2015-01 Hangfire - Tri-City Gun Club Website
2015-01 Hangfire - Tri-City Gun Club Website
TRI-CITY GUN CLUB TCGC REGULAR MEETINGS: Goldsby Community Center, 122 E. Center Rd., Goldsby, OK Friday, January 2nd at 7:30PM PRESIDENT Mark Ericksen 405-627-2844 president@tricitygunclub.org JANUARY 2015 Friday, February 6th at 7:30PM VICE-PRESIDENT Lea Greenleaf 405-830-7588 vicepresident@tricitygunclub.org SECRETARY Ronny Robertson 405-664-2101 secretary@tricitygunclub.org TREASURER Scott Stehno 405-759-0819 treasurer@tricitygunclub.org MEMBER-AT-LARGE Eric Bauman 405-820-3916 memberatlarge@tricitygunclub.org CHIEF RANGE SAFETY OFFICER Ken Anderson 405-249-9804 crso@tricitygunclub.org SCHEDULER Brad Corn 405-249-2556 scheduler@tricitygunclub.org WEBMASTER Jason Rapp webmaster@tricitygunclub.org Rest in Peace Mystique My best friend and companion Closed her eyes today As her head was in my hand. She had just been meeting and greeting shooters, one of the things she loved to do. The thoughts that scurried through my head, As I cradled her in my arms. Were of the years we had been together. And OH her many charms. Today there was no gentle nudge, with an "I love you" gaze. Only a heart that's filled with tears remembering our joy filed days. 12/23/2014 The many steps she took following me as I worked. A friend told me "You should cry no more, God also loves our canine friends and He has a doggy- door. Bill R Hutcheson (405)664-1128 ELECTION TIME At the General Meeting on Jan. 2nd, Executive Committee elections will be held. Only Regular and Life members are eligible to vote. Please plan to come out and vote for your Executive Committee members. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, January 15th at 6:30 PM in the TCGC Range Stat House, 450 Jerry Black Lane, Goldsby, OK Current Membership Dues: Associate Working - $80.00—Associate Non-Working - $160.00—Regular Working - $60.00—Regular Non-Working - $140.00 Spousal - $25.00—Junior - $0.00 New Associate Members One Time Initiation Fee $125.00 1 Here we are again at the end of another year and no one has had any serious accidents at the range, this is good. I would like to thank the EC for their dedication to the club. There were numerous projects completed and some still being worked on. The EC would like to thank all the volunteers for their commitment to the betterment of our gun club. I would like all the members to realize what this clubs mission statement is and have the members make sure those on the EC understand this club is not here to sit on the sideline and watch our future shooters dwindle away. With 80+ acres of land we have much potential to grow and with that growth we can also have more members but it isn’t done as In the January general meeting I am going to ask the easily as it is said. Much planning has to be done and with each plan also comes the input members what they think about having a limited from the current members. If you look at how number of organizations, screened by the EC, pay the current ranges are laid out you can see how the club to bring some of their people out to shoot. This would be during the week and not tying up any much land is not utilized. Please think about one range totally. This way a club member would what you would like to see at your range over still have access. the next 5, 10 or more years and let members of the Executive Committee know. We have had the Norman Chamber of Commerce and Marriott inquire about shooting shotgun. NAPA has come out and shot shotgun and donated some tools two years in a row. A couple of personal notes, the first to Bill Hutcheson a Thank You for all the things he has done for me and the club. As you saw on the front page Bill’s constant companion and I would think that having some of the community the Official Range Dog died 2 days before come out to shoot and see how much fun the shootChristmas. I will miss Mystique as well; she ing sports are and see the camaraderie of the club never failed to come and find me every time I members, is a very high mark on our mission statecame to the range for a scratch behind the ear ment. and a wag of her tail. Second, I want to thank TRI CITY GUN CLUB'S MISSION STATEMENT: Jamie Schmidt for stepping up and volunteering to do the Vice Presidents job since no one else The objective of this organization shall be to encourwould. It’s sad with over 1200 members that age citizens of the United States, or legal residents people won’t step up to volunteer to help. Lastresiding in our community, to participate