Table of Contents


Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Welcome! ........................................................................... 3
Message from the President and CEO, Message from your Committee Chair
People to Know ................................................................. 4
Schedule ............................................................................ 5
General Rules .................................................................... 6
Definitions, Rights and Privileges, Violation of Rules, Animal Treatment,
Conduct, Attire, Signs and Display, Emergency Procedures
Entry Rules ........................................................................ 8
Entry Requirements, Errors and Omissions, Notification
Competition Rules........................................................... 10
General, Warm-Up, Competition, Prizes and Awards, Exhibitions and
Demonstrations, Protests, Auction Sale
Dorm & RV Parking Rules .............................................. 12
Dormitories and Supervision, Curfews, Dorm Sign In & Out, Off Site Visits,
RV Parking Area, Wristbands
Exhibitor Services ........................................................... 14
4-H Entry Office, PNE Grounds Access, Animal Care, Parking, Move Out
Judges.............................................................................. 16
Class List ......................................................................... 17
4-H Beef Section..................................................................................................... 17
4-H Dairy Section.................................................................................................... 22
4-H Dogs Section.................................................................................................... 24
4-H Goats Section .................................................................................................. 27
4-H Horse Section .................................................................................................. 30
4-H Sponsor Recognition ........................................................................................ 31
4-H Lamb Section ................................................................................................... 36
4-H Llama Section .................................................................................................. 39
4-H Poultry Section ................................................................................................. 41
4-H Rabbits Section ................................................................................................ 43
4-H Swine Section .................................................................................................. 46
4-H Non-livestock Section....................................................................................... 48
4-H Cloverbuds Section .......................................................................................... 50
4-H Special Events Sections ................................................................................... 51
4-H Special Project Section .................................................................................... 54
4-H PNE Judging Competition ................................................................................ 55
4-H Herdsmanship Section. .................................................................................... 56
Accommodation List ....................................................... 58
Quick Reference .............................................................. 59
Auction Information ........................................................ 60
A Message from your Committee Chair
Each year as we all come to the PNE 4-H Festival we are ending or near the end of
the year’s 4-H activities. We have much to gain by doing well in our show here at the
PNE. During the business take the time to share what you are doing and what you
have learned with our visitors here in the barns and at your shows. For many it is the
only contact they get with actual livestock projects and they are very interested in
learning about your projects and the 4-H program.
A Message from the President and CEO
Welcome to all BC 4-H leaders, members and their projects who will be in attendance at the 2015 Pacific National Exhibition 4-H Festival. It was our honor
to help celebrate the 100th Anniversary of BC 4-H with you all last year and we
look forward to a bright future for both BC 4-H and the PNE!
We wish you every success as you participate in keen competition, and also gain
many friendships from members throughout the Province. For those that complete
their 4-H involvement this year, we are sure that what you have learned will assist
you in all your future endeavors.
We take pride in showcasing some of BC’s best 4-H competitors during our 5
day Festival and it is annually some of the busiest, most lively and most entertaining days we see over the course of our Fair. The Agriculture displays continue to remain at the forefront of our Fair and we are proud to provide a high quality competition for BC 4-H clubs and to showcase your exceptional 4-H talent to
our urban audience. With an ever growing demand for education on where food
comes from, it is important to us to use our platform to showcase the importance
of supporting local food production and agri-businesses. The 4-H Festival is, by
far, the most dynamic way to do this. With the barns filled with young people
competing not only in their project shows, but also demonstrations, educational
displays, speak and shows and the judging rally, there is no better example of
why it is important to support BC Agriculture.
Al DeJong
Chair, PNE 4-H Festival Committee
People to Know
PNE Management
Donald Lee ............................................................................ Director of Operations
We once again thank the BC Youth in Agriculture Foundation for their continued
sponsorship of cash prizes and travel assistance for the 4-H Festival. To further
assist the BC Youth in Agriculture Foundation in delivering great programs like
this, the PNE continues to support the foundation through our annual PNE Charity Agriculture Auction held each Fair.
Christie Kerr ......................................................................... Manager of Agriculture
Tanya Schwaerzle ...............................................................Assistant Manager, 4-H
4-H Committee
Following the 4-H Festival this year, the Agrodome venue will play host to the
Pacific Spirit Horse Show which continues to entertain the public with a variety of
disciplines. Another important aspect of our Agriculture program, the Farm
Country exhibit, will see the continuation of our popular Kids Discovery Farm that
has seen great success since its debut. In addition, exciting exhibits such as the
Farmyard, Milking demonstrations and Honeybee store will once again return
along with our Urban Agriculture exhibit to teach those living in the city how they
can be a part of the local food growing experience.
Al DeJong........................................................................................................ Chair
John & Margaret Friesen .................................................................................. Beef
Ken Schwaerzle ................................................................................... Dairy/Swine
Margaret Krieck ............................................................................................... Dogs
Heather Schmidt ............................................................................................. Goat
Kathy Teschke ............................................................................................. Horses
Al DeJong.......................................................................................................Llama
I would like to thank you, the 4-H leaders, members and parents for your continued support of the Agriculture program here at the PNE and wish you all the best
of luck as you endeavor to achieve your goals here at our show!
Vacant .......................................................................................................... Poultry
Sharon Hall ................................................................................................. Rabbits
Karen Chambers, Nancy Mallinson ............................................................... Sheep
Enjoy the Fair!
Vacant ................................................................................................ Non-livestock
Mike McDaniel
TBD ............................................................................................... 4-H Show Office
Leader’s Lounge
Entry Office
4-H Office
5:30 AM
6:15 AM
7:00 AM
8:00 am until 11:00 pm daily
8:00 am until 8:00 pm daily
9:00 am until 6:00 pm daily
8:30 am until 8:00 pm daily
7:45 AM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Thursday, August 20th, 2015
12:00 PM
11:00 PM
4-H members may start move in
Dorm & RV Curfew
Carcass Lamb weight
Friday, August 21st, 2015
6:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
2:30 PM
4:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
8:30 PM
9:30 PM
10:30 PM
11:00 PM
4-H Office
Agrodome Upper
4-H Dorms
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
4-H Move-in
Swine Weigh In
All 4-H clubs finished check in
Agrodome must be clear of all vehicles
General Assembly
Sheep, Goat and Rabbit Weigh In
4-H Free Ride Day (11am – 7pm)
Open Exercise
Beef and Dairy Exercise (1 hour)
Horse Exercise (1 hour)
Open Exercise (ring closed at 5:00pm)
Educational Displays must be set up
Pizza Night
Cut off for watering steers
Playland closes
Beef Weigh In
PNE Amazing Race
Closed for ring maintenance
Dorm Curfew and Fire Drills
RV Curfew
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
5:30 PM
8:30 PM
9:00 PM
11:00 PM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
3:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:30 PM
Hay Hauling
11:00 PM
Agrodome South
Agrodome North
Upper FC Ring
Agrodome South
Agrodome North
Lower FC Ring
Upper FC Ring
4-H Office
Lower FC Ring
Agrodome South
Agrodome Bleachers
Upper FC Ring
Agrodome South
Agrodome North
Upper FC Ring
Horse exercise (45 Min)
Dairy Cattle exercise (45 Min)
Beef exercise (45 Min)
Llama exercise (1 Hour)
Closed for Show Set-up
Horse Western Classes
Rabbit Placings
Fed Calf Placings and Interclub
Horse Fitting and Braiding
Cloverbud Program
Goat Costume class
Market Lamb and Interclub (Carcass
Meal Ticket Sales
Swine Placings
Llama Public Relations
Orientation for Educational Display
Lamb Trimming
Goat Packing Class
Dog Agility
Tug O’ War Competition
Open exercise (ring closed at 10:30pm)
Dorm & RV Curfew
Monday, August 24th, 2015 (Fair Closed to the Public)
5:30 AM
6:15 AM
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
Saturday, August 22nd, 2015
6:15 AM
7:00 AM
7:45 AM
Upper FC Ring
Agrodome North
Agrodome South
4-H Office
Lower FC Ring
Dairy Cattle exercise (45 min)
Beef Cattle exercise (45 min)
Horse Exercise (45 min)
Llama exercise (1 Hour)
Closed for Show Set-up
Dairy Showmanship and Placings
Beef Showmanship (Jr. Int, Sr.)
Rabbit Showmanship
Lamb Showmanship
Horse Showmanship
Llama Showmanship
Swine Showmanship
Dog Showmanship
Goat Showmanship and Placings
Horse English Classes
Opening Ceremonies
Hay Hauling Competition
Open Exercise (ring closed at 10:30pm)
12:30 PM
2:30 PM
4:44 PM
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
12:00 PM
Dorm & RV Curfew
Farrier Ring
Agrodome (North)
Agrodome (South)
Upper FC Ring
Agrodome (North)
Upper west Coliseum
Agrodome Plaza
Tributes Tent
Beef Cattle exercise (45 Min)
Horse exercise (45 Min)
Dairy Cattle exercise (30 Min)
Llama exercise (1 Hour)
Closed for Show Set-up
PNE Judging Competition
Speak and Show Competition
Dairy Fitting
Swine Re-weigh
Beef Fitting (Jr, Int, then Sr.)
Llama Obstacle
Dog Obedience, Rally O and Interclub
Beef Heifer & Interclub
Lamb Breeding and Interclub
Horse Trail
Environmental Stewardship Seminar
Llama Packing
Henry’s Chicken Dinner (pre-order only)
Open Exercise (1 hour)
4-H Dance
Horse Exercise (ring closed at 9PM)
Dorm & RV Curfew
Sunday, August 23rd, 2015
2015 4-H Festival Schedule
6:00 AM
Agrodome South
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Upper FC Ring
Upper FC Ring
Agrodome compound
Following Closing Ceremonies
11:00 PM
Horse Exercise (auction will be set up,
hand walk exercise only)
Swine Auction
Lamb Auction
Goat and Rabbit Auction
Poultry Showmanship & Placings
Beef Auction
Dog Costume class
Island Club move out begins (pass required)
Clubs may begin to take down decorations
Closing Ceremony
All Clubs May Begin Move Out
Dorm & RV Curfew
General Rules
1. General
Each participant in this competition is responsible for knowledge of and is subject
to the rules contained in this prize book and the regulations governing all competitions at the Pacific National Exhibition. Any question or dispute that may arise that
is not provided for in the governing rules shall be referred to the Pacific National
Exhibition Management whose decision will be final.
2. Definitions
3. Rights and Privileges
Management reserves the right to refuse any entry, limit entries, cancel any class,
or change the competition schedule. Management reserves the right to decide
any point not covered by the rules, to correct any errors, or make any changes
which it considers necessary.
All entries are accepted with the understanding that the PNE will not be held
responsible for any loss, damage or injury to any animal exhibited or any article
of any kind. All animals shall be under the control and direction of the PNE
Management, but solely at the risk of the participant, who will be responsible for
any loss, damage, or injury to any person, animal, or property occasioned by the
participant, their agents, employees, or by any animal owned or exhibited by the
participant and shall indemnify the PNE against any and all loss, damages, and
liability thus occasioned, including but not limited to, any and all legal costs including attorney fees which may be incurred as a result thereof. The participant
shall accept full responsibility for his/her agents and employees. The submitting
of an entry form to the PNE constitutes an acceptance by each person of the
rules set out in this prizebook.
Each participant shall agree that photographs taken of the participant and/or
exhibits by any photographer approved by the exhibition may be used for purposes of promotion by the PNE and/or its official sponsors.
4. Violation of Rules
4-H competitors involved in serious misconduct will be subject to review by the 4-H
Discipline Committee (which shall include PNE Management). No member may
be removed from the show without the prior knowledge and approval of the 4-H
Discipline Committee.
General Rules
For the purposes of the rules and regulations governing conduct and participation
in competitions or exhibitions at the Pacific National Exhibition, the following definitions will apply:
PNE: the Pacific National Exhibition
Participant: any person involved in any way in exhibition or competitions at the
Presenter: anyone directly involved with the showing of any animal or other element entered in any competition or exhibit (e.g. grooms, handlers, exhibitors,
Tuesday, August 25th, 2015 (Free Fair Admission Day)
The 4-H Committee wishes to encourage the proper use of the 4-H emblem in all
signs as specified by the Canadian Council of 4-H Clubs. Points will be deducted
in the herdsmanship competition for the improper use of the 4-H emblem.
8. Emergency Procedures
The club leader (or chaperone) is responsible for ensuring that all 4-H participants are aware of the emergency procedures of the PNE including evacuation
and medical emergency procedures. These procedures are included in your
exhibitor package, which you will receive during check-in at the 4-H Show Office.
Entry Rules
The PNE reserves the right to limit entries or decline any entry without being liable
for compensation. A minimum of 3 participating clubs or 15 participating members per section is required to host a livestock show.
1. Entry Requirements
Open to boys and girls currently enrolled in the B.C. 4-H program.
The age of 4-H participants will be the age in, years, as of December 31st of
the previous calendar year. Members with a registered project must be between 9 and 19 years of age. Members registered in Cloverbud classes must
be between 6 and 8 years of age and registered junior leaders, judging rally
participants and PNE Ambassadors can be up to 21 years of age.
Only current year 4-H projects are eligible for entry. All 4-H classes are open
to purebred or grade livestock. All registered projects will be checked against
BC 4-H Identification Sheets.
All project changes must be approved by the District 4-H Council prior to entry
at the PNE. A letter must be submitted to the PNE prior to move in stating the
project change and must be signed by the club leader and the District key leader.
Members wishing to attend the PNE when their club is not participating in the
PNE may only register with another leader or approved chaperone as long as a
signed letter of approval is received from their registered club leader.
Health Status:
A veterinarian will inspect livestock entries upon arrival at the PNE. No animal
suffering from an infectious or contagious disease will be admitted to the
grounds or if admitted through oversight, on discovery of same, it shall be removed upon order of PNE Management. The decision of the veterinarian shall
be final.
