, OR. Daphne and Phillipe of the House of Cruzan ran the feast and Diana
of Cruzan and Michael of Dragonswood autocratted. Prince Elrond and Princess Gilréann attended. Master Beverly Hodghead delivered
a letter from King William and Queen Donna, wishing all a successful feast, and presented a silver pin to Princess Gilréann. Corwyn of
Thornwood then read a later letter from their Majesties expressing support for the Shire’s petition for baronial status. Feasting and
entertainment followed. Then Prince Elrond and Princess Gilréann held court. They presented Daphne and Phillipe with a pearl necklace
and a moon and star buckle. Úlfhédinn inn Vegfarandi then presented Daphne and Phillipe with a large hand-forged ladle and fork. The
prize chest for the upcoming Egilstourney was displayed. The chest was made by Edwin of Svartelder, Úlfhédinn had done the metalwork,
and Reginleif the Unruly and Victoria Anna de Toleda had done the lining. Duchess Marynell of Darkhaven won the Decorated Vegetable
Dish contest and was presented by Daphne and Phillipe with a silver dish. Woltur the Saxon won the wine prize of a 20 lb. sugar loaf.
Janeltis Karaine, Stargazer won the prize for Best Woman’s Costume: a revel cloak from Alyanora of Vinca, and Zachary the Short, Woltur
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the Saxon’s two year old son, took the Best Men’s Costume prize - a knife made by Edwin of Svartelder. Baroness Ellen Cross Quills
showed films of early kingdom tourneys, and dancing and other entertainments commenced. Aud the Dreamer staged an operatic death
scene, complete with longwinded speech.
March 29, 1976 AS X
Adiantum Named a Barony
King William proclaimed Adiantum to be a Barony, and made Michael of Dragonswood and Alyanora of Vinca Baron and Baroness.
May 29-31, 1976 AS XI
Held outside of Vida, OR. Corwynn of Thornwood was the autocrat. The tourney proceeded through a perpetual downpour. There was
a potluck dinner on Saturday . The Bards contest was put off until the next evening “as the weather couldn’t get worse”. It did. The morning
was clear but a new storm swept in. The contests proceeded anyway. Duke James Greyhelm emerged victorious in the fighting contest and
won the coveted Viking chest. Elrond Blacksabre was appointed Warlord of the North, and Gandharva Chandra was named official
ambassador from Atenveldt and official Bardic representative as well. With the rain growing steadily worse the tourney adjourned to four
revels: House Oakenshield, House of Cruzan, Dragontryst, and Bromleys’. The calligraphers were present at Cruzan so the calligraphy and
illumination contests were held, with Janet of Arden and Gwendolyn Caer Cerddinen being the winners, respectively.
June 12, 1976 AS XI
High Wood Keep Anniversary Revel
Held at High Wood Keep, Eugene, OR.
June 25-27, 1976 AS XI
Renaissance Faire
Held near Eugene, OR. The barony put on SCA demonstrations.
August 7-8, 1976 AS XI
Shasta Punitive Raid
Held at Skinner’s Butte Park, Eugene, OR. The Shastans didn’t show up, although a single fighter from Caid did. Sides were chosen, one
side being designated “honorary” Shastans for the day, and the melee was held. An Tir emerged victorious, thus forcing the Kingdom to
keep Shasta.
September 25, 1976 AS XI
Fall Revel
Held in Hendrick’s Eugene, OR. Diana av Fjell Tusenfryden autocratted. There was a snowbound cooking contest called Snowbound-make
a meal with a given set of raw materials to work with.
(From here on, the History of Adiantum is hand-written, so mistakes are quite possible.)
March 26, 1977 AS XI
Peasants Revel
Held at Hendricks Park, Eugene, OR. All peasantry were invited. There was Norse Stick Ball, Clench-a-Wench, dancing, and free-form
wrestling. There were contests of skill, strength, and artistic ability. There was a potluck feast. Contests: Groveling, swill. One Lord and
one Lady at event. (See p. 13, May 77 Crier)
May 28-30, 1977 AS XII
Egilstourney, Skallagrimssonur
Held outside Vida, OR. Úlfhédinn inn Vegfarandi was the autocrat. Contests: Lists, Best Rain tale, Decorative armor, Norse Stick Ball,
photography. Tourney Prize - household and camp gear. (See p. 15, July Crier)
July 30-31, 1977 AS XII
Summer Tourney and Clamming Expedition
Held at Bustendorff County Park, Charleston, OR. Alyannora of Vinca was the autocrat. (See p. 12, July Crier, p. 7 Aug. Crier, P. 9, Nov.
August 6, 1977 AS XII
(Canton of Caer Lyon) Housewarming Revel
House Lemming and House Boarhunt held a housewarming revel at their combined home in Corvallis, OR.
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The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Adiantum
August 20, 1977 AS XII
Games Revel
Held in Hendricks Park, Eugene, OR. Úlfhéðinn inn Vegfarandi and Janet of Arden autocratted. There was round-robin backgammon, 9men’s morris, Norse stick ball, and other outdoor and board games, followed by a potluck feast and Baron’s court. Ailantha of Greani Vellir
became first Baronial Mistress of the Pied Piper’s Place.
August 21, 1977 AS XII
Prize Tourney and Box Lunch Social
Held at Washington Park Amphitheatre, Eugene, OR. Lady Valkyrie and Lord Ulfred Diommefjell autocratted. Double elimination lists for
a viking leather belt made by Manfred. Lucnhes were auctioned. A Shakespearean company performed “All’s Well That Ends Well.” Folk
dancing, auction of a private belly dancing session from Lady Sumingo.
October 22, 1977 AS XII
Harvest Revel
Held at Hendricks Park, Eugene, OR. There was apple ducking, egg tossing, twilsey wopping, and dancing, a feast and a Baronial Court.
Contests were held for Pandybats, best Harvest Theme Table Decoration, Dried Food Dish, Harvest Theme Toast.
January 28, 1978 AS XII
Midwinter Feast
(See p. 8, Feb. Crier; p. 11, March 78 Crier)
May 27, 1978 AS XIII
Held near Alpine OR at Thorjalla. (See p. 10, May Crier; p. 8 June Crier; p. 15, July Crier)
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Lion’s Gate
The Barony of Lion’s Gate
(Vancouver, BC, Canada)
The Barony of Lions Gate - Per pale sable and
argent, two lions rampant addorsed counterchanged, and in chief a
laurel wreath per pale Or and vert.
Feb 22-24, 1974 AS VIII
V-Con III Demonstration
Held at the Science Fiction convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. This was the first event of the group in Vancouver.
Demonstrations of fighting, dancing, and other SCA activities were put on by An Tir citizens at the con. A reception was held afterwards
at the home of Michel le Voyageur and his lady Susan, the founders of the group.
June, 1974 AS IX
A meeting was held at the home of Michael le Voyageur. The name of Lion’s Gate was agreed on. At first they wanted to translate it into
Russian, but later this was dropped and the English version remains. A revel followed the meeting.
October 12, 1974 AS IX
Baron Liam of the Barque and his lady Dierdre Muldomhnaigh visited Lion’s Gate and a revel was held in their honor. Ilya Gryaznie was
made seneschal-designate of the shire. The shire intended to achieve baronial status as soon as possible. Michel le Voyageur was the
baron-designate. The revel was held in Michel’s home.
January 18, 1975 AS IX
Monboggian Mid-Winter New Moon Festival
UBC Student Union Building, Vancouver BC Canada, Ballroom. 1st official Lions Gate event. AutocratsAkbar the Beast, Ulfhamr. Baron
Liam of the Barque and Baroness Dierdre Muldomnhaigh attended and Liam stated"you of Lions Gate are on the ... the past, those on the
edges of the world, were entrusted as the guardians of civilization, keeping the memories alive while other societies waxed and waned."
He stated that the Shire was indeed worthy of that trust. Liam fought Iron Maiden, Bjorn used Ballock-Biter against Bolverk using naganata,
Sigurd von den Nordencrosse took the field till Bognonymous defeated him. Twilsey-wopping, tale-telling, table-thumping.
February 16, 1975 AS IX
Royal Tourney
Held in the Student Union Building at the University of British Columbia campus in Vancouver. This was their first tourney. King Paul and
Queen Carol presided. King Paul gave an Award of Arms to Sigurd von der Nordencrasse and Grants of Arms to Liam of the Barque and
Maelen of Kynge’s Lea. King Paul admitted Duncan of Chisholm and Edward of Stonehaven to the Order of the Pelican. Lists were held
and won by Sir William the Lucky, who defeated Mac of the Maccabees. Sir William’s lady was Maelen of Kynge’s Lea. King Paul chartered
the University of Madrone and gave out charters to the Baronies of Madrone and Three Mountains. Ilva and Vareska of Volnitsa Sech gave
the Nicest Foreigner Award to King Paul and the Black Dragon to Sir William the Lucky for ferocity in fighting.
September 6-7, 1975 AS X
Lammastide Tourney
Held near Cultus Lake, British Columbia. Many contests were held for prizes. A potluck feast was held on the sixth. Gerek the Farseeing
was the autocrat. Prince Edward held court and warranted “until the Crown complains” Seaghda of Green Mountain as seneschal of Lion’s
Gate, Tara nic an Fhleisdir as Mistress of Arts, Gerek the Farseeing as Master of Sciences, and Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland as Baron,
although the formal approval of baronial status for Lion’s Gate had not passed the Board of Directors yet. Michel le Voyageur had left the
shire earlier that year and Gerhard was his successor as baron designate. Bjorn of Havok won the lists and recieved the prize of a short
sword. Peter de la Morte won a knife for two-handed weapons, Trixie la Tush and Kate the Mute tied in the bread-breaking contest, and
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Elspeth of the Balking Beastie and Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland tied in the poetry contest. Revelry followed. On the following day
Prince Edward and Boverk Momchilovich held the bridge against all comers and challenges were fought.
October 18, 1975 AS X
On this date, at the Coronet Tourney in Madrone, King Douglas made Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland a Court Baron.
November 14-17, 1975 AS X
Canterbury Fayre
Held at the St. James Church, Vancouver. The citizens of Lion’s Gate participated as craftsmen, merchants, town guards, bear wrestlers,
stone lifters, tavern brawlers, or barbarian raiders. Friday night was peaceful. Saturday Bjorn of Havok led the barbarians in a raid. Later
that afternoon a tavern brawl broke out between Nhile of Avalon and Alan of Edgewood, with Bombor of Bombardia and Nodrog joining
November 22, 1975 AS X
Baron’s Banquet
Held in the Scottish Auditorium, Vancouver. A banquet was held in the honor of Baron Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland. Over fifty
persons attended and enjoyed the four course feast produced by the Cook’s Guild.
January 17, 1976 AS X
Monboggian Midwinter and New Moon Festival
Held in the Ballroom of the Universit y of British Columbia Campus in Vancouver. The many contests included: sticky fingers for thieves
and pickpockets, best rabbit dis h, story-telling, song contest, wine or beer, kissing, wrestling, best paunch, best costume, best combination
of hat and beard, dancing, and fighting. Akbar the Sot and Mongo of Bog autocratted. The Monboggian Horde was on stage reviewing
the guests. Sean Geält and Michael Trygvason, following the ancient and venerable Monboggian custom, showered the stage with bread;
Sean was captured and sentenced to one blow of a dread Monboggian War Carrot. An unidentified thief was also seized and Sean escaped
(temporarily) in the confusion. The thief later bought his way free. Baron Gerhard Kendall of Westmoreland was awarded a black and blue
codpiece for services rendered to the Shire, and he and his lady were sent Tudor portraits from their counterparts in Madrone. M alla of
the Moors received a spear, a goblet of wine, and a loaf of bread in a naming ceremony; his newborn daughter is a six generation
Monboggian (how this is possible is not clear, but then the rabbit is their totem). The ceremony was presided over by Mongo of Bog, High
Monbog Shaman.
In the fighting Bjorn of Havok defeated Morgan of Aberystwyth in the melees, and was also victorious on the field. Viscount Edward
Zifran won all the challeneges. Then Baron Gerhard and Styraeman of Havok demonstrated two-handed fencing (circa 1550). At various
times during the day Aragon the Armorer tried to buy Semasem for gold, but failed; the page, André Lessard, was accused of thievery and
was about to be placed in the stocks, but was found innocent by Viscount Edward. Baron Gerhard challenged Subotai of Bog to a war carrot
duel, but Subotai struck the referee and the contest was declared a draw. Feasting and entertainment followed.
The sticky fingers contest (for misappropriation of funds) was won by Boverk of Monchiolvich, who stole five purses and begged
the rest. Susan the Opaque and Edward Zifran won the ladies and gentlemen’s kissing contests, respectively. (One may note that they were
both judges.) Friar William won the Best Paunch contest and was awarded a mirror so that he might once again see his shoes. Semasem,
in a Berber robe and veil, won the Best Costume Award, and Baron Gerhard won the Combination Hat and Beard contest.
February 20, 1976 AS X
Games Night
Held at the home of Tara nic an Fhleisdir. Some 25 people gathered to play chess, Mad King, Cows and Leopards, King of Sweden, Fox
and Geese, Tarot Whist, Backgammon and Gladiators. There was food in abundance. The group assembled again on April 3, 1976 AS X
to do it again.
March 5, 1976 AS X
University of British Columbia Open House
Held at the U.B.C. campus in Vancouver. Guilds put on exhibits of medieval crafts, games were displayed and played, and the Cook’s Guild
sold Tinker and Welsh cakes and “The Medieval Cookbook”, which contains 46 tested medieval recipes. Music and dancing also enlivened
the event.
April 10-11, 1976 AS X
University of Ithra Spring Session
Organized by Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland, aided by Bombor of Bombardia. Five courses were offered, and thirty five students
attended. Saturday evening saw an impromptu revel at House Kendal and Sunday saw a more formal revel at the Medieval Inn, with about
sixteen in attendance.
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The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Lion’s Gate
April 17, 1976 AS X
Lion’s Gate Picnic
Held in Cates Park, Vancouver. Flushed with enthusiasm after the University of Ithra session the folk of Lion’s Gate decided to hold a picnic
if the weather was good. It wasn’t, but they held it anyway. A meeting of the Cook’s Guild was held at the picnic and all ate well. Archery
was practiced, with Charles of Saxony, Aragon the Armourer, and John of Candia proving themselves the best marksmen.
May 8, 1976 AS XI
Bardic Revel
Held in the Lutherin Campus Center, U.B.C. Campus, Vancouver. Baroness Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland autocratted. A Monboggian
Horde Court was held, at which Akbar the Sot presided. Bombor of Bombardia was given a license to practice as a pardoner, all his fees
and gifts going to the Save the Yurt Fund.Duncan Bog Cameron was recognized as Ambassador to the Monbogs from the Scottish throne,
and Sir William Gordon of York was made military advisor, the pact being sealed with Athole Brose. Baron Gerhard Kendal was called
forward and told that, as far as the Khanate of Monboggia was concerned, Lion’s Gate was a Barony. At the formal Baron’s Reception
Seaghda of Green Mountain and Tara nic an Fhleisdir announced their betrothal and impending marriage. Duncan Bog Cameron was named
Keeper of the Calendar for Lion’s Gate. Styraemon won the pavilion designing contest; Harold of Warrington won in Arms and Armor,
Hecuba the Harpie won the Decorated Food Contest, Bombor of Bombardia won the poetry contest, Dierdre Muldomhnaigh won the Story
contest and the Song contest, and Sativa won the needlework contest. The contest for the best drawing of the Bog Beast, held in the
Monboggian Horde, was won by Morgan of Aberystwyth. The fight over the City of Bellingham between Madrone and Lion’s Gate (loser
keeps it) was announced. Akbar the Sot was given a Monbog device (Or, a rabbit insane).
May 1-2, 1976 AS XI
Kingdom Purgatorio Coronation
King William announced the new baronial status of Lion’s Gate and presented Baron Gerhard Kendal and Baroness Amanda Kendal with
the baronial charter, which was accepted by Michel le Voyageur and Susan the Opaque, who presented His Majesty with a giant toy beaver
with Olympic ribbons.
June 12-13, 1976 AS XI
Outdoor Games Tournament
Held in Warner Loat Park, Vancouver. Events were the 100 yard dash in full armor, with sword and shield; followed by a 100 pace dash for
the squires, carrying their master’s helms; spear throwing for distance and accuracy, wrestling, speed and accuracy with short and great
sword, gold bar pitch, single tug-of-war, archery, quoits, bowls, battledore, shuttlecock, lists and challenges. Baron Gerhard Kendal was
June 19, 1976 AS XI
North Vancouver Library Presentation
Some fifteen members of the Barony showed the mundane world some of their skills in arts, sciences and fighting, as they participated in
North Vancouver’s Folkfest ‘76. A revel followed at House Kendal.
July 8, 1976 AS XI
Royal Revel
Held at the Medieval Inn, Vancouver. King Paul and Queen Carol visited Lion’s Gate after the University of Ithra session in Madrone the
previous weekend and a revel was held in their honor. Gifts were presented to Their Majesties and dinner was served. Stevanna then
performed a belly dance, Maras the Wanderer told stories, and Sebastian of Westering played subtle tunes. Then King Paul exchanged
oaths of fealty and protection with Baron Gerhard and Baroness Amanda. King Paul made Michael the Black a Court Baron and gave an
Award of Arms to Seagdha of Green Mountain.
August 15-16, 1976 AS XI
Lammastide Tourney and Revel
Held in Warner Loat Park, Vancouver. Gerek the Farseeing autocrated Lion’s Gate’s first tourney since becoming a Barony. At first court
Ari Negra-Khan presented his credentials to Baron Gerhard Kendal as Ambassador from Caid, and produced a letter of greeting to the
Prince of An Tir from the Prince of Caid. This was accepted on behalf of Prince Steingrim by the Tanist, Theodulf of Borogrove. Challenge
matches were held both days. The Monboggian Yurt made its appearance. Baroness Amanda consulted with the ladies of Lion’s Gate on
the subject of chivalry and then proclaimed Morgan of Aberystwyth to be her Champion. The following day Yolanda del Campo de Cerdaña
introduced the southern custom of body looting and used Morgan as the body to demonstrate. The ladies joined in to practice, leading
to what is now called the “rape of Morgan”. Present from House Barque were Hal O’Thane and his lady, Q, whom he led about with a chain
and collar and who would not speak unless Hal gave permission. Several foul abductors conspired to carry her off to the Monbog’s yurt.
A battle ensued, in which the lady was rescued by Lion’s Gate’s constables. At first court the Faire Haven (Bellingham) dispute had been
aggravated by Baron Liam’s vow to liberate The Marshes of the Western Sea (Port Coquitlam) from the oppression of Lion’s Gate; but at
final court Baron Liam expressed his gratitude at the rescue of the member of his household and withdrew his claim. Duke Richard the Short
(Richard of Mont Real) won the lists on Saturday, along with the dagger as prize, and crowned his lady La Rana Queen of Love and Beauty.
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The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Lion’s Gate
Fencing lists were held on Sunday and were won by Morimoto Koryü (sabre) and Bjorn of Havok (foil). The winners of contests in the Arts
and Sciences were: Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland (Travel story), Deirdre Muldomhnaigh and Úlfhédin inn Vegfarandi (Harvest poem),
Anne of Caerdydd (calligraphy), Domric the Sober and Susan the Opaque (tie: Non-alcoholic beverage), James the Vintner and Jean le
Reynard (alcoholic beverage), Tara nic an Fhleisdir (bread), Gerek the Far-seeing (furniture design), Gangenrath Erinon (Decorated Useful
Object), Bombor of Bombardia (footware), O’Guin Silverwolf (magic talisman).
September 19, 1976 AS XI
House Llewellyn Picnic
Held at Lion’s Gate Park, Port Coquitlam, BC. House Llewellyn and the Monboggian Horde challenged the rest of the Knowne World, led
by Baron Gerhard, to a twilsey war. Law and Order were not in effect that day, so two well known outlaws, Styraeman and Thomas Berkley,
were fighting as mercenaries. It was finally decided that the rebels had lost and the day ended with a short court at which Nhille von
Hakenkreuz was made a member of the Princess’ Guard, Styraeman was pardoned by the Baron (but not by House Havok), and doubleheaded twilsey axes were outlawed except for those already in existence.
September 25, 1976 AS XI
The Harrald Hardraata Picnic
Held in Warner Loat Park, Vancouver. The picnic was held to commemorate the Battle of Stanford Bridge in 1066. A re-enactment was
staged on a bridge over a stream near the Lost Lagoon. Bjorn of Havok was the autocrat. The Vikings lost all but a few of the matches.
Various other entertainments were pursued, including a successful body looting after a broadsword fight, and an unsuccessful looting,
in which the body (Nhille von Hakenkreuz) carried off one of the looters. The lady cried for vengeance and so Nhille was, during a twilsey
melee, carried off and thrown in the stream, taking several with him.
October 16, 1976 AS XI
Arts and Crafts Festival
Held at the U.B.C. Campus, along with the UBC Medieval Society. The afternoon featured displays of arts and crafts and SCA
demonstrations, followed by a feast and revel that evening. Tara nic an Fhleisdir and Seaghda of the Green Mountain autocratted. Many
contests were held. The winners were: Favor: Alys of the Midnight Rose, Greeting Card: Julian of the Purple Must, Pouch and Needlework:
Alma Tea av Telemarken, Other fabric arts: Yolanda del Campo, Lion’s Gate Event Directional Banner or Sign: Scellanus of Skye, Bjorn’s
Bizarre Useful Object Contest: Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (ear spoon, toothpick and tongue scraper), Food Dish Containing Flowers
or Herbs: Baroness Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland, Poem in Praise of Lion’s Gate: Baron Gerhard Kendal, Story of a Minstrel in a Foreign
Court: Baron Gerhard Kendal, Most Courteous Gentleman: Scellanus of Skye and Sebastian of Westering.
Nov 12-14, 1976 AS XI
Canterbury Fayre
Held at St. James Anglican Church, Vancouver. The fayre was a reconstruction of how part of medieval Canterbury might have looked,
complete with stalls, craftsman booths, a town square, the Chequers Tavern, and a booth manned by Lion’s Gate. John of Chilham
November 27, 1976 AS XI
Baronial Banquet
Held in the Party Room of the Student Union Building of the UBC campus. More than a dozen dishes in five removes were served, featuring
roast suckling pig and fresh stuffed carp. Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland autocratted.
Eighty-eight guests showed up, along with three cooks. King Kevin and Queen Patrice attended, as did Prince Theodulf and Princess
Anne. Baron Gerhard and Baroness Amanda presided. A sumptuous banquet was served. Prince Theodulf gave Awards of Arms to Akbar
the Sot, Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland, John of Candia, and Tara nic an Fhleisdir. Michael the Black and Stevanna of Hoghton presented
Lion’s Gate Barional Signet Ring to Baron Gerhard. The tannists Edward Zifran of Gendy and Almatea presented heraldic pillows to the
Baron and Baroness. Liam of the Barque presented the Baron with the Baronial Commemorative Crier Cover (by Serena). Special awards
were given to Scellanus of Skye and Whille von Haukenkreuz. John of Chilholm received a thanks for his work on the Canterbury Faire.
Winifred the Witty came forth with a subtlety depicting a laot, and the cook’s guild gave Akar the Sot and Elsbeth a huge knife and fork.
A posthumous award was given to the late Ilya Gryaznie, and an award for poetry was given Duncan Bog Cameron. Alex of Lavonia
received the Baroness’ Badge as her Arts Advisor and Domric the Sober was named her Sciences Advisor. The Baron and Baroness
awarded the Order of the Lion’s Claw to Bjorn of Havok.
January 15, 1977 AS XI
Monboggian Midwinter New Moon Festival
Held in the Party Room of the Student Union Building on the UBC campus, Vancouver. Duncan Bog Cameron and Elsbeth the Whyte
autocratted. Contests were held in: Wood, Story, Poetry, Fabric Arts, Drinking Song, Cooking, Seating Apparatus, Research Paper, Sticky
Fingers, Best Battle Cry, and Wine.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Lion’s Gate
(From here on, the History of Lion’s Gate is hand-written, so mistakes are quite possible.)
February 26, 1977 AS XI
Held at St. Agnes Church, North Vancouver. There were fighting lists, fencing lists, and twilsey whopping lists. There were contests in
handmade wooden objects, best Bogg Beast story, poems in praise of a gentleman by a lady, poems in praise of a lady by a gentleman,
fabric arts, best drinking song, best rabbit or carrot dish, seating apparatus, research paper, best battle cry, wine, and a sticky fingers
(pilfering) contest. There was a potluck dinner. Duncan Bog Cameron and Elspeth the Whyte were the autocrats. (See p. 11, May 77 Crier)
May 1, 1977 AS XII
May Day Revel
(See p. 13, July Crier)
June 4-5, 1977 AS XII
Medieval Highland Games
Held at Warner Loat Park, Burnaby, BC. Lists, melees, challenges, boffer lists, boffer melee, epee, foil and sabre lists, target shooting,
archery, axes, spears, broadsword, greatsword, battleaxe, shuttlecocks, tug of war, Westmoreland’s style wrestling, fighter/squire footrace,
body looting, hammer throw, caber tossing, spear throwing for distance, kagles, quoits, jeudeballs, darts, 9-man morris, albuqurque, and
wani. Gerhard is autocrat. (See p. 14, Sept. ‘77 Crier)
June 18, 1977 AS XII
Cates Park Picnic and Rebellion
Held at Cates Park, North Vancouver. Olen of Capland is autocrat. Boffer lists, dancing, games, contests, gambling games.
June 19, 1977 AS XII
Renaissance Faire
Cedar, WA. (See p. 17, Sept. Crier)
June 25-26, 1977 AS XII
University of Ithra at Lion’s Gate
July 3, 1977 AS XII
Westercon Helmet Bash
Held at Totem Park, UBC, Vancouver. Nhille von Haukenkreuz was autocrat. (See p.15, Sept. ‘77 Crier)
July 9, 1977 AS XII
House Llewelyyn Kite Flying and Castle Forging Extravaganza
Held at the Spanish Banks, near UBC. Sand Castle and Kite-flying event. Highest sand castle, largest circumference sand castle, deepest
dungeon, best kite in the shape of a caltrop.
July 10, 1977 AS XII
Seagirt Feast
Held in Victoria, BC. (See p. 14, Sept ‘77 Crier)
November 4, 1977 AS XII
First S.F.U. Medieval Club Revel
Held at the home of Barry Royal, Simon Frazier University. Revel, games night, needle threaders guild meeting.
November 5, 1977 AS XII
Games Night
Rowenna de Roncevalles de Navarrae and Jean le Reynard de Toulouse hosted, Vancouver.
Nov 18-20, 1977 AS XII
Canterbury Faire
(See P. 13, April ‘78 Crier)
November 26, 1977 AS XII
Baron’s Feast and Dance
Held in the Scottish Auditorium, Vancouver. Baroness Amanda was the autocrat. (See p. 14, April ‘78 Crier)
February 18-19, 1977 AS XII
Shire of Seagirt Prize Tourney and Revel
Held at the Blacnard Friendly Centre, Victoria, BC. Gerek the Far-seeing was the autocrat. (See p. 15, April ‘78 Crier)
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Barony of Lion’s Gate
March 24, 1978 AS XII
Games Revel
Held at the home of James Douglas, Burnaby, BC.
April 1, 1978 AS XII
(See p. 12, April ‘78 Crier; P. 14, June Crier)
April 4-5, 1978 AS XII
Simon Frazer U. Open House
(See p. 14, May Crier)
April 29, 1978 AS XII
Bardic Revel
(See P. 12, April ‘78 Crier; P. 8 May Crier; P. 12, July Crier)
June 16-18, 1978 XIII
University of Ithra Session
Held at Capilano Community College, North Vancouver, BC. (See p. 9 June Crier; P. 16, July Crier)
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of An Tir – The Shire of Eskalya
The Shire of Eskalya
[Editor’s Note: Eskalya was the mundane State of Alaska for a few years, based in Anchorage. A group
started almost immediately after Eskalya, formed in the Matanuska Valley outside of Anchorage, called
Silviergard. The group expanded even more in 1978 when Winter’s Gate was formed in Fairbanks. The
majority of the state of Alaska is now the Principality of Oertha (the southeast/Juneau area is a “March”
The History of Eskalya is hand-written, so mistakes are quite possible. [Hirsch]]
The Shire of Eskalya - Sable, in fess a mountain range
argent, in chief a sun Or between two mullets argent and in base a
sword fesswize reversed Or above a laurel wreath argent.
June 24-26, 1977 AS XII
Summer Tournament
Where? Larissa Katrina of Winterhaven was autocrat.
December 17, 1977 AS XII
Held at House Winter-Haven, Anchorage, AK.
January 14, 1978 XII
Lord Defender’s Tourney & Second Annual Winter Feast
Anchorage, AK. (See p. 14, May Crier)
March 18, 1978 AS XII
St. Patrick’s Day Revel
(See p. 14, June Crier)
May 6, 1978 AS XIII
Renewal Ceremony and Revel
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of Caid
The Principality (Kingdom) of Caid
The Principality of Caid consists of Southern California, including the four
Baronies of the Isles, the Angels, Dreiburgen, and Calafia.
King of Caid: Azure, a crown within a laurel wreath Or,
between three crescents within a bordure embattled argent.
Queen of Caid: Azure, a rose Or between three cresents,
within a bordure embattled argent.
Quadri-Baronial Committee Meeting
March 23, 1974 AS VIII
Held at the home of Sir Christian of Orange, Westminster, California, to make plans for the proposed southern principality.
