09/01/2015 Minutes - The City of McCall
09/01/2015 Minutes - The City of McCall
MCCALL AREA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Minutes September 1,2015 - 5:30 p.m. McCall City Ha" - lower level 216 East Park Street, McCall, 10 83638 COMMISSION MEETING - Began at S:30 p.m. CAll TO ORDER AND ROll CAll Chair Fereday, Commissioner Callan, Commissioner Williamson, Commissioner Tunnell, and Commissioner Thompson were present. Commissioner Farnsworth was absent. City Planner, Delta James, and Permit Technician, Morgan Bessaw, were also present. 1. REVIEW & APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Williamson made a motion to approve the August 4, 2015 minutes. Commissioner Tunnell seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed. 2. PRELIMINARY DEVElOPMENT PLAN REVIEW MEETINGS 3. CONSENT AGEI\lDA Chair Fereday recused herself during the consent agenda due to a conflict of interest regarding one of the applications. At the applicant's request, the application for ROS-15-21 was moved from the consent agenda to new business. ROS-IS-IS 807 N. 3,d Street McCall Design and Planning representing McCall Brewing Company and May Rental LLC: a Record of Survey application to adjust a lot line in order to accommodate an addition to the existing structure. The property is zoned CBD - Central Business District, located within the Scenic Route, and is more particularly described as: McCall Acreage Tax No. 130-A, situate in Government Lot 3 Section 9, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho. ROS-lS-16 IS03 Dragonfly loop McCall Design and Planning representing Cory and Michelle Ihmels: a Record of Survey application to combine two (2) lots of record . The property is zoned R4 - Low Density Residential, and is more particularly described as: Aspen Ridge Subdivision Phase III, Lots 26 and 27, situate in NE X NE X of Section 10, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M ., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho. ROS-lS-17 118, 120, 122 Mather Road Andrew Laidlaw, Janet Jenkins representing the Estate of Sarah Moosman, and 530 Highway 55 LLC: Record of Survey application to split a portion of the Moosman parcel and combine with the Laidlaw and 530 Highway 55 LLC parcels. The properties are zoned R4 - Low Density Residential and are more particularly described as: McCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission September 1, 2015 Agenda Page 1 of 5 Amended McCall Acreage Tax No's. 41-A and 41-B in Gov't Lot 7, Section 8 and in Gov't Lot 2, Section 17, Amended River Subdivision Lot 1, Block 3, Section 8, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho. ROS-1S-18 17S Crowley Lane Droulard Land Surveying, Inc. representing Robert Tucker: Record of Survey application to split a single parcel into two (2) parcels. The property is zoned RR - Rural Residential (10 acres), and is more particularly described as: Easterly part of McCall Acreage Tax No. 34 in the South YI of Gov't Lot 6, situate in Section 6, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho. ROS-1S-19 300,306 West Lake Street Droulard Land Surveying, Inc. representing Gabriella Hess and Douglas Peterson: Record of Survey application to adjust a lot line and combine part of the Hess property with the Peterson property. The properties are zoned R4 - Low Density Residential, and are more particularly described as: McCall Acreage Tax No.'s 28 and 202 in Gov't Lot 5, situate in Section 8, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho. ROS-1S-20 1116,1120 Rim Drive Droulard Land Surveying, Inc. representing the Conner Family Revocable Trust: Record Survey application to combine two (2) parcels into one (1) parcel. The properties are zoned R4 - Low Density Residential, and are more particularly described as: Crescent Rim Subdivision, Lots 36 and 37, situate in the NE y.; NE y.; of Section 6, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., Valley County, Idaho. ROS-1S-22 100 Scott Street Chuck Seubert: a Record of Survey application to combine five (5) lots into one (1) parcel. The property is zoned I-Industrial, and is more particularly described as: Lots 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of Amended Plat of Lots 1-19, Block 1, of Riverside Subdivision, situate in the NW y.; SW y.; of Section 16, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho. DR-1S-27 19S2 Warren Wagon Road Kevin Grove of High Mountain Nursery representing Hark Rider and Oak LLC: a Design Review application to demolition two (2) existing structures, add a patio, and terrace land with boulder retaining walls thirty inches (3~'') high or less. The property is zoned R4 - Low Density Residential, is within the Shoreline and Environs Zone, and is more particularly described as: State Subdivision, Lot 2, Block 25, Southwest Payette Lakes Cottage Sites, Section 32, T. 19 N., R. 3 E., B.M., Valley County, Idaho. Commissioner Tunnell made a motion to approve the consent agenda items ROS-1S-1S, ROS-1S-16, ROS-1S-17, ROS-1S-18, ROS-1S-19, ROS-1S-20, ROS-1S-22, and DR-1S-27 with Conditions of Approval as presented. Commissioner Callan seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed. McCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission September 1, 2015 Agenda Page 2 of 5 4. OLD BUSINESS 5. NEW BUSINESS ROS-15-21 1129 West Valley Road Ramon and Karen Alford: a Record of Survey application to split one (1) parcel into two (2) parcels. The property is zoned R8 - Medium Density Residential, and is more particularly described as: A portion of the NE Yo NE Y. of Section 18, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho. Raymond Alford, resident of 1129 W. Valley Rd, spoke on behalf of ROS-15-21. Mr. Alford stated that when building the garage on their property they had intentionally placed the garage 15 feet from their proposed parcel split to conform to city code. However, the Record of Survey determined that the proposed parcel boundary must be shifted North 1-2 feet in order to prevent the creation of a non-conforming structure due to the fact that the setback must be measured from the eaves of the building rather than the walls. Although Mr. Alford disagreed with the measurement, his main concern was with the required 12 foot public utility easement listed as a condition of approval. Mr. Alford stated