September 9 - Calvin Christian School


September 9 - Calvin Christian School
The Oliebollen Festival is a wonderful testimony of parents working together to realise their vision
of providing children with a Christian education.
It is this vision and commitment that led to parents working to raise the funds to build Calvin many
years before the school commenced in 1952.
In those early years some of the fundraising initiatives included driving a big truck around Kingston
on Saturdays selling apples, picking and selling blackberries and holding Dutch style barbecues. The
barbecues involved lining up to pay for your sausage and going over to a fire to cook it yourself on
a twisted length of fencing wire fashioned into a long two-pronged fork. Having it burst into flame
or fall into the fire was as much a part of the fun as being a successful chef.
Once the school was established formal school fairs commenced – although it was some years
before the school fairs were to become known as the Oliebollen Festival and held in the grounds
of the school.
The first fair was at the Kingston Beach Hall and then later in the grounds of the old Kingston High
School. Some of the activities of the first fairs have remained treasured memories recalled fondly
by old scholars. At those early fairs sjoelbak (pronounced shoolbuck) competitions went over the
whole day. These days a sjoelbak (wooden shuffle board) is a most treasured auction item. Not to
be forgotten was Mr van der Molen’s delicious thick slices of deli meats for 20 cents.
Over the years Oliebollen and Calvin have become synonymous. In thinking of one you can’t help
but think of the other. In a curious twist of semantics the Dutch word for fruit donuts without a
hole, has come to be a self-explanatory description of the School’s major fundraising event.
The Oliebollen Festival as it is today is far more than a mere school fair. People come from all over
Hobart (even interstate) to have fun, buying anything from fresh flowers to old wares but especially
to purchase the traditional Oliebollen (rarely does anyone purchase the one oliebol). Besides
being a significant fundraising event Oliebollen is a wonderful celebration of the Calvin Christian
School community. Oliebollen is held on the second Saturday in September, rain or shine.
The Mayor of Kingborough, Mr Steve Wass, spoke warmly of the Festival’s contribution to the
Kingborough community when he opened the Art and Soul Exhibition last Wednesday evening. He
noted the connectedness of the school and the local community.
The evening itself was a lovely gathering. We were delighted to have The Honourable Jacqui
Petrusma, Minister for Women and Minister for Human Services attend the event. Councillor Flora
Fox also attended, and she also represented the Dutch Australian Society. Mr Edward Arrowsmith,
Arts and Cultural Officer for Kingborough Council spoke enthusiastically about the quality of
art produced by our students and the skill demonstrated in the curating of the exhibition. The
exhibition is being held in our Secondary Library.
Calvin Christian School has formally partnered with Kingborough Council, the Dutch Australia
Society to stage the Abel Tasman Art Prize, which is a awarded annually to an artist from Holland
and an artist from Australia. These winners visit each others country to build cultural links. Calvin
Christian School is developing the three-week itinerary for the Dutch winner later this year.
Tomorrow we continue that heritage in the most tangible manner. I trust that you will have the
opportunity to visit, celebrate and contribute to our future.
Iain Belot
From the primary school
Dear Parents,
This term is racing away from us and we have a number of big events taking
place. This Saturday, we are looking forward to all that Oliebollen has to
offer. As you are well aware, this is our annual school fundraiser which
attracts people from all over the state and beyond. Last year, I experienced
my first taste of an Oliebol. It was a treat! I know you will all be there
so I trust you enjoy what promises to be another great Oliebollen event.
Next week, we have the joy of presenting the Lion King Production. This
promises to be a tremendous experience for everyone. I have watched
some of the rehearsals and marvel at the raw talent that your children
possess. With the Dress Rehearsal and Matinee occurring during the day,
we will adjust our lunch bell times for the Wednesday and Thursday. Lunch
will commence right after the productions and conclude at 2:15pm. This
will provide time for students to eat and enjoy a run around. Apart from
these exceptions, school will continue to operate at normal times.
Next Friday, your child will most likely be tired from the Production and
the late evenings. As a school we will continue to operate with our normal
school times, starting with an 8:50am line up and concluding at 3:00pm.
Teachers will plan and make appropriate adjustments to their teaching to
cater to the needs and welfare of the students in their classes.
Earlier in the week, I sent a letter to all parents detailing our plans for
the last day of term. The AFL Breakfast is outside of our organisational
capacity this year so instead we will have a Footy Colours Day to raise
money for missions. There will be an afternoon kicking competition on
the oval for Years 2-6 starting at 2pm. Preps and Year 1 will have an inclass focus. As parents, you are welcome to come and attend the kicking
Finally, our K-1 block will be receiving an upgrade with new painted ceilings
during the holidays. We expect this to make a big difference to the wet
area and classrooms. We are looking for some parent helpers on the first
Saturday of school holidays to help move furniture out of the classrooms.
