Re-New Magazine - 2012
Re-New Magazine - 2012
R N w Magazine 2012 Momentum Skills is “Squids-in” Levellers’ bass guitarist sketches “Squid Man” design for Momentum Skills T-shirt 16 MPs Flippin’ Triumph MPs emerge victorious at the Rehab Parliamentary Pancake Race Let’s Go Far Momentum Care’s innovative short breaks’ service broadens its horizons 22 7 R N w Magazine 2012 Specialist insurance for disabled drivers Cover for drivers from age 16 Adapted vehicle insurance Disabled driver insurance Cover for carers At Chartwell, our experience and knowledge of the disabled driver sector means that we are able to offer a wide range of policies that are tailored to meet your needs. We are part of the Adrian Flux family which means we can offer over 200 car insurance schemes and a competitive quote for almost any car in almost any situation. WAV insurance New for old cover on A suitably adapted Any driver policies* modifications/adaptions courtesy car, where possible Chartwell Insurance is a trading name of Adrian Flux Insurance Services. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. *Drivers under the age of 25 are required to be specifically named on the policy. Advert 2 R N w Magazine 2012 Contents 5 7 10 14 16 20 22 24 26 28 32 35 Welcome A welcome from the editor of ReNew MPs Flippin’ Triumph MPs emerge victorious at the Rehab Parliamentary Pancake Race 7 Katrina’s Gaining Momentum Katrina Downie is firmly focused on her future as she rebuilds her life after sustaining a brain injury Working Out at Activate The Chaseley Trust’s new accessible gym – Activate – is now open for business Momentum Skills is “Squids-in” Levellers’ bass guitarist, Jeremy Cunningham, sketches “Squid Man” design for Momentum Skills T-shirt After Life, There’s Haven Haven Recycle opens its new Glasgow facility offering waste electrical and electronic recycling services Let’s Go Far Momentum Care’s innovative short breaks’ service broadens its horizons Moor Park Reaches Big 20 Golfers tee off at the 20th anniversary of the Moor Park Golf Classic Rehab – Investing in People, Changing Perspectives An overview of the Rehab Group’s services in the UK 10 Home Sweet Home for Anna Anna McNaughton is enjoying independent living at Chaseley Bungalows News in a Flash News highlights from across the Rehab Group in the UK Leaving a Legacy If you’re making a will, why not consider including a bequest for Rehab? Editor: Jonathan Smallman Editorial Office: c/o The Chaseley Trust, South Cliff, Eastbourne, BN20 7JH Tel: 01323 744 395 Email: Front cover image: ITV network news anchor, Natasha Kaplinsky (left) presents Tracey Crouch MP (right) with the winners’ trophy following her team’s triumph in the Rehab Parliamentary Pancake Race. 22 Disclaimer Advertisements in ReNew are accepted on a commercial basis. By publishing an advertisement, the Rehab Group does not indicate endorsement of the product or services provided by the advertiser. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of content contained within this publication, no responsibility can be accepted by the Rehab Group for any errors or omissions herein. 3 the Together Trust care • education • support • since 1870 We wish... help people break through barriers and take control of their lives. At the Together Trust we do everything in our power to make that happen and we’ve been doing it since 1870. We continue to meet the needs of thousands in the North West and beyond. We’re looking for people with different skills, backgrounds and experiences. From direct work with service users to administration or foster care there are many opportunities available. We also have a number of volunteering and membership opportunities available. Why not join us to gain experience and learn new skills. You can help ensure that everyone at the Together Trust gets the best chance in life. 0161 283 4828 Registered charity number 209782 The Together Trust is committed to equality and diversity. The Together Trust is committed to safeguarding. 051215 CROWN PROSECUTION SERVICE Supporting the work of Rehab The Crown Prosecution Service is committed to progressing equality and diversity in employment and service delivery. By working collaboratively with its Disabled Staff Network, it aims to become the employer of choice for disabled people. Applications are positively encouraged from disabled people. To find out more about our job opportunities, please visit How about joining us? 4 R N w Magazine 2012 Welcome Welcome to the 2012 edition of ReNew. Here you will find articles covering some of the latest news and events happening across the Rehab Group in the UK. Despite the challenging economic times, at Rehab our focus remains as steadfast as ever in working to assist people in reaching their full potential and the people featured in this publication serve as a real testament to this. Raising awareness of Rehab’s work is of great importance in helping us achieve our aims. On page 7, you can read about the 2012 Rehab Parliamentary Pancake Race which saw MPs, Lords and members of the Parliamentary Press Gallery compete against each other in a frenzied pancake relay race to help heighten the profile of our work with disabled and disadvantaged people across the UK. Rehab is all about people and what better way to explain the work that we do than through the voices of those who use our services. In this issue, you can read about the amazing journeys of Katrina Downie, who attends Momentum Skills’ brain injury centre in Aberdeen, and Anna McNaughton who resides at Chaseley Bungalows in Eastbourne. Levellers’ band member, Jeremy Cunningham, recently put his creative skills to good use by sketching a design for a Momentum Skills’ T-shirt – find out how to get your hands on one on page 16. Meanwhile, our colleagues at Haven Recycle and Momentum Care have been very busy developing new services with details of a new recycling facility on page 20 and expanded Let’s Go service on page 22. You can also read about Rehab’s Moor Park Golf Classic, which this year celebrated its 20th consecutive year, making it one of our longestrunning fundraising events. Also, in our News in a Flash section on page 32, find out how Momentum Skills’ supporter Shelley Walker got on in the London Marathon – and there’s much, much more besides. I hope that you enjoy reading this latest issue of ReNew and, if you have any comments or questions regarding this publication, we’d love to hear from you. Thank you for your continued support. Jonathan Smallman Editor ReNew 5 Proud Supporters of Rehab Set the standards. Protect the public. Make a difference. Find out how you could make a difference by joining our diverse team, follow the instructions below or visit A 1. Download the free Aurasma Lite app from your App Store or Google Play Store. 