Oct - Barony of Arn Hold


Oct - Barony of Arn Hold
Arn Hold Chronicler
Lady Sheela de Presle
P.O. Box 1180
Eagle, Idaho 83616
The Barony of Arn Hold’s
October 2010, A.S. XLV Vol. 28, No. 10
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10
Cover: "Baron Braden of the Bristly Britches"
(Medieval Camouflage??
I’m not sure that’s what they meant by blending into the bushes!!)
Photo by Shamish Macpike
Interior art work by Chronicler and Dover Medieval Clip Art (Permission Free)
Inside this issue:
Newcomers Nook
Offices Open for Bid
Moose’s Ear
Guild Contacts
Baronial Missive
Seneschal’s Missive
Chronicler’s Corner
Masked Ball
How Do You
Address a Duchess?
Did You Know?
Populace Meeting Minutes
Baronial Calendar
Moose’s Ear
Guild Contacts
Guild Notices
Baronial Officer Listing
Event Planning Calendar
Print Release/Subscription
Event Stewards &
Demo Coordinators Needed
Please consider serving the Barony as an event steward, co steward or demo
coordinator. Send an email to the Baron/Baroness & Seneschal.
Renn at the Pen - 4/15/11
Challenge of Sherwood - 5/21/11
Fandemonium - 8/5/11 - 8/7/11
Museum Comes to Life - 9/24/11
Moose Call Release for Publication
I, ________________________________________________ known in the SCA
as_____________________________________ do hereby confirm that I am the
sole/joint author(s)/artist(s)/photographer(s) of the article(s), song(s), words and music
or photograph(s) attached.
I do hereby grant permission for the Society for Creative Anachronism to use my original
material entitled _________________________________________ in its
publication, Moose Call. I also grant the Society my permission to reprint my material up to
_______ times. I understand that although I allow my submission to be printed and
reprinted, I retain full rights to my work. If the work submitted is the effort of a joint
author/artist, I here name the others (note: if more than one person contributes to the
work, all parties must sign releases):
By this writing, I/we hereby grant permission to the Moose Call to publish this work and to
reprint it as the Moose Call sees fit (if reprints are granted). Subject to these grants, I reserve all rights to this work.
SCA Name___________________________________________________
Phone________________________ E-mail_________________________
Signed______________________________________ Date____________
Moose Call Subscription
For a mere $18, you too can be entertained and informed for 12 months; electronic version,
in full color, PDF is $1.00 for 12 months. To subscribe, fill out the form below, make your
check payable to Barony of Arn Hold, SCA, Inc, note in “memo” Moose Call, and mail to:
Sheila Harmon, PO Box 1180, Eagle, ID 83616
Name: __________________________________________________________
SCA Title & Name:__________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State: _____ Zip code: ___________
Phone: __________________ email: ___________________________________
You can pick up your copy at the monthly Populace Meeting; otherwise, it will be mailed to
you by the first day of the issue month. Note: If you are an SCA member, your membership
does not include a subscription to the Moose Call. You must subscribe separately. You
know you need the information and want to do it!
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10
October, 2010 Issue (Volume 28, Number 10) of the Moose Call, a publication of the
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc (SCA). The Moose Call is available from Lady Sheela
de Presle (Sheila Harmon) PO Box 1180, Eagle, ID 83616 . It is not a corporate publication
of the SCA & does not delineate SCA policies. Except where otherwise stated, all articles in
this publication may be reprinted without special permission in newsletters & other
publications of branches of the SCA subject to the following conditions: a) the text must be
reprinted in its entirety without additions or changes except in the case of Arn Hold
announcements; b) the author’s name & original publication credits must be printed with the
text; c) you must send a letter to the editor of this newsletter stating which article(s) you
have used & in which publication the material has been reprinted.
Submissions Policy
The submission deadline is the 15th of each month
prior to the month of publication.
All items submitted to the Moose Call for publication must be accompanied by a Release for
Publication (back inside cover), except submissions by regular (or semi-regular) columnists.
Items submitted will remain the property of the submitter and will be returned as appropriate.
The Moose Call reserves the right to publish submissions as space and time allow and to edit for
grammar and content if necessary. Submissions that are original works will be credited
appropriately. Submissions that are not original works must credit the source in some fashion.
Submissions may be mailed, e-mailed, faxed or given to Moose Call staff members. Please see
the Officers Listing for mailing, e-mail addresses and fax numbers. Please use the following
guidelines when submitting: Written: Written submissions are scanned for OCR (Optical
Character Recog-nition). When submitting, please print on plain white paper using 12 point
plain font. Drawings and photos are scanned; please make sure they are as clean as possible.