If you are available, please register your availability at the front office.
Let’s pray for great weather this weekend and I look forward to seeing
you at Oliebollen.
Warm regards,
Caleb Cooper
Deputy Principal: Primary
Dear Parents,
Monday- Friday
8:30am - 12:30pm
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Phone: 6229 3814
Primary School Absentees
Phone: 6229 3814
or email:
Have your child’s health
or allergies changed?
Please let the office
know as soon as possible.
A free early years
programme for children
and their parents/carers.
Thursday mornings during
school term 9:00 - 10:30am
in the Kindergarten room.
Whole School
Live Music
Showbags & Displays
Stalls & Activities
Dutch treats
Art & Soul Exhibition
Satays & Croquettes
Gourmet Icecreams
and much more
Festival 2016
Maranoa Road, Kingston
Phone. 6229 4829
Maranoa Road, Kingston. Phone: 6229 4829
Term 3 dates
Week 7
07/09-10/09Art & Soul
09/09 Primary School
Assembly - Year 5L
10/09Oliebollen Festival
Production of
Music & Lyrics by
Elton John & Tim Rice
Additional Music & Lyrics by
Lebo M, Mark Mancina, Jay Rifkin, and Hans Zimmer
Book by
Roger Allers & Irene Mecchi
Based on the Broadway production directed by
Julie Taymor
Music Adapted & Arranged and
“Luau Hawaiian Treat” written by Will Van Dyke
“It’s a Small World” written by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B.
By arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd,
exclusive agent for Music Theatre International, NY
September 14th
12 noon dress rehearsal
7pm night performance
12 noon matinee
7pm night performance
$10 per adult
$5 per child (15 and under)
Free for under 5
Gold coin donation for dress
Calvin Junior School MPH
Tickets available from Calvin Primary
School office
Week 8
14/09Lion King Production
15/09Lion King Production
Week 9
23/09 Primary School
Assembly - Year 4
Getting behind the wheel of a car as a young driver or being a passenger
with a novice driver is said to be among the most dangerous things
that a person will do in their entire life. Calvin (and I’m sure parents)
are wanting the young adults in our care to be safe on the roads. With
this in mind on Wednesday the Year 10’s attended the RYDA course on
driver safety. Through interactive workshops they learned about their
rights and responsibilities, hazards and distractions, braking distance, and
consequences of bad decisions. They met Alfie who shared his experience
of head trauma and the permanent effects it has had on his life. It was a
good day for the students with plenty of variety and interesting activities
and topics.
Wayne Amos
ICT Teacher
Head of Year 10
SHOWCASE YEAR 7 & 8 - trimester 2
The Trimester 2 Showcase for Years 7 & 8 made for a terrific hour of
entertainment and interest for the families of our students last Wednesday
evening. It gave an exciting glimpse into the world of Technologies and
Creative Arts at Calvin, and students enjoyed the opportunity to share
their endeavours with others.
The evening kicked off in the PAC with some entertaining dramas and
melodramas, and Music students shared a number of lively and creative
pieces as students revealed just how much they had been able to learn
over the course of thirteen weeks. It was also interesting to hear their
compositions using technology.
In the Library we had racing cars, delicious food on offer, displays, colourful
and thoughtful art works and inventive technology pieces. Our students
excelled in the ways in which they presented their work to parents and
guests. It was a pleasure to see so many families enjoying their children’s
Another enjoyable chance to share our learning!
Emily Di Pretoro
Head of Creative Arts
goethe competition 2016
Last Tuesday thirteen secondary students from Calvin went to UTAS to
compete in this year’s Goethe Competition. This annual event is organised
by the Tasmanian Network of German Teachers, and it gives students of
German an opportunity to measure their skills against other students
from all over Tasmania.
Every student had to recite a German poem by heart. Many also completed
additional tasks such as a reading comprehension or even conversing with
an examiner in German. - In spite of feeling nervous all students gave their
best and some achieved outstanding results.
