On This Date in History


On This Date in History
Barony of Arn Hold
Volume 34 • Issue 5 • May 2016
On This Date in History
On May 2, 1536 Anne Boelyn, Queen of England, was arrested and imprisoned on charges of adultery, incest, treason, and witchcraft. Anne became
pregnant in late 1535, but her position was nonetheless precarious. King Henry VIII’s first wife, Catherine of Aragon, died in January of 1536, and it became apparent that he now had the opportunity to court and marry another
woman without the taint of illegality that had plagued his marriage to Anne.
Henry had begun courting Jane Seymour, who was to become his next bride
Anne did not accept this courtship lightly, and her relationship with Jane
was openly adversarial. Henry was unhorsed in a tournament around this time
as well, and received a head injury so severe that he was unconscious for over
In This Issue:
Their Excellencies’ Missive
Random Carp
Blast From the Past
Populace Meeting Minutes
Events and Announcements
Guild Listings
Help Wanted
Guild Heads
Legal Stuff
two hours. Anne attributed the shock of this event to her miscarriage a few
days later, and it is likely that Henry’s head injury contributed to his increasingly erratic behavior. Anne caught Jane sitting on Henry’s lap in his chambers within the next few days, and she miscarried on the date of Catherine of
Aragon’s funeral. Though the child seemed to have been male, it was so early
in the pregnancy that it was impossible to tell.
The King’s desperation for a son and heir and popular belief at the time that
miscarriages were attributable to all sorts of ill intentions on the part of the
mother further complicated the situation. As Anne recovered from the miscarriage, Jane Seymour was moved into the royal quarters and Henry began to
declare that he had been drawn into his marriage with Anne by spells and deception.
By May, Anne had been charged and tried for adultery, incest, and treason,
and she was executed by beheading at the Tower of London on May 19. Henry
married Jane on May 30, but she was dead of postpartum complications following the birth of their only son, later known as Edward VI.
Source: en.wikipedia.org.
Image: Portrait of a Woman, LikelyAnne Boelyn, as drawn by Hans Holbein the Younger c. 1532.
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hans_Holbein_the_Younger_-_Queen_Anne_Boleyn_RL_12189.jpg
Their Excellencies’ Missive
Greetings Arn Hold,
There are many things happening in the Barony as we all go into Spring. Outdoor practices,
events, and demos are on the schedule.
First, We would like to mention the Crown tournament that was hosted by Arn Hold. We have
received MANY accolades for the list field setup, the lunch, and the general experience of the
event. Well done!
Also in April it was Our pleasure to attend Honor War in the northern lands. Although we fell
short in our quest to retain our port, Arn Hold turned out in force and Lord Aonghus and Lady Merin won A&S and Bardic championships. Vivat!
There are many happenings in the month of May....the Dancing Moose event, the Museum Day
demo, and also school demos so check schedules and announcements for those.
In closing, We wish to note the passing of one of our own, His Excellency Master Armand de
Mortes, third Baron of Arn Hold. He will be sorely missed.
In Service,
Sir Balenor and Lady Teaghan,
Baron and Baroness
Balenor & Teaghan
Baron and Baroness
The baronial financial report may be accessed online at:
Random Carp That I Have Learned…
A look at modern practices and their medieval sources
by K. Braden von Sobernheim
The Morisco population of Spain numbered as many as one million after the
expulsions of 1492 formally booted Muslims and Jews from the land. Besides the
Alhambra, these residents of al-Andalus also created buñuelos. These were originally simple, wheat-based yeast dough, flavored with anise, rolled thin, cut into
small pieces, and then deep fried and finished with a sweet topping. They could
also be filled with a variety of things, both sweet and savory. They were either
round ball shapes or disc shaped.
The Sephardic Jews took this dish with them when they left Spain and used
them as a holiday treat during Hanukah called sfen (from the Arabic word for
sponge:sfenj), as Hanukah foods are supposed involve oil, and these would soak
up oil like a sponge when fried.
These oil balls or oilcakes (called oliebollen or oliekoek in Dutch) came to the
new world with the Dutch in the 18th century, and by the early 19th century the
nut of dough from the center of the pastry (a dough-nut) appeared in American
cookbooks in its modern form. And now you know more random carp.