April 20-21, 1974 AS VIII
Royal Tourney of Union
Held at Glen Helen Regional Park, Devore, CA. The autocrats were Waldt von Markheim and Alys von Markheim (Alison von Markheim),
Bevin Fraser of Sterling, and Aeoelwig Aelfwigsson. King Andrew attended and held court. The Baronies of the Isles, the Angles,
Dreiburgen and Calafia were merged into the Principality of Caid. The Charter of Union was read. King Andrew assumed the title of Prince
of Caid until the first Prince could be chosen by combat. The name Caid had been coined by Master Boncueur. It is an acronym of the
initials of the four baronies and means “The Fortress” in arabic. The Seneschal of the new Principality was Bevin Fraser of Sterling, the
Crescent Herald was Conrad von Regensburg, the Constable was Sir Hugh the Undecided, the Deputy Chancellor was James of the Dunes,
the Chancellor of the Exchequer was Anneka Danzer de Naverlandt, the Mistress of Arts was Meg Shelford, the Master of Sciences was
Friedrich Eric Helmut von Rheinhausen, and the Knight Marshal was Sir Christian of Orange. King Andrew gave Awards of Arms to Britta
Atlantica, Diantha de Castalia, Nicholas Bleumert, Stephen Totenkopf, Thomas of the Double Axe, and Wilhelm von Messer. King Andrew
admitted Alejandro de Salamanco, Armand Sebastian de la Forêt de Savigny, and Däwyd Äspärä Suomainen to the Order of the Leaf of
Merit. There were challenges, melees, a lists for the title Champion of the Principality, a potluck dinner Saturday night and a bardic circle.
There was a cooking contest in main dish, side dish, and dessert.
First Coronet and Coronation Tourney
June 8-9, 1974 AS IX
Held in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Persephone of Woodland was the autocrat.
Coronet Lists were held on Saturday. Sir Christian of Orange defeated Sir Hugh
the Undecided for the Coronet. His lady was Denisa de las Mariposa. King
William attended. There were games of poison, clench-a-wench, challenges,
melees, dances, luncheons were served both days. There was a Banquet
Saturday Night at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, San Diego. Prince Christian and
Princess Denisa were crowned by King William on Sunday.
Christian of Orange: Argent, an orange tree fructed
proper issuant from a mount vert.
September 14, 1974 AS IX
Denysa de las Mariposa: Vert, a bend sinister argent
between two female Holly Blue butterflies proper within a
Second Coronet Tourney
Held in Alhambra Park, Alhambra, CA. Catriona NicChlurain, Bevin Fraser of Sterling, and Piers Howell and Ximena Aubel de Cambria were
the autocrats. Prince Christian and Princess Denisa presided. Coronet lists were held. The lists came down to three combattants -- Hugh
the Undecided, Naverlaunt (sp?), and Waldt von Markheim.
Sir Hugh the Undecided was the winner. Rosemary of Talmont was his lady. There was a cooking contest for a dish with oranges as
a major ingredient, and a banquet and revel at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) was made Chief
Chirurgeon of the Barony of Angels. (Just before the event the first issues of the Caid Newsletter came out. John ap Griffin and Bjo of
Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) were the editors.)
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of Caid
October 12, 1974 AS IX
London Bridge War with Atenveldt
Held at Lake Havasu City, Arizona, beside the transplanted London Bridge. The King of Atenveldt challenged Prince Christian of Caid to
a war for possession of the bridge. The forces of Caid were victorious and Caid took possession.
November 23, 1974 AS IX
Coronetting Festival
Held at Tucker’s Grove, Santa Barbara, CA. Martin the Temperate and
Baroness Jessica Llyrindi of Northmarch were the autocrats. Prince Christian
and Princess Denisa presided over the first part. There were lists for the
Princess’ Favor. A banquet was held at the Board Room of the Francisco
Torres in Santa Barbara, followed by the coronation of Prince Hugh the
Undecided and Princess Rosemary of Talmont. This event was also the first
Bi-Annual Arts Festival. There were games and contests in cooking, comic
monologues, comic scenes, serious monologues, serious scenes, and
musical drama. Giacomo the Incomparable won the Order of the Barbed
Pheon contest for puns. There was the first annual snapdragon contest for
Hugh the Undecided: Gules, two griffins segreant
non-fighters. The winner got the Order of the Enflamed Digit. General revelry
addorsed Or.
January 11, 1975 AS IX
Rosemary of Talmont - Azure, a rosemary wreath proper betwee
three mullets of six points argent.
Twelfth Night Revel
Held at St. Paul’s Methodist Church, San Bernadino, CA. Prince Hugh and Princess Rosemary held court. King Paul and Queen Carol
attended. King Paul gave an Award of Arms to Arabella Lyon de Rohese and made Armond Sebastian de la Forêt de Savigny and Maihe
McFregy Court Barons. There was a banquet followed by contests and revelry. There was a St. George and the Dragon play, and GieseleHildegaard sang and played the guitar. Karin von Schatten won the embroidered trim from scratch contest, a friend of Baroness Jessica
Lyrindi of Northmarch won the knitted or Starting from Existing Trim contest, and the Insulter’s Guild won the final contest with a truly
yucky entry. Eric von Strein was made Principality Chirurgeon. Alys von Markheim (Alison von Markheim) was the autocrat.
April 19, 1975 AS IX
Coronet Tourney
Held in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Olivia de Montmarsh was the autocrat. Prince Hugh and Princess Rosemary presided. Coronet lists
were held. Thomas the Merciless was the winner and Elaine was his lady. Following this the event turned into the May Festival, with Elaine
as May Queen. There was a Blue Banquet that evening. Martin the Temperate was admitted to the new Order of the Dragon. There was
an Art Auction.
First Annual Caid Rebellion
April 26, 1975 AS IX
Held at the Bakersfield Junior College Campus, Bakersfield, CA. Thomas the Merciless was the autocrat. Prince Hugh instituted the Order
of the Wolf Pack for those fighters who kept formation. The kingdom forces defeated the Caid forces. In the bridge defense the Caid fighters
died to the last man which two kingdom fighters survived to claim victory, one being Sir William the Lucky, the flag bearer, who crawled
across to victory with the flag.
The Princess’ Own Coronetting Tourney
June 7, 1975 AS X
Held at Alhambra Park, Alhambra, CA. Prince Hugh and Princess Rosemary
presided. Lists were held for the Princess’ Own Champion. There was a
banquet at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Alhambra. The coronation of
Prince Thomas and Princess Elaine followed. King Andrew attended and
gave the Prince of Caid the power to give Awards of Arms during his (King
Andrew’s) reign. King Andrew knighted Thomas the Merciless before he
was crowned. About this time the Crown Prints went monthly.
Thomas the Merciless - Argent, goutty de sang, a
dexter hand couped at the wrist vert, a bordure sable.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of Caid
September 13, 1975 AS X
Fall Coronet Tourney
Held at Tucker’s Grove Park, above Santa Barbara, CA. Baroness Jessica Lyrindi of Northmarch and Martin the Temperate were the
autocrats. The tourney started in the grey misting morning with the court of Prince Thomas and Princess Elaine. Following court Fiona
MacGregor (Natalya de Foix) was assassinated by a poisoned kiss from Martin the Temperate. Fiona, who had been forewarned, had left
a list of four fighters to avenger here, and Martin was one of them.
The Coronet Lists were held, and Gregory of York was the winner, defeating Morven of Carrick. Vivian Aurora de la Mer was Gregory’s
lady. Quetzalochtzin won the contest for the design of coronets for the Prince and Princess of Caid. Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice
Carmigniani) was appointed Principality Chirurgeon. At closing court Prince Thomas gave Awards of Arms to Jocelyn Elspeth Fitzharry
of Gillyflower, Jon Trimara, and Sine of the Singing Hands. A revel was held at Martin the Temperate’s home.
November 22, 1975 AS X
Fall Investiture Tourney
Held at the First United Methodist Church, Riverside, CA. Baron Waldt von
Markheim, Baroness Alison von Markheim, Master Däwyd von Markheim, and
Rowenna de Segovia, Dreiburgen Seneschal, were the autocrats. Prince Thomas
and Princess Elayne held their final court. King Douglas and Queen Lorna
attended. Prince Thomas gave Awards of Arms to Alewülfe the Red, Angelique
du Val, Cristóbal degli Gilicine che Mangia Uome, Dione Avery de Rohese,
Gabrielle Nichole Deveraux NicChlurain, Lavendar of Lorn, Maria Alesandra de
Rohese, Rupert Fairchild and Tober Thorwald. Then Prince Thomas and Princess
Elayne crowned Gregory of York and his lady Vivian Aurora de la Mer Prince and
Princess of Caid. King Douglas gave an Award of Arms to Robert Godwin of
Gregory of York - Argent, a falcon striking, wings
Markmoor. A Princess’ Favor Lists was held, with Martin the Temperate Vivian Aurora de la Mer - Argent, on a bend sinister
displayed proper, on a chief azure three roses argent, each charged
vert between two crescents azure, three lillies palewise arg
Sir William the Lucky to claim the prize. A Poetry Contest was held,
with a rose Or, fimbriated sable, all barbed and
seeded proper.
with Däwyd von Markheim the winner. At final court King Douglas knighted Martin the Temperate. Their
Majesties and Their Highnesses then judged the Tart Contest and proclaimed Giesele Hildegaard the winner for her lemon custard tarts,
with Jana d’Aquitaine’s egg custard tarts a close second, followed by Sine NicChlurain’s raisin and apple tarts.
January 17, 1976 AS X
Twelfth Night Revel
Held at Tuckers Grove, near Santa Barbara, CA. Prince Gregory and Princess Vivian held court. King William and Queen Donna attended.
King Aonghais dubh MacTarbh was visiting from the East Kingdom. King William presented Conrad von Regensburg with his Grant of
Arms scroll, and Guinever Elspeth Malyn and Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) with their Award of Arms scrolls, which had been
proclaimed at Northern Twelfth Night. Sir Martin the Temperate was given a scroll commemorating the demise of the Pig at Sir Martin’s
hands. Numerous presentations were made from and to the various royalty. The winners of the Costume contest were Huette von Ahrens
and Duryn. A delicious banquet was served. An auction of found items was held for the benefit of the Golden Key, followed by a “People’s
Auctions”, in which Baroness Trude Lacklandia, Duke Andrew of Riga, King Aonghais dubh MacTarbh, Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya
de Foix), and Herman de Medici were auctioned off, bringing in almost $50 total.
April 24, 1976 AS X
Spring Coronet Tourney
Held in the Calafian Circle, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Prince Gregory and Princess Vivian held court. King William attended. King William
invested Sir Hugh the Undecided and Rosemary of Talmont with the titles of Baron and Baroness and admitted Gabrielle Deveraux
NicChlurain to the Order of the Leaf of Merit. King William then presented Awards of Arms to Prince Gregory and Princess Vivian. After
a Princess’ Procession Coronet Lists were held. The winner was Guy Marchand de Montvert. Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) was his
lady. At closing court they were crowned Al Caid and Al Caidessa. King William admitted Eadmund du Battlemont and Jaelithe of
Dragonstower to the Order of the Leaf of Merit, and gave Awards of Arms to Amadea de Dragonessa Strada, Christine Jehan de Bruges,
Jaelithe of Dragonstower, and Sharrana Llewellyn ap David. After court and various scatterings for dinner the populace reconvened at a
hall for a revel, with a display of legerdemain, ethnic dancing, and an impromptu Bardic Circle, the highlight of which being Duke Andrew
of Riga and his Chorus’s rendition of “Why Must I Be a Teenager In Love?”, with Duke Andrew accompanying all on the guitar. Heinrich
Palantine played the banjo and the guitar, and all had fun.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of Caid
June 5, 1976 AS XI
Summer Investiture Tourney
Held at Arroyo Seco Park, Pasadena, CA. Prince Gregory and Princess Vivian
held their final court. King Paul and Queen Carol attended. Fiona Gregorovna
(Natalya de Foix) resigned as Caid Seneschal, and Eadmond de Battlemont
replaced her. Sir Hugh the Undecided became Caid Knight Marshall. Bjo of Griffin
(Flavia Beatrice Carmegrani) became Deputy Vice Chancellor of the U. of Ithra at
Caid. Guy Marchand de Montvert presented their Highnesses with the new
Coronets of Caid. He then announced his resignation as Al Caid, owing to
mundane conflicts. A Coronet List was then held. In the finals, Sir Morven of
Carrick defeated Sir Hugh the Undecided. Bevin Fraser of Sterling was Morven’s
Lady. Prince Gregory and Princess Vivian held their final court. All Caid fighters
Morven of Carrick- Checky gules and Or, awho
bear statant
had participated in the Caid Rebellion swore allegiance to King Paul. The Bevin Fraser of Sterling - Vert, three fraises Or,
erect sable.
pierced vert, on a chief Or a rose gules barbed and seeded
knights were called forward and King Paul knighted Armand-Sebastian de la
Forêt de Savigny and Maihe MacFergie. Prince Gregory presented the first Caid Award of the Dolphin to Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice
Carmigniani). Then Morven of Carrick and Bevin Fraser of Sterling were crowned Prince and Princess of Caid. They named Gregory of York
and Vivian Aurora de la Mer Viscount and Viscountess. A reception followed.
September 25, 1976 AS XI
Fall Coronet Tourney
Held in House Dunmore’s back yard for court, then moved to Shamel Park, Riverside, CA for the Lists. Prince Morven and Princess Bevin
held court. Prince Morven gave an Award of Arms to Randolph the Devious. Princess Bevin instituted the Legion of Courtesy, the Caid
equivalent of the Queen’s Order of Grace, and admitted as founding members Baron Waldt von Markheim and Lady Su of the Silver Horn.
Their Highnesses were presented with four enormous chocolate chip cookies and the arms of Caid done in fudge. The tourney then
adjourned to Shamel Park, where the Coronet Lists were held. Sir Martin the Temperate defeated Viscount Gregory of York. Martin’s lady
was Arabella Lyon de Rohese. Then all returned to House Dunmore for a potluck banquet and revel. The Meatpie contest was won by
Thelin Doppleganger von Kallenbach. The Prize Tourney the next day was cancelled due to rain.
November 20, 1976 AS XI
Fall Investiture Tourney
Held in Kiwanis Meadow, Tuckers Grove Park, Santa Barbara, CA. Prince Morven
and Princess Bevin held court. King Kevin and Queen Patrice attended. The first
proposed Laws of Caid were announced. It was then announced that Caid would
present a petition at the Kingdom Twelfth Night, requesting Kingdom Status.
Several Lists were held. Viscount Gregory of York won the two weapons list and
Robear du Bois won the two-handed weapon contest. Then the populace
adjourned to the hall. Prince Morven and Princess Bevin held their final court.
Mary Taran of Glastonbury was proclaimed Scribes Provost for Caid. Eadmund
du Battlemont transferred the office of Caid Seneschal to Gabrielle Deveraux
NicChluraine. Prince Morven gave Awards of Arms to Brann Morgan Dunmore
of Galloway and to Cameron of Caldoon. King Kevin then called forward the Arabella Lyon de Rohese - Gules, a lion couchant
Martin the Temperate - Argent, a bend sinister
nebuly, in dexter chief a bull’s head cabossed knights
and knighted Baron Waldt von Markheim. Eadmund du Battlemont guardant Or, on a chief Or three cinquefoils gules.
announced his engagement to Cristóbal Degli Gilicine che Mangia Uome. Then
the Banquet was held. At closing court Prince Morven gave an Award of Arms to Cedric the Dark. Then Sir Martin the Temperate and
Arabella Lyon de Rohese were crowned Prince and Princess of Caid, and received many presentations from the populace.
January 15, 1977 AS XI
Twelfth Night Revel
Held in the Sons of Norway Hall, San Diego, CA. Mistress Louise of Woodshome and Lady Gisele Hildegaard of the M y stic Dragon were
the autocrats. The hall opened at noon. Rondel NegriKhan and Company performed a play, and everyone greeted each other. Prince Martin
and Princess Arabella held court, beginning with a Grand March. King Andrew and Queen Patrice attended. Prince Ivan du Gray and
Princess Kathleen, Prince and Princess of the Principality of the Sun in Atenveldt also attended, as did Princess Kaylin, Crown Princess
of the Middle Kingdom. King Andrew gave Awards of Arms to Alexander Greylorn, Ann Christopher of Cheshire, Dana of Coloraine, Duryn
the Red, Eloise of Lancaster, Graciela de Lagos y Santara, Huette von Ahrens of Schloss Drachenhaus, Lorissa du Griffin, Heinrich
Palantine, and Neptha of Thebes. King Andrew then admitted Avram of Mercia to the Order of the Leaf of Merit and gave a Grant of Arms
to Gabrielle Deveraux NicChluraine. Prince Martin admitted Käthe von Munchausen-Trimara and Cedric the Dark to the Order of the
Dolphin. Many beautiful scrolls were handed out. Then the members of the Order of the Pelican were called up and Conrad von
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The Principality of Caid
Regensburg, Crescent Herald, was admitted to the Order by King Andrew, to a standing ovation. Viscount Morven of Carrick, assisted
by other members of the College of Equestrian Arts, presented King Andrew with a 50 lb. bag of carrots for his horses. The winners of the
Costume Contest were Master Conrad von Regensburg and Lady Celeste Lamouray de Provence, in red and brocade costumes made by
Celeste. Then the banquet was held in two seatings, owing to the number of people. At the banquet, the “Royal Baker” declared that bagels
were “the bread of the day” and a tray of three huge bagels covered with cream cheese was brought out, to the amusement of His Jewish
Majesty. Various entertainments were performed during the banquet. While the hall was cleared for serving dessert and some dancing, a
final court was held upstairs, at which the members were entertained by belly dancing, Master Ioseph of Locksley’s songs, and a motley
medley by the Brotherhood of the Blade.
February 12-14, 1977 AS XI
The Caid-Atenveldt Peace Mission
Held near Tucson, AZ. Prince Martin led the forces of Caid on a peace mission into the Principality of the Sun in Atenveldt. Prince Ivan
due Grae welcomed them to his principality and bade everyone get acquainted. Master Richard of Arkham, Master of Arts, wrote and played
a galliard for the visiting Prince and Princess of Caid. Master John ap Griffin and Mistress Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani),
represented by Lady Lorissa du Griffin, presented Prince Ivan with a bottle of wine. The two princes then announced that Caid and the
Principality of the Sun were to proclaim peace between themselves, and that the two princes would sign a proclamation of peace. However,
there was some discussion concerning the color of the initial letter on the proclamation, with the forces of the Sun preferring red and the
forces of Caid feeling blue would be better. No agreement was reached and court was dismissed. Then there was an abduction of Lady
Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) and Lady Kerensa of Carlee, Mistress of the Lists, followed by a “snow ball” melee, in which two
fighters fought, then teamed up against two others, who then joined them against four others, and so on until all were on the field in a grand
melee. Further melees and challenge matches followed until the time came to change into festive attire for the evening feasting and revelry.
A feast was prepared by Suleiman and his crew of gourmet cooks.
After breakfast on Sunday the fighters gathered together to decide upon the color of the first letter of the peace proclamation, and
strangely enough all of the Caid fighters lined up on the side of blue, and all of the Sun fighters lined up on the side of red. Caid was
outnumbered 28 to 18. The first melee was a prearranged ambush, with the Solar army advancing in a Column and the Caid forces charging
when they were 50' away. The forces of the Sun reformed in time and defeated the onrushing Caid fighters. The forces of Caid then retreated
up to a hill to defend a “castle”. The forces of the Sun then proceeded to take it, and red was looking more attractive all the time. One more
field melee was scheduled and for this Baroness Trude Lacklandia and three Atenveldt fighters defected over to the Caid side, providing
the edge for the Caid forces to emerge victorious. Two of the Sun knights returned to their side and a final melee was fought which lasted
a long time, ending with an indeterminate result. A brief closing court was held, where the peace pact was produced, illuminated in both
red and blue by Mistress Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani), and it was signed by the two Princes. Camp was struck, farewells
exchanged, and all departed for home.
June 4, 1977 AS XII
Summer Investiture Tourney
Held at Shamel Park, Riverside, CA. Lady Brann Morgan Dunmore of Galloway
was the autocrat. Prince Martin and Princess Arabella held their final court. King
Terrence and Queen Jennet attended. Prince Martin gave Awards of Arms to
Hedgia du Loup, Megan McInnes of Kinlochaline, Nikolaj Erogoeaciaty, and
Patrick of Innisfree. Baron Piers Howells de Cambria and Baroness Ximena Aubel
de Cambria resigned their posts as Baron and Baroness of the Angels. Baron
Piers agreed to remain as Vicar until their successors could be chosen. Then
Grand March was held and Balin and Lorissa were crowned Prince and Princess
of Caid. Princess Lorissa reinstated the Princess’ Guard, with Duke Aonghais
dubh MacTarbh as Knight Commander.The members of the Guard were: Robear
Balin of Tor - Argent, two wings conjoined azure,
du semy-deBois, as Standard Bearer, Duryn the Red, Renfield of the Inland March Lorissa du Griffin - Azure, between the front paws of a
lys argent, overall a sword gules.
lioness (Pantehra leo) a lion cub, both statant proper, on a c
(Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe), Patrick of Innisfree, Charles of Dublin, Kamal three cats’ heads cabossed gules.
Mishwa Kahn, Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst, Frederick of Woodlyn, and Lorenzo di Sant’Angelo. Sir Martin
the Temperate and Lady Arabella Lyon de Rohese were proclaimed Viscount and Viscountess. Numerous presentations were made to their
Highnesses. Then the fighters took the field for the Princess’ Favor Lists, with Viscount Gregory of York defeating Charles of Dublin to
win the title of Princess’ Champion. At closing court Princess Lorissa presented him with her favor.
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The Principality of Caid
Sept 17-18, 1977 AS XII
Fall Coronet Tourney
Held in El Capitan Park, between Santa Barbara and Gaviota, CA. Renfield of the Inland March (Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe) was the
autocrat. Prince Balin and Princess Lorissa held court. King Paul and Queen Carol attended. Prince Balin gave Awards of Arms to Jared
Alexander Blaydeaux, Lorenzo di Sant’Angelo, and Thin Robert of Lawrence. King Paul then gave an Award of Arms to Jeosigh
MacCruimmon. Princess Lorissa called forward all members of the Order of the Dolphin to present to them the new medallions of the Order,
which had been painted by Viscountess Bevin Fraser of Sterling. She then admitted Lady Mary Taran of Glastonbury to the Order of the
Dolphin. Prince Balin appointed Ioanes Lackie as his personal Master of Ceremonies. Court adjourned for fighters to register with the Office
of the Lists. Court reconvened with the knighting of Charles of Dublin by King Paul. Court then adjourned and the matches for the Coronet
Lists were picked. It was fought in double elimination. Interspersed among the rounds of fighting were a number of melees and challenges.
In the finals Viscount Martin the Temperate emerged victorious. Neptha of Thebes was his lady. In the evening Robear du Bois organized
a Ninja war, with the winning team “Number 1" consisting of Mary of Uffington, Tamsin of the Raven Tresses, Sir Loren sur la Roche, Sir
William the Lucky, and Queen Carol of Bellatrix. The next day there were several challenges and an auction for the Publication Fund, which
netted $192.50. Duke Paul of Bellatrix won the Prize List left over from the Publication Fund Tourney, winning an Alicia Austin mirror for
himself and a pair of Darachshire steins for his sponsor, Tim Coyle.
November 19, 1977 AS XII
Fall Investiture Tourney
Held at Revelle College, UCSD, San Diego, CA. The event was hosted by The
Abbey. Prince Balin and Princess Lorissa held court. Baron Talanque held an
“Imitate Balin” contest. The winner was Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix)
of Shadowhyrst, who received an 8 x 10 color glossy photo of Balin in his
“Captain Caid” tunic with flowing red cape and Superman belt buckle. Lord
Jeosigh MacCrumein inducted Duke Anghois dubh MacTarbh and Lady Mary
Taran of Glastonbury, Duchess MacTarbh, into Clan MacPiobmahr. Master John
ap Griffin and Mistress Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) presented their
Highnesses with their personal banners which had been appliqued and machine
embroidered by Alewülfe the Red. Lists were held for Princess’ Champion.
Viscount Gregory of York defeated Prince Balin of Tor to claim the title. Prince Neptha of Thebes - Or, a falcon silhouette displayed sable
Martin the Temperate - Argent, a bend sinister
nebuly, in dexter chief a bull’s head cabossed Balin
gules. and Princess Lorissa held their final court. Prince Balin gave Awards of grasping in sinister talon three carnations gules, stemmed s
urdy gules.
Arms to Hagar the Bear, Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst, and Luxandra of
Altumbra. Baron John ap Griffin was admitted to the Order of the Dolphin. Duke Anghais dubh MacTarbh, Lady Lyndia of Woodlyn, and
Viscount Gregory of York received the Legion of Courtesy. All of Princess Lorissa’s Ladies-in-Waiting, as well as Baron John ap Griffin,
Baroness Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani), Lord Alewäulfe the Red, Viscount Gregory of York, Duke Aonghais dubh MacTarbh,
and Viscountess Bevin Fraser of Sterling were called forward and thanked by their Highnesses. Prince Balin promised them all a T-shirt
with a photo of himself and a slogan stamped on them, the choice of slogan and photo being up to the recipients. Duke William of Hoghton,
Earl Marshall, presented warrants to Sir Charles of Dublin, the new Principality Knight Marshall, and to Viscount Gregory of York and Lord
Jason Griffiths. There followed a great number of presentations to their Highnesses. Konrad von Biltauer presented the Principality of Caid
with a full sized shield on a wooden stand with the arms of Caid painted on it. Princess Lorissa called up the members of the Princess’ Guard
and thanked them for their service, asking Duke Aonghais dubh MacTarbh to keep his baton of office as a memento of her reign and his
service. She also thanked Viscount Gregory of York for his service as her Champion and asked that he keep her favor as a remembrance.
The Investiture of Martin the Temperate and Neptha of Thebes followed. The Princess Neptha’s Ladies-in-Waiting were Lady Frances
Stardragon, Anne of Villanova, Lady Guinevere Elspeth Malyn, Leonora Dragonsrun, and Lady Lyndia of Woodlyn. Prince Martin gave
Awards of Arms to Alana Balisette of Arakeen, Augustus Johannes der Dichter, Miranda Douglas of Scheehalian, and Trygvvi Halftrollson.
Prince Martin announced that King Paul had delegated to the Prince of Caid the right to sign warrants in the Principality. Presentations
to Their Majesties followed. The final event of court was the presentation of the petition by Lady Anna McAyre of Gorabh on behalf of
the Canton of Lyonesse, requesting baronial status. Then the revelry commenced. Refreshments produced by lady Giesele Hildegaard of
the Mystic Dragon and Lady Cristóbal degli Gilicine che Mangia Uome were happily consumed, and revelry filled the evening.
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The Principality of Caid
January 14, 1978 AS XII
Twelfth Night Revel
Held at the Torrance Recreation Hall, Torrance, CA. Rain poured down outside. Lord Gwydioan am y’Gorlwyn and his wife, Lady Anna
McAyre of Gorabh, and Lord Thelin von Kallenbach supervised a magnificent banquet. The hall opened at noon and at three the first call
went out for the Grand March. Prince Martin and Princess Neptha welcomed Queen Allissandra and observed the Grand March. Then court
began. Ann of Villanova and Morton the Grey received Awards of Arms from Prince Martin and Master Conrad von Regensburg received
the Legion of Courtesy. The Order of the Seraphic Star initiated Cedric the Dark and Eyana bat-David nicChlurain. Viscount Morven of
Carrick and Countess Amina Sherana de Talavera won the Costume Contest in costumes made by Lady Cristóbál degli Gilicine che Mangia
U ome. Then came the magnificent banquet, with three removes and featuring a turkey stuffed with a chicken stuffed with a game hen stuffed
with an egg. Revelry followed with juggling, singing, and a showing of the Pennsic War film.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of Caid – The Barony of the Angels
The Barony of the Angels
(The Los Angeles Area)
The Barony of the Angels - Gules, a standing seraph
affronty proper, winged Or, haloed of a laurel wreath proper.
September 6, 1970 AS V
Mythcon Demonstration Tourney
Held at Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, as part of the Mythopoeic Society’s first Mythcon. The new barony put on a fighting
demonstration. The founding Baron and Baroness were Pwyll pen Tyrhon and Rhiannon pen Thyrhon. William of York was the first
November 21, 1970 AS V
Fall Tourney
Held in Chatsworth, CA. William of York was the autocrat. King Henrik attended.
January 9, 1971 AS V
Midwinter Tourney and Twelfth Night Revel
Held on the grounds of the Bull and Bush Public House, Costa Mesa, CA. King Jean attended. The officers of the barony swore allegiance.
Sárkáyi Gerö was now Seraphim Pursuivant. Christian of Orange was Knight Marshall. Jerome of McKenna was made Knight Marshal for
Calafia. Lists were held for the right to proclaim one’s lady “fairest”. With King Jean’s permission Baron Pwyll created the Baronial Order
of the Seraphic Star, for service to the Barony. He admitted Charles Edward Alexander of Everman, Christian of Orange, Friedrich Eric
Melmuth von Rheinhausen, Sárkáyi Gerö, and himself, as the Principal of the Order.
February 14, 1971 AS V
PresidCon Demonstration
Held at the Royal Inn, Santa Monica, CA, as part of PresidCon.
April 17, 1971 AS V
Spring Tourney
Held on Lassen Road, Chatsworth, CA. There was archery, fighting, dancing, a recorder concert, and lists for Champion of the Day. A revel
followed in the evening.