Handwritten submissions are accepted and should be as legible as possible. E-mail: E-mail
submissions can either be con-tained in the body of the e-mail messageor sent as a file
attachment. If sending as a file attachment, please see disk guidelines below for file formats.
Disk: Disk submissions should be saved as a .txt file (PC) or text file (Mac) on a 3 1/2" disk. If
your word processing program offers the option of saving as tagged text, use tagged text instead.
Graphic files (drawings and photos) should be saved as .tif files (PC) or tiff files (Mac). Photo
Policy: At all Arn Hold and selected non-local events, pictures may be taken for publication in
an upcoming issue of the Moose Call. All such photos remain the property of the Moose Call.
Per Kingdom Chronicler, we are not required to obtain permission prior to taking your photo;
however, if you do not wish to be photographed, please tell the photographer. Photos submitted
for publication in the Moose Call must abide by the Submissions Policy and will be credited to
the photographer. For Release For Publication in the Moose Call ~ Write your name, SCA
name, address, telephone #, email and note you confirm you are the sole or joint author (s),
artist(s), or photographer(s) of the article, poetry, song, words, music, photograph submitted;
you hereby grant permission for the SCA to use the original material (include the Title of work,
if any) for publication in the Moose Call & grant permission to publish the work as needed; and
you retain full rights to your work and list the name(s) of any joint author/artist with signed
release(s) of the others. Please sign and date and submit with your work. Thank you in advance
for-22your endeavors andTsupport
of this newsletter.
Newcomers Nook
Welcome to the Barony of Arn Hold!!
Within these pages find you knowledge on the gatherings of our guilds
and marshaled activities and contact info for our officers and guild
heads. For more details on our meetings, events, officers and much
more we invite you to visit our website at www.baronyarnhold.org.
In need of an outfit to wear? Our Clothiers Guild Head, Lady Lysette
hamilton_blodgett@hotmail.com can assist you in creating garb. In
the interim, contact Lord Mikle at mikedamerellandt@yahoo.com
about the use of temporary loaner garb.
There is much to experience if your time will allow. May you find
your experiences here to be enriching. We look forward to meeting
Baronial Offices Open for Bid
Please consider serving in a baronial office. Send a copy of your bid to the Baron/
Baroness & Seneschal. See the Moose Manifesto on the
baronial website for details about these and other officer positions.
Demo/Publicity Officer - Arrange and serves as a contact point for SCA dem-
onstrations for the public, schools and other organizations. Serves as a media
Historian - Chronicle the happenings in Arn Hold and unearth tales of times past.
Want to help but not ready to become an officer? See a job that interests you?
Please see the baronial website officers page and contact someone in need of a
deputy and offer your services. The moose herd needs you!
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10
Their Excellency’s Missive
Unto the great Populace of Arn Hold do we send greetings!
What a grand event Coronation was! Please join us in celebrating His
Majesty Timmur and Her Majesty Saige ascension to the thrones. A crown
tournament will be held Oct 2nd in the Shire of Otherhill to establish the next heirs
to the Griffin Throne. Good luck to those from Arn Hold who will take to the field
and offer their service to Artemisia should The Fates grant them a victory that day.
Many thanks to the event steward and everyone who helped out at Museum Comes
to Life and all those who were vital in “making it happen.” A loud and boisterous
VIVAT! We remain constantly inspired by your many contributions and it was a
wonderful event again this year. As Engeline and Mikle will not be available to
steward this event next year we are in need of new volunteers. Please consider
serving your Barony by stewarding this annual demo in 2011 and contact the B&B
and Seneschal.
The Barony will celebrate the Agincourt Archery Festival Oct 8-10 in
Emmet with many fun activities including the Baronial Archery Championship
competition. And our cousins to the North are hosting the Kingdom Collegium in
Sentinel’s Keep Nov 6 in Missoula, MT. We hope you will be able to enjoy these
events as your schedules allow.
Have you caught someone doing something “extraordinary?” Regale us with the
stories of such deeds so that they may be recognized for their efforts. The O.A.R.S.
(on-line awards recognition system) has been serving us well in this capacity. We
eagerly await your input so that individuals and leaders are justly recognized. We
encourage those who are making award recommendations directly to the Crown to
send their recommendations to us as well, that we might lend our endorsement to
Their Majesties in such matters.
Our heartfelt thanks to you again for your tireless efforts and skills given to the
betterment of the Barony and Kingdom.
