sandbridge beach news - Sandbridge Beach Civic League
sandbridge beach news - Sandbridge Beach Civic League
SANDBRIDGE BEACH NEWS VOL. 41 | No. 3 APRIL 2016 SANDBRIDGE BEACH, VA 23456 WWW.SANDBRIDGECIVICLEAGUE.ORG LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT The warmth of spring stepped in a little early this year as our yards begin to bloom with the comforting scenes and scents of flowers. The big full moon at night shimmered off the water, entertaining us until early morning sunrise and its magnificent colors. These beautiful gifts of nature are compelling reasons for surrounding myself with where I live, leaving an indelible mark on my memory. It looks like our next sand replenishment will be closer to 2017. We are very fortunate our winter was kind to us; it left here with as few storms as we have seen in recent years. Our north end of the beach looks pretty good, but we can always use and need a sand refresher. We will continue to advise you of the progress. Can’t wait! They have almost completed the road repairs near Atwoodtown Road. We drove in tonight, and it looked like a football field all lighted up with huge spotlights to make sure no vehicular mistakes were made while traveling the obstacle course. It will be nice to have this back to normal. The creeping growth towards Sandbridge is disconcerting, however. I will be speaking with many of the city departments in the next week. If you see or need anything, please let me know, so it can be added to my "honey-do list." Once again, thanks to Parks and Recreation for dropping all fees associated with the shelter rental for our Easter Egg Hunt and Spring Cleanup. The City is also supplying a trash truck, saving us the cost of a dumpster. The SBCL bylaw amendments all passed with flying colors. Thanks to all who took the time to vote. This will allow out-of-town homeowners the opportunity to attend a membership meeting while they either prepare their home for their guests or for themselves for the summer months. The September meeting will do the same when you return to check out your property. The June monthly meeting has typically been very sparse in attendance since this is Father’s Day weekend. With graduations, holidays for families (as their children have just finished another school year) and those busily preparing to share their home with visitors, we find that members cannot take the time away to join us. The annual meeting will now be held on the third Monday night in June. Mark your calendars as this is such a busy time of year! I heard a wise comment yesterday (thanks, Jean). We are offered so many freedoms in the USA. We can choose where we live and what we would like to do with our lives. I take ownership of my domain by sharing, caring and safeguarding the joy of Sandbridge to the best of my ability. Let’s all work together to keep Sandbridge unique and special. What you see, you become. How you act is what you are. “Sea” ya around the ‘Bridge’! Joan SANDBRIDGE BEACH CIVIC LEAGUE GUEST SPEAKER Tom Leahy, Interim Deputy City Manager with the City of Virginia Beach, to answer any questions concerning projects that are in the works for Sandbridge. Monday, April 18, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Sandbridge Community Chapel. Please come at 6:45 p.m. and enjoy refreshments with your friends and neighbors. 2016 Meeting Dates April 18, 2016 Monday 7:00 p.m. SANDBRIDGE BEACH NEWS is published monthly by the Sandbridge Beach Civic League. Free to all paid up members of SBCL. President........................................ Joan Davis .........................................................714-2304 Vice President........................Cheryl Caloras ................................................. 203-770-6537 Secretary....................................Kay Scafone ........................................................721-5984 Treasurer..............................Tim Ferramosca ........................................................301-8977 W NE TE DA May 21, 2016 Saturday 10:30 a.m. W NE TE DA June 20, 2016 Monday at 7:00 p.m. Board of Directors Jane Stilley............................... 609-238-3150 Jim Belcher............................. 804-731-5829 Fred Greene......................................288-0372 Lisa Roland.....................................618-7419 Cary Shreve, Past President-Ex-Officio.................... ........................................................573-7200 Mark your calendars now so you can make your plans to attend each of the Civic League meetings. The meetings are held in the Sandbridge Chapel Community Center at 3041 Sandpiper Road. Meet your neighbors and take part in your community business. Sandbridge is YOUR community, and each resident counts. Newsletter Co-Editor ….............…Jane Stilley ….................................. 609-238-3150, Co-Editor …..…...........Jim Belcher ……........................804-731-5829, Advertising …..............Ginny McCormac ……..............................................................721-5816 Mailing ….............…...Charlie & Chris Ellin …….........................................................426-8995 Website …..