Nativity of Our Lord Church


Nativity of Our Lord Church
Nativity of Our Lord Church
A Stewardship Community
6 05 Wes t St r e et R o ad ,
Wa rm ins t er, PA 1 897 4
s it e : w ww. n oo lp .o rg
April 24, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon
Monday thru Saturday: 8:00 AM
Tuesday thru Friday: 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM
First Friday: 9:00 AM (October thru June)
7:30 AM - 7:50 AM
3:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Monday - Friday:
9:00 AM - 12 Noon
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Monday - Thursday : 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
6:30 PM -7:30 PM
9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Rev. Angelo R. Citino, Pastor
Rev. Msgr. William J.J. O’Donnell, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Addisalem Mekonnen, Parochial Vicar
Ms. Roselee Maddaloni, School Principal
Mrs. Jen Boag, Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Ann Marie Gervino, Dir. Adult Faith Formation
Mrs. Barbara Palo, Youth Minister
Mr. Michael Klenk, Director of Music
Mrs. Cheryl Kress, Business Manager
Mrs. Eileen Evangelista, Parish Secretary
Rectory: 215-675-1925
School: 215-675-2820
Religious Education Office: 215-672-5316
Second & Fourth Sunday of the month at 1:15 PM.
Parents are asked to come to the Baptismal Instruction
the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the
Parish Conference Center located behind the church.
Please call the Parish Center to register for Baptismal
We, the Parish family of Nativity of Our Lord, proclaim that by our Baptism we have received the message of
Christmas the great love God has for all people and proclaim that love to all we meet, and so to make present
the Kingdom of God on earth by service to others and by working for justice and peace.
Dear Parishioner,
Next Saturday, April 30, sixty-seven of our
children will receive their First Holy
Communion. As a parish community we rejoice
and celebrate as we welcome our young people
to the table of the Lord to receive Jesus in the
I ask all of you to pray for these children
that they may stay close to the Lord throughout
their lives and always be grateful for the
Eucharist. I ask that you pray that through the
Eucharist the children may build a personal
relationship with Jesus and deepen their faith.
May their faith be their strength for the journey.
As we celebrate with the children let us all
reflect on the gift of the Eucharist in our own
lives and what it means to us personally. May
this time of first Communion be not only a time
of celebration but also a time of grace for all of
us here at Nativity.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Sunday Collection:
Online Giving:
Total Sunday
$ 16,870.20
$ 994.00
$ 17,864.20
Fund for Retired Religious
Catholic Relief
Good Friday for Holy Lands
Rice Bowl
Thank you for your support! Fr. Citino
The Sanctuary Lamp in the Church
God bless us all!,
Burns in loving memory of
Father Angelo R. Citino
Michael Billas, Sr.
Flowers for St. Joseph and
The Blessed Mother
In loving memory of
Clyde Carter
We love you and miss you
Your wife and children
Evening Bible Study….
The Sanctuary Lamp in the
Holy Innocence Room
Burns in loving memory of
The Puglisi Family
H.O.P.E. Captain for: 4/10 - 4/30
Tricia Lamb @ 215-817-4447
continues to study the second half of the Gospel of
Mark. Jesus is Isaiah’s Suffering Servant Messiah
atoning for our sins, for our salvation.
Nativity’s Evening Bible Study meets at 7:00 PM
on the first and third Thursdays of each month in the
Multi-Media Center (former school library) with a big
screen for viewing the biblical Power Points.
May 5 and 19
June 2 and 16
July 7 and 21
August 4 and 18
Celebrants for MASSES
on April 30 and May 1
(Subject to Change)
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
Father Mekonnen
Father Citino
Father Mekonnen
Father Citino
Life Changing Seasons
To everything there is a season
and a time for every purpose
under heaven.
