sandbridge beach news - Sandbridge Beach Civic League
sandbridge beach news - Sandbridge Beach Civic League
VOL. 40 | No. 9 november 2015 SANDBRIDGE BEACH NEWS SANDBRIDGE BEACH, VA 23456 ! NEW WWW.SANDBRIDGECIVICLEAGUE.ORG Letter from the president We have had a very interesting early fall with incessant heavy winds being our worst enemy, luckily causing minimal beach erosion. Of course, it could have been much, much worse with a direct hit by Joaquin. Very fortunate, again! With 53 members present for our October meeting, the Sandbridge Beach Civic League hosted two candidates for the House of Delegates: incumbent Barry Knight and Jeff Staples. Make sure you take time to vote on November 3. The city is close to making a proposal regarding Event Homes to present during the informal council session on November 10. There will be time for public review and comment prior to when a final vote is taken to make this an ordinance. Sandbridge Oktoberfest at the Baja was a Grand Deutsch occasion with food and bier to celebrate. Pat Burns and the Oktoberfest helfers deserve kudos preparing for this event not once, but twice, due to a brush by Joaquin. Jimmy Reeves was a joy to work with switching dates. The nippy weather made us realize fall had arrived for sure. We are a unique community with many opportunities to help our neighbors. If you find you have extra time, think of joining the rescue squad, helping at the day school, or participating in one of our many events that support local charities and generally those in need. There are plenty of wonderful accomplishments that can be achieved by being “right neighborly”. I received a call this week from my neighbor to look out my window and enjoy the whales traveling back and forth, jumping out of the ocean within 100 yards off shore (Thanks Chandler). It was a “wow” moment! Not to mention watching the wave worshippers hanging 10 on some classic fall breakers. Enjoy the season and remember those less fortunate. Keep our military heroes and their families in your thoughts as well. . Remember, in Sandbridge we have an “open shore” policy! Enjoy where you are in life. Joan SANDBRIDGE BEACH CIVIC LEAGUE GUEST SPEAKEr City of Virginia Beach staff to discuss issues regarding "Event Homes" in Virginia Beach. Monday, November 16th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Sandbridge Community Chapel. Please come at 6:45 p.m. and enjoy refreshments with your friends and neighbors. Christmas by the Sea A Community Helping Those In Need Proceeds benefiting Food Bank of SE Virginia and Virginia Beach SPCA Saturday December 5, 2015 10 AM - 4 PM Antique and collectable cars will be on display at each home Bakery/Arts and Crafts Tickets are $20.00 in advance, $25.00 day of tour Sponsored by A Dolphin’s Promise Like us on Facebook at Sandbridge Christmas by the Sea Home Tour or contact us at Call Today! 348-4180 or 426-2022 THE RITZ 2756 Sandfiddler Road Siebert Realty FROGGINN CASTLE 3325 Sandpiper Road Sandbridge Blue HAWAIIAN PALACE 2768 Sandfiddler Road Sandbridge Blue MAI TAI 3024 Sandfiddler Road Sandbridge Beach Business Association VISTA ROYALE 2920 Sandfiddler Road Sandbridge Realty KILGORE HOME 365 Back Bay Crescent Personal Home 2015-16 Meeting Dates November 16, 2015 - Monday 7:00pm January 18, 2016 - Monday 7:00pm February 15, 2016 - Monday 7:00pm March 21, 2016 - Monday 7:00pm April 18, 2016 - Monday 7:00pm May 16, 2016 - Monday 7:00pm June 18, 2016 - Saturday 10:30am Mark your calendars now so you can make your plans to attend each of the Civic League meetings. The meetings are held in the Sandbridge Chapel Community Center at 3041 Sandpiper Road. Meet your neighbors and take part in your community business. Sandbridge is YOUR community, and each resident counts. *Come 15 minutes early to both morning or evening meetings to socialize with neighbors. Sandbridge Beach Civic League Advertising Guide All ads are to be submitted directly to the advertising coordinator, by the 12th of each month. Black & White - Ad Prices: 1.5” x 2.25” size ad $50 per issue 2.25” x 3” size ad $90 per issue Full Color - Ad Prices: 1.5” x 2.25” size ad $125 per issue 2.25” x 3” size ad $165 per issue ADS ARE TO BE CAMERA READY • No personal, political, individual real estate agent/broker ads or flyers please. • All ads must be prepaid. New ads will have a three-month minimum. • Make checks payable to Sandbridge Beach Civic League and send to: Ginny McCormac 325 Sage Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 For more info, contact Ginny at 721-5816 Sandbridge Rescue Squad Contact: Joan Davis 757-714-2304 305 Sandbridge Rd. Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Sandbridge Community Chapel Traditional 8:30 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM Contemporary 11:00 AM 3041 Sandpiper Road 721-3105 2 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, OCTOBER 2015 SANDBRIDGE BEACH NEWS is published monthly by the Sandbridge Beach Civic League. Free to all paid up members of SBCL. President........................................ Joan DavisSecretary. .........................................................714-2304. Vice President........................Cheryl CalorasTreasurer. ................................................. 203-770-6537. ....................................Kay Scafone Secretary ........................................................721-5984 ..............................Tim Ferramosca Treasurer ........................................................301-8977 Board of Directors Cindy Graf.......................................573-5272Jim Belcher. Jim Belcher ............................. 804-731-5829 Fred Greene......................................288-0372Lisa Roland. .Lisa ....................................618-7419 Roland Cary Shreve, Past President-Ex-Officio.................... ........................................................573-7200 Newsletter Co-Editor ….............…Jane Stilley ….................................. 609-238-3150, Co-Editor …..…...........Jim Belcher ……........................804-731-5829, Advertising …..............Ginny McCormac ……..............................................................721-5816 Mailing ….............…...Charlie & Chris Ellin …….........................................................426-8995 Website …..…..............Kathie Springer …… Website Submissions....Cheryl Caloras Membership & Directory By-Laws .................................................. Cheryl Caloras ...................................... 203-770-6537 Directory ................................................. Fred Greene ..................................................288-0372 Directory ................................................. Cary Shreve ..................................................573-7200 Directory Advertising .............................. Donna Earp ...................................................721-7711 Dues: $15/year. Make payable to Sandbridge Beach Civic League and mail to SBCL, 2129 General Booth Blvd., Suite 103-180, Virginia Beach, VA 23454. Printer: River City Graphics, Inc. 519-9525 DISCLAIMER: The articles in the Newsletter express the opinion of the authors and are not necessarily the opinions of the Civic League. Your articles are welcome. Bylaws are available upon request by contacting the SBCL Secretary. Deadline for news articles is the 15th of the month. Please send all articles in Word .doc format (NOT .docx), to the newsletter editor. All ads are to be submitted directly to the advertising coordinator, by the 12th of each month. Printed On Recycled Paper Calling All Members Sandbridge is a small community, home to many celebrations, anniversaries, announcements, births and deaths. As your neighborhood paper, we urge all members to submit any information, in writing, that could be shared with our families. Don’t forget the deadline is the 15th of every month! Send your written articles and pictures to 3700 Sandpiper Road, Unit 123-A, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 or e-mail: or Saint John the Apostle Catholic Church 1968 Sandbridge Road The Rev. Robert J. Cole, Pastor MASS SCHEDULE All Masses are celebrated at Saint John the Apostle Catholic Church. Saturday - 5:00 pm Sunday - 7:30 am 9:15 am 11:00 am Mon. - Tues., Thurs. - Fri. - 7:30 am Wednesday 8:00 am St. Simon’s BY-THE-SEA Episcopal Church The Rev. Marni J. Schneider, Vicar Sundays 9:30 am – Holy Eucharist 308 Sandbridge Road (across from the fire station) SANDBRIDGE COMMUNITY DAY SCHOOL 721-2401 Call Now! Sandbridge Beach Civic League September Minutes The SBCL Meeting was called to order at 7PM by President Joan Davis. Charles Learned led the membership in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. President Joan Davis asked for prayers for Nancy Learned, who is