February 2015 - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northfield


February 2015 - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northfield
The Newsletter of the
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northfield
A Welcoming Congregation
Services are held at the
Fellowship Hall, corner of West
2nd & Linden Streets in Northfield.
Childcare and children’s religious
education are provided.
Kristin Maier 651-285-0807
Lois Burnes 651-388-6465
Ben Ratzlaff 507 -263 -5156
Lee Topp 952-469-4859
Marcia Jacobs 507-301-3160
Board Member-At-Large
Janet McGrath 507- 645-7660
Director of Religious Education
James Coulter 651-262-7939
Sunday Services
Naomi Estes-Tullo
Bev Topp 952-469-4859
Nancy Hill 651-380-3722
Bobbi Baker 507-645-9109
Social Justice
Butch Armstrong 507-333-2356
Community Outreach
Suzannah Ciernia
Ministerial Liaison
Dave Miller 507-301-3316
Reach Editor
Emma Onawa 651-345-3737
February 2015
Sunday February 1st • 10 am • Drumming Service • Bob GregoryBjorklund • Join us for a multigenerational, participatory drumming service
led by special guest Bob Gregory-Bjorklund and friends. If you have one, please
bring a drum from home as we will have a limited number.
Sunday February 8th • 10 am • “Only Human, Fully Human” • Rev.
Kristin Maier • As human beings, sometimes we face more than it seems we
can handle. Sometimes we also contribute more than we realize. How can we
come to accept ourselves and each other as only human yet still fully and
powerfully human?
Sunday February 15th • 10 am • “Wild Place, Sacred Spaces” • Rev.
Kristin Maier • As humans, we often feel most comfortable in spaces that we
can make tame and predictable. Life and nature frequently have other plans,
though. How can we learn to love and protect those wild places and the sacred
experiences they can bring? Join us for a brand new story and sermon offered
as part of a national preach-in against climate change.
Saturday February 21st • 6pm • “Lives and Freedom Matter” •
Annual UUFN Standing On the Side of Love Event • How do thinking
feeling persons react to events such as those in Ferguson and Staten Island?
What do we need to know about Northfield? Join us at UUFN for a potluck
dinner followed by a moderated conversation. (See page 3 for more info.)
Sunday February 22nd • 10 am • “Yes, Black Lives Matter” • Lena K.
Garner • How do thinking, feeling persons react to events such as those in
Ferguson and Staten Island? Special guest Lena K. Garner, an organizer with
Black Lives Matter Minneapolis, will help us find our way. Lena is at work on a
Master’s degree in Justice & Peace studies at United Theological Seminary and
for the Church of the Larger Fellowship, a UU congregation without walls. She
has served with a variety of social and racial justice organizations and seeks
new ways to reclaim our communities from the grips of oppressive systems to
continue building lives and communities that are more healthy, equitable, and
racially just.
Please see page 3 for a related event
UUFN • P.O. Box 363 • Northfield MN 55057 • 507- 403 - 3418• www.uunorthfield.org • info@uunorthfield.org
A Free and Responsible Search
Standing on the Side of Love
by Rev. Kristin Maier
by Lois Burnes
February has always seemed like an ideal time to reinforce
the importance and power of love. This can be a love of
country, where we remember the vision and courage of US
presidents, Washington and Lincoln. When I was a student
and then a teacher, the lives of these leaders were part of
the curriculum. Silhouettes, log cabin and Mount Vernon
models, and poetry were seen and
heard in many classrooms. Because
I taught young children, I often
used this short verse about Lincoln:
What does our fourth principle, a “free and responsible
search for truth and meaning,” look like in real life? What
does it look like when the stakes are high and so are the
In a recent sermon, I spoke about the concept of ahimsa.
Ahimsa has been translated as non-violence or nonharming and is a central concept of Hinduism, Buddhism
and Jainism. I believe this value also undergirds many, if
not all, of our Unitarian Universalist principles.
Abraham Lincoln, tall and strong;
In one ancient source of wisdom, the Yoga Sutras of
Was honored and loved by many.