…..............Kathie Springer …… Website Submissions....Cheryl Caloras *Come 15 minutes early to both morning or evening meetings to socialize with neighbors. Sandbridge Beach Civic League Advertising Guide All ads are to be submitted directly to the advertising coordinator, by the 12th of each month. Black & White - Ad Prices: 1.5” x 2.25” size ad $50 per issue 2.25” x 3” size ad $90 per issue Full Color - Ad Prices: 1.5” x 2.25” size ad $125 per issue 2.25” x 3” size ad $165 per issue ADS ARE TO BE CAMERA READY • No personal, political, individual real estate agent/broker ads or flyers please. • All ads must be prepaid. New ads will have a three-month minimum. • Make checks payable to Sandbridge Beach Civic League and send to: Ginny McCormac 325 Sage Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 For more info, contact Ginny at 721-5816 Sandbridge Rescue Squad Contact: Joan Davis 757-714-2304 305 Sandbridge Rd. Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Sandbridge Community Chapel Traditional 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Contemporary 11:00 a.m. 3041 Sandpiper Road 721-3105 2 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 Membership & Directory By-Laws .................................................. Cheryl Caloras ...................................... 203-770-6537 Directory ................................................. Fred Greene ..................................................288-0372 Directory ................................................. Cary Shreve ..................................................573-7200 Directory Advertising .............................. Donna Earp ...................................................721-7711 Membership............................................. Charlie Ellin......................... Dues: $15/year. Make payable to Sandbridge Beach Civic League and mail to SBCL, 2129 General Booth Blvd., Suite 103-180, Virginia Beach, VA 23454. Printer: River City Graphics, Inc. 519-9525 DISCLAIMER: The articles in the Newsletter express the opinion of the authors and are not necessarily the opinions of the Civic League. Your articles are welcome. Bylaws are available upon request by contacting the SBCL Secretary. Deadline for news articles is the 15th of the month. Please send all articles in Word .doc format (NOT .docx), to the newsletter editor. All ads are to be submitted directly to the advertising coordinator, by the 12th of each month. Printed On Recycled Paper Calling All Members Sandbridge is a small community, home to many celebrations, anniversaries, announcements, births and deaths. As your neighborhood paper, we urge all members to submit any information, in writing, that could be shared with our families. Don’t forget the deadline is the 15th of every month! Send your written articles and pictures to 3700 Sandpiper Road, Unit 123-A, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 or e-mail: or Saint John the Apostle Catholic Church 1968 Sandbridge Road The Rev. Robert J. Cole, Pastor MASS SCHEDULE All Masses are celebrated at Saint John the Apostle Catholic Church. Saturday - 5:00 p.m. Sunday - 7:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Mon. - Tues., Thurs. - Fri. - 7:30 a.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. St. Simon’s BY-THE-SEA Episcopal Church The Rev. Marni J. Schneider, Vicar Sundays 9:30 am – Holy Eucharist 308 Sandbridge Road (across from the fire station) SANDBRIDGE COMMUNITY DAY SCHOOL 721-2401 Call Now! Sandbridge Beach Civic League March Minutes President Joan Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Charles Learned gave the invocation and led the membership in The Pledge of Allegiance. Vice President Cheryl Caloras introduced our guest speaker Erica Locher, Visitor Services Specialist Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge. BUSINESS MEETING: TREASURER'S REPORT: Tim Ferramosca reported the beginning and ending balance for February were $14,554.88 and $18,475.72, respectively. Janet Meyer offered a motion to the membership that stated: Motion: The Sandbridge Beach Civic League directory email group is only to be used for the purposes intended: to send emergency information and community updates from the Sandbridge Beach Civic League President and Board of Directors. No other purpose or reason is acceptable. The motion was passed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: BACK BAY: Bob McMillin - Sgt. Woodruff and his crew will meet with our local volunteers for the removal of damaged and abandoned duck blinds at 1:00 on Thursday, April 7. Please call or email Bob at 426-2485 or BEAUTIFICATION: Greta Stallings – The dead pampas grass has been removed, and a new mulberry will be planted, mulch will be delivered at the end of the month and the beds will be freshened. SPRING CLEAN UP: James Barton and Kevin Wong – This will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 10 at Little Island Park. A barbeque will be held afterwards at Little Island Park. ENVIRONMENTAL: Cheryl Petticrew- Contact Cheryl if you have any questions about Beach Vitex ( FIREWORKS: Bill Price - The fireworks will be on Mill Pond (off Sand Bend Road and Back Bay Crescent) again this year. We do not want to publicize the fireworks as the city has in the past - we are at maximum capacity for viewership! MEMBERSHIP: Charlie Ellin - 853 households are now members of our civic league. The renewal period is now through June 30. You may renew for more than one year at a time. MEMORIAL DAY PARADE: Judy Donahue –The Memorial Day Parade will take place at 10:00 a.m. on May 30. It will start on Bluebill Drive and end at Wood Duck Drive. At the finish line, at the end of Wood Duck, will be refreshments- cookies and hot dogs. EVENT HOMES: Walt Hunter - The SBCL Event Homes Committee has met twice. The meetings were held on February 6th and February 27th both at the Sandbridge Dunes condos (Thanks Tim Ferramosca). The scheduled meeting for March was postponed due to two committee members contacting city staff for a meeting without including the other committee members or seeking the committee chair’s consent. We are now waiting for various city departments to find time to meet with the entire group before proceeding. Once we meet, we will update the Board and the membership of its findings. This will give the civic league an opportunity to make comments and suggestions before it goes to the City for any further action. We have been told by the City Attorney Bill Macali, Zoning Administrator Karen Lasley and Councilwoman Barbara Henley that the city does not have a time frame for us to complete this work. Therefore, we will take the needed time of this very important task of making sure this is done, so there is a community-wide consensus. INFRASTRUCTURE/PUBLIC ACCESS WAY: Bill Price - The newly planted beach grass is greening up very nicely. If anyone notices access ways to the beach that aren't cleaned up, please get in touch with Bill. ROAD PAVING AND REPAIR/WATER TOWER: Susan Sadowski - The road repair to fix the flooding problems on Whiting and Shad Lanes have started. In Sandbridge, we really don't have proper storm drainage like regular neighborhoods, but if you have some sort of storm drainage and it's not working call 385-1470. SCHOLARSHIPS: Mike Maloney - The SBCL is making available to our graduating seniors $5,000 in scholarship money. The civic league is offering a $2,500, $1,500 and a $1,000 scholarship. In addition, the Business Association offers a $500 scholarship. The student must be attending a college, university, technical or trade school full time within the following year. The applicant's family must be members of the SBCL and fulltime residents of Sandbridge. The application can be found online at Look under - students - scholarships central and then search Sandbridge Beach Civic League. The full application packet must be delivered to Mike Maloney at 304 Teal Crescent in Sandbridge by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 15. Any questions, please call Mike at 721-2211. publication of his book "Conspiracy of the Working Class". The meeting ended at 8:13 p.m. The next SBCL Meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 18 at the Sandbridge Community Chapel. Respectfully Submitted, Kay Scafone CHEMICAL & PAPER CO. Sanitary Maintenance Supplies 427-2002 1356 London Bridge Rd. • Va. Beach, VA 23453 Neighbors Helping Neighbors Jonathan Orlando, PT, DPT Clinical Director REDMILL CLINIC 2004 Sandbridge Rd., Ste. 102 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 757.301.6316 f t TPTI.COM/REDMILL ACCESS WAYS FROM SANDFIDDLER TO SANDPIPER: Frank Meyer - Please give him a call if any access ways need cleaning, repairs or mowing. SAND REPLENISHMENT: Dick Dunleavy - The paperwork has been started for the sand replenishment but it probably won't be until next year before we see new sand on our beach. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None reported NEW BUSINESS: None reported ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Bob Aaron Memorial Scholarship Fund: The 7th Annual Double Clutch Bass Fishing Tournament will be held Saturday, June 5 at the Baja. It is for two $1000 scholarships. One of our neighbors, Lawrence Lindsey, has been making the talk show circuits with the recent SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 3 Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge at BioBlitz April 23, 2016 Spring Nature Walks April 2 @ 10:00am April 16 @ 10:00am A one-mile hike along the Bay Trail, exploring the wildlife that awake in the spring. 9:00am-2:00pm—Bioblitz walks—take a hike with us as we document all the life we find on the beach and along the bay! 10:00am— Back Bay’s Natural history—Reese Lukei will lead a walk from Back Bay to the Atlantic Ocean, discovering seven different habitats over the last 10,000 years 2:00pm—The Joy of Photography—Fred Devan will lead a beginner's workshop to enjoying nature photography. Just bring your favorite camera (cell phone, point and shoot, etc.) for a 2-2.5 hour session Children’s activities will also be provided throughout the day by First Landing State Park. To register visit For questions call (757)301-7329 ext.3106. Hope to see you there! More information at and Ch a d’n teau ob 20 le 15 THEY’RE A CUT ABOVE! Sandbridge musician extraordinaire Bryan Harrell is sporting a new look for a good cause. Flyin' Bryan shaved his head as part of the “Hampton Roads Shave to Raise” event. The St. Baldrick’s Day shave-a-thon took place March 12 at the Westin in Virginia Beach. St. Baldrick’s Day has evolved into a worldwide event to raise money for childhood cancer research. Bryan is pictured here with Abby Furco of Virginia Beach. Bryan was shamelessly shorn to honor the nine-year old who is fighting a brave battle against acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Lookin’ good, Bryan! Annual Sandbridge Memorial Day Parade Monday, May 30th Parade Ipsum lineup begins am Lorem DoloratSit9:30 Amet Parade starts at 10 am @ Bluebill cul-de-sac Parade ends in Wood Duck Drive cul-de-sac Awards given for: Best Decorated Golf Cart-Best decorated Bike/Wagon -Best Decorated Pet All ages welcome! For more information contact… Fred