in intensive care at the Princess Anne Hospital. Guest Speakers: Vice President Cheryl Caloras introduced the guest speakers, both of whom are running for the Virginia House of Delegates. The first speaker was Jeff Stables from the Green Party. Next, incumbent Delegate Barry Knight spoke. Each candidate detailed his campaign platform to the SBCL members. Business Meeting: The minutes from the September meeting were approved as written in the newsletter. Treasurer Tim Ferramosca was vacationing in Italy so there was no Treasurer’s report presented. Committee Reports: Kathie Springer is doing a great job on the SBCL web site. Please take the time to view it at www.sandbridgecivicleague. org. Access ways from Sandfiddler to Sandpiper: Frank Meyer – If we see any problems with any of these access ways, give Frank a call, and he will have a work order written up for it. Environmental: Cheryl Petticrew – The City continues to treat the Beach Vitex properties during this optimal time of the year. The state has passed the regulation for the Enforcement of the Noxious Weeds Law. This makes Beach Vitex a “Tier one Noxious weed”, meaning that it is not native to the Commonwealth and for which successful eradication or suppression is likely. Infrastructure/Public Access way: Bill Price – If you own property by an access way and feel it needs improvement, let Bill know and that access way will get priority treatment. Membership: Charlie Ellin - Current membership is at 838. We will be putting out a directory supplement in the November newsletter. Charlie will also be selling directories for $5.00 each and extra SBCL decals for $1.00 after the meeting. Back Bay Restoration: Charlie Ellin – Back Bay Restoration turns 30 this year. The Flyaway Fest will celebrate this anniversary on October 24. Newsletter: Co-editors Jane Stilley and Jim Belcher appreciate all pictures that are sent to them from Sandbridge functions and will use them in the newsletter. When emailing articles in, please put NEWSLETTER in the subject line. The deadline for newsletter photos and copy is the 15th of each month. Unfinished Business: Tuna Lane – Signs have been installed indicating the length until people reach the crosswalks (e.g., crosswalks 500 feet, then crosswalks 250 feet, etc.) The roads still have not been marked. Molly Brown had requested an update on the FOIA requested by the Civic League. President Joan Davis announced it had been withdrawn because of problems certain people were having with it. City Councilwoman Barbara Henley came with an update on Event Homes. Before she began talking on the latest from event homes, she wanted to talk about the Nimmo Parkway extension. She assured us Nimmo Parkway 7A design has her support. She said the City prioritizes the roads projects on congestion not safety, so that puts Nimmo far down the list. However, she has been reassured by her staff that they will get it in the next CIP. Councilwoman Henley feels that the design won't be at the 30% level, but even at the 5% level it will be presented to us before the end of the year for the Sandbridge residents to review and comment on it. She doesn't believe the State will provide any funding for it since she said it isn't permitted yet, but the councilwoman said it is moving right along. The way we get roads built in this area is by phasing them to spread out the cost over a longer period of time. Next, Councilwoman Henley brought up event homes. She is hoping to have a draft in early November. City worker Bill McCully is on medical leave but is still busy working on this with his staff. They are hoping to present a draft to the City Council on the second Tuesday in November (November 10). People can come to the meeting, and it will also be televised to the public. This draft affects everyone city wide, so all of the City Council will need to be present for the presentation. As soon as the City Council comes to an agreement on a draft, then it will be put out city wide for all homeowners of Virginia Beach to review, make comments and add suggestions. They will keep working at it until they get a draft that seems workable and fair to most residents of our City. At that time it will go through the process for approval. There have been many issues on the event houses, but Councilwoman Henley still believes that we can as a community still work together despite our many differences. We also had a history lesson on FOIA – Freedom of Information Act. It was established to ensure open government--that all citizens have the right to know at all times what is going on within their community. Sandbridge Golf Tournament: This event will be held on Friday, November 6 at Oceana and is sponsored by Sandbridge Realty. A special thanks to Trinity for stepping in for Andrea Colvin and doing an outstanding job setting up the refreshment table for all of us at tonight’s meeting! The next meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 16 at the Sandbridge Community Chapel. