

Healey High Roads
December 2009
Inside This Issue
CAAHC Holiday Party
Delegate Meeting Report
Photo Caption Contest
Hunt Country Classic
November Tech Session
More Than a Car Story
The Tribes of Healeydom
Tech Tip - Jack Saddle
Official Publication of the Capital Area Austin Healey Club
DECEMBER 1, 2009
Healey High Roads
Feldman’s to host CAAHC
holiday party!
Notes from the Editor
Come one, and
come all. Join in
festivities! Marian
and Allen Feldman
invite all members of
our Club to their
home at 14616 Boat
House Way, North
Potomac, MD for a
holiday party. No
voting, or heavy
lifting at this gathering - just food, drink and fellowship.
This promises to be a Club event not to be missed. What a great
way to kick-off another year of Healey highlights and
memories. The party will be on Sunday, January 10 from 1 to 5
P.M. You do not need to cook or purchase anything and there
will be no cover charge. Beverages and our meal will be
provided by the Club. Come join the fun! RSVP no later than
January 7 to or to 301.251.1158.
More detailed directions will be provided to those who RSVP.
Holiday Party
President’s Message
Delegate’s Meeting Report
October’s Photo Caption Contest
The Scottish Games 2009
December’s Photo Caption Contest
November Tech Session More Than a Car Story
The Tribes of Healeydom
Tech Tips - Jack Saddle 2
The 2009 show season has
drawn to a close, but
president Michael points out
in his article you can still get
that Healey out on the road!
This issue includes highlights
of our fall events as well as a
special interest story about the
friendships a car community
can engender. Ian Osborne is
sure to make you chuckle
with his “oh, so
British”account of Healey
history. Thanks to Michael for
his great tech tip, and Herman
for his Delegate’s report.
Keep those contributions
coming. I hope you enjoy
this issue .
-Lin Rose
Healey High Roads
December Cover
Fred and Anne Hufnagel are the owners
of our cover car this month. It is a lovely
Recent weather developments notwithstanding, I
stand by my statements from last month's column that
we are entering into some of the best driving for our
Yes, it has rained a bit and gotten cold in the last few
weeks, but as so often happens in
our area the cold and damp
weather is chased right out by a
period of warm, dry driving--an
Indian Summer as it were. And
yes, the Rockville Car Show was
cancelled due to bad weather,
which was an unprecedented
situation but we were presented
with a fine weekend for our
November Tech Session at British
& Classic Car Doctors to which
several members brought their
Healeys. By the way we owe a
large debt of thanks to not only
Ralf Berthiez who served as Event
Coordinator for this tech session but also to Paul
Warren and his wonderful staff who supplied the
facility and expertise to deal with the issue of the
overdrive unit in Michael Maloney's BJ8. Thanks
one and all.
Whereas in past years we have held our Annual
General Meeting/Holiday Party shortly after the first
of each year, this year as you no doubt know we held
our AGM in August, so I am very pleased with the
decision we reached at the meeting to have a
SOCIAL event in January, and a large vote of thanks
must go out to Allen and Marian Feldman who have
once again offered us the use of their home.
The date of the party--and I am calling this a party as
opposed to a meeting in order to emphasize its social
DECEMBER 1, 2009
nature—is January 10, 2010. We will gather at the
Feldman’s home from 1 to 5 pm and as time gets
closer we will post details on the website, and
probably also send out postcards to make sure that
ALL members are aware that they are cordially
invited. We will probably make a special effort to
reach those who we do
not often see via a
special "phone bank" as
we really want folks
who are not regular
attendees of our
meetings, etc. to
feel welcome.
We customarily do not
have a December
meeting and since I
don't know of any
upcoming car events
we may not see each
other for a while-probably not until the January Party--but if anyone
has any questions about future club events, etc. please
contact me. In the meantime keep your eyes on the
weather and when that fair day presents itself get in
the Healey and enjoy it. We may be blessed with a
late winter and perhaps it is time to invest in a new
wool lap blanket so that you and/or your companion
can enjoy a ride on one of the brisk days that I am
sure is coming our way.
Also don't forget that our Newsletter editor welcomes
your submissions. I'm sure you have some story, some
special route you love to drive, or some tech tip to
share with your fellow members. Send it on to our
editor and help our Newsletter be even better than it
is already, if that is possible.
- Michael
The Capital Area Austin Healey Club is an Area Club of the
Austin Healey Club of America and serves the District of
Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.
For further information visit our website at:
DECEMBER 1, 2009
2009 Fall AHCA Delegates Meeting Report
The 2009 AHCA Fall Delegates meeting occurred during the weekend of
November 7-8 in Charlotte, NC. The meeting opened with a welcome and
overview of the agenda by president Carl Brown. The minutes of the June
meeting were approved and we proceeded with the chapter reports.
I found the chapter reports to be one of the most interesting and useful
components of the meeting. Each delegate took a few minutes to present a
“state of their club” report where they highlighted activities, discussed
membership trends, and presented their observations on the overall health
of their club. With a few exceptions, membership is down for all clubs.
The Three Rivers AHC (Pittsburg) went from 37 members in 2007 to
none in 2009, the Flatwater AHC (Nebraska) dropped 50% over this
period and several others lost over 30% of their members. A few clubs
Herman Farrer
posted small gains, some of which were simply people who moved from
one club to another. The Capital Area AHC lost 22 members from 2007-2009. Our membership now stands
at about 135.
Many of the chapters participate in charity events as a way of promoting the marque and giving back to the
community. Examples include donations to healthcare research, libraries, and the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
I believe that charitable fundraising is an activity that the Capital Area Club should undertake.
One of the clubs participates in a “Coffee and Cars” monthly meet-up with other British marques at a diner.
As a matter of fact, many of the clubs engage in activities with other British car clubs. A few of the clubs
even have a significant number of members who own cars other than Healeys. This is due, in part, to the fact
that there aren’t enough Healey owners to sustain an independent Healey club. While I know that there has
been some discussion over the years about engaging other British clubs, I think that we should further
pursue the idea. I suspect that it would be pretty easy to do with a couple of phone calls and emails.
Not surprisingly holiday parties were among the most popular social events. Many clubs participated in
driving tours, and some, the annual ice cream social. Most clubs either hosted or attended cars shows, while
others preferred competitive events like gymkhanas.
Officer Reports
Jim Frakes, VP Conclave, reported this year’s Conclave in Kingston, ON was a success. There were 222
registrations and the club will make a profit, even though the economy was weak and some potential
sponsors did not step forward. The ladies tea, the track events, and the boat cruise were some of the bestattended activities. Many attendees appreciated the on-site repair facilities.