“...a time to be loved ”
“...a time to be born ”
“...a time to be healed ”
Marie Andinolfi, Tori Araco, Thomas Butts,
Madison Gillen, Florence Jenkins, J. Jones,
Joan McMahon, Marty Maxwell,
Matthew McNamee, John Mikulich,
Anne Pepper, John Rooney, Teresa Rooney,
Alfio Rossillo, Selma Schwartz,
Laurie Stahowcz, David Suszko,
Florence Thompson, Joseph Yates
And all the sick of our parish
...a time to die
Edward Maceyko
Mass Intentions
SATURDAY, April 23, 2016
8:00 AM
Lois Peck
5:00 PM
Virginia Wetzel
SUNDAY, April 24, 2016
8:00 AM
James McGeehan
Elaine Banholzer
12:00 PM
Rita Sabtelli
MONDAY, April 25, 2016
Dennis B. Kelly, Sr.
8:00 AM
TUESDAY, April 26, 2016
6:30 AM
People of the Parish
8:00 AM
Michael Billas, Sr.
WEDNESDAY, April 27, 2016
6:30 AM
Richard A. Million, Sr.
8:00 AM
Joseph Marcinkevich
THURSDAY, April 28, 2016
6:30 AM
Lisa Ann Foster
Richard Million
8:00 AM
FRIDAY, April 29, 2016
6:30 AM
Eileen T. Monahan
Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Figlestahler
8:00 AM
SATURDAY, April 30, 2016
8:00 AM
James McDonald
5:00 PM
The Driscoll Family
SUNDAY, May 1, 2016
8:00 AM
Sean Logan
Eleanor Beyer
12:00 PM
Roger Kirk
Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet cards will
be available beginning this weekend. They
can be picked up at the Parish Office Center,
Rectory, and at the doors of the church. The
names of those enrolled through these
cards will be placed on the altar during the
month of May.
A free-will offering is requested.
MONDAY ~ April 25, 2016
TUESDAY ~ April 26, 2016
8:30 AM ~ Adoration
9:30 AM ~ Legion of Mary - PCC-K
WEDNESDAY ~ April 27, 2016
6:00 PM ~ PREP
7:30 PM ~ Prayer Group - PCC
THURSDAY ~ April 28, 2016
7:00 PM ~ R.C.I.A. - Drexel Room
7:00 PM ~ Evening Bible Study - MMC
FRIDAY ~ April 29, 2016
SATURDAY ~ April 30, 2016
7:00 AM ~ Saturday Morning Bible Study-H
Parish News
Coming soon for your younger children—
Precious Friends of St. Gianna Childcare Center!
Compassionate care for your children
6 weeks old through age 4
“Now accepting enrollment applications”
For more information, please contact
Donna Ludovico, Director
215-773-8399, or by
Parish News
April 2016
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
During Child Abuse Prevention Month, we are reminded of the call to be instruments of justice, working for
the common good of all, which includes the provision of healing for those who have suffered as victims of
abuse. As Jesus entrusts to Peter the care of the flock, we are reminded that this responsibility belongs to
everyone as a matter of charity and justice. Child Abuse Prevention Month should lead to heightened
awareness of the need to be vigilant about providing a safe environment for all within the Church and for the
world. As we continue to do all we can to keep our children safe know that the Office for Child and Youth
Protection has services and resources for those who are victims and survivors of child sexual abuses and their
families. They can be reached at 215-587-3880 or 1-888-800-8780 or philavac@archphila.oprg.
Nativity Photo Directory Update
The company that Nativity had contracted with to produce our directory has gone out of
business. Therefore, there will be no parish photo directory at this time.
If you or your family sat for photographs, paid for prints and did not receive them,
please contact Ann Marie at the Parish office if you have not already done so.
We are sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment this may have caused.
(Part Time Positions)
Open Sunday, May 1, beginning after the
8 A.M. Mass through 12 Noon.
The Library is located in the Parish Conference
Center, entrance across the back parking lot of the
Church. Look for our blue Library Flag on display
when we are open. Committee members will be
there to help you. Donating books or volunteering
your time can be discussed during your Library
The Library Bookmobile is also available in the
Church Lobby. Books, DVDs, and CDs may be
signed out in the book kept on the top shelf. Look
there for new books recently added to the
collection. These include: A Worrier’s Guide to
the Bible: 50 Verses to Ease Anxieties by Gary
Zimak and Deathbed Conversions; Finding faith
at the Finish Line by Karen Edmisten.