Horns are not permitted on 4-H market animals at the PNE. A horn is defined
as any visual bone-like projection that breaks the hairline on the animal’s head
above the eyes. All animals must be completely and properly de-horned. Any
scurs or calluses exceeding 1/2 inch will be considered horns and may result in
the animal being refused entry and be required to leave the PNE grounds. All
market steers and lambs must be completely and properly castrated. Any 4-H
animals not meeting these requirements will be refused entry and required to
leave the PNE grounds.
Tests for tuberculosis are not required to cover cattle originating from accredited
herds or herds in accredited areas of good standing. Canada is currently a
brucellosis free region.
6. Conduct
The PNE upholds BC 4-H SADD rules. Participants responsible for any disorderly conduct, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, will be considered
in violation of the rules and subject to review by the 4-H Discipline Committee. Any attempt to interfere with PNE staff, contractors, or their agents while
in the performance of their duties shall constitute a violation of the rules.
Participants may not use any device or conduct themselves in a manner
which may cause harm to any other person(s), animals, or property.
Although, BC 4-H and the PNE do not condone leaders or families consuming
alcohol during a 4-H activity, it is recognized that the PNE offers opportunities
for casual alcohol consumption outside of the barns. Leaders and families
are reminded that they are the face of 4-H that the general public sees and
that they represent 4-H as much as a member does. There is no drinking
allowed in the barns and wherever possible, adult celebrations that include
alcohol should be taken offsite.
When moving animals through the barns participants must use designated
aisles. All other aisles are out of bounds at all times.
Animals may only be ridden in designated areas. Grooming or clipping will
not be permitted in the aisles.
All 4-H competitors and supervising leaders registered with the 4-H Show are
expected to appear in suitable dress at all times. It is the tradition of the
Show Ring that a competitor be correctly attired for the class in question and
that attendants be neatly dressed and animals properly presented.
Entry Rules
Any form of abuse (including excessive use of the whip or spurs or excessive
use of the bit) on any animal in a stall, runway, schooling area, competition
ring, or elsewhere on the PNE grounds at any time, by any person, constitutes a violation of the rules and renders the offender subject to penalty, disqualification, and possible prosecution. This will be strictly enforced.
Drugs and Medications:
No animal is to be shown in any class if it has been administered, in any manner, any forbidden substance. Animals in competition may be subject to testing and/or examination by a licensed veterinarian and/or technician. The
examination may include physical, saliva, urine, blood tests, or any other test
or procedure at the discretion of said veterinarian and/or technician. Failure
to submit to such tests and examinations may result in disqualification and
constitutes a violation of the rules.
Any animal artificially, improperly, or unfairly prepared, doctored, or tampered
with in any way before entering the show ring will be disqualified.
Animal Identification Tags:
All Beef, Dairy, Goat, Sheep and Swine animals participating at the PNE must
have proper CFIA approved tags in place. Any tag lost must be registered
through your district secretary with confirmation of this sent to the PNE prior
to arrival onsite.
7. Signs and Displays
5. Animal Treatment
1. General
Competitions are governed by the B.C. 4-H Project Rules and Regulations, the
General Rules, Entry Rules, the Competition Rules below, and any additional
guidelines for individual classes listed in the class list. It is vital, therefore, that
each exhibitor is familiar with all of these sections of the prize book as well as the
rules and regulations of 4-H (can be obtained from BC 4-H office).
PNE Management reserves the right to change the location of competitions as
deemed necessary and also reserves the right to substitute a judge or official (or
other staff) for any listed in the prize book.
2. Warm-Up
Available exercise times in the Agrodome are posted in all published 4-H
Warm-up in the Corral (lower ring) will be made available as competition and
event schedule permits. Times will be posted in all published 4-H schedules.
2. Errors and Omissions
4-H leaders (or agents filling out entry forms on their behalf) are responsible
for their own errors on their entry forms. No compensation for such errors
shall be made after entry closing date. If any entrant has made or caused to
be made any false statement in regards to any animal or article exhibited, he/
she will be excluded from competing or exhibiting.
3. Competition
Only persons directly involved in the showing and judging of animals will be allowed in the ring. The PNE and its judges and officials reserve the right to prohibit any person(s) from entering the ring or from riding or driving. Interfering with
judges, officials, or other staff while in the performance of their duties will result in
disqualification. Order of entry into the ring may be predetermined by the PNE as
management deems necessary.
In Gate:
Participants are responsible for having all entries ready to enter the ring
promptly when called. Any participant refusing to enter the ring when directed
forfeits the right to compete.
All 4-H classes listed in the PNE prize list will be placed on the Danish system
unless otherwise indicated.
Members must exhibit their own 4-H project animals in showmanship classes,
and members must show in showmanship in order for the project to be shown
in their project class. Any clipping or grooming of 4-H project animals must be
done only by 4-H members competing with a project at the PNE Fair, or that
project and member may be disqualified from competing.
3. Notification
A replay letter will be mailed to the 4-H leader, which confirms the details of
the entry. Contact the Entry Office at (604) 252-3581 if there are any amendments to this entry. Errors and changes are the responsibility of the 4-H leader.
4. Passes
Club passes will not be mailed out. The ‘A’ Leader may pick up their show
packages, including all passes and meal tickets, at the 4-H Office from 12pm
– 5pm on Thursday August 20th or from 9:00am – 6:00 pm on Friday August
21st, 2015. Leaders will be required to sign for their packages at the time of
pickup. Parking passes, admission passes and meal tickets are nonrefundable. There will only be meal ticket sales on Sunday August 23 rd from
1:00pm to 3:00pm and there will be NO opportunity to return meal tickets.
Parents and Leaders are asked to plan accordingly.
4. Prizes and Awards
Trophies and Special Awards:
Perpetual and challenge trophies remain at the PNE all year. During the 4-H
show they will be available through the Entry Office. Where possible, trophies
will be presented after the appropriate class then returned to the 4-H Show
Prize Money:
Prize monies will be paid out, in Canadian Funds, to the names listed on the
entry form. Cheques for prize money won by members of clubs will be sent as
soon as possible, after the close of the exhibition to leaders for distribution to
the members. All inquiries with respect to prize payments must be made before March 31st, 2016, after which accounts will be closed, uncashed cheques
will be voided, and no further action by the exhibitor may be taken. Should a
participant(s) be disqualified, prizes will be re-allocated to the remaining placing exhibitors.
Competition Rules
Entries must be made by 4-H leaders on the entry forms provided by the
PNE. Please fill out the entry form by member (i.e. if a member has a beef
and swine project, list all projects for that member and then continue with the
rest of the exhibitors following the same process) and one copy of the new
PNE parent release form along with a photocopy of the 4-H parental release
form for each member participating.
Club leaders must supply the ear tag, tattoo markings, birthdates of all livestock projects on the entry form, and bring proof of registration and identification with them to the PNE. All 4-H Beef, Dairy, Sheep, and Swine must have
an ear tag or registered ear tattoo in order to show. Horses must be identified
by a horse identification sheet and a picture. These will be checked upon
arrival at the PNE. Dog clubs must submit, with the entry form, copies of
vaccination certificates and proof of rabies shots.
Entries must be received by the Entry Office no later than July 3rd, 2015 by
5:00pm. Late entries will be charged a late fee per member per day late.
Competition Rules
All exhibitions and demonstrations will be placed between classes at the discretion
of the PNE 4-H Committee and the PNE Management.
1. Dormitories and Supervision
6. Protests
Limited accommodation will be available to 4-H members and chaperones in the 4
-H dormitory located onsite at the PNE. Leaders must use discretion when
choosing members to stay in this dormitory situation. Leaders are required to
take responsibility for 4-H members attending PNE, and 4-H members are responsible for their own actions.
Any protest must be submitted in writing, signed, and accompanied by a deposit of
$100 which shall be forfeited if the protest is not sustained. The protest must state
fully the cause of the complaint and must be delivered to the Show Office by
10:00am the day following the cause of the protest. A protest will be considered
official when the written protest has been received by the Show Office and a receipt
has been issued to the complainant. An official protest will be investigated by the
PNE Management and appropriate Committee Chair. All decisions by this panel
are final.
The PNE provides sleeping space only. Bring a foam mattress or bedroll and
sleeping bag.
7. Auction Sale
All market calves, lambs, hogs, goats and rabbits to be sold must have previously
shown in the PNE 4-H show. Members entering a project into a carcass class (Unit
5: Carcass Steer; Unit 8: Carcass Lamb, or Unit 4: Carcass Hog Class) must be
registered in showmanship with another animal within the same project classification in order for their carcass project to be entered in the carcass class and be eligible for the sale (ie. A member registered in Market Steer Carcass must show a beef
project in showmanship at the PNE 4-H show). The sale will be conducted on a
price per pound basis.
Auction invitations are mailed to buyers who purchased in the previous year (2014)
of the 4-H Auction Sale. New buyers must be registered by July 31st, 2015.
2. Curfews
Any member wanting to show their animal and not sell it must state so on the entry
form. If the animal is Champion or Reserve, it MUST sell at the PNE 4-H Auction
Curfew in the dorms and for the RV Parking will be 11:00 PM to allow 4-H members to watch the daily finale show at the PNE. This means that all 4-H members staying at the PNE grounds are to be inside the dorms and inside the enclosed RV parking area by 11:00 PM sharp, with the exception of Monday when
the curfew will be 12:00 AM to allow for the dance.
A commission of 5.2% will be taken on all animals sold.
Animals will be the property of the buyer upon completion of the sale. Normal care
will be the responsibility of the contributor while the animals are still at the PNE.
Animals will be delivered to a packing plant, in the greater Vancouver area as requested on the sales form, as soon after the sale as possible at no charge to the
purchaser. The purchaser is responsible for all costs incurred.
The barns will be closed to the general public at 10:00 PM nightly and closed to
all individuals with wristbands at 10:45 PM. There will be absolutely no entry into
the barns after closing with the exception of staff on duty and individuals displaying an overnight barn laminate pass.
Self Hauling:
If a member choses to haul their animal to the packing plant themselves, all costs
and liabilities are the responsibility of the self-hauler after the auction. All members
Self-Hauling animals sold at auction must sign a Liability Contract before loading
and leaving the grounds with the animal.
3. Dorm Sign In & Out
A strict sign-in and sign-out procedure will be implemented. The PNE-dorm supervisor will have a master list of all 4-H members staying in the dorms, for sign-in
and sign-out privileges. 4-H Chaperones will perform a final check and sign in of
the members they are responsible for by 11:00 PM nightly (12:00 AM on Monday).
Proxy Bidding:
All buyers must be pre-registered with the auction staff prior to bidding. All buyers
using a proxy bidder must complete the Proxy Bidder Registration form.
Payment must be made at the time of the purchase. If full payment is not possible,
credit arrangements must be made at registration time. Terms are cash or cheque
in Canadian Funds or by credit card (VISA, MC). Persons buying their own animal
back must purchase the animal at full sale price.
PNE Chaperones will be responsible for enforcing rules regarding entry and exit
of dorms and the sign in sheets. They will inform the entry office of any infractions of the rules. The sign-out cut off time will be 10:45 PM, with no exceptions.
4-H members will not be able to sign themselves out after that time. Club chaperones will be expected to assist Dorm Supervisors with the monitoring of 4-H members.
4-H members who violate these rules will be sent home. These rules will be reinforced in the 4-H newsletter and at the general assembly.
Dorm and RV Rules
Members participating in the 4-H Program must be chaperoned in the dorms and
the R.V. parking regardless of age. A 4-H member may not be a chaperone.
Chaperones must be 21 years of age or older and have a recent valid Police
Check. Dorm space is made available to adult leaders and parents who have
accepted the following responsibilities for chaperoning 4-H members in cooperation with the dormitory supervisors. District and/or club chaperones will
have space available with their district or club members they are chaperones for.
Chaperones must be familiar with 4-H members from their area including any
medical problems they may have. Upon arrival, chaperones must check-in with
dormitory supervisors. By curfew, chaperones must verify that members are in
the dorms and meeting all assigned rules. Any chaperones not meeting the
above responsibilities will be required to leave.
No smoking in the 4-H dormitory or any livestock area.
Dorm & RV Parking Rules
5. Exhibitions and Demonstrations
4-H Leaders must notify the 4-H Office when one of their club members is going off
site with relatives or friends, and should again advise the office when they have
returned. This will assist with the monitoring of 4-H member’s whereabouts. This
is especially important for emergency situations.
1. 4-H Entry Office
The 4-H Entry Office is located at the southwest end of the Agrodome, upper
concourse level. Hours are 8:00am to 8:00pm daily (during the Fair), 8:30am to
4:00pm (non-Fair hours).
5. RV - Parking Area
2. PNE Grounds Access:
RV Parking will only be available in the area designated along the fence line on the
west side of Lot 9. Toilet facilities will be available on site; showers will be available
in the barn area. All Dorm Rules apply to RV Parking Area. Currently there is no
policing mechanism for enforcing the curfew in the RV parking area. It is up to
leaders and parents to monitor the 4-H members. If problems arise with the RV
Parking Area, the PNE will provide a security person for the area which will result
in an increase in RV parking fees would increase to cover the additional expense.
No Dogs are permitted on the PNE grounds (with the exception of registered,
participating 4-H projects only in the barns, and seeing eye dogs). 4-H identification bracelets must be worn tightly on wrists by 4-H members at all times during
the 4-H Festival. This provides access to the PNE grounds, to the Barns during
non-operating hours and to Special Events. Access to the grounds prior to Fair
opening (11:00am daily) will only be permitted through Gate 10.
3. Animal Care
Feed Delivery Area:
The feed area will stock hay and straw only. Clubs are required to bring all
feed and supplies they require. Spady Farms will be available onsite in the
barns for emergency supplies and hay sales if required.