May 25, 1971 AS VI
Pwyll pen Tyrhon left the Barony and Sárkáyi Gerö became Vicar of the Barony.
September 18, 1971 AS VI
Joint Tourney with Calafia and the Shakespeare Society.
Held on the Shakespeare Society Grounds, Hollywood, CA. There was archery, a baronial court, lists for the title Arbiter of Beauty (who
named his lady “fairest”), twilzy-whopping, a music contest, and final court, followed by dinner and a revel. About this time Vicar Sárkáyi
formed a Council of Arts, in the absence of a baronial Master of Arts. He appointed Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani), Ginger of
Orange, Madelain du Bois, and Jusuf Shahain-i-Rum Aga, who was temporary president of the Council of Arts.
October, 1971 AS VI
William of York took a leave of absence as Seneschal. Rhiannon pen Tyrhon took over as seneschal. Anastasia de Granada became
Mistress of Arts. About this time the Barony of the Isles was united with the Barony of the Angels, under Vicar Sárkáyi.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of the Angels
January 8, 1972 AS VI
Twelfth Night Revel
Held in the Unitarian Church, Los Angeles, CA. Baron Pwyll, having returned, admitted Randall of Hightower and Rhiannon pen Tyrhon
to the Order of the Seraphic Star.
April 22-23, 1972 AS VI
Overnight Tourney
Held in Black Mountain Park, Mount San Jacinto, Riverside County, CA. There was fighting, archery, a cooking contest, twilzey-whopping,
and a revel.
May 14, 1972 AS VII
Baroness Rhiannon pen Tyrhon resigned as Seneschal and Debreceni Illona took over.
June, 1972 AS VII
Baron Pwyll pen Tyrhon formed a Council of Regency, composed of Sárkáyi Gerö as Prefect, Jerome Robert of McKenna, and Christian
of Orange. Christian of Orange was now Seneschal of the canton of Failte, as well as Knight Marshall.
June 30-July 4, 1972 AS VII
Westercon/Mythcon Demonstration
Held in Long Beach, CA. On one of the days a demonstration was put on. King James attended. Pwyll pen Tyrhon and Rhiannon pen
Tyrhon resigned as Baron and Baroness. King James reappointed Uillem Thorken Hardhans as Seneschal for the Isles.
July 1972, AS VII
Friedrich Eric Helmut von Rheinhausen became Master of Sciences. Christophili de l’Estoile and Diantha of Castalia became Deputy
Mistresses of the Arts.
August 12, 1972 AS VII
Tri-Baronial Tourney
Held where?
September, 1972 AS VII
Launcelot de Questwood was appointed Procurator for the Registry on Angels. Debreceni Illona resigned as Seneschal and Bevin Fraser
of Sterling took over. Sárkáyi Gerö was recommended as the next baron.
Sept 9-10, 1972 AS VII
Anniversary Tourney
Held in Centinela Park, Inglewood, CA.
January 6, 1973 AS VII
Kingdom Twelfth Night Revel
Sárkáyi Gerö was appointed the new Baron of the Angels. The Canton of Eastern Gate was formed. Andreant Vaxges d’Alsace was the
February 17, 1973 AS VII
Garden Grove Artisan’s Guild Parade
Held in Los Angeles, CA. The Barony participated and won the Artisan’s Guild Trophy. A fighting demonstration was held. On the
following day the ladies of the Barony put on a medieval fashion show.
February 24, 1973 AS VII
First Baronial Expedition
The expedition gathered at the home of the Incomparable Giacomo, and traveled to Joshua Tree National Park and then to Hadley’s, an
emporium specializing in dried fruit, nuts, etc. A picnic lunch was held.
May 5, 1973 AS VIII
Medieval Week Festival Tourney
Held at the campus of the California State College, Fullerton, CA. The barony put on a medieval fashion show on the second and on the
fifth a demonstration tourney and May Celebration. There was a maypole and lists for the King and Queen of May. There was a cooking
contest for main dish, vegetable, and dessert between Katheryn Stuart of Moray and Alejandro de Salamanca for the Golden Rolling Pin.
May 20, 1973 AS VIII
May Picnic and Revel
Held at the Mission Viejo Picnic and Nature Trail Area, Mission Viejo, CA. House Irini and the Neo-Pre-Raphaelite Guild were the hosts.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of the Angels
May 26-28, 1973 AS VIII
Held in Anaheim, CA. The barony participated.
June 3, 1973 AS VIII
Beggar’s Burdica Revel
Held at Sequoia Park, San Gabriel, California. House Irini and House Merriment were the hosts. Only the Baron and his officers were allowed
to come in court dress. There was a cooking contest for beggar’s dishes (less than $2). About sixty five persons attended. Alejandro de
Salamanca was now the Failte Master of Sciences.
July 7, 1973 AS VIII
Second Baronial Expedition
The members of the Barony traveled to Goleta, CA, in the Barony of the Isles, for swimming at the beach. Diantha de Castalia became the
Mistress of Arts.
October 13-14, 1973 AS VIII
Anniversary Tourney
Held at Cienega Campgrounds, Castaic, CA., in the Angelus National Forest. Queen Seitse attended. With the delegated authority from
King Henrik, she gave an Award of Arms to Piers Howells de Cambria. Queen Seitse, with the assistance of Duke James Greyhelm, Sir
Steven MacEanruig, and Sir William the Lucky, knighted Christian of Orange, Hugh the Undecided, and William of York. As she was not
a knight one of the other knights held the sword and Queen Seitse placed her hand on top. Piers Howells de Cambria was made Vicar of
the Angels. Lists for the Champion of the Barony were won by Sir Hugh the Undecided. The ladies present gave a wreath to Sir Steven
MacEanruig for fighting and dying most gallantly. Tyra Stuart of Moray won the Hester Spoon for the cooking contest. Boncueur won
the Wizard of Argh award for puns. A tri-baronial council was held to discuss forming a principality in the south. There was an herb class,
a watercress gathering contest, melees, challenges, skulking, exercises after dark and revelry. Bevin Fraser of Sterling was the autocrat.
Danielle Christine du Bryant became Mistress of Arts for the Canton of Eastern Gate. Katrina de Provence became Mistress of Arts for the
Canton of Failte.
Nov 17-18, 1973 AS VIII
Medieval and Renaissance Performing Arts Workshop
Held at the Pilgrimage Theatre, Los Angeles, CA. The Barony manned a booth. Ximena Aubel de Cambria was the autocrat.
December 1-2, 1973 AS VIII
Holiday Faire and Medieval Market
Held at House Trini, San Gabriel, CA. House Irini and House Merriment were the sponsors.
December 7-9, 1973 AS VIII
Demonstration Tourney, Canton of the Eastern Gate
Held at the Chapman College campus, Orange, CA. Andreant Vauxges d’Alsace was the autocrat. There were prize contests for best
shortswordsman, best lady with a boffer, best double weapons fighter, Champion Protector of Naugas (whose hides were in common use
in the area), fiercest, funniest, and best worded challenges, most chivalrous, most artistic dying, most medieval in appearance and deed
for a lady, and the Golden Fox award for the lady judged most kissable. There was a poetry contest for poetry on the spot and another for
poetry in honour of one of the ladies present. There was a potluck luncheon on Saturday. There were revels Friday and Saturday nights.
December 22, 1973 AS VIII
KPFK Christmas Faire
Held in the Hollywood Palladium, Hollywood, CA. The members of the barony participated. Bevin Fraser of Sterling was the autocrat.
January 12, 1974 AS VIII
Twelfth Night Revel
Held in the St. Joachim’s Church Hall, Costa Mesa, CA. King Andrew attended. He held court and gave Awards of Arms to Aeoelwig
Ilfwigsson, Alejandro de Salamanca, Armand Sebastian de la Forêt de Savigny, Curtiss of Westlake, Diana of Savigny, Eric von Streign,
Jessica Lirindi of Northmarch, Persephone of Woodland, Richard of Rawnsley, and Thomas of Waverley. Then King Andrew knighted
Edgar the Unready. Baron Sárkáyi admitted Bevin Fraser of Sterling, Catriona NicChlurain, and Renfield of the Inland M arch (Edmund
Renfield Wanderscribe) to the Order of the Seraphic Star, and Sir William the Lucky to the new Order of the Angelic Star, for those not
resident in the barony. Baron Talanque admitted Armand Sebastian de la Forêt de Savigny to the Order of Leodamas. Tamara iz Kiev and
Raymond Crüs Hümmer were wed. A feast was served, prepared by Sir Christian of Orange and Alejandro de Salamanca. Conrad von
Regensburg was the pursuivant.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of the Angels
February 9, 1974 AS VIII
St. Valentine’s Day Feast and Court of Love
Held at San Fernando Mission Park, San Fernando, CA. The armigerous ladies of the barony were the hosts. There were discourses on the
art of courtly love, a court, and instruction in the gentler arts (dancing, poetry, etc.).
March 2, 1974 AS VIII
Baronial Expedition
Held at the East Fork of the San Gabriel River, CA. A picnic lunch was held. Ximena Aubel de Cambria was the autocrat. Diantha de Castalia
resigned as Mistress of Arts and Ximena took over.
March 16, 1974 AS VIII
All Day Dance Workshop
Held at Swann Hall, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Monrovia, CA. Ximena Aubel de Cambria was the autocrat.
March 23, 1974 AS VIII
Failte and Eastern Gate Pre-Crown Tourney
Held in Sigler Park, Westminster, CA.
April 6, 1974 AS VIII
Westminster Carnival of the Arts, Canton of Eastern Gate
Held at the Westminster City Hall, Westminster, CA. Ian of Stamford autocratted an SCA demonstration.
April 24, 1974 AS VIII
Medieval Fashion Show
Held at the California State University at Fullerton campus, Fullerton, CA. The show was put on by the Costume Guild. Anemarie Varre
of Helsingør was the autocrat. Wit the formation of the principality of Caid many of the baronial offices changed hands. Catriona
NicChlurain was the new seneschal, Cadhla Morga NicChlurain was Seraph Pursuivant, Eyana bat David NicChlurain was Mistress of the
Lists, Rosemary of Talmont was Chancellor of the Exchequor, Sir Hugh the Undecided was Constable, and Sir Christian of Orange was
Knight Marshall.
May 11-12, 1974 AS IX
Inaugural Tourney, Canton of Novamarc
Held on the Claremont College Campus, Claremont, CA. Daniel the Bard was Seneschal, Celeste Lamuray de Provence was Mistress of Arts
and Pursuivant Extraordinary. There was a spear throwing contest, an axe chucking contest, archery, fighting, dancing, games, a bardic
circle, a potluck dinner and a revel. About this time Piers Howells de Cambria and Ximena Aubel de Cambria became Baron and Baroness
of the Angels. (?)
June 15, 1974 AS IX
Second Annual Beggar’s Burdica and Summer Faire
Held at Sequoia Park, Monterey Park, CA. The Merinis Alliance hosted the event. The populace came as beggars, wenches, urchins,
gypsies, and other dubious categories. Music was provided by the Incomparable Giacomo. There were games and various amusements.
Tyra Stuart of Moray and Ximena de Cambria were the autocrats.
August 25, 1974 AS IX
Fighting Appreciation Gathering
Held at San Fernando Mission Park, San Fernando, CA.
October 5-6, 1974 AS IX
Anniversary Tourney
Held at Lytle Creek Sportsmen’s Park, Fontana, CA. Baron Piers and Baroness Ximena held opening court. Arabella Lyon de Rohese, Bjo
of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani), Celeste Lamuray de Provence, and Sir Christian of Orange were admitted to the new Order of Athens.
Lists were held to determine the Champion of the Barony. There was a Court of Love Saturday Night. The Hester Spoon Contest was for
fruit pies or tarts, and there were contests for prettiest handkerchief made from scratch, archery, calligraphy, illumination, skulking, and the
contest to design the Caid coronets. Griffin Freehold sold B-B-Q’ed chicken for the Crown Prints, and there was singing, dancing,
challenges and melees. Catriona NicChlurain was the autocrat.
December 7-8, 1974 AS IX
Holiday Faire
Held at House Irini, Los Angeles, Cal. Baroness Ximena was the autocrat.
December 14, 1974 AS IX
Council Meeting and Christmas Revel
Held where?
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Principality of Caid – The Barony of the Angels
February 20, 1975, AS IX
First Darachshire Tourney
Held in Bubbling Springs Park, Oxnard, CA. Baron Maihe McFergy won the Dessert Contest. Elizabeth of Esvere won for Main Dish, and
Katie NicChlurain won for best pouch and best embroidery. Robert of the Isles was the Seneschal of the new canton, located in the Oxnard Port Hueneme area. Lilith of the Isles was Chatelaine and Mistress of Arts. Elizabeth of Esvere was Mistress of the Lists, and Aelfgar
Eathelwin Bertstrom was Master of Sciences.
March 1, 1975 AS IX
Held at House Buchanan.
March 2, 1975 AS IX
Wedding Revel
Held where? Viscount Christian of Orange and Viscountess Denisa de las Mariposas were married. A potluck reception and revel followed.
April 12, 1975 AS IX
Bardic (Af)Fair
Held somewhere in the Canton of Novamarc.
June 14, 1975 AS X
Second Annual Midsummer’s Eve Expedition to Camelot
Held at Camelot Miniature Golf Course, Fullerton, CA. Sponsored by the Allied Houses of Graceworth and Shadows. Faye of ye Farther
Glenne and Karin von Schatten were the autocrats. Anonymous the Amnesiac ran an Order of the Pink Putt Tee for Ladies. A potluck dinner
and revel followed at the House of Shadows in Fullerton.
July 20, 1975 AS X
First Tourney, Canton of Lyonesse
Held at Carriage Crest Park, Carson, CA. Gabrielle NicChlurain was the autocrat.
July 26, 1975 AS X
Arts Tournament
Held at Pearson Park, Anaheim, CA. The Allied Houses of Graceworth and Shadows were the sponsors with Faye of ye Farther Glenne and
Karin von Schatten as the autocrats. There were contests in the performing arts, most original challenge, blazoning and recognizing devices
around the field, whole wheat bread baking, embroidered small items, and poetry.
October 4-5, 1975 AS X
Fifth Anniversary Tourney
Held where? Catriona NicChlurain was the autocrat. Viscount Christian of Orange and Viscountess Denisa presided in the absence of Baron
Piers and Baroness Ximena. Prince Thomas and Princess Elayne attended, along with Al Caid Gregory of York and Al Caidessa Vivian
Aurora de la Mer. Baron Maihe McFergy won the lists to become the Champion of the Angels. Dana Reimann won the cooking contest
with herb bread. Al Caidessa Vivian won the herb guessing contest. Käthe von Munchausen won the Barbed Pheon Punning Contest.
November 27, 1975 AS X
Thanksgiving Dinner
Held at the Abbey. Marina del Rey was the autocrat.
December 13, 1975 AS X
Angels Baronial Meeting and Christmas Revel
Held at House Opal Cross, Los Angeles, CA.
December 27, 1975 AS X
First Annual Post Christmas Letdown Revel and Second Annual Snapdragon
Held at the House of Shadows, Fullerton, CA.
February 7, 1975 AS X
Arts and Archery Tourney, Canton of Novamarc
Held at Pomona College, Claremont, CA. There were contests in hot beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, stichery, costume (best
Male and Female), children’s poetry, and various on-the-spot competitions. There was a bardic circle and dancing in the evening. Marina
NicChlurain was the autocrat.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of the Angels
March 27, 1976 AS X
Insulter’s Guild Tourney
Held in Arroyo Seco Park, Pasadena, CA. A Grand March was held, followed by the lists in full armor with daggers. There were blindfolded
boffer lists for ladies. The contests were: Pick on Martin (Ladies only), both individual and teams (Sponsored by Sir Martin the Temperate),
Heraldry - Design a coat of arms for Hagar the Horrible, A Seam-Ripping-Out contest, Bread-Eating (speed, not amount), Most Gloating
Victory, Illumination and Calligraphy done at the event with crayons, and Caricatures in Bread or Cookie Dough.
April 3, 1976 AS X
Brotherhood of the Blade Melee Tourney
Held at Arroyo Seco Park, Pasadena, CA. Ronal Negri-Khan was the autocrat. King William gave an Award of Arms to Fiona Gregorovna
(formerly Fiona MacGregor, later Natalya de Foix).
April 4, 1976 AS X
Prize Tourney
Held in the Palos Verdes Estates, Palos Verdes, CA. Guy de Montvert was the autocrat. There was a viking sword as a prize for the grand
winner. There was a javelin as a prize for the javelin contest. Numerous other contests were held.
May 9, 1976 AS XI
Court of Love
Held where? Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) was the autocrat.
May 22, 1976 AS XI
Equestrian Ride
Held in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA. Princess Bevin and Lady Cliveden d’Cheiux were the autocrats.
June 12, 1976 AS XI
Equestrian Events Practice
Held in Palos Verdes, CA. Cliveden d’Cheiux was the autocrat. There was tilting at rings, jousting and a quintain, and general practice.
June 13, 1976 AS XI
Beggars Burdica
Held in Arroyo Seco Park, Pas adena, CA. Prince Morven and Princess Bevin attended. There was free form soccer, dodgeball, jump rope,
tug-of-war, a bubblegum contest, a horn blowing contest, and a ransoming at final court of the various items which the gypsies had stolen
during the day. Sir Martin the Temperate became the Knight Marshal for the barony. Mistress Tyra Stuart of Moray resigned as Mistress
of Arts and the Golden Key. About this time the Canton of Failte disbanded.
June 26, 1976 AS XI
Third Annual Camelot Expedition
House Graceworth hosted the expedition to the Camelot Miniature Golf Course.
July 8, 1976 AS XI
Canton of the Canyons Weekly Dance Classes Begin
Held at Eagle Rock Recreation Center, Eagle Rock, CA. They ran for ten weeks.
July 10, 1976 AS XI
Los Angeles County Performing Arts Festival
Held at Barnsdall Park, Hollywood, CA. A tourney was held in conjunction with the festival. Gabrielle nicChlurain was the autocrat.
Randolph the Devious and Janeanne were wed in a medieval ceremony. There was an embroidered favor contest, a medieval dancing
seminar by Lady Ximena Aubel de Cambria, a costume seminar by Lady Tyra Stuart of Moray, a chainmail demonstration by Ari Negre
Khan, a heraldry seminar by Master Conrad von Regensburg, and an arms and armor demonstration by the Brotherhood of the Blade.
July 17-18, 1976 AS XI
Lyonnesse Anniversary Tourney and Revel
A revel was held on the 17th at the home of Gabrielle nicChluraine. The tourney was held the next day at the Carriage Crest Park, Carson,
CA. Prince Morven and Princess Bevin held court. Prince Morven gave an Award of Arms to Marguerite the Uncoordinated and admitted
Conrad von Regensburg to the Order of the Dolphin. Certificates were presented to Lady Gabrielle nicChlurain as Purveyor of Brownies
and Chocolate Chip Cookies to the Coronet, and Lady Sine Singing Hands as the Purveryor of Shortbread to the Coronet. Then the lists
and contests were held. Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) was abducted by a scurrilous band led by Marvin of Carrot and Rorgar
Greywolf (Morven of Carrick and William of Hoghton), but was saved by the other fighters. Lord Guy de Montvert defeated Baron Waldt
von Markheim to become the Champion of Ly onesse, as well as its seneschal. Cedrik the Dark gave the Best Performance prize to Lady
Marguerite the Uncoordinated and the Best Song prize to Lady Joan of Crawfordsmuir. Lady Marguerite awarded a compact sewing kit
enclosed in a thimble on a chain to Lady Hedja de Loup. Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) gave four awards for Best Favors to
Anne-Elizabeth of Westmarch, Anne Christopher, Sofya Volkavna, and Lady Su of the Silver Horn. Princess Bevin’s Calligraphy Contest
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of the Angels
was postponed til the next event. After a blazon-off Sofya Volkavna gave the Heraldry prize to Baroness Alison von Markheim. Lord Guy
de Montvert gave the Dead Mackeral to Lord Rondal Negra Khan for his splendid death at Their Highness’ feet.
August 14, 1976 AS XI
Equestrian Arts Ride
Held at the Hagman Equestrian Center, Chatsworth, CA. Charissa of Silverwolf was the autocrat. Twenty-five people showed up, including
Prince Morven and Princess Bevin. A potluck barbecue followed.
August 15, 1976 AS XI
Brotherhood of the Blade Tourney of Rank
Held where? Charles of Dublin was the autocrat. The lists were limited to brotherhood members but the challenges were open to all.
August 28, 1976 AS XI
First Session, University of Ithra at Caid
Held in the Holy Trinity Church, Alhambra, CA. Nine classes were held, with fifty-six attendees. The Canton of the Canyons hosted a Ball
in the evening. Recognitions of Merit were given for Best Male and Female Dancers, Riddles Used in Conversation, Best-turned Male Leg,
Fans (decorative and authentic) and Best Cinderella Slippers.
October 2, 1976 AS XI
Angels Anniversary Tourney
Held at Arroyo Seco Park, Pasadena, CA. Baron Piers Howells de Cambria and Baroness Ximena Aubel de Cambria had just gotten back
from a trip to Peru, having missed the coronet tourney. Court was called with them presiding, and Their Highnesses, Prince Morven and
Princess Bevin, attending. The Grand March began with the Great Officers, and then Al Caid, Sir Martin the Temperate, and his lady
Arabella Lyon de Rohese, who is Baroness Ximena’s sister, came forward, to the amazement of the Baron and Baroness. Baroness Ximena
said it was the best birthday present she had ever received. Prince Morven thanked the populace for keeping the secret. Then he decreed
that Lady Cristóbal degli Gilicine che Mangia Uome was the Official Purveyor of Fudge to the Coronet, Lord Gwydioan and Lady Anna
became Official Purveyors of Mead and Meat Pies, and House Irini was made Official Purveyor of Bishop’s Bread. Huette von Ahrens
presented the Baroness with a birthday present of Maja soap and Cologne. The Baroness also received a beautiful scarf and a card with
a “mouse critter” on it. Lady Eyana bat-David presented Their Highnesses with a gigantic M&M chocolate chip cookie. Ann Christopher,
to celebrate her first year in the SCA, filled his Highnesses cookie monster cookie jar with chocolate chip cookies. Lord Robert of the Isles
presented Alexander Greylord and Elizabeth of Esvere with special awards for service to Darachshire. Baroness Ximena and Baron Piers
presented Their Highnesses with silver plates as their gift in honor of their reign. Sir Tax was passed among the populace to receive
donations. Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) presented her unofficial entry to the cooking contest, a 5'6" carrot (looking
suspiciously like Duryn the Red with giant ferns on his head). The goodies having been presented court adjourned.
The activities began with a rousing game of Norse Stick Ball. Then the Angels Championship Lists were fought. The winner was a
dragon (looking suspiciously like Duryn the Red, Thomas of Whitlo, Lord Gwydioan am Gorlwyn and Lord Robear du Bois). The various
contests were held and judged. Final Court was convened. Baroness Ximena and Baron Piers admitted Lady Gabrielle nicChlurain, Lady
Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix), Lady Jaelithe of Dragonstower, and Lord Alejandro de Salamanca to the Order of Athena. The awards
for the cooking contest (for carrot dishes) were Lady Giesele Hikiegaard of the Mystic Dragon (Creme of Carrot and Leek Soup), who also
won the Hester Spoon, and honorable mention to Dana of Coleraine (carrot bread), Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) (carrots and
shrimp), and Duryn the Red (biggest carrot). A lady in House Glendwry won best court costume and Lady Cristóbal won for best field
costume. Lady Jocelyn’s Medieval Ship Design contest had only two entries, Lady Su of the Silver Horn and Oberon Cirin, both with Viking
Swan Ships. Each received a book and an edible “brownie point”. Lady Mary Taran of Glastonbury won the heraldry contest, winning a
scroll by Lee MacMahon. In the singing segment of the Bardic Circle competition, Lord Charles of Dublin won first place. Lady Fiona
Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) won for Poetry, with Lady Marguerite taking second with her “Ballad of the Queen’s Pickle”. Lord Eadmond
du Battlemont won the Anachronistic Photo Contest, and Thelin Doppleganger von Kallenboch won the Alchemy contest. Lord Eadmond
du Battlemont resigned as Caid Seneschal, and Lady Gabrielle nicChlurain took over. Lord Alewäulfe the Red became Acting Angels
November 25, 1976 AS XI
Thanksgiving Dinner
Held at the Women’s Club House, Wilmington, CA. Lady Gabrielle nicChlurain was the autocrat, along with Lord Cedric the Dark and
Viscountess Bevin Fraser of Sterling. A bountiful feast was consumed, followed by slides from the quest, Viscountess Bevin brought
medieval music and Irish pipe music for accompaniment during the meal.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of the Angels
December 18, 1976 AS XI
Christmas Revel and Council Meeting
Held at House Opal Cross, Duarte, CA. Somehow Lady Catriona NicChlurain squeezed eighty-three people into her home for the revel. After
a swift council meeting the reveling began. “Cocktails” ran the gamut from beer to wine, mead, and Thelin’s Wassail. A potluck dinner
ensued, with a well laden table. Then the Gift Exchange was held, with Lord Renfield of the Inland March (Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe)
running the show, aided and abetted by Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix). The tree was decorated, and general revelry filled the
February 26, 1977 AS XI
Darachshire Anniversary Tourney
Held at Bubbling Springs Park, Port Hueneme, CA. Lord Robert of the Isles was the autocrat. Lists for Champion of Darachshire were held,
along with contests for cooking (filled pastry), heraldry and embroidery.
March 5, 1977 AS XI
Kite War
Held in Eugene Debs Regional Park, Pasadena, CA. The Canton of the Canyons challenged one and all to a kite war. Alejandro de
Salamanca was the autocrat. Lord John ap Griffin provided the string. The site was at the top of a quarter-mile up-hill road. There were
awards for Prettiest Kite, Largest Kite, Smallest Kite, Most Flyable Kite, Most Authentic Kite, and the Kite War.
March 12, 1977 AS XI
First Caid Equestrian Tourney
Held at the Hagman Equestrian Center, Chatsworth, CA. There was tilting at rings, a Prince’s Cup Race, Single Pole Decapitation Race,
Archery on Horseback, Retriever Race, and Jousting at the Quintain.
March 26-27, 1977 AS XI
Brotherhood of the Blade Melee
Held at Arroyo Seco Park, Pasadena, CA. Prince Martin and Lord Charles of Dublin were the autocrats. Some twenty-six fighters showed
up to take part in the ten melees, no two of which were quite the same. After ten fights the High Point Man and winner was Prince Martin,
followed by Sir William the Lucky and Patrick of Innisfree. Tamsin of the Raven Tresses twice led her team to victory. A twenty minute
continuous melee was held for those who had not fought enough, in which a dead man resurrected after two minutes, and wounded men
healed in one. Prince Martin’s team suffered casualties of 22 dead and 7 wounded, while Viscount Hugh the Undecided’s team had 21 dead
and five wounded. These remarkably even statistics were due to the fact that Patrick of Innesfrae switched from Hugh’s to Martin’s team
at some point to even up the teams. Patrick was the only person to survive the full twenty minutes without being killed, and only wounded
once. After closing court everyone adjourned to the revel hosted by Lord Guy de Montvert.
April 1, 1977 AS XI
First Annual Feast of Fools, Canton of Lyonesse
Held at the American Legion Hall, Wilmington, CA. The theme was Come as You Are Not (within SCA limits). There were three removes
totalling fifteen dishes. Lord Gwydioan am y’Gorlwyn and Lady Anna McAyre of Gorabh were the autocrats. Sir Morven of Carrick won
the “Gammy” Award for best calves. Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst won for Most Provocatively Dressed Male. Augustine Johannes won
for Most Un-Provocative Male (as a unicorn). Lady Huette von Ahrens of Schloss Drachenhaus won for Most Unprovocative Female (a
witch complete with frog and apples). The Arts and Sciences held a Slave Auction which brought in $25. Sir Morven directed a Miracle
Play with Master Conrad von Regensburg as God, Lord Renfield of the Inland March (Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe) as a demon, Hedgia
du Loup as Lucifer, and Duke William of Hoghton as an angel. The King and Queen of Fools were decided by a thumb wrestling contest
won by Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst. Jason Griffiths and Fiona Bo-Peep (Gregorovna) were crowned Rex Stulti and Regina Stulti by a
bevy of clerics, complete with a sceptre (a toilet plunger), and orb (a grapefruit with a corkscrew in it), and gold (paper) crowns. The King
named Duryn the Red as his consort and the Queen named Nicole Deveraux as hers.
Rounding out the evening’s entertainment was a sword dance by Hedgia du Loup, accompanied on the drums by the Negri Kahns.
Not to be outdone, the Brotherhood of the Blade led by a pirate who looked suspiciously like Viscount Hugh did the infamous Brotherhood
chug-a-lug song with almost fatal results to HM Rex Stulti, who almost drowned in his three quart mug! The evening ended with a cheer
for the kitchen staff, including Lord Gwydioan, Lady Anna, Lord Cedric the Dark, Lady Joan of Crawfordsmuir, Lady Gabrielle, Lorraine
d’Alsace, Lady Eyana bat-David NicChlurain, and others.
April 2, 1977 AS XI
The Second Semi-Bi-Annual Insulter’s Guild Tourney
Held in Arroyo Seco Park, Pasadena, CA. the day after the feast of fools. The opening court was presided over by Rex and Regina Stulti
and Their Calafian Highnesses, who endured a reverse Grand March. There was a contest to see who could elevate HH Arabella the best.
