Entering a Chart in emsCharts Mobile v3! - morrisfiredept.org


Entering a Chart in emsCharts Mobile v3! - morrisfiredept.org
Entering a Chart
emsCharts Mobile v3!
Version 3.1
emsCharts Mobile
Welcome to emsCharts Mobile Training:
How to enter a Chart in the Mobile v3
emsCharts Mobile is not emsCharts! This is a tool to
be used in the field to allow crews to enter desired
data to be uploaded to emsCharts.com. The crew
will then complete/lock the chart on emsCharts.com.
Charts cannot be locked on emsCharts Mobile.
emsCharts Mobile
Because the Chart is not locked on emsCharts Mobile,
there are no strict guidelines as to what must be
completed there. All validation is completed on the
emsCharts.com version after upload.
emsCharts Mobile may be used as simply a note taker
or almost the entire Chart may be entered and
locked when uploaded. This process is at the
discretion of the user.
emsCharts Mobile
On the next few slides we will show what is located on
each page.
– You may enter as much or as little as you wish! Once the
chart is uploaded to emsCharts.com, it can then be edited
– All Final Validation is done on emsCharts.com
– Electronic Crew Signatures are obtained on
– Charts will be locked on emsCharts.com
– Final Charts are printed from emsCharts.com
– Draft/Incomplete Charts may be printed on
emsCharts Mobile – Opening
• You will have an Icon
on your screen that
will appear as this
• Click to Open
emsCharts Mobile
• This will open your
Log In
emsCharts Mobile – Log In
• You will be able to use
the pull down to find
your User Name
• You may type first letter
to speed up process
• Enter Password
• A Virtual Keyboard is
available also
User Name and Password will be the same as on
emsCharts Mobile – Unit Settings
• Begin by entering
your Unit Settings
• The Clear button
will clear the
screen if needed
• These will be
maintained by
your Login but can
be changed at any
emsCharts Mobile – Unit Settings
• The menu at the top
will indicate
functions that you
will have within
emsCharts Mobile
• Dispatch may be
available. This is
an optional feature
and would be a
separate training.
emsCharts Mobile – Unit Settings
• “Patient Records”
will show you any
existing records still
located on the
mobile unit
• Your Security Role
will determine what
Charts you may see
emsCharts Mobile – Unit Settings
You will be able to
check any desired
chart from here
You may Open any
You may Print a Draft
of any chart
You may delete any
chart (s)
emsCharts Mobile – Unit Settings
• You may Create a
Reverse Trip
• Mostly for Round trip
• Will copy checked trip with
the following:
– Ref. and Rec. will be
– Activity Log will be
– Signature forms are
not carried over
emsCharts Mobile – Unit Settings
• This will upload all
checked Charts to
• Uploaded charts will
be deleted in their
entirety once they
are completely
emsCharts Mobile – Connection
• In the Upper right
hand corner you will
see an icon with 3
• Green means you
are connected to
the Internet
• Red means you are
not connected
• Yellow is a
You do not have to be connected all of the
time to use emsCharts Mobile.
The only time you must be connected is to
upload your charts!
emsCharts Mobile – EKG Import
• The EKG Import is
an option in
emsCharts Mobile
• If you purchase this
option there will be
a training for this
emsCharts Mobile – New Chart
You will start a
new Chart by
clicking on the
Button in the
Top Menu that
says NEW
emsCharts Mobile – New Chart
• The pages on the
left menu will be
the same as the
menu items in
• Additional menu
items are
included. We will
discuss these in
emsCharts Mobile – New Chart
• Screens are
divided into
divisions along the
left menu area
• You may open or
close these
sections with the
main entry by using
the green + or –
emsCharts Mobile – Dispatch Page
All configuration of
menus is done on
As new items are entered on the Internet version they
must be synchronized with the Mobile program. This
is done by closing the Mobile program and restarting it
by using the icon to initiate the synchronization.
emsCharts Mobile – Dispatch Page
Lists may be entered
two ways:
1) By using the
arrows at the end
of the fields as in
the Internet
emsCharts Mobile – Dispatch Page
2) By clicking the
Button (Field
Name) when it
appears as a
This can sometimes be
faster with a stylus or
your finger on a
touchscreen device!