Patañjali, non-violence is listed beside the other virtues of
To help us remember this
truthfulness, non-stealing,
moderation, and nonWe put his face on the penny.
covetousness. By practicing
these forms of self-restraint,
we can live respectfully toward These days, more inclusive curriculum topics can include
other women and men who have contributed to the
positive growth and social change of our
At many points in life, any of us country. These leaders are worthy of our attention and
respect, even if their faces don’t appear on a penny.
might find ourselves in a
situation in which following
Love in another context can refer to the romantic love
one of those virtues conflicts
between people and perhaps other species. The stories
with another. Perhaps you recall a time when being
and myths surrounding St. Valentine and others make for
truthful and being non-harming were at odds, when you
good reading, but perhaps not much factual
could not say something you felt to be true without
information My favorite myth was perpetuated by poets
causing significant hurt to someone.
including Geoffrey Chaucer who wrote; "For this was on St.
Valentine's Day, when every bird cometh there to choose
Many interpreters of the Yoga Sutra, including Gandhi,
his mate."
understood that when non-violence and truthfulness are
at odds, nonviolence comes first. First, do no harm.
But beyond the hearts, flowers and boxes of chocolates,
importance of love between two people cannot be
In the midst of conflict, especially when our own emotions
limited. Because I am a UU and believe in the principles
are running high, it is so very important to remember to
that guide our relations to one another, the right to love
first do no harm. It is easy as human beings to become so
the partner of our choice is fundamental. I feel privileged
angry about a real or perceived injustice that we are
unable to discern when our truth is being put forward in a to live in Minnesota where the right to solemnize a loving
relationship with marriage to another person, regardless of
way that is beyond just uncomfortable, it is genuinely
sexual orientation, is legal and respected.
hurtful to others. It is easy to only see the ways in which
others fall into this trap, while we remain unaware of our
The next time you attend UUFN, take a minute to look at
own human tendency to do the same.
the large banner displayed on the south wall of the
building. It proclaims “Standing on the Side of Love.” May
As I understand it, a free and responsible search for
it truly be so, this month and always.
meaning is one that is expressed while always upholding
our first principle, affirming the inherent dignity and worth
of all people. No exceptions. It isn’t an easy task, nor one
that any of us will always do perfectly. Still, I believe it’s
our greatest guide and hope.
Board Bits
This column is an ongoing feature describing
some general business and actions taken by the
UUFN Policy Board. Official minutes are filed
by the secretary and are available upon inquiry.
The UUFN Policy Board met on January 18,
2015. Present were: All board members,
Minister Kristin Maier, and visitor, member
Beth Robb.
*With 6 months of the fiscal year completed,
revenue totals 53% of the budget and 44% of
the budgeted expenditures.
*Building improvements to meet safe
congregation standards and air circulation
problems are on target for completion.
*A handicapped parking space can be set up
near the lower level entrance. Other parking
issues were discussed.
*Beth Robb raised the issue of audio problems
for congregation members. Possibilities and
future action were discussed.
*The Program Council meeting date will be
held February 1st.
*Kristin Maier will make Improvements to the
*Lois Burnes will send an annual membership
report to UUA.
*A request by Northfield Area Community
Solar, Inc. was approved. An invitation to
congregation members will be made on Feb. 8.
Lois Burnes
UUFN Policy Board President
If You Enjoy Your Coffee…..
To pay for the coffee during the Sunday social
hour following each Sunday Service, UUFN
partners with Equal Exchange, a Fairly Traded
Cooperative that offers a fundraising program
for UU's. Items for sale include regular & decaf
coffee, teas, chocolate bars and hot
chocolate. All items are organic. A price list
sits on top of the coffee cabinet. Thank you for
supporting the UUFN Coffee Project!. And a
special thanks to Marcia Jocobs for making
Decaf coffee available during social hour.
Pat Jones
Coffee Trader Goddess
Standing on the Side of Love:
Lives and Freedom Matter
by Azna Amira
What is the average citizen to do when presented
with press reports of police firing on unarmed
citizens and forcibly breaking up demonstrations of
protest? We can discuss, we can demonstrate, we
can write letters, of course. But perhaps the first
thing is to look deep within ourselves to see how
well we uphold our own sovereignty before trying
to defend others’ freedoms.
How do thinking feeling persons react to events
such as those in Ferguson and Staten Island?
There have been mass demonstrations across the
nation, including in Minneapolis, where a group
called Black Lives Matter showed down police at a
major mall—and kept the high ground so far.