In service to Arn Hold, Artemisia and the Dream,
Baron Henri Porthos & Baroness Katherine Ce’Nedra
Please consult the current issue of the Sage Advice or the Barony of Arn Hold website
for more information on the events listed below. Non-local and weekly local events for
the current month are listed on the Calendar in the center of the Moose Call.
The information below was taken from the Artemisia & Arn Hold websites.
October 2010
Crown Tournament
Great Western War
8-10 Agincourt Archery Festival
Border Skirmish
Harvest Court
Shire of Otherhill
Kingdom of Caid
Arn Hold
Daehl Beorht
Gryphon’s Lair
Sentinel’s Keep
November 2010
Kingdom Collegium
Toys for Tots
Toys for Tots
Baronial Birthday
Iron Balls
Sentinel’s Keep
Arrows Flight
Crystal Crags
1000 Eyes
Twae Linnes
December 2010
Shire Birthday
Yule Revel
Solstice Court
Cote du Ciel
Stan Wyrm
Loh Salann
From the Sage Advice - Policy change:
Deadline to submit to the Sage Advice is the 1st of each month.
Sept 1st for October issue, etc.
Arn Hold Web Site:
Arn Hold Newsgroup:
Artemisia Home:
Society Home:
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10
Barony of Arn Hold Officers
(Please no calls after 9pm)
Señor Gomez Erlandez de Santaner
(Craig Waylan) 208-321-8138
4121 N. Creswell Wy, Boise, ID 83713
Lady Sheela de Presle
(Sheila Harmon) 866-1024
PO BOX 1180
Eagle, ID 83616
Maitress Tanglwyst de Holloway
(Tonya Adolfson) No calls after 8pm
8023 Snohomish St, Boise, ID 83709
208-362-0329, Cell: 208-919-6491
HE Karl Braden von Soberheim
(Brad Wolf) 208-863-8206
3076 S. Easton Ave, Boise ID 83706
Lord Gunnvald-r Ulfarrson
(Kris Rule) 208-794-8059
7637 S Valley Heights Dr , Boise, ID 83709
Malcolm MacNeill (Todd Campbell)
3251 N. Jones Pl, Boise, ID 83704
Lady Toregene of Arn Hold
(Karen Baker) 208-921-8450
606 Lawndale Dr, Meridian, Id 83642
THL Una Bjornsdatter
(Kim Rule) 208-514-9699
7637 S Valley Heights Dr , Boise, ID 83709
Lord Mikle von Foxridge
(Mike Damerell) 208-794-6668
9966 Foxridge, Boise, ID 83709
THL Hannah Isabel Lowry
(Kitty Wardle) 208-442-9106
7850 Arlington Dr., Nampa, ID 83687
Señor Gomez Erlandez de Santaner
(Craig Waylan) 208-321-8138
4121 N. Creswell Wy, Boise, ID 83713
THL Ellen (Eilidh) MacDonall
(Nancy Parker) 208-585-3209
25962 Emmett Rd, Caldwell ID 83607
HE Countess Esabell Grant
(Sharon Cates) 208-761-0890
104 E Fairview, #358, Boise, ID 83642
HL Earc Eideard Cearr
(Richard Samul) 208-249-2487
Mistress Antonia d’Alessandria
(Elisabeth Sonerson) 208-461-9340
5116 Airport Rd, Nampa, ID 83687
Lady Engellin von Foxridge
(Teresa Damerell) 208-412-1701
9966 Foxridge, Boise, ID 83709
Baronial Seneschal’s Missive
HE Henri Porthos Olivier de Longchamp
(David Tuck) 208-697-8424 &
HE Katherine Ce’Nedra von Oppel
(Jennifer Oppel) 208-571-7511
348 E Willowcreek Dr, Middleton, ID 83644
THL Erin MacClure
(Toni McClure) 208-850-0781
2705 Mink Court Nampa, Id 83687
Greetings all!
October is going to be a very impressive month. Please see the event announcements for the local events coming up.
It looks like we may get a month where there are no turnovers in offices! I
want to thank all of you who are serving as officers for the barony. We
can't do it without you.
I would like to spotlight Her Honor Lady Claire this month. She has done
a lot to promote archery in the barony, including opening her home to an
event for that purpose. She has handled the Gem County 4H demo and
been very positive representing the SCA and the Barony. Thank you
I would also like to thank Lord Sebastian for always being there for the
Barony. He's always offering to help and he brings VERY amazing treats
to events! His latest creations of chocolate A's, complete with origami
boxes, with lids, with the kingdom device on the sides. Between these
creations and all the other confectionary delights, I find it amazing any of
us can still fit in our garb! Thank you again for all your help Sebastian!
