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FREE - The Baltimore Guide
WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 20145 INSIDE... FREE News ............................... 1-5 Calendar .............................6 Features ..............................9 Seniors ..............................12 Sports................................14 Real Estate ........................19 BG U I D E a l t i m o re Serving East Baltimore since 1927 526 S. CONKLING STREE T | 410 -732- 660 0 | I N FO@BALTIMOREGU I DE.COM | W W W.BALTIMOREGU I DE.COM BALTIMORE GUIDE 1 THEATER: “Last of the Boys” looks into the minds of veterans. Page 9 WEDNESDAY, MAY 20-TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2015 Community shows support for Southeast police BY GIANNA DECARLO GDECARLO@BALTIMOREGUIDE.COM The Southeast police district has had a busy couple of weeks. Once the shock of protests and riots died down, the district was stricken with an outbreak of shootings, some of which resulted in homicides. Major Deron Garrity was, and remains, in direct center of the action. He flew one of the helicopters during the riots and looting throughout the city on Monday, April 27. “It was something I’ve never seen in my career and it’s something I hope I never see again. It was bad,” said Garrity about the experience. He spent over 20 hours in the air over three days. He said that having the helicopters, however disruptive and noisy they may have been to residents, were important to supplementing the patrols. It allowed them a larger view which let them see what was happening blocks away so they knew where to direct traffic flow. He said a lot of the anti-police sentiment CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 DENNIS E. CUOMO Attorney At Law * CRIMINAL CASES * D.W.I/TRAFFIC (Former Assistant States’ Attorney) * PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENT CASES * DIVORCE SEPARATION CUSTODY * WILLS AND ESTATE ADMINISTRATION 323-325 S. Conkling Street 410-675-7900 Bikejam 2015, held on Sunday, May 17, attracted over 1,000 bicycling enthusiasts with bike races, food trucks, and live music. | Photo by Gianna DeCarlo icy delights highlandtown 3930 Fleet stReet (corner of Fleet & grundy sts.) Mon.-Fri. 1-9, sat. 12-9, closed sunday neW: Kiddie size now available! Visit our other locations: Middlesex • Martin Plaza Carroll island • dUndalK rosedale • WHite MarsH Monday, May 25 • 12-9 BUy one snoWBall Get one free! of equal or lesser value. one snowball per person with coupon. toppings and premiums extra. Highlandtown location only. #1 in Home & Small Business Security Systems Your communitY resource for all Your securitY, fire and video needs Remote Control • Live Access from Mobile Device • Enhanced & Cloud-Based Services • Wireless and Interactive 410.622.4465 • • 2 BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 Neighborhood News: Patterson Park by gianna decarlo EDITOR@BALTIMOREGUIDE.COM ALL NEW FITNESS EQUIPMENT! $ 10 DOWN. Expires June 11th 1405 Merritt Boulevard, Dundalk, MD 21222 • (410) 282-4955 *Home Club only. Billed monthly to a checking account. Subject to $29 annual rate guarantee fee. With a $10 One Time Start Up Fee. Includes T-shirt. *Must be at least 18 years old, or 13 with parent/guardian. Incentives offered for enrolling in other memberships. Participating locations only. Planet Fitness facilities are independently owned and operated. Are you over 60 and feeling depressed or having memory problems? Depression� and� memory� problems� in� older� adults� are� common�and�are�o�en�undetected.� Problems�with�memory�may� Symptoms�of�depression� include:� may�include:� � x Feelings�of�sadness�or�� hopelessness� x Di�culty�remembering� recent�events� x Loss�of�energy� x Inability�to�enjoy�� x Misplacing�household� objects� � pleasurable�ac�vi�es� x Changes�in�appe�te�or� x Poor�concentra�on� sleep�pa�erns� � you� are� feeling� depressed� or� having� memory� problems,� If� � are�not�taking�an�depressant�medica�on,�and�are�in�good� physical�health,�you�may�be�eligible�to�par�cipate�in�a�� research�study.� � Qualied�people�will�par�cipate�at�no�cost�to�them�and�will� be� compensated� for� �me� and� transporta�on.� For� more� informa�on�about�the�study,�please�call:� (410) 550-4192 Approved�January�14,�2014� � IRB�Protocols:�NA_00021615,�NA_00026190� Principal�Inves�gator:�Gwenn�Smith,�PhD� The Patterson Park Neighborhood Association met on Monday, May 11 at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church to provide updates on spring events and other community issues. First on the agenda was an announcement enforcement on housing code will begin. According to Councilman Jim Kraft, flyers of the code will given out which states that each violation of the code will result in at least a $50 fine. Some of these violations include having a trash can without a lid, high weeds or grass, and excessive littering and trash buildup. Any one with tips on those who are not obeying the code are encouraged to call 311. Following this, Delegates Brooke Lierman, Pete Hammen and Senator Bill Ferguson discussed what happened in Annapolis at their senate meetings. Lierman said that they passed a balanced city budget with $11 million dollars going to Baltimore City Public Schools. She said that Governor Hogan has not yet approved the updated budget. Another bill that wasn’t passed was a Community Clean-Up and Greening Act. The act “prohibits most retailers from distributing plastic bags at checkout, with exceptions for meats, produce, and limited other items. Retailers would charge 10 cents for each paper bag requested by the consumer,” according to Lierman. Lierman also said that during the session she pushed for a board of planning and oversight for the MTA. She is working on establishing a working group. Delegate Hammen’s Recreational Vessel bill, which would eliminate the rule that you need a bay pilot to be on a boat within the harbor, was passed, as well as approval to build stabilization centers in the city. A stabilization center is “a center for medical care, mental health care, case management, etc. for at-risk individuals with drug, alcohol, or mental health issues. Police or other 1st responders could take these people there instead of to Central Booking or to an ER,” explained Hammen. The project will recieve $3.6 million dollars in funding. Hammen said that the centers would save a lot of money and reduce the amount of “catch and release” that troubled people go through with medical care. Senator Ferguson said that his Youth Works program, which encourages local businesses to hire and train a young adult, would be doubling in size over the next five weeks. He called for the association to spread the word and reach out for volunteers. Any one interested should contact Ferguson’s office to get involved. He also introduced a bill that would make more socio-economically diverse public schools by mixing Baltimore City and Baltimore County students. It didn’t pass this session, but Ferguson said he will keep pushing forward with it. An official date for the next Patterson Master Plan meeting has been set. It will take place on Wednesday, June 24, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Patterson Park Public Charter School. This will be the last public meeting where aspects of the plan can be changed. The Friends of Patterson Park are hosting a wine-tasting and silent auction fundraiser on Thursday, May 21 at Patterson Park around the pagoda. Tickets are available at www. For anybody struggling with rats in your trash, a representative for the company The Compost Crew offered a solution. The Crew will give you a composting bin for your garbage and then do door-to-door pick-up. Every 6 months you’ll be delivered a bag of composted fertilizer that you helped create. For more information or to sign up www. or email Phil Mendenbach, the Sanitation chair of the Patterson Park Neighbors, said the next block clean-up will be on Saturday, June 6. It will focus on the alleys between Baltimore and East Sts. The dumpster will be on East St. If you participate in the clean-up, you could be eligible for a rain tax or stormwater credit. On the topic of clean ups, Kim Wiggins of the Greening committee announced the official date Patterson Park’s Annual Home and garden tour which is Saturday, June 13. Wiggins is still looking for houses to show, especially those between Milton and Linwood Avenues. Email Kim at coordinator@pattersonpark to volunteer to help run the tour, volunteer your house for the tour, or suggest someone else’s house for the tour. BALTIMORE GUIDE 3 WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 20145 WOOFS & WAGS BOARDING- DOGGIE DAYCARE- GROOMING Memorial Day Special! Stay 4 Days but Pay for Only 3 and Get a Complimentary Bath on Departure GRAND OPENING SPECIALS 25% OFF 30% OFF FREE 3RD NIGHT Full Grooming Any Daycare with a paid 2 night stay With this ad. Expires 5/31/15. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Service With this ad. Expires 5/31/15. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Package With this ad. Expires 5/31/15. Cannot be combined with any other offer. NOW OPEN 504 South Haven Street Highlandtown 443-563-2174 Call, stop in or book your reservation online 4 BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 Call me today to hear about these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. LongTime Solutions, Inc. Jim Craig 410-752-1300 2829 O’Donnell St. Canton PRIVATE INVESTIGATION 1121 Merritt Blvd. Dundalk PROCESS SERVER Licensed and Insured 912 Light St. Federal Hill Jack Long | 443-928-3382 Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company Memorial Day Deadlines The Baltimore Guide will be closed Monday, May 25, 2015 in honor of Memorial Day. The ad deadline for the May 25th edition will be moved to: Friday, May 22 at noon. This deadlines applies to both display and classified ads. 526 S. Conkling St. 410-732-6600 526 S. Conkling St., Baltimore, MD 21224 410-732-6600 • Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am-4 pm Perry Corsetti, Publisher 215-354-3125 • Gianna DeCarlo, Editor 410-732-6600 ext. 5 Jill Criscuolo, National Account Manager 410-732-6600 ext. 4 Jessica Chaney, Account Executive ROP & Classifieds 410-732-6600 ext. 3 Julie M. Kichline, Art Director 410-732-6600 ext. 8 Circulation & Billing 410-732-6600 ext. 4 Contributing Writer Andy Mindzak, Birds House Contributing Photographers Thomas C. Scilipoti, Bill Lear, Lisa Lynn Hansen ©2014 Baltimore Media Guide, LLC. All rights reserved. Member MDDC. Gaffney’s Steamed Crabs Since 1970 415 S. HIGHLAND AVE. 410-327-4006 Mon.-Fri. 4-9pm, Sat & Sun 2-9pm NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON fRee DeLIVeRy to the Highlandtown area Residents and DOT rally to bring Red Line to Baltimore BY GIANNA DECARLO EDITOR@BALTIMOREGUIDE.COM The Baltimore City Department of Transportation and Baltimore Heritage organized a Baltimore Red Line Summit at Patterson Park on Friday, May 15 to show their support for bringing the Red line to the city. Delegate Brooke Lierman of the 26th district spoke, calling the Red a “unifying force” which will connect the west and east sides of Baltimore. “We all need to get to work, we all need to get home to see our kids, and we all need to be able to go out on the weekends to local businesses and live our lives. We need a better way to do all those things in Baltimore City and the Red Line is a first steps,” she said. She said that the city wants to bring 10,000 families to Baltimore, but not their 10,000 cars. She also said that commuting time has emerged as the strongest factor for escaping poverty as a reason why public transportation is important. Fleming El-Amin, the DOT Red Line Project Manager, said the Red Line has been in development for around seven years. Chris Ryer of the Southeast CDC also voiced his endorsement. “We have seen the Red Line as a revitalization tool for Southeast Baltimore and also a way of knitting neighborhoods together, neighborhoods that are now split with rail and industrial quarters, for the 21st century as opposed to the 20th,” said Ryer who mentioned how Southeast is in gridlock during rush hour due to high traffic volume. “Transit saves, transit connects, transit is economic development, and transit it needed,” said Dru Schmidt-Perkins of 1000 Friends of Maryland. “ Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced her support for a Red Line system in Baltimore earlier this week at press conference on Tuesday, May 12 at City Hall. The mayor said her support was based on the employment opportunities the Red Line would bring, as well as providing a more efficient form of public transportation. “Let’s not beat around the bush. We know that the last few weeks have challenged our city’s resiliency, but it also has shown our resolve. Among the many lessons we learned is that Baltimore needs more ways to connect our citizens with more jobs and more opportunities, and the Red Line does exactly that,” said Rawlings-Blake at City Hall. The press conference at City Hall drew over a hundred people that wanted to rally support. “The Red Line has enormous potential to spur the reuse and rehabilitation of historic buildings, create new jobs and shape a brighter future for the residents of Baltimore’s historic neighborhoods,” said the Baltimore Heritage in a statement. Rawlings-Blake called the Red Line a “a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to improve life for Baltimore citizens. She then called for the same support for Governor Larry Hogan. Hogan has previously commented on the high price tag of the Red Line, estimated around $3 billion dollars, and whether or not the city could afford this. A spokesperson for the governor said that they are currently reviewing the project. “The only thing standing in the way of the progress of the red line is the support that we need from the state. We cannot let this opportunity slip by,” said the mayor. The other main speaker was representative Elijah Cumming. He said that Baltimore city has committed $230 million, Baltimore county has committed $900 million and the federal government would give $900 million. “If the governor would merely sign on, we would get $100 million this year and $900 million over the course of the project,” said Cumming. Cumming said that if action wasn’t taken soon, then it could be years before any progress and development is made. The Red Line would be a 14 mile, 19 stop, transit line starting at the Woodlawn neighborhood of Baltimore County, through West Baltimore, the Inner Harbor, through southeast, and ending at Johns Hopkins Governor Hogan is expected to announce the future of the Red Line by the end of June. BALTIMORE GUIDE 5 WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 20145 Supporters of bringing the Red Line to Baltimore, including representatives from the Department of Transportation and Delegate Brooke Lierman gathered at Patterson Park on Friday, May 15 to rally for better public transportation. | Photo by Gianna DeCarlo REMEMBERING THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED! AQUA PLUMBING & HEATING Drain Cleaning & Sewer Line Replacement Boiler Installation & Repair 410-563-0300 Don Peyton • Lic #7107 • Credit Cards Accepted In Business for 32 Years CRABS YEAR ROUND BEST WINGS IN TOWN 1611 BANK STREET 410-675-6040 OPEN 7 DAYS 12-9 PM See the complete menu online SEAFOOD PLATTERS • SUBS • SALADS • SOUPS SCOOTERS FAMOUS MARYLAND PRIDE 32 $ SCOOTER’S STEAMED CRABS ARE THE BEST! lump crab 95 1cakelb jumbo stuffed with shrimp and served with 1 side HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY Thank you to our troops, all that have served and will serve. 6 BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 Blockenstein A Monster Community Yard Sale Saturday, May 30 8 aM-1 pM 3100 & 3200 blks Bank Street between S. East Ave. & S. Ellwood Ave. Bag a Bargain! Don’t fear the monster! Lots of sellers, tons of stuff, great prices and music, too! BE a seller, BE a buyer, BE both! But whatever you do BE THERE! To REgiSTER AS A SELLER cALL SuSAn 410-534-0966 Free regiStration For HigHlandtown reSidentS Send name, address & phone number to Sponsored by Highlandtown community Association COMMUNITY CALENDAR Email your events to Gian na DeCarlo, Events are due at noon on the Friday before publication. Wednesday, May 20 Mother Goose Baby Steps: Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. An interactive nursery rhyme program with music and movement. For children up to 36 months of age with their caregivers. Patterson Park Branch, Enoch Pratt Library, 158 N. Linwood Ave. Info: 410396-0983. Canton Baptist Church Adult Bible Study: Every Wednesday 6:30-7:30 p.m. Classes for youth and children. Info: 410.563.1177 Thursday, May 21 Hampstead Hill Association Meeting: 7 p.m., Hampstead Hill Academy, 500 S. Linwood Avenue. Hampstead Hill Nights: 5:30 p.m., Hampstead Hill Academy, 500 S. Linwood Ave. Live music from Brooks Long & The MADD OX. Bring lawns chairs and blankets. Buena Casa, Buena Brasa: Todos los jueves. Canciones, rimas, cuentos, y juegos, para los niños (0-3 años) y los padres o cuidadores. 