2. Use the search tab to find the GMC channel and subscribe to it. 3. Then point your mobile device at this advert and watch it come to life. 314479_Rehab_120x177.indd 1 6 22/06/2012 17:48 MPs Flippin’ Triumph Batter, sweat and tears were shed at this year’s Rehab Parliamentary Pancake Race, making victory taste all the sweeter for the winning team. R N w Magazine 2012 Pictured: (left to right) Jason McCartney MP, Julian Huppert MP, Tracey Crouch MP, Martin Horwood MP, Ian Murray MP and Stephen Pound MP show off their winners’ medals. 7 R N w Magazine 2012 Pictured: (left to right) Tracey Crouch MP, Lord Redesdale and Nick Robinson, BBC Political Editor, have frying pans at the ready. Pictured: Tom Bradbury, Political Editor ITV News (right) hot-on-the-heels of Lord Redesdale (left). M Ps were crowned winners of the 15th annual Rehab Parliamentary Pancake Race on Tuesday 21 February, reclaiming the “Magnificent Tin Cup” from the Lords’ team. Crowds of spectators gathered in Victoria Tower Gardens in London to witness the battle which saw crossparty representation in teams of MPs and Lords, who along with a team from the Parliamentary Press Gallery, competed in a thrilling relay pancake race. The event raises valuable funds and awareness of the work undertaken by Rehab in the UK. Despite the cool weather, the race quickly heated up. Civility and 8 decorum were thrown to one side as the MPs, Lords and media teams showed their competitive spirit and battled for supremacy in the “mother of all pancake races”. Rivalry was as fierce as ever, with participants reaching break-neck speeds that would have given Usain Bolt, the world’s fastest man, a run for his money. But it was the MPs who were one flip ahead of the rest and they emerged victorious. Celebrating the MPs’ team win were Tracey Crouch (Chatham and Aylesford), Stephen Pound (Ealing North), Julian Huppert (Cambridge), Ian Murray (Edinburgh South), Sir Bob Russell (Colchester), Martin Horwood (Cheltenham), Stephen Lloyd (Eastbourne) and Jason McCartney (Colne Valley). Speaking after the race, winning team spokesperson Tracey Crouch MP said, “It was definitely a hard-won race. The conditions were tough; the nippy weather certainly made it hard to get a good flip but it was worth it in the end to get one over on the Lords and the media! Our fellow competitors certainly put up a good fight but our Herculean training regime clearly knocked the opposition for six! “However in all seriousness, we are delighted to have been invited to take part in this wonderful event. R N w Magazine 2012 Pictured: (left to right) Official Starter and Race Scrutineer Natasha Kaplinsky, Tracey Crouch MP and Rehab Chief Executive Angela Kerins. The work that Rehab does to support disabled people and others at a disadvantage is fantastic, and this race was a great opportunity to raise awareness of how we can all support those who are most vulnerable in our society.” Pictured: Julian Huppert MP gives a toss about winning. Joining the race for the first time as Official Starter and Race Scrutineer was ITV network news anchor, Natasha Kaplinsky who said, “There was a lot of good-natured pre-race banter between the teams but as soon as the race started, the battle lines were very quickly drawn. It was clear that each team wanted to win gold, and it was tough trying to ensure that people remained on their best parliamentary behaviour. Outside the genteel confines of the Houses of Parliament, it seemed the rare opportunity to have permission to physically get one over on the opposition, whether by sneakily knocking them off their stride or pulling on their apron strings to hold them back, were simply too tempting to resist!” 9 R N w Magazine 2012 © Chris Watt photography. Katrina’s Gaining Momentum 10 R N w Magazine 2012 About Momentum Skills provides a range of innovative vocational rehabilitation services for people with an acquired brain injury. Its brain injury rehabilitation programmes are available in Aberdeen, Glasgow, South Lanarkshire, Ayrshire, the Scottish Borders, Newcastle and Birmingham. Momentum Skills offers comprehensive assessment, specialist training, job coaching, work placement and job retention support to more than 150 people each year. For further information about Momentum Skills in Aberdeen, contact George Robertson on 01224 625 580 or email george.robertson@ ot og rap hy. the effects of my injuries soon became apparent: I had little memory, couldn’t walk, my skull was severely cracked, both cheekbones were shattered, and my vision was badly affected. © ph tt Wa s i r Ch Twenty-four-year-old Katrina Downie is rebuilding her life after a brain injury and is now setting her sights on getting a job. I was in a car accident in February 2010. The day of the accident, I left work earlier because of severe weather conditions. While driving home on the dual carriageway, the car in front hit black ice and spun 180 degrees. The police believe that, on seeing this, I hit my brakes and swerved to avoid it. My car went vertical, with the bonnet facing the ground and the boot towards the sky. It then skidded down an embankment and out of sight. Thankfully, a woman saw it happen and came to my aid, also alerting the police to my whereabouts. After spending a lot of time in various hospitals, getting home felt great, but it was clear that parts of my life were not as easy as they should be. My memory and vision gave me the most trouble but I also started having regular panic attacks. However, I’ve never been one to dwell on the negative and there have been some good things to come out of this, such as learning the importance of family and of life. Also, I have met some great people throughout my recovery, including the staff and other service users at Momentum Skills. I joined Momentum Skills in July 2010. The staff taught me techniques and strategies to manage the areas of my brain affected by the injury, such as memory, and also helped to rebuild my confidence. They also supported me in gaining a recognised I.T. qualification and to prepare for job interviews. Meeting other people at the centre who have experienced a brain injury, and seeing how they have progressed, has showed me that improvements in my condition are possible. I am happy to say that I now have a full-time job as a clerical assistant and have moved into my own flat. None of this would have been possible without the help and support of staff at Momentum Skills. When the emergency services arrived, I was cut from my car, put on a life support machine and whisked away to