St. Isaac Jogues` Ministries - St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church
St. Isaac Jogues` Ministries - St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church
St. Isaac Jogues’ Ministries Worship Commission Staff Representative: Father William De Salvo Consists of coordinators of each of our liturgical ministries plus “atlarge members” Meets quarterly on Mondays after the 5pm Mass. Altar Linen Volunteers Assist the sacristan in the care of the altar linens. Yvonne Voelkin, Altar Servers 4-8th grade students who assist the priests as servers during Mass, and who appreciate the liturgy, sacraments and worship experience. Deacon Bill Dunn Randy Waring Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Assist our priests in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Paul and Mary Kelly Martha Maggiore Lectors (Readers) Proclaim the Word of God in the midst of the liturgical assembly. Debbie Turner, Ushers Assist the congregation with seating, the reception of communion and emergency needs. Ushers also take up the collection, distribute bulletins and greet parishioners as they enter the church. Nick Keseric, Music – Cantors Cantors lead the assembly in song. Cantors must be a member of the parish choir and need to have some background in vocal training with the ability to read music. Nick Thomas, Music - Choir Choir membership is open to high school age and older. Singers should be able to read music, match pitch and sing in four-part harmony. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7:30-9:00 pm in the choir room. They sing at the 10:30 am liturgy and for all special liturgies. Nick Thomas, Wedding Coordinators Assist the wedding party at rehearsal and on the wedding day. Mary Seman, 630-986-1536 Vera McCabe, 630-920-8791 Mary Gemkow, 630-887-0866 Baptismal Preparation Facilitating couples assist parents in the preparation for baptism of their child. Deacon Bill Dunn Marriage Preparation Facilitators Couples guide and journey with engaged couples toward their reception of the Sacrament of Marriage. Participate in Sharing Day and FOCCUS programs. Father Rodolphe Arty Rosary Group Lead or participate in daily Marian devotions. After 7am Mass or ½ hour before 5pm Mass Monday-Friday; and Saturday after 8am Mass, with Our Lady of Fatima Devotion on the first Saturday of the month. Parish Office, 630-323-1248 Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson: Richard Excell, In collaboration with the pastor, assumes the overall well-being of the parish, present and future, through strategic planning and proposing practical solutions to the ongoing life of the parish. Members are committed to the parish as a whole, are willing to serve for three years, are able to attend monthly council meetings, and can work collaboratively with each other and the pastor. Administration and Planning Commission Staff Representative: Tom Sullivan, Director 630-323-1248, Michele Blando, Business Manager Supports the day-to-day business needs and activities of the parish community (buildings and grounds, communications, human resources, technology and annual stewardship). The group currently has need for volunteers with backgrounds in webbased communications technology, architecture and fund raising. Parish Finance Council Chairperson: Dave Schabes Oversees the accounting and budgeting functions of the parish. Meets four times a year and reports to the Parish Council. Parish Life Commission Staff Representative: Deacon William Dunn, Director of Evangelization 630-655-6668, Responsible for building the parish into a faith community by identifying and providing for the social and communal needs of our parish and the wider Church. Bridge Club Social Bridge. Call to register. Afternoon play is the second Tuesday. Evening play is the second Thursday. Council of Catholic Women Promotes programs and events that serve spiritual and social needs both inside and outside of our community. All women of the parish are members. Divorce Recovery Group This group is for all those going through a divorce, or those whose divorce is completed. Six-week sessions. Danette Perry, ENDOW Connect in faith and friendship with other women through an 8-week group experience with trained facilitators. Meets on Monday mornings. Beth Skibicki Eucharistic Adoration Scheduled adorers in our Chapel, 24/7. Linda Lannert Knights of Columbus Catholic men's fraternal organization that emphasizes charitable, religious, and social ideals. Michael Powers, Men’s Group Provides reflection and discussion on relevant topics led by interesting speakers. Thursday evenings. Matt Marron, Men’s Saturday Discussion Group Discussion of topics relevant to Catholic men. Meets on Saturday mornings. Michael Calteaux Moms of Young Children Bi-monthly meetings with children to play, pray and have coffee. Joanna Agne, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Parishioners willing to sponsor and journey with those to be initiated into the Catholic Church at Easter. Deacon Bill Dunn Scripture Study Basic study of the Bible for adults. Wednesday evenings: Dale Cooper, Thursday mornings: Tracy Cefaratti, Seniors