11 a.m. at the Southeast Anchor Branch, Enoch Pratt Library, 3601 Eastern Ave. Info: 410-396-1580. St ch r i m c i h s ur a C . Friday, May 22 Family Bird Watching Walks: 8 a.m. Presented by the Audubon Society. Meets by fountain in Patterson Park. Free, and all ages and abilities are welcome. Tiny Tots in Patterson Park: 11 a.m., meets at picnic tables on the northeastern shore of the Boat Lake. A celebration of nature meant to raise donations for the charity Tiny Tots. $5 donation suggested per child. Presented by the Audubon Society. Info: 410-558-2473. Free Zumba: The Door, 219 N. Chester St., is holding free Zumba Gold classes every Friday night at 6:45 p.m. Info: 410-585-8810, Saturday, May 23 Saturday Sports Club: Every Saturday until June 20, 9 a.m., Patterson Park Youth Sports & Education Center, 200 S. Linwood Avenue. Girls and boys ages 5-15, no experience or equipment needed. Registration available on site. Info: 410-878-0566 or Audubon Habitat Team: 9 a.m., west of the boat lake at Patterson Park. Volunteers are invited to come help weed, mulch, and plant the pollinator garden, a habitat built to help the native birds and insects of the park. Wednesday, May 27 Young Adult Group: Join young adults 18-35 at Sacred Heart of Mary Parish, 6727 Duluth Ave., Dundalk, as we seek to build our relationship with God. There will be talks, testimonies, small group discussions, music, free food and weekend activities. We meet Mondays, 7 p.m., in the Parish Center, 6727 Duluth Ave., a two-story brick building. Info: or 410633-2828. St. Anthony Festival in Little Italy To benefit Saint Leo’s Church 12-8 PM Kenwood Ave. & O’Donnell St. Sunday 1-4 PM Girls Running Club: Mondays, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Patterson Park Youth Sports & Education Center, 200 S. Linwood Avenue. For middle school students with a need for speed. Info: 410-878-0563 or dritchie@ t nmen ertai e Ent Liv Italian Foo d– like Momm a always ma de! Sat., June 6 June 11-14, 2015 Fun &s Game Monday, May 25 The 111th Annual Stiles and Exeter Sts. Classic Car Show Info: or 410-5582473. Kerplunk! Family Art Drop-In: An all ages events where children are encouraged to explore the art exhibit and delve into their own creativity with help from the art supplies around the building. Saturday, 12-3 p.m., at the Creative Alliance, 3134 Eastern Ave. FREE. Info: events/2015/kerplunk-free-family-art-drop. Sun., June 7 June 11 7-10 pm June 12 7-11 pm June 13 6-11 pm June 14 1-5 pm 11-7 PM Cannoli Filling Contest Fun for everyone! Music: DJ Chuck Koros (Thur.-Sat.) Gene Burton & the Bluenotes (Sunday) Saturday at 3 p.m. Sausage eating Contest Sunday at 3 p.m. GAMES, PRIZES & CRAFTS - ALL 4 DAYS Procession to follow 9:30 Mass on Sunday FESTival menu: Polish sausage • pierogi • golombki (stuffed cabbage) Crab cakes, PIZZA, fried dough & More outdoor grill: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs & chicken kabobs See long-time friends, meet new ones! Beer Garden * Silent Auction & Flea market $1,000 Grand Raffle For more information call KIds’ zonE: For information call 410-276-1981 or visit 410-675-7275 Games of Cha nce rough h t n o ssi r proce hood afte y a d or Sun ss eighb the n 30 am ma 9: Two-player a nd four-play er bocce tourneys both days, cash p rizes BALTIMORE GUIDE 7 WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 20145 MAY SPECIALS King Discount Liquors Beer • Wine • Spirits Kegs • Ice • Soda CASH UP T0 $5,000 Winning Lottery Tickets At Any Time Receive up to 30 FREE TICKETS! Cigarettes • Snacks Bus Passes • Phone Minutes Money Orders • Check Cashing Notary, Copies & Fax Services ATM • Bill Payment Center Lottery Super Agent Jagermeister 750 ML $15.99 Skyy Vodka 1.75L $17.39 Malibu Rum 1.75L $15.83 Blue Chair Bay Rums 750 ML $12.99 Early Times 1.75L $11.99 Barefoot (All flavors) 1.5L $7.99 CaSh for CoInS Bring a bag, bucket or cookie jar of coins we will count it, sort it and give you cash! Sutter Home (All flavors) 750 ML $3.49 Spasso (Red & White) 1.5L $7.99 7 Deadly Zins 750 ML $10.67 Johnny Bev’s Wine of the Month KEndAll JACKSon CHARdonnAy 750 ML $9.35 BOTTLE Lindemans 1.5L $6.66 Cupcake Moscato 750 ML $7.39 Guinness 12 oz loose btls case $20.99 Corona 12 oz loose btls case $23.99 Heineken 12 oz loose btls case $22.99 CASH oR dEBIT on All SAlE ITEmS. Coors Light/Miller Lite 12 oz btls case $17.99 8226 PUlASKI HIgHwAy • RoSEdAlE • 410-686-2770 oPEn dAIly AT 9 Am • www.KInglIqUoRS.Com Everyone else’s dollar days happen Every day at King liquors! 8 BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 Choosing poor-quality vinyl windows is a mistake. 2X STRONGER Our Fibrex® material is THAN VINYL* Choosing the proper window material is everything. Even in moderate temperature swings, poor-quality vinyl windows can warp, lose whatever energy efficiency they once had, and invite drafts and leaks. Significant home improvements are supposed to last, but can you imagine the expense and frustration of replacing your windows a second time, after just a couple of years? We custom-build our windows from our own Fibrex® material. Why did we make our Fibrex® material twice as strong as vinyl? To serve homeowners who want their windows to last.* Offer ends June 13th! BUY 4 WINDOWS, GET THE 5TH WINDOW WITH FREE NO NO NO MONEY DOWN PAYMENTS INTEREST 1 FOR 1 YEAR 1 Minimum purchase of 4 or more. Interest accrues from date of purchase, but is waived if paid in full within 12 months. Call for your FREE Window Diagnosis 1-800-242-6549 DETAILS OF OFFER – Offer expires 6/13/2015. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Buy 4 windows, get the 5th free and no money down with 12 months no payments, no interest when you purchase 4 or more windows or patio doors between 4/19/15 & 6/13/15 with approved credit. APR of 16.84% as of 3/1/2015, subject to change. Repayment terms from 0 to 12 months. Interest accrues from date of purchase but waived if paid in full within 12 months. Available only at participating locations. See your local Renewal by Andersen location for details. VA License #2701030764A, DC License #420212000031, MHIC #121441. Some Renewal by Andersen locations are independently owned and operated. “Renewal by Andersen” and all other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. ©2015 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. ©2015 Lead Surge. All rights reserved. *See limited warranty for details. 1 WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 20145 Exploring the effects of war with BALTIMORE GUIDE 9 ‘Last of the Boys’ BY GIANNA DECARLO EDITOR@BALTIMOREGUIDE.COM Last of the Boys, playing at the Fells Point Corner Theatre at 251 S Ann Street, is a play that delves into the lives of two best friends and Vietnam veterans decades after they were forever changed by the devastation of the war. The relationship of the two men is strained as both try to forget about the traumatic experience and save their friendship. Ben, played by Mark Squirek, is living alone in a trailer park that has long been abandoned by his neighbors. This solitude only pushes him further into his self-inflicted isolation and internal battles. Jeeter, played by Tony Colavito, is eccentric and sucked into new-age philosophy and fills his time with Rolling Stones concerts and meaningless hookups. Jeeter just returned from Ben’s father’s funeral, which Ben missed, with mementos such as the American flag draped over the coffin. Squirek is subtle in showing Ben’s torment, but in the aching moments of silence, we can see through expression and body language alone, how fundamentally lost the character is. Often times the moments are punctuated with the sound of gunfire or helicopters, placing the audience in his position. Squirek’s interactions with Colavito are done spectacularly, with glimpses into what their friendship was like before they were burdened with the experiences of war. Jeeter’s woman-of-the-month is Salyer played by Casey Dutt, an angsty younger woman with an interest in the war due to a mysterious father figure that died while in the service. Sal’s mother Lorraine, played by a wonderfully stressed-out and mourning Katherine Lyons, eventually winds up at Ben’s trailer looking for her wayward daughter. A turning point in the play has Sal, in the midst of a fight with Jeeter, mocking his obsessive nature, saying he is “always stuck on something”. This represents the stagnancy of Ben and Jeeter. Ben throughout the