TVCC Dance Your Way to a Great Education


TVCC Dance Your Way to a Great Education
55th Line
Dance Your Way to a Great Education
Expectations of a Cardette Hopeful
Being a TVCC Cardette is being a part of an elite dance program. This program is a wonderful opportunity for a young lady
between the ages 17-22 to continue her dance education along with beginning her journey towards a college dance degree.
ӦӦ A Cardette hopeful should be willing to commit to this
program and her TVCC academics fully while striving
to be a person of exceptional quality. Excellent time
management skills, willingness to conform to the
traditions and Cardette dance styles are essential.
ӦӦ All Cardettes are required throughout the semester to
complete predetermined study hall hours, community
service hours and additional work out hours to enhance
their strength and stamina. All are accomplishable hours
with good personal time management.
ӦӦ Once chosen as a TVCC Cardette, a young lady does not
only represent herself and her family but each member
of the college as well. This representation must be one of
responsibility, class, pride, and overall respect. Juvenile
drama and disrespect is not welcome in this organization.
ӦӦ Cardette Scholarships are available to all members.
Freshman scholarships start at $1,400 per semester and
Sophomore Scholarships start at $2,100 per semester. All
audition paperwork must be submitted on or before the
audition day to qualify and receive any form of a Cardette
ӦӦ Cardettes are chosen based on advanced dance ability
(see technical elements below), extreme flexibility,
healthy appearance (Body mass index below 25.0
[healthy category] and appropriate with height and age),
musicality/rhythm, poise, projection, personality, and
leadership. Cardettes must be lean, fit, HEALTHY dancers
in order to maintain the stamina, endurance and physical
requirements of a Cardette on a daily basis.
ӦӦ Visible tattoos and facial piercings (other than ear lobe) are
not permitted at any time while a member of this program.
ӦӦ At TVCC, all Cardettes receive 2-3 transferable college
credit hours per semester. Cardette classes are Monday
through Friday between 1.5 to 3 hours daily depending
upon the class schedule. Athletic performances are
typically on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
ӦӦ All Cardettes are required to live on the Athens campus.
The $225 housing deposit must be submitted at the
post audition meeting or prior to July 1 to ensure dorm
room reservation for the upcoming semester. $200 of
the deposit will be refunded to the student upon leaving
TVCC and the reminder of the deposit is for a required
background check. Payment can be made by cash, check,
money order, or credit card.
ӦӦ Ladies selected as a 2015-16 TVCC Cardette are required
to attend Freshman Mini Camp in mid-July in conjunction
with TVCC Freshman Orientation as well as team camp
early to mid-August. There is not a fee to attend camps
other than to learn at your best and prepare for our season!
This reservation form must be in the Cardette Office 7 days prior to
your desired session to assure your place at auditions.
NAME: ______________________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________
E-MAIL: ____________________________________________________
Please check which session you will be attending:
o April 3, 2015 (dorm stay is not available) o May 16-17, 2015
o June 23-24, 2015
Please check all that apply:
I have returned a completed Cardette Application with a photo, one signed letter
of recommendation, director recommendation form, liability form, high school
transcipt and $20.00 audition fee.
I am staying in the dorms the evening of auditions & enclosed $15.00 (non-refundable) housing fee (May & June Only - Dorms not available in April).
If you have any further questions, please contact the Cardette Office at…
Darla Mansfield, Director
Trinity Valley Community College
100 Cardinal Drive, Athens, TX 75751
(office) 903-675-6225 (fax) 903-675-6316
What You Need to Know About Auditions
ӦӦ Both audition sessions cover exactly the same material.
You do not have to attend all sessions, nor will a Cardette
Hopeful be penalized if she cannot attend the first session.
ӦӦ There is a non-refundable $20 audition fee which covers
judges fees, audition meals and other audition needs.
Dorm stay is not provided but for an additional fee of
$15.00 the Hopeful only may stay in the dorms the night
of auditions on 2 day auditions only. Bedding and linens
are not provided.
ӦӦ Visit the “Audition Tips” on the Cardette web site for
helpful information on the audition process.