in legitimate ly, to everyone for doing their part to make OUR shooting sports of all types and disciplines, with a view toward a better knowledge of the safe handling club the Best in Oklahoma. Many don’t realize that we are the ONLY NRA Gold Level Club in and proper care of firearms, as well as improved Oklahoma; that’s right the only one. As noted marksmanship. It shall be our further objective and purpose to forward the fellowship, self-discipline, in other places I am running for TCGC Presiteam play, and self-reliance which are the essentials dent and I would ask for and appreciate your of good sportsmanship and the foundation of true support. patriotism. I wish for everyone to have the good things in life for the coming New Year such as loving family, good friends, a straight shooting gun and lots of ammo. Thank You! Mark Ericksen (405) 627-2844 Lea Greenleaf president@tricitygunclub.org VICE-PRESIDENTS CORNER PRESIDENTS CORNER This will be my last article as Vice President so I’ll try to make it worth while. All of the members of the Executive Committee are wonderful to work with and ALL of them only have one goal and that is to make Tri-City Gun Club the best in the State. Like every organization it takes more than just leadership; it takes members who want to be part of the best as well and are willing to do their part to make it happen. How many times have you said to someone that you were a member here and the first thing you heard from them was how great they heard it was and how do they become a member. (405) 830-7588 vicepresident@tricitygunclub.org The “Hangfire”, published monthly, is the publication of the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc.,, P.O. BOX 1604, Norman, OK 73070-1604 Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. is not responsible for the content of articles submitted and published in the Hangfire, even though all newsletter articles, and advertisements are approved by the Vice-President and Editor for relevance only. Technical and/or hand loading data are for informational purposes only. No responsibility is accepted by Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. for results obtained by persons using such data, and all liability for any consequential injures or damages is disclaimed. Information regarding match schedules or specific dates and locations for events should be verified prior to monetary or travel commitments. References to any specific commercial manufacturer or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the Tri-City Gun Club Executive Committee, its membership, nor the publisher. The articles, opinions, and letters published do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, publisher or the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc., and may be edited for content or brevity. ALL design, layout, match reports are copyrighted and may not be used without express written permission. Articles , announcements, your comments or suggestions are welcome. © 2014 Lea Greenleaf 2 NEW BADGES FOR 2015 SAFETY CORNER The round “hat badges” are going to be a part of Tri-City’s history. They were around for many years and served a purpose but getting the pieces and having the printing done was becoming more and more difficult and costly. The other problem that started coming up far too often was someone giving their badge and gate code to someone else and telling them to “have a good time”. The new Tri-City Gun Club Badge will be the size of your drivers license and like your license it will have your name and photograph. It will have the TCGC Logo as well as the year it is valid to be used. There will also be some color coding used to help members identify Range Safety Officers, Life Members, Instructors or club officers. They also incorporate a security overlay to ensure that counterfeits can’t be made. The best part is it takes about 30 seconds to make the card and the cost will be in the 39 cents per card range. The cards do not have any other personal information on them nor do they have any “chips” or magnetic strips. They are just a plain I.D. card like so many businesses and schools utilize to show who is permitted and who is not. Just as in the past your guests are not required to have visible identification, they just have to remain with you at all times. The cards will come with a clip for easy attachment to clothing but will not damage any material. Members will also be allowed to utilize a lanyard if they choose as long as it is visible while at the range. Remember