Next year’s Conclave is scheduled for July 11-16 at the Eagle Ridge Resort & Spa in Galena, IL. Galena is
News Flash: We have a Club Secretary!
Charlie Darley suggested that he might be interested in serving as our secretary, and before
you could say “gymkhana” the Board nominated and appointed him “acting” secretary until
someone stands for election. Thank you, Charlie, and congratulations!
Continued on Page 5, Delegate Meeting
DECEMBER 1, 2009
165 miles northwest of Chicago near the Mississippi River. Highlights of the 2010 event include a popularity
car show on historic Main Street in Galena, a dinner & dance cruise on the Mississippi, and a gymkhana.
Healey Werks will provide on-site repair services.
Club Support
Gary Brierton told the delegates that the AHCA is looking into a way to revive failing and failed clubs.
Safety & Classification
Don Klein reported that an attempt will be made to let women participants drive through the gymkhana
course at a low speed prior to the event. The opportunity may also be extended to men as well.
Classifications will remain the same and will be posted on the AHCA web site. People who have comments
or recommendations on classifications should send them to Don.
Greg Lauser told the delegates of the AHCA’s efforts to promote this year’s Healey runs at the Bonneville
Salt Flats. The club is also planning on producing an AHCA 50th anniversary windscreen decal for
distribution to its members. Local chapters are being encouraged to find ways to celebrate the anniversary.
Treasurer’s Report
Bev Sealand reported that despite the recession, the club’s treasury remains healthy. There will not be a dues
increase in 2010. As of November 1, 2009, there was a cash balance of $69,923.86. Total revenues were
$122,672.27 and total disbursements $132,004.21. Not reflected in the figures is about $15,000 in outstanding
advertising revenue expected to be collected before the end of the year.
Healey Marque
Reid Trummel reported that 2009 expenses should be about $5,300 below the projected budget. Expenses
should be about the same next year and the magazine is now full-color.
Bob Gilleland told the delegates that Healey Marque lost a couple of advertisers, but picked up a couple, too.
He also informed the delegates that there has been some discussion on whether to accept advertising for
regional AHCA events. He also said that the Marque might also accept a one-time, full page ad for AHSTC’s
Encounter meet next August.
Membership chairman, Mike Schneider, will now be sending membership dues rebates to the clubs twice in
January and February and then quarterly for the remainder of the year. Mike reported that this year’s
membership directory was delayed by the printer and he is working to make sure that they are delivered
earlier next year. The cut-off to be included in the directory is mid-March. Anniversary plates, sent to
recognize 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. years of membership, will start coming out again next year.
Edie Anderson is cataloging the items that the delegates have approved over the years.
The premium will remain the same for 2010. A certificate of insurance is available upon request. It is only
Continued on Page 6, Delegate Meeting
issued when required for particular event.
DECEMBER 1, 2009
Steve Byers said that there are 550 members-at-large. He is working to create an email distribution list to
keep members informed. 350 are on the email list.
Future 50
Ben Moore is requesting clubs to do outreach to promote Healeys to the next generation of buyers and club
members. Schools, libraries, and all-marque shows are all places for outreach. Social networking sites such as
Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube may be the best way to reach a younger demographic. Ben is working on
member profiles of 18-40 year-olds. He also wants to promote membership to legacy owners. Ben also thinks
that a network of AHCA members to help with car acquisition would benefit younger buyers.
In 2003, John May started working with other registrars to protect/preserve the data. In 2006 the delegates
voted to require registrars to present a yearly copy of their database to the AHCA. John proposed to have
two categories of registrars. The first type of registrar is an AHCA member and sends a yearly copy of
registrations to the AHCA. The second category of registrars is for those who are not part of AHCA, but
AHCA acknowledges their existence. Car number security is required by AHCA policy (still to be
determined). Some members are concerned with protecting data. A motion approving the above was made,
seconded and passed.
DMH Memorial Fund
The fund currently has $11,688.86. The DHM Fund was established in 1991 to remember Donald Healey
via a stained glass window at St. Michael’s church and the maintenance of a memorial walk, both in
Perranporth, England. The fund also provides an annual scholarship of about $500.00 for two local students.
Bonneville Speed Run
Dave Maxwell gave a brief report on Healey’s return to Bonneville. For a full report and photos, visit http://
Web site
The volunteer AHCA Webmaster doesn’t have enough volunteer time to put into the site and the Club may
have to hire him or someone else to manage it.
Conclave 2012
Ben Moore of the Bluegrass AHC presented their proposal to host Conclave in Louisville in 2012. He said
that 75% of members live within one day’s drive of Louisville. The room rate at the Crown Plaza Louisville
would be about $120/night. Ben is an energetic 25 year-old, who will place emphasis on getting Future 50
members to help. The date of the Conclave would be June 17-21, 2012.
Break Out Sessions
Conclave 2011
John May reported that no club has volunteered to host Conclave 2011 so the AHCA officers proposed to
the delegates that the AHCA act as host. Various venues in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Colorado
were considered. It was decided that Colorado Springs would be the best venue for the event. There was
much discussion as to whether the AHCA should host the event or whether it would be best not to hold a
Conclave in 2011. Concern centered around two areas. The first was whether there would be enough
personnel at Conclave to carry out all of the tasks associated with running a Conclave without significant
support from a local club. The second area of concern was whether in future years the local clubs would
Continued on Page 7, Delegate Meeting
DECEMBER 1, 2009
expect the national club to host Conclave. By a vote of 19-9 the delegates approved Conclave 2011 managed
by the AHCA. It is expected that various AHCA clubs will step up and run particular events such as the car
show, gymkhana, and rallies.
The venue under consideration is the Crowne Plaza where room rates will be $119-$135 depending on the
breakfast option chosen. Tentative events include a chuck wagon dinner at the Flying W Ranch, a gymkhana
at Pike’s Peak International Raceway (with other driving activities available through the track), and a ladies
The probable dates are July 3-8, 2011.
Club Revitalization
It appears that members can be divided into three groups
• Those who pay dues and want to be left alone,
• Those who pay dues and participate minimally,
• Members who are the core of their clubs, run the organization and participate in most of the
It was agreed that clubs need a newsletter and that some clubs still send paper copies in the mail. It is
important to have event write-ups with photos of members.
Web Site
The participants of the Web Site breakout group made the following recommendations:
Local club officers need to know how to access management portion of AHCA site.