show also struggles with mixed feelings about the war, part of him feels like a hero while the other part feels like a monster. Sal and Lorraine are still griefstricken over the loss of a man the loved or never knew. “They’re all sick. All four characters are suffering so deeply, there’s such pain,” said director of Last of the Boys, Barry Feinstein. Feinstein himself is a veteran of the time, being drafted to Okinawa in the 60s. “I was drafted and like the characters say, when you get that letter a fog just comes over you,” he said, referencing a recurring theme of fog and the unknown in the play. When discussing the challenges in directing such complex characters, Feinstein was interrupted by Squirek who said “He’s steering an extremely large ship and we didn’t hit an iceberg. I’m an extremely lucky man, thank you Barry.” Feinstein says that PTSD was a common problem in veterans, who were often villianized by the community when they returned home. This shift in the society from unwavering support, to vehement hatred of the soldiers naturally affected their acclimation back into reality. He said that as 40th anniversary of the Fall of Saigon, which marked the end of the Vietnam war, is remembered, it’s important that we remember those that were at the front line because their pain remains once they’re off the battlefield. For example, Ben deals with his pain by embodying the spirit of Robert McNamara, the Secretary of Defense who sent the boys to war. As McNamara, Ben is haunted by the ghost of a young soldier. Sal is the only other one who can see the ghost of the soldier. “Do you believe in ghosts, Ben?,” she asks at one point, “Yeah, me neither. But they keep turning up now, don’t they?” Lorraine has her daughter’s attitude paired with a lingering bitterness over the war who took the love of her life from her. Her breakdown is made all the more tragic when Sal begs her to see the ghost to no avail. The explosive climax has the four characters getting drunk and releasing the tension that has been building up since Jeeter and Ben reunited. Secrets and lies are revealed, opening wounds and exposing how inescapable PTSD has plagued these men and potentially ruining their friendship forever. Last of the Boys opened on May 15 and will play until June 7. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit. Mark Squirek as Ben and Adam C. Zoellner as the ghost of the young soldier that haunts him. Below: Casey Dutt as Salyer and Katherine Lyons as her mother, Lorraine. Photos courtesy of the Fells Point Corner Theatre. | Photo by Gianna DeCarlo 10 BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 GARRITY: Support from Southeast Self Storage & RV, Boat, Vehicle Storage All Units Ground Level Drive Right Up • No Inside Hallways CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Professional Storage Specialist FREE Features Available: 3All Ground Level Storage 3Boxes & Storage Supplies • Incoming Fax Service 3Gate Area Video Recorded 3Free Incoming Fax •Work Area and Phones 324 Hr. Access Available 3Locks •Acceptance 3Fenced and Lighted 3Commercial Deliveries of Deliveries 3Free Work Room and Coffee 3On Site Resident EASTPOINT SELF STORAGE Second Month FREE With this ad. Expires 5/31/15. 410-282-1300 6815 Rolling Mill Rd. & North Point Blvd. 1/2 mile S. of K-Mart on rgt, next to Burger King HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm • sat 9am-3pm We want to BUY your altimore house, Building Company your land, or your property! 410-409-2809 B 1421 E. Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21231 expressed during this time has weighed heavily on the department. “I’m doing fine, I’m more concerned about the officers and how they’re doing. A lot of police take things to heart. They need to realize this is a business and things are going to happen outside of out control and we can’t take it personally.” Garrity said that officers get tunnel-vision when they only see the negative public reaction. However, he said that most of the negativity and distrust was confined to the west-side and support for the police has come pouring in from the Southeast. And a lot of this support has been delicious. “I hope this never happens again because of the amount of food that the public brought us, we had a tremendous amount of people bringing up food, water , drinks, and specialties dishes from the Greek and Hispanic community, I mean, you name it, we had it,” Garrity said of all the refreshments that have come in. He said that the recreation room where they stored the food was packed, “we had food up to here!” he said, gesturing to shoulder-height. On a door in the rec room is a collage of letters of support and thanks from residents. “It’s physically impossible to thank the community enough.” Diana Pons is a Highlandtown resident who helped assemble these gifts, along with Crissy Suit. “The whole thing was for the police to know that we have their back and that we support them regardless of what is happening In any type of a career, there’s always a few people that are bad apples, and the news only focuses on that, so I want them to know that even when all this craziness is going on, the Major Deron Garrity | Courtesy photo community is supporting them,” said Pons. Pons and Suit spread the work through social media and Pons called the turn out “unbelievable”. She said the generosity of neighbors was good encouragement for the officers. “You should’ve seen the smiles on their faces,” she said, “They really are a good group of people.” This isn’t the first time Southeast has given back to the police district. A few years ago, their station underwent an extreme renovations due to donations for local businesses, politicians, and residents. Garrity excitedly talks about their outside pavilion with flatscreen TVs and grilles. On Sunday, May 17, the community hosted a cook-out on the pavilion for the officers. CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 In business for 25 years • Distressed properties • Any condition, any location - city or county • Settlement within a few days • All settlements and purchases are quick and professional The wall of the recreation room at the Southeast Police district. | Photo by Gianna DeCarlo BALTIMORE GUIDE 11 WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 20145 Bike Jammin’ Patterson Park hosted Bikejam, a gathering of over 1200 cycling enthusiasts, on Sunday, May 17. Over 20 bike races were held throughout the event with riders ranging in ages from under 9 years old to over 45. Some of these races, like the The Kelly Cup Pro Race, were high-caliber, professional level races. Other less strenuous trails were available for the more leisurely rider, like the The Lolly Pop Ride which is a 12 mile ride through Druid Hill Park, the farmer’s market, and community gardens. Bikejam was created by the Gathering and sanctioned by the U.S. Cycling Federation to celebrate the cycling community and get others involved in this healthy and fun sport. Food trucks, such as The Ice Cream Experiment which made instant ice cream in front of you, provided food and drink specials to fuel the riders and bystanders. Live music was provided by the Orchester Prazevica Rufus Roundtree and Da B’More Brass Factory. For more information, visit Bikejam was put on by The Gathering Baltimore and hosted over 20 races with riders from all over the state. | Photo by Gianna DeCarlo NEW BAR NOW OPEN! MONDAY & TUESDAY: Any Draft Beer $1 all day MEMORIAL DAY DISCOUNT WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY: Buy one drink, get one fREE any drink, all day 10 % OFF HAPPY HOUR fRIDAY & SATURDAY: Any draft beer $2, all day SUNDAY: Any drink $1 Off, all day Newly Renovated! New Look, New Atmosphere Great Place to Watch the Game! FILIPPO’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP 418 S. Conkling St. • 410-327-4550 Monday-Thursday 10am-Midnight Friday & Saturday 10am-1am, Sunday 11am-11pm PackagE gOODS 7 DayS • BEER, WINE, LIqUOR MONDAY, MAY 25 For Veterans or Active Military Special offer valid only on Memorial Day for new Dinner Entree menu. 12 BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 JoHn BootH - eleanor Hooper Senior Center LetHonoring me help you and money. patterson park Casino Bldg. • 2601a e. Baltimore St. • 410-396-9202 oursave time Protecting more of your world with Allstate makes Military this Day Protecting more Memorial of your world with Allstate makes Let me help youlife saveeasier. time and money. your And it can June 3: Summer Hot Dog Picnic, June 17: Laughter Wednesday. 