~~~Neumann Library Committee
Precious Friends of St. Gianna Childcare
Center will be opening this Spring. We are
seeking loving and nurturing people to work
part-time, year-round, at the center. Childcare
experience is preferred. Must be 18 or older
and have mandatory clearances or be able to
obtain them.
CPR and First Aid Certification will be required.
If interested please forward your resume to or
contact the director, Donna Ludovico, at
Parish News
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
at 7:00PM
Once again this year, all of our children and
young people who have received the Sacraments
of First Holy Communion and Confirmation
during this present year, along with our eighth
grade graduates, are invited to join us by
participating in Our May Procession wearing
their Confirmation or Graduation robes and
First Holy Communion outfits.
Each parish organization and ministry will
also be represented in the procession, it is our
hope that many graces and blessings will come to
our entire parish community as we offer a tribute to Mary and Praise to God.
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla
Feast Day Celebration 2016
Main Celebrant
Fr. Addisalem Mekonnen
Shrine of Saint
at Nativity of Our Lord
Warminster, PA
Annual Feast Day Mass
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
6:30 pm Rosary~7:00 pm Mass
Grief ....Never ends...But it changes.
It is a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a
sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith...It is the price
of love. Anonymous
Nativity Grief Group meets Thursday in the school
library from 6:30 to 8 PM. Park behind the school
and follow the blue balloons.
Anyone experiencing the loss of a
loved one is welcome.
Any questions or for further information,
please call Dot Cassidy or Terri Carr
St 215-675-1925
April 28
May 12
May 26
June 9
Coping with Isolation and
Spiritual Elements of Grief and
Healing. The Reality of Heaven
Managing stress as We Grieve
Memories are our treasures
“Divine Mercy
in the Second Greatest
Story Ever Told”
Episode 4
Watch Divine Mercy Episode 4 on FORMED.ORG,
with Fr. Michael Gaitley (MIC) Available April 24th
through May 8th only Faustina and the Spread of Divine
Mercy (30 minutes) The tumultuous history of Poland
set the stage for a remarkable woman to become the
catalyst of the main drama of the Second Greatest Story
Ever Told, a drama involving the modern message of
Divine Mercy and its popularity following World War II.
Watch this and other Great Catholic Content on
To get started, go to: Look for the spot
to enter our parish code, which is V2RPXA. Enter the
code and hit “submit”. If you have any questions, please
contact Ann Marie at the Parish Office: 215-675-1925 or
Levels K-12 is now open.
Re-registration for our current families is due by 4/28/16.
For more information please contact the
Religious Education office at 215-672-5316.
This popular program returns for anyone interested
in sponsoring a student for the Summer Youth
conference and Mission trip. Your past support of
this program has been amazing and very much
The first of 3 get-togethers preparing for our
Steubenville Youth conference was held at
Queen of the Universe, in Levittown.
Many of the 48 registered to attend the
conference were present, as we held a Holy Hour
meet and greet for newcomers and took pictures for
our photo ID's. It was a really fun evening, everyone
is so excited about the upcoming June trip.
You are ask to prayerfully consider making a
donation in any amount which will go towards a
students trip expenses. We expect the cost of the
conference and mission trip this year to be about
$450 per student. You will be assigned a student
and they will pray for you and share their
experience of the weekend with you when they
return. You are invited to join us as we get together
prior to the trip as well. Many friendships have
developed through this program.
Please fill out the slip below and return to the parish
office in an envelope marked Steubenville. Checks
can be made to Nativity Teen Ministry. Questions
can be directed to Fr. Mekonnen or Barbara Palo.
The teen ministry thanks you for your generosity
and support.
If you are registered for the trip and did not receive
an email please contact, a.s.a.p.
Parishioner Name:
We have 2 spots left and they must be claimed by
the 24th of April or we will drop them.
Anyone in 8th thru 12th grades is eligible to attend.
Donation amount
$20___ $40__
$100____ other______
Thank you and God bless you!
$50___ $75___
CYO Football registration
Saturday, April 30th after 5:00 Mass
Sunday, May 1st after 10:00 &
12 noon Masses.
Registration will be outside of church
and in the rear parking lot
(in the school hallway if inclement weather).
Two teams: JV (5th & 6th grades) and Varsity
(7th & 8th grades) - there is no weight limit.