to brush your hair and your teeth and smile when you come for renewal. Around 2 years ago, Gene Adkisson approached me and asked if I would consider taking over as Chief Range Safety Officer when his health got to the point he could no longer do it. I was happy to do it for Gene as well as to serve our fantastic club, and have continued to do so for the past year and a half. It’s been an honor to serve the club and I am truly thankful for all the support I've received from our members and Executive Committee. But, for health reasons that make it painful for me to be on my feet for long periods of time, I’ve decided not to run for CRSO this year. With a little arm twisting, Ken Anderson has agreed to take over as Chief Range Safety Officer, and I’m confident he will do a great job. I would ask that you give him the same support you’ve given me and help him out any way you can. I’ve also told him that when he’s had enough, I hope to be well and able to come back and run for the position again! I’ll certainly miss being as involved with the club as I have been and will miss being a part of the EC. You have an EC that really has the clubs best interest in mind and they all work hard to better the club. One quick change that Ken suggested is going forward, let’s begin each year with everyone filling out new guest waivers when you bring a guest. The guest waivers will be good from Jan 1 until Dec 31, and then the following year, they will need to be filled out again. In the past, we’ve just said to have your guest fill one out once a year, but this way it will be easier to remember when to have them completed. So, if you had your guests fill one out in November, please have the do it again the first time you bring them out after Jan 1 and that way we will have one in this year. Ken will continue to pick them up on the ranges and file them so we have them on record. Don’t be surprised if he asks you at the range if you’ve had your guests fill one out this year! TCGC COMMITTEES & CHAIRPERSONS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON CONTACT INFO Activities Joe Mays 405-354-7342 josephmays@sbcglobal.net Archery Stan Marshall 405-321-3057 soonersfan@yahoo.com Grant Writing Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 Insurance Whitney Boutin 405-579-0453 Maintenance Bill Hutcheson 405-664-1128 Glkshooter63@yahoo.com Membership Ronny Robertson 405-664-2101 secretary@tricitygunclub.org Safety Jerry Vanbebber 405-820-8076 crso@tricitygunclub.org Skeet Range Wes Squyres jwsrtile1@msn.com Youth Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 youth@tricitygunclub.org Remember the two safety rules I’ve asked that everyone focus on this year. Where is my muzzle pointed, and where will my bullet impact. If we do that, we should continue to have the safest club in the state! Be safe and I’ll see you at the range. Jerry Vanbebber, TCGC Chief Range Safety Officer 405-613-6974 crso@tricitygunclub.org 405-820-8076 * * * * * * * * * * NOTE ADDRESS CHANGE * * * * * * * * * * TRI-CITY GUN CLUB - P.O. Box 1604 - Norman, OK 73070-1604 http://www.tricitygunclub.org 3 RANGE ACTIVITY SCHEDULE FOR SALE To Schedule range or facility use contact: Brad Corn at 405-249-2556 or email: scheduler@tricitygunclub.org Unless noted there is always one range open Springfield Armory 1911-A1 45 ACP pistol with 2 mags – Exc condition - $625 See legend for range designations Date Location Event Times JAN 01 JAN 02 JAN 04 JAN 10 JAN 13 JAN 15 JAN 17 JAN 17 JAN 24 FEB 1 FEB 6 FEB 14 FEB 19 FEB 28 sh, lr sh, lr sh sh ALL sh sr sh, lr sh, lr sh sr Kahr PM9 9mm pistol with 2 mags – NIB $650 Sport/Activity Contact Dennis @405 408 4041 phone or text – can meet you at the range (01/15) NEW YEARS DAY 19:30-21:00 Membership Meeting 08:00-16:00 Practical Pistol Shooters 08:00-14:00 MBABR Match 18:30-20:00 By-Law Committee Meeting 18:30-20:00 Executive Committee Meeting 08:00-12:00 WORK DAY 09:00-17:00 SDA Class 09:00-13:00 Military Pistol Match 08:00-16:00 Practical Pistol Shooters 19:30-21:00 Membership Meeting 08:00-14:00 MBABR Match 18:30-20:00 Executive Committee Meeting 09:00-13:00 Military Pistol Match RANGE TARGET SIZES Pole Target size 2 = 2"x2" by 70" Targets that will fit on it. 24"x36” Check TCGC Website for Latest Calender! Legend: ar = archery range, lr = long range, sr = short range, sa = shotgun area, pr = pistol range, all = all ranges, sh = stat house, sk = skeet range, tr = trap range MATCH DIRECTORS EVERY EFFORT IS MADE TO ENSURE BOTH THE “HANGFIRE” AND TCGC WEBSITE ARE