She made her entrance ably assisted by Lord Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst and Lord Duryn the Red on a short of palanquin with long
poles. Battle ribbons were presented by HH Arabella to all who had attended the Atenveldt/Caid Color Dispute and Awards of Legs were
presented to Lord Gwydioan, Lady Anna, and Lorraine d’Alsace to replace the ones they had worked off the night before. Offering able
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of the Angels
heraldic assistance to the royalty were Brothers Bob, Bill, and Carl, and the Quackie Duck Herald, Baron John ap Griffin. A rousing game
of Norse Stick Ball was held wherein it was discovered that HH Arabella did have legs and Lindia of Woodlyn somehow lost her skirt in
the pile-on. There were no rules, except to win, which was made even harder by the fact that the men were foot-i-capped. Then HH Martin
assisted by Jason Griffiths elevated Arabella to even higher heights. But then, Lady Käthe in a feat of great brilliance and very little effort
escorted HH Arabella up a hill about twenty feet high, thereby getting Arabella even higher than anyone on the grassy knoll.
There was a hat toss and a “diplomacy” melee, where the only rule was make an alliance for as long as you need to and then forget
it if you want to. The highlight of this was seeing Sir Hugh armed to the teeth with two swords, three axes, several knives in boots, belts,
and mouth, defeated by stealth, treachery, and backhand nastiness, coupled with an onslaught of revengeful people on the field.
After Lunch Scheherazade Schwartzkopf and her Camel Drivers entertained the group with various routines, such as HH Martin and
Lord Duryn the Red as the long-lost Corsican brothers a la Balanchine; several ladies complete with belly dancing costumes, full tights
and leotards, glasses, and an undue amount of ungrace; the magic slipping kilt of Brother Bob (Robear du Bois); a beturbaned lady in a
terribly eclectic outfit; and finally the entire bevy doing it all right afterr all. Then there was the ReQuest which Jason sent everyone out
on because Fiona Bo-Peep was put to sleep by trickery, groups of questors being sent out on very dangerous missions which rewarded
them with things like handsful of applesauce and bizarre clues from Sister Lupe. And the answer to the whole bloody mess was a rather
convoluted arrangement of C-A-I-D. For which deviousness Prince Martin was rewarded by having several handsful of applesauce liberally
strewn over his raven locks. The day ended on a note of Trimble and Trepidation because Jason and Fiona had to abdicate because they
were “passing-over” the freeway to celebrate the other side of Easter and Baron John ap Griffin and Mistress Bjo ascended the throne for
the remainder of the afternoon. Her Now Majesty awarded Lady Giesele Hildegaard with a cape pin for her service with the Mobile Kitchen.
Frederick of Woodlyn won the contest sponsored by HM Bjo for projects that had gone awry with a frightening looking helm/cheese grater.
The Insulter’s Guild admitted Lady Ann Christopher of Cheshire, Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst, Lord Duryn the Red, Lady Fiona
Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix), Baron John ap Griffin, Mistress Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani), and Thin Robert of Lawrence.
Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) received the Order of the Plastic Turkey, an An Tir awarded, presented to her by Lord Wilhelm von
Messer, in honor of her plastic laminated NFL mug, thereby putting her in such good company as Prince Edward Zifran, Bastard of Gendy,
who wore green tennis shoes to his own coronation as Prince of An Tir.
June 11, 1977 AS XII
Fifth Beggar’s Burdica
Held at Arroyo Seco Park, Pasadena, CA. Rashid the Fool was the autocrat. Princess Lorissa presided over first court. Next to her was her
trusty headsman with bare chest and dark blue hood. Those peasants displaying finery were called forward to grovel and pay a fine. One
of these was Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst. Others were Lord Alewaulf the Red, Lindia of Woodlyn, and Trey of Woodlyn. Rashid
presented Her Highness with a full grown radish which looked suspiciously like Duryn the Carrot all in red. A game of pass-the-shoe was
played after opening court, followed by a game of dodge ball. The Lists were in the form of a Bubble Gum Blowing Competition, sponsored
and directed by Rashid, the local Arab urchin. The men did not fare so well, perhaps because of an instinctive fear of bubble gum beard.
The victor was Lady Maria Alesandre de Rohese who delicately blew an immense bubble and then delicately extracted it from her mouth
intact. However Sweet Kate gave M aria some competition, and as a result there was a 2-out-of-three final round. Maria edged out her
competitor to become the Burdica’s Bubble Blowing Champion.
There followed a game of Duke, Duke, Duchess, with the innovation that the little girls playing did not have to kiss the men but could
shake their hand instead. There was a great melee with water balloons and some very soaked people, which essentially became a children’s
crusade against Robear the Headsman, who fought valiantly whilst he could, but finally lay down and dried.
The main event at Closing Court was the judging of the cartoon contests (Draw a Balin and a passing helm) by applause. The clear
winner was Fredrick of Woodlyn. About this time Piers Howells de Cambria and Ximena Aubel de Cambria had resigned as Baron and
Baroness of the Angels. They agreed to remain as Vicar and Vicaress until their replacements could be found.
June 12, 1977 AS XII
Equestrian Tournament
Held at the Hagman Equestrian Center, Chatsworth, CA. Kerisa of Silverwolf was the autocrat. The events were Jousting at the Quintain,
Tilting at Rings, Beheading the Saracen, Archery on Horseback, a King’s Cup Race, and a Favor Race. There was a Hay Ride followed by
a revel, and a barbecue. Ten people showed up. Erekose beat Renfield in Titling at Rings. In the beginner’s division Lady Lorraine d’Alsace
beat out Elisabeth. The Favor Race, in which the rider had to retrieve a favor while riding by it at a fast trot, was won by Renfield with Lady
Cliveden d’Cheiux taking second. In the Prince’s Cup race, the winner of the beginner’s division was Lady Lorraine with Elizabeth in 2nd.
Lord Renfield won the advanced division and Cliveden came in 2nd. Renfield and Erekose tried successfully to decapitate some wig heads.
Viscountess Bevin Fraser of Sterling stopped and did the shagging for the ring-tilting and favor race. The hay ride was cancelled, and
everyone adjourned to the home of Kerissa of Silverwolf for the potluck revel.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of the Angels
July 23, 1977 AS XII
Lyonesse Anniversary Tourney
Held at Carriage Crest Park, Carson, CA. Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) was the autocrat. Prince Balin and Princess Lorissa
attended. Officials from the City of Carson also attended. Lady Anns McAyre of Gorabh, Seneschal of Lyonesse, presented seashells and
ribbons to Their Highnesses, the city officials, and all who were born under the sign of Cancer.The Lists were held for Champion of
Lyonesse and the victor was Sir William the Lucky (who was also Champion of Isles). The Order of the Dead Mackeral for the Best Death
went to Talin the Bored, twin brother of the Prince. The Children’s Boffer Lists was won by Fair Karen, who shared the prize of a children’s
set of plastic armor with Katwen du Griffin, the runner-up. Both ladies fought valiantly in the finals.
During the day, Lady Lyndia of Woodlyn and Lady Neptha of Thebes put on a very successful and entertaining belly-dancing display.
After a dinner break, everyone reconvened for evening court. Their highnesses gave Awards of Arms to Fredrick and Lyndia of Woodlyn.
Lady Melissa Kendall of Westmoreland and Lady Persephone of Woodland were made honorary members of Lyonesse. The Prize Winners
from the day’s contests were: Child Ballad - Alacya Daveraugh; German Dessert - Jared Blaydeaux; Cartoon - Viscount Edward Zifran of
Gendy; Illumination - Lady Guinever Elspeth Malyn; Courtesy - Lord Charles of Dublin; Heraldry - Baroness Alison von Markheim. There
were also contests in Best Challenge and Photography. Lord Fredrick and Lady Lyndia presented Viscount Gregory of York with a mantle
so he would not “freeze” at the next Kingdom event. Princess Lorissa presented strawberry bath salts that she made herself to all of the
Cancerian ladies. Following court the Best Choreographed Dance contest was held outside on the basketball court. Revelry continued
inside, with desserts furnished by the Canton members, including a huge birthday cake made and decorated by Kyri.
August 6, 1977 AS XII
Expedition to Camelot
Hosted by House Graceworth. Lady Jeanay La Rue de Cheval and Lord Anonymous the Amnesiac tied for the lowest (and therefore best)
score. They were awarded the Order of Ye Pink Putt Tee. Merriment was provided when Lady Faye of ye Farther Glens could not get her
ball past the water hazard and Lord Chenan of Greyoak patiently fished it out of the water. A revel was held at Warhouse.
August 28, 1977 AS XII
Brotherhood of the Blade Tourney of Rank
Held in Arroyo Seco Park, Pasadena, CA. Lord Charles of Dublin was the autocrat.
September 7, 1977 AS XII
Formation of the Canton of Derryabarre
A meeting was held at Dragon Keep, Los Angeles, CA. Thin Robert of Lawrence was the Seneschal, Quiauhxochitl was the herald, Robear
du Bois was the Marshall, Marguerite the Uncoordinated was the Mistress of Arts, Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst was the Master of
Sciences, Baron John ap Griffin was the Grand Treasurer, and Luxandra of Alttumbra was the Chatelaine. About this time Piers Howells
de Cambria and Ximena Aubel de Cambria designated Frederick and Lyndia of Woodlyn as their choices for Vicar and Vicaress of the
October 1, 1977 AS XII
Angels Anniversary Tourney
Held in Arroyo Seco Park, Pasadena, CA. Alewäulfe the Red was the autocrat. Opening court was held at ten AM. After lunch the Lists
for Champion of Angels was held, with the Dragon present to try to defend its title. There was a Most Anachronistic Photo Contest, a
Medieval Siege Weapon Contest, a Fine Arts Contest, Embroidery Contest and Coloring Contests. In the evening there was a buffet potluck
dinner handled by Thelin von Kallenbach and Lord Gwydioan am y’Gorlwyn. Evening court was in honor of the outgoing Baron Piers
Howells de Cambria and Baroness Ximena Aubel de Cambria. Lord Alewäulfe the Red was the autocrat for the daylight portion, and the
autocrats for the evening were Lady Anna McAyre of Gorabh, Lady Eyana bat-David NicChlurain, Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de
Foix), Lady Ly ndia of Woodlyn, Luxandra of Altumbra, and Kerissa of Silverwolf. The Hester Spoon Competition was for Fruit and Nut
dishes. Thelin von Kallenbach and Lady Lyndia of Woodlyn were the judges. The evening activities were held at the All Saints Episcopal
Church, Alhambra, CA. At this time Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) became the Seraph Pursuivant for the Barony of the Angels.
October 15, 1977 AS XII
Henry VIII Festival
Held at the South Coast Village, Santa Ana, CA. Alacya Deveraugh was the autocrat. Lady Su of the Silver Horn was in charge of the Arts,
while Lord Anonymous the Amnesiac handled the Live Chess Game. The members put on an SCA Demonstration. Grand March was
announced and all gathered to pay homage to King Henry VIII, Princess Lorissa, and Lady Caid Neptha of Thebes. After the Grand March
the contests began with Best Challenge and the first round of fighting. Dancing was done in front of the Rose and Crown Pub for a short
time as the music and space were limited. The Hand-Kissing Contest was next with twelve Lords and twenty-five Ladies participated. Master
Conrad von Regensburg was the winner. Due to mundane pressures Lady Cristóbal and Lord Eadmund could not renew their vows on the
green, so it was announced that they had eloped! The day’s activities drew to a close with another round of fighting in which Carl of
Carmarthin sustained a grievous wound and so the fighting was ended. Closing court announced the gracious thanks of King Henry and
an invitation to return next year.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of the Angels
The winners of the Prizes were: Best Challenge - Lord Jared Blaydeaux; First Round of Fighting - Jason Griffiths of Shadowyrst;
Unfinished Embroidery - Karin von Schatten; Best Ankle Displayed - Maran of the Red Rose; Best Insult - Lord Fredrick of Woodlyn;
Outrageous Pun - Lady Su of the Silver Horn; Best Recruiting Poster - Lady Lyndia of Woodlyn; Poetry - Marian Westerhold; Second
Round of Fighting - Carl of Carmarthin. Dinner and Revelry followed at the Rose and Crown Pub, with all having a good time.
December 10, 1977 AS XII
Canton of the Canyons Christmas Ball
Held in the Holy Trinity Church, Alhambra, CA. Huette von Ährens was the autocrat. There was a Masked Dance, with a prize for the Best
Period Mask. There was dancing, prizes for Best Petticoat and Best Show of Petticoats in the LaVolta, Shapeliest Male Leg, Best Christmas
Bread, Fruit Cake, or Plum Pudding, and Best Flourishes in Dancing.
December 17, 1977 AS XII
Baronial Christmas Party and Meeting
Held at the home of Mistress Gabrielle Devereaux NicChlurain. Following the Council Meeting there was a Gift Exchange and then the party.
February 18, 1978 AS XII
Canton of the Canyons Kite Fly
Held at the Eugene Debs Regional Park, Pasadena, CA.
March 11, 1978 AS XII
Brotherhood of the Blade Melee Prize Tourney
Held at Arroyo Seco Park, Pasadena, CA. Sir Charles of Dublin was the autocrat. There were ten melees.
April 1, 1978 AS XII
Insulter’s Guild Tourney and Feast of Fools
Held in Arroyo Seco Park, Pasadena, CA. Robear du Bois was the autocrat for the tourney. Lord Gwydioan am y’Gorlwyn and Lady Anna
McAyre of Gorabh were the autocrats for the feast, which was held at the Wilmington Woman’s Club. The theme was Come As What You
Are Not. The Scheherazade Schwartzkopf Dance Revue performed.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Calafia
The Barony of Calafia
The Barony of Calafia - Azure, a sea serpent
ondoyant-emergent sable, fimbriated Or, overall a trident with a laurel
wreath entwined in its tines Or.
May ?, 1971 AS VI
Kathea von Linz admitted to the Order of the Golden Trident(?)
January ?, 1972 AS VI
Janây d’Aquitaine admitted to the Order of the Golden Trident(?)
January 8, 1972 AS VI
Twelfth Night Revel
Held in the Unitarian Church, Los Angeles, CA. Baron Pwyll, having returned, admitted Randall of Hightower and Rhiannon pen Tyrhon
to the Order of the Seraphic Star.
February 19, 1972 AS VI
First Tourney
Held in San Diego, CA. Talanque and Rowen-Lynn were the founding Baron and Baroness. The Barony had begun to organize as early
as November of 1970. Dean the Learned was the first Seneschal. Giesele-Hildegaard was Mistress of Arts, Erzebet Tycodi was Mistress
of the Lists, and David Farwanderer was Master of Sciences. Bruno von der Eiche was Knight Marshall. King Paul attended and gave an
Award of Arms to Bruno von der Eiche. Queen Carol was also present. The tourney was held in their honor. The first issue of the Serpent’s
Tongue, the baronial newsletter, came out.
April 23, 1972 AS VI
Spring Tourney
Held in the Pine Grove Picnic Area, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. There were lists for the title of Arbiter of Beauty, who got to present the
lady of his choice with the Girdle of Hyppolyta and a competition for the title of Black Knight. Leodamas of Thebes was deputy Seneschal
and Procurator.
May 6-7, 1972 AS VII
Grossmont Renaissance Faire
Held at Grossmont Junior College, San Diego, CA. A demonstration tourney was held. The barony began having biweekly minitournies
(fighting practices) at Balboa Park. Eilonwy de Lyur was the Pursuivant Extraordinary.
July ?, 1972 AS VII
At a MiniTourney (?)
Brun von der Eiche, Curis of Westlake, and Lysander of Sparta were admitted to the new Order of the Serpent’s Talon.
August, 1972
Leodamas of Thebes died. David du Lac was appointed Master of Sciences. Launcelot de Questwood became Procurator. Garryl Harper
Flaming Sword was Knight Marshall.
October 14, 1972 AS VII
Founder’s Day Parade
Held in Westminster, CA. The Barony marched in the parade.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Calafia
November 1, 1972 AS VII
Anniversary Tourney
Held in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Baron Talanque took over as seneschal.
January 13, 1973 AS VII
Twelfth Night Revels
Held at the Palacio Mabuhay, San Diego, CA. Meg Shelford was the autocrat. There was a live chess game. Baron Talanque formed the
Order of Leodamas and admitted Eilonwy de Lyur as the founding member. Baron Sárkányi Gerö admitted Sieglinde von Krause to the Order
of the Seraphic Star (Barony of the Angels).
February, 1973 AS VII
Däwyd Äspärä Suomalainen was Chancellor of the Exchequor. Janay d’Aquitaine became the Seneschal. Carla became the Mistress of the
Lists, Meg Shelford became the Mistress of Arts. Armand Sebastian de la Forêt de Savigny was Knight Marshall.
February 16-25, 1973 AS VII
Indio Date Festival
Held in Indio, CA. The SCA put on fighting demonstrations. There was a parade on the nineteenth.
April 28-29, 1973 AS VII
Spring Tourney
Held in Balboa Park at the Pine Grove Picnic Area, San Diego, CA. There was a costume contest, a cooking contest for bread and soups,
challenges, and on Saturday night a banquet and revel at Pacacia Mabuhay. Sunday there were lists.
July 7, 1973 AS VIII
Orc Hunt Tourney
Held at Pine Grove Picnic Area, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. This was the first of a monthly series of tourneys held on the first Saturday
of the month.
August 26, 1973 AS VIII
SCA Demonstration
Put on at the Balboa Naval Hospital, San Diego, CA.
September 1,1973 AS VIII
Orc Hunt and Dinner
Held at the Laurel Street Bridge Area, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Box lunches made by the ladies were auctioned off. A potluck dinner
was held at the Heaton residence, followed by a revel. Däwyd Äspärä Suomalainen became Master of Sciences. Persephone of Woodland
was Mistress of the Office of the Keys.
September 2, 1973 AS VIII
Medieval Firechariot Rally
The rally started at the May Company Parking Lot, Mission Valley Center, off Interstate 8. Some knowledge of medieval history was needed
to catch the clues. Edmond du Battlemont was the autocrat.
October 6, 1973 AS VIII
Baronial Treasure Hunt
Held at the Laurel Street Picnic Area, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Each fighter had a piece of the map. The winners got the loser’s pieces.
The final winner thus got the whole map and found the treasure. Ghalib ar-Rahhman was the autocrat. Armand Sebastian de la Forêt de
Savigny was admitted to the Order of the Serpent’s Talon (?).
October 20, 1973 AS VIII
Baronial Masque Ball
Held at the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Hall, San Diego, CA. There were contests for Best People Disguise, and Best Nonhuman Creature
Disguise. Käthe von Munchhausen was the autocrat, appearing as Draco the Rediculous, a green dragon. Matriana du Cameliard was now
Mistress of Arts.
Nov 10-11, 1973 AS VIII
Calafian Birthday Tourney
Held at the Lawn Bowl Green, Laurel Street Picnic Area, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. On Saturday there were lists for Champion of the
Barony, whose prize was a Barrel Hume of special design by Kirby Wise. There were lists for Arbiter of Beauty, who could present the
Girdle of Hyppolyta to the lady of his choice. There was a banquet and revel at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. On Sunday there was an Orc
Pleaser contest, games, and an embroidered sleeve contest. King Henrik attended.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Calafia
December 1, 1973 AS VIII
Blind Man’s Bluff Tourney
Held at the Laurel Street Picnic Area, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. There was a meat pastie contest and games.
December 21, 1973 AS VIII
Mistletoe Feast
Held at Palacio Mabuhay, San Diego, CA. Palacio Mabuhay presented the Second Shepherd’s Play, followed by the feast.
January 12, 1974 AS VIII
Twelfth Night Revel, Angels
Held at the St. Joachim’s Church Hall, Costa Mesa, CA. Baron Talanque admitted Armand Sebastian de la Forêt de Savigny to the Order
of Leodamas. The baronial offices changed hands. Cristóbal degli Gilicine che Mangia Uome took over the Office of the Keys, Jon Trimara
became Chancellor of the Exchequor, Wilhelm von Messer became Trident Pursuivant, and Persephone of Woodland became the Seneschal.
Aeoelwig Aelfwigsson and Renfield of the Inland March (Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe) were admitted to the Order of the Golden Ram
(new) by Baron Waldt von Markheim.
Feb 16-18, 1974 AS VIII
Winter Festival
Held where? Janay d’Aquitaine was the autocrat.
March 2-3, 1974 AS VIII
March Hare Tourney
Held at the Laurel Street Lawn Bowling Green, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. On Saturday there were lists for Champion of the Barony. A
cooking contest for soup and breads provided lunch. There was a revel at Palacio Mabuhay. On Sunday there were games, dancing, melees,
and a box lunch auction, with the lunches made by the ladies and the men bidding. Persephone of Woodland was the autocrat. Eadmond
du Battlemont and Virginia Bright Angel were admitted to the Order of the Golden Trident.
April 27-28, 1974 AS VIII
May Day Festival
Held at the Laurel Street Picnic Area, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. On Saturday there were lists for the right to crown one’s lady Queen
of the May , and the title Arbiter of Beauty. The two then presided over the revel that evening at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. On Sunday
there was the Queen of the May’s court, followed by a maypole, hide and seek, clench-a-wench, poison, dancing, twealsey-whopping,
challenges, dessert contest, and an arts auction. Matriana du Cameliard and Meg Shelford were the autocrats. Meg Shelford and Wilhelm
von Messer and Armand Sebastian de la Forêt de Savigny were admitted to the Order of the Golden Trident.
July 21, 1974 AS IX
Quest for the Chalice of St. Gunther
Held at Balboa Park. There were games and dancing for the ladies, while the fighters went on quest. Patrick of Innisfree found the chalice,
but lost it to Armand Sebastian de la Forêt de Savigny in the lists.
Nov 16-17, 1974 AS IX
Anniversary Tourney
Held in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. There was a banquet in the Great Hall of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Baron Talanque admitted Stefan
Totenkopf to the Order of the Serpent’s Talon. There were challenges, lists for Arbiter of Beauty, games, and a cooking contest. There was
a revel after the banquet at the home of Janay d’Aquitaine. Persephone of Woodland resigned as Seneschal and Olivia de Montmarsh
became the new Seneschal.
December 14, 1974 AS IX
Second Annual Mistletoe Fest
Held at House Mabuhay, San Diego, CA. There was singing, dancing, games, and a mistletoe competition. Baron Talanque admitted Käthe
von Munchausen to the Order of the Golden Trident.
January 19, 1974 AS IX
St. Gunther’s Tourney
Held in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. The squires hid the chalice and the fighters had to go find it. Then they fought over it. Whoever
survived to show it was the winner. There were boffer lists for the squires and various games. The autocrat was Diana de Savigny. Baron
Sárkányi admitted Tyra Stuart of Moray to the Order of the Seraphic Star, an Angels Order.
February 8, 1975 AS IX
Held where?
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Calafia
February 15, 1975 AS IX
St. Valentine’s Day Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego, CA, in honor of Baroness Rowen-Lynn. Katherine of Sheppy was the autocrat. Einar aus Envelt won the
lists to become Arbiter of Beauty. There was a potluck revel at Olivia de Montmarsh’s home.
March 15, 1975 AS IX
St. Patrick’s Day Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Janay d’Aquitaine, Katherine of Sheppy, and Olivia de Montmarsh were the autocrats. The revel was
at the home of Janay d’Aquitaine. There were lists, Scandinavian team fighting (one swordsman and one shield man on each side), and
May 4, 1975 AS X
Baron’s Birthday Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Baron Talanque admitted Persephone of Woodland to the Order of the Golden Trident.
May 31, 1975 AS X
Held at the home of Levisa Christholm, San Diego, CA.
July 19-20, 1975 AS X
Prize Tourney and Hunt for St. Gunther’s Chalice
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. The Prize Tourney was held on Saturday and the Chalice Hunt on Sunday. The prizes for the Saturday
contests were a sword, dagger and mace made by Kirby Wise (Baron Kovacs Zoltan). There was also a Kirby dagger presented to the lady
who conducted herself in the most pleasing and medieval manner. There was a bread baking contest. Baron Talanque and Katherine of
Sheppy were the autocrats. Olivia de Montmarsh resigned as Seneschal of the barony.
November 1, 1975 AS X
All Hallows Masque
Held Where?
November 15-16, 1975 AS X
Anniversary Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Prince Gregory defeated Guy de Montvert to claim the prize sword.
December 20, 1975 AS X
Kirby Prize Tourney and Yuletide Arts Fest
Held in Balboa Park, San Diego. Cristóbal degli Gilicine che Mangia Uome was the autocrat and acting Mistress of Arts. The day began
cloudy and then the rain came. The tourney was moved to the Newman Center at Cal State San Diego. Gisele Hildegaard of the Mystic
Dragon arranged the move. There were Ladies Boffer Lists, arts contests, and fighting competitions. Baron Kovacs Zoltan (Kirby Wise)
donated some of his fine work as prizes. The revel was held in a nearby synagogue. William of Dover won the dagger for the Bardic Circle,
Jocelyn Elspeth Malyn won the fabric prize for the Trim Contest, Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) won the Sweet Bread Contest
and Sine of the Singing Hands won for plain bread. Lady Bjo also won for beverages, while Tyra Stuart of Moray won for Medieval
Munchies, Katherine Marlowe NicChlurain for Sword Wrapping, Robear du Bois for Original Devices (for Ghenghis Khan), Jocelyn Elspeth
Malyn for Costume Design, and Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) for Banners.
January 2, 1976 AS X
Chalice of St. Gunther Hunt
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego.
February 14-15, 1975 AS X
Baroness’ Valentine Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego.
March 13-14, 1976 AS X
War Practice Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego.
May 29-30, 1976 AS XI
Spring Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Janay d’Aquitaine was the autocrat. There was an arts auction, a Men’s Box Lunch auction, and a Pass
Fighting Lists, where the winners were chosen by the Baroness Rowen-Lynn and her ladies. The winner presented his lady with the Girdle
of Hypolita, crowning her Queen of Spring. There were contests in Medieval Footwear, Tapestry, Medieval Underwear, Embroidered
Favors, Stick-Handled Accessories, and there was a banquet and revel held afterwards.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Calafia
June 4, 1976 AS XI
Independence Day Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Cameron of Caldoon was the autocrat. Janay d’Aquitaine turned the job of Mistress of Arts over to
Cristóbal degli Gilicine che Mangia Uome.
July 24, 1976 AS XI
St. Gunther’s Tourney
Held in the Calafian Circle, Balboa Park, San Diego. Baron Armand Sebastian de la Forêt de Savigny was the autocrat. The Seventh Quest
for the Chalice of St. Gunther, the patron saint of fermentation, distillation, and inebriation, was held. Threatening clouds moved away and
the field was dry by morning court. At opening court Louise of Woodsholme presented a package of prommissary notes to the principality,
which were received on behalf of Prince Morven by Duke Aonghais dubh MacTarbh. After opening court an art auction was held to raise
funds for the Calafian war chest. The items ranged from very nice to “interesting” and brought in a fair amount of money.
After lunch the Chalice was taken into the woods in the keeping of Thomas of Waverly, and shortly thereafter the fighters went in
quest of it. Robear du Bois found it, and thus did not have to fight until the lists were reduced to three people. These three turned out to
be Balin of Tor, Viscount Gregory of York, and Sir Martin the Temperate. Even with the ressurective powers of the Chalice, Robear fell to
Balin, who proceeded to slay Gregory, but was finally killed by Sir Martin. Closing court was held early so folk from Dreiburgen could leave
to go to the Mestersing. Sir Martin was presented with the Chalice and the accompanying ring, which he gave to Quiauxochitl. Robear du
Bois and Thomas Whitelowe each received a bottle of mead for their entries in the mug decorating contest. The kid’s boffer contest was
won by Geoffry of York, and the croquet game was won by Baroness Rowen-Lynn and Squire Christopher. Cameron of Caldoon also took
the opportunity to present an award to Charles de Rouen for unfailing devotion to the pursuit of the fair sex and untempered dedication
to the consumption of alcoholic spirits. The award resembled a chastity belt, but Charles lost no time in placing it on his head.
After closing court a kiss auction was held, people having been nominated during the day. The ladies brought consistently higher
prices, the maximum bid for a lord being $6.80 for Viscount Gregory while Lady Louise brought a bid of $20. The evening’s activities were
also designed to raise funds for Calafia’s war chest, and all were invited to Cameron’s Casino, where one might gamble with Cameron’s
crooked currency. Unfortunately all the tables closed early, with the exception of the poker game whose participants had to be dragged
off kicking and screaming when the hall closed.
September 17, 1976 AS XI
Leodamus of Thebes Memorial Tourney
Held at Balboa Park. Originally scheduled for the previous weekend, the tourney was moved to the 17th because of rain. Baron Armand
Sebastian de la Forêt de Savigny and Baroness Diane presided over morning court in the absence of Baron Talanque and Baroness RowenLynn. The rules of the Lists were that no shields would be allowed on the field. In an initial melee the “pointy” helms defeated the “flat”
tops. The finalists were Viscount Gregory of York and Balin of Tor, with the final round seeing both fighting Florentine. Balin of Tor won
the match and was presented with a set of matched drinking horns at closing court. Anne dex Anneaux won the neckpiece contest,
receiving a large “ruby” ring. For the Best Death, Cedric of Mercia won a beautiful gold on black death scroll and a pine coffin, while
Cedric’s Lady Wife got a bottle of wine to drown her sorrows. Cedric also won a book (an atlas of the ancient world) as the Most
Chivalrous Fighter. Cameron of Caldoon was installed as the new Master of the Keys and Lady Käthe von Munchausen was presented
with a scroll of appreciation from Eloise of Lancaster, the retiring Mistress of Keys. At the revel there was much merrymaking, with Cedric
forced to sit in his coffin until Cameron borrowed it to sleep in. Sunday was a casual day with no court and no contests. Challenges were
fought with the only incident being Cormak Ui-Niall restraining Cameron from interrupting the fighters on the field by sitting on his
breastplate, with him inside.
