2004 RAN - 03 Fall V13.indd
2004 RAN - 03 Fall V13.indd
2004 ANNUAL FUND REPORT President’s 2004 Volume 70, Number 1 Fall 2004 James E. Buggy Vice President for Development Leslie M. Hannafey P ‘03, ‘07 Annual Fund Director John W. Prael, Jr. ‘63 Alumni Director Owen D. Reidy ‘99 Alumni Communications Director Jennifer Reeder Executive Assistant Kathleen Flandrick Database & Gift Entry Management Thomas A. Hein ‘99 Layout & Design Regis grants reproduction rights of all material to qualified, non-profit institutions. Regis High School and the Alumni Association reserve the right to publish and edit all submissions and letters to the editor as space permits. Submissions must be sent to: Regis High School Development Office 55 East 84th Street New York, NY 10028-1221 Phone: (212) 288-1142 Fax: (212) 288-2111 INSIDE ON THE President’s 2004 Annual Report ....................... 3 Rev. Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. ‘48 From the Principal’s Desk ................................ 4 Rev. Vincent Biagi, S.J. Regis High School Faculty & Staff .................. 6 Regis Revenue & Support ................................ 8 Vision to Lead ................................................... 9 Alumni Order of the Owl ............................... 10 Regis Parents 2004 ......................................... 12 2004 Gifts ....................................................... 19 2004 Annual Fund Donors .............................. 21 2004 St. John Francis Regis Society .............. 31 Deo et Patriae Award 2004 ............................. 32 2004 Summer Renovations ............................. 34 14th Annual Regis Alumni Golf Outing ......... 36 Prowlings ........................................................ 37 Regis News and Notes .................................... 46 Milestones ....................................................... 47 Calendar of Events ......................................... 48 When I sat down to write the President’s introduction to this Regis Annual Fund Report for 2004, I found myself thinking of 1978. That was the year, you Vatican experts will recall, known as “The Year of the Three Popes.” Paul VI died in August, John Paul I was elected Pope later that month only to die in his sleep 33 days later, and John Paul II, our first Polish Pope, began what has become one of the longest tenures in Church history in October. Xavier men might consider it characteristically pretentious to compare the President of Regis High School to the Pope, but when John Werwaiss, the Chairman of our Board of Trustees, announced in April 2004 that not one Jesuit but two would succeed the Rev. J. Thomas McClain, S.J., as President of Regis, this year of transition gained a claim in Regis history as “the year of the three presidents.” When Tom McClain was called back to the Detroit Province to take on an important new post at the University of Michigan, the Regis High School Board of Trustees sought to identify a Jesuit successor. They were successful in persuading the Rev. Philip Judge, S.J., of the Regis High School class of 1980, to take on the President’s responsibilities at his alma mater, but Phil could not be freed from his responsibilities as Principal of McQuaid Jesuit High School in Rochester until July 2005. So the Trustees turned to a Regis alumnus of an earlier generation to preside over the school year 2004-2005. I was happy to have a chance to recover my Regis roots just sixty years after I first entered the school as a freshman. Let the year 2004, then, be known as “the year of the three Presidents but still the same Pope.” Fall 2004 3 Annual Report In looking back over this unusual year and its many achievements, first recognition must be given to the great debt that Regis High School and its alumni owe to Father Tom McClain, S.J., whose eight-year tenure as President was the second longest in the history of the school. The most pertinent measure of a President is whether the institution he leaves is stronger than the institution he found. For this Golden Owl, there is no question that Regis High School is a much stronger institution in 2004 than it was in 1996. Through his exceptional stewardship of the school’s resources Tom McClain consolidated its financial foundations and clarified its continuing challenges. Significant improvements in the physical plant have been systematically made so that deferred maintenance is not the nagging problem at Regis as it is at many other schools and universities. The establishment of the REACH program, which helps prepare talented sixth, seventh and eighth graders for demanding high school programs at Regis and other Catholic high schools, is a striking confirmation of the special mission of the school, founded to provide a tuition-free education to promising Catholic students who might not otherwise be able to afford a Catholic high school education. And, of course, Tom McClain will be missed by the thousands of Regis alumni and their families who met the President of Regis at gatherings here at the School and on his travels to major cities in the United States and abroad. Father McClain, from his new post as chaplain at the University of Michigan, can look back on the Regis Class of 2004 and take pride in its accomplishments. The list of scholarships and academic honors awarded its members confirmed the finest traditions of the School. Forty-nine members of this class of 127 were National Merit Commended Students, and of these 18 were National Merit Finalists. The average SAT score of the class of 2004 was 1410. It was also a good year on the extracurricular front. The Hearn debating society, an activity dear to my Regis memories, won its third straight New York State Debate Championship. Our basketball team (known as the Red Raiders in my day but now apparently called the Owls) won the New York City Championship in their division for the first time in 11 years, while the Regis baseball team captured the Bronx-Manhattan championship in only its second year of playing in the A division. Not so incidentally, the umpires association awarded the baseball team the title of Sportsmen of the Year for the second year in a row. The Regis soccer team finished second in their division and advanced to the quarterfinals in the city tournament. Several school track records fell this past year, including the record for the 110-meter high hurdles that had stood for nearly 20 years. The REACH program, begun two years ago, came to maturity this past year, with three distinct classes involved in the summer program of 2004 that was divided between three weeks on the campus of the University of Scranton followed by three weeks at Regis High School in Manhattan. In my first summer back at Regis, I missed the streams of summer students that kept the Fordham campus alive during July and August. For this reason, I welcomed the arrival of the REACH students midway through July, and the Regis hallways were livelier for their presence. In the coming school year of 2004-2005, a very large percentage of this first group of REACH students have qualified to take the Regis entrance exam, and an important threshold in this pioneer program will be crossed. Among the most striking (and most satisfying) changes in the Regis High School of 2004, as opposed to the School I entered sixty years ago, is the important role played in the formation of today’s Regians by the Regis Christian Service Program. These programs are not limited to the metropolitan area. Members of the Class of 2004 traveled to Quito, Ecuador, to work with the children at the Working Boys’ Center, founded by that extraordinary Jesuit, the Rev. John Halligan, S.J. Other student leaders orga- nized a service project in Kingston, Jamaica, that sought to support the most vulnerable in Jamaican society. In Father McClain’s final year as President, he continued the wise management of the School’s financial resources that was one of the distinguishing marks of his tenure. In this he was supported by the extraordinary loyalty of Regis alumni, whose contributions to the annual fund maintained a 60 percent participation rate, among the very highest participation rates of any group of alumni in the United States. The annual fund represents a growing percentage of the Regis operating budget, since income from our endowment accounts for less than one-half of that budget. In the years ahead, we must do all we can to increase the Regis endowment so that it can once again provide the major source of income for the annual budget. For this reason, the Trustees and Father McClain announced in the Spring of 2004 the public phase of a campaign to raise at least $15 million over the next several years to add to the endowment. The initial reaction of the Regis family to the Vision to Lead campaign has been quite encouraging. As we move into the public phase of the campaign, over $10 million has been pledged toward that $15 million goal. Although I was not involved in the planning of the Vision to Lead campaign, I intend to make it an important personal priority during this coming year. Those of us who were fortunate enough to receive a free Regis education were the beneficiaries of the generous and farsighted founders of the School. It is our turn to make an investment in the future of the Regis men of today and tomorrow. It’s a privilege to be part of this effort, and I look forward to talking with you in the year ahead about our debt to the past and our hope for the future. Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. ‘48 4 Regis Alumni News From the Principal’s Desk Vincent Biagi, S.J. Principal While reading through some material that I had promised myself I would finally get to over the summer, I found myself asking, “What really does make a school GREAT?” The first thing that came to mind was obviously great students, and it would be hard to find a more talented, generous and enthusiastic group of learners than those who grace our halls year after year. Exciting and imaginative courses and programs? Resources sufficient to enable us to deliver to our students the curriculum we hope to deliver? While all of these are important, ultimately I thought what REALLY makes a school great is a great faculty and a great staff, without which programs and resources would amount to little, and more importantly, without which great students would find their growth stunted and would not continue to develop into capable, conscientious, critical thinkers and writers. Having a knowledgeable and skilled teacher is the most significant factor in student learning. To start off the faculty meeting opening this school year, several of this year’s seniors shared with us their thoughts on what in their Regis experience has been formative and memorable. Where do they see greatness, and what impact has it had on them? Their reflections and subsequent discussions provided the faculty with an opportunity both to celebrate all they do so well, and also to ask what together we might strive to do more of or better in our commitment to the magis. The idea of great teachers committed to the magis leads quickly to the notion of dynamic change (not merely for the sake of change). Whether we naturally like change or dread it, it is impossible to avoid it, and to seek stasis (merely for the sake of stability) leads to stagnation. As a school of excellence Regis must cultivate the capacity to seek, assess, and incorporate new ideas all the time. Regis itself must become the locus where growth takes place through the efforts of a faculty and staff who initiate and support redesigning and rethinking, processes necessary for any school to maintain excellence over the years as well as to continue to be relevant and competitive in a changing world. In such a learning environment every faculty and staff member is called to exercise leadership that is transformational. More profound self-understanding leads to envisioning together common goals and fostering ever stronger commitments to reach those goals. Ongoing professional learning by all teachers and staff members is critically important, if a school of excellence is to remain excellent. Such learning flourishes when faculties come together as a community of learners committed to the magis. Good teaching is NOT primarily an individual affair. “How do teaching and learning improve?” In Leadership and Learning, Carl Glickman responds, “It is as simple as this: I cannot improve my craft in isolation from others. To improve, I must have formats, structures, and plans for reflecting on, changing, and assessing my practice, which must be continually upgraded with my colleagues.” (p. 4) Probably the most important forms of professional learning occur in the interactions among teachers in which they assist one another in improving lessons, deepening an understanding of the content they teach, analyzing student work, examining various types of data on student performance, and solving problems collegially. From this perspective sustained teacher-to-teacher communication about teaching and learning is one of the most powerful sources of professional learning and improved instruction. Interactions such as these thrive in a community based on trust and mutual respect, and committed to continuous improvement, collaboration and teamwork. Regularly faculty members visit each other’s classes and share favorite successful lessons. Meeting in groups, some faculty members review student work together or read and discuss material on topics related to their curriculum. When such collaboration characterizes a faculty, it shows not only in formal aspects of organization such as meetings or programs, but also, perhaps even more so, in pervasive qualities, attitudes and behaviors that run through relationships everywhere in the life of the school: in casual day-today interactions, in hard work and personal interest shown, in celebrations, TGIF’s, and socializing, in overt praise and recognition, in sharing discussions and ideas and resources. That is not to say that formal structures and programs do not provided opportunities to engage in collaboration. Once again, we will continue our practice at Regis of putting aside 3 days for a professional development in-service program, focusing on the theme of “assessment” this year. The program will provide time for faculty to work together within or across departments to work on joint projects or to develop helpful diagnostic tools or practices. Fall 2004 5 Several years ago as a faculty we reflected on what specifically we wanted our students to know and be able to do when they completed the course of studies at Regis. The in-service program on assessment this year will allow us some time to reflect together on how we know if our students know and can do these things. More specifically, what exactly do we ask our students to do to demonstrate that they know and can do what we have articulated in the departmental and course outcomes, at the level of performance we expect of them? I think we would all agree that if all that education consisted of were repeating what the teacher or textbook says the meaning of something is, then education would become a rather hollow experience that produces little more than a “data dump” for students after each exam, especially final exams. The Regis faculty this year will seek to challenge each other and work together to develop assessments that engage our students and require them to use the material they have mastered in our courses. In addition to reading textbooks and listening to lectures, Regis students thrive, when given the opportunity to manipulate, create, apply, evaluate, and demonstrate the meaning of the content and skills developed in their courses. Assessments in this context become opportunities for our students to pull things together and communicate in perhaps unique and creative ways what they have learned. During our first in-service day in October, we will begin our reflection on assessment by looking at a “holistic approach” that takes as its starting point the outcomes described in the document “The Profile of the Regis Student at Graduation,” developed some 23 years ago. Does this still speak to us today of our shared vision and dreams of all that we hope to effect individually and collaboratively? How do we communicate this vision and these dreams to our students and their parents, and how, indeed, do we know if we have been successful in fostering our students’ growth into this type of young adult? At the Academic Convocation opening the school year this September, Chris Lowney ’76, author of Heroic Leadership, addressed the student body. In his book Chris speaks of 4 core leadership pillars upon which, he asserts, the enduring success of the Society of Jesus rests (p. 27 ff). He describes these as: • Self-Awareness: Leaders thrive by understanding who they are and what they value, by becoming aware of unhealthy blind spots or weaknesses that can derail them, and by cultivating the habit of continuous self-reflection and learning. • Ingenuity: Leaders make themselves and others comfortable in a changing world. They eagerly explore new ideas, approaches, and cultures rather than shrink defensively from what lurks around life’s next corner. Anchored by non-negotiable principles and values, they cultivate the “indifference” that allows them to adapt confidently. • Love: Leaders face the world with a confident, healthy sense of themselves as endowed with talent, dignity, and the potential to lead. They find exactly these same attributes in others and passionately commit to honoring and unlocking the potential they find in themselves and others. They create environments bound and energized by loyalty, affection, and mutual support. • Heroism: Leaders imagine an inspiring future and strive to shape it rather than passively watching the future happen around them. Heroes energize themselves and others with great ambitions and a passion for excellence. Chris goes on to assert that “everyone is a leader, and everyone is leading all the time – sometimes, in immediate, dramatic, and obvious ways, more often in subtle, hard-to-measure ways, but leading nonetheless.” (p. 17) I think he has provided us with an excellent description of a Regis teacher, the leadership we are all called to, and the educational environment we are challenged to create for each other and our students. Surely, the year ahead will provide many opportunities for the faculty at Regis to continue to learn from each other and to grow as Ignatian educators and leaders. 6 Regis Alumni News REGIS HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY & STAFF ENGLISH Mr. Brian FitzGerald ‘94 (3) Mr. Thomas Kenney (2) Mr. Christopher Lund ‘91 (1) Ms. Margaret Sturiano (5) Mr. Christian Talbot ‘93 (7) Dr. John Tricamo (33) Mr. Michael Vode (24) FINE ARTS Mr. John Loose (25) Ms. Hilda O'Connell-Harris (36) Mr. James Phillips (21) Ms. P.K. Steers (13) SOCIAL STUDIES Mr. Anthony Andreassi (2) Mr. Andre Anselme (21) Rev. Arthur Bender, S.J. ‘67 (15) Mr. John Connelly ‘56 (43) Mr. Eric DiMichele (23) Mr. John Murphy (15) FOREIGN LANGUAGES Mr. Pedro Acosta (4) Ms. Donna Basile (11) Rev. Vincent Biagi, S.J. (12) Ms. Molly Cezarz (4) Mr. Edgar Jackson, Jr. (17) Dr. Eelka Lampe (11) Dr. Louis Macchiarulo (22) MATHEMATICS Ms. Lee Chua (1) Ms. Kristin Cupillari (4) Mr. Daniel Lynch (1) Mr. Brendan MacDonnell (6) Ms. Irina McNamara (2) Mr. George Watson (4) Ms. Carol Weatherall (5) SCIENCE Mr. Frank Barona (10) Dr. William Carew (4) Mrs. Patricia Hannon (23) Ms. Jill Johanson (5) Dr. Ralph Nofi (14) Ms. Cristie Tursi (4) Ms. Diane Walsh (33) PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J. ‘48 (1) ........................................... President Rev. Kenneth Caufield, S.J. (5) ................................... Ignatian Programs Mr. Brendan McLoughlin ‘86 (6) ...... Assistant for Finance & Operations Ms. Deirdre Mackelburg (4) .......................................... Staff Accountant Ms. Elisa Zamora P ‘01 (1) .................................................. Receptionist PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE Rev. Vincent Biagi, S.J. (12) ...................................................... Principal Mr. Daniel Lynch (1) .................................................. Assistant Principal Mrs. Aida Mergeche (8) ................................... Secretary to the Principal Mrs. Patricia Peelen P ‘81 (17) ......................... Main Office Coordinator LIBRARY Ms. Laura Allen (4) ................................................................... Librarian Ms. Mary Henninger P ‘93, ‘98 (7) .................. Assistant to the Librarian ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS COMPUTER SCIENCE Mr. Joseph Amatrucola (4) Ms. Julia Nomee (1) ADMINISTRATION THEOLOGY Mr. Anthony Conti (20) Rev. Christopher Devron, S.J. (4) Ms. Laurie Haller (2) Mr. Thomas Hannon ‘76 (23) Mr. Jose Perez (1) Mr. James Scacalossi ‘83 (13) Dr. Maureen Wallin (5) PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mr. Kevin Cullen (15) Mr. John Donodeo (23) Mr. Brad Serton (1) GUIDANCE OFFICE Ms. Kristin Ross (6) .................................... Guidance Department Chair Ms. Hee-Sun Hong (12) ................................ College Guidance Director Mr. Francis Walsh (31) ............................................ Guidance Counselor Mr. Kim Davis (2) ................................................... Guidance Counselor Dr. Michael Mincieli ‘60 (24) .................................. Guidance Counselor Mr. Roger Knight ‘00 (1) ................................................. Alumni Mentor Mr. Charles Saltalamacchia ‘00 (1) ................................. Alumni Mentor ALUMNI AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Mr. James E. Buggy (3) ........................ Vice President for Development Mr. John W. Prael, Jr. ‘63 (3) ......................................... Alumni Director Ms. Leslie Hannafey P ‘03, ‘07 (1) ....................... Annual Fund Director Mr. Owen D. Reidy ‘99 (2) ................ Alumni Communications Director COMPUTER SERVICES Mr. Jude Travers-Frazier, Esq. ‘90 (6) ................ Director of Technology Mr. Christopher Croce (1) ...................................... Information Manager Mr. Jonathan Dono (5) ......................................... Systems Administrator Mr. Dustin Kreidler (1) ........................ Assistant Systems Administrator ADMISSIONS Mr. Eric DiMichele (23) ..................................... Director of Admissions REACH PROGRAM Rev. Christopher Devron, S.J. (4) ............................................... Director RELIGIOUS FORMATION Ms. Alison Donohue (3) ............................ Director of Campus Ministry Ms. Laurie Haller (2) ................................. Director of Christian Service STUDENT SERVICES DEAN OF STUDENTS OFFICE Mr. Daniel Dougherty ‘86 (11) ........................................................ Dean Mr. Brad Serton (1) ........... Assistant Dean of Students/Athletic Director Ms. Mickey Tracey (4) ....................... Secretary to the Dean of Students Mrs. Gail Trano, R.N. (10) ................................................. School Nurse PSYCHOLOGIST'S OFFICE ALUMNI EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Mr. Nolan E. Shanahan ‘91 ....................................................... President Mr. Roger P. Rooney ‘71 ................................................... Vice President Mr. Kenneth J. Beirne ‘64 ................................. Associate Vice President Mr. Michael J.B. McCarthy ‘92 ................................................. Secretary Dr. Ralph Nofi (14) ................................................ Clinical Psychologist BOOKSTORE Mr. Andre Anselme (21) ............................................................. Director Fall 2004 7 ALUMNI CLASS REPRESENTATIVES 1938 1939 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Mr. James P. Holahan Mr. Kevin G. Tubridy Mr. James P. Murphy Mr. Gerald F. Foley Mr. Joseph P. Clark Rev. James R. Carney, S.J., Mr. Alphonse Volpe Mr. Eugene M. Maloney, Mr. James P. O’Connell Mr. William J. O’Brien Mr. Roman N. Chapelsky, Mr. Charles H. Schneider Mr. Joseph C. Miranda Mr. Richard P. Collins Mr. Andrew J. Hernon Mr. William J. Allingham Mr. Donal F. McCarthy Mr. James A. McGough Mr. Thomas J. Hickey, Dr. Ronald W. Tobin Mr. John M. Conroy, Mr. William J. Ungvarsky Mr. John M. Morriss, Mr. Karl Brunhuber Mr. Paul T. Lennon Mr. William P. Gillen, Mr. John J. Hannaway Mr. Gerard M. McKenna Mr. Leo F. Tymon, Jr. Mr. Joseph A. Vaccarino Mr. John C. Cendo, Mr. Joseph F. Carlucci Mr. Steven L. Markowski Mr. John F. Tweedy, Jr., Mr. John W. Prael, Jr. Mr. Kenneth J. Beirne, Mr. Dennis M. Moulton Mr. George T. Griffith Mr. James E. Maguire Rev. Michael Holleran, Mr. William R. Armbruster Mr. James C. Sherwood, Mr. Timothy J. McGinn Hon. Dennis E. Milton Mr. Robert M. Leonard Mr. Luke T. Garvey, Mr. Roger P. Rooney 2004-2005 BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Mr. Michael J. Davies Mr. John V. O’Toole Mr. William J. O’Connell Mr. John W. Colgan, Jr. Mr. Cornelius J. Grealy, Mr. Andrew J. Tymocz Mr. Bernard J. Kilkelly Mr. Richard J. Weber Mr. William G. Passanante Mr. Robert Schirling Mr. John O. McGuinness Mr. Joseph M. Accetta Mr. Michael P. Murphy, Mr. Emmanuel C. Grillo Mr. Thomas F. Flood Mr. Chris N. Saqqal, Mr. Robert Sciarrone Mr. John J. Wing Mr. John R. Middleton, Jr. Mr. Joseph J. Macchiarola Mr. Joseph M. Sciabica, Mr. James F. Donohue Mr. Nolan E. Shanahan, Mr. Christopher J. Caslin Mr. Kevin J. Doyle, Mr. Michael J.B. McCarthy Mr. Brendan K. Loonam, Mr. Daniel W. Roche Mr. Basil R. Kolani, Mr. Philip Izzo Mr. Stephen McGrath, Mr. John A. Zadrozny Mr. Brendan S. Lennon, Mr. Michael J. Boyle Mr. James P. Langstine, Mr. John M. Rossiello Mr. Michael B. Reilly, Mr. Daniel D. Kirchoff Mr. Thomas A. Hein, Mr. Brian C. Hughes Mr. Christopher J. Nooney, Mr. Brian C. Chirichigno Mr. Brian Nadres, Mr. Michael M. Schimel Mr. Anthony M. Manganiello Mr. Bennett C. Chan Mr. Christopher J. Seneca, Mr. Edward T. Quinones and Mr. Thomas F. Moran John A. Werwaiss ’60, Chairman President Werwaiss & Company Dr. Mary Blake Headmistress Convent of the Sacred Heart Rev. Michael G. Boughton, S.J. President Fairfield College Preperatory David C. Bowen ‘79 Partner Ascend Venture Group, LLC Rev. David S. Ciancimino, S.J. Socius New York Province Anthony J. DiNovi ‘80 Managing Director Thomas H. Lee Company Sr. Mary Dolan, S.U. President Notre Dame High School Henry J. Ferrero, Jr. ‘59 Fabian J. Fondriest ‘79 President Homesite Insurance Leland A. Harrs ‘83 Director Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, Inc. Rev. John J. Higgins, S.J. Rev. Philip G. Judge, S.J. ‘80 Principal McQuaid Jesuit High School Kit Konolige ‘69 Managing Director Morgan Stanley Martin J. Mannion ‘77 Managing Partner Summit Partners Michael J. McGovern ‘80 Raymond G. McGuire ‘56 Kauff, McClain & McGuire Rev. Robert A. Mitchell, S.J. ‘43 Superior of Jesuit Community America House Rev. Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. ‘48 President Regis High School Mr. John Raslowsky Provincial Assistant for Secondary Education Rev. Robert E. Reiser, S.J. Assistant to the President McQuaid Jesuit High School Rev. Thomas E. Smith, S.J. Provincial Assistant for International Apostolates 8 Regis Alumni News Regis Revenues and Support The following statements were summarized from the School’s complete financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2004, audited by our certified public accountants. 2004 2003 Annual Fund, Alumni Association and Parents Club Investment Income Student Activities and Auxiliary Enterprises Special Programs, Fees and Other Income Jesuit Contributed Services – Net (Note 1) REACH Program $3,921,000 1,507,000 453,000 345,000 294,000 128,000 $3,781,000 1,752,000 376,000 366,000 322,000 152,000 Totals Revenues and Support $6,648,000 $6,749,000 2004 2003 Instruction Administration and General Operations and Maintenance Student Activities and Auxiliary Enterprises Special Programs and Other Expenses Development Office Expenses REACH Program $4,679,000 1,287,000 722,000 563,000 42,000 826,000 157,000 $4,485,000 1,248,000 638,000 498,000 62,000 911,000 115,000 Total Expenses $8,276,000 $7,957,000 Revenues and Support Over (Under) Expenses Transfers from Endowment Funds Revenues and Support and Transfers From Endowment Over (Under) Expenses (1,628,000) 1,604,000 (1,208,000) 1,336,000 (24,000) 128,000 REVENUES AND SUPPORT EXPENSES Annual Support: Past 10 Years Note 1: The School charges as an expense amounts for Jesuit services and fringe benefits which would be required to be paid if lay personnel were employed in similar positions. The difference between those amounts and amounts actually paid for stipends, fringe benefits, and other expenses of Jesuits is recorded as Jesuit contributed services – net. ENDOWMENT FUND Amount Invested, Beginning of Year Gifts and Bequests Net Gains (losses), Less Management Fees Transfers to: Operating Fund Plant Fund Amount Invested, End of Year 2004 2003 $39,961,000 3,357,000 $40,119,000 1,514,000 3,712,000 (336,000) (1,604,000) (785,000) (1,336,000) --- $44,641,000 $39,961,000 Alumni Giving Non-Alumni Giving Fall 2004 9 Vision To Lead The Endowment Campaign for Regis In the early years of the 20th century, a remarkably generous woman provided the fund to build Regis High School and to endow it as a school for deserving Catholic boys in the New York City area. Over the past ninety years, the vision of this founding family, together with the generosity of alumni and friends, has enabled Regis to become one of the foremost college preparatory schools in the nation. At the beginning of the 21st century, we need to continue to build on that founding vision, and ensure that Regis has the resources necessary to carry forward its mission of educating men for others, the intellectually gifted Catholic leaders of the future. To remain the vital vibrant institution which it is, Regis requires a firm financial foundation, sufficient to take what was begun so well, and then to do more. To this end, VISION TO LEAD, The Endowment Campaign for Regis seeks to add a minimum of $15 million over a five-year period to the permanent endowment of the school. By the close of the solicitation period in December 2006, all Regians and friends of the school, will have the opportunity to support VISION TO LEAD. For more information, contact Jim Buggy, Vice President for Development at 212-288-1142. Campaign Report: As of October 1, 2004 Minimum Campaign Goal...................................................................... $15,000,000 Pledge & Gifts Received........................................................................ $10,307,647 (69% of minimum goal attained) Campaign Leadership John A. Werwaiss ‘60 Chairman, Board of Trustees Anthony J. DiNovi ‘80 Co-Chairman, Vision to Lead Martin J. Mannion ‘77 Co-Chairman, Vision to Lead Fabian Fondriest ‘79 Chairman, Development Committee Donors to VISION TO LEAD Joseph A. Amico, M.D. ‘42 Gerald F. Foley ‘42 Paul F. Anderson ‘55 Fabian Fondriest ‘79 Mrs. Albert X. Bader P’81, ‘84 John V. Forrest, M.D. ‘58 Kevin J. Bannon ‘70 James E. Foy ‘68 Robert C. Baron ‘52 James C. Galla ‘80 Robert J. Bemben ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Galligan P’01 Rev. Msgr. Austin P. Bennett J.C.D. ‘41 Dr. Gregory E. Gardiner ‘61 Stephen J. Blewitt ‘78 John L. Githens ‘55 David C. Bowen ‘79 John J. Goggins III ‘78 Richard J. Boyle ‘61 Donald W. Gross ‘43 Joseph E. Bringman ‘76 John C. Hall ‘74 Christopher D. Brown ‘93 Robert E. Hallinan ‘70 Francis M. Buono ‘83 Thomas P. Hanrahan ‘68 Kevin M. Burke ‘68 Leland A. Harrs ‘83 Lawrence R. Burke ‘83 Michael J. Hart, M.D. ‘63 Thomas B. Burke ‘85 Vincent W. Hartnett, Jr. ‘67 Philip J. Butera, M.D. ‘71 Albert E. Heurich, M.D. ‘54 John J. Butler ‘58 J. Kenneth Hickman ‘46 John F. Chaplin ‘68 John J. Higgins ‘51 Joseph P. Connors ‘41 Roland Hlawaty ‘83 Christopher A. Conroy ‘59 John J. Hyland ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Conroy ‘54 Dr. William T. Irwin ‘88 Neil P. Coughlan ‘56 John D. James ‘62 Vijay B. Culas ‘91 Theodore R. Janeczek ‘70 James P. Curry ‘87 James P. Kelly ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Davila P’03 Peter L. Kern ‘58 Arthur L. DeAngelis, M.D. ‘61 John G. Koeltl ‘63 Robert P. DeCresce, M.D. ‘67 Kit Konolige ‘69 James S. DeGraw ‘80 Clarence X. Koo ‘76 Christopher A. DeMarco ‘83 Alan E. Kraus ‘71 Leo E. Denlea, Jr. ‘50 Michael J. Kunz ‘81 Charles S. Detrizio ‘84 Peter Labbat ‘83 John G. DiLiberto ‘68 Thomas G. Larkin, M.D. ‘77 Anthony J. DiNovi ‘80 Stephen T. Loebs ‘78 Adrian W. Doherty, Jr. ‘70 Angelo J. Lopano, M.D. ‘57 Anthony J. Domino, Jr. ‘80 Christopher R. Lowney ‘76 Donald F. Donahue ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Francois Maisonrouge P’03 Michael J. Dowd ‘77 Martin J. Mannion ‘77 Timothy E. Dowling ‘82 Joseph C. Marconi ‘78 Donald J. Fager ‘48 J. Michael Martin ‘59 John P. Fargis ‘83 Edward L. Marut, M.D. ‘66 James F. Farrell ‘56 Daniel J. McAuliffe ‘62 Lawrence J. Fey ‘75 Vernon C. McDermott, Jr. ‘85 John D. Finnegan ‘67 Timothy J. McGinn ’68 P’05 Thomas F. Flood ‘85 Michael J. McGovern ‘80 Daniel McGrath & Kaye Demetz P’95 Anthony B. McGuire ‘62 Robert J. McKee ‘80 John P. McNicholas ‘80 Richard E. Meyer ‘51 Gary J. Mezzatesta ‘76 Robert J. Minutoli ‘68 Peter J. Moerler ‘76 Dr. Thomas J. Moorehead ‘65 John M. Morriss ‘55 Francis J. Nestor ‘60 Joseph Niciforo ‘78 James B. Nobile ‘80 Raymond V. O’Brien, Jr. ‘45 John J. O’Connell, Jr. ‘61 Michael F. O’Connell ‘63 Patrick G. O’Malley, M.D. ‘83 James A. Paduano ‘60 Joseph C. Phayer ‘45 Gregory M. Pitaro, M.D. ‘82 Thomas S. Pluta ‘85 James E. Power ‘57 Richard J. Powers ‘43 Kieran P. Quinn ‘67 John Racanelli ‘62 Asriel Rackow Charles J. Richardson ‘73 Edward J. Riedl ‘88 Mark A. Riely ‘68 Kevin J. Rochford ‘79 Thomas J. Sands ‘82 Dennis C. Shea ‘79 Douglas A. Sgarro ‘77 John J. Shay, Jr. ‘62 Robert C. Sheehan ‘62 Dr. Edward J. Skiko ‘53 Brian G. Smith ‘84 James D. Sullivan ‘85 Robert T. Tobin ‘57 John F. Tweedy, Jr. ‘63 John J. Twomey ‘83 Joseph A. Vitanza ‘41 Richard J. Ward, Jr. ‘54 John W. Weiser ‘49 John A. Werwaiss ‘60 Anonymous (3) 10 Regis Alumni News Alumni Order of the Owl FOUNDRESS’ CIRCLE Mr. Richard J. Powers ‘43 Mr. Richard E. Meyer ‘51 Mr. John A. Werwaiss ‘60 Mr. Mark A. Riely ‘68 DAVID H. HEARN, S.J. CIRCLE Mr. Edward P. Walsh ‘34 Mr. Raymond V. O’Brien ‘45 Mr. Leo E. Denlea, Jr. ‘50 Mr. John F. Hagerty ‘50 Mr. Gerard F. Rubin ‘50 Mr. Thomas A. Prendergast ‘51 Dr. Edward J. Skiko ‘53 Mr. John J. McDonnell, Jr. ‘55 Mr. Joseph Squarzini, Jr. ‘57 Dr. Gregory E. Gardiner ‘61 Anonymous ‘66 Steven W. Ryder, M.D. ‘68 Mr. Kit Konolige ‘69 Mr. John C. Hall ‘74 Mr. Joseph Niciforo ‘78 Mr. Anthony J. DiNovi, Jr. ‘80 Mr. John P. McNicholas ‘80 Mr. Peter Labbat ‘83 Mr. Rory T. Keenan ‘88 DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS M.Rev. Edwin B. Broderick ‘34 Mr. James F. Flynn ‘35 Mr. Robert A. Schmidt ‘37 Mr. John H. Bermingham ‘39 Mr. Patrick J. McCarthy ‘40 Joseph C. Amico, M.D. ‘42 Mr. Donald W. Gross ‘43 Mr. Kenneth F. X. Albers ‘45 Mr. George D. Morison ‘46 Mr. James J. McGarry ‘47 Mr. Barry F. Sullivan ‘49 Mr. John W. Weiser ‘49 Mr. Leo M. Walsh, Jr. ‘50 Mr. Donal F. McCarthy ‘51 Mr. David A. O’Keefe ‘52 Mr. Robert M. Tomasulo ‘52 Mr. Joseph A. Barbosa ‘53 Mr. John F. Cannon ‘53 John F. Connolly, M.D. ‘53 Mr. Frederick W. Gluck ‘53 Dr. Joseph H. Binsack ‘54 Mr. John J. Roche ‘53 Mr. John M. Conroy ‘54 Dr. James C. McGroddy ‘54 Mr. Joseph P. Sullivan ‘54 Mr. Phillip J. Trainor ‘54 Mr. Richard J. Ward, Jr. ‘54 Mr. Paul F. Anderson ‘55 Mr. Charles J. Vaughan ‘55 Mr. Neil P. Coughlan ‘56 Mr. John J. Flynn ‘56 Mr. Michael T. Crimmins ‘57 Mr. Raymond P. Ohlmuller ‘57 Mr. James E. Power ‘57 Mr. Robert T. Tobin ‘57 Mr. Henry J. Ferrero, Jr. ‘59 Mr. William P. Dickey ‘60 Mr. Stephen C. Greene ‘60 Mr. Charles P. Nastro ‘60 Mr. James A. Paduano ‘60 Mr. Joseph D. Russo ‘60 Mr. Richard J. Boyle ‘61 Mr. John D. James ‘62 Mr. John J. O’Rourke ‘62 Mr. Robert Somma ‘62 Edward L. Marut, M.D. ‘66 Mr. John D. Alexander ‘67 Mr. Walter A. Looney ‘68 Philip J. Butera, M.D. ‘71 Mr. James P. Kelly ‘71 Mr. William M. Kelly ‘71 Mr. Roger P. Rooney ‘71 Mr. Michael L. Schwarz ‘71 Mr. Robert F. Kopp ‘72 Mr. Robert S. Marjan ‘72 Mr. Robert P. Dillon, Jr. ‘73 Mr. William J. Driscoll ‘73 Francis J. O’Brien M.D. ‘74 Mr. Clarence X. Koo ‘76 Mr. Edward A. Taylor ‘76 Hilary J. Cholhan, M.D. ‘77 Thomas G. Larkin, M.D. ‘77 Mr. Martin J. Mannion ‘77 Christopher P. Poje, M.D. ‘77 Mr. John F. Ward ‘77 Mr. Stephen T. Loebs ‘78 Mr. Joseph C. Marconi ‘78 Mr. Marcos A. Rodriguez ‘79 Mr. Anthony J. Domino, Jr. ‘80 Frederick F. Lang, Jr., M.D. ‘80 Mr. Manuel E. Ribot ‘80 Mr. Thomas J. Sands ‘82 Mr. Christopher A. DeMarco ‘83 Mr. Leland A. Harrs ‘83 Mr. Emanuel C. Grillo ‘84 Mr. Patrick M. McGrath ‘84 Mr. James P. Curry ‘87 Mr. Francis G. Montgomery ‘88 Mr. Vijay B. Culas ‘91 MEMBERS Mr. James J. Cribbin ‘33 Mr. Francis V. Wagner ‘34 Mr. William H. O’Brien ‘36 Mr. James P. Holahan ‘38 R.Msgr Austin P. Bennett ‘41 Mr. Joseph P. Connors ‘41 Mr. James P. Murphy ‘41 Mr. Robert C. Langley ‘42 Frank R. Schmid, M.D. ‘42 Col. John P. Walsh ‘42 Mr. Joseph P. Clark ‘43 Mr. Edward T. Kelly ‘43 Sanford J. Matthews, M.D. ‘43 Mr. Alphonse J. Volpe ‘43 Severino J. Ambrosio, M.D. ‘44 Hugh J. Carroll, M.D. ‘44 Dr. Joseph F. Maloney ‘44 Mr. Thomas M. McGuire ‘44 Mr. Thomas F. Meagher ‘44 Mr. Henry F. Schaf, Jr. ‘44 Mr. William J. McGill ‘45 Mr. Joseph C. Phayer ‘45 Mr. William H. Clarke ‘46 Louis Andrew Healey, M.D. ‘46 Mr. J. Kenneth Hickman ‘46 Mr. Michael F. Page ‘46 Mr. Charles H. Schneider ‘46 Mr. Andrew J. Walsh ‘47 Mr. Joseph F. Healy ‘48 Mr. Bernard F. Joyce ‘48 Mr. Daniel L. McCabe ‘48 Mr. William J. O’Hara ‘48 Mr. Louis J. Rauchenberger ‘48 Mr. Gerald P. Rooney ‘48 Mr. Edward V. Ryan ‘48 Mr. James J. Walsh ‘48 Howard R. Gould, M.D. ‘49 Mr. Andrew J. Hernon ‘49 Mr. Gerald E. Murray ‘49 Mr. Thomas F. Noone ‘49 Mr. Michael J. Rocks ‘49 Mr. Charles F. Zumba ‘49 Mr. Michael J. O’Connor ‘50 Mr. Bernard M. Sheridan, Jr. ‘50 Mr. James J. Hagan ‘51 Mr. Henry V. Kensing ‘51 Dr. John P. Lawler ‘51 Mr. Francis P. Lynch ‘51 Mr. Harry B. DeMaio ‘52 Mr. Robert A. Maresca ‘52 John F.X. Peloso, Esq. ‘52 Mr. Edward M. Boyle, Jr. ‘53 Mr. John J. Duffy ‘53 Mr. Brian P. Fitzgerald ‘53 Mr. Edward P. Gistaro ‘53 Mr. John L. Hanlon ‘53 Mr. James J. McGuire ‘53 Mr. James R. Shea ‘53 Dr. Albert E. Heurich ‘54 Mr. Andrew F. Horgan ‘54 Mr. Brian C. Irslinger ‘54 Mr. John F. Lennon ‘54 Dr. Benedict J. Trigani ‘54 Mr. Patrick J. Bannon ‘55 James N. Crovello, M.D. ‘55 Mr. John L. Githens ‘55 Mr. John M. Morriss ‘55 RADM Ronald M. Polant, USCG (R) ‘55 Joel E. Sherlock, M.D. ‘55 Mr. Ludwig J. Umscheid ‘55 Mr. William A. Bautz ‘56 Richard J. Cronin, M.D. ‘56 Mr. John Daltner ‘56 Mr. James F. Farrell ‘56 Mr. Raymond G. McGuire ‘56 Mr. Edward G. Moran ‘56 Dr. Robert J. Schaffhauser ‘56 Dr. Charles Buffalano ‘57 Eugene F. Cheslock, M.D. ‘57 Mr. John J. Cummings ‘57 Mr. John S. Hannon, Jr. ‘57 Mr. John J. Hannaway ‘57 Mr. John V. Hilberg ‘57 Mr. Joseph T. Lynaugh ‘57 Mr. William F. Werwaiss ‘57 Mr. John J. Butler ‘58 Mr. Peter L. Kern ‘58 John J. Barnosky, Esq. ‘60 Oliver J. Harper, M.D. ‘61 Mr. Thomas M. Kasputys ‘61 Mr. Sebastian L. Pandolfo ‘61 Capt. Thomas E. Walsh , M.D. ‘61 Mr. Curtis W. Brand ‘62 Mr. Ronald J. Ferreri ‘62 Mr. Wayne J. Merritt ‘62 Donald S. Nakonechny, M.D. ‘62 Mr. Edward J. Ryan ‘62 Mr. Robert C. Sheehan ‘62 Mr. James K. Higgins ‘63 Michael J. Hart, M.D. ‘63 Richard P. Johnsen, D.D.S. ‘63 John G. Koeltl ‘63 Mr. John W. Prael, Jr. ‘63 Mr. John J. Sesody ‘63 Mr. John M. Stack ‘63 Dr. John A. Tuccillo ‘63 Mr. John F. Tweedy, Jr. ‘63 Mr. Kenneth J. Beirne ‘64 Mr. Dennis M. Moulton ‘64 Bernard J. Owens,III, M.D. ‘64 Mr. Andrew J. Cavanaugh ‘65 Dr. Thomas J. Moorehead ‘65 Fall 2004 11 Mr. John M. Nonna ‘66 Mr. Timothy G. O’Connor ‘66 Dr. Charles Pignatello ‘66 Mr. Louis A. Recano ‘66 Mr. Joseph G. Roosevelt ‘66 Mr. Robert A. Thoms ‘66 Mr. Hugh M. Turk ‘66 Robert V. Blake, M.D. ‘67 Mr. John P. Collins ‘67 Mr. Christopher V. Connell ‘67 Mr. Thomas G. Curran ‘67 Mr. John D. Finnegan ‘67 Mr. Vincent W. Hartnett ‘67 Mr. George G. McCann, P.E. ‘67 Mr. Kieran P. Quinn ‘67 Mr. Mark R. Shanahan ‘67 Mr. Robert K. Sharp ‘67 Mr. Kevin M. Burke ‘68 Joseph C. D’Antonio, M.D. ‘68 Mr. Donald F. Donahue ‘68 Mr. Thomas E. Dowling ‘68 Mr. Brian T. Foley ‘68 Mr. James E. Foy ‘68 Mr. Thomas P. Hanrahan ‘68 Mr. Philip J. Kehl ‘68 Mr. Thomas R. Kelly ‘68 Mr. J. Donald Kennedy ‘68 Mr. Timothy J. McGinn ‘68 Mr. Christopher J. Moroney ‘69 Hon. Dennis E. Milton ‘69 Mr. Adrian W. Doherty, Jr. ‘70 Mr. Robert E. Hallinan ‘70 Mr. Theodore R. Janeczek ‘70 Mr. Douglas A. Kellner ‘70 Mr. Robert M. Leonard ‘70 Mr. John L. Miscione ‘70 Mr. Thomas A. Neufeld ‘70 Mr. John G. Nicolich ‘70 Mr. Thomas M. Herlihy ‘71 Mr. Alan E. Kraus ‘71 Mr. Dennis E. Petito ‘71 William R. Rate, M.D. Ph.D. ‘71 Mr. William J. Roethel ‘71 Mr. Anthony J. Salvatore ‘71 Mr. Francis J. Kelly ‘72 Mr. Roger S. Payne '71 Dr. Albert P. Pisano ‘72 Mr. John P. Rogers ‘72 Dr. Eugene M. Ferraro ‘73 Mr. Peter J. Gordon ‘73 Mr. Perry D. Scopelliti ‘73 Mr. John T. Baecher ‘74 Anthony J. Cagino, M.D. ‘74 James J. Cummings,M.D. ‘74 Mr. Thomas E. Dudar ‘74 Mr. Richard P. O’Leary ‘74 Mr. Peter A. Rivera ‘74 Mr. Michael P. Curran ‘75 Mr. Lawrence J. Fey ‘75 Mr. Ralph J. Long ‘75 Mr. Louis J. Marra ‘75 Mr. Thierry G. Porte ‘75 Mr. Steven P. Seagriff ‘75 Mr. Joseph E. Bringman ‘76 Mr. Cornelius J. Grealy ‘76 Gregory P. Harris, Jr., M.D. ‘76 Mr. Christopher R. Lowney ‘76 Mr. Gary J. Mezzatesta ‘76 Mr. Peter J. Moerler ‘76 Raymond L. Schettino, M.D. ‘76 Mr. Richard G. Slattery ‘76 Mr. Michael J. Dowd ‘77 Mr. Christopher G. Kelly ‘77 Mr. Timothy J. Knierim ‘77 Mr. Mark W. Kolakowski ‘77 Mr. John Libretti ‘77 Mr. Stephen J. O’Connor ‘77 Roger G. Pollock, M.D. ‘77 Mr. Stephen J. Blewitt ‘78 Mr. Seamus E. Carroll ‘78 Mr. Patrick J. Fitzgerald ‘78 Mr. John J. Goggins ‘78 Mr. Bernard J. Kilkelly ‘78 Mr. Albert F. Rocco ‘78 Mr. James V. Rohan ‘78 John D. Horgan, M.D. ‘79 Mr. David V. Janny ‘79 Mr. Edward F. Hayes ‘79 Mr. Fabian J. Fondriest ‘79 Mr. John F. Morgan ‘79 Mr. John M. Butler ‘79 Mr. Patrick Galizio ‘79 Mr. Patrick J. McNelis ‘79 Mr. Richard J. Weber ‘79 Mr. Robert A. Schmidt ‘79 Mr. Timothy M. Murphy ‘79 Richard W. Johnson, M.D. ‘79 Mr. Robert C. Accetta ‘80 Peter J. Belcastro M.D. ‘80 Mr. James S. DeGraw ‘80 Mr. Michael J. McGovern ‘80 Mr. Robert J. McKee ‘80 Mr. Robert J. Morahan ‘80 Mr. James B. Nobile ‘80 Mr. Jeremiah P. Sullivan ‘80 Mr. Lawrence R. Vitale ‘80 Mr. Michael J. Kunz ‘81 Mr. Richard Rauchenberger ‘81 Mr. Warren P. Finnerty ‘82 Mr. Timothy D. Gallagher ‘82 Mr. Daniel A. McGrath ‘82 Mr. John O. McGuinness ‘82 Mr. Alfred J. Russo ‘82 Mr. Sean Reddington ‘82 Mr. Benjamin J. Sokolow ‘82 Mr. Lawrence R. Burke ‘83 Mr. William H. Ferguson ‘83 Mr. Robert P. Gallagher ‘83 Mr. Roland Hlawaty ‘83 Mr. Patrick G. Hurley ‘83 Patrick G. O’Malley, M.D. ‘83 Mr.Thomas E. Butler ‘84 Mr. Mark E. Coyne ‘84 Mr. Michael Leone, Jr. ‘84 Mr. Albert Miseje ‘84 Mr. Brian G. Smith ‘84 Mr. Daniel G. Walsh ‘84 Mr. Thomas B. Burke ‘85 Mr. Thomas F. Flood ‘85 Mr. Vernon C. McDermott ‘85 Mr. Henry J. Ricardo ‘85 Mr. John T. Schiavone ‘85 Mr. James D. Sullivan ‘85 John R. Wiencek, Esq. ‘85 Mr. Kevin G. Bannon ‘87 Mr. Gregory D. Liegey ‘87 Dr. William T. Irwin ‘88 Mr. Adrian E. Dollard ‘88 Mr. Michael O’Sullivan ‘88 Mr. Richard W. Morgner, Jr. ‘88 Mr. Anthony P. Canale ‘90 Mr. James F. Donohue ‘90 Mr. Michael P. Lorraine ‘90 Mr. William J. Harrington ‘91 Mr. Seth R. Harris ‘91 Mr. Kevin C. Lucey ‘91 Mr. Timothy J. O’Reilly ‘91 Mr. Robert J. Porada ‘91 Mr. Edward J. Reardon ‘91 Mr. Nolan E. Shanahan ‘91 Mr. John A. W. Werwaiss ‘91 Mr. Dwight A. Wyatt ‘91 Mr. Michael V.S. Kullen ‘92 Mr. Matthew J. Lorraine ‘92 Mr. Frank D. Ventura ‘92 Mr. William J. Black ‘93 Mr. Robert T. Kelley ‘93 Mr. Matthew J. McGough ‘93 [JR] Mr. Michael D. Smyth ‘93 [JR] Mr. Benjamin D. Ventura ‘93 Mr. Frank R. Cowan, IV ‘95 Mr. Spencer L. Reames ‘95 [JR] Mr. Timothy M. Reilly ‘95 [JR] Mr. John F. Barry ‘96 [JR] Mr. Michael J. Boyle ‘96 [JR] Mr. Kieran D. Darcy ‘96 [JR] Mr. Luis A. Gutierrez ‘96 [JR] Mr. Daniel G. Habib ‘96 [JR] Mr. Christopher C. White ‘96 [JR] Mr. David F. Browne ‘97 [JR] Mr. Dominic F. Coluccio ‘97 [JR] Mr. Shane M. Conway ‘97 [JR] Mr. Jonathan R. Lavy ‘97 [JR] Mr. Charles E. O’Donnell ‘97 [JR] Mr. John A. Russo ‘97 [JR] Mr. David M. Anfora ‘98 [JR] Mr. Gerard P. Hammond ‘98 Mr. Sean M. Harrigan ‘98 Mr. Thomas J. Lennon ‘98 [JR] Mr. Robert A. Cacace ‘99 [JR] Mr. Matthew H. Hansen ‘99 [JR] Mr. Patrick F. Heffernan ‘99 [JR] Mr. D. Alexander Lavy ‘99 [JR] Mr. Owen D. Reidy ‘99 [JR] Mr. Christopher J. Reenock ‘99 [JR] Mr. Patrick M. Shaw ‘99 [JR] Mr. Sean Kevin Driscoll ‘00 [JR] Mr. Colin K. Jost ‘00 [JR] Mr. Jonathan R. Meindel ‘00 [JR] Mr. Michael A. Memoli ‘00 [JR] Mr. Raymond A. Burke ‘01 [JR] Mr. Joseph L. DiSalvo ‘01 [JR] Mr. Jonathan S. Gnoza ‘01 [JR] Mr. Thomas S. McGivney ‘01 [JR] Mr. Michael S. Palmieri ‘01 [JR] Mr. Ryan M. Wolfe ‘01 [JR] Mr. Joseph J. LoPresti ‘02 [JR] Mr. Efrain Ortega ‘02 [JR] Mr. Michael J. Prasto ‘02 [JR] Mr. Kevin K. Brennan ‘03 [JR] Mr. Leonard B. DiSalvo ‘03 [JR] Mr. Matthew J. Kehoe ‘03 [JR] Mr. Thomas E. Grandville ‘03 [JR] Mr. Richard A. Stevens ‘03 [JR] Mr. Ronald S. Zuvich ‘03 [JR] Note [JR] indicates Junior Order of the Owl Member 12 Regis Alumni News Regis Parents 2004 DAVID H. HEARN, S.J. CIRCLE Mr.& Mrs. John Leinung P’96 Mr. & Mrs. John Dearie P’01 Mr. and Dr. L. James Lewis P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Monsen P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sauerhoff P’04 Mr. and Mrs. George Varsam P’04 DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS Mrs Wilhelmina Darby P’84 Mr. and Mrs. George Austin P’95 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Walsh P’96’98’00 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Galligan P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stenger P’02 Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Davila P’03 Mr. & Mrs. Francois Maisonrouge P’03 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Quinn P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Esposito P’04 Ms. Maria Dudin Goodwin P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goucher P’04 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Kelly P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krause P’04 Mr. Ira Levitt and Mrs. Barbara Harfosh P’04 Mr. and Mrs. John McKeown P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Pitta P’04 Ms. Maureen Regan P’04’06 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith P’04 Mr. Adam Nowicki and Mrs. Teresa Thrun-Nowicki P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Zizza P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nesi P’05 Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Bugas P’06 Mr. and Mrs. John Fouhey P’07 Mrs. Margaret Bauer W’24 Mrs. Patricia Meagher W’34 Mrs. Alvina E. Murphy W’24 Mrs. Mary Tierney W’62 ORDER OF THE OWL Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Payne '71 P'99 '04 Mr. Mario Tucciarone P’72 Mr. & Mrs. Elvio L. Darin P’74 Mrs. Albert X. Bader P’81’84 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tavares P’88 Dr. Jo Ann & Dr. John R. Middleton P’88’90’92 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Campen P’92 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Reilly P’87’91’93’05 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley P’93’95 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mangan P’95 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McGrath P’95 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Purvis P’96 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Barry P’96 Mr. & Mrs. George McCartney P’97 Mr. & Mrs. John Weber P’97 Mr. & Mrs. Niall Conway P’96’97 Mr. & Mrs. William Ford P’82’98 Mr Richard O’Connell & Mrs. Karen Yost P’99’00 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Porter P’99 Mr. and Mrs. John Landry P’01’05 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lynch P’01 Mr. and Mrs. William Klay P’99’01 Mr. & Mrs. James Farrelly P’02’04 Mr. & Mrs. David D. Denton P’03 Mr.Stephen Hogan and Ms.Leslie Hannafey P’03’07 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Annunziata P’03 Mr. and Mrs. James Caravelli P’03 Mr. & Mrs. Dean Davis P’01’04 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hughes P’04 Mr. and Mrs. John Allen P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Conroy P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Malone P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Meyer P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Poli P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Porcino P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scagnelli ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Seneca P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Silhan P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Skrapits P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Spelker P’04 Mr. Steven Staskiewicz and Mrs. Lisa DiMichele P’04 Mr. and Mrs. John Taddei P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Alvino P’05 Mr. Victor Marrero and Mrs. Veronica White P’07 Mrs. Mary Funk W’43 Ms. Bette Gloss W’42 Mrs. Marianne Harrington W’27 Mrs. Virginia Landry Mrs. Ann Mangan W’49 Mrs. Eleanor Stanton W’53 Ms. Janet Rubino Mrs. Valerie C. Nacinovich P’58 CC Mrs. Irene Sikora P’58 M Mr. William J. Reid P’62 C Mr. Charles Quigley P’62 C Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Kott P’63 C Mrs. John M. Kelly P’63 C Ms. Elizabeth Antinori P’66’84 C Mrs. Jeanne B. Dillon P’67 Mrs. Barbara Bacolini P’68 H Mrs. Rita Matthews P’68 Mrs. Katherine Mulholland P’68 C Mr. Rocco A. Aversa P’69 C Mrs. Ruth Farley P’69 C Mrs. Mary Graham P’69 C Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Kearney P’69 C Mrs. Edward Martineck P’69 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schnedeker P’69 C Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Truhon P’69 C Mr. John R. Bozek P’70 C Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns P’70 Anthony and Lorraine J. Colangelo P’70 Mrs Evelyn Day P’70 Mrs. Sally J. Diffily P’70 Mrs. Orlanda A. Falivena P’70 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Janeczek P’70 C Mr. Stanley Krawczyk P’70 C Mr. and Mrs. Anthony La Mantia P’70 Mrs Anna Nicolich P’70 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ruggiero P’70 C Anthony LaMantia P’70 Mrs. Bettina Curcio P’71 C Mr. and Mrs. Leslie P. Gertner P’71 Mrs. Ann Hoch P’71 C Mrs Rose Marie Holwell P’71 M Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Motyl P’71 C Mr. & Mrs. James F. O’Neill P’71 M Mr.& Mrs. Clement J.Piscitelli P’71 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Rubsam P’71 M Mrs Albina I. Swierzbinski P’71 C Ms. Lisa Milazzo P’71 C Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Fazio P’72 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Czuchlewski P’72 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Calligy P’72 M Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Devaney P’72 M Mrs. Mildred Dana P’72 Arthur E. Herzog, Sr. P’72 C Mr. Stephen J. Kaczynski P’72 Mrs. Doris O’Keeffe P’72 C Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Pieroni P’72 C Mrs. Anne M. Schipisch P’72 M Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Syrek P’72 C Mr. Mario Tucciarone P’72 O Mr. & Mrs. John P. Walsh P’72 C Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Buonomo P’73 C Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Donvan P’73 Mr. & Mrs. John P. DeVane P’73 Mr. Angelo DeCaprio P’73 Mrs. Virginia Finlayson P’73 C Dr. Margaret Grossi P’73 C Mr. Michael R. Giattino P’73 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lawless P’73 M Mr. Anthony La Malfa P’73 Mr. & Mrs. Ottavio Milito P’73 Mr. & Mrs. John V. O’Toole P’73 Mr. & Mrs. John Salvest P’73 Mrs. Philamena Andrisani P’74 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Corso P’74 Mrs. Ann Cimento P’74 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cagino P’74 C Mr. & Mrs. Elvio L. Darin P’74 O Mr. Edward F. Dudar P’74 Mr. Robert J. Heffernan P ‘74 Mrs. Maryanne McCauley P’74 Mr Antoni Nowak P’74 M Mr. Robert Robello P’74 Mr. Edward Burke P’75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster P’75 Mr. Carl Konolige P’69’71’75 M Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Marra P’75 Mrs. Anne McAna P’75 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mulvihill P’75 Mr. & Mrs. Vito Mele P’75 C Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas M. Nuzzi P’75 Mrs. Dorothy Parchinsky W’75 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Santi P’75 M Mrs. Agnes G. Sherwood P’68’70’75 H Mr. & Mrs. Philip Tranchina P’75 C Michelina Del Rosso P’75 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Bringman P’76 M Mrs. Charles Crowe P’76 Mr. Langley Desjardins P’76 M Mrs. Irene Harris P’76 C Mr. & Mrs. William F. Jerome P’76 Mr. Arthur F. Kavanaugh P’76 C Mrs. Nikki Mezzatesta P’76 Mr. George Mathus P’76 C Ms. Margaret Moerler P’76 Fall 2004 13 Mr. and Mrs. Luke O’Keefe P’76 C Mr. and Mrs. George Pascale P’76 Mrs. Rose M. Seymour P’76 Mrs. Claire C. Slattery P’76 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Schaefer P’76 Mr. Eugene Ivashkiv P’76 C Mr. Emil Bayerlein P’77 Mrs. Doris Civale P’77 C Mr. and Mrs Arian Dzerovych P’77 C Mrs Pauline Diaz P’77 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fields P’77 C Mr. Alexander Gray P’77 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Higgins P’77 Mrs. Theresa P. Kelly P’77 C Mrs. Catherine Lisanti P’77 Mrs. Dolores Larkin P’77 C Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. McAleer P’77 C Mrs. Margaret Mannion P’77 C Mrs. Barbara Nelson P’77 C Mr. J. Kenneth O’Connor P’77 C Mrs. Carol Obrecht P’77 C Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rizzo P’77 C Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Sgarro P’77 Mrs. Eileen Thomsen P’77 C Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ward P’77 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Baldassarre P’78 C Mrs. Helen D’Avanzo P’78 Mrs. Angela Fowler P’78 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Furda P’78 Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Hernandez P’78 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Kilkelly P’78 C Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Maloney P’78 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Matzuk P’78 C Mrs. Virginia Mauro P’73 &’78 Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Petti P’78 Mrs. Margaret Pike P’78 M Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Rocco P’78 C Mr. & Mrs. Mario Raccasi P’78 C Mr. Felix Sancilio P’78 Mr. & Mrs. Fabio Fondriest P’79 C Mr.& Mrs. Vincent L. Guerriera P’79 Mr.& Mrs. Theodore Henderson P’79 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Horgan P’79 C Mr. & Mrs. George L. Koehler P’79 C Mr.Francis McCarthy P’79 C Mrs James P. Murphy P’79 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Murphy P’79 C Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Murphy P’79 Joseph J. Massaro, D.D.S. P’79 Mrs. Dorothy Newshan P’79 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Okonski P’79 H Mr. & Mrs. Jerry G. Onorato P’79 Mrs. Francis J. Ott P’79 C Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Swift P’79 Mr. & Mrs. William Schmidt P’79 C Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Sweeney, Jr. P’79 Mrs. Nancy Tietjen P’79 C Mrs. Gloria Trotter P’79 Mr. Erich Wolz P’79 H Mrs. Jeanne Watson P’79 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pecorini P’76’80 C Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Coll P’80 Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Cahill P’80 CC Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Doody P’80 C Mr. & Mrs. Seneca L. DeGraw P’80 C Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Carroll P’80 C Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Jacoutot P’80 C Mrs. Helen S. Leonard P’80 C Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lavallato P’80 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lechleider P’80 C Mrs. Carmela Pitaro P’80 C Mrs. Margaret Phelan P’80 M Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Szmytkowski P’80 Dr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Sidoti, Sr. P’80 M Mr. & Mrs. John A. Singler P’80 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Snow P’80 CC Mrs. Mary Schorn P’80 C Mr. Joseph Tito P’80 M Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Whelan P’80 Mrs. Frances York P’80 Mr. and Mrs. James V. O’Brien P’80 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Bagley P’81 C Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bloodgood P’81 C Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cappiello P’81 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Coppola P’81 C John and Marcia B. Dabbene P’81 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gillen P’81 C Mr. Raimundo Jimenez P’81 C Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Keane P’81 M Mrs. Hilda Kiss P’81 C Mrs. Patricia McCormick P’81 C Mrs Carmela Melita P’81 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McCauley P’81 C Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Napolitano P’81 C Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nick P’81 Mr. Hubert O’Toole P’81 M Mrs. Pat Peelen P’81 M Mrs. Olga Scott P’81 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schirling P’81 Mrs. Marina Torre P’81 Mrs. Gloria Towers P’81 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Usarzewicz P’78’81 C Mr. and Mrs. Charles Impellizzeri P’81 C Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Arena P’82 Mr. & Mrs. James Bonanno P’82 C Mr. and Mrs. Denis Buckley P’82 C Mr. & Mrs. John Buckley P’82 Mrs. Isabel Beaton P’82 C Mr. and Mrs. Brian Derby P’82 Mr. & Mrs. John DeRiso P’82 Mrs. Kathleen Donahue P’82 C Mrs. Patricia Dowling P’82 C Mr. & Mrs. Sabatino Garofalo P’82 C Mr. Leonard B. Kuntz P’82 C Mrs. Josephine Lemanski P’82 Mr. & Mrs. John McGowan P’82 C Mr. & Mrs. Gerard McGrath P’82 Mr. & Mrs. Martin McGrath P’82 C Mr. & Mrs. John McCooe P’82 Mr. Michael McGuinness P’82 Mrs. Cesira Maggiacomo P’82 Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Mahony P’82 Mrs. Stephanie Panasiuk P’82 H Mrs. Elena Peiser-Hanrahan P’82 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryan P’82 Dr. & Mrs. Gerard Smith P’84 M Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Smith P’82 M Thomas Walsh P’82 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young P’82 C Mr. & Mrs. Umberto Accetta P’80’83 C Mr. & Mrs. Lino Alessandir P’83 C Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bucci P’83 C Mrs. Barbara Benson P’83 Mr. & Mrs. Riccardo Cazzaniga P’83 M Mr. & Mrs. Gerard B. Davis P’83 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent DiMartino P’83 C Mr. & Mrs. Ralph DelCoro P’83 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dudek P’83 C Mr. & Mrs. Eugene DeMarco P’83 CC Mr. & Mrs. James J. Forster P’83 Mr. & Mrs. William Franz P’83 Mr. Ciro Romeo P’83 Mrs. Theresa Grant P’83 C Mrs. Renata D. Gallagher P’83 C Mr. & Mrs. John Goggins P’78’83 C Mrs. Dorothy Hyland P’83 Mr. & Mrs. Leland Harrs P’83 C Mrs. Olga Rivera P’83 H Mr. and Mrs. John Lane P’83 C Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McGillicuddy P’80’83 M Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. McVeigh P’83 CC Mrs. Mary Ann Morrissey P’83 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Meehan P’83 C Mrs. Josephine Mahaney P’83 M Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mannino P’83 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Monti P’83 Mrs Josephine Murphy P’83 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph McAuley P’83 C Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. McShea P’83 Mr. & Mrs. Martin O’Malley P’83 C Mr. & Mrs. Gunther Pohle P’83 C Mrs. Mary Rogers P’83 Mrs. Maria Rojas P’83 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sheridan P’83 Mrs. Alex Sym P’83 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Scacalossi P’83 Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Venegas P’83 Mrs. Albert X. Bader P’81’84 O Dr. & Mrs. Fernando Bajit P’84 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carroll P’84 C Mr. & Mrs. John DaSilva P’84 C Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Duggan P’84 C Mrs. Catherine de Grasse P’84 Mrs Wilhelmina Darby P’84 DO Mrs. Jo-Ann Detrizio P’84 C Mr. & Mrs. Julius Donodeo P’84 Mr. & Mrs. Andre Joanlanne P’84 C Dr. Manuel E. Lagmay P’84 M Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Leeds P’84 C Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leone P’84 C Mr. & Mrs. Victor La Place P’84 C Mr. & Mrs. George Long P’84 C Mrs. Elizabeth M. Moss P’80’84 C Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McGoldrick P’82 & ‘84 Mrs. Lucia Montuori P’84 M Mr. & Mrs. Martin Murphy P’84 C Mr. & Mrs. James McCaffrey P’84 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. McGetrick P’84 Mr. & Mrs. Dominik Nemecek P’84 C Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Noone P’84 Mr. & Mrs. Jose Pisierra P’84 Mrs. Francis Ranauro P’84 C Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Raucci P’84 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Sharkey P’84 M Mrs. Rose Smith P’84 C Mr. & Mrs. John Stickevers P’84 Mr. & Mrs. James Sullivan P’80’84 M Mr. and Mrs. George W. Schaad P’84 C Mr. Enzo Velazquez P’84 C Mr.& Mrs. S. Venchiarutti P’84 Mr.& Mrs. Elliott Webb P’84 C Dr. Patricia Allaire P’85 Ms. Louise Barbrack P’85 M Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Boylan P’85 Ms. Rosemary Morisani P’85 C Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Boyle P’85 C Mr. and Mrs. Pat Baratta P’85 C Mrs. Eileen Cummins P’85 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Caulford P’85 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Condon P’85 C Mr. & Mrs. Frank DiMare P’85 Mrs. Gloria Maichin P’85 Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Flood P’85 C Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gramaglia P’85 C Dr. Vincent Gravano P’85 M Mr. & Mrs. John Kelsh P’85 Mr. & Mrs. Vernon McDermott P’85 M Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Paulis P’85 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Pluta P ‘76 ‘85 C Mrs. Mary Reilly P’85 C Mrs. Philomena Straka P’85 Mrs. Ellen Schiavone P’85 C Mr. & Mrs. Wolodymyr Slyz P’85 Mr. Robert Taverni P’85 C Mr. & Mrs. Matthew White P’85 C Mr. & Mrs. John F. Wiencek P’85 M Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bertoni P’86 C Mr. and Mrs. Neil Boyle P’86 C Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Curley P’86 H Mr. & Mrs. Owen Cahill P’86 C Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chomiak P’86 C Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Cuttita P’86 Mr. & Mrs. Armando F. Fox P’86 C Mr. Louis Gazzale P’86 C Drs. Cornelia & Mircea Golimbu P’86 C Mr. & Mrs. Charles Groppe P’86 M Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hannafey P’86 C Mr. and Mrs. Charles Latvis P’86 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Macaluso P’86 C Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McMullan P’86 C Mr. & Mrs. Richard Melville P’86 C Mr. & Mrs. John McArdle P’86 Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Parsons P’86 C Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Prezeau P’86 C Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Soles P’86 14 Regis Alumni News Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sack P’86 C Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Santiago P’86 C Mrs. Frances Stein P’86 M Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Vallejo P’86 M Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curley P’87 C Mrs. John Conlon P’81’83’87 M Mr. & Mrs. James Flynn P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Ferguson P’87 M Mr. & Mrs. Hilario Guerra P’87 Mr. & Mrs. John Gavin P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Lennox Inniss P’87 C Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kelly P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Kurtz P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lawlor P’87 M Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Liegey P’87 Mrs. Thomas McDonough P’87 C Mr. & Mrs. James McEntegart P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morreale P’87 C Ms. Anne O’Sullivan P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Payne P’87 M Mr. and Mrs. Donald Quinlan P’87 Dr. & Mrs. Peter Saadeh P’86’87 M Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Tangney P’87 M Mrs. Joan Touhey P’87 C Mrs. Claire Vitale P’87 C Mr. & Mrs.Jose Acosta P’88 C Mr. & Mrs. Francois Andre P’88 C Mrs. Frances Altman P’88, ‘79 C Mr. & Mrs. John Condon P’88 C Mr. & Mrs. James Chew P’88 C Mr. & Mrs. James G. Doherty P’88 C Mr. John Doyle P’88 C Mr. and Mrs. William N. Farlie, Jr. P’88 Mrs. Suzanne Ferris P’88 C Edward and Elizabeth J. Gillespie P’88 C Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jencius P’88 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Johansen P’88 C Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kennedy P’88 H Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kremenic P’88 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maresca P’88 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mascia P’88 Mr. & Mrs. James Masterson P’88 C Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ma P’88 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Minson P’88 C Mrs. Mary Murphy P’88 C Mr. & Mrs. Louis Maggiotto P’88 C Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Matthews P’88 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O’Connor P’88 Mrs. Catherine Richardson P’88’97 C Mr. & Mrs. Ernest S. Sciutto P’88 C Mr. & Mrs. Richard Salvin P’88 C Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tavares P’88 O Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Todd P’88 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Toth P’88 Ms. Suzanne Wolf P’88 M Mr. Kuowei Conrad Wang P’88 C Mr. & Mrs. Leo Aparri P’89 C Mr. Leonard Abramson P’89 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bryce P’89 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Borghese P ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Comerford P’89 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Capurso P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Milos Dostal P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Dowd P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. John Devlin P’89 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fox P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. James Freeley P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gerrity P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gleeson P’89 C Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graf P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Francis Hughes P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Johnson P’89 M Mr. and Mrs.Edward Kopczynski P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kwiatkowski P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Victor V. Lavella P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Jose Lim P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Liubicic P’89 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McGowan P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Charles McTiernan P’89 C Mr. and Mrs. John McDermott P’89 Mr. & Mrs. John Nolan P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. George O’Mara P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Alex Passantino P’89 Mrs. Maria Pinto P’89 C Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russello P’89 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ricci P’89 M Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Shields P’89 C Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sullivan P’89 C Mr William Wu P’89 H Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zanazzi P’89 Mr. & Mrs. Mauricio Ocampo P’90 C Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Peters P’90 C Mr. & Mrs. William B. Porter P’90 CC Mr. & Mrs. Frank Reichenbach P’90 C Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Reilly P’90 C Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Scully P’90 C Mr. & Mrs. David Stalter P’90 C Mrs. Ellen Sydor P’90 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cialdella P’91 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Campen P’92 O Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Cosenza P’91 M Ms. Lorraine Ruchala P’93 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cremin P’82’91M Mr. & Mrs. Lester James P’93 Mr. & Mrs. U. Basil Culas P’91 Mr. & Mrs. James Kuroly P’90 & ‘93 Mrs. Angela Cedeno P’91 Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Legagneur P’93 Mr. & Mrs. Robert D’Aleo P’91 H Ms. Barbara Johnson P’93 M Dr. & Mrs. Laurence DeFazio P’91 Mr. & Mrs. Abner Louissaint P’93 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dodge P’91 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard McCarthy P’93 C Drs. Yvonne & John Driscoll P’91 C Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Mecca P’93 C Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gannon P’91 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Miles, Jr. P’93 Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. John Nogueira P’92’93 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Henckler P’91 C Mrs. Margaret Norton P’93 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hennigan P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. Stephen O’Neill P’93 Mr. Joseph Inserro P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Reilly P’87’91’93’05 O Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirchner P’92 C Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Phelan P’93 C Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LaGattuta P’92 C Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly P’93 C Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Longtemps P’92 C Ms. Eileen Roche P’86 & ‘93 C Mrs. Linda C. Lorraine P’92 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schmidt P’93 C Mr. & Mrs. Clemente Machuca P’92 C Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Schweiger P’93 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mazzetti P’92 M Mr. Gerald Smith P’93 Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Macchiarola P’89’90 CC Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence McCrudden P’92 Mr. and Mrs. Denis Smyth P’93 C Dr. Jo Ann & Dr. John R. Middleton Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Martinez P’90 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stidolph P’93 M P’88’90’92 O Mrs. Kevin P. Moclair P’90 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Talbot P’93 M Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller, Sr. P’92 Mr. & Mrs. John Mulreany P’87’90 C Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Thomas P’93 C Mr. & Mrs. George Myer P’88’92 Mr. & Mrs. George Trost P’93 CC Mr. & Mrs. John J. O’Malley P’90 C Mr. & Mrs. James Prince P’92 Mrs. Zeneida Jimenez P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. William Turner P’93 Mr. & Mrs. William Reiter P’92 C Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kleinsteuber P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ventura P’92 ‘93 H Mr. and Mrs. Eufemio Roble P’92 C Mr. & Mrs. Aidan Walsh P’93 M Mr. & Mrs. George Lesnik P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sak P’92 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Love P’91 M Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Wilensky P’93 Mrs. Mary Ann Samanich P’92 Mr. & Mrs. John Annese P’93 C Mr. & Mrs. John Lucey P’91 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Sheehan P’92 M Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Maloy P’91 Mrs. Josefina Barretto P’93 Mr. & Mrs. Virgilio Talaid P’92 Mr. and Mrs Peter Martin P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. William Black P’93 C Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wong P’92 C Mrs. Carmen A. McFarlane P’91 John and Mary Daly P’93 C Mr. & Mrs. Robert Muccigrosso P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Zborowski, P’90’92 C Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dengler P’93 C Mr. & Mrs. Timothy O’Donnell P’91 Mrs. Patricia Allison P’92 C Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Donohue P’93 CC Mr. and Mrs. Nicky Patariu P’91 M Mr. & Mrs. Courtney Barrow P’92 C Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dunford P’93 Mr. & Mrs. John Porada P’81, P’82,P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Bolton P’92 M Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick P’93 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Reardon P’91 C Mrs. Joan Briody P’92 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fodera P’93 H Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reichenberg P’90’91 C Mr. & Mrs. Stanislas S. Chao P’92 M Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Giannelli P’93 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rengstorf P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. John Comer, Jr. P’92 C Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Graham P’93’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rodi P’91 H Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Degnan P’92 Mrs. Catherine Messina P’93 C Mr. & Mrs. Victor Sarmiento P’91 Mr. & Mrs. F. de la Cruz P’92 C Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelley P’93’95 O Mrs. Clare K. Shanahan P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dollard P’88’92 M Mr. & Mrs. Eric Javier P’94 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Spillane P’91’00 CC Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. Finn P’92 CC Mrs. Kathleen Kirkpatrick P’94 Drs. Andrew & Irene Stiber P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. John Flaherty P’92 M Mr. & Mrs. Manohar Lala P’94 C Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watts P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. Albert Formaggio P’92 C Mrs. Vanda Machado P ‘90’94 C Mr. Meliton A. Acoba P’91 Mr. & Mrs. John Gallen P’92 C Mr. & Mrs. James Maloney P’94 C Mrs. Patricia Bancroft P’91 Mr. & Mrs. George Grimaldi P’92 C Mrs. Lucy Mannarino P’94 Mr. & Mrs. John Caslin P’91 C Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heraux P’92 C Mr. & Mrs. Frank Martignetti, Jr. P’94 C Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Urgola P’90 Mrs. Evelyn Walker P’88,P’90 Mr. & Mrs. Garrett E. Austin P’90 Mrs. Barbara Brennan P’90 C Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Brooks P’90 C Mr. & Mrs. James K. Delaney P’90 C Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore A. DeViva P’90 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dowgiallo P’90 Mr. & Mrs. George J. Dunphey P’90 C Mr. & Mrs. John P. Farrelly P’90 Mr. & Mrs. William S. Feiler P’90 CC Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Forero P’90 C Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo A. Gamarra P’90 Mr. and Mrs. Denis Healy P’90 M Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hinners P’89’90 C Mr. & Mrs. Eugene N. Holdcroft P’90 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Killion P’90 Mrs. Florence Kuduk P’90 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Lechowicz P’90 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Lorraine P’90 Fall 2004 15 Mr. and Mrs. James McGovern P’80’91’94 M Mr. & Mrs. Victor Roman P’95 M Mrs. Pamela Seegraber P’94 C Mr. and Mrs. William O’Shea P’94 M Mrs. Ann O’Sullivan P’94 Mr. & Mrs. James Peveraro P’94’01 M Mrs. William Pohlmann P’94 M Mr. & Mrs. Evaldas Remeza P’94 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Romano P’94 M Mr and Mrs. Eugene Rotzler P’94 C Mr. & Mrs. Ketih Sammut P’94 C Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Sclafani P’87’90’94 C Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Silverio P’94 C Mr.