Greene @ 288-0372 4 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 Judy Donahue @ 348-4180 Remembering our Sandbridge Neighbors & Friends Carolyn Williams Carolyn Klincar Williams passed away February 27 at Arrondale Assisted Living in Springfield, Virginia. She was 89 years old. Carolyn and her late husband, Bernie, had retired to Sandbridge after living in a number of locations across the country. They had been married 63 years. Carolyn had been a longtime employee of Sears and became manager of Sea-lections Gift Shop in Sandbridge. She and Bernie were active in Sandbridge Fire and Rescue Squad and in the Sandbridge Beach Civic League. They were also founding members of St. John the Apostle Catholic Church. Carolyn is survived by two of her three sons, Gregory and Bradley. Funeral services were held at St. John the Apostle Catholic Church. Donations may be made to Sandbridge Fire and Rescue Squad. Greg Borum Gregory Bennett Borum passed away on March 4, at the age of 61. Greg was raised in his family home in Olde Town, Portsmouth and in Sandbridge. He was the younger brother of Jimbo Borum, the longtime Sandbridge Market cashier and Baja bartender, who died in November 2015. Greg is survived by his twin sister Mary Elizabeth, his sister Susanne, and brothers John and Robert. He is also survived by his son, Grayson Bennett Halstead and a host of nieces, nephews and other family members. Jim Belcher was a childhood friend of Greg Borum’s and describes him this way: Always the best surfer, Greg constantly proved his worth to his circle of friends. Despite the rough-around-the edges facade, he was a real sweetheart. He would literally give the shirt off his back to a friend and never forgot a favor that someone did for him. Greg always seemed to be the most invincible of our group, which came to call ourselves the “Sons of Sandbridge”. Deborah Grover Deborah Tait Grover of Old Church, Virginia passed away on March 10 after a brave, 14-year battle with ovarian cancer. She was 65 years old. Debbie is survived by her husband Tim, along with a brother and two sisters. Debbie was retired from Verizon Communications where her career included work in business sales, public relations and regulatory matters. Debbie was an original booster for the Sandbridge Fire and Rescue Squad. The longtime summer resident was a popular neighbor in the Sandbridge shores community. She will be missed by a long list of friends including Mike and Ginny Maloney, Fred and Wanda Greene, Bill and Carolyn Paulette, and Bill and Cindy Graf. Her friends will always remember her courage, grace and indomitable spirit, despite her long battle with cancer. Her family says she enjoyed a good party, planned or spontaneous, with lively music for dancing with her husband. A celebration of Debbie’s life is being scheduled for the near future. In the meantime, her family says she would enjoy being remembered with a toast and a good laugh over a happy memory. Donations can be made to your favorite charity. A few of Debbie’s favorites were The Wildlife Center of Virginia, The Chesapeake Bay Foundation and The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. Photos by Cindy Graf Pictured at right: Tim & Debbie Grover SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 5 ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE ANNUAL STINGRAY 5K, 1 MILE AND 50 YARD DASH IN SANDBRIDGE Please join us for the Stingray 5K, 1 Mile and 50 yard run/walk which will be held on Saturday, May 14th in Sandbridge (all events start and end at Sandbridge Island Restaurant), as well as for our Race Expo and traditional Spaghetti Dinner which will be held on Friday, May 13th at St. John the Apostle Catholic School.The scenic race course will give our runners and walkers a fast, flat route as well as provide families an opportunity to enjoy the beach once the race has ended. It is a great day filled with fun and excitement for the families in our community! More information and registration link may be found online at www.sjavb. org/stingrayrun. You may also “like” our Facebook page at in order to get race updates and training information. Sponsorship and promotional opportunities are also available for both the 5K and 1 Mile race as well as the Expo. Please contact Lisa Rohrer, Race Director, at for more details. We look forward to seeing you at the race! Sandbridge Residents: Please note that the race will follow Sandfiddler Rd between Sandbridge Rd and Bonita Ln. Traffic on that route will be impacted between 8:15 to 10:30. Traffic control personnel will be in place for anyone who will need to use the road for local circulation. Thank you very much for your understanding and collaboration – the security of our children will be our first priority that morning. BOB AARON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 2016 APPLICATION The Bob Aaron Memorial Scholarship has been established in memory of a man who loved life. He was a great friend, father and neighbor. As a long-time employee of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, environmental stewardship became one of his passions. Another of his great passions was fishing. Our hope is that by awarding this scholarship to a student who shares his same passions, we will carry on his legacy. Applicant must be a graduating senior from a public high school; have at least a 3.0 GPA; been accepted to an accredited college; and possess a demonstrated interest in the environment and/or fishing. Applicants must submit 2 letters of recommendation (at least one must be academic) and write an essay. Selections for scholarship winners will be made by the scholarship committee, consisting of members of the Back Bay Restoration Foundation (BBRF). Consideration will be given by the quality and creativity of the essay, academic achievement and the student’s contributions to preserving the environment and/or their experiences fishing. The winners of the scholarships will be selected based on the following criteria: GPA, Essay, Extra-curricular activity and Class Rank. Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded. Essay, official transcript, application and two letters of recommendations must be postmarked by April 30, 2016 for the Fall 2016 school year. Late submissions will not be considered. The scholarship winners will be notified by letter and the scholarship will be awarded during the school’s senior award ceremony. The scholarship will be paid directly to the recipient’s college or university. It is the recipient’s responsibility to inform BBRF of the address where the check should be sent. THE 7TH ANNUAL BACK BAY Sunday Prizes June 5, 2016 Trophies Baja Restaurant To the top 3 bass in each division Starts at sunrise Food Please send all application submissions to: Back Bay Restoration Foundation C/O Bob Aaron Memorial Scholarship 3022 New Bridge Road Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Weigh-in from 8:00am to noon Music Drinks Youth Division,too 12 and under Silent Auction More than $12,000 in scholarships have been awarded to high school seniors with an interest in the environment and fishing Come fish with us! Raffles Sponsored by the Back Bay Restoration Foundation 6 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 Captain’s meeting: TBD Check website for details & updates GET FIRED UP FOR THE FOURTH! It’s not too soon to be thinking Fourth of July festivities. According to many people, last year’s Sandbridge fireworks were the BEST EVER! Let’s keep that high-in-the-sky momentum. The spectacular show will once again be on the pond at Sandbend and Back Bay Crescent at 9:10 p.m. following the boat parade. The people of Sandbridge fund our beloved tradition and our fund drive begins May 15. You can watch the sign at the fire station for our progress and every little bit helps! The donation levels are: Platinum: $1,000 + Gold $500 + Silver $250 + Bronze $100 + Donorall others Please make your checks out to Sandbridge Fireworks and mail or deliver to any these committee members: Bill Price Amy Barton Fred Greene Phil Pfeufer 333 Pike Circle 308 Back Bay Crescent 316 Teal Crescent 2956 Sandbend Road A detailed financial statement will be mailed to all donors after the event and will also be published in the Sandbridge Beach Civic League newsletter. Our reserve is growing and once it gets large enough, we plan to skip a year of fundraising! Thanks to all of you! Sandbridge Realty... More than just sand in your pocket. Serving over 400 homes in Sandbridge! Vacation Rentals Property Management Real Estate Sales Vacation Rentals Property Management Real Estate Sales (757) 426-6262 581 Sandbridge Road, Virginia Beach, VA Sandbridge Realty... More than just sand in your pocket. *K-9 Bed Bug Protection Program *Pest Control *Master Plumber *Pool & Hot Tub Maintenance *Lawn & Landscaping Services *Power Washing & Filter Services (757) 689-0901 (757) 426-6262 581 Sandbridge Road, Virginia Beach, VA SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 7 RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Sandbridgers once again go above and beyond the blood drive goal. Fifty people turned out to donate 44 pints of blood. Truly a gift of life! Thanks to all donors and all who volunteered their time for this worthy cause. Wanda & Fred Greene, Donna Earp Alice Watson Janet Meyer 8 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 Richard Donahue Charles Learned Sibyl and Dick Dunleavy SBCL Easter Egg Hunt 2016 Spring has sprung! The Easter Bunny has come! He brought 9,000 eggs to hundreds of kids who combed the beach at Little Island Park. Thanks to Amy Barton, Christine Eberhart, the teen volunteers and, of course, the Easter Bunny and his trusty sidekick! Check out more photos on our website: SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 9 STRIKE ONE OFF THE BUCKET LIST By: Jane Stilley Tim Ferramosca is a humble guy who really doesn’t like to blow his own horn. Really. The retired dentist even asked me to take the “Dr.” off his name in a SBCL newsletter article last year. But he made an exception and literally blew his own horn as he celebrated his 65th birthday in March. First he lured the legendary Hotcakes Band out of retirement. Then he surprised his friends and family members by grabbing his own saxophone and jamming with the band. Who knew our savvy saxman had such talent? Is there a new career on the horizon for our brassy balladeer? Stay tuned! Tim on sax with Hotcakes Band Tim on sax with Hotcakes Band Tim with fellow Hokies Va Ex ca cep tio tio n Re nal nt al s Tim dances with his wife Cathy Exclusive Amenities & All-Inclusive Package at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE! a Fresh Approach to VacaTion RenTalS The Best Vacation Properties and Blue Ribbon Service. Exceptional property management with exclusive amenities and features for both Owners AND Guests. Where Customer Service NeveR Takes A vacation! 