Update the look of the site including changing the black background
New pictures
New charity photos
Let members enter updated personal membership information
Tech articles on members only page
New Business
Conclave Bids
1. Vote to approve AHCA hosting Conclave in Colorado Springs, CO passed 19-9
2. Vote to approve Conclave in Louisville 2012 passed unanimously
AHCA Anniversaries
Greg Lauser requested that 2011 be designated as 50th anniversary of AHCA. AHCA was incorporated in
1976 as Midwest region, but the club started in 1961. 2011 will be the 35th anniversary of the national club.
Both the 50th and 35th anniversaries will be celebrated next year.
International Meets
Steve Bell inquired about the status of International Meets in the US/Canada. John May said delegates
previously voted not to hold anymore international meets that aren’t Conclaves. Conclaves are no longer
sponsored with another national club.
Continued on Page 8, Delegate Meeting
DECEMBER 1, 2009
2010 Delegates Meeting
2010 Delegates meetings in Atlanta November 12-14
The 2010 budget calls for $161,750 in revenue and $177,472 in disbursements. To save money the Spring
Board meeting will be held in Colorado Springs as the officers will have to travel there anyway to plan
Conclave 2011. Keeping dues the same since 1999. Budget approved unanimously.
Honorary 1 year Memberships
Dave Maxwell, Steve Pike (Australia), and Bruno Verstraete (Switzerland) for their work on Healeys
Return to Bonneville
Lawrie & Diane Wilford and Bob & Lavina Yule for Conclave 2009
Special Bonneville Recognition
Charles Matthews, Gordon Whitby, Joe Jarick, Marco Trevisan
Lifetime Memberships
Carl Brown, AHCA Past President
Nomination of Officers
New Officers-Gary Feldman, Club Support and Gary Brierton, President. All other officers remain the same
and in the same positions.
Bob Yule was elected as delegate member to the nominations committee.
Respectfully submitted,
Herman Farrer
Capital Area Delegate
DECEMBER 1, 2009
Breaking News!
Sue Turner wins photo caption contest.
“I guess those guys don't wear anything under their
This photo of Kirby, Joe and Fred was taken at the 2009 Scottish Games. As the
bagpipers were marching by, a slight breeze came up! Thanks to Sue and everyone
who submitted a caption.
- Editor Lin
DECEMBER 1, 2009
The Hunt Country Classic, October 11, 2009
Middleburg, VA
Healeys On Display
On a Beautiful October Day
We combined what has become a fall tradition for British car afficionados with our monthly Club meeting.
This was the fourteenth year for The Classic held at Willoughby Farm in Middelburg, Virginia. The farm,
owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott provided a beautiful setting once again this year and we could not have had
a more pleasant day with blue skies and temperature in the high sixties by mid-day. The Hunt Country Classic
provides an opportunity for all British marques to come together and there is always an excellent
representation of Austin-Healeys. In addition to several Healey owners who drove their cars from
Pennsylvania, members of our club in attendance included: Mike Oritt, Dean and Sue Turner, Jack and Pam
White, Eric Parlet and Kathy Bliss, Charlie Darley, Lin and Judith Rose, Fred and Anne Hufnagel, Ralf
Berthiez, Kirby Nelson, Ron and Gayle Szanyi, Michael Maloney, Lane Riddle and Michael’s guest, Doug
Merch. Mac Holt and Jim Sasser also attended the event but were not present at the business meeting.
We were all pleased to see Michael Oritt. Although he was a leaner figure than we have been used to spending
time with, it was great to see that Mike was on the mend and feeling well enough to come to the event. Thanks
to Doug Merch who drove him over to the show.
Continued on Page 11, Hunt Country
DECEMBER 1, 2009
The Hunt Country Classic, October 11, 2009
Middleburg, VA
Michael called our the CAAHC business meeting to order at 11:30 am. Following introductions of those in
attendance the minutes from the AGM were approved. Ralf Berthiez reported no changes in the balance of
the Club treasury. Michael indicated that our new webmaster, Mark Turgeon, is working with Herman Farrer
on the transition of the website to Mark’s leadership. Herman will be our new Club delegate to “national.”
Michael Maloney provided a report on the membership survey that he is conducting with the assistance of
Kirby Nelson and Fred Hufnagel. The project may take several months, but the product should be an
improved understanding of why members choose to participate actively or not.
Jack White and Fred Hufnagel offered that they have begun preliminary planning for the next Capital
Classic. They anticipate a September weekend with the event to be held in the Orange County/Charlottesville
Ralf will be sending out information on the Club’s November tech session and meeting. Lin Rose reminded
everyone of the photo “caption” contest and encouraged participation. President Michael commented that
even though we have held our Annual General Meeting, we could still host a Holiday party if there is
sufficient interest.
Everyone was at a fevered pitch to move from the Club meeting to the annual desert competition. The meeting
was adjourned. Judge Doug Merch proclaimed that it was extremely difficult to select winners this year.
Some observed that Doug took multiple bites of each dessert just to validate his initial reactions. Others just
thought he was hungry! First place went to Charlie (really Marlene) Darley, second to Sue Maloney and
third to Judith Rose. Thanks to everyone for their contributions.
Sue and Judith prepare desserts for judging
Our impartial dessert judge, Doug, samples the goodies
Continued on Page 12, Hunt Country
DECEMBER 1, 2009
The Hunt Country Classic, October 11, 2009
Middleburg, VA
Charlie and Ralf in Charlie’s BT7
Dean, Sue, Pam and Kathy
CAAHC monthly meeting
Continued on Page 13, Hunt Country
DECEMBER 1, 2009
The Hunt Country Classic, October 11, 2009
Middleburg, VA
Jim Sasser won the Queen’s Trophy for Best in Show
Eric Parlet won 1st place for the Healey Roadsters
Kirby Nelson won 2nd place for Healey Roadsters
Lane Riddle won 2nd place for Healey Convertibles
Charlie Darley won 3rd place for Healey Roadsters
The Hufnagels won 3rd place for Healey Convertibles
DECEMBER 1, 2009
December’s Photo Caption Contest
“ Your caption here”
This photo, taken at the 2008 Encounter at Carlisle, PA,
needs a caption! Submit your most creative ideas to me at
Editor Lin by no later than January 1. Our winner will be
announced in the next issue of
Healey High Roads.
