14 - 04 APR 2014 BSCC NEWSLETTER NF com


14 - 04 APR 2014 BSCC NEWSLETTER NF com
April 2014
Presidents Message:
Secretary Minutes:
Event Report & Future
President Russell Mills,
Alice Curnick with Lou Ann Buechele
April 12 Coffee & Cars Captains Quarters
S t . P a t r i c k ’ s D a y P a r a d e BRiTiSH GRAND P R i X
BSCC SWOP MEET 28 t h Annual Drop Your Top
Brit Bits:
Classic British car manufacturing in USA
Treasurer Report:
Post S cript:
Tech Bits:
Courtesy Cliff Wilson
Austin Healey, Jensen & MG Midgets
Find KY British Sports Cars Owners
Options to keeping the engine cooler
01. Presidents Message:
Russell Mills, RussellsMills@gmail.com
I feel like for the last month, "March Madness", I do a little too much sitting in front
of the TV. But, what a bunch of great games this year. This is why I feel I enjoy
college basketball the most. Pulling for the U of L Cards I see the difference in the
U K supporters. Once U K upset UofL I feel that UK better win it all. Sorry it didn't
happen. Now I can get something done, the games are over.
BSCC SWOP MEET Hope everyone has had
s o m e f u n g e tti n g
ready for the swap
meet, April 19, at the
“502 Auto Club”, 9:00
am to 1:00 pm. This should be the time just
to get our and shoot the breeze and may be
find something that you need or have been
looking for (cheap). “502 Auto Club”, 13201
Complete Court, Louisville, Kentucky 40223
Tel: 254-3001
BSCC SWOP MEET This is the best way to get some of that stuff you have been
storing in your garage for years but couldn't though away. It is also a chance for
some of us to pick up something that we think we can use and will store in our
garage for a while, to use or pass on in a few years.
Now is the time, “Now, Today", to Pre-Register for the British Bash. It is very
important to get your registration in now so we can get a count of T-shirts and
Awards. This is so we can get them ordered.
Last year was not a total rain out but the weatherman made it out to be, so our turn
out was low. As a club member this is your show also we need the support of
everyone’s Pre-registration fees to finance some of the cost to put this show on.
If you don't help with the working of the show at least support your club and PreRegister. If the weather is bad and you wish not to come to the show you're not
really out that much. So please help us out here. (Registration form also on last page)
http://www.britishsportscarclub.com/wp -content/uploads/2014/01/bash reg 2014.pdf
If we have 100 Pre-Registered cars by May 15th there will be a special drawing for
these cars.
Hope to see you at our next meeting April 17, “tire talk”
7:00'ish for meeting at Loui Loui's, 10212 Taylorsville Rd.,
Jeffersontown, Kentucky, Phone (502) 266-7599
It is that time of year to get your cars out and make people smile. When they are
running we're smiling as well all the others that see us going down the road. It
even seems when you happen to be on the side of the road people are willing to
help you with a smile also.
I don't know if they're glad it's not them, or they wish it was. Our little British cars
are fun, just more fun and happy when they're moving down the road. Smile on,
02. Secretary Minutes:
Respectfully submitted by Alice Curnick, Curnick@bellsouth.net
General Meeting Minutes of the BSCC for March 20, 2014
President Russell Mills called the meeting to order around 7:30 P.M. Location:
Mussels & Burgers Bar at 9200 Taylorsville Road in Jeffersontown Louisville, Ky.
Present 37 people
General Business:
1. The St. Patrick’s Day parade was a smashing hit. Beautiful day and highest
turnout of “watchers” ever. Also the largest parade for St. Patrick’s Day in
Louisville. Due to the many politicians in the parade, each club was limited to
20 cars. Although we had 20 sign-ups, and some on the “fill-in at last minute”
list, we actually had 17 cars in the parade. A good time was had by all that
2. There are some members who still have not paid dues. Please send Cliff
Wilson, our treasurer, your 2014 dues if you haven’t already.
3. Russell congratulated Dan Adams on the wonderful job he’s doing on the BSCC
website and Peter Dakin on the great job he’s doing on the newsletter.
4. Russell reminded everyone of the upcoming Swap Meet on April 19 at “502” off
Old Henry Road. Take time to clean out those old car parts from your garage.
5. “Drop your Top” ceremony was changed from April to May. A vote was taken to
make the change. Most members thought the weather would be warmer in May
than April.
6. One of our members lost his mother this month. Dale Ballard’s mom died March
12. Our condolences to the Ballard family.
7. Our next meeting will be at “Loui Loui’s” a new restaurant specializing in Detroit
Style Pizza. They are located at 10212 Taylorsville Road. For those familiar
with Ferd Grazanti’s, Loui Loui’s took over their old building. It’s right next to
Jeffersontown Medical Practice, about a block down from the intersection of
Taylorsville Road and Watterson Trail. They will be giving us our own private
room and a roped off section of the parking lot for our British cars. We could eat
off the menu or have a buffet set up just for the club. After some discussion and
a vote, it was decided that we would go with the buffet. At least that way, everyone
can eat at the same time.
The price will be $12 per person, excluding tax and gratuity. Drinks will be extra.
Drawings: Name Tag Drawing: #79 on the roster, Doug & Shannon McArthur
Shannon was present, and collected the $10 prize.
50/50 winner – Alice Curnick winning $66 ($66 to the club)
Motion to adjourn made by Eddie Davis, seconded by Charles Curnick
03. Events Report & Future
3 a . St . P at ri c k ’ s D a y P a ra d e
3 a . St . P at ri c k’ s D a y P ara d e
1. Bill Fryrear, 66 Austin Healey 3000
2. Greg & Nancy Bowmanm 1979 MG-B
3. Larry Young, 1962 MG-A,
4. Cliff Wilson 1963 TR-4,
5. Richard Fleming, 1966 Sunbeam Tiger,
6. Rick & Lou Ann Buechele 1978 Spitfire
8. Ron & Carol Baylor 1971 TR-6
9. Gary Rumrill, Lotus,
10. Peter Dakin, 1975 Morgan 4+4
11. Steve Merker, 54 Jaguar XK-E
12. Dan Adams 1962 TR-4,
13. Charles & Alice Curnick, 2006 Mini Cooper-S
14. Rodger & Donna Coats 1952, MG-TD,
15. Sonny Moore, Austin Healey Bugeye Sprite,
16. Jim Werner 1966 Austin Healey 3000,
18. Sharon Merker 1959 MG-A,
19. Russell Mills, 1961 TR-6,
Here is a link to a short
movie on the BSCC 2014
St. Patrick’s Parade: https://www.hightail.com/download/elNMZ
m1lUzdwaFR2b k1UQw
BSCC SWOP MEET The swap meet, April 19,
at the “502 Auto Club”,
9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
This should be the
time just to get our
and shoot the breeze
and may be find something that you need
or have been looking for (cheap). “502 Auto
Club”, 13201 Complete Court, Louisville,
Kentucky 40223 Tel: 254-3001
28th Annual Drop Your Top Ceremony
Preceding Thursday 17 th April 2014 monthly meeting will be our
F o llo w in g o u r lon g o f also is 28 th time! This is our celebration of Spring and
signifies the official beginning of our 2014 driving season. A few bottles of ‘the
bubbly’ will pop their corks at 6:00 to begin the social hour.
T h e a c tu a l D r op Y our T op C e r e m ony w i ll b e a t ap p r o x im a t el y 6 :3 0 so to
p ar ticip ate, e v e r y one m us t ar r i ve wi th the i r ca r H OOD S a ffi x e d or i n th e i r
up\closed position.
With sing ing ou r tr ad ition al b lessing w ith acco mp an ied b y Hitchcock
playing the traditional SU H6, we will slowly drop our tops for yet another fun
and safe driving season!
Guffey and Neville Barrett and I talked Joe into coming at the last minute! Bill Fryrear
was thoughtful enough to RSVP’ed Saturday morning. Odd when last year was very
well received with all saying how much fun it was and that we HAD to do it again next
year. What happened?
We had a 16 person minimum for our great group rate. They were kind enough to cut
it in half for a group of 8.