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50. Respectfully submitted, Kay Scafone CHEMICAL & PAPER CO. Beautification: Greta Stallings – Cheryl Petticrew, Molly Brown and Kate Hunter are helping with beautification. Unfortunately, some of the seasonal decorations have been disappearing.....! Greta is looking for other volunteers who would love to help keeping our gardens tended and in other areas of landscaping. 1356 London Bridge Rd. • Va. Beach, VA 23453 Octoberfest: Pat Burns – Kudos to Pat for another wunderbar party at the Baja! On a down side, we had 100 people who signed up for the Octoberfest but were no-shows. We always have no-shows but not this many; we all have to remember Pat orders food and drinks (I don't think that was wasted) for the event, and a lot of money goes to waste when members do not attend after they indicated that they would. Neighbors Helping Neighbors Sidewalks: Cheryl Caloras – We have six volunteers working on getting signatures to have sidewalks installed on Sandpiper Road. Road Repaving and Repair/Watertower: Susan Sadowski – Public Works still hasn't gotten back to her on the dates for starting the storm water improvements on Shad Lane and Whiting. Also Susan has helped us by getting a No Parking sign put up on Marlin where it intersects with Sandpiper--now cars can turn freely without fearing an accident occurring. Also, at the Ashby Bridge Development, the water and sewer pipes will soon be ready for installation. At that point the northbound traffic will be rerouted onto the side road. Sanitary Maintenance Supplies 427-2002 Jonathan Orlando, PT, DPT Clinical Director REDMILL CLINIC 2004 Sandbridge Rd., Ste. 102 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 757.301.6316 f t TPTI.COM/REDMILL Transition: Bill Brown - Anderson Nursery will be open next spring on Sandbridge Road just east of the Food Lion. The Sentara Office Building along Sandbridge Road was approved to be built, but construction has not started, and now Sentara may not go forward with their plans. Our cell tower has added one additional cell phone company, but the company's name has yet to be provided. Christmas By the Sea: Judy Donahue and Donna Russell – This event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, December 5. There will be six homes to tour this year. Tickets are on sale at the realty offices and at the Sandbridge Chapel, or you can see Donna or Judy for tickets. You can save money by buying tickets in advance! In addition to the tour, there will be antique cars displayed at the houses and a bizarre in the Chapel Community Center. Sandbridge Clean Up: James Barton and Kevin Wong - The clean-up will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 1. Sandbridge Chapel Day School: Jonnie Mellen – The Day School now has 45 children enrolled, and they are looking for volunteers to read to the children, hold the babies or just offer help. SANDBRIDGE NEWS, OCTOBER 2015 3 For Your information... Animal Poison Control hotline: 888-426-4435 Pet Poison Helpline: 800-213-6680 ! NEW THE SANDBRIDGE CIVIC LEAGUE HAS A NEW WEBSITE. NE W! CHECK US OUT AT WWW.SANDBRIDGECIVICLEAGUE.ORG STORM PHOTOS: Thanks to everyone who sent in pictures of the coastal storm. You can see even more photos on our new and improved website: Photo credits: Hailey Carnohan, Joan Davis, Tim Ferramosca, Bev Kwiatkoswki, Joe Phelan, Jane Stilley, Deb Whipple SEND US YOUR STORIES Do you have a story, event, or photograph that might interest your friends and neighbors in Sandbridge? Send it to us at or Please remember, your articles are due by the 15th of each month to make the upcoming newsletter. ANNUAL WINTER CLOSURE: The East and West Dike trails at the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge will be closed between November 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016. During