SENIORS: Joan - Sandbridge Beach Civic League
SENIORS: Joan - Sandbridge Beach Civic League
SANDBRIDGE BEACH NEWS VOL. 41 | No. 4 MAY 2016 SANDBRIDGE BEACH, VA 23456 WWW.SANDBRIDGECIVICLEAGUE.ORG LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT While taking my walk this afternoon, I observed a mama fox and her five cubs playing cautiously as she would drag them back to safety. She watched intently as I watched her hovering and caring for her family. The "Bridge" never ceases to amaze me. I can’t say it enough--I love where I live! April's civic league meeting hosted Interim Deputy City Manager Tom Leahy, Director of Public Works Phil Davenport and City Engineer Dan Adams from the City of Virginia Beach. They covered all the questions forwarded from the community and a few more. They remain available for questions when needed. We thank them for taking their time away from their families to update us on Sandbridge projects. The crosswalks near Tuna are on the work order list and will be complete prior to our busy season. The sidewalk project from the light to Porpoise Lane will be under way in the next week or two and finished prior to May 15. This project has been in the works for years. The sand that has encroached on the road will be cleared. The downed tree debris will be removed from the ditches off Sandbridge Road per the city within weeks. The SBCL will have someone brief us on this project during our June meeting. We received great news regarding Back Bay and the duck blind removal. Bob McMillin held a meeting with neighbors and the District Head of Virginia Game and Inland Fisheries. The damaged duck blinds will be marked and removed for boaters' safety. SANDBRIDGE BEACH CIVIC LEAGUE GUEST SPEAKER Delegate Barry Knight, Environmental Attorney Jim Lang, and Coastal Environmental Engineer Bob Kerr to discuss current efforts to develop a sand management plan for Sandbridge. Saturday, May 21, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. at the Sandbridge Community Chapel. Please come at 10:15 a.m. and enjoy refreshments with your friends and neighbors. SBCL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Check Your Mailing Label If the code 1606V or 1606S appears in the upper right hand corner, your SBCL membership will lapse June 30, 2016. Use the enclosed form to renew early. GRADUATING Family Bingo begins in June at the Sandbridge Rescue and Fire Station. Siebert Realty has scheduled two Parties at the Pier at Little Island Park this year since last year's event was a huge success. With the warmer season, the charity events begin. Over the next several months, races will close portions of our roads as we enjoy the parades and visitors. Golf tournaments, fishing tournaments, wine festivals, horse show events and many others will be held to help local families and charities. Come and support those in need! I’ll send reminders as these occur. There was a discussion of how oceanfront home owners will be allowed to remove encroaching sand from their properties back to the beach. We were informed that the city is developing an information packet to be sent to all Sandbridge oceanfront property owners, contractors, consultants and realty agencies, as to what can and cannot be done without Wetlands Board involvement. There will be a letter from the city to be included in the next newsletter to inform all members. If you missed the April Civic League meeting, then you missed the dynamic duo of Tim Ferramosca playing the saxophone and John Spallone on the organ. They sported sunglasses in a Blues Brothers style, playing the Happy Birthday song. They were awesome! It is such fun being a bona fide beach bum! Let me get back to lazing on my porch. Joan SENIORS: LAST CALL FOR SBCL SCHOLARSHIP! SEE PAGE 13 FOR DETAILS. Annual Sandbridge Memorial Day Parade Monday, May 30 Parade lineup 9:30 a.m. Lorem Ipsumbegins DoloratSit Amet Parade starts at 10 a.m. @ Bluebill cul-de-sac Parade ends in Wood Duck Drive cul-de-sac Awards given for: Best Decorated Golf Cart-Best Decorated Bike/Wagon -Best Decorated Pet All ages welcome! RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Give the gift of life! Added date: Thursday, May 12 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. Sandbridge Fire & Rescue Station 305 Sandbridge Road For information call Fred Greene For more information contact… Fred Greene @ 288-0372 Judy Donahue @ 348-4180 at 288-0372 2016 Meeting Dates May 21, 2016 Saturday 10:30 a.m. President........................................ Joan Davis .........................................................714-2304 Vice President........................Cheryl Caloras ................................................. 203-770-6537 June 20, 2016 Monday at 7:00 p.m. Board of Directors Jane Stilley............................... 609-238-3150 Jim Belcher............................. 