12:15 put morea.m.-1 moneyp.m. in your 11:30 Hot dogs, baked p.m. Enjoy a good laugh! beans, macaroni salad pocket. yourin your policies and you can save evenand more. Free June 24: Games Day, 12:15 p.m. Play your life easier. And it canBundle put more money to 2015 members. Sign up by May 27. pocket. Bundle your policies and you can save even more. Why wait? Call me today. June 9: STEPS: Senior Legal Services, more. Why wait? Call me today. June 24: Blood pressure check at 10 a.m. Presentation on legal decisions 12:15. Information meeting at 1:00. and elder abuse and what services are available for you. Free to all seniors July 2: Distribution of Farmer’s and open to the public. Market Coupons, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. or until coupons are gone. First come, June 10: Summer craft making, 12:15 first served. One set per person. Must p.m., Free for members. be Baltimore City resident and 60+ June 11: Podiatrist, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. years of age and with income No pre-registration required. Open to restriction. Proof is required. Coupons all seniors. cannot be reserved. Let me help you save time and money. Protecting more of your world with Allstate makes your life easier. And it can put more money in your pocket. Bundle your policies and you can save even more. Why wait? Call me today. Steve Moskowitz 410-665-3602 1323 N. CALVERT ST BALTIMORE stevemoskowitz@allstate.come Steve Moskowitz 410-665-3602 1323 N. CALVERT ST BALTIMORE stevemoskowitz@allstate.come Call or stop by for a free quote. some board games with us. Steve Moskowitz June 12: Blood pressure check, 10:30 July 3: Independence Day. Have a safe 410-665-3602 a.m., no pre-registration required. and happy holiday! 1323 N. CALVERT ST Open to all seniors. Free. BALTIMORE stevemoskowitz@allstate.come Hatton Senior Center 122437 Subject to terms, conditions and availability. Savings vary. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance CO., All state Indemnity Co., Allstate Insurance Co., Allstate Vehicle and Property Insurance Co. Northbrook, Illinois. ©2011 Allstate Insurance Co. 2825 Fait ave. • 410-396-9025 Thursdays, June 4-25: Video Walk at 9:30, Wii at 10:00, aerobics at 10:30, June 15: Red Hatters meeting, 11 a.m. and eating together at 11:30. June 17: Legal help available at 11 Fridays, June 5-26: Bingo at 12:30 p.m. through C.A.R.E. Program will Call or stop by for a free quote. feature information on legal decisions p.m. Please be at the center by 12:00 to purchase cards. There will not be a bus and elder abuse. to Wal-Mart. Subject to terms, conditions and availability. Savings vary. Allstate and Casualty June 23:PropertyHouse council meeting, Massages will be given by appointment Insurance CO., All state Indemnity Co., Allstate Insurance Co., Allstate Vehicle and Property 12:30 p.m. Insurance Co. Northbrook, Illinois. ©2011 Allstate Insurance Co. on June 1, 15, and 29 starting at 9:30. June 24: Blood pressure check, 12:15 p.m. Information meeting at 1 p.m. Call or stop by for a free quote. 410-675-9555 May 25: Closed for Memorial Day. Subject to terms, conditions and availability. Savings vary. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance CO., All state Indemnity Co., Allstate Insurance Co., Allstate Vehicle and Property Insurance Co. Northbrook, Illinois. ©2011 Allstate Insurance Co. ABC RADIATOR & AIR CONDITIONING THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO TAKE A LEAK... in Little Italy and Fells Point! This Memorial Day we remember those who have and are serving! FREE CAR AC CHECK Open 6 Days A Week Monday-Friday 8-5, Saturday 8-2 July 8: Distribution of Farmer’s Market coupons, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. or until they are gone. Mondays, June 1-29: Video Walk at 9:00 eating together at 11:30. Tuesdays, June 2-30: Wii at 9:00. Eating together at 11:30. Wednesdays, June 3-24: Eating Together at 11:30 Check here for Senior Center News the third week of every month. BALTIMORE GUIDE 13 WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 20145 T R U S T E D S I N C E 1 9 5 7 • O V E R 1, 0 0 0 S T O R E S U ! R TH AY W D O N ON M MEMORIALHOLIDAYSALE UP TO Every Mattress In The Store! Doorbusters 6Hours Only excludes Tempur-Pedic SAVE 70% STARTING AT 78 $ 88 EACH $599 PIECE SOLD IN SETS ONLY SET LIST Other sizes available at similar savings. Jumbo Pillow or Mattress Protector $ 1 80 ONLY UP TO $ VALUE 99 EACH with any mattress purchase. Limit 2 per customer SAVE 65% QUEEN FIRM Interest for 72Months* 189 $ 99 EACH PIECE $1199 SOLD IN SETS ONLY SET LIST Other sizes available at similar savings. Plus 2 FREE Tempur-Pedic Pillows! SATURDAY 10am-4pm FREE Boxspring with any all-new Laura Ashley Heritage Collection mattress purchase. See store for details. ($200 VALUE) On any Tempur-Pedic purchase of $1,999 or more made with your Sleepy’s credit card between 5/22/15 & 5/25/15. Equal monthly payments required for 72 months. ALL NEW! All models available for purchase may not be on display. Photos are for illustration purposes only. Not responsible for typographical errors. Previous sales do not apply. Thursday thru Monday FREE DELIVERY ON EVERYTHING Offer applies only to single-receipt qualifying purchases. No interest will be charged on promo purchase and equal monthly payments are required equal to initial promo purchase amount divided equally by the number of months in promo period until promo is paid in full. The equal monthly payment will be rounded to the next highest whole dollar and may be higher than the min. payment that would be required if the purchase was a non-promotional purchase. Regular account terms apply to non-promotional purchases. For new accounts: Purchase APR is 29.99%; Min. Interest Charge is $2. Existing cardholders should see their credit card agreement for their applicable terms. Subject to credit approval. * Above $599 14 BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 The Baltimore Guide’s annual go-to guide for SUMMER FUN COMING JUNE 24 2014 SUMMER FUN A Baltimor e Guide Special Publicati on JUNE 2014 BIRDS HOUSE by Andy MindzAk Welcome to the Big Leagues, Mike Wright! Ad Deadline June 3, 2015 RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY! WANTED Sinners! “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” - Romans 5:8 NIV Come experience God’s love and grace for the journey at Canton Baptist ChurCh We’ve Changed our time neW! Sunday WorShip Service noW at 10:30 am Now you can get your worship on and still make those plans with friends at noon. 3302 Toone Street • 410-563-1177 Inner Peace for the Inner Harbor! 410.732.6600 526 S. Conkling Street • Our Lady of Pompei Serving God’s People since 1923 3600 Claremont St. Baltimore, MD 21224 410-675-7790 Fr. Luigi Esposito Mass Schedule Monday- Friday 8am Saturday 4pm Sunday 8am & 10am ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS FOR LOW COST HIGH IMPACT DIRECT DELIVERY OF YOUR MESSAGE INSERT YOUR MENU, FLYER OR AD IN THE BALTIMORE GUIDE FOR THE LOWEST RATES IN TOWN CALL 410.732.6600 MORE COST EFFICIENT THAN DIRECT MAIL! Mike Wright | Photo courtesy of the Baltimore Orioles. On Sunday, Wright pitched in his Major-League debut against the Los Angeles Angels and gave up only four hits in 7 1/3 innings while striking out six and walking none en route to a Baltimore 3-0 victory. The 25 year old was called up with Bud Norris and Chris Tillman each dealing with their own health issues and Wright was up to the task. In case you haven’t heard of Wright before, you might not be alone. When you think of some of the minor league pitchers in the Orioles farm system, you normally might think of Dylan Bundy or Hunter Harvey, but Wright came through for the O’s in a big way Sunday. Wright was drafted by Baltimore in the third round of the 2011 Draft and has been in the minors ever since. He pitched very well in 2013 while in AA Bowie where he posted an 11-3 record with a 3.26 ERA before making his first start in AAA Norfolk where he picked up a no-decision in 6 2/3 innings of shutout ball. After a season like that, one might think he would pick up in 2014 where he left off in 2013, however that was not the case. 2014 saw Wright spend all season in AAA Norfolk where he went 5-11 with a 4.62 ERA in 26 starts however the big right hander has turned that around this year. In six starts at AAA this year, Wright has gone 3-0 with a 2.64 ERA. His WHIP has been equally as impressive at 1.109 and his 30 strikeouts in 30 2/3 innings pitched is the best ratio