Nov 13-14, 1976 AS XI
Calafian Anniversary Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Cameron of Caldoon was the autocrat. Baron Talanque and Baroness Rowen-Lynn held court. Their
Excellencies presented Their Highnesses with two etchings, a castle for the Prince and Lady Jane Grey for the Princess. Lady Fiona
Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) read a poem she had written for Baron Armand de Savigny. Cameron presented the Baron with a vial of the
ashes of St. Gunther. He demonstrated the amazing power of these ashes by sprinkling some over a sedate Amaha al Sirhan, who turned
into a young lady of amazing vitality and enticement. She ran over to Duke Aonghais dubh MacTarbh as Cameron wished him a “Happy
Birthday.” His Grace was well pleased with his gift, swung her into his arms and said “See you all later.” Of course, he was only joking as
he really did not want to miss opening court (right!). Cameron informed the populace that there were a few bottles of the ash left (like a few
tons) and for a nominal fee he would part with them.
A court of love was held, with Princess Bevin, Baroness Rowen-Lynn, Baroness Matriona du Cameliard, Mistress Louise of
Woodsholme, and Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) as judges. Lord Robear du Bois brought Eloise of Lancaster to trial for not
kissing long enough in a recent game of Duke, Duke, Duchess. The court ruled that Eloise give Robear a bag of Hershey’s kisses so he
could have a kiss from her any time he wanted to, and he could make it last as long as he wanted. Lord Charles de Rouen accused Baroness
Diane de Savigny of stealing his heart, and Cameron of Caldoon said that Baroness Rowen-Lynn had done the same to him and that he
could never be alone with her. The court decided that Baroness Diane should make a red heart, embroider Lord Charles’ name on it, and
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Calafia
return it to him at Southern 12th Night. It was decided that Cameron, because he had expressed a desire to do something for the Baroness
and because he wanted to be near her, should do an afternoon’s yard work, in exchange for which she would fix dinner for him and her ...
and the Baron! Cameron was accused of preferring blondes to brunettes, but the court was able to disprove this by putting Cameron to
the test. They called Prince Morven, Baron Armand, Viscount Gregory, and Mistress Bjo up and asked Cameron to choose. Christine Linnea
of Sweden accused Shadowhawk of not eating her cooking, so the court sentenced him to fix dinner for her and two guests, one chosen
by each, and himself. They also ordered that Shadowhawk had to eat his own cooking but that Christine did not. Sir Martin the Temperate
accused Prince Morven of committing heinous crimes against their nest, but the court ruled in favor of Prince Morven and ordered Sir
Martin to take HRH out for a chicken dinner at the restaurant of Morven’s choice.
Then there were melees, challenges, and the Lists to determine the Leader of the Calafian army. The afternoon ended with the wedding
of Lord Jon Trimara and Lady Käthe von Munchhausen. Then it was off to the banquet hall at the All Saints Episcopal Church. Jared
Blaydeaux was the banquet master and Cedric the Dark and Gisele Hildegaard of the Mystic Dragon were the assistants. A sumptuous
banquet was served and consumed. Two immense banners hung on the wall, one of Calafia and one of Wilhelm von Messer’s arms, each
filling one third of the wall. There were over 130 people at the banquet. There was a mime, dancing to the accompaniment of the Guideon
Hand a galliard led by Lady Cristóbal.
On Sunday there was a Peasant Hunt, an execution, judging for the Beggar and Leper Costume Contest, games, a croquet competition,
Lists for the Prize Tourney, and court. There was a Baron’s Champion Lists (open to Calafians only), won by Balin of Tor, and a Fearless
Catcher Lists, won by Sir Martin the Temperate, who acquired the title. A football melee followed. At closing court the winners of the
contests were announced. The contests were Best Decorated Functional Shield, Best Beggar and Leper Costume, Best Death and
Mourning, Best Men’s and Women’s Costumes, and Men’s Poetry, which was won by Lord Charles de Rouen.
December 11, 1976 AS XI
Held in Balboa Park, San Diego. Sponsored by Viscount Gregory of York and Balin of Tor. There were three man melee team lists, and prizes
for the winning melee team, the winner of the croquet match, the Best Caid Battle Song, the best Satire of a Fighter Poem, and the winner
of the Tactics Contest. Lady Giesele Hildegaard brought her Mobile Kitchen. The winner of the Hedgehogs and Flamingos (croquet)
competition was Baroness Rowen-Lynn, who won a croquet ball and mallet with her arms painted on them by Lady Käthe von
Munchausen. Lady Anna McAyre won for Satire on a Fighter Poem, winning a rhinestone pin. The winning melee team was composed
of Lord Gregory of York, Lord Gwydioan am y’Gorlwyn, and Lord Charles de Rouen. Charles got a roll of duct tape (he doesn’t drink),
Gwydioan got a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, and Gregory chivalrously took the smaller bottle, a bottle of Chivas Regal.
December 17, 1976 AS XI
Christmas Party
Held at the home of Giesele-Hildegaard of the Mystic Dragon, San Diego.
January 22, 1977 AS XI
Cameron’s Surprise Birthday Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Cameron of Caldoon was the autocrat.
February 5, 1977 AS XI
Chalice of St. Gunther Hunt
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Louise of Woodsholme was the autocrat. There were Children’s Boffer Lists and melees, challenges, and
an abduction contest. There was a revel at the home of Lady Cristóbal degli Gilicine che Mangia Uome, where movies of the Caid Rebellion
were shown.
March 5, 1977 AS XI
The Abbey Tourney
Held at the UCSD campus, San Diego, CA. The Abbey of the Barony of Calafia hosted the tourney consisting of a melee in the woods and
an archery competition. Prince Martin and Princess Arabella held court. The Archery contest was won by a young man by the name of
Patrick, and a live chess game was fought between Baron Talanque and Prince Martin, who was victorious over the Baron. Then there was
a banquet and revel at a hall on campus. There were belly dancers from a Dance Class at the University.
March 12, 1977 AS XI
St. Patrick’s Day Mini-Tourney
Held in Balboa Park, San Diego. Giesele Hildegaard of the Mystic Dragon was the autocrat. There was a costume contest for the best use
of green, and a Green Medieval Edible contest. There were bare-handed lists, wrestling matches, and an obstacle course. That evening
Cameron of Caldoon sponsored a toga party at the home of Lady Cristóbal. All in attendance wore their best sheets and drank a strange
concoction called “Gunther’s Blood”. It was ghastly, but it did manage to disappear during the evening.
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March 17, 1977 AS XI
A number of Calafians showed up at the station in costume to help accept phone pledges. The Barony offered a Medieval Event to be
auctioned off, which was sold.
April 9, 1977 AS XI
Spring Tourney and Wedding
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Eadmond du Battlemont and Lady Cristóbal degli Gilicine che Mangia Uome were wed in a medieval
ceremony. Instead of a wedding cake there was a three layer “cake” of Lady Cristóbal’s famous fudge frosted with wisteria blossoms made
of lavender-tinged sugar. A revel followed at the home of Lady Cristóbal, while the newlyweds went elsewhere.
May 7-8, 1977 AS XII
May Day Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Lady Cristóbal was the autocrat. Saturday there was a Box Lunch Auction, Fighting Lists, where every
other round was fought double-weapon, and a revel. Sunday saw an arts auction, games, and fighting.
Opening Court on Saturday was presided over by Prince Martin and Princess Arabella, Baron Talanque, Baroness Rowen-Lynn, Al
Caid Balin and Lady Caid Lorissa. Master Conrad von Regensburg ran court while the fool, Moonshine, clung with rapt devotion to
Conrad’s ankle. The populace ransomed Sir Gregory of York’s arms for a resounding $26. Carlotta the Lost received the Gilded Thimble
for outstanding art work in Calafia. A birthday cake made by Lady Eloise of Lancaster and Mistress Louise of Woodsholme was presented
to Baron Talanque, and of course the Mongolian Birthday Song was sung. House von Regensburg presented Al Caid with a copy of
Steinbeck’s Arthurian Legends, complete with the entire tale of Sir Balin. HH Arabella presented the Legion of Courtesy to Sir Armand
Sebastian de Savigny and Baroness Diane de Savigny. Baroness Rowen-Lynn presented a bouquet of fresh flowers to both HH Arabella
and Lady Caid Lorissa du Griffin.
At the lunch box auction, $46.50 was made, with Lady Sine Singing Hands’ box full of her shortbread going for $18 to Alan Daemon.
After several melees the lists were held for Champion of the Day. Prince Martin won, defeating Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst, and gave
the Girdle of Hippolyta to Princess Arabella. Mistress Louise of Woodsholme won the linen napkin prize for the Most Innovative Box
Lunch. Sir Gregory of York won the prize for creating two new verses for the Mongolian Birthday Song, receiving a golden kazoo and a
bottle of champagne.
After dinner everyone reassembled at the Plaza del Prado in Balboa Park for a revel. There they were treated to the sublime and the
ridiculous: firstly (the sublime) Lady Lavendar of Lorne, Lady Joan of Crawfordsmuir, and Al Caid Balin of Tor presented a scene from
“Tiger at the Gates”. Then followed the ridiculous as HH Martin, Al Caid Balin, Sir Gregory of York, Lorenzo de Sant’Angelo, Jason Griffiths
of Shadowhyrst, Tober Thorvald, and Lord Robear du Bois presented “Little Bunny Foo-Foo.” Refreshments were served.
The next day proved to be a continuous drizzle. Everyone except a few brave fighters kept inside the pavilions until Al Caid Bali of
Tor decreed the tourney adjourned to the home of Mistress Louise of Woodsholme, where hot tea and coffee combined with medieval
chess to salvage an otherwise fruitless day.
July 9, 1977 AS XII
Hunt for the Chalice of St. Gunther
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Prince Balin and Princess Lorissa attended.The winner of the Medieval Event Auction from the KPBS
Auction attended, having been given the prize as a present. Thus Hall VII of Balthea and his lady Carol were presented to their Highnesses
as Visiting Dignitaries for the Day. Hall and Carol received flowers, fudge, home-brewed mead, and a scroll commemorating the day signed
by the Calafians. They also received two goblets decorated in the subtle St. Gunther style and a dram of the ashes of the saint. At opening
court Lord Cameron of Caldoon was made “Hare Apparent” Baron Talanque and received symbols of his new rank - a scroll with a hare’s
head on it and a stuffed rabbit with a silver crown and scepter. Mistress Louise of Woodsholme presented Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya
de Foix) with the scroll which Fiona had won at the Calafian Art Auction the previous fall, for her Grant of Arms, complete with real pearls
on the crown above the arms. It was announced that Jon Trimara had resigned as Trident Pursuivant and that the heraldic duties would
be divided between Carlotta the Lost (book heraldry) and Jeosigh MacCruimein (field heraldry). Then it was time for Princess Lorissa to
hide the chalice. The fighters went to look for it. Lord Charles of Dublin found it but Balin of Tor was the victor in the lists. His fellow
members of the Brotherhood of the Blade covered over Lord Charles’ body with his own banner and carried him off the field. Lindia of
Woodlyn was abducted by Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst, Haga, and Lord Charles of Dublin (then recovered). Her Lord and husband,
Fredrick of Woodlyn, made a brave approach towards the heavily armed fighters, but was frightened away by a loud brandishing of
weapons. It is difficult to tell who won because some of the fighters, including Viscount Hugh the Undecided and Sir Armand Sebastian
de Savigny changed sides!
At closing court, Mistress Louise’s sister won the cooking with alcohol contest, Thomas Shackles won the Design-a-Masthead-forthe-Calafian-Newsletter Contest. Due to the high quality of her entry, Mistress Louise’s design was declared the new stationary of Calafia.
Prince Balin accepted the Chalice of St. Gunther, which he got to keep till the next time, and He presented Princess Lorissa with the
accompanying ring. Then she and Prince Balin presented the lady Carol with a ring in commemoration of the day. There was an arts and
crafts auction.Viscount Gregory of York was made Captain and Shield of the Calafian Company of the Brotherhood of the Blade, Prince
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Calafia
Balin was made Vice-Commander, and Lorenzo di Sant’Angelo and Ethelred the Jute were inducted into the Calafian company. Rod
Gallowglass was made an Associate member. A revel was held at the home of Lady Cristóbal and Lord Eamond du Battlemont.
August 6-7 1977 AS XII
Queen Calafia’s Consort Tourney
Held on Vacation Island in Mission Bay, San Diego. There were ladies boffer lists, sand castle competitions, Lists for Queen Calafia’s
Consort (triple elimination, two man viking boat fighting), a serpent egg hunt, paper boat races, and a kite flying contest. Lord Cameron
of Caldoon was autocrat.
August 20, 1977 AS XII
Society Demonstration
Held at the Clairmont Square Shopping Center as part of San Diego’s “America’s Finest City Week.” A mini-tourney was held, with the
center providing a prize goblet. Mistress Louise of Woodsholme was the autocrat.
Sept 10-11, 1978 AS XII
Second Annual Leodamas of Thebes Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Sponsored by Thomas of Whitelow and Eloise of Lancaster. After court there were double elimination lists,
challenges, boffer lists, croquet, closing court for the day, and a revel in the Roman Style. On Sunday there was morning court, challenges,
a single-elimination two-handed weapon lists, co-ed Norse Stick Ball, games, and contests for Best Death and Best Cookie.
October 8-9, 1977 AS XII
Leif Eriksson Day Tourney
Held in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA. Tryggvi Halftrollson was the autocrat. There were contests in ale, art, archery, chess, Color This
Poster, dancing, food, fox and geese (a game), hardanger embroidery, holmgang duels, Icelandic wrestling, Masthead design, massage,
music, national costume, Norse Stickball, and there were Raven-courts, a revel, the Calafian Tapestry (For ladies to sew on), a fight on the
Stamford Bridge between the Vikings and the rest, and a Viking Headband contest.
November 5, 1977 AS XII
Seventh Anniversary Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Braving the threat of sudden deluge, the Barony of Calafia gathered for its seventh Anniversary Tourney.
The skies managed to stay clear for opening court. The two day event had two lists: one based on “pass” fighting, the other for Baronial
Champion. The five categories in the Championship lists were fighting, chess, music performance, literature and heraldry. The person who
accumulated the most points from all categories would be declared winner.
Between rounds of “pass” fighting on Saturday, the chess matches were held, as well as the heraldry test. The judges of the “pass”
fighting were Mistress Gabrielle Devereaux NicChlurain, Baroness Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani), and Viscountess Bevin Fraser
of Sterling (who had to give her place to Baroness Alison von Markheim due to rehearsal for Investiture.). The fighting was fierce and most
of the fighters were glad to leave the judging up to the three judges. The winner of the “pass” fighting was Sir Armand Sebastian de la Forêt
de Savigny, who received a chalice and a ring, which he gave to his lady, Baroness Diana, who in turn presented it to Baroness RowenLynn.
At closing court the heavens opened up and those poor souls who bravely spend the night in the park were to be drenched. That night
a banquet was held, and after the delicious catered dinner, Evening Court was called on time. Baron Talanque called forth all the old and
new officers and the offices were changed during a brief ceremony. Baron Talanque then presented Christopher of Deauville, Lord Charles
du Rouen, and Tryggvi Halftrollson with Golden Tridents for all their past service to the Barony. The Order of Leodamas, which is voted
on by the membership of Calafia and which had not been given out in three years was given to Baroness Diana de Savigny. After Evening
Court there were movies of previous tourneys, and the Music Category of the Lists was held.
Sunday broke clear, mild and beautiful. The lists began around 1 PM. More chess was played, poetry read, and songs sung by the
remaining participants. Games were played on the field by nobles and populace alike. At closing court, Sir William the Lucky was named
Baronial Champion, having the most points and having performed outstandingly in all five categories. Sir Armand Sebastian de Savigny
came in second. Sir William was presented with a brass mug and the Girdle of Hypolyta, which he presented to Mistress Louise of
Woodsholme, whose favor he had borne. The winner of the Illuminated Letter “C” Contest was Christina Linnea of Sweden. Baron
Talanque awarded Mistress Louise of Woodsholme with the Order of the Golden Trident for her service to the Barony. There were many
entries in the Design-A-New-Pavilion-for-Calafia Contest, so many that the winner had to be announced at Investiture.
December 7, 1977 AS XII
Baron’s Court and Christmas Party
Held at the home of Lord Eadmund du Battlemont, La Mesa, CA.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Calafia
January 28, 1978 AS XII
St. Gunther’s Tourney
Held at Balboa Park, San Diego. Sir Armand Sebastian de Savigny and Baroness Diana de Savigny were the autocrats. At opening court
they announced that this would be the tenth and last St. Gunther’s they would autocrat as they were moving to the Barony of the Angels.
The lost and found auction was held after court, with Lord Tryggvi Halftrollson as auctioneer. Lady Giesele Hildegaard served Dragon Tail
on Unicorn Horn from the Mobile Kitchen for lunch, which was gobbled up quickly. The chalice was hidden and the lists were opened.
Lord Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst found the lad with the Chalice. The three finalists were Jason, Viscount Gregory of York, and Prince
Martin, who emerged the victor. A boffer list was held, with Evan the Wandered the victor. He gave his lady of the day, Nyla of Woodlyn,
a locket. (Nyla was also the second-lace winner.)
In the Conrad Look-a-Like Contest, there were four entries, with Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst winning for his portrayal of a heraldry
meeting at Conrad’s home. At closing court Mistress Louise of Woodsholme was announced as winner of the meatpie contest. On Sunday,
court was on time, with less than twenty people attending. Lord Cameron of Caldoon, the birthday boy, received a $5.00 gift certificate to
a holy shrine of Gunther, where Cameron claims to have seen God several times (Andy’s Saloon). He also received a penitent’s shirt from
the shrine with the name on it. The lists were opened after lunch and fighting consumed most of the afternoon, with intermittent games
of Duke, Duke, Duchess, Clench-a-Wench, and the infamous Norse Stick Ball. The winner of the $50.00 Cameron’s Birthday Lists was Prince
At closing court, Krysandra Morgan of the Heathers presented Baron Talanque with a beautiful table present for putting up with the
Corsican Brothers, Lord Cameron of Caldoon and Lord Charles de Rouen, for another year. Baron Talanque announced a contest to find
the best St. Gunther Relic for the next St. Gunther’s in July. Viscount Balin of Tor and Lord Cameron of Caldoon awarded the Girdle of St.
Gunther to Allene Wendell Montgomery, but the last holder, Sir Balin, having grown tired of its aura, hid it and could not find it. So a Quest
for the Girdle of Gunther was announced. Then Baron Talanque gave Lord Cameron a bottle of wine and a six-pack of prune juice to invent
the Cocktail of Gunther. Finally, Lord Cameron gave Prince Martin his prize for winning the lists. When Prince Martin was asked if he had
anything to say, he ordered Lord Cameron to kneel, whereupon he proceeded to sing the Mongolian Birthday Song. He then ordered the
Baronial Guard to give Cameron his 23 swats with the blunt end of a pole-arm. His Highness then gave the honor of the Pinch To Grow
On to Allene Wendell Montgomery.
March 4-5, 1978 AS XII
University of Ithra
Held at the UC San Diego Campus, San Diego. It rained all day outside, but the classes were successful inside. On Sunday a baby
hummingbird which had fallen from its nest was rescued. It was given to the San Diego Zoo.
April 15, 1978 AS XII
UC Irvine Prize Tourney
Held at the Bowl, UC Irvine Campus, Irvine, CA. Lord Alewäulfe the Red and Alacya Devereaugh were the autocrats. The University paid
the Barony $200 to put on the tourney. The winner of the tourney got the honor of crowning his lady Queen of Love and Beauty. There
were dance demonstrations, games, and challenge matches.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of The Isles
The Barony of The Isles
The Barony of the Isles was formed in the fall of 1970, AS V. Jessica Lyrindi of Northmarch was the founding
Baroness (?). Richard of Rawnsley was the first seneschal. No activities were held and in September, 1971, AS
VI the barony was united with the Barony of the Angels. On November 1, 1971 Richard of Rawnsley resigned
as Seneschal and Uillem Thorkel Hardhands took over. It was proposed that Isles be separated from Angels
and that Uillem be Baron. Uillem was later accused of discourtesy at the Twelfth Night Revel in the Barony
of the Angels.
The Barony of the Isles - Barry wavy argent and
azure, a tower within a laurel wreath gules.
February 19, 1972 AS VI
Royal Court of Inquiry
Uillem Thorkel Hardhands, Seneschal of the Isles, was suspended for the period of the reign of King Paul for his discourtesy at the Twelfth
Night Revel. The Court was held in the home of Knight Marshall Jerome Robert McKenna. The proposal to separate Isles from Angels was
August 18, 1973 AS VIII
Mythcon Picnic
Held at the Francisco Torres, Santa Barbara, CA. There was a court, dancing and fighting.
October 21, 1973 AS VIII
Fall Tourney
Held on the UC Santa Barbara Campus, Santa Barbara, CA. The Barony of the Isles was separated from the Barony of the Angels. Jessica
Lyrindi of Northmarch was Baroness and Seneschal, and autocrat of this event. Sir Christian of Orange won the lists. This was the first
Isles tourney.
December 8, 1973 AS VIII
First Annual Isles Drinking Contest
The participants met at the Old Mission in Santa Barbara, CA. They went to various medieval style locations to take pictures. The contest
was held in the evening. Naverlandt was the winner. Raymond Crüs Hümmer was the autocrat.
April 6, 1974 AS VIII
Baronial Dinner
Held at the home of Martin the Temperate, Santa Barbara, CA.
May 27, 1974 AS IX
Anniversary Tourney
Held at the Francisco Torres, Goleta, CA as part of the Medievalcon. M aihe McFergy was the Champion of the Isles. Robert of Westmarch
won the Baroness’ Favor. Revels followed at Martin the Temperate’s home.
July 6, 1974 AS IX
Prince’s Reception
Held as a part of Westercon, at the Francisco Torres, Goleta, CA. There was a Medieval Fashion Show, run by Tyra Stuart of Moray,
followed by Prince Christian and Princess Denisa’s reception and a medieval marriage. Martin the Temperate was now Isles Seneschal. Joan
of Crawfordsmuir was made Principality Image-Maker.
September 14, 1974 AS IX
Formation of the Canton of Darachshire
At a banquet after the coronet tourney Sir William the Lucky gave Robert of the Isles the proper papers, which were filled out and mailed
a week later. In the Spring of 1975 the canton got provisional approval, and in the summer of 1975 the status as a canton was formally
May 29-30, 1975 AS X
First Cambria Rotary Club Medieval Faire
Held in Cambria, CA.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of The Isles
July 12, 1975 AS X
Expedition to the Seashore
Martin the Temperate and Baroness Jessica Lyrindi of Northmarch led the members of the Barony on an expedition to the seashore.
August 16-17, 1975 AS X
Prize Tourney
Held in Tucker’s Grove Park, Santa Barbara, CA.
February 28, 1976 AS X
First Darachshire Anniversary Tourney
Held at Bubbling Springs Park, Port Hueneme, CA. There were lists for Champion of Darachshire, Ladies Boffer lists, and contests in Ladies’
embroidery, Men’s embroidery, Ladies’ Neck Nuzzling, Siege Engines, Heraldry, Children’s Coloring, and Pastries. A revel followed at
Castle Darach. Lady Dediana du Corwyn was the autocrat.
May 22, 1976 AS XI
Isles Anniversary Tourney
Held where? There were no entries in the cooking contests. Renfield of the Inland March (Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe) and Baron
Maihe MacFergie each sponsored a darts contest. Colebear won Renfield’s standard 301 series. Robear du Bois won Maihe’s contest,
which was played differently. Martin the Temperate won the Lists, and became the Champion of the Isles, receiving the Baroness Jessica’s
favor and the Belt of Champions of Isles. A small revel was held at House Hellbender. Ruth Sutton received many entries for her contests:
an SCA name and personal device. The winning name was Sharrana Llewellyn ap David, submitted by David the Ironlivered. A device
design was not chosen. Hedwiga received an ornamental ring at closing court from Baroness Jessica in recognition of her extreme grace
and dexterity during the day.
August 21, 1976 AS XI
Prize Tourney
Held at the Kiwanis Meadows, Tuckers Grove Park, Santa Barbara, CA. Amadea de Dragonessa Strada was the autocrat. The tourney began
early in the morning with opening court, followed by challenges and the lists. The prize for the winner of the lists was a round shield.
Contests were held in Dragon Drawing, Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Darts, Cooking (berry dishes), Potpourri, Pavilion Decorations.
Frances of Dragonsforge won the Dragon Drawing Contest, Ann Christopher took the Handkerchief contest, Mistress Bjo of Griffin (Flavia
Beatrice Carmigniani) won the Potpourri contest, and Robert of the Isles was the only entry in the Pavilion Decorating contest. There were
no entries in the cooking contest. Several games of croquet were played, and Gwydioan am y’Gorlwyn won the Darts contest. Sir Martin
the Temperate was victorious in the Lists. Prince Morven gave Awards of Arms to Anne des Anneaux, Anna M cAyre of Gorabh, and
Gwydioan am y’Gorlwyn.
October 16-17, 1976 AS XI
Dance Revel and Princess’ Birthday Tourney
The Dance Revel was held at the Goleta Public Library. The dance instructors were Lady Marisela of Muninsgard, Mistress Aurelia de la
Licorne, and Lady Kerrinda of Kymry. The Zink Consort played during the evening. The following day a tourney in honor of the birthday
of Princess Bevin was held in Kiwanis Meadows in Tuckers Grove Park, near Santa Barbara, CA. The winner of the lists was determined
by the Princess and the ladies. A number of contests were held: Chocolate Chip cooking, best song in honor of the Princess, best poem
in honor of the Princess, and best birthday card. Mary Taran of Glastonbury and Anna McAyre of Gorabh were the autocrats. Lord Renfield
of the Inland March (Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe) donated a prize for a new order: Order of the Harried Hard Hat For the Beast Croaking
(death). At the end of the fighting Princess Bevin awarded it to Lord Renfield for his imitation of a dead cockroach. Merselit won Lord
Gwydioan’s herb contest. Joan of Crawfordsmuir won the Chocolate Chip cooking contest. Tristram of Ravensgate wrote the best poem
in honor of the Princess.
February 19-21, 1977 AS XI
Second Session, University of Ithra at Caid
Held at the U.C. Irvine campus, Irvine, CA. in the Humanities Complex for the first two days, and in the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church,
Alhambra, CA for the third day. There were forty-seven courses offered. Over 120 students attended. Llewellywn Llycandor was the
autocrat. Saturday night there was a showing of Errol Flynn in “Robin Hood” at the student union. There was a revel Sunday night. The
session was very successful and enjoyable.
May 21, 1977 AS XII
Isles Anniversary Tourney
Held at Kiwanis Meadows Park in Tuckers Grove Regional Park, Goleta, CA. Prince Martin, Baroness Jessica, and Lady Caid Lorissa
presided over a short beginning court. The birthdays of Prince Martin, Lindia of Woodlyn, and Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst were
celebrated. A birthday cake was provided by Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix). Augustine Johannes provided champagne for the
three. Lists were held for the Championship of the Isles. The field was strewn with haybales and designated as “ponds”, so as to make the
field into a “marsh”, thereby making life more interesting for the fighters. In the final fight, Sir Martin the Temperate fought Sir William the
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of The Isles
Lucky, each having a 4-1 record in the round robin. Sir William emerged the victor and was presented with the Isles Belt and commemorative
scroll. Cornelia won the contest for Best Dragon-slaying Tale when her dragon was tricked into suicide at the sight of a naked banana. (It
is said that you had to be there.) A number of mundanes were present and one of them, one Charles of Stanford, asked to have a try at
fighting, as it looked easy. It wasn’t, but he was cheered for his effort, after being armed, briefed on basic tactics, and then sent out to face
Sir William.
August 13, 1977 AS XII
Crown Prints Prize Tourney
Held in Kiwanis Meadows, Tuckers Grove, Goleta, CA. The tourney was held to raise money to provide an offset press for the Crown Prints.
Baroness Bjo of Griffin (Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani) was the General Autocrat, with Robear du Bois as Lists Autocrat, and Lady Amadea
de Dragonessa Strada as Ball Autocrat. A short court and Grand March were held and then the contests began. Fighters were auctioned
off for different events, $6.50 being the high price. The fighting contests ran on until it was decreed that the remaining contests would take
place at the second day of the Caid Coronet Tourney, in Isles on Sept. 17. An auction was held, highlighted by the purchase of the Troll
by Duke Aonghais who gave it to Lord Conrad von Regensburg, who in turn presented it to the Twelfth Night Committee, who gave the
Troll up as the first course at Twelfth Night banquet. Then everyone adjourned to the church on Dolores St. (Site of the 1976 November
Investiture) for court and the Ball. Prince Balin and Princess Lorissa held court after the completion of the Belly Dance contest. Prince Balin
gave Awards of Arms to Elisabeth of Esvere, Hrorek Halfdane, and Thelin von Kallenbach. Then the winners of the contests were
Lady Jocelyn of Gillyflower won for best Equestrian Costume and for Best Ladies Garter. Robear du Bois won for Lord’s Garter. Lady
Cristóbal degli Gilicine che Mangia Uome won for best Female Belly Dancer, and Lord Duryn the Red won for Male Belly Dancer. Lady Su
of the Silver Horn won for Best Favor, Baroness Alison von Markheim won for Fudgemaking/non chocolate. Lord Frederick of Woodlyn
won at Darts, and Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) won for Bardic Contest, Spencerian Sonnet, and Bawdy Viking Limerick. Lady
Meghan McInnes of Kinlochaline won for Love poems. In the fighting contests, Talin the Bored won for Best Death, Viscount Martin the
Temperate for Two Weapons, Duke William of Hoghton for Great Sword and for Single Sword, Baron Armand Sebastian de la Forêt de
Savigny was the Melee Survivor, and Duke Aonghais dubh MacTarbh won for Best Fighting Costume, which was made by his lady, Mary
Taran of Glastonbury. The Crown Prints Fund made over $300 for the evening, making it a monetary success, as well as a lot of fun. After
court there was some Scottish Highland dancing accompanied by live bagpipe music, belly dancing, and a torch bransle. Refreshments
were served.