All applicants must be registered in our Parish or an
affiliated Parish and must attend Catholic School or
be registered in our Religious Education Program.
Monday, April 25th
Spring Sports Pictures
End of the Year Banquet
A breakfast buffet
Sunday, June 5th
Spring Mill Manor
immediately following
8am Mass at Nativity.
IT’S TIME TO DANCE 6th, 7th & 8th Graders!!!!
(Please note corrected date)
CYO Dance
Friday, May 6th
Church Hall
Registration fee is $140, due at signing,
Camp fee is $100, due in August.
For more information:
Go to: or contact
Joe Meehan @ 267-250-3492 or
Dave Armstrong @215-783-3587
Money and permission forms will be collected at the
door. The cost of the dance is $5. Snacks and
drinks will be available to purchase at the dance.
We can’t wait to see you there!!!
Please consider volunteering for our events this year.
A little of your time goes a long way to create lasting memories for our children.
Volunteer forms are available on the CYO website.
Adult CYO Announcement
Men’s Basketball: Anyone interested in playing men’s basketball is encouraged to come out
Sunday evenings at 7:00 to the Community Center. If you would like to be added the weekly email
distribution list to get schedule updates, please send an email to:
Co-Ed Volleyball: Anyone interested in co-ed volleyball is encouraged to come out
Wednesday evenings at 7:00 to the Community Center. If you would like to be added the
weekly email distribution list to get schedule updates, please send an email to:
Please continue to visit our website for event updates and information.
Please register on the website for all important related emails at
Bingo for a Cause
Proceeds to Benefits
Building a Bridge to Uganda
Featuring Authentic Bags:
Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Coach
Friday May 6, 2016
Archbishop Wood High School
Tickets: $30 Each
(Only 350 available: advanced ticket
purchase recommended. Ticket sales
are final and non-refundable.)
Mail name, phone, e-mail, # of attendees and
total amount to:
Building Bridges to Uganda
P.O. Box 26
Richboro, PA 18974
Checks payable: Building a Bridge to Uganda
Please contact: JoFran Garson with any
questions at
Debate Camp
Catholic-based Debate Camp
Villanova University
July 3-8
Commute or stay overnight.
All high school students and recent
graduates are invited.
Learn leadership, presentation and research skills,
grasp deeper things about public policy,
plenty of practice and debate.
Small enrollment; major time with
industry’s top Senior Instructor.
Early bird discount before May 1.
More information at
CLASS OF 1966 - 50TH Reunion
Friday, June 10, 2016
6 PM—Emerald Room
Contact - l
Save the Date!
Philadelphia Archdiocesan
Annual May Procession
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
Benjamin Franklin Parkway & 18th St.
“Begin May with Mary”
For more information, visit us at:
Calling All
Golfers and
Saint Katharine Drexel 3rd Annual Golf
Outing is a fun event including 18 holes of golf
at the Bensalem Country Club along with
prizes and a luncheon. Ticket cost is $100/per
player with ALL proceeds benefiting the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.
Bensalem Country Club
2000 Brown Avenue in Bensalem.
Start time - 8:00 a.m.
Saturday, May 7, 2016.
For additional details or to purchase tickets for
yourself or a group, contact Dave Greer at
(215) 962-1704 or visit our website:
Businesses interested in becoming a “hole”
donor, a primary event sponsor, or anyone
interested in making a prize donation can also
contact Dave.
Mark your calendars for a day of fun
and fundraising!

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Nativity of Our Lord Church Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon Monday thru Saturday: 8:00 AM Tuesday thru Friday: 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM First Friday: 9:00 AM (October thru June)

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Nativity of Our Lord Church

Nativity of Our Lord Church Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon Monday thru Saturday: 8:00 AM Tuesday thru Friday: 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM First Friday: 9:00 AM (October thru June)

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Nativity of Our Lord Church

Nativity of Our Lord Church Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon Monday thru Saturday: 8:00 AM Tuesday thru Friday: 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM First Friday: 9:00 AM (October thru June)

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Nativity of Our Lord Church

Nativity of Our Lord Church Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon Monday thru Saturday: 8:00 AM Tuesday thru Friday: 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM First Friday: 9:00 AM (October thru June)

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