Blast From the Past
This feature is a chance for members of our proud Barony to share their SCA roots. This
month’s selection is from His Excellency, Viscount Sir Etienne du Pre. He says:
“I would like to submit a photo from roughly 20 years ago. I do not remember the exact year
but most likely 1996-1998. It is from the Boise Ren Faire when the JC's still ran it at the fairgrounds. From the bottom right to left: Sir Morgan, Lord Calvin (my first squire), Lord Connor (aka Cal) maker of the current Arn Hold thrones! Middle (left to right): Lord Azir (at that
time), Lord Thorvald. Standing (right to left): Lord Arin de Paladin (Taking great pleasure at
bonking Morgan on the head!), Lord Wendell the Badger (at that time)
To submit your own blast from the past, email chronicler@baronyarnhold.org.
Attention Arn Hold Archers!
Wax your bowstrings, oil your bows, clean out your quivers, and get ready for archery season!
Please bring your gear, membership cards, and ideas to the following gatherings:
April 29th- Nampa Bow Chiefs
May 6th- NBC
May 27th- Scofield Ranch.
As many of you may know we are expecting a new foal here on the ranch in the middle of May, so
practices may be cancelled last minute if I have to be home, and that is why there are no practices
scheduled for the middle two weeks. m'Lord Pieter has volunteered to become Deputy Archery Captain
and as soon as his marshallate paperwork is completed I hope to pass on a few archery practices to him
every month so we can be more consistent. Thank you for your understanding and I hope to see you
this coming Friday at the NBC!
Be it Known To all:
Arn Hold’s Baronial Heavy and Rapier Championships will take place at The Dancing Moose Inn THE premier temporary outdoor Inn for larks, education, gaming and of course brawling.
Come join us May 14th, 2015, Barony of Arn Hold (Meridian, ID) ,for detailed classes on the history
and science of brewing. Learn some fun pub games and watch our fighters test their mettle. It's the perfect event to get warmed up for the travels and adventures of event season.
LOCATION: Settlers park, 3245 N Meridian Rd, Meridian, ID 83646
DIRECTIONS: From the center of Boise take W Main St toward S 13th St. Right onto S 13th St. Right
onto I-184 W / US-20 W / US-26 W. Keep straight onto I-84 W / US-30 W to exit 44, take ramp right
for Meridian toward Kuna. Right onto S Meridian Rd. Keep straight onto S Main St. Road name changes to N Main St. Right onto N Meridian Rd . Left onto road and arrive at Settlers Park
There will be signs.
EVENT STEWARD: Aonghus Vandgylðir (Arlen Donald) Aonghus@badwolfsca.com (208) 447-6731
Hyde) idahopaperclip@yahoo.com
BARONIAL A&S OFFICER: Don Gomez de Santander (Craig Waylan) artsandsciences@baronyarnhold.org
ARMORED ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Lady Merin du Bourbon knightmarshal@baronyarnhold.org
RAPIER ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR: Lord Fritz Zapff rapiermarshal@baronyarnhold.org
CRASH SPACE COORDINATOR: Aonghus Vandgylðir (Arlen Donald) Aonghus@badwolfsca.com (208) 447-6731
Populace Meeting Minutes
Date: 4/24/16
Location: CABI
Start: 6 pm
End: 7:03 pm.
Members Present:
tuned for more practices. Royal Rounds will be
coming up. There are three loaner bows and two
dozen loaner arrows, with another dozen on the
way. On Friday, there will be a practice, please
come out and support. Fun Bus will leave from
Duke Morgan’s house if you would like a ride.
Exchequer (Mistress Ailesh) – 7546.19 in the bank
as of end of March. April crown tourney will add
to this, so stay tune. Budget for first quarter is
over, so we are on track for the year. $281.60 for
the quarter. Budgeted amount for the year is $827.
Well done so far.
Baron and Baroness Speak – Honor War was a
great event. There were twenty Arn Hold attendants. We lost our port, but brought back some
booty. Aonghus took A&S and brewing, and MeQuartermaster (Viscount Etienne) – Everything
rin took the bardic.
came back from Crown Tourney okay. If you see
Officer Reports
items that need repair please contact. One bag
A&S (Don Gomez) – Various guilds have been
handle needs repair. Please do not drag bags by a
meeting, including dance guild before populace,
single handle. Use two people. Autocrats are refletching and casting have met, and are focusing
sponsible for transporting items to events. Vison largess. Fiber workers will meet May 9, watch count Etienne’s warrant is up in June. If you are
the Arnie for info. Brewers are preparing for the interested in taking over, please see ad in the
May event. Varia is coordinating scribes for Don Moose Call.
