Calvary Tengah Bible-Presbyterian Church
Calvary Tengah Bible-Presbyterian Church
1 ! Calvary Tengah Bible-Presbyterian Church Motto: “For Theme: we are labourers together with God:” (1 Corinthians 3:9a) “Not to be ministered unto, but to minister” (Mark 10:45) 22 July 2012 Vol: 11 No. 30 TENGAH! • Pastor’s(Pen( DANGERS!OF!CHARISMATICISM!(III)! ! ! Sermon(Outline! ! RELATIVES!OF!THE!SERVANT! (Mark!3:31635)! ! The! kinsfolk! of! the! Lord! Jesus! Christ! were! stirred! up! to! hinder! the! Saviour! in! v21.! Do! doubt! vicious! rumours! were! flying! around! against! Him.! Now,! again! in! v31E35! they! seek! to! intervene.! This! is! a! delicate!situation,!as!families!are!very!important!in! the!Hebrew!culture.!We!must!observe!the:! ! (1)!NATURE!OF!THE!ATTACK!(v31)! ! (2)!NATURE!OF!TRUE!RELATIONSHIPS!(v32E35)! ! ! ! ! (3)!LEADERSHIP!FAILURE! The! Charismatic! movement! claims! to! be! an! endEtime!Pentecost! revival.! Yet,! a! common! feature! of! those! who! head! up! this! movement! is! the! flagrant! public! sins! of! the! leaders! and! members.! Adultery,! divorce,! theft,! and! alcoholism! etc.! are!common!even!amongst!the!leadership.!Let!me!give!a!few!examples!of!this.!! In! 1989! Jim! Bakker,! a! leading! Pentecostal! TV! presenter! went! to! prison! for! defrauding! his! followers! out! of! $158! million.! In! November! 2006,! charismatic! Ted!Haggard!resigned!as!senior!pastor!of!the!14,000Emember!New!Life!Church! in!Colorado!Springs!and!as!head!of!the!National!Association!of!Evangelicals!on! revelation! of! drugEfuelled! exploits! with! a! homosexual! prostitute.! On! June! 1! 2010,! Haggard! announced! that! he! was! starting! a! new! church! in! Colorado! Springs.!Charismatic!“healer”!Benny!Hinn!has!preached!at!City!Harvest!church! on! many! occasions.! He! has! held! mass! “healing! miracle! crusades”! in! the! Singapore! Indoor! Stadium! and! Singapore! Expo.! David! Cloud! comments! in! 2010,! ! On! February! 18! The$ Los$ Angeles$ Times! reported! that! the! wife! of! Pentecostal! evangelist! Benny! Hinn! has! filed! for! divorce.! This! is! the! latest! in! a! long! list! of! scandals! associated! with! the! Pentecostal! movement,!which!claims!to!have!a!corner!on!the!power!and!blessing! of! the! Holy! Spirit! but! which! has! actually! been! a! stronghold! of! extremism! and! heresy! since! its! inception! at! the! turn! of! the! 20th! century.! Just! since! 2000,! three! high! profile! PentecostalECharismatic! preachers! have! admitted! to! homosexuality! (Ted! Haggard,! Roberts! Liardon,!and! Paul! Cain)! and! six! have! divorced!(Clarence! McClendon,! Juanita! Bynum,! Thomas! Weeks,! Randy! and! Paula! White,! and! Todd! Bentley).! ! In! August! 2007,! two! leading! charismatics,! Randy! and! Paula! White! who! were! “coEpastors”! of! Without! Walls! International! megachurch! based! in! Tampa,! Florida,! announced! that! they! were! divorcing! after! 17! years! of! marriage.! Both! were!divorcees!from!previous!marriages.!Randy!said!they!broke!up!because!of! the!two!different!directions!their!lives!are!going!and!“the!split!involves!no!third! party!on!either!side.”!David!Cloud!comments,! ! That! is! not! a! biblical! reason! for! divorce.! Christ! gave! only! one! legitimate! cause,! and! that! is! fornication,! yet! the! two! said! “the! split! involves! no! third! party! on! either! side.”