DECEMBER 1, 2009
British & Classic Car Doctors Hosts the
CAAHC November Tech Session
Upperville, VA
Members of the Capital Area Austin Healey Club joined together on November 15, 2009 for a tech session
at British & Classic Car Doctors. Our thanks to Ralf Berthiez for making all the arrangements and
bringing lunch for those in attendance. Members of our club in attendance included: Mike Oritt, Dean and
Sue Turner, Jack White, Charlie and Marlene Darley, Lin Rose, Ralf Berthiez, Kirby Nelson, Michael
Maloney, Lane Riddle, Bob and Mark Turgeon, Joe and Joanne Maesteri, Bill Favor, Allen and Marian
Feldman and Doug Reid. New members, Jack Felter and his wife, were greeted by the Club. The Felter’s
100 is currently under restoration by B & C Car Doctors.
Continued on Page 16, Tech Session
DECEMBER 1, 2009
Special thanks go to Paul Warren, owner of British
and Classic Car Doctors http:// for hosting
the Club on a Sunday afternoon and to Doug
Reid, Senior Technician, for providing the
technical assistance.
The project for the session was to analyze why
Michael Maloney’s overdrive would not engage
and hopefully fix the problem. Accessing the
overdrive requires the removal of the console, and
the gearbox cover. While not a difficult task,
removing these components does take
approximately thirty minutes so while Doug began
the work, Club members had lunch and President
Mike Oritt called a Club meeting to order.
Being without a Club Secretary, no formal minutes
were taken; however, highlights of the meeting
included brief reports from Mark Turgeon, our
Webmaster, Lin Rose, the Newsletter Editor, and
Ralf Berthiez, Treasurer. Mark mentioned that he
would be moving our site to a new server host in
mid-December. Lin solicited contributions for the
newsletter, and Ralf requested that Club members
send their dues and renewal membership forms
directly to him. After accounting, he will forward
the materials to National. He also introduced new
member, Jack Felter who made a few comments of
Jack White mentioned that planning is underway
for next year’s Capital Classic. Preliminary
arrangements have been made with the Holiday
Inn Express in Orange, Virginia for September
24-26. He announced that rates for the Holiday
Inn will be approximately $125 per night. Jack
will be looking into area attractions such as
Montpelier, James Madison’s home, wineries and
possibly Monticello for Club visits. A car show is
anticipated for Sunday morning before departure.
Once reservations are managed for CAAHC
Continued on Page 17, Tech Session
DECEMBER 1, 2009
members, attendance will be opened to other
clubs as was done with last year’s Capital Classic.
Jack reported that he will update the
membership as plans are finalized.
Michael Oritt suggested that the Club might
want to have a holiday party purely as a social
event for club members to visit with one another,
without elections or other business to occupy our
time. There was general support for the idea and
Marian and Allen Feldman offered to host the
party at their home. January 10 was mentioned
as a possible date.
Having no other business, the meeting was
adjourned and the group moved to Michael
Checking the Oil Pressure
Maloney’s BJ8 where under Doug Reid’s tutelage
we learned a little something about overdrives, including the application of heat to stubborn bolts!
Following the elimination of some possible problems such as the possibility of a malfunctioning solenoid,
Doug began a partial disassembly of the mechanism. A spare overdrive on a work bench provided a good
teaching tool.
As things turned out, it appeared that the oil pressure in Michael’s overdrive was below what is expected
for proper functioning. Repair required parts that Doug did not have available in the shop so Michael
decided to leave his car for work to occur later in the week. We will all look forward to hearing about the
resolution of the problem. Thanks to Doug Reid for patiently working with the car while answering
questions and contemplating solutions.
British and Classic Car Doctors has a wonderful facility and Paul and his staff could not have been more
Michael Maloney and
Doug Reid Hard at
Continued on Page 18, Tech Session
DECEMBER 1, 2009
Technical Supervisors
Doug Reid at His Best
Future Project?
The Subject of
the Session
DECEMBER 1, 2009
More than a Car Story
Don Voorhis’s Factory Five Cobra is a product of friendship
Don Voorhis in his Cobra enjoying an
October Day in The Mountains
In the issues of Healey High Roads I have edited, I have limited content to matters related directly to
Austin Healeys. This month I have made an exception to normal practices and have included an article
that you must read. It is about the Factory Five Cobra community, and it is an extraordinary story of
compassion and selflessness that in my judgment needs to be shared. I hope that you will agree. The
article was filed by Jim Matheny from WBIR an NBC affiliate in Knoxville, TN. I have slightly
reformatted the content, otherwise it is as it appears on the WBIR website. I hope you enjoy!
- Editor Lin
Installment One – March 23, 2009
Don Voorhis remembers the exact moment he first saw his dream car: the legendary Ford Cobra."It
was 1964 and there was a Cobra in this garage," said Voorhis. "I played hooky half the day and sat in
the car, just daydreaming. I've wanted one ever since."
Continued on Page 20, Cobra
DECEMBER 1, 2009
Original Cobras are extremely rare and virtually
unobtainable. In 2007, after his wife of more than 40
years died, Voorhis decided to pursue his dream car
and happiness by ordering a Cobra replica kit to build
the vehicle from scratch.
completely paralyzed but completely aware of their
surroundings, a prisoner in their own bodies.
"We both were given a second chance at love," said
Cheryl. "Before the diagnosis was confirmed, I refused
to believe he had ALS. I love him so much and could
Building the automotive love of
his life went on the backburner
in early 2008 when the
unexpected happened. Resigned
to be a widower for the rest of
his life, Voorhis found love in
his current wife Cheryl. Cheryl,
like Don, had recently lost her
spouse of more than 40 years to
"People had tried to set us up,
but neither one of us were
interested in dating again," said
Cheryl. "Then we had a couple
of chance encounters and fell in
love." Cheryl and Don married
in August 2008. Shortly
thereafter, Don resumed his
efforts to complete the Cobra kit
in his garage. Cheryl and Don
attended a Cobra car show in Ohio to see others'
"Every time he would hear the roar of the motor, he
would get excited," Cheryl said. "I want him to have
that dream because his dream is my dream."
All the while, Don noticed some physical changes. He
grew fatigued, short of breath, and experienced
slurred speech. "The slurred speech was noticeable
because I would talk to my children on the phone and
they would ask if I had been celebrating with a few
Manhattans," said Don. The symptoms were a
harbinger of something far from celebratory. Don
soon suspected he had ALS, commonly referred to as
Lou Gehrig's disease. Doctors confirmed the
diagnosis in early February.