of his career. Monday, the Orioles officially placed Bud Norris on the Disabled List due to bronchitis, and in turn promoted Tyler Wilson from AAA Norfolk to the O’s. Along with that news, Chris Tillman has been dealing with back stiffness and an illness. His numbers this year are looking pretty rough as he has posted a record of 2-5 with a 6.34 ERA, so it will look like Wright has his opportunity to make a name for himself over the next week or so. If he can continue to do what he did on Sunday the rest of the way, there is no reason to keep him off the Baltimore roster. Even if he can duplicate his AAA numbers in Baltimore, that would still be a great thing and would give the Orioles much needed pitching depth. Here’s to hoping Wright keeps this up! WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 BALTIMORE GUIDE 15 Contractors Landscaping Painting GUTTERS-ROOFING SIDING-WINDOWS DECKING -SUNROOMS • 2-story Foyers/Vaulted Ceilings • Military Discounts • Drywall/Water Damage Repair • Senior Citizen Discounts • Power Washing/Decks/Homes • Licensed & Insured • Handyman/Carpentry • MHIC#70338 • Wallpaper Removal Year round: Lawn Care * Garden Care Maintenance * Landscaping Design Spread Mulch * Fertilizer Application Retaining Walls * Patio and Walkway Pavers * Driveway Coating Leaf Removal * Garden Pools Tree Removal * Tree Trimming 35 years Experience Free Estimates Licensed and Insured Featured Nationally on NBC’s The Today Show #50888-1 #50888 410-321-0330 Contractors From a smalll yard d to an enttire complex, we can do it all. One free cut with yearly service. 410-242-1737 Home Improvement Special Call now for Free Quote 443-895-1176 * MHIC # 64323 Cement Work PA I N T I N G S E R V I C E Specializing in Concrete & Masonry Construction Since 1977 Driveways Brick Sidewalks Stone Patios Stucco Steps Chimneys Custom Design Basements (o) 410.663.1224 (c) 443.562.7589 MHIC #3802 WWW.LSCMD.COM Contractors THE BEST QUALITY PAINTING Interior/Exterior Starting at: Rooms - $175 • Windows - $35 Work Done by Owners Licensed in MD for 30 years Chris & Mike Levero Bonded & Insured Free Estimates FIVE STAR HOME SERVICE 410-661-4050 410-744-7799 • porches • interior/exterior • patios • remodeling • sidewalks • fencing/decks • masonry • underpinning • additions • retaining walls • flagstone • landscape • asphalt driveway Roman Style CONCRETE MHIC# 8990 Call for a Free Estimate 410-276-3628 MHIC# 10138 Roofing Moving & Hauling EVERD ROOFING INC. Free Estimates/FHA Certs/Senior Discounts/ Emergency Service General Home Improvements Skylites/Gutters/Siding 3141 Elliott Street Baltimore, Maryland 21224 We Now Accept 410-522-0177 MHIC# 32741 Serving Canton, Fell’s Point, Federal Hill & Highlandtown for over 30 years 1AAA ABC Attics, Bsmt, Garage, Yards. 25 yrs of honest hauling. Same Day. Call Mike: 410-446-1163. ABM'S HAULING Clean Houses Basements, Yards & Attics Haul free unwanted cars Match Any Price!!!! 443250-6703 1-1 MIN. CALL HAULS IT ALL Any size job welcome. Guar. to beat comp. price. Free est. Call Mike 410-294-8404. Services Offered BOB'S GUTTER SERVICE Expert cleaning & gutter repairs/replaced! Gutter guards installed! Save $$! Handyman. Ins. 410-750-1605 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD CALL 410.732.6600 SERVICES 16 BALTIMORE GUIDE SERVICE DIRECTORY AUTOMOTIVE CONCRETE WORK SERVICING THE CANTON AREA FOR OVER 20 YEARS Nicholas’ FlEET sTREET shEll 601 S. Luzerne Ave, Baltimore, MD 21224 410-675-4338 $ 5.00 oFF • MD State Inspections • MD Emissions Test Repairs • Factory Scheduled Maintenance • Foreign and Domestic Vehicles • Computer Diagnostic Specialist • Road Service & Towing Available Premium 3000 Mile Maintenance Service With this coupon EXTERMINATING Termite & Pest Control MDA License No: 26036 Serving Baltimore City & County 410-282-5560 Bed Bug Control ROACHES, WATERBUGS, ANTS, FLEAS, BEDBUGS 410-558-0315 Lic# 589 Dept. of Agriculture Serving Baltimore for over 30 years PLUMBING AQUA PLUMBING & HEATING SIDEWALKS • DRIVEWAYS • PATIOS RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL MHIC #9864 Licensed & Insured Since 1973 efficient, reliable, honest General Household Repairs Insured & Bonded • Established 1995 FRee estimates 410-522-4928 Raylene or 410-916-2971 Dot 410-344-7762 licensed and insured $20 off Second cleanIng MHIC#125297 Thank You Baltimore! For voting us your Favorite Handyman 2 years in a row Moppin Mommas • 410-522-4928 Herman Rossmark ROOFING INC Residential & Commercial WATERPROOFING 3727 E. Pratt St. 410-285-5556 P easant ROOFERS 410-563-0300 410-675-5440 Residential & Commercial FREE ESTIMATES MHIC# 1448 Serving Baltimore since the 1930’s! FREE ESTIMATES BILINGUAL: ENGLISH/SPANISH A PLUS! SEEKING DEDICATED ADVERTISING SALES PROFESSIONALS Unlimited Earning Potential! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2014 InsIDE... FREE news ............ ................... 1-5 Calendar ............ ............. 6-7 Features ............ .............8-10 sports............. ...................13 Crime.............. ..............16-17 Crossword ............ ............22 a l t i m o re BG uide Serving East Baltimo re since 1927 Friends and fam ily remember Leto’s love for life 526 S . Conklin g S tree t | 410 -732- 66 0 0 ALWAYS WATERPROOFING 443-277-9612 BALTIMORE GUIDE REDEVELOP: EBDI project update | I n fo@ Ba lt I morEgu I | w w WEDnEsDay w.Ba lt I morEgu , FEBRUaRy I 12-TUEsDay, FEBRUaRy 18, 2014 Page 10 By ERIK ZyGMO nT eDitor@BAltiMo regUiDe.CoM “We didn’t think we’d need all this but obviously we space, did,” said Diane Posko to a couple hundred friends and family bers gathered at Fell’s Point’s Polish memClub last Friday Home to celebrate the Kimberly Leto. life of Posko, Leto’s sister, said that Leto not have wanted the event to be sad. would “She would love for much we all loved us to all focus on how laugh,” Posko said. her and her smile and She also mention ed her sister’s lutely wicked” “absosense affinity for the spiritualof humor and deep . “Although Kim was not associate specific religion, d with she was very spiritual a said Posko. “She ,” had an uncanny ability to understand these ancient texts.” Jan Dietrich, a spiritual mentor for Leto, said that she “really valued the presence The sun rises God in her life.” over southeast of Baltimo CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 City may sell Jan By DanIELLE ROOFING Don Peyton • Lic #7107 Credit Cards Accepted In Business for 32 Years Cleaning • Roofing of all types • Skylights • Spouting Boiler Installation & Repair Moppin Momma’s Inc. Residential & CommeRCial • Roofing • Spouting • Skylights • Chimneys • Siding • Painting • Glass Block Windows • Deck Tops • Railings Drain Cleaning & Sewer Line Replacement HOUSE CLEANING TOM ALLEN Home Services ARNOLDS 410-609-3170 410 - 327- 9190 HOME IMPROVEMENT EXTERMINATOR We Guarantee a Good Job at a Reasonable Price! CONCRETE SPECIALIST WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 sWEEnEy DsWEEnE re, as seen from Patterson Park. ney Street Park | Photo by Erik Zygmont for olive oil firm ’s expansion y@BAltiMoregUiDe Cathy Gentry didn’t .CoM think that neighbor but she may find St. to hood parks could out disappear, nearestthe east, Fairmount Ave. to Last November otherwise. the south, with western street boundar Haven St. as the attended a meetingshe and some of her Janney y. It equipment and St.-area neighbor an open field wherehas a basketball court, playgrou Corporation informin of the city and the Baltimor s nd Gentry says three e Development her family played. generations of Company was interesteg them that the nearby Pompeia “I thought the meeting d in expandin n Olive Oil was about fixing Street Park from the park up,” she the city—and the g and would like to buy Janney taking it away.” says. “Not them. city was consider Janney Street Park ing selling it to has no obvious Janney Street Park, park, save for a signage indicating that it at weathered rusty 140 Janney industrial area. It is is bordered broadly St., is a 1.5 acre park in a heavily linked fence with the acronym sign hanging from the park’s a city chainby Fayette St. to POS—indicating the north, Janney affiliated with Program Open that the park is or Space, a program was that conserves natural RETIRE IN STY LE An Independent Community for Senior Living 55+ & Better Rent starting at $695 mo. CONTINUED ON APARTMENT HOMES FOR SENIOR S 103 Center Place www.parkvie • 410-288-54 wseniorliving .com 83 PAGE 23 M-F 9-5, Sat. 1-3 Immediate Openings are Available We Will Beat Any Professional Written Estimate! Sump Pumps • Drainage Lines Water Removal • Window Well Drains Structural Repairs Downspout Lead Offs Rubber Membrane Walls The Baltimore Guide is looking for career-minded individuals. Duties include building a client base, reaching targeted revenue goals, understanding the client’s needs and making appropriate advertising recommendations. Computer skills are a must: Microsoft Office, and ad ordering required. Excellent prospecting and cold calling skills a must. MHIC #94024 Must be self-motivated, highly dynamic and customer service driven. License #405 Concrete/ Crawlspace Basement Digouts Mold Remediation FREE ESTIMATE Reach Baltimore’s Best Service Professionals… Advertise your business in the Baltimore Guide’s Service Directory Call JESS CHANEY today! 