UP TO DATE. MILITARY BOLT ACTION BENCH REST MATCH—MBABR Steve Vannoy steve-v@sbcglobal.net (405) 769-2126 MILITARY REVOLVER & SEMI-AUTO PISTOL MATCH Ed Pulver edpulver@cox.net (405) 830-7466 BEFORE YOU CARRY A FIREARM TO THE LINE MAKE SURE THE LINE IS HOT!!!! PRACTICAL PISTOL SHOOTERS Shawn Sanderson al45auto@cox.net (405) 495-3533 WINTER WARS Tony Lawson lawsont@pldi.net Jeff Anderson jfrya@cox.net (405) 485-8062 (405) 921-2998 SHORT MAGAZINE LEE-ENFIELD & VINTAGE BATTLE RIFLE MATCH Gerald Goodnight gergood2@aol.com (405) 387-5249 ARCHERY ? ? ? SHOTGUN ? ? ? If you are aware of any changes or anyone that has been left off of this list please notify Vice President Lea Greenleaf at : vicepresident@tricitygunclub.org 4 ITEMS OF NOTE: TRI-CITY GUN CLUB STORE We offer for sale clothing and hats with the TCGC club logo on them all at reasonable prices for our members. We are offering the following sales prices during the remainder of 2014. 1. Waivers: Have Guests sign waivers when you bring them on Range Property! 2. Only Club approved targets will be allowed on TCGC Property. Violations of this rule could be grounds for your membership to be reviewed. 3. GATE: Allow for the gate to fully open or close before entering gate code; if you do not gate will freeze and have to be reset. DO NOT allow people you do not know to follow you through the gate. 4. Any member has the right to ask to see someone’s club badge. Those not having the proper credentials should be asked to leave. Items will be available at the monthly meetings. Reg. Price Sale Price TCGC Coffee Cups $10.00 Sweatshirts $25.00 $12.50 Denim Shirts long & short sleeve $25.00 $12.50 T-Shirts (Several styles) $10.00 $5.00 TCGC Hats $10.00 $5.00 Tri-City Gun Club Patches $2.00 $1.00 TCGC Stickers $1.00 $0.50 Cleaning Patches: 22 cal - 100pk $1.00 30 cal - 200pk $3.00 Sale and/or New Items will be announced in the "Hangfire". Money generated in sales will be used to buy additional merchandise. The club appreciates your business. Linda Miller (405) 615-8421 lmiller2017@att.net MAINTENANCE CORNER The next work day is January 17, 2015 At 0800. A special THANK YOU to all the workers that contributed their hours to make the Range a great place to come and shoot. The new gate code will be in effect December 31 after 1630 hrs. Please be aware of anyone behind you tries to come thru the gate, they might not be members. If you are the last to leave the range and the gate is open please close it. It used to be in the rules that before a shooter leave the range, he or she removes the target. With winter here, the winds and damp weather causes targets to come loose and blow over the range. Please help to keep our range clean. On the pistol and short range the target holders are kept under the canopy at the block wall that separates the pistol and short range with the chain to secure them, along with putting the metal stands against the wall. To the shotgun shooters please break ALL BOXES COMPLETELY down before putting in dumpster. As the shotgun shooters are to clean up their hulls so are the rifle and pistol shooters are. THIS IS YOUR RANGE, BE PROUD OF IT. Bill R. Hutcheson Maintenance Director Thanks for your help. Bill R. Hutcheson (405) 664-1128 maintenance@tricitygunclub.org If you would like to work on a project please call me. 5 cation Fe Treasurer’s Corner I have been working with the CPA to clean up our accounting books and correct errors that I found in QuickBooks. The errors are just some account numbers were changed, hidden, or some information was in the wrong account number. The reports that have been provided balance with our bank accounts. We had a strong November and December is rocking along just like it should. After meeting with the CPA we decided to change some account numbers and to make two types of expenses to report to the club. We will have administrative expenses, and range maintenance expenses. I have made the changes to the November expense sheet so you can see the new way I am trying to provide the best details to the membership. If you have any questions please ask. I have attached a new budget for 2015 with new account numbers and names to reflect the changes in QuickBooks. The amounts were adjusted as needed and the over all budget was reduced by a small amount to bring in line with last year. You will see we have a budget and a project list for 2015. The budget is just what we think we will need for 2015 and the project list with estimated cost is just a starting point for the EC to work from. We might get a lot of the work, or material donated so as we begin a project we will try to provide the estimated cost to the club. So please let us know any questions as the EC plans and works on improvements to range. We want to be known as the best range in Oklahoma. Thank you to everyone for wonderful 2014. I am looking forward to serving as your treasurer 2015. I will continue to providing the best details as to how the funds are spent and keep everyone informed as 2015 gets under way and projects are started or finished. I will have on the web site two new forms for 2015. One will be a new mileage sheet to used when asking to be reimburse for mileage from the club. It will have a place to put beginning mileage, ending mileage, total mileage, and purpose of trip and the current mileage rate from the government. I have a new account just for mileage. I am also going to work on the expense report reimbursement form to enlarge the size of the boxes. So if please watch the web site for the new forms. If you need more details please drop me an email at treasurer@tricitygunclub.org May your books always balance!! Scott Stehno, Treasurer 405-201-9456 7 Proposed by-law change In accordance to the By-Laws of Tri-City Gun Club a proposed change in our current By-Laws has been submitted to the Executive Committee and is hereby submitted to the membership for review. The proposed change will be voted on by ballot of current Regular and Life members at the February 6, 2015 General Meeting. The current ByLaw is printed below and followed by the proposed By-Law change. Current by-law wording: Section 3.05 Life Membership. A Life Membership can be granted to any Regular Member of the Tri City Gun Club who has been a continuous member for five (5) years and is sixty-five (65) years of age or older. To become a life member, the member must send a request to the executive board in writing stating that they be made a life member. Life Members are exempt from dues and are entitled to all privileges of Regular Membership. Which include the right to vote in all elections, run for office, and maintain the right to have access to the range. They must however; go through the renewal process and range orientation each year to maintain these privileges. If they do not go through these two processes, their Life membership will not be forfeited, but the privileges to vote, or hold office, or be given their new cards and access to the range will be lifted until they do their renewals as outlined in the by-laws. Life Members are not to be counted in the total count of members for Tri City Gun Club. Proposed by-law wording: Section 3.05 Life Membership. A Life Membership can be granted to any Regular Member of the Tri City Gun Club who has been a continuous member for five (5) years and is sixty-five (65) years of age or older, or, has served as an Executive, or Appointed Officer for a period of four (4) consecutive years, regardless of his/her age. To become a life member, the member must send a request to the executive board in writing stating that they be made a life member. Life Members are exempt from dues and are entitled to all privileges of Regular Membership. Which include the right to vote in all elections, run for office, and maintain the right to have access to the range. They must however; go through the renewal process and range orientation each year to maintain these privileges. If they do not go through these two processes, their Life membership will not be forfeited, but the privileges to vote, or hold office, or be given their new cards and access to the range will be lifted until they do their renewals as outlined in the by-laws. Life Members are not to be counted in the total count of members for Tri City Gun Club. 9 FOR SALE INFORMATION Armalite AR-24 9mm pistol (CZ 75 clone) w/ extra mags. Exc. cond. $400.00Taurus M94 .22 LR 9 shot revolver w/2” bbl., stainless. Exc. cond. $325.00 FNH FS2000 .223 “bull pup” flat top carbine w/16” bbl. Exc. cond. $1300.00 IAC (Norinco) M1897 12 ga. pump shotgun (Win 97 clone). Exc. cond. $400.00 MechTech Systems Glock 17 carbine conversion unit (CCU) – complete flat top upper assembly (16” bbl., receiver, butt stock) ready to install on your Glock frame. Convert from pistol to carbine and back again in seconds. Exc. cond. $375.00 Leatherwood ART M-1000 rifle scope (2.5-10 x 44) for M-14/M1A scope mount (scope rings and “camputer” system factory installed). Mounted but never fired with box and instructions. $265.00 FOR ADVERTISERS The end of