hospital. Doctors didn’t expect me to make it through the night. I was in a coma for two weeks and, when I awoke, 11 12 HR advert 85x120:Layout 1 0800 316 0166 Medical Negligence & Accident Advice and support 7/6/12 16:43 Page 1 Interested in finding a role that fits to you? when you need it most If you have suffered due to Medical Negligence or suffered a Personal Injury as a result of an accident, Pryers Solicitors LLP is here to help you Specialists in medical negligence and personal injury: Hospital mistakes GP negligence Dentists’ negligence oad tra c accidents Accidents at work Falls, trips & slips Sporting accidents Industrial disease Criminal injury claims Occupiers liability NO WIN NO FEE We’ll help you get the compensation you’re entitled to. For a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION call us on 0800 316 0166 or visit Home or hospital visits available Come and talk to us 13 R N w Magazine 2012 Working Out The Chaseley Trust’s new specialist gym has opened its doors to members of the public who have a disability, making fitness accessible to all. A former stuntman, who once jumped the Great Wall of China on his motorcycle, is among those benefitting from a new accessible therapy gym – Activate – at The Chaseley Trust in Eastbourne. Pictured: Eddie Kidd (right) using the multi-gym at Activate, assisted by gym instructor David Monaghan (left). Eddie Kidd sustained brain injuries when he crashed his motorcycle at a rally in 1996, leaving him with severely restricted co-ordination and speech. Over the past eight years, Eddie has been working on regaining his mobility, and has attended The Chaseley Trust’s therapy department and Activate gym. Activate is a fully accessible therapy gym that is open to members of the public. It is designed to help disabled people who want to improve their fitness but who have difficulty in using standard gym equipment. Activate offers a range of specialist accessible equipment. These include a multi-gym, parallel bars, a treadmill, a glider – which is similar to a cross-trainer, free weights and resistant bands are also used to improve strength and co-ordination in a safe and enjoyable way. As part of his work, David Monaghan, Chaseley’s gym instructor, introduces newcomers to the equipment and 14 suggests specific exercises and fitness programmes to meet the needs of each person. Once familiar with the equipment, members can use the gym independently with their carer or continue to be assisted by the gym instructor. As an additional service, Activate gym members can see The Chaseley Trust’s physiotherapists for additional advice and support. R N w Magazine 2012 at About For further information about Activate, contact David Monaghan on 01323 744 386 or email activate@ The Chaseley Trust supports physically disabled people in many ways, from residential nursing care to respite and day care. Its team of multi-disciplinary therapists work with residents and outpatients to improve health outcomes, including rehabilitation to more independent living where possible. Positive about Disability Being part of the Hampshire Constabulary is not only about preventing and solving crime and facing dramatic situations, it is also about being part of the community. The Hampshire Constabulary aims to keep the public safe, prevent crime and reduce the fear of crime. As one of the largest employers in the region, Hampshire Constabulary has over 6000 staff in the 2 counties of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, of which one third are police staff carrying out vital roles supporting front line officers and providing a critical element in the provision of our service. “Hampshire Constabulary is committed to delivering a police service which through fairness, meets the needs of the individuals who receive it. We accept that those needs are diverse; they are likely to differ according to a subject’s gender, age, race, ethnic origin, nationality, disability, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status or physical ability.” To find out more about paid and voluntary work opportunities with Hampshire Constabulary, go to All our posts are open to job share unless otherwise stated. Working for safer communities 15 R N w Magazine 2012 Momentum Skills is “Squids-in” A design by Levellers’ Jeremy Cunningham is helping to raise vital funds for Momentum Skills’ brain injury vocational rehabilitation programme in Aberdeen. T he brainchild of Judi Mitchell, owner of Ink Minx Tattoo Studio in Montrose, Momentum Skills’ designer T-shirt “Squid Man” is the result of a chance encounter between Judi and the Levellers’ bass guitarist Jeremy Cunningham. Judi explains, “As it’s the tenth anniversary of my studio Ink Minx Tattoos, we decided to put together some merchandise to sell at the Scottish Tattoo Convention to raise money for various charities. “I met Jeremy Cunningham, the bass guitarist of the Levellers, last year at their festival in Devon. Jeremy does the majority of artwork for the band and he mentioned that he wanted a squid tattoo. I jokingly said that I’d do his tattoo, if he did a doodle for my 16 charity T-shirts and bags. He kept his part of the deal and sent me a sketch of Squid Man! “I’ve done a lot of fundraising for charities and decided to turn my attention to Momentum Skills after my brother had an accident which resulted in a brain injury. I realised how quickly life can change with an accident like this and it can happen to anyone. My brother was lucky to recover to the extent that he has and, with the help of Momentum Skills, he has learnt to cope with everyday life and learnt new skills. Although he will not be able to return to the heavy work he did before, he will be able to get back to a different type of work with Momentum Skills’ help.” © Montrose Review. R N w Magazine 2012 Pictured: Judi Mitchell with one of her tote bags featuring Jeremy Cunningham’s design. About In Aberdeen, Momentum Skills’ brain injury vocational rehabilitation programme offers specialist training and support to adults who have sustained a brain injury, helping them to rebuild their lives and to gain employment or move on to further education and training. Judi’s brother Alan has been attending Momentum Skills’ brain injury vocational rehabilitation programme since July 2011. Alan says, “Going to Momentum Skills has helped me to accept the injury that I have and has given me strategies to deal with the changes in my life. George Robertson, Manager of Momentum Skills in Aberdeen says, “We were delighted when Judi from Ink Minx Tattoos chose us as the focus of her fundraising effort. There was a lot of excitement when we learned that Jeremy