this time, the tram tour will only run twice a month on Sundays. Please see flyer in this newsletter for information about the winter tram trips. Meet Kathie Springer. She's the new editor of the brand new Sandbridge Beach Civic League website. Check out the new and improved page at SAVE THE DATE: Charlie Normile's Turkey Trot Race for the Fallen takes place on Thanksgiving Day, November 26, outside the Sandbridge Seaside Market. For more information go to 4 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 HURRICANE SHUTTERS Providing complete storm protection Security Weatherproofing Residential & Commercial Call Today! Free Estimates 100% Financing Available 757-463-1446 FRAIM FEST By: Jim Belcher Fraim Fest 2015 overcame some threatening weather to make the third annual charity fund-raising event a huge success. With ominous skies all day, Fraim Fest 2015 proved very resilient for more than 300 friends who ignored the dire forecasts and enjoyed the food, fellowship and camaraderie that have become a trademark at the event hosted by Tom, Sharon, Tommy, Julie, John and Melissa Fraim. Some of the many highlights included Thomas Malbon’s barbecue and grilled chicken; steamed shrimp, crabs and sausage at a separate table; Mr. Softy providing ice cream for the children and a drone that hovered just above the crowd for much of the event while filming the event’s festivities. In preliminary reports, Fraim Fest 2015 raised more than $7,000, which will benefit three different organizations. This year’s charities include I Need a Lighthouse, whose mission is to reduce significantly the loss and suffering from teen and young adult depression, suicide and suicidal behavior in South Hampton Roads; A Run for Kendra, a scholarship fund set up in memory of Virginia Beach resident Kendra Atherton by her 16-year-old son Hunter with all proceeds benefitting a local college-bound senior who has lost a parent to cancer; and the Old Coast Guard Station, which honors and preserves the history of Virginia’s coastal communities and maritime heritage as well as holding educational classes to teach and inspire children from kindergarten through high school about Virginia’s rich coastal history. SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 5 Sandbridge Hei Hei By: Anne Gassett Good weather and calm seas greeted 60 participants as they competed in the 9th Annual Sandbridge Hei Hei Paddle Race on Saturday, September 19th at the Baja Restaurant. The paddlers went through a six-mile course that consisted of four laps in a figure 8 pattern. This was exciting for the spectators as they could view the whole course from the Bayview lounge. There were also two events for the kids. First there was a short one-mile paddleboard race. Then the kids took part in a very fun obstacle course created by Sandbridge locals Bob Pudney and Murray and Will Casey. The one-day event raised over $5,000 for two charities: The Virginia Aquarium Stranding Center and The Family of Kraig Vickers, a Navy EOD Technician who was killed along with 30 others on August 6, 2011 in Afghanistan. We want to thank the Sandbridge Community, volunteers, participants and business owners for their continued support for this event. (see photos to the right - p. 7) IN MEMORY In honor of Cancer Awareness Month in October, longtime Sandbridge resident Margaret Newton-Jones had her name memorialized on the side of the race car “Instigator.” Margaret passed away in March after a courageous 20-year battle with cancer. “Instigator” is raced by Hoosier Thunder Motorsports. Margaret’s son, Chris Newton, is a member of that racing team. 6 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 Bane Barton Will Casey, Amy Barton and Abby Pudney Serving over 400 homes in Sandbridge! Sandbridge Realty... More than just sand in your pocket. Vacation Rentals Property Management Real Estate Sales *K-9 Bed Bug Protection Program *Pool & Hot Tub Maintenance *Pest Control *Lawn & Landscaping Services *Power Washing & Filter Services (757) 689-0901 (757) 426-6262 581 Sandbridge Road, Virginia Beach, VA SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 7 Oktoberfest 2015 Photos by Jane Stilley, Jim Belcher and Kathy Gause By: Pat Burns Despite the chilly fall weather, Oktoberfest had a great turnout of 214 people. The evening was festive with German Music and dancing. The food is always delicious, thanks