& Mrs. Andres Sardinas P’94 C Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Totilo P’92’94 C Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Vadasdi P’94 M Rogelio and Joyce Vernon P’94 C Mrs. Veronica Wan P’94 C Mr. & Mrs Brian Abamont P’94 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Amicone P’94 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bell P’94 C Mr. Thomas Briscoe P’94’01 C Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brucella P’94 C Mr. & Mrs. Kieran Burke P’94 C Mr. and Mrs. George Burns P’94 M Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Creedon P’94 C Mr. and Mrs. Carmine DeVito P’94 M Hon. Daniel FitzGerald P’94 C Mr. & Mrs. Juan Formoso P’94 C Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gallagher P’94 C Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes P’94 C Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Izzo P’94 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Neill P’94 C Mr. & Mrs. Larry Johnson P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. Imre Knausz P’95 C Mrs. and Mr. Richard Kilsheimer P’95 C Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mangan P’95 O Mr. & Mrs. James Manwell P’95 M Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McGrath P’95 O Mr. & Mrs. Edward McGuinness P’95 CC Mr. & Mrs. David Milne P’95 M Mr. and Mrs. Galicano Munar P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. James Ng P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. John O’Brien P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. Terrence O’Connor P’95 C Mrs. Diane O’Connor P’95 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Parrett P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. Andrezej Plaza P’95 Mr. and Mrs. Terence Quinlan P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. Jose Quintana P’95 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Russo P’95 Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Scotto P’95 Mr. & Mrs. John Tanzi P’95 M Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tully P’95 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Usiak P’95 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Votin P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. Kee Yoo P’95 C Mrs. Lola Zummo P’95 Mr. and Mrs. George Austin P’95 DO Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Boller P’95 C Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bond P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. Denis Brogan P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cleary P’95 C Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cowan P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Dattilo P’95 M Mr. & Mrs. Dennis DiFolco P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Dixon P’95 Mr. & Mrs. Terence Dwyer P’95 C Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Foley P’95 C Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garvin P’93’95 C Mr. & Mrs. William Graeper P’95 Mrs. Cindy Ho P’95 Dr. & Mrs. George Isaac P’95 C Mr. & Mrs. Terence Daly P’96 H Mr.& Mrs. John Kampil P’91’96 Dr.& Mrs. Richard Karpinski P’96 M Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kozusko P’96 Mr.& Mrs. John Leinung P’96 DHHO Mr.& Mrs. Paul Law P’96 M Mr.& Mrs. Lawrence Lennon P’96 C Ms. Zenaida Maglanoc P’96 C Mrs. Dolores Macapugay P’96 H Dr. Jose Maccera P’96 C Mr. & Mrs. William Madden P’96 C Mr. & Mrs. Peter McNally P’96 CC Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Meyer P’96 C Mr.& Mrs. Patrick Mitchell P’96 C Mr. & Mrs. James Nardozzi P’96 C Mrs. Mary O’Reilly P’88’94’96 C Mrs. Judith Papp P’96 C Mr. and Mrs. Michael Purvis P’96 O Mr. & Mrs. John Quinn P’96 M Mrs. Karen Radigan P’96 Mr.& Mrs. Salvatore Rossetti P’96 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Russo P’96’01 C Mr.& Mrs. Anthony Sanchez P’90’96 C Mr. & Mrs. Nelson C. Sanchez P’96 C Mr. & Mrs. John Scaletta P’96 M Mr.& Mrs. Stanley Tabisz P’96 Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Villegas P’96 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weir P’96 C Mr.& Mrs. Joseph Westcott P’96 C Ms. Maureen Yearwood P’96 M Mr.& Mrs. Nabil Abou-Daoud P’96 C Mr & Mrs. Frank Autuoro P’96 C Mr. & Mrs. John F. Barry P’96 O Mr.& Mrs. John Beleckas P’96 C Mr.& Mrs. John Boyle P’96 C Mr. & Mrs. Gary Brockmeyer P’96 C Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cahalan P’96 C Mr.& Mrs. Federico Camacho P’96 C Ms. Francine Raggi Collins P’93,’96 C Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cooney P’96 C Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cribbin P’96 H Mr.& Mrs. Dommador DelRosario P’96 Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Fontanilla P’96’99 C Mrs. Lois Gnolfo P’96 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gomez P’96 C Mr.& Mrs. Nicholas Gugliuzza P’93’96 Mr.& Mrs. Cornelius Guiney P’96 C Mr.& Mrs. Angel Gutierrez P’96 C Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harmon P’96 C Mr. Charles Heffernan P’96’99 M Mr.& Mrs. James Hein P’96’99’02 C Mr.& Mrs. Andrew T. Harrison P’96 C Mr. & Mrs. Herculano Izquierdo P’96 CC Mr.& Mrs. Lazar Joseph P’97 Mrs. Barbara Keyes P’97 Mr.& Mrs. Terry Lam P’97 C Mr. and Mrs. James Lardner P’90’92’97 M Mr. & Mrs. Luke P. LaValle, Jr. P’95’97 CC Mr. & Mrs. Uri Lavy P’97’99’01 CC Mrs. Carol Leraris P’97 C Mr. Bartholomew Lo P’97 Mr.& Mrs. Victor Macam P’97 Mr. & Mrs. Francis McAnaney P’97 C Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McCann P’97 C Mr. & Mrs. George McCartney P’97 O Mr. and Mrs. Anthony McIntyre P’97 Mr.& Mrs. Franco Milizia P’97 M Mr.Patrick Montesano & Mrs.Mary R.Mannix P’01’97 M Mr.& Mrs. Charles O’Donnell P’97 C Mr. & Mrs. William Pacula P’97 C Mr.& Mrs. James Pastore P’97 Mrs Rafaela Guzman P’97 C Mr.& Mrs Jack Rosenblatt P’97 Mr & Mrs. Nicholas Scarola P’97 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Scoones P’97 C Mr. & Mrs. John Shivickas P’97 C Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Short P’97 Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan P’97 C Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan P’97 M Mr. & Mrs. John Turley P’97 C Mr. & Mrs. John Weber P’97 O Mr. & Mrs. Florentino Acevedo P’97 C Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ajello P’97 C Mrs. Barbara Alvarado P’97 Mr.& Mrs. John Barsi P’97’02 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Biddulph P’97 C Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bosek P’97 CC Mr.& Mrs. Thomas Boyle P’97 H Mr.& Mrs. Richard Brockmeyer P’97 C Mrs. Christine Brown P’95’97 M Mr. Antonio Cabral P’97 C Mr.& Mrs. Hugh Carty P’97 C Mr.& Mrs. James Clark P’97 Mr.& Mrs. John Coluccio P’97 C Mr.& Mrs. James Connors P’97 Mr. & Mrs. Niall Conway P’96’97 O Mr. & Mrs. John Greene P’97 C Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Greiner P’97 Ms. Joyce Healy P’97 CC Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kirchoff P’98 CC Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Lehu P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand Lugay P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Melchor Luzung P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. John MacKinnon P’98 C Dr. J. & Dr. S. Mariadason P’95’98 M Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mauro P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mazza P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Axel Mehrle P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Harry Nasuti P’98 Ms. Jacqueline Nieves P’98 Ms. Catherine Daly P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Power P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Sagles P’98 Mrs. Audrey Salib P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Schneider P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Thomas P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Trevetten P’98 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Turner P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Denman Tuzo P’94’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Paul Waase P’98 C Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wickman P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Nilo Alvarado P’98 Mrs. Margaret Amentas P’98 C Mrs. Dominic Barra P’98 C Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Barrera P’98 M Mr. & Mrs. Attila Boda P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Broyles P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Richard Califano P’98 M Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Canberg P’98 Ms. Kathleen Canilang P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Russell Capone P’98 Ms. Eileen Tynion P’98 C Mrs. Joanne Casey P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Corinto Cipollone P’98 Mr. & Mrs. James Connolly P’98 C Mrs. Candace Corlett P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. John Cunningham P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Richard Daul P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer Dillon P’98 CC Mr. & Mrs. John Ennis P’98 M Mr. & Mrs. Bill Foley P’94’98 C Mr. & Mrs. William Ford P’82’98 O Mrs. Martha Garcia P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Quirino Gregorio P’98 C Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Griffin P’98 C Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Hammond P’98 Mrs. Kathleen Hannon P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Patterson P’96’99’99 M Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kuehn P’99 M Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Lapommeray P’99 Mr. & Mrs Peter Lavigne P’99 H Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lopez P’99 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maceda P’99 Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro Mariano P’99 C Mrs. Joan Meade P’99 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Meehan P’99 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Montaruli P’99 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nichols P’99 M Mr Richard O’Connell & Mrs. Karen Yost P’99’00 O Mr. & Mrs. Michael Piotrowski P’99 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Porter P’99 O Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reenock P’99 C Mr. & Mrs. William Reidy P’99 M Mr. & Mrs. Toshiyuki Shiohara P’99 M Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Stahl P’99 M Mr. & Mrs. Richard Akalski P’99 C Mr. & Mrs. Paul Anderer P’93’95’99 C Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Angeles P’99 C Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Antinoro P’99 C 16 Regis Alumni News Mr. & Mrs. Washington Artus P’99 Mr. and Mrs. Jan Baginski P’99 C Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barker P’99 M Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bartolini P’99 C Mr. & Mrs. William Berriel P’99 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Brady P’99 Mr. Robert Cacace P’99 C Mr. & Mrs. John Colvin P’99 Mr. & Mrs. John Costello P’99 C Mr. & Mrs. John Cummins P’95’99 M Mr. a& Mrs. Anton Cutul P’97’99 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur DiClementi P’99 C Mr. & Mrs. John DuVernay P’99 Mr. & Mrs. John Garnevicus P’97’99’02 M Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hansen P’99 H Mr. & Mrs. William Horner P’99 C Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Alexander P’00 C Mr. and Mrs. Nunzio Astorina P’00 Mr. & Mrs. John Baker P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. James Burke P’00 Mrs. Edith Burke P’00 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Carey P’00 Mr. Peter & Dr. Teresita Coe P’96’00 C Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppi Corbo P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Crawley P’00 M Charles and Edna Daly P’00 Mr. & Mrs. Noel DiSalvo P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Driscoll P’00 M Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dunham P’00 Mr. & Dr. Neville Fallon P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fannon P’00 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gorski P’00 M Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kannengieser P’97’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keeley P’00 C Mrs. Theresa Knox P’00 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kuffner P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. John Laghezza P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lorenz P’00 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mandel P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. John Manning P’96’00 C Mr. Robert Meindel P’00 M Dr. & Mrs. George Munfakh P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. William Murray P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Donnell P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Timothy O’Leary P’96’00 C Mr. & Mrs. John Pallonetti P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Romel Paul Ramas P’00 CC Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rastetter P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Juan Rivero P’00 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Saltalamacchia P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Eric Samson P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Mason Sexton P’00’05 CC Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Shapiro P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Sherman P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. James Tarpey P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Walsh P’96’98’00 DO Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCabe P’00’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Orr P’92’00 C Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bailey P’00 C Mr. & Mrs. James Browne P’97’00 C Ms. Patricia Keegan-Abels P’01 C Mrs. Carmela Asaro P’01 Mr. & Mrs. John Baranello P’01 M Mr. & Mrs. Rene Bermudez P’01 CC Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Bermudez P’01 C Mr.& Mrs. Joseph Blanchfield P’01 M Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Blenkinsopp P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Borhi P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Burke P’01 CC Mr. & Mrs. Sal Calabrese P’01 C Mr. James Carey P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. William Carmody P’01 M Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chevallier P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Chianese P’01 C Mrs. Jo-Ann Corsillo P’01 M Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cunningham P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. John Dearie P’01 DHHO Mr. & Mrs. Robert Diesner P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fitzmaurice P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Galligan P’01 DO Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Ghezzi P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Gimignani P’01 C Mr. Victor Gittens P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Donald Glennan P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gnoza P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Haas P’01 Mr. & Mrs. William Holland P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Charles Houghton P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hutchinson P’01 Dr. Barbara Judge P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. John Kern P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kahn P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Chester Kondracki P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Cesar Lopez P’01 C Ms. Yolanda Leslie P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. LaForgia P’01 C Mr. and Mrs. John Landry P’01’05 O Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lynch P’01 O Mr. & Mrs. Peter Maher P’01 C Dr. & Mrs. John Mannion P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Marotta P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McClellan P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGivney P’01 H Mr. Kenneth McKenna P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. William Meldrum P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Rene Nadres P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Nadeem Neshewat P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Palmieri P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pirrotta P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Puente P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Quinn P’01 C Mrs. Lillian Reda P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rizzo P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rozanski P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ryan P’01 C Dr. Donald Russo P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. John Scroope P’90’01 M Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Socci P’01 C Mrs. Marcia Caruselle P’01 M Ms. Auxilio Tobon P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. James Valletti P’01 M Mr. & Mrs. George Vella P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Visaya P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Weston P’01 C Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wolfe P’01 C Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zamora P’01 C Mr. and Mrs. William Klay P’99’01 O Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Benson P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. John Bogovic P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Chianese P’02 C Mr. Thomas Chen P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Tony Cheung P’02 H Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cilento P’02 M Mr. & Mrs. Frank Curatolo P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Jan Czerechowski P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. James Darcy P’02 M Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeCruze P’02 M Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeLessio P’02 Mr. & Mrs. Rene Diaz P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. John Donodeo P’02 M Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elms P’02 M Ms. Eileen Fahy P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. James Farrelly P’02 O Mr. & Mrs. Domenick Filopei P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Fitzpatrick P’02 C Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ganns P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. James Grendell P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Gutierrez, Jr. P’02 CC Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heaney P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Keenan P’02 M Mr. & Mrs. James Lampariello P’02 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin LoPresti P’02 H Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maroney P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKernan P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. William Meyer P’02 M Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mulqueen P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Lope Naguit P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nash P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Ortega P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. John Picarello P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Plentus P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Gary Prasto P’02 C Dr. and Mrs. Crispino Punzalan P’99’02 CC Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Rawczak P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Francis Rivera P’02 M Mr. & Mrs.Ralph Salvatore P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Furrokh Shroff P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Cary Sleeper P’02 M Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stenger P’02 DO Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Scruggs P’02 Mr. & Mrs. Diego Vitto P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Edward Woods P’02 C Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wyszinski P’02 Mr. & Mrs. John Zaborskis P’02 C Mrs. Elsa Apestegui P’02 C Mrs. Mary Basso P’02 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Rogers P’00’03 C Mr. & Mrs. Benedict DiSalvo P’01’03’05 C Dr. & Mrs. James Murphy P’98’99’03 Mr. & Mrs. Sean Harrigan P’98’03 CC Mr. and Mrs. David D. Denton P’03 O Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Davila P’03 DO Mr. Stephen Hogan and Ms. Leslie Hannafey P’03’07 O Mr. & Mrs. Francois Maisonrouge P’03 DO Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jedzinak P’03 Mr. Joseph J. Gallagher P’03 Mr.& Mrs. Benedict Chan P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Norton P’03 CC Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Annunziata P’03 O Nohelba Duque P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brennan P’03 CC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cappabianca P’03 CC Mr. and Mrs. James Caravelli P’03 O Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coffin P’03 M Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Claude Desrosiers P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Eric Duke P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Jean Francoeur P’03 M Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Frasca P’03 C Mr. Cormac Gordon P’03 C Mrs. Karen Bernsohn P’03 M Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hoffman P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Victor Masullo P’03 CC Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kehoe P’03 M Mr. and Mrs. Steve Zuvich P’03 H Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lanham P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. John Jangl P’03 CC Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamintzky P’03 CC Mr. and Mrs. John Lane P’03 CC Mr. and Mrs. Frederico Limson P’03 CC Mr. and Mrs. Peter Luccarelli P’03 CC Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lynch P’03 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marcoux P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Julio Mendoza P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mulroe P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Nikaj P’03 M Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Osborne P’03 M Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Puhalovic P’03 Mr. Robert Rene P’03 M Mr. and Mrs. Tito Rodriguez P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Royes P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Kyun-Duk Seo P’03 C Mr. and Mrs. Michael Simko-Bednarski P’03 M Mrs. Marion McCue P’03 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Weiden P’03 CC Mr. Gary Wiesendanger P’03 Mr. and Mrs. William Marra P’03 C Mr. & Mrs. Dean Davis P’01’04 O Mrs. Linda Donovan P’02’04 CC Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hanlon P’02’04 M Mr. and Mrs. John Latella P’03’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strang P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. Francis Quinn P’04 DO Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hughes P’04 O Mr. and Dr. L. James Lewis P’04 DHHO Mr. and Mrs. Michael Esposito P’04 DO Mr. and Mrs. John Allen P’04 O Mr. and Mrs. David Anstey P’04 H Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Armao P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Claude Boer P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Efrain Carretero P’04 C Mr. Yves Chabal P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Charles P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colet P’04 M Fall 2004 17 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Connors P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Conroy P’04 O Mr. and Mrs. George Cuevas P’04 CC Ms. Irene D’Silva P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davies P’04 DO Ms. Mary Hanifin P’04 C Ms. Suzanne Evans P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. John Gallen P’04 CC Ms. Maria Dudin Goodwin P’04 DO Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goucher P’04 DO Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Iriberri P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. Roman Iwasiw P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jean P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jenko P’04 M Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Kelly P’04 DO Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koch P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krause P’04 DO Mr. and Mrs. Roman Krzanowski P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lamb P’04 C Ms. Maria Acebo, DDS P’04 H Mr. and Mrs. Simo Lekic P’04 M Mr. Ira Levitt and Mrs. Barbara Harfosh P’04 DO Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Lim P’04 CC Drs. Glen and Leilani Loria P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maccariello P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Magovern P’04 H Mr. and Mrs. Henry Malone P’04 O Mr. and Mrs. George Mancheril P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. Mark Marex P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martinelli P’04 C Ms. Pauline Mauceri P’04 H Mr. and Mrs. John McKeown P’04 DO Ms. Ernestina Oduro P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. Mark Meyer P’04 O Mr. and Mrs. James Minogue P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. Craig Monsen P’04 DHHO Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murtagh P’04 M Ms. Mary Naclerio P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. Chanh Van Nguyen P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nolan P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. John O’Donoghue P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. Walter Panek P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. Geronimo Pena P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Penge P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pipitone P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Pitta P’04 DO Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Poli P’04 O Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ponterotto P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. Peter Porcino P’04 O Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Pulice P’04 C Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Quinones P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ramjattan P’04 CC Ms. Maureen Regan P’04’06 DO Mr. and Mrs. Salcedo Reyes P’04 M Mr. Joseph Rocca and Mrs. Eileen Breslin P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. Israel Rodriguez P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sauerhoff P’04 DHHO Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scagnelli ‘04 FCO Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sciame P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sedia ‘04 C Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Seneca P’04 O Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Silhan P’04 O Mr. and Mrs. Michael Skrapits P’04 O Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith P’04 DO Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Spelker P’04 O Mr. Steven Staskiewicz and Mrs. Lisa DiMichele P’04 O Mr. and Mrs. John Taddei P’04 O Mr. Dominic Tambini and Mrs. Linda Louise Nole P’04 C Mr. Adam Nowicki and Mrs. Teresa Thrun-Nowicki P’04 DO Mr. and Mrs. John Uehlinger P’04 CC Mr. and Mrs. George Varsam P’04 DHHO Ms. Soonduk Yoon P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yuskevich P’04 M Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Zizza P’04 DO Ms. Linda Aristondo, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Alvino P’05 O Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nesi P’05 DO Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Constantine P’05 M Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Halloran P’05 CC Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Bugas P’06 DO Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dempsey P’06 C Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Howe P’07 CC Mr. and Mrs. John Fouhey P’07 DO Mr. Victor Marrero and Mrs. Veronica White P’07 O Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Hill P’07 CC Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hahn P’07 FRIENDS Ms. Alayne A. Adams Ms. Susan Adamski Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Ahrens Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alexander Mrs. Theo Amatrano W’31 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anacreonte Ms. Annette Andres Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Angelo Mr. and Mrs. Edward Apple Mr. Anthony R. Arena Mr. and Mrs. Emile Assaf Mr. Vipul Bansal Mrs. Mary S. Barone W’39 Ms. Barbara G. Barry Mrs. Rita Madeline Barry W ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Bart Ms. Janet Bartelmay Mrs. Margaret Bauer W’24 Mrs. Mary M. Bergin W’37 Mr. Edward C. Bierma Mrs. Margaret H. Bilcheck W’32 Mr. Thomas Bishop Dr. Mary Carney Blake Mr. John C. Blakley Ms. Linda J. Blatz Mr. and Mrs. William E. Boland Mr. Thomas Boyd Ms. Christina Braun Mr. and Mrs. John Brennan Mr. Matthew Brennan Mrs. Jacquelyn Byrne W’47 Mr. Vipul Bansal Ms. Nicole M. Caddick Mrs. Mary E. Carey Dr. Mary Carney Blake Ms. Maureen Carr Mrs. Grace A. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Carroll Mr. Calvin Carver and Ms. Anne Delaney Mr. Jonathan Casteleyn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cauley Mr. Yeong C. Choi Mr. Patrick Colabella Ms. Barbara Ann Cook Mr. Richard Coppinger Ms. Joyce M. Cox Mr. and Mrs. John Craig Miss Patricia Crown Mrs. Genevieve Cunningham Mrs. Rita Cupillari Mrs. Eileen Daniel W ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Davison Mr. and Mrs. R. Jonathan Del Vecchio Mrs. Margery Delaney W’44 Mrs. John J. Dennehy W’40 Ms. Jean M. Dennis Mr. Anthony Di Buono Mr. Nick DiGesu Mr. A.V. Dispenzieri and Mrs. Eileen Stegman-Dispenzieri Mr. Charles O. Dohrenwend Mrs. Mary Louise Donofrio W’60 Ms. Eileen Donohue-Connor and Ms. Elizabeth Connor Mrs. Anne Driscoll W’41 Ms. Laura J. Dumbach Mrs. Jane C. Dunne W’47 Ms. Colleen Durham Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Durnan Mrs. Martin V. Earley W’49 M. E. Ellis Mrs. Jacqueline B. Eltringham Mr. Samir Fahmy Ms. Mary K. Fasano Mrs. Mabel Fechteler W’23 Ms. Marian Fish Mr. Denis Fitzpatrick Mr. Adrian P. Fitzsimons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Fox Mr. Frank Franco Mrs. Carryl P. Frank W’45 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Freeman Mrs. Mary Funk W’43 Mrs. Thomas M. Garrett W’43 Mrs. Cecilia Gillen W’38 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Giorsos Ms. Bette Gloss W’42 Ms. Ellen Goldstein Ms. Violet Gonzalez Ms. Sylwia Gornik Mr. Michael Grego Mrs. Mary Anne Greenauer W’21 Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Hagan Mr. & Mrs. M. Hammond Ms. Alice Hardmeyer Mrs. Helen M. Harrington W’33 Mrs. Marianne Harrington W’27 Mrs. Patricia Harris W’39 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Healy Ms. Mary Jane Heinlen Dr. Terry Heller-Messeca Hess and Johnson Laboratory Mr. and Mrs. David Hipl Mr. James Hoefner and Ms. Christine Newhall Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hoffman Dr. and Mrs. Millard Hyland ICF Consulting Mr William Ichter Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Johnson Ms. Debra Jones Mr. and Mrs. F. Belton Joyner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kalaris Mrs. Eleanor Kellaher W’37 Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Kieffer Ms. Lisa E. Kim Mr. Steven M. Kink and Mrs. Joann Kink-Merten Mrs. Rita Knapp W’39 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Krissel Ladies Auxiliary of Queensboro Elks Lodge 878 Mr. Richard Lai Mrs. Virginia Landry Mr. Michael J. Larson Ms. Maureen Ledy Ms. Marile Leeth Litigation Unit of Immigration & Customs Mr. Peter Lutz Mrs. Kay Lynaugh W’29 Ms. Diann Mac Arthur-Riordan Ms. Nancy E. Mac Arthur Mrs. Eleanor Maguire W’36 Mrs. Mary Malone W’55 Mrs. Ann Mandt W’53 Mrs. Ann Mangan W’49 Mrs. Maryanne Manning W’43 Mr. Ray M. Manno Mr. Michael A. Martinez Mr. Tom Mauriello Ms. Mary D. Maury Mrs. Dorothy Mayburn Ms. Joan McArthur Ms. Irene McCarthy Mrs. Kathryn McCoyd W’35 18 Regis Alumni News Mrs. Doris McDermott W’41 Mrs. Lorraine McDonald W’49 Mrs. Patricia M. McDonald Ms. Ellen McDonough Mr. James McGrath Mrs. Margaret J. McHugh W’38 Mrs. Elvera H. McKenna W’40 Ms. Sally Jeanne McKenna Mr. Andre Mc Kenzie Mr. Jim McLachlan Mrs. Elizabeth A. McManus W’36 Mrs. Mary McNulty W’34 Mrs. Patricia Meagher W’34 Ms. Zita Millett Ms. Joyce Mizerak Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore Mr. Donald Mooney, Jr. Mrs. Kathleen Morris W’29 Mrs. Jane Mulholland W’52 Mr. Gerard E. Mulligan Mr. Jiro Murase M Mrs. Alvina E. Murphy W’24 Mrs. Blanche L. Murphy W’40 Mrs. Carole Murphy W’59 Mr. Mark Nacinovich M Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nile Mrs. Barbara A. Noone W’41 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nuber Mrs. Ellin O’Brien W’44 Mrs. Marguerite O’Connor W’32 Mrs. Margaret H. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. O’Rourke Ms. Maureen O’Sullivan Mr. Ed Oster and Ms. Donna Hanover Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Pacia Mr. and Mrs. George Pappadopoulos Mr. John H. Patscot and Ms. Joanna Gron Mrs. Helen Perrin W’44 Dr. Kevin T. Plodzik and Mrs. MargaretAnn Fraizer-Plodzik Mr. Simcha Pollack and Mrs. Deborah Kleiner-Pollack Mr. Alexander Purves Mr. and Mrs. Denis Quinn Ms. Jane A. Quinton Mr. and Mrs. Asriel Rackow Mr. and Mrs. David S. Rainey Ms. Margaret Reydel Mr. and Mrs. Norman Richie Ms. Agnes B. Roche Mr. Christopher Roche Mrs. Bertha Roig W’43 Mr. Neil B. Rosenbaum Mr. Thomas B. Rusk Mr. Andrew Russakoff Mr. Gerald Scales C Mr. Walter E. Schoudel Schumann, Hanlon, Doherty, McCrossin & Paolin Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seama Senior Core Group Mr. and Mrs. Lubomyr Shchur Ms. Victoria Shoaf Dr. Ann-Judith Silverman W’56 Mr. and Mrs. Orion Sims Ms. Rose Marie Slyper Mrs. Eugenie Smith W’38 Ms. Joanne H. Smith W’69 Mrs. June M. Smith, Jr. W’50 Rev. Thomas E. Smith, S.J. Mrs. Mary Anne Snyder W’39 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund M. Speer Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Spizzirri Mr. Stephen Sposato Mrs. Eleanor Stanton W’53 Mr. and Mrs. Fortunato I. Stanziale Mrs. Julia Stanzione Mrs. Alice Strong W’33 Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Sternberg Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stromber Mr. Gerald P. Sullivan Mrs. Kathleen Sullivan W’45 Mrs. Barbara R. Sumner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Swartzberg Ms. Nancy R. Sweeney Mrs. Jean V. Tarpey W’42 Mr. James W. Thompson Mrs. Audrey A. Tierney W’39 Mrs. Mary Tierney W’62 Ms. Erin M. Tooher Ms. Mary M. Trivigno Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trost Mr. Robert D. Uher Mrs. Minnie Van Name Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Van Ysseldyk Ms. Dianne Vanadia Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vance Ms. Rose Volpe Ms. Mary Wall Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wankel Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Watkins Ms. Julanne Werwaiss Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Wiebe Mr. C.G. Wilding Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolchok Mr. Ronald C. Wolinsky Mr. and Ms. Jacob D. Zeldes Mr. and Mrs. Everard Zentgraf Mrs. Joan Zurhellen W’45 FOUNDATIONS The Altman Foundation Chase Manhattan Foundation Fairfield County Community Foundation Herman Goldman Foundation The Michael Gordon Foundation The Peter J. Haller Family Foundation The Charles Hayden Foundation Julius & Katheryn Hommer\Foundation Josephine Lawrence Hopkins Foundation George Link, Jr. Foundation Mrs. Margaret H. O’Neill The Seattle Foundation The Starr Foundation Fall 2004 19 2004 Gifts MATCHING GIFTS Abbott Laboratories Fund ACE USA Foundation Aetna Foundation Alliance Capital Management Altria Employee Giving Program Ambac Financial Group, Inc. American Express Foundation American International Group, Inc. Analog Devices, Inc. AOL Time Warner Avaya Communication AXA Foundation Bank of America Foundation Barclays Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. BD Matching Gift Program Boeing Gift Matching Program Bristol Myers-Squibb Cadence Design Systems, Inc. ChevronTexaco Chubb & Son Matching Gift Program CIGNA Foundation Citigroup Foundation Computer Associates Cornerstone Research, Inc. Corning Incorporated Foundation Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Dominion Foundation Matching Gift Program Eli Lilly & Company Foundation Fleet Matching Gifts Program FPL Group Foundation, Inc. Friedman & Friedman Agency, Inc. General Mills Foundation General Re Corporation Glaxosmithkline Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Co. Hewitt Associates Honeywell HSBC IFF Foundation Illinois Tool Works Foundation Ingersoll-Rand Insurance Services Office, Inc. Intel Iris Enviornmental Itochu International, Inc. ITT Industries, Inc. J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation John Hancock Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. Kellogg’s Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Lehman Brothers Marsh and Mclennan Companies MasterCard International Matching Gifts McGraw-Hill Companies Mellon Mercedes-Benz, LLC. Microsoft Mizuho Matching Gifts Program Mobil Foundation, Inc. Moody’s Corporation Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Program Motorola Foundation Mutual of America National Grid New York Life Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation Novartis US Foundation One Beacon Charitable Trust Pharmacia Foundation Philips Electronics NA Revlon Foundation Roche Matching Gifts Program Shell Oil Company Foundation The Target Corporation The Bank of New York Foundation The Borden Family of Companies The CIT Group Foundation, Inc. The Dorsey and Whitney Foundation The Duke Energy Foundation The Fidelity Foundation The Merck Company Foundation The Merril Lynch Foundation The New York Times Foundation The Pfizer Foundation The Prudential Foundation The Rouse Company Thomson Financial Towers Perrin UBS Unilever Matching Gift Program United Technologies Verizon Foundation Washington Group Foundation Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program Wyeth Ayerst Laboratories XL Capital Assurance MEMORIAL GIFTS Stephen S. Barone, J.D. ‘39 Mr. Paul J. Battaglia ‘96 Herman E. Bauer, M.D. ‘24 Timothy F. Beckett, M.D. ‘66 Mr Paul D. Bergemann ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butera Mr. George C. Byrne ‘47 Mr. John D. Calamari ‘38 Rev. Andrew Cassidy, M.M. ‘41 Cmdr. John C. Cheasty ‘24 Mrs. Evelyn Collins Mr. Francis J. Connolly ‘30 Mr. William J. Connor ‘29 Mrs. Mary Connors Mrs. Judy Daly Mr. Angelo M. Donofrio ‘60 Mr. Marcus H. Drzwiecki ‘67 Mr. Lawrence J. Durney, Jr. ‘38 Mr. Robert S. Enright ‘64 Mr. John F. FitzSimons ‘25 Dr. Thomas M. Garrett ‘43 Dr. Thomas E. Gismondi ‘69 Mr. Warren J. Gloss ‘42 Mrs. Eleanor Godfrey Mr. Charles J. Harris ‘39 Mrs. Geraldine Heneghan ‘34 Dr. Ralph Hertz Mr. James A. Hession ‘36 Mr. John A. Jones, Jr. ‘50 Mr. John F. Joseph ‘49 Mr. Dennis D. Kelly ‘56 Mr. Peter J. Kennedy ‘29 Mr. Francis E. Keogh ‘32 Mr. Vytautas R. Konce ‘64 Rev. Edward J. Lavin Mr. Terence B. Leary ‘02 Mr. Walter L. Leary ‘34 Mr. Robert E. Linhard ‘64 Mr. Mario A. Lopez ‘43 Mr. Patrick J. Lynch ‘30 Mr. Peter J. Lynch ‘49 Mr. Martin J. Macapugay P’96 Mr. Edward J. Mandt ‘53 Mr. Stephen J. Mannetta ‘80 Mr. John P. Mangan ‘49 Mr. Robert V. Marasco ‘54 Mr. Robert J. Martin ‘90 Mr. Robert J. Martin ‘71 Mr. Robert G. Mastrillo ‘64 Mr. Kevin McAuliffe Mr. Francis X. McDermott ‘41 Col. Patrick J. McDonald ‘29 Mr. Charles J. McHugh ‘38 Mr. James O. McKenna ‘40 Mr. John F. McKenna ‘39 Mr. Christopher R. McVeigh ‘83 Mr. Richard H. Metz ‘67 Mr. John F. Millet ‘30 Mr. and Mrs. Santo Minutoli Mr. Albert P. Mortola ‘64 Mr. James H. Muller ‘47 Mr. Terence A. Murphy ‘64 Mr. Michael F. Murray ‘59 Mr. Norman K. Ng ‘95 Mr. James C. O’Hara ‘26 Ward D. O’Sullivan, M.D. ‘34 Mr. William G. Orr ‘40 Mrs. Judy Paxton P’92 Dr. Henry R. Radoski ‘54 Mr. James V. Regan ‘34 Philip C. Reilly. M.D. ‘64 Mr. Jerome C. Sabatino ‘56 Mr. John R. Schinn ‘64 Mr. Robert D. Sheehan ‘64 Mrs. Mary Silvestri P’64 Mr. Albert F. Slattery ‘45 Dr. Charles R. Smith ‘50 Rev. Raymond J. Swords, S.J. Mr. Edward A. Tooher ‘36 Mr. Gregory J. Trost ‘93 Msgr. Thomas J. Tuohy ‘32 Mr. Edward F. Wall, Jr. ‘46 Mr. Kevin F. Walsh ‘72 Mrs. Julia Werwaiss P’57’60GP’91 Mrs. Theresa Wojtusiak Mr. Edward A. Yorio ‘64 Mr. Victor Zerenga Dr. Henry S. Zurhellen ‘45 SENIOR PARENT GIFT This year’s Senior Parent Gift totaled $248,470 with 80% participation. Thanks go out to the Gift Committee: Maria Dudin Goodwin, Roseann & Michael Esposito, Siglinde & Efrain Carretero, Justina & Peter Jenko, Deborah & Mark Meyer, Debbe & Victor Sauerhoff, Eleanor & Thomas Neufeld, Eileen & Richard Nolan. Ms. Maria Acebo, DDS P’04 Mr. and Mrs. John Allen P’04 Mr. and Mrs. David Anstey P’04 Ms. Linda Aristondo, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Armao P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Claude Boer P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Efrain Carretero P’04 Mr. Yves Chabal P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Charles P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colet P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Connors P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Conroy P’04 Mr. and Mrs. George Cuevas P’04 Ms. Irene D’Silva P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davies P’04 20 Regis Alumni News Phone-a-thon Volunteers Mr. & Mrs. Dean Davis P’01’04 Mrs. Linda Donovan P’02’04 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Esposito P’04 Ms. Suzanne Evans P’04 Mr. & Mrs. James Farrelly P’02’04 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Fitzpatrick P’02’04 Mr. and Mrs. John Gallen P’04 Ms. Maria Dudin Goodwin P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goucher P’04 Ms. Mary Hanifin P’04 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hanlon P’02’04 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hughes P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Iriberri P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Roman Iwasiw P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jean P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jenko P’04 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Kelly P’04 Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koch P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krause P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Roman Krzanowski P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lamb P’04 Mr. and Mrs. John Latella P’03’04 Mr. and Mrs. Simo Lekic P’04 Mr. Ira Levitt and Mrs. Barbara Harfosh P’04 Mr. and Dr. L. James Lewis P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Lim P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Loria P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maccariello P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Magovern P’04 Dr. and Mrs. Henry Malone P’04 Mr. and Mrs. George Mancheril P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Marex P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martinelli P’04 Ms. Pauline Mauceri P’04 Mr. and Mrs. John McKeown P’04 Ms. Ernestina Oduro P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Meyer P’04 Mr. and Mrs. James Minogue P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Monsen P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Moran ‘72 P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murtagh P’04 Ms. Mary Naclerio P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Chanh Van Nguyen P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nolan P’04 Mr. Adam Nowicki and Mrs. Teresa Thrun-Nowicki P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Neufeld ‘70 P’04 Mr. and Mrs. John O’Donoghue P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Panek P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Payne ‘71 P’99’04 Mr. and Mrs. Geronimo Pena P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Penge P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pipitone P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Pitta P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Poli P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ponterotto P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Porcino P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Pulice P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Quinn P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Quinones P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ramjattan P’04 Ms. Maureen Regan P’04’06 Mr. and Mrs. Salcedo Reyes P’04 Mr. Joseph Rocca and Mrs. Eileen Breslin P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Israel Rodriguez P’04 Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sauerhoff P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scagnelli ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sciame P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sedia ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Seneca P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Silhan P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Skrapits P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Spelker P’04 Mr. Steven Staskiewicz and Mrs. Lisa DiMichele P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strang P’04 Ms. Maria Suarez P’04 Mr. and Mrs. John Taddei P’04 Mr. Dominic Tambini and Mrs. Linda Louise Nole P’04 Mr. Edward A. Taylor and Mrs. Regina Loughran ‘76 P’04 Mr. and Mrs. John Uehlinger P’04 Mr. and Mrs. George Varsam P’04 Ms. Soonduk Yoon P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yuskevich P’04 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Zizza P’04 Mr. Kevin G. Tubridy ‘39 Mr. James P. Murphy ‘41 Mr. Joseph P. Clark ‘43 Mr. Eugene M. Maloney ‘44 Mr. Roman N. Chapelsky ‘46 Mr. William H. Clarke ‘46 Mr. J. Kenneth Hickman ‘46 Mr. George J. O’Donnell ‘46 Mr. Charles H. Schneider ‘46 Mr. Andrew J. Hernon ‘49 Mr. Daniel P. Lavery ‘50 Mr. Michael J. O’Connor ‘50 Mr. Donal F. McCarthy ‘51 Dr. Peter F. Mullany ‘51 Mr. John M. Conroy ‘54 Mr. Walter J. Doherty ‘54 Mr. Francis M. O’Regan ‘54 Mr. Patrick J. Bannon ‘55 Mr. Karl Brunhuber ‘55 Mr. John M. Morriss ‘55 Mr. William P. Gillen ‘57 Mr. Peter L. Kern ‘58 Mr. Gerard M. McKenna ‘58 Mr. Thomas P. Nacinovich ‘58 Mr. Michael J. Shef ‘59 Mr. Leo F. Tymon, Jr. ‘59 Mr. John P. Paxton ‘62 Mr. Kevin J. Morris ‘63 P’98 Mr. John F. Tweedy, Jr. ‘63 Mr. George T. Griffith ‘65 Mr. James E. Maguire ‘66 Mr. Robert P. Mollenhauer, Jr. ‘66 Mr. Timothy G. O’Connor ‘66 Robert V. Blake, M.D. ‘67 Mr. Michael A. Ancona ‘68 Mr. John G. DiLiberto ‘68 Joseph LaMantia, M.D. ‘70 Mr. Robert M. Leonard ‘70 Richard J. Peiser, Esq. ‘70 Mr. Joseph D. Alchermes ‘71 Mr Michael G. Molyneux ‘72 Mr. Michael P. O’Rourke ‘72 Mr. William J. O’Connell ‘74 Mr. Richard P. O’Leary ‘74 Mr. Alan W. Mele ‘75 Mr. Steven P. Seagriff ‘75 Mr. Thomas P. Wadolowski ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Vito Mele P’75 Mr. Hugh P. Finnegan ‘76 Mr. Cornelius J. Grealy ‘76 Mr. Louis D. Jerome ‘76 Mr. Christopher R. Lowney ‘76 Dr. Peter J. Miller ‘76 Mr. Edward A. Taylor ‘76 Mr. Mark W. Kolakowski ‘77 Mr. Bernard J. Kilkelly ‘78 Mr. Albert F. Rocco ‘78 Mr. Carl A. Catauro ‘81 Mr. Michael J. Morriss ‘81 Mr. Patrick A. McGoldrick ‘82 Mr. Lawrence R. Burke ‘83 Mr. Robert P. Gallagher ‘83 Mr. Leland A. Harrs ‘83 Mr. Peter Labbat ‘83 Mr. Thomas F. Flood ‘85 Mr. John J. Wing ‘87 Mr. Emmet W. Conroy ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest S. Sciutto P’88 Mr. Kieran J. O’Shea ‘89 Mr. Gerald J. Russello ‘89 Mr. Robert B. McGovern ‘91 Mr. Michael P. O’Donnell ‘91 Mr. David B. Lat ‘92 Mr. John F. Giordano ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Patterson P’96 ‘99,’99 Mr. Charles Heffernan P’96’99 Mr. Shane M. Conway ‘97 Mr. Jonathan R. Lavy ‘97 Mr. John A. Russo ‘97 Mr. Gerard P. Hammond ‘98 Mr. Craig S. Pritsky ‘98 Mr. Matthew H. Hansen ‘99 Mr. Brian C. Hughes ‘99 Mr. D. Alexander Lavy ‘99 Mr. Joseph V. Tursi ‘99 Mrs. Nancy Clancy P’99 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hansen P’99 Mr. Michael A. Memoli ‘00 Mr. Kevin P. Carmody ‘01 Mr. Alfred J. Chianese’01 Mr. Andrew J. Conrad ‘01 Mr. David V. Imbert ‘01 Mr. Philip W. Klay ‘01 Mr. Edward J. McCabe’01 Ms. Patricia Keegan-Abels P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Palmieri P’01 Mr. & Mrs. James Valletti P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Curatolo P’02 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Fox P’02 Mr. Axzyr A. DeLeon ‘03 Mr. Lucas Wiesendanger ‘03 Mr. Keith E. Hoffman ‘03 Mr. Michael N. Jangl ‘03 Mr. Matthew J. Murphy ‘03 Mr. Nicholas G. Nikaj ‘03 Mr Joseph T. Rivera ‘03 Mr. Stephen Hogan P’03 ‘07 Ms.Leslie Hannafey P’03 ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strang P’04 Mrs. Renee Patepa Mrs. Donna LaSala Fall 2004 21 2004 Annual Fund Donors LEGEND C............................. Century Club M............................. Merit Society H............................ Honor Society CC......................... Crimson Circle O........................ Order of the Owl 1925 Amount: $600.00 Mr. Justin J. Murphy (H) 100% participation 1926 Amount: $750.00 Hon. Thomas P. Farley (C) Mr. John G. Mullane (H) 67% participation 1928 Amount: $600.00 Mr. Edward J. Mallon (H) 20% participation 1929 Amount: $100.00 Mr. Maurice V. Donovan (C) 17% participation 1930 Amount: $2,100.00 Mr. Robert C. Brown (CC) Mr. John M. Godfrey (H) Mr. Edward F. Haskins (M) 33% participation 1931 Amount: $1,500.00 Mr. Bernard J. Baecher (H) Mr. Thomas J. Feeney (M) Dr. Samuel D. McClelland (C) Mr. Jerome J. Putz (M) 44% participation 1932 Amount: $2,275.00 Mr. Joseph J. Capo (CC) Mr. John M. Gavin (C) Mr. James H. Kavanagh (C) Mr. Charles A. Sheehan (CC) Mr. John F. Spano 41.67% Participation Note: Class Fund Chairs are italicized and listed below each class year 1933 Amount: $2,995.00 Mr. Hugh W. Carney Mr. James J. Cribbin (O) Col. John P. Graebener (C) Hon. John C. Marbach (C) Rev. Carl J. Merzena Mr. James J. Mullin (C) Mr. Philip V. O’Brien (C) Mr. James E. Tobin (M) 67% participation 1934 Amount: $35,065.00 Mr. Caesar C. Altomare (H) Mr. Francis L. Brannigan M.Rev. Edwin B. Broderick (DO) Mr. John A. Conway (C) Hon. John D. D’Apice (M) Mr. Stoddard W. Fedor Mr. Henry A. Goode (M) Mr. John C. Jangl (C) Mr. Charles X. McCarthy (M) Dr. Gerard E. McGuirk (M) Mr. Thomas P. Moran Mr. August F. Sand (C) Mr. Harry M. Smith (M) Mr. Francis V. Wagner (O) Mr. Edward P. Walsh (DHHO) Dr. John M. Wozniak (C) 40% participation 1935 Amount: $10,031.75 Mr. John T. Baird (CC) Mr. James J. Brant (CC) Mr. Andrew M. Calamari (C) Prof. Joseph A. Calamari (C) Mr. William J. Cusack (C) Mr. Ovid D. DiFiore (C) Rev. Joseph V. Dolan, S.J. Dr. Robert J. Fitzgerald (C) Mr. James F. Flynn (DO) Hon. W. Howard Hartley (C) Mr. Timothy C. Hearne (C) Mr. Eugene C. Keegan (C) Mr. Lawrence J. Lynch Mr. James E. Murphy (CC) Mr. Francis P. O’Hagan (C) Mr. John A. Simmons (C) Mr. William J. Smollen (C) Mr. James J. Sweeney (C) 62% participation 1936 Amount: $3,800.00 Mr. Richard N. Carbonara (C) Mr. Fred J. Leuper (C) Mr. William H. O’Brien (O) Capt. William P. Rothamel (H) 44% participation 1937 Amount: $6,950.00 Dr. Paul F. D’Arcy (C) Mr. Thomas J. Doyle Mr. William F. Furey (M) Mr. John R. Gray (H) Rev. Edward F.X. Kennedy, S.J. Charles F. Naegele, M.D. (H) Mr. Robert A. Schmidt (DO) 35% participation 1938 Mr. James P. Holahan Amount: $7,550.00 Mr. John L. Bauer, Jr. (C) Mr. John J. Callaghan (CC) Mr. John J. Collins (C) Mr. J. Howard Currie Mr. Bernard A. Gallagher (C) Mr. James P. Holahan (O) Mr. James J. Kerrigan (C) Dr. Fred C. Leone (C) Mr. Walter A. Morris, Jr. (M) Mr. James N. Quinn (C) Mr. Peter M. Wiley (C) 57.89% participation 1939 Mr. Kevin G. Tubridy Amount: $8,915.00 Mr. Brian J. Armour (C) Mr. John H. Bermingham (DO) Mr. John J. Conlin (C) Mr. John E. Connor (C) Mr. Ryan A. Cuneo (C) Mr. Robert J. Flynn (C) Mr. Richard F. Gabriel (C) Mr. William L. Girvin (M) Mr. Robert F. Glass (C) Mr. Donald J. Grohs (C) Mr. Joseph F. Guth (C) Mr. Edmond J. Jabbour (C) Mr. Loring A. Jones Mr. Edward R. Lambert (C) Mr. James J. Lanigan (C) Mr. Joseph E. Loonie (C) Mr. John R. McCarthy (C) Mr. Kenneth E. McLaughlin (C) Mr. James T. Meenan (M) Louis J. Piro, M.D. (C) Mr. Lawrence H. Reilly (C) Mr. Edward T. Robinson (C) Mr. James A. Sinclair Mr. Kevin G. Tubridy (M) Mr. Daniel J. Wagner 71.43% participation 1940 Amount: $9,565.00 Mr. Roy E. Blewitt Mr. John C. Dircks (C) Mr. William H. Hogan (CC) Mr. Thomas J. Horan (C) Mr. Edward A. Jones (C) Mr. Stephen T. Lederleitner Mr. Francis X. Mara (CC) Mr. Patrick J. McCarthy (DO) Rev. Vincent F. McHenry, O.P. (C) Rev. Bernard J. McMahon (C) Rev. Donald V. O’Brien, S.J. (H) Capt. George P. Pavis, USN (R) (M) John D. Piro, D.D.S. (C) Mr. Albert L. Ragati Mr. George A. Seitz (C) Mr. William J. Slater (H) Mr. Roger D. Taillon (C) James M. Toolan, M.D. (C) 48.65% Participation 1941 Mr. James P. Murphy Amount: $16,180.88 R.Msgr Austin P. Bennett (O) Mr. Joseph P. Campbell (H) Mr. William J. Carroll (H) Mr. Russell K. Casey (C) Mr. Joseph P. Connors (O) Mr. Thomas J. Delaney (M) Mr. James C. Dunne (C) Mr. Robert W. Graf Mr. Gerald E. Griffin (M) Mr. John A. Guidera (M) Dr. Robert O. Johann (C) Rev. Joseph V. Landy, S.J. Mr. David J. Manning (M) Mr. Lawrence E. Mannion (C) Mr. Albert R. Marino (C) Mr. Alexander L. Mazzia, J.D. (M) Thomas P. McCann, M.D. (C) Rev. John McConnell, S.J. Mr. Adrian J. McGuire Mr. Philip R. Moran Rev. Robert A. Morris (C) Mr. Robert J. Morrison (H) Mr. James P. Murphy (O) Mr. Joseph D. Noren , Jr. (C) Mr. Raymond V. O’Connor (H) Mr. Robert W. Puentes (M) Mr. John T. Redmond (M) Mr. James Schermerhorn (C) Mr. Gilbert C. Wager Robert J. Waldron M.D. (M) Justin C. Walker, M.D. (M) Mr. James D. Wallace (M) 69.57% Participation 1942 Mr. Robert C. Langley Amount: $21,005.32 Joseph C. Amico, M.D. (DO) Earl J. Baker, M.D. (C) Mr. Thomas Barron Mr. Mathias C. Barth (C) Mr. Thomas C. Brodie (C) Mr. Raymond A. Bruntrager (M) Mr. Henry T. Campion (C) Rev. William B. Cogan, S.J. Mr. John W. Colwell (C) Dr. Edward J. Cook (M) Mr. J. Alan Davitt (C) Mr. Robert J. DeSesa Mr. Charles A. Grossman (C) Rev. Robert A. Haus, S.J. (C) William P. Howley, M.D. (H) Mr. Martin J. Kelly (M) Mr. Walter M. Langan (C) Mr. Robert C. Langley (O) Mr. Bernard J. Martin (H) Mr. Edward M. Masterson, Sr. (CC) Mr. Thomas A. Moore (C) Mr. Edward Murphy (H) Mr. William J. Newman, Jr. Mr. Kevin J. O’Neill (C) Mr. Thomas A. Pinto Mr. William J. Portway (C) Mr. Ralph F. Ruffolo Hon. Edward J. Ryan (C) Frank R. Schmid, M.D. (O) Col. John P. Walsh (O) Mr. George E. Young (C) 75.61% Participation 1943 Mr. Donald D. Diverio Amount: $66,359.60 Rev. Henry I. Benack (DO) Capt. Edward J. Brown, USN (Ret.) (C) Rev. Joseph T. Browne, S.J. (C) Rev. John M. Buckley, S.J. (M) Rev. James R. Carney, S.J. Mr. Joseph P. Clark (O) Mr. Walter E. Dillon, Jr. (C) Mr. Richard J. Dircks (C) Mr. Donald D. Diverio (C) Mr. Francis P. Donovan (C) Mr. Earle A. Elliott (C) Mr. Peter C. Esposito (M) Mr. James C. Finsterle (M) Mr. Joseph E. Flannery (C) Mr. Richard T. Gottcent Mr. Donald W. Gross (DO) Mr. John L. Hanigan (C) Mr. John J. Karole (C) Mr. Edward T. Kelly (O) Mr. Frank J. Kiernan (M) Mr. William E. Lang (H) Mr. Thomas H. Lennon (C) Mr. George P. Lewett (M) Mr. Richard B. Locher Mr. Daniel M. Lynch (C) Mr. Daniel J. Matthews (C) Mr. Francis J. Mattes (M) Sanford J. Matthews, M.D. (O) + Mr. Simeon F. McAleer (M) Mr. John B. McGrath (M) Mr. Francis W. McInerney (M) Mr. John J. McKelvey (C) Mr. Thomas E. McManus (C) Mr. John Q. McQuillan (CC) Mr. John A. Mellin (C) Mr. William P. Morris Mr. Richard J. Powers (FCO) Mr. Robert W. Powers (C) Mr. Walter H. Preston, Jr. Mr. George V. Richardson (H) Mr. John J. Scollay (C) Rev. Joseph A. Stulb (H) Mr. John F. Sullivan (C) Mr. Alphonse J. Volpe (O) 73.33% Participation 1944 Mr. Eugene M. Maloney Amount: $27,115.00 Severino J. Ambrosio, M.D. (O) Mr. William F. Bahret Mr. Daniel J. Brockway, Sr. (C) Mr. Robert V. Burns Mr. John F. Campbell (C) Col. John L. Carr (CC) Hugh J. Carroll, M.D. (O) Mr. Arthur B. Colligan (C) Mr. John J. Cronin (C) Hon. Edward J. Devins (M) Mr. Donald J. Dougherty (M) Mr. William J. Dunn, Jr. (M) Dr. Harold D. Fredericks (M) Franklyn P. Gerard, M.D. (CC) Mr. Thomas H. Glasser (M) Mr. John J. Grady (M) Mr. James J. Holland (C) Mr. John M. Jackman (C) Mr. Victor G. Kenyon (H) Rev. Robert G. Lynch, S.J. Mr. Eugene M. Maloney (C) Dr. Joseph F. Maloney (O) Mr. Louis J. Maresca (C) Mr. Elmer M. Matthews (M) Mr. Maurice J. McGarry (M) Mr. John J. McGeechan (C) Robert W. McGrath, M.D. (M) 22 Regis Alumni News Mr. Thomas M. McGuire (O) Mr. Vincent J. McKenna (C) Mr. Robert J. McLane (C) Mr. Thomas F. Meagher (O) Mr. Robert F. Morison (C) Rev. Thomas Murphy, S.J. (C) Mr. Martin J. Murtagh (M) Hon James P. O’Connell (C) Thomas F. O’Connor, M.D. Mr. John J. O’Mara (C) Mr. Edward J. O’Reilly (C) Mr. J. Rhodes O’Reilly, Jr. (C) Mr. Harold Ross O’Sullivan (M) Mr. James B. Rice (C) Mr. Edward J. Ritter (C) Rev. Eugene M. Rooney, S.J Mr. Tomas L. Ryan (C) Mr. Henry F. Schaf, Jr. (O) Rev. John J. Scully S.J. Nicholas J. Seguljic, M.D. (C) Rev. Thomas L. Sheridan Mr. Francis M. Shiels (M) William T. Thorwarth, M.D. (C) Mr. Vincent J. Villa (CC) Mr. Joseph G. Williams (C) 76% Participation 1945 Mr. Kenneth F. X. Albers Amount: $33,304.00 Mr. Kenneth F. X. Albers (DO) Mr. Hugh L. Carolan (H) Mr. Daniel J. Connors (H) Mr. Thomas J. Corrigan (C) Mr. Richard A. Donovan (M) Rev. Patrick J. Donovan Mr. John F. Dugan (C) Mr. James E. Ehrenberg (C) Mr. Edward P. Fitzsimmons Mr. John P. Flynn (H) Thomas F. Fogarty , M.D. (CC) Capt. Robert J. Forsyth, USN (Ret) (H) Mr. Walter F. Geary (M) Mr. Harold A. Glanz Mr. Robert J. Harrington (C) Mr. Thomas E. Leavy Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Leonard (C) Mr. Robert S. Lutz (C) Mr. John P. McCabe (C) Mr. John P. McCall Joseph P. McDonald , M.D. (C) Mr. William J. McGill (O) Mr. Richard A. McGowan (H) Mr. John T. McKenna Jr. Mr. James J. Navagh (M) Mr. James F. Navins Mr. James J. Neville (H) Mr. James V. Nielsen (C) Mr. Raymond V. O’Brien (DHHO) Mr. William J. O’Brien (M) Mr. Harry A. Olmsted Dr. Francis E. Peters (C) Mr. Joseph C. Phayer (O) John T. Sheridan, M.D. (M) Mr. Daniel A. Sullivan (M) Dr. Joseph S. Tedesco (C) Mr. Robert R. Thornton 68.52% Participation 1946 Mr. William H. Clarke Amount: $26,669.90 Mr. James G. Barron (C) Rev. Erwin G. Beck, S.J. Mr. Robert E. Broderick Mr. Dominic R. Butler (M) Mr. Roman N. Chapelsky (M) Mr. William H. Clarke (O) Mr. Thomas E. Cross, III (C) Mr. James R. DeFoe (C) Mr. Arthur J. Dillon (M) David C. Donovan, M.D. Mr. Arthur P. Fonseca (M) Mr. Robert W. Fortier (CC) Mr. John J. Furia (C) Rev. John P. Grady (M) Mr. John J. Haskins (C) Louis Andrew Healey, M.D. (O) Mr. J. Kenneth Hickman (O) Mr. Robert E. Hornik (M) Dr. John J. Kane (H) Mr. Robert C. May (C) Mr. Robert F. Mitchell, Jr. (C) Mr. George D. Morison (DO) Gabriel M. Mulcahy, M.D. (C) Dr. John S. Nelson Mr. George J. O’Donnell (CC) Mr. John W. Paetz Mr. Michael F. Page (O) Mr. Pierce J. Power (H) Mr. John D. Rooney (M) Mr. Charles H. Schneider (O) Mr. John F. Shea, Jr. (CC) Mr. Alfred L. Shiels (C) Rev. John F. Talbot, S.J. Mr. Gerard J. Traub Mr. John H. Turner (M) Mr. James M. Tuttie (M) 81.82% Participation 1947 Amount: $19,116.83 Mr. Francois R. Barfuss (H) Mr. Thomas J. Bradshaw (C) Mr. Arthur J. Butler (H) Mr. Leonard M. Call (C) Mr. Alfred B. Cherry (C) Mr. John B. Cirino Mr. Raymond J. Connolly (C) Mr. Henry F. D’Angelo (C) Mr. John C. Galiger (C) Mr. Francis X. Geissler (C) Dr. John W. Healey (M) Rev. Donald W. Hendricks (C) Mr. Frederick C. Hoffmann (M) Mr. Joseph Joyce, Jr. (C) Mr. Joseph J. Judge (M) Hon. John F. Keenan (CC) Mr. Peter J. Masella (CC) Mr. Frank J. McCarthy (C) Mr. James J. McGarry (DO) Mr. Joseph C. Miranda (C) Mr. Michael J. O’Brien (C) Hon. Daniel J. O’Hern (C) Mr. John T. O’Kane (C) Mr. Robert G. O’Neil (M) Mr. Joseph L. Reilly (CC) Mr. Joseph F. Renahan (C) Mr. John R. Schmertz (C) Mr. Richard B. Schwendinger (H) Ronald G. Sonzogni , M.D. (C) Mr. Cornelius J. Tuomey (M) Mr. Andrew J. Walsh (O) Mr. Martin Walsh (C) Dr. Peter J. Walsh (CC) Jerome F. Waters, M.D. (CC) 75.56% Participation 1948 Mr. James J. Walsh Amount: $28,482.00 Mario J. Albertini, DDS (C) Mr. Frederic B. Begendorf (M) Mr. Raymond W. Bergan (C) Mr. John P. Calamari (C) Mr. William F. Churchill (C) Mr. Joseph T. Clark (C) Mr. John A. Collins Mr. Richard P. Collins (C) Mr. Thomas H. Conkling (M) Mr. John J. Dwyer, Jr. (C) Mr. Thomas P. Egan Mr. Donald J. Fager (CC) Paul E. Finnerty, M.D. Mr. Donald J. Fitzgerald Mr. Joseph F. Healy (O) Mr. Joseph R. Jaklitsch (C) Mr. Bernard F. Joyce (O) Mr. Michael J. Keane (C) Rev. John R. Keating, S.J. Mr. William J. Keeley Rev. Frank M. Lynch (M) Mr. James H. Mayer (H) Mr. Daniel L. McCabe (O) Rev. George C. McCauley, S.J. Mr. Henry A. McCormack (M) Mr. William J. O’Hara (O) Rev. Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. (M) Mr. Thomas J. O’Neill (C) Mr. Donald M. Opel (C) Mr. Leonard A. O’Sullivan (C) Mr. Louis J. Rauchenberger (O) Mr. Michael F. Rendich (C) James F. Reynolds, M.D. (M) Dr. James F. Richardson (C) Mr. George J. Rohrman (C) Mr. Gerald P. Rooney (O) Mr. Edward V. Ryan (O) Mr. Reginald C. Silby (C) Rev. James T. Smith (C) Mr. Richard B. Steinbugler (C) Mr. Edward F. Sullivan, P.E. (C) Joseph G. Sweeting, M.D. (C) Mr. Vincent D. Tomasulo (C) Mr. John F. Wagner (C) Mr. James J. Walsh (O) Mr. Ed S. Waters (C) Mr. Myles V. Whalen, Jr. (M) Mr. Joseph F. White (C) Mr. Michael F. Woods (M) 60.49% Participation 1949 Mr. Andrew J. Hernon Amount: $44,465.77 George G. Brennan, M.D. (H) Mr. Michael J. Browne, Jr. (H) Mr. Alexander J. Burke (C) Mr. Robert F. Byrnes (C) Rev. Richard I. Caplice Mr. Edmund W. Carney (C) Mr. Francis T. Cryan (C) R. Adm. David P. Donohue, USN (R) (H) Mr. Paul R. Dooling (M) Mr.James B. Evrard (C) Mr. Thomas D. Farley Mr. George V. Franks (CC) John Frayne (M) Mr. Joseph D. Garon (CC) Mr. Francis P. Gehring, Jr. (C) Mr. Vincent Gentile (C) Howard R. Gould, M.D. (O) Mr. Joseph J. Griffin (CC) Mr. Andrew J. Hernon (O) Mr. William J. Kearney (CC) Dr. Kenneth B. Keating (M) M.Rev. Thomas C. Kelly (M) Paul A. Kennedy , M.D. (C) Mr. Raymond U. Lamb (C) Mr. Paul F. Lardi (H) Mr. John J. Lynch (M) Mr. Robert G. MacLennan, PE Mr. Albert F. Mally Mr. David A. Martin, P.E. (C) Mr. David J. McKean (C) Mr. George P. Montefalcone (C) Mr. Gerald E. Murray (O) Mr. Thomas F. Noone (O) Mr. John T. O’Connell (C) Hon. Kevin M. O’Halloran (C) Dr. David J. O’Keeffe (C) Mr. John K. O’Sullivan Mr. Alban J. Reichert Charles E. Rice (C) Mr. Robert A. Risse (CC) Mr. Michael J. Rocks (O) Mr. Edward W. Romary (C) Mr. George W. Roos (C) Mr. Warren J. Roth (C) Dr. Francis T. Rush (M) Mr. H. Michael Schiffer (CC) Mr. Richard J. Simler (M) William J. Storz , M.D. (M) Mr. Barry F. Sullivan (DO) Mr. Gerard J. Talbot (CC) Hon. William P. Tracey (C) Mr. Gerard P. Watson (C) Mr. John W. Weiser (DO) Mr. Charles F. Zumba (O) 67% Participation 1950 Dr. Joseph P. Marchese Amount: $72,371.56 Mr. William J. Allingham (CC) Albert R. Burchell, M.D. Dr. Robert V. Cannon (C) Mr. Michael J. Carroll (C) James J. Cavanagh, M.D. (C) Mr. John J. Cina (M) Mr. Martin F. Collins Mr. Edwin A. Conmy Mr. John F. Corrigan (M) Mr. Leo E. Denlea, Jr. (DHHO) Mr. Louis J. Dolan, Jr. Mr. Rickard J. Donovan (M) Mr. Leo A. Egan (CC) Mr. Thomas P. Farrelly (C) Mr. Paul L. Giuffre Mr. John F. Hagerty (DHHO) Mr. T. Donal Harrington (H) Rev. Donald J. Hinfey S.J. (C) Mr. J. Richard Hughes (C) Mr. Francis J. Kavanagh (C) Mr. Daniel P. Lavery (CC) Mr. John C. Luber (C) Dr. Joseph P. Marchese (CC) Dennis J. McCrory, M.D. (C) Mr. Robert W. McGowan (C) Mr. John R. McIvor Mr. Lawrence J. McKearney (C) Mr. James J. McNichol Rev. James T. Meehan Mr. Richard H. Neergaard (C) Mr. Warren C. Nolan (C) Deacon Donald F. O’Brien (H) Mr. Kenneth A. O’Brien (C) Mr. Thomas M. O’Brien (M) Mr. Michael J. O’Connor (O) Lawrence J. O’Hara, M.D. (M) Mr. William M. Peloso (M) Mr. Gabriel A. Popper (C) Mr. John A. Proben (M) Capt. Joseph M. Purtell (H) Dr. Robert W. Rampolla (C) Dr. William P. Reidy (C) Mr. Gerard F. Rubin (DHHO) Mr. Bernard M. Sheridan, Jr. (O) Mr. Francis J. Short Francis F. Tarsney, M.D. (M) Mr. William J. Tito, Jr. (C) Capt. Robert G. Tolg (C) Mr. Vincent E. Vicinanzo (CC) Mr. Leo M. Walsh, Jr. (DO) Mr. Thaddeus J. Wisla (C) 63.75% Participation 1951 Dr. Peter F. Mullany Amount: $94,850.00 Mr. Richard J. Backe (M) Mr. Erich E. Baumgartner (C) Dr. Joseph J. Biscoglio (M) Mr. Timothy C. Brock Mr. Albert V. Buettner Prof. John E. Burke (C) Mr. Donal W. Butterfield (M) Mr. Patrick J. Cahill (C) Mr. Richard A. Cornish Mr. Barry J. Cullen (C) Lt.Col. Thomas C. Delahunty (USA Ret.) (M) Mr. Donald J. DeMarco (C) B. Gen. Walter J. Donovan, USMC (R) (C) Mr. William F. Fitzmaurice (C) Mr. John F. Foley (H) Mr. William L. Foote Mr. Vincent M. Gallagher Mr. Georges-Marie Guertin (C) Vincent F. Guinee, M.D. (C) Mr. James J. Hagan (O) Mr. Frederick A. Hahn, Jr. (C) Mr. Kenneth C. Hellwig (M) Mr. Thomas P. Hennessy (C) Mr. John J. Higgins (M) Dr. Thomas A. Hughes (C) Mr. William V. Kane (C) Michael J. Kelleher, M.D. (C) Mr. Henry V. Kensing (O) David W. Kingsbury, M.D. (M) Mr. Charles D. La Belle (H) Mr. Edward Lafferty (C) Mr. Leo F. Laporte (C) Mr. Robert P. Lavach (C) Dr. Gerard B. Lavery (H) Dr. John P. Lawler (O) Mr. Francis P. Lynch (O) Mr. Gerald J. Magner (C) Mr. Donal F. McCarthy (DO) Hon. Lawrence M. McKenna (M) Mr. Richard E. Meyer (FCO) Dr. Martin W. Molloy, MBA Dr. Peter F. Mullany (CC) Mr. Reston F. Myron, Jr. (C) Mr. William V. O’Connor (M) Mr. James A. O’Rourke (CC) Dr. Robert M. O’Shea (M) Mr. Michael J. Pierce (C) Mr. Thomas A. Prendergast (DHHO) James G. Pryor, M.D. (M) Gen. Hugh J. Quinn (C) Mr. John J. Reilly (M) Joseph D. Saccio, M.D. (C) Theodore L. Strehan, M.D. (M) Mr. Francis P. Sweeney (C) Mr. Joseph E. Tighe (C) Mr. Bernard J. Tracey (C) Mr. Robert R. Walsh (M) 67% Participation Fall 2004 23 1952 Amount: $41,249.38 Mr. John L. Amabile (M) Mr Robert C. Baron (M) Mr. Lawrence J. Boland (C) Mr. Daniel C. Boone (CC) Mr. Lewis E. Bowlby (M) Mr. James J. Brennan (C) Mr. George J. Candreva (C) Mr. James F. Colligan (C) Mr. James V. Connelly (C) Mr. Donald F. Corke (C) Mr. Thomas P. Cox Mr. Harry B. DeMaio (O) Rev. Robert R. Dobbins (C) Mr. Frank A. Dunn (CC) Robert J. Fitzgerald, M.D. (CC) Mr. Richard R. Golemboski (C) Dr. James J. Grant (C) Mr. Michael F. Hayes (M) Rev. J. Raymond Johnson (C) Mr. Jerold R. Kappes (C) Mr. Edward T. Kelly (H) Mr. Albert P. Kenneke (C) Col. John A. Keutmann (C) Mr. John J. Kissane (M) Mr. Robert J. Kleffmann (C) Mr. George E. Lardner (C) Mr. Gerard T. Loftus (M) Dr. Charles A. Lynch (H) Mr Thomas M. Malafronte Mr. Robert A. Maresca (O) Mr. Edward J. McAniff (M) Mr. Raymond J. McCann (M) Mr. Daniel A. McCarthy (C) Mr. James A. McGough (C) Mr. Robert E. Moore (CC) Dr. John D. Nagle (C) Mr. John A. O’Connor (M) Mr. David A. O’Keefe (DO) Mr. Thomas F. O’Toole (CC) Frank J. Panettiere, M.D. (M) John F.X. Peloso, Esq. (O) Rev. Reginald J. Reddy (C) Mr. H. Joseph Schineller Mr. Gerald J. Shanley (C) Mr. Gerald A. Shea (C) Mr. Albert J. Speth (H) Rev. John P. St. George (C) Mr. James E. Stiles Mr. James R. Sullivan (C) Mr. William M. Sullivan (CC) Mr. Robert M. Tomasulo (DO) Mr. Robert H. Walker (H) 63.75% Participation 1953 Mr. John F. Cannon Amount: $86,608.00 Dr. Leonard C. Bailey (M) Mr. Joseph A. Barbosa (DO) Rev. Edmund G. Bernauer (M) Mr. Edward M. Boyle, Jr. (O) Mr. John F. Cannon (DO) Dr. George J. Cardinale (C) Mr. Gerald J. Cassidy, Jr. (C) Mr. Richard M. Coleman (C) John F. Connolly, M.D. (DO) Mr. Raymond J. Conrad (M) Mr. John J. Duffy (O) Rev. Gerard H. Ettlinger, S.J. (M) Mr. Victor F. Figurelli (M) Mr. Brian P. Fitzgerald (O) Raymond F. Gehan, Esq. (M) Mr. Edward P. Gistaro (O) Mr. Frederick W. Gluck (DO) Mr. Peter J. Holzer (M) Mr. John L. Hanlon (O) Mr. Thomas J. Hickey (M) Col. Edward M. Jentz, Jr. Mr. Paul J. Josenhans (C) Mr. Joseph P. Junker (C) Dr. Gerhart M. Karg (M) Mr. John D. Kelly (C) Mr. James J. McGuire (O) Brady P. McKaig, M.D. (C) Mr. Gerald P. McMahon Rev. George J. Michell (C) Mr. Robert J. Mirabile (C) Mr. Robert F. Mulligan (C) Mr. Joseph F. Murphy (CC) Mr. Kevin Naughton (C) Mr. Paul J. Olivo (C) Mr. John J. Roche (DO) Mr. Thomas A. Rossano Jr. Mr. John E. Schlapkohl (C) Mr. James R. Shea (O) Col. Vincent J. Sherman, USAF (R) (C) Dr. Edward J. Skiko (DHHO) Rev. John B. Sullivan (C) Dr. Ronald W. Tobin (C) Mr. Bernard J. Villa Mr. John P. Wallace (C) Mr. W. James Whelan (CC) Mr. Denis J. Woods (C) Dr. Donald J. Weeren 57.14% Participation 1954 Mr. John M. Conroy Mr. William F. Noval, Jr. Amount: $82,741.13 Mr. C. Richard