Cunningham had done the design as a lot of the It has also helped me to rediscover some of my existing skills and even helped me to develop some new ones that I didn’t have before, like using I.T. Meeting other people at Momentum Skills who also have a brain injury and sharing some of the same difficulties has also been a positive experience; it has helped to reduce some of the isolation I felt when I was learning to live with my brain injury. But, most importantly, it has given me hope about returning to employment, which is something I really want to be able to do in the future.” team here are really big fans of the Levellers. The T-shirts look great and the staff and the people using our service are very enthusiastic about wearing them when they are in the centre.” Jeremy Cunningham’s “Squid Man” T-shirts are available from Ink Minx Tattoos for £12 plus P&P. Tote bags are also available featuring the design. To order, call 01674 678 989 or email inkminxtattoos@hotmail. Alternatively, visit Ink Minx Tattoos’ Facebook page and click the link “Jeremy Cunningham (Levellers) T Shirts”. All proceeds from the T-shirts and bags go to Momentum Skills in Aberdeen. For further information about Momentum Skills in Aberdeen, contact George Robertson on 01224 625 580 or email george.robertson@ 17 ‘The National Theatre is for everyone.’ Nicholas Hytner, Artistic Director The NT’s friendly and dedicated access team are committed to making your visit as easy and enjoyable as possible. We programme audio-described and captioned performances of every production, and provide online booking facilities plus information in Large Print and Audio CD. Tickets £15, plus companion at same price. To join our free Access List call 020 7452 3000 to request a sign-up form, or download a copy at 9862RehabAdvert:Layout107/06/201209:29Page1 e ery servic home deliv fast, truly Providing a d discreet n a l persona ce 1991 service sin The UK’s leading independent supplier of Prescription Appliances 3 Stoma and Continence appliance supplier 3 Free delivery 3 Free disabled toilet key 3 Impartial Advice 3 Award winning customer care Visit our online store to buy bedding and mattress protectors, continence swimwear and underwear plus lot's more! Join the Responder Service today for the supply of your Stoma or Continence prescription requirements. Call 0800 220 300 18 Why choose the RESPONDER service? > Free home delivery of all your stoma or continence prescription requirements with all manufacturers’ products stocked and supplied > Online ordering facility > Quick, discreet and reliable overnight delivery > Open on Saturdays > BTEC qualified stoma and continence customer support staff > Prescription collection from your GP if required > ISO Quality Assured Service > Free gift and MRSA resistant flannel with first order > Free travel bag for your supplies > We are a proactive supporter of stoma charities within the UK Could you fill this space? We want loyal and talented people to make us the best and we’re positive about a diverse workforce. We want our staff to love where they work. Find out more about jobs at Notting Hill Housing. Career Online Ad Apr 09:Layout 1 20/4/09 15:58 Page 1 careers online ScotRail offer many exciting and different career opportunities, with excellent staff training and a competitive package. Why not apply to join our team and help us continue to transform travel for all our customers? To find out about our latest career opportunities, visit our recruitment website ScotRail is operated by Moat is committed to providing equality of opportunity for all and to promoting diversity in everything we do. This applies to the services we provide to our customers and to the ways in which we recruit, train, promote and manage staff. For more information please visit or email Equality advert 85mm x 57mm.indd 1 15/05/2012 14:10 Kensite PORTABLE SITE ACCOMMODATION AND SPECIAL EVENTS Telephone: 01942 878747 Email: Wishing Rehab all the best with this publication 19 R N w Magazine 2012 After Life, There’s Haven A s technology develops and is enhanced, businesses are having to upgrade their equipment at a rate of knots. But what happens with that technology when it reaches the end of its life? Well, it goes to Haven, of course. With increased demand for recycling services from both the public and private sectors, social firm, Haven 20 Recycle, which provides employment for people with disabilities, has opened a new dedicated, secure recycling facility in Glasgow providing a range of services, from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling to information security management. Ewan Fisher, Commercial Manager at Haven Recycle explains, “More than ever, businesses are considering ways to appropriately manage their waste, not only to comply with regulations, but because it also makes good business sense. “Proper management of e-waste has a great number of benefits for businesses, including saving energy and maximising value from redundant equipment as well as demonstrating R N w Magazine 2012 a commitment to the environment – something that is becoming increasingly important to customers. “Through Haven Recycle, we are able to offer businesses a professional and cost-effective recycling solution. We offer four main services: asset recovery, information security management, WEEE recycling and mobile phone recycling. Rather than WEEE being sent to landfills, as was common practice in previous years, Haven Recycle makes use of these items and their valuable components.” By working with Haven Recycle, businesses are not just reducing their carbon footprint, but are also supporting a business that provides sustainable employment and training for people with disabilities. Ewan says, “In business, there’s often perceived to be a paradox between maximising people or maximising profits. We know it doesn’t need to be one or the other. We run an efficient, commercially-viable enterprise and we also provide meaningful jobs for people who may never before have been given the Pictured: David Hughes works at Haven Recycle’s new facility, processing electronic and electrical materials such as computers and mobile phones. chance to earn a wage. We also allocate a certain amount of refurbished equipment for donation to worthwhile causes, including charities and schools.” Haven Recycle deals with a range of e-waste, including I.T. equipment, mobile phones, and televisions. Ewan explains the process, “When these items come into the facility, we test them to determine if they’re suitable to refurbish and resell or whether they require to be recycled. Any equipment that can be refurbished is wiped of data and, where