This brings up the same list as the
arrows, only larger and easier to see
emsCharts Mobile – Dispatch Page
As you can see, the
fields themselves
are identical to the
following parts of
Dispatch on
Enter these the
same as on the
Internet version.
Chart ID’s
General Information
emsCharts Mobile – Dispatch Page
As you can see, the
fields themselves
are identical to the
following parts of
Dispatch on
Enter these the
same as on the
Internet version.
Specialty Teams
If Configured
emsCharts Mobile – Dispatch Page
As you can see, the
fields themselves
are identical to the
following parts of
Dispatch on
Enter these the
same as on the
Internet version.
Vehicle Information
Mileages and Odometer
emsCharts Mobile – Dispatch Page
As you can see, the
fields themselves
are identical to the
following parts of
Dispatch on
Enter these the
same as on the
Internet version.
Crew Information
Roles will now
be spelled out
emsCharts Mobile – Dispatch Page
As you can see, the
fields themselves
are identical to the
following parts of
Dispatch on
Enter these the
same as on the
Internet version.
emsCharts Mobile – Dispatch Page
As you can see, the
fields themselves
are identical to the
following parts of
Dispatch on
Enter these the
same as on the
Internet version.
Associated Patients
Will be active once
Original Patient is
emsCharts Mobile – Dispatch Page
You may notice that
some fields have a
red outline.
This indicates that
they are required
fields in the system
These must be
completed before
the Chart may be
Notice! These do not have to be completed to Upload the Chart!
This is merely showing that they will eventually have to be done.
Why not here?
emsCharts Mobile – Times
Times are now located in the Quick Access bar at the Bottom of the Screen
Any Mileages entered will automatically backfill to the Vehicle Button
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Info
• The Patient Page again mimics the internet version
• The four Buttons will allow all information to be added
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Info
• You may search for an existing patient if you are connected
to the Internet. The Program will know if you are connected
and activate the Patient Search Button
• You will click this to search for an existing patient
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Info
To search for Existing
1. Check the corner
computers to be sure
you are connected to
the Internet (they
should be green)
2. Type the Patient’s
Last name (or
desired search field)
3. Click on Search to
find your Patient
You may add further information as
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Info
• Once you click the
Search Icon your
results will show in the
• If your Patient is there,
simply highlight them
and click the button on
the bottom to select
that person
• All Patient information
will be inserted into
your chart
You may delay your search to a later time
if connection is not available!
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Info
• If you are not sure if the
patient is correct you
may click on Open
Patient Summary to get
more Information
• You may check as
many patients as
• Click on Import button
to import the
information to the chart
when you are sure
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Info
This information may be added
now or later!
If you do not search for a patient
then based on your settings in
the emsCharts.com Mobile
Configuration code table, you
may be able to match
information and find your patient
during chart upload
This function is disabled once a
search is done!
If your patient is not in the list you will
“Close” and be able to complete the
chart using the Add/Edit button
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Info
• All lists and
fields will be
copied from your
• You will be able
to edit any new
information you
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Info
• This information will then show on the
Patient/Relatives Page at the very top.
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Info
• At the bottom of the Patient Info is the Relatives
• This will be included if you bring in the data from the
• Click the New button to add a new relative/guarantor
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Info
• Enter all information
as received
• Relationship will all to
choose from list
• Same Residence will
copy Patient Address
to this screen
• Complete as needed
and SAVE!
emsCharts Mobile – Other Patient Info.
• Immunization Info
– Click New to add info
• Patient’s Physicians
– Click New to add info
• Employment Details
may be added at
emsCharts Mobile – PMHx/Meds/Allergies
• Current Medications
• Past Medical History
• Allergies
Add/Edit will bring up
appropriate list. You may
scroll to find or start typing
for the Search
None Button will enter the
word None in the list
emsCharts Mobile – Billing Info
• The Billing
Information section
will show the various
insurance information
already entered.
• Highlighting a
particular Company
will show details and
allow you to edit
these if needed
• New button will allow
you to add
emsCharts Mobile – Billing Info.
