World Youth Choir General Information
World Youth Choir General Information
World Youth Choir General Information UNESCO Artist for peace “Building bridges between young singers from diverse cultures” A message of peace to the world The World Youth Choir has been appointed Artist for Peace by UNESCO. Without speeches, without banners, the World Youth Choir presents its message of music, international peace, and brotherhood in perfect artistic unity. The world on stage Since its creation in 1989, the World Youth Choir (WYC) has established itself as one of the most interesting musical and intercultural experiences offered to young musicians. About 100 young choral singers from all over the world, aged between 17 and 26, constitute one of today’s most original and important choirs. Year after year the number of participating countries increases. Today, more than 40 different nationalities are present in the choir, assuring that all continents are represented. A genuine educational and social experience drawing on many vocal traditions aiming at the highest artistic level The artistic scope of the project is in itself a major achievement, but the World Youth Choir also represents for its members a unique experience in terms of personal relationships. Regardless of political or cultural differences, young people holding a common attraction to music and a love for singing share one month of life together. This allows for work and leisure, conversation and debate. From this community of singers evolve friendships that will continue to grow and may be life long. Summer sessions Each summer, the World Youth Choir comes together in a different country of the world for two weeks of rehearsals. Following these rehearsals, the choir tours within the host country and neighbor countries, presenting concerts in major cultural centers and prestigious concert halls. Singers must audition with local partners in their home countries or regions. Internationally renowned conductors The artistic responsibility lies with an international committee of eminent specialists appointed by the International Federation for Choral Music, Jeunesses Musicales International and Europa Cantat. The WYC engages the most renowned choral conductors for the sessions. Since its inception, the choir has been conducted by Anton Armstrong, Frieder Bernius, Filippo Maria Bresan, Michael Brewer, Peter Broadbent, Bob Chilcott, Peter Dijkstra, Peter Erdei, Eric Ericson, Gunnar Eriksson, Gary Graden, Georg Grün, Maria Guinand, Aharon Harlap, Florian Heyerick, Felipe Izcaray, Sidumo Jacobs, Robert Janssens, Tonu Kaljuste, Eric Klaas, Anthony Leach, Eduardo Mata (†), Albert McNeil, Denis Menier, Theodora Pavlovitch, Grete Pedersen, Johannes Prinz, Robert Shaw(†), Ole-Kristen Ruud, Fred Sjöberg, Stefan Sköld, Paul Smith, Robert Sund, Ward Swingle, Nobuaki Tanaka, Andre Thomas, Jonathan Velasco, Michele Weir, Hak Won Yoon, Steve Zegree, Johan Duijck, Ana Maria Raga, Ragnar Rasmussen and Josep Vila I Casanas. Project of the FOUNDATION WORLD YOUTH CHOIR Patronized by • International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM) • Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI) • European Choral Association - Europa Cantat (ECA-EC) Stichting (Foundation) World Youth Choir c/o World Forum in The Hague Churchillplein 10, 2517 JW Den Haag, the Netherlands Dates (To be confirmed) Arrival: August 3rd, 2012 Cyprus, Departure: September 1st, 2012, Cyprus Camp place Pedoulas, Cyprus Concert tour Concert tour to different cities of Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and surrounding countries! (To be confirmed later on) Program A cappella repertoire (to be confirmed later on) Vocal-instrumental repertoire accompanied by the Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra L. V. Beethoven “Symphony no. 9” K. Penderecki “Lacrimosa” Conductors to be confirmed soon! Organization The 2012 session is organized between the Foundation World Youth Choir, the Hague, Netherlands and the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Foundation/Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra with the support of the Cyprus presidency of the European Union 2012 (Ministry of education and culture - cultural events in 2012) and with the support of the patron organizations of the World Youth Choir. The World Youth Choir is a project of the Foundation World Youth Choir with its principal office in the Hague, the Netherlands, run under the official patronage of the: Jeunesses Musicales International International Federation for Choral Music European Choral Association - Europa Cantat The Foundation World Youth Choir Board Sonja Greiner, ECA-EC, Germany Jean Smeets, ECA-EC, Belgium Blasko Smilevski, JMI, Macedonia Rob Van Waaijen, JMI, Netherlands Håkan Wickström, IFCM, Finland Aarne Saluveer, IFCM, Estonia International Artistic Committee Theodora Pavlovitch, IFCM, Bulgaria Fred Sjöberg, ECA-EC, Sweden Tonči Bilić, JMI, Croatia Communication Emilie Fillod, Executive officer Jeunesses Musicales International, Belgium, Vladimir Opačić, Serbia, Project manager World Youth Choir “A truly edu cational and so cial experien ce in different vo cal traditions on the highest artistic level" World Youth Choir SUMMER session 2012 information ‘’Building bridges between young singers from diverse cultures’’ APPLICATION FORM: Personal information of the applicant (To be completed in CAPITAL letters and printed clearly) Name/Surname: First name: Gender (please encircle): M F Postal code: City: Country: First time audition: YES