Gomez’s scroll. Please contact her if you would
Seneschalate – Three demos are upcoming. May
like to help.
13, 10 am at Cole Valley Christian with stations
Marshal – Lady Merin – there has been an uptick for kids to explore. May 22 is Museum Day at the
in participants, including those from outside of the Idaho Penitentiary. Come out and hang out with
barony. Sir Fish, Sir Killian, Sir Gideon, and Sir your stuff. Fighter practice will take place there
Floki among others have been in attendance. A
that day. Caldwell Renaissance Festival is June 3
kingdom-wide discussion is in the works on strik- -4. Museum Comes to Life is on track for this
ing kneeling fighters after closing. Please contact year, September 24 is the planned date.
Lady Merin to contribute to this dialogue. There
Chatelaine (Lady Ailis) – Goal of being present at
have been some run-ins at Kleiner Park with conBaronial fighter practices. Please come out to
flicting area reservations. One alternate option
hang at practices and bring your A&S projects.
would be Julia Davis Park near Friendship Bridge.
Demos and publicity must go through the seneIf you have other ideas, please contact the Marshal
schal. Contact Chatelaine to acquire or donate
Rapier (Maestro Killian) – Many rapier fighters
loaner garb.
went to Honor War. Baronial loaner sword has arChronicler – Thanks to everyone who submitted,
rived and it is lovely. It may be used as the champlease keep it up and stay tuned for the next issue.
pion sword.
Archery (Milord Pieter) – Two practices in April,
seven people shot, back at Nampa Bow Chiefs
thanks to Sir Sagan’s generous donation. Stay
starts at 11, please show up to help set up. Cinnamon rolls will be on site for setup. If we can get
water barrels, we can use those for pavilions, but
otherwise the picnic shelter is huge. Light day
Herald – A number of submissions have been sent shades with small tent stakes pushed into the
in today. Great job to everyone who’s been work- ground by hand are only things allowed. Will talk
ing on it. There are more in the works. If you are to quartermaster about materials. Lord Innocent
interested in heraldry, badges, devices, names, etc. the lovely assistant in charge of food.
please contact Lord Aonghus. Please get in touch Raptor War is looking excellent. Thank you to
with your preferences for dates so we can have a
Maestro Killian for help and support. Niagra
banner workshop before fifty year.
Springs site is on again. Entrance and tent fees are
Populace Meeting Minutes
Webminister – Officers, please watch out for spam to be paid directly to the state park, site fee to the
Barony is $5. State park entrance fees are per veemails and notify His Excellency if you receive
hicle and per tent. Get cozy to save money. Baroone.
nial burger burn will be stewarded by Lord MiOld Business
klaus, $5 per plate. Fundraiser for 50-year yearEvent Reports – Crown tourney went very well.
book will also take place. Activities will include
We received lots of compliments on the layout for the assassins’ tourney, Helgaball, combat archery
the field. Thank you! Mistress Kelwin and Lord only scenario, these will be scored by points in a
Miklaus did a great job.
best little army style, with winning army getting a
war chest. Please contact Lady Merin to donate
Upcoming events
your art to this. Website in the works. Don
May event (Dancing Moose Inn) – May 14 Please
Gomez will have his vigil and Pelican ceremony at
share info as you are able, there have been some
the event as well. Dates July 15-17.
changes. Originally told the site was wet. Lord
Aonghus will apply for alcohol permit himself, but Fifty year pre-registration closes May 17. Please
if anyone violates the policy, Aonghus is responsi- get signed up.
ble. Must be 21 or older to drink. Drinking is in Uprising pre-registration is open. Please sign up.
picnic area only. No glass bottles allowed on site
Thursday nights, Ann Morrison park food truck
at all. Cans, metal growlers, plastic bottles, flasks,
rally would be a great unofficial baronial dinner
ceramic, all fine. Aonghus will bring plastic botgathering place.
tles, others please do so too. Fun stuff: multiple
classes, several brewing related, industrialization New Business
in the middle ages, autocrat 101. Rapier and
heavy championships will be taking place. Panzer
steins will be back, and rapier poker and burning
inn scenarios too. Fundraiser is a fighter auction.