appropriate, a new operating system is installed. Haven Recycle uses Blancco data destruction software, which ensures 100 per cent data removal, protecting any highly-sensitive About Haven Recycle is part of Haven, an award-winning social firm offering services and solutions to public and private sector organisations, from undertaking outsourced elements of companies’ production processes to supporting businesses with staffing needs. Haven has been providing meaningful employment, development and training opportunities for disabled and disadvantaged people for over 60 years. information and giving customers complete peace of mind. We also provide certificates and documentary proof of the destruction of all data held on the devices fit for remarketing. The aim of the whole process is to get as close as possible to zero landfill, so the higher the percentage of reused or recycled material, the better for everyone.” One of Haven Recycle’s key customers is NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Andrew Reid, Asset and User Provisioning Manager at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde says, “Haven Recycle has been delivering a reliable, cost-effective way of realising value from our redundant I.T. assets. They deliver a service which is both professional and competitive, and which ensures our WEEE is dealt with in the most sustainable manner possible, whilst providing best value for the taxpayer. In addition, it is a good fit for the NHS ethos to be supporting a social enterprise.” Sounds like a win-win situation! For further information about Haven Recycle, contact Ewan Fisher on 0141 810 2450 or email ewan.fisher@ 21 R N w Magazine 2012 Let’s Go Far Pictured: (left) Momentum Care support worker Teresa Curran high-fives Lisa Sturgeon after a great shot at ten-pin bowling. M omentum Care’s innovative Let’s Go service, established in 2001 to provide an alternative to traditional centre-based respite services for people with learning disabilities in Glasgow, is expanding its unique model UK-wide and to even more people. Let’s Go will now be offered in new areas including Aberdeen, Buckie, Ayrshire, East Kilbride, Coventry and Blyth, where Momentum Care already delivers other social care services such as care at home, housing support and domiciliary care. 22 Let’s Go offers a flexible and individualised respite service which is tailored to meet the needs of each person, ranging from a few hours a week to short breaks. Individuals are matched with experienced support workers who share their interests and hobbies and are supported to take part in a range of activities and social events of their choice, including swimming, bowling, music lessons and outdoor pursuits, as well as going on day trips and short breaks. R N w Magazine 2012 One individual who has benefitted from the service is 34-year-old Lisa Sturgeon, who started using Let’s Go in September 2010. Lisa says, “I wanted to go to places like the cinema and to go to social About Momentum Care offers a range of personalised, flexible support packages to assist people to live independently in their own homes, take part in activities and have more control over their daily lives. Working in local communities, Momentum Care’s experienced and caring support workers assist adults across the UK with wideranging needs, including people with an acquired brain injury, people with physical and learning disabilities, older people and others who require support, to achieve their goals. events but I was looking for someone to keep me company. Momentum Care’s Let’s Go service sounded exactly like the thing I was looking for.” Lisa was matched with support worker Teresa Curran. She continues, “I meet up with Teresa every week for four hours and we do different activities together. She is a good support worker, who knows what she’s doing and really understands me. For further information about Let’s Go, contact Susan O’Reilly on 0141 419 5299 or email susan.oreilly@ “Since joining the service, I’ve done lots of activities, including playing bingo and bowling, going to the cinema, and enjoying the local parks when Scotland gets nice weather. However, my favourite thing to do is shopping and grabbing some lunch in Glasgow. “Teresa recently came with me to the hairdresser’s so that I could have my hair highlighted and styled for my cousin’s wedding. The wedding was great and I felt good with my new hairdo! “Using Momentum Care’s Let’s Go service has encouraged me to socialise more and it’s given me more confidence. I’m so glad that I joined the service – it’s well worth it,” concludes Lisa. Taunton’s Shopmobility Centre in Taunton Shopmobility is a free loan service of manual and powered wheelchairs and electric scooters to anyone with temporary or permanent limited disability. Shopmobility is at M ak es Paul Street Sh op pi ng Orchard Shoppers Ea si er ! Car Park To book your vehicle Tel: Taunton (01823) 327900 23 R N w Magazine 2012 Moor Park Reaches Big 20 Rehab celebrated two decades of the Moor Park Golf Classic in Rickmansworth on Friday 4 May. Here, Susan Norman, Rehab’s UK Fundraising Manager, gives a round-up of the day’s events. 24 T he Moor Park Golf Classic was the brainchild of businessman Pat Ruddy who, 20 years ago, set up the event to raise funds for Rehab’s brain injury services in the UK. Since its inception in 1993, this annual event has raised more than £740,000. The day started with our volunteers welcoming golfers and presenting them with a special 20th anniversary goodie bag. This year we had an astounding 28 teams – 112 players – taking part. Instead of the usual bacon rolls, we surprised our golfers with a full English breakfast, ensuring a big boost in the energy levels needed to compete on the course. At 1pm, golfers moved out of the clubhouse and onto the green, where volunteers were waiting to oversee R N w Magazine 2012 the teams and serve champagne from a marquee on the 12th hole. Luckily, after a very wet April, the weather dried up for our big-hearted golfers. After a memorable round of 18 holes, golfers turned in their scorecards and retired to the clubhouse for a welldeserved drink at the bar. Pictured: John Conteh (second left) and Pat Ruddy (third right) present the trophy to the winning team – (left to right) Niall Carton, Sean Pugh, Stuart Wills and Lawrence Tansley from insurance brokers Kerry London. Later in the evening, committee member and MC for the occasion, Les Beech, announced the prize-winners, with Pat Ruddy and former world light-heavyweight boxing champion, John Conteh, presenting the Rehab winners’ trophy to insurance brokers Kerry London. Second place went to long-term supporter