Do you have what it takes to be a “Sweet P”?


Do you have what it takes to be a “Sweet P”?
Parramatta Eels Cheerleaders Audition Waiver
I, the below signatory_________________________________________
and on behalf of my heirs and personal representatives in consideration
of my participation in the audition for the Parramatta Eels “Sweet
P’s” Cheersquad (the “Audition”), hereby release, acquit and forever
discharge the Parramatta Eels, the NRL, the venue where the Audition is
held, and their respective employees, agents, owners, officers, directors,
partners, licensees and affiliates and all of their respective heirs,
personal administrators, executors, successors and assigns (collectively,
“Releasees”), of and from any and all claims, actions, causes of actions,
demands, rights, damages, costs, expenses, lost wages and loss of
services of any kind whatsoever for personal injury (including death)
and/or property damage, known or unknown, which may result from my
participation in, preparation for, or any other activity/ies associated with
the Audition, and whether arising before, during or after such activity/
I further covenant not to sue any of the Releases for or on account of
any such injury(ies).
I hereby acknowledge that I am physically and mentally capable of
participating in the Audition and the activities associated therewith.
Furthermore, I am familiar with the risks incidental to participation in
such events, assume full responsibility for the risk of bodily injury, death
or property damage due to the negligence of any of the Releases or
otherwise, while in or upon the premises in which the Audition is taking
place, and while for any purpose participating in the aforementioned
activities, and hereby expressly waive, release and forever discharge all
Releases of and from any and all claims of any nature which may be
occasioned by participation in these events.
In further consideration of the publicity afforded to me as a participant
in the Audition, I hereby grant permission to the Parramatta Eels,
Sports Dance, and the NRL, their affiliates and promotional agencies
to use my picture, name, likeness and/or voice in any and all manner
and media (including but not limited to the internet) throughout the
world in perpetuity for the purpose of publicising my participation in the
Audition and for marketing, promoting or advertising the Parramatta
Eels, the NRL, their affiliates and sponsors, without fee or payment of
any kind, and hereby release all of such parties from any claims that I
may have for invasion or violation of rights of privacy, rights of publicity
or any other cause of action arising out of such usage. I hereby waive
any right to pre-approve usage of my picture, name, likeness or voice
before release or publication and agree that any such usage may be
edited in your sole discretion.
Commitment and Remuneration
Sweet P’s will be required to be available for ALL Eels
home games throughout the season, weekly training
sessions on Friday evenings (6-8pm approx) and be
available for 20 hours promotional/ charity hours
throughout the calendar year on a as-needed basis.
Squad Members will be paid $150 per game inclusive
of a potential 20 promotional hours per squad member
per season. Promotional hours OVER the 20 will be
renumerated at an hourly rate.
How to Register for Auditions
Please EMAIL us at your
intention to audition with REGISTER in the subject
line. Please tell us your name, age and contact phone
Still Have Questions?
Email your enquiry to
with ENQUIRY in the subject heading, and we will
endeavour to answer your enquiry in a timely manner.
2014 Home Ground Draw
9 MAR - 6.30pm
26 MAR - 5.30pm
12 APR - 5.30pm
21 APR - 4.00pm
12 MAY - 7.00pm
17 MAY - 3.00pm
6 JUN - 7.40pm
29 JUN - 3.00pm
18 JUL -7.40pm
Please Print Name: Address:
1300 BLUE GOLD (258 346) |
2014. /TheParraEels
Do you
have what it
takes to be a
“Sweet P”?
We are searching for talented, dedicated
dancers aged 18 years and over to join
the Parramatta Eels “Sweet P’s” squad
for the 2014 NRL Season.
To become a Sweet P you need more than just
great dance moves. We are looking for dynamic and
motivated ladies that will not only dazzle on field but
will also have a bubbly and engaging personality to act
as ambassadors for the Eels at a variety of corporate,
community and charity events across the season.
Should you progress to the interview stage- we
will be finding out a little bit more about you as a
person. What are your likes and dislikes? What is your
availability? What is your commitment level? Do you
have any promotional experience you would like us to
know about?
What to Wear to your Sweet P’s Audition.
•Please wear hot pants and a crop or sports top. Do
not wear anything loose fitting.
Sweet P’s Application Form
State: Postal Code:
Age (on February 21st)
Mobile Contact:
• Dance shoes, dance sneakers or trainers
Email Address:
The Audition Process
•Hair and makeup done to Performance level.
Top Size: Auditions will be held at Parramatta Leagues Club
on Friday February 21st 6pm registration for a
6.30pm start.
What You Will Be Assessed On
Dance Experience
• Dance Technique
Dance training and performance experience:
Preliminary Round
Freestyle Section- Candidates will be split into lines of
5. This is your chance to really show us your personality
and strut your stuff! You will be asked to “freestyle”
within your lines of 5 to show us your individual style.
This is so to gauge how well you can interpret the
music. Timeframe to be from 1 minute to
1.5 minutes per group of 5.
Choreography Section- Audition candidates will learn
approximately 32 counts of Choreography as a group.
You will be asked to perform the chorography, again in
groups of 5 for our panel.
Judges will retire to decide who progresses to the
next round.
Second Round
Choreography Section- audition candidates will add to
the first section of choreography. Expect the degree of
difficulty to increase here.
Tricks- If you are gymnastics or cheer trained there
will be an opportunity to show us any tricks or flips you
have mastered at the end of the choreography session.
Judges will deliberate on who will progress to the
interview stage and successful candidates will be
advised of interview time via email within 48 hours.
• Appearance, grooming and figure
Pant Size:
(include schools/studios, instructors’ names and phone numbers)
• Energy and personality
• Tricks and flexibility
•Please complete the application form and media
waiver and submit at registration
•We require a current photograph of you to attach to
your application
•A current drivers licence or ID card showing proof of
age (please note you must be 18 years and over)
Promotional Work Experience (if any)
•Applicants will be advised of the panels decision be
no later than Wednesday 26th February. Successful
applicants should be prepared to commence
training on Friday February 28th.
•Please be advised the Judges decision is final and
no communication will be entered into after audition
process is complete.
Medical Conditions/ Injuries (if any)
Are you available for all Eels home games in 2014?
Are you able to make the rehearsals on Friday evenings
from 6-8pm approx on a weekly basis?

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