If you win the fighter and they win their fight, you
get a prize. Prizes include bed and bench wood
burned to your specifications, and custom sword
hardware. Facebook event page is up. No merchanting per the city of Meridian. We cannot set
up the night before. Site opens at 9 am, event
Kingdom twenty year – It’s coming!
November A&S championship event is coming.
Please submit a bid and start working on your projects.
Spring 2017 crown – get bids in now. There is no
need to wait until the last minute to bid. The barn
in Star is a great site.
Guilds & Practices
Note: please subscribe to the Baronial email list for official
communication about Guild meetings and activities. http://
Archery Practice:
When: Friday evenings as scheduled (see ad)
Where: Scofield Ranch, 944 Lower Bluff Rd., Emmet, ID
Armored Combat Practice:
When: Sundays 10:00 AM Wednesdays 6:30 PM
Where: Sundays @ Kleiner Park, Boise, Wednesdays @
Bristol Heights Park, Meridian
Brewers’ Guild:
When: Second Saturday of even-numbered months, 1 pm
Where: The Donald House, 10040 W. Canterbury Dr. Boise,
ID 83704
Members must be at least 21 years of age.
Casting Guild:
When: Every other Tuesday (with Fletching Guild)
Where: Wolf Haus—10271 W. Shiloh Dr., Boise
Casting guild focuses on the process of creating items from
pewter. We are happy to teach any who are interested in
this fun period craft. We have materials to buy and tools for
use. Because we are working with sharp things and molten
metal, children may carve with parental permission and supervision but may not pour by themselves.
Clothier’s Guild:
When: 1st and 3rd Mondays, 6:30 pm (currently on hiatus)
Where: TG Konrad and Kortland’s 2063 S. Stonyfield Pl
A group of individuals dedicated to the pursuit of historical
Cook’s Guild:
When: 2nd Sunday of the month, 12:00 pm
Where: Lady Esther’s House
See the yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/
Dancing Guild:
When: Fourth Sunday of the month, 4-6 pm
Where: Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel, 11 N. Latah St.,
Equestrian Practice:
When: Saturdays at 10 am (must contact the Marshal by
Thursday if attending)
Where: Contact the Marshal for location.
Fletching Guild:
When: Every other Tuesday (with Casting Guild)
Where: Wolf Haus—10271 W. Shiloh Dr., Boise
A chance to complete your arrows for practice and replenish
or repair those broken.
Musicians’ Guild:
When: As there is interest.
Where: Please contact the guild head.
Rapier Practice:
In concert with Armored Combat Practice (Begins Sundays
at 11, Wednesdays as desired and likely indoors for winter)
Scribes’ Guild:
When: Every other Tuesday (alternates with Casting/
Where: Casa de Gomez, 4121 N. Creswell Way, Boise
Thrown Weapons:
When: First and Third Tuesdays, 6:30 pm (please contact
ahead of time to tell them you’re coming)
Where: Contact guild head for location.
Help Wanted
The following positions are open for bid. Please consider serving your Barony by filling one of
Deputy Constable
Deputy Archery Marshal
Deputy Chatelaine
Deputy Equestrian Marshal
Deputy Exchequer
Deputy Arts and Sciences Minister
Deputy Universitatis Minister
Deputy Keeper of the Lists
Publicity and Demos Coordinator
Deputy Publicity and Demos coordinator
Deputy Quartermaster
Deputy Webminister
Youth Activities Officer
Deputy Youth Activities Officer
Deputy Publicity & Demos Minister
Deputy Historian
For a printable/sync-able calendar of upcoming events please see the Baronial
website http://www.baronyarnhold.org/cgi-bin/Calendar.cgi and the Kingdom
website http://artemisia.sca.org/new/calendar.php
Baronial Officers
Baron & Baroness: Sir Balenor Blackmer e and Lady
Teaghan MacLiam bnb@baronyarnhold.org
Knight Marshal: Lady Mer in du Bour bon
Deputy: Sir Balenor Blackmere
Rapier Marshal: Lor d Fr itz Zapff
Archery Marshal: Duchess Clar e de Lacey
Deputy: Position vacant
Equestrian Marshal: Lady Nessa inghean Uilliam
Deputy: Position vacant
Thrown Weapons Marshal: Position Vacant
Deputy: Position vacant
Keeper of the Lists: Duchess Esabell Gr ant
Deputy: Position vacant
Webminister: Sir Balenor Blackmer e
Deputy: Position vacant
Youth Activities: Position vacant
Deputy: Position vacant
Historian: Position vacant.