Attanasio Dr. J. Robert Bergen (C) Mr. Joseph R. Bilodeau Dr. Joseph H. Binsack (DO) Mr. George D. Breen (CC) Dr. Gerard A. Cahill (M) Mr. Thomas A. Cahill (CC) Mr. Michael J. Cardone, Jr. (C) Mr. James P. Carr, Jr. (CC) Mr. John M. Conroy (DO) Mr. George Culliney (CC) Mr. Donald F. Dodd (CC) Mr. Walter J. Doherty (CC) W. Lawrence Drew, M.D. (CC) Mr. John P. Fanning (M) Mr. Thomas J. Finnegan, Jr. (H) Dr. Edward J. Glamkowski (M) Dr. Albert E. Heurich (O) Mr. Robert A. Hofmann (C) Mr. Hubert J. Horan (C) Mr. Andrew F. Horgan (O) Peter A. Immordino, M.D. (C) Mr. Brian C. Irslinger (O) Dr. George J. Jeffers (CC) Mr. Thomas J. Kiernan (C) Prof. Michael R. Lanzarone, Jr. (H) Mr. Traugott Lawler (M) Mr. Patrick C. Lee (M) Mr. John F. Lennon (O) Dr. Walter J. Lennon (C) Mr. Edmund P. Loughlin (C) Mr. Louis A. Luceri (M) Dr. George P. Majeska Dr. Edward M. Malloy (C) Charles E. McDermott,M.D. (M) Dr. Archie J. McDonnell (M) Mr. William F. McGovern (C) Dr. James C. McGroddy (DO) Mr. Christopher G. McKenna (M) Mr. John P. McLoughlin (C) Mr. Sam V. Milana (CC) Mr. William J. Monahan (H) David D. Nicholas, M.D. (CC) Mr. William F. Noval, Jr. (M) Mr. James J. O’Brien (M) Mr. Matthew F. O’Connell Mr. Robert J. O’Connor (H) Mr. Francis M. O’Regan (CC) Dr. Joseph N. Panzarino (H) Mr. James V. Perrone (C) Mr. Stephen L. Popp (C) Mr. William J. Renard (CC) Rev. John J. Ryan, S.J. Mr. Stephen F. Sarsfield (M) Dr. Richard C. Schneider (CC) Lt.Col Thomas J. Smith (R) (M) LCDR. Robert W. Stibler (CC) Mr. Keith K. Stocker Mr. Joseph P. Sullivan (DO) Mr. Thomas J. Tierney (CC) Mr. Phillip J. Trainor (DO) Dr. Benedict J. Trigani (O) Mr. William J. Ungvarsky, Esq. (CC) Mr. Richard J. Ward, Jr. (DO) Mr. Edward N. Wilson, J.D. (CC) Mr. George J. Ziegler 83.54% Participation 1955 Mr. Vincent A. Malito Amount: $55,330.00 Mr. Edward J. Ahearn (C) Mr. Jerome T. Ambrose (C) Mr. Michael J. Ambrose (C) Mr. Paul F. Anderson (DO) Mr. Michael J. Aratingi (C) Mr. Thomas D. Atkinson (C) Mr. Patrick J. Bannon (O) Dr. Louis R. Barbato (C) Mr. Harry F. Blair (C) Mr. John J. Brannelly (C) Mr. William J. Brennan (C) Mr. Joseph S. Broderick (C) Mr. Karl Brunhuber (H) Damiano A. Buffa, M.D. (M) Rev. Harry J. Burke Mr. Paul E. Cassidy (C) Mr. William F. Clare III (H) James N. Crovello, M.D. (O) Mr. John A. D’Agostino Mr. William W. Delaney Mr.Joseph P. Diamond (C) Mr. John J. Donnelly Mr. Roland M. Donohue (C) Mr. John H. Doyle, III (C) Mr. John C. Edge (C) Raymond A. Fidaleo, M.D. (M) Dr. Paul P. Fitzgerald (C) Mr. Joseph P. Foley (H) Thomas P. Forde, M.D. (M) Mr. Gerard J. Gillia (C) Mr. John L. Githens (O) Robert A. Goode , M.D. (M) Mr. Robert W. Goodman Mr. Michael J. Guerra (C) Mr. William P. Hayes (C) Robert A. Kral, M.D. (CC) Mr. Vincent J. Lamphier Mr. Vincent A. Malito (C) Vincent C. Manganiello, M.D., Ph.D. (C) Mr. Benedict Mastrototaro (C) Mr. Thomas M. McBride (C) Mr. John J. McDonnell, Jr. (DHHO) Mr. Eugene J. McGuire (CC) Mr. John P. McGuire (C) Mr. Charles M. Meehan Mr. John M. Morriss (O) Dr. James J. Murphy Dr. Joseph R. Murray (H) Mr. Charles H. Norz (C) Mr. William T. O’Leary (M) John J. Pellettieri, M.D. (M) RADM Ronald M. Polant, USCG (R) (O) Mr. Herbert G. Raymond (C) Mr. George P. Royall (H) Mr. John E. Rubin (C) Dr. August A. Santobello Mr. Robert J. Schiller (C) Mr. William G. Schwartz (C) Joel E. Sherlock, M.D. (O) Mr. John J. Srnecz, Jr. (M) Mr. Thomas J. Smith (C) Mr. Don Swallow Mr. Ludwig J. Umscheid (O) Mr. Charles J. Vaughan (DO) Mr. Walter J. Ward (C) Mr. John F. Yacobellis (C) 69.47% Participation CLASS PARTICIPATION Top 20 Classes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1925 1954 1946 1944 1942 1947 1943 1957 1939 1941 1955 1945 1959 1926 1933 1949 1951 1956 1950 1952 100.00% 83.54% 81.82% 76.00% 75.61% 75.57% 73.33% 72.45% 71.43% 69.57% 69.47% 68.52% 67.16% 67.00% 67.00% 67.00% 67.00% 63.95% 63.75% 63.75% CLASS TOTALS Top 20 Classes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1951 1957 1968 1953 1954 1980 1950 1960 1943 1977 1983 1955 1966 1978 1979 1984 1971 1962 1961 1949 $94,850.00 $93,445.03 $91,553.56 $86,608.00 $82,741.13 $82,270.37 $72,371.56 $68,272.10 $66,359.60 $59,979.73 $58,468.13 $55,330.00 $55,212.82 $52,363.50 $51,707.74 $50,674.32 $47,507.79 $46,807.90 $46,271.26 $44,465.77 24 Regis Alumni News 1956 Mr. John J. Flynn Amount: $40,880.55 Mr. Mark L. Auriana (C) Mr. Adrian A. Basora (H) Mr. Harold J. Baumann (C) Mr. William A. Bautz (O) Dr. Franklin L. Borchardt (C) Dr. James F. Costello (C) Mr. Neil P. Coughlan (DO) Richard J. Cronin, M.D. (O) Mr. John J. Culkin (C) Mr. Thomas J. Curtin (M) Mr. John Daltner (O) Mr. James F. Farrell (O) Anthony A. Ferrante, M.D. (C) Mr. John J. Flynn (DO) Mr. Thomas P. Giammo Dr. John A. Gorman Mr. J. Barth Healey (H) Rev. Robert P. Imbelli (C) Mr. Thomas J. Kelly (M) Mr. Robert F. Koch (C) Mr. Richard R. Kuhn (C) Mr. John J. LaBonte (C) Mr. Jeffrey F. Landau (C) Mr. Francis V. LaRuffa (C) Mr. Gregory F. Leiher (C) Mr. Paul T. Lennon (CC) Mr. Charles W. Lynch, Jr. (M) Mr. Daniel J. McCarthy (H) Col. Denis P. McGrath, USAF (CC) Mr. J. Francis McGuire (C) Mr. Raymond G. McGuire (O) Mr. John F. McLoone (C) Mr. George W. McMahon Dr. James A. McShane (C) Mr. Robert P. McTigue (C) Mr. Kevin D. Moloney (C) Mr. Edward G. Moran (O) Mr. Joseph A. Mottola (C) Mr. Robert J. Neuner (H) Mr. Walter W. Nieman (C) Mr. William C. Noll (M) Mr. D. Laurence Padilla (M) William J. Postner, Esq. (C) Mr. John E. Raha (H) Mr. Robert F. Reddington (CC) Mr. John L. Ryan (M) Dr. Robert J. Schaffhauser (O) Mr. John P. Shea, Jr. Mr. John F. Spellman (CC) Dr. Richard C. Theuer (C) Mr. G. Andre Vernot, Jr. (M) Mr. David H. Walsh (H) Mr. Edward J. Walsh Mr. Charles S. Wertalik (M) Mr. Joseph J. Zagursky 63.95% Participation 1957 Mr. William P. Gillen Mr. John J. Hannaway Amount: $93,445.03 Mr. Edward J. Alfonsin (C) Anonymous (M) Robert M. Arbour, M.D. (M) Mr. William A. Barbieri Mr. Raymond F. Begin (CC) Dr. William P. Berlinghoff (C) Mr. Robert V. Brand Dr. Lawrence T. Brekka (C) Mr. Frederick T. Brown (C) Mr. Robert M. Buckley (C) Dr. Charles Buffalano (O) Mr. William G. Burger (C) Mr. Michael D. Burke (M) Dr. Thomas A. Buser (C) Mr. William J. Byrnes (C) Mr. Robert C. Carlsen (M) John J. Caronna, M.D. (M) Mr. Victor S. Castelli (C) Eugene F. Cheslock, M.D. (O) John M. Coyle, M.D. (M) Mr. Michael T. Crimmins (DO) Mr. John J. Cummings (O) Mr. Daniel F. Daly (M) Mr. Michael J. Esposito (M) Mr. Patrick C. Fitzpatrick (H) Mr. Richard A. Flaherty (C) Mr. Dennis M. Flannery, (C) Dr. Edward E. Foster (CC) Mr. John J. Garvey (C) Mr. William P. Gillen (M) Mr. John S. Hannon, Jr. (O) Mr. John J. Hannaway (O) Mr. John V. Hilberg (O) Mr. Joseph S. Hogan (C) Mr. Edward P. Hughes (M) Mr. John A. Hunt (C) Mr. John F. Hyland, Jr. (C) Mr. Andrew H. Jackson (H) Mr. Gerard A. Johnson (C) Mr. John J. Kane (C) Dr. Robert G. Kunz (H) Mr. Patrick J. Lawler (O) Angelo J. Lopano, M.D. (CC) Mr. Joseph T. Lynaugh (O) Mr. Anthony V. Mancini Mr. Joseph M. Mancini (C) Michael F. McCormack, M.D. (C) Mr. William A. McGeveran (M) Mr. Francis McLoughlin (H) Donald J. Millus, PhD (C) Mr. Richard J. Minasz Rev. Kevin P. O’Brien (C) Mr. Raymond P. Ohlmuller (DO) Mr. George A. O’Lear (C) Mr. Theodore J. O’Neill (C) Dr. Sean B. O’Reilly (C) Dr. George M. Pepe (C) Mr. James E. Power (DO) Mr. Vincent J. Rosivach (CC) Rev. Patrick J. Ryan, S.J. (C) Rev. J. Peter Schineller Raymond J. Schuerger, DVM (CC) Mr. Joseph Squarzini, Jr. (DHHO) Mr. Florian J. Storch (C) Hon. Walter F. X. Sullivan (M) Mr. Robert T. Tobin (DO) Mr. John D. Tully (C) Mr. David K. Vaupel (M) Mr. William F. Werwaiss (O) Dr. Robert J. White (C) Mr. Vincent J. Zichello (C) 72.45% Participation 1958 Mr. Peter L. Kern Mr. Thomas P. Nacinovich Amount: $13,799.96 Mr. James J. Amato Mr. Francisco R. Aybar (C) Mr. John J. Butler (O) Dennis J. Card, M.D. (M) Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. (H) Mr. William G. Flanagan (C) John V. Forrest M.D. (DO) Mr. L. John Friia (H) Mr. Alexander S. Galanek (C) Dr. Charles D. Hamilton (C) Dr. Matthew J. Hassett (M) Dr. Arthur C. Henry (C) Thomas M. Hill, M.D. (C) Mr. Guzman V. Irizarry Mr. George P. Jacoby (C) Capt. John P. Kelly USN (R) (C) Richard F. Kempczinski, M.D. (M) Mr. Peter L. Kern (O) Mr. Peter J. Lupario (M) Dr. Kevin T. Mansfield (C) Mr. Peter J. Marcello, Jr. (C) Mr. George T. McGill (C) Mr. James F. McGovern (C) Mr. Donald P. McMahon, A.S.A. Mr. Joseph F. Meehan Prof. Ronald J. Mellor (M) Mr. Thomas J. Miller (C) Mr. Robert B. Moriarty (C) James M. Morris (M) John P. Muller, Ph.D. Mr. Paul A. Murphy (C) Mr. Thomas P. Nacinovich (C) Michael J. Napoliello (C) Dr. Joseph A. Nigota (C) Mr. Robert G. Nobbs (C) Mr. James V. Oberthaler (C) Mr. Brendan M. O’Brien (H) Mr. Paul R. O’Keefe (M) Mr. Karl M. Oppelt (C) Mr. Philip V. Otero (M) Mr. Francis E. Reining (C) Mr. John P. Riley (C) Mr. Thomas P. Ryan (C) Mr. Raymond M. Sisk, Jr. (M) Mr. Denis A. Smetana, Sr. Mr. Richard F. Smith, Jr. (C) Mr. Robert L. Spring (C) Robert L. Stanley, D.M.D. (C) Mr. Charles F. Stark , Jr. (C) Mr. Richard K. Tucksmith (M) Mr. John R. Weisenseel 43.48% Participation 1959 Mr. Michael J. Shef Amount: $24,326.40 Mr. James J. Alexander (C) Mr. Thomas R. Beirne (M) Dr. James F. Bonnell, Jr. (C) Dr. John T. Boorman (CC) Rev. Joseph M. Boyle (C) Dr. David M. Byers Mr. Christopher A. Conroy (CC) Mr. James E. Cronin (C) Christopher J. Daly , M.D. (C) Mr. Joseph B. Dennin, Jr. Dr. William A. Drumin Rev. John F. Felago, M.M. (C) Mr. Henry J. Ferrero, Jr. (DO) Mr. Francis Figlozzi Mr. Frederick R. Fischer (M) Mr. Robert J. Fraleigh Dr. Douglas J. Futuyma (C) Mr. Martin E. Gavin (C) Dr. John J. Godfrey (C) Mr. Donald J. Gorman (M) Mr. George A. Hay (C) Mr. Kenneth W. Hepburn (C) Mr. Richard W. Loeffler (M) Mr. John J. Lynagh (C) Rev. Donal T. MacVeigh, S.J. Mr. J. Michael Martin (CC) Mr. Donald P. McDonough (M) James J. McMahon, J.D. Mr. John P. Miscione (C) Mr. Patrick J. Monahan, Jr. (C) Edwin M. Montell, M.D. (CC) Dr. Paul F. Mulligan (H) Mr. John O’C. Nugent (H0 Mr. Daniel V. O’Leary, Jr. (M) Mr. Brendan P. O’Reilly (C) Mr. Albert J. Schmitt (CC) Mr. Michael J. Shef (M) Mr. Gerald Swinarsky (C) Dr. Charles P. Talley Mr. Ralph J. Thomann (M) Mr. Leo F. Tymon, Jr. (M) Dr. Patrick T. Villani (C) Mr. Paul Volpe (C) Mr. Thomas A. Walsh Mr. Robert J. Wiggers (C) 67.16% Participation 1960 Mr. James E. Wynne Amount: $68,272.10 Mr. Charles F. Altieri Mr. Kenneth F. Bailie (C) Col. James C. Barbara (M) John J. Barnosky, Esq. (O) Mr. Edward P. Brady (CC) Mr. William F. Brandt (H) Robert J. Carey, M.D. (C) Mr. Jeremiah J. Collins (C) Mr. Charles A. Cremeans (C) Mr. William P. Dickey (DO) M. Richard Fragala, M.D. (M) Mr. Stephen C. Greene (DO) Mr. Thomas M. Healy (H) Mr. Stephen R. Hilbert (M) Mr. Vincent A. Lacovara (C) Mr. Julien Louis-Ferdinand Dr. Richard P. Marks (C) Mr. Brian R. Morrow (C) Mr. Charles P. Nastro (DO) Dr. Francis X. Neumann Mr. Francis E. Nicastro (C) Mr. James A. Paduano (DO) Mr. Edwin J. Powers (C) Dr. Henry J. Ricardo (H) Mr. John P. Rooney Mr. Joseph D. Russo (DO) Rev. Giles A. Schinelli (C) Mr. John T. Smith (C) Mr. Lawrence L. Squeri (M) Mr. Arthur W. Trufelli (M) Mr. Joseph A. Vaccarino (M) Mr. Dennis J. Walsh Mr. John A. Werwaiss (FCO) 35.48% Participation 1961 Mr. Joseph F. Carlucci Thomas J. Daley, M.D. Amount: $46,271.26 Mr. Robert J. Bonnell (CC) Mr. Richard J. Boyle (DO) Mr. Joseph F. Carlucci (M) Mr. Peter E. Carter (C) Michael G. Caruso, M.D. (CC) Mr. Kenneth J. Conrade Mr. Daniel P. Cotts (C) Mr. Robert B. Cowan (C) Thomas J. Daley, M.D. (M) Arthur L. DeAngelis, M.D. (CC) Joseph F. DeFeo, M.D. (M) Mr. Robert E. Del Col (M) Mr. Matthew J. DeLuca (C) Dr. John A. Dooley (C) Dr. George W. Dowdall, III (C) David L. Eitelbach, Ph.D (C) Dr. Attilio A. Favorini (C) Mr. Roger C. Ferrara (C) Dr. Gregory E. Gardiner (DHHO) Mr. James A. Giammo (C) Mr. Peter J. Griffin (C) Rev. Dr. Donald R. Hands (C) Mr. William C. Hare,III (C) Dr. Thomas J. Hargrove Oliver J. Harper, M.D. (O) Daniel F. Hayes, Esq. (CC) Mr. Thomas M. Kasputys (O) Col. John J. Kelly, Jr. (C) Mr. Robert B. Kelly, Jr. Mr. Kenneth J. Kopecky (M) Mr. John J. Lively (CC) Mr. David M. Mahle (CC) Rev. Thomas P. McCreesh (C) Mr. P. Gilbert Mercurio (C) Mr. John T. Moran (C) Mr. Richard A. Morello Mr. Richard G. Mulvaney (H) Mr. Robert A. O’Brien (CC) Mr. John J. O’Connell, Jr. (M) Mr. Sebastian L. Pandolfo (O) Mr. Gerald J. Paolini (H) Mr. Joseph M. Patwell (C) Mr. Michael J. Pisani (C) Dr. Gerald E. Poggi (C) Andrew R. Pulito, M.D. (M) Rev. Philip J. Rossi, S.J. (C) Mr. Philip J. Sheridan Mr. Frank M. Terranova (C) Capt. Thomas E. Walsh , M.D. (O) Mr. Joseph A. Wetzel (C) Nicholas J. Zirpolo, Ph.D (H) 40.48% Participation 1962 Mr. Kieran B. Meagher Mr. John P. Paxton Amount: $46,807.90 Mr. Robert J. Abbott (C) Mr. David E. Barry (C) Mr. David A. Birch (C) Mr. Curtis W. Brand (O) Mr. Eugene P. Burke (CC) Mr. Edward F. Butler (C) Mr. Philip A. Cali (C) Mr. Walter R. Caughey Dr. Joseph J. Connors (C) Mr. Alphonso V. Diaz Mr. Gregory D. Dixon (H) John P. Docherty, M.D. (CC) Mr. Richard M. Dolan (M) Mr. John M. Facciola (C) Mr. Thomas J. Fay (C) Mr. Timothy F. Felleman (C) Mr. Ronald J. Ferreri (O) Mr. Felix A. Fraraccio (M) Rev. Kenneth J. Gavin, S.J. (C) Mr. James T. Guilshan (CC) Mr. John M. Heath Mr. John D. James (DO) Mr. James Johnson (M) Mr. Michael S. Kaplan (C) John P. Karkheck, Ph.D (C) Mr. T. Barry Kingham (C) Mr. James L. Kohlwey Mr. Gerard W. LaRusso Mr. George H. Lee (C) Mr. William G. Leunig (C) Mr. Richard H. Lewin (C) Mr. Charles B. Lynch (CC) Fall 2004 25 Mr. George L. Marsh (C) Mr. Daniel P. Mazzola (C) Mr. Daniel J. McAuliffe (CC) John P. McCarthy, Esq. (C) Rev. Dennis E. McNally, S.J. (M) Mr. Kieran B. Meagher (CC) Mr. Wayne J. Merritt (O) Mr. Terence J. Mogan (M) Dr. Peter J. Mooney, Jr. (C) Dr. George J. Moussally C Mr. Gerard P. Mozian Mr. Joseph J. Mullaney (M) Mr. Michael J. Murphy (C) Richard V. Musto, M.D. (C) Donald S. Nakonechny, M.D. (O) Dr. John F. Nolte (M) Mr. Robert L. Nowicki, Jr. (C) Mr. James M. O’Boyle, P.E. (C) Mr. Dennis L. O’Connor Rev. William R. O’Leary, S.J. (C) Mr. John J. O’Rourke (DO) Mr. John P. Paxton (CC) Edward J. Petruzzello, M.D. (C) Mr. Giancarlo Punis (C) Mr. Robert D. Radics Dr. James M. Ralston (C) Mr. Edward J. Ryan (O) Dr. John T. Schott (M) Mr. Frank J. Segreto, Sr. (H) Mr. Francis J. Sehn (C) Dr. Allan L. Service (H) Mr. John J. Shay, Jr. (CC) Mr. Robert C. Sheehan (O) Mr. Alfred E. Small (C) Mr. Robert Somma (DO) Dr. Paul G. Spagnoli (C) Rev. Robert J. Sullivan (C) Dr. James J. Sweeney (M) Dr. Richard J. Tarrant (CC) Brendan D. Thomson, M.D. (C) Mr. Joseph A. Torregrossa (C) Spencer G. Weig, M.D. (C) Mr. Richard Q. Wendt (CC) 60.00% Participation 1963 Dr. John A. Tuccillo Amount: $36,047.63 Mr. William L. Bevilacqua (C) Mr. Robert C. Braine (M) Mr. William R. Brown (C) John R. Capone, M.D. (C) Mr. James E. Carrig (H) Mr. Louis G. Castro (C) Richard A. Chiarello, M.D. (M) Mr. Michael P. Colavita (C) Mr. Harold V. Cafiero (C) Mr. Robert J. Carballeira (C) Mr. Michael A. Charecky (C) Mr. Frederick J. Dennehy (C) Mr. John D. De Simone (C) Mr. Angelo DiMaira (C) Mr. Thomas W. Dorney (M) Dr. Robert J. Dillon (C) Mr. Vincent P. Gallagher (H) Rev. Donald C. Gannon Mr. Robert E. Gardella Mr. William J. Getherall (O) Mr. Joseph P. Haggerty (C) Rev. Donald J. Harrington, C.M. (CC) Mr. Mark S. Harrison (CC) Mr. Gerard E. Hickman (C) Mr. James K. Higgins (O) Michael J. Hart, M.D. (O) Richard P. Johnsen, D.D.S. (O) Mr. John M. Kelly Jr. (M) Mr. Robert M. Kelly, Jr. (C) John G. Koeltl (O) Mr. George J. Konikowski Mr. Frederick C. Kuehn (C) Mr. John C. Lellis (CC) Mr. Fredric J. Lewis Dr. Daniel J. Lynch (C) Mr. Kenneth E. Lynch, J.D. (C) Mr. Robert E. Loewenstein (C) John P. Loughran (C) Mr. Kevin J. Morris (M) Mr. Stan S. Mroczkowski (C) Mr. Thomas J. Mullaney (C) Mr. Edward T. McDermott (C) Thomas J. Molon (C) Mr. Eugene R. McKillop (C) Mr. Michael F. O’Connell (CC) Mr. John J. O’Neill, Jr. (C) Mr. Andrew P. Phelan Mr. John W. Prael, Jr. (O) Mr. William E. Riebling (C) Mr. Patrick J. Roan Mr. Peter J. Roidakis Mr. John H. St. George Mr. John J. Sesody (O) Mr. John M. Stack (O) Rev. Raymond M. Sweitzer, S.J. Mr. Anthony J. Sabatino (M) Dr. John A. Tuccillo (O) Mr. John F. Tweedy, Jr. (O) Mr. Edward E. Villani (C) Mr. John B. Wade, III (M) Mr. Thomas M. Walker (C) 53.04% Participation 1964 Mr. Francis X. Michel, Jr. Amount: $19,440.00 Mr. Vincent P. Alline (C) Mr. Kenneth J. Beirne (O) Mr. Martin J. Besant (C) Mr. Michael D. Bierbauer (H) Mr. John W. Boden (C) Mr. Eugene S. Boggia (C) Mr. Laurence A. Breiner (C) Mr. Denis J. Burt (C) Amb. Timothy A. Chorba (M) Dr. Michael T. Christy (C) Mr. Joseph. W. Cirrito (H) Kevin V. Connolly, Ph.D. (C) Dr. Joseph J. Coyne (C) Dr. Paul E. Czuchlewski (C) Mr. Robert J. Delahunty (H) Mr. Thomas F. Girolamo (C) Mr. William E. Godsil (M) Mr. Robert J. Haberski (C) Dr. Edward A. Hattauer Lt. Col. John J. Keane (Ret.) (H) Mr. Thomas E. Kelly (H) Mr. Lawrence J. Kenah (H) Mr. Bernard L. Kennedy Gary T. Kinasewitz, M.D. (C) Dr. Richard A. Luc (H) Mr. Alan C. Lupack Mr. Ronald R. Malanga Dr. Donald F. McCabe (C) Mr. Robert W. Metz (C) Mr. Francis X. Michel, Jr. (C) Mr. Anthony Mondello (M) Mr. Dennis M. Moulton (O) Dr. Edward J. Murphy, (M) Mr. James J. O’Keeffe Mr. Brian S. O’Leary (C) Bernard J. Owens,III, M.D. (O) Mr. James A. Pielli (M) Dr. Daniel J. Pukstas (C) Martin M. Quigley, M.D. (H) Mr. Peter J. Rattiger (C) Mr. Thomas P. Reilly (C) Mr. David J. Ritchie (M) Mr. Louis Scheeder (C) Mr. Robert. M. Senkewicz Mr. Kenneth P. Service (C) Mr. Frank J. Silvestri (M) Mr. Raymond J. Soffientini (M) Mr. John E. Steinmuller (M) Mr. W. Jeffrey Weinlandt (M) Dr. John C. Wirth, Jr. (C) 47.62% Participation 1965 Mr. George T. Griffith Amount: $22,814.69 Mr. Alfred C. Airone (C) Dr. James M. Barry (M) Harry J. Bonnell, M.D. (H) Mr. Paul L. Bressan (C) Mr. Gerard D. Cannie (C) Kevin V. Carey, M.D. (CC) Mr. Robert F. Carlina Mr. Andrew J. Cavanaugh (O) Stephen E. Chiarello, M.D. (CC) Mr. Richard W. Comandich Mr. Richard J. Costabile Dr. Patrick H. Dallet (H) Mr. Vincent de P. Daly (C) Mr. Jeffrey W. Davis (C) Mr. Kenneth J. Dillon Mr. Michael R. Egnatchik (M) Mr. Joseph F. Featherston Mr. John L. Geis (C) Mr. George T. Griffith (M) Mr. Charles W. Hauck (C) Mr. Kenneth P. Heid (C) Mr. John J. Houlihan Mr. Jerome J. Jasinski Richard T. Jefson, M.D. (C) Mr.. Robert M. Kalisch (C) Mr. James J. Kelly (M) Mr. James P. Klein (CC) Mr. Kenneth Z. Koziak Mr. Edmund M. Kulsick (C) Mr. William Leininger (C) Mr. William J. Marane (M) Mr. Joseph A. Marrone (M) Mr. Paul S. McAuliffe (M) Mr. James M. McCann (CC) Mr. Robert J. McCarthy (CC) Mr. Kevin P. McKenna Mr. Michael F. Mongiovi (M) Dr. Thomas J. Moorehead (O) John W. Murtagh, Jr., Esq. (M) Ronald G. Musto, Ph.D. (H) Dr. Peter M. Nardi (C) Mr. David G. O’Brien (C) Mr. Edward F. O’Brien (C) Mr. Geoffrey J. O’Connell (M) Mr. Thomas M. Rogers (C) Rosario J. Romano, M.D. (C) Mr. James G. Ross (H) Mr. Robert C. Serow (M) Dr. William P. Sisler (M) Mr. Stephen J. Sopko (C) Mr. Ronald J. Statile (C) Dr. John J. Steffen (H) Mr. Paul J. Strong (C) Mr. Donald L. Ulisse (C) Mr. Marinus D. Van der Have (M) Mr. George F. Vornehm Mr. John M. Woodruff 47.11% Participation 1966 Mr. Henry G. Ferraioli Amount: $55,212.82 Anonymous (DHHO) Charles H. Antinori, M.D. (M) Mr. Stephen J. Boatti (M) Hon. Stephen J. Bogacz (C) Dr. Francis L. Belloni (H) Mr. Brendan P. Bovaird (C) Mr. Brian J. Barrett (C) Prof. Anthony A. Ciccone Kevin R. Cooper, M.D. (C) Rev. John P. Cunningham (C) Mr. Kevin P. Curtin (C) Dr. Joseph A. Callerame (M) Mr. Michael G. Dragovich (C) Mr. Robert F. Damiano (C) Stephen C. Effler, Esq. Mr. James J. Elliott (C) Mr. Joseph B. Fama (C) Mr. Henry G. Ferraioli (CC) Mr. William L. Flock (C) Hon. Thomas J. Gaye (C) Mr. Gerard H. Hackett (M) Mr. George R. Haines (C) Charles J. Homcy, M.D. (H) Rev. James F. Kuntz, S.J. (C) Mr. James H. Kavanagh (C) Mr. Ken Kellaher, P.E., PTOE (C) Dr. Theodore M. Kinasewitz Mr. Kenneth A. Klinger (C) Mr. Jeffrey D. Konzet (C) Mr. Christopher B. Lamb Dr. Robert H. Lapinski (C) Dr. William H. Mulligan (C) Mr. Patrick M. Mazzeo Mr. John J. Magovern (C) Mr. James E. Maguire (H) Mr. Peter J. Maguire (C) Mr. John M. Marquardt (C) Edward L. Marut, M.D. (DO) Mr. Peter E. Matthews (C) Mr. Robert W. McGuinness Mr. James P. McNicholas (H) Dr. Gerard T. Moran (M) Mr. Vincent C. Mosco (C) Mr. Joseph J. Najda (H) Mr. John M. Nonna (O) Mr. Timothy G. O’Connor (O) Mr. Richard Ouzounian (C) Mr. James J. Periconi (CC) Mr. Joseph J. Petrillo Mr. Andrew R. Palumbo (H) Dr. Charles Pignatello (O) Mr. Louis A. Recano (O) Rev. Kirk R. Reynolds, S.J. (C) Mr. Joseph G. Roosevelt (O) Dr. Gregory A. Rossicone (C) Prof. Andrew J. Sommese (H) Mr. John J. Sawicki, Jr. (CC) Mr. Arthur C. Schupbach (C) Mr. George V. Schwerdt Mr. Richard T. Service (C) Mr. Lawrence P. Sheerin (C) Mr. W. Scott Staruch (C) Mr. Gerald W. Schirra (C) Mr. Robert A. Thoms (O) Mr. Hugh M. Turk (O) Mr. John N. Van Name, Jr. (M) Rev. Robert F. Ver Eecke (C) Mr. Peter P. Zelinski (C) 55.3% Participation 1967 Robert V. Blake, M.D. Amount: $40,190.00 Mr. John D. Alexander (DO) Mr. William R. Armbruster (M) Mr. William J. Balcerski (C) Mr. Bruce C. Bassman Mr. George W. Bearese (C) Robert V. Blake, M.D. (M) Rev. Arthur C. Bender, S.J. (M) Terence L. Chorba, M.D. (C) Mr. John P. Collins (O) Mr. Christopher V. Connell (O) Mr. Michael J. Connor (CC) Mr. Thomas G. Curran (O) Mr. John F. Cordes, Jr. (H) Mr. John J. Dowd (M) Mr. John D. Finnegan (O) Mr. Brian P. Fitzgerald (CC) Mr. Joseph A. Giammarella (C) Paul J. Gmuer, M.D. (C) Mr. Robert W. Grunseich (C) Mr. Rene M. Haas (C) Mr. Vincent W. Hartnett (O) Mr. Bruce J. Hector (CC) Fr. Mike Holleran (C) Capt. John J. Hund, Jr. SC, USN (M) Mr. John W. Javetski James S. Kenton, Esq. (C) John W. Katz, Jr., M.D. (M) Mr. James B. Keaney (M) Mr. John G. Kelly (M) Mr. Peter C. Landis M Paul A. Litka, M.D. (H) Mr. Kevin P. Logan (C) Mr. Anthony LoSecco (C) Stephen R. LoVerme, Jr., M.D. (C) Eugene M. Lugano, M.D. (CC) Dr. Dennis F. Mahoney Mr. John J. Spear (C) Mr. Martin A. Maffeo (CC) Mr. George G. McCann, P.E. (O) Mr. Kevin S. McDonald (C) Mr. Stephen J. McGrath (M) Mr. William J. McLaughlin (M) Mr. Declan P. Meagher, A.I.A. (M) Mr. Charles J. Novitsky (C) Mr. Frank C. Prestipino (M) Mr. Kieran P. Quinn (O) Mr. Steven T. Rehm (CC) Dr. Robert J. Rienzo (C) Mr. Kevin G. Ross (M) Mr. Victor J. Skowronski (C) Robert T. Stack, Esq. (M) Mr. Mark R. Shanahan (O) Gerard J. Schiraldi, D.M.D. (C) Mr. Robert K. Sharp (O) Mr. George J. Srnecz (H) Mr. Stephen G. Stofka, Jr. (M) Mr. Richard P. Szajewski (M) Joseph D. Verdirame, M.D. (M) Mr. Jan M. Villatore (H) Mr. Robb G. Wray (M) Mr. William P. Yadlon (C) Mr. Joseph F. Zeller, Jr. (CC) 53.0% Participation 1968 Mr. Michael A. Ancona Amount: $91,553.56 Mr. Michael A. Ancona (C) Mr. George G. Bacolini (M) Mr. Thomas A. Banker (C) Mr. Robert J. Bemben (CC) Mr. Kieran D. Bergin (CC) Mr. Stephen M. Bongiovi (M) 26 Regis Alumni News Mr. Kevin M. Burke (O) Mr. Eugene M. Burns (CC) Mr. William C. Cagney (CC) Mr. John F. Chaplin (CC) Mr. Richard Costello (M) Richard A. D’Amico, M.D., P.A. (CC) Joseph C. D’Antonio, M.D. (O) John W. Davren, M.D. (M) Mr. John G. DiLiberto (C) Mr. Donald F. Donahue (O) Mr. Thomas E. Dowling (O) Mr. John E. Flood (M) Mr. Brian T. Foley (O) Mr. James E. Foy (O) Richard E. Gallagher, M.D. (M) Mr. Kenneth G. Geraghty (C) Mr. Joseph A. Gonzalez (H) Dr. Carl J. Guarneri (C) Mr. Thomas P. Hanrahan (O) James D. Hinde, M.D. (M) Dr. Jack M. Hyzak (C) Mr. Philip J. Kehl (O) Mr. Thomas R. Kelly (O) Mr. J. Donald Kennedy (O) Andrew J. Levada, M.D. (C) Mr. Walter A. Looney (DO) Hon. Gerard E. Lynch (M) Mr. Stephen V. Maietta (M) Mr. Walter C. Matthews (C) Mr. Anthony N. Mauro (M) Mr. John K. McElligott (C) Mr. Timothy J. McGinn (O) Mr. Nicholas M. Mele Mr. Robert J. Minutoli (CC) Mr. Daniel F. Murphy, Jr. (O) Mr. Robert A. Oliva (CC) Mr. John P. Owens (M) Richard F. Pfeiffer, D.M.D. (C) Michael M. Plate , M.D. Mr. Gerard D. Purtell (M) Mr. Mark A. Riely (FCO) Jeffrey C. Roche, M.D. (C) Dr. Dennis G. Ross-Degnan (C) Steven W. Ryder, M.D. (DHHO) Mr. John D. Sharer (C) Mr. Jeremiah P. Sheehan Mr. James B. Sheils (C) Mr. James C. Sherwood (M) Mr. Joseph R. Stachnik (C) Mr. Richard J. Stockton Mr. Joseph C. Torraco (C) Mr. Gerald J. Turbet Mr. Joseph E. Walters (M) Mr. John P. Whiteman, Jr. Raymond P. Wong, M.D. (C) Mr. Brian J. Wynne (C) 50.4% Participation 1969 John J. Hyland, Esq. Amount: $38,772.00 Anonymous (M) Mr. Donald R. Battles (C) Mr. Peter S. Brown (C) Mr. Louis H. Coglianese (C) Mr. Francis X. Colford (C) Mr. Mike D’Angelo (C) Mr. Cornelius F. Doran III (H) Mr. Edwin J. Dorchak (CC) Mr. Walter W. Farley (CC) Capt. John E. Fink, USN Ret. (H) Mr. Robert A. Fagella (C) Mr. James A. Forte (C) Mr. Francis T. Griffin, Jr. Mr. Lawrence P. Johnsen (CC) Mr. William J. Keane Mr. John B. Kearney (C) Mr. Kit Konolige (DHHO) Mr. Lawrence J. Liodice (C) Mr. Christopher J. Moroney (O) Mr. Michael J. Mulligan (M) Mr. John T. Mannhaupt (M) Hon. Dennis E. Milton (O) Mr. James M. McGuire (H) Mr. Peter M. Pizza (C) Dr. Michael G. Perri (C) Mr. Mark A. Puleo (C) Mr. Ernest W. Rauscher (M) Dr. Peter Roy-Byrne (C) Mr. Michael A. Regan Mr. John A. Schnedeker (C) Joseph F. X. Sclafani, M.D. (C) Mr. Charles G. Spahr (M) Mr. Franz F. Speckman Mr. Stephen A. Truhon (C) Mr. Charles A. Testagrossa Mr. Thomas M. Venino, Jr. (M) Mr. Neil J. Zevnik (C) 32.2% Participation 1970 Richard J. Peiser, Esq. Amount: $39,393.80 Mr. Richard J. D’Alessandri (C) John E. Allen, D.M.D. (M) Mr. Edward G. Als (C) Michael J. Anesta, M.D. (M) Mr. James J. Armbruster (C) Dr. Martin W. Bachop (C) Mr. James M. Bergin (M) Mr. Dennis L. Blair (C) Mr. Daniel K. Boyle (CC) Lt.Col Blair L. Bozek (C) Mr. Kevin Gimore Bryant (C) Mr. George L. Chiesa (C) Mr. David A. Colangelo (CC) Kevin P. Conboy, Esq. (H) Mr. Thomas J. Daly ,III Mr. Stevens M. Day Mr. Joseph F. DeCarlo (M) Mr. Thomas E. Derise, CPA Thomas W. Devine, CPA (M) Mr. John T. Diffily (C) Mr. J. Herbie DiFonzo (M) Mr.Henry C. Dinger (C) Mr. Adrian W. Doherty, Jr. (O) Mr. Dennis M. Drucker (C) Mr. James H. Duffy (C) Richard P. Falivena, M.D. (M) Michael P. Fitzgerald, M.D. (CC) Mr. Roger E. Flahive (C) Mr. Philip Gandolfo Col. Robert A. Gasser, Jr. USAF, M.D. (CC) Mr. Edward C. Girnys (C) Mr. Daniel A. Gonzalez (C) Mr. Christian R. Hafstead (C) Mr. Robert E. Hallinan (O) Mr. Thomas F. Hanly (C) Mr. Edward M. Hmelovsky, Jr. (M) Mr. Theodore R. Janeczek (O) Mr. Douglas A. Kellner (O) Mr. Stanley F. Krawczyk (M) Joseph LaMantia, M.D. (H) Mr. William H. Lee (H) Mr. Robert M. Leonard (O) Mr. Joseph M. Loffredo, CPA Mr. Edward A. Marron (CC) Mr. Robert N. McDonald (H) Dr. Joseph A. Micucci (CC) Mr. Edwin J. Mills (H) Mr. John L. Miscione (O) Mr. Thomas A. Neufeld (O) Mr. John G. Nicolich (O) Mr. Thomas A. Osborn (H) Mr. John R. Potapchuk (M) Mr. Thomas J. Quinlan, Jr. (C) Mr. Charles C. Radcliffe (C) Mr. John A. Regan (C) Mr. Alexander V. Sansone (C) Mr. Humberto A. Sarmiento (H) Mr. Dennis E. Sheehan (H) Mr. Thomas G. Sherwood (C) Mr. Mark G. Tronco (C) Mr. John J. Varca (C) Mr. Robert J. Vernagallo (C) Dr. William J. Wisniewski (M) 50.4% Participation 1971 Mr. Roger P. Rooney Amount: $47,507.79 Mr. Joseph D. Alchermes (M) Mr. Richard C. Buddenhagen (C) Mr. Stephen D. Barone Mr. Arthur J. Beaver (H) Mr. Thomas E. Bergemann (M) Mr. James J. Bigos (CC) Mr. Robert F. Brantl (H) Mr. Thomas P. Brennan Mr. John J. Britton Philip J. Butera, M.D. (DO) Mr. Michael A. Curcio (M) Mr. John F. Curran (H) Paul M. DeStefano, M.D. Mr. Paul J. Donato (M) Capt. Peter G. Fanelli (C) Mr. William J. Ferns (C) Mr. Lawrence P. Gertner (C) Mr. Luke T. Garvey (CC) Mr. Thomas M. Herlihy (O) Mr. Brian J. Haugh (C) Mr. John E. Holwell (H) Mr. William J. Javetski (C) Mr. Anthony J. Krol, Jr. (CC) Mr. John J. Kearney (C) Mr. James P. Kelly (DO) Mr. William M. Kelly (DO) Mr. Alan E. Kraus (O) Mr. Peter J. LaRuffa (C) Mr. George J. Limbach Mr. Raymond J. Lombardi (C) Mr. Edward F. Lutton (C) Mr. John J. McCullough, III Dr. Edward P. Miller Mr. Gregory Mooney (C) Dr. Emil Mottola (H) Dr. Alexander J. Motyl (C) Mr. Daniel C. Murphy (C) Bruce E. O’Neill, Ph.D Mr. Roger S. Payne (O) Mr. Dennis E. Petito (O) Mr. Michael J. Piscitelli (M) Joseph A. Pozzuoli, Esq. (C) William R. Rate, M.D. Ph.D. (O) Mr. William J. Roethel (O) Mr. Roger P. Rooney (DO) Dr. George F. Ruppel, Jr. (C) Dr. Joseph E. Swierzbinski (C) David N. Speranza, M.D. (H) Mr. Anthony J. Salvatore (O) Mr. William E. Schmierer, Jr. (CC) Mr. John F. Schopfer (H) Mr. Michael L. Schwarz (DO) Mr. Michael P. Sheldon (C) Mr. George M. Simon Mr. Vincent J. Stabile (M) Mr. George Wright (M) 47.0% Participation 1972 Mr Michael G. Molyneux Amount: $40,462.64 Mr. Thomas Abate Mr. Eric K. Achacoso (C) Mr. Anthony J. Asiaghi (C) Mr. Bruce W. Baber (CC) Mr. Nicholas J. Babiak Paul S. Baecher, M.D. (H) Francis X. Barra , D.D.S. (C) Nicholas A. Bertini, M.D. (H) Mr. Eugene A. Billeci (C) Mr. James F. Burdi (C) Christopher M. Burns (M) Mr. Melchiore V. Buscemi Thomas M. Collins, M.D. (M) Dario J. Cunico D.D.S. (M) Mr. Gregory M. Czuchlewski (H) Mr. John P. D’Alessandro (M) Mr. John R. Dana (C) Mr. Michael J. Davies Mr. James W. Dennis (C) Mr. Francis M. Devaney (C) Mr. Mario Dinatale (CC) Mr. Matthew G. Dineen (C) Mr. Frederick J. Dorchak (C) Mr. F. Paul Driscoll (C) Mr. Kevin J. Farrelly Mr. James A. Geraghty (C) Kevin M. Gil, M.D. (M) Mr. Frank M. Giordano (C) Mr James T. Grace, Jr. (C) Mr. Frank Gulino John J. Hederman, Jr., D.D.S. (M) Mr. James R. Johnston (H) Mr. John P. Johnston (CC) Mr. Stephen J. Kaczynski (M) Mr. Francis J. Kelly (O) Mr. Robert E. Kelly Mr. Thomas F. Kilminster Paul Kleeberg, M.D. (M) Mr. John G. Klincewicz (M) Mr. Robert F. Kopp (DO) Mr. John J. Kreiser (C) Mr. Drew R. Lontos (CC) Mr. Robert V. Lorenzo (C) Dr. Vincent P. Manno (M) Mr. John C. Marchese (M) Mr. Robert S. Marjan (DO) Paul Mazzoni, M.D. (C) Mr. Gerard T. McAloon (M) Mr. Michael L. Meskers Mr. James A. Mohoney (C) Mr Michael G. Molyneux (H) Mr. Kevin J. Moran (C) Mr. Michael P. Morris (H) Mr. Kevin J. Murray (C) John L. Musci, D.D.S. (H) Mr. Michael P. Nardone (C) Mr. Brian P. O’Donnell (M) Mr. Christopher M. O’Keeffe (M) Mr. Michael P. O’Rourke (CC) Dr. Albert P. Pisano (O) Mr. Richard T. Potter James M. Provenzale, M.D. (H) Douglas J. Redosh, M.D. (C) Mr. Richard A. Reina (C) Peter T. Remec , M.D. (C) Mr. John P. Rogers (O) Mr. Robert W. Rosentel (C) Mr. Michael J. Rossini (C) Mr. Andrew J. Schilling (C) Mr. John D. Schipisch (M) Mr. Robert R. Schmidt Mr. Robert C. Schneider (C) Mr. Joseph K. Schwarz (M) Mr. John F. Slipe (C) Mr. James P. Sniffen (M) Mr. Bruno M. Stillo (C) Mr. Joseph A. Sullivan (H) Gregory T. Syrek, Esq. (M) Richard P. Venino, Esq. (M) Mr. Richard A. Wickman (C) 60.3% Participation 1973 Mr. Vincent J. Ferriola Amount: $30,993.00 Mr. Mark M. Arakaki (C) Mr. Robert W. Billings (M) Francis X. Brickfield, M.D. (C) Carlo T. Buonomo M.D (C) Mr. Charles M. Carbone (H) Mr. Paul A. Coppola (M) Mr. Thomas A. Devine (H) Mr. Robert P. Dillon, Jr. (DO) Mr. Michael J. DiNovi (M) Mr. Brian J. Donohue (M) Mr. William J. Driscoll (DO) Mr. William P. Farley (M) Dr. Eugene M. Ferraro (O) Mr. Vincent J. Ferriola Mr. Peter J. Gordon (O) Mr. Anthony L. Giobbie, Jr. (C) Mr. James G. Giragosian Eugene A. Grossi, M.D. (CC) Mr. Thomas W. Giegerich (CC) Joseph F. Hederman, M.D. (C) Mr. Michael T. Hart (C) Mr. Michael L. Henderson Mr. John Y. K. Hum (H) Mr. Mykola M. Yaremko (CC) Mr. Michael F. Kiely (M) Mr. Paul J. Larkin, Jr. Mr. Paul A. Lawless (C) Mr. Edwin J. Lopez (H) Mr. Paul H. Liang (C) Vincent F. Maher, Esq. (C) Mr. John F. Manzi (C) Mr. Eugene J. Martino (M) Mr. Timothy McCarthy (C) Mr. Eugene W. McGrane (M) Mr. James A. Montagnino (C) Mr. Michael D. O’Keeffe (C) Mr. Bruce P. Porcelli (C) Mr. Frank V. Pesce (M) Mr. Charles J. Richardson (CC) Dr. Peter M. Rumore (C) Mr. Walter C. Soeller (M) Alan Sclafani, D.P.M. (C) Mr. Perry D. Scopelliti (O) Mr. Richard Sloper (C) Mr. John K. Smalley (C) Mr. Anthony M. Sollecito, Jr. (CC) Mr. John Stine (CC) Mr. Michael T. Walczewski (C) Mr. Thomas M. Walczyk (C) Mr. John A. Weiser Mr. Richard M. Zielinski (C) 41.3% Participation 1974 Anthony J. Cagino, M.D. Amount: $43,918.00 Alberto M. Acosta, M.D. (H) Mr. Michael P. Andrisani (H) Mr. John T. Baecher (O) Thomas J. Barra, D.D.S., M.S. (C) Anthony J. Cagino, M.D. (O) Mr. Anthony J. Ceritelli (C) Mr. Arthur P. Cimento (CC) Mr. Andrew R. Colonna (M) James J. Cummings,M.D. (O) Fall 2004 27 Mr. Joseph F. Davis (C) Mr. James P. Drohan (C) Mr. Thomas E. Dudar (O) Mr.Lawrence M. Earley (C) Mr. Anthony M. Fischetti (C) Mr. Angel Garcia (C) Raymond P. Girnys, M.D. (C) Mr. Amedeo J. Granata, CFP, CLU, ChFC (M) Mr. John C. Hall (DHHO) Dr. Andrew P. Harris (M) William T. Heffernan, M.D. (C) James A. Heimann, M.D. (C) Thomas P. McCarrick, M.D. (C) Mr. Daniel M. McCarthy (H) Dr. Robert E. McGrath (C) Mr Edward P. Mulligan (M) Mr. James Di Martini Mandala (M) Mr. George S. Nowak (C) Francis J. O’Brien M.D. (DO) Mr. William J. O’Connell (M) Mr. Richard P. O’Leary (O) Mr. John R. Parzych (C) Mr. William J. Pedersen (C) Mr. Carl A. Popolo (M) Mr. Peter A. Rivera (O) Len Scarpinato, M.D. (CC) Mr. Richard P. Schmidt (M) Mr. Robert C. Sexton (CC) Mr. Miroslaw A. Slawinski (C) Mr. James R. Solloway, Jr. CFA (CC) Mr. James T. Tynion, III (CC) 41.5% Participation 1975 Mr. Steven P. Seagriff Mr. Thomas P. Wadolowski Amount: $24,690.00 Mr. Thomas J. Barrett (C) Mr. John F. Billeci Mr. John F. Carberry (C) Mr. Paul J. Cienki (C) Mr. Joseph F. Clyne, Sr. (M) Mr. Michael P. Curran (O) Mr. Michael J. Del Rosso (M) Mr. James G. Doris Thomas B. Edwards, M.D. (CC) Mr. Peter J. Eng (C) Mr. Lawrence J. Fey (O) Mr. Jose L. Forero Dr. Robert J. Foster (M) Mr. Alexander J. Gray (M) Mr. Joseph J. Garace (C) Mr.Thomas J. Gramila John F. Greene, M.D. (C) Mr. Angelo M. Grima (C) Dr. James M. Higgins (C) Mr. David Iasevoli (M) Mr. Peter V. King Mr. Peter P. Konolige (C) John J. Lesica, M.D. Mr. Ralph J. Long (O) Mr. Michael J. Lysak Mr. John T. Markert Mr. Louis J. Marra (O) Mr. James G. McAna Mr. Alan W. Mele (H) Mr. Robert D. Mullaney (M) Mr. Joseph A. Mulvihill Mr. Cornelius M. O’Donnell (CC) Mr. Robert E. O’Neill (M) Mr. Thierry G. Porte (O) Mr. Salvatore F. Principe Mr. Robert F. Raczko (C) Mr. Francis A. Renzler (M) Mr. Richard T. Schnaars (CC) Mr. Steven P. Seagriff (O) Mr. Gerald M. Seixas (CC) Mr. Richard E. Sherwood (M) Mr. Edmund L. Towers (H) Stephen A. Tranchina, M.D. (C) Mr. Thomas P. Wadolowski (M) Mr. Stephen J. Yarri (C) John J. Zurlo, M.D. (M) 46.9% Participation 1976 Mr. Christopher R. Lowney Amount: $42,063.75 Mr. Peter J. Baecher (C) Mr. William R. Bancone Mr. John J. Barrett (C) Mr. Joseph E. Bringman (O) Mr. Stephen J. Bury (CC) Mr. James J. Busuttil (M) Mr. Sean M. Carlin (C) Mr. Robert J. Cobert (H) Mr. Thomas J. Conway (M) Mr. Richard C. Crowe (C) Mr. Marc L. Desjardins (C) Mr. Gerard J. Ferris (C) Dr. Robert J. Franco (C) Mr. John M. Gannon Mr. Joseph P. Garzero (M) Mr. Cornelius J. Grealy (O) Mr. Timothy J. Grealy (C0 Mr. Francis X. Gribbon (C) Gregory P. Harris, Jr., M.D. (O) Mr. Peter F. Honchaurk Mr. Kevin S. Huvane (CC) Mr. Michael Hernandez (C) Lionel B. Ivashkiv , M.D. (M) Mr. Louis D. Jerome (CC) Mr. Paul J. Kiernan (M) Mr. Kevin J. Koestner (M) Mr. Clarence X. Koo (DO) Mr. Joseph Lafiandra (C) Mr. Christopher R. Lowney (O) Dr. Loris A. Magnani (C) Mr. Patrick P. Mauro Dr. Kevin D. McKeegan (M) Mr. Andrew R. Merola Mr. Gary J. Mezzatesta (O) Dr. Peter J. Miller Mr. Peter J. Moerler (O) Bart B. Musial , M.D. (CC) Mr. Paul E. O’Brien (CC) Mr. Francesco Pagano (M) Mr. Joseph J. Passarelli (C) Mr. Steven P. Pecorini (C) Mr. Frank V. Pietrantonio (CC) Mr. Nicholas D. Potenza (M) Mr. Jonathan E. Powers (C) Mr. James A. Piccolo Mr. Richard J. Rom (C) Leo P. Sullivan, M.D. (C) Raymond L. Schettino, M.D. (O) Mr. Raymond J. Schmierer (C) Mr. Richard G. Slattery (O) Mr. Lewis L. Stoffel, Jr. (C) Mr. Philip S. Swiatocha Mr. Edward A. Taylor (DO) Mr. Edward J. Trocha Mr. Michael J. Tupone (M) Mr. Michael I. Verde (M) Mr. Patrick J. Yella (M) 56.6 % Participation 1977 Mr. James J. Fields Mr. Thomas J. Leonard Amount: $59,979.73 Mr. Joseph M. Arigo (C) Mr. Karl E. Bayerlein (C) Mr. Gary M. Bell (C) Frank Cetta, Jr., M.D. (M) Mr. John B. Canning (M) Hilary J. Cholhan, M.D. (DO) Mr. Kevin M. Civale (M) Kenneth F. Cogland Esq (H) Rev. Vincent P. DeCola, S.J. Mr. Richard J. DeNatale (M) Mr. Richard Diaz Mr. Gerald J. Dieffenbach, Jr. (C) Mr. Andrew A. Dzerovych (M) Mr. Michael J. Dowd (O) Boris J. Fedorciw, M.D. Mr. Shawn K. Feeney (H) Mr. James J. Fields (M) Mr. Peter T. Gray (CC) James J. Gregory, Esq. (C) Hilary T. Hanchuk, M.D. (C) Mr. Michael J. Holden (H) Mr. Christopher G. Kelly (O) Mr. Timothy J. Knierim (O) Mr. Mark W. Kolakowski (O) Thomas G. Larkin, M.D. (DO) Mr. Thomas J. Leonard (M) Mr. Vincent E. Lisanti Mr. Martin J. Mannion (DO) Mr. Joseph C. McAleer (CC) Mr. Kenneth J. McCauley (M) Mr. Mark A. Nelson (M) Mr. William J. Neville (C) Mr. Stephen J. O’Connor (O) Michael R. Obrecht, D.O., D.P.M. (M) Mr. Anthony N. Passannante (H) Christopher P. Poje, M.D. (DO) Roger G. Pollock, M.D. (O) Michael J. Rizzo, Esq. (CC) Mr. Vincent N. Schiraldi (C) James A. Shanahan, M.D. (H) Mr Joseph F. Sollecito (M) Ronald J. Taylor, M.D. (M) Mr. John F. Ward (DO) 42.6% Participation 1978 Mr. James V. Rohan Amount: $52,363.50 James S. Baldassarre, M.D. (C) Mr. Roman W. Barniak (M) Mr. Michael F. Berube (C) Mr. Stephen J. Blewitt (O) Mr. Robert O. Bonkowski (M) Mr. Thomas A. Burgess (C) Mr. Gerald C. Carney (C) Mr. Kenneth J. Carroll (C) Mr. Seamus E. Carroll (O) Mr. James S. Connolly (C) Nicholas J. D’Avanzo, M.D. (C) Mr. William A. Deignan (H) Mr. Thomas P. Doyle Mr. Lawrence E. Ehmer (M) Mr. Patrick J. Fitzgerald (O) Mr. John P. Fowler (M) Mr. Yury I. Furda (C) Frank J. Giancola, M.D. (C) Mr. John J. Goggins (O) Mr. Philip J. Guarco (CC) Mr. Brendan T. Heneghan (C) Mr. Paul A. Hoy (C) Mr. Michael J. Kane (C) Mr. Bernard J. Kilkelly (O) Mr. Michael E. Kane (CC) Mr. Stephen T. Loebs (DO) Mr. Michael C. Mah (C) Mr. Joseph C. Marconi (DO) Dr. Robert L. Marraccino (M) Mr. Edward B. Marrinan (CC) Mr. Jorge L. Martinez (C) Martin M. Matzuk, M.D. (M) Mr. Joseph J. Mauro (M) Mr. Christopher McCarthy (C) Mr. Richard W. McGraw (C) Mr. Robert J. McKenna (M) Michael H. Mendeszoon, M.D.