There is no cure for ALS, a cruel disease that robs its
victims of all physical abilities while leaving the mind
intact. The disease essentially leaves patients
not imagine this happening to such a good person."
"I was devastated and gave up on life," said Don. "I
was no longer physically able to work on the car and
decided to sell it." Don had visited the site on a nightly basis when he began
the project. The site is an online community for Cobra
enthusiasts. Now Don was visiting the site to sell his
unfinished replica kit.
"We discouraged him from selling it," said Greg
Marsh, a member of the online community who lives
in Knoxville. "We wanted him to realize his dream and
the best way was we volunteered to come and build
his car for him." "I was blown away," said Don. "I had
about 100 people respond, telling me not to give up
and volunteering to come to Tennessee from across
the country and help build the car."
Continued on Page 21, Cobra
DECEMBER 1, 2009
More than 20 people who were previously complete
strangers have visited Don from across the country to
rebuild his dreams piece-by-piece. One member of
the site bought an airline ticket and traveled from
California to assist the project.
"This guy gave an entire week of his life to travel here
and work on my car," Don said. "Now I've forged a
friendship with people I never expected to meet."
Cheryl said Don was initially reluctant to accept the
online community's generosity.
"To see him make the online post to sell his car
absolutely broke my heart. So when they
volunteered, I told Don to let these people help him.
Even if he can't build the car himself, at least he'll be
able to drive it or ride in it," said Cheryl.
Don said Greg Marsh's willingness to coordinate the
project was a key factor in deciding to accept others'
assistance. "I was afraid we'd have too many people
here at a time. There are only so many people who can
work on a car at a time and it had the potential to be
more headache than it was worth." Don added, "But
for Greg to coordinate everything and schedule people
in an efficient way convinced me to keep building my
dream car."
The volunteers have already completed the frame and
much of the wiring. The group is awaiting the arrival
of the engine to begin its installation. Marsh said he
expects everything but the paint job to be completed
in the next month or two. Don said he has not decided
on the color. "Our three granddaughters are trying to
get me to paint it pink," said Don. "I haven't decided
on a color, but I know it will not be pink. Even though
it is beautiful, I also know it will not be blue just
because I have seen too many other replicas that color
and I want to be a bit different."
Don and Cheryl Voorhis said the entire experience
has been humbling and remarkable. As life leads the
newlyweds down an uncertain path neither expected,
the altruistic acts of complete strangers will soon
allow them to navigate the twists and turns in the car
of Don's dreams. "It certainly renews your faith in
mankind when there's so much bad going on in the
Greg Marsh and Don Voorhis
world. For these guys to do that, it is just amazing."
Don added, "If I get to the point where I cannot drive,
Cheryl may have to drive me around. But I can still
listen to the pipes."
Installment Two – August 24, 2009
This week, a Loudon County man diagnosed with
ALS found out how close an on-line community can
Don Voorhis lives in Tellico Village where the selfdescribed "car nut" has spent the last two years buying
parts to build a replica of his dream car, the Ford
"It was 1964 and there was a Cobra in this garage,"
said Voorhis. "I played hooky half the day and sat in
the car, just daydreaming. I've wanted one ever since."
Voorhis frequented the FF Cobra message board for
advice on building the car. Then Don's project came
to a screeching halt in February of this year when
doctors diagnosed him with ALS, also known as Lou
Gehrig's disease.There is no cure for ALS, a cruel
disease that slowly robs its victims of all physical
abilities while leaving the mind intact. The disease
essentially leaves patients paralyzed but completely
Continued on Page 22, Cobra
DECEMBER 1, 2009
aware of their surroundings, a prisoner in their own
As the disease progressed and left Don too weak to
assemble his vehicle, the unfinished car gathered dust
in his garage. Don decided to return to the message board and sell his Cobra kit.
"The generosity of the people on the forum was
amazing," he said. "They told me not to sell it and
offered to travel here and build the car for me."
"It just touches your heart," said Cheryl Voorhis,
Don's wife. "I don't think I can explain how good it
makes you feel to know that someone really cares.
We both cried like a baby."
Greg Marsh of Knoxville had built a Cobra kit
identical to Voorhis's and quickly volunteered to
organize several weekend "build parties" for
volunteers to work on the car. Dozens of volunteers
traveled from across the country to help build Don's
Cobra over the course of 12 weeks.
"It was really heartwarming," said Don Freeman, a
friend of the Voorhis family who also helped build the
Cobra. "One guy came in from California to spend
three days on the car. They came from everywhere."
Rick (with Don and Wife Cheryl) Flew in
from the West Coast to Participate.
Voorhis. "It was really tough trying to be patient while
they painted the car."
Collins delivered the car to Voorhis on Thursday
afternoon. A crowd of friends and local
forum members gathered at the Voorhis home for the
unveiling of the completed Cobra. Checkered flags
adorned Don's yard as he stood with children and
grandchildren who traveled from as far away as
Seattle, Washington, for the big event.
Thousands of people followed every turn of the
wrench online in what became a race to finish the car
before ALS left Don unable to drive. In recent weeks,
"When they opened the trailer and I saw the car, it
Voorhis started wearing a neck brace as his muscles
was just unbelievable," said Don. "It's just amazing to
have become too weak to constantly support his head.
see this car and know it's all done and you can drive
it. It's fantastic."
"I figured they were going to need somebody to paint
it, so we volunteered our services," said Jeff Collins,
Don then climbed into the car and sped around the
owner of Whitby Motor Cars in Greensboro, NC. "All
block with Cheryl in the passenger seat.
of the guys in the shop really wanted to be a part of
this and help Don."
"To see Don with his car brought tears to my eyes and
a lot of the other guys here," said Freeman. "There
Once the car was assembled, a forum member from
have been a lot of people behind this project who were
Charlotte, NC, hauled it from Tennessee to Whitby
unable to be here and some who never actually
Motor Cars in Greensboro for the paintjob.
worked on the car. But they followed the project
every step of the way online and were here in spirit."
"You spend a few months putting the thing together.
Then when it is finally done, you have to hand it to
Continued on Page 23, Cobra
more strangers and say goodbye to your baby," said
DECEMBER 1, 2009
"It's rewarding to see a project like this come to fruition," said Marsh. "And it's very rewarding to see the
happiness that Don has now that he has got his baby."
"We're just going to enjoy this while we can," said Don Voorhis. "And if it gets to the point that I can't drive
the car anymore, we'll worry about it when the time comes. Right now I'm just so happy and cannot say
enough about the generosity of the people who worked on the car. It is truly humbling."