ӦӦ The Cardette audition process will include preliminary
cuts on the first day at the 2 day auditions and posted
during the dinner break. Those who are cut at this time
are required to leave the audition area prior to evening
ӦӦ All material for the dance portion of the audition will be
taught during the session. Solos are not needed but each
hopeful will need to bring 4-6 eight counts of her own
choreography to add to the end of the audition dance.
Things to Bring
• $225 housing deposit for fall 2015 (cash, money
order or credit card)
• Any style tight-fitting practice dance wear. T-shirts,
shorts or sweat pants are not permitted.
• Audition attire (see “Audition Attire” for details)
• Cover-ups for around campus
• Water and snack food
• Twin bed linens & towels if staying in the dorms
• Toiletries for dorm
Audition Attire
• Tops are provided in a halter style.
• Black dance hot shorts with tan tights
• Black jazz shoes or dance sneakers
• Hair secured tightly in a bun.
• Make-up that is flattering and tasteful.
• Red Lipstick.
• Cover-ups, jewelry of any kind, tattoos and
t-shirts are not permitted.
ӦӦ Required items for auditions are:
◊ Cardette Application filled out by hopeful
◊ Full body photo in tight fitting dance attire
◊ One signed letter of recommendation from someone
other than dance or drill team instructor or director
◊ Director Recommendation Form from current dance
instructor or drill team director
◊ TVCC Liability Waiver
◊ Unofficial copy of High School transcript
◊ Audition fee of $20.00
◊ Optional $15.00 audition housing fee
ӦӦ Space is limited at each audition session so register early
to ensure your spot at auditions. Walk-ups are welcome if
space is available
ӦӦ Results will either be announced at the end of the audition
session or posted on the Cardette web site following
auditions depending upon which session you attend.
ӦӦ Scoring at auditions will be on the total average of
all elements performed during the audition process.
Everything that is performed on these days counts!
Audition Material
The audition routine will consist of jazz, pom and high
kick styles of dance and 3-4 eight counts of your own
A Cardette Hopeful must also be prepared to execute the
following with proper technique:
•High kicks (all types, higher than head
•Splits on both legs
• Switch (scissor) leap
• Toe touch
• Axle turn
• Double/triple pirouette
• A la seconds
• Jeté in second
• Jump splits
• Turning disk
• Calypso
• Specialty Move
• Exceptional endurance
• Entertaining projection
One-Day Audition Schedule – April 3, 2015
12:00 pm���������������������������� Register in the Student Union Ballroom Lobby – Athens Campus. Weigh and measure.
12:30-3 pm������������������������ Dancers learn audition dance (wear practice attire).
3-5 pm�������������������������������� Time for dancers to work on audition dance, change into audition attire and participate in a personal
interview with judges.
5-6:30 pm�������������������������� Audition time! Each hopeful with perform the dance in groups of 2-3 as well as demonstrate required
technical elements one at a time.
Announcement will be posteed on the Cardette website. Essential paperwork regarding 2015-16 preparations will be mailed to those
Two-Day Audition Schedule – May 16-17 or June 23-24, 2015
12–12:30pm���������������� Register at the Student Union Building on the Athens Campus.
12:30pm–4:30pm������ Welcome. Warm-up. Weigh and measure. Learn audition material (wear practice dance attire). Preliminary
4:30pm�������������������������� Required dinner in the TVCC Cafeteria.
5:15pm�������������������������� Preliminary cut results will be posted.
5:15pm–6:30pm��������� Relax time and dorm move-in time.
6:30pm–8pm��������������� Progressions and Buddy Time/Critique by a current Cardette.
7:30am–8am��������������� Required breakfast in the TVCC Cafeteria.
8am–noon�������������������� Interviews with Director and a panel of Cardette alumni. Business dress is required. See “Audition Tips” on
our web site. Independent practice before or after your interview.
Noon–1:30pm������������� Required lunch in the TVCC Cafeteria. Change into audition attire. Move out of dorms.
1:30pm�������������������������� Auditions begin. Auditions are closed to the public.
Between 5–6pm��������� Announcement of the Freshman Cardettes. Open to the public.
Immediately following announcement there will be a meeting with all new Cardettes.
Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. $225 housing deposit is required at the meeting.
100 Cardinal Drive
Athens, Texas 75751
TVCC is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution