Jul - Barony of Arn Hold


Jul - Barony of Arn Hold
Volume 33 • Issue 7 • July 2015
Barony of Arn Hold
On This Date in History
The Battle of the Golden Spurs, known also as the Battle of Courtrai, was a battle
between the forces of the Kingdom of France and the County of Flanders fought
near Kortrijk (Courtrai) in western Royal Flanders on 11 July 1302. In 1302, after several years of unrest, the people of Flanders revolted against French rule and massacred
many Frenchmen in the Flemish city of Bruges. King Philip IV of France immediately
organized an expedition under Count Robert II of Artois to put down the rebellion.
Meanwhile, the civic militias of several Flemish cities were assembled to counter the
expected French attack.
When the two armies met outside the city of Kortrijk, the mounted French knights
proved unable to defeat the well-trained Flemish foot militia on a battlefield particularly unsuited for cavalry. The result was a rout of the French nobles, who suffered heavy
losses at the hands of the Flemish. The battle was a famous early example of an allinfantry army overcoming an army that depended on the shock attacks of mounted
During the 19th and 20th centuries, the Battle of the Golden Spurs became a key
part of the Flemish Movement. In 1973, the date of the battle was chosen to be the date
of the official holiday of the Flemish community in Belgium.
Source: en.wikipedia.org
In This Issue:
Random Carp
Request for Officer Bids
Chronicler’s Corner
Populace Meeting Notes
Events and Announcements
Guild Listings
Help Wanted
Guild Heads
Legal Stuff
Image: a Fourteenth Century Image of the Battle of the Golden Spurs.
Random Carp That I Have Learned
A look at modern practices and their medieval sources
by K. Braden von Sobernheim
Raise your hand if you are nearsighted. Ok, that didn’t help. One of the most famous Kings in
history was so, and you didn’t even know it. In 1514, the Holy Roman Emperor gifted Henry VIII of
England with a most horrific armor helmet with curved ram horns and a mask front plate… with a pair
of scissor spectacles riveted over the eyes. In Henry’s stuff catalogued after he died, there were dozens
of pairs of spectacles; indeed he had a pair in every room of his castle. He even had one of those big
magnifying domes that you set on books to show details. Henry had “glasse trimmed with silver white,
one glasse to lay vppon a Boke trimmed at bothe the ends with silver and gilt, a grene stone to reade with
all garnysshed with siluer guilt” and many, many spectacle cases.
Unsurprisingly, none of the paintings of vain Henry show him wearing glasses, though paintings, especially those in later life, show a hint of the pinched nose and creases around the eye sockets that come
with wearing this type of glasses for an extended period of time. So, Henry VIII was Henry, King of
England, France and Lord of Ireland; Henry, Supreme Head of the Church of England, Henry the Nearsighted. And now you know more random carp.
Bid Letters are now Being Accepted for the
Following Baronial Offices:
Baronial Chancellor of the Exchequer
Baronial Seneschal
Baronial Minister of Arts and Sciences
Please contact Their Excellencies at bnb@baronyarnhold.org (and copy Sir Balenor
webminister@baronyarnhold.org, Lady Teaghan dcstuart@g.com, and Lord Emrys seneschal
@baronyarnhold.org) for more information or to submit a bid, and see the meeting minutes for
more information. All exiting officers are glad to answer your questions about the positions and
aid in the speedy transition to new incumbents. There is a full listing of officers needed on page
9 of this issue.
Chronicler’s Corner
Please send any and all corrections to Lady Ursula de Strattone, chronicler@baronyarnhold.org
All images from Wikimedia commons or Dover Medieval clipart (permission free) unless otherwise noted.
Treasures From the Archive
This feature explores a notable item from past issues of the Moose Call. This article is from the September
1984 Moose Call. While your Chronicler has no idea what the Mundane to SCAdian prize is about, the anecdotes below are certainly entertaining. You can explore many past issues at our website, baronyarnhold.org.
With Day of Champions fast approaching, it is not too soon to start working on your Arts and
Sciences entries. You don't have to enter for champion, you can just enter one or two items. If you do want
to enter for champion, you will need at least 5 entries in 2 grand categories. Please contact Baroness Antonia marsupial3@aol.com if you have any questions.
Riddle Me This
Open-palmed hands formed me out of two substances. My inner core glows white, made of flax, Or else
shines bright, plundered from a slender rush, But when my outward body bursts into yellow flower, It pours
forth, spewing flames, heat and fire As moist tears drop in profusion from my brows. Yet, in this way, I destroy the horrid shadows of night And soon my burned heart leaves behind only ashes.
This riddle dates to the 7th century, and was written down by Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne, in his book of
100 riddles, Enigmata. Email your guess to chronicler@baronyarnhold.org. Prizes for correct answers will
be awarded at next Populace Meeting. June’s answer: a cat
Populace Meeting June 28, 2015
Minutes submitted by Lord Aonghus Boithwell and
m’lady Beatrix
Seneschal - Moose call notice that Seneshall is stepping
down in September. Anyone wanting to take over
should get in touch with the B&B and submit a letter of
Discussion of Kingdom Finances: The Kingdom is
losing money. Any ideas on how to stop the bleeding?
Most guilds on Hiatus. Scribal, Brewing and Dancing
Kingdom is not allowed to levy a tax on baronies.
are still happening over summer.
However, if we as a barony vote to donate funds from
Next month more info
events to the Kingdom or change the split of takings
from kingdom of events, that could possibly
Chatelaine says all is going well. Demos went well and
work. Donations are always welcome. Short or long
we made money!
term ideas are all accepted to keep our Kingdom afloat.
Since we no longer have Estrella war, we make less
Exchequer - money is stable. Rattan sales have been
good and the last of the soapstone has been sold. Please from large war events etc. Please send Ideas to the
B&B so that they can be forwarded on the the Kingcheck monthly budget update on website. We are on
dom. Lady Aelis says the Kingdom Seneschal says we
track for making our budget this year.
could lose kingdom status if nothing is done. Kingdom
We need a new exchequer. Please volunteer.
exchequer disagrees. She says we are doing much betKnight marshal - Short report. Few practices because of ter this year.
uprising. Average attendance is eight. No injuries.
Webminster - All is going well. New system changes
A&S report from HG Kortland
Syr jasper is authorised for equestrian and all is going
coming next month.
Herald report. All good.
Brewers are trying to plan some classes, equipment
loaner library, and field trips.
List mistress. Nothing to report since last month.
Quarter master - Projects done!!! Trailer shelving is
done. Possible reinforcement needed but working well.
Suggested load diagram will be put up in trailer.
Notched ridge pole replaced. Mountain home folk are
slowly redoing banners and smiddy is redoing stakes
for us. Stains from poles at pennsic are minimal. All is
well. Spare trailer tire is added!
Scribal is going well. Getting ramped up for raptor.
Pewter guild is assisting her Excellency to fill up the
b&b box with awards etc.
New Business:
Kingdom is changing calendar. We are going back to
principality calendar. Some people are happy, some
Rapier - Regular practices are going well. Most recent are not. July and January coronations which will be pre
newbie is all authorised and doing really well. Her hus- -bid on a local rotation.
band is now attending practices, too! All is well in the Whoever wins the next crown will have four months,
rapier world. Two beginners are attending. Our Rapier but have 50 year. What that means to us is that Coronation will be the week before Raptor. This is difficult.
Marshal got something called a Master of Defense,
Let’s have some thought and suggestion about what we
whatever that is.
need to change and when to. HE Braden is working on
Anyone wanting authorization needs to attend practice. putting together a kingdom calendar.
Meeting Minutes continued.
Lots of changes taking place. Please be patient. No need to get bent out of shape. All will be well.
Bar maids is closed. Final profit was $349.00, final amount for Brewers’ guild TBA.
Raptor report - Discussed issues with unsuitable site due to misrepresentation of what we would get. Trying to
find another available site that is better suited. In the meantime be aware of possible offsite parking and limited
space. Please contact stewards if you have suggestions.
Wurst event. Please take part. A&S. It's awesome. Not major needs. Please enter anything you make in the Baronial A&S. Baronial Champion must enter at least 2 grand categories. 5 entries minimum. At Barn in
star. Classes, please, preferably German.
Masked ball. Plan is Russian themed. 25th anniversary of arn hold. Getting other baronies involved.
B&B. A&S regalia is on the way back.
Raptor War * July 17-19 * Barony of Arn Hold
The Barony of Arn Hold is proud to announce our Premiere Event, Raptor War! High
above the dry and dusty valleys we will be pursuing War Games! Have you ever wanted
to train for a Viking raid? Keep in fighting shape like a Scottish warrior? Hone your wits
for battle with a rousing game of Tablut? Or perhaps you want to risk it all to gain renown and become Artemisia’s finest gambler. Most importantly, come to show your
deepest respect as their Excellencies Fernando and Syeira as they step down, having
served our barony faithfully for so many years.