to Jimmy Reeve and his wonderful staff dressed for the occasion. I want to thank my team of hard workers that made the success of Oktoberfest possible. Those that were there early Sunday morning decorating: Nancy Marchman, Emilie and Ed Palmer, Audrey and John Settle, Doug and Janice Lott and Chris Maniscalco. Those that were Greeters and checking everyone in: Emilie Palmer, Joan Davis, Cheryl Caloras, and John Spallone, Bev and Gene Kwiatkowski, Bonita and Don Quinn and Janet and Frank Meyer. Those who helped with clean up: Bob and Sarah McMillin, Bryan Harrell, Beth and John LePine, Mike and Jean Davis. Thanks for all your support! It is always an outstanding event for all! Pat 8 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 9 Va Ex ca cep tio tio n Re nal nt al s Exclusive Amenities & All-Inclusive Package at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE! a Fresh Approach to VacaTion RenTalS The Best Vacation Properties and Blue Ribbon Service. Exceptional property management with exclusive amenities and features for both Owners AND Guests. Where Customer Service NeveR Takes A vacation! 877.496.0637 • 1993 Sandbridge Road • Suite 107 • Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Serving over 400 homes in Sandbridge! Sandbridge Realty... More than just sand in your pocket. Vacation Rentals Property Management Real Estate Sales *K-9 Bed Bug Protection Program *Pest Control *Master Plumber *Pool & Hot Tub Maintenance *Lawn & Landscaping Services *Power Washing & Filter Services (757) 689-0901 (757) 426-6262 581 Sandbridge Road, Virginia Beach, VA 10 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 2015 RESULTS 100 Contestants Super Groms - Hattie Smith, Hassler Yancey, Reed Kindley, Nickolas Naylor, Jr., Liam Maloney, Eliana Seymour, Samantha Harrell, Josh Humenik, Daisy Smith, Jack Baart, Sunny Barton, Brayden Shackleford, Brody Rick, Carson Maloney, Finn Turner, Denver Yancey, Anna Bolling. Menehunes: 1.Kanoa Wong 2.Blayr Barton 3. Rhett Kirkland 4. Addison Kirklad 5. Elliott Bolling 6. Finn Turner Girls: 1.Rachel Wilson 2. Sunny Barton 3. Milena Harrell 4. Blake Parker 5. Summer Brody 6. Kaitlyn Sloan Body Board: 1. Keaton Kirkland 2. Owen Mitchell 3. Mason Quiban 4. Jack Mitchell 5. Ryan Proctor 6. Tim Musselman Jr. Longboard: 1.Ted Eberhart 2. Kai Barton 3. Brody Lewis 4. Keaton Kirkland 5. Max Bigney 6. Noah Barnas Sr. Longboard: 1.Ian Seymour 2. Ryan Gay 3. Mike Bigney 4. Travis Kesler 5. James Barton 6. Lawson Rogers Jr. Shortboard 1.Kai Barton 2. Noah Barnas 3. Brody Lewis 4. Ted Eberhart 5. Max Bigney 6. Cameron Houck Men's Shortboard: 1. Lucas Rogers 2. Andrew Meyers 3. Justin Acosta 4. Brad Harrell 5. Ian Seymour 6. Jimmy Baart After paying all expenses, the 2015 Baja Surf Classic raised over $3,500 for Jimbo Borum and Richie Smith, who are former longtime Baja employees. Because of their immediate medical needs, the Baja Restaurant will match the amount raised and add enough so each gentleman receives $4,000. A BIG THANK YOU TO : Artists for trophies: Eric Coulson, Jill Eberhart, Courtenay Barton, Ashton Beebe, Jess Pfeufer, Ann Pfeufer, Corey Deary T-shirt design: Ashton Beebe Music By Kevin Sponsors: Sandbridge Events: Gift Baskets Mahogany Surfboards Quicksilver Rock It Surf Ben Lane & family Surf & Adventure Pungo Board House Clearwater Pools Chicho’s Sandbridge Seaside Market AJ Gators Whiskey Kitchen Blue Pete’s Dave Matthews Band Margie & Ray’s Crazy Good Donuts Party Missile Hand Planes Collier Family South Beach Pools Pfeufer Construction Barton family Eberhart family Yancy family Tim White Construction Pristine Pool SBH Realty Greg Kram Plumbing Wilkins Bait Shop Zimmerman family Banditos Siebert Realty Sandbridge Realty Sandbridge Blue Realty Frametastic Bybee family Accura Pools Resort Pools & Fences Beach Windows & Siding Keith Elks Realty Benze Painting Sandbridge Business Association Jimmy Lewis family RBH Construction Sandbridge Civic League Boardwok Restaurant Sandbridge Island Restaurant O’Neill Hunt Club Farm SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 11 More than just sand in your pocket. *Pest Control *Pool & Hot Tub Maintenance *Lawn & Landscaping Services *Power Washing & Filter Services (757) 689-0901 (757) 426-6262 2,3,4 Bedroom & Penthouse Condos Private Boardwalk & 3 Pools Special Events Full Service Real Estate Sales Office 581 Sandbridge Road, Virginia Beach, VA (757) 