804-731-5829 Fred Greene......................................288-0372 Lisa Roland.....................................618-7419 Cary Shreve, Past President-Ex-Officio.................... ........................................................573-7200 Mark your calendars now so you can make your plans to attend each of the Civic League meetings. The meetings are held in the Sandbridge Chapel Community Center at 3041 Sandpiper Road. Meet your neighbors and take part in your community business. Sandbridge is YOUR community, and each resident counts. *Come 15 minutes early to both morning or evening meetings to socialize with neighbors. SANDBRIDGE BEACH NEWS is published monthly by the Sandbridge Beach Civic League. Free to all paid up members of SBCL. Sandbridge Beach Civic League Advertising Guide All ads are to be submitted directly to the advertising coordinator, by the 12th of each month. Black & White - Ad Prices: 1.5” x 2.25” size ad $50 per issue 2.25” x 3” size ad $90 per issue Full Color - Ad Prices: 1.5” x 2.25” size ad $125 per issue 2.25” x 3” size ad $165 per issue ADS ARE TO BE CAMERA READY • No personal, political, individual real estate agent/broker ads or flyers please. • All ads must be prepaid. New ads will have a three-month minimum. • Make checks payable to Sandbridge Beach Civic League and send to: Ginny McCormac 325 Sage Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 For more info, contact Ginny at 721-5816 Sandbridge Rescue Squad Contact: Joan Davis 757-714-2304 305 Sandbridge Rd. Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Sandbridge Community Chapel Traditional 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Contemporary 11:00 a.m. 3041 Sandpiper Road 721-3105 2 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 Secretary....................................Kay Scafone ........................................................721-5984 Treasurer..............................Tim Ferramosca ........................................................301-8977 Newsletter Co-Editor ….............…Jane Stilley ….................................. 609-238-3150, Co-Editor …..…...........Jim Belcher ……........................804-731-5829, Advertising …..............Ginny McCormac ……..............................................................721-5816 Mailing ….............…...Charlie & Chris Ellin …….........................................................426-8995 Website …..…..............Kathie Springer …… Website Submissions....Cheryl Caloras Membership & Directory By-Laws .................................................. Cheryl Caloras ...................................... 203-770-6537 Directory ................................................. Fred Greene ..................................................288-0372 Directory ................................................. Cary Shreve ..................................................573-7200 Directory Advertising .............................. Donna Earp ...................................................721-7711 Membership............................................. Charlie Ellin......................... Dues: $15/year. Make payable to Sandbridge Beach Civic League and mail to SBCL, 2129 General Booth Blvd., Suite 103-180, Virginia Beach, VA 23454. Printer: River City Graphics, Inc. 519-9525 DISCLAIMER: The articles in the Newsletter express the opinion of the authors and are not necessarily the opinions of the Civic League. Your articles are welcome. Bylaws are available upon request by contacting the SBCL Secretary. Deadline for news articles is the 15th of the month. Please send all articles in Word .doc format (NOT .docx), to the newsletter editor. All ads are to be submitted directly to the advertising coordinator, by the 12th of each month. Printed On Recycled Paper Calling All Members Sandbridge is a small community, home to many celebrations, anniversaries, announcements, births and deaths. As your neighborhood paper, we urge all members to submit any information, in writing, that could be shared with our families. Don’t forget the deadline is the 15th of every month! Send your written articles and pictures to 3700 Sandpiper Road, Unit 123-A, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 or e-mail: or Saint John the Apostle Catholic Church 1968 Sandbridge Road The Rev. Robert J. Cole, Pastor MASS SCHEDULE All Masses are celebrated at Saint John the Apostle Catholic Church. Saturday - 5:00 p.m. Sunday - 7:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Mon. - Tues., Thurs. - Fri. - 7:30 a.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. St. Simon’s BY-THE-SEA Episcopal Church The Rev. Marni J. Schneider, Vicar Sundays 9:30 am – Holy Eucharist 308 Sandbridge Road (across from the fire station) SANDBRIDGE COMMUNITY DAY SCHOOL 721-2401 Call Now! Sandbridge Beach Civic League April Minutes President Joan Davis called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Charles Learned gave the invocation and led the membership in The Pledge of Allegiance. Vice President Cheryl Caloras introduced our guest speaker Tom Leahy, Interim Deputy City Manager with the City of Virginia Beach. BUSINESS MEETING: The March minutes were approved as written. TREASURER'S REPORT: Tim Ferramosca reported the beginning and ending balances for March were $18,115.41 and $17,987.53, respectively. COMMITTEE REPORTS: BACK BAY: Bob McMillin - A planning and informational meeting with Sgt. Brandon Woodroff of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries was held on April 12. Since that day most of the abandoned duck blinds have been identified and marked with a white pole and a red flag. When the water comes back in the bay, we will start the removal of these dangers to boaters. BLOOD DRIVE: Fred Greene - The next blood drive will be held at 1 p.m. on Thursday, May 12. EVENT HOMES: Walt Hunter - The committee will meet on April 22 with city staff. MEMBERSHIP: Charlie Ellin - Membership renewal runs from now through June 30. You may renew for more than one year at a time. MEMORIAL DAY PARADE: Judy Donahue Everyone is invited to enjoy the parade. It starts at Bluebill and ends on Wood Duck. Cookies and hot dogs will be served at the finish line! FOURTH OF JULY BOAT PARADE THEME: American Heroes ROAD PAVING AND REPAIR: Susan Sadowski - The road repairs on Shad Lane have been completed, and Whiting Lane repairs are underway. The meeting adjourned with a surprise birthday celebration for President Joan Davis. Happy Birthday! ACCESS WAYS FROM SANDFIDDLER TO SANDPIPER: Frank Meyer - He has sent in requests for repair work to be done at six access locations. SCHOLARSHIPS: Mike Maloney - The newsletter has all the details for our senior class members living in Sandbridge who would like to apply for scholarships provided by our civic league. The SBCL is offering three scholarships: one for $2500, one for $1500, and one for $1000. The Business Association offers a $500 scholarship. The full packet must be delivered to Mike Maloney by 6 p.m. on Sunday, May 15. Any questions, please call Mike at 721-2211. SAND REPLENISHMENT: Dick Dunleavy - Our last sand replenishment was completed on June 26, 2013. Respectfully submitted, Kay Scafone CHEMICAL & PAPER CO. Sanitary Maintenance Supplies 427-2002 1356 London Bridge Rd. • Va. Beach, VA 23453 Neighbors Helping Neighbors Jonathan Orlando, PT, DPT Clinical Director REDMILL CLINIC 2004 Sandbridge Rd., Ste. 102 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 757.301.6316 f t TPTI.COM/REDMILL NEW BUSINESS: Nominations for the nominating committee were as follows: Janet Meyer (chair), Lawana Evans, Ann Bohannon, Charlie Kelly, Bob Walker, Chuck Mullins, Laurie Evans, Kathy Springer, Lorraine Jones, Cathy Miller, Joan Rose, Jonnie Mellen, Jim Reeve, Kathy Gause, Jean Siebert, Greta Stallings, Nancy Saxman, Ellie Bell, Nancy Stoakley, Judy Donahue, Tina Cinnone, Gail Bucker, and Bryan Harrell. ANNOUNCEMENTS: YARD SALE: Saturday, May 7, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 3 FRENCH CYCLIST MAKES A STOP IN SANDBRIDGE By: Jane Stilley Uber-cyclist Thomas Despin made a stop at the Sandbridge Seaside Market in March on his ambitious odyssey from Miami to New York City. The 24-year old actually started his journey a year ago in his native France and pedaled through 15 countries in Europe before packing up his bicycle and flying to Miami. He will eventually ride all the way to San Francisco. He hopes to get there by August before his tourist visa expires. Thomas slept on beaches on his trek north from Florida. He says his ride to Sandbridge was about 1,400 miles. Thomas claims he never got a flat tire until he came to the U.S. Then he got two! Thomas started his expedition with only 400 dollars in his pocket. He is funding his way through the United States with online campaigns and help from a GPS company. Thomas says he is making this trip to call attention to start-up businesses, a venture he wants to undertake when he gets back to Europe. 4 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 Sponsored by…. To Benefit the…….. Sandbridge Rescue Squad in honor of Dick Jones & the Breanne C. Mahon Foundation in honor of John Mahon Saturday, May 7th 8:00 a.m-1:00 p.m. Special thanks to Hall Automotive for being our “Hole in One” Sponsor for donating a BRAND NEW CAR for our Hole in One Car Giveaway. Deadline April 28 to sign up to sell 18 Hole Scramble (4-man Captain’s Choice) $85/Solo Golfer $335/Foursome Tournament brought to you by: Price includes: 18 holes of Golf and Cart Bag Lunch provided by Clean out the closets, attic, garage and storage sheds. If you don’t want it or use it anymore, someone else does. It’s yard sale time. Participants will sell items at their own home. If you are not able to sell at your own home but want to sell, please email Joan Davis to make table reservations at PUNGO PIZZA Beer tickets Dinner provided by Sandbridge Island Restaurant On the day of the sale, we will have balloons for pick up to place at your driveway. We will make a map that will be available online. Gift bag Entry into Raffle Prize Drawings Sandbridge Island Dinner Menu Roasted Oysters A sign up genius website link will be emailed out to sign up like the fall. Grilled London Broil Au Gratin Potatoes Sautéed Green Beans Any Questions? Please Contact: To register for golf, drop off payments,donate, or volunteer at the event: Please contact Sandbridge Events @ 757-641-3421 Joan Davis 757-714-2304 or Jonnie Mellen 540-604-8700 JOAN DAVIS AWARD Who knew she wears so many hats? Sandbridge Beach Civic League President Joan Davis has been honored with the VFW National Emergency Technician Public Service Award. Joan received the prestigious award for her 27 years of service on the all-volunteer Sandbridge Rescue Squad, where she is the only paramedic. During that time, she has served as president, captain, squad commander and assistant squad commander. Joan is also an Advanced Life Support Field Training Officer, a CPR instructor and an instructor and proctor for the EMS Training Center. Joan was instrumental in establishing the new fire/rescue station in Sandbridge along with the Division of Lifeguard Services for the Department of Emergency Medical Services. Joan also played a part in creating the first-ever Junior Lifeguard Camp in Virginia Beach. In honoring Joan, the VFW