! If! they! are! going! in! two! different!directions,!that!is!sin!on!both!their!parts.! ! Randy!White!subsequently!became!addicted!to!drugs.!However,!both!Paul!and! Randy!White!are!pastoring!again!in!separate!churches.!! ! The!other!leaders!in!charismatic!church!often!coverEup!the!sins!of!their!fellow! leaders! and! members.! They! misuse! biblical! language! such! as! “meekness”! and! Pastor: Rev Dr Paul Ferguson (hp: +65 92312943 Place of Worship: Shalom Chapel, 345 Old Choa Chu Kang Rd Singapore 698923 Mailing address: Clementi Central Post Office, PO Box 0457 Singapore 911202 Website: Email:; 2 3 ! 2! 2012!Theme:!Service$Of$A$Disciple ! ! “forgiveness”! and! “anointed”! to! prevent! biblical! church! discipline! being! administered.! Even! if! a! person! does! step! down,! it! is! normally! only! for! a! short! time! and! then! they! are! declared! to! be! “restored”! or! they!are!allowed!to!move!to!another!church!to!serve!there.! leadership! or! responsible! roles! of! the! various! ministries! of! the! church.! It! is,! finally,! a! task! I! have! to! perform,! for! which! I! will! be! judged! by! some! as! too! intolerant! and! highEhanded.! (“The! Pain! of! a! Pastor’s! Heart,”!Bible$Witness!MayEJune!2006)! ! WHAT!SAITH!THE!BIBLE?! ! (1)! Church! leaders,! especially! elders! and! pastors,! are! required! to! maintain! the! very! highest! standards! of! integrity! in! their! family,! private,! work,! and! church! lives! (1! Tim.! 3;! Titus! 2).! These! are! God’s! standards!and!no!man!has!the!right!to!lower!them.!The!Apostle!Peter! warns!that!they!are!“ensamples$to$the$flock”!(1!Peter!5:3).!Paul!makes! clear!to!a!pastor!called!Timothy,!“Let$no$man$despise$thy$youth;$but$be$ thou$an$example$of$the$believers,$in$word,$in$conversation,$in$charity,$in$ spirit,$in$faith,$in$purity.”!(1!Tim.!4:12)!Peter!warns!of!“false!prophets”! whose!“pernicious$ways”!stumbles!others,!“by$reason$of$whom$the$way$ of$truth$shall$be$evil$spoken$of”!(2!Peter!2:1E2).! ! The! pastor! must! actively!uphold!God’s! standards! knowing!that! if!he!fails!to!do!so,!God!will!judge!him,!“Obey$them$that$have$the$ rule$ over$ you,$ and$ submit$ yourselves:$ for$ they$ watch$ for$ your$ souls,$ as$ they$ that$ must$ give$ account”! (Heb! 13:17;! cf.! 1! Tim.! 5:21).!The!same!judgment!is!true!for!a!ruling!elder!who!fails!to! join!with!the!pastor!in!holding!members!accountable.!Rev!Quek! Suan!Yew!sets!forth!the!duty!of!elders,! ! Their! roles! or! duties! include! assisting! the! pastors.! They! do! not! take! over! the! role! of! the! pastors.! Some! churches,! which! control! the! pastors! and! turn! them! into! “gophers”,! have! to! answer! to! God! one! day.! They! will!be!judged!by!God.!! ! (2)! When! a! pastor! or! an!elder!sins!he! is! to! be!disciplined! publicly!to! maintain! this!high!standard! of!example,! “Them$that$sin$rebuke$before$ all,$ that$ others$ also$ may$ fear”! (1! Tim.! 5:20).! Their! sin! should! not! be! covered! up! nor!should!the! individual!be! allowed! to!move!to! another! church! to! hold! office! there.! All! that! does! is! take! the! pernicious! example!of!that!individual!and!diminish!the!standard!of!God’s!Word!in! the! next! congregation.! Disqualification! from! holding! office! must! be! universal! throughout! God’s! church! as! the! standards! are! the! same! throughout.!!! ! (3)! The! word! “pastor”! itself! is! derived! from! the! Latin! word! which! means! “shepherd”! (cf.! Jer.! 17:16).! One! of! the! shepherding! roles! is! to! confront!sin!in!a!member!whether!the!person!wants!to!hear!it!or!not.! They! are! to! go! after! the! sheep! when! they! stray! from! the! flock! into! dangerous!territory!in!disobeying!the!teaching!of!God’s!word.!That!is! for!the!good!of!the!sheep!and!the!honour!of!Christ!the!Good!Shepherd.! Paul! commands! another! pastor,! “speak$thou$ the$things$which$become$ sound$ doctrine”! and$ “These$ things$ speak,$ and$ exhort,$ and$ rebuke$ with$ all$ authority.