Lagniappe Potpourri 2016: Under Construction


Lagniappe Potpourri 2016: Under Construction
Lagniappe Potpourri 2016:
Under Construction
What is Lagniappe?
Lagniappe-Potpourri is a completely original musical comedy created and produced
by New Trier students that has fun satirizing high school and the New Trier
community. Students are encouraged to get involved by participating in the cast,
band, costume crew, management staff or stage crew. ​
It is also an opportunity for
board members and student staff members to learn and develop writing,
composing, and designing skills. Lagniappe-Potpourri is one of several New Trier
productions where students have the opportunity to build and paint sets, create
and implement lighting and sound cues, design and make costumes and perform
on stage.
Audition Schedule
Any New Trier Sophomore, Junior or Senior can audition for Lagniappe-Potpourri!
(Freshman can participate in Costume Crew, Pit Band, Stage Crew and Management
Staff). Audition dates and times are:
General Auditions:
Monday, August 17th 2-4 pm 4-6 pm Winnetka
Tuesday, August 18th 2-4 pm 4-6 pm Winnetka
Wednesday, August 19th 3:30-6 pm
Cast List Posted:
Thursday, August 20th at 8 pm
Kick-off for stage crew, costume crew and management staff: August 20
(Northfield Campus) and August 21 (Winnetka Campus)
Performance Dates:
October 6, 7 and 9
Make sure you sign up using our ​
online audition form​
. Audition music and
monologues are at the back of this packet. The callback list will be posted on the
hotline by 9 pm on Tuesday, August 18th. The hotline number is 847-446-7000 ext:
Vocal and acting auditions will be closed in front of the Sponsors, and student
board members.
Remember that both the song and the monologue are chances to show us that you
understand how to interpret a character and his/her perspective using your ​
and your ​
. For your prepared auditions, choose the monologue and song from
this packet that best showcases you as a performer.
Dance auditions will also be held during general auditions. You will be required to
learn a short dance sequence and present it.
What Should I Wear?
Since you are going to be dancing during general auditions, make sure to wear crisp
and clean looking clothes that you can move in. All hair should be tied back.
You must pick one of the monologues from the back of this packet. These
monologues should be memorized. Be sure that you really look at the text and find
transitions, levels and subtext to make your monologue stick out from the rest.
What is important to this character? Why are they saying this? What’s their
Song Selection
You must pick one of the songs from the back of this packet. You will find a list
before the songs of which song is for each vocal range. You should choose the song
that you feel you can sing best. You will assessed on pitch accuracy, tone,
expressing, diction and healthy vocal technique. An accompanist will be provided.
Generally, rehearsals run 3:30-6:00 pm after school and 9:30 am-4:30 pm Saturdays
unless otherwise stated. Technical and Dress Rehearsals begin on September 28th
and will continue until October 5th. These rehearsals run later into the evening.
Potential cast members must be able to commit to all rehearsals during this period.
Some rehearsal times are subject to change, but there will be advanced notice of
said changes. We have a shortened schedule this year so cast members must be
fully committed to the show. The first day of rehearsal is Friday, August 21st.
Stage Crew
Those interested in stage crew are welcome to come to one of the stage crew
meetings on ​
Thursday, August 20, 3:10 in E221 on the Northfield Campus OR
Friday, August 21, 3:30 in A10 (below the Gaffney Auditorium) on the Winnetka
. The stage crew builds and paints the entire Lagniappe set from scratch
using tools and skills provided through the process. If you are cast in the show, you
are not able to be on stage crew. This year Lagniappe stage crew will be working
together with the fall play stage crew.
Costume Crew
If you are interested in joining the costume crew for Lagniappe-Potpourri you are
welcome to come to one of the meetings on ​
Thursday, August 20, 3:10 in E221 on
the Northfield Campus OR Friday, August 21, 3:30 in A10 (below the Gaffney
Auditorium) on the Winnetka Campus​
. The costume crew develops the costumes
for the show and helps actors change during performances. If you are cast in the
show, you will not be able to be a part of the costume crew.
Management Staff
If you are interested in joining the Management staff for Lagniappe-Potpourri you
are welcome to come to one of the meetings on ​
Thursday, August 20, 3:10 in E221
on the Northfield Campus OR Friday, August 21, 3:30 in A10 (below the Gaffney
Auditorium) on the Winnetka Campus​
. The Management staff works with programs,
tickets and budget information. If you are cast in the show, you will not be able to
be a part of the management staff.
Pit Band
If you are interested in joining the Lagniappe 2016 Pit Band please let us know by
filling out this ​
online survey​
. Any contested positions will be settled by recorded
auditions. Please contact Emiel Dejaegher if you have any questions.
What if I need more information?