Congratulations to:
Grade 7:
Grace Vaatstra
Olivia Bittner
Lili Muenchhagen
Samara Corcoran
2nd place in Poetry
Honourable mention in Poetry
Honourable mention in Poetry
Certificate of Participation
Grade 8:
Jade Searle
James Tyers
Jordan Coleman
William Bruce
Honourable mention in Poetry
Honourable mention in Poetry and in Conversation
Certificate of Participation
Certificate of Participation
Grade 9:
David Vonk
Luke Bartley
Thomas Di Pretoro
1st place in Poetry
1st place in Reading Comprehension
2nd place in Poetry
Honourable mention in Poetry
Grade 11:
Joshua Wilson
2nd place in Poetry and
Honourable mention in Conversation
Grade 12:
Julia Walter
1st place in Poetry
Honourable mention in conversation
It was a privilege to coach the students and to see the Calvin team
represent our school so well. I’m already looking forward to the Goethe
Competition 2017.
Mr Martin Huber - Teacher of German
Last Thursday was not only the first day of Spring, it was also the
commencement of the 2016 athletics season at Calvin as our Secondary
school converged on the Domain Athletics complex in full force. The day
started with our Dean of Students, Mrs. Ineke Laning, opening the day in
prayer. Though there was the threat of rain, God really blessed the day.
The weather was perfect for competitors, and the small amount of drizzle
did not deter the enthusiasm nor participation of our fabulous students.
Most students embraced the expected 100m race to start the day. We
had records broken once again by our talented athletes.
Congratulations go to this year’s record breakers:
8 Boys 800m
9 Girls Javelin
9 Boys Long Jump
9 Girls Shotput
10 Girls Javelin
10 Girls Triple Jump
10 Girls 800m
10 Girls 1500m
11/12 Boys Discus
11/12 Girls 800m
J. Hall
E. Doyle
P. Ollington
E. Doyle
B. Davies
E. Webb
E. Webb
M. Layng
S. Aver
What stood out most to many of us was the inclusiveness and
encouragement of the students for each other. All available teachers and
the many volunteer parents worked together diligently, efficiently and
effectively, doing whatever was needed to ensure the students completed
their events and were back to school before the bell. A spirit of unity filled
the air. In Psalm 133:1 it says, “How wonderful and pleasant it is when
brothers and sisters live together in harmony!” The day was filled with
joy and harmony, along with the spirit of sportsmanship and competition.
The Health and Physical Education Department extend our sincere thanks
to everyone who took part as officials, staff and parents, without whom
the day would not have been a success. We also acknowledge the many
students who volunteered to help out, wherever needed, during the day.
They displayed a huge heart for service, and we thank them for thinking of
others before themselves.
Well done, Calvin!
Ms Rebecca Aitchison-Gill
Head of Physical Education and Health
athletics training for all secondary students
The staff in the Health and Physical Education Department are inviting
students who wish to train for the upcoming Athletics season to the
following lunch times until the end of this term:
Long Jump
Triple Jump
lower oval
top oval
top oval
top oval
top oval
lower oval
lower oval
Mr Quinn
Ms AitchisonGill
Ms AitchisonGill
Ms AitchisonGill
Ms AitchisonGill
Mrs Hughes
Mrs Hughes
Along with this in-school timetable, we have booked a time at the Domain
Athletics centre on Tuesday and Friday afternoons when our students
may go and train with your support, until 11 October. Timings for the
afternoon session are 3.30pm - 5 pm. Other schools may also be using the
Domain at the same time.
There will be a school holiday break from 26 September until 7 October.
Please also note the following dates for Athletics Events:
21 September: SSATIS Athletics – Domain
15 October: SATIS Athletics – St. Leonards
9 November: CEN Athletics
We thank you for your support during this Athletics season.
Ms Rebecca Aitchison-Gill
Head of Health and Physical Education
Monday- Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm
Phone: 6229 4829
Secondary School Absentees
Phone: 6229 4829
or email:
Have your child’s health
or allergies changed?
Please let the office
know as soon as possible.
Whole School
Farmers’ Market
produce can be dropped
off at the stall.
Oliebollen Farmers’ Market is in need of donations of your
homemade, homegrown fresh produce.
Cake Stall
One more day to bake!
Cakes, Slices & Biscuits
Don’t forget to fill in the details on the labels
and attach to baked goods.
(Gluten free baked items are most welcome)
Our School Counsellor,
Mrs Julia Willoughby is available by appointment in both
the Primary and Secondary
Please email Julia at
Our School Chaplain,
Mr Marty Prins is available
in the Secondary School.
Please email Marty at
Parent volunteers at
Calvin are asked to obtain
a Working with Vunerable
People Registration.
For details please contact
Primary Office:
6229 3814
Secondary Office:
6229 4829
Secondary Campus
Opening Hours
Tuesday and Thursday
8:30am - 4pm
For school life, information, photos and events,
visit our Facebook page.
Whole School
Which Game Show?
When: Monday, September 12th
7.00pm - 8.30pm
Where: Beachfront 32 – Kingston Beach
Whole School
Whole School