But perhaps the focus on race somewhat obfuscates
the message that needs to be offered:
It is not ONLY black lives that matter, because ALL
lives matter. Being free of government interference
with our persons is not a “civil right,” but all of our
What is clear about these police actions everywhere
against anyone is clear:
1) Some police feel free to enact summary
executions without process, for any and no
2) Free speech and freedom of assembly are
under serious threat.
So what of Northfield? Are the same conditions we
see elsewhere happening here, and are we willing to
step outside our comfort zones to prevent abuse to
our citizens?
You are invited to participate in “Lives and
Freedom Matter,” a moderated conversation on
Saturday, February 28th and a service on Sunday,
March 1 to hear about this issue from each other,
from Northfield’s minority populations and police
Please attend and tell your friends.
Azna Amira
UUFN Member
RE in February
by James Coulter
Sunday February 1ST
back! Wow!
did the
– No
RE go?
February has arrived and I’m very excited about the
coming year – with lots
of fun things in the works. There
Sunday February 8th
was a nice response to last spring’s survey of our Religious
Muffin baking Sunday – No RE
Education program. It was both a validation of the hard
work, planning and programming
that has been done in
Sunday February 15th
K-5 Group – What Do You Believe?
Guest Kara Hempy-Mayer
Middle School Group – CAMM
You the Creator – Yes, You Can Create Nonsense
Sunday February 22nd
K-5 Group – Dr Suess’ ”The Sneetches”
with guest teacher Mija Van der Wege
Middle School Group – CAMM
Simpson’s Episode Lesson
Sunday Adult Services
A Look Ahead
(Watch for updates - topics/speakers change)
From the RE Director
As February arrives, we officially enter the second half
of the 2014-15 RE year. It may be a short month, but
February brings a lot of fun for our children and youth
– a multigenerational drum service on the 1st, then a
muffin baking fundraiser on the 8th.
This month, the K-5 group will be focusing on the 6th
UU Principle, Work for a Fair and Peaceful World. We'll
explore this principle though another “What Do You
Believe?” session and by reading Dr. Seuss’ the
Sneetches. The CAMM group continues with the “You
the Creator” curriculum and, the ever popular,
Simpsons’ episode lessons.
Also, in the past, a high school age RE group has met in
a private home to have pizza, a movie and discussion,
led by adult leaders. Friends were welcome also. If
there are high schoolers interested in such an activity,
please contact me or Lois Burnes, Policy Board
James Coulter
Director of Religious Education
Sunday March 1st - Reverend Kristin Maier
Sunday March 8th – Liz Cooney shares her
Peace Corps experience
Sunday March 15th –Reverend Kristin Maier
Sunday March 22nd - Multi-generational
Equinox play
Sunday March 29th – Inner Light Circus –A
UUFN Cabaret
Thursday April 2nd - A UU Communion
Sunday April 5th - Reverend Kristin Maier
Sunday April 12th – UUFN member Shodo
Sunday April 19th – Earth Day Service
Sunday April 26th - Reverend Kristin Maier
Sunday May 3rd - Guest Jazz musician
Sunday May 10th – Reverend Kristin Maier
Sunday May 17th – Reverend Kristin Maier
and annual meeting
Sunday May 24th - End of year potluck
and service
Coffee Dates for February
Get out your calendar!
The February dates for those interested in
attending the UUFN Coffee group are:
Saturday February 14th, 9 am, McDonald’s
Tuesday, February 24th, 12 noon, Cabone’s
Come join UUFN friends for a social get together! All
newer members and members-to-be are invited to
come and join us for coffee or breakfast.
Coffee Hour
Thank you to all who have signed up to
make coffee and bring refreshments after
our Sunday service. Your hospitality
creates a warm and welcoming space for
our members, friends, and newcomers.
Beth Goodell & Janet Scanell
John & Evan Melick
Marcia Jacobs
Lois Burnes & Emma Onawa
Questions? Call Beth 651-734-5394
Almost every Sunday we have people attending
UUFN for the first time. Greeters play a vital role
in offering a warm smile, welcoming newcomers,
helping parents find the nursery, and acting as
ushers during the offering.
Chalice Lighters
Lois Burnes
Marcia Jacobs
Greeter(s) for the month of February are:
Mairi Doerr
Lois Burnes
Nancy Hill
Gail & Reid Hendershot
please contact Nancy Hill at
bnhill23@hotmail.com or 651-380-3722
There is no lasting hope in violence,
only temporary relief from
Kingman Brewster