$ Let$ no$ man$ despise$ thee”! (Titus! 2:1,! 15).! When! any! member! disregards! the! teaching! of! God’s! word! they! are! to! be! held! accountable! by! the! pastor! who! is! ordained! and! charged! by! God! to! shepherd! the! flock.! There! should! be! no! cover! up! merely! because! of! age,! status,! wealth,! education! etc.! Words! like! “love”! should! not! be! misused! to! avoid! dealing! with! the! sin,! as! true! biblical! love! for! that! person,! “rejoiceth$ not$ in$ iniquity”! (1! Cor.! 13:6).! The! pastor! must! do! this!even!if!no!one!else!will!do!so!for!the!church!will!not!pastor!itself.! He!must!be!his!brother’s!keeper.!Rev!Quek!Suan!Yew!makes!clear!this! duty!is!nonEnegotiable,! ! If! need! be,! the! pastor! will! rebuke! and! exhort! from! God’s! Word!to!point!the!flock!back! to! Christ! when! they! go! astray.! His! duty! is! to! redirect! them! back! to! the! path! of! righteousness.! He! does! not! point! people! to! himself.! He! directs! them! to! God’s! perfect! Word! and! exalts! Christ.! (“Offices! of! Pastors,! Elders,! and! Deacons,”! Bible$ Witness! SeptEOct!2007)! ! Now,! this! is! not! the! most! pleasant! task! of! a! pastor.! He! must! accept,! like!Paul,! that! confronting! sin! will!be! misunderstood,!“Am$I$therefore$ become$ your$ enemy,$ because$ I$ tell$ you$ the$ truth?”! (Gal.! 4:16! cf.! Prov.! 9:7).! Lecturer! in! Pastoral! Theology! at! FEBC,! Rev! Das! Koshy! gives! us! an!insight!into!the!cost!in!BibleEPresbyterian!churches,! ! As! a! pastor,! I! am! also! thrown! into! a! terrible! dilemma! by! those! who! linger! in! sin.! If!I!preach! against! a! sin,! those!who! unrepentantly! engage! in! such! a! sin! accuse! me! of! publicly! harassing! them,! even! though! I! do! not! mention! their! names.! Even! some! of! those! who! are! close! to! them,! friends! and! relatives,! feel!that!I! should!not!preach! against!such!a! sin,!at! least!for!the!time!being!!When!I!show!my!loving!concern!for! their! spiritual! welfare,! they! accuse! me! of! trying! to! track! them! and! pressurise! them.! Their! attitude! and! comments! about!my!enquiry,!correction!or!advice!make!me!look!like!a! busybody.!But!am!I!not!supposed!to!care?!If!I!leave!them!to! their! own! lives! of! sin! and! backsliding,! they! will! say! I! never! cared!for!them.!My!misery,!because!of!those!who!stubbornly! sin,! does! not! end! here.! I! cannot! allow! them! to! continue! in! ! ! The!pastor!and!elder!are!to!look!beyond!man!and!see!the!great! and!sovereign!God!standing!over!the!church!(cf.!1!Tim.!5:21).!In! that! fear,! they! are! to! exercise! their! solemn! duties! without! fear! or!favour.!! ! (4)! Each! member! must! submit! to! their! pastor! and/or! ruling! elder!when!he!is!maintaining!the!standards!of!the!Word!of!God,! “Remember$them$which$have$the$rule$over$you,$who$have$spoken$ unto$you$the$word$of$God:$whose$faith$follow,$considering$the$end$ of$their$conversation”! (Heb! 13:7).! Their! attitude! should! be! one! that! is! “peaceable,$ gentle,$ and$ easy$to$ be$ intreated”! rather! than! “bitter$ envying$ and$ strife$in$your$ hearts”! (James! 