Site: The cool and shady Par k Cr eek Camp Gr ound, Boise National For est, For est
Rd 582A Lowman, ID 83637
Activities: Heavy Weapons Tour naments, Rapier Tour nament, Bar onial Ar cher y
Championship; Baronial Thrown Weapons Championship; Classes, Assassins’ Tourney,
and Children’s Activities.
Schedule: Site will open after 2pm, with ar cher y activities on Fr iday evening for
those ready to go. Saturday will be full of fighting, classes, arts and the Annual Baronial
Burger Burn for dinner, with court at Their Majesties’ & Their Excellencies’ discretion.
Must be off site by noon on Sunday or pay for another night.
Site Fees: Camping (includes soup kitchen Fr iday night) Adult $10.00 Youth 6-17 $
6.00 Under 6 Free Family Cap $40.00 Day Trip (Saturday) Adult $ 8.00 Youth 6-17 $
4.00 Under 6 Free Non-Member Fee $ 5.00. Make checks payable to SCA Inc - Barony
of Arn Hold.
Visit baronyarnhold.org and our Facebook Event at RAPTOR WAR!! JULY- 17th,
2015. We hope to see everyone there!
Event Stewards Aonghus Boithwell and Ursula De Strattone aonghus@boithwell.com (208) 447-6731
The Wurst Event
Barony of Arn Hold, Star, ID
November 14, 2015
Arn Hold’s Baronial Arts & Sciences Competition will take place at this German-themed day. It may not be
the best event, but it will be the Wurst! Hoi! Hoi! Hoi! There will be classes about brewing and tasting beer,
making mustard, making sauerkraut, German costuming, and others. There will also be opportunity to test your
mettle and your metal on the fighting field. Baroness Teaghan will also be seeking her personal Champion, and
the Arn Hold Brewers plan another competition; so come prepared!
Dinner will be a sausage-fest! The Arn Hold Cooks Guild is creating several kinds of bratwurst, knockwurst,
otherwurst, and mockwurst for those who like animal alternatives. You will get to use the mustard you made to
season the links you like. Lady Ursula’s award-winning sauerkraut will also be available to adorn your dinner.
The site is the Star Community Church Event Barn at 439 N. Star Rd, Star, ID. We have the Barn ONLY,
and while it is a damp site, smoking only outside away from the building, and no pets please. As the Barn is not
heavily heated, please plan your attire accordingly.
Take I-84 to Exit 42, Ten Mile Road. Go north on Ten Mile Road for 0.7 mi to Franklin Rd. Go west on
Franklin Rd. for 3 mi to the roundabout at Star Rd. Take the first exit (north) and take Star Rd. 6.3 mi into the
town of Star. The site will be on your left just after the stop light in town. There will be signs.
Site opens at 10am for class and A&S setup and will close at 9pm after dinner and dancing.
Site Fee: Adults (age 18+) $12 ($2 of this will be donated to the Kingdom General Fund)
Minors (age 6-17) $5
Kiddos (age 0-5) Free
Family Cap: $30
Feast Fee: $8
Make Checks Payable to SCA Inc., Barony of Arn Hold. All Adults subject to a $5 Non-Member Surcharge
without proof of active membership. The NMS does not count toward the family cap.
Event Steward: Baron K. Braden von Sobernheim (Brad Wolf) (208) 863-8206 idbraden@gmail.com
Feast Steward: THL Eilidh MacDomhuill (Nancy Parker) carminaburana@centurylink.net
Baronial A&S Officer: HG Kortland Sterling Mayfaire (Kerri Kennison) artsandsciences@baronyarnhold.org
Guilds & Practices
Note: please subscribe to the Baronial email list for official
communication about Guild meetings and activities. http://
Archery Practice:
When: As there is interest.
Where: See email list for more info.
Armorer’s League
When: On Hiatus
Where: Please contact the MoAs.
Armored Combat Practice:
When: Sundays 10:00 AM Wednesdays 6:30 PM
Where: Sundays @ Veterans’ Memorial Park, Boise,
Wednesdays @ Bristol Heights Subdivision Park
Bardic Night:
When: As there is interest.
Where: Please contact the Guild Head for more info.
Clothier’s Guild:
When: 1st and 3rd Mondays, 6:30 pm
Where: TG Konrad and Kortland’s 2063 S. Stonyfield Pl
A group of individuals dedicated to the pursuit of historical
Cook’s Guild:
When: 2nd Sunday of the month, 12:00 pm
Where: Lady Esther’s House
See the yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/
Craftsman’s Guild:
When: As there is interest.
Where: Please contact the MoAS.
Dancing Guild:
When: Fourth Sunday of the month, 4-6 pm
Where: Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel, 11 N. Latah St.,
Brewers’ Guild:
When: Second Saturday of even-numbered months, 1 pm
Equestrian Practice:
Where: The Donald House, 10040 W. Canterbury Dr. Boise, When: On hiatus.
Where: Please contact the MoAS.
ID 83704
Members must be at least 21 years of age.
Fletching Guild:
When: Every other Tuesday (with Casting Guild)
Casting Guild:
Where: Wolf Haus—10271 W. Shiloh Dr., Boise
When: Every other Tuesday (with Fletching Guild)
A chance to complete your arrows for practice and replenish
Where: Wolf Haus—10271 W. Shiloh Dr., Boise
Casting guild focuses on the process of creating items from or repair those broken.
pewter. We are happy to teach any who are interested in
this fun period craft. We have materials to buy and tools for Guild of the Sea Gryphon:
use. Because we are working with sharp things and molten When: As there is Interest
metal, children may carve with parental permission and su- Where: Please contact the MoAS.
A nautical guild exploring historical seafaring arts.
pervision but may not pour by themselves.
Historical Combat Guild:
When: On hiatus
Where: Please contact the MoAS.
Help Wanted
Guilds & Practices Continued
Musician’s Guild (Tempus Perfectum):
When: As there is interest.
Where: Please contact the Guild Head.
All are welcome, regardless of experience. Those who
do not wish to perform are still welcome to come and
share in the discussions.
Needleworker’s Guild:
When: On hiatus.
Where: Please contact the MoAS.
The following positions are open for bid.
Please consider serving your Barony by
filling one of them.
Rapier Combat Practice
When: Sundays 11:00 AM Wednesdays 6:30 PM
Where: Sundays @ Veterans’ Memorial Park, Boise,
Wednesdays @ Bristol Heights Subdivision
Scribe’s Guild:
When: As there is interest.
Where: Please contact the Guild Head.
Textiles Guild:
When: On hiatus.
Where: Please contact the MoAS.
Thrown Weapons:
When: 1st and 3rd Thursdays (and 5th, if there is one)
6:30-9:00 pm by request only
Where: 2700 N. Wingagte Ln., Meridian
Please contact the Thrown Weapons Marshal or deputy by 12:00 pm on any scheduled Tuesday if you
would like to throw. Loaner weapons and coaching
are available.
Deputy Constable
Thrown Weapons Marshal
Deputy Thrown Weapons Marshal
Archery Marshal
Deputy Archery Marshal
Deputy Chatelaine
Deputy Equestrian Marshal
Deputy Arts and Sciences Minister
Deputy Universitatis Minister
Deputy Keeper of the Lists
Deputy Quartermaster
Deputy Chirurgeon
Deputy Webminister
Youth Activities Officer
Deputy Youth Activities Officer
Deputy Publicity & Demos Minister
Deputy Historian
Any guilds with heads not listed below.
For a printable/sync-able calendar of
upcoming events please see the Baronial website http://baronyarnhold.org/
calendar.html and the Kingdom website http://artemisia.sca.org/new/
Baronial Officers
Baron & Baroness: Sir Fer nando de Santiago & Duena Reeve: Lady Kathleen of Otter dale
Syeira Caminante bnb@baronyarnhold.org
Deputy: position vacant
Knight Marshal: Lady Mer r in du Bour bonnais
Herald: Lor d Aonghus Boithwell
Deputy: Sir Balenor Blackmere
Deputy: Position vacant
Rapier Marshal: HL Don Killian
Chronicler: Lady Ur sula de Str attone
Deputy: Lord Fritz Zapff
Deputy: Milady Beatrix
Archery Marshal: Position vacant
Arts & Sciences Minister: Duchess Kor tland Stir ling
Deputy: Position vacant
Equestrian Marshal: Lady Nessa inghean Uilliam
Universitatis: Ladyship Ellen MacDonall
Deputy: Position vacant
Deputy: Position vacant
Thrown Weapons Marshal: Position Vacant
Quartermaster: HE Viscount Sir Etienne DuPr e
Deputy: Position vacant
Deputy: Position vacant
Keeper of the Lists: Duchess Esabell Gr ant
Constable: Position vacant
Deputy: Position vacant
Deputy: Position vacant
Chirurgeon: Position vacant
Chatelaine: Vicountess Mor gan du Mar c
Deputy: Position vacant
Deputy: Position vacant
Webminister: Sir Balenor Blackmer e
Publicity & Demos: Viscountess Mor gan du Mar c
Deputy: Position vacant
Deputy: Hideyoshi Akane-san
Youth Activities: Position vacant
Thank you for your service to the Barony!