Harry Lewis’s team and third place to electrical contractors Safeway Services. Frank Flannery, member of the Rehab Group board of directors, gave special thanks to everyone for their support during what are challenging fundraising times. Keeley Parkes, who attended Rehab’s brain injury service in Birmingham and who was a guest speaker at our Golf Classic in 2006, received a standing ovation after giving a moving talk about how her life has progressed since then, including gaining full-time employment. Following a thank-you speech from Pat Ruddy, Rehab presented him with a specially engraved Waterford Crystal bowl for his dedication to fundraising for Rehab over the past 20 years. At dinner, guests were also presented with a commemorative 20th anniversary crystal letter opener/paperweight. The evening ended with a grand auction which included some incredible prizes such as a golfing break to Le Touquet in France by private jet. Rehab would like to thank everyone who joined us at the Moor Park Golf Classic, and to our many other supporters who were unable to attend but who generously donated. Thanks also to the staff at Moor Park Golf Club who provided nothing less than five-star service and to the volunteers who gave their time to encourage our golfers to dig deep for Rehab. And finally, a very warm and grateful thankyou to Pat Ruddy and the Moor Park committee, for their continued support. 2012 was another fantastic year in Moor Park Golf Classic history and hopefully there’ll be many more like it! TROUBLE WITH TRIPPING AND FALLING? YOU MAY HAVE A DROPPED FOOT FES Functional Electrical Stimulation Can be suitable for people with Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis or other central neurological conditions For a free information pack T: +44 (0)1722 439540 …a confident choice OML Leading Rehabilitation Through Technology 25 R N w Magazine 2012 Rehab – Investing in People,Changing Perspectives Rehab – UK Rehab is a leading non-governmental organisation which works towards a world where every person has the opportunity to achieve their potential. Each year, Rehab works with more than 50,000 people across the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands and Poland who have a range of disabilities or who are otherwise socially excluded, providing services in local communities and supporting them to move forward in their lives and to achieve their goals. From a network of 40 centres, Rehab provides health and social care, training and education, rehabilitation, employment and commercial services. In the UK, these services are principally provided by Momentum, TBG Learning, The Chaseley Trust and through the new partnership with Interserve, Rehab JobFit. For more information, visit Momentum is a leading not-for-profit organisation providing rehabilitation, training and care services for disabled and socially-excluded people throughout the UK. Momentum’s services help a wide range of people, including those with a brain injury, spinal injury, mental health difficulty, physical or learning disability, in the areas of employment and training, job retention and community rehabilitation. The organisation also provides social care and supported living services to people in 26 their own homes. Momentum comprises Momentum Skills, Momentum Care and Haven. Momentum Skills offers rehabilitation and training services, empowering people to gain the skills and confidence that they need to live independently and to fulfil their employment goals. Momentum Care provides a variety of social care services for people with a wide range of needs, including those who are elderly and disabled. Staff teams support people in their communities, enabling them to live independently in their own homes and to take part in communitybased activities. Haven is Momentum’s social enterprise arm. Approximately 80 per cent of its staff members are people with disabilities, providing services such as recycling, packaging, component assembly and print finishing, to some of the country’s largest blue chip companies. For further information, visit The Chaseley Trust supports people with physical disabilities and is based on the seafront in Eastbourne. Chaseley Home offers residential respite/holiday care as well as rehabilitation programmes in addition to day care and outpatient therapy services for non-residents. It has also recently opened Activate, a wheelchair-accessible gym. The Chaseley Bungalows offer people the opportunity to live a more semiindependent lifestyle but with 24-hour nursing care and daily personal assistance on hand. For more information, visit TBG Learning is one of the UK’s leading youth and adult employment and training organisations, providing a wide variety of learning opportunities to improve basic literacy, numeracy and employability skills. TBG Learning’s services are accessed by thousands of people each year, the majority from disadvantaged groups such as long-term unemployed adults or young people not in education, training or employment. TBG Learning also works with over 3,000 employers, providing a responsive and flexible service that offers cost-effective recruitment options and helps to raise skill levels in the workplace through apprenticeships and bespoke training solutions. With a network of centres nationwide, TBG Learning is able to provide a wide range of services that benefit employers and communities and improve people’s lives. For more information, visit R N w Magazine 2012 Rehab JobFit is a partnership between the Rehab Group and Interserve, one of the world’s foremost support services and construction companies. Rehab JobFit is a prime provider to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and currently delivers both Work Programme and Mandatory Work Activity contracts for the DWP in Wales and South-West England. Both these services are designed to support long-term unemployed people into sustainable work. For more information, visit Rehab Outside the UK – Ireland, Poland and the Netherlands In Ireland, Rehab’s services are provided through National Learning Network, RehabCare and Rehab Enterprises. National Learning Network, Rehab’s training and employment division, operates from 50 locations across the country and caters for over 5,000 students each year, offering more than 40 different nationally and internationally accredited vocational programmes. Rehab Enterprises, Rehab’s commercial division, is Ireland’s largest single non-governmental employer of people with disabilities. Through its various companies, Rehab Enterprises manages the delivery of recycling, logistics, packaging and retail services, as well as offering disability management