the year is once again upon us and January 15th is the closing day for advertisers to renew their ads or even change them. ATTENTION Contact: Del Presley at goldenz@cox.net or The Executive Committee is asking that all call 405-664-3789 (1114) TCGC members hearing or witnessing shooting in the Canadian River bed to make an immediate report to the City of Norman Police Dept. at PERSONAL CLASSIFIEDS INFORMATION their non-emergency phone number, 321-1444 or 321-1600. If you witness an event that consti- Email vicepresident@tricitygunclub.org to place or change your advertisement. There is no charge. Deadline is the Fritutes an emergency use 911. Entry gate NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS GATE TIMING HAS BEEN CHANGED. THE GATE WILL REMAIN OPEN FOR 20 SECONDS. This is enough time for you to enter and one (1) guest to follow. Should someone you do not know follow you to the gate simply pull in far enough for the gate to close and stop. If they are a member they will have the gate code and open the gate. We have experienced an increase of non-members following members thru the gate. Please remember tri-city is a private club…..your club…..protect it. If you experience any problem go to the “blue” phone box and pick-up the phone, it automatically dials 911 for the McClain county sheriffs office. Tell them where you are and that you want to report a trespasser. day evening following the Executive Committee monthly meeting. Ads run for 2 consecutive months then are removed unless re-submitted. PLEASE NOTIFY : VICEPRESIDENT@TRICITYGUNCLUB.ORG WHEN YOUR ITEMS ARE SOLD. NOTICE….....NOTICE….....NOTICE Associate Members who have been in the club for more than one year and wish to apply for Regular Membership may do so by following the guidelines as written in Section 4.02 & 4.03 of the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. By-Laws. A one time land fee of $100 is required. Club members over the age of 65 who have maintained Regular Membership for 5 or more consecutive years should apply to the Executive Committee for a Life Membership. Contact TCGC Secretary Ronny Robertson for more info 10 MEMBER-AT-LARGE I hope everyone had a merry Christmas, and a safe and happy New Years! Hello to our new members as well! By now, the voting members will have decided upon Mark Erickson or Lea Greenleaf as the President to lead us into the 2015 year. I know that both of these individuals feel very strongly about seeing TCGC continue to grow and improve, and we'll be fortunate either way the vote will have gone. For sale or trade Remington Model 742 “Woodsmaster”, 30-06, including a Bushnell Scope and 2 magazines, also includes Hard-shell case and 100 rounds of 30-06 ammo. Asking $450 or will consider a trade for nice 9mm or .40S&W semiautomatic. Contact: Nick Garza at (405) 834-8934 or by email at nicholas_garza@sbcglobal.net (0115) GENERAL INFORMATION We'll also be welcoming Ken Anderson on board as the new Chief Range Safety Officer, since Jerry Vanbebber has stepped down. Ken has been very active with RSO'ing at all of the TCGC events, and I feel is going to do us an excellent job. Deadline for Ads or Articles for the HANGFIRE Newsletter is the Friday evening following the Executive Committee meeting. Contact the VicePresident with your article at: Jerry will really be missed, and I have to admire him for having become so active in our club so quickly, as well as taking time to attend classes to obtain various NRA certificates. Chief RSO Ken Anderson asks that you notify him anytime you function as a Range Safety Officer at 405-249-9804 or crso@tricitygunclub.org. vicepresident@tricitygunclub.org McClain County Sheriff: 405-527-4606 The next two months will see somewhere in the neighborhood of about 150 new members joining, which is always exciting. Please take time to introduce yourselves when the opportunity arises, and welcome them into the TCGC family. This will be the first Hangfire that our new editor, Inde Davis, provides for us, and I look forward to TCGC having the ability to continue to produce such a quality newsletter. Lea Greenleaf did a great job of publishing it each month, but it's pretty much a beast all in itself these days, what with TCGC having grown so much and so much to cover. As stated in the by-laws, the Vice President will continue to insure that the Hangfire is published each month, and will interact between the editor and TCGC members and the EC. Regardless of who occupies the office of VP, we can have continuity in our