Downloadable Newsletter - Littlejohn UMC Home Page


Downloadable Newsletter - Littlejohn UMC Home Page
Littlejohn United Methodist Church
Founded 1775
4120 Littlejohn Church Rd.
Lenoir, NC 28645
Phone & Fax: (828) 754-8744
Rev. Allen Boliek – Pastor
(828) 219-2076
September 20 3:00-5:00
Baby Shower honoring Kelli and
Gwyn Kelley in Clay Fellowship Hall
Have you liked us one
Facebook yet? Head on
over and take a look at
the page! We have some of our latest announcements and some great
pictures from past curriculums as well!
There will be a Circuit Wide Luncheon at
Lelia Tuttle Memorial Park on September
20 immediately following Baton UMC
worship. Everyone is encouraged to bring
a well filled basket/ covered dish and
enjoy fellowship with our circuit churches.
September 2015
Dear Friends,
I am so excited to report what a great Homecoming Sunday we experienced this year!
The church was almost full except for maybe one pew empty or some sparsely populated ones. The fellowship incredible and the food was enough we all went away very
full. The message shared by Rev. Olin Isenhour was about taking up your cross (not
Jesus’ cross for he has carried it) and following Jesus. Further, his message was to
live a life of self-denial. Not as a matter of denying ourselves basic needs and necessities but rather denying ourselves some of the luxuries in life we have allowed to
overshadow our relationship with God. This is a message we all need to hear so I
share a few further thoughts.
When I consider self-denial I am reminded of what Jesus told his disciples about fasting from
Matthew 6:16-18.
16 "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their
faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 17 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18 so
that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is
unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. (NIV)
Jesus tells us that any form of self-sacrifice we choose should be done with a cheerful
heart and especially a cheerful witness. Let’s consider some ideas around selfsacrifice.
Of course there is the one I have already mentioned, fasting. Fasting is denying yourself something for a period of time enough to actually recognize its importance in
your life. One fast many practice during lent is not eating dessert or chocolate. There
are others of course but fasting is only effective if it’s something you truly desire in
your life. If it’s something you don’t like you probably chose the wrong thing to fast
Another form of self-sacrifice is being responsible for your own discipleship. Rev.
Isenhour touched on this point as he mentioned our refusal to make service to God a
priority. He gave the example of a church member choosing to ignore a church committee meeting in lieu of one of their favorite TV shows. What other things do we put
above our Christian discipleship? What time commitments are you willing to make to
others but not for God and God’s work? I find it interesting that people will make
commitments that may conflict with their church responsibilities considering that
church can take a back seat to whatever else they choose.
Of course the many forms of self-sacrifice are way beyond the scope of this letter.
These two that I have mentioned cover some issues we have in life. Let’s practice a
life of self-sacrifice as Jesus demonstrates for us in going to the cross for our sins. As
we do this, remember, be happy!
Mission: To invite the world to experience the love of Christ, to learn about the love of Christ, and to be the love of Christ in the world.
Looking into the future of the life
of the church we are excited to
begin our usual fall activities.
The kids are in school, the weather is changing, and the days are
beginning to get shorter. Of
course with fall comes the responsibility of charge conference.
This is the time of the year we
take stock of what we have dome
in the past then hope and plan for
the future. I hope you will keep
the leadership of the church in
your prayers during this time.
In Christ,
Pastor Allen
P.S. Please continue to pray about
the issue of poverty in our community. I plan to share more about
ministry possibilities in the upcoming months, especially opportunities for self-sacrifice and discipleship.