(The following was handwritten, so typos are possible)
February 25, 1978 AS XII
Fourth Darachshire Anniversary Tourney
Held at the Arroyo Verde Park, Ventura, CA. Jayme O’Darcy of Glen Laurie was the autocrat (and canton seneschal). The event was also
a fundraising prize tourney for the Crown Prints. Baron Frederick and Baroness Lyndia held opening court. Then the lists and contests
were held. This time the winner of a round of fighting and the person who had bought him/her in the fighters auction were given a choice
of prizes. Sir Stephen MacEanruig won the Lists to become Champion of Darach. Baron Maihie MacFergie won for Best Death. Shannon
beat out Viscountess Lorissa in the coloring contest. Victoria won for Best Field Costume. Lord Thin Robert of Lawrence won the Heraldry
Contest. There were also contests in Ribald Poetry, Handmade Lace, Finger Foods, Darts, and an auction with Baron John ap Griffin as
auctioneer. Some $100 was raised. There was a revel at the House of Glen Laurie, Ventura. Prince Martin gave Awards of Arms to Angelique
of Glen Laurie and Jayme O’Darcy of Glen Laurie.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Dreiburgen
The Barony of Dreiburgen
The Barony of Dreiburgen - Argent, three piles
azure issuant from base, on each a tower argent with portcullis open,
in chief a laurel wreath counterchanged.
October 29, 1972 AS VII
Markheim Invitational Samhaine Tourney
Held in Fairmont Park, Riverside, CA. This was the first event of the Canton of Gorgonoth, part of the Barony of the Angels. Waldt von
Markheim was the Seneschal and autocrat. There were lists for the title of First Dragonslayer of Gorgonoth. Revels followed.
May 12, 1973 AS VIII
May Tourney
Held in Fairmont Park, Riverside, CA. Alys von Markheim (Alison von Markheim) was the autocrat. Lists were held for the title of First
Dragon-Slayer of Gorgonoth. There was a cooking contest, and the first Barbed Pheon punning contest, won by Renfield of the Inland
March (Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe), Pheon Pursuivant.
October 12, 1973 AS VIII
Anniversary Tourney
Held in Fairmont Park, Riverside, CA. Waldt von Markheim and Alys von Markheim (Alison von Markheim) were the autocrats. There were
lists for First Dragon-Slayer of Gorgonoth, fighting, games, the second Barbed Pheon punning contest, breadbaking contests for white,
dark, and other, and a contest for non-alcoholic beverages. A revel followed. Thomas of the Double Axe was now Master of Sciences.
Christina Jehanne de Bruges won the punning contest and was admitted to the Order of the Barbed Pheon.
November 3, 1973 AS VIII
Fighting Demonstration and Bardic Revel
Held at the Riverside Public Library, Riverside, CA. House Markheim hosted a Bardic revel that evening.
November 17, 1973 AS VIII
Fighting Demonstration
Held at Olive Dell Nudist Camp, Cotton, CA.
December 31, 1973? AS VIII
New Year’s Party
Held at the home of Troklas Kuzn and Yolanda Kosima, Riverside, CA. The Canton petitioned Their Majesties in December to let them
become the Barony of Dreiburgen. The three castles in the name referred to the local cities, Riverside, San Bernadino and Ontario. At
Twelfth Night the King agreed and it was sent to the Board of Directors.
January 8, 1974 AS VIII
The Board of Directors granted baronial status to the Barony of Dreiburgen. Waldt von Markheim and Alys von Markheim (Alison von
Markheim) were the founding Baron and Baroness, and the Seneschals.
February 2, 1974 AS VIII
Love Feast and Spring Revel
Held at the home of Thomas of the Double Axe, Redlands, CA. There was a Copper Cauldron cooking contest for fondues. The Lusty
Wenches Guild was out in force.
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Dreiburgen
March 9, 1974 AS VIII
Demonstration Tourney
Held at the Riverside Public Library, Riverside, CA. Aeoelwig Aelfwigsson was the autocrat, and deputy seneschal. Later he took over as
April ?, 1974 AS VIII
Alys von Markheim (Alison von Markheim) and Waldt von Markheim admitted to the Order of the Golden Ram.
October 26-28, 1974 AS IX
Anniversary Tourney
Held at Glen Helen Regional Park, Devore, CA. There were lists for First Dragon-Slayer of Gorgonoth on Saturday, followed by a potluck
dinner and revel. There were cooking contests in main dish, dessert, and salad. On Sunday Morton the Grey and Ann de Villanova were
married at Benedict Castle, Riverside. The reception followed at the home of Paul Antuono. There were challenges, archery, and a fencing
contest. Aeoelwig Aelfwiggson was the autocrat.
April 15, 1975 AS IX
First Annual Baron’s Prize Tourney
Held in Fairmount Park, Riverside, CA. Baroness Alison von Markheim was the autocrat. Baron Waldt sponsored a prize lists, with a helm
as a prize. There were other competitions for prizes, including a pole weapon lists. There was a potluck dinner and revel at House Markheim
May 10, 1975 AS X
Spring Tournament
Held at Prado Dam County Park, Riverside, CA. There were challenges, lists, a cooking contest for a sausage dish, and an Order of the
Barbed Pheon punning contest, which was won by Boncueur. The winner of the Lists became the Dragonslayer of Gorgonoth.
August 17, 1975 AS X
Beggar’s Picnic
Held where?
October 25-26, 1975 AS X
Anniversary Tourney
Held in Wildwood Park, Riverside, CA. Aeolwig Aeolfwigsson was the autocrat. Prince Thomas the Merciless won the lists to become
Dragon-Slayer of Gorgonoth. A Masque Revel followed.
February 7, 1976 AS X
Third Annual Love Feast and Revel
Held at House Markheim, Riverside, CA. Baron Waldt and Baroness Alison were the autocrats.
February 21, 1976 AS X
Held in front of the Riverside Public Library, Riverside. Baron Waldt von Markheim was the autocrat.
May 8, 1976 AS XI
Spring Tourney
Held in Hunt Park, Riverside, CA. There were Lists for Dragon-Slayer of Gorgonoth, and contests in sweet yeast breads, tourney weapon
design, children’s and adult’s coloring, spear throwing, and general challenge matches. A potluck banquet was held afterwards.
May 21, 1976 AS XI
Beggar’s Banquet
Held where?
June 12, 1976 AS XI
Markheim Invitational Tourney
Held at the Brea Dam Project, Fullerton, CA. Vanessa de Lin was the autocrat. There were contests in helmet crests, tourney axe designs,
and best recruiting posters. There were also challenges and melees. A revel was held in Brea.
July 24, 1976 AS XI
Held where? Däwyd Suomalainen von Markheim and Raoul the Urbane were the autocrats. The Master of Sciences offered a prize for the
best biography of one’s own Society persona, and judged a Best Research Paper contest. There were prizes given for best artistic sword
and knife scabbards, best singer present, and best player of a period musical instrument. Prince Morven and Princess Bevin attended, and
held court. Prince Morven gave Awards of Arms to Leo de Coronado, Rowena de Segovia, Pietro Antuono delle due Napoliti, and Vanessa
de Lin. Raoul the Urbane announced that he had written the piece played during the Grand March, and played a serenade on his flute in
honor of Princess Bevin. The company were then entertained by Raoul the Urbane, Uta von der Beodin and Roderick the Red with a
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Dreiburgen
recorder trio, Phalaea an Eirdalyn sang two songs accompanied by Raoul, Princess Bevin played and sang a song, and Raoul and Baroness
Alison played three recorder duets.
After the entertainment all then adjourned for refreshments. Baroness Alison presented Prince Morven with a large platter of her special
brownies, challenging Lady Gabrielle NicChlurain’s appointment as Purveyor of Brownies to the Prince. Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya
de Foix) gave His Highness a cake with a chocolate rum frosting and Lady Vanessa presented him with a large box with three types of
cookies. Baron Waldt von Markheim persuaded His Highness to share the goodies and all partook of them. Everyone helped move the
couches against the wall and Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) taught the pavanne. Everyone joined in and danced until they had
mastered it. The rest of the evening was taken up with a bardic circle.
September 26, 1976 AS XI
Baron’s Prize Tourney
Held at Glen Helen Regional Park, Devore, CA as the second day of the Caid Coronet. There were prize lists, novice lists, and an archery
contest. Baron Waldt von Markheim and Baroness Alison von Markheim were the autocrats.
October 30, 1976 AS XI
Dreiburgen Anniversary Tourney
Held in Fairmount Park, Riverside, CA. Brann Morgan Dunmore of Galloway was the autocrat, and new seneschal of the Barony, Rowenna
de Segovia having retired. Dragonslayer of Gorgonoth Lists were held, along with melees and challenges. There was a contest for Most
Authentic and Safe Tourney Weapon, and a Medieval Box Lunch contest, with the entries auctioned off to benefit the Kingdom Land Fund.
There was a potluck revel at House Dunmore.
November 6-7, 1976 AS XI
Medieval Hunt and Quest
Held at Glen Helen Park, Riverside, CA., and sponsored by the College of Equestrian Arts. There was a quest on Saturday, followed by
a Bardic Circle and a Skulking Contest. On Sunday there were demonstrations of falcons and wolfhounds in action, archery competitions,
spear throwing, a boar hunt, and a trail ride. The Grand March on Saturday was accompanied by Raoul the Urbane and his Troops of
Recorders. Prince Morven was about to dismiss the populace after the short court when a creature know as the Wicked Whatever stepped
forward and challenged him, saying that he had not invited her to any events during his reign, and announcing her revenge. So saying
she placed Princess Bevin under a spell of sleep. Prince Morven beseeched his people to go on quest to find the antidote to the spell.
(Lady Fiona Gregorovna (Natalya de Foix) played the part of the Wicked Whatever.)
The quest groups formed and checked out at a little store that Lady Eyana bat-David had set up. She had stocked all manner of
paraphernalia that the questors “might” need such as gold coins, magic potions, and crosses- “Hedgia du Loup’s out there, you know,”
remarked Eyana. Armed thusly with a map and other important things, the groups set out. The first stat ions they came to were a Druid
(Gwydioan in black), and a Magic Bird (Lady Su) who could be heard all through the forest. From there it was on down a twisting path to
a troll (Arrigan of Kerry), named Irwin. You had to guess his name which was spelled out by the first letter of each line on the clue you
received from the Druid. Then it was on to the Horse Goddess (Cliveden d’Chieau) and her faithful blacksmith (Katie Twohey) who was
cleaning her horse’s hooves. You had to name a famous horse in order to get the Horse Goddess’ help. She gave you a Golden Horseshoe
to be delivered to the Frost King.
From there it was up a hill to the Gypsy Camp. You were met along the way by a gruesome old woman (Ann Christopher of Cheshire).
The Gypsies were led by a fellow with an unpronounceable name (Oberon Serin). The other gypsies were Lord Charles of Dublin, Lady
Marguerite the Uncoordinated, Hedgia de Loup, Matilda, and Katherine, along with what looked like a werewolf (Tristram of Ravengate).
Lord Charles secretly placed a needed clue on one of the persons and they had to discover where it was. Down the hill again to the Oracle
(sounding suspiciously like the sleeping Princess Bevin), who gave a clue leading to the lair of the Frost King (Prince Morven) and the
Snow Maiden (Lady Gabrielle), both dressing in blue, and the Frost King’s horse, Hondo. They sent you on the Blazoning Beast (Lord
Renfield and Lady Joan under a kelly-green cloth with holes in it for eyes and nose and mouth of each, with a long chain around both necks,
giving the appearance of a two-headed monster). Stuck into the chain at random intervals were yellow paper trumpets. To get a clue one
had to guess whose arms were being discussed by the two heads. Then on to the Black Knight (Lady Anna McAyre of Gorabh) who was
holding two maidens captive (Katie and Karen Kaneko).
Either you boffed the Knight to death, or he killed your fighter (whom you revived with a golden apple which you got from the Druid
and the Bird) and died laughing. In any event the two ladies sent a clue wafting on the breeze to you from their tower and then it was back
to camp to find the person indicated by the clues and clock in (Baron Waldt von Markheim).
With the quest over, all trudged in, weary from the two-mile course. During the day a troop of girl scouts had been frightened by the
werewolf and the gypsies. Princess Bevin and Lady Fiona invited them to the campfire to see that it was all a game. The culmination of the
quest came at the campfire/bardic circle. Prince Morven led a group of devoted fighters who were carrying the sleeping Princess on a
cot.The druid made one last attempt to revive her (setting off some powders and flash paper). Then the Wicked Whatever stepped forward
and challenged the Prince, saying none would ever awaken the Princess, and setting off a fireball from her staff (flash paper). Suddenly
Lord Randolph the Devious stepped forward, followed by his wife Janeann, Marcus, Lord Conrad von Regensburg, and one other, and
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The Principality of Caid – The Barony of Dreiburgen
claimed that he had solved the quest question and demanded the cure for the Princess, which was reluctantly to be Chocolate Chip
Cookies! The Princess was awakened and the Wicked Whatever repented and asked to become a citizen of Caid, which the Prince granted,
presenting her with a loathsome plastic object resembling a long, bulbous purple eggplant. Then the bardic circle ensued,.with the girl
scouts participating. After they left Hedgia du Loup read from Dracula, under the full moon.
On Sunday there was a morning trail ride, lunch, and then an afternoon trail ride for those who couldn’t get into the morning ride. After
lunch there was a Boar Hunt, with Duryn the Red playing the Boar and Lord Robear du Bois coordinating. The gentlemen were the hounds
and the ladies were the hunters armed with boar pikes (water balloons). The boar left spoor (flour) behind for the dogs to follow. If the boar
gored you (by throwing flower on you) you were dead. In order to kill the boar you had to hit him squarely on the chest or back with your
weapon (balloon). The boar was finally cornered by two hounds (Sir Martin the Temperate and Duke Henrik of Havn), and was killed by
Karin von Schatten, but not before he had gored Lady Su of the Silver Horn. Karin got the award for the kill, and Martin and Henrik got
the award for cornering the boar.
November 27, 1976 AS XI
Fall Tourney
Held at the Oak Glen School House, Oak Glen, CA.
January 29, 1977 AS XI
Love Feast
Held at House Markheim, Riverside, CA. There was a fondue contest (main dish and dessert) and a bardic circle. The order of the day was
ffinger ffood, and the idea was to get someone else (preferably of the other sex) to feed you. A number of edibles were brought and
consumed. Raoul the Urbane won for Dessert fondue and tied with House Dunmore for main dish fondue.
March 26, 1977 AS XI
Baronial Dinner
Held at House von Markheim, Riverside, CA.
May 14-15, 1977 AS XII
San Bernadino Renaissance Festival
Held at Perris Hill Park, San Bernadino, CA. Members of the Barony gave fighting demonstrations and a recorder concert and sold cornish
pastries and lemonade. Lady Brann Morgan Dunmore of Galloway was the autocrat. There was a medieval fashion show and seminars on
heraldry, armoring, costume and mail-making.
November 12, 1977 AS XII
Medieval Banquet
Held in the Rubidoux Grange Hall, Riverside, CA. Sponsored by the Dreiburgen Cooks and Brewers Guild. Baroness Alison von Markheim
was the autocrat.
November 26, 1977 AS XII
Norton Mini-Tourney
Held at Norton Air Force Base, San Bernadino, CA at Picnic Area 2. Carl of Carmarthin was the autocrat. There were contests in Ballad
singing, a Coloring contest and a prize lists.
February 4, 1978 AS XII
Love Feast
Held at House Markheim, Riverside, CA. Baroness Alison was the autocrat.
March 11, 1978 AS XII
Rialto Mini-Tourney and Baronial Dinner
Held in Rialto, CA. The dinner was held at King Arthur’s Pizza, Rialto.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – Atenveldt
The Marches
Atenveldt (Kingdom)
The Barony of Atenveldt was formed as part of the Kingdom of the West in
November, 1969 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Michael of Moria was the Seneschal.
King of Atenveldt - Azure, a sun in his splendour Or
within a laurel wreath argent and in chief a crown of three greater and
two lesser points Or.
November, 1969 AS IV
Queen of Atenveldt - Azure, a sun in his splendour Or
within a wreath of roses argent barbed and seeded proper,
chief a crown of three greater and two lesser points Or.
The Barony of Atenveldt
At this time the Barony of Atenveldt was formed. The seneschal was Michael of Moria. It was centered in Phoenix, Arizona. There was
no Baron and it was changed to a Province.
December 7, 1969 AS IV
First Tourney, Barony of Atenveldt
Held at McCormick Park, Scottsdale, AZ. Harold Breakstone, Laurel King of Arms, presided as emissary from King Henrik. Thirty-five
people showed up, including twelve fighters. The winner of the double elimination lists was Ivan of Navarette. Thomas of Littleton won
the archery contest. William of the Shire offered a satire on the founding of the Barony. Revels followed at the home of Richard Ironsteed,
the Herald. Atenveldt was the first Barony.
January 9, 1970 AS IV
Twelfth Night Revels, Province of Atenveldt
Held at the P.E.R.A. Club, Scottsdale, AZ. Atenveldt became a province.
February 22, 1970 AS IV
First Principality Tourney
Held at McCormick Park, Scottsdale, AZ. Duke Richard of Mont Real presided as emissary from King Stefan. At this tourney Atenveldt
became the first Principality of the West. Coronet Lists were held to choose the Prince designate. Robert Roundpounder was the winner.
Katrina Windemere was his lady. Duke Richard crowned Robert with a laurel wreath, naming him Prince Designate. Duke Richard presented
him with the first Order of Light, similar to the Order of the Laurel, but with a sun-burst etched in the metal within the laurel wreath. This
honor was placed in his gift to be awarded to those who served the principality well. A revel followed at the park. Duke Richard made
Robert Roundpounder a Master of Arms.
April 12, 1970 AS IV
First Coronetting and Coronet Tourney
Held at McCormick Park, Scottsdale, AZ. King Stefan attended and presided.
King Stefan crowned Robert and Katrina Prince and Princess of Atenveldt.
Coronet lists were held. Arthur of Lockehaven was the winner. Angela of the
Meadows was his lady. King Stefan knighted Jon the Lean (Jon Fitz-Rolf) and
elevated Arthur of Lockehaven and Ivan of Navarette to the rank of Master of
Arms. Then King Stefan admitted Ioseph of Locksley (then known as Josef the
Rhymer) and Michael of Moria to the Order of the Laurel. Prince Robert admitted
Charles of the JAC’s as founding member of the Order of Light. Edwin Bersark,
Earl Marshal, appointed Master Arthur of Lockehaven Knight Marshal of
Robert Roundpounder - Gules, upon a Latin Atenveldt.
cross a
sword inverted argent, hilted sable, enflamed radiant from the blade
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Katrina of Windemere - Per bend sinister vert and
azure, a bend sinister argent between a lion couchant sable
tufted and fimbriated, and a sun Or.
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – Atenveldt
May, 1970 AS V
Michael of Moria resigned as Seneschal. Charles of the JAC’s was his successor.
Coronetting Festival
June 21, 1970 AS V
Held at the Lutheran Center, Arizona State University Campus, Phoenix, AZ.
Robert and Katrina held court. With the consent of King Stefan Prince Robert
knighted Richard Ironsteed. Then Robert and Katrina crowned Arthur and
Angela Prince and Princess. (Robert’s and Katrina’s Crown Baron and Baroness
date here.)
Arthur of Lockehaven - Azure, a lanthorn Or.
August 22-23, 1970 AS V
Angela of the Meadows - Vert, on a sun in glory,
three roses palewise in chevron gules, slipped and leaved v
Two Day Mini-Tourney and Campout
Held somewhere in or near Pheonix, AZ.
October 10-11, 1970 AS V
Coronet and Coronetting Tourney
Held McCormick Park, Scottsdale, AZ. Arthur and Angela held court. With the
consent of King Henrik Prince Arthur gave Awards of Arms to Anne
Tannithcourt, Carole the Grim, Cynthia Arianhrood Caerdderwen, Eideard
Slaightear Feusagach, Kay Gwenhwyfar of Locksley, Robert MacChlurain, and
Woodford of Lorien. There was a trebuchet contest, an archery contest, and
numerous challenge matches. The second day featured the wedding of Master
Ioseph of Locksley with his lady Kay Gwenhwyfar of Locksley, followed by their
wedding feast and a quarterstaff demonstration. Then coronet lists were held. Sir
Robert Roundpounder was the winner, reclaiming the title he had vacated only
Robert Roundpounder - Gules, upon a Latin four
cross a months previous. Kathleen MacChlurain was his lady.
sword inverted argent, hilted sable, enflamed radiantArthur
from the blade
and Angela crowned Robert and Kathleen Prince and Princess. Prince Kathleen MacChlurain the Pure - Per chevron
Robert, with the consent of King Henrik, gave an Award of Arms to Angela of embattled azure and vert, a lion sejant Or langued gules or
the Meadows and admitted Rodena de Rohan to the Order of Light. Prince Robert then knighted Carol the Grim. (Arthur’s and Angela’s
Crown Baron and Baroness date from this second day.)
December 31, 1970 AS V
New Years Eve Revel
Held at the Lutheran Student Center, Tempe, AZ. The revel was highlighted by the wedding of Edward Slaighter Feusagach (then Edward
the Bearded Rascal) to Cheri of the Queen’s Gardens. Joseph the Good was the autocrat. Prince Robert gave an Award of Arms to Marya
of Zagamr.
January 9, 1971 AS V
Twelfth Night Revels, Barony of Caerthe
Held in Denver CO. The first event for the new Barony. The autocrat was lady Margaret. Judith de Beaumont was the seneschal. There was
a magic show and a potluck banquet.
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The Marches – Atenveldt
January 16, 1971 AS V
First Crown Tourney, Kingdom of Atenveldt
Held at McCormick Park, Scottsdale, AZ. Duke Henrik of Havn was the emissary
from King Jean. At this tourney Atenveldt became a Kingdom. Prince Robert and
Princess Kathleen presided. The first Crown lists were held. Sir Richard Ironsteed
was the winner, defeating Timothy the Traveler (now Sir Ton the Traveler). Felicia
MacChlurain was Sir Richard’s lady. Duke Henrik presented Sir Richard with the
Crown of Atenveldt, along with the title of the Principality of Atenveldt, the
Barony of Caerthe, the Barony of New Mexico, and all lands between the West
and the East and below the Middle. King Richard then crowned himself and his
lady Felicia as the first King and Queen of the Kingdom of Atenveldt. King
Richard gave Awards of Arms to Darius of Navarre and Kathleen MacChlurain.
Richard Ironsteed - Quarterly azure and argent, a horse
rampant sable.
From this date onwards the citizens of Atenveldt were dropped from the Order of
Precedence of the West. (Kathleen’s Crown Baroness dates from this date.)
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Felicia MacChlurain - Sable, a lion’s head cabossed Or
between upon a pair of flaunches argent two thistles prope
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – The Barony of Allyshia
The Barony of Allyshia
The Barony of Allyshia - Azure, a sea-lion Or, scaled
vert, armed and orbed argent, and on a chief wavy argent three laurel
wreaths vert, bound Or.
July 2, 1974 AS IX
Founding of the Shire of Allyshia
Merewyn de Lyonesse was the first Seneschal.
December 14, 1974 AS IX
Yuletide Meeting of Kindred Spirits
Held at Eureka Senior High School, Eureka, CA. There were exhibits of books, calligraphy, illumination, and SCA information, along with
brass rubbings. There was a Sutton Hoo Lyre demonstration by Dr. James Johnson of Humboldt State University and a chain mail
construction demonstration by Sir Kevin Peregrynne.
February 21, 1975 AS IX
Informal Dance Workshop
Held where? Mistress Diana Listmaker held a medieval dance workshop for the members of the shire to introduce them to medieval dancing.
July 12-13, 1975 AS X
Shastan Invasion
Held at the Freshwater Elementary School, Eureka, CA. The first tourney was held to expel the invading Shastans who took the field. There
was a cooking contest for main dish, for which the prize was a magic cookery chest, an archer contest with a golden arrow for a prize, a crest
competition, a quest, magic show, juggling, a camel crusade, raiding parties, and a potluck feast.
December 20, 1975 AS X
Medieval Wedding
Held at St. Bernard’s Church, Eureka, CA. Maelgwyn de Lyonesse and Merewyn de Lyonesse were married.
March 13, 1976 AS X
Allyshi-Shasta Fighter Practice
The fighters of Allyshia and Shasta held a joint fighter practice in Trinity County.
April 10, 1976 AS X
Potluck Feast
Held at Cooper Gulch Hall, Eureka, CA. Maelgwyn and Merewyn de Lyonesse were the autocrats. There were thirty five members attending,
including four crumhorn players from Humboldt State University. There was dancing, and an abduction of Maelgwyn de Lyonesse by the
ladies. The feast included roast leg of lamb, lamb pasties, roast beef, hedgehogs, saxon pudding, stuffed dates, honey and saffron quiche,
mulled wine and spiced cider.
August 21-22, 1976 AS XI
Summer Tourney
Held at Freshwater Elementary School, Eureka, CA. There was a quest, won by Sir William the Lucky and Tamsin of the Raven Tresses,
an archery contest, won by King Kevin Peregrynne, a spear throwing contest won by Rodrigo de Cerdaña, a body looting contest (Sir
Bidaan was the body) won by Merewyn de Lyonesse, Yolanda del Campo de Cerdaña, and Christina Northlander, and a Stag Hunt
(Ffellyandroc the Blind was the stag), in which Tamsin of the Raven Tresses succeeded in “killing” the stag. The evening brought a potluck
feast and a bardic circle.
November 6, 1976 AS XI
Fall Feast and Revel
Held at Coopers Gulch Hall, Eureka, CA. There were about thirty members attending. There was dancing, music, and a feast.
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The Marches – The Barony of Allyshia
December 4, 1976 AS XI
Second Allyshia-Shasta Fighter Practice
Held in Trinity County.
January 29, 1977 AS XI
Hat Workshop
Held at the home of Christina Northlander. The attendees studied various styles and each made a simple hat to wear with a veil.
February 5, 1977 AS XI
First Monthly Potluck
Held at House Lyonesse, Eureka, CA. First of a monthly series of potlucks.
February 6, 1977 AS XI
Fencing Workshop
Held at Eureka Senior High School, Eureka, CA. Robert Kinslayer, Master of Sciences, was the autocrat. There were thirteen members plus
two instructors from Humboldt State.
April 2, 1977 AS XI
Monthly Potluck
Held at the home of Theodore of the Green. There was a large beginning calligraphy workshop at the College of the Redwoods in the
afternoon taught by Maelgwyn de Lyonesse.
May 7-8, 1977 AS XII
Celebration of the May
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – The Barony of Golden Rivers
The Barony (Province) of the Golden Rivers
(Sacramento, CA)
The Barony of the Golden Rivers - Vert, a
chevron inverted wavy and in chief a laurel wreath, both Or.
October 26, 1969 AS IV
Autumn Revel, Province of the Golden City
Held in the Folsom City Park, Folsom City, California. (This was the first event for the area which later became the Barony of the Golden
Rivers.) Anne of the Golden City was the autocrat.
March 20, 1971 AS V
King Jean granted the petition from the Province of Lydd. Robert the Lame was Seneschal and Anne of the Golden City was Mistress of
April 17-18, 1971 AS V
Campout at Red Dog
There was a campout at Red Dog, a ghost town in Nevada County, CA.
June 5-6, 1971 AS VI
Two Day Revel
Held at William of Gad’s ranch in Lodi, CA. There was fighting and William of Gad roasted a pig for the Saturday evening feast.
June, 1971 AS VI
Lydd-Shasta Melee
Held in Redding, CA.Shasta and Lydd fought a melee. Shasta won.
August 21-22, 1971 AS VI
Held were?
April, 1972 AS VI
Robert the Lame resigned as Seneschal. Paul of Blackchurch, the Knight Marshal, took over as acting Seneschal. Elizabeth of Silver Trees
was Mistress of Arts.
November, 1972 AS VII
The Province of Lydd went into abeyance.
January 20, 1973 AS VII
Organizational Meeting, Shire of the Golden Rivers
Held at the home of the new Seneschal, David of Castlewhyte. Cheryl of Whyte Castle was the Chatelaine, and deputy Seneschal. Anne
of the Golden City was Mistress of Arts. Curt of Rosecastle was the herald. Sometime later David of Castlewhyte put out a three page flyer
giving the names of the members of the Shire, the shire’s and Kingdom’s officers, and details of the April revel.
April 14, 1973 AS VII
Easter Revel
Held at the home of David of Castlewhyte, Sacramento, CA. Thereon of Dragonsfyre staged a puppet show. The populace brought Easter
favors to be raffled. Eggs were decorated, and dancing, needlework, bashing, and fencing were practiced. There was a potluck dinner. Later
a single page flyer on the upcoming May revel was sent out.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – The Barony of Golden Rivers
May 12-13, 1973 AS VIII
May Revel
Held at the Gadbury Farm, home of William of Gad, Lodi, CA. There was a maypole, a handcraft show, dancing, singing, strolling players,
fighting, and a potluck dinner.