Deputy: Position vacant
If you are interested in any of the open positions, please
contact seneschal@baronyarnhold.org or
Historian: Lady Gisela van Windkeep
Deputy: Position vacant
Seneshcal: Lor d Emr ys
Deputy: Lady Ailis
Guild Heads
Armory League:
HG Morgan d’Antioche
Cook’s Guild
HL Ellen MacDonnel
Guild of the Sea Gryphon
On Hiatus
Please contact the MoAS for more information
Bardic Night
Mistress Gilliana Attewatyr
Craftsman’s Guild
On Hiatus
Please contact the MoAS for more information
Historical Combat Guild
On Hiatus
Please contact the MoAS for more information
Brewer’s Guild
Lord Aonghus Boithwell
Musicians’ Guild (Tempus Perfectum)
Lady Katherine Wycliffe
Casting Guild
HE Mistress Giliana Attewatyr
208.863.8206 cell
Dancing Guild
HE Morgan du Marc
Lady Ursula de Strattone
Needleworker’s Guild
On Hiatus
Please contact the MoAS for more information
Clothier’s Guild
HG Mistress Kortland Stirling Mayfaire
Fletching Guild
HE Master Karl Braden von Sobernheim
Scribe’s Guild
Don Gomez Erlandez de Santander
Textiles Guild
On Hiatus
Please contact the MoAS for more information
The Legal Bits
The deadline for submission is the 20th of each month for publication by the end of the month. All items submitted to the Moose Call for publication must
be accompanied by a Release for Publication, except submissions by regular (or semi-regular) columnists. Items submitted will remain the property of the
submitter, and will be returned as appropriate. The Moose Call reserves the right to publish submissions as space and time allow, and to edit for grammar
and content if necessary. Submissions that are original works will be credited appropriately. Submissions that are not original works must credit the source
in some fashion. Submissions may be mailed, emailed, or given to Moose Call staff. Please see the Officers Listing for mailing and email addresses. Please
use the following guidelines when submitting:
Written: Wr itten submissions ar e tr anscr ibed. When submitting, please pr int on plain white paper using a minimum 12 point plain font. Dr awings and hard-copy photos are scanned; please make sure they are as clean and clear as possible. Handwritten submissions are accepted, and should be as
legible as possible.
Email: Email submissions can either be contained in the body of the email message, or sent as a file attachment. File attachments should be plain
text (.txt), rich text (.rtf) or Word document (.doc or .docx) format for text. Graphics and Photos should be saved as JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) or PNG (.png) as
Photo Policy: It is the responsibility of the photogr apher submitting photos for publication to obtain releases from the subjects in the photo. By
submitting a photo for publication, the submitter affirms that they have and are giving permission to publish the photo, and that they have obtained all
necessary releases from the subject(s).
Advertising rates: Single issue half page $5, full page, $10. Please contact the chronicler to enquire.
This is the July 2015 issue (Volume 33, Number 7) of the Moose Call, a publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc (SCA). The Moose Call
is available from the Barony of Arn Hold website at http://www.baronyarnhold.org/Moose_Call, and is edited by Lady Ursula de Strattone (Diane Donald).
You may contact the Chronicler via any of the methods listed under Chronicler in the officer directory in this publication. The Moose Call is not a corporate publication of the SCA, and does not delineate SCA policies. Except where otherwise stated, all articles in this publication may be reprinted without
special permission in newsletters and other publications of branches of the SCA, subject to the following conditions: a) the text must be reprinted in its
entirety without additions or changes; b) the author’s name and original publication credits must be printed with the text; c) you must send either a letter or
email to the editor of this newsletter stating which article(s) you have used & in which publication the material has been reprinted, or a copy of the publication in which the article(a) were reprinted with the article(s) clearly identified.
Moose Call Release for Publication
_____________________________________ do hereby confirm that I am the sole/joint author(s)/artist(s)/photographer(s)
of the article(s), song(s), words and music or photograph(s) attached.
I do hereby grant permission for the Society for Creative Anachronism to use my original material entitled
_______________________________ in its publication, Moose Call. I also grant the Society my permission to reprint my
material up to _______ times. I understand that although I allow my submission to be printed and reprinted, I retain full
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Subject to these grants, I reserve all rights to this work.
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