consultancy. In Poland, Rehab Enterprises provides logistics, computer keyboard printing and electronic equipment repair services. In the Netherlands it manages product returns for international blue-chip organisations. for reforms to remove the barriers preventing equal opportunities. It participates actively in a number of international and European organisations, including the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations where Rehab has consultative status as a non-governmental organisation. For more information, visit At its core, Rehab Enterprises provides employment opportunities for 400 people, almost half of whom have a disability. Rehab’s role goes beyond simply providing services that enable people to make the most of their skills and talents in the workplace and in the wider community. Rehab is also a leading campaigner RehabCare offers a variety of health and social care services including community-based resource centres, supported accommodation, respite and home care services to more than 2,800 people of all ages and from all walks of life. 27 R N w Magazine 2012 Home Sweet Home for Anna Twenty-five-year-old Anna McNaughton has cerebral palsy and moved to Chaseley Bungalows, a development of 12 fully-accessible homes run by The Chaseley Trust, in 2011. Fully adapted to accommodate the needs of people with significant physical disabilities, the bungalows are fitted with overhead hoists, large wet rooms, height-adjustable kitchen units and a call bell system. “I love the bungalow and I really enjoy my independence here”, says Anna. Anna’s accommodation has been adapted to suit her individual needs and she has added her own personal touch by having it decorated in her favourite colours and selecting the soft furnishings. Anna also displays some of her photographs, artwork and ornaments which she says have helped turn her bungalow into her home. The staff members give Anna help to get around, as well as with all of her hygiene needs and, under her supervision, the staff members assist with shopping and do the domestic chores in her bungalow. Anna’s mother says, “The change in Anna since she moved into her own bungalow is immense. She is more confident and benefits hugely from the one-to-one assistance. She can choose her own meals, and when to have them and, having been underweight, she has now put on weight and is in excellent health.” 28 To enable ease of communication, Anna uses a head-operated mouse to control a device called a Liberator, designed for people who have limited hand movement. It communicates for her as a voice and by written text, as well as enabling her to make phone calls, use her TV, listen to her iPod and music system, and access the Internet and social network sites. Anna explains, “On the middle of my forehead I have a silver dot, and on the middle of the Liberator there is a camera, which picks up the dot. I move my head and hover on the letters, and it’s like selecting a letter on a normal keyboard.” In her spare time, Anna undertakes voluntary work for Ingfield Manor School, a school for children with cerebral palsy, and has worked with its speech and language therapist to develop a communication book for children. This work is ongoing and having her own bungalow means that Anna has the space to do this. Anna concludes, “The excellent personalised care at Chaseley Bungalows has enabled me to gain as much independance as possible and to live my life to the fullest.” About The Chaseley Trust supports physically disabled people in many ways, from residential nursing care to respite and day care. Its team of multi-disciplinary therapists work with residents and outpatients to improve health outcomes, including providing rehabilitation to enable more independent living where possible. For further information about The Chaseley Trust, contact Georgia Abbott on 01323 744 200 or email georgiaa@ R N w Magazine 2012 Pictured: Anna at home in her Chaseley bungalow, using the Liberator. 29 JULIAN ELLIS F.C.A. Chartered Accountant 15A Bull Plain, Hertford, Herts, SG14 1DX Tel/Fax: 01992 550424 KATZ & CO Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditors Learn New Skills! are proud to support Re-New 135 Notting Hill Gate, London W11 3LB Tel: 44 (0) 207 908 0790 Mob: 44 (0) 780 358 3323 E-mail: We offer an exciting range of courses. For more information visit: or Tel: 01387 734059/60 Email: Dumfries & GallowayCollege, Bankend Rd, Dumfries, DG1 4FD. Scottish Charity Number: SCO21189 A leading performer in housing and care To find out more about working for us please visit our website. 30 Hastoe is the leading rural affordable housing specialist in England and we are passionate about developing sustainable rural homes and communities. Achieving that aim relies on the dedication of our diverse staff team who meet the varied needs of our residents by delivering high quality services that are equally accessible to all. If you would be interested in joining our team in the East, South or West, please visit our website at for current vacancies. Hastoe Group is an equal opportunities employer and applications from all sectors of the community are welcome. Occupational Health, Safety & Wellbeing Consultants 020 7060 7077 31 R N w Magazine 2012 Pictured: (second left) Amy Ofield, assistant psychologist, and (left to right) John Gardner, Lindsay Wilson and Michael Hume who use Momentum Skills’ service in Newcastle. n i s New h s a l F a Bridge Walk People who attend Momentum Skills’ brain injury vocational rehabilitation programme in Newcastle organised a sponsored walk across four of Tyneside’s famous bridges to raise funds for the centre. The walk, which included crossing the High Level, Tyne, Swing, and the Gateshead Millennium bridges, took an hour and a half to complete. The group raised more than £200. One of the walkers, John Gardner, said, “The walk was very nice and the scenery was good for taking photographs. When we finished, by pure chance, the Gateshead Pictured: Millennium bridge opened up which Shelley Walker was spectacular to see!” smiles through the aches and pains after completing the London Marathon. Top of the Charts Social firm, Haven, is celebrating after coming top of the charts at the 2012 Edrington Group Supplier of the Year Awards. In addition to winning the Supplier of the Year Award, the firm was also presented with a Gold Award for outstanding service. The annual ceremony was held at Edinburgh Castle. Going the Distance Shelley Walker stepped out on Sunday 22 April to run the London Marathon in aid of Momentum. Shelley, who completed the marathon in 4 hours 29 minutes, was raising funds for Momentum Skills’ vocational brain