When we were finished, they just rewrote the event to an itemization where the Club
was only out $178 vs a potential $750! I got in a jackpot and couldn’t just call it off
because they had reserved the room, set it up for us and had drinks and pizza for 16
waiting for us. Good news is 3 out of 4 trophied and everyone got to bring home a
This really makes Joy & I reconsider exactly what other events we will do the rest of
the driving season. FYI, Joy kind of threw in the towel last year and I kinda picked it
up to carry on this year. It’s too much time, effort, commitment and risk to do an
Joy (Ms B) Hitchcock - (502) 553-6680 - j.woods.hitchcock@gmail.com
Bob (Mr. Bentwrench) - (502) 550-3066 - rlhcpa@rosscpas.com
3e. April 12 - Saturday 9 – 11 am,
Coffee & Cars Captains Quarters
Great weather forecast for Saturday, So nice to see British and other Marques parked
for a chat and look see.
04. Brit Bits:
5 0 Y E A R S A G O T H E B E A TL E S
Beatles cars included Aston Martin
and from Mini Cooper to Rolls Royce
some were decorated. (except the
Aston Martin). Most famous probably
George Harrisons Mini Cooper (1943-2001) that featured in
'Magical Mystery Tour'. an Austin Cooper 'S' - Registration LGF 695D
Though John Lennon’s Rolls Royce was an attention getter.
Las t month Americ an Public T elevision pr es en te d a
documentary on the Beatles that was address as “Produced
by George Martin”. It featured the influence that George Martin
had in the orchestration of the Beatles memorable music.
Indeed, his ear for the beat and rhythm of comedy would later help
him guide the Beatles towards their extraordinarily innovative heights.
(Yes, he still drives his 1961 Morris Minor in this photograph).
The morning after the TV presentation, the critics reported: "Conversely,
knowing exactly how it turned out when George Martin met The Beatles
didn’t diminish in any way last night’s superb Arena documentary,
which at an hour and a half didn’t remotely overstay its welcome. In fact,
I’d have liked more. Produced by George Martin was an
affectionate, insightful profile of the great man, who was not so
much interviewed as gently bantered with by his son Giles,
Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and Michael Palin, among others.
But it afforded all kinds of joyful little pleasures, such as the
spectacle of Sir George & Ringo listening, heads nodding
appreciatively in time, to “Drive My Car”. And, for that matter, the spectacle of Sir
George and Lady Judy driving their car, a Morris Minor convertible that evoked the
“Swinging Sixties” almost as powerfully as Martin himself."
4b. Classic British car manufacturing in USA
Classic quality British car manufacturing in USA?
Information in part from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Yes, to meet demand Rolls Royce built 1,701
Rolls Royce Phantoms reported built 1921 1931 in their only ever 2nd car factory in
Springfield Massachusetts U.S.A. From chassis
# AX 201 referred to as "Silver Ghosts. Yes, we
all know about foreign Companies now building
their cars in the USA, like Toyota, Honda,
Hyundai and BMW. But Rolls Royce?
Does winning Alpine Races qualify a 2 seat
Phantom as Sports Car?
4. Classic British car manufacturing in USA
The facts came to light again when the recent reports about the soon to open new
exhibit at the Springfield Museum that will feature local entrepreneur Alan Swift's
green Phantom I, S273 FP Rolls Royce. Alan died in October 2005 at the age of 102,
the fact being that this legend among Rolls-Royce collectors owned his Rolls longer
than anyone in the world had ever owned an individual Rolls-Royce, (about 80 years exact time in debate on Internet).
With his car he also donated $1,000,000 to the Springfield Museum to purchase a
building to house his car and other artifacts of Springfield manufacturing history.
Here seen in the 1907 Scottish Reliability Trials. In 1921
the Phantoms reportedly sold for about $12,000,
but by 1930 about $20,000.
The first Phantom stating the name "Silver Ghost"
registration # AX 201 chassis number 60551 is now
owned by the Bentley Motors
Company Ltd. UK.
Reported insured for $25 million,
though value suggested more
though unlikely ever sold again.