3:14E15).! They! must! not! evade! or! thwart! the! biblical! authority! over! them! by! using! subtle! and! divisive! strategies.! Christ! is! the! Head! of! the! Church! and! He! sovereignly! calls,! gifts,! and! appoints! leaders.! Abuses! of!pastoral!authority! by!charismatics! do! not! negate!the! fact! that! the! Bible! tells! us! that! God! has! given! authority! to! pastors! and! elders! and! that! the! Bible! demands! that! we! are! to! submit!to!such!GodEcalled!men.! ! Rebelliousness! against! GodEordained! offices! of! pastors! and! elders! is! not! a! virtue! in! the! Scriptures.! The! flesh! hates! confrontation! of! sin.! From! the! beginning! we! see! man! evading! and!then!even!blaming! the!One!investigating!his!sin!(Gen!3:12;! cf.!1!Kings!18:17;!22:8).!Lawlessness!is!increasing!in!the!church! today.!When!any!member!openly!disrespects!and!rebels!against! church! authority! they! do! so! against! God,! as! He! sets! up! these! positions.! They! may! appear! to! get! away! with! it! for! a! time,! but! inevitably! they! will! bring! the! judgment! of! God.! They! will! reap! what! they! have! sown! (cf.! Gal.! 6:7E8).! This! reaping! of! God’s! chastisement!can!take!a!multitude!of!forms!in!this!life!and!in!the! next! for! “it$ is$ a$ fearful$ thing$ to$ fall$ into$ the$ hands$ of$ the$ living$ God”!(Heb.!10:31).! ! (5)!The!authority!of!church!leaders!is!a!delegated!authority.!God! is! the! ultimate! authority.! Members! have! a! right! and! a! duty! to! disobey! the! leadership! of! a! pastor! or! an! elder! when! he! contradicts! the! ultimate! authority! of! the! Word! of! God! (Acts! 5:29).!However,!they!must!have!absolute!biblical!assurance!that! this! is! so.! It! must! not! be! on! a! feeling! or! the! opinion! of! others.! When! a! member! believes! a! pastor! or!an! elder! has! violated! the! Scripture,! they! are! required! to! follow! the! biblically! prescribed! order!(Matt.!18:15E20!and!1!Tim.!5:19).!They!should!not!join!in! a!group!to!undermine,!grumble!against!or!confront!that!person! until!that! process!has!been!carefully!followed.!This!is!the!same! for!dealing!with!any!member!who!has!wronged!you.!Disobeying! God’s! order! will! not! attract! God’s! blessing.! It! is! God’s! church! and! He! must! rule! in! every! area.! If! any! person! ignores! this! pattern,! then! you! can! be! sure! that! God! is! not! leading! them! in! their! action.! For! God! cannot! contradict! His! perfect! revealed! word.!! ! In!Christ,! Pastor!Paul!Ferguson! 2012!Theme:!Service$Of$A$Disciple ! Children’s Corner Excerpts!from!Dr!Tow’s!Chat!.!.!.! ! 22!July!2012! ! Title:!The!Escape!to!Hong!Kong! Author:!Audrey!Constant! Publisher:!Christian!Focus!Publications!(1994)! ! This book is about a Vietnamese refugee named Trang who fled to Hong Kong by boat with his sister Mimi and his friend Banh, to escape persecution at home. They were rescued by a fisherman but had to work hard for him. Mimi fell very sick from the trials at sea and was sent to the hospital. By the time, Trang managed to visit Mimi at the hospital, she was already gone! Trang searched everywhere for Mimi. A gangster named Lee Tong volunteered to help Trang locate Mimi for a big sum of money. Trang borrowed money from Banh who by then had become rich from delivering drugs (he became a drug addict himself).Trang gave the money to Lee Tong who revealed that Mimi had sold herself to him and was actually working for him in a bar. Trang went to the bar to find Mimi but was badly beaten up by Lee Tong. My!dear!readers,! ! 1. End!Time!World!History!unfolding! ! Our!interest!is!in!the!history!of!the! end! time! –! the!time!in!which! we! live.! ! God! revealed! this! fascinating! period! to! Daniel! –! whom! God!called! as! “greatly$beloved”!(Dan! 9:23).!! Daniel!was!privileged! to!see!the!unfolding!of!events!spanning!the!time!in!which!we!live!