Collins estimated the total monetary value of donated labor and materials for the project to be more than
Factory-Five Racing manufactures the Mk3 Roadster kit. Factory-Five awarded Greg Marsh its first ever
Legacy Award in June for his contributions to the Voorhis project.
Don and Cheryl on Their First Drive
I have recently corresponded with Greg Marsh. Unfortunately, Don Voorhis’s illness has
continued to progress, but just a few weeks ago Greg and Don did have a chance to take
Don’s car for a mountain drive. I am not sure who had more fun!
- Editor Lin
DECEMBER 1, 2009
The Tribes of
Ian Osborne
Ian has owned both a BJ8 MkIII Ph. 2 and his
current V8. He uses the pseudonym
Frankenhealey, as he can be a little controversial.
A short, alternative history of Schisms and Sects*
From papyrus scrolls found in a sandstone cave on the edge of the great desert of Aston Villa
As translated from the Olde Brummite by Frank N. Healey, BA, PHd(Bombay) and Bar
*This is not misspelled! As it is known there is certainly no chance of sex if you've been up 18 hours polishing your
KonKours trailer queen or have cleaned your oil pump and sump in the dishwasher or woken your significant other at
3am to be early at the track.
And lo, it was written that the prophet Donald had laboured long on his ministry amongst the
Invictans, the Rileys and the Triumphites with mixed success. Being not dismayed he gathered his
disciples around him and led them to Warwick near the land of the Brummites. Here was built the
high temple of Healeydom, called Cape Works, and there he brought forth the Elliot, the Westland
and the Silverstone and divers other fruits of his labours. During these years the congregation of
Healeydom were as nought to the multitudes of nonbelievers. Also at this time the prophet dallied with
the Nashites in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Fixation with Fins but the less said about
that the better.
And it came to pass after many years of toil in the high temple producing semi-bespoke Gentleman’s
Sports Saloons, Dropheads and Racers, that the prophet, after much meditation with his faithful
disciples, trials in the wilderness of the Black Country, burning suspension bushes and divers plagues
of piss-poor subcontractors brought forth unto the multitudes, at the Court of Earls, the miracle of the
Healey 100. The fervour of nonbelievers was such, bowing down and worshipping the purity of the
Healey, that the Lord Leonard, High Priest of the Empire of Austin did inveigle the prophet to enter
into bonded servitude to the Austinites and yea thus was the prophet able to win over many more
converts to the inalienable truths of Healeydom whilst simultaneously striving to maintain the
inexorable purity of the faith within the pagan Austinite Empire.
And as was normal in those days that the BN1 begat the BN2 and the 100S. The BN2 begat the
100M, the almost mythical BN3 and the BN4 100-Six (now with six cylinders and two occasional
seats with which to smite the graven idols of the nonbelievers). The BN4 begat the BN6 and the BN6
Continued on Page 25, Healydom
DECEMBER 1, 2009
begat both the BT7 and the BN7. The BN7 begat the BJ7 which in its turn did begat the BJ8 Marks
I, II and III, in both Phases 1 and 2.
During the ascension of the ‘Big’ Healey a revelation was had that more unbelievers could be
converted with a smaller Healey and after much labour and creative use of the Empire of Austin's
patrimony was the Austin Healey Sprite brought forth unto the admiration of the multitudes. And the
Frogeye begat the Mk2 which begat the Mk3 which further begat the Mk4 thus showing that product
naming was not necessarily the prophet’s greatest strength. At some point in all this begetting there
arose the blasphemous abomination of the MG Midget due to the incestuous coupling of a Sprite Mk2
and the Empire of Austin's parts bins, but that’s another story.
And for a (short) time all were content.
Inevitably, friction arose with the three tribes of Healey.
The ‘Big’ Healeyists thought themselves purer in the eyes of the prophet than their later born
brethren, the Spriteists. The Spriteists believed the ‘Big’ Healeyists to be lardy and slow in the turn
unlike their light and nimble selves. 3000ites believed they were more developed than the rest while all
others believed they were naught but callow cruisers and boulevardiers. ‘100M-ites‘ would look down
on plain ‘100-ites’ and ‘100S-ites’ would look down on everyone except for the Warwickists, to whom
anything tainted by the Empire of Austin was as unto an abomination. Further internal schisms arose
due to irreconcilable dogmas within the three tribes. The main cults were:
Puritan Konkoursites.
Small sect of Healey Fundamentalists. Believe in the Healey as originally built. Sinful to use cars but
worship on a regular basis by invoking their three avatars of Turtle Wax, Autoglym and Toothbrush.
Adherents have been excommunicated over the positioning of blind stitching on seat bottoms and
similar interpretations of arcane and pointless knowledge. The central tenets of their belief being
‘Cleanliness is next to Healeyness’, ‘There’s no stock but NOS stock’ and ‘Bugger this, I could be
polishing’. Their deadly sins are ‘Dirt’, ‘Pattern Parts’, ‘Sniffing of the Autosol’ and ‘More Dirt’. Easily
recognised by their hereditary stoop and the white cotton gloves worn at all times
Order of Periatetic Sconeites.
Largest grouping in Healeydom following the belief in the Holy Day Drive, Wash and Polish. They
can be seen regularly indulging in pilgrimages to shrines of interest with a nice cream tea at the end.
Once a month take part in the organised ritual of the ‘Natter & Noggin’**. Central tenets to their
belief are ‘Better not, it might rain’, ‘Not too fast now’ and ‘Only two scones please’. Their deadly sins
include ‘Getting the Old Bus wet’, ‘Dropping of the Clotted Cream’ and ‘Waving to MG owners by
mistake’. Most likely to be found in a Stately Home Gift Shoppe buying souvenir tea towels. They can
be recognised by the wearing of the traditional Healey vestments of the Flat Cap and Cardigan. The
optional briar pipe and tobacco pouch of ‘Rough Cut Navy Shag’ is rare these days especially among
the women.
**Origins of this phrase are obscure but believed to have been first found on clay tablets dating back to 1760BC on
the founding of the M.G.O.C.*** (Mesopotamian Goat Owners Club). This is further correlated by references from
popular periodicals of the day such as ‘Hot Goat’, ‘Classic Goat & Dungcarts’, ‘Goatcounter’ and the weekly shadow
play ‘Top Goat’, hosted by Jeremiah, son of Clark.