Then of course below with Ash Frame Coachwork in its 1990 renovation.
So even if you do not have a spare Million to
set up a Louisville British Car Museum for
your car, at least the modest registration fee
to the BSCC 2014 Great British Bash will
contribut e t o showi ng you c ar t o man y
appreciative British Sports Car enthusiasts
this year. Your registration form available
from: http://www.britishsportscarclub.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/01/bash reg 2014.pdf
5. Classic British car manufacturing in USA
Louisville KY
30th Annual British Bash
Marques on the Green Saint Joseph Children’s Home
Friday June 6th 2014 5 pm to 9 pm –
Drive your car to St Joe’s and get to know your fellow car
enthusiasts. Refreshments and music available.
Saturday June 7th 2014 9 am to 12 noon – Day-of-show registration
and check-in for pre-registered cars and motorcycles.
12 pm to 3 pm – Cast your votes for your
favorite cars and motorcycles.
4 pm – Trophies and awards presentation
09. Emeritus & Notes
Thanks for membership in the BSCC John & Vickie Heitmeyer, you may have sold your MG-B after 36
years but do stop by any BSCC event and meet old friends.
Best wishes from Michael & Pat Linn 1964 Jensen Healey who “emigrated” to Texas and say they miss
the BSCC Club
Bruce Domeck,
dues paid member
and Advertiser
of Unique Auto LLC
at the BSCC 2013
Christmas Dinner
08. Post Script:
Austin Healey & Jensen
Phone 1
Robert & Debbie Abell
Austin Healey Sprite
(502) 499-0079
Trevor & Jacqueline Jessie
Austin-Healey Sprite
(502) 339-9598
Dave Case
Austin Healey
Austin Healey
(502) 895-6863
John A. & Mary Bahe, Sr.
Austin Healey BJ-8
(502) 895-8334
Roger and Dona Coates
Austin Healey BJ-8
(502) 538-4631
Bill & Diane Edgington
Austin Healey BJ-8
(502) 839-9122
Jim & Kathy French
Austin Healey BJ-8
(502) 425-5717
Bill & Jean Fryrear
Austin Healey BJ-8
(502) 245-0354
Bill & Joyce Wilding
Mike and Arlene Schneider
Austin Healey BJ-8
Austin Healey BJ-8
(502) 241-1612
Austin Healey 100
Austin Healey 100
(502) 896-2832
Austin Healey 100-6
Austin Healey 3000
(502) 459-6794
(502) 384-7991
(502) 384-7991
Jim Werner
Michael and Pat Linn
Peter Boyce
Jensen Healey,
(812) 945-1209
M. Carson & Melanie Stokes
(502) 267-1233
Todd E & Laura Stiles
(270) 338-5852
10. Tech Bits:
British Sports Cars not the best performers in excessive heat so from adding electric
fans to adding additional radiator or oil cooler one can reduce overheating.
In this instance this Morgan fitted with an added radiator as easy to do in front nose.
Close up View 2nd
radiator thru grill
Russell Mills,
Vice President:
Wade McCallum,
Alice Curnick,
Cliff Wilson,
Excursions Trips: Bob & Joy Hitchcock,
Newsletter Editor: Peter Dakin.
Website Admin: Dan Adams,
The ”Remarque’s” is a publication of the British Sports Car Club (BSCC),
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4064, Louisville, Kentucky. 40204-4064 U.S.A.
http://www.britishsportscarclub.com. The ”Remarque’s” is published 12 times per
year for the benefit of BSCC members. We do our best to ensure accuracy but cannot
be held responsible for errors and omissions & welcome corrections where applicable.
Contributions are welcome on any subject related to British Sports Cars BSCC
members may own. Material from ”Remarque’s” may be reprinted in any other nonprofit publication provided reciprocal article use permission is granted by that
publication and credit given to source & photographers identified.. Classified ads are
free for BSCC members. Articles which appear in” Remarque’s” are the opinions of
the authors and do not express the position of the (BSCC) British Sports Car Club on
any matter unless specifically noted. Deadline for submissions to the editor is the
second Friday of the month prior to the next issue.

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