officers noted her “extraordinary dedication in going above and beyond her responsibilities.” Congratulations, Joan! Joan Davis with EMS Chief Ed Brazle and Recruitment and Retention EMS Officer Susan Palmer Joan Davis with EMS Chief Ed Brazle, VFW Post Commander Douglas Iles, Fire Chief James Ramsey, and Fire Captain Ray Irizarry SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 5 ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE ANNUAL STINGRAY 5K, 1 MILE AND 50 YARD DASH IN SANDBRIDGE Please join us for the Stingray 5K, 1 Mile and 50 yard run/walk which will be held on Saturday, May 14. All events start and end at Sandbridge Island Restaurant. Our Race Expo and traditional Spaghetti Dinner will be held the night before on Friday, May 13 at St. John the Apostle Catholic School. The scenic race course will give our runners and walkers a fast, flat route as well as provide families an opportunity to enjoy the beach once the race has ended. It is a great day filled with fun and excitement for the families in our community! More information and registration link may be found online at You may also “like” our Facebook page at in order to get race updates and training information. Sponsorship and promotional opportunities are also available for both the 5K and 1 Mile race as well as the Expo. Please contact Lisa Rohrer, Race Director, at stingrayrun@sjavb. org for more details. We look forward to seeing you at the race! Sandbridge Residents: Please note that the race will follow Sandfiddler Road between Sandbridge Road and Bonita Lane. Traffic on that route will be impacted between 8:15 to 10:30. Traffic control personnel will be in place for anyone who will need to use the road for local circulation. Thank you very much for your understanding and collaboration – the security of our children will be our first priority that morning. THE 7TH ANNUAL DOUBLE CLUTCH TOURNAMENT ON BACK BAY JUNE 5, 2016 TO BENEFIT THE BOB AARON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP THE BAJA RESTAURANT IN SANDBRIDGE, VIRGINIA BEACH Come fish with us! The Bass are back! This year's tournament will be held on June 5,2016. Fishing starts at sunrise and the catch must be weighed-in by noon. The beach party is at the Baja (music, food, drinks and fun for the whole family) in Sandbridge, Virginia Beach right on beautiful Back Bay. Fish or come to the party or both. Lots of prizes, music, raffles, trophies for the 3 top bass in both divisions and more. The top winner will get his name on the perpetual plaque which is displayed in the Baja Restaurant year round. Thank you! We thank you for your support over the years and for joining us to share the joy and camaraderie of fishing that our friend Bob loved so much. Sponsored by the Back Bay Restoration Foundation. THE 7TH ANNUAL BACK BAY Sunday Prizes June 5, 2016 Trophies Baja Restaurant To the top 3 bass in each division Starts at sunrise Food Weigh-in from 8:00am to noon Music Drinks Youth Division,too 12 and under More than $12,000 in scholarships have been awarded to high school seniors with an interest in the environment and fishing Silent Auction Come fish with us! Raffles Sponsored by the Back Bay Restoration Foundation 6 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 Captain’s meeting: TBD Check website for details & updates GET FIRED UP FOR THE FOURTH! It’s not too soon to be thinking Fourth of July festivities. According to many people, last year’s Sandbridge fireworks were the BEST EVER! Let’s keep that high-in-the-sky momentum. The spectacular show will once again be on the pond at Sandbend and Back Bay Crescent at 9:10 p.m. following the boat parade. The fund drive for our beloved tradition begins May 15. You can watch the sign at the fire station for our progress and every little bit helps! The donation levels are: Platinum: $1,000 + Gold $500 + Silver $250 + Bronze $100 + Donor all others Please make your checks out to Sandbridge Fireworks and mail or deliver to any these committee members: Bill Price 333 Pike Circle Amy Barton 308 Back Bay Crescent Fred Greene 316 Teal Crescent A detailed financial statement will be mailed to all donors after the event and will also be published in the Sandbridge Beach Civic League newsletter. Our reserve is growing and once it gets large enough, we plan to skip a year of fundraising! Thanks to all of you! Sandbridge Realty... More than just sand in your pocket. Serving over 400 homes in Sandbridge! Vacation Rentals Property Management Real Estate Sales Vacation Rentals Property Management Real Estate Sales (757) 426-6262 581 Sandbridge Road, Virginia Beach, VA Sandbridge Realty... More than just sand in your pocket. *K-9 Bed Bug Protection Program *Pest Control *Master Plumber *Pool & Hot Tub Maintenance *Lawn & Landscaping Services *Power Washing & Filter Services (757) 689-0901 (757) 426-6262 581 Sandbridge Road, Virginia Beach, VA SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 7 STORMING THE BEACH! By Jim Belcher The biannual Sandbridge community clean-up keeps getting bigger, better and most importantly: more effective. With James Barton and Kevin Wong coordinating this twice-a-year event, this year’s spring project featured several groups and an increasingly large number of people participating in the effort to keep our community clean. Coordinating the clean-up grids, James welcomed volunteer groups from Siebert Realty, the