I Betsy McCall`s Dog, Nosey, Becomes a Father
I Betsy McCall`s Dog, Nosey, Becomes a Father
---*"1 .:' * I ! rl ta . !. I ,:' i BetsyMcCall'sDog, Nosey,Becomesa Father Yo*e-rrwer seen such adorable puppies, and such long, waggy tails, and such a Proud Nosey! I{ere's how it all happened: This new familY, the , .: F *f Bascoms, moved into the big white house down our street. They have a little girl my age, Susan Katrina-Sukey, for short. We liked each other right away, and now we're BEST FRIENDS. Well, Sukey has this white dog called Mixie, because she is a mixture of all kinds of breeds. She's such a sweet. friendly dog, and she and Nosey became friends, too. The four of us went everywhere together. When the puppies were born, Sukey called me. I ran right over, with Nosey at my heels. Such teeny, tiny things! They all squirmed and nestled close to Mixie in the big basket Mrs. Bascom got for them. Nosey was a little scared of them! But in a while, he wagged his tail like mad and gave funny little barks. "f{e's saying he wants some attention, too," Mrs. Bascom said. So we patted him and made a great fuss about him and told him he'd be a wonderful daddy! And I'11 bet he will be, too! copyRrcHT @ ts63 BY MccALL coRPoRATroN Betsy's buttoned pleated dress is McCall's 6871 This is Betsy McCall in a swimsuit her mother made from McCall's 6833 And Sukey's shift comes from the same pattern tsUY MCCALL'S PATTERNS AT YOUR LOCAL sTORE. OR ORDER THEM BY MAIL. PF€PAID, FROM THE MCCALL CORPORATION, DAYTON I. OHtO. PRICES AND 5IZE5 GIVEN ON PAGE I?O PLUS IS NEW COSTUMES TO CUT OUT FOR THEM, SEND 25 CENTS IN COIN (PLEASE FOR PAPER OOLLS OF BET5Y AND HER COUStN LINDA. PRINTED IN COLOR ON STURDY CARDBOARD, 28, oNTARIO WEST. TORoNTo MCCALLS, 462 FRoNTSTREET 5TAMPs) Tg MCCALL'9. DEPARTMENT D, P.o. BoX 139o. New YORK t7, N.Y. lN qANADA: t62 DO NOT SEND