457-0050 3700 Sandpiper Road Va Beach, VA 23456 Simply Steamed Take Out Seafood Market & Catering Martha Gaione & Toni Smith 2545 Sandpiper Road Virginia Beach, VA 23456 757-301-8553 10 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, AUGUST 2013 Family and Cosmetic Dentistry HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JIM! Dr. Jeffrey R. Bek, D.D.S. 426-6151 Jim Phipps recently celebrated his 96th birthday with friends at the home of Margie Dowe. It's believed Jim is the oldest resident in Sandbridge. Congratulations on your milestone, Jim! 1767 Princess Anne Road PMS Deli 10% off breakfast and lunch or 20% off dinner 757-‐427-‐1400 1789 London Bridge Road Offer expires November 30, 2015 12 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 PELTING RAIN, POUNDING SUrF, HIGh WINDs & HIGh TIDEs It was the coastal storm that seemed like it would never end! But thankfully,Sandbridge dodged the bullet called "Joaquin." SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 13 THE ABC'S OF FIRE SAFETY Proudly Serving the Sandbridge Community! By: Jonnie Mellen The Sandbridge Rescue Squad and the Station 17 fire truck made a stop by the Sandbridge Day School for an exciting and informative visit. The kids are working on the letters F and R. Local firefighter Mark Scott and his dog Sparky wowed the crowd with their lesson on fire safety. Design & Construction John MacKay CUSTOM FENCES 721-JOHN ◆◆◆ “We do it all” - (757) 721-5646 46 W P I WYNNE PLUMBING, INC. Kai G. Wynne, Master Plumber Josh Wynne General Plumbing Services and Repairs Faucets • Toilets Winterizing Water Heaters • Disposers Drain Cleaning Shop: 426-2045 499-5399 14 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 Upcoming Events Calendar Sandbridge Beach Civic League Monthly Financial Report SEPTEMBER 2015 BEGINNING BALANCES, AUGUST 31, 2015 Towne Bank Checking Account Bulk Mail Account TOTAL ACCOUNTS $28,546.15 $1,938.17 $30,484.32 INCOME Advertising Income $3,805.00 Dues$45.00 Interest $0.21 TOTAL INCOME $3,850.21 EXPENSES Postage$183.81 Directory Printing $4,940.00 Newsletter printing $1,600.00 Insurance$387.00 Bulk Mailings $762.63 TOTAL EXPENSES $7,873.44 ENDING BALANCES, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Towne Bank Checking Account Bulk Mail Account TOTAL ACCOUNTS $25,285.55 $1,175.54 $26,461.09 SAVE THE DATE 38th ANNUAL COLONIAL DINNER November 14, 2015 4 -‐ 7 PM Tabernacle United Methodist Church 1265 Sandbridge Rd 426-‐7115 $10 Adults $5 Children Country Ham or Turkey with Dressing Collards, Sweet Potatoes Corn Pudding, String Beans Cornbread or Roll Dessert: Apple Crisp, Pumpkin Pie or Bread Pudding Take-‐Out Meals are Available Holiday Bazaar with Baked Goods and Crafts SAVE THE DATE November Birthstone: Topaz Flower: Chrysanthemum *Adopt a Senior Pet Month* 1 Sun All Saints Day Daylight Saving Time Ends Election Day 3 Tue 6 Fri Sandbridge Realty Charity Golf Tourny 10 Tue Blue Can Recycle Day 11 Wed Veterans Day 14 Sat Battle of Ia Drang Valley Vietnam (1965) Sherman's "March to the Sea" Begins (1864) 16 Mon Civic League Meeting 19 Thu Blood Drive SAVE THE Blue Can Recycle Day DATE 38th ANNUAL COLONIAL D 26 Thu Thanksgiving Day 29 Sun First Day of Advent 24 Tue November 14, 2015 4 -‐ 7 December Tabernacle United Methodist Birthstone: Turquoise Flower: Poinsetta Rd 426-‐7 1265 Sandbridge *NOTE: No Civic League Meeting* $10 Adults $5 Childre 5 Sat Sandbridge Tour of Homes Ham oParty r Tw/ urkey 6Country Sun Christmas Santa with Dre Collards, Sweet Potatoes 7 Mon Pearl Harbor Day Pudding, String Beans Corn First Day of Hanukkah Cornbread or Roll 8 Tue Blue Can Recycle Day Dessert: Apple Crisp, Pumpkin Pie or Br 16 Wed Battle of the Bulge (1944) Take-‐Out eals Blue Can M Recycle Dayare Availa First Day of Winter Holiday Bazaar with 25FriBaked ChristmasGoods and Crafts 26 Sat First Day of Kwanzaa 31 Thu New Year's Eve 22 Tue SANDBRIDGE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2015 SAVE THE 15DATE SANDBRIDGE BEACH CIVIC LEAGUE 2129 General Booth Blvd. Suite 103 - 180 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454 PRESORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID VIRGINIA BEACH VA PERMIT NO. 3031 NEXT MEETING Monday, November 16th at 7:00 p.m. at the Sandbridge Chapel Community Center, 3041 Sandpiper Road Flotsam and Jetsam I showed up late at the annual Octoberfest, but the band was still going strong and there