Honorariums & Memorials
General Fund
Ruth Kincaid
In Honor of Sue Prestwood
In memory of Duell McCall, Leta &
Stoney Hartley, Betty Marcum, Phil
& Pam Clark, Cecil & Mary Hartley,
Ruby Rogers, Deb & Ed Devusser
Pam & Phillip Clark
In memory of Lullian Kincaid, Thetis & Harry Cain, Mary Edna &
Ralph Jenkins & Dan Nelson
Frank Arthur
To the love of my life forever
Horry & Mary Wilma Kent
In Honor of Emma Hamrick, Gwyn
& Kelli Kelley, Howard & Gail Bennett
In memory of Opha & Lloyd Mikeal
Margie Braswell
In memory of James Braswell, and
Opha & Lloyd Mikeal
Sandra Gaskins Booth
In memory of Loise Bird
Lyn Nichols
In honor of Bob Prestwood, Kim &
Lawrence Kelley, Gwyn & Kelli
Betty Marcum
In memory of Junior Marcum
In Honor of Jimmy Owens’ birthday
Frank & Judy Arthur
In honor of Bonnie & Richie Rich,
Sandy & Louis Gaskins, the McCall
David Judson Anders, son of
David and Elaine Anders, who
graduated this summer from the
Walker School of Business,
Appalachian State University.
His degree is in computer science and he is currently employed as an IT for the Catawba
County Schools
This is just a bit of a follow up on the
old offering plates that Joyce Knight
and I gave to Gretchen for Littlejohn
Methodist Church. I can remember
when those plates were used in church
and when they were replaced. Daddy,
Oscar Kincaid, took two of them home
and they have been in use in his wood
working shop ever since. Daddy has
been gone for many years, but the plates
still served as holders for screws, nails
and such. Joyce and I finally realized
that the plates needed to be preserved
and we are glad to know that they will
be around for another hundred years at
Littlejohn's. .
Most of you may not remember the old
wood stoves that sat up front in the
church, one on each side. Daddy would
leave the house early on Sunday mornings in the winter, go to church
and start the fires. By the time most
people arrived for services the church
was fairly warm. When these stoves
were replaced, Daddy took one home
and put it in his workshop. It was used
until it had so many holes in it that it
was not safe.
So many of my fondest memories are
tied with Littlejohn Methodist Church.
Dinners on the grounds with big wash
tubs of tea and lemonade and tables
laden with wonderful food. MY F and
all the fun of hayrides, camping trips
and fellowship. The joy of the older
folks at that time, Tuttles, Teagues,
Corpenings, and Clays who were the
backbone of the church and such wonderful examples for us young ones coming on.
Life was good and Life still is! Thanks
be to God for such a wonderful family
and church to grow up in and learn
about life
Peggy K. Harris
Each year our churches recognize outstanding
members by awarding the Laity Service Award.
The following people were nominated for this
award- Frank Arthur, Linda Clay, Sandy Gaskins, and Sue Prestwood.
To be nominated for this award members must
exemplify a commitment to the Christian way
of life, and their contribution to the life of the
church and community must reflect a devotion
of self service to others. Here is a brief summary of the qualifications for each of these individuals as described on the nomination forms.
Frank Arthur "is always ready to help when he
can and is a very well rounded person". Frank serves the church every Sunday by
opening the church, making coffee, and helping
count and record the collected church offerings.
He often takes photos of church activities and
loves to share his photos of Littlejohn UMC and
the Christmas Trail.
He served his country in the Philippines during
WWII, is a veteran of the Army Air Corp, and
was honored with a trip to Washington DC by
Honor Flights to tour the WWII monument . His
wife, Judy Safriet Arthur surprised him by having a plaque commemorating his service in the
town square. Frank is not able to participate in
as many community events now because he
takes care of his wife Judy who suffers from
Linda Clay is a dedicated church member who
cares deeply for our church. She has served on
many committees, including serving as the
Chairperson for the Pastor Parish Relations
Committee several times. She also sings in the
choir. Her dedication can be demonstrated by
the fact that even when she was blind in one
eye she didn't stop serving. She helps with the
UMW Chicken Pie Supper every year. She has
also worked with the clothes closet at Gamewell
elementary by sorting, cleaning and putting together clothes for children in need. She serves
her church family and community by visiting
and bringing food to people in need.