–! in!which!we!naturally!have!a!special!interest.! ! What!did!God!reveal!to!Daniel?!!We!quote:! ! “After$ this$ I$ saw$ in$ the$ night$ visions,$ and$ behold$ a$ fourth$ beast,$dreadful$and$terrible,$and$strong$exceedingly;$and$it$ had$great$iron$teeth:$it$devoured$and$brake$in$pieces,$and$ stamped$ the$residue$ with$the$feet$of$ it:$and$it$was$diverse$ from$ all$ the$ beasts$ that$ were$ before$ it;$ and$ it$ had$ ten$ horns.”!(Dan!7:7)! ! This! verse! (Dan! 7:7)! describes! the! rise! of! the! fourth! “World$ Empire”!–!the!Roman!Empire,!to!military!superiority.! ! Our! special! interest! is! in! the! last! stage! of! this! “World$ Power”! described!in!Daniel!7:8!and!19E20:! ! “I$ considered$ the$ horns,$ and,$ behold,$ there$ came$ up$ among$ them$another$ little$ horn,$ before$whom$there$ were$three$of$ the$ first$ horns$ plucked$ up$ by$ the$ roots:$ and,$ behold,$ in$ this$ horn$ were$ eyes$ like$ the$ eyes$ of$ man,$ and$ a$ mouth$ speaking$ great$ things$…$Then$I$would$know$the$truth$of$the$fourth$beast,$which$ was$diverse$from$all$the$others,$exceeding$dreadful,$whose$teeth$ were$ of$ iron,$ and$ his$ nails$ of$ brass;$ which$ devoured,$ brake$ in$ pieces,$ and$ stamped$ the$ residue$ with$ his$ feet;$ And$ of$ the$ ten$ horns$ that$ were$ in$ his$ head,$ and$ of$ the$ other$ which$ came$ up,$ and$ before$ whom$ three$ fell;$ even$ of$ that$ horn$ that$ had$ eyes,$ and$a$mouth$that$spake$very$great$things,$whose$look$was$more$ stout$than$his$fellows.”!(Dan!7:8,!19E20)! A man named Ah Cheng saved Trang and brought him to his church. There, Ah Cheng brought food to him and nursed him back to health. Ah Cheng also shared the gospel with Trang. Trang became a Christian but his faith was weak. Instead of trusting in God, he tried to use his own strength to rescue Mimi. He became a runner for a drug dealer to raise money to redeem Mimi. However, Ah Cheng told him to trust in the Lord and that his way was against God. Ah Cheng prayed with Trang and he finally decided to put his trust in the Lord to fight Lee Tong and rescue Mimi. ! 2. The!End!Time!“World!Power”! ! Trang returned all the money to the drug dealer before going to look for Lee Tong. By God’s grace, when Lee Tong realised that Trang was a Christian, he actually allowed Trang to take Mimi away without any payment. Trang then brought Mimi to the Women’s hostel where Christian ladies counseled her and helped her recover from her distress. Trang was very thankful to God and prayed for Banh and Mimi to come and believe in Jesus just like him. From this book, I learnt that the world is a dangerous place with a lot of sinful people. Therefore, we must be careful not to be tempted and fall into sin. I want to be like Ah Cheng as he shares God’s word and bring people to Christ. He gives Godly advice and helps other people in need. I feel very encouraged by Trang as he trusted God. Have you put your trust in the Lord?! ! ! Submitted!by,! Hannah Long Jia En !! ! ! From!the!passages!of!Daniel’s!vision!we!may!draw!a!picture!of!the! final! “World$ Power”! –! one! Power! which! will! dominate! the! world! stage.!!We!shall!piece!together!the!clues!in!these!several!verses,!to! reveal! the! identity! of! the! one! dominant! “World$ Power,”! arising! from!the!“fourth$beast.”!!! ! History! clearly! identifies! the! “fourth$ beast”! as! “Rome.”! ! This! identification!is!beyond!dispute:!!it!began!with!the!dynasty! of!the! Caesars,! about! 100! BC,! and! continues! as! a! Roman! power! dominating!the!world!stage!to!this!day.! ! Our! particular! interest! is! in! the! “little$ horn”$of! Daniel! 