The Space Portal
The Space Portal
The Space Portal A Framework for Exploration and Development Daniel J. Rasky, PhD Chief Space Portal Office Partnerships Directorate August17,2016 FISO Telecon Presentation 1 A New Entrepreneurial Paradigm for the International Space Station Workshop Summary and Synthesis June 21-22, 2005 L. Harper/SL D. Rasky/TS G. Schmidt/S 2-4 October, 2007 2 COTS Programmatic Foundation Originated at the Space Portal* 3 *-“The Commercial Path To Moon/Mars,” Bruce Pittman and Tom Taylor, Jan 12, 2005 3 CommercialSpaceLaunchProviders 4 SpacePortalEnabled CriticalTechnology Transfer andExpert Consultationforthe PrimaryDragon Heatshield: PICA-X 5 Space Portal Commercial Space Network 6 SpacePortalNetwork Supply •Demand •Capital •Expertise •Government •Communications• Organizations 7 OurActivitiesHaveImpact A New Entrepreneurial Paradigm for the International Space Station June 21-22, 2005 2-4 October, 2007 COTS Knowledge Capture Project HEOMD 8 8 Space Portal Development Thrusts commercial lunar commercial microgravity commercial Mars PLANETARY SUSTAINABILITY commercial-enabled science Using Space to Benefit Earth and Advance Humanity 9 AKeyQuestion “HowisNASAcopingwiththerapidriseand evolutionofthecommercialspaceindustry?” 10 10 ManagingTransition– NASAExecutiveSummit(July,2016) 1 5 2 3 4 NASAExecutiveSummit,7/2016 11 ManagingTransition– NASAExecutiveSummit(July,2016) 1 The Space5 Portal was formed by individuals exploring tomorrow’s shores 2 3 4 NASAExecutiveSummit,7/2016 12 AnotherKeyQuestion “SowhatandwhereareTomorrow’sShores?” 13 13 14 14 NationalSpacePolicy Introduction • “FiftyyearsafterthecreationofNASA, ourgoalisnolongerjustadestinationto reach.Ourgoalisthecapacityof peopletoworkandlearnandoperate andlivesafelybeyondtheEarthfor extendedperiodsoftime,ultimately inwaysthataremoresustainable andevenindefinite.” Principle#2 • “Arobustandcompetitivecommercial spacesectorisvitaltocontinued progressinspace.TheUnitedStatesis committedtoencouragingand facilitatingthegrowthoftheU.S. commercialspacesectorthat supportsU.S.needs,isglobally competitive,andadvancesU.S. leadershipinthegenerationofnew marketsandinnovation-driven entrepreneurship.” 15 15 AnOver-ArchingRationalforSpace FrameWork Phases Space Economic Sustainable Exploration Development Settlement NewKnowledge, Technologies, Capabilities Planetary Sustainability, Prosperous Open Future Earth Orbital Neighborhood - EON Lunar Neighborhood- LN Mars Neighborhood MN - Beyond Benefits: AddressingKey NationalPriorities Thriving Space Economy(jobs), NationalSecurity, Precious Resources, PlanetaryProtection 16 16 AnOver-ArchingRationalforSpace FrameWork Regions Phases Space Economic Sustainable Exploration Development Settlement NewKnowledge, Technologies, Capabilities Planetary Sustainability, Prosperous Open Future Earth Orbital Neighborhood - EON Lunar Neighborhood- LN Mars Neighborhood MN - Beyond Benefits: AddressingKey NationalPriorities Thriving Space Economy(jobs), NationalSecurity, Precious Resources, PlanetaryProtection 17 17 AnOver-ArchingRationalforSpace FrameWork Regions Phases Space Economic Exploration Development Earth Orbital Neighborhood - EON Mercury Gemini Shuttle Hubble Lunar Neighborhood- LN Mars Neighborhood MN - Beyond Benefits: AddressingKey NationalPriorities Ranger Surveyor Apollo LCROSS LADEE Sustainable Settlement ISS ISS NL SLS Orion COTS/CRS CCP CATALYST Viking Pathfinder MER MSL Comm Sats GLXP Mars One Red Dragon Galileo Casini New Horizons Juno NewKnowledge, Technologies, Capabilities Thriving Space Economy(jobs), NationalSecurity, Precious Resources, PlanetaryProtection Planetary Sustainability, Prosperous Open Future 18 18 AnOver-ArchingRationalforSpace FrameWork Space Economic Exploration Development Earth Orbital Neighborhood - EON Mercury Gemini Shuttle Hubble Lunar Neighborhood- LN Mars Neighborhood MN - Beyond Benefits: AddressingKey NationalPriorities Ranger Surveyor Apollo LCROSS LADEE Sustainable Settlement 100% ISS ISS NL SLS Orion COTS/CRS CCP CATALYST Viking Pathfinder MER MSL Comm Sats Gov. Resources and Control Regions Phases GLXP Mars One Red Dragon Galileo Casini New Horizons Juno NewKnowledge, Technologies, Capabilities Thriving Space Economy(jobs), NationalSecurity, Precious Resources, PlanetaryProtection Planetary Sustainability, Prosperous Open Future 0% 19 19 “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent… It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin 20 Backup 21 21 22 22 Given the rapid evolution of the emerging space industry, what are we doing to assess and integrate these new capabilities into the New Agency Operating Model? A new piece of the puzzle? 23 23