410.732.6600 x3 Familiarity with Canton, Fell’s Point, Butcher’s Hill, Little Italy, Highlandtown, Brewer’s Hill, Greektown and Dundalk a plus. EMAIL RESUME TO OR FAX TO 410-732-6336 No phone calls please. BroadStreet Media LLC., is an equal opportunity employer. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 BALTIMORE GUIDE 17 EMPLOYMENT Services Offered Special Occasion MDR Roofing & Gutters • Repairs • Replacements • Flat Rubber • Inspections • Certifications • Insurance Work Free Estimates Senior Discounts Credit Cards • 0% Financing Contact Mike 443-506-9222 Lic. #88812 Services Offered Vacuum Cleaners Serviced All makes & models Free Estimates 91 years of service 1924 - 2015 Aerus Electrolux Factory Authorized Provider Our showroom & service dept. 1702 Joan Ave • Balto 21234 410-882-1027 MERCHANDISE Wanted to Buy Donate A Boat or Car Today! “2-Night Free Vacation!” 1- 800 - CAR - ANGE L w w Flea Market You’ll be glad you did! There’s a promise of excellence around every corner at University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health, and our Nurses can feel it. If you’re an experienced ED or Med-Surg Nurse, you deserve to be surrounded by strong, supportive, committed peers. We would like to speak with you. ED, Med-Surg & Telemetry Nurse Events: Adult ED, Med-Surg, Telemetry Nurses See us on Thursday, May 28, Noon-3pm STOP CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN EMPLOYMENT GAYWOOD COMMUNITY YARD SALE Sat 5/16, 8a-1p, General Employment 200 & 6400 blocks Blenheim Rd, 200 block Gaywood Rd. LANDSCAPE Experienced HUGE! lawn care/landscape technician (applicators license enFor Sale couraged). Laborer/trainee DULANEY VALLEY 2 crypt position available. Fertilizamausoleums. $16,000 both. tion, weed control, tree/shrub spraying, drenching, aeration, 410-840-4141 seeding, sod, snow etc. Full Wanted to Buy time position with health insurance and 401k matching beA A R O N B U Y S C A R S & nefits. Drug free, clean driver TRUCKS Any year or condi- and neat appearance. EOE. tion. Fair prices. Immediate 410-321-0970 service. Local. Call 410-2580602 Peds ED Nurses (Peds ED/PICU exp. required) See us on Thursday, May 28, 4pm-6pm • This exclusive event for experienced nurses will be held in The Bel Air Harford Room, University of MD Upper Chesapeake Medical Center, 500 Upper Chesapeake Dr. in Bel Air • ED Nurses enjoy 3: or 4:1 ratios at all times. Med-Surg/Tele Nurses enjoy case variety. • Opportunities on various shifts are available at Bel Air and Havre De Grace locations. • Experience a must. Join a work culture that exceeds your expectations. Start a conversation or RSVP today! Email: Openings are listed in detail at Equal Opportunity Employer Free pick up & delivery sponsored by boat angel outreach centers Get to know us. University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center University of Maryland Harford Memorial Hospital Our Mission is to Create a Healthier World, One Person at a Time. We are currently seeking dedicated RNs with a passion for chronic disease management or acute case management to join our team: General Employment General Employment DRIVERS LOCAL Baltimore P&D Openings! Great Pay, Benefits & Hometime! CDL-A w/X & T, 1 yr. Exp. Req. (EOE/AA) Old Dominion Freight Line Call Joe Mahon: 1-800-243-6335 CDL DRIVERS NEEDED 2 years experience. Please call for interview. 410-493-6602 PRINTING Offset PressmanRyobi, AB Dick, full/part time, experience, immediate. Towson. 410-823-6544. 8 OPENINGS AVAILABLE No Experience Required / Full Training Provided We Offer Advancement / Career Opportunities Student Bonus Program Available Competitive Pay A Successful applicant must be able to start work within 1-2 weeks Call 410616-0615 ZINA Hair Salon- Hair stylist and Massage therapist needed. Experience required. 410-342-2077 HVAC Co looking for exp & reliable refrigeration mechanic with a min of 2 yrs exp Residential & light commercial.Tools & reliable transportation are a must.Pd ELECTRICAL APPRENTICE- vacations & holidays. Please resume to: SHIP HCECA is accepting s e n d Appls. for Classes Starting j h a s s a n @ r c i - h v a c . c o m Aug. 2015. Employment Assistant avail. High School Dip- ZINA HAIR SALON - Hair loma/GED Req. For applica- stylist and massage therapist needed. Experience required. tion call 410-879-5824. 410-342-2077. REAL ESTATE Houses for Rent For Rent ALL AREAS AVAILABLEMany TH & apts, 1-5 bds, fr $600 All credit ok, pet/sec 8 ok 443-938-9140 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE - second floor, 3224 Eastern Avenue. 410-3424400. Building Lots RN COMPLEX CASE MANAGERS: Full-Time, Days, Canton-Baltimore, MD The professionals we select will play a major role in the collaborative process to meet the comprehensive health needs of patients and families. A current RN license for the state of Maryland, willingness to obtain paid CM certification within 18 months of hire, CCM with two or more years of case management experience or equivalent, OR four or more years of clinical experience in medical-surgical, community/home health care, case management, and equivalent experience reviewing patient medical care and services are all required. Oncology experience is highly desirable. Healthways empowers and enables each of our colleagues to realize their personal best. Our competitive pay and benefits package, fitness programs, professional and personal development, and community volunteer opportunities encourage balance, helping you stay emotionally and socially fit. Healthways is also pleased to offer free and convenient parking at our offices in Canton, MD. For consideration, please send resumes to To learn more, please visit our website at Vacation Rentals Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V General Employment General Employment DRIVERS Currently accepting applications for experienced rear load drivers. Need to be able to meuver tight alleys. Contact Gerbers in Cockeysville 410-771-1321. PROF. DOG TRAINER Highly skilled. Grass roots. Must have vision. Match shelter dogs w/ wounded warriors. Exc. Salary. Call Susan 410952-5484. TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD CALL 410.732.6600 SERVICES 18 BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 a l t i m o re BG U I D E CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. On time 7. Swiss river 11. Maine river herring 12. In a way, waits 14. “Titanic” director 18. The Ocean State 19. Black tropical Am. cuckoo 20. Macaws 21. A transgression of God’s will 22. Belonging to a thing 23. Mures River city 24. Electroencephalography 25. Puts together 29. Sound practical judgment 31. Pops 32. In a way, assists 33. One and only 34. Prong 36. More wise 39. One who propagates 40. Got up 41. Writers of news stories 45. Pianist Cliburn 46. Hindu mother goddess 47. Insures residential mortgages 48. Non-human primate 49. Of sound mind 50. Ficus fruit 51. Sodium 52. BOGO We’ll buy your house for cash today! We will buy your home today, no hassles, no real estate agents, no commissions and no closing costs. We will buy any house, in any condition, anywhere. Member of the BBB We are entering our 35th year of business Visit us online at 57. Pulsating ache 59. Short open jackets 60. Genus Quercus trees 61. N.O. football team DOWN 1. Sows a crop 2. Derelict 3. Be indebted 4. Prefix meaning wrong 5. Beginning military rank 6. Afternoon meal 7. American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery 8. Own (Scottish) 9. Rural delivery 10. Most supernatural 11. Roseate spoonbill genus 13. Lightly burns 15. Adult female horses 16. Geological times 17. Radioactivity unit 21. 