Informative and social gathering of seniors several times a year. Deacon Bill Dunn Women’s Prayer Group Women come together for a weekly hour of prayer. Peggy Smego, Christian Service Commission Staff Representative: Deacon William Dunn, Director of Evangelization 630-655-6668, The Christian Service Commission is dedicated to continuing the works of Christ in the caring for those in need or crisis. Its support and relief efforts touch people in our parish, community, diocese, country and world. Annual Outreach Projects Yearly drives for specific needs, including: clothing drive, Christmas and Lenten giving, and three blood drives. Deacon Bill Dunn Charitable Contributions Committee Investigates and recommends parish financial outreach on a local and national scale to charitable organizations. Dick Pabst, Elizabeth Ministry Mothers supporting other mothers, one-on-one, through all phases and conditions of motherhood. Mary Bauer, Emergency Assistance Confidential short term counseling and financial assistance to those in crisis. Deacon Bill Dunn Helping Hands Provides delivery of gift bags/baked goods and visits to those in need. Sophia Foley, 630-205-5083 LaGrange Soup Kitchen Prepares and serves lunch for the needy on one Saturday each month. George Casson, Our Lady’s Rosary Makers at Saint Isaac Jogues Parish Parishioners meet monthly to make all-twine rosaries to give to our military, local missions and other missions around the world. No experience necessary. Other area parishes are welcome to join this ministry. Mary Alice Fitzpatrick, 630-325-6184 Religious Education Youth Ministry Share your gift of faith with public school students from our parish. Come be a mentor, encourager, and role model for our teens. Staff Representative: Helen Johnson, Director 630-323-0265, ext. 235 Grades 1 to 6 - Lead Catechists Plan and facilitate a learning session with a group of 15 to 18 children once per week during the school year. Assistant Catechists Staff Representative: Mike Kuhn, Director 630-323-0265, ext. 232 Grades 8 to 12 Youth Ministry Core Team Member Help to plan and implement Youth Ministry program(s) throughout the school year. Your talents and interests can be plugged in to our needs. Help the lead catechist each week. Cornerstone Nights P.A.D.S. Staffing of homeless shelter site in Clarendon Hills every fourth Saturday from October through April. Dave Moser, 630-323-8381 Pastoral Care Ministry Visitation and Eucharistic ministry to homebound and hospitalized people. Deacon Bill Dunn Respect Life Committee Educational and outreach activities, crisis intervention and ongoing support for those who struggle with right-to-life issues. Amy Keane, 630-986-1730 Transitional Housing Ministry Provides housing and mentoring for up to four homeless families, funded by SIJ parishioners and partnering with Bridge Communities, Inc., and Catholic Charities. Julia Wade, 630-920-6825 Substitute for Lead or Assistant Catechist (Grades 1 to 6) Help out when a lead or assistant catechist is not able to be on campus by stepping in to lead or assist in a learning session. Materials are provided. Grades 7 & 8 Small Group Facilitator Assist a small group of 10 to 12 middle school youth in discussion and projects during the RE learning session; Grade 7 meets every Wednesday (all year); Grade 8 meets on Sunday afternoons (first semester). (Grades 7 & 8) Substitute Small Group Facilitator Assist with a small group in the event of a leader’s absence. Help to plan/prepare 2 or more Cornerstone Nights over the course of the school year. Peer Ministry Team Leader Meet twice a month with Teen Leaders and mentor them as they exercise leadership in Youth Ministry programs. Teen Leader (A High School Student role) Help plan/implement Cornerstone Nights and give important input into other Youth Ministry programs. Retreat Leader (A High School Student role) Help plan/implement monthly Retreats for Grades 6 & 7. St. Isaac Jogues’ Ministries Involvement in the life of our parish is an integral part of our faith life. Our gifts of time and talent are necessary elements of good stewardship. Be a good steward of God’s blessings in your life! ----------------------------------------------------------VOLUNTEER* SIGN-UP FORM To volunteer for any of the ministries listed in this flyer, please complete the form below and: 1. Mail to : St. Isaac Jogues, 306 W. 4th Street, Hinsdale, IL 60521, or 2. Drop in the Sunday collection basket, or 3. Contact the person listed with the ministry of your choice, or call the rectory office for more information at 630-323-1248. Name(s) Address City Phone Cell Work Email I would like more information about the following ministries. (The ministry selected will contact you.) 1. 2. 3. 4. *All parish volunteers who are involved with minors on a regular, recurring basis and those who would have the opportunity to be alone with children, are required to attend a Protecting God’s Children Workshop and have a background check before beginning service. Contact Jane Walter, 630-655-5918, for more information. Thank you. St. Isaac Jogues Parish August 2016 306 W. 4th Street Hinsdale, IL 60521 630-323-1248