NO Regular re audition: YES NO Re audition after 2011 results: YES NO The follow ing is applicable for those auditioned or re auditioned in 2011 (please encircle/mark w ith X) PASSED the audition 2011: YES NO If YES, re auditioning: With the audition package 2011 If NO: Submitting new audition Placed on the reserve list Submitting new audition Phone (with intl.code) Mobile (with intl.code) Fax (with intl.code) Haven’t passed the audition Submitting new audition + + + / / / E mail Date of birth (day/month/year) Place of birth: Nationality: Citizenship: Passport number: Place of issue: Date of issue: (day/month/year) Expiration date: (day/month/year) Parents address in case of emergency (be low) Date: Address: Postal code: City: Country: Phone (with intl.code) Parents E mail: Please encircle your voice part CONTRACT: I, the undersigned, declare I will take p art in the World Youth Choir summer session 2012 (if selected) in Cyprus from August 3rd 2012 (arrival) to September 1st, 2012 (departure). Dates to be confirmed! I gran t to the Foundation WORLD YOUT H CHO IR, the Board and the Artistic Committee, the patrons, and their licensees, including and without limitation, any radio or television broadcasting corporation or any festival, the right to broadcast my performance with the World Youth Choir and all concerts and rehearsals during the session. In addition, I grant to the Foundation WORLD YOUT H CHO IR , the Board and the Artistic Committee, and the patron organizations, the rights worldwide to use the recordings of such performances, of portion of thereof, as you may from time to time determine, in perpetuity, whatsoever, including private, school and other educational uses, and exhibition by means of film, video-tape, audio devices whether now known or unknown. I hereby grant to the Foundation WORLD YOUTH CHO IR, the Board and the Artistic Committee, the patron organizations and their licenses the right to publish and disseminate my name, picture and voice, and biographical information about me, any means for the purposes of information and advertising and publicizing such recorder performances. In no event shall my name be used in connection with any product or service. It is also understood that I take part in the WORLD YOUT H CHO IR without any remuneration other than in kind in the form of food, lodging and travels during the session. I shall take all necessary steps in order to obtain official documents to attend the above-mentioned country/es (to include passport, necessary visas) and agree to comply with any official request by the WYC management such as provision of a copy of the plane ticket or other kind of travel documentation both to and from the host country. This paragraph also applies to all other official requests (additional data of the singer; additional copies of other documents than passport; accreditation forms; statements, etc.) by the WYC man agement, the local organizer, host country or any other third party involved in the organization of the session. (Music festivals in general; Competitions; TV or Radio performances, or others). Signature: + S1 Parent’s or tutor’s authorization (Compulsory for singers under 21 years of age on 1st July 2012) I, the undersigned / S2 T1 A1 T2 A2 B1 B2 Any special diet requirements Remarks on your state of health T shirt size ( encircle your size) XS M S XL L XXL IMPORTANT NOTE: Along with this application fo rm, please also en close: Signed contract on the right side of this application; Signed authorization if applicable on the right side; Your full CV (Typed for each applicant on the universal CV form, enclosed to this material as a WORD file), Letter explaining your motivation (Maximum 15 lines in English), Photocopy of your passport (first page) and one ID photo in JPG format. Without these, the application will be considered invalid! Passport must be valid for at least 6 months after 1st July 2012 Authorize my son/daughter to take part in the World Youth Choir session 2012. In the event of any accident that might befall my son/daughter during his/her participation in the World Youth Choir session 2012, I declare the following associations FREE of any responsibility: The Foundation World Youth Choir, its Board, Artistic Committee and the management, The International Federation for Choral Music Jeunesses Musicales International European Choral Association – Europa Cantat Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Foundation/Cyprus Youth Symphony orchestra and Summer academy management Local organizational units in Cyprus and touring countries Date: Signature: Session 2012, Cyprus August 3rd - September 1st, 2012. (Dates to be confirmed!) Address: 20 R,E Q,u I En n &eg u.[uu Q&tevu.atuo 2, Arua.+i / ,,llzduewi t+4*/eAls qul . La+b eln ae _ Re ter - . qui. em nam _ . ter - mP: Dam do-na \:. a€ do *= do-ua mntr-- ---mf e- :-.- ie, o do P do-nae - is, Do - : -- ie, mi -ne, -----z Inr P - t8 t Do Do do-nr -_ 2027t ml-ner_- -mi 2t -do DOCO -. Re . qui P: nor ,:do-nle- do ' nr P- Re-qui-€m-do'nae'is, do-na tror P< qui -em poco & per - POco Pe cres do \ ce --I Po ff ^o es!rcssioo co. rt- I tu -= eslrcssito pe-tu fl ^o csltessito lu ce at, --.f Pe J ff ^o esfressioo --__ --. J'-- ce-at -P --. =-Re - 202?t - rt_ qui 23 =-qui - em- ae - tor-nam ie, do R,e u# do Re-qui. l5r- ---- qui-em ae ter nam do ' n& l8r Do mi - ne. A ua l8r Do ml - n0. Do ml - ne. <t- to ter ter tlam --v nam- do- na do do- le - ter l8r na ml' 18r nam no. ri Pedals (ad lib.) edd 32' t6' 20271
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