• Any forms that you
may need to have
signed can be
indicated on this
page also
emsCharts Mobile – Chief Complaint
• The first Button in the
Chief Complaint
section is for the:
– Chief Complaint
– Secondary Complaint
– History of Present
• All text fields in
emsCharts Mobile
will include auto spell
check as indicated
emsCharts Mobile – Chief Complaint
• The second Section in the Chief Complaint section is for the
Impression/Diagnosis fields
• If these are turned off for your company this tab will not
• Make choices as indicated
emsCharts Mobile – Chief Complaint
• The next Sections in the Chief Complaint section are for the
Encounter Button fields
• What you will see here will mimic what would be seen on
emsCharts Mobile – Other Options
• The Scene, Movement and Factors affecting care have
their own Buttons
• Other items available under other buttons
emsCharts Mobile – Other Options
• The Belongings/Paperwork will have any forms turned on
• Documents will be available from the buttons instead of
check boxes
emsCharts Mobile – Neuro,Airway
• Neuro, Airway page should be
Neuro Button
emsCharts Mobile – Neuro,Airway
• Neuro, Airway page should be
Scores Button (if used)
Spell check on all text fields
emsCharts Mobile – Neuro,Airway
• Indicate here if and how
you found your patient
immmobilized prior to
your arrival (PTA).
Immobilization Button
emsCharts Mobile – Neuro,Airway
Airway Tab
• This is for documenting how
you found the patient’s
airway being managed upon
your arrival.
emsCharts Mobile – Resp,Cardio
• Enter details as needed
• Don’t forget the Comments fields
emsCharts Mobile – Secondary Survey
• The Secondary Survey will be using the Body
• The fields shown will fill in according to your body
Secondary Survey
Now has body that is Gender and/or age related
Age and gender comes from Patient Information
Gender blank will be Male
Age blank will be adult
Click button for Add/Edit
Secondary Survey
• Options Available
– Adult Male
– Adult Female
– Adolescent
– Infant
Secondary Survey
• Body can be rotated as needed
• Body parts expanded to NEMSIS 3 values
• Burn area expanded
Secondary Survey
• Obstetrics and Skin have own Button
emsCharts Mobile – Labs,Fluids
• If disabled in your configuration, this Button will be disabled
Labs Tab
emsCharts Mobile – Labs,Fluids
• If disabled,
the Tab will
be disabled
Fluids Tab
emsCharts Mobile – Meds,IVs PTA
• If disabled, the Tab
will be disabled
• Click New to add
These are Meds. and IV’s
administered PRIOR to
emsCharts Mobile – Activity Log
• The Activity Log
is where you will
be logging all
• If you do not list
it here, you did
not do it!
There are four possible ways to enter information on this page!
emsCharts Mobile – Activity Log
• Method # 1
Click the New
Button on this
• A Pop Up
appears to enter
the information
There are four possible ways to enter information on this page!
emsCharts Mobile – Activity Log
First you will see the Basic
Vitals page and you may enter
as needed.
Advanced Vitals if Needed
Choose Procedure
Remember to
emsCharts Mobile – Activity Log
• Method # 2
is to use the Quick Button at the bottom to add
• Exactly the same as the previous page showing the
addition of Vitals/Procedures
• May be used anywhere within the call!
There are four possible ways to enter information on this page!
emsCharts Mobile – Activity Log
• Method # 3 is the use of the Quick Action Buttons
• Must be configured in the Service Code Tables
•You may create as many as
•All will have option of 20
different options:
•Simply click to enter on chart
•May be edited later
emsCharts Mobile – Activity Log
• Method #4 is
using Protocols
• Click the Green
Protocol Button
on the right side
of the screen
• Protocols will
These may contain:
Remember! You can enter as much or as
little as you would like on the Mobile unit!
You MUST complete/lock your Chart on
emsCharts.com regardless of how much you
enter on the Mobile Unit
Activity Log Tools
The Patient is your # 1 priority in the field!
We provide Quick Entry Tools so you can provide
the best care possible and still record the necessary
information in the field!