6. Wristbands:
4-H identification bracelets must be worn on wrists by 4-H members at all times
during the 4-H Festival. Wristbands will only be replaced if a damaged wristband
is presented to the Entry office in exchange for a new one.
A veterinarian is on call through the 4-H Office. Entrance vet checks are done
at no cost to the member but any further veterinarian services will be billed to
individual members as required.
Stabling will be managed by the Barn Operations Supervisor. Stabling will be
allotted and assigned by the PNE Management. The PNE will try to accommodate the stabling requests of 4-H clubs where possible. Stabling is only provided for animals entered in the exhibition.
It is the participant’s responsibility to inspect the stabling area for nails or other
foreign objects that might harm their animal or their agents.
Muck out of overnight manure material must be done prior to 7:00am each
morning. All overnight materials, manure and stall refuse mucked out at any
time must be placed in the barn manure compound at the rear of the
Tack Stalls:
Tack stalls will be allotted where available. In order to comply with fire, security, and health regulations, these tack stalls are restricted to storing materials
and equipment only. As a necessary precaution against fire and in compliance
with City ordinances, the use of coal oil stoves, heating or cooking equipment,
or fire of any kind in any of the PNE buildings is prohibited. Participants are
also required to guard against the overloading of electrical circuits and familiarize themselves with the location and use of fire fighting equipment and evacuation routes.
Wash Racks
The barn provides three livestock wash racks for members to use. In the Upper Barn on the west side there are two designated racks for horses and cattle
respectively. PNE Management reserves the right to monitor the use of these
racks and livestock may be asked to leave if found occupying the wrong wash
rack. The wash rack in the Lower Barn on the east side will be open each
morning until 9:00am. Members will be asked to leave after 9:00am. Members are asked to observe good housekeeping in all wash racks.
Exhibitor Services
4. Off Site Visits
2015 Judges
Parking on the PNE grounds is at your own risk. The PNE is not responsible
for any articles left in the parking lots or the payment of parking violations or
towing charges incurred by any persons prior to, during, or after the fair.
Beef Division
Showmanship ................................................................ Raymond Turney, Alberta
Steer Placings .................................................................... Shawn Wilson, Alberta
Heifer Placings ................................................................... Shawn Wilson, Alberta
General Vehicle Parking:
Exhibitor parking will be available in Lot 9 (please see map for location of
parking lots) and is restricted to vehicles, which occupy only one parking
stall. Overnight sleeping in self-contained campers is available in the RV
Parking area. Exhibitors must pre-purchase parking passes with their entry to
be eligible for the discounted exhibitor parking rate.
Dairy Division
Showmanship ................................................. William Wikkerink, British Columbia
Dairy Placings................................................. William Wikkerink, British Columbia
Trailer parking:
Trailer parking will be available a designated parking lot. Requests for livestock trailer parking can be made on the entry form.
Goat Division
Overnight parking:
Overnight RV parking is limited to a first come, first serve basis. The designated area will be along the west fence line of Lot 9. This entire area will be
enclosed with modulock fencing for enhanced security. Advance booking and
payment is required; payment CANNOT be done upon arrival. (Exhibitors
utilizing on-site RV parking are asked to comply with the following rules:
 Adherence to dorm procedures (see Dorm Rules)
 no smoking
 no personal family dogs or other animals, 4-H dog projects are allowed (please see Dog project section for further information)
 no tents
 familiarity with the fire evacuation plan
Showmanship ................................................ Eugenia Carnegie, British Columbia
Placings ......................................................... Eugenia Carnegie, British Columbia
Horse Division
Showmanship .................................................. Mellissa Buckley, British Columbia
English Classes ............................................... Mellissa Buckley, British Columbia
Western Classes ............................................. Mellissa Buckley, British Columbia
Dog Division
Agility ................................................................. Geoff Anderson, British Columbia
Showmanship ................................................................................................. TBA
Obedience ................................................................ Ron Purvis, British Columbia
Unloading will occur via the Agrodome where PNE staff will be present to
direct you. There will be no unloading or loading anywhere else. After you
have unloaded, you will be directed to the proper parking location. Vehicles
and trailers must be removed from the loading area immediately. Vehicles
parked longer than permitted WILL BE TOWED AT THE OWNER'S EXPENSE.
Lamb Division
Showmanship .................................................................... Karen Legault, Alberta
Placings .............................................................................. Karen Legault, Alberta
Breeding ............................................................................ Karen Legault, Alberta
Llama Division
Move Out:
Clubs may begin to take down their decorations at 5:00pm on Tuesday August 25th but may not begin to move out until after the Closing Ceremonies. Load out will occur through the Agrodome via Gate 6. Load out via the
south or north side of the barns is strictly prohibited.
Showmanship/Fitting ............................................. Denise Lillies, British Columbia
Obstacle/Public Relations/Driving ......................... Denise Lillies, British Columbia
Poultry Division
Showmanship ......................................................... Brenda Carr, British Columbia
Placings .................................................................. Brenda Carr, British Columbia
Rabbit Division
Showmanship ................................................ Monica DeKoning, British Columbia
Placings ......................................................... Monica DeKoning, British Columbia
Swine Division
Showmanship ..................................................... Debbie Froese, British Columbia
Placings .............................................................. Debbie Froese, British Columbia
Non-livestock Division
Displays and Projects .......................................... Cheryl Penner, British Columbia
Displays and Projects ............................................. Eileen Ennis, British Columbia
4. Parking
Calves Division
Market Animal: Homegrown Unit 2
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
The purpose of this class is to show an animal that is "home grown”. The
animal is to be bred, born and raised on the B.C. property where you keep
your animals (you might lease property for your animals but live elsewhere). The animal is to be owned by the member or the member’s family unit (family unit to include parents, legal guardian, or 4-H member's
siblings). The dam does not have to be a previous 4-H project.
Special Breed Award Information:
Shorthorn Steer – Must exhibit shorthorn characteristics and be entered as a
shorthorn or shorthorn X.
Heifers Division
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE. Equipment
Bag (Champion Steer) Courtesy: AT&H Industries Inc. Garment Bag
(Reserve Champion Steer) Courtesy: Otter Co-Op.
Heifer classes will be split according to age and/or breed if entries so warrant.
Please include breed and date of birth on entry form.
Market Animal: Unit 2
Entry Fee: $10 per animal (to be awarded as prize money to top two graded carcasses
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
The purpose of this class is to show an animal that is "home grown.”
The animal is to be bred, born and raised on the B.C. property where
you keep your animals (you might lease property for your animals but
live elsewhere). The animal is to be owned by the member or the member’s family unit (family unit to include parents, legal guardian, or 4-H
member's siblings). The dam does not have to be a previous 4-H project. Class will be split into Heifer and Cow-Calf sections.
Prizes: Jackpot Prize money - 75% of entry fees awarded to the top graded steer and 25% of entry fees awarded to 2nd place graded steer. Steers
are to be weighed on Friday August 21st and will be exhibited in groups
according to weight. Any member wanting to show their animal and not
sell it must state so on the entry form. If the animal is Champion or Reserve Champion, it MUST sell at the PNE 4-H Auction. Please state
breed on the entry form. Steers sent to an accredited slaughter house will
be graded. Rosettes to the "Top 10 Carcasses" - Courtesy: PNE.
Female: Homegrown Unit 3 and 4
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
*If there are not enough females to warrant a class, they will be entered
and judged separately as homegrown in class 5216, 5217, or 5218.
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE. Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Candy Cane Farms Ltd. Garment Bag
(Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Hopcott Meats
Grand Champion and Reserve Market Animal
Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Rosettes - Courtesy:
PNE. Equipment Bag (Grand Champion) Courtesy: In memory of Mr. Art
McClary. Garment Bag (Reserve Grand Champion) Courtesy: Fraser
Valley Auctions
Carcass Animal: Unit 5
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
All animals must have been shown at Club Achievement. All Carcass
animals must be present at McClary’s Stockyard at 7:00pm, Monday August 17th for live weight and check-in. Animals can then be delivered to
Meadow Valley Meats for processing. The top two placing carcasses will
be sold in the 4-H Auction on Tuesday, August 25th. If the carcass is
Champion or Reserve Champion, it MUST sell at the PNE 4-H Auction.
To enter this class, members must have a beef project registered in showmanship at the PNE. Rosettes to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE. 1st Place
- $100 (Champion) Courtesy: Dan Dick and Kim Ross & Family, Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Valhalla Farms. Garment Bag (Reserve
Champion) Courtesy: Lepp Farm Market
Heifers: Unit 3
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Grand Champion) Courtesy: Kubota Canada Ltd.
Cow-Calf: Unit 4- 24 to 35 months
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Cow must be in calf or have her 2015 calf at foot (must be first time
calved or in calf).
Cow-Calf: Unit 4 - 36 months and over
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Cow must be in calf or have her 2015 calf at foot.
Overall Champion and Reserve Cow-Calf
Top two pairs from classes 5217 and 5218 to compete. Champion and
Reserve Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE
For a Shorthorn Steer showing Shorthorn characteristics that receives
Champion of the show - $100.00. For a Shorthorn steer showing Shorthorn characteristic that receives Reserve Champion of the show - $50.00
Courtesy: BC Shorthorn Association. For Top Placing Shorthorn Steer
showing shorthorn characteristics - $50 Courtesy: Lower Mainland Shorthorn Club. Top Steer sired by a Simmental - Special Award Courtesy:
BC Simmental Association. Angus Special Award - $100 Top Angus
Influenced Steer Courtesy: Fraser Valley Angus Club and Ardgowan
Black Angus. Champion Hereford (Outright Award) Courtesy: BC Hereford Breeders’ Assoc. Limousin Special – Champion Limousin Steer.
Perpetual Trophy Courtesy: BC Limousin Assoc.
Any animal artificially, improperly or unfairly prepared, doctored or tampered with
in any way before entering the show ring will be disqualified. The addition of hair
or substitute, fleece or skin to any part of the animal’s body is deemed unethical
and cause for disqualification. Acceptable practices approved for fitting cattle for
show include: paint, adhesive, clipping of hair, trimming of hooves, dehorning,
removal of ancillary teats, and attachment of artificial switches.
Special Breed Awards - Steers
4-H Beef Section
Grand Champion and Reserve Female
Top two females from classes 5216 and 5219 to compete. Grand
Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Grand Champion) Courtesy: Wynnyk Farms. Garment
Bag (Reserve Grand Champion) Courtesy: Street Smart Contracting.
Fitting Division
Special Breed Award - Females
For a registered Shorthorn female receiving Champion of the show $100.00 and for registered Shorthorn female receiving Reserve Champion of the show - $50.00 - Courtesy: BC Shorthorn Association. For Top
placing registered Shorthorn Female $50.00 - Courtesy: Lower Mainland Shorthorn Club. Gary & Margaret Wood Top Shorthorn Female
Achievement Award – $100 Cash Outright – Courtesy: The Wood Family. Top Female sired by a Simmental - Special Award Courtesy: BC
Simmental Association; Angus Special Award - $200 Top Registered
Angus Female - Courtesy: Fraser Valley Angus Club. Top Hereford
Award (outright) Courtesy: BC Hereford Breeders' Association. Hereford Special - $500 purchase credit (Champion Hereford Heifer) and
$250 purchase credit (Reserve Champion Hereford Heifer) Must be a
purebred (see voucher further information). Courtesy: The West Coast
Hereford Club.
Method of Scoring – Total 100 Points
15 points: Knowledge of needs and reasons governing clipping of animal
10 points: Knowledge and ability to describe tools, equipment and their
45 points: Proficiency in using tools and grooming of animal.
30 points: Condition and showing of animal.
Junior Beef Fitting
Ribbons to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE.
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Equipment Bag (Champion) – Courtesy: Bordermaine Farms. Garment
Bag (Reserve Champion) – Courtesy: Tom O’Reilly Memorial Fund.
Participation prizes to 3rd place – Courtesy: Spady Farms
Intermediate Beef Fitting
Ribbons to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE.
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Equipment Bag (Champion) – Courtesy: Unseen Acres, Garment Bag
(Reserve Champion) – Courtesy: Tom O’Reilly Memorial Fund. Participation prizes to 3rd place – Courtesy: Spady Farms
Senior Beef Fitting
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Ribbons to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) – Courtesy: Meadow Valley Meats. Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) – Courtesy: Tom O’Reilly Memorial
Fund. Participation prizes to 3rd place – Courtesy: Spady Farms
Special Breed Award Information:
Shorthorn Female – Must be purebred, registered and tattooed.
Showmanship Division
Beef club members may exhibit their Unit 2, 3, or 4 animal. A member with only a
Unit III or IV project may show the cow only from Unit IV (calf not to enter ring) or
an animal from Unit 3. Members will show in order of Juniors followed by Intermediates and then Seniors.
Senior Beef Showmanship: 15 years and over
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Senior Champion Beef Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE..
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: John and Margaret Friesen
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: McDonald and Ross Construction Ltd.
Intermediate Beef Showmanship: 13 - 14 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Intermediate Champion Beef Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Friesen Construction Inc.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Davis Quality Meats
Junior Beef Showmanship: 9 - 12 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Junior Champion Beef Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: South Alder Farms
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: AVENUE Machinery Corp.
Interclub Competition Division
One interclub entry will be allowed per registered club with the exception of beef and sheep.
Animals used in an interclub entry must be the project of the club concerned and a Unit 1 or 2 project animal with some exceptions for
horse, dairy and beef clubs. Dairy clubs: Unit 1 only.
Interclub groups must be set up by 4-H members without any adult
Beef Fed Calf Interclub
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
Rosettes to fifth place - Courtesy: PNE.
No limit to entries. Members must use their own animal. Clipping chutes are to be
used. Each clipping chute and fitting area is to be clearly labeled with the club’s
name. Each club is to supply and remove chute after competition. The animal is
to be washed immediately prior to the competition. Any required clipping should
be done previous to the competition; however, contestants must be prepared to
discuss where and why the animal was so clipped. The use of electric clippers is
NOT allowed. No shovels or water is to be taken to the fitting area. On concluding the fitting of the animal, contestants will show their animal to the judge. Juniors followed by Intermediates then Seniors. Maximum time allowed for fitting –
20 minutes.