Continued on Page 26, Healydom
DECEMBER 1, 2009
***Not to be confused with the MG Owners Club at all!
A small fanatical sect that bases their beliefs on the Word of Donald where the prophet said “I give my
permission for anyone to improve the power, handling and braking of my cars”. Knowing that the
Donald once fitted a Cadillac motor to a Silverstone showed them the way to their 8-fold path of
muscle car enlightenment. Tenets central to their belief include ‘There ain’t no motor but a Detroit
motor’, ‘It’s Margarita time!’ and ‘Despising Austin’s boat anchor engine’. Their deadly sins are ‘Using
standard parts’, ‘Driving sensibly’ and ‘Polishing’. Easily known by their baseball caps, NASCAR pit
jackets, terminal deafness and burning shoes. Most likely to be found on the back of an AA truck.
Nonconformist Competitionites
Cultists recreating the sporting exploits of the Donald’s life. Split into many groups, their main belief
is use of the Healey as a “Sports Car”:
Obsessive Circlists believe in the ritual of going round & round in circles, or at least finishing where
they started, on as many weekends per year as possible. Central tenets of their belief include ‘Armco is
for sissies’, ‘There I was, going through Karoussel at 90, with two cylinders gone, no oil pressure and
the brakes on fire’ and “Ooooh them Nomex long johns don’t half chafe’. Their deadly sins include
‘Telling the wife just how much it actually costs’, ‘Not finishing’ and ‘Forgetting to take the handbrake
off’. Traditional garb includes the Michael Schumacher replica helmet, 3-layer velour Nomex firesuit
with shoulder pads and ankle boots more likely to be found in a Brighton gay bar. Have been known
to name their male children Ayrton, Damon or Lewis.
GrandoldDukeofYorkists believe following the Donald’s footsteps in climbing hills as fast as possible,
many times a day. They are so called from the old hymn
The Grand old Duke of York hillclimbed in his car
He drove his Healey to the top of the hill. And drove it down as far
When it was up it was up and when it was down it was down
And when it was only halfway up it was neither up nor down because it crashed, dumped its oil on the track and closed
the Hill for the rest of us…..mutter….mutter….mutter
Central tenets of their belief include ‘Climb every mountain, a Ford conked out in every stream’ and
‘There I was, going up Prescott at 90, with two cylinders gone, no oil pressure and the brakes on fire’.
Their deadly sins include ‘Running over the Marshall’s foot’, ‘Forgetting to stop at the Top’ and
‘Coveting thy neighbour’s Pilbeam’. Traditional garb is much scruffier than the Obsessive Circlists
with open face helmets, 2-layer Proban first worn by their father and gumboots. More likely to have
used their Healey for ploughing than any other group.
Classic Tulip Fanciers are the long distance evangelicals of Healeydom following the footsteps of the
prophet and taking the Word of Donald across Europe and beyond. Always come in pairs, rather like
the Mormons but not so young and certainly less well dressed. Their devotion to their holy book of
‘Tulips and Pace Notes’ is without equal. Tenets central to their belief include ‘Regularity, Regularity,
Regularity’, ‘Jenks did it all on a roll of toilet paper’ and ‘There I was, going down the Stelvio at 90,
with two cylinders gone, no oil pressure and the brakes on fire’. Their deadly sins include ‘Not being
regular’, ‘Sitting on the Poti’ and ‘Using tomorrow’s pace notes today’. Most easily recognised by the
Continued on Page 27, Healydom
DECEMBER 1, 2009
Moustache, Deerstalker and Flying Jacket. Likely to call their male children Erik, Stig or Björn.
Temporal Conic Flagellants are so-called for their almost paranoid aversion to certain geometric
shapes and the wrong time. Most likely to be found on cold & windy airfields or Tesco carparks. Huge
theological battles between the ‘Big Healeys’ and the ‘Spriteists’ over who is better at being more
afraid of the Cone and less afraid of the Clock. Central tenets of their belief include ‘Oops!’, ‘Bugger!’
and ‘What moron laid out this course?’ Their deadly sins include ‘Physical congress with the Cone’,
‘Nonchalance with the Clock’ and ‘Deviation, Repetition and Hesitation’. Easily recognised by their
Bobble Hats, Thermos Flasks and Marmite Sandwiches.
The End of Days
After the rise of the evil Beancounters within the successor to the Austinite Empire the prophet and
his offspring were deemed surplus to requirements due the perfidious elevation of the brothers Midget
and MGC. The insane views of the Beancounters that the MG duo were DNA compatible with the
blessed Healeys is an opinion rejected to this day by true believers. In fact with the MGC the prophet
had both the first and last laugh due to its woeful under-development it was unto a proper (i.e.
Healey) sportscar as unto a mangy three-legged dog called Scrofula.
The prophet then allied himself with the Jensenites, and brought forth the Jensen Healey but
although the new offspring was well(ish) received the speed and lack of development, especially of the
engine bought in from those doyens of reliability, the Lotusites, meant the number of converts was
very low. The new half Jensen was disregarded by its Interceptor brothers and the earlier CV8’s and
541’s held all others in contempt as not true offspring of their Jensenite prophets and thus did the
Tribes of Jensen eerily replicate the schisms of the Tribes of Healeydom. It should be noted that in the
heyday of the 3000 that the prophet being desirous of a sporting 4-seater had for his personal use a
Jensen 541 upgraded with a V8 from the Chevrolites and thus became one of the much despised
Octocylindrists but in his favour this blasphemy was of the Jensen ilk and not of the blessed Healey.
As so it was with much of the industry of the Isles of Albion that the Jensenites succumbed to the twin
forces of the Arabist Oil-Shock and the militantism of the Red Robbos and the Jensen Healey was no
more. A final throw of the automotive dice brought forth the Healey Fiesta but to the number only of
one. No more. No less. One was the number he didst build, and the number of the building was one.
In case you haven’t worked it out there was only one example. Immediately afterwards, for the first
time in many decades, all the offspring of the prophet were in the Purgatory known as OUT OF
It is inconceivable that the Donald was not dismayed with this turn of events but could only have been
comforted in the knowledge that while his offspring would wax no more (except for the Konkourists
and only then with Meguiars or Autoglym) neither would they wane at the rate of more common
And to this day the Konkoursites, Sconeites, Octocylindrites, Circlists, Yorkists, Tulip Fanciers and
Flagellants of all the ilks of Healeydom do practice incessantly their devotions in praise of the prophet
and his offspring.
Here endeth the lesson.
Oh, did I mention that Ian is from across the pond? I hope you enjoyed his little account
of Healey history!