877.496.0637 • 1993 Sandbridge Road • Suite 107 • Virginia Beach, VA 23456 10 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 37TH ANNUAL SANDBRIDGE PIG PICKIN' September 10, 2016 1:00 - 5:00 PM Little Island Park, Sandbridge THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO DEMONSTRATE YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD BY BEING A SPONSOR OF THE PIG PICKING - PLUS HAVING A GREAT TIME WITH FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS! • Catering by Beach Bully • Artisans & Crafters Galore • Music by Tinna Sinnen • Bobby the Clown for the Kids The Rescue Squad does not conduct mail fund drives. The Pig Picking and Summer Bingo provide 95% of our funds. The volunteers stand ready to help you ALL YEAR so let’s help them on this ONE day! Sponsorships are $100 which include two $35.00 tickets and recognition. Make checks payable to “Sandbridge Volunteer Rescue Squad,” complete the form below and mail to Fred Greene at 316 Teal Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23456. Name: Date: 2014 Mailing Address: City: Ticket Mailing Address: State: Zip: (If different from mailing address) How to be listed: Sponsorship: (Includes two $35.00 tickets) Additional Tickets @ $35.00 #_____ $100.00 $___.00 Total$___.00 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 11 Charlie Ellin, Membership Chairman (757) 426-8995 ( _______________________________________________________ ________ SBCL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION/RENEWAL FORM Sandbridge Beach Civic League 2129 General Booth Blvd Suite 103 – 180 Virginia Beach, VA 23454 Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Phone # (_______) _________________________ Sandbridge Address (if different from above): _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Phone # (_______) _________________________ E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ The SBCL membership year runs July 1st through June 30th and dues are $15.00 per membership year, you can become a member at any time during the membership year but membership dues are not prorated. If you choose to join or extend your membership for longer than one year please indicate the number of years and the corresponding dollar amount below. Number of Years _______ Amount $: __________ Check #: _________ Date: ____________ Sandbridge Beach Civic League Membership Renew Yours Early This Year It’s tax season, again, and what better way to spend a small part of that big tax refund check than to renew or extend your SBCL membership. If your mailing label has the code 1606V in the upper right hand corner your membership will lapse June 30, 2016. Thank you to those who have renewed their membership early, your action helps lessen the frantic rush to renew in June when we would all rather be outside enjoying the beach and Back Bay. Complete the form below and mail it in with your check, and while you are at it why not renew for more than one year? The contact information you provide will appear in the SBCL Directory, which is published in the Fall. Your SBCL membership helps keep you current on what’s going on in Sandbridge Beach through monthly newsletters and membership meetings, and gives you a voice in helping shape matters affecting SB. Each household membership includes voting privileges for two adults. Members receive 10 monthly Newsletters, a membership directory; two SBCL vehicle decals for those days when Sandbridge Beach is open to residents only, monthly membership meetings and you will be included on our master emailing list keeping you up to date on current events. Membership also includes invitation to our free members only Oktoberfest and provides information on our community Christmas party with Santa, clean ups and Easter egg hunt! For additional information and to view our Bylaws visit our SBCL website at 12 Charlie Ellin, Membership Chairman SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 (757) 426-8995 ( _______________________________________________________ ________ SANDBRIDGE SEASIDE ART After a career in business and sales, Ed Palmer has returned to his artistic roots as a retiree. Ed has created three spectacular “Under the Sea” murals which grace his pools at his two homes in Sandbridge. Ed is a graduate of the New York School of Art and Design and got his start as an artist in the silk screen industry. He then went on to run a silk screen business and years later formed a sales and marketing corporation with his wife Emilie. Painting was never “in the picture” until Emilie suggested Ed try his hand at the outdoor murals several years ago. Ed duly researched his mission and now paints on five-foot sections of concrete boards. Each fish takes Ed about two hours to paint, and each mural has dozens of fish. Not to mention the lifelike marine mammals! Ed has created three of these eye-popping poolside masterpieces over the past three years. One is 20-feet long, one is 30-feet and one is 60-feet. Do the math: this is more than just a labor of love! As a grandfather of ten children, Ed says he likes to paint “non-threatening” fish so that kids can enjoy his work. Don’t expect Ed to ever offer these amazing works of art for sale. He’s been asked… a lot… and politely declines. Ed says making a business out of this time-consuming hobby would take the fun out of it! W P I WYNNE PLUMBING, INC. Kai G. Wynne, Master Plumber Josh Wynne General Plumbing Services and Repairs Faucets • Toilets Winterizing