Sandy Gaskins is a very active member of the
church. She is church treasurer, choir member,
and member of several church committees. She
is Sunday school teacher and does the opening
prayer during worship. She serves the community at voting polls and is a member of
Gamewell Ruritan Club. Sandy is good listener
and a very conscientious, friendly, and caring
Sue Prestwood has a "sweet personality, doing
her services to God and community behind the
scenes, not wanting to be recognized." She
keeps the church beautifully decorated with
flowers. She serves the church as the Upper
Room Coordinator and Lelia Tuttle Park manager. Sue serves the community by making
prayer quilts with the Quilting Group and visits
and brings food to those who are sick.
We are blessed with so many dedicated members, it is hard to only choose a few.
Choir Practice
Trinity Exercise Class
Choir Practice
Trinity Exercise Class
Choir Practice
Trinity Exercise Class
Circuit Wide
Luncheon (after
Baton Worship)
Kelley Baby
Shower 3-5pm
Choir Practice
Trinity Exercise Class
Choir Practice
Sunday A.M. Schedule
Worship ………………………………………...……… 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School Gathering…...10:20 a.m.—10:30 a.m.
Monthly Greeters
James & Geraldine Henson Van Griffith, Scott Kimberlin
Ed Devusser, Gerald Sprinke
Littlejohn UMC
4120 Littlejohn Church Road, Lenoir, NC 28645
Pastor Allen Boliek - 828-219-2076
Church Phone: 828-754-8744
Website: www.littlejohnumc.or g
September 20 3:00-5:00 Baby Shower honoring Kelli and Gwyn
Kelley in Clay Fellowship Hall
October 17 5:00 until all is gone, UMW Chicken Pie Dinner.
Clay Fellowship Hall. $7.00 per plate. Take outs available
Don’t forget the PEANUT BUTTER!
family, & Tut Barlowe
Leta & Stoney Hartley
In honor of Shelton Anders, and all teachers
Pam & Phillip Clark
In memory of Dan Nelson & Mamie Clark, Ann Clark
In Honor of Ruby Nelson, Horry & Mary Wilma Kent, Richard &
Martha Jarman
Cecil & Mary Lee Hartley
In honor of Jim & Judy Clay, Betty Marcum, & Harriet Greene
In memory of James & Clyde Clay, Will & Edna Hartley, May Jane
Clay, Bud & Pansy McCall, Stella Kincaid, Mary Lee Hartley, Scott
& Cindy Wilson & Family, Chad & Kimberly Ester & Family
All in honor of Cecil Hartley
Deb & Ed Devusser
In honor of Frank & Judy Arthur’s 50th anniversary
Teresa Hamrick
In memory of L.G. Hamrick
Anita Hamrick McCall & Emma Hamrick
In memory of L.G. Hamrick
Scott & Cindy Wilson
In honor of Cecil & Mary Lee Hartley
Olin & Shirlie Icenhour
In memory of Henry & Mary Clay
Tut Barlowe
In Honor of Ruby Nelson & Judy Arthur
In memory of Louise Bird, Anna Lea Helton, and Lillian Kincaid
Martha & Richard Jarman
In memory of Ralph & Christine Winchester
In honor of Pam & Phil Clark, Nicky & Joel Vance, James & Geraldine Henson
Cemetery Upkeep
Claudie Moore
In memory of Johnsie McCall, Gerald Moore, Mary Alice & Gerald
Jessie Corpening
In memory of B.H. Corpening
Building Fund
Horry & Mary Wilma Kent
In memory of Duell McCall
In Honor of Steve & Cindy Mills, Lois McCall and family
Sue Prestwood
In honor of Geraldine Henson
Tuttle Park
Joyce Knight
In memory of Duell McCall
Honorariums and Memorials (continued)
Littlejohn United Methodist Church
4120 Littlejohn Church Road
Lenoir, NC 28645