(C) Mr. James T. Murphy (CC) Mr. Joseph Niciforo (DHHO) Mr. David M. O’Brien Mr. James M. Olivo (C) Mr. Armando Pauker (H) Mr. Saul Pedrera (C) Mark A. Raccasi, M.D. (M) Mr. Robert A. Ragazzo (M) Mr. Albert F. Rocco (O) Mr. David O. Rodriguez (C) Mr. James V. Rohan (O) Mr. Kevin T. Rush (C) Mr. Thomas J. Strong (C) Mr. Edward G. Schwartz (C) Mr. Steven M. Stewart (C) Mr. Gregory E. Sullivan (CC) Mr. Kenneth G. Sullivan (H) Mr. Louis S. Usarzewicz (C) 50.5 % Participation 1979 Amount: $51,707.74 Donald D. Diverio, Jr., D.O. (C) Frank C. Messina, M.D. (M) Ivan F. Harangozo, M.D. (CC) John L. Haddad, M.D. (M) John D. Horgan, M.D. (O) Michael V. McConnell, M.D. (H) Mr. Benson T. Louie (C) Mr. Charles R. Cigna Mr. David C. Bowen (M) Mr. David V. Janny (O) Mr. Dennis C. Shea (CC) Mr. Duane Blue Spruce Mr. Edward F. Hayes (O) Mr. Erich W. Wolz (C) Mr. Fabian J. Fondriest (O) Mr. James J. Knierim (H) Mr. James N. Murphy Mr. James W. Clark Mr. John A. Scola (M) Mr. John F. Morgan (O) Mr. John M. Butler (O) Mr. John S. MacDermott (M) Mr. Joseph A. Vargas (C) Mr. Joseph P. Bachop (C) Mr. Joseph P. Zelaskowski (H) Mr. Kevin P. Downes (CC) Mr. Lawrence A. McCartney (H) Mr. Marcos A. Rodriguez (DO) Mr. Martin J. Newshan (C) Mr. Michael F. Schurr (C) Mr. Michael J. Guararra (M) Mr. Patrick Galizio (O) Mr. Patrick J. McNelis (O) Mr. Peter J. McAliney (M) Mr. Raymond Ressy (C) Mr. Richard C. Henderson (H) Mr. Richard J. Weber (O) Mr. Richard S. Sunday Mr. Robert A. Schmidt (O) Mr. Robert F. McDermott Mr. Robert J. Costello (C) Mr. Stephen F. Ott (M) Mr. Steven E. Okonski (M) Mr. Thomas F. Swift (CC) Mr. Thomas J. Watson (C) Mr. Timothy M. Hughes (CC) Mr. Timothy M. Murphy (O) Mr. William F. Tietjen (M) Rev. Thomas J. Massaro, S.J. Richard W. Johnson, M.D. (O) Russ B. Altman , M.D., Ph.D. (M) Wayne D. Trotter, M.D. (C) 51.0 % Participation 1980 Mr. Michael J. McGovern Amount: $82,270.37 Mr. Robert C. Accetta (O) Mr. Joseph R. Amico (C) Mr. Ernest P. Annibale (C) John L. Buckheit (C) Jeffrey J. Beechert, M.D. (M) Peter J. Belcastro M.D. (O) Mr. Jean-Luc Briguet (M) Charles F. Cain, M.D. (C) Mr. Kyran E. Cassidy (CC) Robert G. Collum , M.D. (CC) Mr. James S. DeGraw (O) Giuseppe Del Priore, M.D. (C) Mr. Andrew B. DeMaio (H) Mr. Anthony J. DiNovi, Jr.(DHHO) Mr. Gary J. Dobek (C) Mr. Anthony J. Domino, Jr. (DO) Mr. Thomas F. Doyle (C) Mr. Mark E. Garbowski (C) Mr. James C. Galla (M) Thomas S. Giugliano, DDS (M) Mr. John K. Hayden (C) Rev. Philip G. Judge, S.J. (C) Mr. Christian A. Kassis (M) Mr. Denis T. Keane (C) Paul G. Kelly, Esq. (C) Frederick F. Lang, Jr., M.D. (DO) Jonathan A. Lucas, Ph.D (C) Mr. Richard A. Macksoud (C) Mr. Michael J. McGovern (O) Mr. Patrick J. McGreal (C) Mr. Robert J. McKee (O) Mr. Frank F. McNamara (C) Mr. John P. McNicholas (DHHO) Mr. Peter L. Melz (C) Mr. James E. Mikoley (C) Mr. David E. Mollon (M) Mr. Robert J. Morahan (O) Mr. Philip M. Moynihan (C) Mr. James B. Nobile (O) Mr. John F. O’Brien Mr. Peter D. O’Driscoll (C) Mr. John C. Parr, Jr. (M) Mr. William G. Passannante (CC) Mr. Alfredo J. Pastro (M) Mr. Vincent D. Pitaro (H) Mr. Manuel E. Ribot (DO) Mr. Peter F. Schiano Mr. John F. Schorn (C) Mr. Frederick I. Sharp, IV (CC) Paul A. Sidoti, Jr. M.D. (M) Mr. John A. Singler,III (C) Mr. Robert F. Snow (M) Mr. Jeremiah P. Sullivan (O) Mr. Lawrence R. Vitale (O) Mr. Michael J. Waters (M) Mr. Stanley A. York (C) 47.4 % Participation 1981 Mr. Carl A. Catauro Mr. John P. O’Toole Amount: $20,428.75 Mr. Richard J. Anderson (M) Mr. John P. Barry (M) Mr. Alan L. Bloodgood (C) Mr. William J. Bolin, Jr. (C) 28 Regis Alumni News Mr. Mark Bowen (C) Mr. Gerard T. Bradley (C) Thomas J. Bader, M.D. (CC) Mr. Carl A. Catauro (C) Mr. John M. Conlon (C) Mr. James A. Coppola, CPA (CC) Mr. John J. Dieffenbach (C) Mr. Mark G. Eberharth (C) Mr. Paul J. Eng (C) Mr. Thomas M. Fergus (C) Dr. Dominic J. Ferro (C) Mr. Nelson J. Figueroa (C) Mr. James G. Flood (C) Mr. Edward J. Gillespie (C) Mr. Istvan Gyenis Mr. Richard M. Gallagher Mr. Brian J. Hegarty (M) Mr. Daniel Iacovella (C) Andrew J. Infosino , M.D. (C) Mr. John A. Jurkovic (M) Martin G. Keane, M.D. (C) Mr. Albert J. Kiss (M) Mr. Michael J. Kunz (O) Mr. John Lechicky Mr. Louis G. Lopez (H) Mr. J. Drew McDonald (M) Mr. Romeo B. Mateo (C) Mr. Denis J. McCarthy (C) Mr. Thomas F. McCluskey (C) Mr. William P. Mahaney (M) Mr. Robert J. Nick (CC) Mr. Frank P. Nocco (CC) Mr. Salvador A. Novoa (M) Mr. Matthew L. O’Brien Mr. John P. O’Toole (M) Dr. Joseph J. Pizzimenti (C) Mr. Pedro A. Ramirez (C) Mr. Richard Rauchenberger (O) Mr. Robert Schirling (CC) Mr. Leonard T. Scicutella (M) Anthony Sclafani, M.D. (C) Mr. Robert M. Scott (C) Mr. Patrick B. Shalhoub (C) Mr. Arthur J. Smith (C) Mr. Mark A. Torre (C) Mr. Charles G. Towers (M) Mr. Richard J. Truta Mr. Patrick J. Thornton (C) Mr. Crescent R. Varrone (C) Mr. Robert S. Vitale (M) Mr. Paul M. Walczyk (M) 50.9% Participatation 1982 Mr. Patrick A. McGoldrick Amount: $33,922.20 Mr. Eric W. Beaton (H) Mr. Charles Bailey (C) Mr. James-John Bonanno (C) Mr. Brian P. Buckley (C) Mr. Christopher A. Barnett (C) Mr. William C. Bartlett (C) Mr. Edward J. Burke (C) Mr. Timothy D. Cremin (CC) Mr. William W. Chen (H) Mr. Gerald E. Coamey, Jr. (C) Mr. Charles P. Collins Mr. John P. Conway (CC) Mr. William E. Craco (M) Lcdr. Peter M. Driscoll, Jr. USN (C) Mr. Dennis F. Dunne (M) Carlo M. DeLuna, M.D. (H) Br. Christopher Derby, S.J. Mr. Edward J. Donahue, Jr. (C) Mr. James F. Frawley (M) Mr. Edward C. Fargis (M) Mr. Warren P. Finnerty (O) Mr. Timothy D. Gallagher (O) Mr. Edward Gonzales (C) Thomas J. Kwiatkowski, Jr., M.D. (C) Mr. Jonathan S. Lawlor (C) Mr. John F. Lemanski Mr. Dennis P. McCooe (C) Mr. Kenneth M. Moehringer (C) Mr. John F. McElroy, III (H) Mr. Daniel A. McGrath (O) Mr. Patrick A. McGoldrick (M) Mr. John O. McGuinness (O) Mr. Arnold G. Neimanis (C) Mr. Richard J. Paris, Jr. (M) Mr. Joseph C. Peiser (M) Gregory M. Pitaro, M.D. (CC) Mr. John A. Porada (C) Mr. Alfred J. Russo (O) Mr. Sean Reddington (O) Mr. Robert J. Smith (M) Mr. Benjamin J. Sokolow (O) Mr. Anthony J. Spina (C) Mr. John C. Stepper (M) Mr. Thomas J. Sands (DO) Dr. Joseph F. Shalhoub (C) Mr. Mark Varous (M) Mr. Mark D. Young (M) Mr. Gene Zuratynsky (C) 42.3% Participation 1983 Mr. Michael J. Clinchot Mr. Leland A. Harrs Amount: $58,468.13 Mr. Joseph Michael Accetta, Esq. (C) Mr. John H. Alessandri (CC) Dr. Ralph R. Acampora Mr. George R. Bergold Dr. William M. Bowling (CC) Mr. Francis M. Buono (H) Mr. Lawrence R. Burke (O) Mr. Felix R. Bustelo Mr. Andrew C. Carnase (M) Mr. Victor H. Contero (M) Stefano L. Cazzaniga, M.D. (C) Mr. Denley Y. Chew (C) Mr. Patrick G. Clarke (M) Mr. Michael J. Clinchot (C) Theodore D. Conliffe, M.D. (C) Mr Christopher P. Cahill (C) Mr. Michael L. Cardinale (C) Mr. Thomas J. Dambakly (C) Mr. Joseph Z. David Mr. Edward A. Dudek, Jr. (M) Mr. Joseph G. Davis (CC) Mr. Christopher A. DeMarco (DO) Mr. William H. Ferguson (O) Mr. James E. Foley (C) Mr. Darren R. Fortunato (M) Mr. John P. Fargis (DO) Mr. Michael Fatovic (H) Mr. Robert P. Gallagher (O) Mr. William F. Gillard (C) Mr. Roland Hlawaty (O) Mr. Patrick G. Hurley (O) Mr. John J. Hyland (M) Mr. Leland A. Harrs (DO) Mr. Joseph C. Knobloch (M) Mr. Michael J. Kelly (M) Mr. Peter Labbat (DHHO) Mr. Sean H. Lane (M) Mr. Lawrence J. LaSala (C) Mr. Andrew C. Lennon P.E. (C) Mr. Joseph F. Muratore (C) Joseph A. Mannino, MD (H) Mr. William J. Meehan Mr. Michael W. Martin (C) Mr. John D. Muccigrosso Mr. Raymond F. McLean (H) Maj. Patrick J. Mahaney, Jr. (C) Mr. Philip A. Nemecek (C) Patrick G. O’Malley, M.D. (O) Mr. John M. Ponterotto Mihael Puc, M.D. (CC) Mr. James J. Panos (M) Mr. Eugene F. Parr (C) Mr. David G. Pohle (C) Mr. James P. Rice (M) Mr. John M. Rogers Mr. Vincent A. Romeo (H) Mr. John A. Sym (M) Mr. Thomas B. Sheridan (M) Mr. Clement Thompson , Jr. (C) Mr. Paul R. Van Wassenhove (C) Mr. John J. Zipay (M) 53.1% Participation 1984 Mr. Raymond D. Moss Mr. Michael S. Pender Amount: $50,674.32 Mr. Joseph J. Antinori (C) Mr Joseph Aglione (M) Mr. James A. Brady, M.D. (C) Mr.Thomas E. Butler (O) Mr. Paul L. Bader (M) Mr. Ronald J. Bajit (CC) Mr. Patrick J. Coffey (H) Mr. Mark E. Coyne (O) Mr. Joseph F. Carroll (H) Mr. Patrick G. Clifford (M) Mr. Fred J. Donodeo (C) Mr. Michael P. Dwyer Mr. William A. Dunn (C) Mr. Charles S. Detrizio (CC) Mr. Kieran J. Fallon (M) Mr. Richard M. Gardella, Jr. Mr. Stephen G. Geiger (M) Mr. Emanuel C. Grillo (DO) Mr. Charles P. Guarino (C) Mr. Steven M. Herd (C) Mr. Alexander W. Ho (M) Michael R. Horowitz, Esq. Danny M. Kofos, M.D. (M) Mr. Stephen M. Ksenak (CC) Mr. Jaroslaw P. Kiciuk (M) Mr. Thomas J. Lavin (M) Mr. Mark L. Leeds (M) Mr. Michael Leone, Jr. (O) Mr. Craig F. Lis (C) Mr. Anthony M. Loscalzo (C) Mr. Marc V. LaPlace James M. McCarrick, Esq. (C) Mr. Albert Miseje (O) Mr. William McCarron (M) Mr. Anthony A. Monsanto (C) Mr. Michael P. Murphy (CC) Mr. Raymond D. Moss (C) Raymond J. McGoldrick, M.D. (CC) Mr. Michael J. Murphy (M) Mr. Patrick M. McGrath (DO) Mr. Michael A. Nemecek (C) Mr. Kevin H. Ng (C) Stephen E. O’Donnell, M.D. (M) Mr. Kieran O’Connor (C) Mr. Michael S. Pender (CC) Mr. Carlos A. Pisierra (CC) Mr. Thomas F. Ryan (CC) Mr. Christopher J. Smith (C) Mr. John J. Stickevers, III (M) Mr. Daniel J. Sullivan (C) Mr. Michael Szeto (C) Mr. Brian G. Smith (O) Mr. Robin M. Tung Mr. Robert R. Venchiarutti (M) Mr. Valentino I. Vila (C) Mr. Paul M. Villani (CC) Mr. Peter C. Villapol (H) Mr. Christopher Webb (CC) Mr. Daniel G. Walsh (O) Mr. Kieran N. Xanthos (M) 55.1% participation 1985 Mr. David V. Gravano Mr. James D. Sullivan Mr. Jon J. Vigon Amount: $33,308.56 Vincent S. Aurora, Ph.D. (H) Mr. Patrick J. Bannon (C) Mr. David A. Barbrack (M) Mr. James S. Boylan (C) Mr. Edward P. Boyle (M) Mr. Thomas B. Burke (O) Mr. Anthony V. Calenda (C) Mr. Kevin F. Condon (CC) Mr. Glenn P. Cummins, CPA, CFA (M) Mr. Marcelino de Santos Mr. James R. Dobson (CC) Vincent S. Aurora, Ph.D. (C) Mr. Frederick J. Fields (M) Mr. Thomas F. Flood (O) Mr. Peter A. Giacone (M) Mr. Walter G. Hanchuk Mr. James M. Krebs (M) Mr. Brian P. Kavanagh (C) Mr. Patrick M. Kelly (M) Mr. John P. Kelsh (M) Mr. Antonio Larino (H) Dr. Paul E. Li (C) Mr. Paul E. McGreal (M) Mr. Vernon C. McDermott (O) Mr. Kevin W. McCarthy (M) Mr. Michael J. McCarthy (CC) Mr. Phillip J. Penn (M) Mr. Thomas S. Pluta (CC) Mr. Raphael M. Russo (CC) Mr. Henry J. Ricardo (O) Mr. Marko J. Slyz Mr. Jerome E. Sabatino (CC) Mr. John T. Schiavone (O) Mr. Edward K. Straka (M) Mr. James D. Sullivan (O) Mr. Daniel P. Twohig (C) Mr. Ricardo M. Urbano (M) Mr. Kevin T. White (C) John R. Wiencek, Esq. (O) Mr. Michael A. Webb (CC) 37.1% Participation 1986 Mr. Brendan G. McLoughlin Dr. Eric S. Vallone Amount: $12,232.25 Dr. Alain G. Bertoni (C) Mr. Colin F. Boyle (CC) Mr. Sean A. Cadogan (C) Mr. Anthony T. Cahill (C) Mr. Ronald A. Chung-A-Fung (C) Mr. William H. Crosby (M) Kevin J. Curley M.D. (M) Mr. Francis V. Cuttita (C) Mr. Daniel T. Dougherty (M) Mr. David A. Duff Mr. Raymond J. Evans (C) Mr. James W. Farrell (C) Mr. John P. Flanagan (C) Mr. James P. Fogarty (H) Mr. Anthony J. Galioto (C) Mr. Sean P. Gavin (C) Mr. Robert S. Gazzale Mr. Alexander N. Golimbu (C) Mr. Mark P. Hannafey (CC) Joseph P. Hart, M.D. (C) Mr. Michael J. Higgins (M) Mr. Sean W. Higgins (C) Mr. Robert W. Ho (C) Mr. William T. Jennings (M) Mr. Kevin P. Kavanagh (CC) Mr. John P. Kenney Mr. Gerald Lawrence, Jr. (M) Vincent F. Macaluso, M.D. (H) Mr. Kevin P. Mahoney (C) Vincent J. Margiotta, D.D.S. (C) Dr. John R. McArdle Mr. Brendan G. McLoughlin (M) Mr. Timothy C. McMullan Mr. Philip F. O’Reilly, Jr. (C) Mr. James P. Power (H) Mr. Pierre B. Saadeh (M) Mr. Benjamin P. Stein (C) Mr. John J. Sullivan (C) Mr. Robert G. Sumberac (H) Mr. Frank G. Turano (C) Dr. Eric S. Vallone (M) Mr. Anthony D. Zepf (M) 41.0% Participation 1987 Mr. Matthew J. Lawlor Mr. Steven M. Vitale Amount: $14,480.00 Mr. Kevin G. Bannon (O) Mr. Edward F. Barry (M) Mr. Dennis D. Crowley Mr. Stefano R. Cugno (M) Mr. James P. Curry (DO) Mr. Michael G. Doheny (M) Mr. Michael B. Donohue (H) Mr. James P. Dougherty (C) Mr. Patrick J. Durning Mr. Michael J. Flynn (C) Mr. Peter G. Geis (C) Mr. C. Scott C. Lopez-Gelormino Mr. Joseph A. Kelly (C) Mr. Mark F. Kurtz (H) Mr. Matthew J. Lawlor Mr. Gregory D. Liegey (O) Mr. John C. Martin (C) Mr. Thomas P. McDonough (C) Mr. Peter J. McEntegart Mr. Joseph S. Melillo (C) Mr. George P. O’Malley (C) Mr. Michael C. Petronio (M) Mr. Raymond P.R. Quirolgico Mr. Erik J. Silver Mr. Steven M. Vitale (C) 22.7% Participation 1988 Mr. Michael G. Coyne Amount: $42,054.48 Mr. Peter F. Altman (C) Mr. Peter M. Anzalone Mr. George B. Brickfield Mr. James B. Buck Mr. John A. Burek Mr. John M. Butler (CC) Anthony C. Castelbuono , M.D. (C) Brian J. Cook, M.D. (M) Mr. Michael J. Condon (C) Mr. Emmet W. Conroy (M) Fall 2004 29 Mr. Michael G. Coyne (M) Mr. Brian C. Dillon Mr. Timothy J. Doheny (CC) Mr. Christopher T. Doherty (M) Mr. Adrian E. Dollard (O) Mr. Desmond M. Douglas (H) Mr. Matthew K. Fallon (C) Dr. Robert E. Ferris (C) Mr. Edward J. Gillespie (C) Mr. Gerson Gilles Mr. Frederic J. Giordano (CC) Mr. Michael C. Healy (C) Dr. William T. Irwin (O) Mr. David M. Johansen (C) Mr. Michael O. Kennedy (CC) Mr. Michael S. Kennedy (CC) Mr. Rory T. Keenan (DHHO) Mr. Stephen M. Kenny (C) Mr. Ian J. Kremenic Mr. Michael J. Lawlor (C) Mr. Edward P. LoPresti (C) Mr. Joseph P. Logozzo Mr. Mark J. Mascia Mr. James P. Masterson (CC) Mr. William A. McGeveran, III (C) Mr. Kevin G. McNally (C) Mr. Charles McNelis (M) Mr. John R. Middleton, Jr. (M) Mr. Arthur T. Minson, Jr. (M) Mr. Kevin T. Molloy (CC) Mr. Francis G. Montgomery (DO) Mr. Richard W. Morgner, Jr. (O) Mr. Paul R. Muccigrosso (C) Mr. Martin G. Mulhall Mr. Keith S. Murphy Mr. Edward G. Myer (C) Mr. James F. O’Reilly (H) Mr. Michael O’Sullivan (O) Mr. Alphonse J. Porcello, II (M) Mr. Edward J. Riedl (CC) Mr. Kendrick L. Ross (C) Mr. John E. Salvin (C) Mr. Jonathan D. Sciambi (C) Jonathan A. Stiber, M.D. (C) Mr. Eugene M. Suh (C) Mr. Michael A. Todd (C) Mr. Christophe P. Vetell (C) Mr. John R. Walsh (M) Mr. John F. Weaver Mr. James P. Wolak 51.3 % Participation 1989 Mr. Gerald J. Russello Amount: $5,815.00 Mr. Lolan P. Adan (M) Mr. Kenneth L. Aparri (M) Mr. Yarema A. Bachynsky (C) Mr. Mark Bodziony (C) Thomas J. Bryce, M.D. (M) Mr. Darren S. Carroll (CC) Mr. Kevin A. Cavanaugh (M) Mr. Robert J. Chantemsin (M) Mr. Jeremy P. Clifford Mr. Paul G. Degnan (C) Mr. John T. Devlin (C) Mr. Matthew J. Dowd (M) Mr. James P. Freeley (C) Mr. Edward A. Fox (C) Mr. Kevin A. Fox (M) Mr. Kevin B. Gerrity (C) Mr. Francis N. Gleeson (C) Mr. Andrew J. Graf (C) Mr. Richard C. Hinners, Jr., CPA (M) Mr. Patrick J. Hughes (M) Mr. Paul S. Intartaglia Mr. T. Giles Kavanagh (CC) Mr. David J. Kennedy (C) Mr. Wilson J. Kim (C) Mr. Richard T. Koo (M) Mr. Thomas M. Kopczynski (H) Mr. Ken J. Kwiatkowski (C) Mr. Victor V. Lavella, Jr. Mr. Joseph J. Macchiarola, Esq. (M) Mr. Brian P. McDermott (C) Mr. Matthew J. McGeary (C) Mr. Matthew M. McGowan (C) Mr. Michael J. Murray (M) Mr. Edmund C. O’Brien (M) Mr. Kieran J. O’Shea (C) Mr. Anthony Pillari (C) Dr. Daniel Pinto (C) Mr. Marco J. Ricci Mr. Joseph S. Sheehan Mr. Scott C. Sheridan (C) Mr. Timothy Shields (C) Mr. Kevin F. Sullivan (C) Mr. Mark R. Ustin (H) Mr. Santiago Vazquez Mr. Arthur C. Wu (C) 44.9% Participation 1990 Mr. Kevin J. Delaney Mr. James F. Donohue Mr. Joseph M. Sciabica Amount: $14,235.00 Mr. Genaro C. Armas, III C Mr. Garrett L. Austin C Mr. Anthony P. Canale O Mr. Richard W. Chun, Esq. C Mr. Jason A. Creux C Mr. Nello DeBlasio Mr. Kevin J. Delaney CC Mr. James F. Donohue O Dr. Michael J. Feiler C Mr. Dennis W. Haug C Mr. Sean F. Hinners C Mr. Jon-Peter F. Kelly C Mr. George S. Kim M Mr. Michael P. King C Mr. Adrian J. Kuduk Mr. Richard C. Kullen C Mr. Ron C. Llewellyn C Mr. Michael P. Lorraine O Mr. James J. Lyons, III C Mr. Glenn M. Machado C Mr. Jose M. Martinez M Mr. Joseph M. Mecane H Mr. Jeffrey E. Middleton C Mr. Kevin P. Moclair M Mr. Michael G. Mulreany C Mr. John W.R. Murray C Mr. Michael J. O’Malley M Mr. Christopher J. Ocampo Mr. Alexander Pagano C Joseph L. Quaranta, M.D. M Mr. Robert Reichenbach C Mr. Mark D. Reilly C Mr. Peter T. Rooney C Mr. Gregory S. Schwartz M Mr. Joseph M. Sciabica M Mr. John F. Scroope C Mr. Thomas P. Scully M Mr. Sergio A. Sortino Mr. Jan S. Sydor C Mr. Lorenzo S. Tinio M Mr. Robert G. Walsh Mr. James P. Wilson C 39% Participation 1991 Mr. Christopher J. Caslin Mr. Kevin O. Driscoll Amount: $33,725.00 Mr. Francisco J. Acoba C Mr. Cesar H. Angobaldo C Michael N. Arena, M.D. M Mr. Drew M. Bancroft C Mr. Christopher J. Caslin C Mr. Todd G. Cosenza H Mr. Kevin M. Cremin C Mr. Vijay B. Culas DO Mr. Peter V. DeBellis C Mr. Charles F. Dodge C Mr. Thomas J. Downey C Mr. Kevin O. Driscoll M Mr. Peter E. Gallagher C Mr. Jonathan W. Gannon C Mr. William J. Harrington O Mr. Seth R. Harris O Mr. Andrew P. Henckler C Mr. Ronald P. Inserro Mr. Jonathan E. Iwaskow M Mr. Timothy P. Kelly C Mr. Edward Lavelle M Mr. Kevin C. Lucey O Dr. Patrick F. Maloney C Mr. Brian P. McConaghy C Mr. Robert B. McGovern C Mr. John F. Miller H Mr. James H. Murphy H Mr. George R. Noriega, Jr. M Mr. Michael P. O’Donnell H Mr. Timothy J. O’Reilly O Mr. Adrian Paniagua C Mr. Robert J. Porada O Mr. Frank J. Raffaele M Mr. Douglas J. Ray CC Mr. Edward J. Reardon O Mr. Rory J. Reichenberg C Mr. Thomas G. Rodi C Mr. Guillermo Rojas C Mr. Kenneth J. Ruchala C Mr. Jason A. Stiber C Mr. Edward P. Taibi C Mr. Danny E. Torres Mr. Matthew G. Watts H Mr. John A. W. Werwaiss O Mr. Dwight A. Wyatt O 39.1% Participation 1992 Mr. Peter V. Kochupura Mr. David B. Lat Amount: $18,770.00 Mr. Joseph A. Acevedo C Mr. Ramon P. Alcala C Mr. Michael E. Allison Mr. John F. Barrett H Mr. Matthew J. Bolton C Mr. John C. Briody C Mr. Mario P. Brkaric C Lt. Michael J. Brons M Mr. Eugene A. Chao C Mr. Daniel N. Chen Mr. James A. Comer C Mr. Carl V. Crawford, Jr. Mr. Daniel J. Degnan C Mr. Eric DiGiacomo M Mr. Terrance T. Dollard C Capt. Christopher Dougherty M Mr. Glenn C. Fitzgerald C Mr Joseph A. Formaggio C Mr. Timothy M. Gallen C Mr. Craig J. Geneve C Mr. Cedrick G. Heraux C Eric A. Kuczynski, M.D. C Mr. Michael V.S. Kullen O Mr. David B. Lat M Mr. Matthew J. Lorraine O Mr. Edward L. McAleer Mr. Timothy M. O’Sullivan C Mr. Thomas P. Owen C Mr. Jean-Paul Pinzon C Mr. Scott M. Porter C Mr. Todd C. Prince Mr. Theodore D. Rieper C Mr. Emmanuel O. Roble H Mr. Richard J. Sak Dr. John G. Samanich C Dr. Gerard J. Tepedino CAPT. Matthew A. Totilo USMCR M Mr. Frank D. Ventura O Mr. Brandon W. Zborowski 33.3% Participation 1993 Mr. William J. Black Mr. Steven E. Shekane Amount: $20,530.03 Mr. Jose Paolo T. Banez M Mr. Vincent R. Birardi C Mr. William J. Black O Mr. Christopher D. Brown CC Marco F. Caruso, M.D. C Jomo M. Coddett, M.D. Mr. Michael P. Daly M Mr. Jeantou A. DeGrammont Mr. Brendan Dignan H Mr. Kieran P. Donohue C Mr. Brian Fodera Mr. Nicholas R. Gugliuzza H Mr. Hieu T. Hoang C Mr. Dennis W. Jung C Mr. Robert T. Kelley O Joseph A. Lasek, M.D. C Mr. Andrew Lee C Mr. Jermaine R. Leonard C Mr. Abner Louissaint Mr. Brendan K. Loonam M Mr. Javier M. Luna C Dr. Evin J. McCabe Mr. Gerard T. McCarthy Mr. Matthew J. McGough O Mr. Joseph T. Mecca M Mr. Peter J. Michalik Mr. Mark A. Nogueira C Mr. Jason R. Norton C Mr. Daniel P. O’Reilly M Mr. Erik A. Pena C Mr. Patrick E. Phelan C Mr. Thomas J. Quinlan M Mr. Brian C. Reilly M Mr. Denis P. Reilly M Mr. Daniel W. Roche C Mr. Alan E. Sama C Mr. Stephen M. Schmidt C Mr. James R. Sharkey Mr. Steven E. Shekane C Mr. Michael D. Smyth O Mr. Russell M. Stidolph M Mr. Christian M. Talbot M Mr. Matthew A. Thomas Mr. Daniel J. Turner H Mr. Benjamin D. Ventura O Mr. Christopher P. Wiedmann C 40.5 % Participation 1994 Mr. John F. Giordano Amount: $6,351.00 Mr. Brent C. Bell C Mr. Patrick J. Burns C Mr. Gregory A. Cote C Mr. Timothy F. Creedon C Mr. Ronald Espiritu C Mr. William Foley Mr. Juan M. Formoso C Mr. David J. Gallagher M Mr. John F. Giordano C Mr. Matthew M. Guiney C Mr. Robert P. Gutierrez Mr. Matthew Heinz C Mr. Kenneth C. Hirdt C Mr. Thomas J. Howe Mr. Basil R. Kolani C Mr. John B. Kuhner Mr. Theodore S. LaBarbera C Mr. Matthew R. Lasek Mr. Richard H. T. Lin C Mr. Dennis M. Machado C Mr. Thomas G. Maloney C Mr. Anthony E. Mannarino C Mr. Brian P. Manning C Mr. Frank A. Martignetti C Mr. Brendan T. McGovern C Mr. Brendan R. McGuire H Mr. Andrew B. Murray C Mr. Daniel O’Neill C Mr. William F. O’Shea C Mr. Christopher J. Pohlmann M Mr. John J. Rey Mr. John F. Romano H Mr. Mark Rotzler M Mr. Daniel T. Russo C Mr. Jason G. Sardinas Mr. Michael T. Sclafani C Mr. Alexander L. Tween Mr. Gregory P. Vadasdi M Mr. Santhosh G. Varughese Mr. Stephen Wan C 33.6% Participation 1995 Mr. Robert J. Alexander Mr. Michael R. Brown Mr. Geoff Chaplin Amount: $10,415.75 Mr. Morgan R. Aldinger M Mr. Richard E. Bond Mr. Denis T. Brogan Mr. Michael R. Brown Mr. Mario C. Bruschi C Mr. Geoffrey E. Campen C Mr.Jeffrey Chung C Fr. William F. Cleary C Mr. Frank R. Cowan, IV O Mr. Robert L. Crocco H Mr. Paul J. Cummins C Mr. Michael F. Dattilo M Mr. Craig M. DiFolco Mr. Trevor P. Foley C Mr. Matthew P. Garvey M Mr. J. Guthrie Garvin M Mr. William C. M. Ho Mr. Joseph J. King C Mr. Luke P. LaValle, III C Mr. Michael C. Mangan Mr. Paul T. Manwell C Mr. Stephen McGrath Mr. Jeremiah F. McGuire,III C Mr. Francis D. O’Connor M Mr. Richard J. O’Connor Mr. Martin D. Peterson C Mr. Jerry Philip C Mr. Arthur Plaza Mr. Paul D. Quinlan H 30 Regis Alumni News Mr. Joseph W. Quintana Mr. Spencer L. Reames O Mr. Timothy M. Reilly O Mr. Gerardo Russo C Mr. Michael A. Triunfo Mr. Michael L. Tully Mr. Robert E. Young Mr. Paul Zummo 33.0% Participation 1996 Mr. Ryan C. Heffernan Mr. Samuel V. Martinez Amount: $10,365.04 Mr. Nicholas N. Abou-Daoud C Mr. William D. Amarosa C Mr. Michael S. Ardini C Mr. John F. Barry O Mr. Gerard I. Beleckas C Mr. Michael J. Boyle O Mr. Brian G. Brockmeyer Mr. Christopher C. Camacho Mr. David J. Caruso Mr. Jason W. Chirichigno Mr. Rodney P. Coe Mr. Rory D. Conway C Mr. Brian L. Cribbin Mr. Kieran D. Darcy O Mr. Matthew P. Day M Mr. James B. Denniston Mr. Terrence J. Ellison C Mr. Brian P. Gibbons C Mr. Matthew J. Gnolfo Mr. Luis A. Gutierrez O Mr. Daniel G. Habib O Mr. Michael X. Izquierdo C Mr. Dan C. Kozusko H Mr. Daniel M. Laureano C Mr. Norman F. Law H Mr. Matthew J. Malm C Mr. Alexander J. Meyer Mr. Soichiro M. Moro C Mr. Thomas M. Noone M Mr. Edward F. O’Reilly Mr. Vincent A. Pantone C Mr. Arthur B. Purvis C Mr. Christopher Ribeiro C Mr. David M. Russo M Mr. Justin P. Skaferowsky C Mr. Henrique J. Sousa Mr. Peter A. Tabisz C Mr. Anthony Trani Mr. Christopher C. White O 30.9% Participation 1997 Mr. Christian C. Cutul Michael P. LaValle Mr. Jonathan R. Lavy Mr. Scott D. Moringiello Mr. Matthew G. Rosenblatt Mr. Daniel J. Sullivan Amount: $10,583.09 Mr. George L. Alvarado Mr. James M. Barsi Mr. Stephen J. Barsi Mr. John S. Bibko Mr. Edward D. Bosek M Mr. Christopher B. Boylan Mr. Kieran P. Boyle Mr. Richard Brockmeyer C Mr. David F. Browne O Mr. Jorge M. Cabral Mr. Daniel P. Carty Mr. Dominic F. Coluccio O Mr. Nicholas J. Connors Mr. Shane M. Conway O Mr. Christian C. Cutul C Mr. Emil Czechowski Mr. Brian A. Devaney Mr. John J. Garnevicus Mr. James J. Gartland M Mr. John P. Gordon Mr. Benson P. Joseph Mr. Joseph P. Keyes C Mr. Nicholas A. Klafter Mr. Kevin M. Lardner Mr. Michael LaRegina Mr. Michael P. LaValle M Mr. Jonathan R. Lavy O Mr. Michael Leraris, Jr. C Mr. Christophe H. Lo M Mr. Benjamin F. McAnaney Mr. Matthew C. McCann Mr. George F. McCartney Mr. Shaun M. McElroy C Mr. Ralph Milizia Mr. Scott D. Moringiello C Mr. Patrick W. Mulligan Mr. Erik A. Netcher C Mr. Charles E. O’Donnell O Mr. Thomas D. O’Hara C Mr. Patrick F. O’Keefe Mr. Otto E. Rincon Mr. John M. Rossiello C Mr. John A. Russo O Mr. Frank C. Salamone Mr. Nealon M. Scoones M Mr. John Stufano Mr. Daniel J. Sullivan C Mr. Ricardo Tapia C Mr. Paul P. Tedeschi M Mr. Michael C. Toth Mr. Stephen P. Turley Mr. Nevin M. Vages C Mr. Michael R. Volonnino C Mr. Johannes W. Weber C 44.2% Participation 1998 Mr. Gerard P. Hammond Mr. Pete T. L’Official Mr. Edward Pessutti Amount: $7,520.00 Mr. David M. Anfora O Mr. Anthony J. Aulisa C Mr. Justin Barra Mr. Brian J. Bavosa Mr. Kevin Boda Mr. Kevin D. Canberg Mr. Geoffrey B. Clyne C Mr. Justin T. Dillon C Mr. Daniel Ennis Mr. John F. Ford C Mr. Gerard P. Hammond O Mr. Sean M. Harrigan O Mr. Daniel D. Kirchoff Mr. Thomas J. Lennon O Mr. Mario B. Lugay Mr. James C. Morgan C Mr. John P. Morris Mr. James E. Murphy Mr. Peter T. Nasuti Mr. Danny A. Nelson Mr. Roy B. Pierson Mr. Timothy R. Ryan C Mr. Scott G. Schwieger C Mr. Marc C. Trevetten Mr. William J. Ulrich C Mr. Marc P. Waase Mr. Patrick A. Wickman 22% Participation 1999 Mr. Martin S. Bell Mr. Patrick F. Heffernan 2LT Benjamin W. Klay Mr. Alexander B. Patterson Mr. Joseph V. Tursi Amount: $3,627.00 Mr. Sean M. Angeles Mr. Marc D. Antinoro Mr. Paul Baginski Mr. Fabricio Fernando Bedoya Mr. Martin S. Bell C Mr. David G. Bonagura C Mr. Robert A. Cacace O Mr. Kevin F. Clancy Mr. Sean J. Cloonan C Mr. Sean P. Colvin Mr. Mark E. Cummins C Mr. Peter A. Cutul Mr. Robert A. Depowski Mr. Christian S. DiClementi Mr. James P. DuVernay Mr. Michael J. Fedigan Mr. George E. Gage Mr. Matthew H. Hansen O Mr. Patrick F. Heffernan O Mr. Brian C. Hughes 2LT Benjamin W. Klay C Mr. Rodnev Lapommeray Mr. Peter J. Lasorte Mr. D. Alexander Lavy O Mr. Joseph D. Maceda Mr. Christian G. Mariano C Mr. Jason F. McCullough Mr. Anthony F. Montaruli Mr. Yojiro P. Moro Mr. John J. Murphy Mr. Peter A. O’Connell Mr. Matthew J. O’Rourke Mr. Jeffrey C. Padilla Mr. Dylan J. Patterson Mr. Kyle P. Payne Mr. Christopher D. Pergolizzi Mr. Michael P. Punzalan C Mr. Christopher J. Reenock O Mr. Owen D. Reidy O Mr. Patrick M. Shaw O Mr. Jarrad H. Skinner C Mr. Charles I. Stevenson Mr. Neil F. Tandon Mr. Joseph V. Tursi Mr. Brian C. Wengerter 40.5 % Participation 2000 Mr. David S. Byrnes Mr. Brian G. Chirichigno Mr. Terence P. Kannengieser Mr. Michael A. Memoli Mr. Ariel Perez Mr. John B. Quigley Mr. James T. Walsh Amount: $2,760.00 Mr. Zultan Bermudez Mr. Oliver J. Browne C Mr. Bruce R. Connolly Mr. Christopher C. Daly Mr. Peter D. DiFolco Mr. Nicholas N. DiSalvo C Mr. Sean Kevin Driscoll O Mr. Timothy P. Dunham C Mr. David J. Fannon Mr. Thomas B. Foley Mr. John Hammer Mr. Colin K. Jost O Mr. Kurt S. Lorenz Mr. Michael W. Mandel Mr. Jonathan R. Meindel O Mr. Michael A. Memoli O Mr. Timothy J. Morris Mr. Christopher W. Murray Mr. Christopher D. O’Leary Mr. Robert B. Orr Mr. Steven J. Pallonetti C Mr. John A. Predovan Mr. John B. Quigley Mr. Charles A. Saltalamacchia Mr. James B. Sexton Mr. Daniel R. Shapiro Mr. James A. Sherman 20.2% Participation 2001 Mr. Kevin P. Carmody Mr. Philip W. Klay Mr. Jorge E. Puente Amount: $2,924.00 Mr. Kevin K. Abels Mr. Patrick D. Blanchfield Mr. Raymond A. Burke O Mr. Patrick H. Carey Mr. Kevin P. Carmody C Mr. Michael J. Chevallier Mr. Peter J. Cook Mr. Thomas J. Corsillo Mr. Joseph L. DiSalvo O Mr. Kevin G. Galligan Mr. Joseph M. Ghezzi C Mr. Jonathan S. Gnoza O Mr. William Holland Mr. David V. Imbert Mr. Philip W. Klay Mr. Christopher W. LaForgia Mr. Christopher G. Leavitt Mr. Christopher B. McClellan C Mr. Ryan J. McDonald Mr. Thomas S. McGivney O Mr. Anthony J. Neshewat Mr. Michael J. Palitz Mr. Michael S. Palmieri O Mr. Joseph R. Pirrotta Mr. Jorge E. Puente C Mr. Mark F. Russo Mr. Daniel J. Socci Mr. Daniel Tobon C Mr. James R. Valletti Mr. Jiovani M. Visaya C Mr. Ryan M. Wolfe O 24.2% Participation 2002 Mr. Eric Cheung Mr. Evan M. Curatolo Mr. John R. Hein Mr. Michael J. Nalaskowski Mr. Joshua M. Tesoriero Amount: $1,842.00 Mr. Christopher Barsi Mr. John Bogovic Mr. Vincent S. Capanelli Mr. Eric Cheung Mr. Evan M. Curatolo C Mr. Andrew M. Darcy Mr. Denis J. Donovan Mr. John J. Fahy Mr. Sean F. Farrelly C Mr. Robert F. Gestone C Mr. Guillermo V. Gutierrez C Mr. John R. Hein Mr. Ryan R. Huber Mr. Neil R. Keenan Mr. Joseph J. LoPresti O Mr. Matthew S. Mulqueen Mr. Efrain Ortega O Mr. Michael J. Prasto O Mr. Nicholas C. Punzalan Mr. Matthew C. Quigley Mr. Steven A. Rawczak Mr. Michael J. Salvatore C Mr. Patrick D. Scruggs Mr. Michael F. Shroff Mr. Joshua M. Tesoriero Mr. Anthony J. Tevormina Mr. Marco D. Vitto C 22% Participation 2003 Mr. Adam Aronstein Mr. Axzyr A. DeLeon Mr. William C. Marra Mr. Brian T. Matthews Mr. Matthew J. Murphy Mr Joseph T. Rivera Amount: $3,375.00 Mr. Richard M. Annunziata C Mr. Adam Aronstein C Mr. Jonathan Barsa Mr. Kevin K. Brennan O Mr. Stephen A. Cappabianca Mr. Gregory J. Caravelli Mr. Nicholas Cavallo C Mr. Conor J. Clarke Mr. Jean-Claude Desrosiers Mr. Leonard B. DiSalvo O Mr. Steven E. Duke Mr. Thomas E. Grandville O Mr. Matthew B. Harrigan C Mr. Ryan Harris Mr. Gregory W. Hills Mr. Alexander H. Hogan Mr. Michael N. Jangl Mr. Matthew J. Kehoe O Mr. John B. Latella C Mr. Maximilien J. Maisonrouge C Mr. William C. Marra C Mr. Michael S. Masullo Mr. Stephen A. Murphy Mr. Sammy J. Puhalovic Mr Joseph T. Rivera Mr. Paul M. Rogers Mr. Evan M. Simko-Bednarski Mr. Richard A. Stevens O Mr. Paul A. Testagrossa C Mr. Ronald S. Zuvich O 22.5% Participation Fall 2004 31 2004 St. John Francis Regis Society George A. Brooks ’18 + Maurice E. Cox ’18 + Mrs. Charles K. Finch W’18 + Hugh A. O’Haire ’18 + Ralph J. Pempel ’18 + Joseph P. Bohan ’19 + Francis X. Cassidy ’19 + Raymond J. Leo ’19 + Muriel F. Lyman W’19 + Mrs. Edwin F. McDonald W’19 + Harry C. Mills ’19 + William C. Murray ’19 + Alfred Schenone, M.D. ’19 + Henry A. Schickling ’19 + Mary R. Spencer S’19 + Daniel P. Reynolds ’20 + William A. Greenauer ’21 + Charles L. Hannelly ’21 + John H. Michels ’21 + Mrs. Mina Goerl S’21 + C. Gordon Lamude ’21 + Arthur Attridge ’22 + Richard Guerin ’22 + James J. Healy ’22 + William G. Heiden ’22 + Aloysius J. Henning ’22 + William J. Kenney ’22 + Michael J. Kiely ’22 + Helen & John C. Timmerman ’22 + John F. Byrnes ’23 + Msgr. Charles Diviney ’23 + Mrs. James B. Dooley W’23 + Malvina McNeill W’23 William P. Wallace ’23 + Mrs. Aloysius P. Robling W’23 + Arthur J. Arctander ’24 + John P. Breen ’24 + Gerald J. Doyle ’24 + Helen & Raymond Dwyer ’24 + Alvina Murphy W’24 + James V. Tague ’24 + Mrs. Thomas A. Collins W’25 + Mrs. Francis X. Conway W’25 + Edward & Ivy Keele ’25 + Msgr. Robert Kelly ’25 + Justin J. Murphy ‘25 Edward A. O’Rorke ’25 + Joseph A. Daly ’26 + Joseph W. McGovern ’26 + Bernard F. McKernan, M.D. ’26 + Peter A. McNulty ’26 + Walter J. Neylon ’26 + Charles P.J. Riordan ’26 + Msgr. Joseph P. Gallagher ’28 + Joseph E. McManus ’28 + John J. Murtagh ’28 + Anthony C. Rinaldini ’28 + Mrs. John A. Burke W’29 John J. Courtney ’29 + Msgr. Thomas J. Donnelly ’29 + John G. Fitzgerald ’29 + Colonel William F. Kuhn ’28 + Mrs. Agnes B. Kuhn W’28 + William V. Kuhn ’29 + Rev. Joseph P. Marshall ’29 + Phyllis & George B. Moran ’29 + David C. O’Connor ’29 + Joseph P. Wallace ’29 + Patrick J. Lynch ’30 + Edward A. Malloy, D.D.S. ’30 + Msgr. John C. McCarthy ’30 + Joseph A. Tirdell ’30 + Eleanor Eisenmenger W’31 William J. Eisenmenger ’31 + Thomas J. Feeney ‘31 Edward J. Mahler ’31 + Msgr. Thomas S. Moriarty ’31 + Jerome S. Putz ‘31 Mrs. Alton J. Burke W’32 + James B. & Martha A. Kelley ’31 + James F. Lyden ’32 + Philippe Maitrejean ‘32 William F. Walsh ’32 + Julius S. Gassner ’33 + Daniel M. Madden ’33 + Mae Rooney, S’33 Francis L. Brannigan ‘34 Most Reverend Edwin B. Broderick ‘34 Agnes Lynch S’34 Brendan J. Meagher ’34 + John P. Mullery ’34 + Harry McClain Smith ‘34 Francis V. Wagner ‘34 Fred M. Angiello ’35 + Mrs. Stephen J. Flynn W’35 + Mr. William J. Hasey ‘35 William J. Smollen ‘35 Robert J. Tighe ’35 + Richard N. Carbonara ‘36 William A. O’Brien ‘36 Captain William P. Rothamel, U.S.N. ‘36 Thomas P. McManus, M.D. ’37 + John V. Price, M.D. ‘38 Michael J. Ames ‘39 + John H. Bermingham ‘39 Henry V. Frei ’39 + Luke D. Lynch ’39 + Robert D. Morris, D.D.S. ’39 + Gregory Saunsen ’39 + Warren J. Argue ’40 + Patrick J. McCarthy ‘40 William J. Neureither ’40 + William J. Carroll ‘41 Joseph M. Duffy, Jr. ’41 + Robert J. Morrison ‘41 James E. O’Malley ’41 + William E. Tuite, Jr. ‘41 Joseph C. Amico, M.D. ‘42 Thomas A. Canning ’42 + Bernard J. Martin ’42 + Edward M. Masterson, Sr. ‘42 Thomas P. Mulvaney ’42 + Rev. Henry I. Benack ‘43 Donald W. Gross ‘43 Thomas E. McManus ‘43 Donald Mooney ’43 + Richard J. Powers ‘43 Rev. Joseph A. Stulb ‘43 John J. Thornton ‘43 Robert H. Wolf ’43 + Franklyn P. Gerard, M.D. ‘44 Edward P. Heslin ’44 + Fenton J. O’Malley ‘44 Vincent Villa ‘44 Thomas E. Leavy ‘45 William H. Clarke ‘46 J. Kenneth Hickman ‘46 George J. O’Donnell ‘46 Michael F. Page ‘46 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Judge ‘47 Frank J. McCarthy ‘47 Eugene V. Moher ‘47 Paul R. Dooling ‘49 Alan E. Pinado ‘49 Paul J. Nicholas ‘50 Gerard F. Rubin ‘50 Erich E. Baumgartner ‘51 Eileen & John Lawler ‘51 Gerhart M. Karg ‘53 Edward P. Gistaro ‘53 George Culliney, Jr. ‘54 Hubert J. Horan ‘54 Charles F. Peterson ’54 + Richard P. Schneider ‘54 Phillip Trainor ‘54 Thomas J. Kelly ‘56 Dr. Judith-Ann Silverman W’56 Thomas J. Fallon ‘57 John S. Hannon ‘57 Joseph G. Rimlinger ’57 + William F. Werwaiss ‘57 John V. Forrest, M.D. ‘58 L. John Friia ‘58 Bernard M. Fox ’59 + John J. Bonamo, M.D. ‘60 Mildred E. Hilbert P’60, 63, 68 + Charles P. Nastro ‘60 John A. Werwaiss ‘60 Richard J. Boyle ‘61 Gregory E. Gardiner ‘61 Ken & Nancy Kopecky ‘61 Richard G. Mulvaney ‘61 Robert O’Brien ‘61 James M. O’Sullivan ‘61 Mary Vorburger P’61 Nicholas Zirpolo ‘61 Mark A. Brennan ‘62 Ron & Pat Ferreri ‘62 Charles B. Lynch ‘62 Brendan B. Thomson, M.D. ‘62 William J. Getherall ‘63 Michael G. Kelly ‘63 William E. Pries ‘63 Patrick J. Roan ‘63 Dr. William Serow ’63 + John F. Tweedy, Jr. ‘63 John C. Wirth ‘64 David G. O’Brien ‘65 Timothy F. Beckett, M.D. ‘66 John J. Fox, M.D. ‘66 Joseph G. Roosevelt ‘66 Edward J. Martineck ’69 + Michael G. Molyneux ’72 & Dr. Lisa Matthews Dorothy Brooks + Genevieve Cunningham Anne H. Donnellan + Leonard Goetz + Joan Jersey + Margaret Lehrfield + Marcella A. Mulligan + Anna Reilly + Miss Rose Volpe Note + Indicates a deceased member 32 Regis Alumni News Almost 400 alumni and friends were on hand at the New York Athletic Club on September 24, 2004 to honor John Hannaway ’57 and Ron Ferreri ’62, the co-recipients of the 2004 Deo et Patriae Award. Both men were honored in general for their long time service and commitment to Regis. John Hannaway has served Regis faithfully for the past 25 years as class representative on the Executive Council and/or Class Fund Chairman for the class of 1957. John also served two terms on the Board of Trustees and has been Regis’ legal counsel since 1999. Ron Ferreri served