Chronicler’s Corner…
As you can see, there have been a few changes to the latest edition
of the Moose Call. I’m having some fun. To all Guild Heads, Marshalls or other responsible parties, now is the time to evaluate and
update your listings in the Announcements section and the calendar.
Let me know what you think, or if you have any great, new ideas.
Lady Sheela de Presle - chronicler@baronyarnhold.org
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10
Masked Ball
(Maskiert Tanz Ereignis)
of Arn Hold
January 29, 2010
Grüsse Gute Gentles, As mid-winter approaches, come celebrate the coming
Spring, pause to revel before the impending war in the Southwest, and enjoy the
Deutsch Leitmotiv (German Themed) Masked Ball in the Barony of Arn Hold.
Their Excellencies Henri Porthos and Katherine Ce’Nedra cordially invite you to
attend and participate in the heraldic colored evening as we dance the night away
and celebrate the best dressed Lord and Lady of Color.
A dessert buffet presented by the culinary artists of Arn Hold will provide light
repast and refreshment while Tempus Perfectum will play to the delight of dancers
and revelers. As is tradition, Tempus Perfectum will be holding a musical fundraiser - Musical requests can indeed be bought! Be generous with your affectionate
sums, and in turn our musicians will be generous with their talents. To whit, more
funding means that certain dances may be played longer!
While only a member of Arn Hold may win the coveted title of Bard of Arn Hold,
the bardic competition is open to all in area of voice, instrument, and all manner of
story-telling during orchestral rests. Entertainers, come prepared to participate, and
compete for the staff and honor of serving our great barony.
Dance practice the day of the event will be held at the IEA Building 620 Franklin
(and 6th St). Please look for announcements regarding time.
Site: The lovely and grand Esther Simplot Performing Arts Academy main building, 516 South 9th St, Boise, ID. Complimentary parking of carriage is made available in the immediate site area. Be aware 9th street is a one way driving direction
heading south. Site opens 5:30 pm. Dancing will commence promptly at 6:00 pm.
Site closes 11:00 pm sharp. Site is dry.
Thrown Weapons
Watch the Arnhold list for more upcoming opportunities to play with thrown weapons,
including knives, axes & spears.
Needleworker’s Guild
Please come out to Needleworkers. We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
Home of Lord Blaise and Lady Aurelia: 14244 West Comisky Street, Boise, Idaho 83713
(near the NW corner of Eagle Rd and McMillan which is border area of
Eagle/Meridian/Boise). Any questions? Please contact Tor von Butterberg aka Jerry
Shaeffer (208) 870-7616 jerryshaef @ yahoo. com
Dance Practice
SCA dances taught. No experience necessary. All experience levels taught. Garb encouraged but not required.
When: Every Thursday, unless otherwise noted: 7 pm - 9 pm
Where: Idaho Education Building (IEA) 620 6th St and Franklin, Boise. Please contact
the Guild Coordinator, Lord Eadric Hameresmithe, 208-514-8377, for more information.
Cook’s Guild
Please contact The Honorable Lady Elidh “Ellie” MacDonnall (Nancy Parker), 208-5853209, if you are interested in a guild meeting, assistance in research or have an offering
for the guild.
From the southern regions: Take your best route on King’s Highway I-84 to Vista
Avenue (Boise airport exit), right (north) on Vista. Approximately 2.3 miles Vista
curves to the left, and connects to Capital Boulevard going downhill. Continue on
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10
Tempus Perfectum (music)
Everyone is welcome - if you don't have musical experience, we'll teach you. If you
have experience, even better - you can teach! All areas of interest are encouraged, and
if you don't want to perform, you are still welcome to come and share in musical discussions. Tempus on hiatus for summer.
Please contact Katherine Wycliffe (mka Wendy) - biosigns83642@yahoo.com
Craftman’s Guild
The Craftsman's Guild is changing meeting dates to one Saturday a month at 1:00pm.
October's workshop will be Oct 16 where we be making spears for throwing. Tools and
instruction will be provided. Watch the arnie for a list of materials. Other tools are
available for your use should you wish to work on a different project. If you have any
qustions please call HE Porthos at 208-397-8424.