Beef Female Interclub
Cow/Calf pairs are considered one project therefore the calf is not to be
used as one of the animals in an interclub entry.
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
Rosettes to fifth place - Courtesy: PNE.
4-H Dairy Section
Calves Division
All breeds will show together. Classes will be split according to age if entries
warrant. All calves showing in project classes must be shown in a showmanship
class. Canadian Dairy Rules will apply.
George Preston Memorial Trophy
4-H Dairy Calf
Born March 1st, 2014 to February 28th, 2015
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Equipment Bag (Champion) – Courtesy: Kubota Canada Ltd.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) – Courtesy: Kubota Canada Ltd.
Champion and Reserve Ayrshire Calf
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Champion and Reserve Guernsey Calf
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Champion and Reserve Jersey Calf
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Gaymar Farm Jersey Shield – Perpetual Trophy
Champion and Reserve Holstein Calf
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
1st – 10pts; 2nd – 9pts; 3rd – 8pts; 4th – 7pts; 5th – 6pts
Champions will receive an additional 5 points and Reserve Champions an additional 3 points. Fed calf placing and Showmanship placing will each comprise
50% of the overall score. The PNE 4-H Committee will break ties through consideration of the member's various other participations at the Fair. This trophy
will be awarded at the Closing Ceremonies.
Perpetual Trophy and Outright Belt Buckle Courtesy: PNE
All beef chutes must be clearly labeled with club identification. These areas will
be included into club herdsmanship judging scores. Chute space will be limited
in the North end of the barns, details for chute allocation guidelines will be detailed in the replay packages.
Showmanship Division
Junior Dairy Showmanship: 9 - 12 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Junior Champion Dairy Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Otter Co-op
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Otter Co-op
Intermediate Dairy Showmanship: 13 to 15 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Intermediate Champion Dairy Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: BC Farm & Ranch Realty Corp.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: BC Farm & Ranch Realty
Senior Dairy Showmanship: 16 years and over
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Senior Champion Dairy Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: BC Farm & Ranch Realty Corp.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: BC Farm & Ranch Realty
The George Preston Memorial Trophy will be awarded to a beef member who
has exhibited exceptional skills with both their Fed calf steer and in their showmanship class. Points will be awarded as follows to first through fifth placing
regardless of the row:
Overall Champion and Reserve Dairy Showmanship
Winners from classes 5001, 5003, and 5005 to compete. Overall Champion and Overall Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Perpetual Trophy (Overall Champion) Courtesy: Valley Equipment
Outright Jackets (Champion and Reserve) - Courtesy: BMO Bank of
Ralph and Mae Barichello Memorial Award
The Barichello Memorial Award will be presented to a Dairy member who has
exhibited exceptional skills with both their dairy calf project and in their showmanship class. Points will be awarded as follows to the top 10 placings in each class.
1st – 10pts; 2nd – 9pts; 3rd – 8pts; 4th – 7pts; 5th – 6pts;
6th – 5pts; 7th – 4pts; 8th – 3pts; 9th – 2pts; 10th – 1pt.
Fitting Division
Maximum time allowed for fitting – 90 minutes.
Dairy Fitting Competition – Jr. 9 to 12 years
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Ribbons to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Elmbridge Farms
Dairy Fitting Competition - Int. 13 to 15 years
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Ribbons to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Martiann Holsteins
Prizes: 1st - $200; 2nd - $100; 3rd - $50 - Courtesy: Tom Barichello, Sharon Gibbs
and Family
4-H Dogs Section
Members may enter more than one project providing space allows. In the event
of limited space, entries over 1 dog per member will be taken on a first come –
first serve basis. In showmanship classes only one entry per member will be
permitted and this should be specified on the club entry form.
Dairy Fitting Competition - Sr. 16 years and over
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Ribbons to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE.
Perpetual Trophy Stanhope Dairy Farm
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Westgen
Members must clean up after their own dog in all areas of the PNE grounds.
Dogs are not permitted on the Fairgrounds, outside of the livestock area. They
are permitted only in the dog kenneling area and the exercise area. Dogs must
be on leash at all times.
4-H Dog projects registered at the PNE may stay in the RV lot overnight. The
following regulations apply; Members are asked to use their judgment regarding
how their dog will behave in the RV lot, barking dogs will be asked to be removed; Members MUST clean up after their dogs and must respect the close
quarters of the RV lot; Dog projects must be in the barns from 8am to 10pm and
are not to be in the RV during that time for any circumstance. If there are concerns raised about dogs in the RV, this privilege will be removed in following
Interclub Competition Division
One interclub entry will be allowed per registered club with the exception of beef and sheep.
Animals used in an interclub entry must be the project of the club concerned and a Unit 1 or 2 project animal with some exceptions for
horse, dairy and beef clubs. Dairy clubs: Unit 1 only.
Interclub groups must be set up by 4-H members without any adult
Under the rules outlined by the Breed Associations concerned, only
groups of purebred dairy calves are eligible to compete for their individual interclub trophies.
No dogs under the age of 6 months, at the time of entry, will be allowed in 4-H
competition. Proof of age may be required. Only dogs registered in competition
are permitted at the PNE. Dog clubs must submit, with the entry form proof of
rabies shots for all dogs attending the PNE to the 4-H Committee Section Representative during check-in.
All 4-H members are required to appear in suitable dress when in the show ring.
No shorts or open toed shoes are allowed.
Dairy Interclub
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
Rosettes to fifth place - Courtesy: PNE.
1st-$50, 2nd-$40, 3rd-$30, 4th-$20 Courtesy: BC Branch Holstein Association of Canada. Holstein Interclub – Richmond Dairy Perpetual Trophy.
Baiting is not permitted in the show ring. No Prong or Pinch collars allowed on
the PNE grounds (not even covered grounds (including covered ones). Halti’s,
Gentle Leaders, head halters are permitted.
All 4-H members are required to arrive by 10:00am, Friday, August 21 st. 4-H
members will depart as a club following the Closing Ceremony on Tuesday, August 25th. The PNE recognizes the unique nature of the 4-H dog projects and is
therefore flexible to having members take their dog home at night. Members are
asked to use their best judgment to determine if their project can remain on site
(in the barns) overnight. No dogs will be permitted in the dorms. Dogs going
home at night must be back to the kenneling area by 8:00am or earlier. Members
are required to bring their own dog crates (kennels).
Champions will receive an additional 5 points, Reserve Champions an additional
3 points and Honorable Mention an additional 1 point. Dairy Calf placing and
Showmanship placing will each comprise 50% of the overall score. The PNE 4-H
Committee will break ties through consideration of the member's various other
participations at the Fair. This trophy will be awarded at the Closing Ceremonies.
Members are able to win only once in each age category (junior, intermediate, or
senior). The calf used for fitting may be the member’s or someone else’s calf.
There is to be no sideline coaching in any capacity.
Junior Dog Costume and Trick Class
Members may do either both components or just one when registered in
this class.
Ribbons for all participants – Courtesy: PNE
Senior Dog Costume and Trick Class
Members may do either both components or just one when registered in
this class.
Ribbons for all participants – Courtesy: PNE
Junior Rally O
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Dog and handler team to move continuously through a course of 10 to
20 signs and perform indicated exercise at each sign.
Senior Rally O
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Dog and handler team to move continuously through a course of 10 to
20 signs and perform indicated exercise at each sign.
All dogs must enter the ring on a flat collar with a flat 6 foot leash. Dogs may
wear a tab in the off leash, but with a one point deduction. Dogs must be over
the age of 18 months. No food or toys allowed in the ring.
Junior On Leash, Junior Off Leash – Closest to clean run and time advance to –
Junior run off On Leash, Junior run off Off Leash – Junior Champion and Reserve
On Leash, Junior Champion and Reserve Off Leash.
Senior On Leash, Senior Off Leash - Closest to clean run and time advance to –
Senior run off On Leash, Senior run off Off Leash – Senior Champion and Reserve On Leash, Senior Champion and Reserve Off Leash.
Junior Dog Agility - 9 to 12 years
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Class will be split into a) On Leash and b) Off Leash.
Junior Champion and Reserve Dog Agility
Champion and Reserve Rosettes (Small & Large On & Off Leash) –
Courtesy: PNE.
Senior Dog Agility – 13 to 19 years
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Class will be split into a) On Leash and b) Off Leash.
Senior Champion and Reserve Dog Agility
Champion and Reserve Rosettes (Small & Large On and Off Leash) –
Courtesy: PNE.
Showmanship Division
Members will be scored on their understanding and ability to demonstrate the
sportsmanship, handling, and ring procedures required to adequately perform with
their project animal in the showmanship ring.
Junior Dog Showmanship: 9 - 12 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Junior Champion Dog Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Barbara Richardson
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Kriekside PBGV’s
Each member will be scored on their understanding and ability to demonstrate
obedience with their project animal according to their project unit. The score
sheet will reflect dog and handler errors.
Senior Dog Showmanship: 13 - 19 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Units for all Junior and Senior Classes:
Puppy, Beginner Novice, Novice, Beginner Open, Open, Utility A, Utility B, Utility,
Senior Champion Dog Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: TBA
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: TBA
Obedience Division
Junior Dog Obedience - 9 to 12 years
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Junior Champion and Reserve Dog Obedience
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Roy Hafeli – H2A2.CA
Garment Bag (Reserve) Courtesy: Roy Hafeli – H2A2.CA
Senior Dog Obedience - 13 to 19 years
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Senior Champion and Reserve Dog Obedience
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Krieckside’s PBGV’s
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Kevin & Helga O’Beirne
Fitting Division
No limit to entries. Members must use their own dog. No clipping allowed. Handlers must be prepared to discuss where and why the dogs must be groomed or
clipped. There is to be no sideline coaching in any capacity, this will result in a
Maximum time allowed – 30 minutes
Method of Scoring – Total 100 Points
25 Points: Knowledge of grooming and coat
25 Points: Knowledge and ability to describe tools, equipment and their use.
25 Points: Proficiency in using tools and grooming of dogs
25 Points: Presentation of grooming area and tack.
Agility Division
Junior Dog Fitting
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Ribbons to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE
Chevon Goat Division
Senior Dog Fitting
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Ribbons to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE
Pack Goat Division
One interclub entry will be allowed per registered club with the exception of beef and sheep.
Animals used in an interclub entry must be the project of the club concerned and a Unit 1 or 2 project animal with some exceptions for
horse, dairy and beef clubs. Dairy clubs: Unit 1 only.
Interclub groups must be set up by 4-H members without any adult
Pack Goat: Unit 7
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE
Equipment Bag (Champion) – Courtesy: Hawkins Family. Garment Bag
(Reserve Champion) - Courtesy: Fraser Valley Footprints 4-H Club.
Projects in Pack Goat section, while carrying an appropriate pack with a
balanced load in it, will be judged on the ability of the handler/project
team to maneuver a set course which may include, but is not limited to,
any of the following:
Move around and between objects such as gates, trailers, etc.
Be able to load your goat into a truck or trailer on command
Cross a shallow body of water
Climb a hay bale mountain, wood plank, etc.
Not react to noises or unexpected visual stimuli
Be able to walk with a change of pace
Be able to back up under control of the handler
The goat must stand still while the member may be expected to do
Dog Interclub
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
Team Obedience:
Each club can enter a team of 4 handlers and 4 dogs. The team competes together as a team doing Novice work. Same rules as Novice.
Rosettes to fifth place - Courtesy: PNE
Animals will be judged on general health and sturdy body-type. The
judge may ask question in the ring, as well. Pack goat handlers are
expected to be in comfortable, loose clothing, with appropriate footwear
for trails.
4-H Goat Division
Goat Project Division
Animals will be judged according to individual breed characteristics. Classes may
be combined or split if entries so warrant. No horns or scurs except on registered
animals in Fibre Goat class (Unit 9) Members showing in the project ring are expected to be dressed appropriately for the projects that they are showing. Dairy
animal handlers are permitted to show in black pants and white tops.
Pygmy Goat Division
Junior Animal Division
Mixed Goat Division
Fibre Goat: Unit 9
Ribbons – Courtesy: PNE
Goat Costume Class
Participation Ribbons – Courtesy: PNE
Female Kid: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes—Courtesy: PNE.
Yearling Doe, Dry: Unit 2
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes—Courtesy: PNE
Showmanship Division
Senior Animal Division
Doe with Kid(s): Unit 3
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes—Courtesy: PNE
Milking Doe: Unit 4
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes—Courtesy: PNE
Pygmy Goat: Unit 8
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Projects will be shown in the same ring according to the 4-H Goat Showmanship
scorecard. Chevon, Pack Goat and Pigmy projects do not have to be clipped, but
are expected to be clean and trimmed, if necessary. Members showing Dairy
projects are to be dressed appropriately, preferably in white. Members with
Chevon or Pack Goats in the showmanship ring may, if they wish, show in all
white but are not expected to. The judge may ask questions in the ring.
Interclub Competition Division
Chevon (Market Animal): Unit 5
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE
4-H Horse Section
Junior Goat Showmanship: 9 - 12 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE
Equipment Bag (Champion) – Courtesy: Pool Energy Systems Inc.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) - Courtesy: Circle S Farms.
Classes are open to members enrolled in Units 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 only. All members are
required to show in Showmanship in order to compete in riding classes.
It is mandatory that hard hats be worn and fastened and boots be worn at all
times while showing including exercise times, Western classes and Showmanship
(As per BC 4-H ruling regarding hard hats).
Senior Goat Showmanship: 13 years and over
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE
Equipment Bag (Champion) – Courtesy: Gray Family. Garment Bag
(Reserve Champion) - Courtesy: Draper Creek Farms.