Pungo Board House Surf Team and the local branch of St. Leo’s College, Beach Paper and Chemical (coordinated by Johnny Parker) along with many families, friends and individuals devoted to making Sandbridge a better and cleaner place to “It’s amazing to see this continued and growing support to this effort,” James praised as the various groups headed for their assigned clean-up areas. “To see this event grow from one time to the next has been truly rewarding.” “The community really pulls together to make this effort a huge success,” Kevin added. “This is just one of many reasons why Sandbridge is such a special place to live.” In addition to the increased business volunteer support, this year’s spring clean-up featured several favorite features such as the post clean-up cookout supplied by local favorite Boardwok Restaurant and the Department of Waste Management city truck for bulky items as coordinated by John Barnes. Two popular new features were the colorful and attractive t-shirt (provided by Siebert Realty) given to each volunteer helper as well as the Third Annual Sandbridge Surf and Skate Swap Meet held across the street at the Baja Restaurant immediately following the clean-up. (See related article.) During both the clean-up and the post-event meal, everyone else enjoyed the special camaraderie and spirit so prevalent in our community. “It’s great to see people combine valuable clean-up efforts with socializing,” said James as he watched the volunteers devour the delicious ribs, rice and vegetables while socializing at Little Island Park. “Everyone looks forward to this event now because of the combination of good deeds and good fellowship.” Concluded Kevin, “James and I truly enjoy getting everyone together for this wonderful event, especially as it continues to grow. Like I said last fall, as I watch our kids and their friends roam along our community’s streets pickup up trash, talking, laughing and most of all having fun and continuing to perform good deeds, I realize how lucky we all are to live in a special place like this.” 8 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 SANDBRIDGE SHOPS & SWAPS Article & Photos By: Jim Belcher When Nick Naylor started searching for a foam board for his young son Nicholas to start learning how to surf, he received a major shock. “I couldn't believe that everything I saw was at least $300, and many were much more expensive,” Nick recounted. “That was unbelievable!” Maybe so, but it also got Nick thinking. With extensive backgrounds in both water sports and business as well as contacts around the globe, Nick set out to develop a quality, affordable product for individuals and families. A year later, Nick has a complete line of soft-top surfboards under the Rock-It brand, selling for $150—half as costly as the least expensive foam boards he initially found. Nick's Rock-It line of products was on full display at the Third Annual Sandbridge Skate and Surf Swap Meet held at the Baja Restaurant immediately following the annual spring Sandbridge clean-up. Lots of companies—the Pungo Board House and Quicksilver in addition to Rock It—families (Eberharts, Bartons, Wongs and Harrells) and individuals had lots of products involving surfing and skateboarding for sale or trade at the yearly event. For people looking for bargains, this was the place to be as most skateboards and surfboards retailed for between $25 and $50, wet suits for as little as $20 and stand-up paddle boards for close to $50. “If you were looking for a steal, this was the place to be,” said James Barton, who was performing double duty as the coordinator of the event after working with Kevin Wong earlier in the day to oversee the clean-up. “For the first time, we held this event on the same day as the clean-up hopefully to get more people here. We're also looking to get more people who live inland here to get some real bargains, especially if they are just starting to surf or skateboard. “It's great to see kids getting involved in such worthwhile activities at such a low cost. There is some great gear here that you can get literally for pennies!” Naylor was one of those people looking to get people involved without having to take out a major loan while making their first purchase. Judging from the amount of activity at the event, everyone was successful. “We had hoped to have our boards out early last summer, but we weren't able to have them available until August,” Naylor explained. “After missing much of last year's surfing season, we're excited about having them ready at the start of the season this year.” For those who missed this event, Naylor has a warehouse on London Bridge Road and sells his products at the nearby Pungo Board House and Freedom Surf Shop. His products are also available online at “We're excited about selling affordable products to people, especially kids new to surfing,” Naylor said. “The swap meet is great because we can all get together and exchange some stories and gear.” JUNIOR LIFEGUARD CAMP Calling all Sandbridge Junior Lifeguards! The 2016 Junior Lifeguard camps will be held July 20 and 21 for ages 8-11 and July 25 through 28 for ages 12-16. These camps are designed to teach beach safety, awareness of surroundings, physical fitness and respect for the duties of our lifeguards. In addition, "Hands Only CPR" will be taught to all parents at the end of each camp session. Don't miss this great