Workshop Location: 348 E. Willowcreek Drive, Middleton, ID 83644
Brewers’ Guild
Watch for details for the next meeting of the Brewers' Guild on our website: http://
web.me.com/scascot/BGAH web address is case sensitive, "BGAH" must be capitalized. A map for meetings and agenda can be found there.
For information, please contact Earc Cearr, Guild Overseer, 1809 S 26th St, Nampa, ID
83686. Phone: 249-2487, no calls after 9:00 pm, please Email: scascot@mac.com
Baronial Rideshare
Please consider using a service designed to assist with pooling resources to attend events
throughout the Known World. Please contact Lady Mauda McClain for information on
sharing and coordinating rides to and from events (best reached at IDMike08@gmail.com or 208-321-8138 (no calls after 9pm please).
Capital Blvd over the Boise River bridge, turn left (west) on Fulton, right
(north) on 8th, turn left into only parking lot before Myrtle Street (signal and
one way going east). This is the backside of the event site with an alley. You
may enter the event site from Myrtle where the Reeve will greet you at the gate.
From the northern regions: Take your best route on King’s Highway I-84 or
Highway 20/26 being Chinden Boulevard to the Boise Downtown Connector
heading east, turn right (south) into site parking lot just past 9th Street, or turn
right (south) on 9th Street to park off River Street one block south of event site.
Site Fee: $5.00 SCA members, $10.00 non-members. First-time SCA event
attendees receive entry free in Arn Hold. Please make checks payable to Barony
of Arn Hold, SCA Inc.
Event Stewards: Lady Lysette d’Evreaux, (Holly Hamilton, 208-484-1661,
hamilton_blodgett@hotmail.com), and Her Grace Kortland Stirling Mayfaire
(Kerri Kennison, Kortland01@yahoo.com)
Dessert Steward: For information regarding your delightfully donated dessert,
please contact Her Excellency Mistress Jofrior Connersdattir
Dance Steward: Practices are held regularly in preparation of the Ball, by
Lord Eadric Hammersmithe (208-514-8377) 8023 Snohomish Boise, 83709
How Do You Address a Duchess?
By Baroness Maire Bridgit of Gryphon’s Lair
For the new and/or insecure, here’s a little help on who to address how.
King - Your Majesty, Sire, My Liege, My Lord King
Queen - Your Majesty, My Lady Queen
Duke or Duchess - Your Grace
Crown Prince or Princess - Your Royal Highness
Count or Countess - Your Excellency, My Lord Count, My Lady Countess
Knight - Sir (First Name), Sir Knight
Master or Mistress - Master (First Name), or Mistress (First Name)
Baron or Baroness - Your Excellency, My Lord Baron, My Lady Baroness
Armiger - Lord (First Name), Lady (First Name)
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10
Armoured Combat Practice
contributed by Lady Lysette d’Evreaux
Between 1500 and 1650 between 10,000 and 12,000 English words
were created. Prior to this most of English nobility spoke French and
commoners a mix of French and English.
Shakespeare was a great inventor of words and credited with nearly
2,000 words including: countless, excellent, eyeballs, gloomy, gust,
hint, hurry, leapfrog, lonely, majestic, puking, and reliance.
Shakespeare is also credited with the following commonly used phrases:
a fool’s paradise
budge an inch
seen better days
fair play
played fast and loose
green-eyed jealousy
danced attendance
Lord and Master
suspected foul play
as dead as a doornail
own flesh and blood
set your teeth on edge
lie low
until the crack of doom
the game is up
without rhyme or reason
at one fell swoop
give the devil his due
laughing stock
bid him good riddance
send him packing
slept not one wink
led a charmed life
high time
laughed yourself into stitches
the truth were known
foregone conclusion
melted into thin air
the long and short of it
as good luck would have it
the truth will out
as dull as a doornail
a sorry sight
all corners of the world
all that glitters is not gold
as pure as the driven snow
eaten out of house and home
fancy free
in a pickle
make your hair stand on end
like the dickens
When: Sundays 10:30am and Wednesday 6:30pm
Location: Wednesday - Bristol Heights Subdivision park on Tapestry Way. Take
your best route to Eagle Rd. turn at the light on Bristol Heights Rd.(1 block south of
Chinden), take the second right, this is Tapestry Way. The park will be on your left. We
will have access to two members houses close by including Countess Esabell and THL
Sunday - Julia Davis Park, on the EAST side of the zoo near the paddle boats.
If you have any questions please call Fernando at 590-3686 or email him at fernando2469@yahoo.com
Practices will be held along with armoured fighter practice.
When: Sundays 12:00pm and Wednesdays 6:30pm
Where: See armoured combat practice locations.