No grooming or tacking in the aisles.
Goat Interclub
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
Two to four members to form a team. One team per club. Members to
display goat(s) and use necessary equipment for that specific unit
where necessary. Teams to choose their presentation on one of the
following units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 9. One commentator is to introduce and
to speak on behalf of the team while other member(s) are to demonstrate. Rosettes to fifth place – Courtesy PNE.
The PNE will follow 4-H standard rules and guidelines for member’s attire and
equipment. Suitable show clothing and appropriate tack for English, Western and
Showmanship classes is required for all scheduled classes. Please contact the
Entry Office for further descriptions of allowed clothing and tack.
English Equitation Division
Teams to be judged on presentation and information provided.:
To walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Riders may be asked to execute
an individual pattern according to their level. Classes will be split if entries so
warrant. Top two competitors (blue ribbons) from each unit will compete for the
English Equitation Championship unless there are less than 4 in the class where
only the top competitor will return.
a) Milking doe: team to demonstrate good hygiene practices and
demonstrate milking technique (1 goat)
b) Pack goat: team to demonstrate necessary hiking equipment and
demonstrate how to saddle a goat (1 goat).
c) Chevon, Doe kid, Dry yearling and Pygmy: team to demonstrate
what makes an ideal animal for their specific unit and comment on
each goat(s) desirable and undesirable traits. (Up to 4 animals)
Danish placings.
Maximum time allowed: 5 to 8 minutes
Competitors are required to complete their presentation within the time
allotted. A time penalty will be assessed if the competitors go over or
under the allotted time limits. The penalties are as follows:
Under 5 minutes - 2 points deducted
Over 8 and up to 9 minutes - 2 points deducted
Over 9 minutes - 4 points deducted
English Equitation: Unit 6
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
English Equitation: Unit 5
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
English Equitation: Unit 4
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
English Equitation: Unit 3
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
English Equitation: Unit 2
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
English Equitation Champion and Reserve
Winners from classes 5400, 5401, 5402, 5403 and 5404 to compete.
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Otter Co-op
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Otter Co-op
English Pleasure Division
To walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Horses may be asked to stand
quietly and back easily. They also may be asked to extend the trot. Classes will
be split if entries so warrant.
Straight line placing to tenth.
Horse Division continued on page 34
The 4-H program does not condone the practice of administering drugs to horses.
4-H leaders are reminded that animals must not have performance enhancing
drugs (including stimulants, depressants, tranquilizers, and local anesthetic) administered during or in preparation for 4-H shows, fairs, or activities. The veterinarian will be involved with medical attention for the animals.
Interclub Competition Division
Ardgowan Black Angus
Aldergrove, BC
Colortec Creative Print Solutions
Burnaby, BC
AT&H Industries Inc.
Maple Ridge, BC
Customline Enterprises Ltd.
Deroche, BC
Audrey Weins
Abbotsford, BC
Dan Dick and Kim Ross and Family
Abbotsford, BC
AVENUE Farm Machinery Corp.
Abbotsford, BC
Davis Quality Meats
Abbotsford, BC
Barbara Richardson
West Vancouver, BC
Deep Creek Farm
Langley, BC
BC Branch Holstein Assoc.
British Columbia
Draper Creek Farms
Mission, BC
BC Farm & Ranch Realty Corp.
Abbotsford, BC
Elizabeth Hall
Maple Ridge, BC
BC Hereford Breeders’ Assoc.
British Columbia
Elmbridge Farms
Chilliwack, BC
BC Purebred Sheep Breeders’
British Columbia
Farm Credit Canada
Abbotsford, BC
BC Shorthorn Association
British Columbia
Fraser Valley Angus Club
Abbotsford, BC
BC Simmental Association
British Columbia
Fraser Valley Auction
Langley, BC
Beaver Landscape
Richmond, BC
Fraser Valley Footprints 4-H Club
Abbotsford, BC
Biomaxx Wastewater Solutions Inc.
Delta, BC
Fraser Valley Llama & Alpaca Club
Langley, BC
BMO Bank of Montreal
Surrey, BC
Friesen Construction Ltd.
Abbotsford, BC
Bordermaine Farms
Abbotsford, BC
Golden View Farm
Langley, BC
Bramble Brook Farm
Chilliwack, BC
Gray Family
Langley, BC
Canadian Purebred Sheep Breeders
Hawkins Family
Langley, BC
Candy Cane Farms Ltd.
Abbotsford, BC
Hopcott Meats
Pitt Meadows, BC
Ceadrow Farm
Delta, BC
Hutton Performance Horses
Chilliwack, BC
Chucklin’ Acres
Maple Ridge, BC
In Memory of Art Mclary
Abbotsford, BC
Circle S Farms
Abbotsford, BC
In Memory of Ken Mallinson
Langley, BC
Joan Kerr
Maple Ridge, BC
Santa’s Unlimited
Coquitlam, BC
John and Margaret Friesen
Abbotsford, BC
Sharon Hall
Maple Ridge, BC
Jonkman Equipment
Abbotsford, BC
Shepherd’s Haven & Walker Family
Langley, BC
Kevin and Helga O’Beirne
Mission, BC
Slyce Hair Studio
Pitt Meadows, BC
Krieckside’s PBGV’s
Mission, BC
Snowy River Sheep Station
Surrey, BC
Kubota Canada Ltd.
South Alder Farms
Aldergrove, BC
Lepp Farm Market
Abbotsford, BC
Spady Farms
Deroche, BC
Lower Mainland Sheep Producer’s
Langley, BC
Street Smart Contracting
Coquitlam, BC
Lower Mainland Shorthorn Club
Surrey, BC
T.C. Cluckers
Agassiz, BC
Martiann Holsteins
Delta, BC
Tapdimer Farm
Maple Ridge, BC
McDonald & Ross Construction
Abbotsford, BC
Tom Barichello, Sharon Gibbs & Family
Langley, BC
Meadow Valley Meats—Pitt Meadows
Pitt Meadows, BC
Tom O’Reilly Memorial Fund
Victoria, BC
MSH Holdings Ltd.
Vancouver, BC
United Agri Services
Abbotsford, BC
Murrick Insurance Services (Oakridge)
Vancouver, BC
Unseen Acres
Victoria, BC
Oishi Family
Maple Ridge, BC
Valhalla Farms
Chilliwack, BC
Otter Co-op
Aldergrove, BC
Valley Livestock Supplies
Langley, BC
Penfold Homes Ltd.
Langley, BC
West Coast Hereford Club
Aldergrove, BC
Pool Energy Systems Inc.
Langley, BC
Milner, BC
Ritchie Smith Feeds
Abbotsford, BC
Woods Family
Surrey, BC
Roy Hafeli—
Mission, BC
Wynnyk Farms
Maple Ridge, BC
2015 Agriculture Sponsors
2015 4-H Festival Sponsors
Our Sponsors are valued contributors and make these prizes and awards possible.
We appreciate your support of our sponsoring businesses and individuals.
English Pleasure: Unit 6
English Pleasure: Unit 5
English Pleasure: Unit 4
English Pleasure: Unit 3
English Pleasure: Unit 2
English Road Hack
This class will only be run if time permits. Horses are shown on the rail
at various gaits including extensions and collections of gaits. Straight
line placing to sixth.
This class will only be run if time permits. Horses are shown on the rail
at various gaits including extensions and collections of gaits. Riders
will be asked to perform unit specific maneuvers at the discretion of the
judge. Competitors are judged on the capability of completing the requested maneuvers in an elimination format. Straight line placing to
sixth. Ribbons only – Courtesy: PNE.
Showmanship Division
All members are required to show in Showmanship in order to compete in riding
classes. Members will be scored on the fit and condition of horse and their ability
to answer questions related to horse husbandry. Top two competitors (blue ribbons) from each unit will compete for the Showmanship Championship unless
there are less than 4 in the class where only the top competitor will return.
Members showing in English attire can show with a halter or English bridle.
Members showing in Western attire must show with a halter and may wear a
Western type jacket. No whips or crops allowed.
Ribbons only – Courtesy: PNE.
Western Equitation Division
To walk, jog, and lope both ways of the ring. Riders may be asked to execute an
individual pattern according to their level. Classes will be split if entries so warrant. Top two competitors (blue ribbons) from each unit will compete for the
Western Equitation Championship unless there are less than 4 in the class where
only the top competitor will return.
Horse Showmanship: Unit 6
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Horse Showmanship: Unit 5
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Danish placing.
Horse Showmanship: Unit 4
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Western Equitation: Unit 6
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Horse Showmanship: Unit 3
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Western Equitation: Unit 5
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Horse Showmanship: Unit 2
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Western Equitation: Unit 4
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Western Equitation: Unit 3
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion Horse Showmanship
Winners from classes 5050, 5051, 5052, 5053, and 5054 to compete.
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: The Oishi Family
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: The Oishi Family
Western Equitation: Unit 2
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Western Equitation Champion and Reserve
Winners from classes 5406, 5407 and 5408, 5409 and 5410 to compete. Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Otter Co-op
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Otter Co-op
Trail Horse Division
Horses are to negotiate at least 5 obstacles in a time period of 30 seconds per
obstacle. Mandatory obstacles include a gate and a bridge. Rail work is optional
at the judge’s discretion. No crops allowed and excessive use of spurs may be
cause for disqualification. No obstacle may be pulled or dragged.
Straight line placing to tenth place.
Western Pleasure Division
To walk, jog, and lope both ways of the ring. Horses may be asked to stand quietly and back easily. Classes will be split if entries so warrant.
Straight line placing to tenth.
Western Pleasure: Unit 6
Western Pleasure: Unit 5
Western Pleasure: Unit 4
Western Pleasure: Unit 3
Western Pleasure: Unit 2
Trail Horse: Unit 6
Trail Horse: Unit 5
Trail Horse: Unit 4
Trail Horse: Unit 3
Trail Horse: Unit 2
Trail Horse Champion and Reserve
Winners from classes 5425, 5426, 5427, 5428 and 5429 to compete.
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Hutton Performance Horses
Western Command Class
Horse Division continued from page 31
Members must use their own animal. Each contestant is allowed one handler for
the sole purpose of holding the horse. Any required clipping and/or washing
should be done previous to the competition; however, contestants must be prepared to discuss where and why the animal was so clipped. On concluding the
fitting of the animal, contestants will stand and show their animal for the judge.
Questioning will be done on an individual basis. Dress rules apply to the contestant only.
All lambs and sheep must have Government approved ID tags in ears when leaving their home farm. Please ensure all animals are properly tagged BEFORE
arriving at the PNE. See General Rules for details.
Method of Scoring – Total 100 points
Lamb Division
25 points: Knowledge of needs and reason governing clipping of
25 points: Knowledge and ability to describe the tools, equipment,
and their uses.
25 points: Proficiency in using tools and grooming of animal.
25 points: Condition and showing, including standing and correct fit
of halter, of animal.
Junior Horse Fitting: 9 – 12 years
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Rosettes to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE.
Senior Horse Fitting: 13 years and over
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Rosettes to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE.
Market lamb classes will be split according to weight if entries so warrant. All
Market Lambs must be castrated, so that no testicle is in place at the PNE Fair.
All lambs will be screened by a committee. It is recommended that market lambs
be sheared at least one week before the PNE, with the exception of lambs used in
showmanship. Market Lambs may not be washed prior to the weigh in on Friday
Carcass Lamb: Unit 8
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
All animals must have been shown at Club Achievement. All carcass
animals must arrive at the PNE by no later than 7pm on Thursday August 15th then will be shipped to Meadow Valley Meats after check in
and inspection. The top two placing carcasses MUST be sold at the 4-H
Auction on Tuesday, August 19th. To enter this class, members must
have a lamb project registered in showmanship at the PNE.
Rosettes to tenth place – Courtesy: PNE. Equipment Bag (Champion)
Courtesy: Barbara Richardson. Garment Bag (Reserve Champion)
Courtesy: Valhalla Farms.
Market Lamb - Homegrown: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
The purpose of this class is to show an animal that is "home
grown”. The animal is to be born and raised on the B.C. property where
you keep your animals (you might lease property for your animals but
live elsewhere). The animal is to be owned by the member or the member’s family unit (family unit to include parents, legal guardian, or 4-H
member's siblings). Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Market Lamb - Sale: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Any member wanting to show their animal and not sell it must state so
on the entry form. If the animal is Champion or Reserve Champion, it
MUST sell at the PNE 4-H Auction. Please state breed on the entry
form. Ewe or Wether. No uncastrated males are allowed to enter this
Champion and Reserve Market Lamb - Sale
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Perpetual Trophy (Champion) Purebred Sheep Breeders Association
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: AT&H Industries Inc.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Joan Kerr
Interclub Competition Division
Maximum of four members to form a team. No talking between teams and minimum talking on the team during competition. Members are to braid the forelock,
mane, and tail of one horse. Supplies include elastics, wool, or thread. Tape is
not permitted. All supplies must accompany team members to the show area.
No running braids. Maximum time allowed for braiding - 45 minutes.
Horse Interclub – Braiding – Junior Teams
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
Rosettes to fifth place - Courtesy: PNE.
Horse Interclub – Braiding – Senior Teams
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
Rosettes to fifth place - Courtesy: PNE.
Maximum time allowed for fitting – 20 minutes.
Lamb tails are to be docked before the lamb is seven days old. The docked tail is
to cover the anus of a ram lamb or the vulva of a ewe lamb. All lamb tails will be
inspected upon arrival at the PNE and disqualification may occur if tails are
deemed to not meet this regulation.
4-H Lamb Section
Fitting Division
Ewe classes will be split according to breed, if entries so warrant. In the case
of cross bred animals please specify the dominant cross on the entry form. All
project grooming, except electrical shearing, must be completed by the 4-H
All lambs must have full mouth milk teeth to be exhibited in lamb
Ewe Lamb
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Lamb
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Yearling Ewe
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Yearlings are not required to be a previous 4-H project.