that several years ago a previous developer had installed water and sewer hook ups up Verita Rd. running along the eastern side of his property. Due to the present infrastructure, he disagreed with the requirement that if he subdivide his parcel he provide 12 foot easements along both frontage roads for the purpose of additional city infrastructure . Mr. Alford stated that he had spoken with the road department from Valley County that also did not understand the purpose of the City requiring these easements. Ms. James presented the Staff Report and referenced the McCall City Code which states that all parcel splits be subject to city subdivision requirements: all new subdivisions require 12 foot easements be placed along all frontage streets in order to protect for future growth and increased demand on city infrastructure and utilities. The parcel in question is currently zoned R8, which suggests that the density of dwelling units could continue to increase from the present state and require an expansion of infrastructure into the easement in the future. Ms. James also referenced an email from City Engineer confirming the city's requirements and the need for providing utility easements along the Verita and W. Valley Rd . frontages. The City Engineer did not find any compelling reasons to veer from the code requirements. Commissioner Tunnell moved to approve the ROS with the conditions of approval as listed by the City Planner. Commissioner Williamson seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed. DR-15-28 213 Morgan Drive Pinetop Custom Homes representing Robert and Deborah Wetherell: a Design Review application to build a new 3690 sq. ft. home . The property is zoned R8 - Medium Density ReSidential, is within the Shoreline and River Environs Zone, and is more particularly described as: McCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission September 1, 2015 Agenda Page 3 of 5 River's Crossing Subdivision, Lot 21, Block 2, situate in S ~ of Section 17, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Id~ho. PUBLIC HEARING Steve Williams, of Pinetop Custom Homes, and resident of 186 Morgan Dr., presented the project. Williams stated that the plan did not include the caretaker garage and apartment at this time . The proposal is for a new construction home of 3690 sq. ft., with a 1319 sq. ft. attached garage, and a 1300 sq. ft . deck situated approximately 70 feet back from the river with large swaths of lawn surrounding the home, particularly to the southeast. The landscaping plan also included several Aspen trees to help shield the home from the river and the site plan had situated the home 20 feet further from the river than city code required . Williams also allowed that the design had already been approved by the Rivers Crossing Subdivision Design Review Process. Ms. James presented the Staff Report and reminded the commission that the current design review guidelines encourage landowners to keep lawn area to a minimum and substitute native vegetation for sod and nonnative plants where possible. The two current Conditions of Approval are to provide specific lighting fixtures that comply with the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance and that the design review approval shall lapse after one year. Discussion among the commissioners about the amount of sod proposed surrounding the house and the benefit of maintaining natural landscaping along the heavily used river corridor followed. The public hearing was opened. No one had any comment. The public hearing was closed. Williamson motioned to approve the application and conditions stated with the additional condition that the sodded area to the southeast be minimized to conform with the landscaping on the west side of the home and that a new landscaping plan be submitted to the City Planner before the issuance of a building permit. Tunnel seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye. The motion passed. DR-15-29 100 Scott Street Chuck Seubert: a Design Review application to construct a new 6900 sq. ft. storage building. The property is zoned I-Industrial, and is more particularly described as: Lots 15, 16,17,18 and 19 of Amended Plat of Lots 1-19, Block I, of Riverside Subdivision, situate in the NW X SW X of Section 16, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho. PUBLIC HEARING Chuck Seubert, 206 Mission St., spoke on behalf of the project. Mr. Seubert stated the addition would primarily be used as storage and would help clean up the area by keeping some of the larger RVs they are working on indoors off the street. Tan and brown siding will be used to maintain a cohesive look. Ms. James presented the staff report. The storage addition provides the minimum number of parking spaces required by City Code. The applicants must make sure that the parking lot is ADA compliant and that storm-water drainage and erosion controls measures are utilized. There are utility and drainage easements on Archer st. and utility easements on Scott St., the project is located in an industrial area. No landscaping plan is associated with the project. One condition of approval is McCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission September 1, 2015 Agenda Page 4 of 5 that all disturbed areas will be seeded with native grass seed to prevent erosion. Ms. James then read all conditions of approval. The public hearing was opened. No one had any comment. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Williamson made a motion to approve the Design Review with conditions as stated. Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye. The motion passed. 6. OTHER • Signs approved administratively - Ms. James shared the Sign Review application for Incahoots BBQ. • Reminder of the September 29, 2015 driving tour of the scenic routes. • The next meeting will be on October 6, 2015 at Legion Hall. 7. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Fereday made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 pm. Commissioner Williamson seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion carried. Signed: October 6, 2015 Attest: o Fereday, Chail, McCa I Area Planniftg and Zoning C m McCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission September 1, 2015 Agenda City Planner Page 5 of 5
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