Equestrian Guild
Equestrians are active, please call Lady Una Bjornsdottir at 514-9699 for more info.
There will be an Equestrian practice on the 2nd of October at Treasure Valley Quarter
Horses 4801 N. Can-Ada Ln. Star, Id, 83669 from 12 noon - 4 pm.
Archery Guild
Practices: Nampa Bow Chief's (NBC) range on Friday's at 7:00pm. There is a $3 fee, if
you are not a NBC member. NBC memberships are available at the range.
Everyone is welcome, including children, regardless of skill level. Loaner gear is available. We are willing to help you learn the basics and beyond. Misc: Please bring your
SCA card to your first practice. Practices are usually cancelled the week of a local event
so that archers can assist in setup alongside the populace.
Feel free to contact the BAH Archery Captain, Lady Engellin, for any questions or directions to the range - mdstarshine@yahoo.com or 208-412-1701
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10
Guild of the Sea Gryphon
Boun Giorno mia famiglia nautica, The Guild of the Sea Gryphon, Sea Moose Chapter is a nautical guild that encourages and promotes the exploration and re-creation
of seafaring and maritime history and arts throughout the period of the Society for
Creative Anachronism. This Guild serves not only Arn Hold, but has members
throughout Artemisia. Our house is now in a somewhat presentable state, so guild
meetings have resumed. The 2nd Tuesday, 7pm, seems to be free, so I'm picking
that for the meeting day. (hmm... I'll have to watch NCIS on-line, OWSAT)
Meetings at 3006 Village Green, Caldwell. If you need directions or have questions
please feel free to call 608-1781. Can’t make it to the meeting? Online meetings
occur on the Guild website at www.gotsg.org You can also join us on-line for
discussions, file sharing, and class schedules at http:www.groups.yahoo.com/
Signoria (HL) Xeno della Lama at oldxeno@yahoo.com
Historical Combat Research Guild
Tired of rattan? Want to exercise with rebated steel, wasters, iaitoh, naginata and
other weapons of mass destruction? Seen a technique in a book which involves joint
locks, wrestling, or half swording that you just want to try? Break out of the staid
and investigate in-period combative techniques that you have always wanted to perform.
Rule Set for Historical Combat Research is here: http://www.artemisia.sca.org/
Who: You, your buddies, and Marten. 860-6382 or kenshifencer@hotmail.com
Where: Marten’s place. 6324 N. Buckley Place, Boise, ID 83713
When: Last Thursday of every other month at 7:00 P.M. On hiatus till 2011.
Clothier’s Guild
Ladies and Gentlemen both are welcome to join Her Grace Kortland &Lady Lysette
d’Evreaux, Guild Coordinator, 208-484-1661 hamilton_blodgett@hotmail.com
every Monday from now till Masked Ball at the Idaho Education Building (IEA) 620
6th St and Franklin, Boise at 6:30 pm to work on German garb for the Ball.
love is blind
pound of flesh
off with his head
star crossed lovers
too much of a good thing
vanish into thin air
wild goose chase
More nouns: accused, addiction, alligator, amazement, anchovies, assassination, backing, bandit, bedroom, bump, buzzers, courtship, critic,
dauntless, dawn, design, dickens, discontent, embrace, employer, engagements, excitements, exposure, fixture, futurity, glow, gust, immediacy, investments, luggage, manager, mimic, misgiving, mountaineer,
ode, outbreak, pageantry, pedant, perusal, questioning, reinforcement,
retirement, roadway, rumination, savagery, scuffles, shudders, switch,
tardiness, transcendence, urging, watchdog, wormhole, zany.
More verbs: besmirch, bet, blanket, cake, cater, champion, compromise, cow, denote, deracinate, dialogue, dislocate, divest, drug, dwindle, elbow, enmesh, film, forward, grovel, hobnob, humour, impedes,
jet, jig, label, lapse, lower, misquote, negotiate, numb, pander, partner,
petition, rant, reword, secure, submerge, torture, unclog.
More adjectives: aerial, auspicious, baseless, beached, bloodstained,
blushing, circumstantial, consanguineous, deafening, disgraceful, domineering, enrapt, epileptic, equivocal, eventful, fashionable, foregone,
frugal, generous, gnarled, lustrous, madcap, marketable, monumental,
nervy, noiseless, obscene, Olympian, premediated, promethean, quarrelsome, radiance, rancorous, reclusive, remorseless, rival, sacrificial,
sanctimonious, softhearted, splitting, stealthy, traditional, tranquil, unmitigated, unreal, varied, vaulting, viewless, widowed, worthless, yelping.