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Must have a minimum of 3 entries to warrant a class.
Mature Ewe with Lamb
Must be registered as a 4-H project.
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Must have a minimum of 3 entries to warrant a class.
Junior Champion Lamb Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Ceadrow Farm
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Ceadrow Farm
Intermediate Lamb Showmanship: 13 - 14 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Intermediate Champion Lamb Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Golden View Farm
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Deep Creek Farm
Senior Lamb Showmanship: 15 years and over
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Senior Champion Lamb Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Snowy River Sheep Station.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Snowy River Sheep Station
Overall Champion Lamb Showmanship
Winners from classes 5021, 5023, and 5025 to compete. Overall
Champion and Overall Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Vincent Pinch Perpetual Trophy (Overall Champion)
Trimming Division
Individual clubs will be expected to supply lambs in FULL VIRGIN FLEECE to be
used in the competition (Convener to check animals as they arrive for the class).
Each competitor will be allowed a helper, if desired, to hold the lamb or sheep
used in the competition. Each member will be responsible for washing their own
animal. No trimming shears will be used on the animal until the actual competition. Carding will be allowed prior to the show. On concluding the trimming of
the animal, lambs will be subject to a visual appraisal. The trimmer will determine the age category.
Sheep in Full Fleece - Ewe and/ or Yearling
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Full fleece animals are permitted to have horns but members are responsible for ensuring their pen is safe for a horned animal.
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Must have a minimum of 3 entries to warrant a class.
Maximum time allowed for trimming – 90 minutes.
Grand Champion and Reserve Ewe
Winners from classes 5229, 5231, 5232, 5233, and 5234 to compete.
Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Rosettes – Courtesy:
PNE. $25 Cash Prize (Grand Champion) Courtesy - BC Purebred
Sheepbreeders’ Association. Equipment Bag (Champion) and Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Lower Mainland Sheep
Producer’s Association. Perpetual Trophy (Champion) – Courtesy:
Maple Ridge Farmers’ Institute
Junior Lamb or Sheep Trimming Competition
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Rosettes to third place - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bags (Champion) – Courtesy: In Memory of Ken Mallinson
Senior Lamb or Sheep Trimming Competition
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Rosettes to third place - Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bags (Reserve Champion) – Courtesy: Valley Livestock
Showmanship Division
Only animals which are current year projects may be shown. Members must
use lamb project. If no lamb project, yearlings may qualify. Lambs must be
hand trimmed to 2cm or more of wool with the exception of hair breeds. Shorn
bellies will be permitted.
Junior Lamb Showmanship: 9 - 12 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Homegrown Ewe Lamb
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
The purpose of this class is to show an animal that is "home
grown”. The animal is to be born and raised on the B.C. property
where you keep your animals (you might lease property for your animals but live elsewhere). The animal is to be owned by the member
or the member’s family unit (family unit to include parents, legal
guardian, or 4-H member's siblings). Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes - Courtesy: PNE.
Lamb Breeding
One interclub entry will be allowed per registered club with the exception of beef and sheep.
Llama Obstacle Division
Junior Llama Obstacle: Novice (Unit 2)
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Animals used in an interclub entry must be the project of the club concerned and a Unit 1 or 2 project animal with some exceptions for
horse, dairy and beef clubs. Dairy clubs: Unit 1 only.
Junior Champion and Reserve Llama Obstacle
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Interclub groups must be set up by 4-H members without any adult
Senior Llama Obstacle: Advanced (Unit 4)
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Lambs entered must have shown in project classes.
Senior Champion and Reserve Llama Obstacle
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Market Lamb Interclub
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
Ribbons to fifth place - Courtesy: PNE
Rosettes – Courtesy: Shepherd’s Haven and the Walker Family
Perpetual Trophy – Courtesy: Snowy River Sheep Station
Packing - Unit V Division
This is a trail packing class therefore day packs should not be used. Trail packs
should weigh a minimum of 10lbs each and must contain material to give the
appearance that they are full packs. Proper fitting equipment is essential for this
class. Llamas used in packing must be at least 18 months old and of reasonable
size for packing.
Ewe Lamb Interclub
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
Ribbons to fifth place – Courtesy: PNE.
Rosettes – Courtesy: TBA
Perpetual Trophy – Courtesy: BC Purebred Sheep Breeders Association
Yearling Lamb Interclub
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
Ribbons to fifth place – Courtesy: PNE.
Driving Division
Junior Llama Driving: Beginner
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
A competitor may be asked to do any of the following:
- harness a llama in a controlled area
- know the parts of the harness
- harness to single hitch cart
- use reins and voice aids to complete one lap of area at a walk, being
able to stop and start
Llama Packing
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion Llama Packing
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Public Relations Division
4-H Llama Section
Senior Llama Driving: Obstacle
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Junior Llama Public Relations
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Junior Champion and Reserve Llama Public Relations
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Senior Llama Public Relations
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Senior Champion and Reserve Llama Public Relations
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Showmanship Division
A competitor may be asked to do any combination of the following:
- maneuver around and between objects such as gates, fence corners,
objects, trailers, etc
- accuracy of wheel placement and precision of control
- controlled halt
- backing 10 - 12 feet
- change of pack
- bridge
- water obstacle
- passing animate objects
- standing for mount and dismount
Junior Llama Showmanship
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Junior Champion Llama Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Chucklin Acres
Senior Llama Showmanship
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Interclub Competition Division
Senior Champion Llama Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Santa’s Unlimited
Showmanship Division
Junior Poultry Showmanship: 9-12 years old
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Senior Poultry Showmanship: 13-19 years old
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Versatility Division
Poultry Project Division
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Tapdimer Farm. Garment Bag
(Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Penfold Homes Ltd. Perpetual Trophy
(Champion) Courtesy: Fraser Valley Llama & Alpaca Club
Senior Llama Versatility Champion
The Versatility Champion is selected from the llama having the highest
total point score of Showmanship plus any two of Obstacle, Public Relations, Packing and Driving. Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Fraser Valley Llama & Alpaca
Club. Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Biomaxx
Wastewater Solutions Inc. Perpetual Trophy (Champion) Courtesy:
Fraser Valley Llama & Alpaca Club
4-H Poultry Division
1. One male and two females constitute a trio. Urban clubs, however,
may form a trio with three females as they are not permitted to keep
males. Birds shown in the trio classes must be birds that have been
shown in single classes. Members are encouraged to enter both of
their Unit 1 project animals.
2. All birds in this section must be banded with a numbered band or other suitable identification. Please make sure that the wing clips are put
on with the numbered side to the top. Leg bands are not advisable as
they are too easy to change.
Male: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Female: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Previous year’s 4-H project bird
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Previous year’s 4-H project bird
Champion and Reserve Male
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE
Champion and Reserve Female
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE
Special Best Bird in the Show
Champion and Reserve birds from classes 5934 and 5935 to compete.
Rosette – Courtesy: PNE
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion Trio
Champion and Reserve Rosette – Courtesy: PNE
Equipment Bag (Champion) - Courtesy: TC Cluckers
Poultry Meat Pen
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
MEAT PEN – Three to five birds, ten to fourteen weeks of age, between five to eight pounds per bird.
Champion and Reserve Meat Pen
Rosette – Courtesy: PNE
3. Classes will be split by breed or variety if entries warrant.
4. It is desirable that birds entered for competition be 5 months of age at
show time. They must be properly developed and fit for show; no
entry of inferior quality will be accepted.
5. Regular classes will be awarded on Danish placing.
6. All feed and water containers must be supplied by the 4-H Exhibitor.
7. Poultry club members must bring their own pens. The PNE will not
supply poultry pens. This is also important for disease prevention.
8. Pens must be large enough to comfortably house poultry for the
length of the 4-H show.
9. Please list on your entry form the number of feet of table space required.
Junior Llama Versatility Champion
The Versatility Champion is selected from the llama having the highest
total point score of Showmanship plus any two of Obstacle, Public Relations, Packing and Driving. Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Rabbit Market Division
Animals registered in the market division will be sold at the PNE Auction on
Tuesday August 25th. Only commercial breeds will be allowed in the market division.
Market Rabbit – Single market animal
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Maximum time allowed for fitting – 20 minutes
Pen of 3 – Three market animals
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Method of Scoring – total 100 Points
Rabbit Commercial Division
25 points: Knowledge of needs and reasons governing fitting of animals.
25 points: knowledge and ability to describe tools, equipment, and their use
25 points: Proficiency in using tools and grooming animal.
25 points: Condition and showing of animal.
Following breeds to be shown in Commercial Classes:
Satins, New Zealands, California, Florida Whites, and all Giants (including Flemish).
Poultry Fitting Competition
Prizes: $5.00 $4.00 $3.00
Ribbons to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE.
4-H Rabbits Section
One entry per class per member. Members are encouraged to enter
both their Unit 1 project animals.
All rabbits must be from the members’ current year selected project
and must be properly tattooed and recorded on the entry form.
No tattooing after the rabbits arrives. All tattoos should be properly
dried and all excess ink should have disappeared. Members who find
it difficult to get readable tattoos can use Emla Cream on the ear and
let it dry for one hour before tattooing.
Rabbits may only be shown in one breed type. Mixed breeds will be
shown separately in each class.
Breeds listed in each category are the preferred recommended section.
Any class changes should be submitted at check-in.
All feed and water containers must be supplied by the 4-H member.
Doe, Commercial: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Buck, Commercial: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Commercial Rabbit
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Beaver Landscape Ltd.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Slyce Hair Studio
Trophies - Outright (Champion and Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Murrick Insurance Services (Oakridge) Ltd.
Fancy Division
Following breeds to be shown in Fancy classes:
Dutch, Dwarf Hotot, Mini Lop, Holland Lop, American, Polish, Dwarf Harlequin,
Himalayan, Netherland Dwarf, Checkered Giants, English Spot and Silver Martin
(If not shown in fur class).
Leaders please note that rabbit exhibitors must bring their own penning. See
acceptable recommended sizes following. Please list number of feet of table
space required for your club.
Doe, Fancy: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Buck, Fancy: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Fancy Rabbit
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Beaver Landscape Ltd.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion): Biomaxx Wastewater Solutions Inc.
Trophy – Outright (Champion) Courtesy: Elizabeth Hall
Trophy – Outright (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Sharon Hall
Pen and Size Description:
The proper pen designed for a rabbit should be made of an inedible material
such as metal and have a double wire partition. The double wire partition
prevents rabbits from biting and clawing one another. For this reason, poultry cages should not be used to house the rabbits because they have a single
wire partition that offers little protection. There are three types of pens designed for different size animals according to weight. For animals that weigh
a maximum of 2.72 kg (6 lbs), a small pen 38 com x 41 cm x 38 cm (15” x 16”
x 15”) is used. For animals of a medium weight between 2.72 kg and 5.44 kg
(6 lbs – 12 lbs), a pen size of 53 cm x 58 cm (21” x 23”) is recommended.
For larger animals weighing over 5.44 kg (12 lbs), a pen of 76 cm x 69 cm
(30” x 27”) is required.
Fur Division
Following breeds to be shown in Fur Classes:
Silver Fox, all breeds of Rex, Chinchilla, Champagne, Havana, and Silver Martins (if not shown in the fancy class).
Doe, Fur: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
One team per registered club. Two members from each club to form a team.
Team may consist of one senior and one junior member. One member to do the
actual fitting while the other member to act as a handler. No communication between the two members except for the fitter asking the handler for tools, etc. On
completion of the fitting the handler will pose the fowl for the judge. All competitors will come to the judging table at the same time and will be instructed by the
judge of what process is to take place.
Fitting Division
Buck, Fur: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Fur Rabbit
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Beaver Landscape Ltd.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion): Biomaxx Wastewater Solutions Inc.
Trophies - Outright (Champion and Reserve) Courtesy: Sharon Hall
Showmanship Division
Members will be judged on method of handling and knowledge of their project
animal and or breed. Members competing with a runner breed must exhibit a
trained animal and demonstrate as per breed standards. Maximum class size is
twelve competitors.
Method of Scoring – Total 100 Points
Following breeds to be shown in Wool Classes:
Angoras, Jersey Woolly, Fuzzy Lops and Lionhead (Lionheads may be moved to
Fancy at ringside if judge so chooses).
Doe, Wool: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Buck, Wool: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Champion and Reserve Wool Rabbit
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Beaver Landscape Ltd.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion): Biomaxx Wastewater Solutions Inc.
Trophy - Outright (Champion) Courtesy: Slyce Hair Studio
Trophy – Outright (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Sharon Hall
Replacement Project Division
Rabbits shown in Doe and Buck classes must be raised during the current 4-H
year from the original selected project rabbit.
Doe: Unit 4
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Breeding project replacement doe.
Buck: Unit 4
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Breeding project replacement buck.
Champion and Reserve: Unit 4
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Doe and Litter: Unit 2
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Open to any breed. Litter must be 6 to 8 weeks of age on day of show.
Must have adequate cage size in proportion to size of litter (please see
page 35 for cage size recommendations).
Trophies - Outright (Champion and Reserve) Courtesy: Murrick Insurance Services (Oakridge) Ltd.
Showing of rabbit – 30 points
Appearance and condition of rabbit – 25 points
Appearance and attitude of club member – 25 points
Actions of 4-H Member – 10 points
Knowledge of rabbit – 10 points
Junior Rabbit Showmanship: 9 - 11 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Colortec Creative Printing Solutions. Trophy – Outright (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Chucklin Acres
Intermediate Rabbit Showmanship: 12 - 14 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Colortec Creative Printing Solutions. Trophy – Outright (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Chucklin Acres
Senior Rabbit Showmanship: 15 years and over
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Biomaxx Wastewater Solutions
Inc. Trophy – Outright (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Chucklin Acres
Overall Champion Rabbit Showmanship
Winners from Junior, Intermediate and Senior classes to compete.