Feel free to contact the following Lagniappe-Potpourri board members or sponsors
with any questions or concerns you have
Liz Byrne, Co-Head
Jack Byrne, Co-Head
Mr. Estberg, Sponsor
Mr. Penrod, Sponsor
Ms. Simons, Sponsor Lagniappe 2016: Under Construction Audition Monologues The following are the audition monologues. You must perform one of these. Even if a monologue is gender specific, you can change around the pronouns. The same monologues will be required for fall play production: ​
She Kills Monsters. If you have any questions feel free to contact Director Owen Cahill ​​
or one of the sponsors Mr. Estberg ​
Mr. Penrod ​​
Ms. Simons ​
A THING FOR NERDS JENNY: I've always had a thing for nerds. All kinds ... Geeky, Weirdo, Freak, Techie, Trekkie or Dork... you name it... I want to catch them all.. Sorry for the Pokemon reference... I am a bit of a nerd myself. Girl nerds are rare but we do exist. The best thing about nerds is that they give you their full attention. Pretty boys are too worried about their looks and compete for fairest of them all...You get a nerdy guy's full attention. Nothing is more exciting than a girl who gives him the time of day. That's why I like these guys... I feel special... important... and not alone anymore. A DONUT DAYDREAM LULU: I’m dreaming of a donut. I’m that hungry. Like, literally, day dreaming about tasting one. Biting into one. I’m not sure which one I’d choose…Maybe the kind with chocolate icing on the outside and that creamy filling. What are those called? Cream puffs? Or maybe I’d go for a glazed donut. They’re simple. But we all know they’re the best, right? The melted sugar. The glaze. That slight hint of a yeasty dough. I like to feel the glaze melt on my tongue. Turn from icing into liquid. I really should be studying. I know that. I have my books right here. But when you’re hungry…you know…it’s all you can think about. I guess this is how those kids in Africa feel. Those poor kids. THE BEST MARRIAGE ADVICE GEORGIA: My husband and I bought a dog and named him Mugger. But Mugger got hit by a car and died. As I walked to Mugger's body, a neighbor stopped me and told me I ought to keep my dogs on a leash and perhaps they wouldn't run into the road and die quite so often. Well, I thought this was an absolutely brilliant idea and so did my husband. Why, it was just perfectly horrific picking up Mugger's body from the street. I said to my husband right then, "Husband, this is just perfectly horrific picking up Mugger's body from the street. If we ever own children, we must heed our neighbor's advice and keep them on a leash." COMIC SANS COMIC SANS: People love me. Why? Because I’m fun. I’m the life of the party. I bring levity to any situation. Need to soften the blow of a harsh message about restroom etiquette? SLAM. There I am. Need to spice up the directions to your graduation party? WHAM. There again. Need to convey your fun­loving, approachable nature on your business’ website? SMACK.. I’m not just a font. I am a force of nature and I will not rest until every uptight armchair typographer like you is surrounded by my lovable, comic­book inspired, sans­serif badassery. TOMMY BOY TOMMY: Dude, you'll never believe what happened to me today. I got to my first period class and when I was called to read my presentation, I strolled up to the front of the room with a gleaming smile...I actually winked at this girl in the front row! Right when I was getting ready to start my presentation, the teacher called me aside...I thought I'd gone too far with the winking. Dude, when she started talking to me, my stomach dropped to my feet, and I could feel my face turning as white as a ghost. Well I thanked the teacher anyway, turned away from the class, swallowed my pride and zipped​
up my fly." MASSIVE HIGH CODY: Nervous? Don’t be nervous. What’s there to be nervous out? We’ve been waiting to start high school for like ever. It’s gonna be so awesome! Just think how many mega­babes are gonna be walking through those halls and in our classes! And I‘ll finally have bigger lockers and a decent gym and multiple DR's! Just like a mall! And tons of people to meet, parties to invited to, real football games, new teachers who don’t ~e us yet! New faces everywhere you look! It’s huge! I mean, probably won’t even see each other (Realizing as he speaks.) whole... day... long. (Beat.) You’re still gonna eat lunch with me right?" WORST AUDITION EVER So I was at the most important callback of my entire acting career. I had been practicing for about 3 weeks. When the day had finally came, I was really nervous, but I knew I had it. I was in the middle of my monologue when...I BURPED! And not a small one. A full out belch! And to make matters worse, I forgot my lines after that! So instead of going on I just stood there like a complete idiot! The producers told me I was fine, but the look on their face said otherwise. And when I walked out of the room everyone was staring at me. I think it's safe to say, I didn't get a call back after that. LEO BLOOM’S MONOLOGUE LEO: I would like to say something your honor, not on my behalf, but in reference to my partner, Mr. Bialystock....your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Max Bialystock is the most selfish man I ever met in my life... But, your honor, as I understand it the law was created to protect people from being wronged. Your honor, whom has Max Bialystock wronged? I mean, whom has he really hurt? Not me. I never sang a song before. I mean with someone else, I never sang a song with someone else before. This man.... this man... this is a wonderful man. He made me what I am today...he did. THE PERFECT MAN VERONICA: What do I look for in a man? Oh, what every simple woman wants, I suppose. The sort of man who can laugh fondly at a memorial service, shed a tear at a wedding. He loves the great outdoors, animals, large families, and pasta. He enjoys wearing sweaters, despises the color aqua­marine, and eats pineapple for breakfast every Sunday morning. He whistles showtunes, donates spare change to organ grinder monkeys, and makes a wish during every lunar eclipse. Although he does suffer from tennis elbow and he gets dreadfully angry at crossword puzzles, he has has the sweetest smile in the entire world. (Pause.) Oh, and he's rich. Lagniappe 2016: Under Construction
Please choose one of the songs listed below and memorize the cut specified in the audition
packet. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Choral Directors
Kevin Parra - ​​
or ​
Bea McManus - ​​
or one of the sponsors Timothy Estberg ​​
Rick Penrod ​ or Kerri Simons TENORS
I Can See It­The Fantasticks Extraordinary­Pippin Santa Fe­Newsies I Wanna Be a Producer­The Producers BARITONES
The Gypsy in Me­Anything Goes Singin' in the Rain­Singin' in the Rain Try To Remember­The Fantasticks I'm Not That Smart­The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee ALTOS
What I Did For Love­A Chorus Line Kindergarten Boyfriend­Heathers Pulled­The Addams Family Out Here On My Own­Fame SOPRANOS
I Speak Six Languages­The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee It’s an Art­Working the Musical Another Hundred People­Company Gimme Gimme­Thoroughly Modern Millie Alternate Song Don’t Stop Believing­Journey