Adverbs: importantly, instinctively, obsequiously, threateningly,
tightly, trippingly, unaware.
Bard of Avon A Story of William Shakespeare, by Diane Stanley & Peter Vennema, 1992. Jumbieswatch.com Phrases.org.uk
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10
Arn Hold Populace Notes
Date: Sunday, 22 August 2010
The following is being shared as a courtesy for those who could not be in attendance. It
is by no means “official” nor is it necessarily a full and complete transcript. This is simply
what one lady chanced to overhear, and is sharing with others of like interest as a
courtesy. – Lady Maridah du Gevaudan
Archery Marshall: Raptor War and
practices held. Lots of new people shot.
Edward the Vampire was shot. No charges
for archery supplies right now, charge will
be reinstituted between September and the
first of the year.
List Coordinator: Raptor War held.
Tournaments held and winner won. No
Exchequer: No report due to illness.
Raptor War held in July, approx $400
earned, approx 300-some people attended. No knowledge of profit yet.
Herald: One consultation, no submittals,
no one has passed yet.
A & S: Two demos held simultaneously
(at 4-H and at Fandemonium). Meetings
were held. No deaths reported.
Chiurgeon: No deaths. Bids being
accepted for position of Chiurgeon.
Rapier Marshall: Practices held. No
deaths. Good Gentle Kenshon has
expressed an interest in becoming a
Knight Marshall: Raptor war and lots
of practices and no evidence found of
Chatelaine: None of the garb handed out
at Iberian Peninsula has not been returned.
Youth Minister: No report.
Constable: Raptor War held. Three
items turned in to lost and found. One
incident reported, lightning storm ignited
small grass fire which did not cause any
event problems other than slight stress.
Quartermaster: Things checked out.
Things returned.
Equestrian Marshall: Lady Una’s
reports was “Ponies. Pony’s pretty.
Pony’s go clop, clop, clop, clop, clop “
with bouncy hand gestures. No deaths.
Web Minister: Updates happened.
Several submission for detail pages for
populace page. 541 total visitors to the
website. Results for handing out business
cards was dramatic and excellent.
Chronicler: No report, not in
Universitatis: Transfer of hard copy into
electronic is up to the “R”s. Should be
complete by next Populace Meeting.
We have the list that Loch Salan has for
their feast gear. We pick up things here
and there but there is no consistent supply.
His Excellency Braden and HL Kitty are
working together to create a list of the
feast gear we have. We need a wish list
for the barony. The total cost of Loch
Salan’s gear is $1600.00 but we already
have many of the items. We will purchase
additional items over time.
4-H Demo: they were REALLY thankful
Guild Notices
and Announcements
Casting Guild
Casting Guild is a project based guild for making all sorts of things out of
pewter. Tokens, pendants, buttons, pins, rings and all sorts of other things
are possible here. We have materials to buy and tools for use. We meet
every other Tuesday at the home of THL Syeira, 208-590-3860.
Scribe’s Guild
Scribes Guild is a time to get together with other scribes in the area to work
on a Baronial or Kingdom award scroll, other projects, get some inspiration, try out new skills and generally hang out and eat on occasion.
We have loaner supplies and reference materials for anyone interested in
trying their hand. All are welcome! Scribe's Guild is on hiatus until a new
Guild Coordinator and site are found. If you are interested in participating,
please contact HE Porthos 208-697-8424.
Fletching Guild
Fletching Guild will give you a chance to complete your arrows for
practice and replenish those broken in prep for war! The guild is changing
meeting nights, please contact His Excellency for details. Meet at the Wolf
Haus, 3076 Easton Ave, Boise. Baron Karl Braden von Sobernheim 208863-8206 cell.
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10
The Moose’s Ear
These phrases were overheard by big Moose
ears. Who is the speaker you ask and in what
context was it spoken? You figure it out…
"Isn't your hand getting tired?"
"It should be a better ride now that you've
got it all lubed up."
"I can screw up a perfectly
good piece of meat."
"I've reached the point where I can't say no."
"That's getting big. I really don't
know what that’s from."
"Oh, wait a minute.
This isn't soft and chewy."
"Give me one. Then give me another one."