You can fill in additional data as needed at
a later time as long as you have the
essential data already recorded!
emsCharts Mobile – Note Pad
• Strictly for onscene notes
• May use
images if added
• If saved will be
shown on Page 9
of the chart
• Full drawing tool
emsCharts Mobile - Attachments
• Choose
• Browse to find the
• Choose the
Category where
you wish to place
the file
• Click on Add
Attachment to add
• Added Attachments
will show in the file
window at the top
emsCharts Mobile - Signatures
• Signatures may be
captured for any
forms provided
• Click Signatures
Button to activate
• All forms are
created on
You must have a digitized computer for this function
emsCharts Mobile - Signatures
• Three types of Signatures can be obtained:
– Custom Signatures
– .Pdf Signatures
– Standard Signatures
You must have a digitized computer for this function
emsCharts Mobile – Custom Signature
• Once chosen, the
form will show on
the screen
• Multiple forms
available for single
• Signature may be
obtained in bottom
• Multiple signatures
can be obtained
emsCharts Mobile – Custom Signature
• Once signature is
entered you must
lock the signature
• You must verify
that you want to
lock the signature
• Once locked these
cannot be changed
emsCharts Mobile – Custom Signature
• Other Information
may be captured in
this area
• Tab headings will
• Information must
be locked also
emsCharts Mobile – PDF Signatures
• Must be saved on
web first
• Will look just like
your forms
• Collect all
information, then
• Just like Paper
• May have as many
signed as needed.
Don’t forget to Lock the Signature!
emsCharts Mobile – PDF Signatures
• Code table for
• Tech Note in
Documentation” for
setup and use
• May use only one
signature section
Don’t forget to Lock the Signature!
emsCharts Mobile – Partial Upload
• Does not Delete the
• Will upload what is
done so far to the web
• Is optional by service
• Will be “grayed” out if
• Uploaded Chart
cannot be edited on
web until fully
uploaded or activated
Administrators must have the
ability to activate partial
uploads if using this feature!
emsCharts Mobile - Printing
• You may print a
copy of the Chart if
you wish
• Will not be “Official”
Chart. That must
come from
• Print drivers must
be set for the
desired printer
emsCharts Mobile – Tool Box
• Each trip will
have a Tool Box
• Click Icon to
emsCharts Mobile – Tool Box
• Patient Search
• May search for
Patient at any time
an internet
connection is
emsCharts Mobile – Tool Box
• Medical Record
• Currently requires
• Will have future utility
for drag and drop
• For special reports
that may need used
for certain locations
• Not for Trip Sheets!
emsCharts Mobile – Tool Box
• Infusion
• Enter needed data
• Calculate
• Dosage or Rate will
be given
emsCharts Mobile – Tool Box
• Length Based
Tape Measure
• May use length,
weight or both
• Calculate
• Values given as
needed and color
emsCharts Mobile - Docs
• You will
have a list
of available
• These are
the same
Reminder: To open a file you
must have the software
to open that type of file format!
emsCharts Mobile – Close Chart
• You may close
a chart at any
• A chart may be
re-opened if
• Closing a chart
just means that
you do not
want to work on
it at that time
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Records
• You will be able to
check any desired
chart from here
• You may Open any
• You may Print a
Draft of any chart
• You may delete any
chart (s)
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Records
• You may Create a
Reverse Trip
• Mostly for Round trip
• Will copy checked trip with
the following:
– Ref. and Rec. will be
– Activity Log will be
– Signature forms are
not carried over
emsCharts Mobile – Patient Records
• This will upload all
checked Charts to
• Uploaded charts will
be deleted in their
entirety once they
are completely
• This is the final step
on emsCharts
You MUST be connected to the Internet at this time
Completing a Chart!
• Charts must be Completed on emsCharts.com
– The amount that will need to be completed will be
determined by how much you have completed in Mobile
• This may be done on the laptop computer if
Internet connection is maintained
• This does not have to be done at the time of
Upload but should be done soon
– Your service will determine protocol for this process
Completing a Chart
• Log into emsCharts.com
• You will see on your Home Page that you have an
incomplete chart
• Click on Patient Records to see incomplete charts
• Open the chart you just uploaded
• Perform whatever data entry is required to lock the
chart! The amount to be completed will be
determined by what you completed on the Mobile!
Completing a Chart
Most Services
Lock the Chart
PDF Forms
Notepad Image
You may review and/or edit this chart as you wish until you
lock the chart! It is your decision as to the amount you want
to do on the Mobile or on the web.
emsCharts Mobile
Full Data Entry
Note Taking Tool
The Decision is YOURS!
Let emsCharts Mobile be your tool
to help you Chart as you wish!
emsCharts, Inc.
600 Mifflin Road
Suite 102
Pittsburgh, PA 15207
Linda Coene
Training Director
Production Date: 02/20/2012
Property of emsCharts, Inc.
Content may not be changed without written consent of emsCharts, Inc.