Overall Champion and Overall Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE. Perpetual Trophy (Overall Champion): Courtesy Design Upholstery. Outright Trophy (Overall Champion) Courtesy: MSH Holdings
4-H Swine Section
Swine Division
Fed hog classes will be split randomly if entries so warrant.
Overall Champion Replacement Project
Winners from classes 5465 and 5468 to compete.
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Market Hog: Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Hogs must weigh between minimum 190 pounds to maximum of 280
pounds to compete.
Champion and Reserve Market Hog
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: BC Farm & Ranch Realty Corp.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: BC Farm & Ranch Realty
Wool Division
Carcass Hog: Unit 4
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
4-H Non-livestock Projects Section
Hogs must be delivered to Johnston Packers in the late afternoon of
August 18th, 2015 and before 8am on August 19th. Hogs will NOT be
judged live, will be graded prior to Fair and results will be announced
during Swine Showmanship. Champion and Reserve entries must be
sold at the 4-H Auction. To enter this class, members must have a
swine project registered in showmanship at the PNE.
This section includes all projects, completed this year, in the following classes:
agriculture awareness, environment, adopt a grandparent, outdoor living, clothing, crafts, photography, foods, leathercraft, woolcraft, grain, horticulture, garden,
bicycle, small engines, honeybee, tractor, self-determined project, junior leader,
and/or any other project acceptable to the 4-H club council and the PNE.
Showmanship Division
Junior Swine Showmanship: 9 - 12 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Junior Champion Swine Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Otter Co-op. Garment Bag
(Reserve Champion) Courtesy: United Agri Services
Intermediate Swine Showmanship: 13 - 15 years
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Intermediate Champion Swine Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Customline Enterprises Ltd.
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Farm Credit Canada
Senior Swine Showmanship: 16 years and over
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Senior Champion Swine Showmanship
Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
Equipment Bag (Champion) Courtesy: Ritchie Smith Feeds
Garment Bag (Reserve Champion) Courtesy: Audrey Wiens.
All work exhibited in the following classes must receive credit as a
current year 4-H project and be the work of the exhibitor.
All entries should be selected at the local achievement day of the
clubs by the leader and/or a qualified judge. No quotas will be imposed as to number of entries per club.
All items must be individually tagged prior to arrival at the PNE. Tags
will be mailed to clubs who enter. Extra tags are available from the
Entry Office at any time.
All exhibits (including non-livestock project displays) must be delivered to the PNE no later than 5:00 pm on Monday, August 17th,
2015. Exhibits that arrive after deadline will not be judged.
Club leaders are responsible for seeing that exhibits are mailed to
the following address: Entry Office – Agriculture Department, Pacific
National Exhibition, 2901 East Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C., V5K
5J1. All parcels should be designated “4-H Club Exhibit” on the outside and should include a return address. If sent by express, charges must be prepaid and SPECIFIED FOR DELIVERY TO THE PNE.
Non-livestock exhibits, with the exception of the Non-livestock Project
Displays, will be on display in the glass cases, based on space availability for the 4-H Festival. Non-livestock Project Displays will be on
the main concourse of the Agrodome from 6:00pm Friday, August
21st, 2015 until after the closing ceremonies on Tuesday, August 25 th,
2015 at which time they must be dismantled and removed.
Exhibits that are required to move on to other Fairs can be requested
to be removed on Tuesday August 25th, 2015 immediately after closing ceremonies. Exhibits not requested to be removed at this time
will remain on display until the end of Fair and can be picked up at
the Entry office after 12:00pm September 8th, 2015. The remainder
of exhibits will be returned by mail or bus, collect, unless the sender
makes other arrangements.
Interclub Competition Division
One interclub entry will be allowed per registered club with the exception of beef and sheep.
All exhibits must be clean, neat, and ready to use. No soiled entries
will be judged.
Animals used in an interclub entry must be the project of the club
concerned and a Unit 1 or 2 project animal with some exceptions for
horse, dairy and beef clubs. Dairy clubs: Unit 1 only.
Special awards will be awarded by the judges for outstanding work in
any of the categories.
Interclub groups must be set up by 4-H members without any adult
Swine Interclub
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00
A team consists of 4 fed hog projects from one club. These projects will
be judged based on the individual qualities ideal in a market hog as well
as their uniformity as a group.
Rosettes to fifth place - Courtesy: PNE
Best in Show: Award
For any project (excluding Non-Livestock Project Displays) exhibiting
outstanding work.
Equipment Bag (Best in Show) Courtesy: Barbara Richardson
Rosettes to the "Top 10 Carcasses" – Courtesy: PNE. Equipment Bag
(Champion) Courtesy: Otter Co-op
Non-livestock Project Display
Prizes: $25.00 $15.00 $10.00
Participation ribbons to all exhibitors – Courtesy: PNE
Rosettes to third place – Courtesy: PNE.
Optional Non-livestock Project Entry Categories (applies 5502, 5503, 5504)
The BC Association of Agricultural Fairs and Exhibitions offers a Member’s Choice competition at their annual conference in October. Members
choosing to use the themes indicated below (for projects registered in
class 5502) will be eligible to have their entry sent on to compete for additional prizes ($50 cash prize and a plaque to the top entry in each category). Leaders are asked to mark entries with the BCAAFE category number that applies.
The purpose of the display is to showcase the non-livestock project(s),
encourage 4-H member participation in the project, and to advertise the
BCAAFE Member’s Choice Category #1 – Knitting
Open to all ages
ITEM: Infinity scarf, hand knitted using any type of yarn. Decorations may
be added
SIZE: Suitable for adult
Displays will be marked with the 4-H Educational Display score card and
must not exceed the maximum size of 180cm long x 90cm deep x 120cm
high. Entry numbers must be attached to the display and the display must
be delivered to the PNE by 5:00pm on Monday August 17th, 2015. If entries exceed space available, entries may be limited to a first come first
serve basis. Clubs will be notified by July 31 st, 2015 if restrictions are necessary. Entry forms must be submitted by the closing date. Displays must
be removed following the closing ceremonies on Tuesday, August 25 th,
BCAAFE Member’s Choice Category #2 – Colour Photography
Open to all ages
THEME: Birds in Flight
SIZE: 8”x10” (not to be digitally altered beyond the standard optimization)
MOUNTING: to protect prints from damage, all photos must be mounted
on a firm backing with ½ inch to 1 inch black mat border. Frame or glass
will NOT be accepted.
BCAAFE Member’s Choice Category #3 – Arts and Crafts
Open to all ages
ITEM: Bird House - handmade wood birdhouse, can be painted and/or
decorations applied. NO KITS.
SIZE: Base maximum of 40 square inches; maximum height of 12 inches.
Non-livestock Project Record Books
Prizes: $6.00 $5.50 $4.50
Each member registered in a non-livestock project may enter the record
book completed for their project of the current year. Note: In the case of a
project such as a junior leader where the record book may not be completed until after the PNE, last year’s record book will be eligible, but must
have the year completed clearly indicated. Record books will be judged
prior to the opening of the PNE and must be received by the 4-H Entry
Office by 5:00pm on Monday, August 17th, 2015. Record books will be
judged using the 4-H Record Book score card and will be displayed in the
glass cabinets on the upper concourse of the Agrodome as space permits
Cloverbuds Section
Cloverbud classes are open to all registered cloverbuds age 6-8 years old. Cloverbuds are to be registered in the appropriate class according to what unit they
are enrolled into in the current year.
Non-livestock Project Entries - Classes 5502, 5503 and 5504
Each member registered in a non-livestock project may enter one item per
unit completed in the current year. Examples: a project display board from
any unit in photography; a recipe file from any unit in foods; a tin can stove
from outdoor living; one completed craft article from any unit in crafts or a
list of tools and their uses for work on small engines in mechanics. Entry
tag must include the age of the member, the project, the unit enrolled in,
and any specific details the judge should be aware of (for example: use of
own design in a craft article, tanned own leather for leathercraft project,
etc). Project Entries must be received by the 4-H Entry Office by 5:00pm
on Monday August 17th, 2015. Project entries will be displayed in the glass
cabinets on the upper concourse of the Agrodome as space permits.
Non-livestock Project Entries - Photography
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Best in Show Rosette - Courtesy: PNE.
Non-livestock Project Entries - Craft (Leather, Wool or Other)
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Best in Show Rosette - Courtesy: PNE.
Members registered as a Cloverbud MAY NOT bring a project animal and they
MAY NOT exhibit another 4-H member’s project in any regular classes. Class
5300, 5304 and 5308 are classes held onsite at the PNE on Sunday August 23 rd
at 11:00am. Ambassadors lead Cloverbuds in activities around the barn centered around the projects their unit includes.
Cloverbud - Unit 1
Sunday August 23rd, 11:00am
Outdoor Living, Beef, Honeybee, Horticulture, Poultry and Sheep
Scrapbook - Unit 1
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Ribbons – Courtesy: PNE.
Cloverbud Unit 2
Sunday August 23rd, 11:00am
Rabbit, Llama, Crafts, Dairy, Foods and Small Engines
Scrapbook - Unit 2
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Ribbons – Courtesy: PNE.
Open to all registered 4-H clubs with non-livestock projects. Displays will
be limited to one non-livestock project display per project per club. For
example a club with clothing, honeybee and wool crafts non-livestock projects may enter three project displays – 1 per project. However if a club
wished to include all non-livestock projects in one display this will be acceptable as well. For example a club may have foods, small engines and
garden non-livestock projects and may enter one display covering the
three projects. Note: Displays will be set up on tables and not secured
behind glass.
Non-livestock Project Entries - Any Other Item (Honeybee, Foods)
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Best in Show Rosette - Courtesy: PNE.
Cloverbud Unit 3
Sunday August 23rd, 11:00am
Swine, Clothing, Horse, Goat, Dog and Photography
Scrapbook - Unit 3
Prizes: $3.50 $2.50 $2.00
Ribbons – Courtesy: PNE.
Prizes: 1st and 2nd in all divisions - Special Gift Packs - Courtesy: PNE.
Winning articles will be posted at 2015 Fair. 1st place Senior - Tom
Leach Memorial 4-H Writing Trophy - Courtesy: B.C. Farmwriters Assoc.
Speak and Show Competition
Special Competitions Division - Cloverbuds
Participants from outside of the Fraser Valley are eligible for BCYA
travel assistance and will travel to the PNE on Sunday August 23 rd and
return home AFTER closing ceremonies on Tuesday (participants may
need to consider making return travel arrangements for Wednesday
Cloverbud Poster Competition
Ribbons – Courtesy: PNE.
TOPIC: “What 4-H Teaches me”
Poster must not exceed a maximum size of 22” X 28”. Participants must
have their entry number attached to their displays by the beginning of
the program. Posters must be delivered to the Entry Office by no later
than 5:00 pm on Monday, August 17th, 2015. Posters will be put on
display for the duration of the 4-H Festival. Entry forms must be submitted by the Entry closing date.
Junior Speak and Show
Prizes: $100.00 $75.00 $50.00
Rosettes to third place - Courtesy: PNE
Ribbons to tenth place – Courtesy PNE
Senior Speak and Show
Prizes: $100.00 $75.00 $50.00
Rosettes to third place - Courtesy: PNE
Cloverbud Writing Competition
TOPIC: “What Superpowers animals have!”
Essays must be received in the Entry Office by entry closing date.
Please include: Name of Entrant, Address, Date of Birth, Club and a
photo of the entrant. Another individual may transcribe the essay if the
entrant is unable to do so, but content must be dictated by the Cloverbud member.
Educational Display Competitions
Open to all registered 4-H clubs. Displays must conform to all 4-H
rules & must not exceed maximum size of 180 cm long x 90 cm deep x
120 cm high. Participants must attach entry number to displays by the
beginning of the program. All Displays must be in place on the upper
concourse of the Agrodome no later than 4:00pm Friday August 21st,
2015. Judging will take place at 5:00pm on Friday evening. If entries
exceed space available, entries may be limited to 2 per district
(available on a first-come, first-served basis). Clubs will be notified by
July 31st if restrictions are necessary. Entry Forms must be submitted
by the entry closing date.
Rosettes to 3rd place – Courtesy PNE.
1st and 2nd Place - Special Gift Packs - Courtesy: PNE.
Tug of War Competition
Sunday August 23rd, 8:30pm in the Agrodome.
Special Events Section
Special event classes are open to all registered 4-H members. Members must
submit entry and parent release forms by entry closing date. All class entry requirements, deadlines, and rules & regulations, as stated elsewhere apply.
Special Competitions Division
Writing Competition
Topics: “The evolution of modern agriculture - How has it changed in
the last 10 years?”
Alternate (for Juniors only): “4-H - More than just animals”
Age Sections: Junior: 9 - 11 years (100 words), Intermediate: 12 - 14
years (250 words), Senior: 15 years and over (500 words)
Junior Educational Display
Prizes: $25.00 $15.00 $10.00
Entries must consist of displays made solely by junior members with no
senior member help. Rosettes to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE
Senior/Club Educational Display
Prizes: $25.00 $15.00 $10.00
Entries may consist of displays that were done by a club, a team of
seniors or where a senior member helped to create the display. Rosettes to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE
Environmental Stewardship Educational Display Program
A special sub section of the Educational Display competition, this program encourages members to create an educational display on
“Environmental Stewardship”. Build a 4-H educational display on
“Environmental Stewardship in BC Agriculture” highlighting the benefits
of being stewards of the land. Members will have the opportunity to
attend the PNE with their display board as part of a special program
being offered by The Environmental Farm Plan Program , BC Ministry
Deadline: Essays must be received in both hard copy and electronic
form in the Entry Office by entry closing date. The electronic copy can
be sent by disk or e-mailed to Please include: Name of
Entrant, Address, Age Section, Date of Birth, Club Name and a black
and white passport type photo of the entrant or a photo related to the
written article.