for eighteen years at Regis, as director of development and vice president for advancement. When John Werwaiss ’60, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, presented the award to Ron, he said, “The Regis Development office is what it is today because of your efforts.” Congratulations, gentlemen, on behalf of the entire Regis community! John Werwaiss '60 presenting Deo et Patriae award to Ron Ferreri '62 Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J. '48, Vera Joyce, Ray McGuire '56, and Bernie Joyce '48 John Hannaway'57 receiving Deo et Patriae award from John Werwaiss '60 Fall 2004 33 Jim Buggy, Ron Ferreri '62, Pat Ferreri, and Jack Prael '63 John Hannaway, Jr., John Hannaway '57, and Susan and Bob Tobin '57 Dick Boyle '61, Don Gross '43, and Denise Boyle Joe Healy '48 and Ed Ryan '48 Tom Flood '85 and Ron Ferreri '62 Monika and Mark Reily '68 34 Regis Alumni News 2004 Summer Renovations 2nd floor conference room, before and after renovations Renovations to the hallway between the student locker room and the cafeteria Summer renovations to the cafeteria Summer renovations to the cafeteria 36 Regis Alumni News The 14th Annual Regis Alumni Golf Outing Photos from the 2004 Rev. Stephen V. Duffy S.J. Golf Outing - 9/20/04 The following is a listing of our sponsors, volunteers, and prize donors who generously supported our 14th Annual Golf Outing which took place last year on 9/15/03. Brunch Sponsor Richard E. Meyer ’51 – Global Excess Partners Hole Sponsors Associated Benefit Consultants (Anthony Domino, Jr. ’80) Cleaning Systems & Supply, Co. (Gary Datts) Corporate Coffee Systems (Gregg Henchel) D/B/A C&C Flooring (Brian Chapman) Embassy Lighting (Dennis Frankel) Farrell, Fritz, PC (Jack Barnosky, Esq. ’60) Global Excess Partners (Richard E. Meyer ’51) Grippo & Company (Frank Grippo) Herff-Jones, Inc. (Thomas Olender) Imperial Air Corporation (Al Loris) The JP Group – UBS Financial Services – Dave Janny ‘79 Mainland Builder Corporation Neil Power – Painting and Decorating PC University Distributors, Inc. (Geoffrey Miller) John Racanelli ’62 R.J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. (Robert J. Goldstein ’56) RMI Consulting (Andy Moy) Sports Depot (Samuel B. Gold) Sports Illustrated (Larry Burke ’83) Super Fuel Corporation (Nicholas Panebianco) Hugh Turk ’66 – Sullivan, Papain, Block, et al. The Wall Street Group Woodland Electrical Contracting (Colm Geoghehan) Jesuit Sponsors Atlaz Computer Supply • Imperial Air Corporation Edward Donahue ’82 • Dr. James F. Murray ’39 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Galligan P’01 • Nouveau Elevator Industries Mr. Lee Harrs ’83 • Mr. Robert Sheehan ’62 (2) Tom Flood ’85, Geoffrey Miller, Jim Buggy, and Tom Trister Jim Sullivan ’85 and Tony Calenda ’85 Brian Foley ’68, Kevin McCabe ’69, Dick Chiarello ’63, and Jack Stack ’63 Fr. Jack Alexander, S.J. and Fr. Don O’Brien, S.J. ’40 Bill Passannante ’80, Bernie Kilkelly ’78, and Frank Whelan ’80 Bob Leonard ’70, Bert Sarmiento ’70, and Jack Martin ’70 Prize Donors and Patrons Adams Book Company • Anaconda Sports, Inc. Caffé Grazie • Chase Manhattan – Kevin McCabe ’69 Divino Ristorante • Thomas Flood ’85 Hurley’s Saloon • Kennedy’s Restaurant Martell’s Restaurant • McLane Securities – Bruce McLane Ray O’Connor ’41 • Joseph Porcelli ‘70 William Roethel ’71 • SEI Investments– Karen Veseley Sports Illustrated - Larry Burke ’83 • Tony’s Di Napoli Parent and Alumni Parent Volunteers Mrs. Anne Carmody P’01 Mrs. Therese Klay P’99 ‘01 Mrs. Lisa Monsen P’04 Mrs. Marcia Reidy P’99 ‘06 Mrs. Patricia Taddei P’04 Special Thanks Mr. Eric McGregor Mr. Thomas Flood ’85 Fall 2004 37 Prowlings 1940 Paul Echandia is still teaching part-time at Pace University. Thomas J. Horan recently returned in May from a trip to London with his wife Carol; they were joined by oldest son Glenn and youngest son Rob; saw the sights and pubs – you name it, they saw it! They previously had traveled and hiked through England, Wales and Ireland. William J. Slater reports that Fr. Vincent McHenry, O.P. ’40, now semiretired in Washington, D.C., spent early July vacation with him at Hampton Bays, NY. 1943 Joe Clark, 181 E. 73rd St., New York, NY 10021, joeclarkhere@msn.com Al Volpe, 52-40 39 Dr., Apt. 12-F, Woodside, NY 11377 Joe Flannery had done well on the specialized training tests conducted in the Spring of 1943 to select candidates for specialized training in the military. Based upon his test scored he was ordered to report to Syracuse University. He reported in August 1943 and over the next 33 months he received training in Military Police procedures, combat engineering principles and traditional civil engineering courses. Joe was separated from the Service in April 1946. He was able to continue his engineering studies under the GI Bill and was graduated in 1948 from Ohio State University with a degree in Civil Engineering. Joe’s professional life began in the Washington based Bureau of Public Roads. He specialized in heavy construction and handled engineering assignments in over a dozen states. Joe received his MBA from Syracuse University on 1952 and almost immediately with ARMCO, the American Rolling Mill Corporation., manufacturers of steel sheets used in the automotive Bud O’Mara ’44, Terry O’Connell, Maureen O’Mara, and Jim O’Connell ’44 at the class of 1944 60th reunion industry. Joe started in engineering sales. He was promoted to NYC Sales Manager and later to assistant to the Vice President for Sales. As his management skills increased he was later selected to serve as Director of Commercial Relations, Director of Corporate Purchasing and finally as Director of Corporate Transportation. Away From ARMCO Joe used his leadership skills as President of the Catholic Alumni Club of NYC, perhaps the country’s largest social club for Catholic singles who are also college graduates. He served as President of the Purchasing Managers Club of Dayton and President of the Wildwood Golf Club in Middletown, Ohio. Following his retirement Joe did some consulting work and some teaching. He was active in both Junior Achievement and in the Boy Scouts. In 1996, Joe and his wife, Gail, moved to Tucson, Arizona. They have two children. 1944 Gene Maloney, 31 Almond Tree Lane, Warwick, NY 10990, Emaloney31@yahoo.com On Saturday July 10. 2004, we held our 60th reunion on the Hall of Honor at Fordham Prep on the Fordham Campus in the Bronx. For four hours we were 18 years old again, renewing old acquaintances, exchanging old stories and reminiscing about the four wonderful years we spent at Regis. Twenty five classmates and fifteen wives attended. Our thanks to Jake O’Connell, Jack Scully and Gene Maloney for putting it all together. An assist also to Marty Murtagh for setting up car pools for all those unable to drive. Surprisingly, everyone bore a resemblance to what we looked like 60 years ago. The following were present at the affair: Sev Ambrosio, Eamon & Carol Brennan, Bob & Joan Burns, Jack & Jeanne Carr, Hugh & Peggy Carroll, Artie & Jean Colligan, Frank Crahay, Jack & Ursula Cronin, Ed & Kathleen Devins, Bill & Eileen Dunn, Don Dougherty, Bob Kelly, SJ, Gene & Barbara Maloney, Tom & Elvie McGuire, Tom Murphy, SJ, Marty & Anne Murtagh, Jim & Terry O’Connell, Buddy & Maureen O’Mara, Josh O’Reilly, Ross O’Sullivan, Ed & Helen Ritter, Jack Scully, SJ, Frank Shiels, Vin Villa and Joe Williams. Hank Schaf had intended to be present, but his cruise ship docked in NY late that morning and he did not debark until noon. Jim Holland was sorry to miss the gathering, but his union of 56 years overrode the separation of 60 years. He is just about fully recovered after breaking his leg in a fall from a ladder around Christmas. The food was excellent as was the libation furnished by Jack Scully. All signed a beautiful scroll, prepared by Jake O’Connell. It will be hung in his recreation room for all to view, if you are in his neighborhood. Marty Murtagh read a letter from Fr. Tony LaBau congratulating the class on this memorable occasion. He and Don Kennedy are the only surviving teachers that we had. Gene Maloney was the emcee and pointed out that we started freshman year with 187 members and graduated 134. We know the whereabouts of 68 of us and 7 are missing. It is estimated that somewhere between 59 and 66 are deceased. After the luncheon, we adjourned to the prep chapel, where Mass was celebrated by Tom Murphy, Jack Scully and Bob Kelly. As we left, we all agreed that we will have to do this again on our 65th. As to non-reunion news, John McGeechen is enjoying retirement in Mahwah, NJ. Bob McGrath is back on his feet after a bout with pneumonia. Bill & Eileen Dunn took a cruise in August from San Francisco to Alaska. Tom Glasser reports in that all is going okay with him in upstate NY. Sev Ambrosio still has an active family practice in Parlin, NJ. Jack Jackman is down in Texas with a new puppy to keep him busy. Winfred Holfield’s children and grandchildren are spread out all over the country. He rarely goes to the Big Apple. Everything is going okay with Bill Thorwarth down in PA. He has a granddaughter attending Harvard. Jake O’Connell has agreed to be co-class rerpresentative. Congratulations, Jake. 1946 Roman N. Chapelsky, 7 Clinton Pl., Cranford, NJ 07016, chapelrv@worldnet.att.net Charles H. Schneider, 112 Fenway, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 On Tuesday, August 3 (two days after the terror alert, last year it was the day of the blackout) the New York gang gathered again at Clancy’s Pub on 2nd avenue for what is now an annual luncheon. Dom Butler, Bill Clarke, Tom Cross, Art Dillon, Fr. Jack Grady, Ken Hickman, Bob Hornik, Gabe Mulcahy (whose grandson Jack was accorded the honor of throwing out the first ball at a Trenton Thunder game), Charlie Schneider, Jack Turner and Roman Chapelsky abandoned their diets to feast on the arrangements made by George O’Donnell. Jim Barron could not make it but he informed us that his son Gregory and Amy Bassetti were married on July 3 at St. Francis de Sales church in Belle Harbor. Joe Geringer has moved down the shore and is “hermiting” in Manahawkin. Topics of discussion that came up (besides grandchildren) were the changes at Regis, the inclusion of wives at our luncheons (we are a pretty small group and after all these years there are no strangers), and our 60th reunion coming up in 2006. Feedback, especially on the last two items, would not only be appreciated but is desired. 1947 Joseph C. Miranda, 1270 Plandome Rd., Plandome Manor, NY 11030,jcm59@juno.com Joe Miranda has been asked to be class rep for 1947. This is Joe’s first submission: I will endeavor to communicate with each of you from time to time, but would appreciate if you would contact me when convenient. Here goes… Fr. Tim Healy passed away last May. Joan and I attended the wake and gave our condolences to Tim’s sisters Kathleen and Sister Nora. Jack Healey was at the funeral. Tim was buried in Auriesville. Farewell Tim! I’m still working at my “retirement 38 Regis Alumni News job” as an Assistant District Attorney in Nassau County and I am having more fun than I ever had in the corporate world. Bob Schumers and I get together every year when I visit Florida. From time to time we see Jerry Waters, MD who still practices medicine in Miami. Bob is still in the stock market but his newest avocation is tournament fishing – he’s won several awards. He and Mary are planning a trip next year to Europe, Scandinavia and the Baltic. John Keenan, still a Federal Judge in the Southern District of NY, although he’s now in “Senior Status” still bears a formidable work load. John and I see each other frequently at Fordham Law School affairs. Marty Walsh is retired and working hard on his web site: (strikemepinkifidontthink.com) The VA recently raised Hank D’Angelo’s service-connected disability rating to 100% (cancer from exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam). Hank requests his fellow Regians write to their senators and representatives in Washington urging them to authorize “concurrent receipt.” This would allow retired military to receive both their retired military pay and VA disability compensation – they have deserved both. Pete Masella is a judge in upstate New York. A week or two ago I spoke by phone with Raymond Scully who has a farm in Virginia. As I am writing this Joan and I are planning our 50th wedding anniversary – Ray was best man – but unfortunately he won’t be able to be in NY to celebrate it with us. George Byrne’s lovely wife, Jackie, plans to be in NY to help us celebrate. George was in our wedding party 50 years ago and was one of our dearest friends. He is greatly missed. I also had a lengthy conversation with Fr. Don Hendricks who is Pastor of St. Christopher’s Parish in Buchanan where he hob-nobs with New York Governor George Pataki; a relative of the Governor is one of Don’s parishioners. Frank Barfuss is retired, four children, ten grandchildren and spends his time raising funds for the Franciscan Family Apostolate for the benefit of poor families in India. John O’Kane is also retired and lives in Nokomis, Florida (near Sarasota to the geographically disadvantaged). He is raising funds for a new church building in the diocese of Venice, Florida. I also last week had a delightful conversation with Jack Healey. Jack is retired as a VP for Administration at Fordham University but remains active in the education field and community activities. That is about all for now. I hope to communicate with each of you in the future. Our numbers are diminishing. It would be an excellent idea for some of us to plan to attend a Jug Night soon. Let me hear from you. 1948 Richard P. Collins, 134 Collins Parkway N., Yonkers, NY 10710-3133, richcollone@webtv.net Jack & Trudy Collins traveled on holiday to Sweden in August with their son Stephen and daughter-in-law Kassandra. Jack and Trudy were assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm in 1964-1966; this was their first return visit in 38 years. Hank McCormack has been Regional Director of Development for the University of Notre Dame for the last 18 years and retired on 6/30/04. “It has been a great run,” Hank says, “Best wishes to all my classmates.” 1949 Andy J. Hernon, 60 Sutton Place, S., Apt#10AS, New York, NY 10022 On September 7th, Howie Gould is scheduled to have a total knee replacement and will be unable to travel for several months. Howie will be sorely missed at the 55th Reunion. We all pray for his speedy and compete recovery. Monsignor Joe Mulqueen, recently retired as Attaché on the staff of the Holy See Mission to the United Nations, is now in residence at St. Mary’s Church, Long Island City. Ed Ritter ’44 and Helen Ritter at the class of 1944 60th reunion Margaret and Mike Schiffer write they will not be able to join us at the Reunion. Their youngest daughter, Julie, is expecting her second child shortly; her husband Tom, an Army Lieutenant Colonel assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart in Savannah, Georgia, is in training at Fort Polk, Louisiana in preparation for deployment to Iraq in the fall. In addition, Julie and Tom have just purchased a new home in Savannah, so Mike and Margaret will be headed to Savannah to assist in the house move and furnishing and to do some baby-sitting. The new baby will be Margaret and Mike’s fortieth (that’s not a typo!) grandchild! 1950 William J. Allingham, 5 Jill Dr., Holmdel, NJ 07733 Pat and Bill Allingham’s four surviving children (Christopher was killed in the 9/11 World Trade Center attack) held a surprise 50th Wedding Anniversary dinner on July 10th. Their first great grandson, a sergeant in the Air Force on duty in Germany, was able to attend. He was the surprise of the evening. Jim Carney, S.J. ‘43 was delighted to attend. Jim Fischer, S.J., though invited, was unable to tear himself away from the lilac city. He missed a fine party. Marge and Larry McKearney celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on June 12th. After a Mass of Thanksgiving, over one hundred guests joined their eleven children, the hosts, at a joyous reception. Jim Meehan, S.J. ’50 and Jim Carney, S.J. ’43 concelebrated the mass. Larry, Jim Meehan, Bill Peloso and Jack Generelli recalled their old singing days at Regis with a rendition of the Whiffenpoof song. Robert Tolg, Jr. reports that his son James is a Benedictine Monk and was ordained a priest on April 24, 2004. His son John is a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, stationed with the Sixth Fleet Staff in the Mediterranean. John and his wife, Niamh, are expecting their first child in December. 1951 Donal F. McCarthy, 22 Shorehaven Lane, Manhasset, NY 11030-1826, finbarr@optonline.net Class rep Don McCarthy has the following Prowlings: Ernie Muller advises that he continues to visit the oncologist, but he has needed no chemo for the past five months. He’s back playing golf but (I read between the lines) not too well at all. He’s back working part-time in the bookstore at Suffolk County Community College. His daughter recently delivered the 14th grandchild, a little girl who is, of course, quite beautiful. Don McCarthy’s son Neil (the Regian) is getting married this Fall, at age 41. Rumors-of Mark-Twain’sDeath Department: In the last RAN I reported that Tom MacPeak was doing poorly, in a nursing home, etc. Tom has written to me that he is now up and about, is walking a bit unsurely because of 2 1/2 months in bed but is otherwise sound, and is back to work on a regular basis. As you may recall, Tom is a patent lawyer, and it is my understanding that they are all terribly busy these days because of some nutty Supreme Court decisions over the past ten years or so. Jack Reilly and Bill Foote continue to brighten (?) my days with e-mail messages from the right, many of which this old Democrat can’t resist answering. As some of you may know, Reston Myron’s son John suffered a heart attack on June 8 and unfortunately died. Keep John and the Myron family in your prayers. 1952 James A. McGough, 12 Highland Ave., Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 1953 Ronald W. Tobin, Office of Academic Programs, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, tobin@oap.ucsb.edu Our class was saddened to learn from his granddaughter, Lauren that Frank Sica had passed away on July 15th. In her note to the Regis Class of ‘53, Lauren told us “I know that he was very happy to have been able to see all of you at the (October 2003) Jug Night. I’m sorry that it took so long for all of you to find one another, but it may have been fate that brought you back together.” Many of our classmates have expressed both their sadness at his leaving us and their affection for Frank, a truly kind, gentle, and funny man. Dick Coleman’s son, Matthew is the first student in the history of Loyola Prep in Fall 2004 39 Los Angeles to be nominated for every award at graduation. He was named Most Likely to Succeed and will be entering Stanford with enough AP credits to approach sophomore status. Chip off the old block! Dick thanks all who gave advice and comfort at last year’s reunion. His son Matt chose Stanford over Caltech, Columbia, Rice, UCSB and others. He wants to major in Mechanical Engineering and minor in Fine Arts - a fan of Davinci. Greg Sheridan may be forgiven if his nerves were a little on edge for a while: his sister’s daughter Karen Walsh was an aid worker in Baghdad, but she returned home safely at the end of July. Ron Tobin developed a case of shingles, a distinctly stress-related illness, just before going to France in June. It cleared up before he left for Chicago in mid-July only to have a nightmarish experience at O’Hare during a series of hellish storms. He never made his destination of Middlebury, VT, where he was going to combine business (reviewing Middlebury’s French Summer School) with pleasure (having supper with Brian and Kathy Fitzgerald on their way back from a concert in Tanglewood). Tom Hickey and Patrizia enjoyed most of August in Italy. After spending ten days or so in Umbria, they took to the roads for about two weeks exploring the regions of Puglia and Basilicata. Just before leaving for vacation, Tom learned that he had been approved as an arbitrator for the New Jersey Superior Court, Hudson County Division. Finally, huzzahs and thanks from our class to Jack Hanlon and John Sullivan for their efforts over the years. Now, instead of deadlines, some well-deserved relaxation. Jim Shea spent a lot of time this winter and spring helping Arlington County, VA, where he lives, to develop and approve one of the country’s most far reaching policies to provide affordable housing for its citizens in need. He and Phyliss have been visiting their four children and, by December, nine grandchildren. They planned two trips to Europe- In May to Prague, Salzberg and Vienna for classical music explorations and in August to Tom Murphy SJ ’44, Jack Scully SJ ’44, and Bob Kelly SJ ’44 at the class of 1944 60th reunion Ireland and Scotland. Joe Barbosa reports that it was a pleasure talking to Nino Mihatov ’05 and comparing notes of Regis then and now and particularly to hear that while the Jesuits are down to five, our values are alive and well. Gerry Karg’s daughter Kathryn was married on June 26, 2004. Gerry joined the volunteer fire department as a daytime dispatcher. 1954 John M. Conroy, 180 Forest Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10804, jmconroy1@aol.com Class rep John Conroy writes: Well we made it just a month and a day shy of 50 years! On the weekend of May 15th, 48 of the members of the Class of 1954 gathered at Regis and its environs to celebrate a multitude of journeys taken since that June 16th many decades ago. On Friday evening, many of us gathered at the Conroy’s in New Rochelle to begin the weekend with what Dick Ward described as a chow and chat. Jim Carney, S.J. ‘43, joined us to remind us all of how young we once were when he was Mr. Carney and we were his first students. This was followed on Saturday by a tour of Regis led by two underclassmen which was, for all of us, a revelation of how well the administration is leading Regis into the 21st century. Jack Ryan, S.J. (who spent his Regency at Regis), assisted by Tom McClain, S.J., celebrated Mass for us in the Chapel. Jack led us in some Latin parts of the Mass with which not a few of us struggled! This was followed by cocktails in the much refurbished courtyard and then a gourmet dinner in the auditorium, catered by Divino’s of Second Avenue. The weekend closed on Sunday morning at the Wilson’s in Brooklyn Heights with a brunch which included spectacular views of New York harbor from their roof. Both Friday night and Sunday morning were enhanced with California beverages graciously provided by Ann and Dick Ward. The weather, except for the downpour at the close of Saturday evening, was most cooperative which enabled us to enjoy each of these events in the best possible way. We traveled from 15 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. Maureen and Bill Beebe, Ed Glamkowski, Pat and Bob O’Connor, Steve Sarsfield, Virginia and Bob Stibler, and Ben Trigani crossed the bridge from New Jersey. Maureen and Bob Bergen and Peggy and Frank O’Regan traveled up from the coastal islands of South Carolina. Joe Binsack, it is rumored, cycled down from New Hampshire and Taffy and Fred Burgess and Dave Nicholas came up from Virginia. There was, of course, a large contingent from New York (city and state): Myrtle and Tom Cahill, George Breen, Barbara and Bill Noval, Recka and Jim Carr (who hosted Liz Radoski), Eileen and Steve Popp, Ruth and Tom Smith, Joe Sullivan, Anne and Ed Wilson, Peggy and Walter Doherty, Kathy and Jack Conroy, George Culliney, Walter Lennon, Josephine and Lou Luceri, Sheree Wen and Jim McGroddy, Bill Monahan, Patricia and Matt O’Connell, Peggy and Fred Nassauer and Mike Gray. From Florida came Judy and Joe Panzarino and Lea and Gerry Cahill. Flora and John Fanning arrived from Washington, DC and Maudy and Tom Finnegan and Phil Trainor and Roberta Wood came from North Carolina. Peggy and Trauggy Lawler and Jim Perrone made it down from Connecticut and Marilyn and George Majeska and Ed Malloy traveled up from Maryland. Liz Radoski joined us from Massachusetts, Brian Irslinger from Pennsylvania, Fran and Dick Schneider from Colorado, Pat Lee from Canada, Peg and Tom Tierney from Idaho, and Deborah and Keith Stocker from Wisconsin and, perhaps the farthest traveled, Don Dodd, Chris McKenna, Agnes and Jim O’Brien and Ann and Dick Ward from California. Joe Binsack had this to say after the gathering: I, too, married my Regis sweetheart, Barbara Murray, in June 21, 1958. She passed away on Feb 26, 1995 after our 3 daughters were married and have now expanded our family to 9 grandchildren. Keep up the good work. It was great to see the gang again. Unfortunately, several of our classmates were unable to be there: John McLoughlin has moved to an assisted living facility because of neuropathy in his legs and travel is difficult. However he was more than there in spirit. Ed Loughlin is also having some difficulty with his legs and was up the previous week for the funeral of his sister, Mary Diamond. Please remember her in your prayers. Hugh Horan reports that he is partially retired but teaching about half time at the University of New Mexico in Sante Fe and using his partial leisure constructively enough. The reunion conflicted with graduation at the university. Bill McGovern’s wife was recovering from surgery but is getting ready for their son’s wedding in September. Sam (Vince) Milana had really hoped to be there and was one of our first classmates to get the ball rolling but work intervened. Liz Radoski was the only one of our classmates’ widows to attend. She came wearing her favor from the senior prom, a silver spoon pin, and reminding us all that the last dance of that evening was the Mexican Hat Dance, a ploy she felt on the part of the Jesuits to wear us out. (Liz, Maudy Sarsfield Finnegan and Ginny Stibler shared the honors of having married their Regis sweethearts.) Janet Jeanneret was recovering from rotator cuff surgery and mentioned in her note that Dick loved his years at Regis above all his other years of education.” Adele Tiffert’s son Glenn wrote that his mother’s illness would prevent her from coming. It was over all too soon and, for those of us participating in Lou Luceri’s biography project, it’s not over yet. It was a national network of people, all of whom need to be thanked (forgive me if I miss anyone). Locally, Ed Wilson, Bill Monahan (who was responsible for the tiramisu) Joe Sullivan, Jim Carr, Lou Luceri, Jack Conroy and Walt Doherty served as a steering committee. Frank O’Regan and Jim McGroddy took on the class gift and, as of last report, 88% of our classmates have participated, a tribute to them and to your commitment to Regis. Dick Ward and his committee (Sam Milana, Traug Lawler, Tom Tierney, Walter Doherty, Dick Schneider and Tom Finnegan) did an outstanding job of rousting the rest of us to get hither to New York. And so we need a volunteer to take on the 55th.... 40 Regis Alumni News There were lots of memories shared that weekend, lots of laughs and a few tears and so it seems fitting to end this report with a few lines about senior year from Hank Radoski’s A Fair Regis: A brief year long respite to swagger as Somebody Before the portal of June 16th swung wide And we were Anybody again outside With no place to hide. Trees now grow where once young men matured, Yelling, jumping, sweating and disheveling, Where balls thudded and iron rims clanged, Amid a murmur of ablatives and anapests. Vanished are the youths, unkempt in shirt and tie, Who hurled their boundless energy at the rectangular sky. See you at Jug Night! (And please join our e-mail list if you haven’t done so already.) 1955 Karl Brunhuber, 35-44 167th St., Flushing, NY 11358 John M. Morriss, 3 Salem Pl., Valhalla, NY 10505, jmorriss11@aol.com Our 50th Anniversary Reunion will take place on Saturday, May 21, 2005. A mailing from the 1955 Reunion Committee will be sent to you in the Fall of 2004. It would be great to have a very large turnout at the October 29, 2004, Jug Night as a prelude to our Reunion. Thanks as always for your cooperation. Lou Umscheid is preparing special name tags for our reunion. Ned Murphy, S.J., has agreed to concelebrate mass with Joe O’Hare, S.J. ‘48, president of Regis, in the student chapel. Since this is our 50th Anniversary Reunion year. Please be as generous as possible to this year’s Annual Fund Drive and to the Capital Campaign Drive. Again, many thanks. Vinnie Malito’s grandaughter Sarah Katelyn McGirk celebrated her first birthday on February 15, 2004 in Dunedin, Florida. Tom and Elvie McGuire ’44, Hugh and Peggy Carroll ’44, and Anne and Marty Murtagh ’44 at the class of 1944 60th reunion 1956 Paul T. Lennon, 17 Pine Ridge Road, Larchmont, NY 10538, pault.lennon@verizon.net The classmate who traveled from “Siberia,” a.k.a. Staten Island, to get to Regis for four years, traveled from Anchorage, Alaska to have lunch with six of his classmates in July. Bill Noll is now the Deputy Commissioner of Commerce for the State of Alaska, and has offered to roll out the welcome mat to any Regians who are brave enough to come to Alaska. Now that Jack Raha has two new knees, he will be the first to take Bill up on the invitation. Don’t slip on the ice, Jack. Jack LaBonte had the following note for PROWLINGS: our son Jimmy just graduated with a degree in Communications from Loyola Marymount University in LA. He fulfilled his leadership scholarship and was part of a select group who received the prestigious presidential citation. Jimmy has been chosen to participate in an international service project in Australia this summer. 1957 William P. Gillen, 30 Clinton St., Apt. 2-J, Brooklyn, NY 11201, wpgillen@aol.com John J. Hannaway, 67 Ridge Rd., New Rochelle, NY 10804, hannawayjj@aol.com Vincent Zichello was invited to become the featured speaker in June at the graduation ceremony of St. Paul’s on E. 118th St. near Park Avenue, after he and two friends visited their old parochial school. “The audience laughed (at the right places) and interrupted several times with applause,” he said. At the end he received “a splendid plaque.” Don and Pat Millus report that they celebrated their first Social Security checks by drinking champagne on the ChampsElysees on June 6, the 60th anniversary of D-Day. They encountered no rude French waiters, only helpful Parisians. “Mr. Nelson’s and Mr. Clancy’s French classes paid off,” Don says. Mike Esposito, who said a few years ago he was considering retiring, has done it. His colleagues wondered why he stopped working in the middle of the week. He didn’t want to spoil the occasion by working on his 65th birthday, he says. Ray Begin’s younger son, Ray, hiked the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Massachusetts for two months this spring. He walked 1,400 miles in 75 days. His older son, Henri, is working for Northrup-Grumman in Baltimore. Ray and wife Rose Marie are avid skiers. Last year, he says he got in only 24 days, “a slow year for me.” Patrick Fitzpatrick is still practicing for his “one on one” with Mancini. 1959 Leo F. Tymon, Jr., 6 Greenwood Rd., Mountainside, NJ 07092, lftymon@msn.com Jim Bonnell has left Puerto Rico and accepted a new position as principal of St Johns school in Harrison, Ohio. 1960 Joseph A. Vaccarino, 49-23 216th St., Bayside, NY 11364, JVQLA@aol.com John Rooney is living in Long Beach and Southold, L.I. with his 6th grandchild on the way. John is a consultant and project director in US History staff development program for NYC Public Schools. JPR3261761@aol.com 1961 Joseph F. Carlucci, 481 W. 22nd St., Apt.3, New York, NY 10011 Joe Carlucci is a new father (you read that right). He and his wife, Cecilia Dintino, traveled down to Guatemala and adopted a baby boy. Bernardo Carlucci, now ten months old, came home on April 1 of this year. He’s already an uncle to Joe’s two granddaughters. Regis class of ‘21? Rev. Thomas P. McCreesh, O.P. finished eight years (two terms) as President of his seminary in Washington (the Dominican House of Studies) last May. He spent this past school year on sabbatical in California. He will return to the East Coast in September and a new assignment at Providence College. 1962 Carl P. Saunders, 32 W. 82nd St., New York, NY 10024, csaun31644@cs.com Gene Burke disrupted the RBN resume writing course with some incredibly flippant remarks. It’s no wonder they took away his computing license. 1963 John W. Prael, Jr., 34-06 81 St. Jackson Heights, NY 11372, johnprael@yahoo.com John F. Tweedy, Jr., 26 Huron Rd., Floral Park, NY 11001, john.tweedy@verizon.net Jack Prael and Luke MacCarthy were overcome with good spirits as they attended the Christmas in July Festival at the Blind Tiger Ale House. Owen Reidy ‘99 also was filled with spirits and furthered his magis at the Village Idiot. 1964 Kenneth J. Beirne, 417 N. St. Asaph St., Alexandria, VA 22314, kjbeirne@mindspring.com Dennis M. Moulton, 326 E. 90th St., #4-E, New York, NY 10128, moultond@saintignatiusloyola.org Larry Kenah sent in regrets for missing the reunion in April, along with a major update. He and wife Marcy are recently back from Hawaii, where they had a pre-celebration for their 35th anniversary (and they should have a current celebration and a post-celebration for that). They are proud first time grandparents, due to efforts of daughter Molly and her husband, who, fortunately live only 30 minutes away. Two sons, Brian and Tim, are working in Atlanta, and Dan will be attending Boston College in September. That makes three of four at BC, and three of four math majors. Is there a Jesuit gene? A math gene? One sad note, for those of us who remember her help to Larry, Larry’s mother died last January. Larry also sent an update on Ed Hattauer who has been hanging out with the Kenahs at family gatherings and holidays, while working in the counseling department at Northeastern Univ. Ken Beirne’s last waiting-to-becomereally-employable child recently passed the California Bar, so he is now liberated. Another, very sad note, Tom Lennon died in mid-July in an awful accident on his bike. Our class condolences to Tom’s family, who have indicated that contributions can be made in Tom’s name to Regis or the Academy of Holy Angels in Demarest, NJ. Fall 2004 41 1966 James E. Maguire, 419 Third Ave., #4D, New York, NY 10016, jmaguire@courts. state.ny.us Jim Periconi reports he had the good sense to hire a Regis graduate (Chris Miehl, class of ’97) to be a summer law clerk at his firm, Periconi, LLC. Jim reports that Chris is doing a “great job, of course.” 1967 William R. Armbruster, 42 Van Wagenen Ave., Apt 8, Jersey City, NJ –07306, billarmbruster@comcast.net Fr. Mike Holleran, St. Lucy’s Church833 Mace Ave., Bronx, NY 10467, celestial49@msn.com Father Michael Holleran will lead a retreat for members of our class Nov. 1214 at the Mount Manresa Retreat House in Staten Island Nov. 12-14. If you wish to sign up, please contact billarmbruster @comcast.net. For information about the subjects to be covered, contact Michael at celestial49@msn.com 1968 Timothy McGinn ‘68, 545 E. 14th Street, Apt. 1B, New York, NY 10009 tjesquire@aol.com Tom Dowling reports: In mid-2003, I moved from DC to a small farm along the Shenandoah River about 75 miles from what Washingtonians think is a big city. However, I have been covering those 75 miles most days for the past year to work as a staff member of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States aka the 911 Commission. Some of you may have seen my silent gracing of the first staff presentation panel at the last hearings. The move, the Commission and the commute have really eaten my time so I haven’t been in New York since the 35th reunion. Here is hoping for this year’s Jug Night. Nick Mele is in his third year of working for the Non-Violent Peace Force (www. nonviolentpeaceforce.com). As Director of Communications he works to persuade people that there are alternative to military action and to publicize their pilot project in Sri Lanka. 