Betsy McCall - The Bleu Door
Betsy McCall - The Bleu Door
Betsy McCall at the pet show On Saturday, we had the most funl A pet show, with. canaries,fishes,dogs, cats,and even a goose.My cousin Sandy brought his rabbit, Twitchy, in a cage. Ned and Fred. who are t*ins, brought their sheep dog, Tangles. My little cousin Linda showed her big turtle. She just couldn't make him march the way she wanted. My dog, Nosy, wouldn't stay in line, either, but kept chasing the goose. You never did hear such barking and honkingl EVERY pet got first prizethe fish for the best srvimmers,Tangles for the longest hair, the birds for the best voices, and so on. Nosy got the prize for the waggiest tail! The admission was a nickel for UNICEF. And do you know what? We collected nearly four dollars, which will buy /o/s of milk and medicine and things for ehildren in foreign lands. Her snow pants and Orlon-pilelined jacket are cozy as can be This is BetsyMcCall qopyRrcHT @ t962 By MccaLL coRpoRATtoN BSTSY'S SKIFTS AND SWEATERS BY PANDORA KNITWEAR. INC.. AND HER SNOW OUTFIT FROM MACWIL. INC.. MAY EE SEEN AT STORES LI5TED ON PAGE 244 FOR PAPER DOLLA OF 6ET5Y AND HER COU5IN LINDA. PRINTED IN qOLOR ON STURDY CARDBOARD. PLUS IA NEW COSTUMES TO CUT OUT FOR THEM, SEND 25 CENTS IN qOIN (PLEASE DO NOT SENE 9TAMPs) TO MCCALL'S. OEPARTMENT D. P.O, BOX '39O. NEw YoR( r7, N.Y. lN CANADA. MccALL's. 462 FRoNT STREET WEST. TORONTO 28. ONTARIO Her plaid kilt and crew-neck sweater are nice for school Her skirt and bulky cardigan are warm. And washable.too!