Guilds & Praqctices
Lady Engellin von Foxridge
Armoured Combat
Lord Mikle von Foxridge
Brewer’s Guild
Earc Eideard Cearr
Casting Guild
THL Syeira of Schattentor
Cooking Guild
THL Ellen (Eilidh) MacDonnal
Clothier’s Guild
Lady Lysette d’Evreaux
Combat Research Guild
Gebieder Marten Claessen van
Ruyssevelt 208-860-6382
Craftmans Guild
Baron Henri Porthos
Dance Guild
Lord Eadric Hameresmithe
THL Una Bjornsdottir
Fletching Guild
HE Braden Von Sobernheim
Music Guild(Tempus)
Lady Katherine Wycliffe
Needleworker’s Guild
HE Meister Tor von Bütterberg
Señor Gomez de Santander
that we came. A number of the kids are
super excited to attend our next event
with archery. There will be an event in
Emmett they will be attending. They may
wish us to participate next year. Thanks to
everyone who loaned banners and other
items and who helped. Especial thanks to
Good Gentles Zianna and John for
manning the table for all six days.
Fandemonium went very well. The
Costume ER helped 30-35 people, with
only one potential costume death. As a
direct consequence, we have been asked to
do a Costume ER at two upcoming events,
a con in Salt Lake City, and another event
next year. If you are interested in helping
out in the future, please contact Maistress
Tangl. Interest in Dance Practice was
raised and will hopefully garner some
more attendees.
Museum Comes To Life: It is a month
and two weeks. Everyone who has something they want to do will have plenty of
room. There will be room for stick ponies, kenshen, possible spear throwing,
and much more. Fighting will be mostly
round robins, working with the kids, the
Warlord Battle, and such. There will not
be Cake or Death and such this year. It
starts at 9:00 and goes until about 4:00.
Set up starts first thing in the morning.
Display items are still needed. They will
need to be in by next week. There is lots
of crash space available. We will not be on
the morning news this year.
Agincourt Event: Crash space will be
needed. There will hopefully be lots of
out-of-towners. It will be held Oct. 8-10.
Even if you are day-tripping (as it is a local
Starting next month will begin the “getting event), there will be activities on Sunday
ready for Mask Ball” classes for Costumer’s morning, as well. There will be a baronial
Guild. Mondays at IEA, with the
brunch/potluck on Sunday morning. HL
exception of the 13 th . This will start on
Clare is looking for teachers for classes,
Monday, September 13th . They will begin esp. archery, 100-years war-ish (but anyat 6:30pm. Theme will be late period,
thing is welcome). Also anything geared
High German. Therefore those are what
towards kids would be great, as lots of 4-H
clothes will be worked on. The first class kids will be attending.
will be on the history and verbiage. If you A&S event is next week. Be sure to email
have committed to attend but find you
Her Excellency Esabelle ASAP. There will
cannot, please let her Excellency Kortland be crested fighting. This will be a day
know about it, so no one shows up if there event, so there will be no feast.
is no one to attend.
Coronation is coming up over Labor Day
No dance practice will be held in
weekend and is great to attend. Harvest
September, as the IEA is booked for the
War is coming up, as well, in Cote de
month. It will resume in October.
Lord Riann will be stepping down as
Exchequer. His Excellency Braden will be
stepping up, with Lady Antonia as his
deputy. There is a need for persons to
become warranted, so as to sit at Reeves
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10
Rapier Practice
Armoured Practice 10:30
Agincourt Archery Festival
Archery Practice 7PM
Clothiers Guild - German
Garb For Masked Ball
6:30 I.E.A.
w/HG Kortland
Needlework Guild 7pm
Armoured & Rapier Practice
Dance Practice 7 pm
Agincourt Archery Festival Agincourt Archery Festival
Clothiers Guild - German
Garb For Masked Ball
6:30 I.E.A.
w/HG Kortland
Guild of Sea Gryphon 7pm
Casting Guild 7pm
Armoured & Rapier Practice
Dance Practice 7 pm
Archery Practice 7PM
Craftsman’s Guild
Rapier Practice
Armoured Practice 10:30
Rapier Practice Noon
Armoured Practice 10:30
Populace Mtg 6PM IEA
Clothiers Guild - German
Garb For Masked Ball
6:30 I.E.A.
w/HG Kortland
Needlework Guild 7pm
Armoured & Rapier Practice
Dance Practice 7 pm
Archery Practice 7PM
Clothiers Guild - German
Garb For Masked Ball
6:30 I.E.A.
w/HG Kortland
Casting Guild 7pm
Armoured & Rapier Practice
Dance Practice 7 pm
Archery Practice 7PM
bldg 6th St & Franklin
OCTOBER 2010, A.S. XLV • VOL 28 • NO 10

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