1/100 of a tala 23. Winglike parts 26. S S S 27. “Ghost” actress Demi 28. Package or bale (abbr.) 29. More mentally healthy 30. Siskel and __, critics 34. Pith helmet 35. __ Jima, WW II battlefield 36. Learned person or scholar 37. East Colorado Native Americans 38. No longer here 39. 1995 Brad Pitt movie 41. Gambling town 42. An earnest attempt 43. Odd-toed ungulates 44. Profoundly wise persons 46. Sunrise to sunset 49. Poor boys 52. Chinese cabbage, ___ choy 53. Point that is one point S of due E 54. Tibetan gazelle 55. __ Lilly, drug company 56. Hamilton appears on it 58. Egyptian sun god Answers. Don’t peek! LLC the friendly people... How it works: • Free estimate over the phone, or online. • Immediate appointments to see your house. • Immediate firm price commitment. • Settle anytime you like. • Settlement takes about 15-30 minutes. • Leave with your check and peace of mind For a FrEE EstimatE call 410.625.2221 BALTIMORE GUIDE 19 WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 20145 GARRITY: Crime updates CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 The station also has a state-of-the-art gym and a complete kitchen and other comforts, like a washing machine and roomy lockers thanks to donations. “We’re civil servants, we serve the public. the public doesn’t owe us anything,” he said of recent support, “It’s a shame we had to get this point for people to come forward, but I mean, it’s a good thing out of such a bad thing.” Garrity explained that the uptick in violence in the area was due to the lack of resources. Many officers in Southeast were deployed to west Baltimore leading to a lack of officers on street. He is referencing the extreme increase in shootings across the city, over 9 a day. He said criminal are taking advantage of the decreased police presence. He brought up the case of Mr. Joe, who was killed outside his market and deli on Highland Avenue, calling the suspects “cowards”. He did say that there are several leads on the case and that it is moving forward. Anyone with information is still urged to call the Homicide Unit at 410-396-2100. Despite the shootings, Garrity said that burglaries are down and that crime is starting to settle back to normal as police return from the west. He points to a map in his office that’s covered in thumbtacks that represent a crime and where it occurred. He uses this visual to find patterns in crime and to determine where to send patrols. On Saturday, June 20, the Southeast police district will host a Partnership Family Day at Patterson Park which will host the annual police vs. community softball game. Garrity said that the event was planned long before the events of the past weeks and couldn’t have come at a better time. It’s physically impossible to thank the community enough. Spring into a New Home! PHIL TIRABASSI Owner/Broker 443-690-0552 Full Service Discount ExpertsSm AdvAnce ReALTy dIRecT “Waterfront Specialist” Top in Sales for April Lisa Bays 410-365-5508 Top in Listings for April Sheri Hipsley 443-756-5041 BALTIMORE OFFICE 410-288-6700 REDUCED! $150,000 BALTIMORE BC8462366 2 BR, 1.5 BA Cape Cod - central a/c, oil heat, sunroom, ww carpet, eat-in kitchen, pantry, cedar closet, alarm system, finished LL, rec room, bar, large closets, covered back porch, off street parking, 2 car garage, driveway, fenced backyard. BALTIMORE BC8485908 Lovely home with newer. Gourmet Kitchen, 4 bedroom , 4 full baths with lovely finished lower level Large rear deck. This house is great for all your entertaining needs. HARFORD HR8500639 Many advantages w/5BR, 3BA home also zoned B-3 commercial. Great location .04 mile from 95. Lots of space & parking. Conveniently located for business. Huge back deck, almost 2 acre lot. Property is technically 1213 Old Mountain Rd. South but as it sits it is 1213 Mountain Rd. BALTIMORE BC8509917 Rosedale 4 br Colonial w/2.5 ba in a cul de sac. Crown molding, chair molding, architectural columns, hw floors, FR, gas fp & lg deck. Master br, master ba w/dual vanities, 2 closets, jetted tub. Minutes to Franklin Sq. Hospital, I695, I95. BALTIMORE BC8530857 3 BR rancher with built in pool and has additional lot for extra yard. Price includes lot Tax ID # 04121211015671 & house Tax Id 04121220001253. This home is being sold AS IS. Seller will make no Repairs. Needs some cosmetic to make it your dream home. BALTIMORE BC8539950 2 BR w/room in LL for BR or FR. All appliances are new within the last 4 years. New roof 06/14 Furnace is 10 years young and the best part is the house is move in ready. Close to schools, beltway, shopping. Lots of parking in the area. This house is a must see. BALTIMORE BC8552862 This is a must see in Eastwood. BALTIMORE BA8557188 This is a lovely porch front home with 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, new roof, newer skylight, parking pad in the rear. Beautiful hardwood floors this home is a must see. Nancy knows Baltimore! Why call anyone else? Remembering those serving & who have served. Nancy Rachuba 410-905-1417 DIVERSIFIED REALTY 410-675-SOLD BALTIMORE CITY BA8573133 Completely renovated, 2 BR, 1.5 BA in Upper Fells Point. Granite, stainless steel appliances, easy close cabinets, new flooring, new appliances, new everything! A must-see! Qualifies for the Johns Hopkins Live Near Your Work $5,000 grant program. BALTIMORE CITY BA8603357 Great opportunity to own a single family home! three bedrooms and 2 baths with fresh paint and new carpet to be installed !! As Is addendum required. nice fence in back yard to hold all your summer parties! BALTIMORE BC8609908 Boater’s paradise with scenic views. Large Cape Cod with porch, pool, patio, landscaping and sheds. Master suite. Tight-knit friendly community. Built in 2000. Updates galore since 2008 including brand new kitchen. Check possible conveyance of some furniture, fireplaces, lawnmower. Boat slip is available separately. BALTIMORE BC8614063 This is a must see!!!!!!! Three bedrooms two full baths. Master bed and bath. If you need closet space there is plenty. Close to main streets, plenty of shopping, restaurants and a drive in movie. This is contingent upon owner finding another house but she is motivated and will move quickly. BALTIMORE BC8614896 Millers Island Beauty! BETTER THAN NEW w/a WATER VIEW! 4BR, 2.5 BA approx. 1650 sq.ft. 1 BLOCK FROM THE WATER! Wrap around deck, screened porch, pool, fenced yard, shed & garage. Updated kitchen w/SS Apps & glass tile back splash! Master has updated bath & i closet. FF BR/den & PELLET STOVE in LR! FLOOD INS ONLY $610/YR. BALTIMORE BC8615963 Lovely maintained 3 bedroom 1.5 bath home in Middle River Close to school , shopping and beltway. Off Street Parking covered porches. This home is a must see. BALTIMORE CITY BA8618403 UPPER FELLS POINT - Great price for this recently updated 1 BR plus den featuring central a/c and a private courtyard. End of group, possible paid parking right next door. Get the convenience of Canton and Fells Point without the price. BALTIMORE BC8620998 DUNDALK - 3BR semi-detached featuring closed in porch & brick garage. Partially finished LL w/flush! The house has great bones w/generous sized yard. Bring your ideas & make this one your own. Being sold As-Is. Seller will make no repairs. OFFICE 410-288-6700 Now Interviewing New & Experienced Agents. 20 BALTIMORE GUIDE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 Thank you for voting for us for East Baltimore’s We Care Best Pet Care! Pooches & Purrs Day Care, Boarding & Grooming for Dogs and Cats 6200 Holabird Ave. 410-633-0222 Day Care & Boarding EVERY DAY RATE AS LOW AS $18 day / $36 night THE PRACTICAL PET PROTOCOL Functional Obedience for Dogs and their Families What sets Practical Pet Protocol training classes apart from the rest in Baltimore? We keep you in control, teaching you how to deliver commands such as sit, down, come, stay, heel, and place. We expose your dog to real-world distractions during the training process, ensuring the training is solid and reliable. After all, these new behaviors need to stick even after the group sessions have ended. We’ll teach you a time-tested approach that will enable you to address any behavioral relapses or new behavior problems before they get out of hand, without needing to call on a trainer. We address not only the elements needed for basic obedience, but also the elements needed for a basic, functional relationship with your dog. We show you how to develop a bond of mutual trust and respect that will allow you to keep a positive influence on your dog’s behavior. You will receive a 40+ page booklet and free access to our mobile app to make your independent practice with your pet easier and more effective.