opportunity! All camp proceeds go to "A Dolphin's Promise". Registration and parental release forms are located on the Sandbridge Beach Civic League website at Please contact Meyon Burns with any questions: or 619-6118. SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 9 Surprise Serenade Strike up the band! SBCL President Joan Davis got quite the birthday surprise as she wrapped up the April Civic League meeting. The doors opened and look who appeared! Tim Ferramosca on saxophone and John Spallone on keyboard belted out “Happy Birthday” while SBCL members sang along. Civic League Vice President Cheryl Caloras concocted the sweet-sounding celebration which ended with an equally sweet birthday cake. Happy Birthday, Joan! BINGO’S BACK! Sandbridge Volunteer Rescue Squad Family Bingo Every Wednesday starting June 22 Sandbridge Fire & Rescue Station Doors open at 7:00 p.m. | Games begin at 7:30 p.m. $5 Admission includes four game boards Va Ex ca cep tio tio n Re nal nt al s Proceeds support Rescue Squad 17 Exclusive Amenities & All-Inclusive Package at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE! a Fresh Approach to VacaTion RenTalS The Best Vacation Properties and Blue Ribbon Service. Exceptional property management with exclusive amenities and features for both Owners AND Guests. Where Customer Service NeveR Takes A vacation! 877.496.0637 • 1993 Sandbridge Road • Suite 107 • Virginia Beach, VA 23456 10 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 37TH ANNUAL SANDBRIDGE PIG PICKIN' September 10, 2016 1:00 - 5:00 PM Little Island Park, Sandbridge THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO DEMONSTRATE YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD BY BEING A SPONSOR OF THE PIG PICKING - PLUS HAVING A GREAT TIME WITH FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS! • Catering by Beach Bully • Artisans & Crafters Galore • Music by Tinna Sinnen • Bobby the Clown for the Kids The Rescue Squad does not conduct mail fund drives. The Pig Picking and Summer Bingo provide 95% of our funds. The volunteers stand ready to help you ALL YEAR so let’s help them on this ONE day! Sponsorships are $100 which include two $35.00 tickets and recognition. Make checks payable to “Sandbridge Volunteer Rescue Squad,” complete the form below and mail to Fred Greene at 316 Teal Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23456. Name: Date: 2014 Mailing Address: City: Ticket Mailing Address: State: Zip: (If different from mailing address) How to be listed: Sponsorship: (Includes two $35.00 tickets) Additional Tickets @ $35.00 #_____ $100.00 $___.00 Total$___.00 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 11 Charlie Ellin, Membership Chairman (757) 426-8995 ( _______________________________________________________ ________ SBCL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION/RENEWAL FORM Sandbridge Beach Civic League 2129 General Booth Blvd Suite 103 – 180 Virginia Beach, VA 23454 Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Phone # (_______) _________________________ Sandbridge Address (if different from above): _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Phone # (_______) _________________________ E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ The SBCL membership year runs July 1st through June 30th and dues are $15.00 per membership year, you can become a member at any time during the membership year but membership dues are not prorated. If you choose to join or extend your membership for longer than one year please indicate the number of years and the corresponding dollar amount below. Number of Years _______ Amount $: __________ Check #: _________ Date: ____________ Sandbridge Beach Civic League Membership Renew Yours Early This Year You should be receiving your tax refunds soon and what better way to spend a small part of that refund check then to renew your SBCL membership not just for one but for multiple years! As a reminder, if your mailing label has the code 1606V or 1606S in the upper right hand corner your membership will lapse June 30, 2016. Many have already renewed their membership; renew early and be a part of that group helping to minimize the frantic rush to renew in late June when we would all rather be outside enjoying the beach. Complete the form below and mail it in with your check, and while you are at it consider renewing for multiple years. Your SBCL membership helps keep you current on what’s going on in your community through monthly newsletters and membership meetings, it also gives you a voice in helping shape matters affecting SB. Each household membership includes voting privileges for two adults. Members receive 10 monthly Newsletters, a membership directory, two SBCL vehicle decals and will be included on our master emailing list keeping you up to date on current events. Membership also includes invitation to our free members only Oktoberfest and provides information on our community Christmas party with Santa, clean ups and Easter egg hunt! For additional information and to view our Bylaws visit our SBCL website at Charlie Ellin, Membership Chairman (757) 426-8995 ( _______________________________________________________ ________ 12 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 SBCL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION/RENEWAL FORM S n a ke s , Fr o g s a n d Tu r t l e s ! Come explore and learn about the reptiles and amphibians at Back Bay NWR. This program is open to all ages so bring the whole family! DATES AND TIMES May 14 @ 10:00am May 28 @ 10:00am May 29 @ 3:00pm May 30 @ 10:00am June 5 @ 3:00pm June 10 @ 4:00pm June 12 @ 3:00pm W P I Call with questions or sign up at (757)301-7329 ext. 3106. Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge WYNNE PLUMBING, INC. Kai G. Wynne, Master Plumber Josh Wynne General Plumbing Services and Repairs Faucets • Toilets Winterizing Water Heaters • Disposers Drain Cleaning Shop: 426-2045 499-5399 Proudly Serving the Sandbridge Community! 9 ays— Thursd :00am m p -1:00 Friday s—6:0 0pm-7 :30pm Check one out from the Visitor Contact Station any day you visit! Wedn esdays —2:0 0p Design & Construction John MacKay om tes C Da oon! ing S m Be sure to check the website for more programs and updated schedules. Call 301-7329 ext. 3106 to sign up. Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook at backbaynwr. SIGNUPS BEGIN APRIL 15 CUSTOM FENCES 721-JOHN ◆◆◆ pm 12:00 0am:0 9 2 ly 9s— Friday July22 & Ju 1 ) ly (Ju st 19 Augu “We do it all” - (757) 721-5646 46 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 13 FOR YOUR INFORMATION... Animal Poison Control hotline: 888-426-4435 Serving over 400 homes in Pet Poison Helpline: 800-213-6680 Tabernacle United Methodist Church Reverend Jack Davis Sundays 8:30 / 11:00 Sunday School 9:30 Sandbridge Realty... Sandbridge! PUT ON YOUR PATRIOTISM! ww 1265 Sandbridge Road Just a reminder that everyone is invited to participate and attend the Annual SandMorebegins than justat sand in your bridge Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 30. Parade lineup 9:30 a.m.pocket. at the Bluebill cul-de-sac and winds its way to the end of Wood Duck Drive where there's a festive party! (See front page for more details!) 426-2396 Traffic Note: Because of the parade, Bluebill, Tuna and Wood Duck will be closed to car traffic from 10:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. AHOY MATEYS! *Pest Control *Pool & Hot Tub Maintenance *Lawn & Landscaping Services It's clear sailing for Sandbridge's annual Fourth of July Boat Parade! This *PowerAmerican Washing & Filter Services Don't forget to show your patriotic year's theme is Great Heroes. spirit by decorating your boat689-0901 and joining us as we parade through canals (757) the 426-6262 (757) of Sandbridge. For more information, call Fred Greene at 288-0372. 2,3,4 Bedroom & Penthouse Condos Private Boardwalk & 3 Pools Special Events Full Service Real Estate Sales Office 581 Sandbridge Road, Virginia Beach, VA SANDBRIDGE WINING & DINING Many of our local eateries are gearing up for the summer season. Here’s an update as we go to press. Hours are subject to change as the season approaches. Sandbridge: Simply Steamed: Monday-Saturday: 11:00 a.m.7:00 p.m.; Sunday until 6:00 p.m. Sandbridge Island Restaurant: Monday-Friday: opens at 5:00 p.m.; Saturday & Sunday: opens at 11:00 a.m. Sandbridge Seaside Market: Monday-Sunday: 5:30 a.m.–9:00 p.m. South Sandbridge: Baja Coffee Company: opens May 14; TuesdaySunday: 6:30–11:00 a.m. Cabano Bar & Grill: Monday-Sunday: open for lunch and dinner Baja Restaurant: Wednesday-Saturday: opens at 5:00 p.m.; Sunday Brunch Sandbridge Road: Margie & Rays: Monday-Sunday: opens at 7:00 a.m. Banditos Tacos: Monday-Sunday: 11:00 a.m.; Saturday: breakfast 7:00 a.m. (757) 457-0050 3700 Sandpiper Road Va Beach, VA 23456 Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Jeffrey R. Bek, D.D.S. 426-6151 1767 Princess Anne Road Remembering Our Sandbridge Neighbors and Friends Peggy Padgett Peggy Padgett 91, a long-time resident of Sandbridge, passed away February 27 in Venice, Florida. She left behind her loving children Jack, Douglas, Del and Tui. She will be missed by her family and friends. 10 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, AUGUST 2013 HURRICANE SHUTTERS Providing complete storm protection Security Weatherproofing Residential & Commercial Call Today! Free Estimates 100% Financing Available 757-463-1446 14 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 Simply Steamed Take Out Seafood Market & Catering Martha Gaione & Toni Smith 2545 Sandpiper Road Virginia Beach, VA 23456 757-301-8553 Upcoming Events Calendar SANDBRIDGE BEACH CIVIC LEAGUE Monthly Financial Report MARCH 2016 BEGINNING BALANCES, March 1, 2016 Towne Bank Checking Account Bulk Mail Account $18,115.43 $360.29 May Birthstone: Emerald Flower: Lily of the Valley May Day 1 Sun INCOME Dues$1,470.00 Interest$0.15 TOTAL INCOME $1,470.15 5 Thu Ascension Day Cinco de Mayo 6 Fri Nurse's Day EXPENSES Postage$38.66 Council of Civic League Dues $25.00 Newsletter Printing $1,600.00 Graphic Design $15.00 Fund Bulk Mail Account $2,000.00 Bulk Mailing $279.68 TOTAL EXPENSES $3,958.34 7 Sat SB Community Yard Sale ENDING BALANCES, MARCH 31, 2016 Towne Bank Checking Account Bulk Mail Account TOTAL ACCOUNTS 14 Sat St. John The Apostle Annual Stingray 5K, 1 Mile And 50 Yard Dash In Sandbridge K-9 "Karnival" Redwing Park 15 Sun SBCL Scholarship Close Date Women's Army Auxiliary Corps Established 21 Sat Civic League Meeting Armed Forces Day 24 Tue Blue Can Recycle Day 29 Sun VB Patriotic Festival $15,906.92 $2,080.61 $17,987.53 SANDBRIDGE BEACH CIVIC LEAGUE S C H O L A R S H I P DON’T MISS THE MAY 15 DEADLINE! 