- Editor Lin
DECEMBER 1, 2009
CAAHC President,
Owner of an AH100
Le Mans, an AH
3000 BN7 and an
Elva for vintage
Owners of 1967 AH
3000 BJ8.
The Club officers voted to clear-out the regalia
inventory with the exception of the “Lid
Latches,” Hats and Grill Badges. Everything
else must go. Need a present for the holidays?
Here is your chance for a great bargain! See
page 33 for remaining sale items.
Owner of a AH 100
V-8 Nasty Boy.
CAAHC Newsletter
Editor, Owner of an
AH3000, BT7, “The
Bloody Beast,” and
an AH Bugeye.
CAAHC Regalia
Owner of a Factory
Five Cobra and
organizer of the D.
Voorhis project.
To place an order or to enquire
about pricing or size availability
please email
Anil and Shanthi Fatterpaker at:
DECEMBER 1, 2009
The Healey Jack Saddle Whether your car is a 100 point Concours winner or simply a daily driver you certainly do not want to
cause any unnecessary damage to its undercarriage by using improper jacking methods and tools.
Some folks simply use a standard trolley (floor) jack and perhaps a few pieces of 2 x 4 and once they get
the car’s wheels off the ground they block the car in place with jackstands and proceed with their service
That may be fine, but if not done carefully whatever part of the frame that is used as a jacking point can
take a real beating and wind up dented, bent and deformed. And once this damage is done it is extremely
difficult and expensive to repair as the dents must essentially be “pulled” out if small or replaced with new
metal if deep.
About ten years ago I saw
an advertisement in one of
the Healey Club
magazines for a jack
saddle specifically made to
be used on all Big Healeys
and I purchased it. The
saddle was made by a
fellow Healey owner
under the trade name
“Classic Collectables Co”
and sold for the fairly
reasonable sum of around
$50.00. It is designed to
replace the standard
saddle that comes with
most floor jacks (which
are usually round with
some rolling or fluting
along the edges to prevent
slippage) and it has a 1”
diameter pin on the
bottom that fits into the
standard receiver hole.
The first photo shows a 2-1/2 ton floor (trolley) jack with a
standard jacking saddle in place. Note the sharp edges on the
standard saddle that would tend to cause dents in the frame.
The saddle came powder coated and has a rubber liner to prevent scratching. It is cleverly designed to fit
both the front and rear cross-members and to just clear the triangular reinforcing gussets so that there is
no room for movement between the pieces.
Continued on Page 30, Healey Jack Saddle
DECEMBER 1, 2009
Healey Jack Saddle
The first two photos demonstrate fitting the saddle to the jack. It then only remains to jack the car up,
and by carefully positioning the jack and rolling it fore and aft and from side to side the saddle will
simply “locate” the front cross member and lock into place, so when the car is raised there is no
tendency for the saddle to
slip from under the crossmembers, nor is there any
metal-on-metal contact since
the saddle is lined with
The second photo shows the jack with the Healey Saddle in
place and ready for use.
This photo is shot at a low
angle from in front of the
car and shows the saddle
engaged with the front
crossmember and the jack
fully elevated.
Continued on Page 31, Healey Jack Saddle
DECEMBER 1, 2009
Healey Jack Saddle
Once the jack is fully extended jack stands must be used to support the weight of the front end and
the jack can be removed and if desired the rear of the car can be dealt with in the same manner.
This photo photo shows the rear of the car with the jack fully
elevated and the car being supported with the Healey Saddle.
Notice the jack stands supporting the front of the car.
If you’re wondering where you can get such a jack saddle don’t bother calling the phone number
shown in the photos—the fellow is long out of business. Instead call John Edwards (home:
301-862-3583 or cell: 815-355-4834) who for $60.00 plus shipping will build and send you a similar
saddle. It won’t be powder coated but it will have the rubber protective liner and it will keep your
Healey’s frame looking new and dent-free.
Continued on Page 32, Healey Jack Saddle
DECEMBER 1, 2009
Healey Jack Saddle
For those DIY readers, Michael has provided a drawing that will surely prove helpful. He added, “In
case you want to try to weld up a saddle yourself here is a perspective drawing--the dimensions are
nominal, not necessarily accurate and should be verified to make sure they will fit the frame members
on your car. Existing dents, etc. will have to be taken into account.”
Special thanks to Michael Oritt for this helpful tech tip!
- Editor Lin
DECEMBER 1, 2009
“Get it while it Lasts”
The CAAHC Blowout/Bailout
Half-Price Regalia Sale
Sale Price $21.00
Sale Price $15.00
Sale Price $15.00
Sale Price $22.00
Sale Price $12.00
Ladies Only L,XL
Mock Turtleneck
Sale Price $12.00
Sale Price $15.00
Only One Left! XXL
Sale Price $12.00
Ladies Only XL
Sale Price $16.00
CAAHC Regalia
To place an order please email Anil and Shanthi Fatterpaker at:
DECEMBER 1, 2009
By Mike McPhail
Reprinted with permission of Mike and
the South Texas Austin Healey Club
'Twas the night before Christmas and out in the
Sat a tired old Bugeye, its battery dead.
The fenders were rusted, the floorpan had holes
The seats and the carpets had been eaten by voles
The tires had dry-rot, the gas tank was leaking
A turn of the wheel sent tie rods a-creaking.
So I put on my coat with a weight on my heart,
And went out to the shed to get it to start.
When the engine turned over, there arose such a
I knew from the sound...there was something the
From under the dashboard there came a bright
The wiring harness had just turned to ash!
"I've had it with Healey's!" I finally swore
"Enough is enough, I can't take any more!"
When what to my red, teary eyes should appear
But a bald little Englishman with a pint of warm
"This one can be saved; there's no reason to
All you need is some, you've got to
"A hammer! Some duct tape! Get me more tools!
When you work on these cars, just make up the
We'll get her cranked over, no way that she'll
but stand well back, with your face to the wall."
A cough and a sputter...the cacophony stunning.
I couldn't believe it! The damn thing was running!
The ghost winked at me and said, kicking a tire,
"Whatever you do, DO NOT TOUCH THIS
The old man then vanished, oh bless his heart,
and when the smoke cleared he had left me some
So I opened the shed door and let the top down,
put pedal to metal and went out on the town.
And I thought to myself as I missed second gear
Merry Christmas to All and a Healey New Year!
"Good Day," I heard, as he tapped my shoulder.
"I'm the spirit of DMH" said he, while the Sprite
continued to smolder.