Hangfire. As always, don't hesitate to contact me should you have any issues or suggestions for the club, and I Iook forward to another year serving on the EC. Eric Bauman Member At Large 405.820.3916 memberatlarge@tricitygunclub.org Archery Range Decorum Over the last several weeks we have been doing some extra maintenance on the archery range and it is really looking good. We have hung several new Yellow Jacket bag targets and move some damaged but still serviceable to the 80 and 90 yard positions. Unfortunately, someone did not read the sign at the entrance of the range and I’m sure accidently used broad-head arrows on two of the brand new bag targets. Normally we expect to get 2 to 3 years use out of them however, on these two we will be lucky to get ever a year. Please use either the hay bale butts, the cardboard targets, or bring your own for anything other than target or field points. There is a 2 cylinder PVC quiver on one of the tables at the range. It is an old fashion honor bin. If you find an arrow and it is not yours put it in the quiver and leave it. If you find one of yours in the quiver please take it home with you. The club uses black Carbon Express Youth arrows for our programs and Wildlife Department Easton aluminum youth arrows for sponsored programs Typical of all beginning archery training we lose a few arrows during each session. If you happen to find one please, even if damaged, leave it in the quiver. I 11 General Membership Meeting — December 5, 2014 1. President Mark Ericksen called the meeting to order at 7:30. 2. Previous meeting minutes were accepted. 3. The Scholarship was awarded by Gene Adkisson’ s Daughter Kim Ludwig to Brandon Copass. 4. Jerry Tomlinson was awarded a plaque and gift cards toward the purchase of a 1911 of his choice, for his five years of service as club President. Jerry’s goal was to rebuild the range. He succeeded beyond all expectations. 5. The Hangfire is delayed to allow the pictures of the awards to be included. 6. Candidates for officer elections were presented. Member at Large, Treasurer, Secretary, and Scheduler all saw unopposed incumbents. Please, thank each of them for their continued service. 7. CRSO Jerry Vanbebber will not run again this term. Ken Anderson will run in his place. Though Jerry will be missed in the roll of CRSO, Ken is an excellent candidate to fill his shoes. Jerry may run for office again in the future. Jerry and Ken are both greatly appreciated. 8. The incumbent President Mark Ericksen is running against current Vice President Lea Greenleaf. Both have provided excellent service to the club in their capacity as officers and as members. Mark and Lea were each allowed time to make brief speeches. The election will be in January. 9. There is currently no applicant for the Vice President position. If none is found prior to the election, the EC may appoint one. 10. The Hangfire will be outsourced to free up time for the VP. 11. Please, read the Hangfire. It is full of important information. 12. If you know a member has died, or if you have died, please notify the board. th 13. The NRA range specialist will be out on December 30 . The range will be closed. 14. Joe brought a Dreyse Model 1907. Dreyse was the inventor of the needle rifle. This pis- tol is chambered in 6.35MM(.32Cal) 15. 2015-16 scholarship applications for next year will be taken in April. 16. The budget was presented and approved. 17. The range needs RSO’s available during the holidays. President Mark Ericksen adjourned the meeting at 8:23PM. Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick s.rudnick@ou.edu 405-209-0371 12 Executive Committee Meeting — December 18, 2014 1. President Mark Ericksen called the meeting to order at 6:30. 2. Previous meeting minutes were accepted. 3. All officers were in attendance. 4. Appleseed wanted to get on the schedule for April 19th. However, that date is full. They opted to utilize the short range for their instructional event on May 30th and 31st as well as October 17th and 18th. The two sets of dates were approved by the EC. 5. All Hangfire submissions should now be sent to the designated address, editor@tricitygunclub.org. 6. Inde Davis will now handle the Hangfire. 7. There was discussion regarding the website and available admin people. 8. New TCGC product ideas were presented. We will try some new products at meetings. 9. Apple Pay and PayPal were discussed. It was noted that PayPal is anti-gun. 10. The possibility of adding range closing information to the website was discussed. This should not be a problem. Lea will look into it further. 