Water Heaters • Disposers Drain Cleaning Shop: 426-2045 499-5399 Proudly Serving the Sandbridge Community! Design & Construction John MacKay CUSTOM FENCES 721-JOHN ◆◆◆ “We do it all” - (757) 721-5646 46 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 13 FOR YOUR INFORMATION... Animal Poison Control hotline: 888-426-4435 Serving over 400 homes in Pet Poison Helpline: 800-213-6680 Tabernacle United Methodist Church Reverend Jack Davis Sundays 8:30 / 11:00 Sunday School 9:30 Sandbridge Realty... Sandbridge! This was sent in by our Sandbridge neighbor Keith Evans: ww 1265 Sandbridge Road Did you know homeowners can contact the City of Virginia Beach Trash and Recycling than sand in office to obtain an additional 95-gallon blue recycling container.More There is just no cost foryour thispocket. additional container and they will also deliver it for free! Related, one of our containers was "eaten" by a collection truck, and this office is delivering a replacement at no cost. Is this a great city, or what? 426-2396 Here is the link to detail: *Pest Control *Pool & Hot Tub Maintenance *Lawn & Landscaping Services *Power Washing & Filter Services PERSONAL SAFETY(757) TIP: SMARTPHONE FOR 689-0901 426-6262 STRANDED (757) MOTORIST Sent in by a Sandbridge neighbor 2,3,4 Bedroom & Penthouse Condos Private Boardwalk & 3 Pools Special Events Full Service Real Estate Sales Office 581 Sandbridge Road, Virginia Beach, VA The scenario: 1. The night is dark and stormy 2. You, man or woman, elderly or youthful, are stranded along the road in your here-to-fore reliable vehicle 3. Your car doors are locked and the windows are raised 4. You have been waiting a long time for the assistance promised by the folks at AAA or such 5. A "Good Samaritan" stops to rescue you 6. You lower your driver's window just enough to talk 7. He or she offers a ride 8. You respond: "Before I exit my vehicle, would you please hand me your driver's license. I am going to take a picture of it with my smartphone and text that picture to six friends. Then I will unlock my door and gladly accept your kind offer" 9. The Samaritan departs in great haste 10. You say to yourself: "Whew!" (757) 457-0050 3700 Sandpiper Road Va Beach, VA 23456 Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Jeffrey R. Bek, D.D.S. 426-6151 1767 Princess Anne Road There are many other scenarios where applying this same social media technology makes sense; especially so for teens and young adults. Signups start April 15 for the popular summer programs at the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Check them out on the Refuge website at 10 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, AUGUST 2013 HURRICANE SHUTTERS Providing complete storm protection Security Weatherproofing Residential & Commercial Call Today! Free Estimates 100% Financing Available 757-463-1446 14 SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 Simply Steamed Take Out Seafood Market & Catering Martha Gaione & Toni Smith 2545 Sandpiper Road Virginia Beach, VA 23456 757-301-8553 SANDBRIDGE BEACH CIVIC LEAGUE Monthly Financial Report FEBRUARY 2016 BEGINNING BALANCES, JANUARY 29, 2016 Towne Bank Checking Account Bulk Mail Account TOTAL ACCOUNTS $14,194.59 $360.29 $14,554.88 INCOME Interest$0.12 Advertising$5,995.12 TOTAL INCOME $5,995.24 EXPENSES Office Supplies Newsletter Printing Box Rental TOTAL EXPENSES ENDING BALANCES, FEBRUARY 28, 2016 Towne Bank Checking Account Bulk Mail Account TOTAL ACCOUNTS $111.28 $1,765.00 $198.00 $2,074.28 $18,115.43 $360.29 $18,475.72 Save the Date! May 7, 2016 Sandbridge Community Yard Sale SANDBRIDGE BEACH CIVIC LEAGUE S C H O L A R S H I P HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS: WHO DOESN'T WANT FREE MONEY? The Sandbridge Beach Civic League gives up to three scholarships annually to deserving, graduating high school seniors. There is a $2,500, $1,500 and $1,000 award. The student must be attending a college, university, technical or trade school full time within the following year. The applicant’s family must be members of SBCL and full-time residents of Sandbridge. The application can be found online at Look under – students – scholarship central and then search Sandbridge Beach Civic League. You will need to submit the official application (academic resume may be included also), an official school transcript, two letters of reference ( one from a teacher or counselor and one from a neighbor or other Sandbridge resident) and an essay of 300-500 words titled “How Living in Sandbridge Shaped Who I Am.” The applicants will be judged on academic achievement, academic rigor, leadership, involvement, community service and their understanding of and relationship to Sandbridge. The full application packet must be delivered to Mike Maloney at 304 Teal Crescent in Sandbridge by 6 pm on Sunday, May 15, 2016. For questions, please call Mike at 721-2211. Upcoming Events Calendar April Birthstone: Diamond Flower: Daisy 1 Fri April Fools Day 6 Wed US Enters World War I (1917) 9 Sat Lee Surrenders at Appomattox (1865) 10 Sun Spring Cleanup Surf & Swap 12 Tue Blue Can Recycle Day 15 Fri Tax Day 18 Mon Civic League Meeting 22 Fri Earth Day 23 Sat Passover Begins Virginia Arts Festival 25 Mon US Declares War on Spain (1898) 26 Tue Blue Can Recycle Day East Coast She Crab Soup Classic 27 Wed Administrative Professionals Day 28 Thu US Invades Dominican Republic (1965) US Invades Cambodia (1965) 29 Fri May Birthstone: Emerald Flower: Lily