Deputy: Position vacant
Seneshcal: Master Killian Flynn MacThoy
Deputy: Lady Ailis
Exchequer: Mistr ess Aelish
Deputy: position vacant
Herald: Lor d Aonghus Vand-gyldr
Deputy: position vacant
Chronicler: Lady Ur sula de Str attone
Deputy: Milady Beatrix
Arts & Sciences Minister: Don Gomez de Santander
Deputy: position vacant.
Universitatis: Ladyship Ellen MacDonall
Deputy: Position vacant
Quartermaster: Viscount Sir Etienne DuPr e
Deputy: Position vacant
Constable: Position vacant
Deputy: Position vacant
Chatelaine: Position vacant
Deputy: Position vacant
Publicity & Demos: Position vacant
Deputy: Hideyoshi Akane-san
Thank you for your service to the Barony!
If you are interested in any of the open positions, please
contact seneschal@baronyarnhold.org or
Guild Heads
Cook’s Guild
HL Ellen MacDonnel
Brewer’s Guild
Lord Aonghus Boithwell
Musicians’ Guild
Lady Katherine Wycliffe
Casting Guild
HE Mistress Giliana Attewatyr
208.863.8206 cell
Dancing Guild
HE Morgan du Marc
Lady Ursula de Strattone
Clothier’s Guild
HG Mistress Kortland Stirling Mayfaire
Fletching Guild
HE Master Karl Braden von Sobernheim
Scribe’s Guild
Don Gomez Erlandez de Santander
The Legal Bits
The deadline for submission is the 20th of each month for publication by the end of the month. All items submitted to the Moose Call for publication must
be accompanied by a Release for Publication, except submissions by regular (or semi-regular) columnists. Items submitted will remain the property of the
submitter, and will be returned as appropriate. The Moose Call reserves the right to publish submissions as space and time allow, and to edit for grammar
and content if necessary. Submissions that are original works will be credited appropriately. Submissions that are not original works must credit the source
in some fashion. Submissions may be mailed, emailed, or given to Moose Call staff. Please see the Officers Listing for mailing and email addresses. Please
use the following guidelines when submitting:
Written: Wr itten submissions ar e tr anscr ibed. When submitting, please pr int on plain white paper using a minimum 12 point plain font. Dr awings and hard-copy photos are scanned; please make sure they are as clean and clear as possible. Handwritten submissions are accepted, and should be as
legible as possible.
Email: Email submissions can either be contained in the body of the email message, or sent as a file attachment. File attachments should be plain
text (.txt), rich text (.rtf) or Word document (.doc or .docx) format for text. Graphics and Photos should be saved as JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) or PNG (.png) as
Photo Policy: It is the responsibility of the photogr apher submitting photos for publication to obtain releases from the subjects in the photo. By
submitting a photo for publication, the submitter affirms that they have and are giving permission to publish the photo, and that they have obtained all
necessary releases from the subject(s).
Advertising rates: Single issue half page $5, full page, $10. Please contact the chronicler to enquire.
This is the May 2016 issue (Volume 34, Number 5) of the Moose Call, a publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc (SCA). The Moose Call
is available from the Barony of Arn Hold website at http://www.baronyarnhold.org/Moose_Call, and is edited by Lady Ursula de Strattone (Diane Donald).
You may contact the Chronicler via any of the methods listed under Chronicler in the officer directory in this publication. The Moose Call is not a corporate publication of the SCA, and does not delineate SCA policies. Except where otherwise stated, all articles in this publication may be reprinted without
special permission in newsletters and other publications of branches of the SCA, subject to the following conditions: a) the text must be reprinted in its
entirety without additions or changes; b) the author’s name and original publication credits must be printed with the text; c) you must send either a letter or
email to the editor of this newsletter stating which article(s) you have used & in which publication the material has been reprinted, or a copy of the publication in which the article(a) were reprinted with the article(s) clearly identified.
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