Healey Hi-Lites Presidents Comments February 2016 Welcome and Happy Valentine Day from the Bluegrass Austin Healey Club Florida Contingency. By: Bill Wilding There is a very large portion of the club is in Florida enjoying warmer weather. There is Kathy and Jim French, Nancy and Doug Conway, Martha Sutt, Mary Lee VanArsdall and Sue Lourch Bernie and Leslee Lamp, Dona and Roger Coats (they had to leave early because Roger hurt his back while volunteering at a Girl Scout Camp here in Florida), Linda and Tom Gish, Bev Frazer and Joyce and myself. Winter down here is great and it is like living in a car show. As an example, leaving church we walked by three different models of Maserati, five Bentleys and number of Jaguars, and I have lost count of the number of Corvette Stingrays. All of these guys are running around with great sounds, but nothing has that wonderful mellow sound of a Big Healey. Jim French and Doug Conway showed me DeLorean Heaven where all good DeLorean’s spend their late years with signs that say please don’t touch me. I believe I counted 21 DeLoreans at this location. Here are just a few of them that are parked outside. If you ever wanted one of these fine stainless steel beauties, this is the place to come, be sure to bring your stainless steel polish. I think there will be a few of us coming back home next month, so Joyce and I will see everyone at Roosters in March. Hang in there, the warmer weather is just around the corner – I can’t wait to get my Healey back on the road and getting ready for a great summer of fun driving. Remember I can be impeached, Bill Bluegrass Austin Healey Club Once again we are constantly entertained with interesting weather. The forecast for the next several weeks for Louisville indicates we should have By Mike Schneider Florida weather in Louisville. (well ok almost Florida weather) I guess those of us that didn't go to Florida can still enjoy the benefits that the other half of the club claims to be enjoying a thousand miles south of Louisville. And we didn't have to leave our house! From the Drivers Side… With the weather starting to get close to Healey status you might want to stay observant for the car shows that will be available. Even if your Healey isn't ready to participate in the car show you can still attend and visit with friends and make new friends. Car shows like the Cars and Coffee will likely be taking advantage of this mild weather as well as the Corvette show at the Aero Club on the Bowman Field property. There is talk of the European Car Show in planning stages at Mike Linnigs again this year. That was interesting last year. It was fun to see other makes of cars plus the food at Mike Linnigs is always a treat. One big change this year will be British Bash. This year it is scheduled for June 18th instead of the first Saturday in June as it has been for over three decades. The timing of the car show is to attract some of the more than 1500 MG's that will be in Louisville for their national meet the week before that. The Bash for 2016 will be at the fourth location in its history. We started out at Joe Creason Park. A few years later we outgrew that facility and moved to Kingfish on the River. After years of intense heat and sunshine an effort was made to find a shady spot. That's when St Joseph Orphanage was contacted and contracted for the car show. Then last year St Joe started a large construction project which required a new spot for the car show. Ben Moore and Jim Werner spun into action and helped arrange for the Great Lawn area next to Joe's Crab Shack. We knew that spot since we used it very successfully for our Conclave 2012 car show location. Bash 2015 experienced a lot of rain on the Great Lawn but the show went on because there was a huge roof that the cars could be under. All in all the facility worked out so well that we will be there again this year on June 18th. Our AHCA conclave is just up the road a little over an hour away. Except for our conclave in Louisville there will never be another conclave closer than this one. This conclave is hosted by the Ohio Valley AHC. Check the AHCA website or the Marque for an application and get that in the mail now. If at all possible contact the people running the conclave and offer your help. They have been awesome with assisting other conclaves including ours here in Louisville. We need to return the favor. They can use some help with the funkhana, gymkhana, rally, car show and being a runner. The people that are stuck at various events could use a supply of water and food. Being available to get the goodies to the workers is a very important part of helping during the conclave. You can devote an hour or two and make a difference. Contact Don Klein, Cindy Loos, Jake or John Jacobs to offer help. This is the tail end of the membership renewal drive for 2016. If you haven't renewed with Bluegrass AHC or the AHCA please do so now. The membership directory will be finalized by the end of the week of our club meeting. If you wish to be listed in the membership directory please renew. Those that haven't renewed in the next several weeks will not receive any further issues of the Marque. The March issue will be the last one you will be sent until you renew. If you renew later in the year and missed issues of the Marque and you want the back issues you will have to purchase the back issues from the back issues manager Peter Borrone. Looking forward to seeing you at the general membership meeting Tuesday February 23 at Roosters on Shelbyville Rd. Don't forget to keep the rubber side down and the top side shiny and bring it to a car show. Mike Schneider Bluegrass Austin Healey Club My Two Cents By: Ben Moore For more than two decades, the Bluegrass Club has hosted SpringThing. From Bowling Green to Bardstown, and almost everywhere in between, the Club has come together to welcome our guests for a weekend of fun, food and Healey family! It’s always amazed me how this Bluegrass Family supports this event, from volunteering time and brain power to lugging kegs and setting up auction items…we continue to work to pro- vide a top-quality event. At a time when many local Clubs are slowing down or going to an alternative schedule for their regional and local meets, our Club continues to find a way to put on a great party year after year. Thinking back on the SpringThing calendar these many years, I have some incredibly fond memories of this event, and it’s amazing to see how it’s grown and evolved. I recall SpringThing 3 ½ in Bardstown, Kentucky. It was 1994 and I was just beginning to enjoy photography and take an interest in the cars. Our Bugeye had to stay home that year because the insurance wasn’t renewed in time (before the days of instant internet payment) and I was quite disappointed by this development. That year, the Rally featured a scavenger hunt that had us traipsing through a cemetery and “borrowing” Maker’s Mark labels that hadn’t been applied to bottles yet. A few years later, I vividly remember a SpringThing spent directing my dad around a Funkhana course while he wore a paper bag. Or perhaps it was Sally’s Healey Croquet Funkhana in Vevay… the place that shall not be named! Maybe it was the car show segmented by color or the many laughs at auctions thanks to Jim French. Better yet, the infamous SpringThing greeters…that somehow no matter which year or who hosts the table end up indulging more than all of our guests combined. What’s your favorite SpringThing memory? With the exception of the Club hosting a Conclave, SpringThing comes each spring…like clockwork. A fun-filled weekend that our friends from around the country can count on to start their Healey year. But, maybe most importantly, it comes each year as an opportunity for our Club to come together to support one another and devote our time and attention to bringing each other together. You see, to me SpringThing is more about the community we build, not just for our guests, but for our members. It’s an opportunity to involve someone who may be new. It’s a chance to celebrate, even during difficult times. No matter what obstacles we face, this group continues to defy the odds that have affected other Clubs and each time we push the event to better. Regardless of how you view SpringThing…as a fundraiser, a burden or an exciting event…we can all agree that it’s always been the way our Club comes together. It brings out the best of our volunteer spirit…our generous hosting…our support for one another. I hope you’ll join us this year for the “ump-teenth” SpringThing. Because really, who’s counting? We have a fantastic site picked out in Corydon and the team is cooking up some new fun for the group. I hope you’ll volunteer and help throw this amazing party. SpringThing is always at its best when we are at our best…as a family…helping one another and preserving the marque we so cherish. Will we see you in May? Bluegrass Austin Healey Club 2015 BGAHC Financial Statement 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr BEGINNING BALANCE 1/1/15 Checking Savings $13,890.34 2,331.00 $13,890.34 2,331.00 $13,890.34 2,331.00 $13,890.34 