injury service in Aberdeen after her husband Ian attended the centre following a brain injury. Shelley said, “If it hadn’t been for Momentum, I wouldn’t have the man my husband is today, or my boys. So if running 26 miles and raising some money in the process can repay that, even in the smallest way, then it’s nothing really. I will always be grateful to Momentum for what I have.” 32 The Edrington Group, internationally-known for its whisky brands The Famous Grouse and The Macallan, has been outsourcing elements of its production process to Haven since 2003. Haven, part of Momentum, operates as a commercially-viable business providing meaningful employment for disabled and disadvantaged people from its sites in Glasgow and Inverness. R N w Magazine 2012 A Model of Good Practice Momentum Skills in Newcastle is celebrating after having achieved Good Practice status from Tyne and Wear City Region Partnership. The partnership commissioned the development of an assessment framework in 2009 to be used as a means of identifying examples of good practice in the delivery of employment and skills projects within the area. The framework is made up of a set of standard criteria against which all employment, skills’ services and projects can be assessed. Momentum Skills scored highly in a number of areas, including client engagement, action planning and progress monitoring, employability services and post-employment support. Pictured: (left to right) Nigel Kemp, boxer Gary Beardsley and Paul Stolworthy. Fighting for the Good Welcome to the Team Welcome to Dr Tina Oza Mistry, who has been appointed as the new clinical psychologist at Momentum Skills’ brain injury vocational rehabilitation service in Birmingham. Tina has more than six years’ experience working within the NHS and has experience of delivering a range of models that aid rehabilitation. Tina’s main activities will be to oversee the psychological elements of cognitive skills retraining and personal development sessions at the centre, as well as providing neurological assessments to identify people’s strengths and weaknesses, and offering one-to-one support in assisting people to overcome any psychological issues. Nigel Kemp, a National Vocational Qualification assessor at TBG Learning in Derby, has teamed up with life-long friend and retired boxer Gary Beardsley to open a new boxing club in Belper. Nigel hopes the club will benefit the area’s young people. He said, “The work I do with TBG Learning is all about empowering people and giving them the confidence they need to improve their employability and get back into work. We are hoping this club will have a similar effect on people’s self-esteem, as well as providing young people in the local community with something to do and somewhere to improve their fitness.” World Title <<< Pictured: (left to right) Anthony Benney, UK business development, Rehab Enterprises, Mike Rose, The Edrington Group’s Director of Technical Services, Matt Hurley, Haven’s Business Manager and Paul Robinson, The Edrington Group’s Purchasing Material Supply Director. Pictured: The winning team (left to right) John Jo Kenny, Bill Gray, David Whyte, Tony Tierney and David Hume. Ireland’s senior men’s curling team, which includes Momentum’s Financial Controller, David Whyte, created history recently when they won their first-ever world curling championship title. David and his team beat Canada in the final to become World Senior Men’s Curling Champions 2012. This is the first time Ireland has won the championship since it began in 2000. 33 Coastal Christchurch, Dorset A beautiful historic market town close to the New Forest and World Heritage Jurassic Coast - fascinating heritage, museums, award-winning attractions, clean beaches and natural harbour! Registered Scottish Charity No. SCO21216 Board of Management Call 01202 471780 for FREE brochure FIRE BARRIERS FIREFLY Fire Barriers offer simplistic solutions to all your Compartmentation requirements vertical or horizontal ! PHOENIX VULCAN PLUS30 PLUS60 TITAN 113mins integrity Fire & Smoke Barrier 60mins integrity 20mins insulation 30mins integrity 30mins insulation 120mins integrity 38mins insulation 120mins integrity 60mins insulation Offering Third Party Certification for all the products in the range, provides the Client, Specifier and Installer peace of mind For further information or Technical advice please contact FIREFLY on: Tel: 01706 758817 Fax: 01706 750256 Email: North Dorset District Council is committed to promoting Equality, challenging discrimination and encouraging social inclusion. PROUD TO SUPPORT REHAB. Providing training, employment, health and social care for those who need it most. 34 We welcome applications from all sections of the community, operate a guaranteed interview scheme for disabled persons who meet the person specification criteria, and promote flexible working arrangements. For more information on current vacancies please visit or for details on the services we provide to our diverse community please visit ...over 40 attractions and 27 miles of coastline... R N w Magazine 2012 Leaving a Legacy Make a lasting gift to a cause important to you Although 74 per cent of people in the UK support charities and 35 per cent of people say that they would happily leave a gift to a good cause in their will, only seven per cent actually do.* A legacy, however large or small, would be a wonderful gift to leave to Momentum, enabling us to enhance our services and ensuring that anyone who comes through our doors can benefit from our innovative programmes, which equip people with the skills and support that they need to live independently and to realise their full potential. Legacies are processed with minimal administration costs; therefore the full benefits of a legacy reach the maximum number of people. Solicitors are very familiar with the simple arrangements needed to set up a legacy and can easily advise on how best to set out a will to ensure that family members are taken care of first and also advising on how leaving a legacy can reduce inheritance tax, where applicable. If you have already made a will, then it is simple and inexpensive to add a codicil to include Momentum. We recommend that you always consult a solicitor before leaving a legacy to a charity as part of your will. * If you are interested in finding out more about leaving a legacy to Momentum, contact Susan Norman by email – susan.norman@ 35 R N w Magazine 2012 - 36
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a brain injury seminar which was addressed by Mark Harper MP, the UK’s Shadow Minister for Disabled People. You
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