June, 1973 AS VIII
June Revel
H eld where? And when? The Mistress of the Arts sponsored a pie contest. The winner was Cerise of the Mill. She was awarded a small
scroll lettered by Robert of Redstone. Ingeniously, he had decided that the award should be a recipe for a meat pye from the fifteenth
cent ury. David of Castlewhyte sang his Song of Sunset, written in penitence and dedicated to the Chatelaine, Cheryl of Castlewhyte. The
House of Gad provided puppetry. Winn Star recited a number of his Twentieth Century works.
August, 1973 AS VIII
August Bardic Revel
Held where and when? Freeman Stone (Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft) and Loretta Wilson hosted the revel. Rosemarie Lewis, John
Templin, and Dann Lunsford were notable in the readings.
September 6, 1973 AS VIII
The first issue of the new Shire publication was mailed, titled Durindana, which derives from the name of Roland’s sword. Edward of
Southhaven was the editor. Freeman Stone was now the herald.
September 8, 1973 AS VIII
Renaissance Pleasure Faire Outing
The members of the Shire gathered at the home of David of Castlewhyte and then caravaned to the Faire in Marin.
September 28, 1973 AS VIII
Medieval & Renaissance Fashion Show
Held at the home of David of Castlewhyte, Sacramento, CA.
October 10, 1973 AS VIII
The second issue of the newsletter, now titled The Shire Scribe, was mailed. The Shire’s arms, Vert, two bendlets in pile and in chief a
laurel wreath, Or were approved.
October 27, 1973 AS VIII
All Hallowsmass Eve Revel
Held at the picnic area of Ancil Hoffman Park, Sacramento, CA. Lady Diana was the autocrat. Sir Kevin Peregrynne, newly resident in the
shire, was the new Knight Marshal. Sir Steven MacEanruig and Sir William the Lucky attended. Lady Diana displayed her volumes on
magic, Markus demonstrated his skill as a Shaman dancer, and Edward of Southhaven gave a reading of “The Sorcerer” by W. S. Gilbert.
November 24, 1973 AS VIII
First Anniversary Shire Banquet and Revel
Held at the home of David of Castlewhyte, Sacramento, CA. A potluck feast was held. Some 48 people attended. There was a shortage of
food as only sixteen dishes were brought. Duke James Greyhelm and Duchess Verena of Laurelin attended. Llewellyn Manor provided
flower centerpieces, a roasted turkey and a gorgeous white cake complete with castle and moat. Gerald and his madrigal singers performed,
Winn read poetry, Daffyd (Tachi-bana Kage) played the guitar, and Patrice du Couer Fidel taught medieval dancing.
December 15, 1973 AS VIII
The Mythopoeic Society Yulemoot
Held in San Jose, CA. The members of the shire caravaned down to attend. Over fifty people attended the event. Among the anachronists
present were Sir Kevin Peregrynne, Patrice du Couer Fidel, Sir Bela of Eastmarch, Mistress Karina of the Far West, Isaac the Unlikely, and
Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft. There was plenty of food, drink, song, and demonstrations of fencing and swordfighting. Michaelle of
Ramboouillet was married to David McConell. At this time the Shire petitioned for Baronial Status.
January, 1974 AS VIII
At the January meeting the Board of Directors granted baronial status to the shire.
January 27, 1974 AS VIII
Annual Parish Meeting Demonstration
Held at the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Sacramento, CA. Several members participated. Gerald let the Golden Consort in songs. Le
Company Dindon d’Or presented a dramatic reading by Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft, accompanied by miming performed by Theron
of Dragonsfyre and Daffyd. Medieval dancing was demonstrated and questions were answered about the SCA.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – The Barony of Golden Rivers
February, 1974 AS VIII
The fifth volume of the newsletter came out under the title of The Amanuensis. Rodrigo de Cerdaña was now Master of Sciences. Rand
of Dunbar was chief constable.
February 9, 1974 AS VIII
St. Valentines Day Revel
Held at the home of David of Castlewhyte, Sacramento, CA. A raffle was held for items brought by the populace.
March 17, 1974 AS VIII
Baronial Commemoration Revel
Held at the home of Lady Ophelia, Sacramento, CA. Anne of the Golden City was the autocrat. Clear skies prevailed. Yolanda del Campo
sponsored a jump-rope contest, won by Natalie of Castlewhyte. Le Companie du Dindon d’Or performed, there was dancing and belly
dancing by Elaina, Jeanne & Deborah.
March 30, 1974 AS VIII
Crown Tourney
Held at the Neptune/Seawind area, Alameda State Beach, Alameda, CA. King Andrew made David and Cheryl of Castlewhyte founding
Baron and Baroness of the new Barony of the Golden Rivers.
April 21, 1974 AS VIII
First Baronial Practice Tourney and Revel
Held at McKinley Park, Sacramento, CA. Rodrigo de Cerdaña was the autocrat. About this time the ladies Patrice du Couer Fidel, Anne of
the Golden City, Yolanda del Campo, and Aierione made a Baronial pavilion.
April, 1974 AS VIII
The sixth volume of the newsletter came out titled The Golden Rivers Current. This proved to be the final name. Megan of Thistledown
was the Mistress of the Golden Key.
May 18-19, 1974 AS IX
Overnight May Revel
Held at the home of William of Gad, Lodi, CA. Patrice du Coeur Fidel was the autocrat. Fighting lists for the title of Protector of the Valley
was won by Sir Elriin of Hrassvelg. A maypole was held, a medieval play was performed, and an auction was held. There was a game of
blind man’s bluff. There was a cooking contest for breads or cakes made with fruits or nuts, which was won by Baroness Patrice du Couer
Fidel. King William of Hoghton and Queen Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood) attended, and King William won the archery
contest. There was a large bonfire on Saturday night. Sunday saw a birthday party for Edward of South-Haven, a play by Le Companie
du Dindon d’Or, and a flag melee.
June 29, 1974 AS IX
Daytime Invitational Revel
Held at Ancil Hoffman Park, Sacramento, CA. Rand of Dunbar was the autocrat. Everyone had to bring a non-SCA-member friend in order
to attend. There were board games, tug of wars, and a potluck dinner.
July 13, 1974 AS IX
Evening Revel
Held at the home of David of Castlewhyte, Sacramento, CA. This was a relaxed revel where the new and old members could get acquainted.
There was swimming in the pool and a potluck dinner. Anne of the Golden City resigned as Mistress of Arts.
August 18, 1974 AS IX
Baron’s Birthday Revel
Held at Ancil Hoffman Park, Sacramento, CA. Lord Gerald and Josette du Chantecleer were the autocrats. Aeriarione was the Keeper of the
Exchequer, Dea Devra Dhahabiya was the Mistress of the Lists, and Hylon of the White Horse took over as Chatelaine.
September 14, 1974 AS IX
Caravan to the Renaissance Pleasure Faire, Marin
October 5, 1974 AS IX
First Baronial Masquerade Ball
Held at the home of Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft. The participants were required to come in disguise. A chronograph contest,
sponsored by Rodrigo de Cerdaña, for a time keeping device without gears, was won by Guy of the Silver Horses. A contest to see who
could enclose the most members of the opposite sex in their cape or cloak was won by Terrance of Halliday. Kriemhild of Stonecroft and
Clarissa of Red Crab Manor on the James were the autocrats. Kriemhild was made Mistress of Arts and Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft
became Seneschal.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – The Barony of Golden Rivers
November 30, 1974 AS IX
Second Baronial Anniversary Banquet
Held at Putah Creek Lodge, at the U.C. Davis Campus, Davis, CA. Patrice du Couer Fidel and Megan of Thistledown were the autocrats.
A banquet was provided. Andy Swan was a juggler and jester.
December, 1974 AS IX
Special 12th Night issue, #11½, of the Golden Rivers Current.
December 14, 1974 AS IX
Mythopoeic Society Yulemoot
Held in Santa Rosa, CA. A number of members attended.
January 25, 1975 AS IX
The Officially Dull Revel
Held at House Stonecroft. Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft was the autocrat. There was a hot beverage contest. It was a relaxed revel.
February, 1975 AS IX
Candlemas Issue (XII) of the Golden Rivers Current. This was the first of the large size editions. Rodrigo de Cerdaña resigned as Master
of Sciences. Josette du Chantecleer was his successor.
February 10, 1975 AS IX
First Council of Mucky-Mucks Meeting
Held at House Stonecroft, Sacramento, CA. All resident kingdom and baronial officers were requested to attend.
March, 1975 AS IX
First Son of Golden Rivers Current issue (XII½).
April 26, 1975 AS IX
Walpurgus Night Festival
Held at the Recreation Hall, Vangard Apartment Village, Sacramento, CA. This was a fund-raising event. A potluck banquet was held. There
was a processional, a baronial court, a maypole, stage magic, madrigal singing, a Seven Sins Confessional, and a bardic circle. Markus the
Blue, Dea Devra Dhahabiya, and Edward of South-Haven were the autocrats.
May 1, 1975 AS X
SCA New Years Party
Held at the home of Sir Kevin Peregrynne, Sacramento, CA.
May 17-18, 1975 AS X
Two-Day Revel
Held at the home of William of Gad, Lodi, CA. Clarissa of Red Crab Manor on the James was the autocrat. There was fighting, a potluck
dinner, an auction, dancing, archery and dart contests, games, a meat pie contest, and lists for the Protector of the Great Valley. The First
Annual Chicken Hunt took place. Many hunters tried but only Duke James Greyhelm emerged with bird in hand (proving that a running
chicken is not a sitting duck). Jeffrey Brokenblade won the archery contest. The Needlethreaders Guild unveiled the Great Barrier Grief, close
kin to the kingdom’s Eric the Red (the red cloth that outlines the fighting field). Iain of Cawdor won the lists to become the Protector of
the Great Valley. Countess Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood) won the meat pie contest. Strider the Persistent held the
maypole. Josette du Chantecleer was also an autocrat.
May, 1975 AS X
Sometime around here the College of St. Meryck held its First Annual Rowdies Revel. There were various contests and the story of St.
June, 1975 AS X
Baron and Baroness Cheryl of Castlewhyte announced that they were resigning as Baron and Baroness due to outside demands on their
July 13, 1975 AS X
Summer Revel
Held at Alumni Grove, California State University, Sacramento, CA. Josette du Chantecleer and Peter La Savage were the autocrats. A
communal banquet was prepared by the men of the barony.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – The Barony of Golden Rivers
August 2, 1975 AS X
Purgatorio Coronation Festival
Held at Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Alameda County, CA. King Andrew accepted the resignations of Baron David and
Baroness Cheryl of Castlewhyte and appointed Sir Kevin Peregrynne and Patrice du Couer Fidel as the new Baron and Baroness of Golden
August 23, 1975 AS X
Medieval Cooking Demonstration
Held at the home of Josette du Chantecleer. This was sponsored by the Office of the Sciences. Lady Adrienne de Toledo was the instructor.
Aug 30-Sept 1, 1975 AS X
Three Day Revel
Held at the Negro Bar Area, below Folsom Lake, CA. There was a communal banquet on Saturday. There was team terrain fighting, a
medieval sciences competition, a medieval swimming-costume contest, a cooling summer drink contest, and a Ninja Infiltration Course.
Baron Sir Kevin Peregrynne was the autocrat.
October 4, 1975 AS X
Baron’s Birthday Revel
Held at the Bemews (the home of Baron Kevin Peregrynne), Sacramento, CA. Megan of the Thistledowns and Clarissa of Red Crab Manor
were the autocrats. Participants were asked to wear outfits in blue, black, silver or white. A hand-kissing contest was judged by Baroness
Patrice (men only) and a curtseying contest for the ladies was judged by Baron Kevin.
November 12, 1975 AS X
Held at the home of Megan of the Thistledown’s mother, Sacramento. Kriemhild of Stonecroft was the autocrat. Megan of the Thistledowns
was now keeper of the Exchequer, as well as Mistress of the Golden Key.
November 12-16, 1975 AS X
Renaissance Fair
Held at the Town and Country Club Plaza, Woodland, CA. Demonstrations and a costume show were staged. There was a baronial booth.
Josette du Chantecleer was the autocrat for the costume show.
November 29, 1975 AS X
Third Anniversary Banquet
Held at the Town and Country Club, Woodland, CA. Stone and Kriemhild of Stonecroft were the autocrats. A potluck banquet and a
Soltetay contest were held. Megan of the Thistledowns won the soltetay contest.
December 20, 1975 AS X
Mythopoeic Society Yulemoot
Held at the Bethany Presbyterian Church, Sacramento, CA.
February 14, 1976 AS X
St. Valentine’s Day Revel
Held at the home of David of Castlewhyte, Sacramento, CA. David and Cheryl of Castlewhyte were the autocrats. An auction of decorative
boxed meals prepared by the ladies was held, as well as an auction of medieval valentine gifts prepared by the men. The children judged
Josette du Chantecleer Most-Lovely-To-Look-At and Baron Kevin Peregrynne Most Colorful Gentleman. Matriana du Cameliard took over
as Mistress of the Golden Key.
March 5, 1976 AS X
New World Feast and Revel
Held at the home of Josette du Chantecleer, Citrus Heights, CA. She was the autocrat. A feast was provided, for a fee. There was a contest
to tell the best story accounting for a person’s persona’s presence in the New World, the winner of which was Gray of Ravenshold, who
received a Mayan bracelet.
March 14, 1976 AS X
Medieval Tea for Ladies of the Barony
Held at the home of Lady Judith, Sacramento, CA. Megan of the Thistledowns was the Most Graceful Lady and Clarissa of Red Crab Manor
brought the Most Unusual dessert. The theme was St. Patrick’s Day, and there was a “Blarney Stone.”
March 17, 1976 AS X
SCA Slide and Movie Show
Held at the home of Baron Kevin Peregrynne, Sacramento, CA.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – The Barony of Golden Rivers
April 17, 1976 AS X
Easter Revel and Egg Hunt, College of St. Meryck
Held at a picnic ground in Davis, CA. A revel followed at an apartment nearby. The Seneschal was lady Lucinda.
April 24, 1976 AS X
April Tourney and Revel
Held at Mount View Park, Sacramento, CA. Angels and Donald of the Northern Fells were the autocrats. There were lists, croquet, a threelegged race, and foot races. Gray of Ravenshold won the Baronial Wooden Spoon cooking contest. Kriemhild of Stonecroft and Laurelin
tied in the Water Balloon contest. Phillipe Sinister won at Squaw wrestling and Edward of South-Haven won at wrist wrestling.
May 7, 1976 AS XI
Demonstration Tourney and Revel
Held at the American Rivers College campus as part of their Medieval Pleasure Faire. Strider the Persistent was the autocrat.
June 26-27, 1976 AS XI
Vikingsholm Tourney
Held at Sugar Pine Point Park, near Emerald Bay at Lake Tahoe, CA. The daytime events were held at the grounds of an exact replica of an
actual Norse Longhouse, originally built as a private home and donated to the state. There were tours of the house, a Sand Castle contest,
which was won by Wilhelm von Schlüssel and Annette of Faire Monte, challenges and melees, and a Ladies’ Favors Elimination lists (the
winner got the loser’s favors so the final winner had all the favors, which the ladies could then ransom). Part of the proceeds of the tourney
went to the Land Fund. A revel followed at the nearby campground on Saturday night, around a campfire.
July 17, 1976 AS XI
Medieval Games Tournament
Held at Cottage Park, Sacramento, CA. Elena du Dois and Phillippe Sinister were the autocrats. Gray of Ravenshold and Donald of the
Northern Fells tied for the Chess championship. Gray got the plastic Snoopy doll prize as donald didn’t want it. Gray also won the cold
drink contest.
July 31, 1976 AS XI
Purgatorio Coronation
Held at Big Trees Camp, Redwood Regional Park, Alameda County, CA. Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft was made Kingdom Seneschal.
Baron Kevin Peregrynne and Baroness Patrice du Couer Fidel were crowned King and Queen of the West. James Drakeslayer became
baronial Seneschal. Yolanda del Campo de Cerdaña took over as Golden Rivers Pursuivant. Gray of Ravenshold became a deputy Mistress
of Arts. Gordon Corulupus became a deputy Master of Arts for the College of St. Meryck. Rodrigo de Cerdaña became Master of the Lists.
October 30, 1976 AS XI
Halloween Revel
Held at Alumni Grove, California State University Campus, Sacramento, CA. Josette du Chantecleer was the autocrat. There was a potluck
barbecue and a men’s cooking contest for a meat dish. The evening revels were held at St. Paul’s Church, Sacramento. This was a Masque
Ball. Matriana du Cameliard ran a potluck dinner. There was a cape stuffing contest (male & female), a hand kissing contest, and several
Masque costume competitions.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – The Province of Shasta
The Province of Shasta
The Province of Shasta - Argent, chappe azure, in
saltire two pilgrim’s staves within a laurel wreath vert, between in fess a
sun in his splendour and an escarbuncle argent.
October 31, 1970 AS V
All Hallow’s Even Revel
Held at Ancil Hoffman Park, Sacramento, CA. This was the first event for the province, which stretched from Redding to Sacramento. (Later
the Sacramento area broke off to become the Province of Lydd.) Luise of the Pheonix danced. A fighting demonstration was put on. Bergen
von Rauch was the Seneschal. The province had organized in May.
December 25, 1970 AS V
Christmas Revel
Held in the Women’s Improvement League Hall, Redding, CA. Gonwynnlynn of Hrassvelg was the autocrat. There was music, games, and
revelry presided over by a King and Queen of Chaos.
April 15, 1972 AS VI
Medieval Dinner
Held at Castle Farrago, Redding, CA. King Paul and Queen Carol attended.
June 9, 1973 AS VIII
Held at Salt Creek Park, Redding, CA. Elriin and Gonwynlynn of Hrassvelg were the autocrats.
September 6, 1975 AS X
Fall Tourney
Held at Salt Creek Park, Redding, CA. Gonwynnlynn of Hrassvelg was the autocrat. There were challenges, rag-ball, a multi-colored melee,
a quest, a treasure hunt for children, archery, flag tag, dragon drawing, singing, dancing, feasting and a bonfire.
September 4-5, 1976 AS XI
Shasta-Adiantum War
Held at Salt Creek Park, CA. Sir Elrrin of Hrassvelg and Bergen von Rauch were the autocrats. The troops from Adiantum invaded Shasta.
Shasta called for help from the Southern Kingdom. A potluck feast was held.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – Rieslingshire
(Fresno, CA)
Rieslingshire - Vert, two recorders in saltire proper, overall a
goblet Or charged on the bowl with a laurel wreath vert.
October 20, 1973 AS VIII
Columbus Day Tourney
Held in Kearney Park, Fresno, CA. Douglas Longshanks, the Seneschal, was the autocrat. Lists for Champion of the Shire were won by
Duke Paul of Bellatrix. A revel followed in a private home. This was the first event.
January 30, 1974 AS VIII
Thirteenth Night Revel
Held at the home of Craig of the Chambers, Fresno, CA, in honor of King Andrew and Queen Salomé. Alicia de Landelle sang her own
songs, and Douglas Longshanks wrote a ballad for his Majesty.
April 27, 1974 AS VIII
Spring Tourney
Held in Kierney Park, Fresno, CA. Douglas Longshanks was the autocrat. Once again Duke Paul of Bellatrix won the lists for Champion
of the shire. There were pair and team melees, Blind Man’s Bluff, clench-a-wench, and a potluck revel.
October 19, 1974 AS IX
Fall Tourney
Held at Kierney Park, Fresno, CA. Iain of Cawdor was acting Seneschal and autocrat, while Douglas Longshanks and Lorna of Leeds were
King and Queen of the West. Sir William the Lucky won the lists for Champion of the Shire, and there were pair and team melees, and a
November 3, 1974 AS IX
SCA Demonstration
Held at Newman Center, Fresno, CA as part of the Fresno Rennaissance Faire. Iain of Cawdor was the autocrat. A revel followed.
January 18, 1975 AS IX
Thirteenth Night Revel
Held in Fresno, CA. Iain of Cawdor was the autocrat.
April 19-20, 1975 AS IX
Spring Tourney
Held at Sycamore Campsite #1, Trimmer Lake Campground, East of Fresno. Lists for Champion of the Shire were held. There were situationdefense competitions with three man teams, cooking competitions (any variety of fowl), and a needlecraft contest. Iain of Cawdor was the
October 25-26, 1975 AS X
Fall Tourney
Held at Sycamore Campsite #1, Trimmer Lake Campground, East of Fresno. Iain of Cawdor was the autocrat. Lists were held for Champion
of the Shire. There was a Libelous and Satirical Poetry Contest, an on-the-spot, freehand drawing contest on a martial theme, an Orc shoot,
a team situation attack and defense competition, a fighting quest featuring Boggies, an Ogre, a two-headed monster, a couple of used
maidens and a couple of dark knights, and the Rieslingshire version of Who Do You Trust.
January 24, 1976 AS X
Thirteenth Night Revel
Sir Ianin of Cawdor was the autocrat. Held in Fresno.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – Rieslingshire
April 10-11, 1976 AS X
Spring War
Held at a 40 acre site East of Fresno, CA. Armor was rated as Heavy, Medium, or Light and was counted. Archers and archery were allowed.
Several battles were fought.
May 15, 1976 AS XI
Caid Rebellion
Held on a field East of Fresno, CA. At opening court King Paul gave Awards of Arms to Charles of Dublin, Charles de Pouen, Guy
Marchand de Montvert, and Robear du Bois. The forces of Caid, led by Prince Gregory of York, formed themselves at the bridge. King Paul
led the Northern forces toward the bridge and demanded that Caid yield. When this was refused he ordered the attack. After a long and
bloody hour of fithing the bridge was taken at last.
Of the fifty fighters that the kingdom army had started with and the thirty seven that Caid had begun with, all that was left were two
Kingdom fighters as had happened before at the last rebellion. Once again one of them was Sir William the Lucky, holding the Kingdom
Banner. Then the forces of Caid formed themselves into a line in a nearby field. The kingdom forces also formed a line and charged. King
Paul led the massed Dukes and senior knights in a charge around the right flank that broke through and surrounded the Caid forces. They
were soon killed to the last man. After another pause the forces of Caid made a last stand at a castle near the bridge (made of bales of hay).
The kingdom forces advanced from two sides behind shield walls and engulfed the castle. Thus the kingdom forces emerged vict orious.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – The College of St. David
The College of St. David
(Santa Cruz, CA)
The College of St. David - Azure, upon a bend
dovetailed argent a bendlet azure, in sinister chief a laurel wreath
November 22, 1975 AS X
Potluck Feast and Revel
Held at the Senior Commons of Crown College, University of California, at Santa Cruz, CA. Joanna de Lisane was the autocrat and
Seneschal. This was the first event of the College.
February 28, 1976 AS X
First Tourney and Revel
Held at Crown College, U.C. Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA. Yaegar Brokenenose and Joanna de Paquerette were the autocrats. Lists were held
for Protector of the College, there were boffer lists for men and women, archery contests, a maiden-rescuing contest for men and a bodycarrying contest for ladies. There was a cooking contest for soups, and a Pun Contest on the subject of Whales, with unnamed judges.
The potluck feast and revel was held at the Senior Commons.
November 20, 1976 AS XI
Second Annual Potluck Feast and Revel
Held at the Senior Commons, Crown College, UC Santa Cruz. Joanna de Lisane was the autocrat.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – The Shire of Montalinas/Perilous Visions
The Shire of Montalinas/Perilous Visions
(Monterey, CA)
(This is now the Canton of Montaigne du Roi.)
The Shire of Montalinas (Perilous
Visions) - Azure, a peregrine falcon’s head erased to sinister
proper within a laurel wreath argent (falco peregrinus).
August 10, 1974 AS IX
First Tourney, Montalinas
Held at the park on Lover’s Point, Monterey, CA. Garryl Harper Flaming Sword was the autocrat. There was swimming, lists for Defender
of Montalinas, a bread contest, a sand castle contest, a squirrel feeding contest, and a revel.
December 14, 1974 AS IX
Carmel Valley Christmas Celebration
Held in Carmel Valley, CA. An SCA demonstration was put on. Gabriel of Glengary, the Seneschal, and Velta of Tanglewood were the
February 15, 1975 AS IX
St. Valentine’s Day Tourney
Held at the Monterey Fairgrounds, Monterey, CA. Robert of Riaat and Gabriel of Glengary were the autocrats. There were lists for Defender
of Montalinas, and a revel at the Banquet Room of the Outrigger Restaurant on Cannery Row.
April, 1976 AS X
The members of the shire tried to change their name to Perilous Visions (the College of Heralds rejected the change). Velta of Tanglewood
began Monday Night dance lessons. Sabrina of the Dancing Winds was the chatelaine.
August 21, 1976 AS XI
Midsummer Faire
Held by the Special Services, Presidio, Monterey, CA. A tourney was held on Soldiers Field and a revel followed. Velta of Tanglewood was
the autocrat.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
The Marches – Shire of the Great Oak
The Shire of the Great Oak
(Chico, CA)
(This is now the Barony of Rivenoak)
The Barony of Rivenoak (The Shire of the
Great Oak) - Quarterly Or and argent, a calygreyhound
rampant to sinister between three laurel wreaths sable.
October 9, 1976 AS XI
Living War Game
Held in Bidwell Park, Chico, CA. The autocrat was Darthnar, the acting Seneschal. A battle from Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” was
October 23-24, 1976 AS XI
Damsel in Distress Tourney and Viking Harvest Festival
Held in Bidwell Park, Chico, CA. Saturday saw melees, lists, a living chess game, a contest to design a fortress and defenses (you are a
medieval monster who has captured the girl of your dreams - defend her from rescue), a cooking contest (lure the monster from the maiden he likes spiced sweets, pepper and exotic nuts), Best Dressed and Most Authentic Monsters, Best Damsel in Distress Outfit, Best Fool’s
Livery, Best Damsel in Distress Scene, and in the evening there was a Viking Banquet. There were contests for the Best Tale involving
Thor’s adventures, Best Valkyrie Song or Poem for those slain in battle, and Best Toast. Sunday saw a pilgramage to the Great Oak, where
Errol Flynn’s “Robin Hood:” was filmed, and a living war game of Robin Hood. Darthnar was the autocrat.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Defunct Branches
Defunct Branches
Barony of Fenrishaven
Eilidh na Caitolh was the Seneschal. Located in Honolulu, Hawaii. Held one tournament, July 1, 1972, at Kapiolani Park, Honolulu, HI. Shire
of the Western Seas is rising there.
Protectorate of Avila
Avila Beach, CA. Lawrence of Canterbury was the Seneschal. Formed in April, 1970. Held Avila Beach Canterbury Faire at Avila School,
May 9-10, 1969, AS IV; May 8-9, 1970 AS V; May 28-29, 1971 AS VI. Then died.
Canton of Naess
Formed in February 1972 in El Monte, CA. Maire Aislinge was the Seneschal. Debreceni Illona was her deputy. William of the Highlands
was the Master of Sciences (?).
Province of Gandheim
Stockton, CA. Formed in June, 1972. In abeyance in November 1972. Isaac the Unlikely was the Seneschal. Edwin Bohnn von Ravenswald
was Knight Marshal.
Barony of Montforêt
Montana. Formed in the fall of 1970. Morgany Brith was the Seneschal. Lasted through 1971.
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Officer Lists
Officer Lists
Society Officers
(‘Present’ would be AS XIII sometime)
Board of Directors (Formed July 1968)
Steward (Chancellor?)
Deputy Steward
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Lord Laurel King of Arms
Earl Marshal
Master of Sciences
Mistress of Arts
Stock Clerk
Deputy Chronicler
TI Editor (Redactor)
Jon DeCles
Diana Listmaker
Harold Breakstone
Ruthven of Rockridge
Douglas Brownbeard
Ruthven of Rockridge
Carolyn O’Conaire
William of Hoghton
Jon DeCles
Thorvald im Grimmi
Samuel de Basset
Ruthven of Rockridge
Siegfried von Hoflichskeit
Jon DeCles
Douglas Brownbeard
Harald of Breakstone
Ioseph of Locksley
Siegfried von Hoflichskeit
Eilis ni Roibeard O’Boirne
Jessica Firestar
David of Illwheirlane
Jon DeCles
Edwin Bersark
William of the Shire
Diana Listmaker
Harold of Breakstone
Timothy Stonewall
Alice of Briar Brook
Linda Muriell von Katzenbrasse
Eilis ni Roibeard O’Boirne
Jon DeCles
Kerry the Rock
Sylvanus Andere
Clerk of the Chancery
~ 136 ~
July 1968 - May 1975
July 1968 - Present
July 1968 - January 1972
January 1972 - April 1974
April 1974 - Present
May 1975 - Present
May 1975 - Present
May 1975 - Present
July 1968 - Spring 1973
Spring 1973 - Present
Fall 1971 - April 1974
May 1974 - May 1975
(or Present?)
April 1967 - August 1968
August 1968 - Spring 1973
Spring 1973 - Present
August 1969 - ?
April 1967 - September 1970
Sept. 1970 - October 1974
October 1974 - May 1975
May 1975 July 1968 - ?
Fall 1969? Summer 1971 Spring 1972 July 1968 Summer 1971 January 29, 1973 -?
June 1974 - May 1975
May 1975 April 1967 - June 1969
June 1969 - Spring 1974
Spring 1974 Created 1/27/73?