2,331.00 Total Beginning Balance $16,221.34 $16,221.34 $16,221.34 $16,221.34 35.00 165.00 165.00 311.00 775.00 1,795.00 1,825.00 2,080.00 8,072.00 2,080.00 8,072.00 2,200.00 8,072.00 $3,655.00 $10,317.00 $10,317.00 $11,358.00 101.80 200.00 150.93 700.00 1,600.00 4,566.69 1,850.00 150.93 700.00 20.00 4,586.69 1,850.00 231.58 700.00 20.00 4,586.69 1,850.00 120.00 160.00 358.03 160.00 358.03 1,421.08 INFLOWS Activities Interest 50-50 Christmas Party Regalia Inc Membership Springthing Total Inflows OUTFLOWS Administrative Charity Activities Springthing Memberships Attendance Reward Picnic Christmas Party Total Outflows $1,901.80 $7,387.62 $7,825.65 $9,327.38 Inflows minus Outflows $1,753.20 $2,929.38 $2,491.35 $2,030.62 $17,974.54 $19,150.72 $18,712.69 $18,251.96 Total Ending Balance 12/31/15 Bluegrass Austin Healey Club Austin Healey Historic Photos Tips From The Garage #4 THERMOSTAT AND GASKET IF YOU NEED A THERMOSTAT AND GASKET OUT ON THE ROAD DON’T DESPAIR. ASK FOR THERMSTAT (RIGHT HEAT RANGE) AND GASKET FOR MID SEVENTIES SMALL BLOCK CHEVY. FITS ALMOST PERFECT, GASKET HOLES WILL HAVE TO BE ELONGATED SLIGHTLY. I RUN 195 DEGREE THERM YEAR By Bob Thurman ROUND BECAUSE I DRIVE MY HEALEY YEAR ROUND. HEATS UP FAST IN THE WINTER AND ALLOWS COOLANT TO COOL DOWN IN RADIATOR AS THE THERMOSTAT OPENS AND CLOSES. IF THERM IS LOW(160) IT WILL NEVER CLOSE AT ENGINE OPERATING TEMPS ALLOWING COOLANT TO CIRCULATE CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT ALLOW IT TIME TO COOL IN RADIATOR AIR FLOW. ALSO CHECK YOUR FREEZE PLUGS FOR RUST OUT. THEY MAY BE LEAKING A DRIP OR TWO AND RUSTING COOLING SYSTEM FROM INSIDE OUT. #5.TIMING COVER SEAL DOES YOUR TIMING COVER SEAL DRIP A LITTLE / LOT OF OIL EVEN AFTER REPLACMENT? THE PROBLEM IS PROBABLY A GROOVE CUT INTO HARMONIC BALANCE SEALING AREA WHICH LETS OIL PASS UNDER NEW SEAL. THERE ARE PRODUCTS OUT THERE THAT ARE CALLED SPEEDI-SLEEVE OR READY-SLEEVE MADE TO CORRECT THIS. THESE PRODUCTS HAVE BEEN MADE/IN USE FOR YEARS FOR ALL SORTS OF SEAL PROBLEMS. I HAVE USED THEM ON REAR AXLES, TIMING COVER SEALS, AND DIFF. PINION SEALS. THE KIT COMES WITH SLEEVE FOR NEW SEALING AREA FOR THE NEW SEAL.THE SKF PART IS # 99193, AND I THINK OTHER BRANDS USE SAME NUMBER. CHECK WITH NAPA OR AUTOZONE. I ALSO HAVE A SPECIAL TOOL DESIGNED BY ANOTHER HEALEY FELLOW (BERNIE LAMP) THAT ALIGNS (CENTERS) TIMING COVER ON CRANKSHAFT. REALLY SIMPLE AND EASY TO MAKE ON LATHE.THIS IS ANOTHER GASKET THAT YOU MIGHT WANT TO MAKE YOURSELF. ORDERED GASKETS SEEM TO BE A LITTLE THIN TO COVER ANY IMPERFECTIONS IN THE FRONT COVER AND ITS MOUNTING PLATE. HAVE HAD A FEW LEAKING ISSUES HERE. MAKE SURE YOU TIGHTEN COVER BOLTS UP GRADUALLY AND EVEN ALL WAY AROUND. DON’T TRY TO “GORILLA” THE BOLTS DOWN, EVEN WRIST TYPE PRESSURE IS SUFFIENT WITH A LITTLE RTV SEALANT. Bluegrass Austin Healey Club Events Calendar Bluegrass Austin Healey Club Events Calendar Bluegrass Club Officers President Ben Moore 502-451-9450 The Bluegrass Club Meeting is Tuesday Always the fourth Tuesday Join us at Roosters 10430 Shelbyville Rd Meet and Eat 6-7 Meeting at 7pm Treasurer Jack Burns 502-477-2863 Bluegrass Club Officers President Membership National Delegate Bill Wilding Mike Schneider 502-930-1730 502-896-2832 Treasurer Technical Director Jack Burns 502-477-2863 Bernie Lamp 502-243-3572 bernie.leslee@ Membership Newsletter Editor National Delegate Mike SchneiderJim Werner 502-896-2832502-459-6794 bluegrassclub@ Technical Director Bernie Lamp Webmaster 502-243-3572Trevor Jessie bernie.leslee@502-339-9598 Newsletter Editor Jim Werner 502-459-6794 Webmaster Trevor Jessie 502-339-9598 THE HEALEY HI-LITES is a Publication of the Bluegrass Austin Healey Club, P.O. Box 6241 Louisville, KY. 402060241 THE HEALEY HI-LITES is published 11 times per year for the benefit of it's members. Articles which appear in THE HEALEY HI-LITES are the opinions of the authors and do not express the position of the Bluegrass Austin Healey Club on any matter unless specifically noted. We do our best to ensure accuracy but cannot be held responsible for errors and omissions. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to Healeys, club members or of general interest to the classic car hobby. Material from THE HEALEY HI-LITES may be reprinted in any other non-profit publication provided reciprocal article use permission is granted by that publication. Deadline for submissions to the editor is the 10th of the month prior to the next issue. Classified ads are free for BAHC members. Bluegrass Austin Healey Club
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