Special Events
Open to all registered 4-H members. Presentations must conform to all
4-H rules and may not exceed 5-10 minutes for juniors and 10-20
minutes for seniors. Entry Forms must be submitted by the entry closing date.
Junior Educational Display – age 9 - 11
Prizes: Best Buy Gift Certificates to the top 10 winners.
$400 $250 $150 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75
Rosettes to tenth place – Courtesy: PNE
Intermediate Educational Display – age 12 - 14
Prizes: Best Buy Gift Certificates to the top 10 winners.
$400 $250 $150 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75
Rosettes to tenth place – Courtesy: PNE
Senior/Club Educational Display – age 15+
Prizes: Best Buy Gift Certificates to the top 10 winners
$400 $250 $150 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75
Rosettes to tenth place – Courtesy: PNE
4-H Special Projects Section
Special Projects Division
Kiwanis Trophy
Prizes: $25 $15 $10
For the club whose total points in Herdsmanship, Interclub and club
average in Showmanship classes display an outstanding contribution
to the show. Points are assigned for first through fourth place as follows:
Herdsmanship - 20/15/10/5; Interclub - 12/9/6/5; Showmanship 4/3/2/1
The winning club will be notified at the end of the PNE and the results
will be announced the following year.
Perpetual Trophy (Top Club) Courtesy: Kiwanis Club of Vancouver
One outstanding educational display will be chosen to represent the PNE at the BC
Association of Agricultural Fairs and Exhibitions conference and will compete with
displays from around the province for additional prizes.
PNE 4-H Ambassadors
The purpose of the PNE 4-H Ambassador Program is to promote
awareness about 4-H and to educate the urban audience about BC
agriculture, focusing on livestock care. PNE Ambassadors will help
organize and present special events during 4-H week at the PNE.
The program will teach 4-H members skills about promotions and
public relations. This program is funded by the BC Youth in Agriculture Foundation.
Special Events Division
Special Theme
Prizes: $25 $15 $10
Clubs will be awarded based on their decorations that are related to
the following theme. “From Farm to Fair: Getting 4-H Ready”. Judging will take place on Friday evening. Rosettes to tenth place - Courtesy: PNE.
**Please note that registration in “Environmental Stewardship” program is done
through a separate entry form and is not part of regular club registration.
Hay Hauling Competition
Saturday, August 22nd, 2015 - 8:30pm in the Agrodome
Teams of 6 members (2 juniors, 2 intermediates and 2 seniors) compete in an obstacle course with hay bales for the top Hay Hauling
team award! This fun event is open to all 4-H members registered in
the 2015 PNE 4-H Festival. Any team will be eligible (club, district, or
other 4-H group).
PNE Amazing Race
Friday, August 21st, 2015 – 8:30pm. Start line at the Agrodome main entrance.
Teams of 4 will race around the barns and fairgrounds facing Road Blocks and
Detours along the way. Challenge your mental and physical skills in an effort
to make it to the finish mat first! Any team will be eligible (club, district, or
other 4-H group). Special Awards to the first place team.
Application Requirements:
-Must be senior 4-H members and have passed junior proficiency exam
- Must complete PNE 4-H Ambassador Application
- Must prepare and present a Speak and Show at the PNE
- Must submit a copy of completed and signed 4-H program
Member-Parent Release form along with a completed and
signed PNE parental release form.
PNE Tug ‘O War
Sunday, August 23rd, 2015 – 8:30pm in the Agrodome.
Put together a team of your strongest members and show the other teams
your strength! The Tug O War is open to all members registered at the
2015 PNE 4-H Festival. Teams are made up of 6 members (any mix of
members will be accepted). There are no restrictions to the make up of
teams but teams will be split according to Junior, Senior and Mixed for
preliminary stages. Special Awards to the first place team.
- Teams of two or three members from a provincial district may
apply to this program.
- The number of out of town teams accepted will be dependent
on the number of applicants and previous District representation.
Special Projects
Participants from outside of the Fraser Valley are eligible for BCYA travel
assistance and will travel to the PNE on Sunday, August 23 rd and return
home AFTER closing ceremonies on Tuesday (participants may need to
consider making return travel arrangements for Wednesday morning).
of Agriculture, B.C. 4-H and the PNE.
Environmental Stewardship educational displays must be in place on the upper concourse of the
Agrodome on Sunday, August 23rd by 2:00pm. Members are required to
attend the orientation on Sunday, August 23rd at 3:00pm in the Agrodome
seats directly in front of the displays and have a picture taken with their
display. It also offers an educational seminar to increase 4-H members’
knowledge on the subject. This seminar, on Monday, August 24th at
4:44pm in Upper west concourse of the Coliseum is mandatory for all registered participants not otherwise competing with their projects.
1st place: $450 cash prize and a trip to Agribition in November**(See below)
2nd place: $300 cash prize
3rd place: $200 cash prize
4th place: $150 cash prize
5th place: $100 cash prize
6th – 10th place: $50 cash prize
Perpetual Trophy (Overall Aggregate Champion), Courtesy: The PNE
PNE 4-H Judging Competition
Entry Requirements:
1. Senior 4-H members age 13-21, as of January 1st, 2015 (with Junior
Proficiency) are eligible to compete. Each participant must submit a
copy of their BC 4-H Parent Release form and a signed PNE parent
release form.
2. Participants from outside of the Fraser Valley will travel to the PNE on
Sunday August 23rd and return home AFTER closing ceremonies on
Tuesday August 25th (participants may need to consider making return
travel arrangements for Wednesday morning). Fraser Valley participants may attend specifically for the rally times if they wish. Early departure exceptions due to travel will be permitted but must be arranged
with the 4-H Entry Office before Fair.
3. All class entry requirements and deadlines, as stated elsewhere in this
prize list, apply
4. Participants will organize their own transportation. Participants from
outside of the Fraser Valley can apply for travel assistance through the
BC Youth in Agriculture Foundation (see application form enclosed in
entry package).
5. Participants are chosen based on District 4-H rally results, and are to
be entered by their District. Registrations will not be accepted from
individual members.
6. Districts will be required to send a chaperone with their participants.
The Chaperone must check in (with their participants) at the 4-H Office
once onsite to receive their information package.
All cash prizes are courtesy of the BC Youth in Agriculture Foundation.
** Qualifying age for Agribition is 17-21 years of age as of January 1st, 2015. If
the first place winner is under the age of 17, the next placed winner of the correct
age will be considered. The Agribition trip will only be awarded to one of the top 3
Judging Rally registrations will only be accepted from 4-H District Councils.
Please see enclosed PNE Judging Rally Entry Form for registration details.
4-H Herdsmanship Section
Herdsmanship Spotlight Program
The Spotlight Program offers special recognition to those 4-H members who go
above and beyond regular herdsmanship duties. Each day of the 4-H Festival,
any member that is seen doing an extraordinary job of their stall duties will be
presented with a daily prize. At the end of the Festival, all names will be entered
into a draw for a special award to be given out at the Closing Ceremonies.
Agriculture Awareness Division
The Herdsmanship Competition is designed to encourage clubs to maintain their
exhibits at the highest standard of efficiency and attractiveness throughout the
period of the 4-H Festival. Beef chutes must be labeled; these fitting areas will be
taken into consideration during judging. The Herdsmanship Competition must
be carried out without adult assistance. The competition begins on Saturday at
10:30am and runs until the end of the 4-H week. Clubs will be judged daily on
sections A to F as described below. Daily results will be posted in the barns.
Final results will be announced at the Closing Awards Assembly.
Guidelines for Judging Rally:
Participants will judge a total of 6 classes:
One oral and one written class of their own enrolled project and;
Four classes with written reasons from the following group*:
Method of Scoring
*Participants will be required to declare which classes they wish to judge
on their entry form.
Agriculture Awareness – 20 points
Clubs should display, or have available to the public, educational information on Agriculture and 4-H that is useful, relevant
and easy to understand.
The top judge in each project will receive an outright prize, Courtesy: The
Overall Aggregate Winners will receive:
Top 10 Aggregate Rosettes
Applications to participate in the PNE 4-H Ambassador program are
completed and submitted to the Abbotsford BC 4-H Office by entry closing date. Selected PNE 4-H Ambassadors will be notified by July 31st,
1. Fifteen minutes per class will be allowed for judging and writing reasons.
2. Participants will be registered by their enrolled project (members are
restricted to enter in only one enrolled project) and will judge both a
written and an oral class in that project.
3. All participants will be expected to attend the Official Judges Placing
and Reason session
All PNE Ambassadors will receive a PNE 4-H Ambassador Team shirt,
meal tickets for days on duty, and instruction on promotion and public
relations. PNE 4-H Ambassadors will have a variety of responsibilities
at the PNE including managing the special fun events, Talk to the Animals stations around the Fair, leading special ceremonies, and assisting
shows ringside. PNE Ambassador’s duties can be a member’s only activity at the Fair or duties could work around a member’s show schedule.
It will be a busy group with lots of fun and teamwork included! For outlying areas, the BC Youth in Agriculture Foundation Funding is available
to assist with travel expenses.
Accommodations List
Exhibitors – 20 points
Club members should be neat and display courtesy and politeness to the public at all times. They should inform the public
about agriculture and 4-H.
Stalls Display – 20 points
Each club is required to be identified by an appropriate sign,
which should be on view until departure. Signs should be informative. Please note that fire regulation forbid the use of
crepe paper streamers in decorations.
Stall Cleanliness – 15 points
Adequate bedding, cleanliness, neatness, and tidiness is expected. Animals must be housed properly, as well as kept
clean and well groomed at all times.
Equipment and Supplies – 15 points
Tack boxes kept tidy and out of alleyways (contents of the tack
box and condition will not be considered in the scoring). Boxes
may be kept closed during inspection. Feed supplies neat and
orderly. Feed and water containers clean.
E-coli Safety – 10 points
Club members should be using hand sanitizer and not eating in
stall area. Furthermore they should be talking to the public and
educating them about e-coli safety
Herdsmanship for Penned Animals
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00 5.00 4.00
Includes Goats, Sheep, and Swine. Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
RC Sibbald Perpetual Trophy for top Lamb club
Herdsmanship for Stalled Animals
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00 5.00 4.00
Includes Horses and Llamas. Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
W.L. Lowery Perpetual Trophy
Herdsmanship for Tied Animals
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00 5.00 4.00
Includes Beef and Dairy. Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
FD Gross Perpetual Trophy
John H Wood Perpetual Trophy for top Dairy club
RH Dennis Perpetual Trophy for top Beef club
Herdsmanship for Caged Animals
Prizes: $10.00 $9.00 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00 5.00 4.00
Includes Rabbits, Poultry and Dogs. Rosettes – Courtesy: PNE.
The following list is for information only. The PNE makes no recommendations
Motels and Hotels
Accent Inn
3777 Henning Drive
Burnaby, BC V5C 6N5
Phone: 604-473-5000
(Pet friendly rooms available)
Atrium Inn
2889 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V5K 2A1
Phone: 604-254-1000
Holiday Inn
700 Old Lillooet Road
North Vancouver, BC V7J 2H5
Phone: 604-985-3111
Burnaby Cariboo R.V. Park
8765 Cariboo Place
Burnaby, BC V3N 4T2
Phone: 604-420-1722
Capilano R.V. Park
295 Tomahawk Ave.
North Vancouver, BC V7P 1C5
Phone: 604-987-4722
2015 4-H Auction
Tuesday August 25th, 2015
PNE Agrodome
Park Public Hours .................................................................... 11:00am – 10:30pm
8:30 am
10:00 am
Feed Delivery ............................................................................ 9:00am – 11:00am
Entry Office (during Fair)............................................................. 8:00am – 8:00pm
1:00 pm
4-H Show Office........................................................................... 9:00am – 6:00pm
Buyer Registration
Swine, Lamb, Goat
& Rabbit Auction
Steer Auction
For more information or to pre-register as a buyer please call:
604-252-3581. Pre-registration deadline is July 31st, 2015
Barn Hours
2014 4-H Auction Champions
Emergency Access (With Overnight Pass only) ......................... 11:00pm – 5:00am
Exhibitors Only............................................ 5:00am – 8:00am, 10:00pm – 11:00pm
4-H Public Hours ....................................................................... 8:00am – 10:00pm
Grand Champion Steer
Lane Konrad – Lower Mainland Cattle Club
Purchased by: Mierau Construction
Contact Numbers
Reserve Champion Steer
Taylor Ross – Matsqui 4-H Beef Club
Purchased by: Howard Wong Farms
We have a “One Number” system to make it easier for you to get in touch with the
right people (the number goes to different people depending on the time of day and
the time of year). If you have any questions, just call this number and someone will
be able to able you or quickly direct your call to the right person. Once you’re on
site, you can call this number from any phone (not a pay phone) by dialing the last 4
digits only.
Grand Champion Lamb
Paige Thompson – Abbotsford 4-H Beef Club
Purchased by: Pacific National Exhibition
4-H…………. ...................................................................................(604) 252-3581
Entry Office Fax Number ...............................................................(604) 252-3580
Reserve Champion Lamb
Courtney Friesen – Abbotsford 4-H Beef Club
Purchased by: Lepp Farm Market
Grand Champion Hog
Brooke Olson-Fougere – Pitt River 4-H Swine Club
Purchased by: Johnston Packers
Manager, Agriculture ........................................................................... Christie Kerr
Assistant Manager, 4-H .............................................................. Tanya Schwaerzle
Reserve Champion Hog
Melissa Millick – Pitt River 4-H Swine Club
Purchased by: Friesen Construction
Grand Champion Goat
Clare Douglas – Fraser Valley Beef & Swine
Purchased by: CWL Contracting Ltd.
Reserve Champion Goat
Sarah Douglas – Fraser Valley Beef & Swine
Purchased by: Fraser Valley Heritage Southdowns &
White Van Services Ltd.
Quick Reference