7:8,! the! power!which!presently!dominates!the!world.! ! Question:!!What!is!this!“little$horn”?! ! Clearly,! and! beyond! any! shadow! of! doubt,! the!“little$horn”! points! to!the!“United$States$of$America”!–!the!youngest!among!the!“World$ Powers”! which! has! undisputed! dominance! over! the! entire! world! since! its! rise! on! the! world! stage! following! the! two! World! Wars! (WWI!1918;!WWII!1945).! ! By!Snr!Pastor!of!!Calvary!Pandan! Sunset Gospel Hour 22 July at 6pm Because He Lives by Rev (Dr) Quek Suan Yew ! 4! Sunday Activities & Duties! ! Time Ministries Choir Pre-Worship Singing Song Leader Speaker 11.00am 1.40pm 2.00pm Worship 3.45pm Fellowship 4.15pm Sunday School 4.30pm Bible Class 7.15pm Chinese Workers Gospel Outreach (CWGO) This Week (22/07) Pianist Greeters/Ushers P.A. Crew Refreshments Vineyard Presch- Techers/Assistants - Song Leader/Pianist Pri- Teachers - Song Leader/Pianist BBK- Teens - Adults CtYF CtYAF SBC Bus Marshals Song Leader Speaker Pianist P.A. Crew Ushers/Refrehments Closing-up Personnel *Person In-Charge Next Week (29/07) Janice Eld Boon Eld Boon Rev Dr Paul Ferguson “Relatives of the Servant” Mark 3:31-35 Simone *Michael, Janet, Timotheous, Seok Lin, Ricky, Lena Isabelle Lee, Timothy Chong Elder Lan & Poh Lian *Jack, Mary Lim, Jovena Evelyne/Carrie Poh Lian/Jolene Cheryll/Lee Sei/ Sherri Cheryll/Jolene -Dn Oon -Eld Goh *Pr Tan/Dn Lee Eld Boon Rev Dr Ferguson (First Family 8) Ngo Hock, Cindy, Peng Keong & Lee Sei, Khian Kee, FuZheng, Hendrick & Laura Bee Pheng Pr Kelvin Wong “Old and new” (Eph 4:17-24) Jolene Kian Hwee/Xin Hao *Hendrick & Laura, Hong Kim & Beng Kheng, Desmond, Ting Kok & Jane Anthony Lau ! ! Janice Eld Boon Eld Boon Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo “Knowing the Will of God” Psalm 40-5-10 Janice *Ting Kok, Jack, Michael, Desmond, Sean, Siew Heok Soo Kiang, Kok Soon Anthony & Angela *May Ping, Beng Kheng, Cheryl, Christine Jeanette/Elsie Alice/Caleb Colleen/Denise Cheryll/Jolene -Dn Oon -Eld Goh *Pr Tan/Dn Lee Eld Boon Rev Dr Ferguson (First Family 9) Ngo Hock, Cindy, Peng Keong & Lee Sei, Khian Kee, FuZheng Bee Pheng Pr Kelvin Wong “True Value in life” (Luk 12:13-21) Simone Soo Kiang/Kok Soon *Rudy & Mary, Peter & Sheena, Junxiong, Mary Lee, Sherri, Paul Tay Dn Poh Attendance & Collection Attendance Offering ($) English Mandarin Chinese Evening Sunday Worship 15 Jul 159 29 32 S! unday School 15 Jul Prayer Meeting 17 Jul 40 English Total S$8886.40 Designated S$4950 (Calvary Batam 1000; FEBC 350; BCEA Tanzania 50; Calvary Jaya BPC 1500; CHOL 1500; CBS Hilltop 500; Love Gift 50) Nett S$3936.40 Mandarin/Chinese Total S$2023.20 Designated S$1000 (Love Gift 400, 100, 400, 100) Nett: S$1023.20 CWGO S$10 18 8 ! Announcements The Week Ahead Tuesday 8:15 pm Prayer Meeting i/c: Rev Dr Paul Ferguson Saturday 3:00 pm CtYF 7 Churches Speaker: Pr James Tan Chairman: Abel Boon i/c: Hupomone Song Presentation Rehearsal Sunday, 29 July, 3:45pm - 4:30pm i/c: Elder Boaz Boon Church Cleaning Day Saturday, 4 August, 8.30am - 1pm Lunch will be provided. Please indicate to Dn Foo if you do not need lunch. BELIEVER'S / INFANT BAPTISM/REAFFIRMATION/TRANSFER will be held on 5 August at the Anniversary service. Please contact Pastor Paul to arrange an interview if you wish to join the church. FEBC Anniversary services (see insert) Session & Staff Rev Paul Ferguson (92312943), Elder Boaz Boon (98247681), Elder Frederick Lan (91251262), Dn Hendrick Foo (96642576), Dn Gerry Lee (98715639), Dn Oon Tik Koy (96545796), Dn Poh Ee Huat (97836200), Dn Simon Tan (98522761), Pr James Tan (91835391), Pr Kelvin Wong (96723432) !