1969 Hon. Dennis E. Milton, 89 Lake Rd., Greenlawn, NY 11740, dmilton@optonline.net It is with great sadness that I inform you that Steve Mader died at home in California on July 28, 2004. He leaves behind his wife, Paulette, and two suns, Ryan and Justin. A memorial service was held in Trenton NJ on Monday, August 16. 1970 Robert M. Leonard, 56 Highland Ave., Chatham, NJ 07928, rleonard@dbr.com Jack Regan reports that he and his family are enjoying life in Atlanta. He sees Dennis Blair when his show takes him to Atlanta. Jack attended Ed Murphy’s 50th birthday party last December in Berkeley. Dennis Blair is the common denominator in this issue. John Sullivan reports from Seattle that his teenage son took him to a George Carlin show which was opened by Dennis. In John’s view, Dennis stole the show from Carlin. John continues to practice law and runs an export business out of the old USSR. On a sad note, Jack Regan informs us of the sudden death of Bob Ingria late last year, apparently due to a heart attack. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his loved ones. Dr. Martin Bachop continues to enjoy his retirement, and visits New York frequently, connecting with Regis alumni in Manhattan and enjoying time with family in the Catskill Mountains. He and his wife, Sharon, are immensely proud of son, Matthew, who is a Townes-Rice Scholar at the University of Texas School of Law. John Brasunas writes: In November 2002, I discovered I had a heart murmur, and I had open-heart surgery in January 2004 to repair my mitral valve. I have a renewed appreciation for family, friends and Federal Blue Cross/Blue Shield program. Jack Cronin ’44, Gene Maloney ’44, and Bud O’Mara ‘44 at the class of 1944 60th reunion Colonel Bob Gasser, USAF, MC, is serving as the Deputy Director of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. He is overseeing operations at the Defense Department’s largest biomedical research institute, with major programs to develop drugs and vaccines against tropical infectious diseases, and also research programs in trauma, biological agent countermeasures, and chemical agent defense. Gerald R. McDermott has just released a new book, “Cancer: A Medical and Spiritual Guide for Patients and Their Loved Ones” (Baker Books). Gerry’s coauthor is an oncologist. This is the only book on cancer in print that answers a full range of both medical and theological questions about cancer. 1971 Roger P. Rooney ‘71, 203 Carrollwood Dr,, Tarrytown, NY 10591 rooney414@aol.com Roger Rooney has been living in Tarrytown for last 14+ years. He is currently VP, Field Administration at Mutual of America, where he has been for many years. Big family news! Roger and his wife Liz adopted a baby daughter, Beth, from China in January of 2003. She will be 4 soon, and starting pre-K. Roger and Liz are working on a second adoption from China, and we wish them well. He hopes to run across Mike Curcio at the next “Families with Children from “.Roger will be visiting Atlanta on business, and will catch up with Tony Salvatore while there. Roger’s summer intern for the last 6 weeks at Mutual of America has been Rory Payne (‘04), son of classmate Roger Payne (‘71) and the brother of Kyle Payne (‘99). Roger has known Roger Payne for over 40 years, going back to grammar school and was an usher at his wedding to Nancy in 1979. Roger reports, “Rory did a really great job working here this summer.” Vinny Stabile is still living in the NY area (Mamaroneck) with his lovely and tolerant wife Alli, and their two boys, Chris and Josh. Both are teenagers and causing him to age ever rapidly. He’s looking at colleges in the Northeast with Chris, who’s a senior in Rye Neck High School; Josh is just entering High School in the fall. Vinny heads up Human Resources at JetBlue Airways and has been there since 9/11/01 (yes, that really was his first day on the job!). He travels more than most of us - often in the air a few times a week. But because of his role in the company, he’s authorized to fly in the cockpit, which he says is as cool as it sounds. He’s also still having a blast playing guitar in a band - some things never change. Speaking of teenagers, Luke Garvey’s daughter Alison just turned 13, and vehemently a teen. All parties are feeling their way through this. He says “As long as she doesn’t do ANY of the things we did…”. His son, also Luke, is 11, and a dedicated hockey player. While Regis is too distant to commute from his Weston, CT home, perhaps Fairfield Prep? Luke Sr. is still Chief Information Office at NYU School of Medicine, and sees fellow Regians Gene Grossi (a cardiothoracic surgeon) and Josef Asteinza (Manager of Space Planning). Brian McKeon checked in for his 50th birthday, and is living in Darien, CT, with his wife and two children. 1972 Michael J. Davies, 887 Park Ave., Huntington, NY 11743, mdavies1@optonline.net Tom Collins managed to hobble up on his surfboard already this year despite the toll his three active kids have taken on him recently. The littlest took out his knee after a lunge to catch her before she flew into the TV. Paul Kleeberg, M.D writes: I have recently gotten a big break. After years of working as a family physician in rural and suburban settings, while on the side of maintaining an interest in information technology, I have been asked to play a significant role in Allina Hospitals & Clinics implementation of an automated medical record and billing system across all its facilities. I am thrilled. This is the job I dreamed of ever since starting medical school. There will be trying days and big challenges ahead as we install this system and disrupt people’s way of doing things, but I am ready for it. I firmly believe it will improve the care we give and, in the long run, make everyone’s lives a little better. I 42 Regis Alumni News am very grateful to Regis. I feel like I learned to fulfill my dreams and hold fast to my beliefs there and will be forever grateful for the spiritual, emotional and intellectual training I received from all whom I met there. My wish is to help others to have the same experience I did. 1973 John O’Toole, 4 Haldimann Lane, Blairstown, NJ 07825, john.o’toole@morganstanley.com Edward J. McGovern, M.M. was ordained to the priesthood on June 12, 2004 by His Eminence Stephen Cardinal Kim, Archbishop Emeritus of Seoul, Korea. Prior to joining the Maryknolls, McGovern, a lawyer, worked as a Deputy Bureau Chief at the Queens County District Attorney’s Office in the Arson, Economic and Environmental Crime Bureau. He returned from Maryknoll’s Overseas Training in May 2003, having spent more than two years in Cambodia working at the Maryknoll Seedlings of Hope Project for the indigent with HIV/AIDS in Phnom Penh. Following his ordination, he will return to his ministry in Phnom Penh. Vin Maher reports: I would also like to share with the bretheren that I have begun studies for the permanent deaconate for the Archdiocese of NY. If I manage to keep my mouth shut for the next 4 years, I should finish in June 2008. I would be most grateful for the prayers of my brother Regians as I pursue this journey. Eugene McGrane reports: We are proud to announce that our daughter Katie McGrane is a budding synchronized champion. She garnered three gold medals at the 2004 Florida Sun Shine Games in Tallahassee. If our heads were any bigger, they wouldn’t fit through the door. 1974 William O’Connell, 26 Peachtree Drive, Cortlandt Manor, New York 10567 o’connellw@wcmc.com Bill O’Connell writes: My son Daniel and I spent the last week of July sailing the Hudson River as members of the crew of the Half Moon, a replica of Henry Hudson’s ship. We retraced the route of Hudson’s 1609 voyage. It was a tremendous experience. We did remember to wave when we passed 84th Street. 1975 John J. Colgan, 453 3rd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215, jcolgan@nypd.org All is well in Virginia/DC for Angelo Grima who regularly sees Dan Conway, who lives two miles away. His 8 year old, Michael, just had his first communion at Holy Trinity in Georgetown. Thank God for the Jesuits. Frank Renzler writes: Any interest in a 30th reunion? Email me at frenzler@rubenco.com 1976 Cornelius Grealy, 17 Overlook Drive, Greenwich, CT 06830, grealc@ldcorp.com Andrew Tymocz, 207 Farragut Ave., Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706, atymocz@nyp.org William R. Bancone received a successful kidney transplant from his sister. 1977 Bob DeCandido is a biology Ph.D. with a website, www.birdingbob.com. An expert in the natural history of NYC, he’s writing a book on the subject. Most Fridays and Sundays, he leads bird walks in Central Park. Bob spent most of 2003 studying bird migration in Israel and Thailand. In 2004 he’s conducting the first comprehensive study of nocturnal migration from atop the Empire State Building. He’d love to have classmates join his spotters at the ESB for the next segment of the project, which runs from August to October. No prior experience necessary. Joan and Bob Burns ’44 at the class of 1944 60th reunion Mark Kolakowski encourages those with an interest in China’s Cultural Revolution to read Penny Peng’s fastpaced memoir, “On the Great Wall.” It can be ordered from the publisher, www.bamboobooks.com, or from your local bookstore. Mark was a consultant on this project. He also spends much time consulting for www.hotels.com, a worldwide hotel booking service. Bob Hay adopted Andrew (11) and David (6) from Estonia in April 2004. They join brothers Robert (16), James (13), Will (11) and Alex (10), all of whom are from Russia. Bob is an attorney at Cadwalader in NY. 1978 Bernard Kilkelly, One Samuel Place, Lynbrook, NY 11563, kilkellybj@cs.com Stan Parchin attended the Isabella of Castile: Queen of Two Worlds show with Father Ray Sweitzer, SJ (‘63) at Manhattan’s new Cervantes Center before Father Ray left for Germany. He saw Hilda O’Connell-Harris’ new painting show near the South Street Seaport. Then he went to see Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. Stan’s presently doing research for The Aztec Empire, the Guggenheim Museum’s major Fall and Winter show. 1979 Richard J. Weber, 240 W. 102 St., #24, New York, NY 10025, weberrick@rcn.com Class rep Rick Weber reports, “Jerry Sullivan (‘80) , his wife Judy, Peter and Kristan McAliney and I had a nice evening together this summer chez McAliney in Westfield, where Peter is well-known for riding his robin’s egg blue Vespa around town while wearing a matching helmet. Tom Finnegan was recently married to Renee. Congratulations Tom - Peter McAliney and Tom Swift were in attendance. The National Museum of the American Indian is set to open on Sept. 21 in Washington DC. Duane Blue Spruce (‘79) is a Native architect (Laguna and San Juan Pueblo) and has served on the NMAI staff since 1993 as an architectural liaison and facilities planning coordinator. Duane was also the editor of one of the NMAI’s opening publications called “Spirit of a Native Place - the Building of the NMAI”, published by the National Geographic Society and the NMAI. Built from gold-toned Kasota limestone from Minnesota, the curving five-story building is set between the National Air and Space Museum and the U.S. Botanical Gardens, at the foot of the U.S. Capitol. “The opening of the museum may even be more exciting than SU winning the NCAA basketball tournament in 2003” says Duane. For more information about the NMAI and its opening, please go to the NMAI website at www.americanindian.si.edu If you want to contact Duane (for anything but tickets), his e-mail address is bluespruced@si.edu 1980 William G. Passannante, Anderson Kill & Olick, PC – 1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, wpassannante@andersonkill.com Kenneth Berger writes: Family is moving to Shanghai, China in August 2004. I was appointed President, Thermo Electron, China. Girls Karaline (9) and Olivia (8) will continue with ballet; son, Kenny (6) will switch from karate to kung fu! Trish is looking to start a business on the side. John L. Buckheit continues to be active with the U.S. Army Reserves, and on April 4, 2004, he received the Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal. Bob Snow just finished working on a water agreement on the Colorado River that was featured on the front page of the New York Times. 1981 Robert Schirling, 63-46 252 St., Little Neck, NY 11362, rschirling@ncy.rr.com Here is some news from Andrew Infosino Class of 1981. Just got married on May 22 in Sao Paulo Brazil to Silvia Cecchini. Had a prewedding party inSan Francisco on May 15, 2004 and Dominic Ferro (‘81) and Michel Puc (‘83) flew out to SF to help me celebrate. The Fall 2004 43 prewedding party had an incredible menu including a first course of “Sweet Corn and Ricotta Ravioli with Lobster and Chervil” followed by a choice of wild king salmon, fennel roasted pork loin or grilled lamb chops. Desserts featured either bittersweet chocolate and espresso cake with candied hazelnuts or Meyer lemon panna cotta with fresh cherries and poppy seed cookies. The libations commenced with Comte Andoin de Dampierre Cuvee des Ambassadeurs Brut Champagne, followed by Rocchioli 2002 Chardonnay from the Russian River Valley and finally a Fattoria di Silvia e Andrea Syrah/ Cabernet Sauvignon 2001. Istvan Gyenis writes: After spending 2 ½ years living in Paris, France, and traveling in Europe, the Gyenis family (wife Tara, sons Andrew (10), Patrick (7), and Daniel (3 ½)), returned to their home in northern Virginia. Soccer, tennis, swimming, basketball, baseball, etc. fill the family schedule. Michael Albert Kiss was born on February 26, 2004 to Albert J. Kiss and Celestine T. Kiss. Michael joins older brothers John Albert (4 1/2) and Stephen Albert Patrick (39 months). 1982 John O. McGuinness, 33-21 82nd St., Jackson Heights, NY 11372, john.o.mcgui nness@chase.com Paul Collins is the Program Director for College Summit in California, helping low-income kids from south Los Angeles, East Palo Alto and Oakland get better access to college. Check it out at www.collegesummit.org. CDR Pete Driscoll, USN, just completed a two-year Pentagon tour, working in the Joint Staff contingency plans division. Pete, Kristin and Brigid (2) will head off to Pearl Harbor this winter, where he will take command of the destroyer, USS Hopper (DDG-70). Ted Burke’s mom, Carol, passed away on July 10th. Tom Flood ’85 writes, “I remember fondly the hospitality that Mrs. Burke and Family shared with us on a trip up to Mt. Vernon for a basketball game.” Please remember Ted, his brother Tom ‘85, and the entire Burke Family in your prayers. May Carol rest in peace. 1983 Joseph M. Accetta, Esq., 24 Agnola St., Tuckahoe, NY 10707, jsaccetta@aol.com Ray McLean (6/22/04) – walked by the Coliseum Bookstore this morning (6/ 22/04) and saw that Ed Conlon ’83 was appearing at 12 noon to promote his new book, “Blue Blood”. I stopped by to say hello and wish him well. Bumped into John Fargis as well. Robert Stauffer has this to say: I just completed my master’s Degree in Education and have spent two years teaching (through the NYC Teaching Fellows Program) at Sheepshead Bay High School. I appeared in my first High School yearbook in exactly 20 years. In my first summer off in years, I drove across country. One of my stops was to see John Zipay ’83 in Houston, where he is working for NASA. 1985 Thomas F. Flood, 5 Reed Ave., Floral Park, NY 11001, tomflood@earthlink.net Fred Fields serves as Managing Director of the Taproot Foundation (www.taproot foundation.org) which strengthens NYC nonprofits by assigning teams of highly skilled professionals who volunteer their services for six month projects. John Garbarino reports: I would recommend the Regis Business Network as a great way to keep the Regis connection alive. The recent panel discussion on the economics of Major League Baseball was lively and informative, and gave me a chance to catch up with Chris Howley ’85 and Dan Twohig ’85. Robert S. Vitale writes: I recently moved back to Melbourne, Australia from Seoul, Korea with my wife Mary and daughters Eleni and Alexia. Still working for General Reinsurance (coming up on 19 years in September). Leslie Hannafey, Matt Artus, Alex Lavy, and Jim DuVernay at the Class of 1999 Reunion Faithful Class Rep Tom Flood has this news to report: Sad news came my way recently. Tom Burke’s mom, Carol, passed away on July 10th. I remember fondly the hospitality that Mrs. Burke and Family shared with us on a trip up to Mt. Vernon for a basketball game. Please remember Tom, his brother Ted ‘82, and the entire Burke Family in your prayers. May Carol rest in peace. Heard some great news from Kevin White. He and his wife, Kim, welcomed a boy to their family. Thomas Conor was born on July 2nd. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 3 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. Kim and Thomas are both doing great. Kevin mentioned to me that “he can already make at least 3 of 10 from the foul line, just like you Flood.” Well, Kevin, you are lucky that Thomas Conor has that runner’s gene in him. Otherwise, I would bestow on him the fine art of fouling and add it to his basketball repertoire. 1986 Chris N. Saqqal, 3485 Nathaniel Dr., Nazareth, PA 18064, chrissaqqal@aol.com Robert Sciarrone, 3158 Perry Ave., Bronx, NY 10467, rob_bxny@yahoo.com Brendan McLoughlin conferred with Luke MacCarthy ‘63, Jack Prael ‘63 and Owen Reidy ‘99 at the Waterfront Alehouse prior to attending End of the Century:The Story of the Ramones. Brendan believes that excellent film criticism is developed through imbibing outstanding brews in a convivial environment. This belief stems from his residence in Breezy Point rather than his learnings at Regis from John Loose. Brian P. Craig reports: I’ve just begun my second year as librarian at St. Benedict’s Prep in Newark. I’m now the forensics moderator there and at nearby St. Vincent Academy. I have a sevenyear-old daughter named Natasha. Sean Higgins married Eileen Mahoney on September 20, 2003. George Cassidy served admirably as a groomsman. Mark Hannafey and Paul Gunther joined in the celebration. 1987 John J. Wing, 309 Avenue ‘C’#10B, New York, NY 10009, johnw@tzell.com Michael Petronio together with wife Moira Fitzgibbons and daughters Lia, Tara and Eliza, have moved from Seattle to Poughkeepsie, NY, where Moira is teaching medieval English literature at Marist College. Mike continues in the structured finance practice at law firm Orrick, Herrington and Sutcliffe in New York City; he occasionally finds himself across the table from classmate Peter Morreale. 1988 John R, Middleton, Jr., 411 E. 53rd St., Apt. 8G, New York, NY 10022, jrmiddleton@pbwt.com Denise and Joe Logozzo welcomed Sydney Elizabeth on January 28, 2004. Her sister Lauren is enjoying being a big sister. Also, thanks to Jim Masterson for the annual family outing on the Jersey shore. 1989 Joseph J. Macchiarola, Esq., 116 New Hyde Park Rd., Garden City, NY 10022, jmacchiarola@rmefpc.com Ken Aparri is currently living in San Francisco with his new wife Jen, and working on a traveler information system for the Bay Area. So if you’re driving around San Francisco, call 5-1-1 and you’ll get real-time traffic conditions and driving times, courtesy of Ken. Edward Fox and his wife Andrea are the proud parents of twin girls born 9/9/03. Grace Ellen and Riley Louise are welcomed by sister Trinity Keenan Fox! Ken Kwiatkowski is reading in front of the fireplace this winter in Jersey City musing about democracy and proportional representation. Matthew Dowd is still living in Washington, DC with his wife Cindy. 1990 James F. Donohue, 30 W. 63 St. Apt. 3P, New York, NY 10023, jfd207@yahoo.com Joe Sciabica and his wife, Tamar, extend 44 Regis Alumni News their congratulations to Mike O’Malley and his wife, Christine, on the birth of their first son, Dillon Martin O’Malley (born 6/3/04). Joe is hopeful that Dillon will join his first son, Nicholas Gregory Sciabica (born 5/19/04), in the Regis class of 2022. Rich Kullen reports: After completing Physician Assistant school in Stony Brook Long Island in 2002, I moved to Florida, got a house and spent a year out of work. Last August I got a job working part-time in a Psychiatric office (just where I belong). In December I also added a per-diem Emergency Room job bringing me to almost full-time. I can be reached at wardclif1@aol.com or 561-351-6609 if anybody is down in the West Palm Beach area. 1991 Chris J. Caslin, 770 Elm Ave., River Edge, NJ 07091, ccaslin@ddanyc.com Nolan E. Shanahan, 20 93rd St., Apt. 3F, Brooklyn, NY 11209, NolanShanahan@nyc.rr.com Michael O’Donnell rejoined the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission in the Division of Investment Management. Peter Gallagher received his MBA from NYU and is now working in NJ with Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals. After serving twenty-six months in Korea, Captain Timothy Kelly attended the Armored Captain’s Career Course and Combined Army Staff and Service School. He will go to the 7th Army Training Command in Vilseck, Germany. 1993 Brendan K. Loonam, 227 E. 88th St., Apt. 5W, New York, NY 10128, loonambk@yahoo.com Daniel W. Roche, 4966 Broadway #8, New York, NY 10034, daniel.roch@vnci.net Class rep Brendan Loonam has the following news: Christian Talbot was married to Lisa Fern on April 3rd. Joe “Fr. Leo” Mecca was the best man and Billy Black was in attendance. Speaking of Billy, he and his wife Christine welcomed their son, William James III, into the world on April 30 at 5:02 AM. The boy weighed in at a healthy 8lbs. 2oz. No truth to the rumor that the boy was born with a scarlet “R” emblazoned on his chest. Kieran Donohue was engaged to Erika Helmrich of Guilford, Connecticut on May 1st. The wedding date has been set for June 11th, 2005 in Connecticut. Kieran is living in Georgetown and is gearing up for another season of American University basketball where we can only hope better things await the team this year in the always competitive Patriot League. Brian O’Neill graduated from the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University with his MBA this May. After taking some time off to commune with nature on Long Island and find himself, Brian recently started at Citigroup as an analyst. More baby news: Michael Smyth and his wife Lorraine welcomed twins Michael Gregory and Emma Grace on July 20th. Mother and children are doing well while Mike is prepping for his role as Father Time this New Year’s. Recently received a letter from Jermaine Leonard. His tour in Afghanistan should be over near the end of October. After returning to his base in Anchorage, Jermaine is planning a trip to Thailand to visit a college friend of his named Epstein (though frankly that sounds made up). He hopes to be back in NYC over Christmas and sends everyone his best. Hope everyone had a happy and healthy summer. Matthew McGowan headed off to Ireland in July to study Irish for one month. He attended Latin Camp later in the summer. He started a new position as Assistant Professor of Classics at Wooster College in Ohio, the alma mater to two Regians from the class of ’93, Kevin Kavanagh and Mike McTiernan. Matt Thomas is taking writing courses at the University of California Irvine. Basil Kolani ‘94 and Chris Browne ‘94 at the class of 1994 10th reunion 1994 Basil R. Kolani, 18 E. 23rd St., Apt. 4C, New York, NY 10010, bkolani@panix.com Ron Espiritu is engaged to Ivy Jiang. They are planning to get married on November 6th in San Francisco, CA. If anyone wants to get in touch with Ron, he can be emailed at respirit@bounceinbonkers.com. Jeffrey Briscoe was married on April 10, 2004 to the former Dana Johnson in Tennessee. Fellow Regians Russ Briscoe ’01, Ted LaBarbera ’94 and Mike Francis ’95 were in attendance. Jeffrey graduated from Georgia State University College of Law in December 2003 and was admitted to the state bar of Georgia in June 2004. John Kuhnner is planning to offer a free beginner’s course in Latin in the Regis area in October 2004. Dave Czuchlewski had a daughter, Talia Clare, on May 8th. On Easter Sunday 2004, Brent Bell became engaged to Sara Panebiano, an alum of Colgate University’s class of 1999. Brent is currently studying for the Level II examination of the CFA program. Shakespeare Theatre in Washington D.C. as their personnel coordinator. He is also in his second year of law school at George Washington University, and is living outside of the District in Burke,Va. His e-mail address is: mgomez@shakespearedc. 1995 Stephen McGrath, 1421 Hemlock Farms, Hawley, PA 18428, mcgrath@columbia.edu Father Bill Cleary, newly ordained, has been assigned to St. Frances de Chantal parish in the Bronx. Frank Cowan is a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and is currently serving as a cryptologist. He is stationed in Yakusako, Japan. 1998 Daniel D. Kirchoff, 630 W. 168th St., Box 583, New York, NY 10032, ddkircho@yahoo.com Luis Barrera was a member of a 6-person relay swimming around Manhattan (correct, the East River and Hudson River). It is a 28.5 mile race and he is doing it to support various charities including the “I have a Dream” Foundation and Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center. John Morris has taken a job in Bethpage, NY with Northrop Grumman using his math degree in the electronic warfare field. James Peiser and Sean Harrigan have started at Fordham Law School this fall. Many Regians from the class of ‘98 and others gathered this summer to support 1996 Brian S. Lennon, 40 Sutton Pl., Apt. 5F, New York, NY 10022, lenres@aol.com Michael J. Boyle, 200 East 84th Street, Apt. 9A, NY, NY, 10028, boylemj@georgetown.edu Matt Gomez is working at the Michael J. Boyle will marry Kathleen (“Katy”) Gregg DeMinico of Cleveland, Ohio on September 4, 2004. Michael is currently working as a senior marketing manager with American Express in the OPEN Small Business Network in New York City. Matthew Gnolfo has moved to West Warwick, Rhode Island, and will begin teaching Latin at Rocky Hill School in East Greenwich, RI this fall. Brian Gibbons is entering his second year as an Assistant District Attorney in Bronx County. He reports that he is very excited by the opportunity to put drunk Yankee fans behind bars. Andrew Weir married Dana Roitberg in June 2004. Fall 2004 45 Tom Lennon after his father (Regis ‘64) passed away. Keep Tom and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Peter Nasuti has completed his two years of service with the Peace Corps in Uzbekistan. In August, he began his studies in international affairs at Johns Hopkins University Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC. 1999 Thomas A. Hein, 400 Kneeland Ave., Yonkers, NY, 10704, thein@fordhamgrad.com Brian C. Hughes, 149 Park Drive North, Staten Island, NY 10314, rwiggum99@aol.com 2000 Christopher Nooney, 339 East 240th St., Bronx, NY 10470, chrisnooney@optonline.net John Witkiewicz writes that after spending a semester in Tibet and earning a BA in Religious Studies from Sienna College, he is volunteering at least one year’s time for an organization called Boy’s Hope. He serves as a residential counselor for adolescent boys from broken homes just outside of Denver. They attend a local Jesuit school named Regis High School (no kidding). John notes “life comes in full circles.” The irascible John Quigley returns to collegiate alma mater Amherst as a Eugene Wilson Fellow working in Admissions. Those holding the fellowships are also referred to as “green Deans,” as many of their tasks are those a Dean would normally execute. Dean Quigley says “Tell people I can get their younger siblings into Amherst,” adding snidely, “if they pay me enough.” Kevin Bailey returned to the Bronx after undergraduate studies at Georgetown and now works as an actuary with Mercer Human Resource Consulting in midtown. He reports that John Hammer has secured a New York Brian Fitzgerald, Bill Foley, Ken Hirdt, and John Giordano at the class of 1994 10th reunion Teaching Fellowship. Denis Lyons, also of Georgetown fame, is now living in Queens and works in advertising. Massapequa son and Regis Volleyball legend, Jonathan Meindel, the final Hoya in this Prowling, has started with New York Life Insurance as part of their management training program. Neil Toomey reports that Sean Driscoll will be teaching in Wales next term. Felix Cruz returns to Cornell this fall, for a Master’s In Public Administration from the Institute for Public Affairs. Felix will concentrate in Finance and Fiscal Policy. Soft-spoken James Walsh has decided on Brooklyn Law School for this fall. He declares, with characteristic humility, that this repositions him as the most successful Regian of ‘00. Matias Lazzari, now working in Investment Banking with JP Morgan Chase begs to differ (Antoine Munfakh is also hard at work for JP Morgan’s Investment Banking arm). Both men agree, though, that their ‘00 Alumni basketball team will post big numbers in their debut next spring. Chris Nooney, who recently returned from a stint with the Campaign Institute at Harvard to take a position with UBS Investment Bank, and Terence Kannengieser, currently working for an NYC accounting firm, will also come out of retirement for the effort. The team will soon begin negotiations with the ‘85 team to acquire the rights to Tom Flood as a player/coach in exchange for an unspecified quantity of Amstel Light. Michael Mandel led WUSR to Best Radio Station status in NEPA while finishing up undergrad studies at Scranton. He now works with CSI Sports, known for televising, producing and internationally distributing the rights to boxing events. Finally, apologies are due to our distinguished classmate Charles Saltalamacchia whose Christian name was incorrectly given as “Chris” in the last Prowlings. The persons responsible for the typo have been sacked. Charlie is still A-OK. 2001 Kevin G. Galligan, 19 Rutgers Pl., Scarsdale, NY 10583, kgg2001@columbia.edu Brian Nadres, 116 Congress Rd., Emerson, NJ 07630 Michael M. Schimel, 23-23 144th St., Whitestone, NY 11357, MMSchimel@aol.com Neil P. Connelly spent the spring semester of his junior year sailing around the world. Aboard the Spring 2004 voyage of the study abroad program Semester at Sea, which is administered through the university of Pittsburgh, Neil lived on a steamship, traveled to the Bahamas, Cuba, Brazil, South Africa, Tanzania, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, South Korea and Japan, took approximately 2,500 pictures, and brought back coolie hats for a select few. Neil begins his fourth (if not senior) year at SUNY-Purchase this fall, where he is majoring in Chinese history and American literature, and minoring in Spanish and Chinese language. After only three years at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, Sean T. Hojnacki has graduated with Honors in Philosophy. He was also awarded the “Ann Petry Book Prize” for outstanding achievement. Sean hopes to go to University College Dublin in September 2004 to do a one-year Masters Degree program. Sean Mannion hopes all is well with his classmates; Sean is finishing up his 3rd year abroad in Belgium (Catholic University of Leeuven); he’ll be back in Loyola (MD) for his final year. Chris McClellan will not disclose his whereabouts. If anyone asks about him, please play dumb. 2002 Anthony Manganiello, mangan@cooper.edu Denis Donovan has completed his sophomore year at Boston College – Dean’s List, majoring in economics. He’ll be doing an internship at Citibank this summer. 2003 Bennett C. Chan, bcc2101@columbia.edu Stephen Cappabianca is attending Penn State University, majoring in Sports Journalism. Writing articles for the sports page of the “Daily Collegian” and hosting a segment on the “Sports Corner”, a PSU T.V. show. Currently interning at Major League Baseball. 46 Regis Alumni News Regis News and Notes UPDATED ALUMNI & PARENT INFORMATION NEEDED Please send the Development Office any contact information changes you have. We would like your current E-mail address at home and/or work, your business and home phone numbers and your fax number. Send changes to Regis High School Development Office by FAX at (212) 288-2111, by phone at (212) 288-1142, by e-mail at alumni@regis-nyc.org or by mail, Regis High School, 55 East 84 Street, New York, NY 10028. ALUMNI PARENTS’ PARTY The Alumni Parents’ Club will host a cocktail party on Friday, October 22, 2004 here at Regis. It will begin at 6:30 P.M. in the Auditorium and includes a fabulous selection of hors d’oeuvres plus wine, beer and soft drinks for $30.00 per person. Join us to renew those friendships started while your sons were here at Regis! Please call the Development Office at 212-288-1142 to make your reservation with a credit card or send a check payable to Regis High School to the Regis HS Development Office, 55 East 84th Street, NY, NY 10028. Welcome the new Alumni Parents of the class of 2004 and get together again with your Regis friends plus meet Regis’ new President, Father Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. ‘48. 50/50 RAFFLE TICKETS Regis is pleased to announce that we are selling raffle tickets for a chance to win up to $25,000 in the Regis Super 50/50! Tickets are on sale now for $50 each, we will only sell 1,000 tickets so you have at least a one in a thousand chance at taking home the grand prize! The drawing will take place on October 29, 2004 at JUG Night, the winner need not be present to win. The 50/50 is open to all alumni, parents and friends of Regis. Contact Owen Reidy in the Development Office at 212-288-1142 for more details or to reserve your tickets! The Grand Prize actually equals one half the revenue for all tickets sold. If all 1,000 tickets are sold the Grand Prize will equal $25,000. Fall 2004 47 Milestones Births Michael Albert on February 26, 2004 to Celestine and Albert J. Kiss ‘81 Thomas Conor on July 2, 2004 to Kim and Kevin White ‘85 Brianna Bridget on August 16, 2003 to Mary and Tim Doheny ‘88 Sydney Elizabeth on January 28, 2004 to Denise and Joseph Logozzo ‘88 Nicholas Gregory on May 19, 2004 to Tamar and Joe Sciabica ‘90 Dillon Martin on June 3, 2004 to Christine and Michael O’Malley ‘90 Emma Grace and Michael Gregory on July 20, 2004 to Lorraine and Mike Smyth ‘93 William James III on April 30, 2004 to Christine and Billy Black ‘93 Talia Clare on May 8, 2004 to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Czuchlewski ‘94 Isabella Maccera on April 30, 2004 to Nadia and Joe Maccera ‘96 Marriages Andrew Infosino ’81 married Silvia Cecchini on May 22, 2004 Peter Labbat ’83 married Karen Elizabeth Kiehl on June 5th, 2004 Sean Higgins ’86 married Eileen Mahoney on September 20, 2003 Ted Matthews ‘88 married Meghan Roche on July 16, 2004 Christian Talbot ’93 married Lisa Fern on April 3, 2004 Christopher Pohlmann ‘94 married Cynthia Prohl on July 23, 2004 Jeffrey Briscoe ‘94 married Dana Johnson on April 10, 2004 Michael J. Boyle ’96 married Kathleen (“Katy”) Gregg DeMinico on September 4, 2004 Andrew Weir ’96 married Dana Roitberg in June 2004. David Bonagura ’99 married Amanda McIntyre on July 31, 2004 Deaths Robert B. Wallace ’37 on October 10, 2003 Robert C. Drolet ’38 on May 8, 2003 Jerome V. Marbach ’41 on December 25, 2003 Sanford J. Matthews, M.D. ’43 on August 2, 2004 Edward F. Gill ’44 on May 24, 2004 William P. Tracey ’49 on September 3, 2004 Leonard C. Bailey ’53 on August 15, 2004 Frank P. Sica ’53 on July 15, 2004 Francis Barton ’59 on August 29, 2004 Carl A. Skrinar ’61 on December 12, 2002 Thomas J. Lennon ’64 on July 15, 2004 Stephen Mader ’69 in August 2004 Phillip J. Cardillo ’74 on September 2, 2004 Fr. Duffy enjoying a moment on a skateboard in an undated photograph Calendar of Events October 9 October 14 October 22 October 24 October 29 November 8-10 November 12 December 11 December 28 December 29 January 22, 2005 Regis High School 55 East 84th Street New York, NY 10028 Address Service Requested Fore Trost III Reception at Regis RBN / RBA event with Ed Conlon ’83 at Old Town Bar & Restaurant Alumni Parents Cocktail Reception at Regis Golden Owls Mass & Brunch at Regis JUG Night One at Regis Fall Phonathon at Regis Regis / Fordham University Alumni Reception at Mutual of America Crimson Circle Reception and Event JUG Night Two at Regis College Phonathon Alumni Homecoming NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 314 JERSEY CITY, NJ