8 Sun Mother's Day Germany Surrenders (V-E Day) 1945 VB Monsters on the Beach 10 Tue Blue Can Recycle Day 12 Thu Blood Drive Graduating high school seniors: the deadline is quickly approaching for you to get in on some generous scholarship money! The Sandbridge Beach Civic League gives up to three scholarships annually to deserving, graduating high school seniors. There is a $2,500, $1,500 and $1,000 award. The student must be attending a college, university, technical or trade school full time within the following year. The applicant’s family must be members of SBCL and full-time residents of Sandbridge. 30 Mon Memorial Day Sandbridge Shores Parade June Birthstone: Agate & Pearl Flower: Rose 6 Mon D-Day; Normandy, France '44 7 Tue Blue Can Recycle Day The application can be found online at Look under – students – scholarship central and then search Sandbridge Beach Civic League. You will need to submit the official application (academic resume may be included also), an official school transcript, two letters of reference ( one from a teacher or counselor and one from a neighbor or other Sandbridge resident) and an essay of 300-500 words titled “How Living in Sandbridge Shaped Who I Am.” 11 Sat Annual Boardwalk Art Show The applicants will be judged on academic achievement, academic rigor, leadership, involvement, community service and their understanding of and relationship to Sandbridge. The full application packet must be delivered to Mike Maloney at 304 Teal Crescent in Sandbridge by 6 pm on Sunday, May 15, 2016. For questions, please call Mike at 721-2211. 14 Tue Flag Day Continental Army Est. 1775 17 Fri VB Last Day of School 19 Sun Father's Day 20 Mon Civic League Meeting First day of Summer School Report Cards Mailed 21 Tue Blue Can Recycle Day 22 Wed Bingo Starts @ Fire Station 23 Thu Last Confederate Forces Surrender 1865 Korean War Begins 1950 25 Sat SANDBRIDGE NEWS, MAY 2016 15 SANDBRIDGE BEACH CIVIC LEAGUE 2129 General Booth Blvd. Suite 103 - 180 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454 PRESORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID VIRGINIA BEACH VA PERMIT NO. 3031 NEXT MEETING Saturday, May 21st at 10:30 a.m. at the Sandbridge Chapel Community Center, 3041 Sandpiper Road Flotsam and Jetsam On a windy afternoon with the bright sun shining, carefully I climbed the outside steps and entered the living room through the sliding glass door that overlooks the ocean. Joining the jocund crowd of Sandbridge folks who had gathered at Ed and Emilie Palmer’s home to welcome spring which has been reluctant to arrive even though the ground hog predicted in February that it would come early, I immediately plopped down on my favorite Palmer seat…the padded bench next to the door. Looking around the open great room, I saw a lot of familiar friendly faces and a few I did not recognize. Wearing my new silk jacket and scarf, both covered with flowers, I wanted to look a bit like a spring bouquet. Quickly I held a glass of champagne and began chatting with happy friends. Sandbridge is famous for its parties! Among those celebrating were Lawana and Bob Evans. I bet there will be a photo of Bob in this newsletter showing him with a beautiful birthday cake and a smile that has bloomed for ninety four years. Catching up with neighbors at parties is part of the Sandbridge way and certainly for me, after being at home for most of the winter, a welcomed ritual of spring. Others celebrating with Ed and Emilie were Bob and Ann Bohannon, Bill and Mary Sue Carter, Nancy Marchman and Andy Wells, Pat Burns, Lynn Callahan, Jerry and Karen Thomas, Phil and Dianne McGillivary, Keith and Laurie Evans, Joan and Walter, Kathy and Charlie, Beverly and Gene, Virginia Pope, Larry and Greta Stallings, Ted and Ann Gerarden, Bob and Ellie Bell, Kathy and Lee Gause, Kate and Walt Hunter, Frank and Janet Meyer, Paul and Faith Sears, Nancy Saxman, Cathy and Tim Ferramosca, Cheryl Caloras and John Spallone, Don and Bonita Quinn, Andrea and Richard Colvin, John and Barbara Kappa, and Janice and Doug Lott who are now year round residents of our precious Sandbridge Beach. Darryl and Doris Lee enjoyed a wonderful trip to Alaska which included fabulous scenery and time in Sitka with their son Andrew and his wife Cynthia and three year old child Brody. Andrew Lee is in the Coast Guard. Linda Hooks is recovering nicely, I hope, from foot surgery. Nancy Saxman was lucky enough to hear the famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma at the Chrysler in Norfolk. Dick and Sibyl Dunleavy, along with most of their family, gathered together in Tampa, Florida to be with their grandson Mike, an Eagle Scout who was being honored for his contributions to the city. Mike’s award-winning project involved his development of an ecosystem that deals with cordgrass in the Tampa area marshes. Quite an accomplishment! Also slipping away to Florida were Jay Little, Bob Anderson, and Dave Dennis who spent five days playing tennis and having fun. Loving wishes are being sent to the family of long time SB resident dear, sweet Pat Sinclair who recently died. Death is a relentless and difficult part of life. Spring, however, reminds us of new life and growth and the cycles that continue. Weddings, graduations, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day highlight our next month and…April showers bring May flowers and soon…the month of June. Chandler Dennis……with the View from my Deck
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