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Officer Lists
Herald’s Roster
(No Date Specified)
Crescent Herald
Trident (acting)
Red Tower
An Tir
Three Mountains
Principality of the Mists
Province of the Mists
Southern Shores
Black Lion
Green Cloak
Silver Gull
~ 137 ~
Conrad von Regensburg
Cadhla of Tregden
John ap Griffin (untitled)
Renfield of the Inland
Jerald of Galloway
Robert of Westmarch
Jerald of Galloway
Leon de Asturias
Wilhelm von Schlüssel
Paul the Barbarian
Grey Colin of the Axe
(Edmund Renfield
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Officer Lists
Kingdom Officers
Earl Marshal
Mistress of Arts
Master of Music
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Principal Herald
Master of Sciences
Mistress of the Lists
Royal Chatelaine
Golden Key
Clerk of the College of Bards
Royal Pavilioner
Pavilioner to the Arts
Royal Dance Master
Jon DeCles
5/67 - 6/70
Stefan de Lorraine
6/70 - 1/6/73
William the Lucky
1/6/73 - 1/4/75
Andre de Sevastopol
1/4/75 - Present
Edwin Bersark
5/67 - 11/71
Caradoc ap Cador
11/71 - 1/6/73 (?)
Siegfried von Hoflichskeit
1/6/73 (?) - 2/23/73
Kevin Peregrynne
2/23/73 - Present
Rima of Rockridge
Christina of the Runes
Alphonso de Castille
David of Illwheirlane
7/68 - Present
(David considers himself on leave from this position, as he does not currently
live in The West, but was never released from it ...)
Siegfried von Hoflichskeit
7/68 - ?
Robert of Dunharrow
1/70 - ?
Alisande du Rohan (Henrik)
Andre de Sevastopol
Annette of Fair Monte
(College setup in April ‘68)
Herald of Breakstone (Court Herald)
- August 69
Randall of Hightower
August 69 - ?
Karina of the Far West
Jon the Lean (Jon FitzRolf)
7/72 -?
Brian Dritar an Con
Diana Listmaker
Karina of the Far West
Rachel Col de Cygne
Janet Breakstone
Gormflait niCuallachin
Annette of Faire Monte
Morgan FitzRolf
Ardis an Dearg
4/69 - Sept. 70
Luise of the Phoenix
Sept 70 (Founded by Diana)
Ruthven & Rima of Rockridge
David of Illwheirlane
Stefan de Lorraine
Samuel de Bassett
Autumn 71?
Steven MacEanruig
Sheridan of Greenholm
Eleacar ben David
Neil of Gyr
Robert of Westmarch
May 4, 1974
Gwydion Aendderwyn
Fall 1971
Marynel of Darkhaven
Raymond the Mild
Allen van Ore
~ 138 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Officer Lists
Tourney Masters
Royal Falconer
Mistress of Games & Jollities
Mistress of Equestrian Arts
Editor of The Page
Bela of Eastmarch
Karina of the Far West
James Greyhelm
Verena of Laurelin
Siegfried von Hoflichskeit
Ardis an Dearg
Mark von dem Falkensfenn
Sheen of Ire
Suzanne of Ravenhill
Diana Listmaker
Hal Ravn, Dorothey of Paravel
Trude Lacklandia
~ 139 ~
< July 71
(still as of 5/70)
Nov 1971 - 5/75
5/75 - ?
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Misc.
By Laws
June, 1969
Kingdom of the East
Walter & Marian Breen
Sir Rakkurai of Kamakura
Middle Kingdom
Abrizhale of Medina
November 1972 Barony of the Southern Marshes (Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, etc.) transferred from the East to Atenveldt by
order of the Board. Atenveldt was better organized to take care of it.
[NOTE: The rest of the notebook that was handed to me (Hirsch, typesetter) was handwritten notes, that appear to be part of the early
“History of the West.” A quick comparison against the typewritten event listings and such bears this out. If I’m wrong, I am sure that at
some point Master Wilhelm will hunt me down and correct me.
The rest of this version of the History was added later by myself and my lady, Mistress Aldith Angharad St. George, in attempt to make
it more useful as a “history text”. The appendices listing Royalty and timelines and such are our creation, and as such, any errors are ours.
-- HvH]
~ 140 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Royalty Lists
Kings and Queens of the West Kingdom
Sir Deutsche Bursenshaft
Dates Reigned
May 1, 1966 AS I
(Due to the facts that Sir Deutsche went back to Germany, and whilst watching a film of the first tourney, it was noticed that Sir Aeginius
had gotten in a blow unnoticed by the judges, and was declared victor after the fact.)
Sir Aeginius (Richard the Short/Mont Real)
May 1, 1966 AS I - June 25, 1966 AS I
Marynel of Darkhaven
Sir Fulk de Wyvern
Mary of Tamar
June 25, 1966 AS I - March 25, 1967 AS I
Sir Henrik of Havn
Wendryn of Townsend
March 25, 1967 AS I - Apr 30, 1967 AS I
Apr 30, 1967 AS I - Sept 30, 1967 AS II
Count Richard the Short (Richard of Mont Real)
Anne of Anselmo
(Due to Anne disappearing (illness) for the rest of the reign, Diana Listmaker reigned as Richard’s Queen for the duration of this reign,
and both were acknowledged as Countess later, when the title was granted and then back-dated.)
Count Henrik of Havn
Leanne of Maywood
Sept 30, 1967 AS II - Jan 6, 1968 AS II
Sir William the Silent
Sheryl of Thespis
Jan 6, 1968 AS II - May 5, 1968 AS III
Sir Siegfried von Hoflichskeit
Countess Marynel of Darkhaven
May 5, 1968 AS III - June 23, 1968 AS III
Duke Richard of Mont Real
La Rana
June 23, 1968 AS III - Sept 22, 1968 AS III
Duke Henrik of Havn
Countess Leanne of Maywood
Sept 22, 1968 AS III - Jan 4, 1969, AS III
Sir Caradoc ap Cador
Amie of Exeter
Jan 4, 1969 AS III - May 17, 1969 AS IV
Count Siegfried von Hoflichskeit
Ardis an Dearg (Sumer Redmaen)
May 17, 1969 AS IV - Aug 16, 1969 AS IV
Duke Henrik of Havn
Duchess Leanne of Maywood
Aug 16, 1969 AS IV - Jan 3, 1970 AS IV
Sir Stefan de Lorraine
Luise of the Phoenix
Jan 3, 1970 AS IV - Apr 25, 1970 AS IV
Sir Stephen Blackeagle
Astrid of Hawk Ridge
Apr 25, 1970 AS IV - Aug 1, 1970 AS V
~ 141 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Royalty Lists
Duke Henrik of Havn
Duchess Leanne of Maywood
Aug 1, 1970 AS V - Jan 8, 1971 AS V
Sir Jean de la Grand ‘Anse
Ellen of the Gleaming Star
Jan 8, 1971 AS V - May 1, 1971 AS VI
Sir Hagen the Strong
May 1, 1971 AS VI - July 31, 1971 AS VI
Sir James Greyhelm
Verena of Laurelin
July 31, 1971 AS VI - Jan 8, 1972 AS VI
Sir Paul of Bellatrix
Carol of Bellatrix
Jan 8, 1972 AS VI - May 6, 1972 AS VII
James Greyhelm
Verena of Laurelin
May 6, 1972 AS VII - July 29, 1972 AS VII
Count Paul of Bellatrix
Countess Carol of Bellatrix
July 29, 1972 AS VII - Jan 6, 1973 AS VII
Duke James Greyhelm
Duchess Verena of Laurelin
Jan 6, 1973 AS VII - May 5, 1973 AS VIII
Duke Paul of Bellatrix
Duchess Carol of Bellatrix
May 5, 1973 AS VIII - July 28, 1973 AS VIII
Duke Henrik of Havn
July 28, 1973 AS VIII - Jan 5, 1974 AS VIII
Sir Andrew of Riga
Salomé de las Palomas
Jan 5, 1974 AS VIII - May 4, 1974 AS IX
Sir William of Hoghton
Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood)
May 4, 1974 AS IX - Aug 3, 1974 AS IX
Sir Douglas Longshanks
Lorna of Leeds
Aug 3, 1974 AS IX - Jan 4, 1975 AS IX
Duke Paul of Bellatrix
Duchess Carol of Bellatrix
Jan 4, 1975 AS IX - May 3, 1975 AS X
Count Andrew of Riga
Patrice d’Cilla
May 3, 1975 AS X - Aug 2, 1975 AS X
Count Douglas Longshanks
Countess Lorna of Leeds
Aug 2, 1975 AS X - Jan 10, 1976 AS X
Count William of Hoghton
Countess Donna of Rollingwood (Donna of Willowwood)
Jan 10, 1976 AS X - May 1, 1976 AS XI
Duke Paul of Bellatrix
Duchess Carol of Bellatrix
May 1, 1976 AS XI - July 31, 1976 AS XI
~ 142 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Royalty Lists
Sir Kevin Peregrynne
Patrice du Couer Fidel
July 31, 1976 AS XI - Jan 8, 1977 AS XI
Duke Andrew of Riga
Countess Patrice d’Cilla
Jan 8, 1977 AS XI - April 23, 1977 AS XI
Sir Terrence of Halliday
Jennet of Twominds
April 23, 1977 AS XI - July 30, 1977 AS XII
Duke Paul of Bellatrix
Duchess Carol of Bellatrix
July 30, 1977 AS XII - Jan 7, 1978 AS XII
Earl Terrence of Halliday
Alejandra Olympia Martiessa de Constantine
Jan 7, 1978 AS XII - April 29, 1978 AS XII
Viscount Gregory of York
Viscountess Bevin Fraser of Sterling
April 29, 1978 AS XII - Aug 19, 1978 AS XIII
Duke James Greyhelm
Duchess Verena of Laurelin
Aug 19, 1978 AS XIII - Jan ?, 1979 AS XIII
(This is where the chronicle ends ...)
~ 143 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Royalty Lists
Princes and Princesses of the Principality of An Tir
Baron Sir Frederic of the West Tower
Anne of the White Tower
Dates Reigned
Aug 25, 1973 AS VIII - March 2, 1974 AS VIII
Sir Richard of Ravenwolf
Lenore of Lynxhaven
March 2, 1974 AS VIII - June 15, 1974 AS IX
Sir Jerald of Galloway
Barbara of Galloway
June 15, 1974 AS IX - Sept 7, 1974 AS IX
Viscount Frederic of the West Tower
Viscountess Anne of the White Tower
Sept 7, 1974 AS IX - March 8, 1975 AS IX
Sir Audun the Red
Gwendolyn of Caer Cerddinen
March 8, 1975 AS IX - June 28, 1975 AS X
Edward Zifran, Bastard of Gendy
Fiona di Varanus
June 28, 1975 AS X - Jan 3, 1976 AS X
Sir Elrond Blacksabre
Gilraén of Regen
Jan 3, 1975 AS X - May 1, 1976 AS XI
Sir Steingrim Stallari
Hrefna Aebsynth Neilsdattar
May 1, 1976 AS XI - Sept 11, 1976 AS XI
Theodulf of Borogrove
Anne of Caerdydd
Sept 11, 1976 AS XI - Jan 22, 1977 AS XI
Viscount Edward Zifran of Gendy
Almatea (av den Telemarken)
Jan 22, 1977 AS XI - Apr 16, 1977 AS XI
Viscount Steingrim Stallari
Viscountess Fiona di Varanus
Apr 16, 1977 AS XI - Aug 13, 1977 AS XII
Viscount Edward Zifran of Gendy
Viscountess Almatea av den Telemarken
Aug 13, 1977 AS XII - Jan 14, 1978 AS XII
Manfred Eifenblau (Manfred Kriegstreiber)
Jan 14, 1978 AS XII -
(This is where the chronicle ends ...)
~ 144 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Royalty Lists
Princes and Princesses of the Principality of Caid
Sir Christian of Orange
Denysa de las Mariposa
Dates Reigned
Apr 20, 1974 AS VIII - Nov 23, 1974 AS IX
Sir Hugh the Undecided
Rosemary of Talmont
Nov 23, 1974 AS IX - June 7, 1975 AS X
Thomas the Merciless
June 7, 1975 AS X - Nov 22, 1975 AS X
Gregory of York
Vivian Aurora de la Mer
Nov 22, 1975 AS X - June 5, 1976 AS XI
Sir Morven of Carrick
Bevin Fraser of Sterling
June 5, 1976 AS XI - Nov 20, 1976 AS XI
Sir Martin the Temperate
Arabella Lyon de Rohese
Nov 20, 1976 AS XI - June 4, 1977 AS XII
Balin of Tor
Lorissa du Griffin
June 4, 1977 AS XII - Nov 19, 1977 AS XII
Viscount Martin the Temperate
Neptha of Thebes
Nov 19, 1977 AS XII - June 1978 AS XIII?
(This is where the chronicle ends ...)
~ 145 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Royalty Lists
Princes and Princesses of the Principality of Atenveldt
Robert Roundpounder
Katrina Eindermere
Dates Reigned
April 12, 1970 AS IV - June 21, 1970 AS V
Arthur of Lockehaven
Angela of the Meadows
June 21, 1970 AS V - October 11, 1970 AS V
Viscount Robert Roundpounder
Kathleen MacChlurain
October 11, 1970 AS V - Jan 16, 1971 AS V
First King and Queen of the Kingdom of Atenveldt
Sir Richard Ironsteed
Felicia MacChlurain
Jan 16, 1971 AS V - ?
(This is where the chronicle ends ...)
~ 146 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Timeline
[Editor’s Note: The timeline here is sort of subjective -- picking items of importance to be placed in it was an interesting prospect at best.
-- Hirsch]
May 1, 1966 (AS I)
The First Tournament
First Knighting (David the Herald)
Jan 6, 1967 (AS I)
The First Twelfth Night
The Muckin’ Great Clubbe first given
March 1967 (AS I)
Tournaments Illuminated created
Jan 6, 1968 (AS II)
Title of Duke created – Retroactive for those who earned it
First Royal Crowns of State (The “Ancient and Honorables”)
The Order of the Rose created
The Order of Chivalry created
First Masters of Arms
The Order of the Laurel created
April, 1968 (AS II)
The first publication of Rules of the Lists
Establishment of the College of Arms
July 29, 1967 (AS II)
First event, Ceantyre (First Island War)
June 2, 1968 (AS III)
First Event, East Coast Chapter, Whitsuntide
July 21, 1968 (AS III)
First Crown/Coronation, East
Kingdom of the Mists becomes Kingdom of the West
July, 1968 (AS III)
SCA, Inc. Created
Sept 2, 1968 (AS III)
First event, Province of the Mists
Jan 4, 1969 (AS III)
Grants of Arms, Awards of Arms, Court Baronies created
System of three tournies/year, three coronations/year created
March, 1969 (AS III)
The Tribune, newsletter for the West created
May 17-18, 1969 (AS IV)
First Overnight Coronation
July 4-6, 1969 (AS IV)
First Crown Tourney, Kingdom of the Middle
Sept 7, 1969 (AS IV)
First Coronation, Kingdom of the Middle
Oct. 26, 1969 (AS IV)
First event, Shire of the Golden Rivers
Nov. 1969 (AS IV)
Formation of the Province of Atenveldt
Dec. 7, 1969 (AS IV)
First Tourney, Province of Atenveldt
Dec 31, 1969 (AS IV)
First event, Barony of Three Mountains
Jan 31, 1970 (AS IV)
First event, Barony of Madrone
~ 147 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Timeline
Feb 22, 1970 (AS IV)
First Principality Tourney, Atenveldt
April 12, 1970 (AS IV)
First Coronetting, Principality of Atenveldt
May, 1970 (AS V)
Formation of the Province of Southern Shores
Fall, 1970 (AS V)
Formation of the Barony of the Isles
Sept 23, 1970 (AS V)
First event, Barony of the Angels
Oct 31, 1970 (AS V)
First event, Province of Shasta
Jan 1971 (AS V)
First formation, Province of St. Andrew’s
Jan 8, 1971 (AS V)
Founding of the College of Scribes
Jan 16, 1971 (AS V)
First Crown Tourney, Kingdom of Atenveldt
May 1, 1971 (AS VI)
Order of the Leaf of Merit created
May 29, 1971 (AS VI)
Order of the Wooden Spoon created
July 31, 1971 (AS VI)
Queen’s Order of Grace created
Protector of the Royal Wards created
Feb 19, 1972 (AS VI)
First Tourney, Barony of Calafia
March 1972 (AS VI)
Reformation of Province of St. Andrew’s
May 6, 1972 (AS VII)
Titles of Count and Countess created all Past Counts, Countesses, and
Duchesses acknowledged.
October 22, 1972 (AS VII)
Imperial Order of the Pelican (service to SCA) created by the Board of
Oct 29, 1972 (AS VII)
First event, Canton of Gorgonoth (Angels)
May 27, 1973 (AS VIII)
Royal Tourney of Union, Principality of An Tir
July 28, 1973 (AS VIII)
Baronial Charters given to all existing Baronies
Aug 25, 1973 (AS VIII)
First Coronet Tourney, Principality of An Tir
Oct. 20, 1973 (AS VIII)
First event, Shire of Rieslingshire
Oct. 21, 1973 (AS VIII)
First Tourney, Barony of the Isles
Jan 5, 1974 (AS VIII)
Knights of the Silver Molet created
Olde Battered Helm created
Jan 8, 1974 (AS VIII)
Dreiburgen granted Baronial Status by Board
Feb 22-24, 1974 (AS VIII)
First event, Barony of Lion’s Gate
~ 148 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Appendices – Timeline
Mar 9, 1974 (AS VIII)
First Tourney, Barony of Dreiburgen
April 6, 1974 (AS VIII)
Second Revel, Barony of Adiantum (first has a nebulous date)
Apr 20-21, 1974 (AS VIII)
Royal Tourney of Union, Principality of Caid
May 4, 1974 (AS IX)
Queen’s Guard created
June 8-9, 1974 (AS IX)
First Coronet Tourney, Principality of Caid
July 2, 1974 (AS IX)
Founding of the Shire (Barony) of Allyshia
Aug 3, 1974 (AS IX)
Kingdom of the West Order of the Pelican created
First Annual Arts Pentathlon
Aug 4, 1974 (AS IX)
Wreaths of Valour and Courtesy reinstituted (?)
Aug 10, 1974 (AS IX)
First tourney, Shire of Montalinas (Perilous Visions)
Sept 7, 1974 (AS IX)
Titles of Viscount and Viscountess created in An Tir
Princes and Princess of An Tir granted the right to give Awards of Arms
Jan 4, 1975 (AS IX)
Queen’s Cypher created
Nov 22, 1975 (AS X)
First event, College of St. David
Sept 27-28, 1975 (AS X)
First Overnight Crown Tournament
May 1, 1976 (AS XI)
The current Crowns of the West first used
June 19, 1976 (AS XI)
The first Pandybat competition is held
Sept 18, 1976 (AS XI)
Order of the Bridesmaids created
June 24-26, 1977 (AS XII)
First event, Shire (Barony) of Eskalya
Sept 17, 1977 (AS XII)
First Westermark Tourney
Sept 24, 1977 (AS XII)
First female knight in the West (Mary of Uffington)
Principality of the Mists declared to be a full Principality
Jan 7, 1978 (AS XII)
First Queen’s Guard Baldrics
~ 149 ~
The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
[Editor’s Note: Indexing a tome of this nature is not easy -- every entry here is subjective by it’s nature. I wasn’t at the events described
here. The importance of a person’s name in this index is based on my understanding of these events, how often the name appears, or how
important they appeared (Royalty, for example) in the chronicles. If mistakes were made, please contact me. -- Hirsch]
Name, Mundane
Astrid Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
David Bradley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
David Thewlis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Diana Paxson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Frederick Hollander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Fritz Leiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Harlan Ellison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Henrik Olsgaard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Jerry Jacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Jon Studebaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Ken de Maiffe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 2
Marion Breen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Marion Zimmer Bradley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Molly Titcomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Owen Hannifen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Paul Wolfgangel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Paul Zimmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Richard Barnhart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Steve Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Walter Breen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3
Name, SCA
Aegineous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Aeoelwig Aelfwigsson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84, 104, 115
Alfonso de Castile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 5, 7
Alfric Favnesbane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 31, 33, 35, 36
Alison von Markheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18, 22, 31, 84-86, 97, 100, 109, 113-117
Alma Tea av de Telemark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 58
Alyanora of Vinca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 56, 64, 74, 75
Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 28, 56-58, 78-80
Amanda of Cawdor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 51, 52
Amie of Exeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 141
André de Sevastopol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 15, 16, 19, 25
Andrew of Riga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16, 18, 19, 23-26, 29, 34-36, 50, 86, 142, 143
Ann Parkhurst of Gatehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Anne of Caerdydd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 25, 54-58, 63, 64, 80, 144
Anne of San Anselmo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Anne of the White Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 53, 54, 144
Annette of Faire Monte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17, 21, 28, 31, 39, 128, 138
Aonghais dubh MacTarbh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 23, 32-34, 86, 89, 106, 113
Ardis an Dearg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 16, 17, 138, 139, 141
Arnulf Silkhair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Arthur of Lockehaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118, 119, 146
Astrid of Hawk Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 9-11, 141
Audin the Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Barbara of Galloway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 54, 144
Bela of Eastmarch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 5, 9, 16, 17, 19, 23, 124, 139
Beverly Hodghead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 5, 9, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26, 40, 42, 74
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Bjo of Griffin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 20, 21, 25, 26, 32, 36, 84, 86-89, 91, 94, 99, 105, 109, 112, 113
Boncueur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14, 16, 42, 50, 51, 84, 93, 115, 136
Brian Dritar an Con . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36, 42, 47, 138
Cadwalladyr Stone of Stonecroft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 21, 23-25, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 124-126, 128
Caradoc ap Cador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 6, 7, 138, 141
Carol of Bellatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16, 18-22, 27, 28, 32, 40, 42, 49, 51, 52, 55, 89, 142, 143
Charles of Dublin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88, 89, 97, 98, 100, 101, 108, 116, 131
Charles of Mercury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 13
Christian of Orange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 16, 84, 91-95, 111, 145
David of Bagulay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 57-59, 61, 63, 65
David of Ilwheirlane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 8, 12
David the Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 147
Denis of the Titans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Deutsche Bursenschaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Diana Listmaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 4-8, 18, 39, 46, 121, 136, 138, 139, 141
Donna of Rollingwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 17, 21, 23, 39, 125, 126, 142
Dorothea of Caer-Myrddin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 25, 41, 46
Dorothea of Paravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 41, 46
Douglas Longshanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-20, 22, 23, 28, 29, 130, 142
Earl of Morris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 10, 11, 13
Edmund Renfield Wanderscribe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 34, 88, 89, 93, 98, 104, 112, 114, 137
Edward of Southhaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 24, 28, 32, 36, 63, 124
Edward of Stonehaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 19, 53-55, 57, 62-66, 77
Edward Zifran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 21, 55-58, 63, 65-67, 71, 78, 80, 99, 100, 144
Edwin Bersark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5, 7, 8, 38, 39, 44, 60, 69, 118, 136, 138
Eilis ni Roibeard O’Boirne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 22, 42, 43, 136
Elfrida of Greenwalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 8, 41, 43
Ellen Cross Quills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 17, 22, 31, 75
Ellen of the Gleaming Star . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 12, 142
Elrond Blacksabre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55-59, 64, 65, 74, 75, 144
Felice of Mayhavn House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 8
Fiona di Varanus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 21, 55, 57, 58, 64-66, 144
Fiona Gregorovna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 24, 26, 30, 32-36, 86-89, 96-100, 106, 108, 112, 113, 116
Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 20, 21, 25, 32, 36, 84, 86-89, 91, 94, 99, 105, 109, 112, 113
Frederic of the West Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 14, 53-55, 59, 60, 62, 69, 144
Frederick of Holland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 12, 13, 40, 69
Frederick of Woodlyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88, 99, 113
Fulk de Wyvern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5, 141
Genevieve de la Mer Bleu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Geoffrey of Speraunce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 53, 54, 62
Geraldine of Toad Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 9, 17-20, 39, 42, 44, 51
Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 28, 30, 33, 36, 55, 57, 58, 66, 77, 78, 80
Gernot of Gallimaufry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 14, 17, 18, 22, 53, 54, 60, 61, 63, 138
Gilréan of Regin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Gregory of York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 26, 31, 32, 36, 86-89, 95, 100, 106-108, 110, 131, 143, 145
Grün der Spitzenklöppler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 36
Gwendolyn of the Thistle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 20, 51
Gwendwyn the Silent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 33, 36
Hagen the Strong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 12, 142
Hal Ravn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 18, 25, 29-31, 45, 139
Harold Breakstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 7-9, 12, 118, 136
Henrik of Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9, 11, 14-16, 19-21, 23, 25, 29, 32, 34, 38, 46, 47, 117, 120, 141, 142
Hilary of Serendip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 34
Houri the Savage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 9, 12
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Hugh ap Llewellyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 11, 20
Hugh the Undecided . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-87, 93, 94, 108, 145
Israel ben Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 5, 16
James Greyhelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 29, 31-35, 40, 43, 44, 51, 74, 75, 93, 124, 126, 139, 142, 143
Jamie of the Oakenshield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 72
Jana Seasgair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Janeltis Karaine Starfollower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Janet Breakstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 18, 20, 45, 138
Jean de la Grand ‘Anse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 11, 142
Jerald of Galloway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 14, 53-55, 62, 63, 69-71, 137, 144
Jessica Llyrindi of Northmarch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 85
John ap Griffin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 20, 25, 26, 28, 32, 33, 84, 88, 89, 98-100, 113, 137
Jon de Cles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4-8, 18
Jon FitzRolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11, 16-19, 28, 42, 138
Karina of the Far West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 20, 24, 40, 41, 48, 124, 138, 139
Karl vom Acht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 5
Kerry the Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 5, 8, 46, 136
Kevin Peregrynne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 13, 16-18, 20, 23-30, 33-36, 63, 121, 124, 126-128, 138, 143
La Rana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 24, 42, 79, 141
Leanne of Maywood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9, 11, 141, 142
Lenore of Lynxhaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 144
Lorissa du Griffin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87, 88, 108, 145
Louise of Woodsholme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 30-34, 106-110
Luise of the Phoenix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 40, 138, 141
Maelgwyn de Lyonesse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 28, 31, 121, 122
Mariana Silversea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Martin the Temperate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-21, 24, 25, 30, 85-87, 89, 96, 97, 106, 107, 111-113, 117, 145
Mary of Tamar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5, 141
Marynel of Darkhaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 18, 22, 43, 51, 138, 141
Maythen of Elfhaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 32, 33, 35, 38
Mediocrates of Hellas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 5
Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58, 80
Merewynn de Lyonesse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 34
Micaëla de Neuville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 45
Michael of Moria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 118, 119
Michel le Voyageur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 77, 79
Patrice di Coeur Fidel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Patrice d’Cilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 23, 25, 26, 28, 35, 36, 44, 142, 143
Paul of Bellatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-20, 22, 24, 26-28, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 50-52, 55, 65, 89, 130, 142, 143
Questifor of Hightower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Radnor of Guildemar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 36
Rand of Dunbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 18, 20, 21, 125
Randall of Hightower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 92, 102, 138
Richard Ironsteed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 118-120, 146
Richard of Havn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28
Richard of Mont Real . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4-6, 24, 25, 42, 46, 79, 118, 141
Richard of Ravenwolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 54, 70, 71, 144
Richard the Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6, 46, 79, 141
Rima of Rockridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 12, 13, 16, 18-20, 23-25, 28, 33, 34, 41, 44, 45, 138
Robear du Bois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 32, 87, 89, 97, 99-101, 105, 106, 108, 112, 113, 117, 131
Robert of Dunharrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 39, 138
Robert Roundpounder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 118, 119, 146
Rosemary of Talmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 84-86, 94, 145
Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 13, 112, 142
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The Origin and History of the Society for Creative Anachronism and the Kingdom of the West
Ruthven of Rockridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 16, 20, 22, 32, 35, 39, 44, 136
Sabrina de la Bere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 40-43
Seitse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 16, 40, 41, 53, 93, 142
Sheryl of Thespis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 141
Siegfried von Hoflichskeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8, 14, 18-20, 23, 27, 33, 42, 43, 46, 136, 138, 139, 141
Stefan de Lorraine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15-18, 40, 41, 138, 141
Steingrim Stallari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 54, 56, 58, 63, 144
Stephen Blackeagle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 11, 141
Steven MacEanruig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 5, 14, 16-19, 24, 27, 29, 31, 38, 42, 43, 45, 48, 93, 124, 138
Sumer Redmaene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 20, 21, 43, 44, 51
Sylvanus Andere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 7, 26, 136
Theodulf of Borogrove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 21, 23, 25, 30, 35, 54, 56-58, 63, 64, 79, 144
Trude Lacklandia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-23, 28, 40, 86, 88, 139
Verena of Laurelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26-28, 31-34, 40, 43, 44, 74, 124, 139, 142, 143
Waldt von Markheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18, 24, 28, 29, 35, 84, 86, 87, 96, 104, 114-116
Walter of Greenwalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 6
Wendryn of Townsend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 5, 141
Wilhelm von Schlüssel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1, 16, 20, 25, 29, 31, 35-37, 52, 128, 137
William Gordon of York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 25, 34, 44, 51, 79
William of Hoghton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 29, 31, 33, 35, 39, 44, 57, 89, 96, 98, 113, 125, 136, 142
William of York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 12, 15, 17, 91, 93
William the Lucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 14-16, 19-21, 23-26, 31, 33-36, 41, 77, 85, 86, 89, 93, 98, 100, 109, 111, 113, 121, 124, 130, 131, 138
William the Silent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 17, 141
Wilowen of Stuarts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 31, 33
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