was plenty of food left. Most of the tables outside under the tent were empty as people huddled inside keeping warm. The sun was low in the sky over beautiful Back Bay and I was glad to be there in time to know that could watch it set. I said good-bye to a number of folks as I arrived and they left…Ed and Emilie Palmer, Lee and Kathy Gause, Rick and Nancy Fellini. All seemed festive and full of autumn fun. Inside I chatted with Charlotte Kent-Bahr, Ginny Maloney, Martha Gaione, Gerri Bybee, Nancy and Sammy Stoakley, Nicole Roper and her new neighbor. I posed to have photos taken by Jane Stilley and Elena Boyce who were replacing Cindy Graf as official photographers; luckily there is no shortage of talented people here at Sandbridge Beach. Cindy had just arrived in Guam, joining her husband Bill for his two year tour of duty there and those of us who follow her on Facebook were particularly aware of her absence. We’d already received photos of what she’d had for dinner and we’d seen their new “ocean view.” It is amazing, really, to think of how the ocean waters connect all the coastal countries of the world. So thinking pleasantly of Cindy and Bill, I smiled and happily put my arms around my SB friends as the cameras recorded our faces and smiles. In gratitude, I watched the bright orange sun slip below a bright orange sky. Bryan Harrell, Julie Mc Laughlin and sweet Bobby Smith were still there after the sun set, having fun, and I was glad to talk to Bobby about how important the Hotcakes Band had been in my life and in the lives of so many others. It will be exciting to see what comes next for those genuinely gifted musicians. Meanwhile the Octoberfest band was still playing outside…enthusiastically. I decided to go outside and get a Bratwurst with sauerkraut and mustard and lean against a post, shielding myself from the chilly wind, while I ate the German fare. As I ate, I enjoyed listening to the band play on until it was time for the party to be over. Bob McMillin was starting to fold up the empty chairs and Sarah, I think, was enjoying a last dance of the night across the near empty “room.” Pat Burns looked cute, but a little cold, in her hot pink tutu and buttoned up coat as she continued to perform her duties as chairperson for this well-attended event. There had been singing and a lot of dancing, along with some attendees avoiding…dancing…as the Sandbridge community gathered together just to have fun. Pat seemed pleased with the turnout and the event’s success. The Baja is the perfect location for this party. Hanging out to the end, almost seven o’clock, were Sallie Kerr and Ken, Judy and Richard Donahue, Janet and Frank Meyer, Mike and Jackie Zovak and Bobbie and David Cobbs. I was glad to be among them, even though I’d gotten there late. It was fun! Earlier in the day, Kevin Wong and his family, staff, friends and loyal customers celebrated fifteen years of Boardwok Restaurant’s serving great food in their corner location, tucked in, at the other end of Sandbridge Road. A tent had been put up for the occasion and a band was blasting away. Good food and a big newsy sheet cake served as Sunday lunch for James and Courtenay Barton, Lisa Roland and Rick Stout and other Boardwok fans. Souvenir tee shirts were given away to the happy crowd of children and adults gathered there. Did you know that Kevin used to be an award-winning teacher at Deep Creek High School? He still has a following of fellow teachers who travel pretty far to eat his award-winning food! Nancy Saxman impressed her table of Mah Jongg players by winning three times! Luckily the sun was shining on her balcony and the guests appreciated her warm hospitality, despite their inability to win. Maybe next time? I saw a whale last week in front of my house. One never knows what each new day might bring. The holidays are fast approaching so have a joyful, healthy, happy season and let us be kind to one another. Kind thoughts go to the Whittemore family and love is pouring out to Nancy Learned as these words are being written. Take care and again, happy holidays to us all. Santa shall soon be coming to Sandbridge Beach! Chandler Dennis……with the View from my Deck
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SENIORS: Joan - Sandbridge Beach Civic League
Co-Editor …..…...........Jim Belcher ……........................804-731-5829,
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