11. Currently, satellite is the only option for internet at the range. 12. Options for a shared TCGC phone account along the lines of Google Phone were discussed. This would improve the ability of the club to get information out to those who choose not to utilize the internet. 13. Jamie has volunteered to take the VP position if it cannot otherwise be filled. 14. We need to ensure there are people available to serve in Customer Service rolls for the website. Later in the discussion, it was concluded that an FAQ with instructions may also be beneficial. 15. The value of a gate counter was discussed. 16. There was a motion to buy 7 expanded steel trash cans at up to $2500 for the total purchase. These are lidded and will help to keep the range neater. The motion was approved. 17. Hearing protection and signage was discussed. 18. The effort and expense of scheduling for profit events was discussed at length. Several pros and cons were brought, but no consensus was met. The issue was tabled to allow time for research and reflection. 19. Giving retired military a benefit such as early entry into life membership was discussed. It was also considered that this may be a better option to offer to our disabled veteran members. This issue will be differed to the membership to get a better feel for what people would like. 20. Brad suggested a new bylaw change to offer club officers life membership after four consecutive years of service to the club as an officer. 21. It was suggested that we keep the badge making kit and a laptop together, as a badge cannot be made without a computer available. 22. New member forms will be online. 23. New member dates are set, but will not be published. 24. We have a source for a 250 gallon used propane tank for $350. It is to be delivered in March or April. 25. Bill showed plans for new gong targets. Lea also suggested spring frame targets. There was interest in doing a few of both. We would like to see what the NRA range expert has to say first. 26. President Mark Ericksen adjourned the meeting at 9:08PM. Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick s.rudnick@ou.edu 405-209-0371 13 Commercial Advertisements Your Advertisement could be gracing this For Sale location. 12 Gauge Over and Under Browning Invector Plus Lightening Grade 1 Citori Chambered in 3", 26" barrel Excellent condition. Includes hard case. $1300.00 Eric Bauman Contact the Vice President for information. Only $60 per year. FOR SALE milsurp@cox.net (405) 820-3916 Glock Model 24 .40 S&W 6in Barrel Adj. Sights (1114) Advertisements Big Like New In Box S&W 44 spec 1926, 2nd model hand ejector, Colt Commander 45 ACP Model 1991a1 EC Enfield 1917 30-06 (Winchester) with Bayonet Ruger 22/45 Like New In Box $595 $595 $800 $800 $295 Gerald Goodnight (1114) (405) 387-5249 Or small Gets your product or service to over 1000 people A REMINDER TO ALL TCGC MEMBERS ALL ITEMS TO BE LISTED FOR SALE IN THE “HANGFIRE” MUST BE SENT IN ELECTRONIC VERSION AS YOU WISH IT TO APPEAR AND SENT NO LATER THAN THE DAY AFTER THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING TO: VICEPRESIDENT@TRICITYGUNCLUB.ORG SCHOLARSHIP FUND If you would like to give to donate to the Gene Adkisson scholarship fund please make your check to: Tri-City Gun Club. In the memo line please put: Scholarship Fund. Any member of the Executive Committee can accept your check for deposit. Thanks 14 Tri-City Member’s 10% Discount! Aballtime LLC Insurance & Real Estate Trusted Choice Agency -- Independent Agent 2862 Classen Boulevard Norman, OK 73071-4059 405.579.0453 FAX405.579.7840 www.aballtime.com Christine M. Kane chris@aballtime.com Auto, Home, Life, Health, and Business. 15 TRI-CITY GUN CLUB P.O. BOX 1604 NORMAN OK 73070-1604 Mailing Address Line 1 Mailing Address Line 2 Mailing Address Line 3 Mailing Address Line 4 Mailing Address Line 5 TRI-CITY RECYCLING PROGRAMS Aluminum Cans & Plastic Bottles Thanks for your efforts in the Recycling program. Please help with the cardboard. Flatten all boxes, it only takes a few seconds. Brass / Shell Cases Do you reload your brass? If you don’t, rather than trash it, recycle it for those who do! Place your used brass from the day’s outing that you collected from the range and put into the gray barrels. Collected and Sorted Brass Casings will be sold at the TCGC General Meetings. All funds collected from the sale of brass goes directly back into club projects!! 16
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