of the Valley May Day 1 Sun 5 Thu Ascension Day Cinco de Mayo 6 Fri Nurse's Day 7 Sat SB Community Yard Sale 8 Sun Mother's Day Germany Surrenders (V-E Day) 1945 VB Monsters on the Beach Blue Can Recycle Day 10 Tue 14 Sat St. John The Apostle Annual Stingray 5K, 1 Mile And 50 Yard Dash In Sandbridge 15 Sun SBCL Scholarship Close Date Women's Army Auxiliary Corps Established 16 Mon Civic League Meeting 21 Sat Armed Forces Day 24 Tue Blue Can Recycle Day 29 Sun VB Patriotic Festival SANDBRIDGE NEWS, APRIL 2016 15 SANDBRIDGE BEACH CIVIC LEAGUE 2129 General Booth Blvd. Suite 103 - 180 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454 PRESORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID VIRGINIA BEACH VA PERMIT NO. 3031 NEXT MEETING Monday, April 18th at 7:00 p.m. at the Sandbridge Chapel Community Center, 3041 Sandpiper Road Flotsam and Jetsam The weather today reminds me of Carl Sandburg’s little poem: “The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.” Dark skies in the south are foreboding. Ah…here comes the rain. Black clouds are now in front of my house and the beachfront seems ominous. I pause to get another cup of coffee and while I’m gone…the sun comes out! The fog and foreboding sky have gone away. People, celebrating Easter week and Spring Break, begin to trickle to the shore and enjoy the slice of sunshine, our wonderful beach, and the promise, now, of this fine day. It is Good Friday, the last Friday of March. Easter, early this year, makes us think that winter must be gone. I do recall, though, a few years ago we had snow on April 9th. Our weather, like life, is often unpredictable. Tim Ferramosca celebrated his 65th birthday in style. The Hot Cakes band regaled the crowd of happy birthday wishers with upbeat tunes. The market parking lot was packed, an indication of all the folks who love Tim…and Cathy…and…a good party at the Bridge! Another good birthday party found Lionel and Carole Lee Hancock, Ann and Bob Bohannon, and Sandy Maloney eating homemade German chocolate cake at a surprise affair for Shirley Roberts who is a friend to so many of us here at Sandbridge Beach. Fancy clothing and handmade jewelry, including lots of dangling earrings, were on display and for sale at a party at Jeanette and Les Thorpe’s artsy home one Sunday afternoon. Happy neighbors perused pretty things and enjoyed chatting and snacking. Lucky ones left with a must-have treasure or two. Spring will be properly celebrated, in April, at Emilie and Ed Palmer’s “Welcome to Spring” annual event. Great weather has been requested, and as always, everyone will bring great food. Surely by then, winter will be done! Margie Dowe is back from Arkansas where she enjoyed a visit with son Charlie. Mary Rodgers is back from Switzerland and Italy where she travelled for two weeks with her sister. The Bybee’s are heading home from Florida. Brenda and Milton Womack are here now…so is Trish Poirrier. The Kindley’s must be back from Costa Rica and Nicaragua and Sam and Nancy Stoakley should be home. Friendly faces are always missed and seeing them again is one of the nicest gifts of spring in our little resort beach town! Our community is populated as if by a parade of people passing thru a big, revolving door. Cynthia Rowe should know that Eva Mae and Tootie are on their way. They have been spotted outside of the door. Those of us who are planted in Sandbridge are easily entertained by the coming and going, the ebbing and flowing, the seasonal flavors, treats, and surprises…the gifts and beauty of being and living here. I hope that, soon, my neighbors’ lights will be on and cars will be in their driveways. I enjoy the quiet of the winter months, but look forward to the warmth and activities of April, May, and June. Bradley Hilliard, grandson of Morris and Linda McKinney, was the recipient of the local DAR Good Citizen Award. He shared his essay at a luncheon attended by his mother Cindy, Margie Dowe, former Governor Gilmore, many others, and me. What an amazing young man Bradley is. Sandbridger Audrey Settle, also amazing, has recently become a board member of the fabulous Virginia Stage Company…the Well’s Theater…in Norfolk. Congratulations Audrey! Another amazing duo are Hattie and Daisy Smith who, though still in elementary school, have started a homemade doggie treat business. They are the daughters of Trip and Ali Smith. Bunco players enjoyed a full moon on a warm night plus delicious apple cake topped with a dollop of whipped cream as the dice were flying at Betty Lehr’s inviting home. Faith Sears served a fancy English tea for the SB book club members. Second Saturday Supper Club had 36 people sharing the meal in March. Busy, busy, busy!!! Ah…Happy Birthday Joan! Chandler Dennis……with the View from my Deck
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sandbridge beach news - Sandbridge Beach Civic League
2004 Sandbridge Rd., Ste. 102
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sandbridge beach news - Sandbridge Beach Civic League
the Sandbridge Chapel Community Center
at 3041 Sandpiper Road. Meet your neighbors and
take part in your community business. Sandbridge
is YOUR community, and each resident counts.
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SENIORS: Joan - Sandbridge Beach Civic League
Co-Editor …..…...........Jim Belcher ……........................804-731-5829,
Advertising …..............Ginny McCormac ……..........................................................